dividual W 1 ,hM work a forfeiture tf lc rihtu of whole communities, . .. . i . .. : 1 no f.onmuniiv nss reumio.i or is re- turning to n Mate ol peace and in.lus. tl-V ti. ....!... !. .... u i Tr ... measure, therefore, seeuis to ho as in- consistent will, the actHal condition of the conntrv ns it in at variance with I 111 I1MVIMUII l.tilliii iku- I i v ..... r.i... i'..:t..ii.,.,w. III I VllllLltUtlMI KJl IIIV L llll HiM.IH . If t..iin.T f,-,,,., frriwriil foiiM.1er.i- i I r f . liiMid Wrt l V 1 111 i III. 1 III. I, ill in .h-t-.il. it ia f. .-..;.rl,tv l.;..ffi In time of war it wan firinrnllv proper, ll.atwc should iirovic for tUoac wl.o were passing hiuldenly from n tondi- tion of bondage to a htate of freedom, but this bill' proposes to make tbu j ii.. . .. i i r reeuiui-n iiurt.iu. .miimiMnu .i the net of lSfi.V :is one of nianv irreat anil prtMnrilinnrv militaiT measures in ciimmi) n f.ii nidablo rebellio i a nnrniniipnt. branch of the nublie nd- ,0,,'WlU,,t9P0VVe,'S gre,tl,r J have no reason tosnppoRe, and I do not understand it to he alleged, inai mo aci oi iaren,io.), na proven deficient for the purpose for which it was pasBod,nltliougliattliattime,nnl,uncertiinexK!Ctationandrciiesnew, fora considerable period there after.tho white to those among whom be lives . i- . i (.. . uovernnient, oi ino unneu ciaies re- maincd nnacknowledired in most of the States whoso inhabitnntsl.ad been involved in the rebellion. The insti - tutionofslavcrv.forthe militar)' de - struction of which the Freedmcn's n ...iV. I ;- K,.o Knnn ..li-nHt- (.fTuft n. 1 nllv und finally nhroffated throuchout .1 I . . I i llie IIOIC fUUIIliy III! Illliciiuiliuill of the Constitution of the United States, and practically its eradication lias received the assent and concur-! llie w noie couniry oy an amenumuni, rence of most of those States in which it at any timo had an existence. I am not inercioru, huiu co uibc-cru in nit condition of the country anything to; iustifv an nnnre icnsion that -the now-! era and agencies of the Freedmcn's Eurcau, which were effective for the1 community orState a mode oi lilcsuita- .: . I.. i i - i .. .. protection ot lreeumcn ana rciugees during the actual continuance ol'hos tilitius, will now, in a time of peace, and after the abolition of tslavcry,prove inadequate to the. samo proper ends. If I am correct in these views, there can bono necessity for the enlarge ment of thejiowcrs of the bureau liir which provision is made in the bill. The third section of the bill authorizes a general and unlimited grant of sup port to the destitute and suffering refugees and freed men, their wives and children. Succeeding Eections make provisions for the rent or pur chase ot landed estates for freedmen, and for the erection for their benefit of suitable buildings for asylums and nchools, the expenses to bo defrayed from the Treasury of the wholo peo ple. llio Congress ol the United' States has never heretofore thought itself empowered to establish any laws beyond tlio limits of tho District of Columbia except for tho benefit of our disabled soldiers and sailors. It has never founded schools for any class of our own people, not .even for the orphans of those w ho have fallen in the defense of tho Union, but has left tho care of their education to the much more competent and efficient control of the States, of communities, of pri vate associations and of individuals. It has neycr deemed itself authorized to expend the public money for the rentor purchase of houses for the thousands, not to say millions, of the white race, who aro honestly toiling from day to day for their sulisistcncc. A system for tho support of indigent persons in thcTInitcd States was nev er contemplated by the authors of lie Constitution. !Nor can any good rea son be advanced, why ,ir a permanent establishment, it should be founded for one class or color of people more than for another. Fending the war many refugees and freedmen received sup port from the government, but it w a never intended that they should henceforth be fed, clothed, educated and sheltered by the United States Tho idea on which the slaves were assisted to freedom was that on be coming free they would be a self-sus taining population,and any legislation tliat amount, more than tho entire I R..m l.v..f.nil.il 1.1 .tif niiA ..n. ....1..! one yea tho nilniinistralion J " . . cf the second Adams. Tr 11 . " 1 . . wiai. Man in.. mi inoy arc noi ex- hjection to the hill. The C.nitmion n,e" ,,ar" J cury It me H.aries Sumner, Thai Slovens and'.J i, Vt 1 V ""V? r ? f HV- f pectedtoaUamascH-suMainingcon-h.i, v (i,.,1:ITVS. in ,-onnection ir.f,i-.iS C.rg. that ... my , w w , , . ' J 1 ' , u ' f:??,' ' V. t f :'.mtf r ' r'llVZ sj dition.must hare a tendency injurious; wih taxalio, iat each State sh.ll -t oftW S;.s. s.. fur 7" k'' 1 1 c2- 5 , turn S .ales cut of that Kmp.re. ' - alike to their character and their pros j,avp ( Jeast OI,p r,1,rr,,ritalive ani at leat as si is d jKt..i-i.: on tie";r - s mc CT'C ,n the crowd, 4,w nat; Irorao, the tintr.Wr of State, 7 5 1 ' J ?5f S pcrity. The appointment of an ugent 1 fi'XC!H tie rl',i(. fortiie nuruor to v. S.icl jn ov. aiti-i;. have srra.ty I-yi 11' v Forney," "rrpiieJ, he had no am- t0 1' guns, wert rcJ on tie ? - T. I Sj 2 5 x for every county and parish will create ;rilttirp timw c.ul State ..hall I en'i- 'k,:. r.i.d are to l deeim-d as monition to waste cn d,tj J-. inst, in every princ-pal city an J town iZ( ;r; 5 w C 'h an.nimeuse patronage, and the ex-j ,.,, . it 10 provides that the Senate cptit W tc n;oy their con.-.;o:i,,.al and tUt be was not coin- to be hub rourhot the ecuritry in honor ci 41 TJ ( ; s 52 nso of numerous officers and their oftllr T-nited States shall 1 cmjd r.g,u a n5e.nlr cf the I r.ioa. ,: rn ,J ' ; enu ct. of the cgro Fwr -;1 r s : clerks to be ap1.01.1ted by the l'res,- ;nf , W() s.nalor, from Mfh 5:a! ,nd In.inr fr.n ti.e Con.titntioi. 1 , , ' ' r0,rfm' nJ f they Hon 1,11. 2 T .t'?5 dent, will bo great 111 the begmnu.g. ; .,(1(is wi , .w.,niar for,(. .that nrt State Ust-if. Sn,i trom ti.e actaal .taation ot tl'ctn?hl llT f-t an earthqaake, they ! That dougbty hero, Gen. John W. I Z V h 3 - with a tendency steadily to increase, j without its consent .shall Ik- d cprived the coa;-v. I f.il no; or.lv cn-i'led votU Iikt,-V ftH:1 !K,mc n'0"1 t'f them. -cary, serins to have the inside track f ' r M Tho appropriations asked hy i the,ofits 0,,a uffra::P in ti,0 fvnatc. t-ut U.nd "to anme that" with tU It wonld pccib from present appear- for tl,r nf,mion of Governor by the-s F 1 V ?A ' f reedmen s I.urcau as now esUhlish-;The erj,rin!li arl wa n(.ariiv Fexieral restored, and thc- of ar.ces as tlmo-h this t.Uan 4l-.r nc 5 J their white allie. J-S," VT,-.. , 6fof -iMV,e-TC-71S,,i,.amfUtl0 f "'--'edin th?absenoe of the State"ehVfv the eve:.. ;,;es . the f..!I eaerx-is. r 9 'r t Washingtcn' l.inh,v--J wa,! ?r H.CTZS" .4000, and it may hewfely est.ma-1 10 1k ftflw.UN,t 1kc:u1sc ,,,vir f thur fa:.v:i-.ns. ti.e ri.rU and P. . " ' generally ct iebrated thro'hort the ! 4 V" r-J ted that the cost to Ik incurred an. or; were then contun.acii.u.lv enrr in inter,! f ai. cLa.ot tne iopie tLro'h i-'-r.iMration,a mcocs. wnr.trv t v thcwhiwpeople: Tbene-!-5?!? ti . v the pending bill will require double. f.i1iii,i " " ni l.iU .'..r o.. f-I'v a did Cant. T ler. and Mi-iial mus i.a-m !.t .... t.v .-. - w;-" , .. .. : . 1 a 1 ai 1 1 t tt. 1 t m av . 1 1 n 1 ri-srr n vi t w -v- 1 1 . 1 nw . & 1 c " j v i. cue prewnre 01 ngenis in eren'.tK,na of representation. At the parish or county is to be couriered timo. ilow-CV(.r, J.f he :in as n war measure opposition or even and JllC ,ir:; of1,i5.s p;;;. f,,,. 4 ra.w.mis,,, nmi.... mai to Ke vii.1 1 10 cneir jurivuciion ,n" woiiiu iiavc 10 oe riatinneu within reach of every one of them.nnd than n lr- atnn.Jinn. f., ho ,W ... n ." 'v' ednecessan-. Large appropriations would, therefore, lc required to sus- tain and enforce military, jurisdiction ;?..fJ!.?:r".t-Vrirari,;U 1;( a in.' nine iu iiif 1.10 .irainip inn nnn. dition of our liseal affairs is enronrag inrr hut i,. ii... ..... . i , ing, but in order to sustain the present measure of public confidence, it is necessary that we practice not Cnstomarv Nimnnir. hiif n, faTtir.n. ,;m. . ' i cii'ic. fm; i r. i. rr n'l ll mr. I in tion to the objections already stated, 0, fifth sveuon oflne LTIl propose to take a way IW.iii it former o n- 1 1 . ........... 1 ... er um-iu io: n'tm i11"11 s- ' ing fuM had. contrary to that )'ivvi. i.'i,.i,n. " ..rn., .oiinium u hi i iic- ares that no person shall he deprived of Lie, liberty, or property without due pro- cess ol law- It does not appear that ....... ..f l.r.,1 i l.hh ihit. nt. il ..l. .'I H'V I .v. ........ ' lion refers niav not be owned b . . i inin.i or i.ersoiis ot unsound inind.or l.v i1k.s wI.o liavcltcen faitliiulto h!1 their olili-ntioi, as citizens of tin- l'nite-1 States It any portion of tie land isl.eld lypuch persons, it is not coni)ctent for anv authority to oV- prive them of it. If on the other band ; i. f. i !,., ii. wtv.i-rtv . w r"i . . - t to confi-c ;:;tioii even llieit it cannoi io annrounatcd to MiLlie imroes,urjt.i, bv due nrocess of law, it shall bavc been declared forfeited to the govern- r. iti.lfurtherobiectiontothe bill, on grounds seriously affecting the claw ot persons to wnom n is neMgn- ci i i'imij; iru.i. .. ... the. mind of the freedman ina sUteof :n i - - r.r -..t.n ,..! n wm uc a rum v """. .vnrrue apprehension. I Undoubtedly the freedman should 'be protected bv the civil authorities, 'and csjeciallv by the exercise of all 'the constitutional powers of the courts ir.tr. ;tton. nj'nfiliA T'nited States and of the Slates. 11 is condition is nolsoe?:iOM-damav at first be imagined, lie isin a or- . :. . ..Til . . 1 w- 1 .. I ,r,v liun u. ."umij ..... jcannot well be spared. Competition j for his services from planters, from those w ho are constructing or repair- nou oi ineinuiiirj " ling railroads, and from capitalists in 'his vicinage or irom otner hUtcs.wiu vuaun- " v............ own terms. He also possesses a per- feet ri-rht to chan-'e his i.hu-c of abode. - land if'.thercforc.hedocs not find in one bio to hisdesirc-s.and woier rvmunera- tion for his labor, lt him go where it " i t is moreesu.omd and rewarded. In truth, "however, such State, in- dnced bv its own wants and interests. will do what is necessary and projer to retain within its iKiraers a i uk ,a- bor that i8 needed for the development mirui.il , ii o rj.itrAO i in i:t m f. i ii.i i rrri,. late snpj their borer is no great in sufficient consideration riven to the ly and demand will maintain repre-entati.T.. anU wcui l in no w -tM i oma onry rcmarii, inai w men in ine wiw coir.niun J a j.rcmiuin, onjer i..e Uft HatF. oitm Xtili. thU. force and thowajresoi tne la- immm-iiu im ""'W11 j noot.n.ie i civu.rati.in, ana ujwn our circumstances ; we are unatse to ttil . P-iip.'s. 0uccnware tinker tTtJSX 11 i? nSv I ? " TL of the times are C. i L,n. -Lie, danger inai cue exec comity -ung women for oc-mg witches, m 'so peculiar, that we cannot propLisy eaie offering tt frei!y rMuoed pnew, r.f il.o l .lir..r ,.,Mih.'r U l'eacc. and in the ii i-rt. of t ho l"i .ion . 1 r"'. liat 'a "'ere to prevent the sons accurately. ! t OT Cash or in avidity of the freedmen to protect and fJiarc 111 Pbiic li-r-nlation when. bo--take care ofthemsi lves. ever insiilsirdina'c. in-crgnt or re- It is not more than justice to them be.lK.H its -f.p!e n:sy lave beeii.it to believe, that as thov have reeoived rre"? i;k if- ot onT in nn t-ttitndr their freedom with moderation nd r loyalty and harmony, but in the forWaranec, so they will distinmish lrsons of representatives whose l y themselves for their indn-trv and lty cannot be cjm-stionc-J under ary thrift, and soon show to the Tfirhl that in a condition of f freedom thev lableof m lectin" are self-sustaining.ca their own enjoyment and their own awav. thev w ill, by their own effort-;, establish for thenmtlve. a condition oi respeciaiuiuy ami proprny. ii is cenain tnanney can mum 10 mat condition only tl.rou"li their own mei its and actions. In this connection the fjuory presrr. agents, ovcrs-er? or ta-k masters.who. ani.ointed at AVashin-'ton. are to U- located in cverv county and ra"ih throughout the Uiiitcsl State contain- ing freedmen and refiir"cs ? Such a system would inevitably tend t a concentration of jowcr in the Ex u tivc, which, would enable him. if so disjHjscd, to control the action of this numerous class, and to use them fur the attainment of his own i.nical ends. Not the ease i charred, nr.d fnmc, fit l..ncf i.rili. S.lftC nr.. ..nfiin f'onrross bv loval repreeiitation s licitinr the allowance of the cor. 1 u- ,10 Senator or Kei.Test -i.tative in Cor.- fwia eil,vcn Sla -ss w - .iih ore to I mair.lr aff-en..! l v vi-ions. The very l.,ct that ... . ? were ana are maue jigairt the cfo-i ,UTfK;,ioB f.flll. r.:i,,. ;t,:,;, ti ' i , r ,. . s , wVrrLi U i c! rf press to crt-laia th,irco.,d;on.rr: V . . . . . . ' - . VV u , ' , ? s"", ' .iii.,.ntv;si(rlK;irriiKi".m inm wli;0 ... r-,)(,r.v r,f , j-. -, . " " "... inn Toner to qomjc ation.irr ir at . . ... urged that the .a:nrt .r.tercsu J T,.,i.f.c nf nl...!.. fif IiiUtip for ll.onv. 'SUelKleU IT a "ir.t Ol Uiujaiet anaulnfv Tl,. wl.iti. T,iT.lf r.r Vr W..' solves on a proper rennmemtion. and comi-hont. It i unwise and d.irr-. bcc-g dltr t mav fiv, onJ o(! of establishing and maintaining their ens to fursne a conre of m.:iire . ,T. ' , own asylums and whools It is cam- wrhihwii! nnite a very la-e Min:';','rrii,''";;'"u- ,"i:"-v or'- estly hoped that instead of wastin- f iJ,t' ccuntrj-, how, ver mm h the lat- l u;'"n i"c-e poi.'ieal vagrants. itself whether the system proposed bv f..'- ..rv u-tu-vi - xa ruurau-u -. nin unu. hi-.si ..r.u .-.wt-. i u...j-,wj, i ruo . the bill will not. when put into com- ,,ut !" U in fu!5 wtitational rU. he w.:iU.;t thfia oi:L !the government would mv: we will Call a4 C-anireibe tock oT fnods. U i.l. .1 Mw-Hin,,' ..rn.Mir-.Hr iin -f . lions to li.tt csn-r.trv, thev i.iav t..u k , r- , ., T , ! ... . j , - tWrCelJ Store, at rhi!iisbcrt. Fa. plete ope.. it ion, prnan-ai'y trannr - ' - - A Finxa ! ll.e 1 les.Jei.t, was on waste no amcn-.ticn on deal ducks. - ... . . . ... 6" the entire caro.snprH.rt and rortrol of V"- ' S eC"-1U ' cau ''Mn . . - i- . -n , ! - : n:Let price ra:J inCls or Cath ft fnnr in 1 nn r.f emnnc m.ti.l .ir t ,w"'t -:. mr..'n;!ftc !Tv. - " " ", B-is-ltis 1 i hiiimil inn n'lii liii'Miin y. t ::;iu i av ataa.nu a i - ai - , -r j- i AMaw-m- 4 toecusat ions, ana assist ly lUir Kv iav.;tirg cts;.on and ir.terest j ler.gth Uen proraot. e.tl lit..hdtc : xrfc:ir.r nioas:ire in .rr;.,r.; to ti eecr.;-v w"I a t . T k immeci;atev afrctlnr themselves, lsnoRe a saw. u' rj.a" si.U-r:e Fa&iesI tLrvMaSh while the lllrtv r.f .1r.iii.-Ti? ;.-. t mr.,-!--.r- :. ... rr"rrntion l.-hi t.U merely .i i, r- .,.. . ..." .r 1 . . . ... i ..... -. Vd t.4 Wn fcrr:,.;? t -cKrl 'i lie priin pio i t.rn t.vo ... t tiii.1 ..f ! ,c A..,.-C.SiH K I-"' ' .5 there sh W t kx w.Ua :.i niWM'MjJiK n. ..ii... ........ n-w to Ui Nn.e I y J..1 t ..e w.Um , and werr.ay lst ,iomi. I, M shall i U-rtv w tthout mmit ' 1 k-v ire voted m-j r..sr , v n ne , rf pr m -mauve f a.JUe l-ecj I 1,1 l i t interfere w".th the :r. .e- tionatlc riV.t f Corcrv to an.l act fur Um.j f l..e t.ccii.-r. Jem r.l jr.a3;.-rtioi: r l." own morel rs. lUt xutl.or.ty cjinul 1 o-itrood a- n.e Ia...i - ti.e nl to -hut out, in tin cf ice, any Ni.t from the rerrtr.laiiin to w .! U is . . . .. . .. i i .i . ... ... tr.uiiw i; iiv .n;..iiiivii at I f tr.t. All the r.pcf eleven St.-.t.- arc d- tl ov? who were mot faith- jrin" the war not lew than oth- oxclu.W r, Th? State of Tcnnee, for in- Mance. whee er.tnont.es c-njajw in -...-.,...,......v - ... . the patriotism tn-l energy cf her in- jurtMi anvi wm -p.r. the war was brought to a ten IVfore termination t I.-t- Km. I tili"il lhm.t ri1! m rel;l- "-.' i - tion with the (.enenl (.orernment ; bad CkUmiMied a frute government ofthc:rown, and a- they were not included in the emaneipauon rn!.v: nation, they, by their own act, bad :im-iided their Constitution so as to iiUtlih iaven withta the limits of their own State. I L-T1.1W 11 A rwi&An -'V till Sratr Of - . - Tennessee, Tor examj4c. iiould not fully enjoy all her eom.tiiuti .mil n.!a- tnn lo the I n.ted Stat. The Pre- - - --- ident of the 1'niteJ Suites stanJs to- warns .ne coui.trj inaHimennsi u.i- - . U-r of Congre cWn fro:., a wre tbstnet or Nile. The l're-iJeri i chosen ly the feopie of all the States, tieven Mates arr no. at tins time r-j-- ..i; ;,t. i. ..i. ,.f f resented in eiiSi-r branch of Congress, - and it wmd -,m to U- Li duty on all ir..j.r c,,,. ,0 prcr.t lU.:r jul claim to Centre 1 here a. ways- s.. Ire differences ot opinion in t.ic i-onmomty. anj inu - - ---- 1 "T hw ; but U.oe u not CLnst:te valid ,-.r . ,.' ...i. v ........., -.v . ... v . j l,,c unusinn of ewry :;.:e to it., existing eons: national or legM test. It i plain that nn indefinite or per-i nianent excius-en o:' ary part of the country from representation nnt 1 ter msv i.n-iin Jerate. J he co::re " croigraimn, tne aeTeiopiwrni ot in- "" - - - r " .: .... vou-i in i..e c r.mn as ine oi u v . oilier an K me land, i.ai :t t:.t-y are excia.ied from I oppress tf .-. a , ":in- 1 1,-r i" r- cvtuca- tn nnean p toe idea i ,"1,tTV,:S B,lJ i:'era,s.r.J..e that tSe ss.i:ei.. .-.,. laa-r. -i tne w "...e le ! necrari- t.i s.H-cre a w ai-nmescenee 1:1 ier:'ati n. The .;1 nnJcr c-.r.i.!erati.'n rrf.-rs to certain of the S;it. as though t'ner tii . n . 7 , - had -l-ecn ti-Vv rv-'ond in ali their . : ... , r- . ef.!:S!':!'i,iis:i; r. :r ...ti In tLi I i.-iI :. " - . : 3c-Su 1! tbev have net. let ns at onf- act t'Wier to v r" o; ress:s.s? to ti.e taw. I cn- ;-..y jT-.tevieu arai:.i unronst:ta- a: J viu'.jitt.m. ojiid ti5 ci:v;s!i''ii r.hsr,t,:iy !ii. l,vl I do M artpata th-'n the Ive is airva.fy tu?v armed w ,:h u.c p.wcr c.r.ierred l-V the act of in to. 2s,-, s :.crcir.. anJ Len-i- a I.. rv. - - m ' s . . ...v ...a .... ... ...e e.n...r U'f.ffns, isurrct5-sn. or to verc.n ob:rce- n . , JT.t .ilf.r, r.- i n u' CT:, to the S. . Jn the ar,.WV to ti.e S r.itc in . t:.a.; a ncuscre . ............. .k J ..! ! ti.! . . r.I Ill ir.ir , f ! ... -ill.ir ,..lf 1 ...,l -.1. -... II... f ' ' I . T. .-;.. . T ItV VV' asa ,rscr:f r kr1' proraotcd. The country sr. jr...r,t to tieeocr.t-v a,;, , , - 1 J , - -' ., . k . bad raasoj tLrurh two war hct . MrT.., - ,. . r.V?. pct - . t ? At:ztw J EXs-"-S. r . v.ju ,.i r . -1 . iv nm- . ii . ii; vu..r -slieki v-r'.',-i r.Ur ailitl t0W If I C , F, . . - j " J kf fi 3tJ;C2a v- . . tlroF.i.t lMin i'UM'sa. F.ditor. W,d;mt MoKNiN;::::Ftu. l.-G'l Uin it, whether that would beef much, or little weight. Whenever the erv- rcnocratio State Ccavpntioa- Rjs 0f the eopk' fc:tify us, by unc The IemH ratio State Convention f iVOCft a,j ,irncticr.l demonftratic n. f.r the nomination rf n candidate for fnn.unfn "ta f lm.. Govenior of Pcnn.ylvania will mtH t in the hull of the Uoue of Heprcnt- atives fct Harribur-. on Monday, th? tflU (Stl.) day of March, 1,00, at 3 o f ,. roit -. , ,rj us Uarrisl.org, which arc oj-n day and venuii:- Democrats visiting tins city aro invited to call. Ey order of the Hem. State Com. William A. Wallace, Chairman. Bxxjavix L. Forrint, See'y. Senator Wallace. We give this week the closing por.cek, came op in the Senate on Fri- ion of this gentleman's speecH. The day Inland passed that body by a vote tion Bubkct is iecuharly intcrL-stingto the .... .... u intc 1 teniroo t-jntivc white ne. and will attract putiiie at tentron, and we bespeak f .r it an at- unlive iera:d. The facts be has jmKluccd in this adJro, betray ur.u uaJ research, and are of tlio kind, that cai'imt be CHinsayeJ or contro- & - Tl0 w ,u"tu- 11,crt no jici, now agitating the public mind, w hich bears 0 bt.roiiir!v uin our future happiness . 1 11 ' ';...i.:.i....iJ. ..: uwtJ nt i.art:.iii tnuit iuump ui m .Ltini. ,.,.,,: t,1(. that of "b.enJmg the races, and the jviiitkal and social equality of the white and black. Mr t ul.ace has ; trcatcj tiie 6ui,;oct so fully, that a rusal of his s,, most satisfy the 1 . J most skeptical ni.on this subiect. Wt ; . - of th .ire, in onr clay, from enact- inz laws, eomt-cllin the white race asoc h.tc w ith the Negro ? We answer, nothing; but to drive them'lc. ... - , I out of Congress und our Sutc W' latnnia. The fanaticism of the r entday, is as excessive, as it was 1 1 clianged. but they m rvr. nrY n ti f-Tfi-nt thf tliririf" ii: - ' i - - I also become as cxtions, if we a Ihere to the line of our that i."w control our State iM-'i-.a t ere. and consider themselves no bot .,r .f y. N;, ;ke. to the quick, , ... f s,. ,)f ..... ,.,i. ;.t their bu!o. as t Hrc-tualy. as did the' ... C- His.'.-h-ig on t'.e instant, with I"p.-e w asnin-ton, ana in resp m ta a la-re d. r.t:.-n that cal'.ed ms-.r.i ha. i, he in . . v unci ;im cue mu mat ne had lor i.mr years j--st ojw. po-ie-d treason as advocated in thejmcnt restored, tn.l the wri 5.Bth I v Ta.vU T mi. ;. . , ;m ' . . , , -'ui"t, kii.i .is ar.a .iue.i. c-rivc revived ihrc'ch ' ... t,..; , c,., , . , , . i J n,l,u i,rtl'u ct navirg sciilej tiiem.be was ini.n.rr ' t. ....... - - - i . ... . llL' v' '"'"r. aneniion .;. to that other class, and if possible; F'.iliaorc. to each of whom a grateful pcq-Ic will always a ward due Lonors.1 . Ci!AV;i.n. The following White ITkiie bo 1 ad J.epLtoi'-an I . S. Senators, - vrt.l ftr the Xero Bureau 1 . 1 T -. . 1 . . v . tu,a, jiasNase. aiicr- . . " u ' iJ su-tam me I resioer.t . v. wu.pi-un.1, 1 KX-i.tlW Ot H iwn n, 3Urran of CW av,'- v,... r v - c. w.ortoii of M;nns.ta, Stewart M Nevada, and an WitiLle cf Wtt V fce-Occt.,i. i orn. y, has at rmnctn Vl.iJ.. ned toe .Tavern- , . d-r on l.m a of h. I'- ..!-... i.as s.tn i.i to coi V'h. htcrarv t'"V tV.i . , . .. . i't-O I'VC a.. nrrele!K tlii k, the Veto Mo of TrcMdent Jolns.-n. turnin, to tlie Senate, in l.ii h oA it cngi . i . i v i l-ii" .uv riRie.i. u.ee-ro insrenn m.i, wan objwtions. The document the K'uii.Ut and most. .'atesmaiiike,th.'it hi: catne fron the White llonseinoe the advent of the new lij.enwtions. If the j,'or rijnejit" intends 4 ta fijrht it ut" on the line laid lown in llii Mi s.i.iire, w e will be compelled to fus- ,.,,,. their chart, and that the a! gtatt, aro, w. the future, to be affairs ol istcrcd iu afvorJant, wiUl tUe wtU fined pnncq.les of the fathers, wo wil. he lound eloso by, to help maue trca- son, under the guise of "loyalty," odi- 0us, and bring the whole "machine back to its original base, where it was ! planted by Washington, Jefferson, iMadirtOn and Jackson. fcaJ-TliaJ Stevens' uiumoii rcsolu- lotion which possed the Jlouse last of 2fi, all Ulack Kcpablicans, to 19 - , - "us. u i.ir as mc jmcr ui oiigrvj T-I .. .. t . L . t f ... I concerned, putmg eleven sutes out: of the I nion. Thve d:stJLionint are. - j wild, but as that class of men art! 1 niaUe np ty cowarOs, r.o Egiil i.cea anncipaiea iuc -guvrniaiciii ii ' make tlico, surrender without Crcirg bLC'1 i!-It is rcnortod lbai tlm following .- r.t .V.i- ,'., ,,, v ' , "T, n fm i xt-k u i iir hi, mi i i: b iTSii:ti the veto of the cRroPoor house. Ilev ( Harlan, "divine" Stanton, and Know j Nothing SKK-d. If this is true, sever- ,1 new Land will toon be wanted i Washington, lo Ukc charge cf those i ; - : several portfolio. Whether 'Cots. a Loyal S,-u.tS.-Whil- the Trcsi dents Veto, was being discusM-d the Senate, the 'I-irtttorv tOIIimit- - laim - i the bill over the rJcr.ta - (hed", introduced and adoj-ted a reso-' a!, Jn nousC t,r a Tote of ICS ' ....... i to 4U. tireveniinr luc admission ot any m cnitKTS, or scnaiors, irom any oi k: Mates lately in rcvolation. TLo d.s- Union leader Sumner,SuvcmlCo.,' die Lard. : fcS"Tor Fcrney is terriWy cd. The 'government' has ; f.i"f ,il - ,Ii,nl KK r"1 '"iruue i:rae-i aioui uie u ",IC iiC,nsc- ilf a0,1 1'aJter can 'nw set i? for themselves. Their . . . . " . , , . . bkt ftrnggle resembles those ct a dy !ng calf, rather than the m . report t'm.lV.-l... . ll..Jf. .,1 r - , . . . - ,. , 1.11.. Ll I i. 1.. I ll-t 1 . I .1 : (IT. 1;I u l - Klir h rw ..iuMiNuniii;iin- i ivM.iey.i ivrin- . com m" iiroeLam"li.-in J.v'nrirf lt. r-v. U.Iiou MM.i.ressed.the relations of the fe0vt.rj.i Slate to the General Govern writ of lu'&cs ";C.'UU.. SEWS ITEKS. WTTH EWTOtJAL TOl Cnt. da.v tbeir Savkar-L:mcln,wiS lrn. J The Hump Congrc-ss or. the Cist: voted eleven Sutes out of the Union,! i'-n tittseu minute ; jast whatf Confederates tried to do Tr over n n?C, -il treason, now ;t is -loyalty." in lea tln Aseu minute : iat what f . , . , .... BV , ... , , tu 1 ... X UC II ' " 11 "t" T- T' i . T-l 1 T T 1V m 1 . ...4 v 1 , - , - taming tt.e Ux of f i per cIk-ti 011 W hlskeV. Thcr HMI s iA t'r."LT.-- . ti? Unt '..;..... v. . , &inl M,'P taxat.ion.wh.Se the Ia- I10 tT,T(rn the county. , Indents Veto of .'.r Imnu. L ' l c t rr . i . ' fur.v miihon nf J(.!i ; aisct one dollai -i f Z ZZZ "'l'"- y, prtwt . u tH "w"r nea K.r cyery ir.in e Tr 4 woinan and child. C.-.f , Th Fenian Conrs U .:t Scioo in rituHorir.t.n ing to bed J t i -.," ,I,J ccro. m the w berenU.ut of the -Iridi Bj W fear a rri v nu,u! of them mill find--rerJ! i - . r U "ll - k r nn; Ur itt t.,fH j,; 'Mi'iihit ;tniwi;l'li-l til kr jtfTkH ,f.,ri. n la t ca.l. . lvtm. On. n;h, i.ir. c. t ro-tt, i. p. a'citt. ICS. im, a. k imit, . WUJ .An i . ' I rosiiE, rzsEs. veight & co ruiLirLU&j,Ci.TtiCo, p. 1 Ex I rrrfT for kanarn. . spt6,i.'ti Fwurwut.Ct.atC, NEW GOODS. lr G. KESSLElt, l'lULIt'cEL KG, FtNS'A. Informs the Tublic gcneraliy that! UK CAS JUST OPENED A jledW tock of ,w tieod, ta.t Cia1. HE BEAT ANV WD EKE For Cheapness and Quality. CALL AND SEE. rtir,P.krt.v.Si,ii i. LU.KEsrLli. ..... JjiiEUriijIllJ uiUilij oe; ?T TAl 1 1 T ' J II 1 1 1S Oil Fi?. 1. ,1. O' ' wicu w. tirr. JOB T. TlATIt. . . IF. IK. JIETTS. cf- CO.. , -j f (f BerMcr t Xnin A Uecpt) Yime jot rew;ted a Urre sod well h at Jc'eJ Mock or :i cf Sup It fxto. Dry Good Got h in" ' - vtoun.i, - Zt l".:, W't Lc tontvke it lo tit tjrnuje of in TimJicr Men. ll,rlnrTli..l r.f I'.n.f.-I.l rnnr,.. rrl on c..e.-j Cwk. crl lirir froia . Uir on thf ha "f Rail Rand can Sell fvl on tilr irrai lhn at any point f . i . i ... " u.u t. e rrif , j, .j, to lhHe baT. inegno-Uin im rnnrkci ta UpaI with i AdanCC5 of Good?, Feed, mJ oa ncour-t rf Saart Timtr, which 'we iil euber m-.I on cnmcuuMoa or In R'ar of d;?ercnt BrasJs esn t btd t ;i limn at very low prk, at tbt Gear- gj roirwlur. FtaaV IVt rio.'-Noiions, ic, in grrst Tari- Jwet jnet tor V-a. at ta Ci-rB.;a More, lil r-tarr. IVca a. r - - - .-'-t v. ... C ' .r iK. UrV nr lv-.T lk.. ivrt. fLilf-bot-. rr.'a. The ehesrest txd ofaU kinds a?eta U j,, j at ,te CJerC. e!J Store, at Philiptborg. C!t and m if oor coivl an.1 r-ricM A1 W. W. PETTS.1C1 - IT5 r-f V.nKrt 15th. tt a- Hit 'fca1i3v 'I rr-W C OXr fcJ r . .VVt A 1 11010 Qfnrn IU 1L OlUlL. O . GHEKXE has opened hi a. sie More, one door west of Yv. J""' r- Si--"" kwj. .urTe. .kiw (ifpj rri.n, sik,, 4 cM' ,: : C.itarw Vlia. r.f r:.,. - mi r. .... " 1 - -- ' t -t:4aa-Clia, GoJb Sbtr, 1 -. In tr. Tseeiriif ' . rfm a., a taiew aiaaw, tka -Uki.,. Mar. i-!7' lW" T at rV-ii n. - ir Vs aT ftli. iWti art!lM ; r i' !H t c:i ul f lni aiw l-'or r.r. !r5ua , M4i..al ur-cuW. . M. GK.tr.NK. Oi , K 1 ' H H (trr, HwDtlTrr'r-a. Pa- 0 Jm m Lwi Bo. Siora. k. a. r. ktxDCR. rwarfai i. fr-at Ur Ctrt'i p, Ttaa'a. n ! sJ prK4 fftp-Jj rraiaj! tore hackis' lat u sow cm u,jf traB,is-r.-n, Uf. re all i5 ever I 0cu Re. Kt i4 Er I'atrU at