Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, January 31, 1866, Image 2

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    y ;. ;'' ' -i h K V appeared III IliO .'el' full ISISl Mil, Mil-
T jCA' Vii -V... v'r'tin-'tJintn.m.rfportiiiff drafted men
wl L '--''V :-'f "-"'VT :o,,u''1 not voto ; J ml ire King, ofCham-
Jvx , r.jVr'yiV-ui-- ;i",,'',.ir. 5 ,,MS0 lri,'d l,t'fo,'
tV-?rVA'- i V r ilimi. decides that thov cnn.
Gkoiuig Ii.Go.hi.axiup, Editor.
Wepnvspay MonNiX(i::::.lan. ol. Is'G'i.
This heretofore high nnl honorable
body, has been turned into a mere
cabal, tho members dvoting all their
time nnd energies in farthering their
own projects, and that of tho negro
race, to the exclusion of everything
Constitutional, or in tho interests of
their constituents.
Wc have heretofore published the
proceedings of this fragmentary and
fanatical body, at considerable length,
to show our readers how far men could
depart from their legitimato duties,
and for tho purpose of instituting n
comparison between the present mem
bership, and those that held seats in
that body during the palmy days of
Democracy ,pcaco, happiness and plen
ty, nnd to still further satisfy them,
that instead of having statesmen at
Washington, as heretofore, to dis
charge tho trusts of a great and free
people, that we havo nothing but a
cross between a knave av.d a fool a
Furitan Philanthropist men who are
jeopardizing tho rights and liberties
of 40,000,000 freemen,' and upturn
ing and razing to tho ground the foun
dation of a great and powerful Hepub
lie, whoso requiem they wo-jld sing
with as much gusto, ns tho attendants
of a negro festival.
In the future, if those political her
etics, happen to do anything for tho
interest of tho whito race, wo will of
courso advise our readers of the facts.
And if they succeed in making white
peoplo out of tho negroes, and in this
manner improvo tho works of tho Cre
ator; wo shall not bo blow in noting
tho facts, 60 that the "whito trash"
may bo enabled to suit themselves to
tho now order of things.
Tho Governor having returned to
our State Capitol, wo will be compell
ed in tho futuro, to chronicle the pro
ceedings of tho Stato Legislature, so
that our readers may also learn the
doings of that "loyal" and dignified
(!) body, which lias heretofore been
engaged in doing nothing. We tin
derstand that tho Governor's Message
was transmitted to the respective hou
ses on Monday last, but not having
seen tho document, wo nro unable to
say whether it U in the interest of
tho whito or the black race.
Taxation Wjtiiovt Kkhikkenta
tion. The brazen impudence, of the
Tax and Stamp officers, at Washing
ton, has never boon equalled except
by that first class knave, George tho
III. of England, and his satraps.
While they deny representation to tho
. peoplo of the Southern States, they at
tho same time fill thoso States with
an armv of "lnval" tax fatherers and
retail stamp agents, who together
with the negroes, are devouring and' sunjeeis mi a more iron win,
ni; n. 0i.0i ,.r.i i.ithan ever fell to tho lot of a Pole.
and the widow of that section. We
belicvo that if wo wero a citizen of
that section, and a s amn or tax gath-1
'. , , . . b
11 1 I
1 ... 1
. lift ..-.Ani.i.a n ..;.... I ... l1.Al
, u . . .. , ucaib inn. iu iiiu n.uiiu eia.s.s Ul
, , ,,
crcaturcs, by our Grandfathers at Ilos-
i . , , ,
ton, about one hundred years ngo
- i i . . n .i . e .
o would at least tell them to first
. . .
pivo ns rcnresental.mii. bef.iro lbrv
, i , . , i .i . t
uviuaiivi w.i.Hmi.. iinu null u iiiev r.i , ... . .
,. , i , . ., . . .voice of tho people upon this point,
uidu t, wo would contnbuta our mite' .... , , . ,
. . ... n.i. Iho Abolition nominee was nearly
Iflirnnla trrtUnrr nn nnnlliAi 1T. l J
p "'f 1
"No Use a Tai.kex." Messrs Sum-
ncr Stevens & Co. havo issued their
proclamation enjoining negro enuali-'
tynpon the peojile of Pennsylvania,
Whito men how do yon like it. Thoso ;
Jacobin leaders aro delerinVed to re-!
duce you totlic Ma us oil o African,
ana you may as well Pegin now, to
ii, ,i.
vour "loyal" neighbors, what' they
m ) ."Z i - j
ihat they
think of the position assigned them
uy ineir party leaders ;
tuTlt is announces by tho 'inle h-
gent contrabands" that nil tho "loyal"
negroes in tho country,will be invited
by Snmner Stevens k Co, to removo
to Washiiif ton. whnrn f Iipv r-nn cn.i
' --"J i
ate wid de wile trash," and Senators'
n,i fp : .... i
lr. Co,nS:lmbo,you.S..n.n
j TLo Tint ErciMcn.
j II m ini idnmst in.rediMe, luit it is
''nevuthcb into, that notw ithstatid-
'in- the thr-o column opinion that
."I ' ,
tl in the Jvnn,al last fall, Mil-
!hitn. decides that they can.
! TJii! Judge upsets the gigantic opin-j
i ion of John Marshall, jr., in the fob
1, . ,,, ,.,.
l.ll l.liiLii.i :v . I
"Judge King hel
lor tiiure of emzensntj) coui'i iwi vc
J , ,,,, ,..,,i
lu'tfU v tlr.out due irvcct$ 1 vw, unci
i . ; ...
that iicii'i'icrs can oc atxjranritttrn
ilium roiivtrtion of 1 he oil m. "a III some
comprint tribunal. As the act of Con-'on0
...... - .i -
gross makes no provision for tlio pi -
dieial ascertainment mikI conviction of I
the crime, and the law- of tho State!
make no such test of the qualification ,
of voters, the votes or slcu mkn
mi st he AccurrKD.
This is tho first, and probably only
caso, among tho many that "loyal"lhat of the latter, though delivered
men instituted, that will ever bo trie J. long after that of tho former, but,tho
The Democratic Senator in this
trict was elected by a majorUy of I!G,
and tho District Attorney by 7 votes,
both their scats wero contested by
their Abolition competitors, the lat
ter in tho Court and tho former in the
Senate, at llarrisburg. Tho Senate
committee refused to count the votes
of non-reporting diluted men, and
thus gave tho seat to tho Abolition
contestant, ousting Mr. Duncan, the
Democratic Senator from bis seat in
that body.
Judge King, however, tho same
week decided that such votes were
legal, and ordered tho certificate to
bo made out to Mr. Stenger, the Dem
ocratic candidate for District Attorney.
Thus the people have another demon
stration of the respect Abolitionists
have for tho clectivo franchise, when
not cast for their poeuliardogmasand
candidates. Tho Abolition Senate--a
branch of tho law making power,
Cuds itself ignoring law, and in open
conflict with the courts and tho liber
ties of the people. A pretty predica
ment for those who claim to be tho
especial guardians of law and morali
ty. If done by any other party, it
would be termed dibloyalty and trea
son. Attempt at Jaehvke. Tho 'Ting
Ugly" and "Hip Hap" city councils of
Baltimore, have passed a voto of cen
sure upon tho Democratic press of
Maryland, for tho manner in which
tho Democracy havo assailed tho Mes
sage, of the negro-loving Governor
Swan, who has for j'cars been a Major
General in tho "ring" and "Kip" ser
vice, i ensure irom sucli a source is
indeed high praihe, becauso tho crea
tures that havo composed that body
for several years past, never censure
any ono except ho refuses to partici
pate in the crimes and habits of their
depraved desires. Hence this voto of
censure, will only attract tho atten
tion of tho honest portion of the citi
zens of that State, and lead them to
examine the doctrines of tho Demo
cratic party, w hich will ultimately re
sult to tho advantage of the citizens
of that State, which is now governed
I A I - . . 1 1 - I . . 1 .
n 1,10 ''u!res mat,
jtho outsulo of a Penitentiary, and rule
In a Bad Fix. -Tho people of Phil-
L n.lfll ilil.'l 1'icf f.ill ennr fif 4rt tAnr.i n
ii . r-. . .l
Democrat, City Commissioner, though
they elected all tho other nominees of.
the Abolition party by nearly 8,000
majority. But they cannot et bnn'gro sulTrago . bill in Congress
. . . . , ,
, into tlio Commissnners ofhee, because
, r . , ... . ... I
i h is defeated competitor is ono of tho
' , . , . ,,
present incumbents, and he and Ins
. .. . I
.associates nro practicing every species;
- .... ' . . . ra . . 1
ollraud immagiiiable, to defeat the
.elected to the Penitentiary last s
mer,by tho Court, nnd defeated fon
in'ds bv the m.oi.ln l1Ia" of 1,10 Jlouso o1' Representatives, 1
ovnr lea 'Washington, to a mixed audienc
lo al he and his,
the ofiico ho now 1
vet becauso he is
associates aro permitted to outrage i
law and morals.
01110 of our Philadelphia cx
i.,,,mo n.i.l. il... . .
; - - ee,
v "i j 'i mu
wcck.woui.i no no gr
l ill
rreater crime than
tllilt of a Clergyman mounting tho
m ,.,..i:.. u
rea uesu on Mibimth morning and
, i. , ,
delnerh.mselfofa political bj.cccIi,
V iu i li n fanvu f...n i.a .... i
.i . e ,. . .
those days of religious innrovemenls.
CCiTTho latest news from Louisiana,'
arc to tho cflect that the loyal frccdmen j
in lm S( i :tl ...,r 1 ... i'i,
pen iiiiiPtj ioworn,ana llan Us. wit h a can tul or S400 000 ft()0
that do small pox has broke outinda c rcul, tionof
, ... i. . " anu a circulation OUJ)-,UUU,IKIO. Iho
1.1. cr.-et. onglit to'.moiint only t. Wt S3(lO,000,0(l(C
lWwNT.-Th YuU. lnvon p-oat
time flattering our member of Con-j
PVliM because of 1 lis negro loyally. - -
Hear one of tin m :
. . . . . Mi i
ir. c
M-NATOH LOWAN Will accept, our,
lliatiKs lor copies oi mo jnossngo mm
locumonts lor- iM'.l-.j : also lor tho
;-t on i .onmieree linn miuuii.
., l - ! .. . !
n"in w n vn-a tv i 1 i-li t ii I ill nr.
tending to the wants of tho I less.
Out worthy and nttentivoCongrcss-
llon' (i- f'OuVH, has favor -
i'd ns with a copy of his very able
n'in'ii, (H-mi-K-u in ui nuiiPu ul i.i.p- oy order oi vieu. oueruten, jor iiiiuus
1.1 that tho penalty n.sentatives. Jantiarv loth. lKf.i!. Wo 't..ri., t, l'i lirnndi.
.1. .1 . : ;..!. 1 I,
vnib s i it, next wee c for the hon-.
' , ,
niit nt onr reac ers w ho n wavs know
na "l" luluu"i "H" iu" iij 3
that they havo something worth a
r,,i I;,,,, ,. l..... (!,,.. nf
of Judge Scofield's ecm.-M.
I. r I IV Ul iil i' in ii i"K Lilt num vi
",-',', llfll, ,, r.f.n,cto,i
V d 30U ,,a requested
to publish Senator Cowans speech,
but because he is in favor of the Union,
and kScofielJ against it, and in tavor ol
the negro, you will of course publish
Dm-'"nigger" is what tickles tho fancy of
the editor. JIo thinks more of him
than he docs of tho Union.
Passed. The United StatcsSenato,
on Thursday last, by a voto of U7 to
10, passed tho new iXcgro Bureau bill.
This bill creates at least a regiment
of new office holders, at salaries vary
ing from 1,000 to $.1,000, and appro
priates nearly all tho public lands in
the Southern States to tho black pop
ulation. Senator Davis, of Kentucky,
attempted to giveiho bill a proper ti
tle, but was ruled out of order by the
presiding officer.
Mr. Davis moved tu amend the title
of tho bill, so ns to name it a bill to
appropriate a portion of the puolic
lands, and some of the Southern States,
and to authorizo tho Government ofSlates Senator. The House has re
the United States to purchase lands
and supply farms, and build houses for
tho support of the free negroes, to in
vest the Freedinen's Bureau with un
constitutional power to promote strife
between tho two races, etc.
Aiioi.nio.N Stkateuv. Last winter
the loyalists, through Senator Big
ham, of Pittsburgh, reported a bill to
abolish the offico of Surveyor General,
alledging that it was only an expense
to the State, now the same Senator
has introduced a bill doubling tho sal
ary of that officer. Tbo reason for
this loyal trick is, that the incumbent
heretofore has been a Democrat, but
tho gentleman elected for the next
threo years is an Abolitionist. This
accounts for the milk in tho Cocoa
nut. What love those loyal hypocrites
profess for tho taxpayers when the
Treasury doors are closed against
A New D oixiE. Tom A illianis, tho
valorous M. C. from Pittsburg, has
submitted an amendment to the Con
stitution, which if adopted, gives Con
gross tho power to prescribe the qual
ifications of electors in tho States,
thus so far as tho clectivo franchise is
concerned totally ignores tho Consti
tution and the lights of the citizens
in tho several States, a subject never
hinted at before, except by fools.
This is the last "wooden nutmeg"
idea, that has originated in that pro
lific body.
AiiourioNisrs Praising Democrats.
Tho Mayor and City Council of
Washington, havo tendered a voto of
thanks to lion. Ii. M. Boycr.of Penn
sylvania, nnd lion. A. J. Hodgers, of
Mew Jersey, for their noblo defence
of tho white citizens of tho National
Capitol, during tho debate on the No-
. , , , . ,
must have been a bitter lull for a ' loy-
, . , .., .... , .
ol bod, liko that, to rublicly thank
, . . , .r J ,
such "Copperheads" as Messrs Boyer
, , , .,. J
and Hodgers. A "mi liary necessity"
. " . J J
must have been ot tho bottom of it
"Heast" Hltler. Tl. Philadel
phia Aije, in commenting on tho lato
Qwli of tho "Heast," delivered in the
of 1)(Jll'b'itc's ani1 negroes says
, m. , . . , , , i
'Iho speech is simply a long liowl
ioi uiuim. am uruiuiiiy is in Clilire
keeping with tho history of tho man I
..,' ,
M- lt. .1 '1.-. I A a ! rt.i-. I .. 1 ..t. rt n !
""" ""JVM" .vuniiiuiniiuiiiii-
inct ,t incr.ts no reply. To Us de- ier mo jikiicuu murner oi uen- t
c,ai x-ee ami Jeikrson liavis we have
iOtily this word to say that if t!ie ar-
l'V l ,-"11 if the
ink's oftho North Li.l b,.,,, ,...l
Ul the leadership of many such Lrcn -
iuluioiiiii uiiiiiiiii oill "II UUU-
'crala ns liutler, vo should havo had
I. n ll..!......l . ...i
i.n :.. ...i P.i .i .i J
bnll " which that bottlo-eorkinir war-
i""' u ",s ,1U,0US crJ ,w.
cowardly vengeance."
cfhero aro now" 1,0.10 National
. . . I
amount, required by law.-
vitii pitoiu At. Totem:,
, (ienerul Sherman 1ms arrived
j Washington.
W I I ..... I . I
n cuim-numm iiuciinu inniuo
ra n:i wrru c"-yow
Hon. F. A. Conkling hnn hecnni. -
' . .. .. ,'
pointed v. ol lector ol I lie 1'iilUI ,eW
... I.
j Fruleriku Ilrcmcr, the well-known
novelist died recently at Stockholm,
. Gen. Crawford was arrested and
MM1t to Fort Jackson on the -.'!d inst ,
I I n . .. in 1 . l-l ..
m . r. r
" he greater portion of tho town of
i W i- i . i
Ij'iirrna. Michi.'Hii. was destroyed by
(;,.iwm ( t.., ..-.; i, .
.... .. .. rtr
I 1 110 c'y T"'1,011 (' V,1,sv' 10
i,mvw "'i.weci niaiu .uui.onues
!S:iU0,0U(J provided they removo the
uto (.apit0, lol,,at Clty
Kx.(jovcrnor p,.80ns and General
Houston.SeriatorselectlVom Alabama,
,havo arrived in Vt asinngton
A twenty dollar counterfeit on the
First .National Hank of Indianapolis
appeared in Mew York.
The Governor of South Carolina
has written to the President urging
tho transfer to their owners of lands
now occupied by negroes.
It is reported that iho President
contemplates changes in the leading
Federal appointments in Mew York,
Philadelphia and Boston.
About one hundred and fifty negroes
passed through Danville, Va., on the
lSlh inst., en route for Mississipi.
A Southern planter left New York
on Monday, taking with him sixty
four white laborers to work on his cot
ton plantation in Mississippi.
Genora's Sherman, Sheridan, Meade
and Thomas are to assemble in Wash
ington next week to consult with the
government concerning their respect
ive departments.
The Kentucky' Senate has resolved
to postpone tho election of United
jectcd the constitutional aincndnicrit,
declaring the previous action of the
Legislature final.
The delay of the President in Nsu
ing a proclamation declaring the civil
restoration of the Southern Slates, is
attributed to the non-receipt of official
advices from the Provisional Governor
of Texas.
The Indian Committee oftho Sen
ate will probably report against the
nassago of tho bill transferring the
Indian H urea it to tho War Depart
ment. Burton M. Harrison, late private
secretary of Jefferson Davis, who has
for some timo past been confined in
Fort Delaware, has been releuscd by
the President.
Perry, Knight, Crab, and Lisaugh,
the four murders of M r. Hodman, were
hanged at Mashvillo Tenn.on tho 25th
inst. They wero all under 20 years
of ngo.
Three cases involving the question
oftho liability of Government securi
ties to Stato and niuncipal taxation
will come up before the U. S. Supreme
Court on Monday next.
In Alabama, this week, a law goes
intocirect Prohibiting any nerson of
, , .. . 1 . -
color from owning or carrynr' fire-i.
. , , ,
arms, nnder a pena yof hn-e mon ih
; ,l .-',.,,. ,,.
imprisonment and SK'O fine. We
wonder if Congress wont rnako the
Alaba repeal this "odious" law.
Tho warlike preparations against
Fcnianism ore being continued in
Canada. (Quebec is being placed in
defensive order, and tho enforcement
of the law forbidding the importation
of arms from tho United States has
boen directed.
Captain G. V. Fox, Assistant Sec
retary of the Navy, has Rent in Ids
resignation, to take effect on March
1st. lie resigns to except tho presi
dency of the new California Steam
ship Company at New York.
' Anew bill has been introduced into
Congress, to exclude those whites iu
i)0 i )js( at- r,,,,,.,!,:., r,,m, n,,,
right of eufl'rage.who entered or sym-
patlnzed with the rebellion. What a
glorious thing it is to be, either a no-
gro, or an Abolitionist these times.
Tho President has appointed Capt.
Nicholas Smith, of Kansas, Minister
Jicsideni in (j recce, to reside at Ath-,
ens. This is the first appointment of
a minister from the United States to
that country.
Iho Committee of Congress on
Hanking and Currency bnm hrnn inJlPrs sufficiently to properly under-'0
strticted to report a bill inquiring into'slan(1 1,10 qtion.
cxpediemV of reporting a l.Tll by "oi-fj" lt :tl-
winch, in case any bank desires to ,t'ons would be allowed lo be over, lie
"I" i uui i iib i n. irier aim cioso llli IIS
rul ' c iiin i nn enarier ami cioso I
l.nvlnn ; ti..,n i... n .i
tinrar.. .... I. .1 1 .... I .1..- .
do (50
w I .In n .l.nm
" iimiii i i. 4in)iiii niv
T T r V PT 1.H't ll l.(y-.titt-Tt
v& eiiij..i M.Ul'lI'iliU,
vll0 was doclcd to r from,
jy . , ,
Iucn" "as (
tho suneri
votin - ' for
trir - f
to say
. ' ; - U"""V
.nana negro, deserves to bo cowh.ded,
by -w,,ilc womcn-
ij?t. xt..- , e w i- . i
had a census taken of the nccro tinn.
.ln,.ricl 1 ,i of lfri.l Z '
n -i i
i enough to ave an Empire
in Witi-,i'. n? ivIiiIaI
iecmrcu inmsell ,n lavor of consl(k:r tlie resoIlltioIls how ,, i " )"n T ST , d, .
ori.y of the Negro race, by he did not desire to evade the issue ' c ' 1 , f'T in ! i CrniSol;,"
Ncgre suffrage in the Dis- Ho thought there were loo manr1 ""9V,n.SJ" K'"?'n? VoU
nf ivi,.n t,;n a 11 friendsof the red nndbbw-U ,,i, in.l,u Ul. 1 1- " l)? m
-....I. ,o , . I lr. Landon then modified his amend- -
rcnnylvniit irinlaturp.
II ut n i Kin r.i Jan. L'L', V'b
Sknatf.- I iisl.i.dvii.etat 11 o i r.
a. m. The Clerk rend a nolo from
Speaker 1'leinitig. statin;' that the
death ofa relative prevented his being
i ,. i .1 c Mr. . .i
;. -'i.. c. ...i
lll.'Mi'U. Ifl i.vrHii, l' iirt 41. I' H'ilUl'l
f ' ,i , i ,
' . .
Prayer was offered by I!ev. James
NF.fino tt ITltAOE Jlll.t..
Jlev. .Mr Landon offered the follow
ing prcamblo nnd resolutions :
r)Vhrri'(i.i. A bill enfranchising tho
colored citizens of the District of
Citizens oi me jnsiriet oi -,v i """"-'-" i. i mj vuiiven
iia lately passed tho lower lion, Speaker Fleming, of tho Senate,
of Congr'ess.rcceivingthe'earn- U'0 Chair, and .Mr. llamerslcy act-
House of
st support of our liepublican mem-
bers : therefore be it
!,:tohr:l. hu the. Senate and llouteof
Jeprctentitiirsof I'cnn.vjhunia in (it n-
eral Awmbli met. That wo approve '
and commend tho actbn of our mem -
bcrs in their support of this measure, j
and our Senators are requested audi
hereby instructed to voto for tho
.Ilesolvctl, That the Governor bo re
quested to forward to each of our
members and Senators in Congress a
copy of this preamble and resolution.
The preamble nnd resolutions pass
ed on second reading by a strict party
vo: , . . A, . .
Aiioio iuwmjr is in.MolU on uio
first resolution :
- 11 n .1 ti t
i eas-.uessrs. mgnain uey. ,,-,, ,
I nnnr imiiniiiiva iftiii .-iti l.ov
Graham, Haines, Hoge, Uev. Landon,
Lowry, MConaughy, M'ichols, Hoyor
and Shoemaker 14. All Abs.
Mays Messrs. Heardslee, Glatz, I
James, Latta, Montgomery; JIandull
and Wallace 7. All Democrats.
Messrs. Householder and Kidgwoy, j
Kepuniicans, deciineu to vote on meipublic schools during the year, G20,
question. j;",7. Average attendance pei month,
A motion was made to suspend the 197,701. Per centum of uttendauco
rules nnd pass the bill finally, but was 'upon the. whole number, C2. Aver
disagreed to,two-tliirds being required We length of school tenn, 5 months
yeas 14, nays 8. and 14 days. Average cost ytr month,
The Senato then adjourned until to- in-ludirg all expenses, bb cents.--morrow
morning at eleven o'clock. Whole number of teachers, 14,280.
IIorsE The members of this body ; Average salary of male teachers per
amused themselves during the niorn-j Wonth', "1 ,S2, of temale, 824 21. To
inghour, with a grandson of the ln-jtal cost of tuition, rl,'.'.U,77;.6.1. To
diau Chief Cornplanter, who with u, exnendilures of the svstem for tu-
connsel has applied to have several
nofiies oi lands returned to mm in me
oil regions, out ot which ins uran.i
Father had been defrauded.
IlAHHism ito, Jan. 24, l.sf.C.
Senate The Senato was called to
order at 11 o'clock, a. in., by Speaker
Prayer was offered by Uev. James
Mr. Wallace, from the Committee
on Judiciary General, reported with a
negative recommendation, an act to
appointstiperintcnderitsof assessment,
wealth, and do away with tho present
county auditors.
Mr. M'Conaughy, a further supple
ment to tho election laws of tho Com
monwealth enforcing penalties upon
negro si tfhage.
Tho resolution offered by ?dr. Lan
don yesterday, approving of the ac-
lion oftho Hcpublieon members ol
, V?'1" . . . ?J
ior me act graining mo rign
. ,i i 7
frage to tho colored men ot t
,. r,, t t- . ,
tnct of (1cdunibia, and mstrtic
it of sut-1
tho Dis-I
instructing our
Setialors to vote for the same, came
up on third reading
.Mr. Danlap moved to re-commit
them to the Cominitteo on Federal
Mr. Lowry hoped the motion would
not prevail. The Senate understood
iiii.i qm-Mion us iiiorougiuy as mo
committeo possibly could. The Sena-!days
tor Irom .henltor.l (.Mr. Honsi holder)
yesterday had an opportunity of vot
ing on these resolutions, nut declined
to do so. Ho wished to know if this State, County or Sc hool Tax
motion was to allow the Senator to not require a revenue stamp. An or
further screen himself ; also, whether . dor drawn upon the Treasurer of &
ho desired to "change sides" on this Hoard requires no fctamp, but A re
measure. Ho wanted Senators to meet ceipt given by the person w ho holds
the issue like men. s,,ch order, when it is cashed, if for
.ui-.jioii.ei.oi.ierai(i ne would vote .
on the question when the proper lime
Mr. Landon moved to postpone in-
Mr. Dunlap said that bis object was' t,lis- nnl .a Hcpublican elector in tho
to nllow Senators w ho wero not iros-i';ttl' Presidential canvas tho author
cut j-estcrday to examine the resnlu -
lions nivl givo them an opportunity toj
.speak on the same if they desired.
Mr. Lnndon reilied that ho did not fou,ul ut il ''OteMn Greencastlo in fla
want to sec tho resolution smothered. '.lrl"te iMiclu with tho erring fair one.
He thought every Senator read the I
Willi TUlllC 1111(1 nilVOIla In m-l l,u'
. J ..... .v .n.v
;qucMicM ojienly lielore the Senate hut
(nougtii that time should he given for
both sides to discuss the same
Mr. Landon wanted tho issue met
fairly and sqnarly
Mr. Donovan
ment making tho resolutions the spec-
ial order for to-morrow, which
uon was adopted.
.. . anv dav the Senator niirht nmii.1 in!
V. .-.--..uS.ini- mu iu icj u muio noiuers wi I tnuscon-
tothHaIl of thoitii.Mo to replenish tho Treasury-,
Houso of Hcprcsentat ves to amiM'. VIii.i,L.,i..i.i. i A.i
iho hour of 12 having arrived tho
pato in opeinng and counting the re-
. j .......
..., . iwAiiuiuir ana
Surveyor General.
Alter performing said dutv Iha
members of the Senate returned to tho
Senats C'lmmbor; nnd, on motion!
adj. mi ned until tomnrrow morninJ
k at II o clock.
Morse -Sneaker Kellry culled the
Umiso V order at 1 1 o'elo. k a. m
. . it.. ..
.nr. .w v.reary.iiotn (i,0 Omunlttco
on Judiciary IOcmI, v. ithout amend.
inent,a!i net lelative to railroad con
duclors. .Mr. Mann, from- samo cominitteo
an act to erect a poor house, in 1'otter
count y.
.Mr. Denus. au act supplementary to
the charter of tho city ol Heading, r-
lativo to tho election of constables.
The two houses tlx n met in conveti-
jng Cleric, and .Mr. Householder as
i Teller, on the part oftho Senate, and
. ! i .... 'i. ...i i ii.. ii
Mi hencuict ns Clerk, and Mr. Hep.
ron-tm Telleron the part of the lioudo.
returns of tho election for Audi-
t"r General and Surveyor General
wore opened and read,
ron aujutok (ieneiial.
John V. Uartranft bad 238,330 votes.
v . . it. .Davis Uad Z1D,74U votes.
Jfr. llarf rnr.ft's majority 22,61)0 votes.
von scnvKYOit oexeuai,..
Jacob M. Campbell bad 2.17,900 votes,
John 1. Linton had 21f,!lS votes.
'Mr. Cam lite Us majority 22,081 votes
Ut-ssrs. JlartranftandCmnnbellwer,,
'therefore duly declared elected. The
. . . , .
Tho Scn.lle rL.tircJ.
The House then adjourned.
Our Common Schools
From the report of the Superinten
dent of Common Schools for XGf, w
learn that the whole number of school
in this State is 12,f4S. Whole num
ber of nuiiils w ho have attended tlm
ition, houses and fuel, .',775,44 0G.
which is
an increase over lboj of
;l!?'4,fiSl lo This is exclusive oftho
city and county of Philadelphia. In
cluding Philadelphia, the total cott of
the fy stem for the school year ending
on the first Monday ol Juno, l$G5,wu
8:1,1)14,20 55.
The following recent decisions from
the Department of Common School
are worthy the attention of sliool ofll
cers, teachers and patrons:
iho -jupeiintendent decides that
tho time fin- issuing warrants f..r h
.sute appror nation to school districts-
I ...i.i uwii vn.iuvu iy me aci ot .ipni.
I I I L.. ll.. !
ieot, unui auer tnecioso ol the coui-
inon Schoolg for the school year,
It is not legal in any casa to keep
schools open on r:tturdaj-g.
Scholars, when parents have a legal
residence in cue district, cannot legal
ly attend the schools of another dis
trict merely by going into that dis
trict to work lor their board with tho
, intention ot attending school, ami re-
rM iF 01 . lllr
rents when the si boo! ban closed
Christmas Day, Washington's Hirth-
(day. Fourth of July and Thanksgiv-
' ing Day, aro legal holidays, and when
'these occur on our ordinary school
May they are to be observed by cIcn
sing school, and tho teacher is to
write on the roll I .oolc the ii.'imo of
J the holida-, in the column under tho
proper date., and count the day as if
senool I. ad been open. It other hoi
are taken without the consent t
the proper board, the timo is to bo
made up at the end of tho term.
A rcceint iriven bv n oolbefor fnr
over twenty do ars.imiKt .n .mmiW.
JKvV-A minister of Hedford, lndian.
named F.vans, formerly a professor in
ciiu enoMam v. niversity oi imiianap'
to,.,,ofil book called "Tho Floneer
- . "'j1,18 11,0 c,;t lately ran or
with Thomas Johnson's wife,and was
JIe H ft ':irned man and the father
several children. Ihe "grand mor-
" ol his political faith conldu't
I,u,,'anJ U' Churoh "Fllcd
B-Tho negro who murdered a
white girl and boy in Union county,
Arkansas, a few weeks since, was ar
rested in an adjoining county, tho
other day. Ho confessed, and wont
Uo the log and found tho knife with
whii li 1m ( II ( ,,! il,n 1.1. .1 t
,,v 11 "'""Hill UIU l'1171'M V UCJVCI.
t S . . . J
OvKUTAKEx.-Tho Tronmirv DnMf..
mo-'.net at Washington, is almost daily
receiving conseiencc monev. We bono
tho loyal ofiico holders will thus con-
.. .. VV.....1.VIHOI tills is Ull - icivni
tarv t liia i nn ini-l.
ty," and men governed bv "great mor-
ai lueas.- we liopo conscience will
continue this pood work of restitution
until the nfliionnl nilfr. ,ui;...
their ill-gotten gaius.