CIcarficJd Academy. 3. Wi JffcCURDY. A. B. Principal. ffWi next Quarter will open on VToiluetday the X i-'l March, 1804. Itrirn of tuition lu'l.Hvt: ..11. '.V. :r .i'i English, comprising those branch. i i ' beading, Writing, Arith- . 1 I' i: 1. i 1 .. - an. I nt';'. UeaieTiil'iiv. i ri r iihli uitiuiuiui miu i; ;y, per ijuai tt r, l.t.r Euglish, per quarter, iaa,'- ift, per quarter, Uaroh I, liiii (3 00 7 i 1U 00 roiiuciar r tub set ietostb pomuiiv ciuxac I'LACH OK lll'iilNKSt. MAUl'TAt Co., ! YTAV1NG leased the F'ouudry nnd S'crhino; jr f hops at S'.ile.-burg, ktiowu as " 0 1! EKN S, i fOUNDllY," are prepared to tnaiiufartuie and .-.pair Strain Engines, nweop and tread power '..tiretbing Machines, Now ll'orld and llalhaway Cock Moves, Wagon Spindles, Plows, and Cast ings of all kinds at short uotieo. '1 bey alsohave , both at Kellefonto aud Slilesburg, variety of ! Cook and Parlor Stoves, for Soft eoal, of Pitt-1 lui g manufacture. Cull and seo fur jouisclves. , ISAAC HAt'PT It agent for the York, Wyom log and Columbia Insurance Caiupmies. jy'-0,My w.l ciui lt-:Mi:tt rot Scrofula raid Borofulos Dineajc3. fhm Emery EJci, a v:M-ln. uiVoi. Or- font. Main'. u I haro fold lario qiinntiti. J of yotir SAtis.vr v- , 1TI.LA, but never vet one txiUle U'liicli faib d of tin' ietircd ell'oet and lull t uinfaciiim toi!iO"f who took , It. Aifatt at our jicoplo trv it, tm y acreo tlure liat , been no mcdiclno like it beibm m our community." Eruption, Pimples, Blotohos, Tustules, TJ1- j cers, Sorca, and all Diseases of the Skin. ! Fron Rev. Iuil t. Sfrutton, Hviilol, KntiUinil. " I only do my tint to von ami the public, when I add my tesC.uouy to you ptibli.-di of the mo c.lciuHl vlrtuca ef your S.Mis u-AKil.t.A. My duuli. W, a'e I ten, h:ul an atllietiii!; humur In hr ea.a, eyes, and hn- Cor yp-irt, wliicli we wero uiuMe to euro until ne tried' your SAr.sAi'Ar.ll.L.l. fcho lua been well lor fomu l.iouilu." jyom Mrt. Jam F. I'.ice, a trt" lin?n nnj rw- utecmalWyoflitnui'i'iUt, l'nte May ("'., S.J. " Sly daughter ht tuH'. rod for a iw-t w it!i a irrcfulout eruption, which win very triulleoino. Xcthin!; nrr.iided nuy r. lkT until wo tried yoiir BAMAiuiiILLA, which toon coinplrt. ly cured her." Vem Charh-t J'. Cige, Ej., ofihi u-Ulchj Innwn Giiiif, Murray if Co., mniiiiicuiifri ( t.ii:ai.'i'.ii pajitri in Suihun, S. If. " I h id for tevernl yeare a Ty troublesomo Hif.nor i.i niy face, which prew rnnttiiitly woro nntll it df(l .jurvil luy feature and bociime an intul eraMc aflliciion. I tried almost every tiling a lura could oi both advice and medicine, but without any .relief wh itever, until I took your S uisapai;ii.i... It immediately made my facif worac, as vou told uio It mi tht for a time; but in a few wt-oVa the new kin began to form under the blotches, und con ' tlnueri antll my face It at amnuili nt any horiy'a. and I am without anr eymptuini ot tho ilUc.ino tlmt I know of. 1 enju perfect lie ilih, and without a doubt owe It to your SAHtAeAKii.L.'' BrTsipelos Qonoral Debility Vurlty tho Blood. Ftp m Pr. Hull. S.nrn, Ilmtm St., .Veto Tork. ' Da. Ari'.lt. I acldom fail to remove Krvptioni dnd Vcro'ui'JiH 5orn bythe pemoveriii); meof your SAR' Ar init.i.A. and I have ju.t now cured an nttack of'gnant Eryslpelai with It. 'o alteratlm wo potest equal the SAuaii'AKll.i.v you b.i o tup plied to the profemiou at well at to t tie pi L.le.'' Front J. P. JiJinltot, EtJ.. Wal'man, Ohin. For twelve yean, I had the yellow I'.rvlpelns on my ri(rht arm, during which ti'mo I tried til tho celebrated phyatchm 1 could reach, and took hun droit of dollnra werth of medicine. Tiw ulcert wero to bad that thr rurdt becHinv vldWe, and t'ne dOetort decided thnt inr arm niu-t bo nniputatnl. I began taking your Sr's vpakh.I.a. Toiik two bot tlet, and aomo of your I'll i s. Together they have Hired me. I am now at well and touud ut any body. IleJug in a public place, my cnao is known tii every JkkIt la tlilt coimuunity, and excitea the wonder ut From Hun. Ilfnrfi Monrri, .If. P. P., of XixcratCt, C. IK., a ItMlin'j tnembur of (niiuuidii 1'ariia merit. ' ' I hare ttted your SARSAr.ltttM.a In my family, for general tM'ililu, and (or purifying tht Olmxl, with very beucllcial retulM, and l'cel couUJuico lit eoiuucuding It to the ailUctod." Ea. Anthony'af Firs, Itoso, Salt Rheum, Bonld Hd, Eora Kyei. From Jlarrey Siciltr, .17., it nllr nf the ' lunkhiinnock lfmocrat, I'cnnflvnnia. " Our only child, about three yean of wat attacked by pimples on hit forehead. They rapidly eprcad until they lormnri a loathsome and virulent tore, which covvreil hit face, and actually blinded bit eye lor tome ilayt. A tkilful phyticiiin a)plied uitrate of tilver and other remcdJea, w ithout any apptreat effect. Kor tirtcen dtyt we gunrtud hit handt, lett wi'h them he ihoulU tear oueu the fet terinr; and corrupt wound which covered liis whole far, liavluif tried every thini; clic litd any hope from, wo lc;au ulvinj your SArsAfAitll.l.A, and applvln tht iodide of pjln.h lotion, as you direct. '1'lie soro Upnn to heal when we had jlven the find bnltlo, and wos well when we had tiiiifhcd tho teeond. 'i ho ehild't eyelasliet, whl. '1 had com out, frcw a-aui, and he It now at licalthy ami fu.r aa any othor. The wholu neighborhood predicted that tlit child mutt die." Syphilia and Morcurial Dibcmo. 7tn Dr. Hirnm Shut, of St. l.ciii, Mitrurl. " I find your SaI'.sai'ahh.i.A a more effectual temfdy for the tecondary aymptomt of Suphiiii and fortyphilitie disease than any other w e posie?t. Tho proleoilou ar indebted to you for tome of tbtf beet medicine we have." Vow A. J. Fiench, if. P., an mxlnint phyric'mn of Invrtntt, Jiut., u'10 it a prominent member if tin LegUUitur nf Muiwfltuoetti. "DltyATEH. My denr Sir: I have found your Pai'apai:ii.i.a au'exclknt remedy fui S-ipltilii, both of the pti.Hanj and leronitnry typo, und ellee tuid la tome ri.bct flint wero too oleum.'ite to yield t' otlier remcdlet. I do net kuow what we can em jiloy with more certainly of tuceott, where u powr Jul alterative, is required." Mr. Chii. ,V. J n .iic, nf Xtn' Frunticv t; .V. J., htd dreadful ulcers on hit lei, caused by thn nlmsn of mercury, or mcrcHi-iul rt'ui die, w hh h rew more and more apravated for yeart, in spite of every remedy or tictrneut tlmt could be applied, until the persevering um) of AVKlt'a SAUSAVAnii.i.A relieved liim. FowcaKeaean tfO found more luveterate and chstrr r.sing thini this, and it took tevuiul dcucu bottles to cure liiiu, Tjenoorrliosa, Whites, Forr.ala Wcnkneat, nra pcnerclly produc-d by internal .frrnfiilnun VI Mention, and are rciy often cunii by the alterative effect of this r.naAPAi!ii.i.A. Home rc re(uiro, however, in aid of the SuisArAMl.LAi tho tklilnl application of I0c.1l rinediea. 1'roni the tre.' 't-ven nnd tH:l:h; ctlrfrratett Dr. Jl:'! b .Vr-ITil?, Cf ( Slirill " I hare found your Sns vi'Anu.L v an excellent alterative lu ill ..oiii.c of female. M my canet of Irregularity, I."icivrliva, Internal I Icratlnu, and local dchilitr, hci-.! ip frnni the erorulniia (lintheHis, lnveylcldiil to it, and there are tew that do not, w hen il effect li properly aided by local treatment." A tiujf, untclllivg to allow Vie. publication of Inr flame, trritrn 1 " Mr iliuphter and myelf have been cured of a vary de'iilltatinsf I.ciieorrhrr of loinj standing, by two beltlet of yeur SArtsAPARil.l.A. BhmimotiNtn, Gout, Liver Complaint, Dys- veysia, Ileart Diacaso, Neuralgia, when eauMd Vy SnoMa In the tyitem, are rniddly cured by tuis Ext. Saiai-auilla. AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS possess so tnnny advantages over tho other rnrfrutives in the market, and their superior virtues are so univrrsidly known, that w e need not do Jnoru tlinn to assure the public their quality is maintained equal to tho best, it ever lieen, and that they niay ho depended on to do all that they have pver done. Prepared hy J. C. AYER, M. 1)., & Co., Lowell, Mars., and sold by rSold by C. D. Watson and Harlswick A Huston, Clearfield j E. A. Irvin, Curwentvillo ; Foster A McGirk, Phil-'piburgj P.Arnold, Lu thersburg; and by dealers everywhere. September 14, '84, 1 yr. SI'. MrCI.OKMV, Practical 8u77eyor7oT fcrs his prefcssional services to the pontile of Clearfield county. Having purchased tho In struments, Drafts, At., of the lata Thomas Boss, doo'd, he will be ready to attend to business on the shortest notice ; he can be consulted at his residence with Robert Ross, one telle from Cur ejonsville, or by ktter addrtstcd to him at Cur wensville. S. F. McCLOSKEY. p. J7 'M-lr. T" idles' Furs, Pnrehaters may rely noon get Jj ting the best Fort at CHA 9. OAKFOMO A tTOS, Ctatiaental llotil, Philad'a. jai, 11 RICHARD HOSSOP, DIE ALE JB EM FOREIGN and DOMESTIC GOODS MUSLIN'S at Station DELAINES at Sensation COLUKGS at Sensation ALPACAS nt Seuaution pnoea prices jiticei jitter Just received .it MOSSOl'S' (iINOHAMS ut SiTinatiua I'liecs CHIN rz prints (1 LUV ES CRAVATS SHAWLS HoNNETS COLOR KD I MUSLINS J All LIN KM CRASH nt nt at at at at At Sensnt ion Sensation Sensation Sensation jirteea j'tieca priees istttinn Jilieus at mossops- Seiihutiot) SebS'atiotJ ir.oeii i.i i.'i to l-e hm! nt MOSSOI'S". at at tit Sensntion Senniiiou Selisuliou Seiinution Sersation j't teei iiicet CURTAIN'S lirieos lit ieei ' ' . 1'AlSLE CLOTHS nt FRINGE LACE HOSIERY RIBBONS TRIMMINGS ol till kilnl V ut at ht at prteca at MOSS01'S'. SonsAtinn Senfation SeUbtition I't'ieos 1'iice.ti in icea ! at Senmtion rrio- . 1:1 anv ou:m ty Alwavaon luttnl at MOSSors. C A SSI MERES at SAT'IINETS a'. TWEEDS at JEANS nt VESTING 8 nt SII1RTTNOS at Sensntion ijivtisiition Sensation Sensation Sensation Setit-ation juices 1 pl icei J'l'il'e I iirices ' irie ' Jilliea t'riees at UOSSOitf, CLOTHING such-! as Coats, rauts, Vests, Und or Sliirta. V at aeimalion ;ncea Flannel Sliiits, Boot, Shoes. Huts and Cat" Now tor sale at MOiSurS' U A R D W A K E such a Saws.nailH Forks, Knives, StiikeH, Hinges, at i i' s-olion J't ICOS at MOSSor.S'. LIQUORS, each ;is Witi, Bnindy, ht ensalion rricos'lho name of "(ienuinu East India CoQee," "liri Iginal ICast India Coffee," etc., rut forth by iui ' poKtert to rieceivo the unwary. I In 1 lb. pu -k vgn, and in bnxet of 3(S, i() al aennation pricM "J 'M ""' for Grocers and largo consumert. itiold by Grocers ytnrrall). i 1 n, Vi 11 l.-Key, CoiMi.ic, etc, etc.. FRUITS, such as I riutic!", Raiin, , Fig", Filbei In, Jco. J at MOSSOFS' GROCERIES, ty 1 Hour, II a tii h, Shoulders, Sup'ir, Muiuyfos, Collee, l'en, Cracko r, Siice, Candle, Conl Oil, etc., etc. at ecusaliun prices Alivayr nt MOSSOr.S'. BLACKING Kol'ES I'oWDFR II0T LEAD CATS at at ft at ut at letikatioi) tetisahon fuMimilion seii-niinn sensation sensation pneet jd'ices j'ricet jifiees) prices ji rices At the, rtoro of RICHARD IIOS-SOP. MOSSOP Always keeps on hand a lull npsoi Intent of ull kinds of poods required lor tho nocouiniodntion ol the ptilriic. Nor. 12, 1S65. L 1 T II E n S B I R G , CLKAItHLLD COL' Nil', I' A WILLIAM SC11WEM, rroprirtor. May 19, 1SB. ly. (&hUmht if tbcler, 11?, Keith &xonJ !., (orr.n rUILADELI'HIA. (.'i.jri ' An aitorlmert nf Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware conclantly on hand, fepnrii ing of Watches and Jewelry promptly attended to, SrSlr. Avio invites bis d ! cuomers to call nnd fcc hi in at the above establishment, Feb. I.'., 'Ci ly. Cheap Fui'iaiture ! 17:0 Hi 27 vasa? DKSIBES to inform his old friends and cus tomers that, having enlarged his shop and I increased his facilities for manufacturing, ho ii now prepared to make to order furniture as may , be desired, in good stylo and at cheap rates for , ( ash. He mostly has on hand at his "Furni- ture Rooms," a varied assortment of Ready-made Furniture, among which arj j Bureaus and Side-Hoards, 1 Wardrobes and Ilnnk-Cases : Centre, Sofa, Tartar Breakfast and Dining El tension Tables. Common, French-Post, cottage, Jenny I Lind and other Bedsteads. SOFAS t.fnll. KINDS, Wt HiK-STAND.,-I IIAT-RACKS WASH-STANDS, Ac. I Hocking and Arm Chairs, Fpring Scot, Cano-Bottom nnd r.trlor Chairs and Common and other Chairs. . () O KI A' ( - G L A .V.N' F.S Of every description on bnnd j and Dew glasses for old frames, which will be put in on ve ry reasonable terms on short notice. He alsokenps on hanr", orfurnishes to or der, Hiir. Corn-Husk, Hair aud Cotton top Slattressns. COFFm, Of every kind, Made to o'dor, and funerals attended with a Hoarse, vhenover desired. Also, House I'alutiug done to order. The sul scribcr also titiiuufuctures, and has constantly en bnnd, Clement's Patent Washii;? THaahin", The best now in uso. Thoto using this machine cover need be without clean clothes I Ho also has Flyer's Patent Churn, A superior article. A' family Ufing this Churn never need bo without butter I All the abovo and mnny ether articles aro fur- flliihAtl tn pnnliimari idmnn fnr f!lstt nr ft vehnn iru.l ) for approved country produce. Chorry, Sloplo, 1 opitr, Linwood and other Lumber smtablo for Cabinet work, taken in exchange for furniture. r.firRoiuombor tbo shop is on Slarkct stroet, Clearfield, r.,and nearly oppotito the "Old Jew Etors." JOHN UULICII. Nov. 20, 1883. j "171,.,, ALAROE quantity of Ex- J 1VJ 111 , f 'a""' Flour in Bar re I, backs and half Sacks, for laleby ' W. F. IRWIN. UlcnrutlJ, rorj. 21, t3, CARPETINa Ingrain, Cotton, hemp, SUirJ Floor Oil-cloths, Brocatolle, Door mats, Ao. J. r. KRATZKlt. I T edits' ar.d Children's Haut, Latest Stylet at ; Li UHARLtl OAKFOJtD 4 HONS, ContUen- tl Hotel, Vhiladelphia. Jan, ll-Jmsi. I DCTDon't fail to Read This ! j (Delists 8 (DtluSfflJ Oofifoo f EAST INDIA COFFEE CO'Y, 164 lteado Street, (three donra from Groonwlch Street,) N. Y., call universal attention to their Kent's East India Coffee, KENT'S EAST INDIA COFFEE linaalltho tlavi.rnf OLD UOVERNS1KNT JA VA, and it but half the ) rice ; and aim that KENT'S EAST INDIA COFFEE bat twico the strcnth of Java, or any other Cof fco whatever and wherever uteri by our flrl rlnta botolt nnd ttcaiiiboott, aud stewards tuy there it ;E,","?'Pre'!l!, ! llh mo.t hcaUhv bevcrniro known anil il VCTV nurmUSi Tho weak and Infirm may ose it at all timet with impunity. Tbo wife of the Itev. ,W, Kuve, local ininiitur of the SI. E. Church, Jency City, who bat not bom able to uso any eoftVe fur lifloen vrnrt, can mo KENT'S EAST INDIA COFFEE 1llrco tlniri a day without injury, it boiuj( en- ,ir1y frt' fr('m l'loe Pr(Ttliet that produce j urrmui pxcitcinenU ir. Jamn Uoj le, of ChnoiVeri ttreet, t.iy: n tjavo never known any coll'ee to healthful, nu trltlous, and freo from all injurious ipinlitivt as KENT'S EAST IN 11 A COFFEE, I iidviro my iatients to drink it universally even those to wri'iiu I lave hitherto prohibited tb6 uio of Coffue. Tho Principal of the New Yoik Eye Infirmary I lays: "I direct all the patietu of our Jntlitution 1 to una exclusively K KNT'S EAST INDIA COFFEE, bnd wiiuld not be aithotit it mi any account." Tlio Uev. C. Laniu, an eminent clergyman of Ihi SI. K. Church, cow tUtioni l at JUIsey it., Kew:irk, favt of i.-i.-vi'-c IMCT tVTlTt fflTWI.-l.' "I have used it nearly a year in my family, and dud it produces no acho of tho head, or nervou. irritation, at in the ease of all other Collect. It it exceedingly pleatnnt, and I cordially recom mend it to all clergymen and thuir families." KENT'S EAST INDIA COFFEE It nscri daily by the families of llishop Amet, liiihop liaker, Llshop J.unes, aud many of the mutt distinguished clergymen and profeisioaal uion in the country. I.ewnro of Counterfeits ! an,j li4 ure t,.lt (j,9 p4cl(agos aro labelled Kent's East India CoJcc, 15 4 l!i:AIE.treet, Xew Yurk, r.t thiro aro ninneri ut counterfeits ofloat under I'rJere from Country Wroeers tnlieited, to whom a very liberal discount wilt bo mal . Whulemile A'jenf : llullic'.i X .Molan, r.u 1 VI' , J. Heist it llro. , Philadelphia ; .' , in" 'I. Perry Providence ; A. I.. Wuito .t Co., i. ..011 ; Pyneh- on A Lee, Springfield, Slats.; S.N. Cullender, Hulliilo; Oordun M'.Millian A Co., Cleveland: A A. Colter A Co., Cincinnati ; J. A J. W. litinn, f'pri:,t,'field, I'd. ; 11. 11. Shield, Corydun, lud. ; arid C. C. Oarber, CLieagn. Tho Am. Ad. Al' 3;J Uroiidwav, y. Y. Bin. Dop't E.tos Alvuhr. Cor. Uep't A Wills, an authoriiad t rjoeivo orders for KonCt East India Cuflee. K. DAVH. April 5, lH'Jb. ly. Aiiioriuiii House CTItWEXXVlLLE, i'.l. !IK. I! a AC IW.OtiM, Prorrietress, re. 1 L peetfully informs her numerous friends, j and the travelling public, that she Ft'dl oeeupic. toe above well known stand, and tout they will always find her honso a homo of comfort, economy and conveni jnce. JcifCharges moderate, jan 25, m. fd LEAH BLOOM. j IIKLIOGRAPIIIC. ' I"Uii un Jorsi(.'iied, having completed his Phot X ogrnph (l.illery, in Shaw's How, two doort west of tho Slansion House, Clearfield, Pa., it now ready to wait on all in want of JF'sVjst- (Class FcjirlTjiai. Sly arrangements are euehni will enable me to furui.b tboso beautiful productions of sun draw ing in the highest stylo of the art. Havin f, fitted up my rooms at a considerable expento, with a view to the comfort and pleasure of my patrons. I hi 1 e, I y strict attention to business and a desire to piea.e, to merit a liberal flmro ef public pattunage. A full supply of (lilt, Knvnori, nuri other b rume?, A Union, und au endless variety of Cases always on hand, Pnilicular attention given to copying all ViiMt of Pictures. . trlustruetion iu tho Brt of Photographing given and apparatus furnMiel at city prices. Boj.-JL-tf II. BRIDGE, Artist. J. 0. I'.LACKWELL. W ITII GEO. W. UEEi k CO. CLOTHING, Also, Jobbers in Cloths, Cassimoivs anil Sattinots, Siu .Market m( t fit, North sido between Fourth and Fifth, PHILADELPHIA. Cull and kco our extensive ttock. Aug. 10, 'tSI.-tf. WATCH et JEWELRY. rPHE undersigned respectfully J. informs his customers nnd the publio generally, that bo has just received from tlio East, nnd ni en. ed at his establishment in UltAIIAM'S UOW Clearfield, Pa., a fine assortment of dons, Watchks, and Jr.wr.i,nr of different qualities, from a single piece to a full sett, which ho will sell at the most reasomiblo prices for cash, or in exchange for old gold and silver, CLOCKS of every varioty on hand, at tho mi si reasonahlo prices. ALL kinds of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry earefully repaired and ICnrrantcrf. A continuance of patronage Is solicited, Sept. 1SI, I860. H. F.NAL'OLE. Farm for Sale. fpiIE subscriber oflers for sale, on reasonahlo .L terms, 7(1 ere of I. and, moro or lots, sit uate in Girnrd township, Clearfield connty, with about 40 acres cleared, with buildings, Ao., orec ted thereon, being the same premises purchased by Smith d King4Yuin Ueorge 11. Smith. For terms nnd particulars apply to the undorsignod nt Cltarliel 1, Pa, 1 II OS. J. McCULLOUGlI. Sopt. 14, ISO, tf. VUCTIOXEF.n. The undersigned, having tieon Lloenaed an y4iieti'onetr, vnuld Inform the eilir.cns of Clearfield county he will at tend to calling sales, in any part of the county, whenever called upon. 1 : ' moderate. Address, JASi Ed H. TURNER, April 19. pd. Woodlnnd Po,, Clearfield eo, Pa. N. rt. l'ersnns calling sales without a proper license are suhjeot to a penalty of $60, wbtoh provision will be enforced against those who may violate the sauio. GEORGE FALK takes thU method of Inform ing the watermen of Clearfield eeunty thnt he has rtSlted and reopened the hotel formerly kopt by E. Schreiier, at Coxostown, where he will take especial pains to render satisfaction to all who favor bim with their patronage. Coiestown, April 13, '65. drsly. CLEARFIELD CO. DIRECTOR Y i TIMS OF 1IOLDIN& C0E1T. II Monday In January, I Sd Monday In Jun, I J Monday in March, 4th Monday In bept. of each year, aud continue two woelit If neeeaeary COUNTY AND DISTRICT OFFICERS. Pret'tJudire on. Pamuel Linn, BoIIofonte. As'te Jadgos Hon. J. l).Tbotupton,Curwenvillo Hon. tlamei moom, turret 1, Jaeob A. Fauit. ClearflolJ, EJioiilT, Prolbonntnry, Reg. A ltec. 1). F. Ktiwoilcr, T " laiah 1. liargor, " , liistriet Art'y. VM. M. WeCullouiih " Ireniurer, C, K ranter, " H. 11. Wright, Glen Hope. Co. tiurvcyor, Couiuiitsioiiera, Thot. Dougherty, ClcarfiolJ. Amos Head, do Conrnl linker, Anronvillo. Audi tort, II- Woodward, I'ennfieM. F. Couteret, Lecontet Slill Si. L. C. Kvans. l'iko tp. Coroner, lleury W. l'arkt. Clearfield' County tnp't. C. 1). S-andford, Clearfield. 1.1 t'T OF POSTUFFICE3. Ttitrtmhipi lteetaria, , 11 Vint Ojjita, I'ottmmtrr; (lion Hope, Wm. K. 'ri(?kt I'luhvillo, Theodoro Weld, llegarly't X Boadi.Pam'l. llcgnrty, Bell, Itowor, W. UleLraeaen, Th. A. Sl'Uhce. J. V. Cainpbell, ll.L.lIiiiiriersou, James Illooin, Jamei Forrest, William Albert. U. II. Moore, Chafl. Floppy, Chctt, Outh, Ottenri, Forren, Cleartleld Bridge, Woodland, T.ulbcrshurg, Troutville, J illvraon l.ino, Hloom, ii"i;t:. Ilradlord, Brady, M U llurniide, Cbctt, John Ileburlin, New Wathington, .las. dalliiher, llurnkido, W. C. Irvin, I'utchinville, Jack Piitehin, . Jaeob lioicu, I 1. Toier, jr. Win. Mci:irvcy, P. A., SI. A. FrunK, I P, A. Oiiuliu. . J.F.W.StlinarrJ T. W. Fleming, 1 Centre county, . S. P.ud -Inuih , I T. F. l'.oiilieh, I KJ. Williann, 1 Jas. MeClellan,' C. Mignot, I " I.aft Uidge, " J I MI 1, McUun'ey, " Wc.itoTer, Clearfiold, Clearfield, Curingtou, Frenehvillo, " Karthauii, Curweiitvillo Curwen.viHe, Ueeatur, l'hi lip.bui Wv.t Decatur, Osceola Mills, Marron, l.ittlo Toby, l.eonte'a Millf, Bald Hill', rtiawM-iil, (irahniu'.on, Hmith't .Mills, Madeira, l.vlor, Venn field, Ansonville, halt l.ick, New Sli'.lpcrt, Kylertown, Slorrisdale, Lumber City.J (Iranipian ll lis, Ciirweiisville, l'leoiningvilie, liAcktitn, .Ictfries, Ferguson, Fox, tlirard, i (lotlien, (iraliam, Duelich, Ilerraria, llus ton, a Jordan, Karihaut, Knox, Morrit, .1 Pena, Pike, ,1 I'nion, William Cnrr, A. II. rdiw, T. II.Forceo, Jin. A. Hegarty Cha'". J. Pu.scy, David Tyler, I II. Woodward,' Eli Chae, I ti. Ileekadorn, SI.O.Htirk, ! K. C. ltrenner. j J. C. Brenner, II. W. Spencer, A. C. Mooro, j T. II. Fleming, ltcuj. F. D.ilo, ' 1). E. I'.iubakur, Wondu arl, James Lockett, , Thit 1'ott Office will do fur Chest township JWill answer fvr Ferguson tuwutbip. JOHN L. CUTTLE, Attorney at I. aw and Heal I '.state Agent, CLEARFIELD, PLNN'A. fijfl-f on Mar,,1 .st. Oj'mi: the .hid, RE-rrx'Tl TLLY rffera his s rviees in sell ing and buying lauds in Clearfield un 1 ud- ,' j oining rountit't : nnd with an experictico of over twenty years al a Surveyor, Hatters himself that he can render satisfaction. Feb, 'ti If. Ay M. SI t CI. I. Ol (111, Atmhiiit at T Law, Cleaifl d, P.i. Offlco nu Slarket Street one door east of tlio "Cleai field County Hank." n.ay 1, ISfil-tf. 1. Al Itli; J. Itl.AKlll.Y, Atturncy ami Counsellor nt Law, Will attend to all business entrustefi to his cure in Elk and adjoining counties ut t.'t ;L'eiitiiigor 1'. U.J Sep 2S t mo pd. thom J. sk t:i.i.oi (;ii, Attorney at Law. Office adjoining tho Bank, formerly occupied by J B. Slclnally, Es(., .Market ttreet, Ck irfiold, Pa Will attend promptly to Collection, Salo of Lands, Ac. Dec. 17, 'H2. ROBERT J. WALLACE, AnoniEr at Law Clearfield, Pi., Cilice in fihsw's Row, op posile theJcurual oCee. dec. 1, ISIS. tf I 1,. J. CRA'JS. BAUFtET CJIANS and EA HUE 1', I Attorneys at Law, Slay S, 'fi.1. CLKAcnrLii, r.i. ' Ml M. WOODS, IM ACTICINtl l'hysieiiin.nn l Examining Pur neon f..r Pensions. Office Southwest corner e'ecou J and Cherry ttreot", Clenrtiebl, Pa, January 21, lHii.1. 1 y CVRENIl'S HOWE. Justice vv the I'kace. For Dkcatijh Township, ill promptly attend to ull business entrustod to liis care. P. 0. Address, Pbilipsburg Pa. Aug. 21st lsill I" EVER FLEtlAL, Justice of the Peaco, Lu J thomhurg, Clearfield couf.y Pa., will attend promptly to ull business enl:tteJ to his euro. Liithersburg, April 4, IStll. ... P. K It A T Z E IL MrnCM AN T, and dealer in Dry Goods Clothing, Hardware, yucemwaro, Groceries Provision", Ac. Front Street above the Academy Clearfield Pa. H. W. SMITH & CO. I Mr.Hf II AX I S, nnd dealer In Dry j floods, Groceries, Hardware, tjueeiiswnrc, and I everything usually keyt by tho trado. More on SECOND street, below Judgo Leennrd's, oppo site tho I'rcsbytorian Church, ClearBclJ l'u. Ucc. 4, trtfil. isroliition of I'artnorsliip. ' rnrtncrshlp heretofore existing between ' tho subscribers in the banking business as Leonard, Finney A Co., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. j Tho books, pnpors, nnd assets are left in tho hands of James T. Leonard, at tho ofiico of tho firm, and all claims duo to and by the Grin will ho settled by him. All overdue prer must le 1 forthwith settled. I JAMES T. LEONARD, I A.C.FINNEY, I W. A. WALLACE, I Thebusinoss will be continued by .lames T Leonard as Leonard A 0. dec 21-1864. ! CI.MAItl'TI'.I.I) Xlinsr.HY ciiroiiiarrC Home lililiisti v. The undersigned having ettablishod a Nursery, on tho Pike, about half t . n . ro A- 1 1 , .... .1 wiijf ueiwueii i luiiruciu ana vurwonsvillo boros , is propared to furnish all kinds of Fruit trees. (Standard and Dwarf.) Evergreens, fhrubberv. Urape Vines, Gaosoberrios, Lawton Blackberry, ceriiwoerry nnu uuspuerry vinos. Also. .Vilieriun Crab trees, Quince and early scarlet Rhoubarb, Ae, Ordors promptly attended to. Addross J. D. WltHJUT, Curwensville. sept 14. '64. ly C Gentlemen's Hats, All the Latost Plyles at 1 CHARLES OAK FORD A SONS, Conti nental Hotel, Philadelphia, jan. 11. , of EA-tra annly I lour For Sale by Feb, IS, 3t JAB. L. LEAVY. MERRELL & BIGLER I Ilayajuet openod a lorge and splendid ajutnrtment of i New Goods At their old stand in Clearfield. T IIEY have tho lost amortmont of Hardware that has ever been brought to this county, 1 which thoy will tell at the nioet reasonable pn-1 Fluwert, Knchet, Laces, cet, among which will be found a splendid lot of and all other articles required by the H IT T V T V I? V I MILINEHY TRADE. U 1 J. U M-4 Jt Jf 1 By bug experience ai d strict attention to this To which they Invite tho speelal attention of tho branch of bualaett exclutively, we flatter our piihlie, ciiibrnoinir heavy Bilver pluted Forks, , olves that ws can offer lnducouiouts, in variety, rpoous and Dutter knives of tho best uianufno- tyles, .piallty and moderato-vioos not every. turo- jwberotobo found. Tho attention of Millnert A lot of ristols of tho best pattern, and othor ' aud Merchants is re.poetfully solicited, flro-amii. Also a pcneral B.wortinent of pittol 1 yT-iT-Particular attention ptid to filling orden. ... Anvil A lf. t ... cartridL'us all of whicli will uO tola at rcatona- , ble prices. They cuntinuo to mnnufaeturo all kinds of Tin-ware, Brass Kettles, Stove- 1'ipo, etc., which cannot bo surpassed in tils sec- tion of tho Ptato. They alto have on hand Ilttsl)urh riows, among which aro Steel Centre Lover Plows. Alio, I Plow Castings, and many other Agricultural Iin-1 ptomentt, (look Stoves, Ptovos a goneral assortment, and of tho beat pat terns, far salo it reasonable prices. Coal Oil, Coal Oil Lamps, Paints, Oils and Vani'isics, a general assortment, lilacs, putty, Nails, Iron audCnstings ol great variety ; in fact almost every thing wanted by tho public can bo found in their establishment, and ut prices that euunot be bcut. ( Now is the time to purchase, If you desire any thing in their line of biiMnes.s. Iiivo tbc:.i n call and examiiio their stock, anil they feel ns'lireri thut you can he accommodated Kvineiiiber, their establishment it on Second Str?ot, Clearfield, Pa, whero you can buygods to the very best advantage. jpiT'Old silver, copper, brass, .pewter and old eaitings will ho taken in exchange f ir goods. Slay 20, ISM. SlEUUELl, A BIULEIl. MOUNT VERNON HOUSE Second Street, above Arch, IIIILADELrillA. A. I m.Alit, I'lopiietnr. (T te of the "fc'iirf llouie," Atlantio City.) r it. 23, 1363-1 y. CHEAP STOVES. T THE subscriber in orJer to accommodate the citizens of Curwensville, and tho public gi nerall v. has just received a lot of COOK, AND 1'AIlLOi: STOVES, for wood or cual, which he will ditpote of Very oilcan for canh or produce, JOHN D. TUOMPSON. Nov. 4, mi IT. ALSO, STOVE PIPi:.-For sale at tbo cheap store of John l. Thompson, in Curwensville, at 15 cents per pound. Nov. II, l"' plIK subscriber offers for salo on reamauble therms, a Farm in Beectria ton iisbip. cat iii'.la Fout'i of Beerariii Mil!.', It eoutiiua Ulty Acres, with 1 erty Acres denied, a frauio Dwelling home, Stum houre, leg l.arn , anil other out -nuiMiiigs, and a grow ing freliiird of thririiii! trees. The title is unditpu table. I'or Terms, upply to the, in Lawrenct toniiohip, Clearfield eoan'v, Ta. sei.'Jl-l'.ni lid J. I;. READ. Ladies Furs. Purchasers may rely upon getting the best Fun at CHAS. (MKKOiil) A BUSS, Continental Hotel, Philadelphia. jan. 11. 1UOVl.SIONSFlounCh"cesI 'TardTbiL 1 Apples, Dried i'earhes, reeeirod reitularly fiom the west a the store of J. P. K KA'i Zfclt. I'.-ICAL (lOOnS Flutos, Violins, Fifct, JJaruiiimcAns, Preceptors, Slusie I'aoer, Vi- 0II11 Bows, liriJgfs, firings of tho best finality at i J. P. KRAZEU'S. fci F E C 1 A E A N O U N C E M E .N T .' E. A II. T. ANTHONY .1 CO.' Manufac'rsof Fltotograidiit.' MnleriiilH, WHOLESALE A RETAIL, 501, vA'o.iz)vr.i r, jv. v. In addition to our main bu.tincsi if Photo grnphlc. Slatciinls, we aro Heud iuiirters fvr tho following, vii : FtireoscAris and SUrosruju I'Uusl j Of tlieso we l.nvo nn iminense nor!mcnt, 1 cJuding War Scenes, Amcricr.n ar.d Foreign Cit ies mi l Lin hcapes, Groups, Statuary, etc. AIjo, I Revolving fterooseopes, for public or privato ex hihition. Our Cataloguo will he sctit tj any ad ,dre:-s on receipt of stamp. I I'fiotiKJI'AphiC AHjURiS .' v. 0 woro lli 0 tirst to intro luco tlieso info the ! I'nited Slates, and we manufacture iiuuiemo 1 snbvusion ef tlio common schools, acadennies quantities in great varie'y, ranging in prleo from andcellepcs, liom institutions of learning to en :0 cents to r'.' D each. Our ALUUMa have tho ; fii,''c- &l " ranee lor the enslavement of the repufolicn of being superior in ben tity and dura- 1 minds of n. , isinj generations to tho degrading billty to any others. They will be sent by mail ;'t'ma of the clergy tho riso and results of FREE, on receipt of price. j5T-Cfl'itio A LLI.' SIS , Native AmrriMini.mi, .Mnine-Lnwisiu, Know No inado to order.'fi jthingism, Abolitinr.iini, and tho various other I r!. T. ' fiiniitieims of I'ricstcrnft. Lard Pnutrajdis! , All skould subscribe, who wi.h to ncr,alnt ! Our Cataloguo now onibracos over S(M0 dif- ' tl cuisdvcs wi;h historical fa:!.! of the greatett lerent subjects, to wliich additions aro beiug con - tiinially made, of Portraits of Eminent Ameri - cans, etc., vii : about 100 Slnjor-Oenerals, 200 Brig-Oenerali, 275 Colonels, ' 40 Artists, 100 Lieut-Colonel,, 250 Other Ofllcors, 75 Navy Officers, 125 Stago Pictures, 650 Matosinoii, 1.10 Divine-, 125 Authors, fd Prominent Women, S,0dU Copies of Works of Art. Including reproductions ef tho most eelobrated Engrnvings, Painting', Statues, etc. Catalogues sent 011 receipt of Stump. An order for One Do ton Pictures from our Catalogue will be filled on tho receipt of It 80, and sent by mail, pree. Photographers and others ordering goods C. O. D. will pleaso remit 25 per cont. with thoir order. j?cvl'ho prices and quality of our goods can not fail to satisfy. AprlS-Sin A a Co. PLASTER. '20,000 Pounds of riastcr in Clearfield For Sals by FoVy 15, 8t. .... TPA-v li. l.r.AT . IV imm I I lOIItll IBIHUIt MAINE STREET, CURWENSVILLE, PA. Mrs. YVM. A. MASON, rropriotress rMIHS long established and well known H0 1 TEL, situated in th s west end of the town. has been remoddlcd, enlarged and Improved, and the proprietress respoetfully announces to bernu-' rncrous friends, and to tho travelling public, that ,no now prepared to accommodate all who may . 1 : . 1. . 1 1 fuT"r "er nu n cuu. I Ample, safe and comfortable stabling is t- Inched cnori 10 ine premtsos, ana trusty attendants! trusty i "M always be on hand Charges moderate Mar. 15.'02-tf. AVANTKD A large lot Of v VI 1 v eusn ! 1 . f . u .v o ii ij u iu t'AUiiuiits lur ... r. 1 G?0DS at the Cheap Store of JOHN D. TllOSirSON. Curwensville, Sept Id, I81T3. Chop Chop! Chop! Bushels superior RYE-CII0P M ' . hanilrJ,d. received and for sale at 15 par hundred JAS1SS rhlliptbarg, Aug. t, 156 f f d. MIL1NERY GOODS. WHOLESALE DEALERS No. 431 Market street, north side, PHILADELPHIA, llavo now opnn their utual handsome variety 0 HiMxu.a. Itnntiat Sft.tarial. blraw k Kancv Ponnttt. Ladies A Misaoa llatt. "J " ',' "' SPECIAL NOTICE. riHH perton who soma time ajjo got a Iil'F X 1A1.0 ROUE marked " 8. Mitchell," would oonfer a favor by returning tho sanio to tho tub- sc.nber. JAS. I. LEAVV. Mar. 1 If. Cleatfie! J, P. .T". ff Vr-T-i I lOlllM,hllr-Iht fubscriher bnTioj uk(!n "ut Lieento for crying venduct Pirlnr -inil rnil',nJ othl,r 1,u,'lio 'al'-s, wither in Eug!ih or Oer I unui uiiii vuai , mRI1 . etnectlullv olf era h cituons, and will attend to ull calls fiom anv - v uio JXJllUff part of tho county, on the shortest notice either verbally or by letter, nnd upon the most reason able terms. When so desired, ho will furnish the Clerks and complete nil the buMscss connect ed with the sale. JOSEPH H. JOXKS. Kylertown, P. 0., .Mar. 1, lulls. ly. pd. NSW FIRM. HAUTSW1CK & HUSTON DRUGGISTS MAEKET Street CLEARFIELD PA. KEEP constantly op hard a large and and will Sflftcd ttork of J) 11 U(!H and C11EMICA LS PAIXTS OILS AND VAUMSU PtnrUMEP.Y TOiLET AIIT1CLE3. CLANKS, BOOKS AND STATIONARY. TOIUCCO&SKCARS. And a general assorttnent of YAH1. ATIES' and Fancy AETICLES. Ws respectfully Invite a call, feeling conl dent that w can supply the wants ef nil, oa terms to their satUI'aeti .n. HARThWICK A IIVSTON. ClearrUld April 27th lhC3. tf Susquehanna House, 1 cnwExsriLLZ, ra. XV. XV. MOMKAI.L, Pioprlefor. rpHIS large snd comtnodiout HOTEL it de A lightfully located on tho l ank of the Sus queliauna, in the borough of Curwensville. The present proprietor will sparo o effort to render hit cu.tcHiers cvvnfortable, and hopei t taunt a lietrnl ehkiu if public patronage. 1IIS BAR AND TABLE Will hi wU supplied aith every thiug the kel affords.'.urn will alwayt End his "latch suing" out. Slur. 2li, '04. tf. THE lli'S lUIIV OF ritO TESTAXT PRIESTCRAFT is 5: 11 rope .V Aiiici'icii. r S NOW BEING PI BI.ItlED IN C0NSEC- utive numbers of tho Untvicr 0' Liihl, fan in- depcudcLt weekly nowf aper, published by il. J. Bi:ebl, at Slil iletown, U.angc count', N. Y., at $2 per yeur, payable in advance'. P-nck num bers, or suppiemeut, rmtaining the chapters al ready published, will lo furivshed to subscribers, This History contain" a full expo5ura ef Popnltr Delusions relative to the pretended "jtefnrmj Hons "under Calvin and Luther, Ueurv VIH . Cranmer and Cromwell, by a truthful histary of thoir rise, progress and persecutions in Europe, dewn to the emigration of the Pharisaic Puiitant to AmericaAn account of their persecutions cf floptists, QiinKers. Catholics, and other Difteut ers In New England, the Blue Laws and Witch craft Persecui ions of Dia enters from the Statu Religion iu Virginia prior to the Revolution of 1 770 The revernnco of Church au I Stato at tho formation of the United Stutcj Covcrnment, op. pose I by tho popular clergy ef that day-ThJir efforn and tf their progeny, U rcstir? pj lineal power to the clergy by au rttemnted union of Church nnd State the Constitution of the I idle 1 Mules, and moit of tie States, in.the w -y. m.d il.e conn.iucnt of the clergy to o erthiow our former happy rytetn of fro E'jvernmi'Ut tho turious unnna cmiloved from the first perversion of .'uiidav ,.1,m.!. .nd Auii-.san.tiiy Al u ; 1 movement, dovn tn thn snTuro i vuluo ut tho present time, cr to arm theuiselvet 1 ith nrgumenH to oppose Puritanic Priestcraft, j wh eh, iu addition to all othercurtes it has inllic led upon our country, has now involved us iu the j most terrible sectional wur, nnd threatens to fol j low it with a sectarian crurudo far moro awful, unless arrettel by tho dissemination of docuruonts exposing its character and chjofts, sttch. as tha j author )m Fought to maho this history useful in 1 aceompliohing. Priestcraft is therein proved t ! bo alike antagonists to the truo Christian reli gion, pcpulur liberty, nnd th.' piddle' ncinio and pro.-perity; and tlio political clergy ure ulso pro- ven to be servants of .Satan, instead of ministers of the Prluco of Peace, and thoir infl tenco "evil, J and only evil continually." Patriots will fiud a perusal of its pages of great advantage in enah ', ling them to fight tho hydra-headed rnonstor j tbut must bo slain before we can hope fer peace aim a restoration of civil and roligiout liborty in our country. This History will also soon bo published in book form, with paper covers at 1$, and In rood cloth or skin covers at $1 50 to $2. At these prices it ! will bo sent to any address in the I'nited Mates, ' postago froo. Every inlolligont patriot should nave a copy, and altor reading lend it to bis : fnonds and neighbor. I Jrf'Adriress, enclosing payment, G. . Beebe, Middlotown, OraDge oounty, N. Y. ap!2. BOOTS and f?hos a complete assortment of Ladies', Uentloinon'i, Misses'. .Boys' snd Children's Boots Shoes nnd Gaiters at J. P. KKATZER'S. OTAPLE Dry floods Cloths, Cassimeres Tweeds, Satinetts, filkwarp kj Cloak-cloths, Flannels, Ticking, Muslin, Linen, Prints, at the -1,1 ,;.'. J. T. KRATZER'S. TTOWAKD ASSOCIATION. JrfPe, of the Nervous, SlI'lnTuriniy Viisl e , 1 i:..i.. I L PniLAOELPBtA, T. ovauiii pvbicius -now anil rouuoiw hv..vm. ,, ... , t , 1 ...f h. in retiortt of the Howard Association, sent by I mail in scalod letter envelopes, free of charge. ! Address, Dr. J. SKILLEN HOUGHTON, How . ard Association, No. 2, South Ninth Street, PM. adolphia, Pa. jy20-'61 ly Tl OUSKIIOLD UOODS Tinware, Queensware, 1 1 Glatiwaro. Woodenware, Looking (JUsiet, :e, Looking (Jlutes, Cloaks, Nails, Glass. Pn. at all rriettat Oils, Paints, Ltm;t, WsJl J. P. KBATZEB'S.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers