Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, June 21, 1865, Image 1

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    cj l i l i w i s i .1
D. W. MOORE, Editor aud Proprietor.
Art, VnUeJ Su, Senate, 1, 12, 1859. on j
th rcsolumn ainyor the appointment o
a committee to vivrsthiate the tucti i.',-.i,A',i,i i
the attack uo ,., A-t, yV7 ).i::.'r"'"1" olul"' l,,ung g'r.f.t each
f $b'J cvmmonlj known as tht "Joun
Brown It a id."
Canl inuej. j
Is thero not an idea under that? His
hngiuige is "in strict conformity with
their" (meaning tho Federal and State
edovernmenU) "icspective constitutions."
Jle intimates that two thirds of tho flutes
caa atneud tho CoristiUliou. ; lhat the
North is lo go on in conformity with tho
Constitution until slavery e hull le nanow-
. ,s... 1 . ' ." .
cuuukuiu if tuan one mini or one '
lourwi oi me .Maiej, and then amend the i
tonsuiuiion, nt.u cuiitcrat e it at once.
Is not that tho plain interpretation ?
Cannot wo understand tint ? You talk
about southern men being alarmed. They
lire not ulnruied, tut they see the cdvanco";
they see the encroaching doctrino; thev
tec the principles hid down by which
an institution that is dear to tlu;u
to be uprooted and blotted nut ofrj,,'
ence. 'J'hen otifht you to th'als a 0u'u
rn man violent, and call m r.,sU
he declares that ho ,. not '0 willing to
see this nan, or p.o0 0iUer Cla
taming and adv ,;.. .,.,.! k, .t,..
doctrine, ani,uisfcr lilis Government
to te administered lo the des
, '"..ion of Ihe Constitution, and the des
truction of the institution that i9 most
dear to hiiu. Callus li.eeaiois! lam
no fire-eater ; I am not panic-vi ioken ;
but because 1 s.ii neither, should I Lj
blind and ,,ot tee the ad vat ee ; should 1
be de.f, and not hear the roar cf the ap
proaching storm ? Can we bo mistaken?
What is cocred up there? You see he
speaks of tho idea of consolidation. Lie
speaks of tho manner of tTcrid.iii" the
Crnstitution. lie refer a to the time'whon
lie believes that will ur ivenallv
prevail. Then wht rune Joea ho say .-
'Havinf rpent my inanhol.d, Ihough
not n'.y nhola life, in a free State, no ar
istocracy of any kind, ilucIi lets an atis
tocrsey of hluvrholdei., thall ever make
ihelaws of the land in wh'cli I shall be
content to live. Having teen tho soc:cly
round mo universally engaged in agri
culture, manufactures, and trade, which
were innocent and beroficiont, 1 bhall
titter Ve denizen fif a ij'a'.o where mou
and Viomen. Kre reared as cnttlo, and
iwght p.r.d sold as tcerchatidkc"
Oujht a man who entor'aius these sen
timem., and looks to the consummation
of these end, to be willing lo rule : peo
ple under whoso laws ho says ho would
not be content to live? And ho says, too,
if this can bo the cap, "where liberty
dwelb. there a my country.' Can we , on lUt . ut lUt,
mistaken in tho meaning of a.l l '."?Ji,iCa of g-ltm- stampedes an I ihir
W ould do the ! ronton ana f-1' " ! expectation wherthev struck th,
of men entertamtng theso doctua, and ( j Ui,.v ft orlion Ul0 ;.lllt0 .,..,,;,.
wlin lnlnn,l AirrU Hilt !!lp-0 ! 1 1' 1 1 1 C ) O i r-i . . .... 1 '
. . 7. .' " ., :;tion and tliO Llaeks would
L6 Cor.triL'J'.lng to trie i.csu uviuu ui nic
Ccli.titution, and of the Union which is
Laed upou it, and of tho institution
which are secured and guarantied lo tho
I have already referred to J.din Qnnry
AJams'i declaration, that, under tho trva
ty-makiiig power, in lhe eve:.t of un in
surrection of tho slaves, and the Federal ,
Government should bo called upon to in- j
terpose, this Government could eniauci-j
pale the slave. Then look at Iho doc-1
trinf s of tho siosli from which I have,
just quoted. Now bring into power a
' . . , . , I
man entettainmg, sentiuicti s and ,
send some more John Lrowns on llioir fo-1
rays agu.nst tho South; ct this Go. ern-1
nient in the hands of such a njaa bo call i
o upon roriorcoto put uown, nna.
, . . .. i
L .ZZ ,n 1 , r. 'T , 1
toaubta t to encroachments of this ktnd,
and seo them openly proclaimed by the i
.eUlUeu. op-., y p.oeiauioy iuo, , f tLe prison to the scallold,
ation and mstalla ion '"'o power of , , , .
entTtaining such doctrines? I do h , , b ,
. ' . , fa , t i . bn moio c urious t ii'i luj cross ; arol
wish to bo a panic maker ; 1 , ., no t h o uu h u
' ?! 8 nrm nn,,0'Iy ;- 10 nTr''Ta that his cup 'might passfiom hi, hps,
..1.1 ..l..nrt .n,mnn if I IV r V A ( 1 H 10 jl'l 1 .. . . n '
i ,. I : i n I ; i r
not wish
, i . ;ri,....,l:..a,..,l
i couiu aiuiu. n.ijr
a tin mn . I. Ill I 1 fen 1111. it'll Ol IIIU
"w ; :. ..
tell genlier.ien ct ino
Xnrth nml nf the South that there ua in the country that nevor
existed belore. mere is uo cjiuuim, , C()nin ftt)(, ul-u-lon of c'Uri.t wero a fail
thero i pa?sion, but there is icJeejt de-1 &ud J(iin JrowI1 ui,, ,u) L,.a.
cided leeling in thecountry ; and tae idea , . . . , t.Xeeuled would be
is obtaining too much currency tli.t in i j
Union is to bo distolvod. That seems al
most to bo a foregone conclusion, and il
has got to bo, in the niitids of wen, a be
lief that it in simply a question of time.
,Fo wenotsee what the inevitable rc
. eultof ptcssirg such doctrines upon th.i
country will bo, in ihi.s slato of the pub
lio feeling? For myself, I am nodissolu
tionist; am no madcap on thi3 subject.
5ecaue we cannot get our constitutional
. . t i i :i. i i . . .r.,
rign,., i ua .. . .u . ... jo oe one oi uosb ;
ilrt iHI tJIAIIIIji lllll IHlHIllllliOn l'
! 'I!!
..... ... i i i i i . .
HUCU II uaiira m.. j -
Xe n, 1 upon h. ConstituUon , people as they, whether they are fa
WllLl .win lo support, and to 'Zl
stand there and battle Tor all Us cuaran-;
tee, - and if the constitution is to be viola-
,ees, anu ii iiioiA ,irfli,nn ji
shall bo done by
and insidiously maktng fncroac'imenu
upon its very Tounaa .on. I in a so, , ;
stand upon the Const, tu ton to t o vt ,r, , cnn ,laineJ of. (iml 'Tpvp
ait, and I lell the North t with I hem , thal So,t()M 4toh-im Ul0 ncts of John
thev haye the Union ia 0 "' Brown in eno breath, and iu another they
sncf if it broken up, i twill be their wn,, out ,ol( io on,i excuses for the
work, and not lh-,l of the South ; for all aftvina lhat he showed himself a
ws ask is the constitution oi me couuu, ,
and the fulfillment of its guarantees and ,
... . .,n,l hihn
, , . ., ,
Mnsequencei what they may
ii' i n iiir.nM na siilii' v. j h w ,
God forbid that the time
1 11
come when this coun
try shall be inyo ved
in a servilaor a oiril
il war. i iru inti
that day may be postponed to some far
aittsnt future; and I nope, in tue sinceri
ty of my heart, that that future may nev
t arrive. I would rather see this people
1 involved in hostility against every Tower
,on thofaenof the civilized globe than to
,f Uoodt 'to M
,10t ho tho Mood of the pwplo' of t ho I
"hut. so lar a 1 am ri)nrnpi
I intrml
to Btand by the Constitution ntid it
jinioes as the nrk of our safety, as tho pal
ladium of our civil and our religious liber
ty ; I intend to cling to it a-i" tho th1 p.
wrecked mariner clingj to the lust Y,ipi fc
when t i -In ::d the tempest close moond
,...u.. . is m outer nanus; us Mt ia
jou.n. eoro for the Const-uUifMJ f , u
js-.we intend to .land bT ,t.
Mhj ttmo eha l comc. if U ever d,vS com,-,
ifordividing tlns Uucp,. , f i ,
.Mirth and South -., i.(,ro u ., ,:,., ,.,
draw n
i lit jrlh. v Licli is so M!
-o 1
clitupoy ihaideaof universal lit'eitv'
eureiy nnt. l,.,v. ti, n.i .. .; .r
, will eurei
, ..... .... .kU...v.u Ul uju
impilUO'.co Lo come ntvn sl-,v,.
cei Uit ly will net atnro .i-'i miir
scu'.h i
tliis Ca''itol. Suielv tln-v O.HI
Jt want to embrace, in a government
J0r.cpdby thfiu, tho f haft that has been
' cared ;n this district in commemoration
cf the illustrious Washington. Will they
ivant to come that far south, and lay their
hands upon all the pledges of the Union
and the Constitution which comnose that reared in our immediate vicinity 1
! Certainly not. Who will take our pledge;
wno win carry 11 away ; who will lirsl lay
his impious hand for spoliation upnti thai
towrr? 1 felt almost like exclaiming, in
the language so often uied by the pcImoI
boy, from Addi oi.'s old pfay r,f Cato,
that teachrs stem putity, unyielding hon
esty and a high appreciation" cf t ig'H
" U tlioro ii"t somo cliSiii carpc,
Soaio l.i.lutu iIhiikKt ia tho ator.s cT hc-it Vin.
K'J with ur.-'.mia.-n wrath, to ILi.-t tho wietch
-a owes hip greatness tu Lis cuuairv'e raia
I feel, in ll.o sincerity cf my heart, like
invoking the toosl wiiLeiing imalhemas
upon the man, who Would lay l,i so litig
ious hand uj on this g!oi ious L'niin ol
thcke (tales ; who would tako our l'led -e
cf faith ; who would take tho block ol
u.aiblc deposited by Tennc.-see, which has
inpciibjd upon its the sentiuietit
of her illustrious son who now tlceps in
his grave " l he IVdi-ral Union, it must
bo preserved. " Wlij w ill c.iiry away that
monument built by the contributions o!
the people? I imagine that about the
time when that taks place, that old man
to whom 1 referred, that patriot soldier
whosleeps in his honoied grave, will,
shake oil the habiuinc n'.s 01 1 lie to;nii
and forbid the act.
But, Mr. President, I remmo the line
of my argument. I ccuhim ueed with the
purj ope of shon in that tho recent for.iv
upon Harper's IVny was tho leititnile
reult cf certain teaching to which 1 have
ed. I.
ok at tho provisional
...i. . . ...... r.-.....n.i i... i . . .. i.
linn and lliti Llaeks w ould ilm k to Inc. i
standard, urid that they could maintain
thcnnolvos there foracettaiu time, and
then lh Federal Government would be
made tm instrument I r. r the o, erihrow ol
slavery. I think the act is a legiiimate
result cf the teaching, ; ani tho-o .vlio
have taught an i still teach tin ir full jwers
thepo d-ctrines though they may 051
It. iv : intended it, are, in fact, tcsponsible
f.T it. It is tho result of their teachings,
it isHl, .'ir work ; and nuwis the lirno to
commence a reformation, and put fjiih
ditlerent teachings on this Mibj-jot.
Dell, .14.1. IILJIIL-U'., ..'Ull.ltOl 1 11.11.; ,111
(,oi ukf u l0 TchlU lll0Je of uswhohv.c
)okcn c, JuhlJ rI(..JTl.. . ,H,f
i . j lrcaaon nilJ atol K1,
a, V 'i,., i ' . .i
I'.at, .Mr. rreji'lont, .senators havo uu-
UiRItU .Ul uic uiiiil uiu
has eomniiltCil
0litra cinH tlV,n0S
I picked up a
newepaper not l,rg pince which, refening
f JolllI saill thllti
. i.i. , ,',r i i
passun lioui iuu iinuu iu uiv Dtaii'iiu,
tu iiiui. ma co . mi
but that John Brown has drank it to it
t ... . .... . .
uic'h. anu mere lure, j on :t Liown and ns
gall jws have become nnperior lo Christ
.... l i. ti, i.i... . ,, ii.i ii...
lhcir modem cross and their Christ.-
. Such is the blasphemy of theso teachings
I once hwird il said that l'anitieiui always
ends in hell or heaven. 1 believe it is
true. It is on1, of these wild maddening
paseions that take possession of the hu
man heart, and that al ways carry it to x
coss. There is in medium, and thero is
lioeursfor il hat it cansumplion of tho
pusion itself. 1 hive got another idea in
and Hi at is mil mora never was a-
, 0 u f of tho eiirth .eftlcr
J .
John iVrowV i.ecornes the iLui and his
... li ii.. .n II ,.l ,l..lio..-.
mo fiotn
uanoiYa iuo uei-3, vim v.. ,,....
, -""i'"- r-- - ,
what name they are called. , I
I hoped, when Hi resolution was in- j
1,111 would be kept clear!
from party associations, and that it would
. ,
f enJu nnca a man of philosophy,
a n&a of & maQ flf c)e . BnJ wheB
,ui'" in. " " '..
, i i- i i,,.i n ,t m si.i.u
tsneuK i mu u n unci nuu
aild I mur(lorerand a traitor, they declare
Those may make him a
,,im ,, rail .
, cu4 nuvi nuj( aii' w si uip .w i i
he is not my god, ana l in&n not worsnip ,
at his shrine. I
T hi cindnued.
r.v q. o. cor.Nti.ics nrs.
In almost every community wo have liiro f elrifo lit up tho ghastly scene, bo
found a c' ass of tho human ppecics en-, rro lhe ce far of which, men like
deavo'.ing to delude men into tho Talso I.ouia XVI and Bauharnnip, and vvorcon
'jo' Lf, that they ate leally the juitsant 'ko Marie Antoinette and Madame I! )
objects, which the : n di they tlole land, were writhing, liko leaves before
fiora humanity would imply, who aro to ' tho volcano's healed breath, into death
completely sense of honor H 'nd eternity.
justice, which characttrio the true man ;
no morally depraved, as to disregard these
vuiisiian obligations, that they owo their
frllow-man; and so inconceivably mean
that they would, had they ti e power and
cournge, climb into tl.e sancluaiy of Iha -
ven, in the dead of night, steal the High
Fries t's breaTt-ilatc. on which to beat 11
reveille tQ tutnmon the devil and his imps
through the. breach they had made in the
Wall Ot Virtue. ihev would rob A vWnirtr
becgar of his last crumb to throw to tho
dog,, that Ihey cmidov in truckimr inn.J.n ... n..L, f,f ,'
" "
to make an arrow, with which to thool a
sick babe, in order to get its mother's U.i.k !
, .
tO (Tt lCPSl-ilill'.0,!flf fl nn' I,1J
, ..j,, vlr,
hound. They would plurd.r the !
ri'maininj i hingle fi otn a blar, ing widow 's
housp root lo ni'ike a torch, bv which to a iii. U. iters ciucKcns to lean me ilt-v-
il while ho is fitting angols. i'i.ey would,
I .1 - .... ... . . . . .
nun. uu ia U.Ml uuxj;.-. ll.l'JT UU HI ,
barter away their hildreii's innceniee for!
eorice through tho sands of time. They 1 thus again Iho mad fpii it of Discontent i certainty, however, that such is ih j ob
woul 1 enter the boudoir of a Numbering was deprived of the f o l ct. which it fo8-joc,t- , .
nighingule and pluck bur last pin feather! tercd its life. iJichciond 11 Ay has the following.
a grain ( f arsenic to poison ti e Holy darting down along the nlge of the dis- i cr tliown mch tenacity cf race us lha gyp
Ghrst. They would cunt tho pj irit oli taut horioo, called it tr.ce more lo la,e A 1 1 indoo tnbo of Aryan rico cr-
i . , , , , ,. , . . ignailv, perhapa ot l.omad.o and rdundi'V-
riie inne-s ten e for c.uirage enough o the b cod of man. i.r.d lio.t at acaiu on i "i . . .111
J e i. ioi. uiojii in U.JU, u..u "fcul" u" ing h.4bi 3 111 Lwir irovinces on he Indus,
line a fiarvng cio.v Horn t lie body 0! a
deud mule, ILat ih y '.aight gt !l,e hide lo
inako boots suitable for wading through ! peace has rotuir.eJ, and o:.ce wore tho i lht'y hao encamped and settled in ul
the waters of Mate in , tirsu.t of the , ee- demon has 1 een left to starve and die.- j ZtlZ th S!
cutcd f hauton: of 1 ruth. 'I hey would rtdo i And it litis almost gone. It has faded like ol their Hindoo blood. Whether in the
Iho tiightin ire to death in the employ cf an autumn leaf, and .rown thin and foe-j mountain villages of Norway, or on the
.Satan in carrying messages between Faith ' 1.1 j for want of blojd. I; has divide! the ' !' of Hungary, or in rural lhighmd,
in i in .ii i. i1, , . , ... . o: ! among the w ild tuouiita.ns of Spain;
ai.d lie.!, ano then steal her man. and tad. loan, emanated "ikeleton cf Us former ; p n bllrililu, of Africa
to make knouts to scourge the Consciouv
II V-) Ol UOl,
Ar.d i lit so chivalrous knights cf ll.o
''(hder (f Heehebub" have pttfortiud
null prodigious hats of valor thai we
wiHil 1 do ihei.i g''eit in j J'-' i w ore w
not 'o holier them w i:!i all tl.e r".-pecl due
lo full grown, in. sophist icatcd I' ol
'.he liillgd.JIU of I e.-pair.
Too splri1, which snch power
ful pi incij h'S of unalloyed hate, was ce'.e-
, , i . , ,. , . , ,
o.auu ... auu.p.,,) ,or . n.s u a men ,.i. , ,
in destroy. :i t'.ia peac.! nt e:tu. It
!i: st e:ii''e-yed iiy the famous serpent to
acc,r:iplih his de-ign cf di h ir.g Moihi r
Kvo out (,f the Gar'!' n of Lien; it wa
C'.nt.nued in use by Fhiraoh, II. -rod, Ju
das !.-.eariot, and by all the deh.wd, healt
h's., depots, pin:j s, tr.ntileieis, assassin1,
hypocrites, skulks, robbers and numb
skulls, that infested the earth tn ancient
1 1 lu: no 1 into a wing d mot.-ter like
I'egasus i'nd vi-iltd Athens Troy, Car-
thai-o and B jiik1. 1 1
talked around dcr-j
ing tli j ilarliness ( f the world, and llej
fiorn Iho facj of chivalry ; it courted Ci v
ardice, and entered into partnership with
superstition ; and tho two cotniined,
marched through the Middle Ages d
in hand, murdering, burning, t,.i l:u ing
and robbing. Thy crucified the Saviour,
beheaded St. John, stor ed Stephen, im
prisoned Fetor e'id Fan!, burnt John llu. s
at Iho stake, pi;r.iU' d their defenseless
viciitr.s with tweed, knife and fin brand
through Italy, tiermany. Spain Scoil.tnd,
and England, umcng Celts, Goths and
Franks, and fatted on tho blood, and
mocked at the piteous eiiesof dying wo
men and children, till tho rapid and un
ceasing march of time rolled the world in
to cut rent, w hos t'do tendered their . ow-
pr Iosd feni ful and ibin"rrou5 to tho hat'li-
.l ......I...1 . ..C V.,.n.... ...1 l),
iiwj nm i niiiuuo oi i.uomt, iiu iiiu.
' 4 '
struggles feeble and vain. and unwilling lo resist the flow
ing tide of civilization in Furope, they
ie i tiictnscives on ,uo niasis oi mo
. .i i .i ...... . .i.
Mr.) flower, and crossnd tho ocan
Mil 1,1
the Puritan Father, to make war on tho
I'UUI lin.iiiiiaiu iiiu iiu3 oi .1 iii,.i
And after feasting and fattening on tho
:.. n, ..:i.t. ,.r a,,;
warm biooj of the Feouods and 'he .ar-
r.ininsnls. till tho rnmorsnful b! i-h t in I!, of
, . . i , ii .1 a i .
a puritanical, cried i nil tho Bit-
(erness of a sarca-tic rebuko against theiu
they nestlod down, foralong plutnticr,
in thobreasls of New Mngl.inders, but only
to burst out in witch-hanging and baplist-
drowning fury iu Saleaj and iioston, and j j,c(l!tp j.oV ji P.,n never lie again what it
spread aloug tho shore of Massachusetts vviis when the dew fell silently on it from
un through the croon vules of Connect cut, 'heaven. On a frosty morning you may
1 . , r,.'ee panes ol class covered with landscape,
end only ceased Us consuming ardor after Lpndt.d in abenu.
tho redtj ci li:e neyoiui;on uuBoruiu
Ciniiewm nf ilia tr.inscen den
..:. . ,:u i,m.B;i. .n,l
' 1 J " " . -
, - ' '
justice compelled our heroes, Discontent.
i iii iinnii nriii iiii nuiii. iiuihuhim
and Superstition, to flee.
And next we fmd them, in teiribU
wrath, fanning tho fire of public di?cord,
in the streots of Talis, whilo the an-
din of Uell-brcd confusion rung
not MEN.
like tho dealh-kiiell of civil liberty down
through tho valleys, and up against the
hillsides of bleedinn France, and thn fWt,
Onwurd swotil mml ;til
r-q.- imi
Franco, Italy, nain, Yortugal, Ilutbia,
Austria, i'rnssia, Bekium. Gcrmanv. Swe-
don and England lav war worn o!iv.
cd, dUcomliied, and almost luint-d, Le-
.nealh trio hand of lelcntless btrife, and
the weight of woe, that followed the
fierce conflict liko tho fo.Tnitn. -.,!,,, ,r
tempest-driven Uiip; and till the people,
tired of war and bloodshed, reported to
tho soft nm!in.. tr (),,,.., ... , r. ..,,... ....
I and re.ov to ii.o
-w ... ..... .-JVt 1 t pvmua lui'.i,
But, vampire liko, it hied tho blood
of riot and murder. L'.'A ih low. ..o!'.-...
..... . u - 1 .... - .
nni.icoi.., i.i.u n.o eaii, jioi lenvuous
means . which ci.nie tl.e voil of dy-
ing l'eace from the dark, heavin
ed b.iMMu of lhe hideoui stortn-clou 1, that
. .-. .- . -
Hung lio a pa.: over our ow n hapj y land,
an 1 thered, liety flash of civil war itrcaiu-
a 11 ' 1 111 U I TO , II Cl ) IUSII Ol Ci V 11 W 111- i I TC 11 1 11-
ing out ihrough our political bhy, and
1 the spoils of war. but after long, weary
I yeat s of blood-hed, ctucUy ud wroii",
j sell " into six little parts, and each lit.lo
i part has skulked aay into the dark cor -
nersofbix liitlo hai!s bidder, in the
breasts of tlx enoi mous piles of degener
ate tiutn'iin,y, who.'i'c" in iio' o.i, i. ........
(f Cli arliel I ci tinty, w hot e there six lit
tle pa: is nro uttering their but dying
gleans, and each cr, ing for ouo liioie
drop of blood ore dr op cf human vitali
ty, that v. c mry gain rtiength to kick it.-
otner k'xk, and tlien l.icK the Uic.1
i i . i- i , i . .i , , ..r , i ,i , i i .
en-i c v..., .... . r . .v.. .gun "
I ef Beel,!ebub
have h.j rind o ft up, to
' ,1 ' e in l r,f 1 o
tep'ilchrcb 1 Avaunt, yc
demons 1
" I , r n ! ih.wn U, lic'l,
Aiel iy I rait yuu tticro ! "
BrccAtti.v Twiv, dune l.'ttb, lf-tj-.
Titr. Siioitrnsr V,v. Some twelve years
ago, .Napob'i'ii, Indiana, was celebrated
lor two things, (i;,o (or tho carousing
prriperirili.'s of its inloi! iii.rrts, and the
j other for the great number of eiosj-roads
in its Mcinity, Il appears that an hast ern
c,. Hector bud ftopp-d at Dayton to spend
the night, and gel son)'' info: ma-inn rc-
"l'1.'" '"J lur:' course, i unng too
u en .e II cumo ncocamiia wi.n uu
old drover, whni.pp. aied well posted a U u-x bolll raM un bar'oaiin habits,
the g?ograpl,y ol iho emmtry, aid toe t flartl;v character istic of the Aryan
collector thought h tp.ght a well .nquMe f jh. nl)(! v.,u!d re-mind one of tho Sa
in regard lo ditlcieiit point to which he .,', , , ,,, ,i.s thev been
was destined.
'1 wish to go to Cicer field," said t!i
c illeeter : "no v which is the bhorlcst
way V'
" A'ell, sir." said the drover, "you had
better gi to N'.ip'jle'Mi cu i lake Iho toad
leading neatly i;o;lh."
Tl-.e traveler noted il down.
Wei!, sir,
if I wish to
to lUen-
uu ru
'then co to N'armleon and
take the
road west."
"Well if I wi-h to g'O to Vol nor, ?"
' Go to Napoleon a,.d take lhe road,
soiitba est.''
" to Indianapolis ?" added the col
Ipctor. e eiroj lha drover clotoly, and
, ihinl.iiu he was ltnoosed upon and inrgin
. ,i
i.i.,,. in C..i,l liMTn.-tlle rise, ho turned
nil.,. tlini'O lii it ailrnver w th
u,,. - -
. . i . - 1 ...!.-. (rt Ilia
hunpoM'j'-ir, i naiuoiiu e ...
The drover never smibd, but scratched
his head, and aft.r a moment s hesitation
i ..:.i .
s;ie. .
I m en, i. ii nr. u so , i..... ....... -.
' anv shorter mad vou could tako than go
l .II . i 1 . hi"
IdinU knov e.f
' m
to Niq
oleon. ";.:. I "The chaplain does not know wnen uie
, . ",, i . . tivrl will co " and thii addition by so mo
tv m C.,.,B ,rn n.r( ver ll.o beauty ", ho C:irt ft damn."
Plum and, ho apricot there grows Yw i ca'e of depravity that he was ut:
m and beatify nmio exqui.-He than " "" ' l.m 1 1
0( t0 ,,;IUI,
a bloom and beat:ly
1 U'0 fruit ilself-a soft, delicaU,
I i :. ! ..!.: 1. '' if vnti
' siirra'is us it iso oi a v neerk -
, , - . u u ROne.
The flower that hangs in iho morning in -
1 j eailed with dew, auayod a no queeiny
J woman every w.w. arrayed with . i''"',-
once siiaiie u so inai io.. urua i,.
vou may ppiinklo watcrovcr it p, y
tiful picture. Nowlay your hand upon
1 the ciassandbv the scratch of your ling-
o . i .i .
er. or bv the wat mil, oi your pain,, inai
v ... . ...
Ji.linolA Irnoprv ivi 1 bfl OblltOrAlCU. KO
d, f l,c".wl', !r,n ,ri . r
I character, wheh, when once touched and
defiled, can ccver bo restored,
! jg gaiJ ihatVoman firat restored to
(ight lacing to show mankind how wsll
they could bear squeeiin5.
Indictment of Lee, Lonjsteet. Ewt'J I
Corse, and otheri Extra Session of
im legislature callect.
WAsniNnTON, June 12.--JuJao Under
wood, of the eastern Bection of Virginia,
who has come hither to cousull with At
torney General Speed, brings with him all
tho documents connected with tho indict
ment for treason of (ienerals Robert E.
Lee, Corse, .Swell and Longatreet, ex-Governors
.Smith and Letcher, and A. fi. Caso-
nove and Newton JIo eigh, of Alexan-
i ...
j una, mm anoui ion v oilier.
Vuu Aloxandila (Va.) huma! says Gov
1 lcTolJt (iutrnnined to call an extra
!808f'8lon ,lh '-Ci-'ituro on 'J hutsday
nnvi ani I ij
next, and tint for this purpon) confiden
tial circulars have been sent lo tho mem
bers of tho body w hich heretofore as.-eai-blcdat
Alexandria, r ptescnliug the loyal
(dement, as contradistinguished from tho
late nbel Legislature at Richmond.
Tho Journal is alarmed for feur the call
is inadu with a view of removing tho iliia-
bdity imposed upon those who have besn
uIoiitiHo.! with the rcbell.on, and restore
! to then, tho elective Jranchiso, and the
r " 1 .ri 1 m In 1 n Iim 'mpn id rti
lEiF.tism u.i, a. -Judge I nderwood
- -....... ..j
. id HllMi'j !.! li-...nii ,,in. (!nrl
nmun-uMm uiiiiiiiijj nuu hiiu iu -
, - - v....... ...
U', L'T" 'KcU "J1'' LonKstrpe'' ex-Gov-
: ney General Speed upon tho subject.
. . 1 : " ol.;.-
i Ksceotiii" tho Jews, no people has cv-
and forced out into Uurope and Asia in
i ho eaily pait cf Ihe filteonlh century,
br 0n the plateaus of Asia, in Kgypt, For -
,sia or India, the gypy is substantially the
siiuie, wiui Muinw p i)i.ue, wnu me U:iy morning. He did not attempt to hide
tamo language only uialeiicdly di'lei en t, ; himself, and was willing to go with tho ar
( with tho fatco iiioiadicablo habits cf:,ejti,)S cilicais. Mr. counsel
fn.-l.ved, always teemed, tho victim of ! t!p tho lea of insanity, knTlor'llifi'u
legislation tlitoug'i more than three bun-! j,4t, ji;uj t0nt for witnesses thousands of
d:i 1 jcar, dtiveti from country to.coun- j Juilos away, who have not yet arrived.
try, incessantly urged by the influence of j Win. S Arnold leadied as to his brother'a
ci, iluutbn and by the luinistcts of rcbg-1 beieabouls in Ball itrlot e city and county,
ion yet always in all count ties and for j f,on, ti10 "1st of March t the 1st of April,
four cer.tuiies. tho same -a vi'gi asit, a ' when tho prisoner went to Fortress Mon-
J'" ' 1 1 " 1 '' "
i . i . ,, .. ..',....( . r.,1 ii I t , i !, ii citiil
Lcatlicn' I
Granger to each j ecple and country. 'Iho
eivihaliup. the sciiinN, aiid llw Chi istian
, iiy of the tones have d-.i.e almost noihirg
for htm. A lew cxci t t.ons to tli.a gi i.e-at
I cr.atacter M wio I ace arc louou in ..u-.-m,
w horn individual cypsits have become
I wealthy; but in nisl countries they sel
'dom engage in any pursuit of mechanics
or agrieultnte. The only mechanical
branch in t hi' h ihry rro e ver proficient
. is the smith's, and in I ersia they have bo
i enrne celelu a'.cil as workers in gold and
'silver. Whilo other rices becomo ab
soibi d in the powerful race or mingle in
endless variety with lh peoples in con
lac l with them, or die out and pas away,
this Indian tribe keeps itself unmingled
... .1 Oj fii!ile Snell ii
mi nosed to bo F -vidians, and their name
, r . . .
m I'.nglisli, i, ,)au:su n:oi uuiij,,,.!
ian, points to this belief. Mod other na
tion have gi, en them a name in tonio
way connected w ith that o! a Hindoo rob
ber ti ibo on tho 1 n lus, from whom they
iiresiipped to b-. descen b d. It.ii.c3 of
Uu- 01.1 ll'er.'.f, h 'j L. lirvct.
rtiy-Hie're is a joke though powillv a
wicked one on a certain chaplain, wuich
ought nnt to bo lost. It is tin, chap
lain's business to lank after tho regimen
tal ninil. The chaplain hud been annoyed
exceedingly by tho great number of war
riors whir were running lo him enquiring
about the arrival and departure of the
, , . .. i ii, .........
mails. To save time and patience uo po
i,l n nnileo out bide of his tent which
.-.-, 1 . I'hp rhanlin does not know when
. ; . ... ,
.i ..-.1 inin.-illftl IN 'fill
, no ni.M i" s-J' '"".s"'"
lesatanend. He was absent from camp,
,,Jftt ,i.,Vt ,m,l on returning and glancing
at t,c notioo was Lorrilie-I to bee ineio
i.iinn his own door read by multitudes
(urina the day, in a band cxact.y caun-
(lur.nK iuti "
t,., b iting his own, the lollowing, words :
,v e . ' . , . . i.
Pr'T'l'e'1 tf
I . i 'in. V V If,..
Ink .svriONAl. i.'kht. i uu .
the look-out for
, (in'(V jcnsatlon vith which toengage the
iini.lio mind and thus keen alive its own
notoriety, has originated a grand schemo
for the payment of our immense National
I)jbl ol threo or four thousand million
of d ilhrs, by voluntary suhwipiioni in
i i ..... il ,1 ,'tir eaeU.
BIlllICS Ol Itoi uiujiui.,1 -
alreadv publishes letters pledging I he pay
ment ol o(H shares, amounting in Uo ng-cw-ile
to S:,GH).0(H). Gfcourso, the
money is onlv io be paid after the whole,
amount has been subseMbod, which will
n"ver bo and therefore the generous
Allows who hare handed iu their promi
, to psy. are perfectly .. .. h eanwh, e,
ey pain a little cheap notoriety by jro.
iv J their names into print, and the .-.
iH keeps up the oxciiment that is need
ed, now more than over, to raoko its ro
pers sell!
00 Per Annum, if paid iu advance
SERIES - VOL. V.-NO. 49.
The Negroes in Qeorfia.
Tho Cincinnti Commercial h.u rteoivod
troni & Hriecial corrparon lt i ,...
k' 7 ii u "y ltom WU1" we extract
tho tollowini; statctuenii. .
direct and complete view of the situation
.u uiwgia man can tie obtaluod from oth
er sources:
From the Macon Tsh'grapl, May 30.1
rnt KEoao'a UAansmra
The reporls of the deaths and accidents
to negroes, given in our local ol unn thia
morning, convey but a limited 1 tea of tho
suflenngs which tho unfortunates who
flocked lo Mucon have undergeno binco
the army leached tho city. All this titua
they have been suflering terrilly in every
conceivable shape, and wo have informa
tion that many hundreds have died from
staivatiou and disease-the aggregate
reaching a total that teems almost incred-
Davis' Dekemse. It ia paid that Charles
) Lonnor intends to call as witness in do
fonBo of J eir. Davis several immioulata
part riots, including Horace Greedy, who
argued the right ol secession to lha full
Obt extent. Also, I). S. Dickinson, Lyn-au
I remain. B- F. Hutler and othor w!m
aided nmi htiA 1 tu 1
tisted that in withdrawing from tho Un-
ion, iuo sccouing States were exerois
w..,iuu nwwuu 01 x tz 1 aies were exorcism c
1 I ... I ?!.... .... . o
i.n uuhuuuiiiu "gur. ineso centloinaa
are all lawyers, and from their speeches
on record, and letters from some of them
to .Southern rm.n nn fila Af. M'l,.. :.
tends to nrovo that .Ior' W;., ..;.."
under the advico of counsel. -
1 .) Lmun.
At a prajer mealing on tho Fotoimc,
recently, uu old negro spoke, and referr
ing to the war, said,"Massa, I han't got no
iHiioo,but I thank da Loid for Lis
mighty great fu8."
In liu conspiracy trial on Wednesday,
Jlartman Bichter, a cousin cf Atzerot,
testified that ho camo to his homo in
Montgomery county, Maryland, on tha
1 Sunday after the assasvnat ori o( 'the Pro
gjjent, and ictnnined thero until 'Jhurs-
' . i i. i.:. i
, iiiu, kii.iis iu iuv niimsi :ua I'moi null
kliie. k Arnold, also a brother of
ti,0 t,,isouer. testifiid that tho latter wont
to Fottrepp- Monroo to cuter upon cm-
, ployment. John I . Ford, r ropriotor of
the theatre, was CR.Io.l lo ll:c bland, and
was asked I v the defence whedier Booth
ever arplied to h'uj to employ Chester,
tho actor. Assistant Judgo Advocate
l'.ingb.uui objected to tho question. Mr.
K.ving contended that Iho question was
pertinent. Arnold had tnado a voluntary
confession that thero was a plan to cap
luro lhe President, which Chester, in bis
testimony corroborated. The olyect in
piopounding tho intei rogatory was to
show that Booth had nobody in the thea
tre to assist him. An answer to the ques
tion was important, it, justice to Spangler.
Assistant Judgo Advocato Bingham said
this win not a question of relevancy
therefore il was ab.olutely unnecessary to
ask it. The Court sustained the Judge
Advocate' ot joction.
H'.M'AV, JL'KE 2.
Fiid.iy certain witnesses wcro called (o
show that Spangler was at his boirding
house in Washington u day or two after
lhe assassination. Thomas J. Reybold,
employed at Ford's theatre, testified that
about iwo weeks before the i,s;arsinatioii
Booth occupied box number seven, ad
joining that in which tho President was
subsequently shot. On the 7lh of Match,
tho witness broko open box number sev
en in oi ler to admit a gentlemr.n with
his company. Two witnesos employed
at tho theatre, bad exhibited to them tho
rope found iu Spangler's carpet bag.
They said it resotnbled similar ropes used
in tho theatre, but could not say positive
ly it was the same. Miss Margaret Bren
sor, testilied that .ho first mt Tayne at
Gettysburg immediately after tho battle.
Pay ne win in witness' watd, whero ho wn
very kind to the sick and wounded. Mr.
Dobter claimed tho foundation for propos
ing Pay no's insanity had already been
, , . ., i.i
laid by the prosQcutlon ; and the crinio ia
its inception, tho manner in winch it wai
carried out, and tho action of Tayne, both
before and sinco his arret, went to show
insanity. Mr. Foster detailed lha cir
curnstauces attending lhe attempt to kill
Secretary Seward in support of his plaa.
Mr. Nichols. Superintendent or the Gov
ernment inane Asylum, was callol for lha
accused. If, he sail, a m in altemp's ta
murder a sick man in bed whom ho bai
not "before seen, and assault) four olhars
in the same houso, witness would suspeot
in'm lo be insane: and, also if ho remain-
od talkini! with a servant for four minuter
But if he cried out after oommitting the
deed, "Fin road, Fen mid!" witnes
would suppose tlnU this was foig. ing trad-i
ness. Madmen seldom say they are mad.
If he would abindon his horse, wander li
the woods, and make his way to a houn
whioh ho would cxpost to i guarded,
witness would suppise ho was indiffer
ent to tho cnicrjuonces.
At the conspiracy trial, on Saturday, lha
counsel for Payne continued their effort
to provo Li insanity. One of his guard