THE REPUBLICAN. TEUNE!iDAY,:::::::::::::::::::M:iy ol, lS(jf). Fatc. of,.K. Advertising and i paid ,riil,;n the xrr, ; mi if notpni.1 irilhin (,', year, 3 I'll pg- Thtobov ri, ( ' ;ri f ml. tm !' paidfj'-tit or UjuicJuii'i-ymui-l, lStij. iimrf aud Et r, ,, each, 6 Ha., f 2 CO .... ... i-sir..,,., c, 3 fun,., . 1 60 j)iolution fui,3 fiWt, - - 2 1 0 TramitM .tieiiii-m., ; -r jomire ..' 10 , iiiifi, r 3 iW,..r ', j 1 jU For tack lulffyufitt tWro'mi, - Ml iricim acirrnigii.'j, or foes qnur t IU . r Jims, or 3 dm", or im, j I wV for ct'A iili jiieut imativn, f.O frofrfiuHal Can1, 1 ycir, . . 3 I'D 15 g H ,., ,IU' lj on ;o uo .i.i no CO CO 2 ."'0 , Iveul uolicet. pr' tin, QMuary noticrt, over 2 Zincs, jn-r line, J'tmjr advtititimj, 1 ytin( lo i(0 - OO do io 3 o Ycmty aJrtitti!"!) i rou'im, i I Eol, IHJiV iKl'lT, lfl O Ol'li, p'f qillif, ('i l ymf, y,Ye, 2 CO I 75 1 ;.0 1 oil 2 :U 4 .',0 5 00 Jfon'jiis, A ,rf, 25, ic , .) i Acf 2a, or j, ii i .',ri.f, 2J, or ,t. h A,,i A t.t, 2a, ur !, tScr 2 i 1 1 I'fh of bov e t iiioportinnato r.ili'F -.Lcwierai were agirou ii,h.D lv .no ftJ tcfi'irlly uiliu-ri'j to luiiti ike roeiit lih fines of nil kinds of jirinlin; luiiti'ii.iU-. 1. W. MOOKK, l'aUi.-hcr ot llo "Clmrihl.l .'.n..iVcii." 5. J. KUW, rulili.-ti-r of tba "li'tjuiimn'i Ju:iut." im vim: si.iu ici: yUj b expei'td in tho Piili) ti'rwn Cliunh B this p!.v un next Sabbath, Jung till, and or t:j blalh therealtor. "i?TLore iil le a meeting of the liuniin; dm I'lcsbjtciy iidd in this phu-s on tho Ihird Iatsdy if Ju::r, i t 7 .'cl oL 1". !. It. J'.:rsohS Mcj fcr Jutie is mi our ta L!e, ClleJ niih ike most unfulairi enter t i. inj n-a i ier. Livic. Ail our reisers wh.t.ire iu tv.inl oflLcvery Lest article of hime are iefer- reJ to the ailvcrt:.cniont of tho Meors SIidi tiiilg', at I'n liefouis. IU itm.vRi An n r. Th it there is a garij: of burglurs prow ling about admits of do tioubt. The resilience of Milion Mcl'iriJo, two miles eit of this J.iee was filtered on WeJnfoiI.iy uibl .seekaiivl robbed o. numerous nitiilea uT weiiiinj.' fp panel bolh male nn,l IVmale, iiu'lnditij; 1 i.ia.e money. TLo ihievc, cnleml fu m I j t'.ic collar. The aiuc nilit Robert Stewart, in Gi-1 lard lownfliii', was relieved of f lot of clieice bacon. A night or two previous the hoii?e of J. 8. Badebaiigb, w ho kcrps th Blue Ballj hotel four miles this siJe of Bhilipsburg, wbj rolled of several ni tit le", tho thieves ret sparing the i'ost-olliee, rilling large tiuniber of letters. ' A little vigilance on tha pirt of our cit- itraf, we thould think, mil.t break uji lLi anai gcmer.t. j A Gam S.ay. A t'.'.v Uay n i a m ig-) tiificont carriage, luo gift of I lie capital ists of New Yoik, wns tindcied to rro.-i-(!ert n, triVi he rc'ycf'fuVy Jtdin cJ. Ihisiii dceidetl'y Jnckson-l ke, ni.d ire like it much. A Battle in Ttx.vj liy lato nccounl fiotn Texis a battle is unno inccil as hav- in- taken i lace in Texas, not far from i Ilie Falo Alto battle groutd, beti:cn the j West I Sole Proprietor and Manur.inlurers. '.'7 fede-al and cor. f. clera.e force--. The nun-.-' y';"1"" aaa 7'J aml M Ul"Jj Hn":U'' S" Its were uot Iiirj-e. oml tLe lo.-scs less; t M I IXVENTTON" consists of UL'PLEX (r than 100 10 nMde. TiVO accounts Ore giv-1 FUipti- Steel Spring, Ingeniously lir aided ... , , , . , , i Ti-hlly and i irmly together, mlu-o tu cd0'i, in ik- eo.or.e c!a:tnirpa fcdernl vidciy, and the ;,, tu;.,e?t, mo.-t flexible, Elastic and Dur Othtr nclniillini; a tepuhe. ; i,',i Spring ever used. They seldom blend or ; . P.rcnU like the Single Springs, and eniise.iietitlr ' C'ATEUni.I.IU. Coal Oil is a cheap. Pu-erve their Perfect and Eeaulilul bhie Twice n Long ns nr.y othor bl.irt. ei'i'euy anu ceiuuu ueaui 10 mis uesuuu- t:ve worm, A few drops dropped 111 their . ,. . i:,: .:it i ii, ilCSV wuen 1UO BUim l IU "lauu lun 'WOtk. Farmer and fruit growers should ltnilrn I Cars, Church Pews, Ann Clinic, f.r itnowlLin; nnl they should also know J roine" Bd Hu Dress, as tho .-Kirt can nt, j .bo folded, when in use, la occupy a email pia o niiot a truit tree can ro mora tear nu.i stripped of iu L ave?, than a man can .breath without lunj. Carlisle, May tli'i. A tiro occurred lus-t nlpht ubrut live miles west of Cailii-le, by which seven children, tho oldest fifteen yeira nnd the younjinn six ni nithi, wero burncj to death. Mrs. and Mr. M,yl,nr. -V. the parents, were also severely burned. ... . , I ho (HO wasjirndenlftl. lUarThe trial of tho persons chared with assaspitiHling tho 1'rcfnlent ami Sec rlarv Seward Is going on bpfore a Court 'Martial r.t Wasliington. l'apcts ol nil .parties condemn (hp proceedings and fa vor a trial before civil rourls. THE MARKETS. Reported weekly for tho republican. ' r,.N. p. Vov 31 lSf,5 AYhcat, V bC," $2F l UnioM! 1 6tj Vo e, 2 III. Apples dry V b J 50 Corn, 1 finfio I li, Applehutlor, 't gal. t 2i Oal, 1 0(1(11,1 luiHool,' W th fiO Buckwheat, 1 lIU Lard, M tt 251 Potatoes, S0;i'ork in Hog, 'A T M flaxseed, 1 tallow, i t, Timothv. T.uttor, " Hi 2:i I Cloversecd, : Flour, "j? H, i oo W. Heans, 1 75(y,2 UO.Kggs, Uoscn, 20 usic school i JL Professor W.M. Lir.RTos. of Willismsport. Pa., take this oppor tunity of Informing tho citizens of Cloarfiuld and vicinity that he will take limited number of pnpils for Instruction on th Piano, at moderate term. Pianos tuned and repaired on snort no tice. May 2J, tf. WASHINGmv'lioUSKT" Ao. ,70'J, Chntnut street, IMIirAPELPIIIf . rpLH1 HOTEL Is pUasantly situated on tho JL North side of Cbes'cut street,' few door above Seventh. Its ctutrul location make It firtleularly desirable to person viiiting the Pity on biisincs or rleaturo. CHA3.JJ. ALLM0XD, .Ap. 5, 1?C5. 6 m. Manager, IISII-SALT snJ PLASTER In larje niian . titles, t J. P. KRATZER'S.. March 22, ISM. List of Jurors for June Term, 1865. GRAND Jl'ROBS. Kicketts, Beccaria ; John Brown, .-aeon Campbell, Hell; Thomas l!P(,r!, ltyjgit Mariiii U. Luthe'r. llrndv ,, , t'lholla SiutMnl. Iturttfsuto ; John 1"'l,t'l IW-II; .Sinitlfl Mitchell, C'l cai fi u lit ; in"maa taring. I'ocntur; Oeorgo Curry, I'l't (Illfi'll ; Joseph Straw, Ferguson ; Sltj- tMi, Jor Jim ; Pelcr Mnvi Knox li., . ,, V. i? ! " o.vK.s, L.nvrcnco ; , ' ' Uo,,"b Liwrcnco ; .Limes Kurt-well, Lumber City ; A bit I Johnson, Morris ; Jes- e lVams, Morris ; Ross McClmo, 1'ike ; Henry B.iugh mun , Woodward. ' ' TK.vvtRsa jfRoss. liorcarin John iVcrs, Wm. l.iijitner. A. S. lbekinson, Joslam Coi uistock. Bell ShidupI Kaulluinn. rot'Ss Charles CuawaiaJor, John Kej - liurt. Woom-(l..orgo A Illivun. HruilforJ V. II. illiums, JohnJ.Kv- lor, Jaeob Teari'i'. Bifi!y JiteC h Lii,, fr. I!. II. Kiik. 1 1 im. I V K n:rr ip I..v..m !'!... .1 I.. ... i. Kirk, Ilt-nrv Slmir. r, J,MMili Sevier a r i. i.. ...i i. .I, ' ' """" imsii';i uuilii'l', I'Urnbiae-Thnni Uitclu'ii. Aaron IViteh- C'lifbl II. II. Hut h C'lH-imttnn Kr:iiiti4 C.itilrint R,,!.-,, 1. 1 tii or. Clliwon - villo !l. V. Sli.vl.iiir. i.b Cle, Fi .v;ii( (IdOtl ,vin. I'i - Ailam llt'irii'k. (iibhi-ti .lnL n Nfl-on. ISulif'i JiimiM M.ihow, IMamhI Miilcr 1 lust on Jacob l'elf rman, Jor J in Joniitlmn M.iy-i, Karlhaus -Cliai'es Il.iLti, Gooro lCiner w k. LHwrcii c-T.pais V. Bloom, S.inil. (.'ly.le, Lewi C. GiruVn. I.umlir Cily Siimm l Sr-rrn r, Morris (M-orse Arilery, ,la.. W. lloon'r. lVrn- Flub Jiihrson. .Iiim j b Ne inun r. ii U H - Mixes H.uloy, Miehael Wise I'ii'ioii Win. F. Jniitifion. I'miilloiil Adaiu (ieailmrt. i ti wis jrnoi; rro:i w i i k. BiTiMrin Annsa J, Smith. I'.ell-1'ri.ih Ihirtk, Jacob Keller, .l.tck- .on Mi'( '! i v ; -Calvin Sa-.v, Klchaiil Vj.iei ,j.. .lames. lira I foul 'J,u:)cs I.o'.in.-bci ry, Jilfllv ll.b.'lt I ! t. ('llliali.llf Suiilh. iMile.-: .1. I . i -:.-1 . Cov i n ill on John IL FtTj'ry. Clcailicld lames I!, (iialimi, Will M'.io'in. Cnrwen-ville In:ic It. Sooner, NS'ni. Cliiirnbers, II. B. Thonii'-tm. I'. !' rs won tirier R,-iI, Alex Ftir 'iiin O irurl llennt d uteeti. A'.dreiv I. .,,ker. .ii' l.'i.viii il 1 nrrv. KnrthmH-Sumut l I'.i i.ens, P.miel Monro, 1!. J. Ilayncs. I.nwienee Julm Slmiv.jr. Pavnl K. 1 Luni I'i'iii liroitn. r.ii-nt a tilery. Lumber City David Whit more. Mo r;s leteiiiinh Hoover. Pern Lichanl Dtiivrrs. I'ike-Oeo. H. Dale, Wesh'y Ilorr-. Union David Horn. Huston D.iv d Tjler. V" H are now prat ir'lti f irnish wo it ir coal burnt lim., fram thi rel bn'ed " Dki .i.rriixn: LitKsri)M". " it short in tiee. O ir w u 1 burnt lime is e pial to any other limpri duced in t he Stalo. O. leu t ship l y pr-jint t'y utlvn 1: J t . Ad Ire, sil. 'i:TLirrii: co. May 21, !"-r,. IWcfiniH, P.i. "".NKV"' SrKIUT-F()ir"lsr,;,: Tho (Jrcat lurcution of tho Ago in It O O P SKI 11 TS! T W. 1 .11 U)I.I. 'M :.ev Patent III'I.rX ,..;.; it c,irv j,,,,,, j, i. ,j, o. O . EU.II'llC .... .1. ...!.!.. I CI1IV,1 yl.'I'IT The Wonderful Flexibility end (Jrent Comfort and Plonsurn to any Lady wearing the Duplex Llliplie Skirt will bo experienced particularly in .,ir l.,l Oner..,. I'l.rrl -es. nil i,rii,T'ic'4 ns cusilv as a silk or umslin drc-j. A bavin:.' enloved tho p'oa-ure, cunfirt, nnd irreut C"nvcnicnc3 of wcarin.; the 'M'-ipliN Elliptic Steel "prinjf Skirt" for a single day. will never aflerwards willing. y dispenso with their use. For Children Mi-scs, nud Voun.Li din thiy mo Superior I . all others. Thcv lire Iho be-t nuality in every par', nnd t'ii iRiionab!y the Lighiert. M ;tt Desirable, Comforlablo and l'conomi"al !-k'.it ever made. Kor Sale in all Fir-t-cias Stores in this city, and throughout (no t tilled States mid (. aniidas, J (arena dS Cuba, Mexico, A'oiith Amciica uud the i est indie.. ixyi ini: rjii tub trrt.r.x rt.i.ipric skiiit. New Yotk, up 1 2 ;tm. A. A Co. Jrl lll'OEXA ii'it Divoitii:. J ACHAEL li. KERN V by her next friend Sub,crnn sur Iiivoree. No. ill, January tirin, ISI'iO. John V Matthias Kern. J Notioe is hereby given that the undi rsi -ncd hai ing been appointed a Commissioner to take testimony in the above eass has set apart Satur. day the 17.1. Juno next at hi. ,-nieo in the bar ""Kb "I Clearfield for tha purpose, when and brc Pcr6uD ""J"1' "co P ,pcr' , , Conimifsioncr. TN Till'. JMATTI'.II or Iho fHato ol Josepn I W.C'lawson, late of Ilurnside towii.hip, Clear- lied county, dcciased lied cum, occiaseu. aiii ht"hh ion.ic.-u" n, l.crebv'notificd thnt Ileal Eslnto to tho ainnunt or Three Hundred Dollars has been appraised and sot out to the widow, Catharine Slnwson, un der the Acts of Assor-bly Riving to widows $400, which rj praisement wa returned to tho Orphan's Court or Clearfield cnttnly, at March term, lSiiJ, nd confirmed hi. si.; and unless exceptions are filed and sufficient reason shown against said confirmation, will ba confirmed absolutely at Juno term, I"i5. I. (J.'ISAUGKH, Register' Otlicc, May 17. Cl'k or 0. C, STIK,i SIAHl'- 1'nino to tho premises of the subscriber In Brady township, on the fith of May, instant, an Iron Gray Mare, suppos ed to bo about five year old. The owner is do sired to come forward, prove property, pay char ge, ia., otherwise she will be ditposed or a tho law direct. ALEX. DUNLAP,on. May 10, 16CJ. pd. MHs. H. J. UlillHV rei-pectfully announ cea that she will lake a few Pupils in Vo cal and Piano Mt'SlC, to commence Monday April 8d. Term, $10 per quartet of 11 week. MTReomi at residence of J. L. Cuttle, Esq. Clearfield, March ?2, 1865. Sheriff's Sales. 1) MUUl of junJry of y,,l!tiim. I J Upo- itmml 0llt l)ftl)0 C()l,rt of U-. ClenrhuM ccuntv, ,! t , ilnrXo Hi or will l.o oxpn.cJ t. I'CliLIU SaLK nt tho Court Ifou.o i tho t0rouB, r CUarfu'l.!, on M..n.lny tho IIUI. ily of Juno rtoxt, t elfk, I'.M.,tho followlms .Ufcrlbcd Itoal E3 Into to wit: A ciTlnit, tract ofhind situate In Fox townnlilp, U-nrheia couiily l'enn.ylv.nia, Mv.g tract No. I., ), In tho e ivlilon ol anul lands hy tho Stnlo, bounded nnd d..T.l,od ns follows ; HoSlnnlna nt , a white .lno on tho lino of truct No.5HJI), and a corner oftraots No. -td'lO i,d 4IS2, nnd ihono hv uid trnut No. -i I M2 nnd trnct i n n i r i - .i . i " iuui niur uninf i' rrni' ; crOKfitig tho Sin '7 mm mi KiTS-y road to v r i 1 'trnorni tlinniiil tmu u J..S tmith Jill pen-hos to a innkod nmplo troc, . ii.iuui hi III u 1111,1 irilClil Au. J l! ,.,l I nnd tho miid trm-t No. Juml, ihcni'o by mid irait No. tOl'O ni.rili, 7.1 ihroo ca.-t, cr.intr t!io nluicj.-.ia rou t iin;l i-reck IHK7 porclu-s l, p'neo ... u. niiiu.j;, v,iiniiiiiii iii-u niTi ami iilliovunco; Miriryod on warrant No. t.'7 , ditcd (it,il,cr 2 (I,'.i.., KinnlcU to Wjl,.,n. un.l bring il,o p.iiiij picmiM'S iiiort- i l by W.n. Tains r the I inui i,.s hefmo n.viiod in l-'i. J'.i. l.y ii,,,rt- jtr i-u dated .-t..t.-r. lSi!:t, recor.l.'d tit C lci-- licl.l, .t.'. nml taken in i-vccutimi, nnd to .lt..,iM ns t! proprrty of Vm. Tains, dcnand. I Also A cMiiiin trait Dflaud situ.,0 in For -u- tnwnfiip, ClcnrSold ounnty, , lioumU'd'on the Past by lan r ,f . ii. .Vtrew, and un 'ho ninth by liin.l.. i.r (J. ll.'ll i.nd Wi. VIh. on tho I wet hy I, wis M t'raiki'n nnd il. r(;o Viiulus , mirth ly II. Snnn nnd Jh,i Henry, in all nbom , lull nrr.:.. with oil n t.m i-karrif, and a fiauio ( u-.v .i.-i.i,u. iTfrtct thcr-i.n. SW.ed mid I.i- l,i a in i , n; ii.n and to be sold Hi tlio id Jaiiu ? l'l-i'u ou propoily A i.o A curiam true! nf land nituato in Tiko i iiiwn.-iop, i .eariieia cuunlv, I'a., buunded bv ' ' I.. .. I . ..I' 1 1 1,1 m . . . inii, i.i "i Aui.iiiuiu i.miMu, .ii.jsi. Morris, and ot li -! ''rJ cont:iinitiK' ten aeres more or lers, with a two i Hory lmmo hnu. nnd I'riur.c st.iblo crrt'tvd lliiroim iid and taken oec.i. ion and U lo , CALICOES WITH FAST COLORS ! Juld as tho properly id Juhn'an. t Almi A certain tract el ' land Miuatn in Il.i-lon 1 MUSLINS' DLLA I N F.S ! LAWNS w,,;,,il'- ,''lvir'1 ;M -". I'"-. I' iinded by CI.OlTLS! CASS1 M KKS ! VKSTINCS I Inn il y I'uli.,,.. c 1,1,111,111- about ;;i aere',;r uilIV ;r UVt j 1 prn'SWII 1WKI about Til aires cleared, and bavin - thereon creel. I 'XVi L ! CiLN 1 SHAW I,S ! i d a linu-e at, I iinrn. .Nd ied and taken in exo eiiiioil ami tu bj hold ua tho )iropcriy of t'harles l'aico. Aim- Two certain ljtsnf ground siluato in 1 ."Kce-ila. lcc:itur t nhi, Clcailicld coM I'm.. 'fn.ntirg 11)0 fict 1 11 Ciiiliii st., aini running b: n'ori; I'runer fl'i et 1 .,) feet t 1 nil alley, and j I. mom in t:,e p'.,t of said villaiK us l,,ts N.-i. . i.d ... uii.,n n hieh 1 !i " ro i.i 1 a tao. t..ry ii a He hiMl- e, un f.n ;hed with other oiitbuiliiin t xeeiili.iu and lo i,u eu 11. K.-phart. and 1 i l.ii'L'e IV. itno liable, s. ivii-d and taken in M na the properly of II i A I'hr.'o certain tr iH ef Lnd sita itc in lUirn-ide tp., ( bvirli, 1 I co., I'a., the una th, reof bniimtnl l.i binds e lieu ,ti binien, Jno l'atehin un I McCi y uLd oiber.', with oui! saw mil!, three I r , p,--daelling hiius-s and b,,ru thvroim i reefed, and ' iihi'.il 2a nere. eleare I, ai.d .i,Mt,iii,i,is' ",'r ,iei'ei I' ! re or 1. -.. Ai ,, Tv.-.i l.m,, !-..,! ... ... ! ii -. w:,r,ni,!ed in nam.! nf fai. i Way. i..'ut.ded bv,!id-if I-ib-iev . r. Juhn I'a i li;n. I,ee.'.er'i r, aid oilir". A:sn line l:i;i,,!red n.-r, s nii.r.i or le-s In iimled by lands of I ' it v i 1 1 Mi Cull i.'h I. dill Patelliil. Win. Ki'ini nml i.lli. I ers, wnli 1,'i; hi'ii-e oil mi erected HieiY'ii, nnd u'ii,i:t cir'ht acres eleare 1. t'ei.t I tio.i and to bo sjM as the pr i'rl t ike l ill e .e'-'l 1 pcrty of Ii.u i.i 1', ! Mn ilh. All of def. i,,1h, l's in tr i' t i r pice "I land .-im i! n ship, l.'lcai'i, !d , oiii.ti , I', :,; - in 3 : I'ecnniai; ut a 1 ine et in n c: ! lin j 1'. idi'.t l n- j nil. 1. 1, ami. ,! . t "i i i r i f .'in i,h I ! v same 1 1 1 pcr- I ii'VV I ui i '.a , I lie nee e:i.-t rhi ! to curner on lino of Wni. Sbirey's par' base, j theneco soulh by t!ia same l'iil pcrehea to iil.ite. I onk corner, tlienee wc.-t by I-anc (iriihaiu's pur-' chase 114 perches to a po.-t, north Hili pi r. j to place ol licginnini;, containing Ml aeres'aii 1 , T ii' l e lies, ml 1 ell. i; ,l,m 1,. .. t,i, n .Man j Sbirev pure'.ia.'C'l of Win. San'mn by dee I dated 1? 1:1. S eetioi, Mey Mav twiibi-r, l.'.i. ,id.-id and tai'ii in i-xc- i a:, I lo be so.d as the property ul I .-a: JAC0U A. l'AI- I ;1 te rjx!.! 1, l.lSl' f.r Juno Term, ISd). It rinsT ivriK. Sclmeli'ii heirs vs. lie.irso M' r;; in vs. S'e.'i I' v. Eoi at n J. M. Chase vs. S. V. ThouipMii Lie & Ciiiap'i.'ll s. P.itehui Suiii'i vs. Forrest & Par. tie vs. Fmitli P d o vi. 1 e mard .t Hodkey llart.-liorn s. Tei.iiyek lilu.itii vs. Pa'.chiii t'.imphi il vs. Snyder Uraliaiu vs. Shaw ftf'.JII WKKK. Ciiininings vs. lather Thompson Sbaiv vs. llrahiiui l.iiiub ir;l vs. M, KeO vs. l'..lii t'oll.lliet V.l. l'elit Knurr vs. Ilrubaker A", porter vs. W. II. Miller '1 iioiupson vs. Walker ; ,ss vs. T.iindjii .1 Ii'iien Kliia Ir v in vs. Thomas 1( iil'erly I. oiigst.'eet vs. f mils A McUanhe li. C. l'.issmore vs. .laaies llud' Johnston vs. Killian II. D. I'.oso vs. C. Ua higher Fergovort it, ut. Lariisili toivii.ihip Kn''aud KM, r i:'nba.i;ll I'll. on ltii.-i.l A I.tin lis liobion Ai '.bur? ('. ilallaglier I'u'li is 'iiiTca P..-iinet Mayer Sheiler A Liiidsey Younkin V s. s. VS. vs. V s. 1) NTICI'-N. tiee is hereby 4 given that the followin;; ae-ont'ts have been cxiir.iiicd nnd pnsed hy ine, and remain filed of record in Ibis olheo for the in--cfion ol heirs, legatees, creditors, fcml all others in any way interested, nnd will be presented I) the next On, bins' Court of Clearfield county, lo be held nt the Court II uiso i.i the borough of Clearfield, commencing on tin) Third Mondiy of June, 1 SO j, for confirmation and allowance, 1. Tho final account of Wtn. Kin, ono "f the ndminUlriilors of John King, late of Burnsido lu. Clearfield cornty, deceased. 2. .1 ho final account nt Joseph II. .lone, ad ministrator of I'nni.)! Will, lulu of Morris Iwp., Clearfield county, deceased. :l. Tho nccount of John guardian of Henry II. Kurd, jr., and Wilson A. Ilurd, mi nor chil, ben or Caroline Hurd, deceased. 4. Tl.e account of W.ii. Foath guardian of Re d becca S. 1- linger, late Uebeeca S I nr toe, dec d. , 0. ine mini accouni oi u. . aiei uny. exr.i,- lor oT the hut will mid Icsl'iuicnt or Joseph II. I Core, deceased. fl. 1 he final account of Peter M. Smith, tninislralor of all and singular Iho good and chattel", rights and ciedits, which were of Jacob t i :,i. i..i ..r i ' i ....a .1 l ........i.. .I..... un.l 1,. riiiini, uou "i it,,iuii iiiiM.i, uuv...-,.,, 7. The nccount of I'nniel (iorninn, one ol llio , cimii:i t VOWIF'? Adm'r J iuistralors of Johu King, lato or Burnsido; i9C' 1 township, Ch-irliold county, deceased. j . "', I 8. The liniil nccount or S. P. Wilson, ndinlni-, . )t XlsTIAlflt',M MfTICE.- Notice 1 traton.r Jaaies C. Griihnm, lato or Bradford tp., ishcroby given, that Lelters of Administra-1 deceased. tln onthoeslatn of HenJ. F. Carr, Into or u. Tho account or J. T. Leonard, Guardian or rcn ,,!,!,,, Clearfield county, Pa., deceased, Esther and Wilson Cnlhcart, minor children or hnvillU. hcen prunt-d to the imdorsigned, til per James Catlicart, deceased ons i lt,i0itt Lil to said estnte are required to make 10. The aocountor DiinicI Stewart, trusleo or inlneiliI0 jmymont, and Ihoso having claims the cstato of .S'.iinuel Harrier, rlee-sed. 'against the same will present them duly au'henU- Register' 0Qi:e, May 17, ISfla. VI i M I M iT V. AT( )H'S KOTIC i:.- No ti ce is hereby given that Letters or Adinlnistrn-1 tion on the estate of George Kephart, Into of Do-, eatur township, deceased, havo been granted to the undersigned. All person Indebted to said es tute are requested to moke iiniucdiato payment, ind all persons having claims against tho rn jj will present them duly nnihrnticate I for settle ment. FI.MON KKAII ART, RICH, HUGHES, My 10 t-pd. Admiubtratoi?. , a In Clearfield ! AT TIIH CUDAV STOItH OF P,0Y.T0, SIIOM i:US & GRAHAM. Summer Goods, NEW 1 A tul Very Chrat9 ! t pOYNTON, SHOWtr.S flUAIIAM-jnc M.M cessors to IJoyiitnn A Showors reipeetfully announce to the public tliut they are now upon ii, un cxtensivo asuurtineut of I s u m m 1: II G OO l)S 1 At the old stand in (Iruhnm'sndw luitding which llicy ofler lo fell nt iiftomfhinjjh' low price, (cnnfidcrinj,' their cost !) for cuidi or upprov- , cd cuuntry produce. Their stuck of DRY GOODS CANNOT BF SUKT ASSF.D ! Cu-toiners can thcrc'flnds II ATS Si CABS ! BOOTS & SIIOF.S CAi;riXS it OIL-C LOTUS! orn stock of -m . . .- 1 AiMJl UUiMJS Is I' N FX A MP LCI) IN STYLE AND YAPJFTY, embracing NOTIONS! NOTIONS! e, , riiivD , N O 1 ION S! Si-iirfs! Hcail-Xela! v rn. . S;tt( hchs ! Port Monn men! l.ninliea! JMiutoyraiiliic Albums ! Torn ceo a sir. a res : Ivi T.M FUY OF ALL KINDS! j Or :uiytliin$ else in tlio Notion Line ALSO, iIAIU)-W. ( ucons wa rc, GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS ! !1 iifllin lost 1'inpty, and ti-lectD l with special regal d to the trade of Clearfield count v. KliWAUb UltAllAM. Cl. arfieVl, May 10, . COURT PROCLAMATION'. Iir.ltr.AS, Ifon. P AMl'EL LINN, Pres. i lent Judge of the fourt of Common Picas of the twenty I, ;li ,T'i iieial Ii.-ui, I, rii:.oi d of j .'lie ' onnties of Clearl'i dd . Cen ti e and Clint , n I and the lion. JAMES El.'inM and lion. JNO. I)., THOMPSON. As-n-inte Judges of Clearfitbl co. : hi've issm d their precept, to mo directed, for thei ii'dding of a Cuiirt of Common Pleas, Orphan's' Court, Court ol y .inrtcr Sessions, Court of Oyer i and Terminer, tind Com t of lieneral Jail Delivery, at tho Court House nt Clotrlield, n and for the county of Clearfield, on tlio Thlnl Mi.nU (19i'i !.') of June, IPC,). NOTICE IS, therefore hereby given, tu the Coroner, Justices of the Peace, nnd Constables, iu nnd Ur said county of Clearfield, tu appear in their proper persons, wi'.h their Hulls, itecords, Impositions, Examinations, and other Hcmem brance", to do ilinso things which to their offices, and in their behalf, pertain to bo done. t;lVEN under my hand at Clearfield, thlslftlh day of M.iv, in the yenrof our Lord ono thou-and eight hundred and sixtv-livu. JACOU FAl'ST, SLeriJ. T MirsTF.E'.s s a i.r: YALTA PLi", RKAIi ESTATE ! Hy virtue of an order and J even of tho Or phan's O uv! of (leai.'iell conn ly, there will be cxii is,' 1 t i I'u'ilie Sale byoulei v, at tho Coutt Ileuso in Ch ar.lel 1, on Tuesday, the '20,1 f.r .Tune, IKf.., j at 1 o'clock, P. M., of sail tiny, th" following des cribed I'.li.W, ESTATE, tho ir r r'y of Ilie I heirs i.r (li nil Wilson, d"eea-c..l, to wit : I All that c. rlain tract or pieeo of land, sltiiato , in tho valley i f S i ii i.c mall oui n 15 . Ilu-ton town- I ' ship, Clearfield county. Pa., adjoining lands ofj Dr. Eaily, Humes, nod otlici", having thorenn a frame dwelling house, a barn, orchard, and other j .improvements, lhclaii'l not goon inaniy ana in good state of cultivation, containing 2UI ncres, and l.'.d perches. .SO Terms uf Sale One-third of tho pnr- chasa moncr on hand, nnd tho balance in uvo nls frem d ito i,r conlinnii- re"t to be secured I by b"nd nnnual Inslalliu ti on of sale, w it h inter and morturo on the l .realises DA ID 11 I.J'- Ii, May 17th, loj-t,ls. Trustee 1)IANO FOIt SALE, A pinna made by Loud of Philadelphia, is ollered for sale. Price il.ii) co.-n, aj piy lo .Mrs. a. J mr i May 3, l.coj-."t. Jlcrrv at the'bouse J. L. CUTTLE. VjVmi I: A'l (-s Ms lTC llNotico A hcrf f A,,,,ni,tnl. : ----- - , ,,,. ,,,. .,, lion i.n.i- men i,,:iii': in , - i Clearfield countr, decease I: therefore all per- sons lnuciileU to sunt esiaie nr n-ipinci, i ,u iiiinicdiate payment, and those hnving demand ' against the sumo will present them, duly nulhen- lf,r L-lttlno. ,l EDWARD WILLIAMS, Atlm'r. ELIZABETH CAR'l, A.lmrx. Mnv 3, 1 ,1061 . Smtrirait Soiisf, MAIN STIiV.UT, nnOOKVlU.E, VA J!. IL M E A Is S , IT.OPRIF.TOR. Oct. 19 Xj 7: 7 i C, 7 CEED POTATOES .o.- 7l "'"V':lT,i;. ' O st April I",'Cj-lm . . .THE COUNTY NATIONAL BANK i I iiiBARrmr Ukpartmrnt, 1 OrricK or Cowi'THoi.i.RRor Tim TaitAuar. I I Wachington March 2ai, 13B5. j ) I-V i AViVdtohoun'.iM fi!iiiro)c &i Aiiicricc., , to nppenr that Tn CocjiTr Natiohai. Uank or ' .. . CliKAnriKi.r, In the borouKh or Oloarlicld, In tho TS h0vf BE0 PUBMSIIED IV C0NSKC- county of Cloarflold, and Stnto of Ponnsylvania, A "'ive numben of the Runner ,f Liyht, (an ia - tiaibeen duly organised undorand in accordance !P''f,Dt weekly newspaper, published hy (1. J. with tho requirements of the Act of Congres enti- Bk"1! t Middlotown, Ornngo countr, N. Y., at I tied " au Act to provide a National Currency, so- 2 por year, payable in adjanoe). Hack num. cured by a plodgo of Cnitcd Status bonds, to pro- ' bor' r supplomonts, oontaiuinjf the chapters ul j vide for the circulation and rodoinption thereof," JL0"'1 PubHshed, will be furnished to subscribers, I approved Juno 3, ISO I, and has complied with all Jh" M'torj contain a full oxposuro of l'opu!r jtiio provision of said act 10 be complied with he- l,olu9ioo, ro'ativo to tho protended "Rcfonna- uie cniuiuuiiuiiig 1110 uutiueta 01 banklug under said act, , 6ui J act. , Now, Thorefuro, I, llicii MeCi'i.i.otmi, Couip. trollor of tho Currency, do licrnby cortily tliut 'Ac CuiiiiIi Auliminl Itunl, uf (JlenrJUIil , in tho oorougn ot i.'ioarnebl, In llio county of l lenrfleld, ,i'f"i wnaers, i-aincnc', and other lii.icnt and Stuto of Ponnjylvania, is authorized to coin- or ln England, th t L'luo l.nws and l it h- uienco tlio busiiices of batkiic under tho Aot nforcMild. my ulierof, wilnesp my bund and leal this ?,l day nl March, liiG5. lu trUilni I of olTe tin. ll .Mcl.l,LLUblilJ, Mar.8 If. Comptroller of tho Currency. SKTTLK UP! i.r. persons indebtud to tho uiuliirsiiriicil, or . to the linn of PASSMOltli & MTliVEXS, aro reiiuestcd to cume forward nnd setlh without delay. Now is tho lime to savo costs. ). C. PASHM0UK. Clearfield, April 12, ISO j. tf. J.Y u icrcby tn en that letters of adu.inUt.,1- .....un the estate u fW .1 1. Matteson, late o.' Jox lp., ( learlicld co., dec d. hav.r.- been granted to theuii.U.rrlsncd,all persons Indebted 10 .aid estate nre runiestud to umke inimediuto payment, and those havinfr claimi. au'Hin-t the same will piesent e thin duly uullui.tieated for so ttleuiont. C. U. PELT, May 2, Ct pd. Administrator. ( i IlKAT 1 M PROA" P: ME. NTS IX Li -a r -a MU " A1If5 XTt 4 11 KM VI UK SIIUTTLH MACHINE! rAiKN.vTEii ixuuiAiiv 4rn, 1S00. SALUcKOuMS. P.roailway. Now York. Washington Street, Boston. T MILS MACHINE I- CONSTRUCTED ON cn'.irelv new nrlncinlesof n-.m-hnnis,,,. n,,.. ... '...,....1.,- , ' in,..,,,, ,,iuj mm uuu iHiuitum i ui ii ru veiaeuiB, havin- been examined by the most fr- f, nnd tx - I ii.irla , ,.., - .1 t... tl U 111 T TV 1 Uhasa straight needle, perpendicular action, nu, .'in Inn I I Ii h rvo til l'TI I 1." -.:.!. ; 1. will heiiher rip or ravel, and is alike on both sides: performs perfect sewing on every descrio tion el material, from Leather lo the finest Nun sook Muslin, with cotton, licen, from the coars est tu the number. Having neither Cain nor Cogwheel, and tho cast possible friction, it tuns as smooth as glass, and is emphatic illy .1 yoiSKUCSS MACUISE! It reiiuires Fifty nor cent. les mover In ilrir it than any other machine in the market. A girl iwcivuycurs "i ngu ran worn it siea liiy, witliout i fatigue or injury to health. Its strength nnd Wonderful Simplicity of con. ' struetion renders it nl must in-possible to get out ; of ordiir, and is (iiiaranteed by tho company to j give entiro sati.-faction. i Wo respectluily invito all those who may do- ' sire to supply themselves with a superior article, j 1 1 come and examine this I lirh illicit .V; chine. : Put iu a ninro especial manner do we solicit tho patronage of .Mi'l Clltltit I tlllol'S t (tai n .waiccrs, Hoop Skirt Man- tilactui'crs, Sliii't it Posoni iMakeis. Cornet .Makers, oaucr i' liters, Short Piiinloivs, Vest and Panta loon Makers, Press .Makers, P.eligious and Charitubl Institutions will be liberally debit with. rini'Fs or M.tcniMK com plktr ; No 1. Family Machine, wilh Heuior, Feller and Hraider, $ No. 2, Small Manufacturing, with Extension Table, No. 11, Large Mnnufuctaring, with Extension Table, CO 75 Si No. t, L'po Manufacturing, fur Leather, with llolling Foot and Oil Cup, IOC Ono halt hour's instruction is sufficient to enable any person to work this machine to their entire satisfaction ! ? Agents wanted ftr all towns in the United Slates, where Afcnts re not already established.' Also lor Cuba, Mexico, Central and Soulh Amer- en. to whom a liberal iliteount will bo k'ivun. Terms invariably Cash on delivery. -fi-'SS T. J. McAKI HCll ,t CO. .'..IU, BU0ADWA Y, N. Y., ;..i2 WASIII.VdTON' ST., Ilo.ton, 72H, CMESTNL'l' ST.. Phils. A. A Co. Feb. J-ly. GllEAT FALL IN PRICES J SPRING tf-' SUMMER CLOTHING I AT TIIK j .Cbcnp (tloljiinij jjferc j Orand opening of Spring Clothing this day, Grand oponing of Spring CIo thing this day. IIIRUil lilll'Ulliir Ol .1,1 111! v iwiu nit III ,1, un T , , ' . , r. 1 ,.,,, . j ... I . n,n,l noi'tnf. it nl Slr,ni7 Clotllini' tlllfl nav. i . ,i,fc.: el. ihi. J.. At r.eiienslo:n Pro's Extensive Clothing store, : .' . " At Rei.cpsleiu liru Extensive I bulling store, ! At Rcicnstein Pro's Exlonsivo Clothing strro, 1 At lteienstoin Bro's Extensive Clothing store, i 1 he Iiirgct and best selected stock in town, The rgest and best selecteU stock m town, The lamest nnd best selected stock in towr The largest and best selected stock in town, F'urnishing Goods, I'nts & Caps, Furnishing Goods, Hats A Caps, 1'urniihinit Goods, Bats ,t Cnps, Furniehiiig Goods, Hats A tups, Trunks, Valises A Traveling Bags, , Trunks, V.ilises A Traveling Bags, Trunks, Values A Truveling Bags, I Trunks, alisc A Traveling Bugs, At prices low lor the lime, At pi Ices low fur the times. At pi ircsj low for the times. At juices low I'urtlie times. Our old customers do not need ftn invitation, Our old customers do nut need an Invitation, Our old customer do not need an invitation, Our old customer do not need sn iuvitulion, To others we say, IV 1 and examino our stock, Cull nnd examine our stock, Call nnd examino our slock, Cull and cxnniine our stock, lie fore liurclmsin? Elsewhere, Eeforo purchasing Elsewhere, IkToro purchasing Elsewhere, Fancy Goods Constantly on Hand- , RE1ZENSTEIN BROTHERS. May365-ly. j UCTIOMII'.K. The subscriber havinj ...i.. .... . iinnni, fr ervtni vcniiuc. and other Public sale., either In fciiglisn or yer-, nan, rc.peotfullv offers his service to bis fc.low , l sk iiiivi is siuii m iiiviii' - . " . . oitimns, and will attend lo inrlhB county, on th shortest notice either verballv or by letter, and upon tho most reason- .i.i. When so desired, he will furnish n... nerks and comulste all the busises connect. ,A with the sale. JOSEPH II. JOKE'. ' Kylerlown, P. C, Msr. 1. 1?fi5. ly.pil. TI1E HISTORY OF , Pit 0 TESTAX T MIL'S TOR A FT ' .uiin ami minor, tlenry VJn., trimmer and Cromwell, ly truthful l!i tr.rv ' -rnnuir anl troniT ,1,oir ri,- proRrei-t i ticva ,o tl' emigrai ,0 Au'fric An aec ojrrei-t nna persecution t in Kir pe emigration ol tho Pharisaic Pur, lain -An account of th ' ersecuuuin ol Jtis out. rs from I' o State ,Vn i,?lnlPri"r to tho H;volution I'lO ihe severance of Church and State at tho .ormntlon of the United Klatcj (Jovcmin. ut, op- ,17 "3 i-oiimr cie.-y ot tli.t day Thair ouoris anu uiu.a ot tucir prugenr, to r.-'tiote Po litical power ta the clergy by uu rttomplad w i-,n of Church and Slate tlio Conj;ilut;n of tin I nited Slates, and most of the A'tatts, in tho way, and tho consequent eonspir ,cy of the clergv lo overthrow our former buppy ,ySt.i,a of Ha giivcriimeni the various i-jnans eu.ployid from ; tho Crt perversion of .VunJay schools. a:id the I Aiiti -.S'iinilaT Mail movement, down I a 1 'to 8"iz'jro and tuhicrsinn of the romni"n schools, dci !cib'ici minds or ttie rising gcaemio,, i to th" aVKri.l . dofina, of the clergy-the ri.e and relief Native AiucrisanUui, ilaino-Law!-,,, lcLJ Kn thiugism, Abolitionism, and the "ri-i-JUs i ,iW funaticisms of Priestcraft ; All should subscribe. 'who ,.h i themselves with historical (acts of ll,o pVeatefct vuluo at the present time, or to arm theunclves with argument to oppte Purilair'i i rjes'craft wli ch, in addition to all otbercurs. s it lies ihH' ted upon our country, has now invnlrul us in the 'r"oie sectional rar, and thres t-ns to tol- tinloss arrestod by tho dissemination of do-uments exposing its character and objects, suoh as the "iil""gh" oe auao antiironlstio to the tran Ch-; rn tion, popular lihorty, and the public peace nnd prosperity; and the political clergy are also p-s-von to be servants of Sat an, instead of ministers or the Piloco of Peace, and their influeuoe "evil, and only evil continually." Patriots will fin,! P.,,ru,"1 of PaeT of great advantage in enab- ! ' " .w Knl.,n ....g ii.vui lu Bui mo nyura-Deaded monster mat must to alam before wo can hnn f,,r n,... i . , ... .... , ---r- rv- ani ' r"toraU cfwvil and religious l.hc. la 1 V J f',r'"! wuh PuPf "vf t 1$, and ln good cloth B -v V " t. -J V .O X L. A lh nnaac ?i 1 " bo "nt t0 "n? adJs" a ""0 United States. postage froo. Every intelligent patriot shoul I navo u uojiy, una alter reading lend it to his friends and neighbor. T.rr-Addrens, enclosing payment, Q. J. Eccbj, .Middletown, Ornngo county, N. Y. apl" SPRING GOODS. T Purchased since tllO latO doclintt in prices. e?7 J. 1'. Kit A TZ E R, Front Street, above the Academy, CLEARFIELD, Pi. Now offers a very largo stock of Iii At a reduction of 25 to 40 percent., Including I'ltESS GOODS in great variety. Merinoes, Ginghams, Cloths, Delaines, Prints, Ca-siinercj, Alpacas, Silks, Snfinots, Rops, Cashmeres, Tweeds, Cobergs, Mohair, Jcansv Lanolin. Muslins, Flannels, liocnols, Rib. bnns, Clonks, lialmornl Skirts, IIoop. Skirts, Shawls, Dress Trimmings Jlead Nets, Caps, CorseU, fllovo, Collars, Scarls, Grenadine Veils, Table Cover. Cloth i n ff . Coals, Pants, Vests, Over-Coats, Gout's Shawl bhirts, ITats, Cap, Undor-Shirts and Drawers, Boots, Shoes, Guia Shoes, Cravats, Glove r.nd Collar. IiAK'DWAKE. QPFF.NSWAP.E, CKO CFKIES & MUSICAL GOODS. Groceries, Tea, CoflVo, Sugar, Molasses, Salt, Cundle. Tiloe, I Flour, ll.ieon, Fi.-h, Tobacco, Raisins, Currants, S p 1 c e a, Crackers, Wines, Ilrandies, Yin- j cgnr, Oils, Var- uiih, Alcohol. TTN-WAUF, tiBASS-WARE. WOODEN- WARE, ami STATIONERY. 1 Household Goods. Carpels, Oil-cloths, Drugget, Looking-Glastes, Clucks, Churns, Washboards, Tubs, Buok ets, Flat Irons, Pans, Window Minds, Wall-paper, Coal Oil Lamps, Um brellas, Iiedcords, Knives and 1'orks, Spoons, Crocks, and Stoie Blacking. TfV" All of which will be oldon the most rea pi.tiii oiu ut snnnblo terms, and the highest tnarltst price pat.l . . ii , a ,, , j. . ' . for Oram, 'I onl, ana nil kinds of conntry tro'Jac; ....... Jr '! nenrflell Marca ZZ. ISC5 ; I ODJ 1 oVO. I'll I L A DELnilA it ERIE RAILlWAD.. rrilllS great lino travorses the Norfhern sail tnP- 1 r fi Northwestern counties or relifcijlvahift tv the city oT Eno, on Lako Erie. It has been leased by the Pthriiytrania ifif ronl Company, and I operated by them. It entiro length was opened for passenger and freight business, Oct. 17th, 1861. Time vf rui'tnyrr Trnint at Emporium. XKAVE EASTW RI). Mail Train, ;20 A. M. 3:40 P. M, Warren Accora. Train, - . Sf. Corry Accom. No. 2, M. Cerry Accom. No. 1, - . M. l.KAVI MiSTWAKB. Mall Train, ll-.Os - - A. M. Warren Accom. Train, - -M. Corry Accom. No. 1, - M. Corry Aceoni. No. S, - - M. Passenger Cars run through without. cfU-a both ways betneeu Philadolphia and Erio. Elegant Sleeping Car on Mall Trains both ay between Philadelphia and Lock Haven, and on WIIHamsporl and Elmira Expros Train between VViIIiamsport aad Bultimore. For infnrmatien respecting Passenger business a ,;ily it the Cor. ,wlli ami Market sreets. Vud for Freight businets of the Ciaipany'a A onts, 8. B. Kingston, jr., Cur. 13th and Market it , Philadelphia ; J. W. Reynolds' Erl J. M. Drill, Agent N. C. R. R. Balum-ne; H. II. Hoesroit, Uuti l Tieight Ag t, Phils.; H. W. Owiasas, Geul Tick Asr't, Phils.; Jos. V. 1'urrs, Oea'l Manager, WiliiamsporL Jan. 11, 1805. E0RGE FAIR takes this method oflnf,rta. lT log the Vtatormcu of Cloai field county thai he ns-, refltted end recpeneit Ibo hotel formerly ke-,t by K. Bchroisi-r, st Coxestown, whore he ill take especial pains to rendf satiirctlon to. 'nil who favor him with their pstronsg. Coxestown, April li, fib. drsly.