Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, June 28, 1865, Image 1

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D. W. MOORE, Editor and Proprietor.
i ednesday,:::::
:Juno28, 1SC5.
fates of ubrrlitinB, Advertising and
.itrrfj)tlon, in adrnnee, . - $2 PO
1 mi.( iriAui (Ac jn.T, - 2 50
M if t paid villi in tht year, 3 00
TVie nine rf lo nmiu la iht lire tent vol.
im uultu paid ar at or lefurt Jan'ry coul, 1S65.
Kimrt find Sx'rt nctieet, eaik, 6 lima, $2 50 '
Uton' Hoticm, rarh, - . . 2 50
l .iiid'n"' and EMrayt, each, 3 time, . 1 6 )
liiimlutitm Hoticet, cue. 3 timet, . - 2 00
f'runicn( Adrtrtitrmeutt, per tquarr of 10 ) . r
l ll't, r If 8 timet, or iet,
.. . .... . . . . - -t. . ' rt
fur car tubtequtnt fn"-(.Vn, ' "' ".' JJ
(CJieial ailrtrtitimj, for em-h tenure nf l;l )
Unit, or let 3 timet, ur Um, J
I or ettrtt ttt'rqui:tii neicrio'i.
lVii'. ttionnl Curd; year, . .
, fi OO
I l.mnl iiutrf t, pci line, .
S On
12 00
15 (HI
$:u oo
CO oo
2 50
2 110
o'li'lioiry notice, cit j o.-.r ocr tVir.
Yea ill) adrrrtiiitfj, 1 tq'ior', .
i(o oo tlu
flu ' da 3 .
.!fjr ndrtrtiiin.j, evluit'it,
" " J
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bltiulu, i'tmjl ire, -
.'i OUIIC8, I" r outre,
nu (1 o u i'r , j"T ) 'lire, - . I 76
rto or r 6 ij'iiii i, r ijiiire, . 1 50
UamltjiU; t .'i.rf, 2j, t . I 5(1
ifu i 2.), or , . . 2 50
do ' i Mr(, 2.i, ir lit, . 4 50
an u lit'ic flit 1 1, 2 j, or ii fi, . S 00
Over 25 of each of abuvoat lir"l""'tiuato rates.
JT-f-The alovc rat( wore nj;rot."J ujion by the
liinierfini'il, on the 3d -day I Iieeemln r, lrtl,
ard will be t fictly adhered to during the (in sent
lij;h I'rices id ull kinds of .rintiti niati-rinl.
l. V. MOO UK,
Tullisher of the "ClciniUlil H. aii."
8. J. ROW,
Vuhlisher of tlie fl'mmi'i Jnurr'n!."
Satui day July B. 186-3.
Vr are authorized t ar.nounee the nam nf
Wit.i iaw A. Wai.lack, a candidute fnr
the odi'D of flato enntor. ftilject to the act'lon
of the i'etnocrats of C'onrtield county at th p
ronr hint: jiriuinry ilectioti, utd to llie dei iicni
ol the liittritt Cum cukon. june 1 1,'tij.
st.vtk i.kuislaturf:.
Wf. are authorized to nnnoiin:'e tln name of
I'r. T. Jt irritstN KtVKit, of Orndy towihip,
tr a eandiiiiito fur A.ien.bly, fiihjett to the ac
tion of the IH-Mocraiic f urty, at the eniuin jiri
Diary elteiiou, aud uluo to th j durisi iti of the
X'irt.i. t CoLve;itiuo. jjuo 1 1,'C j.
We lire uuth irird to aiirmui.'-e Pavih F.
Y.tiv. Kii.r.K, of ClenrGi Id li-iriuh.a" a .lidic
ft U ofi'iee of I'rottionotury, id., fotij.-ot t.
the di'eifioii of t!:e l tnucratic arty .it th.' np
-rvaibil'g Jj ilnrj tin lion. jux 7, 't'u.
We are authorized to unn mnej tli j r.ame of
Aaho 0. Tati:, of Lnwronco township, as a can
didal for Pfithon j'ary, ic , su1 j -ct to tho deoi
lion of tho lie:i:ocra'.ic Jartv ut tho enming
1'riuiory election. Jur.e ll,'!i5 j I.
ctii'Niv ti:kasui;f.r.
To mi! DMocr.AT or Clkari-i::i n cm. sty:
fritt, i.-. t 7iV'ii . I herchy uil r myrelf to your
n nii It ration o a candidate f jr tL nfliec of
County Tn a-urer. xuhject to your uVci.-iou at
lii upproai hing I'riitary Election,
jue 7, lofj. D. W. Moone.
Wk arc nuthorircil to announce the ranio of
Ji'iti Mii.i.kc, of Bog;:s t in?!ii,', i a candidate i
f-ir the oti'.co of Cvuiity Triastir.-r, tut ject to th
Ueci.-ion of the Democratic parly a! tUii n.-uiug
primary elei tioa. juno 11,'iij.
Wr nr antlioiiz.- l to the nnino of
W. K. Wn.niiY, of ltialford tuWHehip. as 'v i an
rtolato for ll.e ofii'-a of County Tn nf on r. ( j-ct
to the action of tho D;mOT:i:ii- pirty of Clear
field count v, r.t iLe ctsuitij; piim.iry c'e.tiun.
j ino U,'i;i.
We arc nullori.-ed to th" name, cf
ArrniBALIi II. Sli i w. of l.rmn nee I. c-hin. as a
candidate tur the ufiico f Comly rrea.ufr, cuh
jeet Id the decision of the D. in pi ratic party at
t-nsuirg ruiiuary clcctioj. juno 1 t.'OJ.
W e arc authorised to ari!iou'.:c8 Jacob Kuntz,
;cf lirndy tuwnstiip, ii3 a 'andidat ) fur tho Ouico
of County Treasurer, lutij .i t to the action of tho
democratic crty nlthe ujproarhi.ij; priin iry el
ection, juue l'Jtli, 1 S; j.
Wo arr authoriiod t) nnn iu. o Wm. T. (iit.nKiiT
f Cell t.iwiii-hip, as a cun lil ito for the otliee of
County Treuu.-or, nu'ijcct to tho action or the
Peniocrutic party ut the insuin primary ele:
tiun. . j'liio I'.', l Gj.
Wb nrc authorize 1 to nnnounce Cn.ia Ei f,
V'urrai.l, of Chect township, as a e nlidati fir
the oltiee of County Coinmistioncr, inil.ject to tho
action of the iJeuincratio party at tho approach
ing Primary Election. jue I J, '0J-pd,
We are authorized to annnunco AntutiAM
Xloom, ton., of Pike township, as a cnniliilate
for tho office of County ComiuisMoiicr, auljcct to
the action of the Democratic party at tho eosuo
ing primary clcclioa.
We are authorised to nnnourco Samtel Sik.i k,
of lleccaria township, as a candidate for County
CoinmU.iioner, sul ject to tho action of tho Dem
ocratic party at tha cusuc'.ng primary eloction.
jane ltith, IStij.
We are authorized to announce Axnrg M (ln.t.,
rif Bradford township, a a camlidato for the of
fice of County Commissioner, eu'ijoot to the ac
tion of the Democratic party at the approaching
primary election. juno IV, iSGi.
Wk are authorized to annnunro tho name of
Isaiah G. Barcer, of Bradford townfhip, a a
candidate for tho oflico of Hegi'ter A Hccorder,
Ac, subject to the action of tho Democratic par
ty at the eniuing primnry oloction.
Ws art authorized to announce S'Awrri, F.
McCi.oskey, of Pike townrhip, ai a candidate fur
the ctllce of County Surveyor, subject to the ac
tion of th Democratic party ai the approaching
Primary Election. jue 7, '05.
We are authorized to announce Levi F. Irwin
of Lawrence townrhip, m a candidate for the of
fice of County Auditor, luhject to the action of
the Democratic p'r'ty at the eniuing primary el
ection, june lth,
In th United Suh-s Senate, Dec. 12, 1S'9, on
the resolution asking fur the appointment of
u committee to vtvesUy&te. Ike Jaets atteiuhnj
the attuck vpen Harper's J'err;, in thej'uU
oj iW)tonin:on'j known as the "Joiin
Hkown Raid,"
Tho lionorahloSonntor from Wisconsin,
Mr. Douliitlel utid 1 confess that 1
surjiriscil nl Una after conduQjninjj tlio
alisirnct iiflenscs of niarder ntut tren:on in
old John Urowu, wer.t on to sta'e .
"Umler Int eiirttmstanccj rn you
hear of him ? One of his sons is tuken liy
Giptii'.n I'ato, bo inJ w:th thon-s, iltiven
in lVct:tcf Lorsf-s or. f::i, wlti.oat fee!
.r r.a'cr, ur.'.il from famisliing he le
coiv.ifc rv maniac; and he has never recov
ctei.l Iron) his insanity to this day In
piesence of the houso of old Jahn lirown,
another son of his, u liut lialf-n itu-d boy,
is sliot down. Then it is that we begin to
hear of old John l!iown as a leader of a
hard of free-State men in Kansas. Then
it was that the iron entered the old man's
soul ; mid Irotn that hour uj to tho mo
ment of his death he snore etennl hos
tility, and from that hour was ready not
only to give his own life, but lo take the
lives of other men, in ivderM'i give liberty
to those who were enslaved."
Now, what is that calculated to do ? I
will not assume w h-tt it was intended to
do. I presume that the Senator's motive
was entirely correct; but what ell'eot is
Mioli!anf:u!ifje calculated to have? It is
to lit ijilnen the idea of this old felon to
cveiy f.iiiutic who may rea 1 it. Then ii
was, after these atrocities in his presence,
that tho iruti entrn d into tho nl I rutin's
soul! This is tendered as ii'i excu.o for
John l'.ioivr. hav.n;,' ominitled tnuider.
treason, an 1 rubbery. 'J'he iron rntere i
into his boull Then he became a stoic ;
then he became philosophic ; then he b.
came a pati iot ; then ho became careless
of coliserpjenccf ! Well, now suppo-e
thiittheo things had taken jd i-jo in the
:nanucr tho Senator seeirs to infer that
they did occur. We a- ume this to be a
Christian community, and if it was true
tint hie sons were b idly mailt aled. w as
that any excuse fur his violating all the
laws of .humanity and of Uo I ''. Us wa
in a CT ritiau country ; he had his reme
dy without re oiling to tho means to
which be had recourse. We hive all
read "Whn'O shod. leth unit's bin. id, by
man tdiall h blood bti.-lud." And als),
" l'iiou ahnlluut liil.' It sit3,-.i c lia?r
o:ii iifcw lorn Cltti - llar.s --vlio meLi:
.'uht; l'u'.vn their le.cier, who are t r it'
to him and tc.aUu him a
apost e i nd in v tyr. W ere these the ele
nients ol a t.'hi iitian and a Christian mar
tyr? How do the facts stand in this case ?
When was (Id "man Hioam's son hilled,
and w hen did he c mmii! lu ") ntrociiiiM '
Kven adiuittii: the truth of the st.i'etii.-nt
of the Senator Irotn Wiicun.-in, they are
not ju.t ili.ible : but when wo show that
the lacts are d.UVieiU iuey are lu-s so.
The ciicuaisiaiices tiro stated In the evi
dence of Mr Uairi.s, which will be found
in a report made by a iouniiitee of ( 'on-".rc-,
and icp.jbhshed in the Herald ol
r'reedom ( f a paper that ha nl
its head lor 1'iesideiit, the name i f a Ke-
tiblicali, Mr. Chase of O;iio. and Mr
Kinks, of Ma -aehuselt-", for Vice l'rpi
dcul :
" Tiie ciicjmslanccs attcn linj William
Sherman's as-a-sin.ition are test died lo by
.'ames II irrii, of Fraiikliii county, Jv iih.h
Mr. Sherman wat stajio' over ni.:ht at
the hone of 1 1 an is, when, on tli?2llh of
May, at about - o'clock, Cai.t. J..o
and pai ly camo there, and after t iki i .
some piop-.r'y, and '.-i' Harris
ail'.l Otheis, Silertn.iti uas:iUeiI to wa'i;
out. Mr. 1 1 mi in his allidavit, says :
'Old man Hinwn u-ko I Mr. Slierman to
i;o out will, htm, and Sherman then ivent
out with l'.-ovii. I heard no hiii.: mire
for about lif i-t'ti mii.ules. o id the
' lion hct n ar.ny," as liny i')led them
Kelves, blaved with us until a eipbuM!,
and then tiiee two m-n leb. Next m r
niii;.', ab. ut ten o'clock, 1 found Wiiiiitn
Sherman de.i I, in the deck near my
house. I was looking for tmu ; as he bad
not come back, I thought he was murder
ed. I took Mr. Wm. Shormin's bo ly out
of the eieek and exatuiued it. Mrs.
W liiteman was with me. Sherman's
skull wm split open in two places, and
som'iof his brains were wished out by the
water; a largrt hole was cjI in his breast,
and his led h nid was cut oil, except a
little bit ol'ik.n on one side."
This w i it the 2 I'.h of M ty. I will rea l
from the same paper another extract.
When ihe iiuamiI the thecal oed .-pigo
of I.a.vri'ii o I' .nhed John 11. own; jr.,
w ho was a m "iiiber ol the Topeka l,oj;
lure, ho organi.ed a company ol about
sixty meuand marched towards Lawrence.
Arriving at l'almyra, ho learned of ilia
town, and the position of tho people lie
reconnoi'.eied for u lima in the vicinity,
but finally marched back towatds O
tomie. the nibt before reaehinj; that
place, when only a few miles away, they
camped for the nitfht. Old John Hron,
who, we believe, whs with t lie patty, ning
led out with himself, seven men. Theso
he marched lo a point eight miles above
the mouth of Toitawamio creek, and call
ed from their huh, at, their seveial resi
dent'. at tho hour of midnight, on tho
2 Uh of May, Allen Wilkenson, William
Shorman, W.illiam P. Doyle, and Drury
Doyle. All were found next morning, by
the road side, or in tho highway, tomo
with a gash in their heads and aides, and
their throats cut ; others with their skulls
split open in two places, with boles in
their breast, and hands cut olT."
lie seem' to bave had a great passion
for cutting off hands :
"No man It) Kansas Iw prctendd to
deny that old John Brown led that uuir
.doroLB foray virion massacred those men,
Up to that period not a Lair of old John
Brown' head, or thai of his nons, had
been injured by tho pro-slavery party,
"It was not until the 30ih of August,
three months after tho rotlawamio mas
sacre, that the attack was madu on Os.u
watamio by the pro-slavery forces, and
Frederick Brown, a son of old John.,
To show all the facts in regard to thn
nias?acre of the 24th of May, I will read
to the Senate the nflidavits of (some of tho
eve witnesaes of tho tranfni lion. Allen
j Wilkinson was a member of tho Kansas
Legislature a quiet, jnofl'ensivo mn.
j His widow, Lousi.- a .lane Wilkinson, tcs-
tdLd that on tho tiiht of the 21. h of
' May, l.-o'', between Hie hours of midnight
i and daybreak, Hhe thinks, a parly of men
camo to the house w here the) were resid
ing and forcibly carried her hu.iband away;
that they took him in tho name of the
'northern army," an 1 the next morning
i he was found about one hundred yards
' from the hou-e, dead. Mrs. Wilkinson
wai very ill at the time of mca.-.c!s. Slo
says further.
' I begged them to let Mr. Wilkin .n st iy
I with me, s.iwni; that 1 was . ick and In 1 1. s-,
and could not fimv bv nelf. My hii.haad also
I ii.'kliI them to let hi:n stay with me, until he
cuiild get ?.-uie unn u wa it nn l:i- ; tul l Ihein
that he n-uiild not run wlT. but ho im old be there
I the next day, or whenever culled fur: the old
man who seemed to Lo in c. orotund looked at tm-,
and trfc n around it the children, and replied,
'you have neiijliburs.' I said 'su I have, 'nut
they are not here, and I canrot g i fir thcei.'
The old man replied, '.t m-ittcrs not," nnd t .l I
1: i i n to get ready. My hit band wanted to put
H i his bout.-, and get r -ndy, so a ta 1 e pru'e -ti d
from tho damp and nibt air, bat il'.e.v wo nM u.t
b t him. 'I hey t.ien t nil; tnv li usli.i a I a-.v iv."
"AOer they nrre g-.n.) I th"Ught I I ear 1 toy
I 'j-!' ui d's Vuiso in coin; 1 ii:it."
Willoi'.-oii'f body wb loin.d about ore h i . Ip- 1
and fifty y.irls iV on tho l.oiife, in s-uno dwii I
l.t u -o . A la ly t'lri si.v my lntsbatid'j bu ly
sai 1 ihat tie r.' was a .rash in his bes.d nnd aid,
others said l.e .i em ia tlu throat twice."
Jlr. Diyle and h!s on wore murdered
on the fame night with Sherman ai. l
Wilkinson ; r i:d Mr. Doyle's deposition
gives ibis at count of il :
"Tho u n ili rs 1 , Mahu'a Doyle. ftafs n
oath : 1 am the widow M' the hit'.1 .lames P. Doyle,
W" iiuired int'itlio Territ ,ry t!i it :-, my hat
band, ii )! f, und children moved ii.'o th i T.r
ri lory of K:i!is:is soaiotiine in N'uvesn'nor, A. 1'.,
lsi.5, and fettled upon .Mj'liOto creek, ubiuiiuti
lull" fi an its mvith, an I it tuij.ties into
I'ot :.i-A ltoin i.i creek, in Fiank'iu County. On
S ourlu.i-, the 21, h of May, A. D .. IS. Si, at, out
i .n I'i'.-io.-k at ii:,;;h' , uio'r we ImJ r-II rctlrua,
is.;. iiUfhin I. .'.lines P. L I. my self, and six
I'lii! l:e'i, live Lry and on- girl--tli.. e,,.:r i- ti
I out te enty l ifi'i ul'ie:.-; Lis i. i V.U llien -.'.l i.1 ah .at teuty ymirs of a-e;
hi; li'une is Drury. I l:e i.i'M i ali mi -el en'sioi i' ago: Ins mnm t. John Th next is a
l.out thirli'i ii y i nr.- "I g( : l cr name i.- P !ly Ana.
l iie next i.i at. uu: eij.,1.1 ye irs of ag" ; his name
if Janus, 'i'ao nevt i nu mt live y : r- of ag.. ;
his lie too is Henry. Me rere all in 1 . - 1 , wiisn
e heard some i r i,i,s -on.- into tl.e yard. t I
tap at tho door, und coll I ir .Mr. D.i.vl , my 1m,
li.iud. This was ab nit i I'-vea o'closn i ti S . 1 1 1 1 r
day night, of tl,.. 21 I , I .'.! ,y I.i I. .My ha.i ., I
got uia::d went to tlic d ior. Th ..) nu'sid" in
.ii:r.'l fur Mr. Wilkin... in, an 1 where he livd.
My h'.i.biitid said he would tell llieiti. Mr
Doyle, my husl'ind, and several uth'.rs eaaie into
liie house, Bi.d .-ai l they w o e from t he unity.
My bu.'-aind wan a ro-al.ivery J iiey told
my hiiibun I that ho nnd the buys must t-urrcn-d
T ; tiny were then prisoners. Tho men were
artiiel with pi.-tuls mid lurg" kiiives. Thoy liist
tm k ley hii.-band not ut the hoiifC ; Hi. ti took
t ivo ut my suns Wi'ii in. and I'rury --out roi-l then
took my ha 1.. nl 1 an ! Uic.etwj li i; a (Willi. on
and Drury) away. My s, a John was pared, be
cause I asked them, in, ts sare'liiin."'
" In a hurt time ai'ierwarls I heard the report
of pistols; I heard two reports. Alier lii- h I
beard moaning as if a person was dyg T.ieii
I hcird a w iht whoop. Tliey had a.-'ii d lu'l'i-c
they went uwny for oar horses. We told then
tli il our bor"cs were i nt mi tho praitio. My
husiiind and two boys, my fans, did nut come
hack any nine. 1 went out n .vt morning in
soari-li of them, and fuun 1 my husband and H ill.
iatr., in y soli, lying djad ill the r i l I, near togeth
er, alijiit two hiiadrvd yardi from the house.
They were buried the next dav. On (he day of
of the burying, I siw tho dead ho ly of Drury.
Fear for myseif an tie retii'iiniiig children, in
duced uie to leavo liie huiiw where wo had locti
living. Wo had iiu r ivod our i luitii a litlio' 1
I. It and went to the .li'tate of Missouri."
"iVitnots : T. J. Our jutii."
Statu of Missouri, -li kon cou.iy, f.
On the 17lh day of June, A. I). 151.
personally -Appeared before me, the Btib
senber, a justice of the jieace in and for
the county and State aforesaid, Mahala
Doj Ic, whose name appeal s to the above
and loiogoing stii'Oiiieni, and mak h ( alii
acoring to law, ihal the abovuan I forgo
ing statement is true as thetein eel
(Jiven under my h ind and seal tlu day
aud yuar abjve wiitten.
-IAI,. Jus'iee if the peace.
John Doyle confirms the tesiiiuony
j of his mother genet ally, nnd 1 will only
give a short portion ol his testimony '
j "I found my father and brother William
I lying dead about two hundred yards from
i the house, I sa v my brother lying de.i 1
on the ground, about nno humlred and
, lil'ty yards fiom tho house, in Ihe grais
1 near a ravine. Ilis lingers were cut olF.
His head was cut o;eti. There was a
, hole in his breast. William's head waseut
. open, and a hole was in his tido, My
I fni her was shot in the forehead nnd stab
i bed in tho breast. 1 have talked often j
Will) northern men in the Territory, and.
' these men t nl k ex i.nly like eastern men
tnlk that is, their language and pronun
ciation were similar to those eastern and.
noithern men wrh whom we have laUed
, An old man commanded tha parly. He
, was dark complected, and his face was
I slim. We had lighted the candle, and
about ciuht of them entered the house.
I I here were some outside.
The complex-
I ion of most nf thnuo rhdil whom I saw in
tbo house Were of a tan ly complexion,'
not MEN.
My father ui
a others were
:uU crJor
men, and b.Laed to the l.rv
IJr.s. DovU rroto a letter to P.rnwn dur.
iog his inyirfsonmeni, shoi ing that she ' cd in this enterprise would bo commiss
sliil reganliji him us tho murderer of her, imied, and if they escaped to Canada they
husbund ui.i children could not be suovessfully claimed under
CnirrAilinnt T.,n.... v... on 1 c 1
John lirown. .Sir. Aitl.oii-h 'vengeance is not
mine, l conlfs that l da lc.l eratilicd tnhear.
that you weristopped in your lii iiiiith career ut
Minftr j rirj' nun lao loss ot your two sons.
Vou can Uowjippreci.ito my distre.-s in Kufsas,
when you ti ll ai,d tlicra entered my house at
iduija'ht,a'mf a.Tctit-vl my huliand and Uo boys
and took TVa irr. ; tlio r l, lin t in cold blood
shut them d.-i I ei my h.-ari-i-. V..u eai notfav
yau dune it trtrco our slaves ; wc h:i l tonic, utol
no er txpce'sd tu own ore. ; I in las ei.iy in t lj
1110 a ptur, ili.ciu. fi'.ate i lu.v, with helpless
children. While 1 ki-l i'urynar 1 fi, I da hope
and trust ) mi will mi ct y.ur ju -t rew.i'd. Oil,
how il pained my .euirt id hear t ho d iug jjroans
of my hud. and iiiiuchiidrcu. If this eravil givis
you nny cin.-tlalua yon are iv !,-n.ue t.i it.
M A UAL A D'iVI.1-:
N. U. My fun, John lb.yK-, whose 11m I beg.
;;ed of you, is li- epLiii ii,i, i.. vryde ir-
cur.'n w m1''' 1 "V ,-!''" 1 v"
, I ' ' 1 . V'V
c i . i c wua.a pern
M. 1.
To JolIN 1'iltuwy, ('um.ioni hr uf ('.i n-, ,nt li'.ir
p .- t'eer-i, V it, .i, .1 : ,h ,., coil , I
lull. Co ri i.J ,uio,,, th, Il It t ,11.
Now, how iks ihe !a.-:s rtaud ? What
becomes ed lle-ap i.oy, what In'i of
the excise ? ' :iey s.,y iliat old Brown i.
Iiol ieentilied i.s tletllili V.l.oled tin.'
party tiiat cai nitted-the u - .ifoi. II, if.
I is says John Hi'.nvri cititn to tho lioue ;
and ilesl;fiition cl' him given Dy yieatrg
Doyle, in lx"i(i, in exactly thai giien lunv'.
flit ee it. Out hi
alter Will. am iL.jle Hto.l
s We.-e nri t iJct'i-,1, tliiee
iii t mat) i; is an: lore !, ii i
: his lw, tor
i moiiths aft i r :
sktiil cut eju ti in
te,o t hi, ; s, at d ihe
si i am had
h a -
1 1 i
o d I :; In a ,n- i ti t of 1.!
!:)) '. u - . i''o-r C:at. .1 oiin
ci an m in i ,'
I I'rciwii's son
Then, v. Inn
' ;i 1-. ;ili d at (-..iwa'om.e.
i, Comes of (hi- e.eue.' n'liv
this apology for a m in like this ? Tiiive
1 n.' ineiiilis alu-r ho liiol eoii'.iiiitlr-d this
li. ii.ii'h a,:!, hi. ou list his li o at the
balile of O .s.i.v ..I. , nie. ii iva; on th it
:!.t, a
D '
by i
levi ii o'.-hv';, as ti'jti'lj 1
e, as le-t t o d by her 'oo, i'.s
.1 : . ', tho i.u'ti, io iiiici ut ,
bv Mis.
U stilled
.'liid 1 1 1 1 1 1
l. 'i .eg 11. n, v, li e i.i Li n on t,
ohiilil l our and in li e I'm- si
1 I . i.d sole hdl V ii t iii' to the
at the
II 1 tl I II the
insa: i iblo I
iii.-t of John l'.ruira f.,r bio nl.
i';.. ii it a as 1 1 at il oe ii t, t .'.i t s w i : e
com milted, I. ell i to et r 1 I. i i hi an
'I i he iron his soul Tiicnii w.i., ib'.t
he shr ink "rroi.j ihr ditii-i sioo. ol lni'i:a:i
beiiit! into I lio-e of s rep t do. Teen it v
e ch in.'
h el 1..
I vi 1 l;
vi, :
at en :. 'le
ad lb- vii
ai, nr. sv m-
lcr to a ih
t oes i f a
puthy for
iioti n h
iati. At
John Bo
Jt.fl'i'F0ii Davis.
1'iom the New York Woil 1.
M r. D. iv i:., as i learn through u nii
ollioial icports, i-. rapidly woiii'g, both in
j l. sica! s 1 1 oe gt ti an 1 111 ii a I I e e-, s l that
lie lakes food Hi, -c irc-ly loss than aver-t-lon.
and as to things withoat, il wou'd
seem lie has beco'ti-iii liir.'i'ent, ll'::i.t, in-ihi-il,
leekle.i. N iiv, if th- i'ov i I litnei.t
aie disj oscd to tioiiiiiii-'i't lo Mi.l'i vis ri
Iributive jii-tiee, in letoiiiiiion lor bis
lleatment nt I'liion pi i-net rs, let lli. ll
I'lirpOrC b ' pl'oehlilli.. d. Illid il l I'ilViti
waste away and tinally n-i ;.-b. i o n umler
the sn 'il- di-eir!ine ul pi I vai ioti a to I I :i -I
lire, as prai'lie-d a Hie pi i-oii-j.ens o'
An leis ottviiii. IJl ll h- is a pti-oour of
wai', or n yo,i a ic i apir ai, f iinj iv a j 1 1-
ont-r i I ' 'ia'. e, t..i n ac.-onl to
oi i v ilegi-s and emu I, its t on v en I i-
I ill!
lowed to siu'li in coufitr.
No sane mail c in pi et-o'
keeping of tho ju l -.on .
1 1 II
ri v ibzed.
that the t-ale.
li.e thwarting
ouii'i s an ito-iii -
of any suit' d d purp.
ceiation ti) a nam w, r.iiily-iigi.ted. stone
vault (a livin1! tomb U shou.,1 be called)
like his. L' : Mr. Davis have the
of a speedy It 'al boluio the prj rr com t,
and let such court :e specially coi,itn-d
for the til) ; or are we resolved to ie
vive the slow torture )'.- ;i of Loiedaiios
and the Micliai'l Sienos ol mid:. ova' bai
bari'y, and o bi iug -w n u ) mi ou i ( e-.
the levi'iiigs of ail Knic-; c ? Uv.ivui fi r
bid tint in t! c :u lao . of o. r might wo
sho.ild lose ri,'!:l of miigoatiitni y lownid
a once prominent though now iiljict lall
cn son of on it li . The ciiuiinid t jo iml
seldom sinks the deeper tin lcr a g-'iifi otis
forbenrence, when all power of ic.sislaiiic
in him is gino, and so all excuse for tin
dictivetiesi lowatd is taken away.
Woy g-ilvani'o' tin) h-a i into ugly ("mlor-li-tns
alien I lo! b h is b 'coaic (old and
rigid in d-ath '.'
i !ircil ite in tin ci'y of '.-.- v York a
pflit I ia lo fie g ivei'i in Mil expressive ol
an urgent d.'siro lb it Mr. Divi by
hr night to a sp-i ly, I verily b.-lieve
t avo thirds of I he e:li. -n s would b. l ea i j
lo respond with iheir sij la'.ur-:. C.
n IsiTitu II.,, i .' .:.,. uavc O. it
-J , '"17 J '
Ibo n.iirler I! ilhm inn. of I usscl'l rf.
liasmatli a will, in which lie boiiueath -
ed, fiiir linn. livd dollars to four IhctrU
' .
to "o-o on ii spree with :ind one litin
il ..liars to lii-s eo!le:tg;itc.-s ta drink a
memorial punch fop him.
f'irA u it .Mem has) been cnrrcnL in
rranklin ., for several d.tysi, that a
l.irg;o potpl inclu icd in the tToiitid-i of
Ciimj) NeliSun was drained last wo, -k,
and noil ly one Inuulrcd dead bodies cf
infant fliildivn tlio oiTs jinny's of nc-
tr i Tjt'ti wcro ioiiiid in i. no
m n I .. . I
ui po at the
, jrPiOslon has the largest organ in the
coar.ity, and boasts much of it. New
York cannot endure an) body's guperiori-
Iv . and hence New Yui k is talkin
I of Lav
iug a bigger fi-gati than Moston-
TEEMS :-$2
CIIVTIV1IITIMV..I II.. lllllll'l'l'lltCy.
x - - y ..... ii. .
1 ho Kx t nid i ( ion treat y ; it was a blank
''lf' cotnnlissiuned I'.elilu tl
Young, the
St. A bans raitjer ; it was a
blr.nk ecu-
mission, tilled up and con
as 11 came 10 lueni iroin uiciiiiionu ;
. 1 . , . iiit. I
. .1 . c . 1 . : 1
it v-iis only s'.gne'l James a. nraaon,
Secreirrv d War ;" Mr. Thompson called
me tn i-xunine these blanks, si thai I
mh;ht toMlty to the genu menus 'if Sed-
don's signalDie 111 tlio ca-e ol I. ineju
Young, before Judge. Smiti) ; the sigtia
turo w;is gi i.tiino ; in a sub-e'pieii t con-
o..... ulu.s ilin t'o-.Hi. relt-rred to in
February, Thompson told me tbut Booth j """" -ameroii, who lived in Montre
Lad been c.-mm.ssione.l, and every man ;' tol' me that ho was o!llred larg.icoci
v.ho would eiiLMge in it would hi ; 1 had ; pcnjation ; I think Mr. Thompson more
iih Wm. C. Cleary on tho
a cotivei s.ii ion
)ii(V iK,t,,r' r the day ol th' a-sassinnlio)),
St lWret co llaii ; wo were speaking
ol 'the rujoa: lug in the Stales over the our -
r til-ro laeti.l the capture of !:,.
.. . i, i .1
ill HO, li !' J J
' ai-ii (.ii the oiht-r Hdc ot the mouth in ' p ""' 1 '-"fojie; imien is a physician ;
a day or two; 1 liiin k this n as the day ihiiik I I avo heard .larris also moilion-1,,-lore
the a- as-iiia'.,en ; be knew I was " connecii ,u with tho pe.-'.ileuce hnprr
ii) ti n s,vu.i t.f Urn c mspiracy ; il was lo u,1,") i 1 t'"nk ho lived in Toronto; there
-I, at be r-'ired: the asi.simiiion was were othei purtits sn Monlreal that Black-
' U' ' l . I. . ' I ill Ml Olll I ilo, ... I 1 .
t ; o!:en i
w ether
!,, , r .itiioiv' us a i common iv as itio
belore that .anuLl's aslieu
that SanuLi'.- asked mo il
1 kne l'.o )'h Veiy weil, lint expressiMl -" -. .- m i iiiiii.nsoo, a doctor ol Ui
tono in ..reheusmn that Booth would vmny, residing h, Toronto; he edited a
... . .i i t.:ili.nn kmilnelui . I ln.,. ..... I.: M
a l .,e ol li, thai lie vas ncipi-ruio
. ' . . . : i.i. . . i . ..
and I eck h's
iitel lie was aitaiu ni.iv me
whole thing would be a failure
I commu-
to the Tu'unc the, inletnli'd raid
or M .l,atis ami l.e' piopo-i i nsin-i.ii.i-,
! ,',,, of i'. l're.i.h'iit but u.ov lelused to
, . 1 .. .. .... ..
idilifh the letter
la.t. r. to tho I'll
; I did this
in Mutc h
idenr's a-aassinatum
ai.-o in l'el.i'L ut-y, 1 think ;
certainly to.-
t delivered
lol c
the lib ol .dil'eli .-ui
il-iia'cbe- 111 l liouipseu 3 ena
i . ! .
dor- the H-sr-.ssinaiion; , 1 "ow derlarcd a British subject by the Ca
ution siioAed that Sur-' iiadinii I'arli.-inient ; 1 learned immediate
or live days
iv oo'o ronve
'.III! I
IV. 1 1 w
... ...:.. .. ... .,!
Is OllO ot the ConspiI.lKin iu a.
l'lcl lotii'-. bit-; war. the
n II
lit ;
I i '
1 was in Canada 1 "as coue-pon-
1,1 i
i or
,he VV.'-i'ii' no com-
. ., , ..v.-. l.L liolU llid Jii'iU'iC
ii lu'.l received one i:i l.t from our own
III. I, or li.e 1 IS' ill. V , lory .ii hi
1 e ;:s a em i e- poiident w un any
I only said 1 wa, seeking items ;
,i .....1 I ii-ii in
; i"
i H'.i o-i. d 1 v a- a i eoi o, .- . -
1 1 . . .i ....I 1 1. .1
tin ll C U'l.
d li'C '.ic pn.i "
Ian e I-.iU W.IS I'll
iiitcd Hi the li.lui'C ; 1
i. id not
ei liitnui.icaie mis inaiu-i n,i-a-
Iv to t-
Ihr government, lor uie reason
i ,,at 1 hti p ml the coliiui'.uiicaiioii
, ,.,ot wouid be seen t.y me j; . . u.u. . i
i ty,., ioi I did hot choo-e t
have ll:
iiiloi ination go to
i IVutn til' ; 1 11
I , to cive the
the gnverriineiil dirtct-p.le-ted
Mr. Cay, ol lao
nilormation to the gov-
.... ,..,,i Mini I btle've ho
did to ; 1 saw
Sunait in t' three or tour days in
Mi.-tW.on i" Apillasi; lbad a eonvct
fatii.nwi.l. bii.i pcrsc.i'.iilly, alrni Rich
mond ; 1 w..s innodue.-il to hia) by San
. dels; 1 whk expected to participate w U.i
ll.. -H' r'. I- '! f"'1-1 " ,g'i''biir1; ,
,...oo.,-. and I av I rem ine.u mr
liie capture ot
in February ;
it mguented it
i ;
( es ; I ilea, o
I I o
iv I
-iih-nt ta!
1 1
Mr. Tiiomi son
tile I a-le,
upl i i
liiolal ; lie
in :. ft tt 'I
1 bun
U il would una t vuih the
n o
the i'oVi in me i I til ivien-
flli i lo
i", : lid
thouttht U would Utio v
was early ii: l el.i nary;
t suv in April, when
', i i ii.i a.;.
I lit
tl d
did t
di-pa'.clie- were deliv-ieu. imu
the lir.-t apin'ovul th-y had lecmved
lot front Richmond ; tail i Ri "
id' no ot he! s
1 o
nly iuf'ired that l.iai
oval ; Tlioinpson, in his
was the In si nppi
conn r-aii m "1
h me.said hilling a i-
unit in Mich a ca
e w as id inn' on , .nn
H-ked tr.C'lf I bad
Killing no Muidei
to ' ilivi r t'romwi'U
, it ..I;....
rend a Idler rnlh-d
" addres-ed by l'ltus
Ibis was in I'Vbru
i n!-o name I m i cb-
Ml V . 1 . it lllllin "
r;:aiy h" one ot th
victim ol iIim tch-iii.';
in A i i il, the persons iKloienaine.. .-. -.
.. . ...l l ii i Mr 1 lam in was omitted,
oi ii ii'tmeu ei-
Vice I res,, lent Johnson put in b s
p I blockade from h cl.mon l:
,e.e commi-ions wee nil blanK but l.e
siMiatme; they were to be given as ncov-
. tn thai' incise ol utiirai,'" i"v "
tli,' cl l,e c.mvei'iilioii ; il was ais i ; I---- .... jui . ui i, uioug.n
' V ) . t od tl ai thete was plenty money I1 10 'ispaiehH from Richmond, and whn
; ;.' ' ".L rt) was a.,v.hmg to be done , , ""Y ere read by Them, son, and I believe
the c mivci sat ioti imltcated th it- Sur, alt '' od.ers ; tienerd . Carroll.
: ,, Mv days before left Richmond- ioi .d he tvas more anx-
tli'V lin w as "iost Kuhmond "on that Mr Jchnsou ehoul.l be killed
that ' . '. . . t tail nnv ore r. , La ,1 ..f.l..i
lies employed cou.d claim that mty win , i.Uriiing by ton red e agents of n ition
li liel foldicis, and would, tin n lot o. chiim , .ul,,y ,;,siit;ils and eleamboals: on tho
to bo t 'cited ns prisoners ol ff'd' , it "as Western and Southwestern waters engarj-
' ' . , . i i.i 1... to nt . ol nil ' i : . ,,1. ....
rsi oo'l Ihal Uiey nvine v I ' v- -
a-i such
h I iKit.nisnii said ii uie -ii "no,
d in this enierprise wi re de-
ivre en
ttclcdaul executed, the rcoei uuwi n-
uiciil would relabate; th.i'- il was no mur-
ir, only
ki ii';:I tlimis. iiooiii as spi o-
I fir the purpose. I
: o I.. n.,,iiu.i,ini,i
l.liil , . ., , - " , .
f a iv
Ilioth ill Canidi it) ins iiv-i .
O t iber.
nilh San lers.iu sir i uoui iisun s,
I '4 if rnjii'il 11 ill. where he was
il,o Si
' . '..i,..,,. .Iisinaiin '
and playing
, ppijurds! ' I have ho ud ibcso men talkol
! ihe burning ol New lor i; ami o,,.e. ...
i . i .i ... i ., .1. 1.r in stile! -
K'tpriscs which nicy uavu u.--.
aliui. now; there was a proposition belore
.i ritmsa rtdmis n Canail.i to
d-trov the Oolon oam, ny -
v York is sam.lied with water.
. . . 1 .IO. l l.)
It m s k't 'i it woul.l i o. fctop only manu-
facltires, but didrcss iho people g-iicr.
I Me Thomi.con rem at ked ihat the.
was plenty of force, and the c'ty
i - a '.. i ).., ii iipiieral con,' 'ii
ration ;
and if they ha I thought of
they might have saved a
!.j I'l.i.. mm said a l0
this sooner
jireal many
weeks ago.
..-. ..- - .,.,,llivn. aa
d Lieu.
Tliomnstn. Sanueiu,
Carrnl'l were present. , j
iiinniiiT oi ui"- v ...
I.thm.died-U' Iho 1U'-"
name) eig
i WW V
00 Per Annum, if paid in advance
the Bume. time il was proposed to destroy
Crolon Dam, Dr. bjackbui ,, prono ed
tl hnunn I n , .
- . .-..o, ujauu a cal
culation of the amount of poisonous mat-
.-u ...o lean roil!, (tai 11)11(10 g Clil
"UUI" rerpxr-j to impregra!e th
water, bo as to make an ordinary drau-ht
poisonous and deadly lie had the caimci
tyol tho reservoirs, and tha amount r
"aier generally kept in them ; slrvchnine.
'"faonie, prussic acid, and nnnlmr nf
fened by Mr.iollier,tlli"s'i. do not remember, were
n n i: ll 1 ia n. . A e . .. 1 . . . .
- lumupsun icareu ll would
lin I 111 t il ..o i I An in . ...
"r"'"" ineci so largo aquanti-
i '' m poiso-jous matter viihout suspicion,
!tt"d leading lo detection ; Thompson ap-
.""'-t ine enlerpnsq, und u'lHcussed it
", vit-aijr um inesume; it waa
also poken of by a Mr. .Montrose A. Tal
en, ol Missippi, and of a person who had
been a medical puneyor in the rebel ar-
"'oJ "o''H for ad the agetits ; I think
i1'"')' Hil rew on hitn for ull tho money
"'' rerpaired ; I kno.v tsonio of liieni Ji1
' nompson said it would ho dilliauit
; co lect so much poison without dctect- ,'i ojr, ni.,1 nil. ,1. . ,. .
Ol; . . .
w i"-j , "i --nucmuieu 10 employ.
",-t ' noi remenioer their names; I
; - .-..t , i u.oe smi iiiiu wiui
1 not n tisnti nn.l l'',..L1..i.i. .. . 1 1. .
i "..unuuiii, mm no was
P'cscni wncn some ot the schemes weie
.""L"Ml;,li "e uppiovcu them ; lie said a-
Ill b a Lr 1 I I lAl ,11111 llll. ln..
011 would jiutily them under tho circum
'H-tiees ; lie appealed upon very intimato
terms ni.ii iiiiiciiUurn and Thompson :
";'--" mui uaj auer mo assassination
,' l"e 1 --'nt, I say John II. Suna'.t in
-aaau a, with l'ortei held, a southern etl..
ly uiier unit fturrait was btifpccled, was
lui-r noil, urut had decamped. Geo. Car-
I'. 1 I .' - I lil'oil ml k'.. I .
, , ' l"' u"u1"'
f I IV J it i . I I i 1 !.!.. I
"y souieoouy, uo
1 ; ii"" uonaeii ; ue reierieu to
IV (I 4
I'lent Johnson ; his expression
wnrit fif
iitoini.i (j,. luil-r : ik
means a tailor's louse ; Baoth was known
in Canada, ly the iiicknamo of Pet ; I
think 1 have heard 'Thompson so name
him, certainly Cleary ; Kennedy, who lir
ed the city of New York and was execu
te 1, was spoken ol as haviDg performed
that deed by authority of the rebel gov
ern men I, under the direction of Air
Thompson ; tlrs was communicated to me
by Thompson himself, or ii. conversation
in his pi-tseuco; Thompson teiid Kennedy
ib'.erved lo be hanged, and ho wasdevil-i-h
glad he wai hang. .j, lor he was a stu
I'al lelliiw und had managed things very
hi. lie.
The above testimony was mainly cor
ro'oora'eil by two other uittiefsos, named
Metiitta.i l Monigomery, each of whom
is said to have been examined separately.
C onsiderabio time was lost today iu the
trial of the assassination coii.pirators by
the udiloriness of witnesses in making
their appearance. Add tioual wit rinssi
w i-re pro luci d by tho defenoo for liie
put pose ot impaiiing tne testimony a
g iinsl Dr. Mudd, ami lochovr tho prison
er Arnold was employed at Fortress Mon
roe from the Und lo Wis 17th of April.
Dr. Mutld'c counsel unnounccd ihat sub
po nas I or thirteen ad lilional wiinesjos
on Ins behalf had neon is-uod. 'Ihe pros-
ecinioii pi nduced persons who te.stihei to
the good character uf Louis A. Woiehmaii,
an important w. iineas against souu; ol th
in c ircil, w hose evideucj has already been
pubh.heJ. 'I he pro-ecui ion al ,,i produc
ed a Id. lioiiid, te.limony legarditi:: the
i i us to Mrs. Sariiitt's house uf Booth,
l'ayne and Pay no w,,s known
theie by ditleieiit names, Wootl bring one
nf them. Tito intimacy of Booth, Payne,
and John II. iurratt, was likewise fui tiicf
testified to.
rut Rsii.w, jt .n H.
Tho (rial was continued to day, and
some veiy important evidence was pio
ducjd by the proieculioi) relative to tho
ea in eat . ni uui'i'a ami tu my nu j 'jiurs,
r.i-.viird, a resident oi m. louis.
j tostWed in regard to these matters, givin;'
tho names ot the lncndiaru s, wh.1 ha I
nnthori.ttions for their woik from Rich-
, niontl .and who were also mcmheis ol the
j Order of American K
his. K
razor alo
gave the names of tho steaiiicrs that had
been bullied by these nfft). Ior burn
ing the army hospital al Nashville, Tenn.,
in the year Dill, che cd' these commii
sioued Confederate incendiaries, a .nan
named Dillinghani, presented his claim
to the Confedeiale government in Rich
mond. Frazer sialid that lie was in
Richmond in August, in company
with some of thoso Confederate agents,
and had conferences will) Jeff. Davis,
lS-.-nj imin, hisStcietary d Stale, aud.Sed
don, bis Secrntary uf War, in regard to
those incendiary operations. Oae of the
claims for steam wat burning was settled
by Jlenjamin for fifty thousand dollars.
Davis wanted the burners to tako thirty
thousand dollars for their job; but they
would " Ji Witnesses were produced by
tho defense for the purposo of showing
Ihtt Dr. Mudd had expressed regret ft,
iho President' assassination ; that A Unr
oll was a CiWHid, and ihoreforo not likclv
lo lie engaged in nch a plot, and that D
J.Tujuhi and Maieub P. M'Jttim. twj