if D. W. MOORE, Editor and Proprietor. VOL. XXXVI WHOLE NO. IETIER FROM -Capt. McKIERNAN J hum's Mills, Mat 20, 1865. 1 n""cu, in mo p. W. Moon-, Esq. " I ono llcl" f Seed case. Mr. Reed a m ,Sir: With one Ml " Uoner a,,cJ ".'uch rbi not privy to fvocp the JbwrnaZ thinks to annihilate me. cpnvcr5a,inn between the District Attor But thin "indiwidual'' ' 'atill lives," and "y R"a niJ',elf" 8,ld t '" as slated h.i yet to learn that the epithets '-fool" i ' V0'y 01)0 lvho know lno believe, not nd "liar" constitute argument ; .ml then ! wl,1's,andi,1S R- Carnahan'n "it is only nrycfme wih ill grace from one whose n0CCRftary ,0 ' thal 00 ch inleiview rVtel stock in trade ia falsehood and i itu- i juration. If I hare "acquired some reputation n elr.ve soldier." it is more than my iua !ijjner hai) ever clone. The Jvvmal publishes a number ofwhat j'Mvpcrta to le ruy lellers. '11 ey prenear- 11 gnibbd exttnets. and jet I think they .""'I to prove more than 1 admit'.eJ io my letter' to you. Vou will rero.?0 that I gave reports nothing rucre pt.d lLl I did not put ir.cb faith iu them you woulJ Nve learn ed had they yulliihtd the uhole rf taek !''-lcr. Under dut of July 11, 1 SCG. I fii.J pub litbcd, "I hire been informed to day that a parly of sixty person have been organ ized to rcfil li e enrolling" in Knox. Why did they net publish the remainder, hich says, " To nwmiw I am joinj up la sre then, and in my next yon will hear f their le-1 :V 'W" No call for troop there, , lurnal. ' Toor fuel ' ll etiih I Le, 1 did not fLr jet lo kcrp a copy of cveiy litter I ever Mroto to Cel. t'ampbdl, ai d they are free for the inspection ol all ; and I will forfeit , whatever "reputation aa a I tnve foldier" i crno ent, and when nun are created wnh Imay have ncquiicd, if every letter q'-'o-! "l" society, who U iperior ! And Low ....,,. , , ! I is it that a white man is .uperiot to a tfd that would maka out a eve aganl ' i .'it 5 iLliirk man, or a tnanio a woman? I me n r.or imr eJ. and id seveial iiuiancrs .ako it thai women are created wiih the words, nnv, whole fentrri'ei!, iiJJeJ to same naMiral nghuihat ine.i have ; but hat 1 did fay. Whilst at Watoifoid the Pro. Martini ! li'd I, at differeiit limea, cotivrsed about thenatecf feeling iu Clearfield, and at one time he talked of sending a Company i f Invalid Cirp lo thi. county. It wai arlly in allusion to a con vernation of this kird that the leller of July '.t-h, 1SC3. wm riilen. Kut I did not uy, "1 lii.d that lenty or twcnly-fire caValry will be nc eeuaiy for my posse." I mid, "Since 1 have leen around through tl'.e courty I find lh.it twenty or Itventy-Ere cavalry v ill be quite sufficient." A ixaierial differcrce, as jou will per ceive. After I had leen around through the ciunty 1 found that the people were r.ct hslf so lad as repreente'. Instead of that Liter being a eallfor troops, it was vir tually asking for a reduction of ihe number contemplated biingaont. July 7, I3G3, I wrote for a mall force to assist roe in arresting deciter. not eitisens. This I admitted in my letter to you. Then wliere ihe necessity of rrov' ing what was not denied ? But it was al most two years before the soldiers came. August 5, 18C3, afier detailing the vari ous stories in ciiculaiion, I close by say-1 ing "Nolwithsland'uig these reports ail treat me kindly." The r ext letter is such a miserable nbor tion, as quoted, that none but a teo'tator could have been father to it. What I wro'e was as follows, at.d you can com pare the two: Cl R A FIELD, All. 11, 1SC1. Col. II. S. Campldl : Km : Several persons have been asking me why tnere sre no notic.' given in our county papers of what it expected of drafted men, and thofe de pendent upon them. I wish ii cojld be possible for you to visit ibis county befme the draft : you could then appreciate bet ter the diliculties attending it here. Mr. Jiow. lh ed tor of ti e llni'tsmin. told me that in Knox township the people think that I am to serve iho notices, and ex ect it toon 10 be done. That il.ey nmt have pa'r Its on all Hie ti.flereni ioihh, who. ,he, (Mr. Row) sav will shool me the first1 'imelhow myself there. Ho tell me ihere is no dnub', in his mind, but this is i a fact. A pleasing ono to nie, is it not ? I -esrpet to serve the notices myself, and -if I had (wenty mounted men 1 would not fear the worst of them, lint without 1hem I Trill go where ordered or duty .ails. Kespcc fully, J. S. McKlERNAV. The difficulties were felt ay all, not in resistance lo, but a want of underbuild ing the draft. That 1 did .iiot fear these "sixty niea" vm evident from tuy asking for only "twenty" to oppobo them, and my read io ess io go without them. But why was not . Ibis letter r ublithrd entire? Suiely it gives aa sliiiglit f ot- ward an account of what was to be done ks ry other ; and mere, it gave the outli er of lite report. Strange ihnt act import' rmt information should be jassrd without HOtice I Those report, weio generally . . t i , . fcivcn to me ly Ihote whote ivuL was iutb-, er (o (be thought. This pseudo reviewer blow, hot and eold in thsnrao breath. 1I "oveilook- d y shortcomings'" Oenerou. nan I i Aod "Lore with try ir.compe;ency!".B. ' Lsantitbio toal I yol, "as a f .'.I'.. "a ' could make no oiher report." I AGO. But why pursue this farther! My let- luo Auiar.mg impudence I I a ill close by quoting, i la Journal, a fev passages of Scripture lor the Treacher to contemplate: Matt, xxvn, 5tb, '-And Judas went and hanged himself." "Go thou and do likewise." "That which thy hands find to do, do quickly." Kef eotfully yours, tfc, JOHN S. McKIERXAN. . SFEECH OF ANDREW JOHNSON , Or TEXSC-SKE, htli United SUt-sStiate, Dee. 12, 1830, on1 (fi resolution asany for the appointment of a comnxiU'-e to vives'ijate the fuels attending the attack upon Harper's Ferry, in (he fail nf 1830 eomm.onty known as (hi "Joun . O V.V KaID," Continued Mr. Trjinbull. tf iIjo Senator from Tennessee will allow me, aa he has dwlt on that point, I will restate my position in regard to that. I do insi.t that all . mn urn r)i(ftrl rnii.-.l bit wliiM. t 1 1 nut m thai all person, 'are o-nai in organ- ! ized soeiuty. The fact is an alutiart truth ; but when we come to form giverntuenl and organize society, all penoiu do not hai e equal right. II ihe .'soualor from Teur.ejtco denies lh.it propo'iiion, 1 would ask him, in the nUonco of all gov (hey do not have the same political i ighta in society. I understand that decinra liou whicli 1 a been quoted from the Dec laration of 1 1. dependence, and the same! language in (he Illinois constitution, lo' mean simply an asseition of the great natural 1 1 u l Ii that all men ate created e qual, lo hold that up belore the people of 'his country iliat everybody niy see it. , Now, wh.vti wa orgAuiK our r.oi.ty, w will infringe as litMo on thai gre:il nat n r- ( al rii;hlai possi'ile; hut no goveromeni is pet feet, and therefore we do in Illinois make a distinction between whites and blacks; and we make a dist inei i ni be tween the political rights of men and a'o iiiimi, Whiie we di) that, we al nittlifl gtea'. God-iveu tiuth that all are crea'ed equal. 1 Mr. Johnson, of Tennessee. That is the precise poiui al winch we c mio l" hs cerlain thiise rights: it is when pnvern- , mnts ami socie:ie are to be forirird Then e iai.se the question at once w heih er this dfcription of individf.als it equal io onolher debcriptioii of individuals. The constitution of ihe Senator's own Sia'e assumes that all members of the white ritce, the tae for who'u they were making and forming government, weio equal, and created equal. An African may be equal to his fellows in Ins own I country, surrounded ly his own kind of people, who are inferior to the white rce ; but, bee ue he is transferred here, or happens to bo boi ti on this com ini -lit. he is not invested wiih the tame rights with i lie of our lace ; lie is not cieaied equal in the very tu'innmg. Tlio distinction begins with the very germ itself. It de pends entirely upn whete he i. bom. L'ut I with to ask tho Sena'or a ques tion. Assuming equality to Lotlioiule in a natural slate wnereihoio is no law, he assumes, Uten, tluit the black muni createl with the ttne rights that the white man is. Vou as unie that Ihe power of the Federal (joverntiieu is sover eign ovpr a Teir I iy. You now go into a community where there ai e no whitei established. Will yru, undrr this gwner al idra ef liberty, and Ibis declaration that all men ate created cquid, in the oi gaidzation of your teiiitori.d goveit nient under your sovereign power, make Ibe negro equal to ihe white man ? Will the Senntrr answer that ? Mr. Ttumbull. lloes Ilia Senator de sire lhat I should answer Jiim now? Mr- Johnson. Cer'aiuly, if jou think proper. Mr Tiuoibull. I should bo governed by Ihe eiicuiiistances of the eop'e. I would not give lo the negro population Ihe ssme jiolitical rights that I would to the white population in every case. I do not know that I would in any ea e WIipii wo come to form our politic d rights of the perso ,s who are to c. orup-ne it, I am Pol prepared to say that 1 would givo Ihe sntne political right either lo females or to negroes that I would to tho w bite male population. Under ordinary circumstances certainly I should not be in fiivor of such a proposition. ; Mr. Johnson- Mr. 1're.sidunt. all that I wani is, to get at the truth, and I want, no fog or mystification uhooi i he subjaet. 1 lo not iitiderland me as assu ruing that . Ihe Senator is intentionally ihro vina fog i about it. rhe fiu msy tsnn my part, not on his. Hot peihhps I can make my proposition understood by a-kina another quesiion. If, for instance, tho Territory of Arizona wis colonized and filled up with a free colored population altogether, ivolIiI tho Senator be willing lo admit it I .i. - ti r o . . i - t e into Hi o eijirju ua ii oiuii'irit un nu.u iii- " l, . . -... acv t Mr. Trumlioll. My idea nlvtul. th ad mission of cow Stales is tins - I would n.st , ? K in.;:,n , ,.;., r 4pnoe 1 was en- ' I dticgoring the peaca of the Uniou itself. ' la tuy judge.ueat, i Issii tbo other day . i.ftn.,n lhv st lha niilll nap; PRINCIPLES, CLEARFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, MAY 31, 1865. when discussing this question, there U distinction between the white and the black races, made by Omnipotence him- Mir. I do not brieve theno tVon.ce, can live happily and pleasantly together, or enjoy eq,al right, without on- domineer- ingover the other, and therefore I a Ivo- cue the policy ol eeparating these races by a .yaiem which shall ri-1 the country of tho black race, as it become, free. 1 y I .houl 1 not be prepared, i the ex- ftl 'inW . aa'uit- " I'l fll II iiluln III I. IIH I ! I1 1 (ill A n im m n r i w .T-i.. i: ,i ' " ' Mr Johnwn. I thank tho Senator fir the admission ho hm made, and I wNh In nrcsalhA mnllor. lint.. Im.iI.o.. I . t. ; n ( , ........ . tiiiii 4 inula wo thull get together dirtc:ly ; I think we are traveling in convering lines, ar.d we are traveling pretty much to thj same conclusion. Suppose lluj four million tlaves in the tlave States were all eru.moi- .i i i; i ... c ... y, a.i iu u i uj, one ui our iur-.b,icli on the leaching o 'role-mr llotr- ntories and apply for adiuUaion hero, it , nan, ir lLo sv.tem of ethics recently in tcems to mo the Senators answer wool d j culcaied u to'be fasten. d on thee untrv appiy to mom a well a to tlio quest i ni 1 havo put. It I am wrong in construing it so, Lc rtaa c rrect me ; but, in l-is hot remarks, he has auiued that I let out to prove, which was opposed to Ihe whole tendency of his argument and the c'oc Irine he laid down a few diy. since, and what.it seems to me, acordmgto my understanding, the honorable Senator has been deny ing. He admits to-day, in his explanation, that the Creator himself has madrt a dillWence between the while anil the black nee. Mr. Trumbull' Not in their natural riglus. Mr. Johnson. No says the difference begins with the very origin of man. If the Deily himself, according to the Sena tor's own admission, has mado a differ ence lienveen the race, how can they have been created with precisely the fame equal rights and difference I t-g'iii ivilh Senator, in hii last exp ceded ti.e whoK' croa: privileges? The the Ileiiy. The unation, has con d ; and all this clamor and claptiap about 1 berty, and the construction winch should bj put on the declaration of Independiiioe is clear and unohscured. in speaking anout i lie latter part ot ltio the following insciiption mil: "Mr .1. second resolution of the platform of his W ilses Ilooth, in account with tho H ink party, which put. slavery and polygamy . of Ontario, four hundred and tiftv dol togethcr as "twin lelic. of bai bin ism," j lars." Under the pillow or bolster he Ihe Senator in reply to a t . i ... ... . . the 'd Senator from Alahama, ilr. Clay J v, "Mr. President tl.e word "ci iine-.' in citiz.T.s ol ihe , 1 will not c-ii il about ' I do not call H a crime South lo hold .tlat'ds at all. "Mr. Clay. Is not polygamy a crime? "Mr. Truuihull. l'olvg a ny is a cn.iit under somocircuuntances, but not ul arays actinic. 1 take it that polygamy is no cr mo in Tui Ley." Thw Senator makes use nf tlit word "crime." and says polygamy is Hot a crime under all ctrcumstunccs ; he say s i in I wo parts of Ins speech. Mr. I'lvsideat, 1 am ono td tl.e lait wtio should bogiu lo discuss a q lestion of ethics ; b U for uiy tell, in eai ly life and 1 have ptaliced upon ic 8i(icj I tried to lay down in my own mind certain great rules of right and wrong, truth and falsehood, vioa and vir tue. According to my judgment, and the teaching I have received, tlidse thing x ist ; and, in my vio.v, n thing cannot lu a crime in one place, and not a crime io another, according to circuiu-taoc.n. I do nol believe that r glit Hnd wrong aro conventional. We know what the piac lice of tlie world i ; in tome nations one thing is practiced and tolerated bylaw ar.d custom, and in tiuMher precisely tho opposite. Iiut does that disprove the gteai fundamental truth of tho proposi tion i' pon which all religion, upon which nllsoucil morals should rest, that there is a gip.it principle of right which lim at the louiuUlion ot all things, and that tho practices of thi or that nation cairiot chance or vary ii? What sort of a UmcIi- 4 V ing is the Senatoi to a nailou ? Nations iioipt hitvt; nioriU, a well ai itidivubi lis. Nations must have a high appreciation of, and oyslera imervard. Surratt told turn Ihe nphl, as well as ind'it idvals. If righl he bud two horses which he kept at How and wrong, if truth and fulseaoo.l, if vice m'd's stahie on li street, bot.voen Oih rnd mi I virtue, are to bi mare oonvellti inal j 7lh. Sa Atzeroih at the stable on the tunis.ns moraliiy, or immorality in iv ' 1 l'h of April, about ln.ll' piist 2 o'clock, prevail in pal i ictilur localities, v.iiere will ; aliempling to hire a hor,e but failed thi country and every oi le r country go ? j Wit ness went to hire a bogijy fr Mrs, lim b individual will be a Ivv unto him- Surratt. Oo Tue'd iy previous witness self, according to that tyt lil ol ethics ;' had sent lo tho Naiiuiial by Mrs. Surratl ami to tme man polyeatuy will bo right, ! I borrow Booth's horses and buggy. ami ncrordine to some other individual ; it will bo wrong Arotbe-otho d :ct rinns thai are to bo inculcated iu this coo ..ry? Ar thu pul piis and moralists to inculcate the idea that each man is to hnve his own system of moral"; lhat each man must o Ige of right and wrong; and that tliero is no rulo, no fundamental role, by whicli this great princiflo shall bo determined? 1 repeat, that 1 hold lhat, according to my teachings, there is a great mural princi ple of riglil which lie at the foundation of all tlrngs; that il exists from eternity; that il bejan with the Djity himself, and will c uitiniio until the termination of Ilmtcign; that it reigns throughout all lime as deep and i s pervading as naturo itself. Now, we are told in the Senote of ihe United State in the brosenca of tin intelligence, lhat polygamy may bfl right .11.1. r ym e.ii nu msbifinua nnil wrom un- .b.roMiers i Thj i.uvt ...i.istiiin enmp.s tin. under what cireuiiisitmcos is it right ? It is said to be right in Turkey ; which is giren as an illustration, and lo bo wrong here. If my memory serve mo right, 1 read the teaehina cr the doe'rinos of a professor . called iloir-uan who I think, wrote l-.,i.l. 'irno :' . . l,..,ir!ro,l 1 .v"r- so.., uV w ........... ye-ar i.e." ire w! re t asaod. loo A'tr.vnn resolutions I liko to rememb r e e i as, 1 1, and x';pal event. Ho Ir.id down doctrine lhat truth was mtsrsiitit'lo of division into t.ro parts anlsll ti.;. t w as fiui in rut.osophy wa. falio ;q tiieol not MEN. a lilv nm nil !,. . .... was fal.e in ph iloaoJl.V ThU U I .7 T g paradox :: and ye. I e ni, . T i many Xcked U h a.an ? . . ' c"?ed the lej seem, to L Z S.iem iret wn.,1, suit the UocSne wlh hS.r 1 cen.U t tba under The circunwunce. ir?L"r polygamy iV,.-ec Lou" r i t - 1 1y I e $ 2ur "nd1! I ' 11 wrong."' iVuppoie! Vco a I n . I- . . 4 . . . i . . . . " i . ,unl ysl(,tl. mat wou!U beiwhtin St-i .... 7 Ji". i " T ... j , u.v ty0 ITIUH !,! U k. .. . . . . ! T - 7 . '"'-'-'"H'i-ationof it.seen Davis and lienjaman, and the," Mid ; an mm an wmt is rigiii in Kepubli-, n sin . wrong in Democracy, and all C'inifiii iiiui I? i mm in ueniocraev is wronu in 1 i ... ' . .. . .. i..-i;uuu.:inniii - i mean uiouern Jieputili- , cun iK.i) . 1 think r . "'" we snail ii.ive lo tail out l trust aiiu hope it wi.l not. To be a Uinuei J THE TRIAL OF THE CONSPIRA TORS. Even that portion of ibo testimony in tho trial of tho conspirato.-s, before tho Court Martial at Washington, which is allowed by thu Court and the War De partment lo be published, is too volumi nous for iho limited space of our columns. We therefore, havo endeavored too meet a public want by preparing a brief abstract of the testimony, so far as already ren dered. Patriot d'1 t'lt'oi. A. 1C- Lee, a Government Ihlectlve. Thisivitness tctt lied to havingoxamined room No. 12d, at the Kirkwood House, oo cu,...'d by A (i. Aizurotti, and lo finding a coat hanging upon the wall, in the pock ets of which ho found a handkerchief marked Miry K lloolh, another suppos ed to be niarkrd 1'. Ii. Nelson, another marked M. Jl , a pair of gauntlets, a pair of spurs, a pair ol socks, three bxoi of (Jolt S Clirlriili'l'S ami ubnnlr I, a lll. I . n- - i - - - . wv.v ,. ,. Uuder the sheets and mattress he found . - .lu.n 'I'btt ua. lro I to describe the location of Ihe room with respect lo that occupied by Vice Presi dent Johnson, hot failed to make himself intelligible to either court, lawyer or re poi ters. Lewis J, Hud,!! m. This witness slated that he mile tho acquaintance of .lames II. Surratt in Charles County, Maryland, in the fall of ISj'J, which was continued until lS!j2, and relieved itl January, lfHi.l. Commenced boarding ut Mrs. Surriiti's Nov. 1st. lSot, on II. street, 311. Mul Dr. Mudd and lloolh by Surratt. The party went to the National, where 15 totii ord red wine and Segars. Mudd went into the passago and called B oth out into the passage, bjr ratt was then called out. Conversation ojtsida lastoi eight or ten minutng Mo ld ap liogi.j 1 lo witness by sayies. lhat Booth wanted lo buy his larm but would not give linn his price. Conversa tion between the thivo resumed iu the room at h centra tuble, unintelligible lo wiltness; 15 to til made mailis on a piec.'ol'au envelopo; did not tee tho mark nor hear the conversation. Jlouth frequently called upon Mrs- .Surratt, and had short private interviews; also with John II. ."surratt, with whom he had in terviews up siairs of two or three hours dotation. A'zeroth came lo Mrs. Sorralt's about three weeks afior witness became acquainted with Booth ; called for John II. Surratt ten or fifteen times. Went by the inline of Port Tobacco timing the young ladies. Was with Bioth, Sunatt, Aueroih, aod Ilairol l at tho theatre when l'uoth played "i'aseat.i;" had liquor Booth s nd he h id sold his bogey but gavo ten dollars io lure a buggy tor Mrs. Surratt Said the horses at tho stable were his. On lhat occasion (Sund iy lllh) witness drove Mrs.Surralt to Snrraliville. ton miles from Washington: Returned same day stayed only half an hour. Mrs. Surratt said her business, wa to collect some money due her from Mr. Northy. On I'i iday the 1 Ith, w i'.ne.. drove Mrs, Surralt to Sunattvi.le; nrrived there at half past four; stopped at Lloyd's; return-' ed lial.-past six. Identified Payne a a j mail whucalled at Soma's in Match and' gave the name of .Wood. He stopped over night ami left for Baltimore in Iho morning. About three weeits afterwards he relumed giving ihe mime of Payne; stayed three days and said he desired to become a good loyu! citizen, having iken thu oath of allegiance, and rore-ented him vi as a liaol it preacher. Miss Surratt re- Si marked t hat he was tpieer look i ng Bap- list preacher. Had a linen oat and ;wo linen shirt. Witnoss found a false inous- tache. vliich Payne afterwaids culled for but did not get afterwards found in wit- nesV b.iggag e. Wiiurss, sama day Tayne arrived, found him and Suriottsitiing en a beM on the third floor pluyiog with bow- ia L-r.irni thev had two revolvnm ami y .---'-,.,-.,,- , - - : ., : jour seiis oi epurs. ivituiiiueu spurs Ilist w.v f. i.i.d ir. Atr'rnursroom atthe Ki-k- wi'O L SI o mi k :i .'is in 1 in the bb.:iP rjj'ii, but di-l not r-e--giii,-e il as one aeon on that 02vr.ioc. Went wilh Surralt to l.tre toju for israa ttic n. t'." 'lerjdon TERMS: NEW . . A,lfZM(ii I?"0,? ,r"?na f'ntir.g .rona in tucb a manner at not to m PP'nS JifuwIIaroldt ur-, te .t firal underwood by witne.s. but fi. ' ,"C9 n lhu3,.?-n,the, ?fUaTn of 8 ' ne uo,e plain, and .aid they On the 2( th of March, a o- would .be wanted ooo. On the day it I! l" S f Vt K'ch" !""-n Mrs. Surratt came to hi. n ' k , . i ' rlurned on Uo"e- 'Sie 'M ere when he came home '2j'' Surratt drove her into the country, j about live o'clock-he mot her at the ?" T huJAeo"e,lJ wouJ.-f,i, 6,18 lM "e .hoot- 1 f-lc'ir0"a- rraLL . etu, neJ on April 3.1; ...g irons i eaUy that night; that there lw m" J e ev,,,..r ,,lo!la': M. P'?H WWW Parties call for them: the a K T n n. VU "f o" ""f for Montreal, r witnes has not teen him aince. tiaw w'r' : V" u V" ' ' 1 . . "OWJer- aftl0' -eeeiveu " uif i iu. .urrati loia Wlinm lie Ual . It.climond would not be evacuated. Wit- ness went to Canada on the lth of Apl in search of Surratl; learned that he had arrived at Montreal on the Glh, returned to the Stales on the 12th; returned to his rooms allheSt. Laarence on the ISth. aod disappeared the same night-a seen to leave the house of a man named I.ntter field in a wagon in company with, three others. Carried a-mcssago from Mrs. Surralt to Booth on the 2d of April, at half past two, as witness was about two drive Mrs. Surratt into tho country, found lljolh and Mrs. Surratt lo tho j alor. Tho interview lusted on'y three or four min utes. In December, I ?? 5 4 , Surralt rented her farm and removed lo tho cily. Wit nets had boarded with her since then. Made her acquaintance through her son who was a schoolmate of witness. Al wsys was kindly and courteously treated by her. Her house had six large rooms and two small rooms ; rented rooms ; fur nithed board. Youcg Surratt wa ir. the habit ofstaving away three or four weeks at a time- Witness never heard any pur pose expressed to assasinate the President. Heard Surratt say he was going to Europe on a cottou speculation that ho had three thousand dollar advanced to him ; thai ho would go to Liverpool, tlmnce to N.vsao, I hence to Matamoras, to find his hi other, who was with Mugrudor. Occu pied tamo room with Surratt. Was well educated, and a student of divinity ; said once ha was going with Booth to be an ac tor. Was a stti l-nt with him ; character a'. College excellent First drove Mrs. Surratl into the country on the lllh of April and again on the lllh; returned about 'J or III o'clock on the Uth. Her visits were to collect money from Northy, she sa;d. So n i one called about 10 o'clock snip riiitbt but itnnr.p.t nrilv m faw min utes; witness was at tupper- Had many callers ; was very hospitublo ; acquaint ances could get rooms as long as they c.ho.-e. First heard of the assassination at 3 o'clock next morning. Azeroth stayed only one night; he taid he wanted to see John; John was away but returned next day, and Atzeroth left; he had been drink ing in his room lhat night; had heard thorn say that they did not care to have Atzeroth brought to tho house ; Mrs, Sur ratt said she did not care to have such slicks brought lo the house ; ihey wera no company for her ; that wn April 2d. Though l no honest person would poises false moustache ; witness therefore did not give it to him when asked for; after wards exhibited il lo some c'e.ks in the office put il on with fpocs and made fun with it- Surratt described a six feet high; prominent forehead ; huge nose; eyes sunk; goatee, and long black hair. Letter lo Mrs. Surratt fro n Montreal, said ho wns much pleased with Ihe Catholic Cathudrnl ; hud bought a French pea jacket and paid ten dollars for it ; board was hidi ; would go to a privato house. Mrs. Sorratt's character exemplary and ladylike; member of the Catholic Church; wont lo church every Sunday; went to her duties every two week sometimes in the morning, sometimes in tho evening. Does not know tho exact dato or of intro duction lo Dr. Mudd; ul'ter Ihe Congress ional holidays; never saw him al Surratt's only heard his name mentioned in tho house once. Witness wrote a letter for Mrs Surratt to North about money due, and figured tho interoHoti $I3'J for thir teen years. Booth's interviews with Mis. Surratt lasted only five or eight minutes, bjt Atzeroth on 4lh of April, taid ho was going to get a horse for l'ayao. llolcrt Ii. Jones Clerk at the Kirkwood House. Id milled pge of In til ieg!tler, o" he 14 t i of April, o intidning name ot Atzeroth. Thought be recognize'! oneof tl.e pri-onera us iho man who took room No. l.t). Gave a crd of Booth's lhat day (o Col. Brown ing. Vice President Johuson's secretary. Would nol know Booth Did not know whether Atzeroth wr.s out tho nighl of the as-sass ination ; taw him only between 12 and I 'J o'clock ; he asked if any body had called for hitn; he paid for one day in advinco for his room W itne's went oft' duty al 12 o'clock that dny ; did not see him tCL'isler : oti Friday, between 12 and 1 o'clock, the man called him te the counter, and pointing to Ihe name, asked if any one had called. The room was I ocko I the chaaib.irumd could not get in : went with ddtrfetive. Loo to the room identified some of the srlicles found therein, when exhibtod to him Mr. Lloyd. Tbi wi'npss kent a tavern at Korratl vilhv Becarre acouaintod with John II. .i n.. t lur.t i tr n .i A tzerolh. Five or six weeks before the j 1111.111 l-L-li 1, Jlvr. illtjl ilj.lUi'l aiiu asnssination all three were at his boose. Atzeroih came first went on lo T. U-S was gone about half an hour and then ry I lurried wilh Surralt and Harold. .Surratt called witness icto the parlor, where Ijo had two carbines, some ammunition anu, a rope nbout sixteen or twenty feet long, j SNirrut. lr.hl witness ha Wanted lilIU, 10 . .L!... tn, i.tm and showed Keep inose iuit;' 7 ,i Lima i.lace unaer wfcere C'lUl'l 18 minii.-.ii. , - - . i AnAnin.t . wi n.i n il inpm Monday previ- .. a.vuv as (in i'c.::u. un ion .n. oi: t who , tho as-i!.io,.nat on nu-t Mrs. orrr-U e-r -..i . ---Hr'rci to or bialcd -bswl ti-.j tlul! -Le usk the more you nljoiusa.. $2 00 Per Annum, if paid in advanoa SERIES - VOL. V.-NO. 46. , . P'P" ? keep i inr h nhe asked him tohf.vtvnhMii..nrt,;.' i reaay, wyiog they would be called , Ior ,nai nignt. About a Quarter fip 12 tk the .fM-.,.ls tl.nl U--.1. .1 It Booth was a atrancer lo the witness Han. oi( came in and took .he whltll told witness to get him thoso things. Wit ness went and got, the carbines, the field elaas and a mnnlr nif-w,..ii. 'io mained at the house notover five minute, Only one carbine was taken; J5ooth .aid ha could not take his because his le was broken, liooth drank while sittin on t!ie porcfi ; Usrolu carried the bottle to him. As they were leaving Booth said " I will tell you some news; I am pretty certain we have assassinated the 1'resident and Secretary Seward." Witness became so excited, ho does rot know ir it was in Harold's piesenco. Witnoss received the nows ot the assassination afterwards about 9 oolock next morning. Thinks Booth, name was mentioned as the news spread. Did not have any conversation with the soldiers next day ; did not tell them that Booth and Harold were at his house on the previous night reared now that he did not. Never had any conversation with Mrs. Surratt about a conspiracy. Af ter the last" conversation with Mrs. Surratt on me evening ot the 14th. witnes. took me csrbtnes into tho bedroom. Gave Booth and Harold the carbines after Booth spoke or the assassination. They took the road lo T. B. ; Booth rode almost awhile horse; Harold's horse was a bay. Witness did not give the soldiers any aid who:i his promises were searched; told, them he did not know anything about it; should havo bocti perfectly froeifhe had given them the information they asked for. Witness Las a wife; no son; em ploys a couple of colored men. Court adjourned until Monday morning. TO nt CONTINUED. How Bodies are Embaljikd. By em err.hilrriinti ; oeonle tenerall are antto int. agme mat the modern process consist, of saturating, filling and surrounding the dead body with spices, gum. and other indestructible and preservative substan ces, as is understood to have been the process practiced by the ancienls. Such however, is not the case. The modern procoss is about as follows : Tho blood is drawn ofT through the jugular vein. An incision is then maJe upon the Inside of tho thigh, through which a chemicalli quid is injected by mechanical means. This liquid permeates all the vein, and ar teries, taking the place before occupied by the blood, and in a short time renders the body as hard as stone, and as rigid an a statue. A portion of the scalp is remo ved and the brain scooped out' The chest is opened and the heart, lung's and visce ra are abstracted. When ihe process is completed, the body is reduced to a mere empty shell, having only the outward semblance of (he departed individual How long a body thus prepared will re main unchanged we cannot say. The pro cess has only been emploped for a few years since tho war commenced, we be lieveso lhat time suOicient has not e lapsed lo test the indestructibility of bod ies thus prepared Patriot & Union. ItensDr for tu Cprcclio. A corres pondent of a Cincinnati paper gir.s the following statement in reference to the destruction of this intolerable pest to fruit whioh we here produoe for tho bene fit of our readers : In, the spring of 1860, 1 noticed lomeof my plums punctured. Having succeeded in catching the striped bug that is so in jutious to melon vines by placing wool ou the hills around. the young plants I concluded to try it around myplum tree.. 1 re.iioved the giass abut a foot around the tree, placed trash wool on the cleared ground, and wrapped around the fork, of the tree. On looking the next day, I found my trap had caught, a number of the enemy,' they having become entang led in the wool, J his tree produced a beautiful crop, while the fruit on the oth ers, within twenty f-iet of it, "came to naught." In 1SG1 I treated part of the others tho same way, with like result. Also in 18(32. In ISG3 I treitnd all my trees the same wn-. A mo e heal ll y and abundant crop of plum 1 never .aw. I have eight varieties ; I have , freestone damson that deierves a place in every fruit yard and very prolific a superior fruit for canning or drvine." To Start a Balky Hoas.. Fi'I hi. mouth with dirt or gravel from the road and he'll go. Now don't laugn tnii, but try it, The plain pliilospl y of the thing is, It pives him .timething else to think of. We have seen it triid a hun dred limes, and it has never f.Led. Ex change paper. , C-lT" 1 taFl"!''.' ' taid iho qum, " yy ' Vos." said the pa- Hunk mo a tool - . .... . . i i . - i I, tienl. DHL 1 11 .11 II Ol. I ( 1 III 1VU . i. I . -- '.-.lain ..iv i hniiirh t hi (fplinir my noise . ' 1 1 . . ... j ' v " j n v L is not a single sudden blow that rrU9jjt permanently, but the long endjr- nCtfof neVy burdens, or su accuiuula- ljon of lra,jer oue.. r-fhere is nothing that so awaken. . Wjin,ilv Within US as lotty rjQUaiO. 10 .1.. M. u tiim!.Ar lnB '"' "llu ul 1 " 1 " j - ;gypt, gods lie ouneu. CST" you eton I want to get angry, sy :o. . I,IaII.a.iI Kamamhnrtha