Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, June 21, 1865, Image 3

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fW ' ' ' . "
7ki.v.suay,:::::::::::::::::::Jiuio 21, lSO'i.
Tu my Fritmlt in Cltaifithl eoioiti :
Jluving been solicited ly tunny of my friends
to le a candidate for lb o luuiiiuation for tlir. of-'
Cc of Register A Recorder, ifc, nnd licin '
" "
thut when tho iCiecr pave general satisfaction to1
concede tho second term, end bolieving llio pros-'
Y. urs, dc, J. ii. SHAW. i
IaroBMtowu.Lip1Jiin19th,lS6i. I
.!.. it l..n,.r....i 1. ...... 1
"Jolitt Brotvs was hung for attempting to arm
the llavei of Virginia and n.o them forlhn nm-
eoution of ti.onubIe warfare on the (Inters.
mcnt Jeff, ravn and Rol.ert V.. Leo hoth ocon -
ly and earnestly advocated tho arming of tho
"tuirThen why malic a pod of thf ono
and devils of the others? Will jc onswor
this, ye deceitful hypocrites?
PaY"It is n r.ortcd tliat the Soutliorn
Bisliojis of tho rrcitesljml Episcoivil
"l...y.t. - .,:t....l- . 1. '.
Church anticipate no (litlicultv in the
tiy OI 1 FA tei'll til ro-llllion -vv 1 1 1 1 tlieir
brethren of Northern tloiechos at tho
inecfring of tlio General (triennial)
Convention in .September next.
frsrTimtEis a youn lady in Hen-
rV CO tint V. jllSSOlin. not vr f. swoof ki v '
. ' " - " " 1
teen, wlio is tins year cultivating fif-
J n.... . 1 . . I . .1 .
I (. I . 1 (t'l V g 1' 1 I ' ' I I I . , - .
10 (i
ics ail the
; pl'iwin",
iK'i'tssarv v,oi 1
1111(1 inn 11 NU.'I i:iK('II III IS j 'li CO Ol vo ric
tool'tniii ni'vipv with M-hio!i tDcdueatt1
herself. " '
.1 1. .1 . 1. . , t n
Ei"We hopfl our patrons v i ! 1 excuse
the luck of i ulf rest in our columns this
week. The Hirers nnd bu.-tle of tho court '
is ibe caus of it.
(tf I.I):T.M, lost on last Monday
I?I n.ornimr. at rr near tho Into re,;,l,.nc, , r
Leonard Biimpiirner, in Goshen township, 1'UlT. ties already gold, except that tho Oovcrntuent're
HUN'DRKI) di.llau in paper mouov, rnduhout' . ,
HVKdoI'ar; in pU ard silver tha prop -rty 1 itrve? 1 ' Uff :'t!l0 !1tion of rn.,!n': interest in
of James iL.r'v, llo't K J'r- Ctoriry.) tho nhi le ' ftlj eoia tit C per cct.t., instead of 7 3-10ihs in
cortaine-1 in a bn-ks'-ii.i licit. The tinder tr i 1 , ,
be liberally rcrarued hy lcnini: t'nu same v. illi 1 cl!rrC!-(-y- iiu'ifcrucrm ... deduct tin interest
the suhrcrilicr in Ooshea i.i.i1u;', and no ijuis-i jn currency up to Ju y loth, at tho li'ucw'.un
JAMES tiOi'l.KV,
' June 21, l'C:..
Saturday Juiy Q, 1301
V' are auth' riivd to nnnemiro the namo of i
villi a A. .M.i.Art:, Ls-j., as a rnn li late f-r
mc omeo oi i.hi n ; iii-t. sin-jcci 10 ilo acl.nn
t.f the Democrats of t" u Hell cnunty at the sp
proueliug primary e!c ( ion, gi.d to the dccisiuii
tf ti.e J'i-iriit C -iivii.tijn. . juiie ll,"(ij.
st att i.Kn;rLATi:;i::.
Wi; aro ttiit'cuilzcd ;-j th ram" of
lir. T. Jctli.l:cx U r : it, ( f Brady townrhip,
s a can lidii'o f.-r Ass. irb'y, f u'-j. ct ti t!io :
lion of the Iii io' -.-r 1 ric party, at v.-.t e-. g ri
wary I'teclian, and a'.to t-j th j -ie i j:i ,.f tho
Bitliicl Coc 1 1. iiuS. june J J, i-j.
rn TKi ni 1 ;'. i: v,
Wm aro ciit j .1 iied to iti.r-i.o
ttw.:lLCN. 0'. C!(i9' '! r r '':.-: .-i
for the otl'ce 1 f l'r-ith,,wf.t.iry, -the
dccitii.n ' the 1- c ; .r
rroaihiiiE I'iiitry liUiti. 1 .
e b.
a 1 :i
v p F. I
...t 1 i
We are r.a'niii--'"'! 1 1 nir-' :i."" ihi tni.te ..
Aini'X C. Tatt, -if 1 ,-r. .' t!. 1 . .1 e .n
didati) for i , ..:i..-:.;y. A.-, -v; ; o ti: - ! i
i'-n of tl.3 Bum ti ic 1 luv nt tho .!!....
primur, tlv.t'.on. Jvee I 1, '-'-j 1 I.
( id'X'i v '1 !.::AM"!::.i!.
IiTnK liny- ''a v 1 r Cm: ct:. ' 0 . - : - rv :
fella 1 , : i-v 1.. r n .. 'f t ;. : ur
(on-blcri'tic'ii us :i :,t. 1' !;! "r 1 ;ii 1;
Coiir.ty I'i"" nri r. j.' t to y ur di .-i. iiai.!',; Biiuay iii.cLiu-:.
jne T, Ix'i. l. V,'. M-'utin.
V'k ar-i irj' to atin-nrro tie! t .vr-e (.;'
J'.l Mil Li.ii. ot Beg."' !-..v:i.-,ii-'. hs ran-iii it j
fur the 1 :. f 1 : 1 : y Trtariirer, s.' j-.-t to t'i-'
drriii hi 1 i t ic ;itfau...atiO party a' t.u ,! ' ' g
priiaury : li-.'.i. j i u liCj.
V't r i-i at.tV.riri d t O'"
Wu. K. '' i" o 1 1 r, .f B-Md.i-r 1
didiilo !'..r tl-o '.'i.e- cf Con ty
tn Mie ucti-.-'i o. t- c ISm ' 'i-.'i '
' 'e the H'.it: ' I
W,:--'.!, 11 ii a 'S;l
i'r.-::' urer, solji'-t
1 irty - !' C!.m-
sold on NO', at tl.
J'lltP 1 1, 'tie.
c'l'inrg .: u.a'T t.i'.l.i-a,
Wk are a-.ill.orir.c I U rnr.-n
AainiBiLD 11. S.n.'.',v, of l..iTct . i.e- t .
ennd idut 1 fir the 1 1'.. . i.f ii..,-v Tr.
. ....L..ll: - . J
.'ep. ft. a
r, rub
jtl id 1110 uo' i-i on 01 lie) 1,010
....... .i.-j i . ill'-'-: ... I : IHir'vr..
en.uing primary election. jw llOi. j
Vr. are rutheriied to eiu".i:-- Jacob Ki- t-,1
of Uradv tiinnship, ai ft ciiii K ! it . fr t!,e . thee
of County Trer.nirer. subj -"l 1 . :1c i.etom of ibc
Bein'-erutic pnrty rt the 11; proa -hi ig pihnnry i-i-
ctlon. j mi '--l'. !-. I
leii'v r.:
Wo arr au'l,ori-e 1 t ) nnnu 'o Wt. T. Ctui-m- c;
of J'e I! tow r-hip, a n caret i. la '0 for 1 .1 ,:.' 1- 1 f
Csun'y Tre.i-'i c, sulij".:; to the ncM a -f the 1 t'
Democratic party ut ti.e en-uin? ,e.: ary e. - .
tion. .vine i.VJS ,3.
W are a iihorize I to b:::.oi .cc ('it n rr,
IVourall, i f ( host l.iiM.ship, as a c n iiiii 1 1 I r
the office t.f County Co'aiaisM-iticr, rubjoct to th?
action of tho Dein orali: parly at :!ic iirrrineh- !
lag Primary Bkition. jiic 19, 'Cj-;.d, J
1V aro authorized in rrnaiinro
I'loOH, sen., of i'il.o ti wushir. ns a csn iidnto
for the 01 lomnty i.uinim.-:inner, suhjret to
the action 0; ti.e party at iho e.isuo
tnm t.rin.are clorilja.
" I J
Wo nro author'- ol t'j announce ?.mrr.i. raorr .' -
if Beccarift ti wieliin, as a Cinooiato lur Ccunty
Coininisiio.aer, su ject to tbo act'on of lho Dcm
ocratic party Bl the cd.loiii' , 1 laiary e'ni'io.i.
,1 ine 1 inn, 1.-V.J. 1
W tr fi.iihriih-.ed to anr.onnce Avers M tin r.,
of ltr lford towru-hin, ns a can li hiio fjrt'm jf-i
fice of Coun'y Cumiiiissioner, sul'jo"! to tho a'c- j
tion of the Democratic parly at mo nprroncning
primary chction. juna li, ibo. ,
r'-VTTF'l t Fir'OliDFR ,
... ,l ' J' .' ' ,a f
H r u hor ui! to ai.noun'o the namo of
Uaiah (I. Baiilkh, of Bradford town
andidate fur tho oCieo of Register A
4c., itibjoct to the aetion of tho Dainooratio par
ty at lbs ensuing primary oleetion.
m i1..t-ir..1 In imr.Aiinna Klut:ltr. F.
McCi.omBV, of Bike township, aa a candidate for
'lit tifllee of Crunty Surveyor, subject to lho ac- '
.. i.i imii."i..i.. -
rjnn of tho De'imcfLtio party at the approaching
riuiary Klcc-i jb, jue 7, l.J. j
Wro uutlioi iitd to announce Levi F.Ii win
f Lawrence t..rn.hin. as u cundiJele fur lho cl-
'f c of I't.iiBty Auditor, subject to the action of
Oeiaotiu-iie parly at the enrumg primary
lion. " J:t i(uh, im.
IT 4 T6n T n i v
Tllllil) SKKIES,
$210,000,000 ! ! !
By authority of tlio Secretary of tho Treasury, '
.1 . ...
luu uimerngne. , tho Genera Subscription Aircut
. uusiription
r"r tn "" f UniteJ Statu Securities, offers to
' Treasury xotc,,
tearing seven and threo . tenths ior cent, interest
per annum, known as tho
-)() I f I l 1
"V J. J 7 1 1
1 These notos nro issued under data .f July 15
! , '
"ro raj'&oio nireo years rrom lliat ditto in
ul tho option of tlu holder, into
U. S. 5-20 Six Per Cent.
Theso Bonds aro now worth
hnndsomo pro-
:mium ""J ' exempt, as aro all tho Clovern-
'eut Bonds, from taxes hy X
Town, Cities, Coun -
ti's or States. This fact inoroafes thoir valuo
1 ri ii tAi tnmr rn ma
from one to threo per cent, per annum, necorJing
to the rate levied on other property. Tho inter-
est U Payable .emi-annuaHy in currency on tho
15th .r Dor.Mni.or .r t., . 1 n
, U..4 W..4 u4 uuiif njr V OKI "OH 3
attached to each note. hich c re,viv c,v,.,i
'ine by Con., .113
( ar.y nhcro. It aiiunnt s to
I Cue Cent per day on
! Two Cents " "
I Ten ' " "
j 2D " "
a -S.'D nolo.
?-V.iu n.jto.
$.K00 note.
it if r
Ktca cf ail tho denomination! named will lo
.pronipuy nirimneanpon receipt of juliseriptioiu.
I The Notes of this Thirl Scries ars orcciniv
!,,. , .
i s,KA-lr in ' ,nn " J 1
v-csi,.i!, sr.,, TM, subscribe.
Tlio delivery of tho notes of this thir-1 series of
tho T-iiO's will comtnencj on th; 1 -t of June, nnd
v.iillo raado promptly a-d continuou.-ly aftjr
that Ci'.f,
Tl. . 1 . . ....
"'s111 ei.angc in mo conuitmns 01
Third Series aiToets only the matter of inter-
est. Tho payment in gold, if ma le, will ho equi
valent to tho currency interest of tho higher rate
The return to specie payment;, in the event or!
nhich only will tho option to pay intere-l in I
,. tii, :i 1 r 11 1 . ,. !
gul.l be availed of, wuuld so reduce and e riiliro 1
jpiiees that piirclin.-s made with Ax rcr cent, in
c.'Uwonlllo fill:-- eaaal to maJo wiih
tven J n.roo truCis per cent. 1:1 currency.
I This ii the (Inly I,rrri :, Market r.ory (fr
j e i l-y the jv;:n,nci', r.n 1 c. n? tit 0 (ire.i
I'i ; -i;'.r f.oan of the People.
m thrn :r,n;f,CvO if the Lean an:.'.-i-
,,'.-t (.' : -T. re urc ;.u r on the 1:1 irl
a !. ! ill thu la.e lit .hi i'i it is b-'r.
nil l e nil ICi i.
1 f-rv.iil.i
1 1 .1 J f. l.:ii
i.e r.' tci wi.: 1;:
1. has niiif;ri."
j CI.Ml
ho CH-.
i V
: .. 'it :;-t. 1. to ( ti f r 1
.! 1 i ' i. . n .- if every 1 :i
. !-y in ty 1 -' ;.T r ! -1 fa -i
!:, I lie X.-lli-'l -ll 11 -,':1 S, St.!
l.':i:,l:.'i j I'.ir.oi i. .4 tho
urs. I
,.1 s' -.!
ii,.i f-r I
. f ti:e c .
hi: 1- the I
' ;.,Il -
.. i- 'ry
!'.;. c j.i : ( :..iiy ; ,;rci d to I ec-.-i v j , a' .
.-it 1 .it. S 1 X .-ciibirs w iil .'(let tl own n gents
in 1. I-i. in 1' ( 1 live ; "r f .! 1 c ', M..1 v i:o 1 nl i.r.
t ' ! re-;, ..1. iYo for the iKii.'ery f the not p.. for
l.i. h v .-e-.'i iv) or 1
JAY cooice.
cr.u ri
May I.Vh, Til"..
V..'-:C.'.o '. O 1 ld"t
(.".iii:,y National
rirr-t Na'i ;:i:il P.
N Ac i.x:
h-ll hi.U
rcr, of Cloar.'ieM,
tik of Cle.u'iic! !,
i-'ir-t Ear.!: oi' (.'
i " , r?-J?-rtTlX ,
"T - CSSt-t
ll Jrjfv-w''A.' 1
5. - s jj ff faJyTtyZa ;
g , :'! -Vvl r-zZ2l
' 4- g o ;l ZZZZZZA
r'.V-yrf : E
:' .k-r
C- r:'
'sm .a:
) r.l.H'j.'
'.lli'K't-:. The B"-d of ltd:
-. f '
f .r th,) ci'in'y of Cl'otrncld, wi:l meet at t.10
C"ic.ln on Uc lni sil.iy an. I iliurs-
d..y. tl.o UMh nnd '.I'.il'i davs ' t June, 1 .'!".
'lho Beul Imvo directed that nil rew nprli-
rants must appear before tlio Board and pru. luce
ici-ii "" loau in-ni nr.rr.c 01 nmncr,
rcgi'iient nun enmptry; when rnustcd i tno
n .. ... I. A i.C rl.i'.l'.Bil tarllU . . t . r u .
........... ... in iiw iinii lei ni niru ,
tho tnviiiuip in which they rcbiled nt the lime of
cniistlncr.', and t'ueir present rcsiilcnc-. t nnd that
.... ..." . .... ' "'lunoi.
shi'n a3 n "he is whhoiit tho means tf support fur hereoif lViiL'sI,
llr -order and cliihlrcn, who arc dependent npon her. ( ,; p
. n'... ' I Two witnefses of credibility, from the township
ln vhich she resides, must also bo produced
t-se ccrnucaie, swnrii 10 uciur- 1110 uonrn, uiusi
forth that tho applicant is the person sho ep r
resents herself t be: that the stntemmcnt oflho.
. , i p I. , f...,.'l :., . ... . l.
nunioer a.i'i ui;i " i-m.i .nnuu, inn. en-
j, in ossti Lu to circumstances and her family in
t .(. nn,l that all the facts x-tforth iu her
application nro just and true. i
i,ruu comuining tlicso riicuiiti'ns can ho oh-
t.uiKil at tbo otiieo ot the Lioanl of Koliol, wucn
application i mado and the witne.-set appear. 1
May. SI, lb ii. W. ii. BilADLliV, Clh.
' ISH SALT onl BLASTER in largo nuan
titles, i.l
J. P. KKA17KH S.
f.r.r.-.i' n, liff-s.
3illC 51T:iiirr:r (Oil fir,nmjnim
tiiLMU' ujiP county, l'A.
fOre.iiO.,,l 11.. T -r . . '
""" iiT oi icnnsyivnnia.)
CAPITAL STOCK'-'"- $500,000.'
i i
' V . , . ,. o- .1 1 i r.
I All ALIB, fcj.OJ l'llll SlIAUE.
' .
Subscription IVi.-o, W.50 Per Share.
, " ItMerve'1 f"r W'MS Ci-it.l.
IMI. JOHN U. KUBilLBIt, Bros't,
' 1"-P. W. Bi.,,
I fi-cret.ii
Ciias. J. Pi fr.r,
i-cretary. Treasurer.
m it k cruris.
J. O. Kochler, Win. S. Turner, rhiUV
I Sehuytkill llnren, W.U.Alr.andor,Miulora
1 D. W. liland, I'otlsvillo. Ueo, W. MiiH',
Jno L. Pott, 1'ottsvtllo. John Bey or, MuJera.
Subscriptions received at
Jelnhia, or of any ofiho birectori
The uropertipi of tl.i f,v,,n,r. nci.
unled in Llemilield count v. lVnnnvh ani.i
!a"'.co"!,i,1,tLor,V,10 r.l1lowinS Tracts', viz:
No. 1. lho Win, lleiMttv iaroi. in Ic
1 1 . . " . ' conuitun. highly Acres, situate
in reecari:iToiijhip. nt thu iuiuiiion r.f
in I'H'i'Cri.l Toiijhip, nt tho junction of
Uefl' (i1,'J' eii JWy Jiun. AIko t'l H t li a Irn.'t ia, 1 ...... 1 .1 1
! , Thi Vo ' cf ubou t Z I
' mil a 'rtii)i"rAiAiAH..i ..;.f n '
" ' " ill K-illl ui r .ct. an 1
tl1 in " lho rear of tin. tract
n lucli li chjv ol acc-.t. A c -Minderuhlo ;
amount of Timber i-i on t!u tract, nnd t hoi
farm inn hi-li sl.ito of cultiv alion, withj
good l'.'.iitd.tig-i, Orchard, Ac, i
So. '2. A Ica-e for 'J'weui v Y nrs from!
Wm. llei'lrtyon Curly Acies on Mu.lilv I
) ...u. iir.iuj mi r ui .icios on 4 1 Ll . 1 ( 1 y f k r I ' 1 1 1 x 1 '
j Run. with n f.ont on Loth Mdo of i.ddfth hest q,,!li;tv."all I f Lid, wiin.o ioU? ! T' X-W A K I-. (i f,ASS-W. KK. WDKN-jstn-au),
mid luailv n!i l-ottoiu !'he l.nv.ot or' ready pay prices. A 1 E, iimi S I'ATli )N KUY,
o. A ler.stj lor livcntv V. ui i frnm
i V'f'L; .Io 0:. 1 ' itun.;. t..l Acres
im mini, niijiinjiil . O. L. A COIliilU'-'l ;Vult
port ion of H is bottom l.-md
i No. -I. A lease- fur Twonlv Wirt from
' " i u'a ' """'iien mm rm
Acres, on the waters of Muddy Kun, cIom
by No. 2. Tliero is a (ront on both side
of lho stream of about ono niilo. A largo
portion of it i bottom land.
No. a, A lensj for Tivcnty Year.- from
John l'eycta on One Hundred Acres on
lho Miters of Muddy Kun, adjoining No.
J. A largo portion of this is ul-o boi'.oin
Nn. C. A lease for Twenty Venn on Fif
ty Acres, from John ,. McCully, n thort
distnnce above N. o. All of this traol i.
bottom land, nud located at lho forks ol
Muddy Hun.
No. 7. A leaso for Twenty Years from
Samuel Slioll on Onu l.lundred and Five
Acres, on the waters 0f Clem field C'reek.
o poiie No I, with a front on Miid
stream ofnlout half a mile.
No. 8. A lease fuf Twenty Year- from
Robert Whiteside on One Hundred Acie.,
aDj-iii.ii'g No. 7, with ft front on eacli bide
of Cleiitield Creel; cf over ono mile. A
1 , ,- . , , .
It. 1 y. '- I '1 li.' II . 'I I II 1-) e I'Ul I (Jill 1,111 11 ,
! N . 'J. A lea-o fir Twenty Years from
j S,.ven.r r.vo Acre- on
1 i''ii -iieid 1. reck, a slioit tlistuneo below
1 f - j
ier:i. Atmul one-tiiilii isliottom land.
! '.Villi . front 011 toe creek of nenr huif 1.
, I iii-le.
' No. I'i. A !cao for Twen'y Yeirs from
iWm, II- Ales.ittdiT on One 1 1 or.-livd ami
A.TH "n C!e-l! field ('.' ' a, l'p')-ite
N ,
porti m ol' which i.i Lotlutu
11. M"l 1-. i.r nr - for T'
om Samuel Mild ill ell Nii,.ov-
1 'lit - t'
-.t and
a; -sc.i
from .'I
I, -a! :oui
1'ii'lv ucre. Ilia-' en Cm w!,t..r ot
er' bun, or.i'-i'i'iirih of a mil.
11 .1 nine,,
eii'l'l, ab i ll Oil
. A i";.e fnr '!
A '"X mder r,'i
-ll ill' o whivll j
vtity 1 :ir from
.'t'ty A io- 1. 11 4 1 -
W.n. 1',
'. 1 l'icr'i. R'ln, ail of which is jmd 'oor
,v e I e: 1 i'l.i v.
N '. 1 1. A len'o fir Twenty Years from
i'i Wm. li. Whitc-ide 1. 11 Two lluii'l; id nnd Acres on th" l eaver Ham I'raiieii ol
Mo !i 111 nun Ci ee
k. Tiie pi incieal put t ol
Lot ing t eiritet y.
with )'it exi'oie.ion, a re
tins, true
i- eiind
I u.ds.
'10-t ndlll it a!-' v J
I, Mid have 1 1 rn
"Mm :. d by iae:ii.l oil men and pm-t-'Miti.-ed
tiie I-i--1 on Clrnilieid '.'reek, 11
1 0. Hiding ic. ud the .-u: face indication.-, ol
. ii, t iiey 1 ein;' tbo M.lilU is h' in ihcj
ei-lebi j'ed oil reoi in of N'-nirgo. Sail
an J O.I Spriii.'n abound in the iieii,h)r
ii"o 1. Tie? la id i were seiee'ed with ftient
care roi the tuost iidvatiliigeniM lea-es,
ll'.erc oeiilj.: only or.e-eigutll ot llie Oil I'i! -
ii't vi'dby llin lesfjeim. So great bus been
lho excitmer.l in lliu n-gion Wllhiu the
lust few motln, timl all tbo binds of any
r !
: thecom-
value pro leased. Ouilc a mi in be
il; undouhSedly be unk during
minj; summer.
ll is 1 bi in t n-, I Inn of I b ii r.imrntu In
,n,..l.,.;n.,Io,rl,.ln il.iL.,i..iiii ...
I ".II ll' ne'. IU. 11' 1 .11 lj n, i. u r- i 1-1. 11.1
oos;ble. and to develoo llie lamls fat ns
tho mums nt Ibe disposal of the ( 'oinpnay
v ii! nMiiil1 1 1 c laro nniount ol ( iil ler
1 'toy hehlty I h is am par.y rmiites it, one
1 of the ruost v.'iluable in the I'lU'li. I, ns
1 err. ' ic:'.l oil in 'Ml nl'O have e lui'.ned the
I I'.ti'l Miy liicr i iiodiuhl v!;..cvir of
: the pre e.i eo of oil.
i 0 1 1,'t-ij.
I riMlU.lL LIST f.,r Jhto Tonn, IffJ.
i -in jsi r.f k.
! Si-:.r,c;, 'a l.e.rj
i M -r ,; .n
j 1 ric a
,1. M. Cl.aro
Li c ,i Caaij.'oc'.l
' Meelnb y A
! I'ohe
t .
Pen I so
Bc-yr.t' n
S. V. Tliot.'p.iiii
Le inard A Bodhcy
TellKj ct
llartf Lorn
FIlCOMi wurK.
t s. Bslhrr Thompson
v.. Gi.ihniu
, ki1iiW
! I.tin.h..rn
W. II. Miller
Walk or
T.nngdon A Bircn
Thomas Rafferty
j iloltipson
111V. Trvin
Irani It aiiijuugney
James Huff
I? J'lhnslnii
K i 11 i ti n
C. Oalhigher
C. (iallagher
Shrtler A Limlscy
it. ot.
.' 9 u
i. ..1hi.
iiorabau -h
-t i
Itu sell A LandU
lmfr!riiT illftiir
(-.MiUlUilIl JUlDr;
11. If. M K A N S ,
i-fOrnirtoH. Oct. 19a,
' mm ninnn, . .T!?"1"
1$ CW 0jTOl
jCheap Cash Store
M,trui street, oopdic tU ' I'kixnLU JUsc,
Cloarfu,!, 'a. "
A rjJF.siJ AlMtlVAL OK
Summer Goods
I an: Jnvt re.vivinir nml upenirR ft can-fully
IccJcd f took of lu.-liionaolo Spring A Suiiunor
"1 A
of almost every description,
A henutifiil nsnrtnicnt r.f Trt..(D 1
Sn"'K of tho newect and la!est stylos. Alsou
; ' "''""..MTr.v,
Bonnets, Siian l.,
llttt.'. and Caps,
Boots nml she ri, a lnr quantity,
Hardware, (,'ni'. n . wa re,
lru .in-1 AI. -ii.'iiie.",
Oil and I'.ih,,
Cnri-t 0;l Cl.'thc,
CI R 0 C E 11 I I S ,
i 1. 11, uifi.n una 1 jour,
Mv old friend.- ami tno Bui.
g"neral!y, are
rioei -tfulW invited t'i call.
.KiX. II. All kinds ..f 'V.'.l .Vand approved
CofSTliY rilOUVVE taken in exeharge for
wm. r. inwiN.
ClearHeld, May 31, 1S(1"..
AN 1) HA N I) TO YOU U NK1G U Dull
r ji .0 s r k c t u s
0 V
flic Iji;ibtfp!ji;t Jiif,
Tito only Diniocratic Daily Morning Journal
published iu l'hi!ii'tel,ihi-i.
'ill- I'fBi.isiiKiis or Tin: Mi;i,Ai.i:r.-.
'iUV . ; li iio-iu t!ie rarne-t atlentiun of J
oii-iaejs men, ininking nu-n, literary men, ana !
ill lci are inli-icsti.-l in the iiiiniis i-ci-ircaliuns ;
11. 1 .iir-ai'.s 1-1 hi'.' 1 ii.o I'.Oly uu.l v0(kly edi
UMi.i el t'ueir Juui n il,
Which ad. nc.ii'.s tl'O pi inciplcs an 1 policy of
li e 1 i.-iii'.'rat ic parly, is is.-iie l .'."y inorreng.
1 .'-111. days t'.xc.'p'cil,; and cnt.-ii.-n tli latest in-t-11
i g'.'nee li ",1 nil pailo cf I he .'lid ; wilhc-irc-lV!;y
pr.'t 1 rod ani -le; mi Govern iii.-iit, 1'niitic-.
I 1 1 c . I ; -i n , and n'l tlio c-i-r.'iit '!'i"-';..ns
I 11 : ot loo il'iy ; Loc il lat.-Bigeuee, M..r
jl.'i II,;. "I', l'riets (,'urreiit, Stoil (.Hn.tatioi.s.
I M ir'.ne ntrl C.itRaivt la I biteliigeoec, Kepoits i.f
I I'i:! lie 11 1 li.erin e -, I'orei.'ii 111. 1 Domestic C r-
i ri-p..nd.'ii.-... Leg .! BiI-mO. V--'i Notices, The-
1 at. -1
I Criiicis
, Ag:i."il
-.'. r Mi'-j-
:-, Hi . irs oi I.ii.-ri.t'i.c Art and
'11. 1! Mailers ; and discussions of
' i- 1 i gei.i'tul in;er...-t 11:1 1 im-
I -,r ,1
j No i ient (f any impcrtance nr. curs in any part
' . f tie: r.nnlrv iihoiii being fully and ptoioptly'i.-d to nii'l pu'ilish'.'d niniptly n it. coi.
111.11:.-. it has ail tiie d ateies of luu As-ociat-10I
Pres.- from every art cf Hi" I nite 1 Slut.'s,
1111 1 llie news trmn nil nrts of K'.irof e l-rnuglil by
ili stra'ners is instantly teleirr' I , from
- n'"' I h s t. ;i iner-. iir '! t :'.'h.
'I l-'.BAI T.r. D -'lies, r aiiiini'i, for a 'hi
gle ' - y : l o'o Dollar--, t. 1 :it niuiitlis: Tivu
! and Fif'y Cents, f .r ( ii r o nioiolis ; a 1 1 J
. r ii'.y .'-s time, at llie ::it" of Ore Dollar per
11:00 th. Payment rcijuireJ invei iu i -vanco.
n co.'i.lsic a nei'Oiiliiim ..! the News of the
Week, ml coiiii.ins t! Chitf V. ! itorials, thu
Vices Current and lie; Market Kep rls, S;o k
I'ui'tatii.ns, llio Ihirrneii for I armors, 1 orrespon-
deiice, and General New Matter 1 iiblishcd in
, the Daily Age. It l contain a great varieiy
of ther lilerarv and nii.o'ellaiieoas 111 iller, inc'u-
luS tal-. sketches biography, laceliie. and po.
eirv, len'lenn ' it in all rei c'ls a nrsi-ciiiss nun-
ilyj'iirnal, p.iiiieiiliirly ahipled tolhe politician, :
tho'.Mer.-bant, lho Fanner, thu Mechanic, the,
I il(.llirv Innn) ml,,1,,lns..t.sorr,,n,iers. n has,
jn fiict, every cliarncteristlc of a live newspaper,
i'et.,,1 r,.r cniitinc hiiu.-e. lho workrhmi. tho
r,r,.l.l,. i.n.1 On. rea b-r.
'J he WcMv Ase is nuiih d in season to rrs.rh
nil parts of l'rnnsj hinii.i. New Jerssy, Delaware
nnd Mary land, in or be fori Saturday of ei'.clr
week. . .
ll-.llM'-'i--o Molars per annum urn sngie
cepv : On" D- I'ar foriix nmnOs, nnd si.s'v ci
I t three nun. li s. Oie copy ttriit's will I - r
f,.r 1 nc M-ar to t': 1 ei-.-'ii I .r a; !,i:g 1: I ' .'
vc-ulv mo -ciili' " I'.'id in n !vi"co. N 1 pa
will I H'U until Ibe ub-criptioit i
'jWn ii d.y ic ., '.it 1
Tl.o circulation of the I'liil.iilelph'.i lire,
which is nendily and r.ipid'y prowing. tn.:l:es it
nfl. nslin vnlii'iblo a 1 liiiml'. r inltorlisirr ns
unv other eon.inerciiil und business newspaper
i Philadelphia; nnd the lact t'nat it r-adus
large das? of conservative renders, scattered over
a vn.-t extent i.f country, who do imt take any
...tner tuola'lelpliii paper, eoinmenus it, m an c,-
tr.iordinnry degree, ns a means ol ciiinuiunicauiig
i with the public not possessed by any other jour
nal published iu this city.
j The Age Is new established nn a ruro and f cr
innneni lotiiKiaiion. 1 ne puiilistiers coul'l ensiir.
, till their eolniins with the unsought and moa
: liberal commendations of tho i-ress thri.u.hout
theeouniryi but they prefer that it should(tand
altogether upon claims to public confidence well-
Known ani cstni.iislieil. It will lie, ns heretofore,
the supporter if true National, Conservative,
Democratic, Vninn principles, opposed a'iko to
rndirnlism ami latigticism in every lorm, nnd do-
1 votea io mo maintenance oi t.noj (lorernment,
Lnw, and Order. The rovivnl of all lho business
I jei.iuoiin ui mo v..uiiii(t, i :uiis.i.(...-.i. uuii ...o
siippressinn of the rebellion and the restoration
of neaco. will ennblo tho publishers to make a
number of improvements in the various depart-
A Pfr
rH vu 6M 4
IM W m &3
, , ., ., - iers oi n il in in i -iraiinn on ine ostnie pi 1 Ul.lp I . t ..
Is of this journal, and they,, res- McCreken. of Ferguson tp. have been granted to notice, and ftt tho most rtasonable ehargos. Aw
fully solicit the support of nil who wish to po- mo undersigned. All persons knowing them- , "I'-'oer pcwonnlij or by letter, either t
i one of the Lest Commercial, Literary, Busi- t(,Tl,9 jn.oied to said esUto aro reiU-rod to set- Cnrwenvllle or Blonmville. Mjiy Bl.
ncs and Family newspapers in tho country.
JS'ow is ilic Time io Sti'isiilj ! !
Glosshrcnncr if Welch,
IS DUiimfill T .Y
.e.rurclinsccl Mnco tlio lalo tlccli
i in i.i-iue.1.
J- i: K li A T 'A 1) 11 ,
Front Street, above the Academy,
CLE.vni'IKLD, l'a.
N'utv orers a very largo stock cf
. Dry Goods,
M a reduction of 25 to 40 percent., including
IlllhSS GOODS in great variety.
Jloriuoi's, Ginghams, Cloths, jielainos, I'rintf,
I'aMiimcros, Alpacas, Silks, Satinet, Hops,
'ii.-ii mires, TwecUs, Col.cigs, Jlhair, Jeans,
Lancllas, Muslins, l'lannlj, Bonnets, Kih
Ions, Cloaks, Balmoral Skirts, Honp
Skirts, Shawls, Dress Xriiuinings,
Head Nets, Cups, Cornets, Oloves,
Collais, Scarls, (ironudiuo Vt'ihj
Tublo Covers.
Coats, Pants, Vests, Over-Coats, (iont's Shawls
Shirts, Hats, Caps, I'nder-Shirts and
Drawers, Boots, Shoes, (luin
Shoes, Cravats, (1 loves
and Collars.
ci:iiii;s & xMu.sical ;ooih.
a r
0 cc r 1 c s .
, C. :r...., Suui.r. M.diisF.s,Sult,tundlos, Bico,
l'loiir. , n, I1.-I1, Tol'iicco, liai.,iii3,
CurMii'', S p i 0 c , Crackers,
Willi--, llran-lii"-, Vin
egar, Oils, V:ir
11. .li, Alcolud.
Household Goods.
Carpets, Oil-cloths, Drugget, l,iiiiking-(lhs-i.g
Clucks, Churns, War h boards, Tubs, Buck
ets, l'lat lnms, l'uns, Window Blinds,
Wall-paper, Coal Oil Bumps, hia
brellas, Bedcords. Knives nnd
l'orks, Sjnions, Crocks, ar.-l
Stove Bli!i.'kiii!,
a Ill .1 ! 1 ,,. 1, ..
JJ. Northwestern eounttes of Pennsvlvahia to
tho city of Brie, on Lnko Krie
It has been leased by tho I'tntmilrtuiU Kail.
rn'oi ('oaipniiis, nnd i.i operated by llieni.
Its etitiro length was opened for passenger and
freight business, Oct. Kth, Ibfil.
Time of fuixi niffr Train nt Emporium.
!.': ve t: (sTw.Min.
M-iil Train, .1:20 A. M. li; !!) V. M.
Warren A-com. Train, - - M.
Ci rry Aceom. No. 2, - . M.
Corry Aecoin. No. I, - - M. I
i.havh nsT'i Aim. :
Mail Train. M;U1 - - A. M. j
Warren Aecoio. Tr.-in, - - -JI.
Corry A"com. No. 1, - - M. j
Ci.rry A .-ciii.i. No. li, - - . M. j
Passenger Cars run thrui-h wniioer chamub!
bolb way- between I'hihuUlpliia and Krio. )
Mb '.'an; fi-iping Cars '.11 Mail Trains both
I ays bi-Uvc.-n 1'liiladelphi 1 and Loch Haven,!
) nnd en illi:i:::.- ort an I l-iimira li.vprcs Train
1 bctv.ei 11 W liiam port nnd Baltimore.
t'nr inl'Tiiiati iii re-peeling Passenger business
.1 dy nt the I'i r. HI til niel Alarh. t frccts.
In. I f'T Freight business of the Company's I
A :nis. . ii. i itig-ton, jr., L -r. I.Jth and Market
.-I , I''lphia ;
0 . W. 11 -vi, ol i.-' 1". io ;
.,. M. Dri'l!. .Went N. C. 1!. P.. Thihbn-rc ;
11. II. Iloi'si G. n'l fr iht Ag't, Phil.-i.:
II. W. (ovoiMii!. li-ii'l Ticket Ai''i, Phila.;
.Jos. D. Ports, G vii 'I .Manager, iilinMisport.
jail. 1 1, --i'ij.
J 111 s- i:v or.cAi-ri:i-:N r,
On ii.i: or I,', ii'Tiioi.i.t it if 1111', Tit ksi i.v,
W n-'l .ngton .March .Ml, I-mu. J I
1 T T 11 1 It ' . I,v s-nl-f o t v ... l.l..-
f-nted to fee ii'n ler.-i-ii.-d. ii has been made
n that Tin: IVniv Na...,ni. Bank ,
C, , :,.. in I!,.- borough of t le.iri'.eld. in ll.. -
cuntv i.f ClciHi.l I. an 1 Slate 1 T l'ann-vlv.inia,
has :-, n dulv .0 oinUe-l ,ler and in acci.rd.mcc
with tbere...i.r.....ei,ts..f the Act of Centres cnli -
tied " r"i Act tofroinle a Nati.-nal Currency, fc
CHfed I v a t'lcil -e 1 f I oiled S'alcs bonds, to nro-
( : le for'tlie cii-'ilalion and l edeir.ption iherool,'-
11 pin 1 I Julie ', t 1 , and has complied with all
1 n
I rrvisiotis r.l said act 1 1 1.0 compile. I with to
lore ii.iiiinciiciiiL' lho bu.-inc.-s of loll: kin:.' under
said ait.
Ne-, Therefore, T, lit n MeCci.i.nniii, Comp.
(roller ol the I urrciicv, .j liereliy icrt il y that
''ii ('.ini' ,Veli..iei ,'n.i.' 't"uti- ll, in
iiornugli ol ' li'-n Hell, in I tie cminiy ol l li-orlicl.l.
and Slate ol Bcnnsylviinia, is aiithori.ed to com-
tncneo the business id balking under the Act
In lesiiuiiiny wherof, wi:ti:-'s iny hand ntid Ft?!ll
of othcu this V I dav ol Msich, ISlij.
HI GH M' Cn.I.ol Gll.
Mar.H tf.
I'limptruMer ot tho Currency.
fp It l I' I il i'S
Brvirtao of an order and decree r f the Or
..I,,,', t'enit of Cb'iiilield rountv. there will In
..,,. I... p,.;',. Sale bv ..:it-:i v. at the Couit
1, . ,!...' 1.1 I'aSii", 1, Oil
Tticodi'iv, llio '2:U of Juno, W.Go,
11 01 niiicu wm uo soni on tne tso.u rea ; tlieir entire satisfaction !
unable terms, nnd tho highest iiiurkat price pnid j -Agents wantod fcr all towns in tho United
:or dram, Hiwl, and all kinds ot oonutry produce. , Slates, whero Agents aro not already established
Cleurtield March 22, IHMj, Also for Culm, Mexico, Contral and South Amor-'
lea, to whom a liberal discount will bo given,
I OUi) I uG.J. 1 Tcfins invariably Cash on delivery,-
nin.ADEi.rinA & tauk railroad.! T-J- Mcauthur & co.
rpllIS great lino traverres the Northern nnd ' p ' ,1 BR0ADY AY, N. Y., 562 WASHINGTON'
ill I o'eloeh, 1'. M.. i f su' 1 day, the fu'lnn ingdi s
nibed liliAI. KSIAIM. th.'- pr..p. rty of the III
heirs of Ui ul I V.'i'so'i, ileec:ie l, to wit :
All that cert nil trad or p'.eee ol land, sit la'e
In the valley of Siiii:o:nalioiiin', Huston Imili
ship, Clearfield county, l'a., adjoining lauds i f
Dr. Burly, Humes, and others, havini; therenn a
fian.e dwelling hou 'e, ft barn, orchard, an I other
inipiovemciits. Tho land is of j ood .iialily and
I tt.i:c ot cumraiiiin, cuiiiaiiuiig acres,
nod B'.n perches.
,-..t- lernis ol" Sale lino. third l''o pur
ch ise money on bun i, and tlio balance in two
. i . ,.o ... '-..... ..r.,.iiHn.n.
, .,c ,,cured by bond
connl annual in.iiauiiieiiis nwi. ui v.ui.i-i mi.
.. . ,..,,,!.-.
nn.l morle'ice on the i riluiscs
i May 17th, lfCj-tds. Tru-toe
. , . -. ,t.. . i.
. police in lieu ni t,ivi. 'i '(
ters of Admiiiistrntion on the cstnto of t.eorgo
I. Welch, late f I'iko township, dee d. having
this day been granted to tho undersl .ned, alt
persons indebted to saul estate nro rcipnrvn iu
make immediate payment-, and thoe having
claims airainst tho sumo will present thcin duly
authenticated far settlement.
May St, ISflo.
A JI.M 1 JN lolJ.A LUU b JNOUt-h.
U i ,.n In herein- .five.. I... t lot.
........ .
,pr(, 1)f A,,min; lrMin on Ui; 07lftte ef Philip L.
tie them immediately, and those having claims
against it will present them (Inly autlieaticateit
for settlement. JNO. BLOOM, (of Isaac),
j May 31, lSfi3-pd. Admiautrator.
SEEL) POTATOES. A superior lot for ralu
at J. V KKAIZEK'S. !
Ajnl I, f.3 liu. ;
CiJiEAT impi:ovi:ments in
Sowing Macliiiies
I'AitXMTiii) i-i:nr.uAnr 4nr, ISflo.
.-"li, P.rondway, New York.
-'.)-', Wnshjn-rjon Street, Boston
X entirely new principle, of Kochanism no'i
ses?.ng many raro and valuahfo JmPrv.ih,
havinr been rum nml l. n, . ' 'om"
1 , , ." iiiji iiroriainu ex
perts, and prnnounoed to Im K1VPI tpitv- "
1'1.1U'BCTI0: combined. 141 ""
1 bide. performs perfect sowing on every des.-r n
lion ef material, from Leather to tho finest Nan
est to the linost numhor.
Having neither Cam nor Cogwheel, nnd thu
east possible fridion, it runs as smooth a' V.. ,
and ia emphutieally g '
It requires Fifty per cent loss power to driva
t than any other niachino iu tho markot A eirl
twelve yoara f ago can work it steadily, without
fatigue or injury to health.
Iu strength and Wondorful Simpliaity of con
strue , on renders it almost impossible to get out
orordnr. and i-i liuarantec.l by tho company t,
givo cntiro satisfaction.
. W, "l lfully invito nil those who may .le-
sue toMipply them-clvos with a tut ir arlicle.
to "moniidcjtniuiu.Mliis I nrivallfd .llacln io
hut 111 a more especial runner do wo elicit the
p.itconiigo of
AK'l'CliliMt 'ill! I ( '.,..',.( If. 1..,
C(;:;rii 1 alicrs,
Hoop Skirt Man
lilac! (irers.
Shirt i'i Jlosoni
'I.,1. .,
1 I I
Gaiter Fitters,
Shoe Hinders,
Vest .and Panta
loon Makers,
Dress Makers.
Religions and Charitable Institutions
liberally ililat v. illi.
No 1, Family .Machine, with Homer, Feller
and braider, $ gg
No. !!, Small .Mauufaeturing, with Extension,., 5
-to. ,i, j.argo .nanulactsring, with Extension
'v., I 1 ' M.....r..,...!. .. . .,
. 11. ui.iciuriiiK, iori.oai.nor, witu
.win. 114 ruiil, lliu on Uup, J 0 1)
Quo hall hour's instruction is sufficient to enable
env nerson to work IM. n,iiin. ...
. v
I " 1; 'on' IZV onaaicr bl., I'lma.
A. i Co.
Feb. 3-ly.
A Ircc Show!
In Clearfield!
SumnitT Goods,
And Very Clicap ! !
It ccssors to Buynt'.n A Showers respectfully
I !"""" t0 'e public that they aro now open-
"" t'x,,'"sivc ""rtoient of
, S U M M E G O O D S
I ,, . , . ., , , , ... ,. ,.
' ' lls0 l'1'1 f.'"n'! ,:Ml"!m f "0,T , ,!l,l'n w "dl
1 ."J,v? " 1 nt "..'"n.!l'1'!nSf ,ow llrlct's'
I (considering their co.-'t !) for rah or nnprov-
; cd country prudltee. Their stock of
f "A f J "7" I 'i f A TV C
LA.N.M.M llh Ml hi AnShUI
1 Customers enn theref.nds
mcsu ns df lain f.s ! lawns
C l.l 1 1 1 1 .1 ! L.A.V1 Ml.K : IVS 1 J iN U o
j i ''S' SlT W f 1 GENTS' SH KWJ S '
: " "f ' ' ' '-'' ' e'lrrtrl- i
11.11.-1 n. iai.i . nvvio tv ououj 1
AND VARIETY, embracing
S.-tiif-: lK:u!-e(s! Neck Ties!
Satchels, ! I 'oi i M.iiuiuio
! Eni-hes1
1 'l.o'.'e'rapliie Alhr.nis
V F. R F U M i: 1 1 Y 'J F A L L K 1 N I "3 !
Or anytliitiL else iu Cue Nolio ". Lino
Queen. Avar cr
provisions r
A ,)f qunitT, nnd selected wiih rpcciul
. ;f ri,, rr P,,nntv.
M v i;i)YXTn.,
Clearfield, May 10, ISO.
Licensed Auctioneer,
nM. M. lU.OOM, of Tike town;
V sires to inform his friends ami the publin
W V oner - ---- ......... ,
generally that ho lias tiien out License as an
A KL'TIONEBlt. and will attend to tho crying
of sale, in any prtrt of the county at .the shortest
I i LL persons In lebt"d In tho undersigned, or
J to the firm nf PASSMOI1B .1 STBVBNS,
are rc'iin 'ted to couie forward a ad -tib wllhou '
dday. Now is tho time save costs,
!.;. e.VSSMKE.
Clcirjcld. April t-i l"'Li. (