Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, January 24, 1866, Image 2

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    V d'mmiMcd from tha academy, and races x an admission foe laeharg
that no ct) filmll l appointed its ft ed, and tio A tux of five per cent on
cadet in the -NftTftl or Military Acade- the groas receipts taken by the pro-
my or tho l intra Mates who man pnetors at an sucn races.
have rendered aid or ftPKi;tancoto said
On motion of Mr Darling, it was
7iniftvf, That tbo Committeo on
g j 'm . i m .' """i" -- 11,11 ''" 1 1
A Rail RaaA Bationtt. I Tn Nmiws Cosorem. The ISun
The firat episode, and that of ft sub- ,ev,r 6,one on ft greater act of acamps,
tmilifll ilinrnrtrr toot tlmt has yet thnn Hiora now rnntrollitiir the frair-
Mr lliR'by,if Cftlil'omlft.tnijulrcdln (rRnll,jroa n 0r mi,st Blnce the ment of tbo American Congress. No
. . - J ....!.. . I I KAft lll I
of husband, murdered while in the'
service of hit country
ThePhoddy State. Convention m,
in imrnwuurg un tin oi March
batjmpcrth. nrt tf cxcltcincnt liroke out in Infant nation was ever so prodigiously l??"!!?'. !M7j'!1!,1
Mr KftNaoa replied that he heard or , ' elect from I'ioridii.AroiriMiiHltitm
Mr Anibonv Precnlcd ft Petition tbo Judiciary be instructed to inquire the slander through
.. . " . .. . . .. ...... ! - .1 - I 11..
of every public0dccumei.t publMied naturalitation laws ao as to provido ment in lien Woods paper, the Daily Kotten up by tbo friends of tbo Allan- 0f our8. In tbo name of Democracy
lines anu vioiaio von-
Imt would disgraco
Hottentot, olumcs havo been
A corps written on Mtho designs nnd
, J. .. ,i I . f Ivan iioau exeiieinrm, iruuo mum wtani nauon was ever so pruuigiuuriy
Mr Kanaoft replied that be hc.wt or , , ' , ,
a slander throuch the New York thie county, happened on Ihuradny aCfiiraril with bigoted, fanatical nnd
the Herald, which bad noticed the alato- night last, in the shape of ft feast, profligato a'.atcaniin, aa tbia jlepublic
ml.anl in thi'll.nnll ufrr takinp the'fiW. ile
country. Kvk'ned
that all persona, before taking thAVw. He wUbod further to - say aa lo & (Jrcftt Western llail Koud, at tbo they commit crime
oath to aupport the Constitution of the to the charge of -a large ",r Mansion House, in thin borough, un-'etitutional laws, tb
11 hn rpfiuired to boxca having disappeared nom me ...
I no mcdaenger oi the Farincn
Citieena Hunk, of New York, w
knocked down in Williams RtrLt
that city, on Friday Uibt, and robW
01 531, OUU
Gov. Curtin, and family arrived irf
end of IIarrisburS on Saturday inorniujrh.,t
Hia Excellency baa greatly imvroTH
rot'uea : . r ug
JVI r Sherman presented tno petition unitea States, anau do requireu vo - ......B amrfiHinn '.r tha redundant a
of Ohio eoldicw, asking for an equali-'read intelligently W Conatituliou, White llouao that tneae boxes were der the auporvm.on ,.,f ihe redundant a
i tl..A t k;ii MiKa,n i small, and had been used by the- lady host of that establishment. A corpa
enlisted early and those who enlisted i Mr (Jonkling, of New York, submit- of that mansion in which, to eneloae 0f Engineers under tho lead of Col. government," but to such demagogues in h?aitll
lato in tho war. Kcforred : ted the following, winch was rcierrca, Doqueu un ' umv.. ""; Jnrrctt, and in tho employ , ot tlio 8 Sumner, Stevens, W nUe & Up., the Tho Shoddyitca of Allechenv rnn.l
r- A - U8 ' 4- T?,.nii.llAn ! IV Pllds. whlCl he had tight tO-. . ' ., ... ..'... ...... :i , . . Allck '"7 Win
iur. jiivniinu " I'imivii wiuvi.uiui.m.vv.w.v., . - , - ftDOvo nan iioau, naving enireu lesson eeems to oe oi no uvun. imv ly nave nominaieu ueneral JUoorH,r
cran reserve corps as a part of the Constitution of tho United btatcs
Mr Snauldin" asked whether tboin-'town from tbo west, tbo evening bo- mstcad ofactingfor white men assumo for Governor of Pennsylvania,
United States army. Referred I should be submitted to the States for junction of secrecy bad been removed fore, tho corps through their chief, the care and control of tho negro laco,
Several petitions for a protective
tariff were offered by Messrs. Howe
nnd Cowan ,and referred to tho Financo
Mr Wilson, from tho Military Com
their ratification in one of the two
following forms; "Representatives
and direct taxes Bhall bo apportioned
among the several which may be in
cluded within this Union according to
mi I tee, reported favorably a bill in ; their respective number counting the
relation to Iho re-estamishment ot a whole number ot citizens oi ine umioa
National Military and Naval Asylum States ; provided that, whenever in
for the relief of totally disabled otiieers: any State civil or political rights or
and soldiers of the United States 'privileges shall be denied or abridged
Armr nn nefnnnt. of men or eolor. all nersons i
Mr Howard offered ajoint resolution of such race or colorshallbo excluded of a defenceless woman.
declaring that whereas, it appars by j from the basis of representation."! Mr. Stevens. WLat the gentleman
Mm rmvirt. of thfl Senretftrv of War. "Ilonresentfttives and direct taxes siaieu were in uwn ireuo.vr.,
that Jefferson Davis and C. C. Clay shall bo apportioned among thoseycr
areheld in having been ' ul States which may bo included with-
from tbo proceedings of the committee. I wero onco invited, b' tho local and seem determined to inflict untold
Mr Kasson replied, he had deemed f., f h rottd t ftgs;Bt thcm in n tll0 w)ito without any sure
that a member of the committeo might!.. ... . ' ... i . ,'
make the statement, so that no credit
murht be fiven to the slander in tho
absence of truth.
Mr. Spaulding. Did the gentleman
speak for the committee or for him
self. MrKasson. I spoke for mj-self,
but ns a man to defend the reputation
Tbo military district of WcsUm!
iiarj-ianu, lennsyivania, iJelawart
the fcnstem Shore and Western Vir!
ginuv nwo been discontinued. Alt.
public once more.
Tho Queen of England has morel
Catholics under her temporal iwavl
than tho Pope, and more Museolmeol
than tno suitan.
concerned in tho assassination of Prea-,in this Union according to their re
ident Lincoln, and for tho murder of epective number, counting the whole
Federal soldiers held as prisoners of1 number of titizen9 of the United
war, therefore, it be respectfully re-lstates; provided that, whenever in
commended that Jefferson Davis and ' any State the elective franchise shall
Clement C Clay be tried immediately, ; be denied or abridged on account of
by a Military Commission or court- race or color, all persons ot 6iieii race
martini Objected to or color bhall be excluded from tho
Mr Chandler called attention to a basis of representation.
resolution offered bj him on the 14th j Mr JlroomalI,of Pennsylvania offer-
of December, 1801, directing the Sec-jed the following:
retarv of Stato to make out a list of "Whereas, All just covernmont de-
American vessels destroyed by British . rives its powers from tho consent of
pirate9 in the employ ot the rebel gov- the governed ; and, whereas, the best
crnmcnt. Since that time he said tho way of obtaining that consent is thr'o
bill had been presented, and the Brit
ish Government had refused to settle
it, and not only so, but had refused to
continue the controversy on the sub
ject. Mr Chandler offered a resolution
declaring that, whereas tho British
Government has refused indemnity
for damage done to American com
merce by her subjects in tho lato war,
therefore tho President be requested
to withdraw our . minister from tho
crown of St. James, and to declare
national non-intcrcourso between the
two nations.
Objected to by Mr Dixon, and goos
Mr Morrill, of Maine,movcd to take
up tho bill to regulate the elective
franchise in tho District of Columbia.
The bill confers the right of suffrage
upon all male persons of twenty-one
years and over who have rcsidecf ene
year in tho District before the election,
and prescribes the punishment for in
terfering with the exercise of tho elec
tive franchise in the case of any per
son or persons. Tho bill wan then
Mr Davis of Ky, said he proposed
to debate tho bill, and asked that itbo
postponed till to-morrow.
the ballot-box ; and, ichereas, Xhe white
men of tho District of Columbia have
bj' that means decreed, that in their
opinion tho black men of the District
should not be allowed the right of suf
frage : therefore.
Itesolvcd, That the Committo ofthe
District of Columbia be instructed to
inquiro into tho expediency of ord
cring'an election, at which tho blacks
of the District shall decido by ballot;
whether,in their opinion,the whitemcn
of tho District should be allowed tho
right ofauffrago, Broomall hails from
that section of the state, that furnish
ed mor "Cow boys," during tho Rev
olution than any other.
Mr. Spaulding, of 01iio,jnoved that
tbo resolution bo laid upon the tablo,
and this was agreed to yeas 118,nays
12 namely : Messrs. Ashley of Ne
vada, Broomall, Onnnell, Hall, Hend
erson, Higby, Kelso, Longyear, Starr,
Stevens and Williams.
Mr Stevens, of Pennsylvania, intro
duced a resolution that the Committee
on tho Judiciary be instructed to in
quire into the expediency of so amend
ing tho act af January 24, 18G5,rclat
ing to tho test oath, as to allow attor
neys-at-Iaw to practice their profes
sion without taking the said oath, on
I do not 6tato what are tfce conclusions
of the committeo. . . -
Mr. Kason. I presume the gentle
man docs not mean tff eny the result
ofthe committee is different from what
1 stato. ' .' !
Mr. Stevens, 1 d not propose to
say any further than that the state
ment i9 deemed imp roper, aa the gen
tleman ia not the voice of tho com
mittee. Mr Kasson. I made the statement
as one person engaged in tho exami
nation. (Tho future wCl reveal that $115
worth of furnituio and a few boxes,
is not all that the royal family carried
with them to Springfield during their
days of deep mourning.)
The House resumed the considera
tion ofthe bill proposing-to extend
suffrage in tho District of Columbia,
by striking. out the word "white"
wherever it appears in the laws and
Mr Price, of Iowa, replied to a por
tion of hia colleague's MrKasson re
marks about necro suffrage in Iowa.
That issue was distinctly made in that
State, and it was carried by sixteen
thousand majority.
Mr Kasson responded, justifying his
conrse in Iowa, saying-he was in favor
of qualified negro aatlrage.and dcclar
ing that be had nailed his colleaguo'a
misreprescniaiiona 10 mo counter.
Mr Price replied, eaying he could
bring proof in justification of all that
he had asserted. '
Tho colloquy was ' conducted with
much spirit, involving political events
in Iowa.
Without coming to a question on
the bill before it.the House adjourned.
- Dark I Black 1! Slacker 1 1 !
On Thuraday last, the Jacobin Con
gress, passed an Act, by 116 Yeas,
to 54 Nays, placing the 20,000 worth-
"locating"' a banquet suited to the proof of bettering the condition of the
occasion. Tbo corps soon aurronder-j thick. To one unacquainted with
ed, and arrangements were at once our system of government, and by
entered into, which resulted in a sup- j reading the proceedings of Congress,
per, at which all the questions at is-ho would naturally conclude that xo
buo between the parties might be set-; wcro a nation of Negroes; because
tied. At eight o'o'ock, about fifty jthreo fourths of all the businoss done
gentlemen, headed by tho President an that body, is for tho benefit of that ,Grant and Sherman.
of the Western Central Rail Road, and; race. On the other hand if wi are a The loss by the last ice flood
Col, Jarrett, surrounded tho festive nation of white people, why do our'St. Eouia is now estimated at $800.
... .. . . .. ' rrl . '
hnnnl nnd nfipr tnim I'mtf th . i A (rents and renresentau ves. reiuae to VOO.
UWMAVty M1(Vt MVV W..V.W. J Q --- " , " 1
mantis of prepared appetites, with the legislate- for the benefit of their con-
Two prominent mountainB on the!
wagon road between Denver Citvanrtl
Utah havo been named after Generals!
bounties ofthe host and hostess, the
building of Rail Roads wae largoly
entered upon.
The health of Col. Jarrett, being
proposed, that gentleman in a very
happy style, on behalf of his corps,
LnrMn hill was the nf th iW lf enit il,til, ot in n,,ofiinn . -,"0 "& """""""8 l"u vnpimi oi
for to-morrow, and he should insist I passed durins tho war, by which at- the ation uPon apolitical and social
upon taking it up at that time. torne)-s wcro prohibited from practic-jequality with the whites ; and that
Air. Davis moved to postpone thejing unless they could tako an oath too, against tho unanimous voice ofl
1 ..H4.l n.HMA. r... ...I I .1. - 1 . I 1 - . !. .L- I
u. ii iiivywvro noi cngngeu in mo re-: tl)0 inhabitants of tho District. We
Demon, einec the war a largo num
ber of men engaged in tho legal pro-
bill until to-morrow. Carried,
Mr Wilson, of Massachussotts,caled
up the bill to amend an act entitled
"An act to incorporate a national mil
fession are trying to make a living,
tary and naval asylum for the relief but are prevented from doing so by
ofthe totally disabled officers and men i law. He did not sco why they should
ot tiiOTomniecr lorccs oi tao united
It provides that Ulysses S. Grant
and. others named in thcbill, aro here
by constituted nnd created a body
corporato in the District of Columbia;
that tho said corporation shall have
authority toprocurofor early uso suita
ble places andVitcs for military asylums
for all persons serving in tho war of
tho rebellion, not provided for by ex
isting laws, who havo been or may
hereafter bo disqualified from, procur
ing their own maintenance and sup
port by reason of wounds or sickness
contracted in tho service.
On motion of Mr Grimes, of Iowa,
tho bill was so amended as to make it
npply exclusively to persons discharg
ed from tho army.
On motion of Mr. Wilson,tho furth
er consideration of the bill was post-
confess, we have but little sympathy
for those people, notwithstanding
their unanimous protestation, against
this infamous enactment. For th
bo subjected to a provision not applied! 6t five the yoters of thatCity
havo elected Abolitionists to fill their
municipal offices, by from 2,000 to
3,(100 majority, and shouting hossan-
nas to Lincoln, & Co., for their good
works. They arc, therefore, just new
reaping the crop, tho seed of which,
stituents, and spend all their time and
talents in the interest of the African f
The answer ia that Puritan theology
and political economy, having been
adopted by our people within the past
fivo years, has well nigh brought us
Secretary Harlan will retire from I
tho Cabinet on tne 1st or r ebruary.
Governor Stone, of Iowa, waa in-
anguratedon the 11th inat. TheGov.l
crnor in hie message advocatea ncrrol
suffrage, and opposes the admission ofl
the South without "guarantees."
Secretary McCulloch is said to in
sist that bis financial bill
returned their thanks to the friends ' to ruin, and if adhered to much longer, j01. aTT T i
ofthe entcrprizc, and gave as his scu- we must confess, will find us, as a na-done ho Cttnnot Bnccessfully conduct
timcnt: "nay urmsn capitalists nev- uon, numocrcu among mo Vinea oi the anaira ot the Treasury.
tho riain.
to other
nronosed inouirv.
The House adopted tho resolution
j-cas 82; nays 77, (This vote indi
cates a defeat of the radicals, and
shows thtt tho "government" will yet
coerce Sumner Stevens & Co., and
comnol them to bo lovnl too.
Mr Kasson. of Iowa, said that on they have been sowing for several
Friday a bitter partisan paper of New' years. There is a Divine declaration,
York published a statement involving tnat whatsoever a man soweth, that
a charge of larceny against the late 8hall h b
Ppnuiflanr. nnl iYin linfurtiinnln hirlv, ' jv
bereaved by his death. As tho charge thnt ' tnis caso, the crop ia much
.. . i. . . . P I J.J .1 ...1 T . .1
was mat public properi)', DOiignt Dym-ner muu was cxpecicu jjui me
tho United States, had been stolen for "white trash" have the honor of being
their private advantage ho wished ood n8 tho ..intelligent contra
before tho falsehood had travelled , , Ti. . .Q . - ., ,
uuuu. 4 lie viiiiiiiiiiy navini laneu
furllipr. in snv to Tfoiisn nnd ilift
country, that at the timo it appeared create tho negro, tho equal of the
tho Committee on Appropriations whito race, the Rump Congress have
poncd till to morrow, and tho Sonatc, were considering the propircty of ad-1 undertaken the work, how soon they
at 3.15 o'clock proceeded to the con- ditional expenditures for the Eicon- wl 8ucccod limo dcraonstrato.
aideration of Lxecutivc business, and ! tivo Mansion, and wcro making an! .... . A, .... .... ,
soon after adjourned. (examination as to tho alleged disap-j " n0 Abolitionists have done
House Mr Delano, of Ohio prcsen-' of the propertj, and tho re- fr Washington, they intend doing for
ted tho credentials of "Wiliam Byers.Uult of it was that, after the examina-'tlio States: notwithstandinir tho do-
as a member of tho Houso from tho tion of numerous witnesses, not a sol-' nial of Mr. Cessna, the Chairman of
ciuiic xiftn5n , iiim uiu uiciiiwiiui u.iry amine ever yiwx wiiu me money ,L. i .... r. . . in
ofWilliamBycrs.GIIKyloandJt.mcs of tno United States was found rcmov-; ho,Abt,0,n fi( Lentral Commit
r t,...- loimin,, .!. na if.L,i v... 4i. f ,u u-k: teo last September.
House. On tho contrary, tho only. Ul.Al,M f , ' 1 they had all been mentally and phys-
instanco which may have fumhhod o fact, that tho members of . J 13
,l. . r "'.i n e. r, r- ically replenished.
me iuuiiuuiion tor vno Biunucr was, vuiigi:o, iiuih vyoiiiieuueni, uiscon
that one articlo used in tho family, Yin and Minnesota, voted to confer
navmg uecn n q oy u.o wiaow as nogro cquailty npon tho Di8trict of
: i i i . t -. : V.01U
JlllUUill O JIUIIIII HIIUM, KBHCll lllitl lb
aontatives from the said Stato, which
were referred to to tho Committee on
On motion of Mr. Goodycar,of New
York, it was
Resolved t That tho Committeo on
Banking and Currency bo instructed
to inquiro into tho expediency of pnv
cr invest their money in a worse spec
ulation than in building tho Atlantic
tfc Great Western Rail Road."
Tho health of tho President of the
Western Central Rail Road, being
proposed, Judge Barrett arose and
gave an insido history ofthe rise and
progress of that road, which had now
nearly completed tho work contem
plated by its chartered rights a great
through Rail Road from New York
and Philadelphia, through this sec
tion of the State, to tho groat West,
with a branch road, to start at a point
somewhere between Clearfield and
Brookville, through Elk and McKcan
counties in this Slate, to Canada, cross
ing the border at or near Niagara Falls,
thus naturally drawing all the trade
and travel of Canada and Western
Ney York, over this route. The
Judge also stated that all tho inter
vening difficulties had been settled in
favor of this route except one that
of grado. This waa the only thing to
be disposed of, and that would be set
tled within a month. Wo havo the
shortest and cheapest route, and would
contribute tho largest amount of lo
cal wealth to a Rail Road lino of any
other that could bo adopted.
Tho health of Mr. McEnally, being
proposed, he responded in a very fe
licitous manner, reviewing tho pro
gress oi public improvements in our
State, and tho largo increase in the
value of real estate caused by their
construction, and dedicated himself
soul and body to forward this great
Tho health of T. J. McCu Hough,
Esq., being proposed, ho aroso and
reviewed at some length, the advnn
tages resulting to this section of the
Stato, and especially to our county
ny mo construction oi ibis great line
of improvement, and closed by thank
ing tho friends, for the partinlity cx
tended to him.'
Tho health of Col. Cuttle, being pro
posed, nud being an Engineer him
self, and always a friend of public im
provcmcntBjhe electrified the audiance
to such a degree, and put so much
Rail Road enthusiasm into them, that
some imagined, that they heard tho
whistlo of "down brakes," and upon
taking his seat, he was enthusiastically
Tho health of our host and hostess,
being proposed, it was received with
dignity, and drank in silence, but soon
followed by round after round of ap
plause, after which the guests at a very
proper hour, retired, well satisfied that
Alakmed. Old Ben Wado, know
ing full well that he has earned the
blade ofthe Assassin, often duringhia
drunken revels, dreams that he is be
ing Assassinated. One night last
weok, ho gave the alarm of murder,
but when the inmates of tho houso en
tered his room, there stood an undress
ed statue, about tho size of Hon. Ben
Wade, United States Senator from
Ohio, with a revolver in each hand,
bellowing Assassin ? Assassin f ? But
upon inquiry, it was found that no one
had been in his room that night, ex
cept a tall gaunt Divine Yankee, from
Mass., who wanted an office; and no
instrument of death was found in the
room, except the two revolvers under
Ben's pillow, which he always carries,
and an empty brandy bottlo nnder the
bed. This old blood-hound would like
to be made a Martyr, but we fear he
will bo allowed to die a natural death
badly mixed with whiskey.
arRev. Gov. Brownlow, of Ten
nessee, says that if tho troops are
withdrawn from that stato, that the
negro schools and the Legislative and
Exccutivo departments would bo bro
ken up in 48 hours. Tennessee must
bo a littlo Ireland, or a Poland. But
wo 8iipposo while bayonets rulo and
tho Rev. Governor remains thcro it
will be "tbo land of tho f'reo and the
homo of the brave" tBrownlow pet
niggers and cute Yankees.
At Least One. Tho Constitution
of tho United Stntes, expressly de
clare?!, "that each State shall have at
least ono Representative." Wo can-
not, therefore, sco how tho "loyal"
majority in Congress, and men gov
erned by "great moral ideas" too; af
ter taking an oath to support that in
strument, can havo tho "criminal au
dacity, to prevent eleven States from
having at least ono member each.
A Change. The Plug Uglies and
Rip Raps, of Baltimore, aro becoming
weak sinco tho bayonet system is bo-
mg relnxoa in that city. Iho action
of the Corn and Flour Exchange last
week, laid them out high and dry
"Loyalty," upheld by bayonets, and
in the garb of ft Plug or a Rip, is about
"played out" in tho Monumental City.
aTWo learn that tho great Quo
Warranto case, between the Philadel
phia k Erie, and the Atlantic & Great
Western Rail Roads, which has been
argued for tho past week in Philadel
phia, at a Court of Xisi rrius, before
J nstice Reed, has been dismissed. The
Justico refusing to annul the contract
t. Last fall reiusing to annul the cor
people, thftticntcrcdint0'letwccn los tT
lie Abolition, ln yvcmbcr last .
BiirTho Assessor of tho 3d Cone-res
aional district of Georgia, writos to
Who told the Treth. Last
tho Democrats told tho
mbia, when in November last tho it was tho intention of th
micht bo taken away by her as pri-, nation was defeated at tho polls in 'part', to put the negroes upon an
viding by law that any national banktvato property. The matter was stated all thoso states by large majorities, equality with the whites. This charge
now in existence be allowed, undergo tho officer inchnrge. Tho Com-Such unblushing knavery, is to mean,1 was denied by every "loyalist " and the Secretary of the Treasury, that he
such instructions wd t,,c5 , , Chairman-John! been unable to find any person in
may be approved by tho Comptroller to th Secretary of the Interior, who . , . . , . . 1 . . , ' . ...... ..I., j-. , ; 1 ,
.of Iho Currency, to change its of said ho could r.ot believe any one would !UT?. l ,Pc'nS ono '? tho Cessna denied it in his address, yet,'" district, fit to discharge cither tho
business from its present location into object to her taking tho memento as- ' f" ' "'J11' wm 110 00Uut it is dono already. What they have, dutics of assistant Assessor, or Clerk
a n a4Kak n( A f A tm I Arm tW i n 4 K a arw. n 4 f irilh I It a a- Am svv fP K am hfin'l F i lt a fVia t K r SaKf 1 1. Ml A J V V i"k torn n 4 n '
United States, and report by bill or band. It waa worth about one hun
otherwise. jdrcd and fifteen dollars. With
On motion of Mr Darling, of New exception, not a solitary article
. York, it waa resolved that the Com-beer, removed, and ho asked the As- Greeley's "flaunting lie."
idone for the Capital, they will do for,wn can take the test oath, and that
inn-! We wonder what Sumner, Stevens the States. Ye Caucasians, that dont h )is employ twenty-eight for
this & Co., intend doing with those eleven want your offspring reduced to mon-! whom he ftsks that the teat oath may
W'?,c5" Krels, choose your weapon-theDem.' bo waived.
aiittee oWays and Means bo instruc- sociated Press, and the manhood and are only 20 States in tho Union why ocralic ballot. Lot those whites who) tgrW illiam McKay the loyal sab
ted to inquire into.the expediency of, magnanimity of the House not only to are those rebel Stars not torn from tlnk themselves no hotter than a no- Treasurer at San Francis . a I
irapocirg alioeaptai pon all horaebuketh.afaTidbnttheBUnW of the "old flag" by some- "loyal" hand, gro, take their downward coom. !fM.Ur to the amount of 180 C00
The aubject of cotton stealing in tbel
South was considered in the Cabinet!
on Tuesday. Men in both the civil!
and military service are implicated.
Judge Field, of the Supreme Court,
at Washington, recently received a
letter from California, which enclosed
an infernal machine When exploded I
ic was iounu 10 'contain eight Jarg
By order of the War Department,
all persons, both government employ
ees anu cuizens, wuo were at any
time in the rebel service, have been
banished from Fortress Monroo and
its vicinity.
A man arrested for rape, near Al
bany, N. Y., in May last, baa been
ever since at liberty on bail, and re
cently escaped, whilo his vrtini baa
been kept in prison aa a wQcsa, for
tho wiiolo timo eight months.
Tho ex-Confederate Generala Beth.
Hood, Pillow and Lontrstreet have re
cently been in Cincinnati and bought
eight hundred cotton ploughs and en
gaged 1,600 "nrhite bborcrs for South
ern plantations.
It ia reported that Mrj. Stephen A.
Douglas ia about to bo married to Aa-
sistant Adjutant General Robert Wil
Hon. John Sherman, of Ohio, haa
been re-elected United States Senater
from that State, defeating that noted
masked battery fighter Geu. Schenck,
two to one.
It is said tho Prcaident will veto
tho negro bill, passed for tho District
of Columbia. Whenever he does that,
then our faith and respect for the
Plebcan, will begin to expand.
John Van Burcn called to aeo the
President on Tuesday; and waa after
wards on tho floor ot tho Senate
Carl Schurz has been extensively
through tho South in the last few
montha,but though a GeneraI,ho didn't
get there during the war. XotiwriW
Sohur was a littlo like Butler, often
bottled up.or runing north wnrd.henee,
whilo there were Confederate Generals
in the field, our General had no incli
nation to meet them.
It is estimated that every freed man
in theSouth has cost every white man
in tho 2Corth fivo thousand dollars.
L B Nelson, wife of a very respecta
ble citizen of Rockford, Iowa, recent
ly poisoned her little child and eloped
with one J E Wlch,hcr former school
master. ...
A very lanre swindle, imolicatlnr
detective Lafuvette C Baker, ia'allcged
by a .New York paper. Some $300,Ul)0
ii is saiu were nngeroa.
in Mr Buinners scran speech he
quoted from a correspondent who said
tho thieves were all whites; bin Gen.
Sax ton, in his speech to tho negoosof
South Carolina, urged them to give
up atoaling and falsehood, and go to
Gen. King, accompanied bv hia wife
and nnother lady and gentleman, on
.ui.ituuj men, niiuu exercising tm
horseback, a few miles from Washing
ton, wcro met by three men, and tho
party ordered to dismount, which un
der tho circumstances was complied
with, when the three highwaymen
mounted the horses and took to the
wood a. They wero likely members
of Congress, who aro supplying the
negro camps with horses.
Martha Grinder, was hnnginTitts
burg on Friday lat. She confessed
to having murdered Mary C. Carnith
ers and Jane R. Buchanan, but de
nied the poisoning charges brought
against her. She also stated under
the gallowa, that she was going to
Heaven, in a calm and collected man
auio.v v.v.1 BUVIIg 4BIIH,
lafter having committed three or four