Lili U2. K riioi nf frulvr rl i. i . Anrt!M'K and loiiMnsr. ,ryrt(tT Mf.-f, - C2 ' 0 ir'.'-' in a'.T 2 0 Mr A, (1 ltme, , 3 limt; ?2 ..llu Of tl".'l ' ' i I " ', I ofcliotia Ofi'i l.t-lrr;, rati. 2 1 ' innJutiull l.'.'l' I', f'f 3 IV iransMlif itii el li e,.,', J( iiltr, br It li' y',.r a'fh l fj Chi V: ('filial ' f iwf .!'. i. rod ,':,-?, or ia 3 101 i t, or im, J "rrt'f It, fijunrt of IP 1 I, i r A , or e.a, J J'n ,;Vii.: Car.1. I -or, - 4 f.nrtil iof i.1;. ?i if, - " '(i'h'Iuh;; fiV-, iw 5 i'iVh, pr 'fu ly uJrirlliiuj, 1 lymire, - - 8 ,;, Jo 2 co - H rfo Jo 3 'in ' - 1 i i'tarlj tJic;Iui.,7, J c.'imn, - 5 20 00, I " :ii 00 : it u 1 " CO Oil Ti e iV otp raTep n ly ciily U inUprlcmrnin fd up ji'.ain. A Jvcr'io ment tnt in lurn tvj'O, . r witii can, or nut of plain tj li". will lo ':knrg il double the nbcve rates for tpuoo. ! ttinnki, tiitijk quire, - - - .ISO. rfo 3 quire; per quire, - 2 CO I Ja C qnirtt,jer quirt, - - 1 75 ; Jo otrr ti qnirf. per quirt, - 1 ''!) IlamlbiU, t ?5, or ,., - - I 50 Jo i i.rl, 25, or (, - .2 50 Jo i iheet, 25, nr -, . 4 50 Jo irMf therl, 25.. or cm, - 00 Over 25 of ea-h of above nt proportionate rtc. O-The above ratei wore agreej upon hv the omlerKipned, on the day of 1'ecember, ISH4, nnd rill licit'iotly adhered to during therv'sont bith rticcs gf kirda of printinc icutcrUls. o. av. k.sydi:r, co., PuUlsben of tliO "Cltarfitl.t llepul lir.,." e. j. now, rublifhcr of the ''Raftsman i Juurnnl." CLFAPdlELD CO. D1REQTG11 Y time of noLEisa cenr. 51 Monday In Jannnry, I 3d !n .Tur, 11 Monduy iu March, 4lh Monday in Sept. of eicb year, and continue two weeks if uecc.ary. COVKTY ASD DISTRICT OFFICE"! Prei'l Jadfre on. Fnmuel Linn, Eillefunte. As te Judges Hun. J. V.l hoiiipaon.turwenfville Hon. Wm. C. I'olcy, ClearliciJ, j rberiff, Jaci.b A. Fauat, " j Protborotjiry, D. F. Etiweiler, " ' Feg. A Keo. Isniuh G. Earner, " lUtrlctAtt'y, VM. M. McCuIlongh " Trensurer. D. W. Moore. " Co. Surveyor, S. F. AfcClokkey, Curtrensvi'le. Comaucaioncra, AmoiRead, Clcarfiild. Conrad Taker. Anfonvillo. Cha'a S. Worral!, liurd. AniiVort, F. F. Couteret, LeconteaMi'il M. I,. C. Kvuni. Curwe naville. Levi F. Irwin, CUarGcld Coroner, Henry W. Parka. Connty Bup'L C. B. Sandtord, " LIST OF POST OFFICES. 7WnX p , Pout Ojfictl, Potlmanltrt, Eecearia, fllcn Hope, Win. 8. Wright " I'tahville, Theodore Weld, Jlegarty's X Koada.Stm'l. H''fn''tyi liowor, W. JlcCrarken, Chest, Th.A. WtJhec. Pell, Cosh, J. W. Ca-npboll, i Ohlend, Furrofit, Cle.irf.tld Erldge, Woodland, Lulbeisburf, H.L.Ilenderaon, r.loora, llofs, Ilradford, Brady, .T ti t a Utiunm I... L' W illiam Albert n ii v.. Trontville, l iiaa. Mopi r. JclToMdn I.ico, John, I Purn:ile, Chest, New Washington, Ju. Gallaber, Iiomside, W. C. Irrin, Patchinvilla, Jack I'a tr b in, Jaeob lluiee, O. Toier, jr. Win. McUarvey, P. A. Farber, M. A. Frank, P. A. Gaulin, J.F.W.firhnarrs T. W. Fleming, Centre county, 8. Kadxbach, T. F. Uoalich, Ed. Williams, Jas. McClcilan C. Mignot, William Carr, A. II. Shaw, T. II. Forces, Jas. A. Uegarty Cha. J. Puscy, I)avid Tyler. H. Woodward, Elisn Chise, U. Heckadorn, M.O.Stirk, E. C. llrencer. J. C. Brennor, II. W. .Pponccr, A. C. Moore, T. H. Fleming. IicnJ. F. llale, 1. K. Brubuker, , " h.ast It id re, - llurd, IeOarvey, Wcstover, Cltarfiold, Clearfield, Covington, Frenchville, " Karthaus, Cuiwensvllle Curwensville, Decatur, riiilipiburc, West Decatur, Osceola Wills, Marron, Littlo Toby, Lrtonte's Mills, Paid Hills, Bhawsville, Graham ton, Fmilb'i Mills, Madeira, Tyler, PennEeld, Ansonville, 8alt Lick, Kew Millport, Kylertown, Morrisdale, Liiuib'r City. Grampian li'lls, Curwensville, Ploomirgville, Kvcklea, Jeffries, " 0 Ferguson, Fox, Oiraid, u Cosben, Graham, Uuelich, Peeearia, Huston, Jordan, Kanhaus, Knox, i.'orr:s, 4 Penn, H Pike, Vnlnn, Woodward, Janiei Lockctt, This Port Office will do for Chest township. Will answer fir Ferguson township. STATE GOVERNMENT, fiovcrnorj A. U. Cuttin, Centre county $ 4 00 Fec'y of Com., Eli Slifer, Vnion eouniy 1,i 0 Iep. f ac'y of Coin i S. It. Thomas, Del. eo. 1.500 Auditor General; Isaac Sltnker, I'nion eo. 1,700 purveyor lien,; James P. Parr, Pittsburgh l,fi(;0 Attorney Gen.; Win. M, Mercdi'h, Fbil'a 3,000 Adjutant Ucn,; A. I,. Russell, Bedford co. State Treasurer; W, II. Keuible, Phils 1,700 Superintendent Common tchools; U. C. Coburn, Bradford county 1,500 Dep rily up't; Samuel P. Hates, Crawford co fctute Librarian, VYien Forney, Harritburj SCO SUPREME COURT OF PF.NN'A. Chief Justice ; George W. Woodward of Lucerne Associate Justircs ; Junes Thompson of Krie " " William t'trong of Picks " " John M. Kecd of Phil- " " Daniel Agnew of Biuver. The Court holds its sessions in Philad"!pbiaon the $r;t Monday of Janusry; in liarrisburg on the fourth Monday of April; at Punbiiry on the first Monday in '. ctober ; and in Pittuhurg on the third Monday in October. All returns 1oin the AAV Judicial District comprising the counties of Clearfield, Center and Clinton, ore to be made on the second Mcnday of Icbruary. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT. iXEcitivr. President Andrew Johnson, cf Tennessee $2500 Vice President l'ro. Tern. S. Foote, of Vt. S.lii'O CABINET OFFICERS.- salarik?, H.(HH Pecretary of State ; Wm. 11. Pewiird.of Xrw York fec'y cf Treasury; lluch M'Cullongh, uf Indiana Pec'y ef War; Edwin M. Ptanton, of Pcnnsylvanic Pec'y of the Ny ; Gideon Wells, of Connecticut Secretary of lifrior; Jaines Harlan, of lo wa. P. M. General ; William Ponnison, of Ohio" Attorney General ; Jrmes Ppe ed, of Kei.tutky. JUDICIARY. CtiiEr Ji-fTic, ftiiOO Associates, SC000 Chief JuMice; S. P. Chase, nfOhiu. Associate Jnstices j Pcrruel Nelson, of New York " Robert C. Drier, of Penn'a, James M. Wayne.of Georgia, " " Vacancy " " Naihan Clifford, of Maine, " " David Davis, of Iliinoii, " " N. 11. Swsyne, of Ohio, " " Etcphen J. Fields, of Cal'a, Fuprcme Court mrets 1st Msnday of December, la Wahirgtcn Ciiy, D. C. T)TOVlSI0N.S-rienr, Cheese, LarJ, Dried Annies. Tlrleil 1acba. rtrv..l rnmiln.l from Uiewest a tLe rtert of J. P. KRATZER. L Cheese a very Bre quality a-.J t-atap at I MEURELL A EIGLLR'S. I tii cr! JolIN 11 ( . T. Ai.l X Wi lli. 0 ATTOP.NF.iS AT LAW. Sept. 1 y. HcMrfiititc Pa. f M. M CM.l.OVf.M. Arr..fT AT Y Law. Clear fi- d, Pa. OW.-s n Market Street ono dinr rant tf tlio "Clonrlic'd Couuty Dank." 4, ISol-lf, or hit J. I (1 --ti P-l !, WAI.LAC1', Att)irt at Law !, IV, f.ti ,eo iu fu Low, op po.-ito theJcurnnl oiiice. TISDJJ VS 4. M'l I I.I.til Atlnrin'j- at law. OTre adi' tbo L ink, p,rini-i-ljr ocenpicJ by J 11. MoVuiily, I'. .'iar' atroet, OlenrtniM, l' ill ailcud prouiitiy to C'l!rclini, r'alo uf LitLd., Ac. Deo. 17, '(12. JOHN L. CTTTTLK, AUoniry Rt l aw and I'.i nl llMato Agcut, CLKAHITKI.P, ITNN'A. O'cr on Marfid. O'juskc the i"7, E5 E?rrcTFLT.l.Y i.fiera bin rvicos in wll ili. inp and buviiiir lands in CU-urliold and ud jiiiiinjr, counticii ; and willi .in pxperirnro of over trtonty yeiiM u a Purveyor, Sutterrf hiaisidf (but bo cun render autiafuetiun. Feb. '('i tf. crunxirs howk. Justice of the 1'KArn. For I)(!riTrjn Towner.!?, will promptly attend to all business enlrustuJ w hli euro. P. O. Addroaa, I'bilipaburg 1'a. An. 2UtJlSl - TOSV.rn II. LHET1I, Jut-tien of ibe IVnn, and tt I,ieened Conveyancer, N o V ft hmjfton, Ciearfiold county, I'a. TTa 1 1?. 1 i. J. R. m'mURKAY. BAUltL MITCHELL. Holiday & mtsML Pali; in F"rei'n aud liomef-tin Merebnndiso, Lumber, Oruin, o. Kew WibiiiKton, j Oeloher 25, I8f5.-1y.pd. Clearlield Co., 1'. iVJL ee that the will take few Pupils in V'o cal and Piano J1U.S1C, to coininoneo Motdny April :vl. Terms, $10 per quarter of llwfehe. ifltoouii at rofidenes of J. L. Cuttle. Esq Clearfield, Marrh ?2, lMfi' IV- Y: rl,, r rr- geon oi ine o.ia neginieni, renn a oiuo- leers, bavins returned from tbo Armv. offers bis " professiotal eerviees to the ciiiit't.s ut ClcnrlielJ and vieinity. Professional calls promptly atten ded to. Office on South Fart corner of ii A Market streets. Oct. 4, 1SB i.-6uio.-pd. j. r. kratzer, MHRCIIANT, and dealer in Dry Goods Clotlun?, Hardware, Quecnsware, Orocerios Provisions, Ac. Market street, opposite tbo Jail, ClcarCclJ Pa. I April ZlHhlset, GEORGE FAI.K takes this method of lnrorra-1 iog the watermen of Clearfield county that be has n Ctted and reopened the hotel formorly kept by E. Schreiser, at Coxestown, where he win tuke especial paini to render iiuiiiacuon to H. n UV ,n,V UIIU Willi 11IVU f ... VU. t Cojcitonn, April 12, '85 drsjy. t L'CTIOXEnn. The subscriber having t taken out a License for cryine vendues out a License for cryine and other Puhlis salts. eilfcar in Euglisb or (ii-r man, respectfully offers hi? services t' his fellow 1 nml will niton,! to all calls from anv ! )P 1 1 100 C0Un'J' on Ilie fnoriesi nonce euucrj ... .. . : t,ua.jr ul v . initri, null upm mu uiu.-v I vrvu able terms. When lo desired, able terms, nben lo desired, be II furnish i ClcurK nd complete nil the b.,pss connect d with the sale. JOSEPH 11. JOISiiS. Kylertown, P. 0., Mar. 1, 186S. ly. pd. Susquehanna vlIousc, CUnWEXSriLLE, Pa. XV. W. WOltRALL, Proprietor. THIS la,rge and commodious IJOTKL Is do lightfully located on the bank of tbo Sua quehanna, in the borough of Curwensville. Ths present proprietor will spars o effort to render Ma customers comfortable, and hopes tc merit a liberal share cf public, patronage. HIS BAR AND TABLE Will bs well supplied with every thing the mar ket affords. lUftmen will always Cud his "latch itring" out. Mar. 23, '64. tf. 186.5. 1805. 1 PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAIL ROAD. This great line traverse" the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylva nia to the city of Erie on Lake Erie. It has been leased and is operated by the TENVA RAIL ROAD COMPANY. Time of Passenger trains at Euporiuh. Leave Jilaattward. Frio Mail Train 10.12 A. M, Erie. Express Train S.17 P. il, I.rate Westward. Erie Mail Train 10.12 A. M. Er e Express Train 8.62 P. M. Passenger cars run through oj the Erie Mail and Express Trains without things both ways between Philadelphia and Erie. New l in k Coiinertlon. Leave N. York nt 0 p. m., arrivo at Erie S..17 a.m. Lave Eric at 1.55 p.m., arrive at N. York l.lip.m .u i iiuiic i, til uriu a .1 irs i. ui u. Llegaot Sleeping Cars os all Night trains. Fur information re-pectin: Pascngor busi ness, apply at Cor. Smb. nfld Market St's, Phil'a. And for Freight businv of the Company's AgenU S. II. Kingston, jr., Cor. 13tb and Market streets, Philadelphia. . J. W. Reynolds, Erie. Wm. llrown, Agent, N. C. R. P., Baltimore. II. H. Hoi stos, Geueral Freight Aj:t. Phil's. H. W. GwisKSR, Ucneral Ticket Agt Phil'a, A L. TYLER, General Fup't Williaimport. BALD EAGLE VALLEY RAIL K0AD. I'all Arraii'T incut. Leave Pastwnrrl. ET AT IONS. Time. leave Westward. ! STATIONS. Timo, Lock Haven I 40 p ro L'k Haven Int. 2 45 " rymna Intersection Raid Fugle Hannah Port Matilda Martha Julian Vnionville Ii. A S.S. Int. 8.5fl s m y oo " .07 " 9 22 M V.Sh " 9 44 " l'leliiiri:lnn i 62 " 2.5S " 3. IS " 3.24 " S 4.1 ' 4.00 " 4 05 " 4.10 " 4 25 " 4 .15 " 4.40 ' : .Mill Hall ; Deech Creek i Engleville j llownrd : Mount Eaglo : Hollers ! Curtin 0.55 10.0S 10.18 10.21 10.32 10 .17 10.45 I Milctburg Pellfonte f Arl iLe ; Milesberg Mil"sbure Bollfonte I Ar Le Cariin Hollers Miiiiut Eagle HoStarJ Engleville lleeeb Crock Mill Hall 10.5S 11.02 11.10 11.25 ; Milesb'irg 4.50 " B. A S, . Int., 4.55 : I nionvilla : Julian i Martha 6 07 6.21 b .15 5 4S .0I (IIS 6 25 1 0 35 11 42 " 11. IS " 12.00 p. m 12.10 " Port Mutilda Hannnh Hal l K.;I9 1 lemington L'k Haven InL 12.15 " i Intcrseeiioo ARRiVR AT Am.lVI AT Lock Haven 12.10 " ; 7'yrrue JA.vir.S IS, Sup't T. A C. and B. E. V. Branch Roads. a TYRONE A CLEARFIELD RAIL ROAD. I'all Arrangement. Lfavb Eastward. STATIONS. Time. I LfiAVK Northward, : BTATIONS. Time, P. M. S.50 4.15 4.14 4.25 4.:t( 4.42 4.52 6.05 511 t.r.o M. rbillp'burj Tyrone Intersection Vanscoyoo GarJuer Mt. PI msant Sou init Bandy RidjS Powelton 8.55 P. 10 l'unbar Oseeola Powelton Handy llidgs Summit Mt Pleasanl Gardner Vanscoyoo InUirsectian HI. JII ' 10 35 10.45 11.00 ARH1VS AT ARRIVR AT i.40 rhilinsburs; rons J A Mrs Fup't 7. i C. and B. E. V, Praneh Rob RIOHiRy KGSSOP, ronr.iuN am iomkstic goods Mrs nxs delaines cor.ri;i;s nt iU lit nt Sensation St-ncat ion Sensation Kensntion prices priros prices prices A LI' a c.s Just received at MOSSOl ; fJIXfill AMS .r.t SiMimtion r,,ioe' ('HINT, 1 KI NTS CRAVATS ul at Hi nt Fcntntion SriiKiilion Milieu! ten Si'tisiUicn TUT! ! icon pricru ) need HI JiUi.SNUl'.V i Snntion prices fx'ru.'itiou pricea SHAWLS - nt LONNI I'S fit Ci.()IM:I) ) MUSLINS I t r-i-na-jtion jiricc-s All to lo iial u' MOSROrs', LINEN at at St'ti.mition SiMisntion miniki ion SmiKation Nt ion jirifrs iriw Jll'icfiS CH ASH (.ui:tain.3 bi J'Al'.LK CLOTHS at Fit I NliE at at at at at jiossors. LACS IIDSILUY UlBl'.ONS TlilM MINCiS of all kinl i. Fl'tlHIllioiI Smisalion Sensation t.nceH pticen jiricea at Sensalion price in anv (luan ty Alwnvs on haml at MOS30PS'. CASS1MKHKS at Sensation ?ns!ition Sensation Sensation KennMion t'eiikKtion HATTINLTS TWLKDS JEANS V LSTI N(iS SLUKT1NOS at at nt nt bt j'ticoj jince ( jji ire a jirioes juipea at ai assort?. CLOTHING cucir as Coats, rant;, Vests, Under .Shirts, Flannel SLiita, Louts, Shoos, Haw and Caps, at lonsalion prices Now for ealo at MOS-SOrS'. HARD YV A II K fuch a? Saws, nails at sensation price; Forks, Knives , f - l"Ke. UO'fcOSi at nossors. ; LIQUORS, puch as Win, liranJy, j O i n, W li iikey, Cognac, etc, etc., ' Flt'UlTS, such as L run os, liaioitis, i Figs, Filberts, tc, at sensation price nt seaaalion prices at MOSoOrS'. . GROCERIES, Fay1) F 1 0 u r, Hams, Shoulders, Sujrar, Molassos, Colloo, '1'ea, Crackers, at seuia'.ion prices .Hnipp!, Candles Coal Oil, etc., olc Alivayr at HOSSOrS. i BLACKING i ROPES I POWDER at at at at nt At di'iiKUtion sensatioa tcni-alion Knsation sensation sensation prices price prices prices prices T t.- 1 va I o prices A t tlm Flore of RICHARD ilOSSOP MOSSOP Always keep on hand a lull assortment of nil kinds of goods required for the accommodation of the piihlic. Nov. 12, 1SSS. FRESH ARRIVALS, AT THE CllKAP BOYXTO.,, SUOVERS 8TOHK 01' CBAU1SI. Fall Goods, NEW And Very Cheap ! ! B0YNT0N, PftOWERS A GRAHAM sue cessors to Uoynton A Showers respectfully announce to tho publio that they aro now open ing an extensive assortment of FA li L GOODS, At the old stand In Graham's new building which they oiler to sell at astonishingly low prices, (considering thoir oost !) for cash or approv ed country pruducs. Their stock ol DllY GOODS CANNOT P,E SURPASSED! Customers enn there finds CALICOES WITH FAST COLORS! MUSLINS! DELAINES! LAWNS! CLOTHS I CAS3IMEUS! VOTINGS! LADIE-i'SilAWLJI GENTS' SUA W LS HATS A CAr.S I BOOTS SHOES CARPETS A. OIL-CLOTHS! OUR STOCK OF FANCYGOODS IS UNEXAMPLED IN STYLE AND VARIETY, embracing NOTIONS 1 ' NOTIONS! NOTIONS Si:nrLi! iroad-Xcts ! Kot k-Tics ! Sittcht'In ! Port Monnaics ! niwlieu ! riiotoirniiil.ic Albums ! rirCS, TO It Afro & SEGA RSI PERFUMERY OF ALL KINDS 1 Or anything ilso in tlio Notion Lino ! ALSO, HAIlD-WAllE ! Queens av a r e , GROCRRIKS AND PROVISIONS ! All of the best quality, and leleeted with special regard to the trade of Clearfield county. AI F. UOYNTON, JOSEPH EHOWEItS, EDWARD GRAHAM, Clearfield, May 10, l.sOi. B tircs!i.ii:acl.i::t n. UAl'PT A Co., tnanufueture four horse sweep power Threshing M arbines, with thresher, shaker and strap for 1100 ; and two-horse tread power Throshiiig Machines, with thresber.shaker, and strap all oomplete, for f 175 at the shop, or delivered to nearest railroad station. Warranted 10 IT satisfaction in thresh 'ng, and kept good to thresh one emp free of charge. They havs at Miloshurg, Centra county, la., S.20 exnenenced Millwright and Machinists, who U. ?n I ill lake J ibs to make new. or repair old mills, U 45 , either water or etcira power, of any site. Csst 11.57 log" and material lurnished at short notice. 10.10 Prices fur cash as cheap as can bs got any place J od eouniy trIaat Haupt Is still agent for all the In sursnce Companies ol lh Elate in good standing, who do a Cash Dusinoss, Mutual companies not recommended. Jun 2S, Iffii.l VT UOVVS of tH siscs, for sale at: Dec. 13, 1365. MEHRKLL A EIOLUK. 1 ' pilipshrfl tlmtlMmfntf. J) All, POA Ilorl'., Main H . T p J lurj, Feiin'o, I.KfuPT i. Propm-ior. K ceps const p on Ik ml I U o t iiuialell of li'Uors. His lablo In always suj plird with the be "I Ibe Market nf'ord. Tbo traveling pulin, ill do well In give lil in pill. Nov lii '" riioMA;? M rnisii an, i Agtr.l fi r the Finger Sc injt Machines. rht'ipMiurj;, Uentre co., I'uiid , Oct. Illh, loi.-lf. C. R. poster, Ertv. I".:rk, vrv. V. VvRKillT, J. II. tt'tilKK, A. K. WRIMMT, W. A. WALLACE, Klt'Il. til A IV, J . T. I.KONAKD, J. I. CB.UIAK, (.I.O. L. llDtl), ;uil;inir & Collcdion "mt rCSTER, rSEES, YIilGIIT c CO., I'll I LIl'ftLi; KG, Ckm hs Co.. I'a. IUI'sof Fxetinre, Nntos and Irnftn discounted, DEPOSITS KKCKIVKI). Colleeiions niudeand proceeds promptly remitted. li liiirfrii on (lie Cil'es constantly on hnnd. The ab'. vo I' ui. 1. llou-o is now open and ready for buriness. SrpL (i, liti5. pHiLirsDcno, Centre Co., Penn'o. N E W G OODS. Ii. G. KESI,E, riiiLiPsnuita, Pknk'a. Informs the Public generally that HE UAS JUST OPENED A . Spleudid Htoik uf Kew Goods, that Can't BE BEAT ANY WHERE for Cheapness and Quality. CALL AND SEE. rbilipsburg, Oct. 25 , ISM 3m. I,. O. KESELEIL STORE Philipsburg, Pa. W I I.LI A K W. BiTTS. UEOROS L. Hill). jonv r. wiavir- WILLIAM POWLl.L. W. W.BETTS-CO., (Successors to Munson A Hoops) Have jnt received a large and well se lected Slock of all ldod of Staple goods, such as Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats arid Caps, No tions, Hardware, Glass, Naih, Oils, Painls, Quccnsware, Groceries, Flour, B.icon, Feed, kc, , which we are ollering at grc-aily reduced prices, Tor Cash or in Exchange for Lumber and Shinties. We hope to make it to the advantage of Timber Men, in thelonerend of Clearfield county and on Clearfield Creek, to net their siir.iilioi fiora this point, being on t ie lino of Uail Road can Sell gooda on better terms than at any point in Clearfield county, and we are telling our Slock at such prices as to make it an object to thee b'.ij' ing goods in this market to deal wtlhus Advances of Good., Feed, &c, made on accnunt of Square Timher, which we will either tell on commission or buy at Iixcu rales. Flour of different Brands can bo had at all times at very low prices, at the Clear lield More, I bilipMHirg, i'elin i. Dry Goods Notions, Ac, in great vari ety, at the lowest price for Cash, at the Clearfield Store, Philipsburg, lenn a. Salt by the Sack or load, cheaiier 1 lis n can l had anv where else, at the Clear field Store, Philipsburg, lVnti'a. Call and Examine the slock of goods, at the UcarGuld Slore, at PhilipHburg, Ta. Highest price paid in Goods or Cash for Lumber and Shingles nt the Cleurfioid Store, Tbilipsbuig, 1'wnn'n, The cheapest pvxls of all kinds arc to Le had at the Clenrtield Store, at I liiliphurg . Call and see if our goods and prices don't soot the times. W. W. BEI TS, CO. rhiltpbiirg. KovemUr lAth, Lsii.'i If. mm 5 o51 1 2. 12- IV: S eg fa J vt T o Z. - c it r1 OB; c n i- in t 1- '( Vv..n ii Hi'' Music Store. tl ? M. G JJKKN r. Iiiib fiponcl ln'ri rn U nic Store, one door west of V. Lewis' Book Store, where ha keeps constantly on hand Steinwny t Sons' and Gaehlc's Piano Man tifTrtnrii.g Comiiaiiy'i l'ianoa, Mason A Hamlin's Cabinet Orgons and Csrhart Needham rf- Co s' Mejodeons ; (luiiurk. Violins, 1'ifes, I'lutos; Gui ar and Violin strings. Mi sic Hooks Gulden Chain, Oolrlen Shower, Golden Conser, Golden Trio, in., Ac. Euskt Misic. Ho Is rontantly receiving from l'hllsdelphla nl Ibe latet inuHe, which persona atadistar.i j wishing, pan order, and Lavs sent th-i,, hy mail, at publisher's prices. j?" Pianos and Organs Warranted for live yean. Those wishing to boy any of tha above articles are invitod to call and examine mine before pur chasing elsewhere. My prices are the tame as in New York snd Philadelphia. Circulars of Instruments sent promptly opon spplicatioa with any additional information do id, B. M. GHEKNE, Hill street Huntingdon, Pa., One door wet of Lewis' Book Store, or Miss K. A. P. HINDER, Clearlield, Dep. (I, Agent for Clearlield ro Pcnn'a. 1 iulluio Itotus, Knee snd Horse Blankets at JD NovlJ, 'ti. MERRELL i UIGLKK'j,. 3 .. r in. i z . r r- a 5 ! V'' i ""w.p.s.ij z? J, iv V-"i. . m a -1 l "OUR IMilCF.S MIK i:SING iiiv i .. , ' Willi IWls IIMI. Hew (Roods AT TI1K Cheap Cash Store OF UlAili I A Ai I Market Krcct, oyxfid- the ' VUarJkU JIovsc, Cicurfieltl, I'll. A FRIISH ARRIVAL OF Winter Goods AT THE CHEAP CASH STORE. T am liiRt rsivirti7 nn d oneninr a psrefully elected stock of fashionable Spring A hummer of almost every description, DJ?AE?lLia fir A beautiful assortment of Prints and Dry goods, of tho newest and latest stylos. Also a ureal variety of useful notions. ........ . . - . . . . m r - r UJtY-UUUJia AJNJJ JNUllUiS. Bonnets, Shawls, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, a large quantity, Hardware, Queenaware, Drugs and Medicines, Oil and Paints, Carpet A Oil Cloths, . GROCERIES, Fish, Bacon and Flonr, Markere! in i j and i barrels, of the best quality, all of which will be sold at the lowest cash or ready pay prices. My old friends and the publio generally, are respectfully Invited to call. frnN. It. All kinrti ol cMiYand approved CO) I'STBr PUObUCS taken in exchange for Goods. WM. F. IRWIH. Clearfield, May 31, 1S85. M ER HELL tSTljiG LER Have just opened a large and splendid assortment of New Goods At their old stand in Clearfield. fTpIIEY have the lest sssortmcnt of Hardware it that has ever been brought to this county which they will soil at the most reasonable pr i ces, among which will Le found a splendid lo t o CUTLER Y, To which they Invite the spccinl attention ef tht publio, embracing heavy Klver-plated Forks, Spoons and Duller knives of the best manufac ture. A lot of riatola of the best pattern, and other lire-arms. Also a general assortment of pistol eartridfrci all of which will bs sold at reasona ble prices, Tbry continue to manufacture all kinds ef Tin-ware, IJrass Kettles, Stove- Pipo. etc., which cannot he surpassed in tlii soo tion of the Slate. They also have on band PittiiburirH Plows, among which are Sioel Cenlro Lever Plows. Also, Plow Castings, and many other Agricultural Im plements. ( 'ook Stoves, Parlor and Coal Stoves S general assortment, and of the bos', pat terns, for sal at reasonable prices. Coal Oil, Coal Oil Lamps, Paints, Oils and Varnishes, a general assortment. Glass, putty, Nails, Iron andCastings of great variety ; in fact almost every thing wanted by the publio can bs found ia their establishment, and at prices thst eannot bs beat. Now is tho time to purchase, If yon desire any thing In their line of business. Give thetn a call and examine their stock, and they feol assured that yon ran be accommod ated Remember, their establishment is on Second Street, Clearlield, Pa, whero you can buy g tods to the very best advantage. J ST-Old silver, copper, brass, pewter and old caaiings will he lukon in exchange for goods. Mey20, 1S03. MElUUiLL A BitiLEn. C!ic;.2 Furniture ! DF.SIRE3 to Inform his old friends snd ens t,. triers that- havinff .nlnrH hi. .I.n.. ..J incrcasod hit facilities for manufacturing, he is now nrenared to mnketn fiimiliii-a mm m be desirod, in good style and at cheap rates for tuMi. jie mostly mis on liaml at his "Furni ture Rooms," a varied assorlmout of Ready-iuade Furniture, amoi.g which ars Rurcaus and Side-Hoards, Wardrobes and liook-Cases; Centre, Sofa, Parlor Breakfast aud Dining Extension Tables. Common, French-Tost, cottftn, Jcacy- Lind and other Bedstead. SOFAS i,f nil, KINDS. WORK-STANDS UA -RACKS WASH-STANDS, Ac. Hockinu and Arm Chairs. Spring. Seat, Cane-Butlcm and Parlor Chairs --I , . i . . . nou v iiiiimim ana outer v nairs. LOOK IX a-a L A SSL'S Of every description on hand; and new glasses for old frames, which will bo put In on ve ry reasonable terms en short notice. He also keeps on ham', or furnishes to or der, Hair, Corn-lluk, Hair and Cotton top Mattresses. COFFINS, or every kind. Mads to o'der, and fuuerals attended with a Hearse, "vhenever desired. Also, House I'bLiIIiijj done toorder. The eulseriber also manufactures, and has eonstantly en band, Clement's ratent WnshiDp; Mahin. The boil now in n.. Thus. .. never need be without rlcan clothes I lie also has r Iyer s la tent Churn, A superior art rte. A fnniilv ualnv il.l. rh,,r never neid be without bulter I All tbo al mivc and many other arliclpi are fur nished to customers cheap fur Casb or exchanged i.t ainiroreu Founiry produce. tncrrT, Ulaplo, Poplar, I.lnwood and other Lumber suitable for Cabinet work, taken iu sxebango for furniture. feT" Remember the simp is on Market street, Clearfield, Pa., and nearly opposite the "Old Jew Store." JOHM UULICII. Nov. 20, lSr.2. y FUKS- WHOLES A LE A N I) R ETA I L. CHARLES 0AKFCT.D & CONTINENTAL HOTEL, PlIILAPKLPntA. Have n-w npered iheirSr-e ar.d frlendid stock of LAD! E"' FUR CAPES. COLLARS. MUFFS. CUFFS, GLOVES. AND HOODS. Also the finest assortment of nnry Fur liahrt, lip, Muffler, rind (7uv ever before by Vein, nil of which are warrant ed to lo ts represented. Shipping Fun bought. Dot. 2;,, l,S1',.j..4mo. rplllMni F. SKI IX4 h Fipa-rtoteiTt 1 Aug JJ Ibfli MERRELL A BTQLBR'8. wriTrAx-.7.AUr,iM tmv i' fruit nn pnnrlnnlly in hit, 1. "e woull eanllnn those buying Ferrt e to observe Ihat tbey are .Id, red nn hs et,"l beciiup, if soldered on h Inai.le, ther (, ways melted r"in enongl, that eannot be ,,!," ed, In dei-trny the fruit Those buying from n, will not h,v, lk , finlt endangered in this manner, and out Cau .. nil w rro r 1 1, ,1 " an- " " ' N. H. Also rvlf sraling Glass Jara en 1 Fej-tJO, MhRHEI.L i IIIULLr; " CO I'A RTN V. KS 1 1 I P. " flhe undersigned bare this day formed , I 'i,,,i-,Fip ,.", u mi iu Ham a oi l--r k Hartahoro. for the transaction of a General ilr. cliandiro aud Lumber business. A larp ttll well selected stock of Goods has been added lo those already on band at the Corner Bwiia Curwensville where ws ars now prepared to iho Customers a completed assortment withphcet as low as the lowest. Tho highest market ritti paid for Lumber of all description. Tho patronage of the publin Is reapsruVl. solicited. EDWARD A. II.VDi ar Curwensville, July 26, ISSj- BA11GAINS! In Curwensville. The Subscriber has just opened ia the Cld Stand, ia Curwensville, a largo assort MF.NT OF ALL KIND3 OF GOODS and Wares, suited to this locality, which HE WILL SELL Cheaper than they can he Bought In the County, far Cash, CALL AND SEE Ladies and Gentlemen, BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE, and Pea satisfied you will fmd it TO YOUR INTEREST TO TURCJIASS. Nov. 22, 1SC5. JOHN IRV1N. CLEARFIELD ACAD EM V. The sec ond Session of this Institution will eoaj. nence on Monday, December lltb. Pupils can enter at any time. They will hi charged with tuition froia the timo they t&terte the elore of the Session. Ths course of instruction embraces svory thing that is included in a thorough, practical aad ac complished education for both sexes. The Principal, having hod the advantage sf much experience in bia profession, assures pa rents and guard ans that his entire ability aad energies will bs devoted to the moral and men tal training of the youth placed under his cbargt, TEIUW OH TflTIOX. Orthography, Heading, Writing, Grammar, Geogrnphy, Arithmetic, and LHatory, per 6s sion ( 1 1 weeks) $5.00 Algebra, Goomet-y, Trigonometry, Mensura tion, burveying, Philosophy, Physiology, Chem Istry and Book Keeping, 7,59 Latin and Greek with any of tLe above. Branch es, f 10,04 (VNo deduction will he mads for abieuci. yirr"(.r further particulars inquire of P. L. HARRISON, Clearlield, December 4, 1S65 tf. Principal II ARLEY & SONS Clearfield, Pcnn'a. They kereby aotify the public, that tht Foundry, in the Borough of Clearfield, has been put in full blast, snd they ars bow ready to accommodate the community with anything pel taming to their line. They keep constantly on hand a general assortment of Cook, Tarlor and Ten Tlato Stoves, for burning EITHER WOOD OR COAL Salamander'?, Number 4, Base Sloves, Number 3 and 4, Wash Kettles, 16 and 20 gallons, Fire Grates 20 and 3 inches, FARM DINNER BELLS TWO SIZES, riows and Tlow Castings. We fire, also, prepared to rnnke nil kinds of GRIST AND SAW MILL IKONS, and epecial attention is paid to tha re pairing of Threshing Machines. Tersons in want of anything, in our line, would do well by giving us a call. All kinds of country produce, and old Metal, taken in exchange for our Manu facture, at the highest market price. HARLKY & SONS. . Clearfield, Pa., November 1st. lSlVV-tf. NEW CAIJHIAGE AND Wagon Siiop! flmmediately In rear of Machine Shop.) THE subscribers would rrspectfutly inform the eitiiens of Clear&eld and the publio In gen. cral that they have entered into partnership and ars ready to do all kinds of work on CARRIAGES. WAGONS. SLEIGHS, .SLEDS, Ao. All kinds of repairing done with neatness and despatch. Orders promptly attended lo. .1. F. ROTE. n W. JJwKNIQHT. Clearfield, July J, 1SC5 ly. N. B Thankful fir past favors, .h subscrib ers would respectfully s . Ileit a continuance 0 the same. He invile, hia old custoraors, and as many new ones as may see proper, to giro him a call. I have now associated with me in ths business, Wm. MrKnight, who is an experienced workman j and If you want a good earrlage or tunber-iled givs us a tall. J. F. Rora. Cl.t'.ARl IEI.ll fntrXTY I1AK.-Ths Clearfield County Bank as an Incorporated institution has gono out of existence by ths sur render of ita charter on May 12th, IS65. All of ita stock Is owned by ths subscribers, who will continue ths banking husiness at the ssuie plnoe as private bankers under ths firm name of the " Clearfield CountT Bank." We are r-sponsiblu in- the Jebts or ths, and will pay its notes on demand at ths counter. Deposits received and Interest paid when mo ney is left for a fixed time. Paper discounted nt six per eeL sj hurctofore Our personal responsibility is pledged for all deposits received and business transacted. . A continuance of the liberal patronage of the bvsiuess men of ths county is respectfully solici ted. As President, Cashier and Officers of ths Iste Clearfield County Hank, we require ths notes eC said bank to be presented for redemption. James T. Leonard, Richard Pbaw, Win. Torter, James B. Gr.Jai, A. K. Wright, j. L. Roed, William A. Waliawe, J'The bu-iiien of the Bank will be poo due ted by John M. Adams, Ei-i, as Cashier. . . Jua 2V If.