W'BJ." I ! $nsintss Sirttlorji. JOIN I. OtTIH. C. T. ALtXAXbtR. ATTOHNUYU AT LAW, ept. )ith mi, i y. nciiffonto p. Vl T M. M I iri.l-OHGIl, ArromsrT at M . Law, Clears d, Pa. Office on Market tftre.t una dour east of tha "Clearfield County Bank" gay 4, mi-tf. OOBBRT J. WALLACE, Attohhit at Law J.L ClearfleU, Fv,, Office in Eksw's Ro ClearfleU, Pu, Office in cp poeite tha Journal office. u i ia,a if THOMAS J. M'CUI.LOUCH, Attorney at Law. Office adjoining the Bank, formerly occupied by J B. Mclnally, Em., Market ttreet, Clearfield, Pa Will attend prompt! to Collections, 8ale of Lands. Ac. Deo. V7. 't. JOHN L. CUTTLE, Attorney at Law and Real Instate Agent, CLEARFIELD, PUNN'A. Of'ce im Market st. Oppnsile the Jail, RESPECTFULLY often bit t rricet in tell ing and buying landi in Clearfield and ad joining eountiet ; and with an experience of over twenty yean at a Surveyor, flatten hluiaelfthat be ean render tatisfaction. Feb. '63 tf. CTRENH'S HOWE. JUBTICS OF THE TiAGE. For Dkcatdb Township, will promptly attend to all buaineta entrutted to bit care. P. 0. Addro.i, Philipsburg Pa, Aog. 21st 18(11 JOSEPH H. BRUM, Justice of tbe Peace, and Licensed Con'eyanoer, New Washington, ' Clearfield county. Pa, tJO 1 la. t i. : I. . U VURRAT. SAMUEL tllTCDILL. MaHtoiraiy & MfitaholLl. Dtalcrs in Foreign and Bomestia Merchandiie, Lumber, Grain, rf c. Kew Washington, OcloW- 25, 1M5.-Iy.pd. Clearfield Co . Pa. MRS. n. J. RERRY respectfully anncon ces that the will take a few Pupils in Vo eal and Piano MUSIC, to commence Mutiny April 3d. Terms, $10 per quarter of 11 weeks, jy-Rooms at residence of J. L. Cuttle, Esq Clearfield, March 72, 1865- J. P. BURCIIFI ELD Late Sur geon of tbe B3d Regiment, Penn'a Volun teers, baring returned from the Army, offers bis professional services to tbe cititetu of Clearfield and vicinity. Professional calls promptly atten dod to. Office on South East corner of 3d A Market streets. Oct. 4, lg86.-tmo.-pd. J. P. KRATZER, MERCHANT, and dealer In Dry Goods Clothings Hardware, Queensware, Groceries provisions, Ac. Market street, epposite tbe Jail, Clearfield Pa. April 20th 1814, GEORGE FALK takes this method of inform ing the watermen of Clearfield county tbat be bat refitted and reopened tbe hotel formerly kept by E. Scbreiaer, at Coxestown, where be will take especial paint to render satisfaction to all who favor him with their patronage. Coxestown, April 12, '65. drsly. AUCTIONEER The subscriber having taken ont a License for crvinr vendues and other Public sales, either in Euglish or Ger man, respectfully otters hit services to bit feilow cititem, and will attend to all calls from any part of tbe county, on the shortest notice either . verbally or by letter, and upon the most reason able terms. When to desired, ha will furnish tbe Clerks and complete all the busisess connect, cd with the sale. JOSEPH H. JONES. .1 K;.!ertown, P. P., Mar. 1. 1885. ly. pd. Susquehanna House, " C UR WENSVILLE, Ta. W. We WORRALL, Proprietor. TirM lr-e and commodious HOTEL it da lightfully located on the bank of the But quet&naa, in tba borough of Curwensville. Tbe present proprietor will spare bo effort to render bit eustomera cemfortablo, and hopes U mem a unerai mart ci put:ic patronage. , IIIS BAR AND TABLE Will be woll tnpplied with every thing the mar ket affords. Raftmen will alwavs find his "latch tring" onL Mar. 23, '64. tf. I8GG. 1866. IIIILADELPIIIA AND ERIE RAIL ROAD. This great line traverse! the Northern and Northwest eountiet or Pennsjrlra xtia to 'tbe city of Erie on Lake Erie, It hat been leased and is operated by the PENN'A RAIL ROAD COMPANY. Time of Passenger trains at EuroniDM. Leave Eastward. Erie Mall Train 10.12 A.M. Erie Express Train 9.17 P.M. Leave Heat ward. Erie Mail Train 10.12 A. M. Erie Expresa Train 8.52 P. M. Passenger cart run throngh on the Erie Mail and Exprest Trains without changt both ways between Philadelphia and Erie. New York Connection. Leave N. York at 6 p. m., arrive at Erie 1.37 a.m. Leave Erie at 1.55 p.m.,arrive at N.York 1.15 p. m No rhauge of Cart between l.rle A N.York. F.legabt Sleeping Can oa all Night trains. For information repectin Paisenger busi ness, apply at Cor. SOth and Market St's, Phil'a. And for Freight business of the Company's Agentt P. B. Kingston, jr., Cor. 13tb and Market Streets, Philadelphia. J. W. Reynolds, Erie. Wm.' Brown, Agent, N. C. R. R., Baltimore. H. H. IlutnTos, General Freight Agt. Phil'a. ' H. W. (iwiKXKit, General Ticket Agt. Phil'a. A L. TYLER, General Sup't, Williamrport. BALD EAGLE VALLEY RAIlT roAD. Pall Arrangement. Leave Eastward. 6TATI0XS. Tim. Pyrone 8.60 am Intersection 9.00 " Bald Eagle 9.07 " Hannsh , J.22 " ! Tort Matilda 9.85 " i Martha 9.44 " : Julian 9.55 " I'nionvllle 10.03 " ' B. A S.8. lot, 10.13 " i Milesburg 10.24 " ! Beiifonu iA:is-":i Leave Westward. 6TATI0NS. Time, Lock Haven 2.40 p.m L"k Haven InL 2.45 " Fleminirton 2 52 " 2.58 " 3.18 " 1.24 " 8 4S " 4.00 " 4 05 M 4.10 " 4.25 " 4.J5 " 4.40 Mill Hall Beech Creek Eaglevilla Howard Mount Eag'e Holters CurUn Milesburg BellfontejJ Milesborg I U1 IV. 0 I .10.45 " , Curtin 10.58 Bolters 11.02 Milesburg 4.50 B. A S, 8. Int., 4.55 Mount Eagle 11.10 " : Howard 11.25 " ' Eaglevilla 11.43 " Beech Creek 11.48 i Mill nail 12.06 p.m Flemlngton 12.10 ' i nionvuie Julian Martha Port Matilda Hannah 6.07 8.21 6.15 5.48 6.01 6.18 6.25 1 Bald Eagle L k Haven Int 12.15 j Intersection Anaivi at AHttlVa AT Lock Haven 12.19 -JAMES LEWIS. Tyrone 6.15 Sup't T. A C. and B. E. V. Branch Roads. TYRONE A CLEARFIELD RAIL ROAD Fall Arrangement. Lsavi Eastward. I.sati Noktiward. 6IATI0NS. Time. SIATIOKS. Time. P. M. A. M. imnpsnurg z.iO Tyrone ' Dunbar 4.05 Intersection Osceola 4.14 Vanacoyoc PoweUon 4 25 , Gardner Bandy hidge 4.31 ' MtPliasant Pummit 4.42 Sorrmit ML Pleasant 4.51 Sandy Ridge Gardner 6.0J j Poweltoa Taoactyoe S.1I ! Osceola Intersection 6.30 ; Dunbar 8.55 9.10 9.201 v.tv a ml It) i 10.10 10.20 10.86 10.45 SRIV1 AT ARRIVR AT Tjreaa .( Philipsburg 11.00 r - . J A MRS LEWIS, (opt I. A C. aai 1. JsVV. Branch Heads. PEACE HlOCLAtUEl). THE WAR OVER !IN CLEARFIELD. KNOX TOWNSHIP QUIET. NEARLY ALL TIIR CONTRABANDS GOING BACK TO Til El U OLD MASTKUS. RUT NARY ONE GOINO RACK TO OLD MASSACHUSETTS. WHERE THEY WERE LOVED 80 LONG AND RO WULL. Tn eonuinrnce of the above facts, t. Ebout of the old Short Shot Shop t would announce to i hit numerous patron, and tbe people of Clear fild county at large, that La but now n frit rate 1 lot of good meterial; juat received from tha cast, 1 tnd is now r-rupnred oa Uort notice U make, and mend booti and it oei at bit new Ebop in ! Grahams row. He It satisfied that beean pleaae, (unloss it might be some Intensely loyal ttay at home Patriots). He la prepared to sell low for j cash or County Produce, don't forgot the shop next door to Graham A Boy tons store, on mark et btrevt Clearfield Pa. A kept by a fellow soin- mnnly called, July 26, 'tiS ly. ''SIIORTY. II. FT NAUGLE, MAKE 11. Graham's Row, Clearfield, Penn'i Tht tubserlber respectfully informs bis old eustomera ard the public, tbat be baa on band, and constantly receiving new additions, a large steok of Clocks, Watche and Jewelry. Jewelry of every variety from a tingle piece to a full tetL Watches, a fine assortment of tilrer Hunting and open case, American and patent Lerers, plain and full jeweled. Clocks, a large variety from tbe best'Manufae tory, consisting of Eight day and Th'rty hour Spring and Weight, Levers, Time, Strike and Alarm, Spectacles, a large assortment far and near tight, colored and plain glass. Alio, a fine assortment ur bpoons, forks, Butter-knives, etc., plated onjenuine Alabata. ALL kinds of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry carefully repaired and Warranted. A continuance or patronage Is solicited. November ljth. 1865 U. F. NAUGLE GOLD PEXS.-H. T. NAUGLE hat jutt received an Elegant assortment of tbe best quality ; also silrer extension and desk holders. November 29. Sflsi . GREAT FALL IN PRICES! or FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING AT TBS Cjrap Iolini Sit REIZENSTEIN BROS . Grand opening of Fall Clothing this dav Grand opening of Fall Clothing this day, Grand opening of Fall Clothing this day, uraua opening oi fall Ulo thing this dav. A. T ! , I r I" . . .. . ' A. inncuiii'g cro a uxiensive iiotbing store, At Rciscnstoin JSro'e Extensive Clothing ttore, At Reisenstein Bro'i Extensive Clothing ttore," At Reitenstein Bro't xtensive Clothinr store. The largest and best selected stock in town, The largest and best selected stock in town, j no largest ana nest selected stook in town, The largest and best selected stock in tows Furnishing Goods, Hats A Caps, Furnishing Goods, HaU A Caps, Furni.hing Goods, HaU A Cape, Famishing Goods, Hats A Caps, Trunks, Valitet A Traveling Bagt Trunks, Valiset A Traveling Bagt Trunks, Valises A Traveling Bags Trunks, Valisot A Traveling Bagt At prlcea low for the times, At prieea low for the times. At prices low for the tlmea. At prlcea low for the timet. Our old customers do not need an invitation, Our old customers do not need an invitation, Our old castomon de not need an Invitation, Our old customers do not need an invitation, To others we say, Ca'l and examine our stock, Call and examine our stock, Call and examine our stock, Call and examine our stock, Before jturcliasiny Elsewhere, Eofore purchasing Elsewhere, Before purchasing Elsewhere, Fancy Goodi Constantly on Hand. REIZENSIKIJJ BROTHERS. MayS, '05-1y. REMOVAL. J. P. KRATZER, uue removed to ins new Ware-Koomi, on Market St., Clearfield, Pa., where he has opened a very Urge etock of Dry Goods, Merinocs, Ginghaml, Clotht, Delainet, PrinU, Casimeres, Alposat, Silkt, Satinets, Rent, vnruu.rro., iweeas, uobergs, Mohair, Jeans, Lanellas, Muslins, Flannels, Bonnets, Rib- bons, Cloaks, Balmoral Skirts, Hoop- 6kirts, Shawls, Dress Trimmings, ' Head Neta, Caps, Corsets, Gloves, Collars, Scarls, Grenadine Veils, Table Covers. Clothing. Coats, Pants, Vesta. Over-Coats, Gent'i Shawls Shirts, Hate, Caps, Under-ShirU and Drawers, Boots. Shoes.- Gam Shoes, Cravats, Gloves and Collars. HARDWARE. QUEl-XSWARE, GRO CERIES & MUSICAL GOODS. G r o c e r i c s Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses.Falt, Candlet, Riee, ciour, Daoon, run, Xobacoe, Kaisint, Currants, S p i e e s, Crackert, Vinegar, Oils, .Var nish, Alcohol. TIN-WARE, GLASS-WARE. WOOD EX- WARE, and STATIONERY. Household Goods. Carpets, Oil-cloths, Drogget, Looking-Glasset Clocks, Churns, Washboards, Tubs, Buck ets, Flat Irons, Pane, Window IUindt, Wall-paper, Coal Oil Lampt. Um brellas, Bedcords, Knives and Forks, Spoons, Crocks, and Stove Blacking. Jrr-All of which wilt be .old AH thai mnll Va sonable termi, snd the highest market price paid lor Grain, Wool, and all kinds of eon n try produce. Cleareld, December 18, 1865, DMIXISTR AfOR'S NOTICE.-Notlce is lerehy riven, that Letura nf Amini.. iuon nave this day be-n granted to the under tirned, on the estate of Stewart Cowan, dee'd, late of Beecaria township, Clearfield county, Pa. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immsdiate n.Tn.ni ..J elaimt tgainst the tame, will pteient them duly I authentieated for tettlement f v ...... ABtlAHAM MATTHEWS. r Jan 10, 1166 et-pd. Admlnlrtritor. .S!2!L 1) AIL HOAI HOIWli, Jl V barf. Penn'a, Koarav I Keeps const entty on band tha c Main fit , Philips- Lloyd, Proprietor. ehniitestof Honors. llli labia It elwavi mri'lltd with tha but tba Market affords, The traveling pullo, will do well to girt him a call. Not lut, THOMAS M CRISMAN, Agent for tha Singer Hewing Maehlnil. ) Phillptlmrg, Centra eo., Penn'a. Oct. Ilth, 1 hOS.-tf. C. R. FOSTER, IDW. MMS, Wat. V. WRIUHT, 1. D. It'uiRS, A. a. WRIGHT, W. A, vTAI.LACt, RICH. Stt AW, J.T. LEONARD, t. . GRAHAM, CEO. L. SEED. JJanhinj & OToUcction Jjmst FOSTER, PERKS, WRIGHT & CO-, PUILirSBURG.CEi.TRi Co., Pa. BUI of Exchange, Notes and Drafts discounted, DEPOSITS RECEIVED. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted. Kxcbnnge on the Cities constantly on hand. The nliovo Banking House it now open and ready for business 6epL 6, lJ6i. . rnir.irssuRa, Centre Co., Penn'a, NEW GOODS. JL- G. KESSLER, PHiLipsiiiiuo, Penn'a. ; Informs tho Public generally that HE HAS JUST OPENED A fpleudld Stork of New Goods, that Can't BE BEAT ANY WHERE for Cheapness and Quality. CALL AND SEE. Pbilipsbnrg, Oot. 25 , 1865 3m. L. Q. KESSLER, CLEARFIELD STORE Philipsburg, Pa. WILLIAM W. BKTTS. GEOROB L. REED. JOHN F. VIATir WILLIAM POWELL W. W. BETTS, CO., (Successors to Munten A Hoops) Have just received a large and well se lected Slock of all kind of Staple goods, such at Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, No tions, Hardware, Ulass, Aaila, Uilt, Painls, Queensware, Groceries. Flour, Bacon, Feed, 4c, which we are offering at greatly reduced prices, For Cash or in Exchange for Lumber and SbinpW We hope to make it to tbe adraalajse ot Timber Men, in thelowerend of Clearfield county and on Clearfield Creek, to get tbeir supplies from this point, being on the line of Rail Road can Sell goon on neiter terms than at any point in Clearfield county, aud we are selling our block at such prices as to make it an object to those bjv- -J,.t! . . . . ... mg goons id inn ranrnei to deal wiin us. Advances of Goods, Feed, Arc., mad a on account of bquare Timber, which we will either sell on commission or bur ai nxea rates. Flour of different Brands can be had at all timas at very low prices, it tbe Clear field Store, A'ij llipsburg, l'enn a. Dry Goods Notions, Ac, in great t ari ety, at tba lowest price for Cash, at tbe Clearheld More, Pbilipsburg, Fenn a. S&H by tbe Sack or load, cheaper than can bo bad any where elte, at the Clear field Store, Pbilipsburg, Penn'a, Call and Examine the stock of eoods. at the Clearfield Store, at Fhilinsbura. Ta. A S3 Highest price raid in Goods or Cash for Lumber and Shingles at the Clearfield Store, Thilipsburg, Penn'a, Tbe cheapest eoods of all kinds areto 1m had at tbe Clear&old Store, at Pbilipsburg. Call and see if our goods and prices don't soot the times. W. W. BETTS. 4 CO. Pbilipsburg. November 15th, 18(55 tf. !" I & ?! '2 " is-f m 5 Music Store. BM. G REENE hitB opened his Mn e fic Store, one door west of W. iewis Hook Store, where he keeps constantly oa band Steinway A Sons' and Gaehle't Piano Man- during uompany t J'ianot, Mason A Hamlin's oinei urgent and Carhart, Needham Co.t" Melodeont; Gultan, Violins, Fifet, Flutes: Guitar snd Violin string!. ' .Mi.sjc Boost Golden Chain, Golden Shower, Golden Corner, Golden Trio, Ac,, Ac. Sbsrt Music He it constantly receiving from Philadelphia all the latest music, which pereoet at a distance wishing, can order, and hT tn by mail, at publisher's pricet. TPIanoa and Organs Warranted for five years, Thnee wishing to buy any oftbt above articles ars invited to call and examine mine before pur chasing elsewhere. My prieea are the tame as la New York and Philadelphia. Circulars of Instruments tent promptly upon application with any additional Information de "rd B. M. GREENE, Hill ttreet. 3 at.Ui. I'. . One door west of Lewit' Book Store or Mitt E. A. P. BINDER, Clearfield, Dee. 6, 185tf Agent for Clearfield eo. Ten a'a. I, f "s- q ?m mmm 1&M Y -A EDI" is 'Tl s-lT-'U J - ' lie flats Robes, Knee and Horse Blankets at C. V. & H. W. SmTH'S:"0, ,ING COLUMN. BARGAINS ! BARGAINS! BARGAINS ! Great Clearance Sale, AT Clearfield, Peim. On and after Monday January 1st, 18G6. will be solJ, Tho entire stock of Merchandise, of tho Late firm of C. W.:& H. W. SMITH at Cost. The stock baa boon replenished, but nil good Are to bo dis posed f at Coit.. This is a rare oppor tunity for any one far or near, to make their Winter Spring and evcu Summer purchase m it may be many years before such a chance is again offered. No cue doubting, but (hat goods roust remain high for some time to come. Wo adviso, thoreforo, onr old Customer and Uie people w-rnysliT to take nolioo, as our tune in limited, when the tale at Cost will be closed. Ai Cost! At Cost! The entire Stock of Merchandise of iho Late firm of C. W. IL IV. SMITH i I i Consisting of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, STATIONARY, WOODEN WARE, HARDWARE, TOBACOOS, QUEENSWARE, JELLIES, CANNED FRUITS, BOOT AND SHOES ! Tiri-ro . x-v, ...,a -wi) anu ciWW Isicw (Roods AT THK Cheap Cash Store OP WILUMIF.ffiWIN! Marlit ttrtet, oypuite tkt ' Cltarfitld llovit, ClcurfielJ, Ta. A FRESH ARRIVAL OF Winter Goods XT THE CHEAP CASn STORE. I am just receiving and opening a carefully ieeted stock of Suhionable Spring A Summor of almost every description, A beautifut assortment of Prints and Dry goods, of tbe newest and latoat stylet. Alio a great variety of useful notiont. DltY-UOODS AKD .NOTIONS. Bonnets, Ebawlt, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, a large quantity, Hardware, Queensware, Drugt and Modicinet, GilandPaintt, varpet un uiotnt, GROCERIES, Fish, Bacon and Flour. Mackerel in J 1 and i barrels, or tne nest quality, all or wnicu will be sold at tbe lowest cash or ready pay prlcea. . -j c; i :nenui ana me fuuuo cenerallr. are respectfully invited te call. gs9TH, B. All kinds of GrtAiVand approved COUXTRT PRODUCE Ua in exchange for n . - Goods. WM. T. IRWIN. Clearfiold, May 31, 1S65. 1MERRELL & BIGLER Liavejust opened a large and splendid assortment of New Goods At their old stand in Clearfield. rpHET have tbe tt assortment of Hardware X tbat has ever been brought to this eounty which tbey will eell at the most reasonable nr I ees, among which will be found a splendid to t o CUTLERY, To which tbey Invite tbe special attention of the public, embracing heavy Silver-plated Forks, cpooni ana us tier knives or the best manufac ture. A lot of Pistols ef tbe best pattern, and other 6re-arms. Also a general assortment of pistol cartridges all of which will be told at reasona 'L)rr!ces. Tbey continue to manufacture all kinds ef Tin-ware, Brass Kettles, Stove pipe, etc., which cannot be surpassed la ti.it lec tion of tbe State. They also have on band Pittsburgh riowa, among which are Sue Centre Lever Plows. Alio, Plow Castings, and many other Agricultural Im plements, Cook Stoves, Parlor and Coal Stoves s general assortment, and of tbe best pat terns, for sals at reasonable prieea. Coal Oil, Toal Oil Lamps, Paints, Oils and Varniskei.a ceneralassortm.nl Glass, pulty, Nails, Iron andCastingt of great variety in fact almost every thing wanted by the public can be fonnd in tbeir and at pricet that cannot be beat. , INow is the tune to purchase. If yon desire sny thing in tbeir line of business. Give then a rail and examine their stock. mnA they feel assured that you can be accommodated Remember, their establishment it on Second Street, Clearfield, Pa , where you can buy giodi to the very best advantage. 4T0ld tilver, copper, fcv .pewter and old catlings will be taken in estrange (or goods. Mey 20. 1S6.1. MERRELL A BIGLER. Cheap Furniture! DESIRES to inform kit old friends and cue Uu.trs that, having enlarged bis shop and increaaed bis facilities for manufacturing, bs is now prepared to make to order furniture as may be desired, in good style and at cheap rates for v..... ue mosiiy nas on Dane at bis "Furni- uro Rooms," a varied assortment of Ready-made Furniture, among abich art Bureaus and Side-Boards, Wardrobes and Book-Cases; Centre, Sofa, Parlor Breakfast and Dining Extension Tables. Common. French-Post, cottag-e. Jenny- Lisd and other Bedsteads. SOFAS f.f nil. KINDS, WoKK-Sl'ANDS HAT-RACKS WASII-STANDS, Ac, Rocking and Arm Chairs, Spring Seat, Cane-Bottom and Parlor Chairs and Common and other Chair. L O O KI S O - O L A SS KS Of every description on bend ; and Dew glasses for old frames, which will be put in os ve ry reasonable terms on abort notice. He alsekeept oo han, or furnishes to or der, Hair, Corn-Husk, Hair and Cotton top Mattressee. COFFINS, Of err rj kind. Made to o-der, and fuuerals attended with a tiearee, -vhenever desired. Also, llouee Painting done to order. Tbe sutseriber also manufactures. and baa cun.uujit ru nana, fit melt's Patent Washlnc HfenriiTm. , . . , , 1 A super! never All niiuea 10 onstomert cbesp for Caii or exchanged ior approvea country produce. Cherry, Maple, i i, 18(11. FURS- FURS- FURS W UOLESA LE AND RETAIL. CHARLES OAKF0ED & SONS, CONTINENTAL HOTEL, PaiLADKLrnu. MWrTISf,' i& UTf "d 'PUM 'lock Of COLLARS. MUFFS CUFFS, GLOVES. ...... AND HOODS. Also tbe finest assortment of Fanev Fur Ail, CapMufleri, and Glove ever before ! "'rtJ " WIicn are warrant- eatODtursDrtisnM. B: i IV....L. 1 --'"ii'imiik rurs S88BS never need b. iihn. .u ,i T" ,u" u-n ra'ng to me latest Stvle U - wv VfTO. DOW IB UPS. 1 DM! II . 1 i t hi. m.hln. ' - .1 - . - i'i., n .-, r.xpencnced Workman. A ho Affenl f-V i Iyer s Patent Churn. iciearGei.i M tn, i u r.?T.nl !.r - , ' i - , .w. kjiugrr, K l . cel. or art cle. A family usinr this Churn ebrnted Sewiniv rl:n. it. nuirn need be without butter I QmfisH iC.Va.iiw. .' the above and manv oth., aniM e... '""Hd. lenn a. N0t 1, 18G5.-tf. ..-...Nssieuiir number suitable for In.titution has gone out of .!.. I. ..i Sib-er't'h Vontt'r., STI Cfield, Fe.,ond .bXTO wb T riT CAKw -A Urge U tf Hl aeaUat Iran rant tonitanlly oa kaai. wnalil eaatixa thoas burin Farrr Cm to observe tbat they are Soldn.4 a tbe atslae became, If ldrred on the Inside, there Is aU wave melted rosin enough that rmnot be renov. d, In destroy the fruit j Those buying from s, will not bare their fruit endangered In tbit manaer, and onr Cant -all M.m.l. K. B. Also self sealing GlastJartiB band Bept. 20, I865.tf. MKRBKLL A IIIGI.ER. V COPAKTaNERSHIP. b nndersigned have this day formed a Ct. partnership under the Urn aume of Irwin A artshorn, for tbe transaction of a General Mir . ehandiie and Lumber business. A large aid I well eeleeted ttock of Goods bat been added te ' those already on band at the Corner btore la Curwensville where we art now prepared te shew , Castomert a completed assortment with pries at low t the lowest. Tbe highest market ratet l paid for Lumber of all description. , Tba patronage ol tbe public it reipeetfirt 'aolioited. EDWARD A. IRVIN. W. R. HARTSHOES. Curwentvllle, July 26, 1865- BARGAINS! In Cunvensville. The Subscriber lias just opened at the Cld Stand, in Curwensville, a large assort- MENT OF ALL KINDS OF GOOD3 and Wares, suited to this locality, which LIE WILL SELL Cheaper than they can bo Bought in the County, for Cash. CALL AND SEE . Ladies and Gentlemen, BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWUERB, and I'm satisfied you will find it TO YOUR INTERE3T TO PURCHASS. No. 22, 18C5. JOHN IRVIN. CLEARFIELD ACADEMV. The see ond Session of tbit Inttitutioa will oeat mence on Monday, December 11th. - Pupils ean enter at any time. They will be charred with tuition from the time thev enter ae tbe close of tbe ftission. The eonrse of instruction embraces every (bias that It included in a thorough, practical and ac complished education for both lezet. Tbe Principal, having had the advantage of much experience ia bit profession, an urn pa rents and guard ant tbat bit entire ability aai energiet will be devoted te tbe moral and men tal training of tbe youth placed under hit charge. TERM OP TL'ITIOX. Orthography. Reading, Wrilinr. Grammar. Geography, Aritbmetia, and History, per Ses sion (11 weeks) $5,09 Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry. Mensura tion, survey lag. Philosophy, Physiology, Cbem. isirj ana own steeping, 7r' Wis and Greek with any ef tbs above Branch es. t!0,9 4TKo deduction will be made for absence. JOSttt further particulars inquire ef P. L. UARR1S05. Clearfiold, December 0, 1805 tf. Principal hIrletITsons Clearfield, Penn'a. Tbey hereby aotify tbe public, tbat the Feaadry, in tbe Borough of Clearfield, bat beet put in full blast, snd they are now ready to accommodate the community with auvtking pertaining to tbeir line. They keep constantly on hand a general assortment ef Cook,' Tarlor and Ten Tlate StOTei, for burning EIT1IR WOOD OR COAL Salamander's, Number 4, Base Stoves, Number 3 and 4, Wash Kettles, 16 and 20 gallons, FireGrales 20 and 28 inches. FARM DINNER BELLS TWO SIZES, Plows and Plow Costings. W aro, also, prepared to make all kinds of GRIST AND SAW MILL IRONS, and special attention is paid to the re pairing of Threshing Machines. Tersons in want of anything in our line, would do well by piving us call. All kinds of country produce, and old Metal, taken in exchange for our Mann facture, at tbe highest market price. II A RLE Y A SONS, Clearfield. Pa . November lit. isr.5.-tf. H. BRIDGE, UBEOBiAOT ttAILOB, (Store one df or East or Clearfield Home,) Market St., Clearfield, Pa. Keeps on hand a full assortment tf GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, such as PV.irls, Linen end Woolen under ShirU, drawers and i,rlii. neck-ties, pocket bandker. chiefs gloves umbrellas, bats Ac, in great variety. Of piece Gooda be keeps tbe best Clotht ef all "shads and colors," such at BLACK lioFsKi; nPTtitf 'c-tt j taiu vca I beat mate. Fancy Cassimerinercatvrsi iet. Aleo, French Coalinc, Beaver. Pilot. C.h-n. ehilla, and Fricott over coaling, all of which will be sold Cbean f.ir P..h . ...t r , pt I. r. A R FI E L D Ci U TV n4w-Tbs vy vies ,inoe me private hankers under , name of the Clearfield Count. n.. " We are resnonaihl. rn. - .v. r fc j ,,, i toe oaus. and wul p., lu notes en demand at tbs counter! -.?tP?'kU,reoiT'(1 ni ,n,drM I me! aey is left for a fixed time. Paper discounted at six per eeat as htretofore irur personal responsibility it pledged for ell depotitt received and butinest trantacted. . '"'vet ' I uun ITej o iga UA f mWt' U "'Pftfullj S.li.d. roniinuanoe or tne liberal patronage of the Clr and Officers of tbs late Clearfield County Bank, we require tbe Botes et laid bank to bs presented for redemption. James T. Leonard. Rich.M rk . Wm - A' K Wriht- James B. Oraham, William A. Wallet.. i.. need, fl! ensinest ef tbe Bank will be eon due. K: ,uciu vouniy j;sns at an n,nv,i.s JL MrrTJ, 'ffi. At Cast! At Cost U MERRELL e BIGLER '8. nfu.