r itnitffltU MfMitMlfntt " ...... TxONltsnAT,::::::::::::;:: JAN. 24, I8G0 - r SrThose wishing to procure, copy 'tbo Democratic Almanac fori SCO, .valuablo publication, can do so by.fofj Ulinir at tho Drug Store of C. D. Vatson. WETTho8e Hotel keepers, to whom j jicense was granted at tho last term ,f Court, will pleaso recollect, that . . 1 , ' in le83 they are lifted Within thirty 'ays, such Licenso will be forfeited. A Armistice Called For. Salt Lick, January 15, 1860. Mr. Editor: The time has arrived n my opinion, that an effort should ie made to 6a ve the further waste of aper between "Querist," of the Jour ml, and your correspondent. I there ore ask for an armistico with tho foll owing conditions : That pending the aegotiations for peace that "Q uerisf Jismiss Irom his staff the two law offl eers of Karthaus, (one of tlicm fre quently figures at Democratic mass meetings, and made at one time a war march to llamsburg, and in conse at t quence puDiisnea a peace card,) the graduate oi penmanship and book keeping of Iron City College, and the imported school "inarm." Three stars believing that he is not able to com pete with two law officers, one lawyer, one graduate and a school "marm," ; thinks it very ungenerous that so much talent (and the "spice'.' all to come yet, should attack one void of sense, grammar, &c, characterizing him as a "madman," 4c, &c. " A. a . I m vjno at a time gentlemen u you piease. xours KeHpccuulJy, (We hope tho request of our corres pondent will be complied with. Those neighborhood misunderstandings are bad enough when confined to their respective localities, but become much more repugnant when promulgated through tho press, and often draw innocent parties into tho controver cy, while tho general good derived from it is so insignificant that wo "can't Bee it." Ed.) Th constitutional amendment abol ishing slavery has passed the, New Jersey House by a vote of 42 yeas to 10 nays. The Bedford Shoddy County Conven tion have nominated John Cessna for Governor of Pennsylvania. ' Col. John S lloseby was again ar rested on the 8th inst., in , Leesburg. The cause of his arrest is not stated. MAiKii;n. On the 17th inst, by Rev. Mt. Tra cy, Mr. Patrick MrGovER of Tv- rone, to Miss Sarah Rooers, of Clear- aeld, LlearholU county, Penn'a. 2Jtto SMtrfiscments. Th CASH must accompany the fallowing notioes to Insure attention: Administrator aEd Execu- tors notices each, $2 SO t Auditors' notices (2 40 ; Dissolution noticer$2 80 ; Cautions SI &0 ; 8treys f 1 iO.and all other trantiant Notices atth same rate. Other advertisements at fl 60 per square for 3 or leas insertions, for each additional inser- Hion t0 eents. Ten lines or lens, -count squar AUDITOR 8 NOTICK. The undersigned Auditor, appointed to distribute money In 'tb hand of Milo Read, Executor of John R. Read, will hear th parties intonated, at his of lice, In Clearfield, on Fridav tb 16th day of Feb iruarj, 1868, at 2 o'clock, P. M. 7an I4th. 1866 4t-pd. ISRAEL TEST, Aud'r. ISTRAY. Came tresspassing on tb premi J of th subscriber in Iieccaria township, la Kay last, a Ilrindle Steer, with white fact and bead, -supposed to he about two year eld. Tb owner will cs II and prov properly, pay charges and tai him away, or he will be sold according to law. ABRAHAM MATHEWS. Jnuary 24th 1S66 3t-pd. STRAYED OR RTOLEN. On or about the 6lh cf December last, "a light briadle eow, onedlum site, good horn, hollow back and rath er heavy bind quarters, when lost, gav oa iderabls quantity of milk." Any peiwoo return ing her to lb subscriber, or giving Information -that will lead lo ber recovery, will be liberally rewarded. MAT1IIAS HOLLOPETKR. Lumber City, Jan 24, 1866-3t-pd. ADMIJSISTRATOR'S OTICE.-Notic is hereby given that Letter of Adminlsira. tioa bar this lay been granted to the nnder (igned, oa th SitsU of Frederick Nebel, dee'd, late of Morh township, ClearSulJ eooaty, Pa. All -persons knowing themselves indebted to aid lUtat are requested to make Immediate . payment, and those having claim against th same, will present them properly authenticated for '.Dement. CATHARINE Ell EL, Jan 24th, 18f,-6L Administratrix TXCCU'n)R4 XOTICE.-Notlobhera-A J hy given that Letter TeiUmeoUry, bar Ihi day been rrnnted to tha undersigned, tm lh Esut.of Samael Riehel, deceased, late of crai7iowosli!p, Olearfield county, Penn a. All stUralntia t tsLsaaVfai J Mm i A t7-a . ..a . . ma. Immediate paym.nt, and thos having IiIm. - i . ... . i .. ..si v,iuii BKainsi lue earn mil present snem duly Authenticated for settlement . T. FRANKLIS RIsnEL, Jaa24th 1868-dl-pd- Executor. EXKCUTOU'SSALE or VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. Will be exposed to Publio Sale, at the late ! dwelling Rous of Geo Wilson, dee'd, la th Boronghof Curwensville, Cloarfield eowaty.eo1 atarday, the 17th day of FeVruary, A. D., T86, at 3 o'clock, P. M., of (aid day, the feJ ' lowing dorcribed Real Estate, to will A CERTAIN TOWN lOT, situated on th North West eorner of Male A Plea treeu, la the Comogh of Curwensvlll, containing On. 'JTourtb acr more or less.-wbereoa i ereotad a -wall toished, larre three store ' 1RAME DWELLING HOUSE, j ood sUblln. wood house. Aa.. wikh a rood aa. L'"' PP, farana Feach tr, flrap mn ro., luerenn. i t a aaov property will b sold nue oireeuon eUon. contained In th last Will and nt of Oeorge Wlleoa, deceased. Condi-1 I Urmi of tale will b mad kaowa en 1 Testame 4loas aad -"""'."F w- M WAUL, WM. Vas. ti, H46 41 t. C. TATS. ,T7 RIltT.-ThsI.atn.raarareonareaear K.rlheu. Ilrfdg., a two story fram. ban.. and Bin acre uf land attached. It i Suitable for a Shoemaker or other MachanlA. K Nni charged xccpt keeplng-up repairs to building, fences, Ao. For iurther particular, Innnim u( TZ'STir. .,.. W.rJoVKfe R f CLEARFIELD KAIL ROAD -A meeting of th Stockholders, will be n,la on Wednesday, th 24th inst, at tin offl of th Penn'a Rail Koad Cora pan v, at 12 o'clock M , for lh purpose of electirg a Prciideot and twelv Director! to ierv tho ensuing veer. II. II. 61IILLINUF0RD, Pbil'a, Ja. 10, 184(1.. It. 6eeretary, T tterb tkstamejjtary, Notice JLi it hei-ehy given, that Letter Testamentary ; hare tbli day born granted, to the underlined, on th estate of Joseph Barger, deo'd of brad- ford township, Clearfield county, Pa. All per ron indebted to aaid estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having slaiuis against the some will bar tbeta properly authen ticated for settlement. ROBERT MNSBERY, FRANCIS CAMPBELL, Ei'r. Jan 17, 'CS-pd. B. A. CALDWELL. New Furniture Rooms. ROBERT M'CORKLE. Clearfield, Clearfield county, Fenn'a, Respectfully inform the eitiient of CUarHeld and vioinity, that he has commeneed lb nsana- fact u re oi all kind of Furniture, in th (hop on Market street, adjoining the foundry, where h i prepared to make to order suoh furniture a may b wanted, in good style and fini-h, to wit ; BUREAUS AND SIDEBOARDS, Wardrobe and Book-case of all kinds: Bed stoadsor every description ; Sofas, Work -stands, bat-reck, Watastandi, Ac. And will furnish to order Rocking and Arm chair, and Parlor, com mon, and other enam. . The above, and maay other articlos ara lur nif bed to customers t fair price for casi, er exchanged for approved country produce. Cher ry, Poplar, Maple, Linwood, and other Lumber suitable for Furniture will be taken in ezchane for work. Remember, the shop adjoins the Fouo- "y- a. it, IX. K. HTOKKLE, BLAt:KS.HTHI NU.-Th ondersigned res pectfully begs leave to announce to th pub lic, that be carries on lacksmithing in the Bor ough of Clearfield, where he will execute prompt ly, in a worktnanlrke manner, all work entrus ted to bis ear. Special pain taken in shoeing oxea. Shoe adioininir Town Hall, formerlv occupied Mr. Huff. Wit. 81EVEK3. November 8th, 1865. -Iy. F OR EST IIOUSE-Bloom township. Uaimk P. Btoo, Proprielor. Tiis larg and commodious House is sitna-tej on the turnpike. 7 mile wet of Curwaniville. and 6 mile cast of Lutherifctr;. The Proprie tor will spare no effort to make bis guest com furtabl and their star with htm pleasant, and thereby xpeoU to receive a liberal share of pub lie patronage. Dec, 20, Jdft.-tf. Tmstei and abdominal supporters of every hind of the latest improvements, for rale at the Drug Store of IJARTSWICK A 1&YYI.. "ground ad uiiground aplrei, Citron, Eor- VJT lih Currants, K. Coffee and Vinegar of lie nest quality, tor sale by II. A I. Clearfield, January 10th, ISM. Sn' alms' panacea, Kennedy's medical Dis covery, Hembold' Buchn, Uaker's Cod Liver Oil, Jane's and Ayer meiicUof every kind r or tale Dy H. a a. Coal, Whale and Linseed OAs, Family Rye, rarnisbe aad paint of all kind ground in oil For rale by 41. A I. Ruu St. Ilomlugo, Ilubbelrs, Drak Heof land'e German, Ilostetter' aad Greene's Oxygenated Bitters, also pur Liquors, of all kinds for medicinal purposes, for sals by II. t I. Vi)MISITRATOR S NOTICE. Notice is herohy given, that Letter of Adminis tration have ibis day been granted to tb under sirned, on the estate cf Stewart Cowan, dee'd, late of Becoaria township, Clearfield county, Pa. All person indebted to aaid estate are requested to mak immediate payment, and thos baring claims against lh same, will piesent them duly authenticated for settlement. ABRAHAM MATTHEWS, Jan 16, 1C6 fit-pd. ' Administrator. C. KRAT7.EE & sox, MERCHANTS, dealer in Dry Good. Clothing, Hardware, Cuttlery, Queentware. Groceries, Shingles, and Previsions. At thald stand on Front Street above the Acadeasy. Clearfiold, December 13th, 1865-tf, greaTeWmInt On Second Street, CLEARFIELD, PENN'A. NEW FIRM, NEW ARRANGEMENTS and New Goods AT VERY LOW TRIChS. The undersigned liaviog formed a co partnership, in the Mercantile buaines, wou.d reapeotfully invite Ibe altenlion of the Public cenerallr to their splendid assorlemnt of Merchandise, which ia rtovr being SOLD VERY LOW FOR CASH. Their stock consists in part of Dry Goods, of the best quality, such as Trio t, De La in rs, A 1 parens. Merinos, Oinfhams, Muslins Bleached and unbleached. Drillings, Tick Sep, Cotton and Wool Flannels, Satirxata, Cotlenale, Cassitneres, Ladies' Shawls, Coats.Nubias and lioods, lialmo ral and Iloop Skirts, to., 4c, all or winch BE SOLD 1X)W FOR CASH. WILL Also, afine assortment of men's Draw la t hirts, HaU t Cap, llovU Shoos A Quccnsicarc, Glasstrare, Hardware, Groceries svtd sptoes I OF ALL KINDS. IN SHORT A GENERA L ASSURTMEUT of everything usually kept in a re tail Store. ALL CHEAP FOR CASH or npproved country produce WRIGHT h FLANIGAX Clearfield. January lOlh, l&Gll.tf. F)lll3KnCUTTI'-!t MKRRELL A BI0LER & HOUBK MIOCH A Rorse.N'ails, at MBRRELL A BIOLKR'B. Cahle Chain a superior enisle, at MKRRELt, at- RTS1XRU "I' - h f all kind., at MI MKRRPIA ADIOLTR'S. llED FRUIT of all kind , at vy MKRRELL A BtULER',T. C wLe nil i"?'"' C?,tUV h Floor nil ,Io'. Broc. telle, Doot J. P. K R ATI nmn.J i.lr. Door mat, do- RATZER. i P alley 6 tare, at ITkalleT Blorka .11 .t... .-j k... MIRBJLLA JIOLBR'3 T Hf.AKR v?AI.TIR,t1r'erlvrand Con K veyencer Agent for the Purchase end Kale of Units. Cliakhkid. ' I'mntit iimm iln ia ll hmlnMi Mnntrt. ed with lh eonuty office. Office wlih Hon. Wm. A. Wallace. Clearfield, Jen. let,lflMf. BANK KI.F.OTIONNotic I hereby glv. en, thai a meeting of Hi stockholders of lh toonty National Bank of Clrarfleld, ra will be held at lh Banking house, on Tuesday th Atb day of Fobruitrv, 1S6B, fur the purpose of electing officer of said Batik. WM. V. WRIlstlT, . Clearfield Ta ao. 3, IS6B, Cashier. PHOTOGRAPH!!!! D. M'QACGIIET, having purchased tL Photograph establish inent ormrly oonduoted by II. Bridge, woe J respectfully announce to th citlsens of Clear field and adjoining counties, that be ba recent ly made additional improvement 10 both sky light and aparatua, and he flatter himself that bs can satisfy tb most fastideous taste In a true and lifelike likeness. lie also keeps constantly on hand a good as sortment of Quilt, Rosewood, and Walnut frames Albums of all siies and style and an endless variety f casts, locket, ete , which he will dis pose of at very moderate prices, for cash- Ilis gallery is in Hhsw's row, (up stair,) Mar ket street. Clearfield. Pa., where he is always rea dy to acootnmodnte customors who oiav be in want of a rood Likeness of themselves or friend Particular attention paid to copying a' I kiadt oi pictures, etc. Aovsmber Iln, iso, A NEW FIRM. HARTSWICK & IRWIN, Druggists, Clearfield, Penn'a. Having refitted and removed to the room lately occupied by Richard Monno, nor offer, low for cash, a well te lected assortment of Drugs and Chemicals, Aleo, Paleni Medicine of all kinds, Oil, GlaM.ruttjr, Dye Stuff. Stationary, Tobacco and Scgars, Confectionary, Spicea, and a larger stock of jarietie erer oflnred in tbii place, and warrantsd to ba of the best the Market nflbrds. J. O. II ARTS WICK. Deo.IJ, ti.-tf. JOHN IRWIN. New Goods! MRS H.D. WELCH & CO., Have Just I?eoivd Their Fall and JVinlcr Goods, Which wr purchased during th crersnt d- clin,aod therefore are enabled to tell very tkenp. Our Stock ConisU in part of Merino. Alpacas, Pop- U I 1 -J r. hup, ,i mil, a r mure, anu common u lairjea ; Frinli, Ginbami, Shawls, Hooda, Hosiery and Gloves, Nubia, Balmoral and Iloop Skirl, Flan nels, Lades' Cloth, Kneeling. Muslin, 'ioweling, .TichiDg, Sontac. flreakfat ll.nin i.'im..! af fewad at hi offiieou the Northwest cor Alio ao assortmeul of . r ,j Mi. . .: ... buawi, cape, Ac Millinery Goods, Among which a-e Hals, Bonnets, Feath ers, iHibbona, Flowers, Laces, Frame, Matiness. Velrets, Silks. Crape. Bursgea, Veils, etc, and a large stock of Holiday Toys, Including China, Bronze, Papier Macbe Tin, &sewood, Gla Pewter, Woodca, Parian and Candy Toy. For Ladies, Such as rornadei.Oils, Baodolinattoom of fouih and Painta, Rouge, Lilly White le. Thankful for past favore, we solicit ft con tinuance oi the kind patronage of the people of Clearfield Co. JSVRemerriter tha place Second Street, next door to First jKational Bank. Dse. 20, 'ti U't.'. f nr . r t lUte JUCO MUSt KUie AmOnCa l NEW YORK DAY-BOOK, FOR . 866. The Dat-Book proposes to stand la the futare, asm toe past, upon id e great doctrine that tbleis a WHITE MN,S GOVERNMENT on the basis of a FEDERAL TJNKW that ahlt supremacy and negro subordination ar essential element or American elvilitatioa and Industry. It desiresto be distinotlv counted out of that class -of Journals which propose t snr- renoer ueusocrauc p. kociplcsu a cowardly pub lie clsmor. It aepire lo.no blaher honor than to b th orsjan af th great Agrioullaral Classes of the country against the publio plunderir of an rariioa, woo now, mrouga banks, Uriffi.Uiss andsrea vegroiein, ar striving to crush them. Th Da Boac,nr its substitute, Taa Cacitia, for four long and Moody year, Aepl th lag of 6 late Right and Constitutional Liberty ring, at a great pecuniary sacrifice, in Kew York, and at a Ikne, too, when it had no other journal to keep in company. It ha not, therefore, been printed merely to make money, hut ha ehoeea rather to be shut and with the rtorL. than ta court me isvor of clique and rich railroad or potation and be wroko with th fear. It anight nave ueen oeiier on pernniariiy, but It would iiav been sadly bankrupt In principle had it ta- en wn-y otner course, it does not now Aasui to run a competition with Shoddy Democratic or Aholiuon papers, supported by political funds sobbed Iroiu th people, and It warns the masse 4ht there ireaany so-called Democratic papws v"6"Kc" in is towpiracj ic mortgage Ne bones and sinew r.f tb fnnWig.and Industrial elaNes to bondholders and capitalist, .and sue. render the old Union and th old Constitution to tb Mongreitsta, tt, therefore, call upon sfil true men to aland by It for another year's debt . l . ,1 I:. . ... . wnu mm nuoii nun ism, ruonopoiists and publie pkindorers. The Dat-Rook is now reBaraJlv recognised a lh leading Democratic weekly of the country, and ba th largest eirnulaUoa ef any published, being th only New A'erk paper of Its elars made op as a family and AgrioulUt ral Journal. Expressly for country circulation, -with full report of ail th New York market. TERMSCASH JN ADVANCE. On copy one year, 4 J 00 Thrse copies on year, 4 Oft Five copies on year, and to 4b ) getter up of the dob, 1160 Tea eopie on ar, and on to th I getter np 0 the elub, 17 Inenty oopies oa year, 30 00 GOLD fL'N PREMIUMS! Bead for apecimen eopy, and se the all jr. tleular of th Cold Tea Premium offorsd for getting up clubs for 1866. We mploy ao traveling (gent. Every per- a wb obates aegro eanalilT is authorised an dr. 4't4 to act a agent and nd on (ubsorlp- - .. ' aarss, w.m post omce, eonnty and Ftale in full. VAN KVRIR. liriKTnv on Ja.TT,'e. Jo. IU 'asr. meet, K.w Tcik. ITrniiTcni mm Sm,hf n.; Snttkl WIlltATOhS OINTMENT will cure lb lira ta 4 hour. Alio turn Bait Rheum, I' lorn, Chilblains, and til Krupttoa of th Bkln. l'ric (A ce nit. Fur eal y all Drug gists, Dy lending 60 cents to Week 4 Potter, aole Agents, 170 Washington street, Bostoa, Mui II will be lorwer.led by mai I, fr of fviU ege. In any part of th United Males. Hold by C. D. Watson, Clearneld. Ptnn'a. Fepterorer Itih, l881.-ao -pd. CI.K.AK llova : K.AKKIKLD Nl'RSER Y Ewcoraaat Iworstar. Tb undersicntd bavins established a Nursery, on the Pike, about half way between Cleareld and Curwensville, Is pre pared to furnish all kinds of Fruit trees, (Stand ard and Dwarf,) 'Evergreens, Shrubbery, Grape Vine, Ooeseberrlei, Lawton Blackberry, Straw berry and Raspberry vine. Also, Siberian Crab tree, Quince and early scarlet Kheubarb, Ae. Orders promptly attended to. Address, Sept. iO. 'fii.-ly. J.D.WltlOIIT, Curwensvlll. LAPIKS FANCY FURS! at J0I1N FAR EIRA'S Old Established Fur Manufactory, No. 718 Arch Street, above 7th., Philadelphia. I bava now in store of my own Importation and Manufacture, one of the Largest and most Beau tilt I selections of Fancy Furs for Ladies' and Childrens' Wear In the City. Also, a fin assort ment of Gent's Fur Glove and Collnra, lam enabled to dispose of my goods at eery reasonable prce, and I would therefore solicit a call from my friends of Clearfield county and vicinity. I baa - no partner, nor connexion with any other Store in Philadelphia. WKeaiauiber the nam, noeaker and (treat! JOHN FAREIHA, 718 Arch 6 tree t, abort 7th., south sid, Phll'a. September 17th, 18(V-4mo.-pd. .WW STORE. C ... ,e.. . a i HAVING BOUGHT OUT THE EN tire Slock oi Good of Jatnet . Wat on, I AM PREPARED TO SELL Good pf all description, Cheaper thai THE CHEAPEST. Give him a call Lefor purcbaain; el mherf. JACOB M. KEPLER. Philiptburg, January 3d, 18GC. (Ecantu JJaltoml gink; .'CLEARFIELD, TA. fphis T.anJi i tvew f ea and read- Ut businen X Ofiic en Saeead street, in it building for merly occupied by Leonard, Finney A Co. MBBcrok kn orrtciBs. JAS. T. LEOXARD, Pres't. ORAnAM, WALLACE, RICHARD SHAW. WM. PORTER. GEO. L. REED. WM. V. WRianT, JAS. O. WM. A A. K. WRIGHT, Juo 23th, 1865 tf. Cafibier. SR. A. II. HILLS TV I ESIRE3 to therefore he unable . -V.. " i to mak Professional tfjT Viita te an of hi accustomed places tbii lummer t hut vi i a luut mu raunvt ruvn vti m.uj v ' pvi vv the "ClaaraeM Hoa,". whesw b cm be fonod at It tieaes, ready aad willing ta at lead to all call ia th line ofwis profession. Full sett of Teeth only Twenty Dollars. July 26th 1864-1 y pd. YEICF mOCLAIMED. THE WAR OVER :IN CLEARFIELD. KKOX TOWNSHIP QUIET. NEARLY ALL THE CONTRABANDS GOING BACK TO TUEIR.4LD MASTERS. TOOT NARY ONE GOING BACK TO OLD MASSACHUSETTS, WHERE Til E Y WERE LOVED Stf LONG AND SO WEIX. fa eonseqaruee of th above "farts, F. Saoar lb oid Sheet ekoe Shop weald announce ta hi numerous patrons, and th people f Clear neld county at large, that he ha now a first rate lot of good meterial; just received fro th esit, end is eow prepared n eihott ootic to make, and mradlMioUi and t'oe at diUeiew fthop la Urah IS Graham row. He I satisfied t'ia heeaa please, (unless it might be sosse lutearely loyal stay at om patriots). II I prepared lo sell k for or County Produce, don't forget tb (bop door to iraba m A Hoytona store, oa mark- t Street Clearfield d'a. A kept hor a allow ec ta in ocly called REMOVAL, J. P. ERATZER, baa reunored do bis net Ware Rooms, on Market Sf Clearfield, Pa., where be has openod a very Urge itock ef Dry Goods, mermoei, Uihgham, Cloth, Delain, 7r.nU, ' tVsim.res, Alpaca, Silk, PatineU, Rep., Caslwnere.. Tweeds. M (. Lamella, Muslins, Flawuels, Bopnete, Rib, boss, 'Cloaks, Ralmnral 0klrts, Hoop. Bklrls, Shawls, Press Trimmings, Jleed KeU, iCap, Corsets, Gloves, Cellar, Scarfs, tsrenadin Veil, Table Covens. Clothing -Coats, Taut, Vests. Over-CoaU, Gent's RhawU Shirts, Hats, Caps, Tnder-Sblrt and Drawer, Roots. Shoes, Uuta hoes, Crarati, Glove aukd Collars. HARDWARE. "QUEENS WARE, ORO- CERIES & MUSICAL OWODS. Groceries Tea.'Cofr, Sugar, Molaesea.Salt, Candles, aliea, lour, xiacon, t isn, Tobacco, KalsiM, .Currants, 8pie, Crackers, Vinegar, Oila,.Vi' .aisb, Alcohol. TW-'WARR.OLAPS-WARE. WOOD EN - WARE, and STATIONERY Household Goods. ' Carpet, Oil-eloth. Drugget, Looklag-Gla Clocks, Chores, Washboards, Tabs, Buok--ets, Flat Iron, Pans, Window Rlinds, Wall-paper, Coal Oil Lamp, I'm. brrllaj, Redoordt, Knives and uTorks, Fpoona, Croaks, and Stov U lacking. rT-AH of which will he told en th most rea. leonable terms, and th highest marks! price paid lor urain, went, and ailklnd of oonntry produoe. r. . I 1 , . . . ' yiearnein, neoemner 1.1, I ana. "' Hi aT4 ROCERIEe) ta t bad at in- fursa hi pal- f nV, 7 "" profession Wv Vcxrvi'yras 1 buines eoolnes '.:j 'j.' , i Mm In bieoffiee all 1 '-..TrSX V ii--,lb time, and be will T-. ' " VfV-.AJ. V , Rcsi,L A jiSLrya, (!. W. & H. W. SIXTH'S COLUMN. BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! Great Clearance Sale, AT Clearfield, Penn. On and after Monday January 1st, 1866. will be Bold. The entire stock of Merchandise, of the Late firm of C. W. & H. W, at Cost. The eteck knt been replenisLad, but all goods Are lo be dis posed -cf at Cost. This it rare oppo tuaity (or any one far er neat, to -snake tbeir Winter Spring and ven Summer purchase ft tl may be any yea's before suctt s -chanoe is again offered. No one ejoubling. but tiiat goods mHtst main fcigh Tor aome time to come. We adrrse, itbereforo, our eld Castoroera and etbe people gonorallyte take notice, as our time la .-eiwiiirtU aucu ibe eale at Cost will be closed. a 1 . a a , w At I yOSl,' All al5;i.' XI VUOtt It VUaie The entire Stock of Merclianflisc of tho Late firm of a w. $11. IV. SMITH. Consisting of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES STATIONARY, WOODEN WARE, HARDWARE, TOBACCOS, QUEENSWARE, JELLIES. CANNED FRT7ITS. BOOT An Rirnp-i 1 J ; . , BOOTS AND SHOES!! At Ctel! At Cost It orHata ATCOJT-Foor t arret af Fitnllv flour, lo elo nut th dock. 0. lefl'tt .MKHRKI.I. I PIOI.FH. O I'ARTERLY REPORT OF TUB COllNTT National Hank of OeaifWld, I' a,, Jan. ibgi. Asian. i Loans A Discount, ' I t I Tfv9 14 .TJ. 8. Bonds lo iraur elrrulfttion, 74,000 Due from other L'snk and Banker, ' 21.107 !l ' Premium paij, list j Ripens A Taxes, i t J,t!I0 : i,i: M 71 t 1,854 44 40 rpeeieon hand, I i I 11. 8. Lagal Tender notes, I I Note of other Hanks, i I Remittance and other Csh Item, ;;fT7," 6 UisiLtriis. Capital Stock paid in, (100.064 Kotcs in clreulation, i 41 D Ind. Deposiwrr, I J9.918 St Bus other Banks A llaakers, ,&it D2 1 Due Discount Interest, 4,020 29 Da preflt asd Loss, 1M U7",6il 46 I hsrsby certify that th above itatecaeot I a Ira copy of the original sent lo the Comptrollei of the Currency. WM. V. WRIGHT, .'an. 10th, 18AS.-SI. Cashier. QUARTERLY RKPORT OF TUB FIRST National Bank nf Clearfield, Pa, Jan. ISCS. assiTs, Loans and Discounts, $80,348 2$ Over Drafts, t I I I I 2,M! Jt U. S. Bonds Deposited to secure Circulation, lit! 100,000 4w Specie A Legal Tender note, 10,185 40 Billa of other Banks- . I 6,863 M Doe from Vational Banks, i t ,2S9 41 Due from other Banks A tanker' t 1,22T tl U. 6. Bond on hand, I : t 600 00 Expanses, : i I I I 1,906 J Tax paid, silts 36S 4 Voruitur and Picture, til T 00 SI 2L,16S U111UTIES Capital Ftoek paia ia, $100,006 00 Circulating notes, 7I,&6 4)0 15,288 7T 2.402 01 1,166 64 6,712 02. Individual Deposits. Due Katienal Bank, Due Baniu A Banker. Interest and Exchange, 219,165 I certify th above to be a Ira abstract from tha Quarterly report made to the Comptroller of th Treasury. - A.C. FIXNET, Cahiar. Jan. 10th, 3SB5.-SL II. BRIDGE. (Store on dt or East of Clearfield Hobs,) Market St., Clearfield, Pa Keeps on band a full assortment of GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, such as Shirts, Linen and Woolen tinder ShirU, drawers and socks, neck-ties, pocket baadker. obiefi glove umbrellas, hat Ac, in great variety. Of pise Good he keep tb best Cloth of all "shades and .colors," such as BLACK DOESKIN OF THE VERY beat make. Fancy Cossitner in greal?ari)yj: AIo, French Coating, Beaver, PiloV0!inv chilla, and Frieott over coaling, all of: which will be sold Cheap for Cash ; as4 made up according to the latest St j lee .by Experienced Workman. Also AeoBt'foP) Clearfield co.( for I. M. Singer, & Co.oek ebra led Sev trig Machines. H B RID3 Clear6eld, i'enn'a, Nov. 1, 18G5.-tft H. F. NAUGLE, MAKER. Graham's Row, Clearfield, Penn'a. Th subaoriher respectfully Informs hie .aid customers ard tb publie, that he ha oa hand, aad constantly receiving new addition, I large, stock of Cloois, Walche and Jewelry. Jewelry of .every variety from a aingl ptoojs t a full U. Watch, a fin asiorlmentof silver Haatiav and opea ease, American and patent Levers, plain and full jeweled. Clocks, a large variety from th best Manufac tory, consisting of ightday and Th'rty hour Spring and Weight, Levari, Tim. Strike and Alarm. Spectacles, a large assortment ar and near Ighl, colored and plain glass. Also, a fine assortment of Spoons. Fork. But ter-knives, etc., plated on jenuine A la bate. ALL kinds of Clocks, VaUhe and Jwlry carefully repaired and H'errniHcsf. A continuance or patronage i solicited. November lifh. 1S6S H. f. KAUQLK. GOLD TEJfS -n. F, NACtfLR has J wt received an Elerant asset t a ant of tha Laa quality; also silver eztcnaioa and desk boluWav Nojrerober 29.5JCX . GREAT FALL JJS J-RIGSt er FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING at Taa or rand cpcnlng of Fall Clothir this dav O rand opening 0 Fall Clolh .ng this day. Grand opening of Fall ClotMns- this dav Grand opening of Fall CI., thing tMs dav At Reisenete'a Uro". Ritensiv CvTins ,to M Keteeosteia W Kxtenslve Clothibe store' At RekwirM. W F.atenaive Clot'lX Itore' At ReLensteia Br,'. Exte.i,; C lot" The Urge and be... . ilcct Zi. ,0w. Th.4erg.et and b.M ..wted sZI J ine Mrgest and "oeet r e .ted .nu i , J Furnlshiac ood Pats 4 rf. ""'1" tW" Farnlshiog Goods, Hat. 4 c Forwiehiog Goods, Hat ,'s Cap Fasaiehing Goods, ilats A Cp! IZt' Vlie, Traveling Bag Trunks, Vall.es A Traveling Rajs J'onka, V.liaw A Traveling Rag. . . . lrun i". Valiae Travlinir Race At prlcea low for the tinea, ir",1,D At rrlcea low Ibr ttie times. At pt Ices low for the time, At price low for the times, .Mj ., ,. OuroldeuslomersdoBat IT.A In l! D' Ur 0ld i!0W do o need ao Inylt.tlon, Our old customer, da aol nd aa Invitation. To 0(hert w, J '0 Ca'l and examine our stock, Call and txamine oar slock, Call and examine our (ock, t, T" "' axamlaa our stock, .Bcforo jmrchasins Klnewber. i-erore parcliasir.g Elsowhore, Jioforo purchasing Elsewhere, Fancy Oooda Constantly on Hand. M.yJ -83 1K"SSIE1N RROIHKRS. T.0IHu',, w"nPt assortoeataf ouocs ana Walters at ; J- r. KRATZER'S. T adie' Fur. Pureh aay rely upon get. AHL"J5 th? b9,t r"n caAS- OAK FORD frS. CentlnenUI Motel, Philad'a. jan. U LSH-SALT and PLASTER In lar. til Us, at F, 3. J. ERATrEBX rea anu. arsh 13, J3J$,