LLTDon't fail to Read This! OslusJ Gdfca! Caffia, Tii . (..,, iv-nrvMlPFIiT fWV , V . i V ' . j tirade Sir.el, ithree doors from Ureeuwub Street,) N. V., cull ui.iver.ul Intention to their ICctlVs I'tlt J 11(1 Ul Cofl'cC KENT'S I'! A.ST INDIA COFFEE Ins all the flavor if OLD GOVERNMENT JA VA, and is hut hulf tho prioo ; tied also that kents east India coffee 1 a twice the strenth of Juvn, or any other Cof fee whatever and wherever used by our first class ; hotels and steamboats, and stewards say there is ; therms, a Farm in Hcccaria township, 0110 a saving of 51) per cent, niile South of Heceariu Mills. It cotitniDa l lfty KENT'S EAST INDIA COFFEE w Acres, with Forty Aero, clca red, a fc la the most healthy beverage known, and is vory JjjJ framo Dwelling house, Store -home. Jfijj nutritious. The weak and infirm may ise it at log llarn, nnd other out-buildings, uud a grou ing nil tiiuea with impunity. The wifu of the Rev. jOrohnrd of thriving trees. The title it undispu W. Eaves, local luinistvr of tho At. K. Church, ' table. l'or Term, apply to the undersigned, Jersey City, who baa not been able to use any : in Lawrence township, Clearfield minify. 1 a, 11 dee f.,r I'llci n venrs, cun nso KENT'S EAST INDIA COFFEE three titiicd a day wilhoiit injury, it beinfr en lir.lyfrec from those proponit that pruduco n r.ous es'MteiiicDt, Dr. James Boyle, of l.'fi, Chniuters streefFayt: "I havo never known any rott.e so hoallhful, 1111 tritioiis. and frcsTlrom all injurious quulitios a.1 KENT'S EAST INDIA COr FEE. I advi.-o my p;itionts to drink it univorsally even iIiojo to whom I liAvo hitherto prohibited tho ute of Cofffo. The Principal ef the Ntw York Eye Infirmary rays: "1 direct nil the putici.ts of our Institution to use exclusively KhNT'S EAST INDIA COFFEE, and would not he without it on any account." The Kev. 0. Lurue, an eminent clergyman of (hit M. H. Church, now stationed ut lialiey t., Newark, savs of KENT'S EAST INDIA CO? FEE, 'I have tijud it nearly a year iu my family, and find it produces no acho of the bead, or nervous irritation, as iu tho cno of all other Coffees. It is exceedingly pleasant, and I cordially recom mend it to all clergymen and their families." KENT'S EAST INDIA COFFEE is used daily by tho families of Bishop Ames, bishop Baker, Bishop James, and many of the most ditinguiihed clergymen and profutsioaul men iu the country. Ucwarc of Counterfeits ! and be sure that tho packages aro labelled Kent's East India Coffee, 154 HEAVE street. New York, as there ore numorcua counterfeits ofloat under tho namo of "(icnuino East India Coffee," "Ori ginal F.ust India Coffeo," eto., put forth by im postors to deceive the unwary. In 1 lb. packages, and in boxes of 3(5, CO and MX) lbs., for Grocers and largo consumers. Sold by Grocers generally. Orders from Country Grocers solicited, to whom a very liberal discount will be mad.i. Whotttate Aijrnt : Hoflish i, Molan, and IV. J. lieiss & Dro., Philadelphia ; Francis II. Perry Providence j A. L. Waito t Co., IWton ; Py noti on A Lee, t-pringfuld, Mass.; S, N. Callender, Buffalo; Gordon M'Millian i, Co., Cleveland; A. A. Coltor & Co., Cincinnati j J. A J. W. Bunn, Springfield, 111. ; 11. B. Shields, Corydon, Ind. ; and C. C. Oarber, Chicago. The Am. Ad. Aj 3S9 Broadway, N. Y. Bus. Dep't Eos Alvohd. Cor. Dep't Fowler A Wills, are authoriied te receive orders for Kent's East India Coffee. R. DAVIS. April 5, 18B5. ly. MERRELL & DIG LEU IlavojuBt opCDeJ a lnrgo anil splendid assortment of New Goods At their old stand in Clearfield. frnllEY have tho best assortment of Hardware J. that hat ever becn'hrought to this county, which thoy will Boll at the most reasonable pri ces, among which will be found a splendid lot of CUT T LE II Y, To which thoy invite the special attention of the public, embracing heavy Silver plated Forks, Spoons and Butter knives of tho Lest inauui'ac ture. A lot of Pistols of the best pattern, and other firc-arrrs. Also a general assortment of pistol cartridges all of which will ho sold al rcasoua blo'p rices. They continuo to manufacture all kinds of Tin-ware, I'rass Kettle?, tovc- Pipo, etc., which cannat bo surpassed in t' 1? sec tion of the State. They also havo on hand Pittsburgh Plows, among which aro Stool Centre Lever Plows. Also, Plow Casting, nnd many other Agricultural Im plements. Cook Stoves, Parlor and Coal Stoves a general assortment, and of the les; pat terns, fr sale at rcasonablo prices. Coal Oil, Coa Oil Lamps, Taints, Oils and Varniskcs, a goncral assortment. Glass, putty, Nails, Iron audCastings of great variety j in fuct almost orery thing wanted by the public! can bo found in their etlabliahiucnt, and at prices that cann.it bo beat. Now i-5 the lime to purchase, If you desire any thing in their lino (f business, (live thein a call and examine theirsto.lt, and they feolasmrcl that you cun l p ncommod atcd Ucmomber, C.S.r establishment is on Second fcjtroct, Cloarfiold, Pa , whero yuu can buy g. ods to tho very best ndvnntngp. ("0ld silver, copper, Irnss, pewter and old Costings will bi taken in exchange for poods. May 20, lbO.J. MEKKELL & lUuLLit. NOtlCJiTcAUTIOX.- TTAVING aiado application to tho Assistant 11 Assessor of tho I'Jth Collection District of Pennsylvania, and a Licenso as Auctioneer hav ing been granted to mo by tho proper authority, I 1 would in.orin tlio citir.ens of Clearnoid county that I will attend to "calling tales" whenever ' desired in any part of the countv. Charges ' modcrato. Addrcs JOHN L. BEAMS, Dec. 10, lS63-tf. eiearficM, Pa. T. S. Any pcri-pn " calling " saloj without a licenso Is subject to a penally of $flO, which will oe enforced in nccoruance with tuo law, sgniust all persons viola ting tho statute. LEA'ITIEU ! LEATHER! AN assortment for sale In Clenrfield, by Dee. 21. MEUUELL i BldLER. MOUNT VERNON IIOUSR Second Street, above Arch. l-II I LA DELPHI A. A. V. IlLAIll, Proprietor. (I te of the "Surf House," Allautic City.) f pt. 2 18(13-1 y. Changed his 5asc, but not his Politics. EEM0VAL FROM SUAW S ROW TO ORA bam's, one door west of Iloynton f- Show ers' Ftore. The sabscriher wisbos to inform his friends and numerous patrons that ho has loft hit old stand In SIiaw's Row nnd has broke out in a new place in Graham's How, in tho chop former ly occupied by P. Ptumph as a Iioot and Shop. lis would like all hit old friendt to give bim a call on Court Week, and bring as many now Ones aloag at possible, as he can accomodate all on shert notico, at tbs Short Shoe Shop. Kept try FUAMk bliOKi. f4Mtnm.ml,M nrnk.m'. It... dnnrn.1 f Boynton & Showers' Storo. Jan. 11, '65. T)B0VI8I0NS, Flour, Baoon, LarJ, Cheese, X r)rlil Tl.. n.t.A r...ll S rasa' saI r r nlarly at th store of J. B. KRATZEH. . Mar, :, ltti. Front St.. ClcaxStld, l't. 1 CHEAP STOVES. 1 IIE subscriber ia order to accommodate tlio I cltlsonj of Curwcnsv ille, and tho rutlio generally, bn Just received a lot of ; 1 COOK, AiNI 1 A J i I A J J I S I 0 ' LiS, l"r woodorceul, which bo will dispose of very , cheap for cash or produce. JOHN D. THOMPSON. Nov. 4, 1S03 -tf. ALSO, OTOVP. Tl 115. For artto at the cheap store iJ of John D. 1 bouipson, iu Curwensvillo, at 15 cunt per pound. Nov. 11, I ? (7)11 T'l r p I T T , 'AJiJl J1 UJC OMjL, lMIE subscriber offers for sale on reasonable eop2I-3m I'd J. K. liEAI. G. W. & H. W. SMITH, l)lvLi:US IN fi.o rv in i & Domes, ic MERCHANDISE! HAVE STILL ON HAND A Fine Assortment OF Dry (Hoods, Notions, Groceries, Jlardtcarc, Quccnsicarc, Wooden-1 Fare, Household Goods, ALL OF WHICH WILL 15 K SOLD i VERY LOW ! F o r a s ii ! Jan, 23, 3m. NSW FIRM. IIAR'l-SUICK & HUSTON DRUGGISTS MAI5KET Sired CLKAU FIELD PA. KEEP constantly on hand a larye ami and tct'l sclednl at or!; (f DUUGH and CHEMJCA A.S PA I NTS OILS AND V MINIMI l'U.TTMEKY A Tdi LET AI'.TICLl'.S. BLANKS, BOOKS AND STATIONARY, i i TOBACCO eV: SUGARS. And a general assortment of VAKI ATI Erf ami Fancy AKTICLE.S. W' respectfully Invito a anil, feeling confi dent that we can supply tho wants of nil, on terms to their satisfaction. HA1USWICK A HUSTON. Clearfield April 27th 1863. tf Susquehanna House, i.un wess villi:. . . MOKH.ll.L, IVoprietor. mlllS large nnd cntnmodinus HOTEL is do X liirhtfullv 'located t-n tho bank of the 5uu quehanua, in the borough of Curwensville. Tho present proprietor will sptiri) o cfort tn render bin customers cumf irtable, nndh"ieitc . merit a liberal ehnro of public patronage. I IMS P.Alt AND TAI'.LE 1 Will ha v eil supplied with every thing tho mnr ! ket affords, Buttmen will alwaye find his "Istch j siting" out. Mur. 23, 'CI. tf. ! "I)00TS nnd Shoes a complete assortment nf i f La.bes , tjentlenien a, Missen, Boys and Clnldrou t Bools Shoes and C uicrs it J. I. KUA'JZEU'S. s TAPLE Pry floods Cloths, Ca'rimeres Clonk-cloths, Tweeds, Sntinctts, Silkwurp Flannels, Ticking, Muslin, Linen, Prints, ut the old prices at j. r. KiiATznifs. nOWAIU) ASSOCIATION, Piiii.Anr.t.t iitA, Ta. Disoascs of tho Nervous, Pcininal, I'rinary and Sexual Systems new and reliable troatmcnt in reports of the Howard Association, sent by mnil in sealed letter envelopes, fro of charge. ! Address, Dr. J, SKILLEN HOLtillTON, How. ard Association, No. 2, South Ninth Street, Phi- adelphia, Pa. jy2l)-'6l ly Chop! Chop! Chop! Qf AftA EushoU superior liYE-CIIOP "vFiJ jutt received and fur tale at .1 IS per hundred. JAMES TE jT. rhilipsburg, Aug. 8, 1SSI. pd. . tho Cheap I JOHN D. THOMPSON. Curwensvillo, Stpt 16, 186.1. II Ol'SEHOLD 0 ;00S Tinware.Q'icenswarc, Glassware, Woodenwaro, Looking Glasses is, Nails, HI..,. Oils, Paints. Lamps, W.l! r. at all Prices at i ' 1 . l Clocks, Tape J. 1'. KlIATZEU'S. Ladies Furs, Purchasers may rolv upon gotting the best Furs nt CHA3. OAKFOUD A BONij, i CuntincDtol Hotel, i'nuaileipiiiii. Jin. 11. PROVISIONS Flour, Cheese, Lard, Diicd X Apples, DriCl feacnes, recoivea rcKUinriy : from the west a the store of J. P. K RAT Z Ell. lit USICAL, UUUllS-fltttet, 101.ns, tlies, ill JlArmonicans, Treceptort. Muiio Taper, Vi- Jowt, Btidgcs, Strings of ths best quality at olio U J. r. KRAZEK'S. CL FA li FIELD CO. DUlECTOJi 1' TIME OF HOLDIN. COUl ' ej Monday in January, I 3d Monday In Ju 'i H Monday in March, I 4tU Monday lu Sept. ol oach year, aud conliuuu two necks if necessary ,, 'T,",'. rr,c COUNTY AND DISTRICT OFITCERS. PrcVt Judge-on . Samuel Linn, Ilellofonto. As'to Judges llon..I. li.Thouq son,Curwousville Hod. Jutuea llluoui, Forrest, Sheriff, Jacob A. Fau.t. Cleartluiu, Prolhonotiiry, 1. F. Ktuweilor. Heir, A Hen. Isaiah (1. Harcer. ' liislriet Att'y, WJI, Jl, McCullough irciisuro., v.. nraiior, Co. Surveyor, 11. 11. Wright, Glen Hope. Clearfield, do Anson villo. Tennfluld. Lecontes Mill l'iko tp. Clearfield' Clcarfivld. v-o"""o. " ""Kooriy , it ' .: rn It 1 tuioaiteau, Conrad Baker, Auditors, II Woodward, K. F. Couteret, M. L. C. Evans. Coroner, Htury W. Turks. County Sup't. C. U. tandfurd, L I fc'T OF POST OFFICES. j 't OJfieti, 'cpiumil.ri, flh-n Hope, Win. P. Wright, I'tnhville, Th'n.luro Weld, Heparty's X Roadi'.Sain'l. Hog"ty, Power, W. MeCraelicii, Chest, Th.A. M'tlheo. Cush, J. W. Campbell, Osttnd, H.L.Heodorson, Forrest, James Bloom, I Clcartleld Hridgo, James Forrest, ! Woodlnnb, illiam Albert. Lutherslmrg, K. 11. Moore, j Troulville, Cliaa. Sloppy. 1 JeBcrson Line, Julio Hvber.in, 7'i.rM'itis Uerraria, Bell, 1 Bloom, ! JUigv's, Bradford, Brady, I " : Burnrlde, New Washington, J. Uallahor, Bumside. W. C. Irvin, Chest, pHtehinville, Jaek Patchin, Jacob Iloico, (i. Toiler, jr. Win. M. iiurvcy, 8. A. Furlier; M. A. Frank, P. A. tiunliu. J.F.W.Schnarrs T. W. Fleming, Centre county, H. KniUbaeh, T. F. Botilich, Ed. Williams, Jas. McClelltn, C. Mignot, William Curr, A. P.. r-'h.nv, T. 11.1'orcce, Jai". A. llegariy Clias. J. Puscy, David Tyler, 11. Woodward, Klirn Ciase, (). llcckadorn, M.O.Stirk, Jaa. Tliompon, J. (.'. llreiiuor, II. W. f-'peiuer, A. C. Monro, T. II. Fleming. Benj. F. Hale, D. E. Jlrubaker, Fust Hidgo, Hard, Mctiurvcy, Wcstover, (Uai field, Clearflvld, Cuviugtuii, Fren.hvillo, " Knrthiiu?. I Curwensvillo Curwensville, Pccatur, Phi lit slmrg West Decatur, Osceola Mills, Marron, Little Toby, Lernntu'a Mills, Bald Hills, Rinwsvillo, Urahiiiu'on, Smith's Mills, Madeira, Tiler, Pennfield, Ansonvillo, Fal: Lick, New Millport, Kylertown, Morrisdule, Luiiihi r City. Oramiiian II lis, Curwcnsvilln, Ploomingville, lHekton, Jeflrics, Ferguson, Fox, ' (i irard, j tioshen, ' (irnhaiii, ,0uvll'.ll, i Lecciiiiii, ; Hubtou, I " 1 Jordan, I Karihauf, Ivnox, Morris, I " I rcnn, " Pike, t'nion, 1 Woodward, James Lorkett, 'lhis Post Otlico will do for Chest towu.-bip Will answer f Jr Ferguson lowuthip. JOHN L. cuttli:,n Attorney nt Law and Heal Kstate Agent, CLEAHF1ELD, PKNN'A. Ojftreon Market it. (),ipisite the Jail, 1) EiPECTFLLLY offers bis s rvlccs in tell 1 ingaiid bujing lands in Clearfield anil ad joining counties ; and with an experieneo of over twonty years as a Purveyor, flatters himself that ho can rendir satisfaction. Feb. 'tis tf. IW.i M. MX'lfM.OIi'Cill, ATronxrv at aw, Clcarfi d, Pa. (dnee on Market Street one door east of tho "Clearfield County Bank." n ay 4, ISGMf. ! i.vriin: .i. iu,Aki:!.v, I Attorney nnl ('unsi.,'.Kir nt L:tw, I Will attend to nil business en'.rusti .. to hi . care in Elk and adjoining counties at St. Mary's (licniingcr P. 0.) S'T 2S. f "' 1J- TIIOMtS J. M't 11 I tlUt.ll, Attorney nt l aw. OiTiee adjoining tho Bank, formerly occuplid by J B. Motnally, E.-q., Maikit street, Clearfield, Pa Will atienJ promptly to Cm ll etions, S .le o! Lands, Ac. Pec. 17, ' '. 2 . I ) OCER T .1. WALLACE, A 7 r i a .i i: v at Law tLiw's Bow, op I t Clearliil.l, Pi., lltiee iu ,7,eitc tiicJcurnal oiHco. dec. t. I?5S. tf I.. J CRASS. WW.TV.n ItAtlrlliT Chans am. 15Ai:i:i;t, Attnl lie s at law. May 3, '03. Clkahfiblp, r v. 1)11. Jl. WOODS, IjrtACTIClNiJ Physician, nnd Examining Snr 8. geon for Pensions. Office Southwest corner fcccond and Cherry streets, Clear.".eld, Pa, January 21, ISd.l. 1 y cybexu s howe. Justice of the I'eack. For Dkcatijr Townsliip, will promptly attend to all luisiness cntriisiud to hi:; euro. P. 0. Address, l'hilipsbuig l'u. Aug. 21st l.ifil IT EVER FLEOAL, Justice of tho 1 l.'C, Lu IJ thersburg, CI. arfudd cnurty Pa will attend promptly to all ttisir.o.'S entrusted to Lis eaie. I.uthersl.urg, April 4, ISfil. " " . i'.Tv u a t zTk, T nnCII.VNT, snd dealer iu Div G oo I s lllClothing Provisions, it Hardwuro, Quceuswuro, tirocerics Front Strort nhnvo tho Academy Clcarfuld Pa. April 2Uth 18CI, "" II.'W. SMITH t O). Mr.IK HANTS, nnd dealers In Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, yuc'tiswaie, and everything usually kcyt by tho trade. Store en SECOND Street, below Judge Leonard's, oppo sito the rresbyterian Church, Cle.irCcld Pa. Dec. 4, ISfll. Dissolution of- I'artncrsliiji. THE partnership boretoforo existing between the subscribers in tho t anking bminess as Leonard, Finney A Co., is this day dissolved by unit mil consent, Tho books, papers, nnd asseti arc left in the hands of James T. Leonard, at the olhoe of the firm, nnd all claims duo to nnd by tho firm will I bo settled by L i tu. All overdue paper must lo I forthwith settled. JAMES T. LEON A UD, A.C. FINNEY, W. A. WALLACE, The business will bo continued by James T Loonard as Leonard A Co. fjec il-lsot.l ciirniirnce encd bavin ' icsoioiiMieu a urseij., vu uiu i me, nuouiiiaii -...t. 11.1 1 - V. ,L- l:i-. 1 .... ,. .- way between l'lonrlli l.1 an.t Crwensvilbi boros , is prepared to furnish nil kinds of Fruit trees, (Standard and Dwarf,) hvergreens, Shrubbery, '..rnI'V ""' Lawton inackherry, w"7 nd Raspberry vines. Also .Siberian Crab trees, Quince ana early scarlet lthouharb, 1 I . I Ac, Orders promptly attended to. Address .1. D. WK101IT, Cur.'CiMffc, sept. 1 1. 'CI. ly f v entlemcn's Hats, All tho Latest Stv!s nl C11AKL11S OAKFORD A BON'S, Conti- nental Hotol, Philadelphia Jtio. II. rjnurituit joitsf, jnVWin- nn, .. . Y i, r UjI.L, f. . Jl L A N S , rROISIMOR. Oct. 19Xi I I It m t Ift IT JS lb m IT g IQl t a fl , L II T II K R S 11 1' R G , CLEARFIELD COUNTY, TA. WILLIAM 8C1HVEM, Proprietor. May 10, ISM. ly. fffllatcjjiiuhcr ix $cbctr, No. US, North Second St., corner nf Quarry 1MI I LA DELrill A. ' An assortment of Watches, Jewelry, Silver end Muled Witro conatuntly on hnud. ' Rrpnriring of Watches and Jowolry promptly nttended to, ; ' (J'Mr. Aviso Invites his old pnstnin.'ra to call and sco him at the above establiiluuont, ' Feb. 15, '6b- ly. i' J-I A LBtIEciiiir.tity(if,Kx I " i I 1 1 I I " -trrt l' liinily Hour in llur- ro i,Sui k and half Sin ks, for sale by W. F. IRWIN. Clearflold, Feb. 22, ,iS.'.. I 1 IIMI VtX l it A lOlt'S KOTK'I''.. Nutic o is hereby given that Lotters of i'linii,i.-lra- tiun on the estnto of Auttiikw a. hoiu KK, into hi Bridford township, Ueoeaseil, Having iienn uixen nut by the uiiduraigiiu.l. nil persons indebted tn paid estate uro requosted to mako Immediate pay- tnent, and thoso having claims agiinst tlio s:imo 1 will present them duly authenticated fur settlo- I incut. TIIOS. II. FtiKCKE, 1 . . I SAM'L- P. WILPON, J ; Bradford tp .Ap. 4, IMfli. DESIRES to inform his old friends and cos ti mcrs that, having enlarged his shop and inereasi'd his facilities for manufacturing, ho is now prepared to mako to order furniture asinav bcdinired, in good stylo tnd at cheap rates for ( 'a Nil. ll mostly has on hand at his '"Furni ture Itooai.i," a varied assortment of lu idy-iuade i Furniture, nuiong which ar Iitireaus and .idc-noards, Wardrobes and Book-Cases : Centre, Sofa, Parlor 1 re.ik:'.i."t and Jining Extension 'jalihs. Common. French Tost, cottage. Jciiny Lind an;l other Bedsteads. SOFAS of all, KINDS, W .HiK-STAX HAT-IIAIKS WASH-STANDS, Ac. Rocking and Arm Chair?, fpring Seat, Cane-Bottom and Parlor Chairs and Common and other Chairs. . ) ok i y a -a lasses Of every description on hand; and new glasf-e; for old frames, which will be put in on vo ry reasonable terms on short notice, lie also keeps on ban.', or f'.uni sin a to ur der, Hair, Corn-Husk, Hair and Cotton t"P Mattressi-s. I COFFINS, df every kind, i Made to o'der, and funerals attended with a j Hoarse, thenover desired. I Also, House Piilntiiif; dono toorder. j Tho sul scribor alto manulactures, and has constantly en hand, ! ck-rueut's Fatent Washing Mai hin , Tho best now in nso. Those usiny this machine 1 never need be w iihnut clean clothes ! lie also ha ! Flyer's Patent Churn, ( A superior nrt cle. A family using this Churn never need be without butter! All tho uloivo and many other artWs aro Tir- i nished t fustoniers cheap for Cash or rx.'hanced I tor approved country produce, t'hetry, Maplu, l'opi:r, l.iiiw.in.l nnd nth-.-r Luml't r suitable fur Cabinet Work, taken in exchange, for furniture. I O-Koio. 'tuber tho shop is on Market street, Clearfield, Pa., and nearly nppito the "'tl'.l lew ritora." J Oil N 0CL1CH. j Nov. 2, l.f.2. y Aincaairiti E2i:sc ( ri:vi:xsvir.i.E. r.i. MIl K 1 .o't'u'iV C Itl.OtlM. Propri tr.M. r.s- ;y It. I Tins tier !' nun T"i;s Iri.-nu.', lil.il tile tr.iVel.,l!g I'llol', t'l-t sllf St II .'ir.lpl?! lie oboie well I'.ii'.ivii still 1. and t'',iit they will aiw iys find her bouse a home of com! rt. economy u.nl cotivciii uii'c. .'jfCU.u-ges iioi.i.jr iU. j in 2.., f.;a. pd 1 EAII PLU I.M. ! "iiRSJtHiiiAPiVia rilllE undirsigiud, bavin,; eoinpleted his Piiot ' JL i-gll h lialiery, in Sh iw V Bow, two doors r.-t i, the Mai. si m House, Cleatliild, I'.i , is now ready tu wail un all in want of I )ifvhir.-';i " C-li us1 3 )r'iTif"t: -'nl.- t, I My arrangetiK'its are nu ll us will en il.ie ine to furnish tlms.. b-antiCut productions of sun draw I iog in too highest style . the art. Ibn in fitted ! up my rooms at a eonsidi rahle exp in.-, with a view to the coinfnt and j.ii'n.-i.rn of my piiTront. I hope, 1 y strict attention to business and a desire 1 to pie ise, to merit a liberal share if puhlii pat'.ontigo. A lull supply of liiit, Kusewood, nnd other Frames, Albums, and un indless variety of Casos always on hand, I rili 0 U. VvU v.. 'J.i Jv Jin ! Particular attenli. iu given to Cop) i ej fZo ; all ki..,l.. : or 1 1 lu'cs. .T"" Iii.-tru"ti. n in the nrt of l'lo I r i j riven ntui apparatus Ii ri.i.l e i h t ct'i i o . fii'p'JI-tf il. I !;i n; At : .-I. J. O I'.LAf IiYE w t nt it EE D (i i: o . w C O . CLOTHING, Also, Jobbers in C'lollis, Cas.siiiici'cis and XaUinets, No. l i.l Mai ket Mici t. Nor;h ciiio tetW' en Fourth snd Fifth, PHILAlil'.I.PillA. ;.nd tee our e.tt utive slm k. Aug. 11), Y,l. tf. V A TL' 1 1 &. ' 1 '. V I : L K Y . rpiIE un lersigncl refi.eetfulh l Informs his customers and tho pu'oiie generally, that he has just received from the East, nnd m en, ' cdnthis estiiblishin.iit in ti'KAIIAM'S l;0W Clearfield, Pa., a fine assortment of Ci.m xs, Wati:hks, and Jkwki.iiv of dillerent qualities,' from a singlo piece to a full sett, which bo will, sell at the- most reasonable prices for cash, or in , exchange for old gold and silver, j CLOCK'S of every variety on hand, at the lueiti reasonable prices. ALL kinds of Clocks, Watehcs nndJtweliy1 carefully repaired nnd U'oriaofe'. i A continuanco of pa'.ronngc Is aolii ite.l, j Sept, ID, lirdO. II. F. NALiJLE. j j Farm for Sale. ( rlinl', sul scribir oilers for file, on rcasonablo .1. t- rms, .11 t rcs ol l.anil, nmro or less, sit- unto in (Jirard township, Clearfield rotinly, with annul 40 acres cleared, Willi liu.ldings, Ac, erec ted thereon, being the sumo premises piirebn-id by Smith fc Kinir from (leorco 11. i-ii.ilh. l'. r terms nnd l atticulars np ly to (lie imdersigi.cd at Clearfield, Pa. 'I HOS. J. McCULLOUOII. Sept. 1 1, ISfll, tf. "Hf LOUR. A .Superior Article ofK.Mra Family Flour For Snlo by I Feb. 15. 3t. JAS. L. LEAVY. CARPETING Ingrain, Cotton, hemp, Stair, Floor Oil cloths, IlroCBtolle. Poor m.-.ts, 4c. J. I'. KkAiZElt. .. T" ': , r; .V L Snt . l X Ui"fl ,y" "l CHAKLLsl OAKFORD 4 SONS, Cnutiaon- tal Hotel, Phi) idolphU, jan. 11 -3jki. ; .iT Cull I 0 V ft () Oil S AT TIIK Cheap Cash Store 1 OF ! i WILLIAM F. IRWIN ! Mark street, ophite the ' CenrieU llo.se, Clearfield, 4'ii. A F II ESI I AltKlVAL OF Winter Goods AT THE CHEAT CASH STOKE. . . . 1 I I urn just receiving anu openiog a rnreiuny I i..i lc nf fiiKhicinablu Slirniif i. Suunn cr "v'v" 0 TWTfc. qQp w m m of almost every description, A beautiful assortment of Prints and Dry goods, of tho newest and latest styles. A'.soa great variety ful notions. DUV-GOODS AND NOTIONS. Bonnets, t-hnwls, llata and Caps, Boots .ind .Shoos, a !ar;,'o intantity, Hard war?, Q'loon.'waro, Drugs and M"dicincs, t)il and l'uints, Carpet K Oil doth. (; u o c j; r 1 1: s , ih, "iiifin atid Flour, I Mnckess l in J and i barrels, inftho best quality, nil of w hich will be soid ut thn lowest enh or r. a ly pay prices. My old I r i -1 . 1 1 atid the -:ii;iic generally, nr. rcs 1'i lfuliv invii, il t" c.'i'.l. .T.r N. ii. -Ml kinds ol '.'.d.Vand approved ; COt'.XTHV J'lCUUl VL taken in exchange, f r l (loods. V.-.M. F. IRWIN'. Clearfield, J;,n 11, Uf5. RICHARD KOSSOP, Ji-V FOJiEIGN and DO-M ESTIC (iOODS MFSMNS DELAINES ( j ti'.C 1:1. s ALI'ACAS nl nt .ut fit Si'nnf ion Sctis.ution f-'('ll"!irin Sct!";iti'n JTioi'S 1 rico: SOl'S'. Just tocoivni .ut ::os 01 NO HAMS CHI NT, I'lMNTS 0! tiV IS CEAVATS SHAWLS HON NETS t' tl.o'uED I at tit nt fit at nt ul nt Sctisr.tion Sen- ution Soii'u'.ion Sin nt i rn Si.-nsation J-.t'lfee Jifi.'rt.s Jit ires jiri.;i)3 at MOSSfJi'S' Sciisuiiou prions Si-n.-ulion Si'iisntion juices MUSLINS J prices All to Lc !m.l nt MOSSOrs LINEN ut CI!AS!I m '!' K'l'A I NS i.t I' A 1'LE CLOTHS ,-it Sellltlinn S.'ii.stiiiini Sfti-fU iou Sen-Ill t'ltl Sir. -.ill ion prtros i prices . ..: 1 . JiriiVis 1'ricOr I- UINOi; Ut nt at at LACc. Jlt'IEIiY nt M 1 1 bli. t)i. St'iisiilion Si'iisjit ion Sotiaation price pi K'e? p: l.v H 1 1 '.l't INS TlilMMINt of nil U iii'.ls it nt SonK.uiiori prices tn any littuti ty i - Aluin s on lmtul at MOS sors. prices CASSIM FEES SAT Tl NETS TWEEDS .IfANs at H. at nt nt M .ve:is:i!i'iii .Si'lls.ltidll S.'ii-,uti..ti S'i r,Mit;.ii "- ii- ti :m Srti-;i' .mi I i I.:. pnc.v j pKoc- l rice ! '1M.S ui. .i'.s'.yo'.y. CLOTH I. NT, nwh IIS v.r;is, I'llllts, V.Ms, FniiiT Shii t-, nt M'lis-tition 'l ice M.inn.l .h.itsi, Pools, Slii.c-, Huts mil ful'' N.iiv lor e,:i!o m Mo -SUPS' II A It D u A I: E stlcli us S:ii ?,ii.iils nl sensation F o r k s, Knives, Spikes, Ilir.gf-i, J pllCCt oPS'. nt Mi LHL.( IKS, su. U a- U'ino, Lrnn.lv, 0 i ii, V Ii i.-kcy, ( VriMf, etc., etc., FKL'ITS, Ki.rli res Ptunoi, K.iisins, l" I' " , r nt seiKsaliini pM.VS i prices tit seii.-.'ilidn :.t M. ! 'PS'. pi ie'S 0i;r:fT.i:iE.-', V lour, II ti : ."'li.-t.l-l. r.i, So. :.: oil.:-.-'s, fni' Te i. .' r a e U 1 ." jilees, ' ".ill., i.;il ( ill, etc., el Always ;,t MO.SSt.ipS', r.l.ACKINCi ;! i '. I'nWDE't slot LEAD CA PS l:t .1 nt nt ot fit beii.-'itmu foiiM.t ion setisnt ion W USUI ion ti tn.i'.ion sens'it ion prices prices prices price s price prices At r.ie Mora of ltlCHAKD MOSSt.U MOSOP Always keci's on hand a lull nsot linen t of r.ll kinds ef joo ls requited for llie ueeuuiiiiodntioii of llio puMic. Nov. 12, 1Si55. ;. r. i v Vi .A. ' ' - ' t 5 44 " i ',4 ? y!'j" i c x - Z :,! d'" 9 ' iftH-'eJ r.' c' m Sl-H.' T' 3 ir. i . - Licensed Auctioneer. lltTM. At. I'.IOmi. i.fl'il. Iml m . W sires to inform his friends nnd tho public generally that be has taken out a License as an AUCTION EEK, end will attend to the crying ia a"y of th county ut tUo shortest ,",lic,! nni Bl tl,e "",M reasonable iharges. Ad- drf, either personally or by letter, slther at Curwensville or UloouivilU. Apri' A, '04. U. 'I Clearfield Academy. 'I D. V. HcCURDYA. B. Principal I 1 1 r: next Quarter will npunnn Wcdntsta. a. . 22,1 of March, ISO. Tcr.u. of tuition .! I i C"e u i.. Couiinnn Knlifh, coniprirln? thoso brunch. ct( nut Uii'lierlhan Heinlinu'.W 1 it inir, Arith. inctii", (l(.ornihy, Knglish (Iraiamur and History, per. piart.r, - $5 04 Higher KuKr'li, per quarter, - 7 iB j URg I'l""'. I ' - 10 till rotlHKRI.T AT TIIK. tlKl.l.KKONTIt fOimtlllV-CMi Q 1LALK Or HIIKIia. KAV'S'J leased tho Foundry r,d M,cl,i, .'hops 'it Milosburg, known as " UKKEXS lOl'NMlY," aro ..rei ured to mnnufatlure ici - --- - --- F ... w j iiivu , rfj,air iam Engines, meen nnd tread n,,... , '11, mi.: v.... n-',, . .. u"c" , , " -"" 'i oriu ana jiathawar I link S t,il-..fl. Mn-.i,?. tt.i,wll,.- in . ' Cook Stoves, Wagon Spindles, Plows. sn.I r.... in,:s of all kinds nt (hurt notice. Thcv .1.1,. both (,'nok it ; 11 lid . il. funt. 11 I'm tor .1:1. i.'.urg, a variety of I t soft conl r ii;... burg n.ai.ur.ictiite. Call ,l( sto for yourselves! ISAAC IIAEl'T l-.jvur.r.h.Turk, W,o ir.g unit (..duinbi.'i jnsirance C"ni;paiej. jy'.CLly A t o t-.'i nsrAT r.r.::;.ti m Scrofula and 3;rofuici:."j JJirCd,':ds. J.'mmj .Vet, ft v, ,.,,. t,iv,v,Wr c Ot-- J'Tit, Mlii.if. " I Uavc fd! 1 lare q.iantiil.- of your Sakhata- Ml.l., ll-ll I..-V r y.- .,1,0 liotllr v.lii. li (Y.K.dof ths" ii b 1 1 1 , i n ."i .i ron rin t.u .siie ui'ii t itlio, who took It. , t in o:ir poopie trv it.t'oev n' no there ha lii-eti no nu.i. oie 1. : it I; ore in our community." EniTilio-.'.R, Pimples, I'lotcV.c3l Pustules, Ul. cam, S cs, and a'.l Disease of the Skin. ;.-, .c... '..". .' . ..". n, r.r'-i.-l, r.nq'.and. " I oidy .bi .y t i y ,m t;-I tin" mildic, when 1 imIi! i,,v t."-tr..i .-iy to : ",i viol pul.hsli of the me. ill -in r-1 virtu, i of y oir .-: .i".m:ii.i . My duh. t r, a,'id ten, In I r.n tit.bvtiu-t humor iu hor ran, c , -s, an 1 li..;r ).t y -m .., v.;i,.-:i were unable Vj cure until n- 1 U d your Su: .ui:il.L.. bhc his iH'f.i wi ll ior roue.' i r.'i. J'roit .!'.. .1 vie '. ."."., n v. 7 i nn.J murh- I ...-.. 1 1, fin l.li-,l". ili Miy (.',,., .V, " My .! ht'-:- Ii i FutlfV ! tvr y.-:ir just with' i.r.in er. ion. ill, wiio .i; V:;S vt V trollMesoine. I iVtllll iiiTjl'deJ 1. i uot;l we. tried vuur 1 s bAlis.U- ',!:!!.!. , Will.. I E-j.j-.l eo.oor ( y nlr,.J K.r ! J'r-m Cf-l t P. r;.,;i, r-i , nrt'.K te! 'rf inmm Cif;". .fitrr.ni n' Co., thi:t'ifm:ihne ( tittitntlliti j'njwrs ?u osiiM. S. II. "1 h ut for m utiI y. iiri n vrv troubWma i hnmr Iu inv fie", whl.-'i trrcv e'.i'l'iatly worse until it ilisfi-aro.l my f. :tores aud bee.on.- an iutol ci mIiIc Kttii.-tio.i. 1 H i' .1 al!ii--t every thing a mssi c iul I of b.illi r.di i i aud m dleinc, but without lay relief wh.itover, until 1 took your StMsAi'Aitti.LA. It iuim-li iti ly in::' le my f i 'C worse, ah you told ut it illicit for a time; but in a fow weeks the new skin lie;m'i to firm under tho blotches, and con tinue 1 until my faeo is as smooth as say body's, aud 1 an '.eiliiout itny t yinptoniK of the 'liscisc that 1 knew of. I enjoy perfect health, and without s doubt owe It to your jj.vns.u'AMi.LA.'' E.-ysi?o!un-General Dcbility-rarify ths UlooJ. riin Dr. l:t,t. .T;urin, linn -ton Si., Yori. " In:. A VI I;. I s 'litnm tin! to remove .'n.id'onl nd S. ror'til in Sum by the persevering useot your S AKAr i un 1. 1, and I lir.ve iu t uom' cunii an attack of Muli'jim it l.'rti it. :u with it. No nlli rative we posm .n e-iiiaU tli S a 1;sa i; i t ,t, i you liave sup plied to till' profe.s-.io'.i a i, ;i ., i'v people." 11 V..- ..-. t. n r. I 1. . I .1. . - : .... , ; on my rielit nnu. .t"rlu ,' woi.-li true I trie. I all tlw i ci li'lir.iteil pliyf i.-i.i "s I i o il I roach, r..id took linn- . .In-ill of d'dlim v.o.ih or nicii i,,i s. The ulcus were so bed t;i: I tin" enr.'. iwe ,im" vi il le, and tin do 'to.-'. 'I ei le I tint toy a-t'l nil -I li ' aeipiltated. I I - I .in , ; i ... i . .il. - il i.ii.i . oi.Fi i u u.l- .. u m,.i fonie ol vour I'll. i s. TiiL'cther thcv hive pini-.l in". I ain no,v as w ll um: . ouiel :;s any Is.oy. It. i .! o, . M" l.ti I 1 ...i t . . k. i I iwi-i ii to m-rpt : , .t rl ,1, toii.oiJiiily, ilid i.'.iites the wonder u! i all." ; 'roi.i foil. in."V jl'mro, .1. '. or" S'emattt', t '. h, ii U t'l.,.j ..'.!'. T r' the ( o,...'iouii urlm m.'.f. "I btivf noed '-n.ir S 'N M'APTt ' . in mv family, for eoiK-jvl itt'.ilitn, : o l lor -i 'i-i.'.o'ir; f.!" htttxl, wild verv li."i. ;i 'i .l i'. -:!t ! kd toulideuce ia 1 couiui' noi.u it to 111..' a.aie'..l.'' fJt. Anth-jny's r.;"-, jT.co, S.i'.t Eheum, feci 1 5.' o nl, r -..ro Eis. ',v:.-, Utr-fi M',''. ' e. ';., t'.r ..' .V e.110 r rf .'i 'lint .'oil. ''J 1 " 'if . I. i't 'ill.-vroMl'it. "leir i.. I,- t I . ... i , , , ..nt t hi v.. .i ol .!.', w.u t ; ' le d i,? pinirii s on hi-) lore'., kd. Tlo'V fipi'ii;' s;rcio until lliev tor: le.l a Ioaloso'ue tool vii ulelil mre, lii -h i in i ic. 1 Ins l"i.-.., and n.-tts.tlly bliiul'd h'Mi.s t r -oiiic iiav. A skllu.l physician applied nitrate of nilwr and oticr retucoi. ', without any ;;i.:i.u:t tui tor till is u !.. k we nuanlcd In I. ions, le-1 wii!i th. rn lie iJioulil l.'.ir oikui tlie lis- i ; j ; 1 ,.n ii t i i.ir.nl wl.ieli eov.Ti d bis wliule I I e '. It I'i' ti-i.-'l every iiiiiir else we had anf ! l.oee ti.i:u,Me Im-j iii eji;i:j your S i:s imiui.I.a, 1 i:i l :,!'! in;,r the iminle lit potash lotion, as you ; i:o . :. ' I l.c'so.x-1" ...iu to I.imI w in n we ha I civeH . the li;vt I o'.il", i.-.i.l u i j v; II when we h."d tiriishcd , th'- !..T,i!id. 'I he child's eyi'la-livs, which had conitf ' i ..!,;;. afaiu. nnd I: 1 1 niv.v n i healthy and fair i a.. i,i:y ot',:- r. Vhe whole ucihbyrhoud predicted ' tu..l loo vlii.d I.iu-t Ul ," I EypUilii rr.:l UcrcuriJ E;-cr.so. " "i '.,i Ilirc.t .sW, t.f si. oh.;, XuHiuri. ' i li.i l yuir !s.ii;s in iiin.i.A a more i tleelual j re'; y'.y Ior the fofuiniary symptoms uf ,s'iiiiif . ri'l fur s :i!iili!ie iliscasc tn in hiiv ullier w e im-okc. I be pro:, -sioii .lie indet'teii to you lor oino of tho ui.'i iii"iii .iiu-h ne nave." n .1. .. '. 'mi, .V. r., an eminent fJinieinn rf hf iTifv, .l.'.r. , rr'io it ,r lai-omoieiiJ tie i.it.cr qf I o ..( ..HI.'.. Mi.:,:.iuhHrttf, '!,:. Ali.n. .My tl-ar Sir t 1 leive found vonr !' .': ir.l:;tt. rn ex-, il. ut remedy for .infi'lii, I" ;,l I !: ' ir.m ' mi: 1 rr 'ont'ary tvie, ami I'lh c I I. i ll si '::e 'l 1 1 : 1 1 win' too oteuhialu lo yield . I.l; not know v iiat we can cm rt ..hit v of tueeess, wheio a puwer o'iii .il," ii i. ir, is i ,V, i.-i r.nnitn'i -l-, .V. 1 l " , r, I; . ci' ,1 nl. i'1-fl on his loo-s, c-ausi il hy tlio nliuso :ry. i.o ivic -i.il rfiwo.'-e, vhleli urew nmro o n ,i rivaled lor years, in spile or every i- tn ..'ni nt that could be applied, inilil tlui l.C n -e of Al Kit's Saks M'Ai;il.l. relieved ji'iv inn l,e found nio'C iiivi'tcrate ami ; i tli .ii ll.!, and i'. toi'U neveial i1jj..ii .J elite, i I, "10 rrci'.t, i..7- 1 r '.I;,.- . in :.i ! . it oi I ' .Tl.itc.i, Fo;.-.n:o ' i ja,v!".t?s, In 1 by i it. r.i;. I .v,-.-: . ry o.';,'. i . u. . .1 1 y th ; l:l:.'!::tiic s I , iiun e, A "A i t 1 1. v. s.mie e.is lev ': i I I ;.' ;- v.s r. II 1 : l.i .ICS. 1.U.I.A, llie sslliul 1 1 f!!,t tl' '.'.'' C, '. ' ',!.'-,-? Pr. y :!:;, ,r i;.-;,,ti. r; t S M Kl 1.1 l roi cxcllelit l.-cs of f 'm:.l. .. Mrl'lY ca-e. f i ii.re.'. !-.:!. rnal 1 lc r.ihon. f .rl nit . l '-J : lo.-.l . Iiroe; t lull . iV 1 . itv. Mi i :' from the serofalons ointt:i -i-, led t i ii, mi I tliere are loir that i!n trot, T' lis in ;n ily.ii led by local tn..::,i i.t." i. '.'.'i' '..ij to ni'.'iuf the imlHeotion ifh.r 7, u.'-Tl , i ro s f " M v .1 ". rl ter end my, ..'If ba In. u cit-1 rf ,1 vsrv d i. til inn : I eiiei frlnr.i nf Ion:.' Ftanilm ', by t-v.i hollies ui your .'''Alis.u'AKtl.i.A." K;iou:iioliani. Oo.it, Liver C'.'iiip'.'.int, Dys r"?sii, H uiit li;s?.vo, I.'o.ir..Uia, v 'ie-1 c-.'re.l liv V ! f:ihl I.l the I . si, 111, ills' rapidly ciuiU t y tl.:.- Ll'. h.M'.s cai;ii.i.'a. AYER'S CATiiARTK! Va p is'ivs t i l'.i.'t ; 1 tll'out:' i iti ti. iidiies nie mi un lint ll') I. ni"c .1 totality is ion. ni.. I.us l ei ti. :.ii.l Ii. .tIi :i :it:i':ei evi r toe other ' nnu hi t, nil. I 111. ir superior '. . f.-i.iiy known, lii.it w e in i'd u t 1 u. -e the .u' lie their .:. I e.jii.il to t'e la il it eier .1 tlo v i.iav be ti. ;' -tilled on t i il.) nil li; it tio'v Inn e c v. f ilone. ; I'repnr. .1 l y .1. V. A Yl.K", M. D., i C., Lowell, Mils?., ii:;d Sii'id I V .frerSoM l y C. P. Walson and ll.irlswirk A Huston, Cleiufl. Id ; E. A. I:vin, Curwensvillo i Foster A. M. liiik, Ph lipjl.urg ; S. Arnold, Lu thersburg: mil by dealers evervwhere. September 1 1, '( I, 1 yr. Q Slrf l.()kl:V. Pructieal Survcyur.of sj, fers hi-prof.'ssionnl services to tho people of Clenrfield county, llavinc purchased tho ln ftiumetits, Irnls, Ac , rf tho late Thomas lies.', deo'd, he will l o rea ly to sttcu.l to business on the shortest notice ; h' cmi be consulted at bil rosidoneo with Hubert Ros, one mile from Cur wensvillo, or by letter addressed to him at Cur. wensvillo. S. F. MeCLOSKKY. an ?7 'f't-1y. Indies' Furs, purchasers may rrly npa r' 1 ting the best Furs at CUAS. OAKFOHU i fHK$,C(Biinratl UoU-l, Pbilad'a. jan, 11 H IP H Ji f i. wj. S-111 .. ...