Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, June 07, 1865, Image 1

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D. W. MOOEE, Editor and Proprietor.
Holiday's Proceedings.
Witness staled that the
to Sur-
rittiville on Tuesday, the 11th, with Mr?. :
Surratt, they stopped two or three times :'
did uot know if it was- at Uniontown i
Knew rtoyd; met Lim three times; knew i
kirn as Mis. Surratt's tonant : copied
iV instrument of ().. n,i ,.....
jca of Tuesday Floyd drove nasi tho bug
winhts carnage; Mr. Sunatt called
tin) ; ho got out and approached the bug-
P ; Mrs. Snrratt put her Lead out aud
conversed m u him, did not hear what
. ... . .
,be raid; did not hear shootiuc-irons
mentioned, Mr, burratt enoko to Mrs.
Otfatt, l'loyd sister-in-law, aboul having
this man, llosvcli, take theQatli ofalleni-
inceandget released; said tbo would
ite Gen. Augur or Judga Turner about
it, Interview last,t hve or ten minutes;
did ret kooii- if it ivas raining; was a dais,
puiKy aay.
John M. Floyd, recalled.
Did not recopiizo ona of the carbines ;
diJ not think the rover the tame; the
oilier looked like the one he saw. Cor
rected his previous statement thut h met
Mrs. t-uiratt on Monday it was on Tues
day. Thought aNo that he laid the bun
dle given him by Mif. Surratt on a sofa
in tho dinning room, instead of carrying
it up stairs. Admitted that he was in
liquor w hen ho had 1 tin) interview wiib
iln. burratt,
Aliry Vanllnc.
Witness retidss at No- 120 G street;
reuts rooms. About tlio 10th of iebuary
jlrnold aud 0 Langhlin took rooms.
jKnow B ioth, wli 3 came to see gentlemen;
je!C(i frequently to mo Arnold and
O'Laughliu. Tiny said they were in the
oil kjpiness: they loft about the '20th of
; March-for lYnFylvnnia, they eaid. l!ooth'a
I lisits wore very IVoq ient-mostly in diy
time. Never f aw any arms in Iheir rooms,
I except once, r pistol. Witness received
1 complimentary tickets to seo riooth play
1 "I'etcuia," from O'Laughliu. Never was
fre6ent at any couveieations.
j Henry William;, (Colore J.)
J Witness met O'Laughliti in I!:ltiaiote ;
etrriej a lL-tlr, in Jlarch last, from
BiKjth to O'Laughlin. Never taw Ar-
ioU ; curried a luiur for him, but gave
-j ilto a lady to givo to him. KaM ubo
j ffotmiy UkI not know wliglUor tiio ltor
wss fr Arnold. V.'ns toueliver O'Laugli
1 lin'i letter at Exeter street, but lound h im
: it the theatre, Theothor a as directed to
beleft it house on Fayette street ; wit-D9-s
did not know who it was br. I he
testimony wa t'atfu by the Judgo Advo
. w'.e to bo merely to shorv Hooth's i.jti
tuoy with Arnold and O'Lauh-
J. C. Faily.
r.n'o from Bahittoro in tl.o can vilh
0 !.aush!in on Ttnirily pi-gylouj to Iho
)sasbination. Was wi'.li iiira most of Ihe
J'. -.m Elepl with him at the Metropoli
an that night. Took breakfast together
nd went lo the National, where witues?
! wai eej arated from him lor ft few mo:m nU.
I'pon Uia retuin ho. was informed by Hen
derson, who said ho was waiting for
O'Lauulilin, that tho latter was up utaiis
with Booth. Waited three-quarters of an
hour and then v ent away. S,uv him a
piu at 4o'c!ock. VS'itnass drank consid
er that day; 'iv O'Laughlin come
ul of "Lee Shore ' reMaui utit pU'tly lat ;
dou't know whether it wns ftftt-r Ihe
lasa-sin.iti n. Vi'itnats went to bid
wiin after. Saw O'J.cighliu next day ;
ent to Bailiui-.T'J, taey went to t-ee a gen
tleman's wife who was biek at Washing
tun ; thon met his brother, who said that
Ihnro had been parties looking for O'
Laugbl'.u. O'Laughlin did not show
touon oxeitemftnt about the assassination;
la:d he would not slay at homo that night;
his brother toid hiiu they would be after
him on account of his iuimacy with
B th. L'utne to Washinutou with O'
l .ugh'lin, Hetideioon and Murphy to have
piod fine on aooouiu oi mo hiuujuiu
tion. Drack considerably; took two din
Hem ; was not sure thai the time he saw
O'Loughha. was before or afier the assas-
' lination. Saw nothing deperte. duriDg
IheTHit, in O'Laughlin ; was jovial, and
howed no necvouness in comingdown to
the cars next morning. Went to the
tstion Saturdiy morning. Henderson
bought ticket ; witness proposed to Hen
derson to g?t O'Laughh:. t stay till after
noon, and they stayed. When O'Laugh
lin's brother told him thoy were looking
for him. he said ho would not like to bo
Vremted at homo it would kill his
1 mother. Vent up town with hiui and
. 'returned home.
Licuuniut Hcnncrsoix,
Witness saw O'Laughlin on Thursday
and Friday ; told witnoss on Friday that
he was tosoe Eooth in tho morning ; did
not know if be ment ha was to o him
next .uorning or had seen him that morn
ing. Samuel K- J. Stryj.
Ha7e known O'Laughlin for years ; saw
. him and Ooofa and another porson in
the Avenue rear the
1 Treasury about the first or April. O'Laugh-
lin called witness asiao snu emu
Kcff wiili his friend talking rnvaloly.
hm third nartv i did not
recogniza him ntnoug the prisonen.
. L. S. Rprague,
t Witness was a clerk bI th kirkwood
I Uouie Was preseut when th room was
1 broken' open. All he was ft rvolrer.
Kneir of no ono calling for Atzer-
David Stanton.
Wnized O'LauaLyb asa man who
until witness requested hiui togoout. Ho
. . ' wu,' ,r"' secretary was ; wit-
note juiu ue was standing on the stoop,
Did not oiler any explanation for his pros
ence. Gen. Grant was there that night;
uiu iioiBs-n uuoui urani; went away wtioti
toU1 t0 " wa lout 10 o'clock ; a band
was aerenauing uen uran t, and a crowd
Pothered around. When tho Secretary of
ur Wil Pouted out to him Lo did not
0 10 auu' uor tel1 wlja' hi message
D, C, need.
Kdow John
II. Surratt bv
sight. Saw
him ou the 14lh of April, alone, standing
on the street lelo.'
v'..n.i.viv" tUU .lilLlUlli.l IL .i I .
clock. Wore. dih .dml... . n
bowed In him i, .,! ' it . iT": 1
him . . l i-.-i....
u(Uui. nuno , inn uiui iuav uuiuucr:
was tight complected ; hair ralher sandy;
did not recollect any whiskers; paid mobt
attetitiou to his clcthes; makes them him
beif, James 11". Fvmrphi ey.
Keep a livery stable; was acquainted
with llooth ; came lo his stable at 12 and
4 o'clock on April 4th ; wanted a eorrel
horso at four o'clock ; couldn't give him
the sorrel ; gave bun a bay mare ; have
never seen the maro since. Kccognixd
booth's pliolagraph. He said he was go
ing to uiovci's thentre towule a letter
he woul
i I . .., i ,i .ti i i
Id put her in tho stab o. back of
i ' , i , . . . ,
he said he wns iroing to take n
mat; tie sua lie wns going
pleasure ride. Lid not know any of the
prisoner. Surratt rvas with Booth tho
first time witness sa him, which was six
wesks before Ihe assassination . Booth
was alone on Friday. Surratt was about
five feel ten inches high; light goaleo and :
sandy cair thin features.
Rufus &ul Ls,
Keep a livery stable. Knew Booth,
Surrai and At.eroth- Saw them at his'
statilo frequently, down to tho 21st or 2'J.J
of March. Surratt kept two horsra thiic. i
At.etolh did not use the horses
bul rode
out occasienally with Surratt. Alzeroth
told witness that Sunatt had been to
Richm ud and got into difficulty and that
the detectives were after him. Atzeroih
took away one ofSurratt' horses a Plind
ono: it was paid for on tho '2'Jlh. Booth
paid for the horses. Atzeroth afterwards
cime to the stable to sell tho horses to
Howard, tho ownr of the stables ; Atzer
oth rode one horse, and a stranger the
other; Surratt claimed both horses ;
Booth paid for their keeping. The wit
nors was scr.t ut In identify tho horc3'
r.'cr FlMlrr 7, :'t.
Keep a resturant near Ford's theatre.
Buoih was them ton o'clock or little after
on tho night of the 1 Ith of April. He cill
el for r. hi 'key, paid for it and went out.
Uostauiant adjoins tho theatre. Booth
wa alone. Hid not hear tho report of
... . r. .. .1. . . .1. l, it
p.sHM. Alter ..otnu i, ' rrc.nt nl the meeting, but one of tl.o of
w h cicht or ten minutes before he ward .V . ...... , : , . i i
of the assassination. Knew IJaiold. C'a'v
iiim either tho n;6!:i of ho murder or
the night previous; ho inquired if Booth
had been there; thinks ho was alone ;
tho time was b3lwcan tix or seven
JSerjevd lames M. Dye.
V a r ( lit.n in fifinifif Ford's theatre
about balf-past nine o'clock, on tho 11th
ut April. Saw an elegantly dressed gcn-
tleiDHii couri out of Hie passue and com
mence a conversation with a rough-look- ;
mg person ; then another joined lueiu I
and iho three conversed. After a while, !
and about the end ot tho Second act the :
ilt'ivimlv dresssed tiarty said "I think he 1
will come out now." This one then went,
after wailing awhile, into tho saloon and
staid long euough lo take u drink and u iimiii'li Im wmpfliti u! intoxi-
cated; stepped uii to the roughest looking,
. . .i . I I .
and then went into the passage inav ieam
from the stage to tho street. The small
est one stepped up as the well-dressed ono
appealed again, and called out tho time,
lie wen tup tho street and remained a
while; camo back and called iho time
. . .i 1 n .1.!..!. . It -.,
again, louuer man neiuro uhuks h
ten ininutea ofier ten. Then he started
at a last walk up the street; the best
dressed one went inside th theatre. Wit
ness started for a saloon, and had just or
dered oysters whtu he was informed ihe
President was shot. Krcognized the photo
graph of Booth as the well dressed party.
Witness thought if Spangier pointing to
that individual had a moustache, ho tho
rough-looking man ; it was rather dark,
bat tho party had ft moustache. Did not
recognize the third party among ihe pris
oners; he was a neat, well-dressed, and
wore a moustache, and wore fashionablo
clothes. The witness could not on ac
rnnr.t of the darkness desoribo particulary
the articles of dress worn by tho slovenly
man ; did not observe) tho color of his
eves 01 hair ; aiuusiitouu nna uiuuiv ; fluio
a slouch bat ; did not notice if ho had on
on overcoat ; did not notice tho color of
his coat ; stood at the right end of ths
hair : mouslacne was black ; wore
passage on the pavement; tuo t resworn
carriage was rear the curbstone ; kept tho
same '"position all tho time ; does not
know wbothor b stood thero when the
well dressed man went into the theatre ;
was about five feet eight inches high;
thinks Spangier has his countenance with
out the moustache.
John 31. Iiuchinham.
nai uww. w,-.. n in, nn uiu
- I-
Is acquainted wild Ldwaranpang
theatre. Saw Booth about 10 o'clock on boring squire loin mm new.s.ieu 10 uu,
the night or tho murder ; he camo in ami it for his wife to ride on. No, no, saut
went out agiin. and roturned in a fowl ho, "I can't sell thJ httla fullpw, be
minutes ; aked witness what time it was;lCaue I intend to gfct toarried again tny
was told to step into tha lobby and ha self."
could seo. Ha went out and walked in at ; .
Ihe door leading to the parquett j then Ria.The planlera of Georgia are pu"in8
oamaout and walked up the stairway in large crops or grain, and some ottDom
leadinc to the dress circle j that was la-1 are resuming the cultivation of cotton.
witness saw of of him till he leapad on the, They have lost comparatively few of lueir
quelle, dross circle, and orchestra had to
pass witness ; Spangier could not Lavo
' passod him. without witness seeinn him-
is KiuiMiuu no 'iiu cot see inm that night
novor saw Liu wear a tuoustaho.
James P. Ftryuson.
..;... 1 1 i . . . . . '
Keep a restaurant, No. 452 10th ttrcet
""J"1""!! luciiuu upper sine.
S.v Booth on the aftorr.oon of Friday,
about three or four o'clock ; was at his
door on a homo. Next saw him about
ten o'clock in the theatre, pushing open
tho door leading to the boxes i next saw
nilimnitin I K . . I . t
In in rush to tho front of the box ami
jump over ; saw the gleam of a knife as he
U 1 1 II . I t'l I'rilJZI'll III II H II 11 1 I I V. w. .1
,. ,i,n ,. ,t... -im' :J: 'iV
! ..... n"? I:, .
a . . .
i ucu, nucui uinniicni, exi uav. Uit-
ioui,wie stage carpenter sum ttiat it was
a hll of a statement ho had mado about
tha pistol being fired in tho box when it
was fired through tho 'loor. Went and
s-atv tho hole ; found a imlrt hole enlarg
ed with a penknife. The Presidents box
is on tho south side. Heard Booth's ex
clamation "Sic semper tyrannis"; thinks
he heard him also say ,, Kev enge fur the
South. Hooth'sepur caught in tho fl ig. Hid
not observe whether the hole in thodoor
was fresh cut. Could pot find Ihe bar us
ed to fasten the d or. Know Spanuler ;
i1... i .i. . . . ... . .
did not seo h n that nigh ;
i , ; .. i
him to wear a moustache,
never knew
Tho Piivato Testimony.
Evidence of an "JSccr of Gen. Johnson's Slff
Tho tcstimonry taken before tho doors
weie opened to reporters for tha press
incluilts thut of a man who was for sever
al years in the military service, of tha to
called Con IV derate States, employed in
the topographical department, on Ihe
stall' of General F.dward Johnson, lie
was in Virginia in tho summer of 1SGJ,
twenty miles from Staunton,
lie became acriainted with three citi-
;zons uf Maryland, one of whom was Booth
arid tho otiier rumo Shepanl. lie was
' asked by Booth and his companions
iv Li it ho tho'.i !it of th i probablo success
of tho Confederacy, and lie told them that
after aich a chase as 'he rebels had then
got from Gettysburg, he believed it looked
rather gloomy.
Booth told that was nonsense, and a 1 1-
ed; ' If wo only act our part right the Con-
federiuy will gain its independence, and
old Abo Lincoln auist go up "the ppout."
The witness understood by the expression
"rmi, o oil the spout" that It nient ho
must b" kith -l' iiotu saiit tnal as soon
as the Coii!i'dera,,y w;ij nearly whipped,
that was the !': nal ieource togain the in-
di ,( ndenco of the Confederacy
The companions tf P.jcth usiented to
his sentiments ; tho witness wan at the
camp d' the Second Viigiuia Regiment,
and there was a second meeting of rebel
ttlVers on thut cccasion. He was not
lieor who was stated Us purnoi t ; no oe-
iieved that Booth was at that Meeting
Tho purpose was to send certain o Ulcers
on detached service lo Canada and the
borders to deliver prisoneis. to lay the
Northern cities iu ashes, and finally to gel
after tho members of tho Cabinet and kill
tha President. The name of the officer
Mio gave hiru the information was Lieu
tenant Cotkerill.
Booth was associating with all the (.Ul
cere. Ho heard ver) olten thai the iisa-s-inaiion
of tho President was an object fi
nally to bo accomplished. He had beard
it hodly spoken of in tho strains of Rich
mond. This necessity was generally as
sented to in the service.
A Lady.
A lady from New York testified to hav
inrr mpt Poothand a man named Johnson,
...e - -
nnJ ovei
rilriL- Pit til
lieara tneir coriversuuou. .mc
r,i,.L-el .in two etters wlncli ttiey iiau
dropped, end one of them was addre-sed
" Dear Davis," (aving that tha "lot bad
Mien upon him "'to be the Charlotte Cor
day or tho nineteenth century. Abe must
drink tho cup ; you can choose your own
weapons, tho knife, Ihe bullet, Ac. Ihe
letter is signed Charh s Selby.
2'ttO Others.
Two other witnesses testified that they
were in Canada, and saw Booth in conver
sation with George Sanders, and believed
they also lair Booth talking with Clay,
llofcomb and Thompson.
to ex coniisieo
Do ymi keep nails here? " aked
a sleepy-looking lad, walking into a hard
ware store the other day.
" Yes," replied the gentlemanly pro
prietor, "wo keep all kinds of nails.
What kind will you hayo, sir, and how
Well," said tho boy, sliding towards
the door, "l lltnkea pound of finger
nails, and a pound and a half of toe
nails." tfaTWe like lo see a woman tread the
high and holy path of duty unblinded by
sunshine ond jnscatlered by storm.
There are hundreds who do so from the
cradle to the grave, heroines, of whom tho
world has never beard, but whose names
will bo bright hereafter, even beside the
greatest angels.
rTf A prntlenian having ahorse that
started and broke his wife's neck, a neigh
( bku..'. .... , ., j . ...
- , naves.
not MEN.
In tin United States SennU. 7.v lo la-.n ...
. the resolution asking for the appointment of
-,-" w i!iyai im jaels attending
the attack upon Harper's Ferry, in the fall
of 163 -commonly known as tht "John
Lkown Raid,"
So much for the honored Senator from
Illinois and r doctrines. 1 stated in
the beginning that what 1 was saying iu
reference to the Senator from Illinois, was
lamer outside ot tho line nf remark
1 1 . .
1 1 l? mao;on the occasion. I
"'at I should endeavor to show
I recent,
demonstrations made at
Harper s rerry had been the legitimate
result of certain teaching for a ;reat
number of years in this county. I shall
begin by calling tho attention of tho Sen
ate and the country to doctrines promul
gated in rcferenco to the North and
South prior to the year 1800, about ten
years alter the Fedoral Government was
formed. I propose to read an extract from
the fourth volume of Mr. Jellerson's
woiks, an entry under tho head of Decem
ber U, 1W3 ;
"Tho Rev. Mr. CofTm of New ling
land, w ho is now here soliciting donations
lor a college in Green county, Tennessee,
tells me that when ho first determined to
engsgj in this enterprise, which he meant
to got signed by clergymen, and a similar
one for parsons in acivil character, at the
head of which he wished Mr. Adams to
put his name, he being the President of
iho UniteJ Slates, and the application go
ing only for his name, and not for a dona
tion, air. Adams, after reading tho pa
per and considering, said ho saw no posi
bilty of continuing tho Union of tho
States; that their dissolution must neces
sarily take place ; that ho, therefore, saw
no propriety in recommending lo New
Fnglaml men to promote a literary insti
tution in the South ; that it was, in fact,
giving strength to those who were to be
their enemies ; and (herrforo, he would
have nothing to do with it."
Thus we lied thai prior lo tho year 1300,
when a simple application wns made to
the elder Adams for the ue of his name
by a New England man, the Rev. ditties
Collin, to solicit subscriptions to aid in
building up an institution in Urn South,
it was refused on the tiround that the
South would uiiima(ev "become, and p
North : and that as dissolution would fi
nally talce place, it was a bad investment
for northern men to put their funds in
southern institutions. 1 referred to this
ciic jmstance, which is familiar to me, as
a beginning point, as a specimen brick of
the building out of which this whole fab
ric, has been reared against the South and
southern institutions, lulho 27lh Cou tho extra session, John Quincy
Adams said, upon tho celebrated 2lsi
rule, prohibiting tho reception ofaboli
tiuu petitions :
"lie would say that, if tho frro portion
of this Union were called upon to expend
their blood and their liensure to support
that cause which had tho curse and tho
displeasure of tho Almighty upon it, lio
would say that this same Congress would
sanction an expenditure of blood and of
treasure, for that cause itself would
come within tho constitutional action of
Congress ; that there would be no longer,
any pretention that Congress had net the
right to interfero with ihe institutions of
tho South, inasmuch a Iho very fact ol
Ihe people of a free portion of the Union
marching to tho support of the masters,
would be an interference with those in
stitutions ; aud that, in the event of a war
(the result of which no man could tell)
the treaty-making power comes to be e
quivalent to universal emancipation."
And do wo not seo tho wholo idna, to
got up a foray, make a descent on a south
ern State, establish a provisional govern
ment, and if the Foderal Government is
called upon lo interfere, undr the treaty
making power, we will emancipate all
your slaves? This Idea has been longer
inculcated than many ar.' willing lo believe-
lir. Adam'ss speech continues :
"This was what he had then said ; and
he would add to it now, that, in his opin
ion, if the decisiou of tha House, taken
two days ago, should bo reversed, and a
rule establ sh -d that the House would re
ceive no petition on this subject, the peo
ple of the North would bo ipsoueto absol
ved from all obligation to obey auy call
from Congress."
Here is tho whole doctrine laid down
broad and wid, upon which these recent
depredations were to bo committed- Thoy
havo been tho result of teachings like
theso. Tho idua was thrown out as to
tho manner in which the Federal Govern
ment could be caused to interpose, and
how, by its interposition, under tho treaty-making
power, all tho southern slavos
were lobe emancipated- This was what
Mr. Adams said in the Twenty-Seventh
Congress sixteen years ago. About that
lime, in a letter written to tho Abolition
ists of Pittsburg, on the subject of anti
slavery societies, he said :
"On tho subjeot of abolition, abolition
sooieties, anti-slavery societies, or the lib
erty parly, 1 have never been a member
of any of them. But, in opposition to
slaver-, I go as far as any of these ; my
sentiments, 1 believe, very nearly accord
with theirs. That slavery will be abol
ished in this country, and throughout the
world, I firmly kelisve. Whether it shall
be done peaceably or by blood, God only
knows) but it will bo accomplished, I
have no doubt ; and, by whatever way, 1
say let it cowo."
If It 1st to come by blooi, let it come;
1 that his language then. Now, let me
ask my brethren of lb.9 North, what are
07 lur. A (hi ma IhA tannA. urrt
find in the letter, which I have just read,
that ho says he firmly believes the end
will come ; and, by whatever means, even
if it cornea by blood, let it come. Aro wo
prepared to submit to a slate of thinss
ilka Ihis r wa n K.... ...u
ings year after year, and behold the recent
developments, and say that we feel no ap
prehension? If I were to go into Iho
speeches of Senators 1 could show you
that tho same idea and the same doctrine,
in reference to a dissolution of theso
Stales, has boon inculcated by tho Sena
Wiiwi '
tor from Massachusetts, Mr
... i.i. ...... .. .
from Oh of Sir Wade'
iiomumo, air. aue.l
leucc rine promulgated
inu me oenaior ir
We find the same
by the Senator rromNew York. fMr.
Seward in a remarkable speech delivered,
si i i.. i ... i :.
. in-uwu n-pecimen otioK, ami 1 want
7, rCh- ,t0 rr'lZZ he's
i do , id I S'?;: 1 haV6 1 rLgU 6 ! cla,'ea L "tierly dissatisned with
if I know it I ha? ,21 "P'W I l''otest.nti.a, and has'a decided prefer
L eSe ia Catholicism. MrsP Sur-
oieaenator irom .ew i ork . rait, whoso house was tho rendezvous of
"Hitherto, tho two systems have exis- the assassinators of President Lincoln, and
ted in the different States, but side by 'who swore when her house was searched
side within the American Union. This that she did not know Payne, and had
has happened because Iho Union is a con-! never seen hiui, while at the very mo
federaiion of states. But in another as-' ment ho was within sight of her, and had
pect the United States constitute only been a regular visitor of tho house since
one nation. Increase of population, which ) Fcbiuary, is a devout member of tho Ro
is fiilling the Stntcs cut to the very bor-1 c'au Catholic Church, and has been ao
dors, together with a new unit extended customed to co lo confession everv olhup
iiei-woru oi ranroaus f.mi other avenues,
and an internal commerce which daily
.. i- . r .. i i i
necomes more intimate, is rapidly bring
ing the States into a higher and more per-
icci social unity or consolidation. Thus 1 predominantly Koman Catholic, that tha
thee antagonistic systems are continual- j archbishop of New-York would have a
ly coining into closer outlet, and collie- soothing influence upon them, and invit
ion results." cd them to'meet before his house to boar
..,,., an address from him. While the entire
1 he Senator continues I want toquote ; rrotestant press of all denominations has
him fully and fanly, and not tear a por- jbeen alaaost u unit in loyally supporting
lion ot the speech from tho context, and the government, the great majority of
thus do him injustice: j them speak of the attitude of the Framan't
'Shall I tell you what this collision ' Juurnal the Metropolitan Record, of this
means? They , ho think that it is ncci- Clt'- Whoever has read a few numbers of
dental, unnecessary, the work of interes- periodicals, especially the latter, willhave
ted or fanatical agitators, and therefore e- 8een thal if tt lmPer ,18re in the 2Torth,
nisflni'irepressibieVVnllict between op-' the sucoeis of tha rebels the
.inMn.nn,ll.nll,irinrnm. nn.lii. mMn. . insurrection and revolution, and there-
that tho United States must and will soon-
er r.r later, beeomee thei- entirely a slave-
holdine nation, or entirely u free-labcr
(iniiion. hither tho cot ion an-J rice tielits
- . .......
vi. . ..
tion and rice fields "
of'Soi.'.'i Carolina and the sugar planta-
lions of Louisiana will ultimately bo till -
ed by free-labor, and Charleston and Now
Orleans becomo marts for legitimate mer-
cbandiso alone, or else the ryo fields and
wheat fields of MassnchusetU and New
York must again bo surrendered by their
farmers to slave culture, and to the pro -
ductionof slaves, mi l Bos'on and New
York become once more markets for'"'0 r,ulJtl b ' u : wwrm
trade in the bodies and souls of men. h ! -''rrer wayi beon in synipnthy with
is tl.o failure to apprehend this gro,a the party who intended to carry Maryland
1 ' f Hi kon I I, n.ii I iint,.i ...inn In
truth lliat induces so many unsuccessful ,
attempts at fiual compromiso between tho
slave and free Stat:s, audit is the exis
tence of this great fact that renders all
such pretended compromises, when made,
vain and ephemeral. Startling as this
saying may appoar to you, fellow-citizens,
it is by no means an ongtnal or oven a
modern one."
Tho dectrino here rroclai mod is, that State,
there is an irrepressible conflict between Tho Catholic organs of all the countries
slave labor mid free labor. I hope the , of lluropo have been nearly unanimous in
Seiiiito will patdon me if I digress again wishing success to thorebels. The Monde,
from the line of my nifitimenl, to combat in Paris, the leading ultra-montane papor
what, as I conceive, is a false proposition, j of iho world, the Weekly Register, of Lon
which has no foundation in tiuih. Tho ;don, the Tullet, of Dublin, aud nearly all
premises oT tho Senator are wholly incor-. the Catholic papers of Germany, have ex
reel ; but, as long as the conclusions drawn ' preP8e(i about our war tho samo views
from aro not c .ltnhatoJ, they have tho I which we used to find in the rebel jour
suuo strensth ns if the premises were uals of Richmond. Of all tho govern
correc'.. Now, sir, is there, in fact a con- ! men's in the worlJ, there is only one who
vict I -iv-cen slave labor and free labor ? , 1ms entered into a direct correspondence
If I ki ;w myself, I want to be fair and , with Ihe government of the rebel Con fed
honest on this subject ; and as humble os eracy. and which has given its President
I nnnr..ln mi'Sell to LB. linU B9 POOr an es-
limit as I put in any argument of mine,
I wish to God that 1 might to-day speak
I I f ie citizens of every freo State in this
Confederacy, and citill get thorn, with
unprejudiced minds, to look ot th's pro
position ai it is. What, sir ; a conflict, an
irrepressible conflict between freo and
slave labor! It is untrue. It Is a miita-
ken application of an old principle to an
imnrooer case, 'flier is a conflict always
going on between capital and labor ; but
there it not a conflict between two kinds
of labor. Bv sophistry and ingenuity, a
principle which is conceded ly all, nap
plied to a wrong case. Thero is a war al-1
ways going on between capital and labor ;
J . " I I'll' I ......
but there is a material uuicreii uin.-u..
Uo docriptions of labor, and a conflict
between labar in the aggregate on tho one
hand and capital on the oihor.
Where is tho conflict ? We know that
as far as labor ond capital are concerned,
labor is always trying to gn as mucu cap-
ital for labor as it can ; on tne otuor nan i
capital is always trying to get as much la
bor for capital ns it can. Hence thero is
an oiernal warfare going on' between cap
ital and labor, labor wanting to absorb
capital and capital wanting to absorb la
bor. Does that make a conflict botween
two kinds of labor? Not at all. Where
is the oontlicl in the United St itfs beiwe n
slave labor and Tree labor ? I the . . lav
who is cultivating the rice field MM
Carolina, is the slave who is following the
I HOW IU iuo vu sj ,
wipn " in competition with the man who
s nakinc boot and shoes in New Y ork
"nd MaoUetl. ? I. thero any oonfltet
between their labor ? It there any eon
ii.,. k..n the msn who 1 crowina
.low in the rioh anaiorum ..n.U3V.
d hr.fl and hor?9 in. tr.s ritata of
$2 00 Per Annum, if paid la advance
Tole continued.
Opening of Hostilities Against the Bomaa
Cuthotlca Sweeping Charges
Made AguUist 'I'bem.
From tho Methodist.
Recent numbers of the Canadian papers
inform us that tho Rev. Mr. Cameron, a
Protestant Clergyman, who has gained a
certain notoriety for his zeal in behalf of
,he rebel8' wLo "enUy attracted
Rllfnon openly expressing
Joy over the assassination of President
Lincoln. Im.
man Catholic Church. Tho samo 6ten it
is stated, has been taken by Dr. Bluckburn
fected n.Ls. th ,.i i.,Vi.v v";
a I j'v'i tutu .i j. ui H
week. It is said that the majority of all
tiie assassins are Roman Catholics.
iho instigators of the bloody riots m
N'ew-York in 1SG3, were known to be so
1"ovn, frce' of ,lh? President twice
chosen by tho people. it could not have
spoken more o the point than these two
"ha I 'rtr
fiiii i no i . ii ti i fi n in nn ill nni nn aaii
rJ Wi,
uave uisiinguisneu luomseives uy vioicns
1 bad, '"Ctious opposition to the government
nJ r 'J' ml atllTy..ltU iht",be H0?'""
j 11h3. ktaLl a',d 'f,tor' of "lo.'lflphia,
, ."auu "'"K""t c " ... uvu,U; lu
j1'83 la! usured by some of the
! P'- ?d !'"d to ba discontinued. Ihe
: Mn.for of ban 1 ransisco has recently beea
' mobbed, being regarded as one of the most
i .i .1 . i. . fiM - -
over t3 the Southern Contoiieracv. in
Missouri there is hr.tdiy a Roman Catho
lic in the party which after so despento a
struscle, tared Missouri for tho Union
and freed it from the bano of slavery. The
Catholic vote of the Stato was almost a
I unit aguinst the measures looking toward
emancipation. The only pro slavery mom-
bor in tho next Congress from Missouri is
tho publisher ot the Catholic organ of tho
"1U imu Ul uiu muni. iuu a i
Ttiis only government is that of the Tope
From the Boston lte:orJor.
The leal extent of Romish control at
this moment is unsuspected. It may be
suflioiei t in 1308 t) tive us a Presi
dent, two thirds of both houses ofCon-
and tha ifovarrors nnu a major-
ily jn botn ot 0f all tho States I An
,n,n.lmpni nf tho Constitution could thus
1)Q efiocted. making papacy tho national
iwjo,, an;j tho only one to be tolerated.
j.)lt lie most gftnuino may not hope so
much so soon. Rorna may seo it eato to
aip'M no further in lStiS than to a Vice
President. t omaKea i resiueni oi uim
would need but a skillful dose of poisoi
ja lrijja jomo never wanted when the
ra;njyOI wero ndequate. Rome iiop4 lliaf
ol goma futUre day. some future or prcs-
ent party glian fiml itsclf oj.enly obliged
l0 8oll iUelf l0 her, if so, and ano.uer
rebellion arises in convr '
. ... I hrintr it fHl.l
or success eitnnr ... '
mightier moans on in s i u.
lie and carton reoogition on the other,
will aitendJjsvejopeojia:J
Gsniral W.u.rc.-General Wolfe invlt
e I a Scotch officer to dine with him ; the
same chy he was als invited by some bro
ther officers. " You rcust exctise me,
said he to them, ' I am already engaged
to Wolfe." A smart young ensign ob
served bo might as well expressed himself
with more respect, and st.d GmW Wolfe
"Sir." said the Scotch othcer with great
promptitude, "we never say OalCw
iaror Oentral Alexander" Wolfe, who
was within herriog. by a .low b3r tt lh
ScatcH officer, acknowledged the plsasure
he felt at the high ciniphnieut,-