f 'ii. I'm CTPoii't fail lo Keml This ! Ojfr&a! C.jfo2 qJ&q 'UK EAST INDIA COITF.H CO'Y, . .. o. . .1 ...... r,. .(,..,.,,;, 191 HC..IO r.rec, u. ... ... u . " fiireil.) N. Y.. fall univerMil nttoulion In their Kent's East India Coffee. KENT'S LAST INDIA COKFKr. linsalllbe flavor nf OLD (,OYKltNMMN 1' JA VA,iiml if but lalftbo pri.r ; nr.d hIeo ihiit KKNT'S KAS'I" INDIA I ' ! T K K bn tico the Mrenth of Java, or nny oilier Of too winterer nnd where-, er ii-y by our l.i t cla-s hotels and steamboats, nnd etennrdd niy time i-' a savini of .'H per cent, KK.M'S KAST INDIA CnrnT. is themort healthy bevcrnire known, and is very nutrition?, 'llioweal: ai. I infirm may aso it at ail limes Tvilh impunity. Tho wife of Ihe P,e W. Eaves, h fid tn ii.ifttf r of tho M. K. Choreh, Jersey City, who bus not been nUc to us? any coffee for tiilecn yenrs, can ii'J KLNT'S KAST INl'IA CciK'cT.I, thrco times a day wiili'-ut Injury, it bein en tirely free from those j i ci tn- nervous excitement. Dr. James liovle, cflfd, Chnm "I havo never known any coli'ee hcaUuli.!, nu tritious, and free from all Injurious iim i i i i h ua i KENT'S KAST INDIA C . 1"K il. I adwto ruy patients to di ink it universally even ( those to whuiu 1 uuvo initieilo piotiio.iea ilo , use of Coffee. The Principal of the New York Eye li.f.rinniy snjs: "I direct all tho patict.tj of our Institution j to uso exclusively j KENT'S KAST INDIA CP IT Li', ami would not be without it on any account." I Tho ilev. C. Larue, an eminent clergyman of j lh M. L. Church, now stationed at' LaUey ft., i Ncnurk, sa, s of 1 KENT'S KAST INDIA COiTKi:, i "I havo used it marly a year in my family, r ! find it rroduces t:o n no of tlio I'.en.i, or netvoin irritation, as in the ct.se of all other Ccftcc.-i. 11 oxcecdui);'y pleasant, anu I cordially recoiu- . tuend it to ull elerjo'men and their families." KENT'S KAST INDIA COKKK!: j loured daily by tho families of Li.-Iu p Awe, ( Ilifhop Ual.er, Lollop James, nnd many ot thoi most distinguished clercywcu aud Tol'. :'f ioral men in tho cuntry. j lie wave of Counterfeits ! j and bo suro that the packages ore luleiKd j Kent's Fast India Colfce, 154 nt: am: street. A'--. rM-'," j kit Uiere nro nnnier.-in cuimt;rtoit- o!l .a un.lor tho name of "(ienuino Eai-t India CoSee," "U.i j ginnl Fast Indi Corlec," etc., pvit forlli by ii.i ( pjntent to deceivo tho unwary. i In 1 II). packages, and In boxes of Ufi, i() and 1(M lbs., for (iroccrs nnl Iaru coiu-uiiu rs. Bold by Grocers ytncrnllij. Orders from Country (Jroecrs f.ilici'c!, t) whm a very liberal dif count will be ma le. IV'Aoeic J nf ; Ilclli.'li A Molan, an I W. J. Ilelss d- Pro., Philadelphia : Francis II. Perry Providenco; A. L. Waito if- Co., linttun ; Pyn.-h-on A Lee, Springfield) Mafi.: S. N. Calleii ler. Buffalo; Onrdon'M'Millian A Co., Cl.-velan I; A. A. Colter & Co., Cincinnati ; J- t J- W. l'..ir.:i, Springfield, III. ; II. II. Shields, Corydoii, Ind. ; and C. C. (iarber, Chicago. Tho Am. Ad. A., 3'J HroaJway. N. Y. Pus Den't EsoS At,iii:i. Cor. Dcp't Fowi.ki: A 1 Wbi.ls, id aiitli.ii ii.'d t rsceivo orders fur Kent's Kan In.lia Coffee. It. DAVES. April i, l5. ly. AIEIiKELL P.IGLLIi Kayo just open3l a l:irj; nnd icnlil a.isoi trji"nt uf New Goods At their old stand in Clearfield, fWIIET have the l est assortment of Hardaare 1 that has evor boon brought to this county, which they will soil nt the ino.-t reasnnnhlo pri ces', among which will bo found a splendid lot of CUT T L F R Y, To whioh lliey invite the special attention of th publio, cnibraiifig henvy Silver-plated Forks, Spoons and Butter knives of the best manufac ture. A lot of PlKtola of Iho btst pattern, and other fire-arms. Alt-o a general assortment of pistol rartridgow alt of which will bo told at rearoiu ble'prices. They continue lo manufacture nil kinda of Tin-ware, Urass Kettles, Stove ripe, ete., which cannot bo surpassed in His sec tion of the j'.atfl. They also l ave on hind I'lltsliurli Pious, snione which arc tnel Ci litre Lever Plows. Al-o, Plow Cn.-tiugs, and many other Agricultural Iji- j plements. (!ook Stove?, Parlor nnd Coal Flovcs.1 gcn-ral ii'iortinent, an 1 of the b..j! put-' terns, fr tale nt reus, i.kl.lo prices. j Coal Oil, Coal Oil Emnjis,! Taints. Oils and Varni-kcs, a kciut.i1 assortment, j (Ilass, putty, Nail.i, Ir..n andCaslin'S ot pnit ; Variety; in fact almost every tiling wan!c I by ! tbo publio can bo found In their eBlnblisliiiient, ' and at prices tbut cunnut be beat. j Now is the time to purchase, If you (lotsiro nny thlin; in their line of business. Oivo theai a call nnd xami ne their stock, nnd they feel assured that yu can be aceommod ate.l HemcniLer, their estanlisliment is on reioudi Street, Clcarftetd, Pa , where you can buy gioils to tho very best a.lviintagn. ZKvOM silver, copper, br.is, pewter and old tvtinjrs will bo taken in exohaiic;o for iroo.ls. May 20, ISfi.'l. MlillUFLI, ,t PliiLFIt. NOT ICH & CAUTIOX. HAVING anailo Application lo the Assistant Assessor of tho HMh Collection Mslrict of Pennsylvania, and n Liccnsn ns Auctioneer hav Ing been Rrnn'od to me l.y iho proper authority, I would inlorin tbo ciliz.-ns of Clcarlie! I com ty that I will ottcod to " culling fules" whenever desired iu any part of the counlv. Charges moderate. Address JOHN L. lillAMS, Dee. In, lSfi:l-tr. Clenrliel.l, Pn. V. 8. Any persnn " calling " falci without a license is subject t i a penalty of which will bo enforced in accordance with tbo la.v, against persona violmin;; the slatuto. LEATH KUT LETviTTtiri AN astortmont for nlo In Clenifo 1.1, by Deo. 21. MIUUU.LL & HIoLLIl. MOUNT ST.... VLlON IIOI'SK Second Street, above Arch. I MII i I i I - 1 I i I I t a ' x : ii i iA u nui' u i i A. P. HI. A lit, Proprietor. to of tho "Surf Ucuse," Alluntio City ) pU 2.1, IS 011-1 y. Changed his Ease, but not his i'olitics. EM0VAT. FROM SHAW'S ROW TO 0 RA J.V bsiui's, one door west of Iloyiitnn if: thow cra' Store. The subscriber wishes to inform his friends and numerous patrons that he has left his old atat-d lu Ehiw's Low nnd has l.roko out in a new place in Orahain's Row, in tho shop former ly occupied by R. Stumph as a Root and fhop. Ho would like all his old friends to give him a call on Court Week, and bring as many new ones along as poesiblo, as ho can neewnodato all ' on short notice, at tho Short Shoo fchop. Kept by FRANK SHORT. t-Romember Ornhsm'i Row, one doorwett of Boynton A Showers' Storo. Jan. 11, '65. T)ROVISIOyp,-rionr, Bnwn. Lard, Cheese, .1 Dried Utef, Drisd Fruit, Ac, reoeived reg alsrly atlba store of J, B. KRATZKH, . fi. 2J, 165. Front it.. ClearBe'.d, Fa. CHEAP STOVES. HMIE subscriber in order to accommodato tho I J. citizens of Curwensvillo, nnd the public ienerallv, lias um receivon a im 01 (UOJ'v, AND rAUIiOJi STOVIW, HT wim w ruui, " "i'v. ui i-i - I . - - . 1 1... uill i l.iirn r.T ....... l(1,eu fur wh or produce, JOHN D. THOMPSON. nv. j, laoa-tr. ALSO, STOVH I'lPI'. l'or sale nt tho cbcap stora of John 1. Thompson. In Curweuvillo, nt 15 coots per pounti. Nov. 11, !" A FARM FOR SALF. III: nib--! iiV."r ol'Vra for fiilo on ri'i'.'onnMe thernis. n l'anii in lleicaiin low ii?lui', ne luilj Honth of lli'crai i;i .iJiiln, Jt coiitunn l-llly i-.f Acrt's, wiCi l i i ty A.:rc cbvi i a n il. a 1 j. house, Jji,0. r Iraiiie llu eiiin-: bouv Store i:"niii,anl ot!:cr -builuii.s. and u Kr..iHB (.irihaid "f thri" 'r - lr"cs. Tli . till.- is iindipu til.V. I''or 'IVl'lim, apply to tho und. i.ii;i;ed, ih I iwieivu lown.bip, Clcaiiio'd rnicntv. la. i.tr-ji :;m-ioi .1. u. i:r.M. W. & H.W. Mm.; i)i; vLi:iis in MERCHANDISE! IIAVi: STII.L ON HAND A a:Fiiie Assoriinoiit )., J' ' J OF Notions, oi i vies, llardirare, Qucensicare, Ji'oodcu- Wai-Cy Household Goods, ALL OI." YVIIk'H WILL V, SOLD 'VERY A)SY Jan. 15, .lin. WBW FIRM. IIARTSWICK & HUSTON DRUGGISTS M A UK KT .Sired CL KA K V I l-AA) L'A. KEEP on r" iiiilhf un h.inlalarjc a ild tivd Vill Stlrrtrd fifnrii ( 1) liVd Hand CHEMICALS PA XT OILS A A7 VAiMSIl PERFLMF.UV & Toil.ET AIITICLLS. CLANK.9, COOKS AND STATIONARY. TOIUCCO&SECJAUS. And a goticrtil nssortincnl nf 'AI!I ATIKS ami Fancy AlITICLLS. Wo respectfully Invito a call, feeling confl dent that we can mi ply tbo WjlU of all, on terms to thi ir t-ali.-fa.-lion. 1IAKTSV.TCK A HUSTON. C!ar!ieU April i'Mi Im',.!. tf Wn.nii-.li'iitin o n l n .j u ii ii ii ii ii ii i ii ii n v , ( vnwr.ss ri ..:. ,. VV. . (M li.Vl.l,, I'lopi i jtor. T 11 1.5 larT" and eo.iiiood;o-is lit) 1 El. is do liit'o'l'iilly bo ated in tho Lank o the bus qiieliiinnn, in tho boroii).'h of Curwmisv ille. The present, pn priet r will spnro eT.nt to render bis curtomcrs cmf ortablc, on I hopes tt merit a liberal share c f pul lie ratr .nage. HIS It A It AND TAI'.I.K Will bo well hit j plied with every th':n the mar ket sITirds, Kaflium will alnnw lind his "Inlch tlli"iS out. Mar. Til. If. in OOT.S and Sbocs-a coiiir.lelo a. sordiient ol .allies', (iciitlemcn's, Misses', Hoys' nnd Children's Pools Shoes and (Jailers nt .1. J' KltAT.F.ir.S. TAPLU I'ry (!ood Cloths, Cas.-iinercs Cloak-cb.tbp, Tweeds, Satinctts, Silknarr. 1 lannels, 'l icking, Muslin, Linen, Prints, at the old pi ices at J. I KUATZF.H'S. Tt' OH' Aid) ASf)f I TI()X, Pint apki rim, Pa. i'isenses of tho Nervous, Jrcmii.nl, I'rii nrv and Fexunl t-'ysien.s new and reliublo treatment in reports of tho Howard Association, sent by mil i I in ser.led letter cnelopes, frei-of fbnre. : Address, Dr. J. SKII.LLN lidl (i.llTtN, How i nrd Association, Nj. 2, South Ninth Street, Phi- i nilelphiii, P. i. jy2J-'lH ly Chon! Clion! Clion! I 1 Of! PusluU Fuperior PVI-: -ClloPltnrthrilh Settled. , - J )JJJ juit recetvea anil lor alo I f .1 15 per hundrod. JAME3 IF. JT. Philipsbiir. Au. 8, 1SI. pd. WANTED A lur ' T FLAX S K E D in c irn In! nf oxclinnuo for nvr.r - - vi .una at tne tlisap More or I , JUIIN D. TUO.Ml SON. I i-urwensville, SepL Id, 18M. nOPSK HOLD HOODS Tinwarc.Q ueensware, (ilassware, Woodenwaro, Looking (ilases, Clocks, Nails, (Ilass. Oils, Paints, Lamps, Wall Paper, at all prices at i J. P. KIUTZKIV8. radios Furs, Purchasers may rely upn (citine J the best Furs at CM A3. OAKFOHD A HONS, Continentiil Uotel, Philadelphia. jnn. II. 1R0VISI0NS Flour, Cheese, Lard, Dnod Apples, Dried Peaches, received regularly from thawest a the stora of J. 1. KRATZKK. 111 HM. Ilnrinnnicars, rreccptors, Musie 1'apcr, olln Huts, Bridges, Btriugs f the best quality at J. P. KKAZEli'S, CLFar'field CO. direotouy TIME OF H0LDIN9 COTJa1?. 2d Monday In .Tnnunry, I Sd Monday In Juni, Id Monday In March, 'llh Monday in Sept. uf each year, nnd continue two wooks if nocensary COUNTY ANU DISTRICT OFFICEHS. Pre s't Judjjo on . Samuel Linn, llollofonto. Ai'ln Judges Hon. J.D.Tlinnipson.Curwensvillo Hon. James Iilooui, Forrc'i Slioriir, JuC(d) A. l'uust. Clearfluld. I'rothonotary, I). F. litzweiler,1 " l'eg. A lice. Imiah U. Harbor, " Kislriet Att'y, WJI, M. MeCullougli " iiea.orov, C. krutzcr, " Co. Surveyor, II. U. Wright, CleulToj e. Cuuimiiigionuis, Thou. Douxhorty, Clearfield. Amos Iti ad, do Conrad linker, Anmnvillo. Auditors, II- Wooiiward, l'onnfield. V. V. Coiitoret, J.ccunlos.Mill M. I.. C. Kvans. l'lko tp. Coromr, lleury W. Parks. Clenrtield' I County tjup't. C. U. iSandford, Cleurtiold. LIST OK rOST OFFICES. f ClJUm, I'vitmtnttrt, ilccraria, file. i Hop-, Win. H. Wri);it Vtahvill,', Theodore Weld, Hearty's X P.oads.Sam'l. Iterar'y, Eovn-r, W. McCraeker, ('hot, Th. A. M'lMi.-i. l'i!.-!i, J. W. Campbell, IMeml, H.I,.lIei.dersoii, p.. nest, James Elooai, l I:'oom, Pradl'i id, Clearlield iJridi'O. James rorn-ff, Vroulnnd, I.ulher.ihiiig, Troutvillc, JcD'erson I. inc., New Wu.instor, l'.urn.-i.li', Patebiiiville, East Hi. 1,,'c, Earl, Mi (Inn ry, We.-1 over, ('!ca:.'iclil, l'len.-hvillo, Kaitha-.H. . .. furwenvi!!i, Phili)- t nr:-, W.'-t 1. "itur, (l.-ccola .Mills, .Varron, I.ilil.. T'.-br, I.!.'..!,!.- Millf, Pal l Hills, Shaw-vii!o, (ir.ih.im'. in. Smith's Mil', Madeira, 'JM.r, Pem, field, A:im nville, Salt Lick, New Mi'.lpcrt, Kylcrtown, Morri.da!. Lumber City . (Irampian 11 lis, Ctir'.vensvillo, I'loominville, P.;.-I:t in, Jet' ne?, William AH -it. Erndy, It. II. Moore, Cluis. SMoppy, John Hebcr.in, Jas. (tallalter, W. C. Irvin, J:uk Pat.-hin, 'Jumsido, 1 lie.-t, Ci. arr Covin; ebl. Ion, I'lirvciiii Pi-cati.r, r'.-x, ! (iiinrd, I " j (inhi n, I (Irahmn, I lJueli.-h, i Peecaiia, 1 Hurt- n, I " ! .T..i.Inn, ; Knr.hi.il", I Knox, I.M.-rri.', Ki i7.il C'la-'i (1. lle.-V.a.b rn, M.O.Stirk, Jas. Thompjnn, J, C. Premier, II. W. Spencer, A. C. Moore, T. II. Fltminj. 11. nj. F. Male, l L. PruSak.T, James L..'k.-;t, 1 Pn.n, " M1 i Wno.lwnrl. This I'.i't Off' co will do for Chest town jWili ai:wrr f ir Pcriu-ou tonnhip. iip. j JOHN L. (TTTLI',, i U.iiiicy nt I. aw mil Ileal I '..slate Acnt, Cl.MAlll llll.l), PLN.N'A. ) fi'i .1 . i . Orin:i(e the I) IPKl TFl'LLV i ilers V 1 ii n a d l.u) ii.. lands rs tis s rvi.o s in seii- in Clearfield and a I- mil';; ct urit : - : ai.il with a:i experience ot over leiilyycais ai a Purveyor, llattcrt hi:n.-elt' that i till rendtr s iii-faciioii, Feb. 'il.'l tf. w M. M'l'l'I.l.il'(;ll. Arr.i.vrr at , Law-, Clearu d, Pa, Office on Mail.et oiu Joor ea.it of tho "Clearfield (..uh!y ' u.ay 4, lot) I tf. , Sire :t 1 U-ok. ,Al 'Kill .1. IM.AKia.Y, Atltirnev C'ounsollor at Law, Will nlt.n l to nil business cntrustc'i to bis care in lllk and adjoining counties at St. Mary's Ueriinir P. O.) Sep 2, C mo p. I rnoiMs .i. M'cri.i.orcdi, Attiiiiify at I. aw. OfSea n lj. lining the Fault, formerly occupied by J II. M.-Vnally, V.f., Market ttrcct, C'learliebi, Pa Will attend promptly to Collections, Sale of Lands, Af. I'ec. I", T.2. ROP.EHT.T. WALLACE, J.iror.r kt Law Clenrfirlil, 1' i., i;ihce in thtn's Pu-v, op p.i.-ite tho Jeuical ollico. j dec. 1, 135S. tf ,. J. CIIA!.S. WAl.TKIt UAIlrlUT CHANS am. HAKKLT, Attni iicjs at l aw, May 3, T,.",. Ci.k vnriKirf, rA. DIL M. WOODS, r"HACTH'lN(i Phv-ieiau, nnd Ksainiuin ' Sur- peon lor I'eiisn.i. end ii lid Cherry bt i.i.llee Soiitliwei.1 eels, (.learti d I, Pa, Janna ry il, 1 I. 1 y CYP.KNII'S IIOWK. Justick or nu: I'kach. For ItF.rATfn Tonnsbip, rill promptly attend to all business eiitrinted to his cjre. P. C Address, Philipsburj; Pa. An . '.'1st lSdl rKVLU I'l.riJAL, Justic J ther.-buiv, Charfi-ld cm! of tho :y Pa. Peace, Lu will attend promptly to nil I usinss Lulbcrbiir, April -I, entrusted lel'.l. to bis care. r. k ii a t z !: il Mr.tu ii v Clothing, . WT, and dealer ill Pry dials Hardware, lucciiswnre, li rn-ci i -i Provisions, Front Strps-t el ovo Iho Academy Clearfi.ld Pa. Ajril -'.t:h 1st I, ' IL W. SMITH ,1 CO. MF.IU'IIAVI'S, and dealers In l.ioods, ii roeeries, llardwaic, (.'ncenswa cverMbin usually kcyt by tho trade. S SKCONI) f-treet, lu-low Judo Leonard's, ute tlio Pnobrteriau Church, Clenrtield Pa liec. 4, IM'.'l. I li.ssdlnlioii of rartiK'r.sliiii. T ill!-', parlnersl.'.p berotofaro existing helwcen Ihe riih-ei ibers in tin) Imnkinir binincM as l.ecnard, Finney .1 Co., is this day di.-solvcd by inntual consent, Tho books, papers, nnd nsseti nro left in thu hands of James T. Leonard, at the i.lli. e of 'i. firm, nnd all claims dua to nnd by tho linn will ho fettled bv him. Ail ovcrdua paper must le lAMK.s T. I.r.nNA IID, A. C. FINN I V. W. A. WALLACP, bo coii'.'s iied by James T Tbo business w Leonard as Leonard it Co dco 21-lsrtl. -.i t. ..n.-ii.f n viaiiii.'iiv ...... ...rn 'I . ....... n. I.,..-, 1 IV. Ilimitlll'iiisiijs i.u ut.-.. ..-.ti.'. s.s. s-. unbli.-bed a Nnr-erv, on tho fike, nb.iut half , way beWCen t'lenrftel I and Curwensvillo boros', I Is i.renared to furnish nil kinds of Fruit trees, I (Standard and Dwarf,) Evergreens, Shrubbery, lirnno Vines. (1 loscbcrries, Law ton lllnekberry, MrawberrY nnd llas.berr vines. Also, .Siberian Crab tr.es, Quineo nnd early scnrlet Pilicuburb, Ae. Orders pruuipllv ntlcnded to. Address .1. D. WlilCHT, Ciincfiiin'fe. sept. II. 71 1, ly "I cntlcinen's Hats, All tho Lutest Ply lea at .1 CIIAKLP.S OAKFOHD A BON'S, Conti- aenlal Hotel, Philadelphia. jan. 11. llltf jtUt lOUSf li. li. .u ii A H S , rROPRlBTOR. Oct. 19 Ai I Inrt? on !C?lrx ILTaiEaaffclbuirglHluttt&ll, LUTIIERSBITRC, CI.KAHFIRLD COUNTY, PA. WILLAM NCJIIVIM, Proprietor. Muy IK, lso:i. ly. SSlntf femahcr & clucltr, Xo. 118, Aor(i Xccontl St.corntr of Quarry ruiLAoiaruiA. ; An assortment of Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Waro constantly on hand, j P.cpariring of Watches and Jowolry promptly j attended to, ' ,7'Mr. Aviso invites bia obi customers to call and sec him nt the above, establirhuicut. Feb. 1 , 'Oi ly. Flour.-- A L.MU1 K quantity oftEx ira Family I'loiir in liar ro f , Sacks nnd half Saeka, fur sale by W. P. 1KWIN. ClearDul l, Feb. 22, '3. VD.MIMSTItATOH'M NOTICI'. Notice is hereby given that Letters of adminif tra lion on the c.-tato of M ATi nr.w A. Fori kk, late of liridford township, deceasod, having been taken out by the lindeisigno.l, nil persons indebted to said estato aro ro.iie.ted to in.iho immediate pay inent, nnd those having claims ngiiu;t Iho Eiuuo wi'l l retent them diilv uiitln'iilieat.-d for Settlo ment. TIM'S. H. I UltCI' H. ) . . SJk.M'tr.WH.sON, Am"' Eradford tp., Ap. 4, IW'1S. Cheap I' ii v is it is re ! (t'r.Vrijr.'' ?-&JP.tt .Ce?2,2aB1SS 'iii.' M. i'i.irv.'v, T''IPES t-i inform his old friends nnd eus K. a! Earlier, ' i -I Mfr' ''!l, enlar;M'i bis shop nnd M A EranK increaye, his facilities for innMifnetiiring. he is P. A ' (lanlin', 1 now prepared to mako to order larniluro ns tuny J V.W.Sehnar-s ! ,,e iroil, in (,-..o.I style nnd at cheap rates for T W Fl.'n ii. as''" lie mostly has on hand at his "Funii Ceiitr1 c un tv"' ' !"r0 "'"'"'is" vailed n-:or!ment of llcauy-madc B Ua.Ubaeh" i Furniture, am. "ng which arj V. p. p. .a'.irh', I Iniicans and fSide-Hoards, Ed. WiE-an.., Wardrobes an I !;o..k Cases : Cm! re, Sofa, Parlor r" M -''hi ' breakfast and Dining Extension Tables. :iii'.at'i Carr, K'ommcn. Fronch-Pcst. cottage. Jenny A. P.. ---i.-.i', j Liad an.l othrr Eedsleads. T. H.I'.-tc.e. ! SOFAS (.full. KINDS. V i:K-STAXDg Jas. A. Hearty II AT-KAL'K.'j WASH-STANDS, Ale. i.avii Tyier. j Uocliin and Arm Lll.'lir3, II. Wnoilwaid, prin Peat, Cnne-Eottom nnd Parlor Chairs and Common and other Chairs. . oorA ;-g las.sk .? Of every description on band; nnd new glasses for obi frames, which w ill be put in on vo- ry reasonable terms on short notice, lie aln-i keeps on ham, or furnishes to or der, Hair, Corn-llit.-k, Hair and (Vt'on t..p Mattresses. COFFINS, Of every kind, Made to o-d.-r, and funerals attended with a ilarsi, -vhenever desired. Also, Ileitis:.- i ut ill -r done to order. I Tho sul svriiv.r aU'o manufactures, and bas j c. n-ia'iily en band, j Clr-uiciit's Patent Washing 1I-V3 hino, I The be.'t now in ii"o. Th.-.-e u ii:,- thi" tnnehine ' never need be without i lean cloih- s ! He also has I liver's Patent Churn, A superior art'ele, A family usiu- this Churn ! neicr need bo without butter! I All the ab'jve and t.iany oilier nrti.-'es are fur I ni.-hed to euvtonn rs cheap for C.vn or cX 'bnn7od ! for approved country produce. Cherry, Maple, l'opkr, l inwood and other Lumber suitab'e tor Cabin, t w url:, taken in cx-!i "!; for fn-niture. i pir Pemember tho shop is on Market street. ClearHtbl, Pa.. and nearly oppoilo Ihe "(llil low Slorj." JOHN (JL'LICU. Nov. 2.'., 1 y ASHcrar.3!. House Cl'IiWKSSVJLLt:, MItS. !. ' l-o-1 lull v VC H 1.00.11, rro; rietress, ros ily informs her numcioiis friend?, an.l the travelling public, that she st'.ll occupies tho nb 've well known stand, and that they w ill always lin.l her boil: e a homj of comi'oi t, economy and conveni .'lice, Tf-Chare' mo l-.':.it. jan I."., Cm. pd ' LP All 111.0 JM. ilCLIOGRAl'HIC. T 1 1 1 n undersigned, bnvin crmp'etej his Phot- dirruph (l.illery, in !Shiiw s How, two doors I we.-t of ll.o Man.-i-in llou.-.i, Ucartial.t, ra., Is iM'.T ready to wait on all in want of j Tti'iiirfti" Oil:,;: 2 IcV.jrlr rist. My iirran.'iinnts are mi h as - .'! . u d.le mo to 'furnish tin.-.' beautiful productions of sun draw j ins l' 0 highest stle of the art. Having lilted up u:y rooms ut a considerable expense, with a view to tho comfort and pleasure of my patrons. I hope, by strict nt tel. lien to hn? iness ami a dosire to pleas.', to merit a lih-ral flriro if public. ' pal'i,na'e. A fu'l supply of ti lit, llosewoo.l. -nd j oilier Plumes, Albums, and all ( lulless variety i f Cases alivays on hand, .-.-. t A.l i ....J J. Xi-u'i. a Purlieu!. ir utteutH u given to Copjiugall kinds uf Pictures. 7is-lns:rnetion in iho art of Piiolornphir.g piven nn l.appariuns fnrtii-hel nt city j rices. M'.'Jl-tf 11. I'.LI DtiL, Altist. J. II. L. LACK WELL. v, un (i i:o. W. U K H D erc CO. CLOT JUNG, Al.-o, Jubbers in Cloths, C.ioinieri'S :it.l S'altinets, No. I i.i MniKet strrct, Norlh side betwi n Fourth nnd I- ifib, I'll 1 1. A Uin.PH I A. rrr Cull and fee our cxti nsivc ft... k. Au- 10, 'CI. tf. WATCH ,1 J EW ELK Y. EsDIIiaU, rrMIK under.-ij;ne.l respectfully JL infori.ip bin custnincrs and Ike putilio generally, that he lias jutt received from Iho Fast, and oi en, edatbis estal.li.-l.ment in '.'.l HAM'S IU) IP Cleaiflcld, Pa., a lino nssortment of C'Lornsi, Watcuks, nnd Jewklhy of dill. rent qunlities, from a single piece to a T'all sett, wbj.-h ho will -ell nt the must reasonable prices for cash, or in exchange for old pidd and silver, CLOCKS of every variety ni band, at tbo mist reasonable Jiriees. ALL kinds of Clucks, Wati-hes and Jewelry carefully repaired and H'tirrnnteil. A eoritioiianco of patronage is solicited, .Sop!. ID, I8i',0. II. F. NAP OLE. Farm for Sale. rilll K subseribir oilers for sale, on rcnsonablo .1. terms, "O rren nf I. nml, more or less, sit uate in (iirard township, Clearfield connly, with nbont tU ncrcs cleared, with bu blincs. Ac., crec led thereon, bcint the same premises, purchased by Smith C Kinir from (leoreo P. Smith. For terms and particular npply to the undersigned at Clearfield, Pa. 'I 11 OS. J. McCULLOLT.IL Sept. II, ISO I. tf. ELOUU. A Superior Article - of Extra Family Hour For Sale by Fob. 15. 3t. JAS. L. LKAVY. CAKPETINO Ingrain, Cotton, hemp, Stair, Floor Oil-cloths, Rrncatollo, Door mats,.Ao. J. P. KUATZKR. Ladles' and Children's Hats, Latast Stylaa at CHARLES OAK FORD A SONS, Contiiicn ul Hotel, l'hiladalphia, Jin, ll-3mai. j r ism NEW GOODS AT THE j Cheap Cash Store WILLIAMF. IRWIN! Madet street, ojijuMlc the ' t'learjidil UuviC, ClearfielJ, Da. A FKK.STI ARRIVAL OF Winter Goods AT THE CHEAP CASH STORE. I am lust receiving and opening; a carefully r.1 al..r.'jnf fnnli ionnhlo Slirillir A Slimin ei .vv.v v..v..- , -c - - . 0 s m & of almost every description, l :e..l ,.f Klnla o,,.t Tiro i.L-nuiinu nnrt..i.u... ... I'uods. of tho newest and latest styles. Also a yreat variety of useful notions. DllY-GOODS AUD .NOTIONS. lioiinets, Shawls, Hats nnd Caps, Eoots nnd Shoes, a largo quantity, Hardware, (juectmwnro, Mrufs and Medicines, Oil and Paints, Carpet i Oil Cloths, G II O C E R I E S , Fish, Bacon and Flour, Mackerel in i and barrels, of tho host quality, all of which will bo sold at the lovest ca-h or ready pay prices. My old friends and tho publio generally, arc respectfully invited call. X-ff-H. II. All kinds of (7M.VanI approved COl'XTIi i' I'liOUUVE taken in exchae tx (Joods. w.m. f. i:;v,iN. Clcarfiold, Jan 11, l.cf.5. RICHARD MOSSOP, FOKKIGN and DO-M LSTJC GOODS' MUSI.I.VS DKf.AINCS cor,ri;ri.s ALPACAS nt ut nt nt So ii.n(ion Scnf.Ttion Sensation jiritce I'rices jiriees 'sensation lion juices1 in.SS'H'S' .Tnst receivpil ut OIXiHIAMS at nt nt nt Sensation Sensation Sensation Sonsntien ScnFnlion jiriees iric;cB 1. 1 ices j. rices jiriees CHINTZ I' HINTS rn.ovKs fit A VATS nt WuSSOi'S' SHAWLS nt PUNNETS at Snisatiein prices) Sen.sation Senfition prices : tiricosl I Cdl.olO'D I MUSLINS nt All to l.o !i:ul at M SS0L i.TNI'N at CilASlf nt (L'li'i'AlNS nt I'A CLOTHS at Sonat ton Si'iisniion Selisitiotl S(ns;ition Sersation at MdSSt Sensation Sensalion Sensation pi tec, jiriees 1'i'icos -rices l'riec-s il'S". 1'UlNiJE LACS IIDSIEKY lill'.llnNS TliIM.MINflS ol nil kinili at at nt at . rices priies I'ticea 1 p, icc.$ nt Sensation m any riuaii t y j Aiivruson liand at JlOSSOrS'. ( Alal Llil-j S.MTINKIS TV EEDS .! KAN'S V ESTINCS SliiUTINdS at a, nt at at at i-cns.ntion !?nHation Sen.sation Sens.it -mi Sensation Sensation prices prices pt uvs r.u',;s 'r!''"i i" I prices ut Mossors' CLOTH I NT. r-ueli as Coats, runts, Vests, Cmicr Sliirt', J- at sensation prices I'lanncl Shirts, I'.ools, Slioe?, Hats uti'I Cap? Now for tale nt JlOoSOrS', II A Ii D W A li K sueli ns Savs, nails Forks, 1 rives, Spikes, Hinge., nt sensation price? nt MoSSOrS' I.lQT'OIiS, full 1 as. Wine, Eian.ly, '.!.. I. : l I nl 5 ensatieii pi ice? j VI II, I. .11 (.--M'V, ! (Vs; n.io, etc., etc., FLITI'S, such n'j ! l'l'UI.I'l. Ililisills, j I'igs, Fill-ei Is, Ac, it fonsalion prieo nl MOShOr.S'. iLOCEinrS.Kay j F 1 ii n r, II n ms, . Slionldei s, Suar, ;Mo!.T?es, Cidlee, I Ten, C r n c k r r, at sensation pricr-e - s piers, '.'aiiilli ;Coal llil etc., ete. A 1 vi ay 3 at MO.SSOr.S'. I LLACKINil . LOPES I'OW 1-Ell IIIOT ! LEA 1) nt at nt at :it f.t. sent? nt inn mi-T.tioii Fensn.ticti nui-.it ion sensation t-ennt ion prices j. rices prices prices prices CATS p; ices At llo More of LICHAKD MOSSOP. 11k CAII i' 1 v.. s v1 Always keeps on li.in.l a lull assoitment of nil kinds of poods i.in irod lor the nccoiriiiiOilulioi) of llic iniMic. Licensed Auctioneer. WM. M. III.OOM, or Pika township, de sires to inform bia friends and Ihe publio generally that he bas taken out a Linens as an AUCTIONEER, and will attend to the crying of sales In any part of the county at th shortest notico, and at the must reasonable charge. Ad drass, either personally or by letter, tltbcr at CurwtosvilJe or filooravilla. April 9, 'U. tf. , Clearfield Academy. D. W. MoCUEDY, A. B. Prinolpal. riAIIB next Quarter will opon on 'Wednesday the X 22d of March, 1381. Tormi of tuition u follows: , Common English, comprising those branch, oa nut higher than Reading, Writing", Aritk- : motio, Ueograpby, English Orainuier and I History, por quarter, - 6 00 IliRhor EDgllKh, por quartor, - . 7 60 , Languuges, per puartor, - 10 09 I March I, 18C& ronmiiLT at tub bellkkomtb rouwuBV coanub I'LAC'K Or kUSlKKHI. IIAUl'T&Co., HAVING leased tho Foundry and Macbino Shopsat Milosburg, known as " GREENS FoL'NDHV," are prepared to manufacture and repair Steam Engines, sweep and tread power Tht-tali'mfr HTnfl.l.. V... ll'.M . i . . J ..v.., ih norm anu. Jiutliawar uooa oioves, vngon bpinclks, Plows, and Cast ings of ull kinds at short notieo. They alsotiavo both at Bellcfuuto and Milcsburj, a variet, of Cook und Parlor Stores, fur soft coal, of PUts burg manufacture. Call nnd eto for yourjelvei. ISAAC HAUPT is upont f,,p il.a v. ,'. r Intf Bn.l I .t ....).; . T.... . r. 7 ' "u"'- a ...WV,M Auui.iiit'U V'JUipaUies. jy20,C.ly Thk pecniiir taint or infiitiun which wc t.ill Scrton r.i Itiik.i in tlio cunMitittiorih r.f imiltilMiL-s f tin u. It ( illu r )iioiiuei-s t.r ii proiliu cd by rin ch - tV-iblcd, vitiated ktuto 2 K .A. j' - of llic Mood, when-ill IftiMliilt f'.uid lii'i-nnio, in- MM ' t;f I 'T T ""'' 1 j Ki fa' -s-l1 '"'"!"ft to fuMnm - V . ?.)? , fAJl1. V"'1' f"r'-''.S m lmr i j'? ."-KaKi vli;"rUi action, nnd ! -ZTT ZT x'' - au's 1,10 ' Arm u j " t ---"- fall into disorder nml dic;v. Tin- scrofulous ('ontainiiiHlion jj v. rioiuly itiishI by iiicicurial di.scave, low 1. W.I ! f I, onKTi'.l (Iit. .-turn lroui uuhciilthy nro ii jr. lilth nti-1 Lllby habits. 111! ! tl.t! di-prcfsiiip; vici-s, und, t.l.ovu all, tlio vt in real ii.fi i !io:i. VVLntevcr be Iv its (.tiiii, it n lis.Todii.iry in C"r. t.ttltion, (lesci-nditlj; "f:'oi:t .ar t.i children it nil tin; third and fourth ft r.orntiiiii ; " iivb-fd, jt rv-vu..-. i'j i v. lit. ivuv.. i-t.v 1 Mlt vi -it tbo iniiiuitiis cf the f.-tlu-ri upon U.ir fliiblrc:i." Tlio disen'OJ it oriiimU'i t.d;c varioiii iinioes. ncconlini,' to the organs it lltt:tel,'. In IllO llilliTs. iSei-ofula producn tnl crclcs, nd dually Consumption j in tho f lands, s llingsj wliicli sttj.purnlo nnd be en, no iiliv. ous fon j : in tlie stomach nnd .-..v, ... ..... ....v.. i..m bow-ils, di ranc;e:iKim v. liich produce indi- pestmn, (l f)f psia, ntul liver Coiiipliiints ; on the idvin, eruptive nnd cutaneous alU-i tiotis. T'lii so, all having the r-anio oriojin, rcrjuiro tlio fame remedy, viz., purilicatjon i.nd itivjoora tion of tho ldiiol. I'urify the Hood, r.nd these datifjrrous divteniprrs leave you. "Wi: ti feeble, foul, or corrupted blood, you ennnrt Imve Itcaltli; v.itli Unit "lite ot tlio flesh" l.ea.iiiy, you cantiot have scrotal. Hi"; i:;-.caso. ' Ayor'a Earsaparilla - i.i r .i n . i ii conipouieicu n iiiii me iiiosi en .'euuii nnu dotos that medi'iil M-iencc has liscovip d tor thii nlHietinp; disti.iiiier, i.nd for the euro of tho disorder it entiula. That it is far nvc-rioi- to any other remedy jet devised,' is known by all w ho have riven it a trial. '11... t it dues combine vir'.iu"; truly o.ti.ii,: litir.r in their effect npoti ll.ij clasj tf t . .ini.l.iii.ti. 1 18 mdispiitniily proven l.y Cie j.-;cat liuili.tu.L' l'u'''u'Iy known nnd remui ka'.le cures it 'ms 1IultL' of the follo-.virif diseases: Kiug'i I Evil, or Glandular Swellings, Tumors, ! Ernptions, Pimpl3, Blotches and Sores, jj-ysipeias, itoso or ou Anir.ouy s x:re, ibftlt Kr.cuni, bcald Hc.td, C0J2U3 frcr.i I tuherculous depont3 in tho lanes, W'hito i Swcllinren, Debility, Tiopgy, Neuralgia, Dysprpnia or Trj:lige'lion, Syphilis and jjjd iji.'s.iau vi lu.jit uuji, oypuj.13 ciia Syphilitic Infections, Mercurial Diwaso?, ' FcnilloWeakneSSSt, and. indeed, the whole series id coniplaiuts tliutame f:;in itnpuMty of t!io Lhi.j.l. Miimt, repents ef ia.livi.1.!!."! ca-es r.iny le found in Ami's Ami:i:icas Almanac, tvl.icli is; furnished to t!.t dm: "j' for pr.itiiitoun distribntien, vlicrtin tra.y bo learned tin; dirictiei.3 fur its u-.c, and seiro c.f tlio rciiiatl.able cures ivliicli i: l as made ivlxn all other remedies l.r.d failed te i.liV-id rdiof. ThufO tares are pitrpescly taken from nil sectidin uf tl.e cotnuiy, in orJir that every reader imir have recess tn fottiii onuw lio ian spi ak to Lim of its benchls from personal exiierienee. .Sorofuln depresses the lital enot'ijies, nnd thus leaves its victims far more i.ubject to distiise nnd it fatal losults than nro Lcalthy constitutions, lkr.ee it ti lids to tliortcn, r.nd dues pui.ily tliottrr. Hie avcrao durai'.jti of I mnan "Lie. Tlx-va-t inipnrtance of tl e.-e considerations l:r..i L d us to ipi r.d yearn i.i i:i I' c ti; a rcnu dy vhieli ii ndcCjimte to in n;re. This ve now idler to the public ur.i'.i r tlie n.iiac of Aylii's S.i'.isAp.vntl.i.A, nltbot:o'i it in (cmposiJ ef iiirredier.t, tonio of w hich exceed the best of y.nrsrHirU!a in nlteralive power. 1!" ita i.isl yon nicy protect yourself from Iho sutl'er i;;r; end danpor of tlicre difordcrs. l'nrgo out tho foul torritptioiis that rot nnd fester in the blood, puree out the causes of disease, mid vigorous I enltli v. ill follow. 15y its pecu liar virtues this remedy Mimulatis tlio vitr.l fututi'iii", r.nd thus expels the di,tcn pers vbitli link vithin tl.e (litem tr Lurs-t out on nny pn t ef it. We ktur.v the public have Iccn deceived l.y ninnv eoirpour.ii.-i of SiirtaiiuriEa, that romied much Mid 1 1 id no'.liin; but tliey i 'iU lu itlicr be deceived nor disappointed in ; mis. lis virtues nave nccn proven ny nruu- l i1-.nt It-ii-1 nml ll.i-i-n ron-.ninn nn niif-Htinn nf it.' surpassing exccl'.eiico for the cure of the n(lt:,.lM... 71!...nr-a if in ii..li,li-il In rrnfh ' A!t!;i:u;:!i urt.1i r the same name, it i a very , ilill'en nt medicine from any other which has iLem Leforo ll;e people, nnd is far more cf- leciuai man any nucr w incu nni eivr uvii nvaiiaUo Xo them. AYEH'3 CNEttllY PECTORAL, Tho WorlcTn Great Pcrnody for Coughs, Colda, Incipient Con turnption, and for tho relief cf Consiimptivo patients in advanced Ktagea of tho disease This lia been so Ioiir used and fo uni vrrstilly known, tlint vro need do no more than ns'surf the public that its quality is kept up to tho best it ever lias Lecn, and that it way he relied on to do nil it lias ever done. Prepared by Prt. J. C. Ater Co., I'raetleel and Analytical Chrmiili, Lowell, Mass. Sold ly nil drufgif ts every where. 0Sil.l by C. D. Watnon and Hartswick A Huston, Clearfield ; E. A. IiTin, Curwensville ; Foster A McOirk, rhilipiburg S. Aruold, Lu thersbur ; and by dealers everywhere. September 14. 't t, I yr. SI'. MrCI.Ki;', Practical Surveyor.of , fers Ms prnfessionnl services to the peopla of Clenrflold eonnty. Having purchased the In struments, Drafts, Aa., of tho late Thomas Rosi, doo'd, ho will be ready to attend to business on tho shortest notice he can b consulted at hn residence with Robert Ross, on mile from Cur- enrville, or by letter addressed to him at Car wensTille! S. F. MeOI-OSKKY. an. 27 7U-1t. T- . ,1 : . r.. D....liaiArl tn.mlv 1IPOD fSt- Is. a . v i ui ., IM,vutfv. ' j - j. iC'Ccntlnental UoUel, rbilad'a. 11 I ill If lug ufii " . " . . -. - . w w . i ... - ..I i . . iiiniuni. - i i v.