-V N.V 'i -f D. W. MOORE, Editor and Proprietor. VOL. XXXVI. WHOLLY NO. GENERAL NEWS ITEMS. rf-The heir to tho Hussion crown is Jed. jtyTho onc-yenr men in tho army will : mustered out leuru ip.ojo having Longer terms. luT.V nation id crmctry is to bo estab- il Antictaru. Maryland iias uproiri:itd w tor 1110 purpose ..-.ri. r .1.. -r...t ' , , " , i " ,,V. Cal"Ured SU1,U1' Mnl0r I flHA . .v..- I taJTA biy in Ashley 1 alls. M;us.. tho olher night s ticked 3J eggs for a wager. nd ol.eied to Uke down another doten for a dollar, but could lind no takers, laTTrosident Johnson las issued n, prcclnnution declating rebel cruisers to le pirates ufier they su.vll h.ivo notice of Lii proclamation. J.-iTlie first man killed in Ihis war was Painel Howe, ot tcw i oik, at Fort Sum-, tor, in h'01, by tho ptcmature ilischarse r Cta tun. tVGov. Curtin Ins chansed the day of liuun.iaiion 111 leunsyivania 10 ,nme i'. I . ' . ! 1 , I . , . , 10 a 10 coniorui 10 iieM ieiii Joinuoua jroclainalion. fc?"Thc rumor of a 1d.1t to burn Tiiiia delphia is now said to have been golten up ny siime prize neuters, to divert lho attention of the police from a projected E'2fThe newr military estxbli.hnvnt of tlio United States will b.j a:i army ot ' 000 men, divide ! into f.iiii corp-: cii.e of icgtii.irs, one id wh.to vouiiteen, .uid ' two of negroes. CiTJIr. John I'-ar-... of S. (..tad) . ; drove h'u marc, " L ly I', h.-i," I'i :i Ai- b.my to Scheuertady in l',i fifty -ei t mi nutesd italic e M een mil.. 011 a wa;;cr of S'J'-'). 55" A tiundu r id unmi Wl.l I e Hill.! I d Out (! tt. wek rr t o, if 1 hey 1I0 i 01 end rrt:t-n. Jt i ir;!( tdt il about lis Wen tv ) r n n t sh " c I O'ticraM , ei vie 1 i 11 a hike llie b in t to rc lain 01 !v . fi'v 1 1 tilers, nr. J cue iuit.dicd rnd fit 1 l.l Iw-The I.;:; . t per ci I ( en nt. oi c. " ' ent i,l,..li-:,el. Tec to the inuili h is Tretidenl moving a! has issued ;i pree! :t".;il:on 10- icstriciiiir.s on So'iiliem tra !e, except such a are the iiitroiliic !ion of I.I'C,'. cont: : y ti prrvent 1 a. 'ana eoo l.i. and r,-'.Td,M';ikt Itutler is to have n n i!ifn-v fr'at. wiih a view, wo are told, "in hiivt. justice d;:ic him.'' Wei.uo-.iid 'b'.nk he'd to tike tho li idim io, i. '.m, wiien told by a learned judo's that llicy would do bi n jiiitiee 1 xe I air.'' d, "Jabirs, and ti, '(!'. what I'm afraid ot '. ' t.i'"jlueh e.'.e il i.Terit ei-U ia I'i!t lurk'li about a hnu'e rn I'ei, 1 v ani.i Av enue in that city, which is mid to be haunted. Several o-.bimn' of 111 1. veil, ri.s tilings ar? 1 'I'di'ie 1 in re' it'on to i', ':i- CHh to make any pi r- :n b t'l.i I. i li V e'l d, aw a the throii-li tli horrors. t nn -e l cv; :y .1.2 le, ior 1 IO.P, i CQThcy td! a good story rf ofliecr, who on receiving a n i'o ! djr ref)'iesting tho " j.'.oa"iro of J'anv,"ata patiy to bo given at I 0!1 tlio evp-.i ii: ;j de-i?na'.e I to I; i teors n:id marched them to to i residence. Wlien it - ..s e. o! ii: that it wiu him'-elf i' -i. who hr. vilr-d. he replied " The letter sa; a 1 j sirr ,1 11 ''i an c 'in 1 c r h'Hi -- lis vo'ilf !e l.-.dv's 1 lo him I 1 veil in 1 , , an 1 I tio t tin lily '.vav.'.e I 1 1 see to P1V boys." Cs-"SA vo:in '"rl, fi"te?n yciri of residing at l'l.-tiileh Mil South, a f-3-v even ings si-ico, while giing up stairs with n lighted coal oil l.mip m lief ban I, r.nc -dentally let it full, when it broke. Ti e flaming oil caught her cdothc"!, and ahe ran into the street. Sm. neis'ibors, i:i attempting to extinguish the !liav:i, were (overely b urned. Too poir girl was al most burned to a crisp, nd die I the same Eight. A 'lcnUr:i J. .cr.it. A SioxmcANT I.ttrr.-.a from C bv. Shkr- Van i rowtc in lhl X-;i'i'iWns. A lot ter from Geneird Sherman was reo ive l hero t o-day, in which he says that the war now ' being over, he expected to be at homo in a few days. Ho refers to tlio poae3 oan ferenco with Johnson and states that mhen the facts are ofilcially j romulgated, his course will be sustained by tho coun try. The parly who received the letter, 'beina familiar wiih Sherman's policy, as instiucted by the lalo rrosidenl Lincoln, .Asserts that the agreement with Jobn.-ton was only that which Mr Lincoln furi.hu l .owed to General Sherman at the meeting at City point. Tho hasty and gratuitous conduct of Ilalleek ni.d Stanton inccn fluring Shciuian, it is predicted, will react upon theso gpntlonian with tenfold Beverity. Mrs. General Sherman is here, and will remain in Cincinnati until tho arrival of her husband. Ciminnati Gu-.cit,; .May 2. A Blunder. The following occurrence, the unhappv result of a blunder on the part of an express Agent took place in this .. . . 4 . 1 ..1.. :.. ri.o;. ...i,. citv recently, a ynunx in rlo'iealo health, daughter of b prominent and high-; lw nuteemed oil i.-.en. was sen t to a water cure establishment iu Wisoot; in, where il, was hoped that her health would improve lhat Ihe nyi-uium ol um Niulh i lor the They, however, wero elisapi'oinied, nnd 1 born lit ol Hoe out of twenty of I he souih the rill died, and her remains we ro for-rn peoplo. Wo deny it. Wo savour warded to that city by expre ss for burial. ; legislation is in ftoford ireo with tlio Cnn Wd'ien the alllicted family wero' about to stiiution and for tho country, and not f,r take a la't look at the face of Ihe deceased, one out of twenty or one out of sixty of and the lid of tho collin was raised, they , Ihe people. I h ive hoar-! that idea sug vero shocked and mortified to dhcoter posted before. It is intended to havo its il,.i i v, .. was. Hm iindv of n man. . lat tne co-.-pso m un iwj umn, Inch by some unfortunaln blunder of tho, agent of the express company, had I e n owns one nunureu slaves sianos equ.u 10 inn-en:), .to:iou emiu umm v..l,. .u,i. aent to them inste p! nf the lady intended, sixty white persons in political rights, by position to understand our Constitution as Investigation showed lhat the coffins had reason of the three-fifth's clauso of the H is. and with a view lo got an advantage been exchanged in Chicago and each icnt i Constitution. How doos this matter real- of the argument on the popular a I mi(m ln the wrong direction ly tao.'l ? Why will you not look at it ' rfm elnng which may bo thrown out up- SFEECII OF ANDREW JOHNSON Or TENNKMiKE, III tin Ln,te,l .S"' the rffok'ien a ceinm',t!,e t .1 i.'if' aiui'ii upon (.7 i.-j;r- common1) liROWN JtAlD." MlJ 1 " fc'vinu a moral C I. r. i construct-1 I1011 to tho 1 eciurauun cf J ndq.endenco. I S l.",y tlbVuc 11,,, aim kov-i .... .a.. r..u .,,.,,,.. ,.. I... 'I' over tho l'ei i ituriiis- Vou t;,"; lll 'ut a fucm.iii, uni vet, tiiis man whoisficound o.iiwd. iiccordui!' lo vonr i idea of the sublet, is not pi-riiiitteii lo cumointou coutt of jmlicn u a comj o- tent witness n-aiiuta white mai h not permitted lo Hand in the iaiik i:s a man 111 10 imistcr, 1 not pernutiid to inter marry witn a white, 11 not permitted to vole. What, then, d )e. on.-ntu to a free-1 'nan? Uli. ves. 1 suiMiose he vuun-n yes, 1 suppose lie enjoys '" J.iuerly I J'eprivcd ol every pnw-1 "l'Spi .vet unj.iys liberty ! llo is a tree- I 1 . . .. man, ana vut can txcrci.-o no iauctne that pertains to a f; eeman '. It o U a voi: slave, iiiUct. than tho Alncaii who 1., in the South and in bondaeo : a cro.it dl .worse, for by these restrains and restrict ion he is made a slavo ; ho cr.joys tlio ,tdndow nnd tiie r.amo of being a freeman, I but is shipped of all tho fi auchi-ei that ! coni tit u to aficoaiar. II o h a s'ave, in 1 fact, wiilinut a master ; and I t!ii,-,U hU ii I a great d.- ii worse eoi.di'.i j:i than that ol j a slavo who has a 111 ulrr. I In conr.eoti.in w.ih th: piii', tli p-nn or i' in iy i my '. h . r .mii iii:Jl 1 diend nior lias thrriwn ont :i n do cot know w lie: l.er I 1 a w i.ppr t-r .-i. ,.,,t l ''',". lint 1 in a:i 1 mil 1 )l ti.Mi ol' 1 '. I fi pi t into fi c ; i; ' l!n.' I 1 ine; 1 ! co ern :i;r Ui..t h.' a ! 1 ''' en' l.a, . k.r, what Oeyoii'l that .' II f rom a pen'. loin im npi 1 ! 11-e. to ti ll us w 0 1101 11 ih il t 1. )l i" V :. - I' call our-cives lleoub' ic 01-, w lien t mi :'io to:.'! ti.cn elves 1 '.!'.(".'.'. .' I'eiiiooiat-i 1 And tl.o liia !l a! . ,0 1 1 ) 1.1 r piou'ip'o, d -i.'.i ioi ;ey , is the opivi: iv el an ai i-t'n'i .i'1 ol si ivei.cd 1. rs i'i 'i.i eonti try. Any inaiiiaiibo a nn mbcr ef 1 h : l'eiin-cititic ..rty whawill aloptyour creed on I he Mil jt ct of 1 he . piead i ! . very, und th ujdi.-d.lin-; of .-'lav h'.d.iin.' in-tilutii.tH iii ihis countiy, which c .11 i ;! 11 direct !y t ! one mei in sixty of t b . I illation 1 t tiii.s i Mi n. I lo t 1- ti c pirty t: iiamo of u. l ; Cai or; a' '. ' e-t at ! 'Per; -.1 atr.-.a! icra!,' and I lo ilM'll' the llr.t reproaches ; ourselves Ih lo; ti'iho ms. I'ern i';hl.i'i s !'. r the six ly ; torpetting If t!' il. ' f i-ni'ifs .) tint of 01 e-lif: h jarty 1 bat Oi OM- e', 1 f nnt ot '..us til i I'.,- ." e. i'i 00 wh : ; ;'.e moii,' ierst and 1 1 i nr. ierst uel loai c n ii ctiy, he j ro 1 ne e ir. 00 a the .-pi i ,el or lie seems to eel I s upon I he l i.-a '.hat an I 'ear: era I who is in favor ol 1 ! r.viiu' an inc.) of slavery ay ll.al d ) ll . of I, aog a c,:; in 'oiiii, as .1:1 es-e :i : 11 i or .,, ; 1 'Oi.l JOi :,: . 1 e.T, w i.rll wo at tho hr a id I'l'incples of : part v, r. e lind lhat, ,-0 ho' loo ih'iiiieiat! i us lho , it eon in st t-uion of st-ivery i; coticei ned, tiiulcsa vtry sin-ill portion of ihe and prineiplo.s ouwhioli they in- baMs . I. nd and cxpi el t ad.trnuter tint liov ' i ri.i.K n ai.d iiavo admin'teird it here I lu'.ne; b it die lici.iocr.ilic party miitiiii i to bo a national p;.rty ; lho J 'emoerat ic I pal ty ilj Ml IUO I.) lipontaiii 1 1; ii ' ill.-.! i t (1 J ii"ti a id all its guarantees as it i.s. They 1 a.wtiiP lhat lb i.s Constitution was ma Jo in 1 Laud : ! il nv.i to usby our f iiifathers ga.iraiileis liio iusl ilut ion of slavery ; w hercver lo'.ni't iviluin l he f'l.iti'l Mates, n lvoeating the ( 'oiiil it 11 lem nf ry us il is, stand by this in.-litu-il slavery, it. being 1 ee. gn 'w. A They, itl (he conn lion cad by tlio (J, loiistitution of tho I'nited Mates, naran'ee' that it shall not be d;s Thcn the Pe ni. -or.. 'ic partv stand w hich tUilli.'.l 0:1 the totrtitii:rn ol tne country. 1 ; 1 r-y jitoposo no innovation. ILey have made no advanco on tho North. They propo-,- the ir.ti o'l'ict i on of 110 l:ew iiistitntioii, so Tar n the northern States a:e concerited : but, tiicy nro diipo'.ed 'o stand by the Constitution of tho oui.tty. as it has be. 11 handed down to them, willing and anx ious to abide by i.s guiran I cs. I'ceiine a man in lho North, who agrees tii.at the institution iseonstil ition.il, who a gr.'es lhat tho touthi.ril States have con stitutional guarantees, stands by an in li v i' 1 11.it in the South maintaining lhc.-o ereal cont it 'llioin.l lights, does that ar .run iie.t. Ka !, in ficor ofih.i knreml of ;,. it . t 1 .4 J-' -0 .' -1. 1n.11.. - m,n in in uisi:us.ion r not vxv i, ij.it,: tlu'Mts atkndtivi tint sound 111 o- ,-. tl.t. 11. i. . 1 .1.. ..: : . lLv,crsiary m the nil tl,o rrcniaos, and, of course, not in lho .1, UI d-MnmltU 1 Alrican slavery ; lhat he is for continuing; t'on lo you? Y'ou got o lull represei'ta- bnvnge looking man, bearing no scintilla it any more than tho Constitution eonliu- 1'" fr your tiegroes, who, I think, aro ofculture orsrelinement lho most rfcot uesit? It seems to mo not; and what 'slaves without maalcis, for they aro do- type ol the ingrain, hardened criminal, lho Senator lays dow n as lho touchstone ' prived of ull lhat constitutes freemen. Tlio render who has rea l nowspnper des of tho Pe inoeiniie. t.nriv. i ru.t. ihr K ,tta Our slaves eniov all the risihts of freemen, ci iptions of this man will not guess his nf flint t.m-i,. Ii;-.. V. ... i:, ....... i IV. ha I Ii A ..Ml n litr .. n.l I. 1 of time; and tho time has well nigh arris' ved, I think, when Senators, North and South, Kist and West, bad heller begin political weakness in the national coun to look into it, and see w hero il i.s driving cils. Is not that ea-ily seen and under us. i stood? Then, why try lo poison Die In the remarks nf lho Senator from II-! niindi ol vour people? Why try tode- 1: -.:. i.: .1. t : 1 ....1 .1 r iinois, wineii ijusi. ii.ni iju'iien, iii.'iu 11 another idea thrown fut. seern ngly not lho pi-'oplo outsail) ;!ir. Stales, but to all'ecf tlri,n only to iilb-et. si ivehobung iin.ide the slav dioldin. Slates, It i said in uenco in tho southern Mates1 it is ............. - -- - based on the old idea that a man who. PRINCIPLES, CLEARFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 18G5. n its true basis T ilHtion under tho Con8titntin nf h- Fi. tod .states. and wo will show that tho cotifiusioo, , , 7,7- 7 " "i""-iiy panion war.i 01 miners Tho Constitution cf tho United States can a proach .-i . h , ,1 " W8P' W , ' 'r W0U J ar'l,?ilr from lho tes(iD,-I-rovi.U. for apportioning rorrcenU ion t 1" .!Krea ft n ilv n , i f'n? ll'a3 aduCeJ- Wfl9t0 1,ftvo I,erforri1 in lho other ilou.o amoi?, tlufst ,.P n '? 'f I y' n ' ll B an.1 our ,". a important act in tho' terrible ""1 o . . -, , rc ,l,at ail tho free popuhuion .hall 11. . . .. , . . . 1. 1 ' iiviii ,'r',.cy8 threo-lifihs of tho slaves. lTuoai-o to bo added to the tvholo tmm7ir -.rivt,;i. i ,,,u'"' i ii'i.i mis or,;r mates liio iie:i "" ,!;0 rnan hohlini; a hundred slaves ';UK,f equal to sixty white men at homo, ''hat is llio argument, and it is intended ! 1,1 lavn I'f'.i'-'dico 011 lho public mind. 1 ! u""'v dops n-attor stand 1 Is that tho b.vis nnd is it tho niannfT in which tlm ' lb"'E operates practically in the staes? 01 n ''nderlho Constitution of i nne-l Mates, cure in ten vears .'"V1" 1 iukcii. m.a leiog done, i ':l.ving down the basis that I havojust ' al iilil nnl.n.i.,!.. .. i I ... f1 1'. 1 .1.1 I !"t","iiu,ii.iis nirt-uiiii8 riino sinvt Kej le.-cntatives (ire to be apportioned, to whom? Anions tho sluvi holders? No. Where doe: tho Kepn eentation go? I want to be und. i sio id It it given to lho slaveholders individually, or where Wsitfti? Away with this" soplii.dry, wrapped around with deception. Tne I'.epH-.-eo!at:v?u arc to l o nj porliotn-d a titon the several SU'.c, rot nmoi..- t':o ;n i: 1 ef !c; ,!llll 1. ll V..,-n (i.-r,.l votir basis ippnrtion- v i i.tation, and i l ll. i:-.( l.l r t l e re.( !i!;.t,;n it i to .ion d an-.-ng tl'.O seicral St:.! .' 1 e not knoK 11 In i; in liiitri. b.j :ipor : tales Sta;es c 1 ec- ":"!1 !a- ; ami not ileW 1 jiei 1' lil (H tad. ate rep :;nl V n fippoi iioriin;; tlio t ; ni to I ue .iate the sovt I e ii.o sovereignty pi '. lho I en : epi e-eiilui ion, and tin 11 it is t! i-luluio is to piesciihe the liw til of the it the Liv- le ol oaecl- it ti se i.eprc.----' f v.iur idea ntativn. What I e f !-;.ty to one? lint s ied to elect their n. r .' ticket, ( vciy ciiii,: up. 11 i.ti oi.al n ei , all the 1 i ti..,-n- "i at. 1 'j Jal foo'.m..' as Iheir Sta'.i ha d. 1 ; v naio:i of toe I'l.i'.e I ll .-.lie.-many lhaV e f the Stati iatius ly v .-ter 1 1 ,11 I'liit. iuoi .tes r t .Hi I 1 11 tit that i!c (.,,,.; , 1. ! II' of tho Si to the be ed i-ii d in states 111 I ic man 1 u.itied 10 in this ad. 1.1- a 1. .at :.. 1'iiial t epve.-i iitat not owr. a ilave i er- .omo f.'iivar il iein.l I e 1 . 1 1 1 and pai titii'.ito mentation n 111 ti h as t he . tal oho M t r. that? Ui.at lien Po vou under; t uel cii.es of our i-leu of Iwcniy or n.ty Po Hot I liin ns Slav ebobl'm; S:.ii lo one. od all - g. t th- e ot! IK-lit 1 r m e! li. lice e, do: i. d p"i nla' lo.: in i.pport inning r. ; te.-i Ii'..t,eli '.' Al'i I L'eltii c ihc I ( i i l.t o! ell r - ut at ndu.it 1 ue colon d population in repir u (U let the in vote? ! yotl .011 into your courts as com ne tent witne-es ? P.. you ermit them to .ro.i-i. i ? No Wio ie, then, is thi g-.eat inju-uce '.' Not -.villi.; and 111 g your clamor about all tin 11 being ciea'.ed cipial, w h at :s your j i.,eiic-:: ? Your thco'y is me thing, and your priicileo is atiolher. I '"o a'i the slaves in I he Sia: rhe 1 n uem Iree, how would the rej rc;er. . ,i, -t'ales at n n 'e. bhir, lively dai k hazel eye, slight tufts ol Wo are tuld that we havo a representa- beard along the chin and jaws nnd faintly t ion lor three, I'd' lis of our negroe. Po ninoundiiig the mouth, rather round not you gel representatijn for all your nc- face, full but cot prominent nose, full groes ail jour slaves without mioleis ? bps, foolish, weak, boyish, confiding 1 mean the fieo negroes who aro shorn of .countenance, indicating but little inlelli evcry fianehi-e thai constitutes a lite- gence, and not the faintest trace of ferooi r.iaii. Von get a full 1 opusen tal ion for V. And this is I lie poor crealuro who all your free negroes and yet ycu com- scorned to live but in t!ie st.nlo of Iheas jihi n. How would llu mailer rperale if ms-in, who l:votcdly followed him 111 his a. 1 thf ne-r.KM in the South weieliee? ilight, shr.t ing his pi ivalions, jicnls and Ilo.v would that ailei t this matter of rep- capture, 'i bis boy is II arrold. lcsenlation ' e only get lliicc-litihs ol our negroes iejre.entcd now, according 1 0 the Cointitulion of lho United Slates. Mipposo yon were lo emancipate llieui all and make I hem all tree, when you came to apportion the representation a no ng tho oiitu hoiv would i' no; iouiu line liiree-lillhs or live fifihs ? What is three -liiiha of lour million, a'suming tho slaves lo bo four million in pumber? Tho Ihrec-lifihs is two luiliion lour hundred thousand. What would t'Vo-lilllis I c ? 1)110 mill 10:1 six hundred thou. and. Thru, if vour ratio were one hundred thousand, wo Iiavo sixteen Jicprescnianves on inn tmnging ludiHerently alioul ins ioieliead, other lloor less than wo should have ifall w bieh is rather low nnd nanow ; Hue our negroes were free men ol culor. Wo ryes, large, staring nnd at linirswiid; re can understand Unit. Instead ol gelling mrns your look steadily and significantly; twenty-four Representatives for ihe blacks tenure face, angular nose, thin at the top, ! we should have foity Kepresunlativcs but expnnding iidruptly at the ims ' sixteen moro than we now have, , ti il?: thin lips and slightly twi-tcd mouth, I Where, then, is I li its great hardship to curved unsy mmetrically a liltlc lo the v on i whore is l Ii e wroi. ir in l ho Cotisiiiu- 1 wiili ono or i. wo executions : and 1 1 bj do- ' 1.1 iu..J (,f I 1 . O..I U Mil III 1 V ll f 1 1 M I It I O I ll 0 111 SLl- very, instead of being an element of j'olit- , i-'' power to lho South, is an element 01 , ,1...... 'i 111... ... ee.yo lie. 111 W hv not tell them that il all tho nlnves were l'ret, instead of the poivroftho South being dimitiidied in lho Corgress of tho United Slates, she would have sixteen more Jiepiesciitutives ? Why not mil them the irutti ? What be comes of all your sympathetic appeal.-., based upon the equality ol black men and white men, when everybody seos and kno vs that tho condition of a freo colored man in the North is infinitely worse tnan that of the slave in tho South? What, then, becomes of your at gumonl of eipaal- Hv? J here is nothing in it. V hy can - . , , we not as brothers in the sanio great Con- not MEN. " :U J.'fl.h J,,T"t our minus , are, and s"ee tho t n . V fa ,7 : .u' . .. . . - , . landing which rivsj rie tho undoiritRndinof catises argument. J.at . !, fv. ..,;,,.,; f, T. " v i MUtUi: U.1 IL1H. II I n I Ytlluli II. ' .ion is wronft and cxrerien an nTn 11 a e iroi en t to la en. nrni-pp.1 il.n rn.ni.-r..,.. " Zvi . L1 " 3. 'nrumeni 10 i-vi.se or hilar or abolish it ; but do not 'small stature, Dutch face, sallow complex it us Uo it oy ste.illh nnd indireoiion. I ion, dull, dark bluo eyo, rather lieht col l must notieo ono other paragraph in ered hair, bushy and neglected looks 10 speech ot lho honorable Senator from '; rather unccncernedly on. und at n'o tima let tho Illinois. "Mr. President, I am satisfied that I am not understood by tho Senator from AUbiUna- 'say that the negrc Alabama 1 say that the negro has tho , me tilir ngl.t ll.at I have ; and now aj . Uk i-uiuc, unuer II eircum - stances, to hold a nc;no in slavery " J ' Wl .1 . ...if , hy d ies not tho Senator, in tho State l1 l linr... .1..... .1.. . . ...wi'ju, j.meo uio negro, no Lem a fremn in. on the satno equal ground with himself? The Assasbiuation Conspirators -Their pnvo.i,, I A.... ....... .. .101iittl ilvpCttlUUCO. From a eorrcsponJunt of tho N. Y. Times. lhesrangLer v;iitr is naturally cut iocs to sco and conto'.nilato lho counteuauco of tho J risnnei s, and his eyes rapidly pass from all other object lu search of mo ac cu.-ed- Tlieic seis a row of fifteen men i.gaiiiit tho west wall, on lho platform be hind the tailing. Which is ne? Which i Ilai 11. hi ? the visitor rapidly asks him self, and ho mentally ansivcrs nsiapiOly ; Surely l'aynu caiii.ol be there ; 1 see 110 one that mi- n o: 9 his description. That man may bullarrold j tii.it other may be Pr. ilii'ld, but I don, I see any such a inati us the v. ould-bo ustassiu id Mr Si ward is 11 pieriiited lo be. Yu begiu with the man 0:1 tlio cxtrcino b it, ai.d next to lho door leading to the iclis. Hfluis a tiiau apparently about -11 or dti jears old, say live lift li-n imhes in height, sh lider, 1 cd or satiJy lair ol thiugr.rath, pale oval lace, somewhat lute lligenl, me dium hi:-.e, blue eyes, high ibiel.ea l, lath er prominent no.-e, linn lips, and a red lull ol hair on the id, in. llo ilnoi nol set 111 lo lo (listressrtl, but is inteiesled in tho trial. He isdiosd genteely in black, and wears frhppers. '1 lie uiuveiiirnis ol bis lliii'. s sie soiueiv hat U'stnc.ed, for a small el:., in turrotinds each wrist and ex tends fmni arm In .ti ui, , like chain i a uout his ankles and cunliucs his leg', d His nan is 1 'r Mi. ..Id, aionst whom it was fiist nip) esud 1 i,t lailo if anything ol guilt could be shown, but against whom noir .he lestimuey thus far teems fearful ly j oiming. Vou look further to liio right, passing over tho alternate man, who i.s ,-ui oll'uvr, iit.d Mil oh-eiio, sitliiu; bfh.-le the latter, a 1.' '.ii Itd'.ow dressed in a laded blue suit, whom ycu would soa.co call a iiihii ; be siosoii but ii;i-,eteen or so. about live feel lour inches high, dti-ky black neglected , Looking ngioti to lho right, and omitt ingthe alginate guard, we came to ono of ihe most remm kahle faces iu the group; a lace which once seen, may never he for gotten; 0110 whose nioial statue is readily dcteimincd bv nukini a survey of his U.(. j tn.s ::inu u clothed sparuiiily; ho is in bis slut t sleeves -a tort of steel - nixed woolen t hirl! his pantaloons are dark bluo common cloth ; neck band and shirt col lar ur.blitloned ; bo is fully six tcet high, slender, bony, angular firm, .".pure and narrow across liieshoulders, hollow-breast ed: lour lilacs:, siraigm lingular cut, and left of t he middle line of tho face; awill, ii.mihi tho vcrv ontinsito of 111V nictute is i ll (rill f Lnuriy Pnvnn w lut litis l.o'nil TO 1 iTOP. FI t- cd in appearance as almost the reverse of , what I have here stated, iho.o wiioiook upon lho criminal will agree w ith mo lhat ho is almo.-t numslium l.o.nen dum. Again, looking to tho right, wo coiuo to Spangler, the carpenter of Kurd's Thea tres who i.s believed to have been Booth's accomplice in prepaiing the means ol es cpo from the theatre. As yet no rood havo beeil oli'ore l against him, and he is. on that account and upon other, tiot wor. thy of special desouptiou here. 1 ho' poor man seems lo havo left only; enough sensibility to understand that ha has gotj into a very uoo .mlortablo situation some-: hoar or oilier, no is 01 a snort, inn s: stature, full faco, beaiing indications of excessive drink, dull gray eyes, unsym- metrical head, and light hair closely cut. I ho next of tho acousod lo the right is . . .. . U iiaugtuin, against wiioni, as yot, tnei proofs have not developed anjlhiug. He; in ii mu 111 iu!iut eiKU'Ur4 uiifc pounds, about 6 foot 5 iaoh high bushy TERMS :-$2 NEW black Lair of luxuriant growth, paleface. " wui.kew, deltcBte - ' .'. ...... .i,.n;c. J 13 countenance is eiuinontlv SnanUh tnUr. hbiy intelliL'ent. with no enocial in.lie.n- lions of any kind. bui 10 mo riciii 01 inis man 1 one n A -.-'..I on n Z ZZ linn nr !.... i .. . l""" ' '"Miiannon, in 1 110 lUrK- woou iioueo, This criminal is a man evinces a high beiibihilily of his almcst in evitable doom. Tho hist of the male prisoner.! on trial Bits upon the extreme erd ol the platfoi m, at a window lookinir out to tho north. 1 1 1HS 11 'u nolu ug.nust whom, also, as yet, ! no tcst'I10liy h is been introduced, and wo .1,, tint tw.lf .ir.,1... !.. .1 ! ..v. ...... uiiuci niuiiu ina Biaius in ine tragical drama. He isavoune man of very decent and respectable appearance, clad well and cleanly, about thirty years old, five roct eight inches in height, dark hair and eye?, slight beard, clear light complexion, intelligent countenance, and one in which wo could look iu vain for evidence or caracily ofgu.lt. Another, and tho last and most tiromi- nent cf the accused, is Mrs. Surratt, who sits apart from the other prisoners, at the iv est end of the reporter's table, and near her counsel. This woman is dressed in Pad mourning ; she wears her bennet and .. . : 1 -a .... . . vi 11 -uunug me sessions 01 Hie comnns sion. Her age is probably fil'tv. Shoisa large, Amazonian chus of woman, built, masculine hands, tailor lu suaro ace, dark, gray, lifeless eye, hair not decided-j ly d irk, complexion sivatthy ; altogether, h r face denotes more than culinary intel ligence. Sim seaiiH too strong to bo weighed do n by the crushing t -Mimony against her, and whilst conclusive evi dence was being rendered, which, if true, makes her part in the horrible tragedy of tho must cold blooded, heart le.-s charac ter, she but once seemed distui bed. Her eye is rattier snlt iu expi es-iou and strange ly at variation with the general hurihi.B of her o'her feature". She teems a woman of undaunted nielal, and filled for Mac beth' injunction to ''bting forth men children only;" and vet sho does not an- je-ar as Lady Macbeth prayed to bo, "fi om crown to toe top full of direct crunltv." This 11 11 lot tun ato woman, like other pris- oners, is in irons. A bar of about 10 inch- Les in length passes from otic anklo to the other, nnd is there attached to an iron band that encircles each leg. Her hands are freo. All other prisoners except Pr. Mudd ate heavily ironril. Their l"M and ankles aro ironed as in tho case of Mrs. Surratt, and attached to each In i.s a chain about ,,eei long, 10 which is appended .1 nan we ighing hl'.y jinunds. .besides this liar and haiid like tho-e iil.o'il, lho feet con ti no Iheir arms When tho pri-oneri heavily ironed aro reipiired to move a boul, the otiieer in nttonilar.co upon him carries the ball. Nearly all the nocused aro required lo wear a peculiar cap, when they return from lho court to thoir looms. This cap is constructed of cotton cloth, padded, and covers, helmet like, tho en- tiro head and nearly nil the face. It was suggested snmi) weeks ago by the attempt of r.iyno tr take his lifo by butling his head against the prison walls. Oitraocj iv Nf.uroks Within a few weeks past lho deportment of tho negroes in our midst towards the white population has reached a jioint almost lieyond en durance, and it is high timo something were dono to remedy lho evil. I'elow may bo found two cases, the particulars of which aro correct beyond all question. A few nights sir.ee a married lady wife of a very respectable gentleman in lho western section of tho city, was returning to. her homo about nino o'clock l M., and when on Charles street, near Fayette, observed a negro man approaching, who accosted her in Ihe most familiar manner. She indignantly ordered him to bo oil' threatening to call an ollieer. Tho follow dasistcd for a short lime, but she had gane but a short dislanco when ho again overtook and entered into conversation with her. She summoned a policeman, and the negro was taken to the station house, wlieio ho was released on bail to keep thopcac'3. Severe putiishiuoul most truly, Another enso of similar character came to our knowledge yesterday. About 'J o'clock on Saturday night, as if fnarrio I lady residing on Holiday street, was pass ing along Saratoga street, within a half square oi uio ponce siauon a nujj ne- her dreis, nnd upon ll 6f llimin tOWM''! the LfUtO, tll6 lellow clasped her in Ins arms, and would peiuaps iu. inm.iiiea. u..a-i but for tho i.pproach of some citizens, when he beat a hasty retreat. Baltimore Gazette, t-irThe body of a woman who had been buried eight years, was recently exhumed in riiihuleljihia, to be removed lo another graveyard, when it was found to be petri fied, being as hard and heavy as tuarblo. A small st ream of water trickling into tho crave, which possessed stronn mineral qualities, is supposed to havo caused pc! . t d'action. j.We are frequentl asked whit Ihe word, ,,iQ semper Tyranu..," used by e ; ,0.. We answer mean. thfil ttmv urn T.atin. and mean May the , ,, .. ,,,,,.'' It is tho m Hto ,V , i jt,sirate a man killing I .........I ..iih a sword, and having bis II It 111 ll VI1. --- r Qa ncc.k-'' 'm"rJ tverttser. , , . rom w.. j ' T , ' Vnr. War.pn.'Posto, f - -.r u;. ,S lU'lSU "UU v r . lUibor, w.mseveu v. .-.i. 00 Per Annum, if paid in advance SERIES - VOL. V.-NO. 45. CAPTURE OF JEFFERSON DAVIS. HIS WMTM AMTER; EX ER u FA. I.Y, AM) STAI'K CAPTURED. official GAZETTE. nr n t- T,W"V". May 13, 18C5. Mai-Gen. Dix ; ' The following despatch has just beea received from Geneial Wilson, anuounc ing the surprlso and capture of Jeff. Da vis and fan stair by Col. l'rilchard and the Michigan cavalry, on tho morning of the j. M.D., ai irwinsvnio, m irwirt count v. Oeorgia. K.M.STANTON, Secretory of War. uren',Vr- Urant- ftml ilon.Sec'y of W ar, Washington, D. C: I havo the honor to report that nt dav ligh on the 10th inst.. Col. Fritchard, commanding the 4th Michigan Cavalry captured Jotf. Davis and family, with Re' gan, the Tostmasler General ; Col. Harri son his private secretary; Col. Johnson, A. I). C ; Col. Morris, Col. liubbick. Liout. Hathaway, and others. Col. rritcharJ surprised their camp, at Inyinsvdle. m Irwin county, Ueorcia, 75 miles east of ihis place. They will bo here to-morrow nieht. and will to forwarded under a strong pnnrtt without delay will send further par- J. U. WILSON, 13royet-Msj-3eneral. liculars at once, lAUTICULARS War OP TtlF. CAPTURE. Pkpartmknt, Wushinqton. Mav 14. 'fi,') l Maj-Gen. Dix, Netr York: The followinc details nf tlm f1 ni 11 ra ? .Kfli-rson Davis, while fttlcmt.titis to I make his escape in his wifVu elm u.. I ..... v. v .A L7 LAkVfV been received from Gen. Wilson. i:. M. STANTON, Sec. of War. JiVm, Ucorjia, May 12. uon. 1-,. .u. aianton, .secretarv of War ; The following despatch, announcing the ipture of Jell. Pavis has just been hand- ed mo by Col. Minty, cotn'dg 2nddivision. 11 PyRS -inr AllCUIii pyKs-lnr Micuiuan Cavai.rv, ) 'umbirlnmlcil',:, Ga., Mav ll,'0.r. j . T W Scptt A. G. Second Division: 'P r..... ' u v-ain. i t .-icuii a. u. Second Jiivision- Sir I have the honor to report that at daylight yesterday, ut Irwinsville, I sur- prised ann cajitured Jell Davis and fami 1 ly, together witu his wife, sisters and brother, his I'ostciaster General. Kcagau, his Private Sneiftntv Clnr,.,! irnin.ii Johnston, A. D. C , on Davis' stall- Col ! Morris Tai'ihi n.,,1 1 ;..i-.. tr.i ' way; also several important names, and a train 01 live wagons and threo ambulanc es making a perfool success, Lai not a most painful niistako occurred by which the 4iu Michigan and 1st Wesconsin coli dii.l, which cost us iwo 'dlled, and Lieuten ant Doulello wounded through tho nrm, in the 4th Michigan; and four men wound ed in tho 1st Wisconsin. This occurred jud at daylight, nftar we had captured . ttle camp, by the advance of the 1st Wis cousin. They wero mistaken for the one my. I returned to this point last night and skull movo right on to Macoa without a waiiing orders from you as directed, feel ing that tho whole object of the expedi tion is accomplished. It will take mo at least three days to reach Macon as we are seventy-five miles out and ourjstook is much exhausted' 1 hopo to reach Haw kinsvilio to night. 1 have the honor, etc. (Signed) D. P.. riilTCHAIlD. Lieut. Col. 4th Michigan Cavalry, The 1st Wisconsin belongs lo Lngrango's brigade, McCook's division and had boon sent duo east by General Croxton via Dublin. Colonel Mintz had distributed his command all along the south bank of tho Ocmulgeo and Altamaha. This ac counts for tho collision between parts of the First and Second divisions, anel shows lho zeal of the command in pursuit. I have directed increased vigilanca on the part of the command in lho hopa of catch ing tho other assassins. Our dispositions are good, and so far nono of the robol chiefs have been ablo to gel through. nreckinridge's son was captured night before hiat, oloven miles south from here. I will send further details as soon as re ceived. (Signod) J. IT. WILSON, Brovet Major-General. Micon, Gi., '.1.30 A. J., .1ay 13. Hon. Ii. M- Stanton, Secretary of War: Lt. Colonel Marden, commanding 1st Wisconsin, has just arrived at Irwinsville. IIo struck Davis' trail at Dublin, Lau rens county, on the evening of the 7th, and followed him closely night and day thruogh the pino wilderness of Alligator Creek and Green Swamp, via Cumber landville to Irwinsville. At Cumbcrland vi He, Colonel Harden met Colonel Prit chard with lot) picked men and horses of tlio 4th Michigan. Harden followed the trad directly south, while IVitchard having freih horsos, pushed down tho Oc mulgeo towards Hopewell, and thence by House creok lo Irwinville, arriving there at midnight of the Oth. Jelf. Davis had not arrived. From citiions Fritchard learned that his party were encamped two miles from town. He mado his dis positions and surrounded the camp bo foro day. Harden had encamped at 6 V. M., within two miles, as he al'terwards learned from Davis. The trail being too indistinct to follow, be ptishod on at 3 A. M., and bad gone but little more than one mile when hi advance wore u?d upon by men of the Ith Michigan. A fight ensued both par lies exhibiting the greatest determination. Fifteen minutes elapsed bafore the mis take was discovered. Tho firing ia thi skirmish was the first warning Pavis rc cedved. The captors report lhat ho hast ily put on one ofhis wife's elrosses, and started for tho woods, closely followed bv our men, who at first thought him n -.,. but 6ey,D,, i,;4 b0Jti whilij run on ie. TV- nine, suspected hia sex- at 1 race was a short one, and the rebel Preii-