Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, February 07, 1866, Image 3

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    4 f
tflrarfictd ttfiiubtlrni..
, ,
If SDNif"DAY,:::::::::::.:":::rrn. 7,
Latest Arrival. Wrij.
'lit A Flail.
ran are jus,t opening a largo nnsort
i rcii!i,.il,l i.nmla n t r.ri,... I
,Un" """" . "V ""
suit tic timcB. Give them n cull an
...n;nn irnn.1 nn.l t.w (V..n
v...,..... v... .. fe j..., ..vv
of charge.
i ii i
-JUTlllO people Of Jlcncr COUnt)'
if8 VerV much CXCrciseJ OVtT the at
tempt cow making to remove the
eouutv seat. Sharon and Greenville
wo both candidates for the honor.
Death From Cold. An aged citi-,
sen of Lawrence tp., named ."Woods'
residing about three miles from town,1
on the turnpike leading to Luthcrs-
i i. ii ,r i
wurg, tvub bo oauty irozcn on jionaay
Jast, that lie Survived Only about tcn'rte. Other advertiacmcDts at fl iUporfquaro
jninutcs after being brought to tho
bouse. lie had gone to the -woodn,
after a load of firo wood, and was no
ticed by some gentlemen, who were
making timber some distance off.
"They observed that the horse remain
ed standing for Koino time, conjectured,
that something was wronir. nroceedod !
to inveHtiate the cause, when the-
found Mr. Woods lyillir beside the sled
i i.i. i . ,
nearly lifeless, llevas jilaced
upon the olcJ and conveyed to the
'nearest bouse, and proper remedies
l applied, but too late.
&IRIOUS AcciDENT.-Ouryoungtowr.s-jnan
J. W. Wright, returned home on
Friday last severely injured. On
Thursday evening at Lock Haven, in
company with a Mr. Fleming, in at
tempting to cross tho Kail Road, near
the Depot, iu that town w ith a horse
and sleigh, the animal become fright
ened at a Locomotive on the track
s and ran off, throwing both out. We
j learn that Mr. Fleming in reaching
forward to get hold of tho lines, was
i kicked in tho face by the horse, break
ing his jaws in four or five places, and
otherwise injuring him it is feared fa
tally. Mr. Wright is severely injured
on the back part of the head, and
pine. Though able to return home
in company with his sister, he is more
seriously injured than was at first
supposed, and is suffering rcry much
from bis injuries.
ANjiw Fjcatubg. Tho fact that
- Tbilipsburg, has been incorporated
into a borough, is not the only thing
that is transpiring in that progressive
town, to attract the attention of stran
gers and those residing in tho rural
district nin tho woods. Tho reader
by refcring to our advertising colu mns,
will obscrvo that our young friend,
G. Summerfield Flegal, has opened a
Tin, Sheet-iron ard Stove Store in
that ancient town, for tho exclusive
purpose of accommodating the public
with good and cheap wares. Mr. Fle
.gal is possessed of good business habitn,
and well qtialifiod to conduct the bus
iness ho has undertaken. He deserves
patronage for two reasons: He keeps
the best wares in tho market, and ad
Tcrtiscs so that you just know where
to get w hat you want.
Bl'EAn.3 FOR. ITSKLF. TllO following
letter from Jndgo Iiose, of Akoona, to
B. M. Greene, in regard to the Piano
purchased of him, speaks for itself:
Ai.tooka, Junuary 20, 180(5
M fisrvv. V '71... v,-.
.Allow mo to cxro9 to you my entire
Al . .
B..niin.i,ioii nun uiu oioinwRj' on 8
i'lano, purchatjod Of you Ia.t jUareil
As lar ns l am able to judge it com-:
Lines all tho necessary reotiis'tos of a
perfect inurnment, (juite a number
performers hav. tried it. and all
pronounce .Steinway & Son'n ns inf.-!
(CALLED. I have not tho least hesita -
tion in recommending their make ns
tho best, and hope thoe of my friends
L ... - "1 ...... . ' .
nsiu ucMro a jua ariicio may give
you a call. Kcopcctfully,
B. F. J705F.
Theoo aplendid Pianos and alnoMa
eon & Ham! in's Cabinet Organs, can
bo 6een at Mr. G'rc?no'a Musio Store.
Illintincilnn Pi Vr f'.rnnnr. la
,.ftw.... i ,,,v,ou,Jlnu,1flsolls
wishing a good instrument should not
lailtogivo him a cull, or Bend for a
Any infbrmfUion desired can be had
ll pon application to Mims E. A. P. yn
der, Jlr. Greene's agent at Clearfield.
MARItl i:i.
In Knox In., nn ll.n 9.11. nf !...
TT bv P.A. ltowlea. Vmi . Mr '
J ' . 1 l i
vsui.LL, 01 Yamuna co., to Jliss Su
UN Bowers, of Clearfield county
In Knox tp., on the 30th ult., ly
the same, Mr. David P. Morrison, to
Miss Louisa Bowman, both of Clear
field county.
I 1- ' I "iiviiaii( a nip i
In Woodward tp., on the 1st inst.Jyuarm
by tho same, Mr. David Billes, to
At the Lutheran Parsonngo, by Rev.
A. R. Height, Mr. William D. Jor
don, of Jordon tp., Clearfield county,
to Mini Sak All Sri WART, of White tn..
Tirabria county, Pa.
I Dil i). illlTI'irT AM) llXI'I'.MHTt'RI
On the 1(!tofJnHnrv.infnli('ht.,-''fnMr,l',,ltOBB,'r,,,"','l,,rA,,)'',,iy
I5kT"s,!E,,A fOllBitrt of Mr. )A
V1I Al.LF.MAN, aged i3 year).
- oii i i ,-.... . ..
- 1 .-"" ,f,,,0 1,1 Mn("
poii ww iimihi, i owr-mcit co., J own, at
tho ri'Mdeneo of hit brolLcr J no J;.
l.,..., M t.-.. n i . i ...
' IVKAMS, SlgVU .:,
J yearn, ) inoiitlin ami 1 S days.
' . 1 n re"""l hvmg been afflicted for IhelaH
three months of heart disease anil inrlammatorv
' hnmati..n 1... .1.1. . . . .1 , c
. . I.... ,, . ii. ... .
. . ".rui uui II" h.ik miiiiiiu until I J
' J .... .. . .
amjw oeiore nia neatn. wnen ne r.'i a strnko or
the palsy, on his led side, which on until hit
de,th. Heendured hit a Mellon with great t-a-
- li,nce ni w" Perfectly resigned to the will
the Lord. On ueing .ked if he bud any word
to fend to hie brothers or sister in Penn a, said.
"tell Ihein to meet me In heaven." The doceat
ed was in the army of the Potomac for nearly 3
'years, wai a member of CO IC, 8 Ith Keg. Pa. Vol.
Urta Sbbrrtisrmcnts.
, The C AMI uiUHt aoconipany the follon ing uoticci
to iniure intention : Adiuinintratora' and Kiecu-
ton' notice! eucb,$2 50 ; Auditors' notie$2 60 ;
JiKPOiuiion noiicct uo : Luuiiona I ou : Mrari
, , M,itrd ,,, other tr,n,ient Noti,.el Ilt (ue ,dJ
tion 50 couts. Ten liuoi or leis. eouut amuare
leu linoi or lets, eouut aiquure
""tAUTlON. All peraona are hereby notified,
J rot to nefrotiate or purchaae a certain prom
laury isote, given by tne to William T. Wilson,
dated about the 1 8 lb day of May lant, calling for
between two and three hundred dollars, aa 1 am
determined nut to pay said note, not bavins; re- '
ceired value fur lb dine, unlesa eornpelleil by
law. JOS1AII W. 7'JIUJU'SON. .'
Fehrnnry Tth lW0-3t j
MHlOltX .NOTICE. In the Orrbaaa
Court of Clearfield county, I'inn'a, in the
u""'er "f lh ",,, of I'"e Koln J dee'd. The
I Auditor appointed by the court to audit, settle
aud adjust the accounts of James Uughos Ad-
miiiiMrator of the Kstato of Ioo Knglund, doe'd,
will meet the pertica Interested for the purpose
of bia appointment, on Thursday the lat day of
.uarcu ipoo, ui i o ciock p. m at Ifo oluce of
Hn. Wm. A. Wallace In Clearfield.
Keb7. 4t J. BLAKE WALTERS, Aud r
At'DITOR'S NOTIC12.-The un.lerrigned,
Auditor, appointed in open court, to dis
tribute the proceed artinz from the sa'a of
hVcV0.' "f drb" K" K 74
in the case of John trra-uson j .obn Groirorv.
bereh, give, notice that he will attend to the du-
V" . , v .,:,:o,.n,;rn,t .on Mo!,dv th"!
Zl . i , lu.o,D,our v.r
office, in the Borough of Cleaifield, when and
wnere all pariiea lourested mny attend if they
roitor. n si. M. II IILLUIUII,
Ciearfielil. Feb. 7th, 1 .'. St. Auditor.
Subporiu in DlTorce. Tn the Common Pleas
Anuatua Schnarrs 1 of Clearfield co., Penn'a
No. 37 January T. 18fi.
r.mny f-cnn(irrs. ) btilipima Sur. IJitorce.
Tht underiiigned having been appointed by
tbe Court, Commissioner to lake testimony in
the above case, will meet the partiea interested
for that purpose, at the office of Hon. Wm. A.
Walla'e, in Clearfield, on Wednesday tb 2Sib
day of February ISftrt, between the hours of 8
a. m. and 6 p. m. J. BLAKE WALTERS,
Feb 7lh, Commin.ionsr.
trjiibpociia In Dirorce In the Curt of Com
O Margaret J. Kbeem
Tlcaa of Clearfield eo.
No. SCO Jan. T. ISfl.
by her next friend
J. Blake Wol'crs,
Famnel J. Rhrem.'
Alia Sithp.,Snr I)ivnrre,
Tbe undcrsiiinrd, Commissioner. aDneintsd. In
open Court to take testimony in thei above ease,
hereby gives notice that he willatte id t the du
tiea of aaiil appointment, at his office, in tb
Borough of ClearfieM, on SatnnUy the 3d day
of March A. D. ISM, Utween the hours of 10
o'clock a. tn. and 3 o'clock p. m. wbenaad where
all parties interested, may attend ani erosaex
min. WM. M. M CLLLOltJII,
Clearfield, Tth. th, lS(!(l.3t Coininisrloner
Something New.
Manufacturer of Tin and Sheet Iron ware,
Phi'ipsburg, Penn'a.
I would respectfully inform tli Public,
that I have ppenril a room in the
borough of Thilipsburx, for tbe
mkiiufnrtiire and Sale of
7 m I Fare
out of the lest material Ihe maiket will
allord, and ruaile by eiprr ionopj
vroi-ktnan, all of which I will
ell at either wholesale
or retail prices surprikinyly low. I auk
lhoo in need or anything in this line
to call and examine my ts are snd
tntisfy theinfehes that it la
made for life. Counlry
MerclianU desiring to purfiria'p small lots
of Ware will find it In their ad
vantage to buy of iuo. - i
Sloccs j
of ell size and ahapes. for buit.ine either!
I "T -0"'- 1 wo"'" f" particular at-
11 I w i a .. . w .
;ien,inri , thatwell tried and nonularl
Cookinp Stoveralled. ery .rrnoi'tiatelT.!
llio IKUSIDhS. This Stove 1ms all t he
.Iflvaiitae finnn'sseil by other. Letiitle
ov'n ' '"fg0"". aud the ki pit deeper '
,n" morp l0I' riareilian that of nny oth-
2 ','ft mM "n,d ' n
UUnoa ,h"d " k,ntJi of
tStOVCi'ipc .Ferguson, J. P. Huyt.e.TJ
hich I rill sell aa low as it can he rr- Kew Wash. Joha A. Neff, 13,03
c,'eJ west of ihe mountain. I also keep1 Total $TiiT6" tiui 03 tFo
on ,,,,n'1,; ,'"u,7- ';!. car- n. Collector of D.e.tarmwB. ha 'paid .inc.
rtCtre bolts, crnte. firplirirlr 1 una I .t.. 1 . .. . .r' J Y since
1 , . r- f
springa.aled solen, together with a variety
orwaros too numerous to mention. Alsoa
large stock of the beat kind of Stone re. j
And lat thoucb not least in my line
rif liiikin ia i U u i r.f !
. .Pto villi, LOlin , llltUII(!K . siiive 1 ItliniM
. r u -. a a I (I A h UI I
fill -II order. !n
line on short notice.
1 ...... 1
out of ihe ben mateiial
body that comes to town, to corno and'
;take look at my show, and see if I am!
1 mPD Iu"1 what 1 say. 1 nm po
,u'r" I'!" e"l'ff n Wares
11, i Tiuiiinv. 1 rv me.
Eel) "lh iHOri-tf- O. S. FLEGAL.
IOR SALE. Sixty Setn Acres of land with,
the Improvements, now In possesion if
.V. Wl f!.Ti,.h' S '"AU W. SMITH.
viennieio, jan
HI, lPf.6-3t.pd.
17W Kale AT COST Pan rt..i. e . ', Flour. ?o.l7siZ I !" f0d
J.nlO. i860 MERRKLLA RliiLKIL. ,
. r i
Al l)HOK 4 NOTICII The undersigned
Auditor, appointed to distribute money in !
ne nanus ol J i m Reail. F.....I,.. r n
Reed, will hear th partie Inter. sted, at hi of-
Jan i 24th. 18r,6-4t pd. ISRAEL TEST, Aud'r
XJ of th subscriber in Ueecarla townahln.
In May last, a Rrindl. S(, ,i,h whit fact and
bead, supposed to b about two year old. Th
ownr will call and prov property, pay charge
and tak him away, or h will b sold according
I January 24th l!96.8t pd.
- Cnm.rnrprnKasriT.7Ysq, Treasur.r of
Clearfield county, in the Commonwealth of Penn-
srlvania, In account wllh Siiid county, from th
- fnhday of January, A. I . 11.95, until tb 1.1
day or January, a. v., ipm,
To rrount receive d Irom Collector for
,s6ii tnj jreviliu, yri 1 12.110 48
To tn't rtt'u from umoivj lamlf, i i.i
1 hi t rec d fr Collectors on stale, 4..tU 41
1 o m t rec d from unseated lands,
221 57
. v f.l 1 ... I
To ain't Yec'd from bounty fund of 162,3.3)4" 46
To amount received from relief fund, 4.4114 II
To a'mt rte'd from Couiirlssionere book, 957 49
To balance duo last settlement,
17 70
of . .
'-J Assessors wages,
$ o.l
I'y Agricultural,
l'iu 01)
liy Ulection expenrei,
tV 12
11. S3 V7
147 46
117 8i
60CO 00
Si 00
euo ou
41 82
2 33
ill lit)
7S0 74
Hi 06
1055 44
410 7
151 00
32 00
475 00
Jiy Couiuiijnweulth cotti,
hiy CiiDDtablea wnjre.
I'y Fii and Wild rata,
lly Court house bonda,
By Court-bouse Cuupoua,
liy Internal orders,
l'y IctercJ' on orJcri,
liy Juron wnea,
lly KhoritT'a fe,
Jiy 1'rintinR,
;y Prothonotary-a fee.,
liy Coinniitiiioneri waje,
, liy Fuel contract, '
liy Audilora and Clerk
liy Bridge contract,
- by New books and atatiooary, 4i): 71
Jy Court bouie contract,
By lUatrict Attorney,
ky House of refuge,
By Court criur,
By Insurance,
Ry Merchandise,
By Hoad viewt,
B Tintaff
4B3 17
IS 1 50
123 20
50 00
484 00
144 31
200 00
ISO 36
117 82
35 10
37 07
171 03
8 50
79 40
12 01
25 01
B Work tor counlr
. bv Inuucsts
By l'ostee and exprese
; By Miscsilaneous
I By I'rotbouolary'a Seal
' By Register A Kecorder
i By Auditing Pro'y A Keg'a As.
! By Justices costs
By Janitors fees
25 00
17 3
4677 17
00 76
70 00
By Jail fees
By Slate tax
iiy Mute tax cn lean
By lUpjrt for Mate
By Collectors per cent on eo., 755 96
j 3 lt..r.tlE o'o count;" 72
n. w ' .l. tJ
it. " . .. ..... . i j
f u'. P,r,.nt.. , na
s Pying so 3
i ni. ue county n u
Total iV,l"l 35 tiV.lvi ii
Received January 9ik, liCfi, of C. Kraiter,
Erq , late Treasurer of Clearfield co. Pa, Sixty
two dollars and fourteen cinta, being balauc du
eouniy fund as above. V.Vi. .MOOK K, Treaa'r.
. r . j. crn
Bounty Fund of 1662. -
C.Kratser.Erq, Treasurer of Cleaifield eounty,
: .1 V, f P-I- .A.nlln, :,u
lu" -"'"""" ' "
uouniy runa 01 ffepietnoer, a. v., ibo.
. , ,'EBT.' it . .
To amount reee.y.d from Volleetora $ 16 04
to balauc last settle men t 3,422 58
Ry Exoneration to Coll'rs S 27 10
by Percentage 85 96
bj Bsl. transferred t ceunty .1.125 46
3.4:i! 62 $J,43 63
Relief Fund.
C. Kratier, Era (Treasures of Clearfield county.
in the to mm 'Hi wealth of Pennsylvania, in ao-
count with Kslief Fund, for A. V., 1S65. !
To ameunt reeved from Collector $3,791 97
To am t received from unseated lands 187 43
T) am't received fron militia fijea
138 .13
1.348 16
To balance last settlement
Ry relief orders redeemed $1,510 10
lly Collectors percental 189 61
My Collector exoneration )H5 20
lly Percentage receiving 94 92
y " Vymg 22 65
lly Eal. traniferred to oountyt. 464 11
$6,466 59 $6,461 59
Bounty Fund.
C. Kralrsr, Km;., Treasurerof Clear! eld eounty,
In th CoDisnonwealth of I'rnasylvania. in as.
court with liouuty Fund nnder Acts of Asetnbly.
Te amount received from collectors $5.P'i6 S3
" am't ree'd from unseated lands 2,432 3)
" am't ree'd from Coinm'r book 1,000 00
" deduction on payment of bond 1,07.1 3.1
" discount on rrdemptiuu 603 SI
" balance last settlement 14, 52 04
Ilysm't Ronds redeemed (55,300 00
lly a'mt of Interest on bonds 9.73.1 21
By am't pd a endorsed on b'df!, 547 33
Hy "duTrea'ron b'ds Iss'd 348 10 '
lly percentage to Collector M75 36
hy Exonerations to Coll'r 8,072 75
RyTreas'r per cent ree'ving 771.16
lly " percentage paying 678 18
Dal. du Treas'r 17 49
Total $76,526 91 $78,526 91
Ti a n'l r.f Vonnty Ronds Issued 1865 $116,700 CO
Py fer'f'e for redeeming $ 106,514 66
Kr Trai.'r. (11 1A
Raldu. T,.a.ur.r 348 10
Total $U7.048 10 $17.048 16
Tue from Collectors.
Amount of County, Ronnty, Bute and Militia,
du4 "m Collector for ISSi, and previous years
Tow'np. tel'r Names. Rounty. Stat. Militia
tor 1 855.
,v""n5- p7',..
',- a Keph.Tt,
i .r IMS.
$l,9t $19,08
9ft Ct
Ik. .I,U... .1 ..I a o.l .
'v.,,,,,,.,,,, ,w ,Hui ui e-vf. m 1 ountr rax,
which stood charged .gainst him in this account,
Th. sum marked !hu () baa since beoa pall.
County Finaccei.
A ra't of outsta ndln a ciiiiei L., kn,1 a en aa
. n ... u...r v..nU, f , ,., v i-,r
nm 1 01 outstanding county orders 103 24 I
Am't due from uns'led landr$ 10947 66 I
du troin collectors 8 t-9
Rlnre due by Trearurer 62 14
uplu du connty
3,915 36
$11,013 59 $ll,0IS 59
Botintv Funl.
Am't of eu'standing Rounty Roods $169,191 60
Amount naianc Hue Treasurer
Am't du from Collectors $ 19 76
17 49
clue from unseated land33, 960 61
Indebtedness el Fund
130,231 12
h ,T"". r.'q (Treasurrof Clearfield eoun-
-Lh different townsln,,., f.r R0.d
'"fn, lor the years, A. I)., ISM 5.
To a'mt due fps from last settlement $1,549 53
" ,m't received from unseated lands VC3 58
Am't pd t'ps. Ral du l.
$ 47 65
116 70
. ,
141 Ti
$ 1 85
20 00 42
62 93
67 91
3(0 06 32 93
134 66
76 00 35 38
39 66 9 -78
JJ 39 i II
0 Irani It t9 It H
lohn 1ST Vt
Oraliam t 4
(iuellrh M
lli.t..n 107 04
Juiilaa JT 01
Karlhaui tO tJ !S V
Knox Ri 00 4 1
.arrnci 73 IQ
Morrie 1!W 16
I'rnu I l3
l',ke 107 7.1 1 OS
I'uioa 112 00
Woodwar.1 l:i.1 45 11 42
Hal due t' 301 37
Total (2,453 11
$2,453 II
Beceived January 19th, 1RM, of C. Kralier,
Esq, late Treasurer of Cl-'arficld county, Two
huodred and one dollars and thirty seven cents,
beiug balanc due Koad fund as above stated.
JJ. W. MOOHli, 7'rcasurer.
C. KaATtrn. Frn , Treasurer of Clearfield coun
ty, iu ac't with dillcrent t'ps, for School fund for
years A. V, 1SG4-65.
To bal. due t'psJVotu last settlement $1,538 73
" am't roe'd from unseated lauds 754 IS
Trad ford
Am't pd t'pt. Bal du t'pa.
8S 31
61 ;a
77 3i
1.12 tl
32 26
34 66
251 61
tl 45
2 63
6S 63
152 33
67 81
X0 87
It 3
161 61
27 76
40 9
69 23
26 97
29 63
44 ft
576 46
I 41
90 02
46 it
77 7T
I 14
I 72
11 35
T 71
38 93
38 64
12 77
27 li
Totsl, 2,2v2 91 IV:2 91
Received January 19th, 1S66. of C. Kratier,
Esq., lat Treasurer of Clearfield county, Three
hundred aud seventy six dollars and furlj six
eenla, being balance due School fund as above
itatcd. V. w. WOO K6, lreas r.
We, tb Commissioners of Clearfield county, in
lh Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, having ox
amined th account cf C. Kratier, Esq., late
Treasurer of Clearfield county, for the year, A
V., 1865, do eortifify that wo bud ll.s account', ar
follawat Tb (mount du tbe County to be Kiev
n Thousand and Eighteen dollar and fifty nine
cents. ne soiouni vi cuisianoing urucrs oeven
ri, a r.. n..,ir..i n.,.-h..h.,. ...
..,.f. .,. r h:,K K..n r.A
' J . 7
dollars ar in Court-home Bonds. T be amounl
,du, Cuun,T b yrCisltr lg si,ty Tw0 ioU,n
and fourteen eenta. We also fiud a surplus du
th,Countyof Thre. Thousand Kin Hundr.d
-nd fif. doIlttri .nd thirt. fiv. nt. rh.
amount du Treasurer on Bounty fund is
Seventeen dollars and forty-nine cents. Witness
.our bands this 20th day of Jan. A. 1). 1866,
i COM' A I) llAlvF.R.
Attest, C. S. WORRELL,
Wn. S. Biadmt, Clerk. Cotntn'ri.
Vi't, lh Auditor of Clearfield eounty, Penn'a
basing examined the account of C. Krataer,
ye.Mr A. D. ls6 4 do r t that th, Mei'u ,
' .,,.. .,.j r. A... .k. u..i rj
v... .i. T'- . r . i .i i . . . u .
by the 7ieaurer i 7'w bundrcd and on dol
lars and thirty-seven cents. 7be amount due
th School fund by th Treasurer is Three bun.
dred and seventy six dollars and forty-six rents.
Witness our bands this 20th day of January,
Alteal, L.F.IRWIN.
W S. Ttr,i.r. Clerk. Auditor.
is hereby given that Le'tera of Administra
tion hav this day been granted to th under
signed, on tb Estate of Frederick Kebel, dee'd,
late it Morris township, Clearfield county, la.
All person knowing themselves Indebted 1
said Estate ar requested (o mak immediate
payment, and those having claims against tke
same, will present them properly authenticated
for so'.lle men t. CAIHAKINE NIC 11 EL,
Jan 21th, ISfiU-ftt. Administratrix
"I.IXKCUTOH S NOTICIi-Notieela ber.
1 J J by given that Letter Testamentary, bay
jlhisday been granted to lh ' undersigned, on
j th KataU of 8mue! Rishel, deceased, late of
j hrsdy township, Clearfield eounty, Penn'a. All
i persous inilebte4 to taid Eeti te are requested to
make Inimedial payment, ant those baying
claims attains! th sam will present :hom duly
I authenticated for settlement
Jn 2lb 1P66 6t pd- Exetutor.
Will ba
, dwelling House of George Wilson, deo'd, in tbe j
j Rorongh of Curweneville, Clearfield eounty, on
r - - - - tnivi wt 11117 I8IB .
"aturdJ'. the ITth day of 'ebrnrj-, A. l,
'''"t t Z oclock, P. M., of silil day. tb fol-
,u"m described Real Lstato, to wit:
ia lmciai.n TOWN I.or, liiuaied
th. North West cornsr or Main A Pine street,
In ilia Hn.....k .? n H. ....
ID ill IiOrnilirh nf rnrwinBiwtlt an.t.l.l... a--
t v..w v iii "'ll'IIIH V7ttJ-
tonrlb arra innrt or Icr. whrtnn ! fn.t,!
wen nntohpfi
larga (lire story
good stabling, wood bous. An., wllh a tnai 1 a a 1. n . . a .
w V rJ ' ' " 1es "rap
....... ...c.u... 1
me Roove property win be sold pu.-'tant tn
the directions contained in t'.i last Wiilind
Testament of George Wilson, deceased. Condi-'
tion and term of pale will be mad kaown on '
!--. I . ....
eayoieeieriy WM. M'NAUL. .
Jan. 24, INA6 4t.
I u"r" niionunai snppnrter of every
X kind of th latest Improvements, for tle at
I Ihe Drug Store of HARTS WICK A IRWIN.
firmiiid and ttiigrcund spires, Citron, Eng.
r lish Currants, Ex. Coffee and Vinegar of
the best quality. For sal by II. Jt I.
( icaifleJd.January 10th, IS66.
Swalm' patiarea, Kennedy medical Di.
eovery, Hembuld Ruohu, Raker' Cod Liver
Oil, Jan' aod Ayer't medicines or vcry kind
' hT 11. A I.
Coal, Whale and Linseed Oils, Family Dye,
varnishes and paints of al kinds eround in
oil For sle by
li. A I.
tjua' St. I'tunlngo, Hubbell's, Drake' Hoof
It. land' German, Hosteller's and Greene'
Oxygenated Rittcr. also pur Llcpiers, of all
kinds for medicinal purposes, for sale by H. rf- I.
iV. Is hereby given that Letters nf Adminis
tration bav (hi day 'jeen granted to the under,
signed, nn th estate of R. Frank Weaver, dee'd
late ef Penn township, Clearfield eoar.ty, Penn'a,
formerly member of Co. K. 84th Penn'a Volun
Iters. All irsons knowing themselves indebt
ed to said estate are requested to make immedi
ate payment, and those having claims against
the sme, will present them duly authenticated
foe settlement. THOS. A. HOOVER,
l'enn town, p.Jnn, list, 1866-61 pd. Alio'r.
IVISII-f ALT anJ PLASTER In larg qneo
tities. l J. P. KRATE.ri S.
March 22, IS$.
T consequence of Ihe above facts, F. Fuoar
ef the old bhort Mine aihop i would aunounr to
his numerous patrons, ami Ilia people of Clear
fluid county at larpe, that hi) lias now a first rata
lot of good material; just received from tbe east,
and is now prepared on shoit notice to make, I
aod mend boots and oes at his new Shop Id-
Urahams row. II Is aatisfied fiat h can please, I
(unless It might be some Intensely loyal stay at,
koma PatrioU). He is prepared to aeil low for
caiih or County Troduce, dmi't forget tb shop
next door to (Jraham A Boy tons store, no mark- ;
et Street Clearfield Pa. A kept by a fellow com
monly called
July 2665. ly. "SriORTY."
Graham's Row, Clearfield, Poan'a.
Tbe subscriber respeetfslly Informs hi old
customer ard tn public, uiai n ua n hand,
ana conmij rncoiTiug now buuiiioui, a large
stock of Clocks, Watcbe and Jewelry.'
Jewelry of every variety from a singl piece
to a full sett.
Watches, a fin. assortment of silver JTuntinrr
and open ease, American and patent Levers,
plain and full jeweled.
Clocka, a large variety from tb best Manufac
tory, conaisling of tight day and Th'rty bout
Spring and Weight, Levari, Tim, Strike and
Spectacles, a large assortment far and near
sight, eolored and plain glass.
Also, a fine assortment of Spoons, Forks, R tit
ter knrvee, etc., plated on jenaiin Alahata.
ALL inids of Cloclts, atche aud Jewelry
carufull.y repaired ami Warranird.
A emrtmuarxe of patronage Is solicited.
November lath. 1SC5 II. F. KAUQLE-
"10I.D PKXS.-II. F. KAt'OLK ha lust
received an Elegant assortment of tbe best
quality; also silver extension and desk holders.
November 2'J,.'nic( ,v
Grand opening of Fall Clothing this day.
Grand opening or Fall Clothing this day,
Grand opening of Fall Clothing this day,
urauu uiiening ni ran wiotrjing tais day,
,..i..iirw u iiu m r.aionsivo vioining store,
At Rcisenstein Rro' Extcniiv Clothing store,
At Keiienstein Rro' Extensive Clothing stor,
At Reitcnetcin Bru' ExtenMre Clothinr .t..r.
Th largest and best selected atock in town,
Tb large.t alii H.eet selected atock In town,
Tb large t and beet selected atock io town,
i m largost aea .cet aclected (took in town
Fnrniahing Uoeds, l"at A Caps,
Furnishing Goods, Hat A Caps,
Furnishing Hoods, Hat Cat,
Furnishing Goods, Hat A Cap,
Trunk?, Valises A Traveling Bga
Trunks, V-lisea A Traveling Bags
Trunk, Valise A Traveling Rag
Trunk, Valiaea A Traveling llaga
At priori low lor the time.
At price low for the time.
At prlrea low liir the tlmea.
At price Jow li.r the time,
4)ur old euelnmers il.i nnl
used an Invitation, Our old customers do not
need an invitation, Our old customers do not
ned aa Invitation, Our ol(uetomerdo not
ad an invitation, To others we say.
Ca I and xroine our stock,
Call and examine our atock,
Call and examine our stock.
Call and examine our stock,
Hefore rurliMnr Elsewhere.
Ecforo purchasing Msewiiere,
ixMoro purchasing where,
Fancy Goods Constantly on Hand.
Way I, '65-Iy.
htii remorcd to his ne Ware-Rooms, on
Market St., Clearfield, Pa.,
rhere he Iias opened s orv larce ttock ef
- ar .
Dry Goods,
Merinoes. Ginghams, Cloths, Delaines, Priat,
--iBierei, Alpaca. Mitt a, Paftnete, Keps,
Cashmeres, Tweeda, Cobergs, Mohair, Jeana.
Lanellas, Muslin. Flanjiels, Honnets, Rib
bnns. Cloaks, Ralmoral Fkirta, Hoop.
Fklrts, Fhawls, Dress Trimmings,
Ilesd Nets, Caps, Corsets, Gloys,
Cullnrs, Scarls, Urensdine Veils,
l awe v overs.
Cost, Fnta, Vests. Ovr CoaU, Gent's Shawl
bhirla. llata. Cans I t.,1.. Ckl.i. ..J
Drawer, Roots, Shoes. Guea
Fhoes, Cravats, Gloves
and Collar.
Ta, fuffee, Sugar, Molasses, Fait, Candle, Rie,
Flour, Racon, Fish, Tobacco, Raisins,
Currants, 8 p e a, Cracker,
Vinegar, Oils, Var
nish, Aloohol. .
Household Goods.
Carpets, Oil. cloths, Drugget. Looking-Olasset
Clocks. Churns, Washboards, Tubs, Buck
ets, Flat Irons, Tans, Window Illinds,
Wall. paper, Coal Oil Lamps, I'm
brellas, Redconls. Knives and
Forks, Rponns, Crocks, and
Store Ulaoking.
SJ-AH of which will bs soldo th most re-! drawer and socks, neck-tie, pocket bundktr
tons ble terms, and the highest market price paid bift glovo umbrellas, bats Ac,, in great variety,
lor drain, Wool, and allkinds of country prodac.. Ot piu Goods be beep the best Cloths of all
vinmeiu, imrmutr i.i, mno, "shades ami ooJors," such as
jt Is hereby given, that Letter of Admini. i K make. Fancy Cassimor tn great vrnriey;
traiion bav this day been granted to th under. ' A 10, French Coating, lieavor, Pilot, Chin
igned. on lb estate of Stewart Cowan, dee d,' chilla, and Fi icott over coating, all of
A.rnd!fcl.V.'b,p,i 9": w''ch -''I he sold Cheap for Cash ; aod
claim, against tbe same, will plMent then, dul?' ij, lw.n.Cd ) 0Tnl- AUo AK
authsaticated for settlement, ' Clearfield co., for I. M. Singer, f' Co , eel-
Jsa 10, lf6t fufd
Adoiieistrstor. 1
Dallet lllnrka, all slsrs. and bes mamifae.
tmini'.it C I TTI .lt 4 at
M ui iiiivi t. i niiitrn'c
OUi; KllOI; t llnr.e. Nails, at
mi:khi;ll a iiiiiler'H.
(lable t li 1 ti a superior eriiule, st
J Ml.Kl!h,l.l.t- BIlilDn S.
I.Ult of all kinds, at
GKOC I.ltM: to le bad at
- MKKl" Ebb A t 3 LEU'S.
T adiee' Furs, Purchasers rosy rely npnn ge-
4 J ting ins Desi rors st t:ilAS. OAKJOKO
StiNS, Continental Hotel, I'hilnd'i
jan. 1 1
AR PETINO-Ingrain, Cotton, hcmp.J talr,
j j,lj(,r oil-cloihs, Brocutell. Boor mats, g.
' "
mUSK'AL (JOOD.S Flutes. Violins, Fife,
ill llarmonieana, Preceptors, Muio Paper, VI
oliu Bows, bridges, Strings of tbe best quality
J. 1'. KKAZEIt'S.
OOTS and 8hoaa a coinplete assortment of
Ckildrsn's Boe'.s bboes-aud Uuitersat
Mi: It C 11 A MS, dealers in Dry Goods,
Clothing, Hard ware, CutUery, Quecnsware,
Uroccries, fihinglee, uii Provisions. At thoU
land on Front Street above tb Academy.
Clearfield, December 13tb, lS65-tf,
1 X BLAkl3VAM'ERK,FcrivnrandCoa-
fj TeyancefAgcnt for the Purchase and Pal
01 lauds, Cl.ArirU), 'N!l'i.
Prompt attention given to all business connect.
d with lb couuty oQice. Office with Hub.
Wm. A. Wallace. Clearfield, Jai. 1st,1H6C-tf.
BI.AC. KSMITIIINC: -The undersigned res.
pectfully begs leave to announce to the pub
lic, that ha carries on Riecksmithing in the Rur
ough of Clearfield, where he will execute prompt
ly, fa a worktnanlike an oner, all work entrus
ted to tie ear. Fpeeial paina taken tn shoeing
-oxen. Shop adjoining Town Hull, formerly
occupied Mr. Ilufl. WJ.'.. SlEVEX-j.
November 8th, 1865 -ly.
I FOREST HOUSE-Iilonm townsbi.,
' F. Ui.ooM, I'roprielor.
This large and commodious House is 1
on th turiipike, 7 mile west of Curweneville,
and 6 miles at rf I.utheraburg. Tb Propria
torwill spare noVfibrt to make his guests com
fortable and their May with him pleasant, and
thereby expects a share of pub
lic patronage. Dee. 20, 1865.. tf.
is bereby given, that Letters Testamentary
bav tbis day been granted, to tb undersigned,
on th estate of Joseph Larger, dee'd of Brad
ford townthip, Cl-arfii)' ceaaty, Pa. All per
son indebted Io laid esta'e ar requested tc mak
immediate payment, and thos having claim
against the same will hav them properly authen
ticated fur settlement
Ja 17, '65-pd. 6. A. CALDWELL.
ITCH! ITCH! ITCH! Ser-fc Sbntch
cur th Itch in 41 kours. Also curea Ha it
Rheum, Ulcers, Cbiiblaias, and all Eruptions of
th 8kin. price 50 cent. For sale by all Drug
gist. By ending 60 eoiits to Weeks A Potter,
Sol Agents, 170 Washington at rest, Boston,
Mas., it will ba lorwarded ly mail, free of poet
age, to any part of tb 4'nited btatea,
Sold by C. D. Watsoc, Clearteld. Penn'a.
September 27th, fS65.-8mo.-pii.
Hon i IsnraTRT. The undersigned having
established a Nursery, on the Pike, abont half
way between Clearteld and Curweosville, is pre
pared to furnish all kinds of Fruit trees, (8tand-(
ard and Dwarf,) Evergreens, Shrubbery, Grape
Vine, tJooherriei, Lawton Blackberry, Straw
berry and Raspberry vines. Also, Siberian Crab
trees. Quince and early scarlet Rheubarb, As.
Orders promptly attended tn. Address,
Sept 20, '66.-1.V. J D.WRIGHT, Curweneville.
hsving purchased the Photograph establish
ment ormerly conducted by H. Bridge, would
respectfully announce to the cititenaef Clear
field and adjoining counties, (hat he baa recent
ly made additional improvement to both sky
light and sparatns, and he (Utters himself that
be can satisfy the most fastideoua taste inaTBC
and lifolike likeness.
He also keep constnntly on band a good as
sortment of Guilt, Rosewood, and Walnut frames
Album of all sites and styles and an endless
variety ef casts, lockets, etc, which he will dis
pose of at very moderate prfces, for cash-
His gallery ia in Shaw' row, (up stairs,) Mar
ket street, Clearfield, Pa., where he it always rea
dy to accommodate customers who may bs ia
want of a good Likeness of themrelvea or friends.
Particular attention paid to copying a I kinda
ef $ioturet, etc. November 1 5th, 1865.
tire 6lock of GooJsor James E. WaUon,
Goods of all description, Cheaper than
G'itsj hiai a chII Wore purchasing fist
where. JAOiR M. KEPLER,
riiilipsburg, Janasry 3d, 1800.
form his pat
ron that profession-
;'t'-1Ci CVu V vlfVJ si bnsines confines
! J-j:i'ii.v' -ujj kim to bisoffic all
th time, and be will
f-.TtSs'tborcfor ke onable
,V-- -j ,0 mne Prchssional
U5 X-V Visits to any of bis
accustomed places
this summer i but
tnsy be found at bis offiss on the Northwest cor
jnerof Front and Market street, directly opposite
me - iiearuoiit House, ' where he can be found at
all times, ready and willing to attend to all rails
in the line ol his profession. Fsll set of Teeth
only Twenty Dollars. July 2f,th lS65-ly-pd.
Tf." TiodgeT"
(Stor one dcor East of ClearKcld House,)
Market St., Clearfield, Ta.
Keeps on hand a full Assortment ol
each as
Shirts, Linen and Woolen under Shirts.
jebralod Sevrinj; Msehine. H' BKIIKJE.
Cleaifield, i'wun'a, Kos. 1, l55.-tf.