Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, January 03, 1866, Image 1

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    1 If
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1 I i- "
. G33DLA5DSH. Editor and Proprietor.
mrrcinxs, tot n:
TULES: S2 -3 Per Anxa. if jt-i is airai:
f'1' i
f; 4 (i
T3 rlliSTS
Xif TIT T-fiHr 5 S' d?ire th
:f the to sections, ati jrti(T.ltr:T T onTj I i"Hjim!: .;5s.-:':-L
"i tu TITO Kisrr-ir..-
.....Mv...v.,. J0HSS03T & STJISES. jTKE CS72T OF PE3TTA. ? Eir&lT CF GEXEAL G2AST. point out ihev weU ram It ia
Pr,ucA i. pBUi.b.a wryWeaMy, , , , , int,.Pvi(l,v ... . hflf i . fr(tt.r,.h- Rivln Hi ad 7a- Armies of the U. ri, rw! fsdth. 1 1 to wmtteJ that
T GtU. . SN DLK, 4 CO., lLtf pvesident aild Senator Sumner on tl.e term of tLU or' that'judce cftho Wa-'.:!stos, iH-c. IS, 103. ) there cannot to a ptu comraixg- irkf-sr cf t, L )L-ra rl aci poa-
tunjBMtf. ifpi.inMnf:i , i ,.: olw , ... Simmmfi fn,i P..ti,,Sv!r:;i .-' .'. k--?. J JuKuton. Jr,:s- ling at this time iK-tweem the. sli&t v? lb fxir-r-c r fir.T'HtW'C. ca i:
i cV fix month. .i,n will is brgeJ.- read in Conres.-i. It lasted for several fires ; when vacancies Lave occurred r ' ( M-Yfj .Sfafr? :
frdiKtinUnuod nil ail m&r;fsar pail, hours. ILcre were throe or four er- f'V death cr otherwise; end m ho were
sons present. Sorancr is' represented elected to 11 nn h vacancies. The
X3E7TS S.-ECIAL SCESSAGE. as having teen vt-rv nervous. Some of fol'owicj coap:httko f.nwers -&M
jt tentfcsStke VaiWi SiaUs: jthosc present thought he woul J go these jae?tk s sud j,-:vci. in irUf, a
reply to'iiio resolution adopted into a f;t at two or three dhlcrent eomjikte Lirfrry of o:j- St-tct-.c
btnat or. the 12th. I have the periods of the conetdtatioa. .At any ; Y,, Ir-iA I1-:'! the yc-r we !!rt
r to flat that tho rebellion wair- rate Lisactions justified the.ari'lication elwt ed Jadr-sander the smr.dvd Cert-
Sir in rejly to yoar note of the thoe catnistfd wltL the kw-ir.i.L5i r
. i., ri-incsti!, a rqort irr-in J'i r.
T-v.? i.rit".tr:iiation a 1 :
3 !?
v : i j ii'ii T!( me jKratKT
,j.,.,--.d ci corr.m" w.thin t?:e tC2T-t icreaa U;it atteJ.tJOii isja
k: tie fo.-siries iaad-3 l-v the have done if tsore ilntt l!iii j.;
W-i'the T.'riu-d States in their Try Iisw.ah Coi,vcrsj.tkM.s t 'e
uu.n of the lrh I Lr-vethe ut;ert.howevr, w'.-.Lc-erf c'-t t-w-
raportioaol the people a-raut oi in term ol t'Cir'a ifiononir.r.iac f tit anon, aown to tc- jwt tdn.. awt non,i i w.i'jwm;, i-.j .-.. i.v. "
rep. .r.l-oi2!t'.ttcd)saaioritwi of - in regxrd to the nc-m. YiriU? Lj-I li a maUcr c-f tatreJ to n...?. r, at: .1 "r a, ,v!s -ar4 t.I-j that f the -tht i-nn f. ah- Mti a; tSJr
.'JavanuH-t.t of the Vi.iu-d Mates' self m.aWe to move'tho l'rt-Mdt-ut, he i worthy of prcservatk-n far r.-ferei:ee : .lion. K-K-ta?y'of War: 'hare m Wer. c-o-nt-i v-.tij irxJ
k-effiuppresscd ; that the United tinallv broke out as fallows : J I" 1 ? tiio Ar.tend-i I kit Wahicton City on the 27th jarratrt cr ect,:,-: r:y. ir! ujA I be
.kh the in ft-ction existed, and ; white rebels down in Alabama ar.di Common wealth cleetct ty the jvi-op ktn a toar oi ir.-jH'ctson thrnh
:r far as co.Ji be done, the coum' other localities in the South are talk-: v.-as pcrlVcted. Dunaj; the session of some tf thi S.athern .State, or States
S.e United Sutes have been re- inir very strontr asainst th Unioa.ilol theLct:hilureIivkdvd the Slate l .te!y in ri-UIh'iB, au-1 to see what
jt -d, pcftt-ottices re-established, and 'and der.oundng dt in strong terms ; i;-to judicial cistrict. and made ai! change Were ' neee-ary tc he raa-1e
taken to pat into effective oje-:; tan you not do" something to put a j other provisions Tv:ni.U to give full in the tii.-jstion cf the mhitar.- for- in tue orcaic i use rMo;:ry ; t uri-w
'f nthe revenue laws cf the country. 1 6lor to it
is the result of the measures mrti-l Ihe Tresident coolly rej.lii-d : "I ! law. In the A2iOwin- autamn the eoti l te reJuced oni ixiW6 rcr-
i 1 by the Lseeutivc with the v;ew see. Air. Suiniier.that the wl.ite relnrls I fcrsi ciectin lor J u.ii-os was held. ; la.iea. c-.e.. and to learn as lur a
i : ul : ? ti't, ". j
of tlitir fvTraer owj:er v. !, r.t lf!f!.t ia
1-i.rt, be d. 1-. 1 c:;."'r; U"fm..h8-c-xa
Jrons kJKOr the '.:r;;.- c i i " . - - testa a.
T hi s -' ' ' l f i - cri cti- y h. ; t rt . r" r. -w ; .:.
tl c ';LI;.rTi -f itj-rrj ijxzki-cr.trac-t
; ' r the "':a" vfsr.
lit foine b'mthi- 3e-:-c; a.n " T-rr?:5s
I'll (TTts'."? ".'":
l,e sr" S c
.r"r. :f r
.Kit . .L J
Ti-t c.
' S". If a S.-t t
ir ecrvdl tv tach-
.l r-ii-'-y. tLy arf
; ty a-!-
-ir- t th i; L
i'l'.r Ik r,.,i.-ir for
-ra. :-'-- f. :iol;y triv-
L.'.. a.. St z
hiaein a resumption of the lane-. n Boston are talking against
jiscftiie State, coiaprcli ended in ' Union. Can't you put a stop
For the Supreme liench thf tlte f
to it'erats noams
in.iuirv of the Senuto; the
, ' s h i.rj.-f- r wCrd ta
people tnore: . j ..-nu-ix-i. i.i i.ewii, o; inca.ter.iin t?etierat ucverr-tuerit. ,lJ t--j.i-.xf - . .. - .-.-.. t
LXorth Carolina, South Carolina. This confused the Senator f,r a short J'hn . (,d,son of Cumberland. Wabj Jlie Stot rd :r-u,ia bi-i;.-so ae- protect li. -ii prc-r: i:-rxr.n;- r e . . - , .l.-c
i ia. Alabama, 31 is-is.,ij.pi, Louis-; time, but aftei twitin- in his seat for ter II. I"wrie t f Aik-heny-and Jameics,Ille t Whiiirton city, ttd in- n;druf jc-t tt.e ta:. :rj - i'';-Vt.f ' TA-
a, and Tfnnes-oe. have ; a short time, 1 -ain" broke out a J CampK-lh cf I'hiladelph.a. I forriatlDri fryra this srt-r. therefore.-ratM ti the coaT,trrj.a-j:tr! i;. t hv;.s'f- . .
.-Titzed their respective State gov-! follows : 1 " - The Whto nouitnated IllcharJ CouJ-1 U-iu r.-ad':!r oWainch I LasUwd ' cperatJ lrtl.? u.rur-t ireit i ..:-i.tiis- uwr;l
r?aer.t.', and are ykhlin-obedience i '-Mr. Johnson, the reports from the ter, of Wot men. land, J whna V.. Conv ! tLr--,adi the S-.ete, without cr.nvcrvii:-' the tre-a aee:.r.;r i-.r r,: yirty c t- t
the laws ana Government ot the ; .v"uth show that tie wnite rebels in v, ot Jior.toar, ueorje v nantt.ers. ot rr meetm; snv o: it cui-ns. " --- - - r-
;.ifod States with more Viiai'-nK-ssi almost cverv section are iiultin? the! Franklin, Wm. M. Meredith, of I'hiia-! In Haki-h. C. 1 room one day: 11-warJ. the i t, t.r-er. -: y.r;.i.. ;
ill -v. I', VI
fii creiiter promptitude than under
he cireurcistancea could reasonably
i:ivo been anticiiiitcd. Thepr.jpo.-ed
iraendment to the Constitution pi
liridbur for the aboltthvu of slavciy for-
ver within the limits of the country been ratiiloJ Iv each one tf those
state?, with the exception of Mi?i-y-Yi-i,
trout whieh r. oh'icial in(':naa
;ioa has been rvcuved ; and in nearly
i.Ilof them roeasareshave bee n adopt
ed, or arc row pendini;. to coifer rp
on fretdmcn thi privileges which are
""seiitbl to their comfort,, protection
and security.
'in Florida an 1 Texas the people are
"making commendable progress in re
storing their State governments, and
no doubt is entertained that they will
et an early period be In a ronditiou to
re.-ume all ot their practical relations
with, the Federal Government. In
that portion of the Union lately in
rehviiiou the aspect of affairs is more
promising than, in view of all the cir-
ii it i t
tumstances. coufi wen nave neen ex
pected. The people throughout the
entire South evince an audible desire
to renew their alh trhince to the gov
ernment, ar.i to repair the devasta
tions of war by a prompt and cheer
fa! return to peaceful pursuits. An
abiding faith i entertained that their
actions will conform to their profes
sions, and that in acknowledging the
supremacy of the Constitution and the
laws of the United States, their loyal
ly v.ill be univerved!y given to the
pfcernment whose leniency they can
noi fail to appreciate, and whose bs
teriu Mre will soun restore them to
a eooiUion of pro-jerity. It is true
that in sonn of the Statea tho demor-aih-.iai-
e.Tecis of tho war str-j to be
f it in occasional disorders, bnttheso
are local in cuaracter, n ft fre.pient in
icciirrence, and are rapid!- disappear,
in as the authority of civil govern
ment is erctended and sa-tained.
Perplexing jue-t ions were natural
ly t i he exj . cted from the great and
m; i 1 . -i '. i; ' in the ri!;;tiois be
twetn t!;e two race-, but sysK-us are
pra.'i-.a'iy develojung t!iem.' Ives tin
der which tho 1 ret-fnan will receive
the pr.iTcc-tbn to whie'.t he is justly
'titl'd. and by means of Ids bd-r
4r.i,i):z hiru; if a useful and independent
meinb-;r of the carannity ia w hkh
he has bis horae.
Msion. and from that which 1 have
Tccently derived liii the most relia
ble autaoiitv. I am"ed to cherish
iH'i'ro. llon't you think that Congress
oah'. to do something to correct this
evil "
The President, with a sinineaut wink
to the other gentlemen present, re
plied :
-.Mr. Sumner I notice by the pnpers
that the white rebels in Cincinnati
have been recently insulting white
people there and knocking got one
or two. Can't Congress do something
del oh i a, and Wil
All the Ieuocr&ls were elected
except CaraU-Il ; who fell behind his
tiikil be-cTiUse of a strenuous eppi
tion to him front men to whom he was
jHTsonalh- (bjeciiona!ie. The only
Whig th eted was Coulter.
The Judges elect drew lots for the
period eaeh was to fcrvc. ihack drew
t tor three vcars, l..W! l r sx. ini son
f for nine, lwrse for twelve, and Coal-
naric-ston. N. L., two c?y;
tr.ah and Augusta. la., eat.i, e-e
r-.sce J j-i-r. as tr n.e
rtrtitt.'uTjs Mid di'-e
Ti ii ........ i i .1 i .... ..f.iir Inr ttin fi;!! trm f f.iipn rmi I hmrf !irei'Or. d:ridJ thv4nliieiits 1 am M1TV Id S"T, 1 tie
Ik is IIUV UIV. ? IV UMU Lll. IIH Bull VI --- --j
.1. . i.! -.".!..! lilud.- hfivin-' lis Ki.r.r!il t.-ri.i n.v ! of ! -., r .y,'.a of I h t vrrt ! -'jons s;a- UKS Lot K'da U
White House was of short duration ! Chief Ju-ticc.
alter that thrust. A". Y- 11 to?.. ! Coulter died in .pr,!, U-.2. To fd!
u l( ! the vacanrv the bi?s non. mated J-
The Ltwiiturg Centre snd Siraee
Creek Bail Eoai
A meeting of the toekholdera of
tho Lcwisburg, Centre A Spruce Crevk
l.ailroad Comyiany was held at Aarons
burg. Centre county.on the Ulth inst.,
Gen. George Jbacliannan ca!lel the
meeting to order, an.l lion. G 11 llar
tYtt, President elect, of the Western
Central 1hiilroad, which is to extend
from Ihdlefont.e,or vicinity, to Frank
lin, wa chosen to preside. Mr. Bar
rett delivered a brief address cTi-jrat-ulatiitg
those present on the favorable
auspices of the great projected rail
road enterprise which he stated ir.( hid
ed the immediate construction of the
Lewisburg Centre and Spruce Creek
road, ami gave the most positive a
surance on behalf of the Atlantic and
Great Western Company, that they
were actinir in good faith, that the
route by the way of Lewisburg, Mif
flinbnrg. I'enns Vallev. Ac, was the
eph ituChiglor., of ArmstKtng; the
PeniH'r.its (e.-rg-- W. WtxJw-atd, tl
Luserne, WiwvJward was elected.
Gibdi dU-d in Mav , 1?"". For the
vacancv the Whirr i.minatd Thom
as A. Ltidd,, of Philadelphia; tho liem
ocratjs. John C. Knox, of Tiogsu Knox
was elected.
In 134 the Democrats nominated
D'.aik for rv-e lection ; the Wlii; nom
inated Ihiniel M. Sinyser. ot Mont
gomery, Black was elected Li-i.HM.-anu'
Chief Jnsi'u-e.
In i37 the 1'einocrats nominated
Wm. Strong, of I-rks. ia j hue i !
Blaek, who bad accepted! the oth.v of
Attorney (leu. BioVr Priident Bu
chanan, and James Thorn Prie,
in place of Lew is, whose term cf ser
vice W3 expiring. and wh declined a
re-noiuination. Tiie? Whigs nomina
ted James ViHH-b, of Fayette an 1 Jo
seph S. Lewis, of Chester. Both the
i:0 V'.-
it- -
i.f r-T.
h tint:
I aw much, tni conv-.-rscd frcelv wkU t
the citieos of S'.r.te.-. r.'.
with o;b-er'i of the amy w!
U-en "ta'soned among them.
The l.-.'itowiwg are the c?i;
; let i.. -.t
.a xm u.xte iz. rM:a.:
c r.i.."-. " i j '" . -.a.
-! r .t:,a..s
: to Lisa, th.9 ia
Liy. nii'tek, La-
i r
s- n. I '.j. . an d,ir ri tI
r.z,i"- oi" z':--t in l:r
sJi-:.: -:hiJd-;Ii I'j'xa:.
4 iavi-i.-is.'': .;. n carhi bv
m he:) be h:, thing wer.:
t well as I'-. i-.-re. .iar.v turns' the rr.t
,vf Lave 'f t2.c agents f tLe Frwdn.on' Ba
!re;io ii'iris. the iazr thai ir teLr.
ci-Js;-T!S ' own industry they iru-t erj 1 1 :".irfc.
i-nirio in hv itt T am Kj.:i-fi. d Jo ti;i. f tliCV liaai.Vfr
the mars of thirkirTr.i of the iSmth eir.p1?yr:cr.t f-rt l.c:r.. aid : :. i '-it
v.r. .. t;tnt .f : loth -t. t rj.ri.1 v-t : V u
in rood lakh. The ouetions whieh ' their crrarcTnrt.ts. L. lut.uK vi C-r Uriy .,.z
of the two cc.ioris s'a-' d-ci i.e.t wtra ta l-e ae-J oi li- sew is-ii .iT --'--s, ."u
ri-ht or the rich ide thit tie negrp U' t'..- r:; ty jutiiiy .... i.ernee.
of a State to eoe from tbe Union. ' hve u.t!..ut cire or p---v s..r S.i.e l.t a .t.a ia.pi
thev regard as bavin-- fn fettled fatrtre. The -f .t of tl W!if 5ti tdrf Sr .t rii -3 i.w? x:--:. a.-w saaiT
forever by the higher "tribunal, trnN !;vik.n ttflanis is idler i iN;;4.rictr.Lr?:'wi;abat
timt man'can rc-:rt to. 1 was. pka- cnni!:b-.a i UTOi.k.;,6v - Swr5,2? t"T. a:raga
e.1 to lesm from the leadir r.iri; 'In -n; ;i rases j.ii,k .".. t-e Jitrts.-U siuiif a t-rar tc s.cre nor
wlon 1 rit t. tt -.: t'iT T'-f t ' o'-!v "re--- that TK-e.rid shia.' ii.-o j , tivcii ii c.-u.scii.i a ".sc aiia.e..
i - i
vtrv and state
cer-teJ thv decision trrived at i tick!.
iu a . v. si
u:sv.s j-. r a f. w
t ) t; ; t t.;:
of tl- s -
-t: bii
exu r
lin? rmi t'tirif h.c smoke fif t 'iti. km. t"C C
tdearvd away and time ha leei; given pe?-d tt.a
k.-r reflectiou, this oei'i-h'U has tnt-n at the s-.i.t
a I'ortanste one f.rtbe w hoi? eountry,
they rcc-i'iving the like b-nef.t fn-ta
it with thoe who eppi-d tlsfr.i in
the ti-ld and in the council.
pouryears of war, during vibUh
the law was cxe uteJ oidy at tic j -i nt
of the Vciyonct li.r.. .;-'..;:. the S:aies
in red.iliion, have let; the jws-t. y
s;L!y in a eondition r-ot to yield that
ready tiuience to civil -ty the
Amor iean ixp:e have t-.- n
in the hfci-it el rU-idius. Thi
render the presence of sma"!
throng! out th'xe States tsccfary
until aeh time as L.i.r retun.s to n--
.-e. i t c;- "4 be x-
r yc:,rs cjt r B? t'ci
l.e:-..;:--!'? J v.t- i.r gTV" r-
e .r 3:.,.; m.'.T h."sr
r.-.. t.r.t ;" e ki-e-nng tx:
5-i jM-iCfJCS to
T " -
JI.JS 't
t '.cv r.
tr-ii.' r.-rt-fsa
tbe n.ihtarj--s.:i".-'-try,
re-.u'n-sali ti-paniU-
rrg;.:-.-.r.j.: ':.
Tc-C5sarllr hr-ow
TU 5ec -
t't-'O t:.
-: A rvw-
1-.. -.S-'g -
xt.i .ii' .'-esi
ii.ii ' CS S v ww." - .
71 li; .s tM
;:! e r..'---,.-"
:1 iht t:i.?; w sa in a
;?, iii u.-e- and tody
.i--y -s.-. Thisaiaa.
-s ..a. j. learcr th
j5u:-. al.i thr.adi
t tne t't'i
-Ct i-. 3 .'-:a'i:r':
.rat-. i,i'-l.v rtwet
v. a:.t -orr- i:.'r ire avst
w-.;o J
pn iH-r channel, and civil u;hor,ty is
tUiiy i-s.Ahiisae... 1
lK.-iniHratic candidate Mere chosen.
ntinoU,.i.lf,.- tin tmii t Imrnn ,.!.. ! Lo wrie I eca in e ' 'hh'f JllstlOe1. 1 t U . V C 'i bi isb e ... I 8.J JiOt lV,.'et
f..H. m,l nn r.t).. r-n rnninmiiPit,.,! I In 1 . t lie Iki'ubhea us nominate.! lone. : . nor t hoe !- -Iditig pluo c
...i',i,.1t,tlr r,tMv';...l ItJ John M. Bead, ci' Phiiadelchia. to til! I the or ir.s';s cf
fpeedv completion. the vacaaer m:'vh by Knox ls-..?nii;gJSonj;!eni Mate, who think it prseti-
" 1 - . . . . . i t . . . . . . ...": ii . i 1' i . i .. . i i. . . .. .. ... ..... ... ... .
A T,voablfl to Vi i s provision Ol tl.e .'.nty oi-ucnu uiiuvr ttov. acKer.f v.i-i a iiun ihv ihi..w:; uvu
rt ot in'-nrporation threeiod e wcreTbe Iem-v rats r.omina'ed Wm. A.jthe South at present. Tie v.i,!teJ.J
. I -. ... I li .... t,t ! i i . n . i'.i . Ii..' ... v . . i .....
. I . . . I i" .... I . . . . i i. .- i r i-r i i.ii. ii:i .! r . . i . . i ..- : . . r - i . i ..
. , r.g. e-
1 1 serms ti t:.?- ib;
-d by rertr-;-i.g uc
will. tr in ine s.i
ag.-i t of '.be rree'j;-.
1 ! n ha vc j," i criers :
beresa tscrt ,': '.
Onimni'-lcns. Ink
the election fur President and Jiiissf-'the Lepv.ha.-an ito:u;nee
tors. Mersrs. James P. Cohurn. J,is. In B'-i the I :a,-. ra'
eph C. Baeher and Danu-1 Jle-s were L-'-wrie. v
chosen, and iatraediatvly .rHH-cded t
th'- rerlru-.are-e ot iheir dath-s The
a..i J... en i
f':x J'ears. f ,-r r-e-eWi-'ors.
iioans rx.niimited I'aioi'
Board then d'.;H- ch tt-
e l. wiil;.int eppositbm, each
reeived 2'f--.' r..tes:
B -xx
tr. A.
w was ciio.-
having ' wara U"car..e l ioei Justice.
The lie ue h is. now rr:r
:,.' i is t-u, .. ii:,,v; r-..! a."1 Ti'.r-s--- ;.,-'.- ;r. the
;. f J i-'.': .vi.!h"'--;'y of the i.-vt ::.!' -veT ? meet
I" he lh-ru: ! throa :;.'e..t the p. rti.n i fth-? es;.;,try
A.-i.".v, r.;.i,tr.i by me. tuut the ta'-re p-ns-er-c
t-o-i- it a i-.-.a.tury tr-i;..w.;:,-.u'i re gar 5 t "
ri,.'.";' - -su;.-. k'.t t- i.;;.;'..a! . . r r
i t v i 11-" g--. ! t: tl.e c e.:.:rv.
f .fi;',:! V
S-'.Uih. V ;.e
itisire c:
TV3TI "3 J l
1 have -.i-: !
Pr or
r ti.r-cr -o-, csrr
it.hera Mxtt'ii?
liurruit. tti'
S-a t.Ue .t d if-f
;gh 1 l7t.-.
wo:;) I J-ii" x
.1 s:ccrr v .-
i voi
attion tt.r rr.e
d f t.-l rr tbe ''
:-"ia t-t- br:.. o
;.r;;-r v-eur, fca.5
sajngi.ti, on
rr in L'si too iTr-
ex ;.' tiw:ta; city. 8t- gay,
r-' ;:TtsI cgtxt gva.ikc:iawh' was
!.: irr r; .. -." ke. . .rW tasLion.
Scfy lii;liii:.ik;; T'siy arid
rr i-u 'ri'l ii-;.. &jlt Bariy oo;.5.rawtl
til ia i "i- vi.: uaniiiar ia the
tu.-l. Iikr:;r:i r":ii ;''rrtne..
T;-;-r;4.-s; r; 'ui-g -. ft y rr-irv
r.-'tsi " "-.'" ."-si' i us
. ''.'';. f -v-i s.-Ciy v-r a.'.y tl
a'vci a..-.-i wutna
ear. .a. i art
:-rin.I dob
a. :. a gk tie
's xtc
;.oe br-
J '; Ur
...irs tt-n.-e
'r v -
Geo. P. riiller, cf Wov.lward, who-? term wiurx;r in
i 1 '', s:ro;g and wi,.-e
ire in !T2: Ilea !.w.
7V , i;f Ifoii.
'-f f ,- T. W. Kennar.l. New:tern; v
York : 1 P. Barrett. ClcarfieM: Gav-! term wo'.ex- ire
ir t'o i
r.'-gr is
t x:
.s, Ciom li, M(:idv;.:e ; W. G. Ilan
iltop, New York; S. V"..:m. .ew rk;
Alex. JPAr.drew, New York :
on linn h. Jiea-ixoie : i. l. iav
1 w j-.o v. -,.,
si .! I ?,..i. i-
V.k -.ward's tern sbV.i
I cast bt t-r the Chief
the Ixlici' that feet tonal animosity i ! lor. New Y--rk : John Walls,
wtrely and rapidly nu rgk.g itself into burg Robert 11. j ri::
a p:rn ot nationality, iml that repr-j M.
c.t.vdon. conneoted veith a proper! v , Bn
system of taxation, will re
nof rcctcrs elec t wa held immediate'v beans I ,',"
ia a namoi-.ious restcr
;th. Mates to the natbr.tal Union. janl the organization of the Board wa
Tl.e r-;p"ri of Carl S-hnrz is hen-'completed bv the cWthm c-f Jan.i-s P.
w.t:i transmitted, as re'sivd bv the ; Cobuni, of Aar.rbr.rg. Set
St:;ate. No reports ik.-.i ti.e Ibmk ('. B. K . B!akc!v, New Ye
Jo. in ( or-, k- b.iv
ibe -i ;.
Ti.e attet.tio',
ted I t tho hi
cer.tlv ma k a tour "f ii.p. r
Lewis. Jcsj,,...,-j,.
.'Mills; Cf the pnsTt Judge, a ha ak
ll'dfpo.iiny. i jinrcUon ; V:a. (". ready l-H-n sei;, e.jrsr.i, strong
mean, Bewi.sbnrg. 'd i lo'np.-.R r-ere c.clrc a Pcr.i-
A mectinir cf the President and Ti- oen-t : Bes-1 art i Agaew a B o-nU
: r.
T. V". Kennnrd wr:-
ta ti J
h.te! B .-
.... .
.e i : i -1 v i -'
" report o!
'through several fd Ihe State whose
inhabitants partif-'psted i-i the r '.eb
Y.-'in. ,Sigr.fs , Axnat.w J"HXi..-.
Washingfoa. B.'-ceiuber 1. l-g-'.
IS lit.- 1-
to expkre,
Hirvev i
Trr.t s.. Tne f,rt tr;a
cai cn-';nci.l cp.-n tbe late ret
lin. is iw isrsng tried in the- Ui.o
State's I '- rk i Court of Tr"ii-.r. ,
1-ekre J'idg--Trig.- Th ra-" i t:'-?
U;.;td States r Ji-'s Ga"v-3-'e.w :
v . v cr ' !. !- t vr -r e t t' t . : -iVderatc
iv.-vcx:.::!-: ? 1. v; "o ? e-';;:-
ort . is yi?re tbe b'-re V 7 t
tftnor where there are i':,v-.'
Lst'w !.if.,-i! ti ( Souti. ;-rn M;.;;-s ;:,
at toits con tee i a e.:a-t i f rc'
ti--'-'-..?; -v., 11 'Vsr, :;'.; ! r i."' v. I
i - - ; . r.i.r . . i.. ; . . -. - -vi.-is,
v-'.'-'.at r,-":i -i.'r-g r ;. v
then. Tt-e j rr- -v f I ...,, k t:-- ';
i n'viV" ; r.-fs. k c
by tbfir dv:ee tr-d 'ark-; ' r ?n i '-
(;;";- a n-sort f, r tl e i c.rop!- :
'r. r.est"y ex'v! r. o-;-.-' '-r . f
: therein, a n- all nce-dsr of t he : (
'lain;.n o-.j-r r. i.- ve-. i s;rh ;
i. :
f - rs .
. 11
- ,
! 1 v:T f'
j e
u. '
'. ei ' ii-
.? i. w..a
-:il rr: ta
xi c-rraej,
i: ah the
II '.r-an
,. x ......
.- 1 w '.. . - :i
'. iro
. s :..-;
s hdik
u :' t-
-A. A. ki,'-
1 '
ty. L
t r. '
;.rr e..
I'?.- is ii. f rs
- th;- pe:n-'-ra"; ie
IB- ha !a a-
KTThe IIou-o Jude iary (
i veno Iesthan f -rt vppsru-.sp j.-ij.s be-
them to a is end tr.-? B. S. Consti-
vn. It is -;rgi;lar, thai the Alo-
"f party fh ir.i-.t now I ave p i..,;.d.
"t for the CV.rwit.u'oi,. aar
H under their f.-o! f,,r four
1 , .-y Hm l-ound t deal in
-ineer in Chb f w hii su Ii !-i;;.i;.s
was auB.onacd
:nd beate the
mot pra:t route fe-r the radrea i
nn 1 l--rar.(h.: anthor'-'ed by the ..t .f
ir.eorporatS.-.n and the .!.p3emerit
there to. with a view c f f a con-r,e-
ti on with rna k leading to the cities
cf Pbilad. lphia and New York." and
was kilns, ted t" report at the ecrli-e-t
practi.-a! p. i-iod the survey tot e
foramen: .,! within r, wk fmai the
date. Tl
rr ! i 1-HntoJ at lewkhar- ine ic.vemment. it r.'ot-t r-r sv(!
Sti,in'ri T'-irar-h. weak 'jrvemcil' indsl that taa-
ijc-t witttsiai'id a r;r'Wi'TT lmk-.'d-
r v r-i -tn
-- . i '. ti
i-rat loverni:-
.' ioeri !
i ..t ti .
1 r - 1 :
Ar.r.ts?t r. -Ber;ani-n lb .li ?.-.. --d-tsr
cf ti.e lay ite villc North Candida
S'v., ha hs'si Jr?ifil-.l ly or-ier cf ra State ar. aj-.xs -'ns
tknerjii IlagArX-r artk whit h Lavs mkO'vernmeM -: i.'r
lcs1 f ike? of the CVnma. appvAml in hi p-rwrr r.fri'n-l to
i . . .. . ..i-. . . . i . ..i
the r-rorvrty s Lis Lt? r-.r.-ier
t vr.;i; b .rgt-b:'n; a: ).:.:
I.sve r-y pTHre ti.n tnra
s..' r. T.-ere i .i.-.u.r-
l ig iT.ugltt cn ty a'-a cr.
:.v e.P--'rvat:osi cat lift !.; c;
f i- v ( 't s: .';:- s. -, ? w
to r-.:ri. 1 .
ti"- i.,..a a
? ,;.'. t Lit loisj Te-ot-
-e f-f.
: ok.
N. .
J k. -
' .
-v . 1 a
l2i -B. V"l-v B-v-r. Pa..
sydni.aj.ia B A w-ru. 2'i ia.
i.Jk Xyer trmm, snni.ty. ':.
1 V2T Jjern.irJ Jlrcn,. ... -ii:,
Vi'.U't B. -t'-o"----!.. ", do
Ii.-w.s, j 3;!.,,ak:'., Bu- Vir-t r-t.
i ;
;re.'fi. ; ,-cv Ti.r t ao-i r
prvU't;.,. f r : r -tn
ir'T i,,k rs-,r.'r.J l-v
Mai Gen. G. XI. Ivige, of Iowa, is menu especially wren iik ni:a- vixi.i ro; t t!
a candidate tit Ur.i:.J m ate Senator, lion pisrrteos'thf rr.vikr
k--r r. 1 that itarv ta-
; '.-re ti-f
t ihui
g -t .'-i-;-ia
f r .-
r-si:.s Tif ;
Ivl. C Y. Ci. riT. -i,
V,- jsw-iTi'f .?: ;
, Br. Su ... h f r ;-. 1 1
1 v -o-r., i ' . II. 2e (i.-.t
' " 1' ' Turn ! .,
and ft rr- "p. " 1, f!s? v-"-. . hri :
..'r.v,. ty -a x
t ' tho n-.i-T-j,
t -!.
a-.-.-i.ioa tor
i ho ro cry
b-er ia
- -f-
ii t;
"'O 1 i
. vi'C
i k
it If hX.'
II o r- c
1 1.. ; i
. v. ( 1
r -