Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, May 31, 1865, Image 2

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    gf tftorficb publican,
, , aiJJt.twm,
VeDSWDAT JIonsiNC:: MaV 31
Jnntlir'r"Tptti.r frnm Tint WeKiernan
""L,0 r ii, 10 ii.- arrf '"J11,
-The Villainy Ol his Vlllficrs fully
Ojt readers arc referred to the letter of
dpt. McKiekn an. which will bo found on
our firt fnge.
In perusing this letter the public must
t.ot lose sijjht of the point in dispute:
The Democrat charged that the soldier
. . ..
wcro orougui io ims county unDecv.sau-
!y niul without SUiucieut provocatioc, or
; . . .
r.,i. iiinmM) niiriwuH am i ml 11. m mi:h-
clitics wre induced to Fend them here' formed prominent feature in loth these ini by vbe N: York 7W. Tli- leiter!Pli i., sr, direciiag lho v.t,t receipts and
through the .he rcptcscutations of irrestotie, ljut now wo Mill another. g
ToribiUo individual. which i. l.o .out by i.logr.,.1.. nd y..icn,u,.illllP. JjjMnst Mr. Itucllanan. wills 'b';nU5i, or in any way tighten
This charcq tho Abolitionists denied,!
and through tho Juetbi organ in this
place charged the entiro responsibility
1. .
be leaders of the democratic party, lo.),,, cavalrv. The cloak was worn us :
sustain this charge, dpt. Campbell, the
Trovost Marshal of the District, wa call-
, ,, . .
cd as a witness. He magnanimou.l) os-,
sumed the "cntito rospousilihty" oford -
enng me soiaa-is nie-a lues ncyes
uuumcu ;-uu., us 11 10 usiieiu si ,
friends in this county, undertook to justi-
fy his conduct by the declaration that'ofhis,ory mM 8oa)0 time botxvoen
cupi. iuivieruau usa "iroiu iimo to time
roported "tlit hi3 cnorts must provol
ifruitless unles sustained by a military
force." This was a compliment to which
Capt. IfcKieruan did not think he had a
very clear title, and in a loiter, dated the
:24t,Vnf v,J. i,.i ,i .,v.i:ui.o.i ;..
. . . 1 .. 1,
paper of tho 3d of My, be emphatically j
denies Ilia uanitation, and positively as-
serls thct ho asiced for no "mililary force"
io assist in Enforcing tho draft," and
that the eoly force of this character that
'he asked for vas to assist in tho arrest ol
deserters svit citijenf. This was follow-
ed by tho blication of a number of let
ters from Itclviernan to Campbell iu the
- Jacolln orm of the 17th instant, in the
evident 5iopo of sustaining the assertion
-ol' C-t. Campbell, and of making the
-pub'.io believo thai McKieruan bad called
for troops to assist in enforcing tho draft,
-and thus exposing him (McKiei nan) "a?
a self-convicted liar."
This is tho "history of tho case."
Now, slo these letters even a publish
edconvict Mcluernan of falsehood?
We say they do not ; and such will bo the
- avLK,u ur tcij juienigeui Ullll'i iDftl
, . sxarxiocs them.
Pat who would hare suppoeed that, in
'Order to make out their case agninst a
'faithful officer," and one who had "ac
quired some reputation as a brave soldier,"
tbeso malignant slanderers would stain
1 their souls with the crime of forgery f The
t letters, as published, (if Capt. McKiernan
. is to be believed) are not hi letters at all,
but a pack of garbled txtradt, wherein parts
of sentences are omitted and others added.
This is roBGEar ! just as complete as if
they had signed his name to a note or
check for money. Look at the letter of
the 1 Ilk of August, as embraced in the
comniuniettion on our first page, r.nd llien
compare it vith the following, which we
give Vtr&iifm as it appeared in tho Jacobin
.-organ :
"Ci.E.vRnian, Airctsr 11th, 1853.
"Cot, II. iS.CAMrriEi.i.: Sir: I wish it '
had been poseiblo for you to have vieill
llns county tetore the ilrart. 1 ou could
then appreciMe better tho difficulties at-
tPmlinVil .h-,. If I hurl form nf mmml. 1
tending it here. If I hada force of mount
ed meo,.l v,'cxild not fear tho worst of
them, and moc or not men I will serve the I
1 mnn 7 .tons. 1,1 tint Un ihn wii fl
. .v. ..... .v... ... ..v,.. .
notices, lieaneclfuliy, your ob t serv t,
Jon.w S. McKiernan." now "owing on tho Uarion river, a short
'The reader will not fail to obscrvo lhal,di,taBce lcI' lhe mou,U of lh'r Croc,il
Ihe above lotl-er is so mutilated as Io civo;Tho oil ij sai'l t0 hc ft very fine article.
dta meanms entirely different fiom the
Eut tblsw ly no means the only in-
slencc. There nre others of n still more
flagrant character instances wherein im-
portant sentences are inserlod. or omit-
iedl Tretty business this truly1 And
.he tieauty of it is, it belong, ,o'se who'
assume to embrace all the "tetalth and in-1
ttfl'ijcnce" of tho county !
It is not for us Io fay who the guilty 1
., .,. ,
auuror. are; i ue icsponsiuiuiy rests ue-
twecn Captain Campbell and the faction
thai controls the Jacobin organ here. Put
weadvise them that, hereafter, when they '
undertake to play this came they had
Letter mako nr of thoiw tnn .n,1 fT
"lisftra Brnrn in Inn nrnpocnmn " bii iu
... . , , ,uo
corresponuens oi rorney e ireu, in nisi
account of tte Grand Kovlcw of the Great j
rmiea of the Potomac and of the Missis-
attack such "poor fools" aJ these fellows dent Johnson was Military Governor of vention or anything l:ko it, until hc read I I)Ii:i).
Who hftVO "cained some rpn.ilatlnn nallmlKlnln nnl. rmlir doniea Ir, ihfi im .rn: the article ill 1 he I out, I In ! erguson township, on tho I , th install'., Da,- is in de
i ,. r I. . . . . . : c. 1 1 mav bo proper to stale thai f'olonel vol Ferguson, ts i., well advanced in years. actual
"'"w the right to vcte, but loi bids them the iSnaiUP, W. of rillshuw was a dele.: t-t..-m c.... Tl'""
What's ths Matter ?-"No colored sol-'fi,lt iockil n Court, of Juslme. There 'pnlo In ihcCincinnati Convention from a l,r,gorinS illness, Moses Fu'lton.'ngcd about taincdM
aippi, al Washington last week. Why Will Davis nit Hinu T Thi is a qurs- of their surnames, had this response, rc
was tho negro omitted on this joyous oc-, that many of the "loyal," e-- ually the ported with the proceeding, contained
caiion? Will somebodv explain to the 1
to the.,;,iouflo'al!
rim -nil In nnd
sjatisinclion oi cuuoef rorney, io oecon-,
.:..-.i ....1.1 1. i. i. i.n fiu.M'r, uiigui iu " .juU...m
wonder if the Abolitionists try to get up.
another rar for negro equality.
tK"Annie 0 the Vale" must excuse us
fordecliDinfi lo publish her verfes until
aho removes her veil and furnishes us with' cannot be dono'either by law or by right, !
her real came. land wo are inclined to think Iho second
I .i... n...i,i .r i,i;- m;i. ;n
Ok llAsn.-Corry, Lady, Book for June,
endid n--
, Tbi Tbi'tii Cominq. Nolos thnn throo
vis hove already been give, to the public, !
which are entirely irreconcilable with
each other. The first report, given by a
ltievtt Major General Wilson represent
i... r. n,..:.
"Hastily put on one of hi wife's dres
ana st:iuu ur ma oou, cioseiy
; followed by our men, who took him for a
! woman until they got bight of hi boot.,
j uiub"v lv ,,,,v,ubu
,tl,e l'crsua6ion of t-'olt'-revolvorH." Ac.
i uo oexi iiory, lurnirtieu ny mc leie-
'?!. went on to fav that our forces had
1 1 1 1 . .. ti ii . i
grounded tho t,.,t that sheltered tho
1 f.iniliiiA 1'f.c iihin i mi. imt it lnrra lliAU
..ufc.w.vx. j j
were arouse 1 from their blutiihern ; thut
'.tier being aronscd an clde.lj-looking la-'
ii ,lr.m. in ,mr,n '
d a, pea.ed Bt dom, n con pa "
ny wiiu iirs. imvi aim anoiner i.iuj,
with a bucket in her hand, and desired to
'goto the brook to waeh, when, upon in-
n.;. i l. Divij
r l - - -nno.
t nt t 1 o . n- i.m
II Mill be observed that "netlicoals
1 he water-proot cloak and shawl worn 1
I .. I JT M .... .t tl... r.f- I... A.inlilHu 1
Y .""W' ' J'
- duy by Col. I'ritchard of the 4th Mich-,
. ,,.. .
skirt, and the shawl a a hood. The Col-
!onel stated that under this female or par-;
el Davis woro a full suit of Urab pnd a
cf 1Jjoll j
, s ., it nppPftr, tnat (J(, ..;ltor. '
f , , an,, y, WPi a U.O Only a. -.
iid(i of foma,ti Bppiiro al, ,ut him Por.
. , . ... ....... conc(,,nlt,L, ,llU iuie bit
. anJ j00msJfiy.
arrested AGAIN we learn inni wr. .
Mtr.K, the ablo nnd fearless editor of the 1
n..ii,.rn.., ll-.,,.,, ,...!,! -ilrafied
into the service" for counselling resistance
to tiie uraii.
The blood hound.4 nrede-
: 1 11..1 f i. . i,it .l,;i ,.f 1 1,,.
. . ., . .1 . 1 ,
t,ui we would suggest inai no i.s
quite able to travel alone and need not h:vndit The nature' of tluvo p'le.lgo. nc -
tho oi vice of a "body guard." I cerdin;; to tho art'u lo in 77i l''., was o-
Never mind, Meek, each outrage ofthis'penly "avowed by Judge lUaek on the !.... In trv m.n'. m.-lnl
' ler l'io noininntioir Accoiding to it: A I ilie last loan at tin- high rate ol interest
It nppenrs that our counly was hon.:r,:d tvnc( t psued for a few moaient. as it ; t!,-it will be oil'ered by ilie fl.-v. rnmi-i.f.
with a representative in the e?coi t, as iho I (ho Convent i ui w a anticipating s nn"-1 'j'hei e is no chang,. m ihe term' c ti
Ptttt tars Iloriamin Hartshorn wis the'thini? prepared, when .ludi IVack, ot di' i ms this Third Series, except that
Deputy Marshal who performed thisbr
liant achievement. Vo always knew tl
Uenjiniin was "born to greatness.
Meek was taken to Pittsburg, where ho
gave bail Tor bis appeara, co before the
f. T . . ,,
U. District Court.
Jtrr Davis mTnacIro'-TIio telegraph
... .....
regaled tho American publm Iho oilier;,
dfiv ivilhn rrniihin descrii.lion of llm
scene thnt took place in the cell in whieir of it. This pledge w is ample, an 1 was a.:-
Jeff Davis is confined in Portress Monroe T'ed U Iho Southern lead rs."
ill., ill l,Un,i .?idViib ibn'. v"" . nMon;:r.e,l m
ulipn t Iia bl.irlt s niil b Hiiferil with tlm
necesary tools nnd lixtures to manacle C,,inan's Attorney-tJeneral , by whom t his ,
him. Davis protested, claimed tho rights 1 pledge is allege 1 tohaveiiee i m id.', an I
rT nrUonor nf wnr ,tr nn.l r..Ui...t irt'thro.ich whom Ihe evident now
tho utmost ofhis strength. Put he was
finally overpowered by the guard, thrown
upon his back and held until the irons
,vnro securely fastened.
q, r ... T. , . .
The grand Jury in the L. S. Dislnct
Court nt V ashirglon found n true bill a-1
!.. . n.. .. :. li .:..-:.- v..:.... ..
(j.urrn ..Mil. ...m i.ieiuiu.iu on rr.Tn
lost for high treason.
the Connecticut House ofRcpresentativej i
j , ...!..,: ,.:i- ;
the vr otd "white" out of Ihe clauso in Iho i
Stale Constitution prrseiibing the qualili -
cation of a voter Passed by atwo-third vote1
on a strict party vote.
As Ihe senate is unanimous Republican,
there will be no difiiculty there. Hence
the political eqtialily ol
of Ihe nreioe isful-
p, sccurfj ; Connecticut. Xe)
. ... ,,,
ocial cqiulily, r.nd then "miscegi
xt comes
n r. mm. . ...?-.. t.
.iii.i-i Liiimx, iiifj eiiriou t'cmorraii
1 . : ....i.. . i , i'ii i 1 ii :
.i. ... a ... .. . .i . ra l i : .
" ' .. . . ' ;
Now why is it? The surface shows of
oil in cletutieia are lar superior Io any i
l,,in8 cr discovered in Clarion, nr.d but
' , ,t '., , . :
1WIU 11 riPtf inluriAf lu hn I. imMiiu
! - f 1- . 1 .' , .1
K.ii'.'.iTU n, v nnunnn ni... . r n i, , .p.. . en.
v. ,v.,..l'f i.ll'. s.ll.nilil, J tl
capnniisisnave niny ieveiope. mo i.uirr, but not the required two-thirds. On the
and millions of dollar nro being invested fouiteentli and last ballot of that cveni' g,
"-'eloprnent of the Clari , region, .
wl"' Uta,Celtl Morcely anytlnrg i8Thi, .in , t.o atate of tbe cn. wlu-r. the
being dono. ! Convention assembled tho next morning
KrrroiidoiTt Johnson. fe w diys aj'''6 Ncw I'nV1'iV!lfia,il,W,':i f
... . 'i the name (d Oeneial Pierea and thellli-
r - aVo a ueiecalion ol negroes to umler-1
stand very distinctly that ho was not nn i
advocato of their right lo vulo. Ho prop-!
crly leaves this question to be regulated ;
by the Slates. The new Constitution of
l.i,.l, o..r,nm,1 l.;l P...;
. v.. v, .. ....... .i, .,1n,i-
" 1 a 1. ! ll . I. ii. i 1
ast window.
The mud-hole under our'
. jni, BOem io iinnK is ueyonn
niamitA nml 41. nl m,.,iIih r ...... s,
i.iui'H,. , ..- .nm, a n ti in 1 ia i vi 1'iuioc,
j,rri uavjs w,n i,0 hung
. t..:. .:il i. 1 ,,
U o believe no
.0 uiiiuvl no
u .i.:- xr . 11 .:... .
,UUi .uinK. ...j nuum iikp io aiiow
wherein ho is more guilty than nny other
H,A.,lvi f. l.,,i; Afllnial. ill
souiHcrn man 1 ti ny uiumi a tusiinciioii inn in What 1:0 one r. ae s 1 .1 tv - . ..f. i saics in any pari oi 1110 cuu.uj .1 .... .Uuru-i . 1 , N A S .tllll'' .. .. .1.1.1. 1 ..i n., res-
whero there is nodiflerencel Toexeculo fords lhe least color for any such mistake. 1""co' '.' at "'0 U,0'IILC"" "i? '? 111,,,;e.eJ;, Ad;1 j Notice is hereby triven thai let- pco.rully solicit the support of all whowUbto-
him would be an uopale lel crime in a 1 Colonel P.lack afterwards sealed his ho,-; ! 'ffi , ' ay ;5 ' ht M12i i tS In el go 're onf of ih, best cZmerci.l, Uterary, B.t-
crimo inn country like this, and lor ono tility to Secession with his blood. Atnn, - - i-JJlLZL ! D. Welch, late of Pike Uwnship, deoM, having ncss and Family newspapers lo tbe oountry.
Jwe emnhitioill nrotjst nriinit it. It early , lace of Iho war. Im f..ll mnriniitf k.'.m.:. I 7rfrrS 'thisdavbeen crantod to tho uudcrsL.ned. ail I A,ni . ihfi Time to Subsnbel I
i incline them' to this just nud humane'
iview. iSelinttrove Times.
I i
A Letter From Ex President Buchanan,
,Vtum lllo Lancaster Tm-m .1
Sif)c0 )is WRr LegUDi nQ nwn in ,
whole country has been so much vilified,
lied upon, and abused as ex-President
dames Iluchanan. The, most ba-eb
charges have been constantly made a-
trut, reported, until no doubt nie hon-
ni.m, U he it-ved i hem i, ...nmed to
houseless for Democrulio tiowspapors to
,.erulfl ny cmi..,a lUAl nji,ul Je made a-
painst any memucr ol tho party wiuia
Ul0 excitement attendant upon the war
rus raging, mo ammnistialion pu s ie-
i" very many instances, to do the
common just co o V corrretinc nnv wrong
MliU((ne)Jl t) liai, maJ i,,,. ,l05
i ' i . .
cieariy U4 uisiiy wa proven. e uopo
the time i upeelily ci-niiiiL', when tlo
most mendacious member of the Aboli-
l,l,n rr,ss mny 1)0 "hnined into at leait a
,10rt.lo( (le(;,.nry ia, pcti
Jidow will lo tour.d a letter oer tho 1
signaturo ofMr J'.ucliaiuin, completely
exposing tho entire TaUny or a nwliciotii
attack nude -jpoh hi:n more than a year
and rer jle.l at Hie time bv the l'ilta-'
but it l ost n jd other Ieniocrniio newpa -
8 1 1 1 r 1 .. 1
.'per, but mvivcd iilmiii on v n. few days
vvbioh Abolit.on no.vspapnr liavo ileligin-
u'1 ,n," '""T T: fV I . ll V
.. . . I'll . . .. . .. r . 1. .t 1
bove baseles charge. Th'n will yet be
. ... .! f .f .... I . 1 i
done to tho entiro satisfaction of cand.d
i 1 ol'all p.u lies. Impartial hiUory will
vindicate his lame, and Kt hi p.iblie v
re: r in such a Inihl a shrill at once be
known and reeonmied throughout the
future 111 pure, wne, in I emiiieutly p itri-
0,10 :
71, thf EiHrofth Nr-e 1 or 'it:
Sm: In Hi'; New York 7 : or yei-
tpidiv 1 roil, with no littlo surprise an.
extra.a fi-'nn tho frov-j IV.t, (.vhieli
do not see) staling in suintmco in u uie
t incinnatu Loiiveiitnm ol .nine ! , (mh
kjijij -j un l come 10 s-umjuck, n
the evening beloro Mr. r.uciniiiau 110:11-
maiion. a.ul na. myiurnea unui win
next morning.
"witli a fair pronpect it
wnul 1 mfM nnW 1,1 Hilliuril HulC till'
in tho meantime airantrcment were
,.,.1 l.j tn i,'iirn 1 1 i i nonii 11 at ion a a i
lm ( 'on l'iiiiI ion sho'il.t re iseulbl
1 1 1
..i ,.. .v l.i,
I""": mo vonveuuuu, ... ...v-.a.v., ,
,rj. 1 Pennsylvania, ( ,l"'.eia:d Attorney-" ien-J th.. ( iovernmenl rce: ves the. r:glit of pay- ,.u Third Series aCjcts only tho matter of inter
, . feral under IVicirman.) Mse in bis, in intenvt at us er cent, in gold in- , .
UA;nn 1 made a n-t sp.eeh. in wbic'i he pro-I of seven ami tl.if en-hs in c.rren- Tho rajmont in gu.J, if mad,, will ho emu-
. eeede lto denounci) "Abolitiom.-ni an I
' "lllnek liepublicanim" very freely, and !
j P lh;lt ,.lho p-s-e 1. un
I l lie Constitution, I lie right of secessi in. I
i e went further, and told the t.V.nven-1
' that if tlu nominee wa, elected, ami
'a Idack P.ei'Ublieati shmud be ileeted ait
,,,lc,.0Mrf he (Mr. I'm h.itian) wool 1
,t nr.. I, n i.i 'mlci l.Tn wilh llin t-xeicisp
earn that Iul',f lilaek. afterward Mr. Hu- :
is to
asier. ri upon ir. iviniun m, w i.s .
i -if. 'n'f 1 1 ti: ( i l : i i I'l f.i'H'.'.i I H t w IV
,,. ,',. j ,.?,, r ( i, , ay
tcsslo-x. Instead of this be was at tho ve-1
!'y time performing bis high olli dm
tiosnsa Judgijoftho Supreme CVirt of ;
: 1Vnnsylvania8 !
H may be ndded (h1 from the d lie of
. i t .,.r. ' ..PI i
- .e...-i ... a. ..xm... , .... .,. ..
l-v,.;, against .soulli Lai mm nulluie.-f ion .
and soctsmi, until thai of l is mes-!
sage of December, IS1', ), nn 1 indeed evei ;
t-"50''. 110 pul.lie man lia more sle vl.asl-
ll nun uuiii'i nny imomim.ii i urr viauei -
ous nnd suicidal heresies lhati Mr, l'.oeli-
any person, in or out of tho
uare.i to mane a i.tcige in
1)is behair. or. tl.i or any other subject.
such an act would have been condemned
a few days thereafter bv tho term-, of his
lettcr neeepting the nomination. lnt!n,
after expressing his thanki for the honoi-'
conferred, he says that, " Deeply sensible:
ni I'n vwi. nmi vn ,a rns i i u i av 11 .
t . i , , 1 . . : I I ' 1
Inched to the station, especially al the
present cri;is in our allairs, ci. -.",, I'u
rtlruMfd from ttckiKi lift nomination either bv ', or ttrcd : ' am luJ su'ened is ciid'.Wi-.
' . : . .. ... . . . .
few words in reg.v.l C) the n'lege.J ;
Mead lock" in tho ('incinl.nt i Con . en-' i i too b i-.-.!i and Io distinct. Po
tion at tho timnol'its ndioiii m:ik..1. on 1 sides, die ocean of Democracy on
the evening of thooih of June, ul'ler
f0rieen ballots had been liken for i can
didale. It appears from Us procee line".
as rlHcislly pul.lidied, that on Paeh'of
fc 1 h
pluraiilv, tin c
'.HI 'l
and on the 0th attained a m i-
jorily of all the voles of the Convention,
noj delegat'on whhdifiv lhul r.f Judge
Douglass, in cbedienee to instructions
,ro,n lllimt' '0' telegraph on the .lav be-
L. 'l cTlAJl
eom,.,i t i. min,., nf ,.,,' ' n.ii,!..i
i...i r.. ...i n ....:..',...,.... '
nnuaui '" '" min iiiiuii oiiu- .
Porculen.. n r. I 1 ... I M 1 - '
reaoy ami eioqiieni speaker, ".110111 were
. raised loraspcecii irt.m hun.iinmed ntely
I t r . . " .
after tho nomi nation was announcetl. To
these ho briefly responded in nn nble and i
ine inlamous pledge attributed to Judgo
Tr.l. Au ......I.:.. . 1:1. ;. . . ...
1 nnrti . ur 11 11 v 1 11 1 u 1 i. r 1 1 wn n, ,t ,1 1 1,1
. .. . ' , . . ' . "
lie It. WO mi" it in
hni it v have referred llnl Ihr. .r . nf
ninny nave rcnrreuiual the nullior Ol .
.. r. , . . . . . .
1110 oil leie Had mere ly tllislaken tho ono
rnislakon ll.n nnn
1 , .1 .1 ,
name for ti e other. Hut there is nolh-
wounded on lhe field of hatlla, while gai-;
lantly leading on his regiment atainst '
i,,v,i. 0 6 i
li. r,.V,l. i
I doubt not you will cheerfully do me
justice by publishing this loiter; and I'
would thank you fora copyy ofiho paper
containing ,c0(.tr.,lK-.
Wheatland, near Lancaster, May 11, ltu.
h kciai. woTrt K.
.. , gerjcs 0f Seven-Thirties ;
always be looked upon at one of tlio imisl pvnlencea ol the s'rengui 01 mo
.ijuh! Slates Uovci r.ment, and of it
,lr0I1- hold upon tho confidence and nf-
tortious ol ine jhhijuo. kju riuuiuujr, ..j
nth, tho ..ilMeriptions. were over thirty
million "iii j, ancj uu .im """"b
lhul day. over mm-ty-ayldmiUum JuUurt, nnd
i tl0 three ninntl. that tho Loan ha
I;,',,;,, in vbnril0 ol Mr. J.iv Cook, ovrrjhc
. . n i It . M'l I ..
hundred mt'itun i,.w. "f ""Su
reipta will enablo tho I reasury to pay oil
our Hrmie an they ur. dbundonod and
q iiuiid'.y diichargo the vanoub ohliga-
K-mu, have been incurred during the
War. History will show that . o war
debt to individuals bus never beloro been
,;Pjmi.(y paid; and we think all will
u,,rvt thal ,secietary Mctullcci deere
.1 c edit fur tho MUy ho lu.a main-
ct(d not nn v m le.-uring llio nienns,
.. ' , I 1 , 1 1 1 1 . , i
r,ir I Ii.- inmicui (kill he Ins urn b'V-
u10 m,U)ey market. It 1 doubtle trja
. .. . . . r t - rai.. . . 1 .
ll"rt l"e '7 1 ' r 1
j0ilM4 f 1 8"jx .n.p rvnt. interept instead of
. 1 . ... . .1
I. lull m 111 h'!i va'in'.j'o time woul'l
nece;srdy h ive b-on lo.t ill
a new loan tho great object of the
(I ivermuent, viz, an immediate supply
of money tullu icnt to pay nil tho debt
inei lent to tin) war, would have been de
feated : and beside, the diileronoe of in-
teret would not inve ;.eei pud to tlireo
.1 n' exiienses. llio p.liev nny liavo
looked "penny whe," leit the be I linan-
ilcud authoritie. in' well as 0 i-ii'ivi-.i
pronounce 1 11 poun i 10 iiin. auiu
-ami will be, 11 ) s .!dier will p home
without hit greenback', ai.d the ll Kiting
lebl in the s!i ipo ol vouchers retpu.sition
j wi lbo wiiied out us rapidly as tho
... 1 1 , 1 1; ,Jt 11, .
iMper o luer c.n tri lit and a lj;nt th.'
accou n'.
Tliu Svvind S-ries of ihe 7. 31 T,nn wis
n r 'm m 1 0:1 Satin-d.iw Mav l.l'h. On
M in. lay. the Secre'ary "f tho I rea'in v
J.viivu,-' iU lionoml S..b.
L - riptioii Agent for "l S. S.-cui it ie.i, to
receive subici ipt ions for sj'iil iitjo Ol)') of a
Third Seiies. whielns nil thai is an. bori -
y wug-e. ...... , v
ry a rig!, t which wouM pi e--uppo.-,u a
i ot urn to sji-eie payments, ami make six
,Vr .vnt. in g d I even be tr than ,e
lusher n!ein currency a c iriMim;:n-
i.j,,,, ,-i i t levoul-dlv to be wi-he 1.
The p ivi eg , of Vonv, r.i, the notes
r,to "M six per cent, g old b mdi at tho
,.n I 0f ih,e.; vears. or reeeivin
.-minriir -it i ' . I
:l s c 't ion , is re-
ti day oftbe Third Series op.-,,-
0.1 wi-h n sume; ipl.m, wiH.iii a Irsm.on
ut' livi million-,, and l'.e mini b
' ",n
will certainly irn iho last if tl.eT
out of m.u ket. How early in June
ran not ii red mi. but parties wh.. wi!i
'i .
IV (
iiial;e .;
)! a portion ivcaU d well to I e
in limp
f ull particulars may I.
found in our
adv c rtising columns.
A PiOmarkable Hail Storm.
iSr l(),n M,ly ,ytx tl,r,,)!e raia
pa-s-d over a p irtion of Johnson county,
i- ii' . l i . .. i l ..
,..,.... ,. im-niay ev einn-.,,,.,
do. mi roues, I ..rices, uprooting tree-, ami
.h ill gi etil ilamaim. 'I'I.e is s;d I to
ba. e been blown in'o drills two i f tlirm
IceKleep (?)
Several prisons were i-el'i-b'.it
no lives were lost. The
h'ihi y inpii e
sun I'l linrira i.M-i .-iiiiiL. Ill 1111 I'aMI IV
direction and did mmm damage alo. g the
route, ll r.ache 1 hero at mid-.l.t. and
1 raged furiously Uo or tlireo hour, de-
; stroyin much property in the city and
s.n rmiu ling rouitry. At Scdalii sever-
al ens were blovu lion) aside track, and
iun into I y a freight tru'ri
CFJjwThe New Yoi k Ti 'ir spe where
ll'e popular current is setting under
new 1 .e.-nlent
and. demngoguc-likc, now
itself muarelv on the so
' fK pmni
' '"g " ''sen i ci lauc mien trie
. i . . i :..
oi re-
. ,.
- ' L lOl ll M .-. l U l .11. fl .1 . I.l" I ' 1 1 I I I i :i
.... c.. .. . ; ... I I - i..:.:.
m lale. I he reco. l of that e,a-s of poll-
whieh it woul. i venture widi it blood
stained craft is to clear, too pure and too
deep to year upon it boom n hulk
freighted w ith skulls and held together at
evrrv sea ni wilh falsehoods. A .torm of
popular indignation will drive it back,'
strati ling, upon the black rocks of iu own
r "ii it . ,. 's... ..
iiufailh I.iIih-s Io llmto.lsi.UUIonanJll.o
laws. II'.
M VKlMl.l).
Tn Ibis id ce on Monday last, by thiUor. Sim-
bowur, Lieutenant Thomas Lidd'o, to Miss Soph-
't' o ?i ,w rp,,, n
On the 8ih mt ,- J. R. Caldwell, T.., Mr.
Abralurii Pur, .w 11, to MUs Aunio K. iVikofT,
b;'ni Lumber City.
o tb 27th inituit. bv n A R.-ad, K?n, Mr
this county '
......,.Bln.ii,ii-i .raamm
r. !
T I ,-,., i ,i.. o-.t.
'liiurr. .,,nr r:,,.,,i, j ,:,;..,, .,,
su sin - u in u luniis nil IIIU s.1 111 1 1 1 M Illl I .
Iltfa MurflCrmMlfc
.vtlW UUlttDllilUiU.
--- - -- ------ - -----r.--
I.imnqpil AlirtinMPnr
- at 1.1,1m, r no.. , j.
W V T- . k . i r.
Tl sires to inform his friends nnd tho public
rrnomllT thnt l, l,, lln ..t. Liccnsa is an
. , r,.. .u .n ...i...... ......... ,
generally Hint he has tnken out a License as an
is- ',." , . . 1 7' "
AL'CT'loMiiiit, nnd will intend to tho crying
A forsnl;
I mo by not
,cn. tn..!n tl,ml.... ..I
1 ... A .uiiiioviiv.' iiiuuuiuu III
- mo ny nolo or no ,k nccouat ate requested
Aiiiaa isixui,ai:t: .. '.. 1 -
J.Bpn7t b,PKiZ. " " f"r q! V. Hai11M
M.tfi ws-pj,
JJ g 7-30 LOAN.
$230,000,000 ! ! !
Py authority of tho Secretary of tit Trcakury,
tho under.Ignod, tho General Subscription Agont
, ... ... ., f v...u,.i Rin.... s,,ur;i:,,,. (1fr,,r. i .
, , T v.
tl.e l-Wio ho ib.rd .cries of Treasury .Note,
..earing icvcn una inrco-iouna pur wm. imurcst
,,,, known st'.o
7-30 LOAN!
Tlico n(j(ui nro ituoJ under dutfl (if July IS,
u.,a are payablo llirce yoar from that Juto in
currcc-y, aad.r, o.av.rt.blo on tbo.r maturity,
ftl lll0 01iion of tin huldur, iato
Th... Uui.di .re nuw wurth a LunUus ore-I
, ,. . n
iinum, mid aro exempt, ai ero all tho Govern-
,uct liond,, from tax . l,y Town,, Citl.s. Coun -
" iUCr"8
one t0 threo P"conl- P nuu1'
to the rato lovlod on otlior property, llio into
e.t U pnyablo scni-nnnually In currency on tho
1 Vh of DL-cembor an I 1 ith of Juno ly Coupons;
ulti.chcd tj cin'li note, vliiuh aro readily ea bol'
nnynlii'ro. It aiuount to j
One Cent per day on a ,,"0 note. !
Two Cents
Ten "
jil it a
100 note.
$.V0 note.
6100;) note.
100 note.
Notes ofalf tho dm miinationi will bo
promptly furni.ihed ujion receipt of subscriptions.
Tho Notes of this Third Sriri nrt preciely
similar iu form and priviloces to the Sci on Thir-
. . ., .
t:cs already subl.cxcop t that ths Government re-
' '
S'rves to itself tho option of paying int.'re.-t in
gold coin ut C per cent., iuhteaJ of 7 0-lOiht in
currency. Subscribers will deduct th i interest
in currency up to Ju.y 10th. at the ti.uewh.n
they subscribo.
....... . . . . . . .
' The d Incry of tho note, of ihi ihird aene. of
- -
will bo niiide promptly aid continuously uftii
that .l..te.
The slight cban 'o m.ido iu the cur. Jiiiina of
valei.t to tho currency interest of tho higher ra'.o.
The return to specio payment:, in the event of
which o;i!y will tho option to pay interest in
b-.U be availed o.f, would so roduco and cpial'ue
prices that purchases made with six per cent, in
gold would bo fully Cipin'i to lhoo inadowithj
gyri nnd throo tenths per cent, in currency.
13 ,n" ,-"al'
Ct by Iho U ..vornment, and c
III Market now oiror-
unstl'.utvs the fircat
I.,.,1,,- I ill tl 1
" "
Less than S-'eO.OuJ.OUJ of tlio L uuthariud
in i.. ,!..... . . .
Tlrs amount at the ra:
at whie i it is boin" ah-
sorbed, will nil ho subrrribed
far Mlthill two;
nionths, wheu tho nutes will undoubtedly cum-
tiand a premium, tis has unifonn'y been thu casa
on elo-iiig tho subicripliuns to other Loans.
In or.Kr that! of every town and foe-
"" cntuury iniy he Bll.'Me I laciliiip.. fir
takir g the li an, tho National Hanks, Stato lianks
nnd Privuto I'.iinkorj throu.'hout tho countrv
havo Kincrnlly agreed to receive subscription
ut par. Subscribers w 111 select their own agents
. , ...
h"1" rM
""'"i'"""'"' or tnonotcsior
which Hoy receive orders,
f i-asiiiii'in s Actxr, 1'hiladulpbia.
May l.'iih, 1S65.
iS. ih:cript',o tiiri'l Ic rccdrrd (,; the
County National Hank of ('IcnrlieW, j
rirst National Hank oft learlield,
V.h;,,,,I P..,,,i. r r,,...,......:ii..
. . . w a , v." .,, i j't.inx V. v ill i l : ll I 1 1 1"
May P.l.'f.i -Siy.
Smpovcv your Sfoi'Ic!
1)i:KsOX!S desiring to improve tho ir stock ol
llorsrs will lake notico that Iho eelobrated
llnrte of the subscriber can bt found nt his own
stable, neiir lllnoiiiington, in l'iko township, dur
iiiK tho entiro week, except Saturdays, when he
will lo nt the stable f benjamin mcom in t ur
May ill, lsfii-pd.
) NOTItt:. Tho lleurd or lteliet
fr ,l,c county of Clearfield, will meet nt the
CuiiiMii8?ioncrs' odico, on Wednesday and Thurs
day, t r. r 2th nnd 2uth days of Jane, lst'j.
Thv ijourd have directed that all new appli
cants must appear bpforo tbo Hoard and produro
their swum statement detailing name of soldier,
regiment nnd company; when emistcd ; the
number of children, with ago nnd se.x of enrh ;
tho tuwnship in which they resided nt the time of
cli.stu.ent, and their present residence; nnd that
sho is without the menus of support fur hersolf
nn,'i tlil.ircn, w-o arc depoi idem upon hr.
In r;LiS'S'!r Z
whoso certiilcnto, sworn to before tho board, must
set forth that the- applicant s the person she ep-r
rescn a lierse r In ho : Hint trim nlntoir.iiii.n. nftho.
number and age of her family is true ; that she
stitulo circumstances nnd her family in
want ; and that all tho fuels set forth in her
ntion nro just and true.
containing those roiiuitiun can be oh
tho oflieo of the Hoard of ltolief, when
application is made and the witnesses apponr.
Alav. 31. lSfii. W. S. UHADLKV. Clk.
a w - - r...
-- -
iy.lll.UOlHlJUluj HU11V1V.
B .. ... . , . .. ..
. Pjotico is norcuy given tlmt let -
ltor" of Aduiinislration on tho eatnto of rhilip h.
(MoCracken, of ! orguton tp. have been (rrantod to
tho undersigned. All persons knowing thorn-
""I81""1.." '.niJ "tnte nro "a . 1 10 et-
tie tb.Mn immediately, and those having claims
. V " ...
"!u" wm prssoni mom amy autiieaticutcJ
f.,r ett eiuent. . lil.nnv fr 1.1
, ,ir. V ",11" "" .
' iouj-iu. numiniiiraior.
. .... . ., ..-. I ..!..
norsoui inuoDtoa 10 suni estate are renuired to
llin.v .llllliruil.uj liy llll'lll, .1.1 111111, uarill
snii inose navin?
clalmi nirainst Ihe samo will prosont thorn duly
I "lhul'M ht ""l" KMcCULLOUOII
May 31, 1365, ' ' Adininii'rat'or
" Mi ??lS,FAXG
i Willi 1 Ut, II MLS,"
lew (Roods
;i Cheap Cash Store
Afurtet ttrtct, oppaite the CUarfiU jmt
a itj:sij aicimval of
Summer Goods
I m just reoHving and i.tming a ounf,.!!.
.'acted .lock of lu.-hionaUe .ring A S.aier
rS .,1,,.., 1 . .
Ol Ul illOSt CVCrV dPSrrmf rnn
ut,st-I ipilOI),
, QM'iliPlLili
Z.XX1 tC
grent Vnrioty of nul no.i!;,,, . le'' A':"4
l)l!Y.C(l( W IVIi VieiTov.-
xx,.. .1.1, UIJ lO.NO.
llonneta, Shawln,
II aU nnd Cnyt,
Uootf ni Whiles, a large quantity,
ilardwiire, sjuccnsirure,
Dru-s nd Medicines,
Oil and 1'uintK,
Carpet A Oil Clothp,
(J R O C i: R I E S ,
1 irh, Baci.u Rnd f!ou
I Mackerel in J and i l.arr-li,
of the beft iniality, all of which will be tj,J ,
I tho liiwenl ca.--h or ready pay priccn.
j My old friendf and the public generally, t
refpecifuPT i.ivi'cdl'' call.
: H. All kinds of GllA A and aprrond
, CUV STIi V I'llODia: taken in exchange f ,
Clrnrlield, .May 31, Ifdi
lOA'," L I) 10',fX
liNljil A- lollil
.XvJUt, ' i.sJVJ.',
P P. 0 S P E C T L' S
o r
ri)R lL'Ca.
Tile in'y li u oi'o.tic liaily M. riling Juro-l
pulhchvd in I'uil.i lul,ihia.
i n r .
ok tiik nil i.adi:;. -
.i. I'll 1 Aiii; invito lie
iirin'ft attentiuii -f
In, . r. , in ,!, I Ii ,i L i ll 'p in . n 1 1 r . r - rv iiicli nr. '.
j ,; ,v,,i are iutrrcled n tho vnri.e emj ati. i i
i:n I purniit of life, 1 1 thuP.iily ao.l Weekly f ii
tii:u ot I'.tir,
I 1H1' HHA DAII.i Adh,
I , "'''ich advn.ates tf prir,ci!.--i an J policy of '
, ll 0 I'ClllULT.ll.e pariv, is m..ue. ive:j inurmn-.
1 (Sundays e xeen'ed, ! an I cuntiin, tie: latest iu
ivlil'jeiij'.' Iniin all parti ol lut won.l ; with ctr.
fully or pared articled on (i.iverniaei.t, l'oiitiu,.
. lra.le, Finance-, and all the current ipicstioni
and ntlairi i f the day : I.ncil lot liiL'eace, .M. i
kot li.-pnrts, i'l icis Current, fcioik Uueiiitiun. .
1 no and Cuii.m. n i..i luiellipcnei', Keportse:
rubhc (Inibenniis, I urei.n nn.l l enctic ur-
ri'Mlllili n.-H. ta-nl llitmrn. Hunk ..lieCS. Th"-
1 "tncl CnliiiMiu, lleviews uf Literature Art and
. .Muie, Agricilliiral Matter.; and diseufi"lis 1 1
j whutevcr cii'.j M-t ii ot g. uerul inttrcjt aud ia
' l10!'!""1'0- ... .
xo i vei t of nny ui.portiiU' O om ur. in any pn-i
of the country without bciiii; fully mid promptly
teleL"aohe.l M and ool.lisli. 1 nruiuullv ia its vol
j I( ljaj ull j,.,..,,,,., t ,'e Asviciai
1 ed Press Inun evorv oiirt of t Iia I'niled Stated
and Ihe nena Irom all parts of liurorc l.ruuglit bv
the steamers is in-t.intly telegraphed, from what
ever ptiinr the Ftciiniers drsl touch.
TLilOU Tc Kollnrs, per annum, fr a sin
gio copy ; Five lul!urs, lor six months; To
Uullars and Fifty Cents, for tl.reo month ; and
for any le.s time, nt Iho rnto of Ono l'o'.lar per
month. Payment recpiircd invmiubly in d
Is a complote compendium of tho Xows of tlu
Wcok , ini contains lhe Chief Kditoria!., thi
'rices Current and tho Market lloporta, itock
IJuutiitinns, Intelligence for Farmers, C'nrro'pon
ilenee, nnd ( News Matter published in
Iho llaily Ago. Jt als) contuius a jfroat variety
of other literary and miscellaneous m ittor, Inclu
ding talus, sketches, biegraphy, f icetho, and po
etry, rendering it in all rcspscts a tlrst-olass lain,
ily jmirnnl, piiriieulni ly adapted to the politician,
tho Merchant, tho Fanner, the Mechanic, th
Literary man, and nil classes of readers. It has,
in fact, cveiy charaetoriitio of a live newspaper,
titled for tho inunting-hojic, tho wjrkshop, tin
tiiei-i Jo, nnd tho general roller.
The Weekly Ago is mailed in seas m to rcsoli
nil parts of I'enrisyl'pinU, Now Jersey, lebin .ir
and Maryland, on or beforo S iturl.iy of each
TICH.1I Two Dollars per annum for a ibgli'
copy ; One Dollar for six months, and sixty cen:
for tlireo i.iur. t lis. One copy gratis will lo sent
for ono year to iho person forwarding us twoa'
yenrly subscribers paid in advance. No papr
will bo sent until tho subscription is pail.
HpSjircimen ci-pios of the ub ice yycrs sr!
gratis to any addreu, on )illcatioii.
Tho circulation of tho Philadelphia As'e
which is stoadily nnd rapidly growing, ta.ikcs ii
n aa valuable a medium for advertisins '
auv other commercial and business newjpjp"
ia 'Philadelphia; and tho laot that it teaches s
largo class of conservative readers, scailwoJ over
a vast extent of couritry, who do D"l tkt any
other Philadelphia iipor, coininonds it, to an ex
traordinary degree, as a means of communicating
with the publie not possestod by any other jonr
uul published in this city.
Ths Age Is new established on sturo and re
manent foundation. The publiihors eiuld easily
nil their colnmns with (he unsought and mint
liberal commendations of ths press throushout
the country ; but tbey prefer that it shouiu
' " - 11.
I altniretliKr nnnn In nutllie eonndence wnu
; koo;n hni lMM Awiub.,asheKo.
u,e supporter of truo National, Consetrativs,
Democratic, Union principles, oppose! aliks
j radicalism and funntioism in every form,
i voted to lhe tnaintonanoe of Good OoTeromeni.
, p,aWt anj Order.
Ti. . :..i nr.ll ll. kiilins'
..... .-- ...
relations of Ihe country, eonsoqnonl upon
. r .... u. .a ,v, rioratioa
".",""u r"", ' .. ' .b.a
0f penco, will onablo tho puunsncrs iw 7
nuinberol bnurovemsnts in tho various an-
. 1.1.1
' r
If LltSSUI Cllllll i rri-..-7