Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, January 17, 1866, Image 3

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! 1
. I
i )
gfa tJIrarficfo Republican,
t til llll I -'HHI
I A Max pfTaiii. Mr.
Wilson, nn
Abolition member of Congress from
;Iown, declared in his speech iiwthat
I .1 .1 1 il ..4 int.. I
Cnu.yZ.'sC)W nooy, me otner uay, mui -ino guuu
- Syvs9?.. nnnio of tho nation requires, tlint the
ia'A.;-f4417'AVV f JvVV .law. to lie missed t-v this bodv. bo
(fl JUV Vj . ."-n;": I such a character thiit no person can
gOT'VWKf-- tell from tho reading of fhem,
S .r'v.!- WWi iV.7 B ' !! U Ktnmnoil iiimhi tlia faces of the
Tr: .'i V' I 1 I
. I
Or.oKGt H. (Jooni-ASDtR, Editor.
citizens of the United States
Abolitionists could bo arrange the
law, thnt tho color of the negro could
Wednesday Moitxisn:.::Jan.l7, lSCG.o hid, wo presume they would then
-a--j.u.-m." BWCttr that everybody was white, Mr.
NEWS ITEMS. Wilson still further eulogises the dar-
WITU EDITORIAL TOUCDM. key . nhen) j, ,)0l ft tlrop of trcaB0U.
Alabama lost forty thousand n"" nlio blood flows under u blaeU skin."
jn tue reuemon.
Gen Lonirstreet is now a commission
merchant in How Orleans.
A rSrnin nnpiMilntm in MoOreiror.lA..
committed suicide a few dayB since, i he continues to use a whito skin, he
The Confederate Maj General Low-!mifiht fict into troublc- J 6bouId
rie is now a lhiptist clergyman. j have his skin conform to the color of
Tbo Detective sneak Baker was his heart, and this he could do very
mustered out by tho express order of readily, by offering to "swap" with
the resident. eom0 iac buck.
T. Buchanan Head, of Pennsylvania, i a
i. bfinr vMd it Washing for a ! ni Nation iLltoBBEits.
0 - n t
foreign mission.
rrnniflVaaia Leiriilature.
This body is Kill busily engaged in
Washington, January 0.
WiiiiivnTnv Jun 10 nil i-fr,lrk.l iV . .
RiitiUr W'ilunn of XlauRBilin. of Wara anil Vmh. . : u'I..l
" . " . v - -... irifirtiM.j l
,,! no.!,, ,. The (Jovernor is still 1 rsrNAT-Mr Sumner presented tho "lt"i offered the petition of the color, nqu.r into the expediency ofJ
n ;,,, ! i ,i,A k,n( iur,nPi mi aniens ol .Nivannnri, aj-king ior me system ci income ttm. i
in Cuba, nnd it seems as though the Pfon :f.k'rk," in U,C ,S,n,.I)nrU the riirht of snffrarc. deferred desirable. i,K 11
i- . i .lament asainir lor nn lncrcas ui pay. . "... . . .. --mo
members uiu noi Know iuuu uu -
. . i
until the tiovernor comcsnomo mm Mr Sumner presented ft memorial f V"""1" .v . ' .rL , . u " . , Tj u?, ,or m c
tells them. The Sneakers ot nom j,, for H,0 ,..nation of public lands J,"'.-r" 'Vv. ' ""-V ln3 to rv
,,hvc however,., menni mo 5, , J1";0. " JM0 anscssors of internal ic'venue. itr. WarJ, of New Yc
LoirrMitfct vn fomm ties. Mates lately n rebellion. Jkcierrcd ., , ,. , ,',.,. rti
, 1. .-... . . ...1.:.. 1. ji r, j I'svuvivn vapjuiik'u i.tini ui iiDnmuun cvmiii' luriii , i,- .
iiir j'ooi onerca 11 resoiuiioii, w hk-ii ... ... .... , - v
fking for nn increas of pay.
-'(-.--' ! - ' I ,v 1118 rt. I
Mr Ft'ssenden, of Maine, from tho if not, that they provide tUt J
rinnnco Committee, roporlcil tho on incomes shall bo for amount J
atrnnged their respecti
and in the nbsenco of tho governor
they enn train themselves in tho com
Itis certainly a pity, thnt Wilson
i don't get a black skin, so that he could
never bo taken for a traitor, for while
-Our read
ers will no doubt recollect that tho
Maior General Sweeney has been second week Congress was in session,
dismissed from the service by Secre-'an Uppropriation of $30,000 was made
tary Stanton tor his connection with- refurniah the AVhite 1IouBe thc
the Fenians and for neglect of duty. . , . '
0 I "lovar 'visitors having carried every-
Thomas S Picket, was murdered lhi ff. It appears now, that the
uuu wnv'i nt vi4 v--.
aid Chief Clerk of tho Senate, vico
mittee rooms, and ho ready to rush General Hickey, deceased.
" . ,1.. ,.e w . ' -j
wasndopted.appointingWmJMcDon- I'"'81 1 1 uIB r,0 .,y. , , . .,u sroiiut
' uimvvu .j " ""u.inu in lllt.r J
things through when ho returns.
Senator Wallace, has had tho high
Mr Sumner offered tho following
Whereas, it is reported that persons
' i t i tL l . . i .. i.. . : .. r
est position assigned him.of any dem- occiart-u iroo vy .u , . th hi ,)Ut wiUl tho undmtandinei On
oeratintliat body, beinc placed on cmn"c,l!?n ' ' V"JfVllTVlt that the Secretary of tho Treasury, in . it was
thn.luilirinru Kt.tntfit .f- Kschc.att and r.", r.T"1" ' V niki"S theso appointments, would , ays and
I I - n 11 lllCif tf
bill proposed to change this and give ploymont, and iiiRtructinjr A
tho appointing power to tho Secretary miltceon Freedmcn A.'lkirs toin
VI nil- j iviinui ii v . . ... v . u v
Mr. Sumner said he would vote for was adopted.
motion of Mr. Iianki
rnnJrAi I 1 , el., ft
m t i
jieans no instructed fn
cgtiOt.t I
kt cfij
j - - - 'u,'!'."u , l" obey the laws of Congress i it requiring quire into tne expediency of
Library, committees. But ouo demo- nnd IJrnz.l, to bo held as slaves and!l t0 bc takcn by ftU nppointecb, ing from internal duty tl,e maE-
crat has received a chairmanship in that in tins way a now slave trado has nul woulJ )ot jn llifJ own nathoi ity ! ture of crutches and artificial lC!
tho Senate Hopkins who has been commenced on our coast ; therefore, ,,.dievo f.crtain pWSOng from taking! which is now an enormous taxon
placed at tho head with three other' Jolved,Umt l ie tomm.tleo on lho Cadi.
n ,r,i ftm,iMfnA,,Mw 11,(5 J"4ll(,iry be directed to inquire, We all know," said Mr. Sumner,
Democrats,ofthecomm.ttetoCcimre ifttny pm.thcr iegi3ltion is needed to 'nhat tho Secretary of tho Treasury
Bills, while thc l inance committee prevent thc kidnapping offreedmen lms undertaken to do that, I object to
does not contain tho name of a Demo-und tho revival of the slaro trade on tho exercise of an- such power by
crat, M e suppOBO tho moral force of the our Southern coast. jtliat functionary, nnd I shall insist
committee is to be kept upy the two1 r Sumner read a lotler from a that any appointments imide by him
, 4i , i i ,!u,.nj 'gentleman iu Alabama setting forth under this net shall be made also with
clergymen that have been placed upon b a ,,: i r
, LI1UI 1UV Lf) OLULUU ill tllL' l.'I U- 11'UITlVllt.U I KJ 411 111V VAIObillll II .1 D VI
abled folJlers.
Mr. Scofield, of Pa., cxprewed
views against tho colonization cfv
black race, and in course of his tp,
said that the Republican party
adhere to its principles. The
wo degrade tho negroes tho mor. J
degrado ourselves, and the mo.- :
elevate ourselves the more we pi'o-.J
it ! 11 , 11 . ..i.t.i r .i. t . . .L- . fT't. l
lamnie actually cxisis, ana inai x euer- congress, mat wnosoevcr onicrs upon me uegruea. iue cuenpest and b
The construction of this committee nj oflicers were among tho guilty par- duties under this act shall take the elevator is to inspire them wiih it
lookii bad, but thc two gentlemen or- tics. oatn rcquirea ny congress.
daincd to divine things may preserve ' r Johnson called for the name of, At the request of Mr. IVsscnden the
, ,. TIM ,r o u ..! tho author of thc letter .bill was laid over for tho present,
its rcputaUon. Ihe Uouse is as dark ( Mr Suniner 61li,j ho 1)fl1 bcen ro. Mr. Morrill, of Maine, asked to take
asKgypt, In the construction of tho quosted ,10t t0 givo ti10 ame Tho up tho Senate bill No. 1, to regulate
iTinimlttepR. tlia Democrats have been wriUr ws lrell Irnnwn in flip lfmisf. plnt'tiro frniii'lnHB in lh Tlistriel
edncar Wilmington, N C, by negroes, j Wllit0 1Iouse Wtt8 in debt at the tiineji,,norcd, extent that Mr Nelson the 'Mr. Sumner then read n letter to sim-'ot Columbia. .
on Wednesday night. the appropriation was made, and tlt , jl.,.,...,;,. wa8 liar purpose from tho United States I Thc bill was read. Ii provides that
il . Pin (ml, 1,. 1 l .1 I y ' i l iii4 mil in1 it i i innwiii
. . . i a r l i i D'JM (in .AHH , ....... I
A Connecticut may senva lorxy-eig.n iu. u., ......i-u, mnJc chairman of the Committee
4n.lrrtt 4 1 Pl'Dlllllftlll. lnlllKAIl ' .mA l.Illo of til lin-.n!.l 4 1 t- a i I
v- ,.,.o,.-u . : . ! I ice it- Jnmoraliti, because thero
District judge of Florida.
each nnd every male person of the age
j additional appropriation will have to'.
Mr. Davis had no doubt tho Yankees of twenty-one years and upwards who
v'nH were endeavoring to reonen the slave has not been convicted of an infamous
...... ... . 1 ' . " . . . ' . J !..
Mrs Grinder the Pittsburir pois-'t j , , Vj . . not an Abolitionist in tlio nousc mor- trade. Ho knew tlicy would do so, if crime or onence, ana wno is a cmzen
WfX l?.tidotf. E.ib m"de' 1 r0mdCnt Jh,1K,U!allv ouulified.that was fit to discharrro'they thought they could make mon'eylof the United States, and who shall
' I j i . iii- w a w . w - -
cnonila mnst nf her time in bed. and
uses all the morphine and opium mansion. Our "beloved President,'
ehe can procure. must have thought he was running a
the duties.
Our member, Dr. Early, has been
out of it. lie was in favor of tho res- nave resided in the District for the
olution. The resolution was adopted, i period of aix months shall be entitled
On motion of Mr Foot, tho Senatft'.to the elective franchise. The bill
- -
respect. Give the colored people fa"
sum age, uiiu j uu a waif cn ti:e arabi'.ic
of the whole race throughout the f
ted States. The pending bill shot;
no passcu 10 inaugurate this princir.
ana mere was r.o better place thi
the District of Columbia to beuin tt
worn, uur mcmoiT is certainly eou:
for the darkey.
JJtto Sbfcirfbnarnfs.
. . wm i kni a. u.. ... n. i .: i i a nc b n lis i u Diaoiuu uii x.uj , - - - - - -
AnthonySboder.a lreauiTc erktj" (ion and Estates tf- Escheats, not at all:p M.. and 6oon after adiourned. on the District, on motion ofMr.l?
o It' . .... t
.i Iwon nri-fntiH nnd inkon t.i WbhI- Iia Off".iiiiid ihn PrPBidrntinl mnnHinn.
it.. : ,.u a .i:L .. . . , ,.' commensurate
nigiuu. is mflcu njvu D"""ft,irom mo expenses incurrcu ana mo
30,000 5-U0 bonds Irom the govern- Wft evervthini, 19 -.llitlt.d un flridlw""e. uaiu.,su. ow ",c, "u". V " lT"V,',.,i"?e u '"Jresolution declaring that.
(Vll right he's "loyal." , " , , iv? . P'aced at the bead of committees ; g-aiu u cuwwn vouk r'"'yD. . - . i .
. . plundered. W hat a stigma upon the 1 (those two lovnl worth cs Washburn'. "crcas, me peopio 01 me eleven
with his experience, Uoise After this body was called ; 8,1, lllino'8-,. . ..4
l,ils natural Know Nothing are'to order bv the Fncuker. nnite a hil-l MF' vw.c- J"'ul
TLt CASH wait cccjjuiot U fullowicit nm
to iDiar ttDtion : Aaiioittmton' d Ei
Um' aotieci rack, St SO ; Aoditon' Bourn $ln
Dinolutiun noiiceS2 CO ; Caution, $ tO ; batf
1 1 all other trimifot Koticei at tin ua.
ratra. Otbrr adrrlicmtnu at 1 1 lifer nux
furl or tu iuwrtiotit, for f ch additioaal lit
on ffB'.i Tea linai o !, toanl aiqut,
ress s about passing a law, as-1 ! .... A i ... f posis lor w men incy are mcniany as . ... .,.',,, ,,,.. T. (insurrectionary bUtes 1
.... " . ... i i;u IV iru i-i iiuu uv L'lLUt inuiui ... ... . ..... . . .. uiiii,. aim iwiunni ui jiuns. at .i ... . . ,
g a tax ot g-u,uu,on every tuna- ' . - . . . , illy qualihed, as old Mclc is morally ; nfr-'lllflt thromrl, i.h inBtrminiH ;.!l,oir Jnacpenaence ox li
Washington, lor which more""- r r to orench tho rosnel. But such is U- rr ,i.. ii,, ,..,.lo,n , f Mates, nnd have made w
, per annum, rent is exacted ,6troy, the .National mansion, nnd de- .,..,.. . .,. ' i.i: ,i " " ,,1; !the government, and abolis
t . AU1.'ilklVlll0111 At VU UIAI iVV.'I'UUMV IftllUP UVIMHU I.V PVIUU UUUlILt
ing in
than 8600
by the owner, which sum is to be ex
pended in educating the utile Ameri
can citizen of African descent, as our
"beloved," used to call a nigger.
A loyalist by the name of Cole an
Assistant machinist in the Patent of
fice, has camo to p.ricf. It was ob
served by his associates, that for two
years past, he was spending more
money than ho was earning, a watch
was put on his track,- when ho was
, iirnoraneo and fanaticism, and is prop- western railroad, whUo he held near.
m. , '. . , , , , . j ly nil the stock, which at once went
.The Clergy- ignted and upheld by renegade priests If frQm $g iQ m
iave declared
ie United
ar airamst
hej the po
litical functions guaranteed to them;
And whereas, military tribunals are
not suited to the wants of these poo
Tut Ring Uhokin
men of Philadelphia, have lately had temperance lecturers, ho women and!tiie letter was to have a portion 0f ,r'c crefore provisional governments
a great time over Sunday Nevspa-! General Knavery enemies to both 1 the stock.if he assisted in passing the!thou1,1 bj iustitnted suited to their
pers, and running tho Street Cars on the whito and black rnco, and to rcli-'act. After the act was passed Wash- r'tt"u ftnd netesBltB
that day in the Citr. A combination 1 gion, morality and Democracy. wante.d to charge Paldwin, the Mr jlow proceeded haTinghrgucd
- J , , , , m , m - advance pneo for thc stock, whereat inHinBt the doctrine of State rights,
was formed, and regular preachers rr.Jhe look offence nnd let the cat out of; to demonstrate that in secedintr the
meetings held, denouncing Sunday! """'""jthe hac. The debate between them (Southern Slates had destroyed their vLEAP.rrELD f ail eca:
CO. A meatine of U 6torkh(.ideri.W
bfld. ob Wodnt.diT, tfat Zilb iuct, at th CI.
of tht Para'a Rail Koad Compasr, at 12 a'tun
M , for tba parpvw of rlcrtirg a Prcr!ilat att
twelr xiircctora la ert tht miuisr w.
U. U. fcHILLl.NolOaD,
rbila. Jaa. It. 16C-1U Sttingrj.
it kereb; f irto, tbat LatUra Tnuanm
fcava thii day bora f raetrd, to tb uatnipK.
vS tbt attata of Jotrph B.ryrr, dw'd of tii
ford towBfbip, Cltartfld cotictr. Pa. k'llfm
CofNTEariiTtB8 Look
nanore and Sunday travel. On Sun- mcn I,U.B" 6" JOB PUCH iUurR" Bhows them to be a brace of lOVnl "'stence as States. He denied the
detected in robbing tbo charity boxes iav ia8t however the Hev Wm II tlve nir'rmeDt for the past four scoundrels. So body was killed. doctrino of the indestructibility of the
viu crn-
Mi'siebei) Cut. An order was
promulgated by the War Department
on the 9th inst, mustering out of tho
eervico one hundred and twenty-two,
Major and Brigadier Gonerals Thc
mustering out to date from the 15th
January, except those serving in Tcx
us, whoso muster will dato from tho
1st of February. This order will
furnish more relief to the Treasury
Department, than any yet issued by.
the war power,
fell in the '-lust
AVtc Furniture Rooms.
Clearfield, CWfield eountj. PfcnV,
Rpoctrt!!jr lororiin tla tititai of Caa-!'.
and vicinity, tbat ht bai toaBMni ik
fartara ol all kiodt Pf Faroitara, in tit ho n
Market atrart. adjoiairf tha FecairT. atra t
u frrrta la tc.kt t. ardor nrb fcrtuaraa
mt j ta atactad, is jod tl atd nih, la ait
Wardrobta and Sock -rates of all kiait; iti.
Iea4t of rrrry drteriptioa ; Sofia, Work -ttaaat,
iiai-racat, antod aB. aid will famuklt
order Kockinj axd Ara elaa, and lar!r, kb-
men, aca otbtrraajra.
lha abora, and many otkar artit! ar far
Bifhed t rou,n.ert .t fair rripet forma, m
eicLar rrd for at'DroemntrT trninrr. Cir.
Resolved, That no State or nnmher to control ih .i..Ki;r,n t-,,,i.i ,.ir7t 'r'v "r'. LiBwd. aad other L
Of States COnfudorAln lntKnr .n Inl,; V til L. V' 7 , IU,U""? tot. b. Uke. i,.xebr
CLOSJ.D AT La-T.-TI, -fWnr!lr r. ,J- . l": "' 1: 1" ' . 4.uv 1 " "OIK "r-o,. K.jbw. th. ,h. p adjom. tk
v 1 loiiut'cuun ior ins own re-election, and to nd.l n.sr7- Jn- . K. M coKkLL
....... i. i . .. i i . . ,. .
uuu iuu ii unuiiiLTiun iiiuuuiiiciio tuii-i i...i . j i a yuarn, uro auoui ciosinff yimr ucuupo-i jur. oornpcn, oi inaiaiia, canca dd. " lv "viuuivui. i?iui.v
.i . . , . i - n . rm 1 1 I ui ucpo, u i ci v iuii uuu li'muun ui- - - . ... . . . . . i . ..i i i
inouuon uuim m i aic u u uco.anu - - , . . , tion. The Judiciary Committee in'"'0 resolutions here lotore submitted ;" wwgi m uman origin,
for which he has been dismissed a j"1"! Pcncd "is batteries from his - by him, viz: ,and were made and unmade hymen,
terriblo punishment for robbing chan- pulpit on the Sunday advocates, and ngrcss, Lae nnan.mouslj reported J jjj Thnt lhc nmtin9 (Ue denied the right of the President
ty boxes. All right, he's "loyal." m ono i,our totally demolished the bill, to punish the making of, orip,:, f'if Vci ted .States deliv-if0 rctoro lbc rebcI S- ThoPros-
m tf . .11 ,i nassintr. counterfeit loval monev. with , i .u - : .1.. 1 . ident's duties were executive. rotl.iniT
ouuuny xori, anu capiuring an me 01 nv I'livume ui mo prcscni; . T, . , &
clergymen belonging to the Sunday ,denth- The of times, Congress, is regarded by this body J f- e iTrl tTT
regiment, and declaring that Sunday dT the rule of the party ?6or. .Mo, jud,cio, and ratrioUe 0iAZ9 TVrl
v 1 . , .. ... . linnpr i , vl iuu i
is no better than any other day. As 11 "LU ui B'1 ",urui ,UCttS wm cliJ 'r ' , .! of public land. Speaking of the effect
this gentlemen ha, heretofore locn redact upon this continent, all thatl lho civil rujbts of the
very loyal and religious, his bold de0.; and heathens demanded- K'S 'f'" io ".
laration, Mill no doubt attract thoau!dun,,S the middle ages, unless tho cable lhat Cfin nmv be i(,d 0 our . 'J Jon d add tn, -e embers
tention of theologians, and "Sunday rpl soon exchange that cheap com- disordered domestic afta'irs. jg, Jj, 1Io,fh, 'TlV
Christians." iuuaj- lujaiij -ivr puiuusui
immrdiata piTnif ot, aad tboae kariaj eU:ai
araiort tb aama will bare tbt ta proftraiita
tuairU fvr aottameaL
Jaa 17, 'H-pi. e. A. CALDWELL. '
Settled. Tho Attorney General of 1
. . . . ' 1..: -:. . .1 . ,l. tt . . ' "
the United States, has at last, after. ciisung ior me pasi seven : uu mo rcuerai rniou, cxcej.t ly a tbo vote of thc electoral college more ! vi,'i T 1 . r 77 ,
Amonc thoso who nearly a year's study, delivered the JCIir8' t'clwc!n
ditch," as Forney .opinion that persons charged with j-l-i Baltimore,
it 1 . - .-.v v. a,. vivvaviai vuni"t; .uuir;;
in Henry 15. Johnson, total subversion of ourpresent system than one-third of its present number!
nore, and Miss Harriet' Government and thai the President, The responsibility devolves upon Con-!
o .. . . ii" cnunciatinffthis doctrine in his Into VrPKo in tm. n,ti. t- r
: 1 - I....' 1 - v - v.... .j.,,.. vv-!,,nm TrnnvT niT? rtflflff
i -r 1 in v num. Hiiiiii: imn uut 11 mi: in 111N iHin rrywa n t-n iai 1. a 1. . r. - r j- iubm v'j w a a iin w i.'iriii
terms it, is the man who tied Mrs treason, cannot, according to tho Con-aneniewj ' icient isuchan- InesF ,c ha8 bnt ivcn CXI,rion to T" A Uiia I "DUUHi
Surratts legs!
Major General John
Auditor General elect.
that so many of
havo been turned
rhorifina nf t in lvnr m. n miM nnTor :Tinnnrv rith lha cuma nrnnmn
frn Tvimntnn. nftnr Iin if nnA 4lml
State TfiEASOEn. In accordance' ., . . . , .' .
. . . ,. eu-iv uairar 111m amiMu in ir'ing a
with tho law on the subject, both . .,: , . , . , ,,
. . , T . , , ' . civilian by Court Martial, is legally
the Hall of tho houso of Representa
tives, on Wednesday tho 10th inst,
and proceeded to elect a State Treas
urer, for tho ensuing year. Tho vote
stood for :
Wm H Kcmhle Abolitionist 80
J. Monroo Kreiter Democrat 42
"Mr. Kemblo ia the nroserit snenmhrnt..
and a citizen of Philadelphia. Mr. Krei-I r,or.'8 Wisconsin and Minnesota, in
more gnilty of crimo than the burglar
or the highwayman, because in addi
tion to violating thc law, and the rights
of freemen, ho has perjured himself,
by swearing to support the Constitu
tion, and then turn around, and do an
act prohibited bv it.
A Nice Mcddle. Tho loyal Gover-
StantonB hangman, stitution, be tried by a Military-Corn-Jan wero brought to a close on Thurs- the sentiments of all those who deny Bnd, for one be (Mr. llowel would mv FOR
F Hartranft, tho mission, but must bo tried by a civil !cln3' laBt nt " heatland, hy.a marriage the right or rower of a Rtateto secede, no, Congress had not been at-ked to
Itisto bad, Court. A back -woods school hoy, who ceremony being repeated to them, I J' '. ' , V 'lft,ut,ni,s pn 'Ufa restore these functions. Thcclectionl Th r4Ttpi
i),nS...lnv.!",n hlwn.t !.i..,.i K whereupon both saidves: and in thisi'" . ".Vt:nFrp" Rna 11,0 of members of Conrress was takinit i" ,n Wr
v.avow 1 iiivii m.u iv.. iiiBiiuitiVIIV VUK VlllUt ay f ' .l 11 n f r t 1 A f 1 I A f o 1 , 4 .. 1 . : J ' . . ft " ' i WtMTr
.... ui. 11 - Un,. .iu iv. ,tt.. a "V " "'""""" ",,,lu"utuc-ior cranted that t KKo tuniinna 1,,l 1 "
ouiupon Mucoid .couia nave iiirmsiica mis public lunc-'-v ,uuuuul 4U ccbrUiI cllnrts to rent ore civil covcrn- MrW K,.,.n,i " '. "V " o ibe Ui of a
with the samo opinion, within uie cuuro sausiacuon 01 mo parlies mcnt, law and order to the thc States for thon r,..i; --...e a,t ,li(t ,fT
Trn miiintna nttnr Iin rfiiwl it nni-l ml " .'"' in nn n i i o lull' V in lliKlir.
tcr, resides in llarrisburg, and in
administrative ability, far exceeds his
successful opponent.
their Messages to their respective
j Legislatures strongly rcccommend no-
! gro suffrage, notwithstanding the fact,
(that in November last, both those
Tnr.Qcrsnos Settled. The ques-iS(aC9 votei upon this subject and de
tion whether we aro to havo a rail , foatpd il ir the former Slate by 10,000,
road, is now a fixed fact. Tho vehe- Rnd in the latter by 7,000. These
ment opposition in Philadelphia, Jnew loyalists have about as much ro
gninstthe building of the Atlantic ,t jprcct ; for rPulnr rnajnrities, when it
Great Western road, has been with- conflicts with their opinions, as hog
drawn. The directors of this roadilias for roa- They also support
have purchased thc Thila'd k Reading President Johnson's reconstruction
road, and will therefore proceed to policy. Tho Governor of Maryland
For Tin Daukit. Tho Abolition
members of Congress held a caucus
on tho 12th inst., and resolved to pass cy which ho has
1 866.
rmr-ort t tUod la tbt fttara.
tba prat uoetriaa tfcal tkas
aid Ir- anbordiaauaa
rC tafeOti&) ltpn..l.l. r.f IrtrfVin. rtv'Na.l.r
Mr. Howe stated his reasons for on- iuduMr.T- it iefir,io b d.i;:oei:Teouit4
isir.g immediato restoration. The "ut Z 1 'e " ,,fJftia;ibicb rrr.rietaiar.
te so bibber Ihit uu
prtat Arnraltnral Clueea
t!i ral'lie j !ar.1frn t
bv ihfl rKiilto r.f If. u " rr". bow, ihronch baola, tarifft-Ultt
ty the n Mills Of tho ar. He Would., frr, eofroiNB, ,r anirirf I. erwk tbHL.
fnVnAa. 'l.i , lu 1,11 "-mucdi mai Iie.ana those '"'WT 1 c.K.oriuilituta,TaiCrtH:.
JUr oorhecs said that in introdnp- -;ii, -i,... 1- ,. r,rfruurk,rr.,j v..., ......
.I::, v. ""u.,' in-"o him if Le would stand bv the I'nii.'H
whose citizens were lately in iiiKnr.
rection against the Kcdcral authority,'
nnu we ncrct'V
aid. assist and
mony, peace
, . . " , posing immed ate restoration The ' i " "' "'Ja.
pledge OlirsclvcB to ' nfc rif c, . i4C raoder KmocraUe p.-,ei
npholdhim in tho poli- dZ ?iio,l r , to- ..'
is adopted to cite bar- t ' " dmm They were 7 p
nnl. ;..n in i nr "" . "'y wouia net abide -V" .
5 lata Kickla and Cool luliiaaJ LiWrlr tnnf.
at a treat rcutiarj aarrifipa, ia New IiA.a4
the negro equality act, notwithstand
ing the unanimous protest of the citi
zens of Washington. We call the at-
A 4 ' . 1 . .1
lennon 01 our rcaaers to tno protest1. ; . ., . . mra u 11c wouia sutna vy
of tho Mayor npon tho suliect. found 1 1, fl.'i. ,w,i n. 1... j . " ' ' J .7 iaics- m conclusion, Jie advocated '. . hta it Lad to other joarai
in the Senate proceedings on our firat'publio cri'b on iSoTCd
page. The public will soon see U-llion. Slatcsgiving ,0 CongLs a 3 XVVZS
respect an Abolitionist has for nn nlll Pntt Is, or anything that .was veto upon all acts calculated to onrrc rM U nh tb. fe-. zik&
election, and thc voice of the ballet' . "1":. ' T He would give them dole-
build their road at once through
Union, Centre, Clearfield, Jefferson
Clarion counties, laying broad and
does the samo thing, but denounces
negro suffrago as vehemently as he
would horso-stcalin''. Loyalty seems
ar y
and narrow tracks, from where the to be an article made to suit the times,
Reading road connects, to Cleveland ,and for the especial benefit of those
and Cincinnati. Engineers are now1 '"'ho consider themselves no better
6n the line cast and west of this place :tuan ncF'Q- m
lotting it as fastas possible, to enable Dissolved. The bloody partnor-
the company to put the whole line ' "P that has existed betwoen Stanton,
under contract by spring. A Bewera,1IV'itiiftkcr'ftt Washington, for the
. . . . ' 1 ,. , Pf dt loar years, was partl' dissolved
is about dawning npon th.saccu?n rf in tht lhb ingt rr0iidelt
ii Ftat. a:sfterirEakerottof tbt cocccrn.
v a -.i i , ,,"""I,l-"uu any class, lie wou d e ve them dele
aved w.tbout such Kss,Mnnce to their gates to Congress als0g This was be
'KulaMhTrrLr'Hf? ,,l'rd lb 'y fcl'4lant for the South n
; knee that h.rft might follow frown- States were unfit for self-covernment
baT beta tettt-r off i-aruBarilT. bot it
bara Wi radly bankrupt is prracifl kai I la
kes any ether roarve. It dooa not m
ma a emrTit:na vi.a gbodHy Demorratit m
juovino. we are pleased to see jnni might loilow frown- States wcro unfit for self-rovernment 4bol,tio !". rprtrd kr P.i.t, f
that tho citizens of Washington, have'"1 rartj,i1n nnd anarchy would ruin Them. This be'rJ Z'S,
nearly unanimously called npon Tres-i ; '" Zl ai a 1 u. I'lan lie lH'l,cvrd to bc the only one ' e.nrP,r, tc Bornf.
ident Johnson to remove the Post ' , r thoil,Bht "fiK raiculated to insure the aafetr and '"".Kitaui.. Barf
luenwonnson, 10 removo tho i ost irrespective of rewards or tho per b welfare of ihc- r-ovei-nmnt sairii. !'' ' "ih!dera and eap,..ii,ta, a4-
Master, Assessor and other Federal 1 of reproach. 1 I tfihrli CJ!?? T? U" 0'd V"T M' a 'd
j 01 Hie southern Mates. . tba Mor.frelirta. It, tSarefora, eaila aro
otbee holders in that city, who so re- Mr Bingham said he would offer tho Mr. Howe moved to refer his rcso- to v u f( yaarttr1-!
ccntly took such an active part against following resolution as a suhslitute Intion to tho Special Committee on tTT iBorolww
the whito people and in favor of the,for those of Mr Voorhees: Reconstruction. m-uiwd aa th. utiiz.imJ"e iiwrf
negro, in refferonce to black suffrage.! , That this House has an (Mr. Howe advocates the same doe- ITbriS &
I ,idinB confidence in tho President,' trine, that Jefferson Davis i Co. did .f 'u iTd.. 7 .VffriSS
Suit for Damages. General Frank nd that in thc futnr as in tho tast. durinir tho rebellion. If it wn in. raUooraal. ExrrMtT for eoaatr ,iJLu,.
.a . . m
iair, on tho ;-d, beloro leaving Sts "e wm co-operate with Congress in son then, why is it not treason now! rrPor 01 au uae lark arkta.
Louis for Cincinnati, entered his action goring with equal privileges and' Every leading Southerner aliodged TEEMS CASH IX ADVANCE,
in tho Circuit Court against Messrs. rights, with other States in the Union, that the States in reUJIion were out J" " yer, f 1 o
Pidgely and Thompson for 110,000 " f tbo States lntelj in insurrection. 'of the Union, but every loyal coward Ji'r7rMonaTlT,arla . , M
da mnfxofl. Tho irontlcnion who nro moved to refer thnt. tooilior muid no. Ifn l(mf.rrot u-) t. nr fnr n r ,.''... 1
maae acienunnis in this suit were 11,1 1110 resolution lor winch thev such doctrines on the floor of Cnurm. le ,or-" w, aad oaa tka 1
Judges of Election in the sixth wnrd, a siibstitute, to thc joint com- he would soon bccxlled for treason ) rm.tXT'f rf U c1b1s " Z
and refused to allow General Blair to mittoo on reconstruction, which was! Mr. Johnson obtained the iloor rThTrrtwm. "
vote unless ho would take the oath agreed to yeas 107, nays 32 (when, on motion of Mr Sumner the c 4 , TBEMIUXS !
prescribed by the Constitution. Mr Smith, of Kentucky, offers a Scnalo went into executive session, ' tid'aMb? cluVTrfldT;
. uv.vmi, niiiui ngiwa 10, in ana rxxn aucr uojourned.
hUte xrensurer of irginia by the inquire into the expediency of appro-
I at rr 1 cl a f nra was 4 1. a rta K:.e! ii . i f , 'J
h "",vl" v "vi inn riv-fcilb IlltUlU
Cttiitf; p club fur lfA
. . - T ...a..Hucat.i VI VJ a p. Ill
ohn b Calvert has been elected structing the -military committee tol UornE Mr. Morcan Jones, Repre- '7it,,,,li,,",,tt tmjt
,,i,nvy me mqaire mio inn expediency of appro-tentative from the Fourth Concuss- WJtTM . 2
e present incnm- nr at nc- the ArllnVun .Li V.,.. 5,,.i w;i-:. x- , -onPrc8S: "
1 . , . . 1 p ft-"" ,,,tB .'.ii umti u i vi .icw i ui s, eroeared
eeni. Virert was ireasnrer dannr Xti nm no
7 - - p,- - . I aUH - SaO UUlllUCUi m ' f-"" '-M v-, iajajif Chbm
On motionof Mr.Ho5.n,of Missoa- X , .Vt.ttci
the war.
The House at 4 T M adjourned. I