Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, May 24, 1865, Image 2

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    .i- nt was soon 1 ritlit to. lie brandish-
, ,1 it bowie knife of'tn elegant pattern, !
. n-1 showed signs of battle bill yielded
piniiptly to the ptMsuainn of the Cull's .
revolvers, without cnmpwlling the men to !
lirr. lie expressed great indignity at Iho,
ftiergy with be which r at ursued, saying
he tiAil believed our governnitlut more
mufnantmous than to huut down a wo
man and children. Mr. Davis remarked
i. C. H.r.l.r. nflei- I h pinilemimt wall
over that the men bad bettor not provoke 1
i he President, or be might hurt some of.
lieagan behaves himself with becoming
dignity andic.ign.aion. The party were
evidently tuukinit for the coast.
(Signed) J II. Wilson,
Hrevel Major General.
Remarkable Article from a republican
fat er.
! Ffoa ttie New York Tims, Mr. Soward' I Orgau
May lltli J
H is very possible the publication of tho
evidence taken on the trial of the conspire-
tors at WashiDK.onmicht prevent ihear -
i snaf n(' inino itrin mini isfi I ti I
crinioofaspainationwhoarenowatlarge; laoora, ana emoraces copies nt some elov
but their arrest must l of great impor-jen oflicial letters written Ly Cupt. ItfcK.
tance indeed, if the feer or their escaping ftDj nildressed to Capt. Campbell, thaiW
U suflkieril to justiry the profound secre- t M h , of , , 0 di . l0lhr
cy with which it has been delcrmiued to . '
tnriound the proceedings. The chief of w,th nn ""luavit or Jacob Head, and a
Booth's accomplices, it is fair lo conlude. note from H It. Curnahan, IT. 8. district
Are those for whoso apprehension re-1 Attorney at Tittkburg all of wliich i in
ward has been otlered-Davis,Tucker,Sj.n- 'lroducod Bnd Uiscuseei in linha't cbaxac-
.l.issa t( t j anil it titinL nritinfbn
ttcythins which may transpire at the trial
al asuingion, win, ia lue jobsi, urprct,
offset the chance of their escape. They
and their Iriencs Unve certtmiy heeu as
much put on their guard by tbe Presi
dent's proclamation as they are likely to
be by anything else that can occur.
It is not unfair to conclude, the.efore,
ibflt 'tho parties who may escape, should
publicity be given to the proceeding," are
"parties" of un inferior degree of guilt,
mid noivn ithiu the limits of the United
States, and if so, we cannot help saying
Chat it is for various weighty reasons to be
regrcttod that their capture should be
deemed either so important or dilGcult, as
lo be made the pretext or occasion of in
troducing into our criuiinil precodure so
oxltaordinary an anomaly as trial by
military commission for a capital od'etise
with closed doors, and with an
oalliof lecrecy imposed on all persons
taking part in tho proceedings. We
think it would have been infinitely better
'to have potlroned the trial till all publioi
ly could do no harm, even if that period
were liki ly to bo six months distant, than
introduce into this country so novel a tri
bunal, and one so repugnant to the spirit
of our institutions, as that which it now
sitting at Washington. It is one for
Mthicli no precedent is to bo found in the
liistory ol nuy freo country, and to which
the worst European despotisms have raro
ly ventured, even ia Poland or Hungary,
to resort. Even the unhappy victim nf
4he Irish rebellion wore prepared for the
gnllows in open court, tnd in the light ol
Moreover, there are strong doubts en tots
'(ained by i'l affeced persons at the
Kortk as the existence ef any good foun
dation fortho charges made against Davis
in tbe lale proclamation. Abroad, all the
.UVIUIUJ ... ..-u ... ..... .......... , j
receive them wiuh incredulity and deris
ion; and there is no question that under
all the circumstances, it would be difficult
to imagine a position more humiliating
and embarrassing than that in which ths
government will slant!, if it should ap
pear that tnose charges were lightly ov
frivolously made. Nothing will prevent,
however, the spread of such A p txip-
. tion. except thfroductkM ia open court
of the evuienceou wmculbey were based,
and ila eubsYltsioa t the ecrwtioy of' tbe
prisoner ' oonnecJ and of tts public at
large. Those who finttr tlaea'.selves that
rublic opinion, either at boow or abroad,
- will be much iiiCuoncei by a version of it
tthich has been edited atyl expurgated by
.the Judge Advocate, must be very simple
vpeevplo indeed. Noeedy will permit him
self, whatever In kaoog muy be, to nt
taoh any vsluo to wrvlMioos made under
conditioiisia wliTch every rule or evidence
it set at naugfct, oJ even the experience
-of every day life treated with contempt.
What rjaakthe matter worse is, that
-on tho very tty on which this tribunal
begiui Ha proceedings, the state of things
which ftlono could justify it 1 anything
oould jutify it, had been formally declar
ed at an end bv proclamation, under the
rresl'tentss hanaana seal, foreign pow-
it, .1
11 PCIO n HI lll .UD nni ni viul nv
the very moment that a tribunal was as
sembling, for whose constitution and pro
.ceflure nothing but overwhelming and
imminent danger to the national ex stenco
would be sufficient warrant. Will they
, ., .. ... a l . .
""""V. 'r.
r"7r U:UtS r ZZWo d,t until next W.It i. a triumph.
-.If.' SS.1SV 1 IIIHI J .H.-I J W'MISV
Vttinff in lecret in tbo national canilal,
ma country in which all secret
things, and above all, secret trial., have al
ways bcec held id abhorrence?
Hear the Tribune on tho same subject.
Tho Tribune (Grecly'a Iaper) is evon
more severe tbau the Times. The follow
Is it any wonder that Ihe managers or this Sroel undertook to ride in tho streot cars, just shipped her anchor in the Hoada, and i with him, to both of us. They were corn
Military Court found it convenient to'ond thrco of them jumped into a car. Ue now seemsnodoubt but that Jeff, ing up the street and we were going down.
ing is aa extract liom one oi its leaders
yield obedience, so tar as to permit the
iiroceedlnffg lo he nublithed . I
, D t
"Wtrn til whnltkssn vnlunlarv
parr-VTese ZVgo pS,dta lb7l
iho n.i.n; ;. .....?..A.i n.. .
cnd. and tho richt to suspend the nriv
...Anii.t......,. .r iui : i
of Secrclary of War the supremo law of
. " . ' i
k. k. i l.
Secretary' can not be made to realize'
these grave truths, it is high time be had I
a successor : and if our A ttornrv-Oencral '
. ... "
ii.o mnu, uw. v.'uu. ii me iresviifc
now 'leirallv triable before military com-!
WVIIV sissies' w v. uvvivihi i nullum
mission,' b badly need. Lis own lime for,
tt? Pi tUjf' : , ' !
mo uvifiumciik unui m unicnu. iw
efficcr. There may be politer way. of ot-ilor, 1,16 weekly igebM scarcely an e-
ting forth these oonviotions, but none of qual ai a Tamily newspsper.
these would do them justice."
.ri.n.., fih. r'k.nii tk ..r) Mcmc Our musical amateur, will ba
eastward of the MississinDi is ended : the
..i..ti:... i. ...r......,t : it,. it.:. .i
established and neace yirtually restored
.i r iu. l. A .r .... .
- - . . - -.
ti uoi riuiv iiig vwiuw uviu.uu vi ivu n
.....i..n,in.nm..Uh.f. i. i W ..r'
orderly way. oflaw and liberty. Do not I : er tho close custody of the most import-
comnal lbm lo sneak in tones that ou I EaaTi. Several errors In ths poetical eiTtt.' ant prisoners captured during the war.
r.7k., '"" thus .electing
can not loiuse to near. tD4 tllU of ..Thb 8m Moshess," Ib eur la-t is- fortress Monroe, Virginia, to be tbe place '
JO-Travellina mail cars between PUU- uX'lZ "Z,".'-' JJa .Vh ."'In .".'iS of wnnernent and double trial of Jeff. I
burlTand rbifadph"" Sll " Davis and others, ha, acted in the most!
upon tbe rennsyWania Central Railroad form;" In ths 6th verse efth. Epitaph fer "im-ise and judicious manner, the majority
ttKiag this fk. ' meii'yrlal" reid "Imnor'al." of the people will no doubt admit.
$t (Rltarfnlb JRf publican,
tr. ,r - - -
WlWSEBDAY Mornixo;: May 2t, lSQa.
Capt- McKiernan and his Vilifleri.
After a fortnight's painful labor, costing
the trouble of writinc no one knows bow
many letters, a trip lo Pittsburg, mid ono
or I no v iits to town of the veracious Ja
cob Head, the Jacobin organ of lust week
contained what purports to be a reply to
the letter of Capt J. S. McKiernan which
...r.-.r-d iu our narer of the 3d instant.
. r w. o .1
,'herel,y ,,,e result of Jlr- 'Swoop'B
terislic stylo or Billingsgate.
What notice Capt. McKiernan roi.y see
proper to take of (his labored production
wo can only surmise. It requires an refu
tation with those who take the 'pains lo
analyze the (wo statements. The one will
bo found as the straight for. aid and can
did narrative cf an honcsttnan. The oth
er as a specious, cunningly Revised de
fence of a scheming, tricky lawyer.
In order to make out MjlCiernan a "li
ar" Swoope frequently culls him and
which seems to be I lie, only purpose of this
formidablo array of wit tho reader!
must believe, litondlv. t1, m.i.mont nf!
, , ,.. ... -
carnaiian, and ent .rely discard that or
McKiernan. This :.s osking too much j
To arrive at n proper decision on this
point certain fa,:ts are to be considered.
u,vi,.n !, ....',
' "lunmoieoieii, anu nvo respecten, as moy
voluntarily r tiretl from an oftioial posi- ever havedoDe, wluUt their "sneaking
tion. Ileco ild have no personal interest lying loyal accusers," will (ind that a warm '
in making -4 false statement. Un iheolh- '""""-J mr mem 10 .nnau.r ami may,
. . , . . ,,. ,'pei Imps, be compelled lo llee llie c itintrv.
or hand, (ari.ahnn retains an omoe.of,' J rrMt a.d ,,UIlishmenl of lhp3
small consequence, it is true, when its tin- jmen, and their colloiigues, was both il!
ties nro Lones'ly discharged ; bul an office gal and unjust, for many or thorn were
ihUro. U orur.n,i' i,finitioo,,.:lisclmrged without a hearing aid tho-e
Ciallc in Ihr..,. rnnfmrntion It mnu .
j- j
bo. that ho desires lo retain this place for
four years longer. I T so, he might have a
special interest in denying an accusation
so revolting. Ilenco Mr. Carnahan is not
the kind or witness whose statement must
be believed. It is at best, then, only a
quostion of veracity between the two gen
tlemen, in deciding which the reader will
'oe influenced by the circumstances by
rvbich they are respectively surrounded.
As for Read's affidavit il amounts to
nothing at all, except lo show that he bas
permitted Buchcr to make a perfect ass of
him. McKiernan does not assert that
Rad was present
when Carnahan made ,
the remark attributed lo him. Nor is it
reasonable to suppose that be was. And (
if not, how could be iu-far that "the stale-
ment of McKiernan so far as relates to
said interview is utterly and eiitiieli falst f"
Wo had 110 intention of saying half this
much on this nil jct ; nor are wo to be
understood as deeming that Capt. McK.
needs any assistanco in such a controver
sy, lie is quite able to mannge his mal
igners in any way they may choose to at
tack him. But the idea of Swoope at
tempting to expose the "shortcomings"
and "incompetency" of such a man as
John S. McKiernan, calling him a "poor
fool," a "wilful and deliberate liar," "an
unmitigated and brazen liar," and pro-
nouncing his statements "a series of delib -
. ;,r..i....i .:... i:. ...1.
1. .:ir..i 1 - .:... i:. t :. ...1.
rrsie, n inui nuu uiruunuiiius nts, isiuu-i
lime, and too temptingly invite our no-. : ' . ' , ,
' ' tJ I... i portant priaoners wilh a sireng guard rf
tice. but a Swoope could do that, j n,pl)) areompHnie.l the rebel p irty on
. , , . . , 1 the steamer Clyde northward tothis place,
Since tbe foregoing was in type we ravo i1(J on rent:bing here immed'ntily te!e
received a rejoinder from Capt. McKier- erapbeil to Washington for instructions
6r.ace compels u.
- 1
ant exposition of the peifidy of his trndu-
rr, , nmi hnrdmail nml lime!p. . tl,
cers; end hardened and shameless as they
lire knowu lobe, even llie meanest ortheir
followers will blush at their conduct.
B?Anriitipr riot tonk nlnm in Jnnii.
Eleventh street,
pbia, on Friday
near Tine, in
afternoon last.
The no-
The driver jumped the car of! the track.
ft-. , I . ,
.77 .
'.S eh -" ,'.
.-llhii oathered a crowd ofal coors. who
i ue n; rnei ininpii nin inn neit par.
il-'toon came to blows. Thenolice soon ealh.
... , ... ..
i. r. ... t. i
erca in torce ana succeeueu in rrevontine
,,ursi ciass cioi. ceverai
negroes were
arrested, and for onco not a Binglo whito.
.r 177 7- ,
r,,E Ac, ILose four Cltizcns
! "i.. r . .,
desire a citv rjaner nro referred lo the
Trosrectus of the Philadelphia Aee. It
i, complete in Ml its departments-cot a
whh behind any of it. city daily comnoti-,
,.... . .
pleased to learn lhat Prof. Licwtok will
visit them in a few dav in r.n.. i.i.
musical acquaintance with them. It is
,., .......
not nn ikelv Hint he will aim lu.i ...
j u iv
a nublio concert before ha departs.
Pardon of the Columbia County Frls
oneri. The following article, cut from the Co'"
vmlin Democrat of Inst week, will explain
It has caused Intense gratification
t in Columbia county, and deservedly so
fjr there never was a greater outrnge perpc
tiated upon any ieoi!e than the punish-
nienl inllicted upon these men. In speak
ing of the Columbia county men wo in
clude the Clearfield ccunty men also,
whose offences and fate were almost iden
tical. Hut why are some set at liberty,
and others still held? Is it because the
Columbia men have had their case fully
ami fnirlv nreaentnd in Vri.lnnt John-
son, and the Clearfield
men have not?
irii.i. i.u. .i...
"""" .Hen wrr,..
sorely at fun! t. Let the matter be exam
ined into at once. 1'residcnt Johnson
should bo fully apprized of all the facts.
Nothing more w wauling. No Attorney,
, i:.... i- . . .. i
lU0 tm" u.s .ces, i. re.iu.i e...
t n)fly l)0 ,lia,e ,0 nr,,lenri Jjeuficr, that
the hope of pocketing "big fees" had ve-
rymuch to do with tho arrest of the.-o
men in tho first place. No timo should
bo lost. Ti eiident Johnson will restore '
these inon to liberty Ihomenl ho is :
.... . .... .
. . . . ....
uicir cases. Iiisnola "pardon they
ask. or deserve for they have commit-
ted no offence over allien Ilia tribunal
ihut convicted them hud "jurii-dic-tion."
Put it is the President's duty
to let the pro'dillnjs asi'U, nil 1 set the
victims free. Ami this the President
would do in a moment, if tho facts wero
properly laid before him. And as for the
gun iy Buwiorsoi iiibfo cruei wrongs, lei'ariuy ana navy ol tint Lulled Males a
thorn prepare for the diyof ric'i'eou
retribution, for it is sure to overtake
them :
PuKsiiiENT Johnson has pardoned John
Unnlz, Valentine Fell, lierjamin V. Col
'y. Joseph M. V nu-keJ, and Johu L.
l-cmnion, the last ol the 4o men niresled
ailni. 'J III. J ,ift'lllluilKll III .11
momo,.abll) " ColumUa County
They passed througti Itloomburg, on
Wednesday last, from Fort Milllin, to
th.'',ir h?mnt "eek, whc!'0. lht I
will enjoy the society ol friends ond home ,
It. I A... ,l l.u,),.. I.aI ii i.l. . ,l,l
. . V . " u' I'-'J""-
1 - i ii
wnnnksen aim. nnnrsj. uipir
demanded by every 0011 uder itio.i of jus-j
lice, humanity and Christianity.
We llien say, so far, Uully for Johnson,
. ... -.
2rAg,and re,ewof he Army ofthe!iien3sjns courl W4J jh tf!sion
I ototnac and llie Army cf the Mississippi. )ti a .ile hour
is in pr gress at Washington. It con.iipn-1 '('he first testimony taken in th" ca'o
ced yesterday and will end to-duy. Overinf Iho several purlins arraigned was a por-j of sullrage be aorded by lather tlian iui
.,, h.,n,1,rl i),k..i ,.n .111 K n,U of ihut which I h e ( iovern men t deems ; posed only tho soutsem whites. They
II is supposed "the boys'' will all
be discharged in a few days, and return
lo their homes.
Smart Fellow. The fellow who saw
Jefi'D ivis at Hatriiburg bit Saturday,
describing his appearanc e in his
wire's i
dte, with "a sort of caper bonnet, or
something between the two,
ought lo
K,n.. .
have a medal. Jeff was then nt
- .
Wi,ir you are fond of smoking a good ,
cignr go 10 liar tswick &. Huston's Drug il ;
Variety Store.w hero you can be accommo
dated with it or almost any oilier article
in their line of business.
Jeff Davis nt Fortress Monroe. Accom
panied by his Family and Stall.
Fortress Monroe, i.ay IV. Jefferson
Davis, late of the so-called Southern Con
federacy, with his family, siafl'ollicers, etc.,
captured by a portion of General Wilson's
command, arrived hero to day at 12
o'clock, from Hilton Head S, C, on board
the steamer Kebecca Clyde, convoyed bv
the United Stales gunboat Tuscarora,
. Commodoro Frailey
f'olnnnl Prilelienrd of tlm 1 ii'lilum
foinnol Pritclicurd
v - . , --"(.
TiitIii' nl.A irmla lli. r nt.ira nf I )io i...
Fegarding the disposition of hi, charge
Al i. l.e.rict secresy
. S 1 L..u B.uiuf,
.1. .;,:. i...:i.i .
and cpiidcn regarding tho intentions, and when nearly apposite
ine guatioat iiifcarora mis llie rood i
about two o clock tins nltetnoon, but
nothing can be gleaned fiom her oflicers !
in relation lo the party on the Clyde. ced Dr. Mudd to me, and Dr. Mudd in
I Four P. M. The steamer Clydo has t reduced Hoolh, who was in company
Dovis had been landed somewhere alone
tho beach. No communication whatever
. .... u..i . .. .
is allowed wuu in aiHaiurr, anu ll is mere
probable that.the larger portion of
Ihe party still romain on board, rheofli-
cc' in charge nwails instrucli
inttruclions from
. i .,.!, f,,ii n ,
Al u.n nni. emvi, v -iiiiiu ll I'll Tl 1.
0f Knginecr Corps, received orders by lel-
egraph from Major (ieneial Ilarnard to im-
' mediately have located a row of casemates j
insido tho fort for the accommodation of
.ri'l.l. 'I'l.A H.n..l. .. I I..
prisoners of State. Tho work on the case-1
nintes. translernng inen, into cells for
W h '7, "i y ' W" "
""ft ""H nro.rcsod very fast and
,' . ; -i
the casemates which onco communicateu ronverauon i
.one into another are now liermilically j A. No; I wos silling on a lounge near
'sealed by the walls of brick, so that the, tbe window; they came in at last, and
intercourse of their various inmates is not :Ur. Mu id came near mo on the settee
dostined toboofa very convivial character,
Kverv dovice which precaution ond a
desire to meet the wishes of the Oovcrn-
ment and llio people snouiu sucsest. wi I
.. . , , . , , . .
assuredly be adopted to ensure still furth-
The following it theoharge against Da-
.1.1 I." Il.ivrltl HnnrM A Atfff.rfif I.Hlvil
,,,, a.:,.!...! o Lmiirhlin. John II.
Surrait. Kdwuid Snanuler. Samuel Arnold,
Mary lv Surriitt. mid hamuel A. fllml'1 :
Charge Ut. Nor maliciously, unlawfully
and tt'utoiously, and in aid of the exist
ing H'inid lebellion ngtiinst the United
Hales of or before the Gib
day of Mm eh, lH(i5, and en divers other
da), between that day und the lSih day
of April, lbG7, combining, rnnfederalir-g
und compiling, together with one Jol.n
II. Surrait, John Wilkes J'.ooth, Jefferson
Iavis, Geo. NT. .Sanders, Hevei ly Tucker,
Jacob Thompson. Win. C. Clearly. Clem-
. Aniri'iiis- i.aiiinsi umn iiAnrirn t n in f
. - .
Y'uJ ,'fc r. 7 " "
"u" --"I
tiepni tinenl ol nasiiington fitiu wiiuni
th ffii iifiml ni.d entrenched lines theieot.
- . . i ... .. .
Aliiuliun. Lincoln, late, and at the time
of said combining aud conspiracy, 1'reri-
dent of the United States of Amoiica,
and CVmiiii.ndcr-in-chitror tho army and
i.uvv i Lei t-i.) Amlipw .liiliiisiin. now
, ,Hvy
'Vice I'lesmei.t of the Uninl .States, n-
ll,lt"lu i ' " ' o.w.c
V1..I-. rtf lln ki.lni n tl .rf a .1 1 1 1 w 1
'lTI 's(lrilIlli Lieutenant CenerJl of
,j,0 rmy of the Untied Stale, aforesaid,
I hen in command of llie armies ol the Un -
i-d States, uu.Ur the direction of tho in pursuance
ornd in iiroteoutina said malicious, un-,
'ttWf n,I lnUorous conspiracy aforesaid,
an 1 in aid oT said rtb vlliou nl'ierwardn, to
il: on llie 11th day ol April, lVj, with-
in 1 li o military (I' ljartiiiciit of WashiiiL'- ;
ton, Hfuresaid, mi l within tho fortified
and entrenched line of said military do-'
partment, ligelhcr with t ha said John
Wilko4 Uootli, und John II. Surrait, m i-;
liciously murdt!rin the said Ahrulptm
Lincoln, then Piusideiit of iho United
Slates, anil Camaiandcr-in-Ciiief of the I
aforesaid, mid maliciously, unlawfully,
tt"1! inmorou.iy as-aumug, wun intent to
kil. and mmdrr, llie said in. II. Sew-
aitl, tho Secretary of Slate of .the United
States, ns ufoicunid, and lying in nail
Willi intent maliciously, unlawfully and
truitoro'.iKly to kill and murder Andrew
.lolinfoii, he then ln-in the Vico Prc.-i-doi.l
oT llie United States, and said ('ly
ics S. (iiHiit, then being LieiilenaiH (ieiT
cral a.el in ci 1 11 1 11 ind ol 1I10 armiei ol the
United Stales as utVesaid.
W a-hini;tov, M iy 13.
Tho court engageil iu tho trial of the tillered one ol its rulesto-
juyf 0 fur as to admit lepoi lets lor llie
ilon. iiever'ly .Jo:insin nppearert as
counsel, for Mrs. Smra't. wherfupon an
objection was raied lo him by tier.era!
Harris, and which was wit hdi awn aftt r
an earnest d"bato nn both nidus.
Peiectivo Lee and Ine clerks of the
, ,., .
KirKWomi llouse. .mi me prceen. propr
etor ol the h iuso heretofore r.reupid by
ihf. Surratl family, and others, were e.x-1
iamined with reference to this house, and
j iu lel.ition to urins having been depoxiird
I.. ... I .. I. ..l:...T- .... . '. ... . I
it ia nee ry for llie present to withhold ' cjunol realize that minting somo of Ui ' "l ""I Tinni..r a mt.iium .r nurertuins m
from Iho public. When tho testimony (lata insurgents as reb.N and '.tai'ots will ! ?'jy. '"r '"'f bMii.e.s newrpsptt
, I,,. i i i, r. ! ' i . i i- 1 'I 1'biln.lnliiliin ; nut :lio Im'l tout ll rfl'bn ll
had all been rendered, ling. f.en. I. M. ; disposo tt.e survivors toward ucconli ,S ,areclj,s ,!f c.,;vo road, m, tutored over
Harris stated that he rose to i)tij.'ct to tne j tno eleciiifo Iranolilfi even to the m ifl 1 ,,,,( ,.xlPr)t of country, who d.. not take any
admission of Mr. Ueverdy Johnson n a . intelligent and cnjiiible of tho Caiaiicip.-i-' othor Vhila h-'phl t pni'i r. ofmimonli It, to an es
counsel pleading befnrc that cmirt. and j ted blacks. 1 n fact, the obstaUGi lo sno'i Irn'.rdiimry d.-jroi'. a' u inonn nf coiuiuunicating
lint he did this upon the ground (but in I extcMMim ilsull'.ngo nro tunny und for- i ,h r"hlio " p.'sesi 1 by auy other J'mt-
an opinion d.-liveied by Mr. Johnson, t
! that cenilemau had expressed his disre-1
I l .. ; i.. ,. , ,...i. :
S-.'r I .1 I
.Ar'er ? T ,'y ,,1;t,u"l0"v
;adj )uriiea lor hall an hour. When it re-i
Ituim dil went into secret session, and
upon re-opening (Jen. Harris withdrew
)llH 0i,jt.t.t jolli us lC considrlod Mr. John -
Mn's explanalion a mtialuctury icinoval
of bisob .-i -.ions.
Ti-TinoNi-nr l.otliiVE.ctiMiv.
(2 State to the court if vou kno.v J,,l.i,
II Surratt '
A. I do ; I Brstmadeliiaacmaintance
in tho full of Lsio in St Char
s county, j
Mart land or in the full ol I SGI, I should
say . I
How lon were you toppther there?
A Lntil IN-; I renewed my acquain
tance with him in January, LSti.i.
(. In this city ?
A. Yes, sir.
ll When did you begin to board at the
house of his mother, tho prisoner here ?
A. On the 1st of November, ISO 1
(J WheieUher house?
A. tn II street.
(J. See if that is Mrs. Surratl silting by
you here?
A. Yes, sir; that is Mrs. Surrait.
(J. Will you state when j on first made
your acquaintance silh Doctor Mudd. ?
A. It was on or about the 1'itli of Janu
ary, jM'i.i.
Q Slate under what circumstances.
I was parsing down Seventh street
Udd fellow s nan, some ; ono called Mur
rati, "Mirrau ; on looKing around Mir
"Siirrat I ;
rati recognized an old acmia ntancc ol
his, of Charles county, Md.
lie introdu-
(Juestion by the court
uj you moun
John Wilkes B ooth ?
I A. l es, sir; John ilkcs r.coth.
I (J. Where did you go to then ?
A. lie invited us to his room at tho Na-
'tional House.
I Q. Who?
A, I'ooth ; he told us to be seated, nrd
ordered sepats and wine to the room for
four ; ond Dr. Mudd then
passage, and called Booth
pnvnte conversation wi
.n.) llin tl.Miln, lli..n rr. n i
ami Dr. Mudd then went out to the
out, and had a
lith him : liooth
and the Doctor then camo out and called
.surrau .out .eaving me oione.
. . . . . .
O How long ?
A. Fifteen or twenty minutes.
Q. Do you know the nature of
- r
and apologized for his privalo
t'on, stating mat tie Had private busmen,
with ISooth, who wished to purchase his
. . , f
Did yon see any maps ofnny sort
on the table? , 'it ffUSIG SCHOOL 1
A. No, PoolU al one Itmo lore the back 11 loinouiwui
ofan envelope and made marks on it 111. Professor m.
with a pencil. , hicuiTos. of M-illiamsPort. Pa., takes this oppor-
Q. Was he writing on it ? ! """"J, ott.M! ." lti,cn of Cleartrid and
A. I should not'eonsider it Ttig:i;J
but mark, alone. Ihey were seated at a tetms. Tisnos tund snd revaired on short no.
table to the centre of tbe room. tire. May 24, tf.
i Q. Did you see the marks ?
' A. No, sir; I just saw the motion of the
pencil: lSc otb also came to raend apolo
gized, and said ho w Mhod to purchase
Mudd'sfurm; Mudd had previously sta-
ted to me I hub hu d-d not care lo tell hi
farm to Hoolh, na ho was not willing to
give cnoof.'li for it.
(J You didn't hear a word spoken be
tween Ihoni in regard to ft furm?
A. No, sir, I do not know the nature of
their conversation at all.
(J. D el I uudcistand vou lo sny that
you did not hear any of their conversation
lit thn lul-lo, but on'y raw the motion of
the pencil ?
Tl . r....lkMi tAoltmnlilt rx I tin u I ' l Afitt
n . l r, on . ,
ns well as or the others, developed noi.ew so far as the report bd reached us
J l I
. . . .
nt an euily hour this morning
inu in-
limony i very elaborate.
" -
. n i n . id tini-v n iinnrnin
i . ' 1 . . II.- X v- If..
MMCV ..0KKfl OR HEM E. I IIOH. l.liri-
aid contains I ha following abstract of col
respondenca be'.w een Sherman andllul
leek, which is not bit loo pointed for
the occaMtm. 'l'he oiiginuli may .oon
ro.ich the iiublic :
Ufa. lidhrkh He. Shcrmnn.
; . .... n... - - -"
I ill u 1 11 al II I O t ll 1 , 11 IT Oil t lie ll OS ) 1 1 U 1 1 1 V
of m'y l.oue her,,, where I shall bo grnti-
'fied to receive you and contribute to make
jyour sojourn here npreeable."
(Sea. Shcnn.m io (Sen IlalUek.
! " our protlired !iopitality H re-i.pct-
fully declined
. 1 had hoped to imi
lond without 'th. , p-inM
cling you our recent
through Kichmont
necnsity of meeting
n lvi-orv dispatch to thn War Department
is a siflioient ext lanution.
Gen. llalleck lo (Jen. Shermitn.
' I regret your declining my invitation,
and the unfi iendly spirit mani'o-ited in
your note. If you kne v iho feeling in
Vahin;ton nn'l at lh' War kI)epai tmont
in reforenco to onr agreement with
Johnson you would appreciate the motive
of my iiMpiituh to wlnoli you relnr. X er
mit mn to assure you of my kind feeling
toward you personally, an I my high ud-
miration lor vour service,.
Gen. Slitrm in to (ten- HdKek.
"I think I understand bith the oircnm
stances nr.d tin men milIioiei:tly well to
appreciate tho motives of your dipatnh
lloth you and Mr. Stanton sent me warn
ing to b -ware of as-a sins. I did not then
know that Iho n ithors of llie Hiu nini;
ero t hemitnivC'S 1I10 bssassint 1 In I to
J"ir a t Si.r Lick.'
Mr Geo. Ilrrkendorn
The dwelliu
:as totnllv c insu-
mod alxjut noon on Saturday last, catch -
ins frm the pipe o the cook-stove. The
b 11 .
furniture was mostly saved ; and it wa?
onlv with tho moil active 1 ll'jrts of the
uiliet)s, aided Py a
ii', aiuuu uy u iiuiriy nuu ki , iii.u
the resilience of John H1II1 !auJ, V." . ad
'j lining
was saved.
TI10 Ah jliti iniiU are m .t nnxi 111
political rights, and cspeci-d'y lb "
f.Jfn, 1... ... -......' .1. -11 1
. v.. .1 n .. - 'i
1 cnriled lo the fre.d ne. of the South; and. v
Iwjiinng all of power, they,
! would greailv prefer that suoli extension:
ivliltes. liey
midab'e they uro uot tu Le sur.r.ounted
t Iioitts ni my net as though they tould'
i.u ,.,m i.rili V ... I)
"J " , -7 " ' " J"'"-""
nor even bv a 1 act of Longross. A roc:-
procation ol kindly feeling bjtween U10
Ab"l limiU and their lile-lons, tloadU
:uihern niilajjonits, may I in ioh 10-
' ward 11 removal of these real, foruidablo
j obstacles barring llie path of tlm naimn
,10faril genuine earn and -dinable pros-
!,:, c.v ,1 ..' ,i,,. ., . ,. 1
ll".') - , . J throtv log ota few or
'na',y ,urk,fi If J'"'' I'lea-o guilty ) he ids
1 to the mob howling Tor hlooil lend to pro-
?i0,r,l.,,r m.r,liwi:?'1 "''"ti'-i- T
.... 7v,,n, rl,r;,.0i. .,...
ideas, most-.r which are lad. Now and
howevei; it turns out
.1 1.. T nr i . 1. ..
iijMitni,ini ui 111.11 uuiuaiTifr is me
rnct we give a ,nve , vin.iieat .on ol
ir cifmpiicy.
llcto SubtiTiscnttnts.
1.ISI' Juno Torm, 1 S' j.
I uisr witt k.
chncll's hoirj
Murji m
I riii u
J. M. Chaso
Leo A Cutiiibe!I
Mocliilcy A I'untle
vs. llonr.o
vs. Sholl
vs. lleynton
v.s. S. V. Tlioinpsou
v.s. l'.itohin
vs. Furrt'xt
tl. Sinilh
vj. I.o ninril .1 lio.lki'y
vs. TonK.vck
vs. 1'iitcliin
vs. Pny.lcr
vs. Shsw
vs. Jthcr Thompson
v. (irnhntn
vs. Milieo
va. Dalo
vs. Petit
vs. llnilialicr
vs. W. II. Miller
v.. Walker
vs. Lmiilon & Divtn
vs. Thomas ItiifTerty
vs. Criins A MuOanghoy
vs. Janus llufT
vs. (.'. Oa'.lng'acr
vs. Arthurs
VUlll .UUI1
In in
K mirr
It. I'urtcr
Klira Irrin
U. C. I'linsuioro
It. 1). Uta
Kcrguxin rf. nt.
Ilurnriili township
KiiKKrll i, LnnJis
xt. C. tiullnghcr
VS. llulloil
vs. lluliuli
t. lii'iinct
vs. Mayor
vs. Shc'tlcr A Lindncy
vs. Younkin
si;mi)i:A ti;it Divoitir.
cubp(rna siir livoroo.
No.iO, January Unu,
J.V- by her next frisnJ
John Fulfil
Matthias Kern.
JCotics is hereby given that tho underM;r.i.J
having hocn appolntcj a Cnininiisioner to tnko
ti'stimony In tho ahnvo caso has lot npnrt 8atur
Uujr the 17th Juno next, at Ida office in the bor-
oueh of Clo.irdeld. for thi nurnnae. hn nml
whero all persons intorosted can at tend if ihcy sec
11. J.
1865. uk ad, m
! p p i q p P f t it a.
1 Jk u r ' u
Eke !()itotlp!)i;t n,
I'Olt 18G5.
Tils only licinocratio Doily Morn!uc JuUrni.l
liublUheJ iu 1'hiladeVlda. '
WO -iZZVJLZ clT ttilCD ILll"57a
., ,. . '
i ...7. . "iiiAui.L-
. ...w Biieniinn .
I'lllA AUK nv la 111.
i .t . . . Hioiion or men, thinking u.en, liurury ujsn. and
ail who are lotcrustcd i-i the vsricui occupation.
anJ pursuits of life, u t!.o, aDJ Weekly ti.
tioiu of ttiuir Juuinal,
' Whirl, advocate, tbo principle, auj policy
I e Democraic party, U i-utu ,w- ' J
(Suuduy, m
Hir,.i I..,. I ..' . .
u-itinco from all ,,rti orths w.rlJ wi h
l'..M.. . . ' III" HliriU , WllD03re-
aud utl.iir, f thu ; i,ocj) i,lt lligenoe
ket Hrj.,rtj, V,wv, Current, Stuck Quotation,
' UV'L 'ai!icriiiK , furei-n nna Douie.iio Cor-
Br;':!r,J(,;,r'c"'.L"6'il pmu, Book Nutiess, The-'
whatever .u'.j,u! i. ot g0BCrul iutcrestaid !.
no ikm "i nujr impiiriauco oocura In any part
of tho ci.unlrj iihout being fully nml promptly
tulegrajihed to and puhlihed promptly in iti col
uniin. It has till l ho depatc4ei of tns Associat
ed Prena from every pari of ih United Kuites,
und the n s Irmn all parts of Europe kroughtby
tli o ateumers in in -t int ly UlogrKjiheiJ , from irhat
eer poinl the tcuinorii rat tmich.
TI'Ut.M' 'l'n liolliira, per annum, for a lin
gle cnpy ; t'ivo Dullais, lor (ix months; Two
t.illai3 and Fifty Cents, fur throe montbi ; and
for any Ur lime, ut the rate tf Uce Dollar per
ruintli. Payment riiiirtd iuvsriably in ad
v slice.
v.. i ..r :
Is a coin . lo:e compiioiliam ol thoNowi of tho
Wi.)k,.iil cuuliiim tho Chief K lituriu'j, tbo
I'rWi't Ciirrunt and t!i Market Keports, Stock
y iotati'.u-, Inlulligvnce lor Fnnners, Cormpoo
d .'iii-ij, nn 1 Uoneril Xbits Mattor publiihod ia
' the 1 lily Ajjo. 1 1 nlj i n m'.uina a great variety
of other lil'-mry mid mioi;U.iii!jouj uiitter, indu.
tliu I ili, nkutehe.., biography, fiiootiin, and po
of "7 r.'irK'ring it in ill reipc-ti flr.t-ola. fan.
I Uy juiun il, particularly aduplej to tbe politician,
i t 10 .Mj
li int. His Fanner, tho Moehlulo, tin
i l-itc.ary m.ia, anl nil clu.'o, of roller). It bai,
j VlW Ty cUiT,"Uti,tU of livo "w-Wf.
1 1'lU'l lT the canting b jane, th norijUop, ihs
Bre.-i le unl 1 1 geiural rjat.-r.
Tlw Weekly Aa'o is mail.... in scasoo to rc&eh
1 nil i.nrirf i.f 1'..,. .....I. V... I .. T I
. nn, M.irj ,,n I, o r bel'jr
!jiturj of each
I 'l'i;it.M -Tiv.i ImIIhtj per nnnum for a jingle
i.-i'py ; Une Poilar f.irrix uiHiith., und silly cents
I I ir lliruo uiuni hi.. Ono copy gr.tiM will be ipi.t
! fur i n ye ir In iho person f iiward.nj ui tety
! year'y inibi'.Tib.'rj i il in advance. No paper
will I.o font until the mWriptioD ii pii I.
j C'T S"''-'"'"''1 s' v'e ';'fi .ii pliers i..",t
ii a -t,- j int. is j 4 r?r...,t'.jiui.
T!i t iicuji'imi i t l)n riiilailflpiilj; .tyc,
i " 14 sicaauy nn i r.ipi ny growing. mnKe u
r-biuue-i in inn ci'y.
, ,
1 "e Aire it niv e?t.l.lishcd on a (ore and ler
miuent f.,.....lti,.u. The puMl.iorj 0 uld saiilv
' ,. llie tr ,.,,,.., , u bl ,nJ rao;t
! ivtinnenil.iti.iiij of iho prvsl i throughout
; the emin'rv ; but tlioy prefer that it sliould Un I
nlro;-eihir upon eKi.m to p.ibl.o oonildenco well-
1 kn"Kl: I o-laUi-ho 1. t- will b-. asherotdore,
I1'0 f"nv .r,e.r . '. ,r". X'i'nal, Conservative,
, , .: V""" ,'''71" ""V,"
r.vJua ivn and f.m Hni-111 in nrv form, and do-
vt,,i , ,!ic ,aini,n,n,e f :.. 1 Uovernmeat,
l,uit. :i, or,i,r. The revival of all tho bueineii
rolatii.iM of ihe c .uuiry, cono pienf upon tb.
'rT:'"" Mf.'lT,relT"U'n I'lV' 'ran
nmnbor ol improvsm inta in tho various depart-
ITr',,!. t'.V j -urnV, un I tby therof.. res-
piirrt nn uf 1 in I vf I'm.,,..,, .:..! 1 p.i.i.
, v v rniut IIP CU'"'HU Ull B UU VfUU W
" " ' ...wm., isitvii,
nop? ami tumny iiowupApord in tha country.
you, u Tim, to Subtribc ! I
(tlnssbrcnncr tf lf rcki,
7"E ore now prepared In famish woo I or
cnnl burnt lime, from tho celebrated
" liKi.i.RVoNTS LiMrsrovK " at fliort nntire. Our
wiol burnt linn i cpial t i any other liuio pro
duoed In tlo Stat. Orders to ship by ruilroad
promptly ntttndo.l t 1. Address,
siionri.iiHii: a co.
May 21, 1SC5. Pelleronte, Pa.
nkw 'ski ut niir'isili-!
The (ireut Invention of the Ago in
JV. lUiAIibtY'S Now Patent DUPLEX
.Venta', Itradley A Cury, (Into J. I. A J. 0.
West.) Solo Proprietors and Manufacturer!, S7
Chambers and 79 and 81 Itcado Streets, New
1 York.
i THIS INVENTION coinuuls of DUPLEX (or
tiro) Elliptic Stoel springs, Ingoniously Untitled
! Tightly and Firmly together, sdge to edgo, nuk
, in tr tha toughest, 11101 1 Uexible, Elnstic and Bur-
nblo Spring ever used. Thoy ac'.doia UcnJor
Ereak like tho Single Springs, nnd consequently
Presorvo their Perfect nnd Iio.mtiful Shnpt
Twice ns Long ns nny other Skirt.
The Wonderful Flc'sihility nnd Orent Comfort
and Plensuro to any Lady wearing the Duplex
Elliptic. Skirt will bo experienced particularly itt
nil Crowded Assemblies, Oporas, Carriage
P.iiilroad Curs, Church Pews, Arm Chair., for
I romenndo and Houso Dross, aj tbe Shirt can
be folded, when in uso, to occupy a itoall plac
as easily as a silk or muslin dress.
A Lady having enjoyed tho pleasure, comfort,
and great convenience of wearing tbo "Duplet
Elliptic. Stoel spring Skirt" for a single dy,
will never afterwards willingly dispense with
their use. For Children Misses, and Young La
dies they are Superior to nil othors.
They nro the host quality In every part, stil
rmiuostioniibly tho Lightest, Most Desirable,
Comfortablo and Economical Skirt evor msde.
For Salo In all First-Clnss Storos In this City,
and throughout tho United States snd Cansdns.
Havana ds Cuba, Mexico, South America and
the West Indies.
A. A Co. .New York, sp!2 in.
)tmu Ijousf,
R. R. E A K S ,
raoramoa. Oct. 151