r V ' TIIK REPUHLICAN. (fEDNKii)AY,:::::::::::::::::;:.May 17, ISO). gates of Sulcrlptlou, AdtertMii"; und Jobbing. $.Kr'P,'"i '" "'''"""'I - $2 HO if pniil tci'rAia the vi-ur, 2 50 " if Hfl HiiJ uilliin liif itnr, 3 (10 jiZrTlf: uUire rnUt to n;,iy f,, (!lC firem nt ,;!. l-uijfnrul cr p.oa Jan'ry com I, lstS5. Jjpri' inn iVu' rind'crs, fiiri, fl fi'm'-u, ( Jk-JtfiuV Hofi'cr , f.til, -(Wi'oh. -""",', torn, 3 fiW, j iiiff ', em A, ;i in,,,, I Jro'"' itfi'r"H'iif, t,nart of 10 i'mci, r ! 3 timir,or htn, j Tor cut A luldriiFiif iiifrrfidH, (in'u ailecrtiiiuj, Jur tuck tqume f 10 j Zi'itCK, or J (iinn, or (i', "or encA, oomucm! iiitcrtiun, fttffiunol Citriln, I yttr, ... lnl Hotiit. tr line, ... Qiilunrif uutirr; orer 5 fines, jcr tnr, 2 5t 1 .Ml 2 t'O i ;o 50 1 00 so S 00 15 10 8 00 12 00 15 00 (20 00 85 00 CO IK) 2 50 Jturly aavertfiny, I sotntre, (.. io 2 (u . flll d0 3 ro Jr!y riii titiny, j eitlumn, J fffiiiii, iyf quire, tfi 3 lym'i , jirr quire, i't 6 tin'm, jieryuiir, rfci nirr fi quint, per qnirc, JfaiubilU, i i..f, 2a, r , i irf, 2. ur i t, rfo i -l.rrl, I.S, or ,, rfo vli.lt thei t, 23, or ma. - 00 50 50 50 50 00 . Ac r . l .. . . ' .. lh price, ol ull kind, ofprintiii" uiateriAl.. 1'. W. MOO UK, rullUbcr of tho "ClearfM .'. it.ir.i i S. J. HOW, Publisher of tho "?nin-iii' Jjw n-d jjjrThe trial of the as.-as ins isprogress icgat Washington. Stntiton Las had to .o, turn oi aooveai proportionate rates, i tergusnn ; Jost-pli Straw Fun.n.nn . Si . vjsJ-The above rate, were agreed upon by the ,,!lt. MuKenev GirnV. P , 5 V , V mgne.l, on the 3d day oi December, IM'. I, ' ' """fy. Uirurd ; I.ob.M t McCraek ,tJwill beftrietly ndhered to during ihe prejenl , ' , ; 1 t,tlr M'l.vs, knox ; Isaac jiel-A to the pressure sullicient to permit iVU0,..m.,i i'- '-! Cormstoc!;. ', , . r ' , ,p,,. ;., .vatifl'mai. mepiv.iv.v v. .ivvcp.j. .vpnifisj uv Iheyare tillowcd to publish only Mich po- lions of the proceeding as the ' " I loctc JcMcnates. In , "u S i ...I A 1.... a. ........ I - itutcere , ., , ,l . uiiuiaay irii'unai, unnnowu , ur law? and full of poison. , , , . . fayiiio nidauoio unuer tue east win. .. . . . '. dow of our lr.ee is now as bad ns ever, totwiihitanding tho fact that we called ttteation to its condition a month ago. The stench that arises from its surface is enough to causo tho cholera. Wo r.ow fire due notice thai if it is n.-t remedied lithin a reasonable time it will bo returu ts a nubar.ec. C"!i.Tho trial ol lion. Bonj. (!. Harris of Mary land, for tiisloynlty, tefote a MU itaiy Commiittion at Wat-hinglon, closed on Friday la-l. The verdict had not been rendcted. Mr, JIarri? was guilty of the trime of giving a dollar npieeo to two j ar olltJ rebel sV.divrs who called at his houe cu tLt ir ry 1 cme uficr I.ce'a tin render jwjy-Oar thanks lire due to cur member efConjires. for a copy of the report of the committie appointed to investigate the InJa with ll.e itb. I States. As this i ibe fust installment from our representa tive in Corgie.-s, we lakeplcasuic in tuak ' inj the acknowledgement. CsJ-TLe liein tho river la.-t week luill as it was enabled our river hnul.er lien to malts a pretty general clean-out ' lli'Bl'ficld Creek was not so high, nnd ot:ri( friends there weie not fo forliina'c. j Cti-1'he suUoiijilions to the 7;C Brv-1 rnnient loan uinouuted to ? 13,7t'-J,o(0 tn Fiiday last, A jtclty gco 1 ujy'i C-iTThe Pittsburg lsl or Salutdav l.iM tontained an acconnt of the nircst, ai : Lake City, a place on the C!i;iion liver, in Jellerson cjunty, of Josotili L-inberry, ' tlie man who shot C rus Dutler, in tltlt Winly ial Lil. Thu account slates that Unsbeny had been work it- at the abov e ( iamed place ever cince bhortly after the hooting air.iir, but wa? not identiliod mi- lil recently, and that he was taker. L! . IWUiaai'port for trial. i We also find the above stitement reii-' rated in the Brookiille HffulHom of Sat urday Irs-1 , w ith tho addi'.ional it.forur.i lion that Mr. Yanvlint, who accompanied llutler when hs attempted lo make the 4irrett, had been subpmnied a. a witness, tho court to bj helj at Williain'port in June next. ACQUTTW. okWm. Uaincs The tli.il ofWm, G.iine., for the murder of his brother in CTnten County in thesumnw of 103, look place in Bellefenlst week be fore last, and resulted in Lis arpiiUtil. Hewn first tried in Liok Haven, cmvio - led sndfentoneed lobe hung a ue lriul was Iher. uranted. and a chance of " " rsnwe ordorcd hy tho Legislature, to Cen- tre countv ' i fliioso 01 our citizens who nave mo- ley to invest iu tho 7 : 30 Government lean . . . f . , , , ,. . e f . rer eferrcd to the advertisement ofJny Cook D Co., in nilOlher column, nnd als.0 o in, article from the New Urlur. Pn-,.. ... I-.... p -i'i ... ;. t. o ii is. u it ii .1 i.h.j ti i . i ii e i o in 1 1 u 1 1 ii , a coincidence between the.o two notori-1 ijurilorei, relative to (heir capture.' Hot ll Vura .7,'iirrt li Mill M-nll Lv lVimin.r. uois, and loth wf re .hot while deli.,,!- in,. .1 i ii .i ii- nf themselves-Hoot!, s wound being imrtal, nnd that of John Brown being ,c'y pniniui lliougti not morini, una no wa compelled lo limp to the gallows with ft" uchealed wound.be not being ss lucky s Booth.-Both wer bold, brave, n 1 bad wpn, who conspieod nainsl the laws if Hieir COUnlrV. S-'ty-Afl vices Of Hie I Ult lioill -Hrownsville, Texa, confirm the report ".at the republican troops have captured city rii iiionterey, jicxico. ueiniurce rnnts of imperial troops haJ arrived nt siamorn, to assist in repelling Hi Mt '"ck on (Pat town ol the republicans un dr Cortina. tThenetr military establishment of t n Pnoo.twi.i.. .;ii l.o n ..mu r,f bout J , . Ca I ' T fh? .?ny J tot?. ,,,UndreJ ftt,d f'n th0U(.',aDd "'n Uirideo into lour corps ; oDOOfreg- one of white voluDtetrs, and two loegroei- -7:. v.y""K" n uie CMisnuehnn- V , VrL ncr. .unbu,T. One, weighi,,. was soiu in tmubury for 5. TThoeont of justice or Snyder Co - -itfii i umni I M inim it i. M . l. .. . Solin ,, ,. - -'ivui MIUUU'ULl 1 to ("grove. ood Anvicc A dclcitiion of headed 1V n D. 1). l,nil, I-;. . , , , . " ' mini- i r "...civ 19 not ( a pi . mm n . f.....l . II ... ii. . i . . 111 mm i-ll Ull i lament Johnnon the oll.or day. In re l'ly to their salutation ho did not fail to g:ve thtm some very fio0J advice. Among other thing, lie told Hum lint f,Cclom mennt tho privilege for a ninn to work nil take rare of hirmelf and family, and not to depend upon tho el ivnty cf tho (Jov oinment. Ilo uho exploded the that the time niiht speedily come when all negioes shall bo removal to a country of their own. list of Jurors for June Term, 18G5. Ii It AN 1 JLROR3. Isaac Hieketu. Pinnr-nrin . .ti... ti..,. ell ; .Jacob Campbell, Bell ; Thorn ns ..ryrS, i.i.i.; martin II. Jatlier. I'.nidj ; Jlilet Arumgost, Brady ; .su,Ue Holliday Brady ; Oihell.i Suiead. B,n ii,l., . ii...' iMiueii IWMI ; iyitniiel Mitchell, Cleai liohl I hoiiiaa Wnriiii- ll...ii.ir. a. ' .. ---e' u . , iifinrH l, TV. ,V. P. ltead. L-twrerice; JaniM Farewell Lunil.er City ; ..'uhnsoti, Morris .les eB -am,. Morris; Kos MeClure I'.ko : .Henry Baughmau, Woodnard. TR.VVEKiK jchop. Beecaria John Uo--.4 w ' ' M 1 1 -I. : " 1 O 1 I " . " I " " I ..ill I ha. A ..miles Cudwalader ..art. ' Bloom -Co rge A- Bloom. Jjhti fiep- '''''dforJ V. K. Williams 1.1 I .1 ... .1 . T'...... John J. Ky- n,.n,K. i.r.i. i .. w j. -, m. n, u. jv.tk. i.. i.iy jviuirr.jr. j.ever J- JOg.il, Johei.li Ki:k, llen.-v .SIihIV.-p. Joseuli S,vl,.r 1 I ... r ' ionn .. i,. rieg.u. it.vv.voil l.utlier P ....... I I . . N'l.. n:. . . .. Cunikide Thomu Hitehcn. Aaron l'ateh in. Chest-II. If. Hard. Covington l-'iaueis Maurer. Cuiweiikville B. 1' Coutiiet, Solomon Sterling, Jacob S. cuie, I'.iiwaru liomiwin. Fox - Adam 1 1 el rick, 'ioshfti John Nel.nin. liulich James Maheiv, EJ.varJ Miller Huston Jacob retrrman, Jordau Jonathan Mays. t i . , i . Km iliaus -Chui !es Ilahn, Oeni.'o Kmer- ick. Lnwren.e-Lewis C. Bloom, Saml. Clyde, Lewis C Cai den. Lumber City Samuel Srencer, Mortis (in.)i'e Arderv, Ja. W. Hoover. Fen n Flah .) I. r ton, Joseph Ne-v coiner, i'lko -Mo'Cs I'ailey, Mirhatl Wise I'nion Win. F. Johnson. BiinKoid Adam Uearhai t. TUAVlS JL-UOHJ htCOXU u RKK. I'eecaria Amasa J, Smith. Bell-l'iiah Hawk, Jacub ' Keller, Jack- fun M. Clineev. Borns -Calvin SLa.v, Kichard Wat le, J.h. J.iiues. Bra ll'ord Jame Lnun.'berry, Brr.lv 'lobeit Bule, l.'hri.iiian Smith, M.les J. I.'Miel. Cov inc'on lohn B. Bitl-ov. Cle-n li.- 1 James B. (Jralnai, William Win. r. - M lririn. 'ir ivcnv il le Naae 1!. Seiner, Clianilcrs, II. ,M. Tlrimii,o.. I-. rg i -on ( ii i. r I. ell, Alex Furj:iion. ( ; ii ai .1 Bernard tiiccn. .lusl':i- Arulu w .). Aj krr. 'J. r i.ui Ivlw.u.l ; tirry. 1 Karlhau--S.i:iiut 1 Bii I .tub. Ii.ihiel Moore K. .1 llayt.i s. La.vien e John Shnw, jr. Divid E, 1 loom Divid Brown. 101 i-li i Ardery, I.um'.er City I avitl W'hitmoirf. Mo: ris Jeremiah Hoover. Pel n - Piclinrd Dt iivrr.. Pike- Ceo. IS. 1 1 ,!0, .; Horn. 1 1 . :.i ii llaMn t u. ,, Tylt,;. T JJ J4 Alt JCliiXS L. pt rtc ! rcck!y f. r the llepublican. C'l.FA'o-iKLn, Pa, May i;, lsd.i. Wheat, "A bus $2 (H1 Union?, f 1 50i,2 t'O bye, ( oru, 2 Oi ; Apales, dry bus 2 Ml .irr.i. i ir'n Apple., i nor,, i 1 Oats, 1 H.icknbcat, Potatoes, Flaxseed, 2 Timothy, 8 Cioversee 1, W, IJ tr a u s, I C'l' C 0 I ! ' H'ool, ( lb MIM.UJI " 1 ( li Lard, fl lb SUM, 25 5u fork in Hog, "1 lb " Hi fOoi.2 51'i Tallow, "ja III 15 0U ( i.'i 0" liuiter, " 40 1"! (in Flour, y I I, 13 I 0 7i0y2 lO h'gg", fl doicn, 20 COUHT rilOC'LAMATIOX. j lirili:itI-., Hon. PAMPEL LIXX, Pres-j V T i lent Judge of tho Court of Common Pleas 1 of tho twenty, lifiii Judicial Jistriet, couipf.scd of' the ct.urities of Clearfield , Cin tro and Clinton I nnd tho Hon. JAMES LLOO.M and Hon. JXO. D. THOMPSON. Associalo Judges of Clearlield c...:i have issued their precept, to mo directed, for the ooiuing oi .i ..on oi voiniuon iieas, urpnau t " . u,url '" !",pr , tr ..in. leriinner, aim iouri oi .ler.erai jnil Lieiivei v, at tho Court llouso at CIcatDcld, in and for the 1 " 3 01 Cll,,na'a1' u" in .. i l r . i ... 1 . i . t . . ii?,'- KOTICK IS, thereforo hereby piven, to the Coroner, Justice of the Pence, and Constables, in uuu ill rmu couoiv oi i 11 it i ni'iti, iu ui in- ir 11 ,. 1rp ,.'.;,,, .',. i : .. I r. - : 1 . r l r...t.l ... . : .. 1 In.iuiaitiuus, Examinations, and other Hemcm-I r '1. ' GIVEN under mv hand at Clearfield, thislOlh day of Mar, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-fivo. JACOH FA EST, Slterif. e' lV, M.V,lr-,".V, lh . l'rem"" ' 9 subscriber in Hrady township,, on the 6h of Ma Mtlt) Il0Grliv Mare, suppos- Cll l0 be a-buUl 6rt yfAT, oj. The owner is do- sired to enmo forward, prove property, pay ciiar ges, Ac., otherwise tho will ho disposed of us tho ' directs. ,n,-r. ALEX. DEXLAT, sen. 'ny '"' '!r'J;'"1-.... HWIIM. Ii. J. Ml. It It V r.isnnelfiilltf nnnolin. m i ai a ens (lint nhii will ML r.a. I It. lo I'n cal and Piano Ml'SIC, to couimenco Monday April 3d. Terms, $10 per quarter of 11 weeks. C'lloouu at resideneO of J. L. Cuttle, Es i , CleurQeld, March 22, 185. Washington iiousi-:," a'). 70'.), Chattnul street, PHlLADELPHIa. fllHIS HOTEL i. pl.a..ntly .itualed on the X rorth side of Chestuut street, a fow doors bur. Seventh. It. central Icea.ion m.ke. it p.rtieularly desirable t person, visiting th. cityonbuti ue.. or lea sure. CIM ? V. ALIM01.D, v S i:V tu .Minag.-i. "IA. inru v,..-. . Hi for th. '"i I8. ' MM -mimissionorV r o SJ!LH. "7! L.V ,ho cny .".o2i.hflna25,ildliy;;r1s.1BU"" Tho UoarJ hovo dirscle ed that nil nr. rntitM . .. ' ' ..V " ,,ll,r oe'oro th rij ami uro.luco ),.. ii .i i '.' number Mio tunnshi!, in whi i enlistment, and th , i u ..ill " ""-'".i. aji.litnti..n nro junt ncd true. Inrma cuutaininir llieso rv(iuiitlnn on. l. ..i. liiino.l nl .. . ' ' w , . , . , ."ii " "'...union! cm bo n tinned nt thn nl i... ,,r .i, i.. ... ... .. ... . i: . " . i'wini hi uoiii'i, when A Free Sliow ! LLlilAltFlELl) ! At TJIH CIIKAP STDJJK OF IJOIWTOX, SHOIVKRS & (UMIIIM. SumnicT Goods, NEW And Very Chcat t t R OVXTOX, SHOWEUS A tl 11 A HAM -ne. ee?sors to lioynlon A Shower re'i'etfu!lv iiiiuuun.-e to the public that they are now open ing an e.ten?ive ai'i'iirtinent of 1 SUMMCIl GOODS At the oil .tiind in tlrabam's new building which ; they offer to sell at itrtonishinirly low price, (oiieideiiug their oo.'l !) for euli or npprur od couutry pruduee. Their stork of jDllY GOODS I CANNOT UK SUHPASSI-n: J Customer; can therc'tin.ls calicoes with fast"coi.(i::! ml'slins! df.laines! lawns CI.i )TIIS 1 CASSI M LBS ! V F.ST1 N(i S LAD! F S' SH A W 1, ! G K X I'S' S (.1 A W I.S ; HATS A. CATS ! BOOTS 4 SIIOFS ! CAUrETS .t OIL-CLOTHS! on; stock of FANCY GOODS IS UNEXAMPLED IN STYLE AND VARIETY, embracing NoTl NS 1 Ni "TK ).S '. Ni )TP NS . Scurfs! Itoa.LXets! Neck-Ties! .Satchels ! I'.Tt Monmiio.s ! I'.rthos ! rirjLor.iphic Alliums ! 1 1 pes. tobacco .t seoap.s ! PEUI'L'M EliY OF ALL KINDS! Or unytliiiii' c!o in tlio Notion Lino .' ALSO, IIAKD-WAIIE ! u o c n s w a r c GROCERIES PROVISIONS AM of lh bel ii.i:l: v. nnd t.i.1 with special r.gaii to the trade of Clearfield enmity. A I F. LoYXTOV, JOSEPH SHolVEH.', EliWAKD ti It A 11 AM. Clearfield, May l", l-SI. GREAT FALL IK o r rillCES! srni.yo a- summer CLOTHING at nn: (Ljjnp tloiijinii m wmmrn beos. Crand tipeiiitig of Spring Clothing this day, (Ira lid opening of Spring do thing ibis i..y, Orand opening of Spring CI. .thing Itiis d.iy, Grund opetiir.g of Spring Clothing this day, At T!eiienstc:n llin's Extensive Clothing store, - t Hcir.el'.Hoin Pro's Exti nsivo ( loilnng store, mvo Cloihin" lieiunstein Pro', Extensive Clothing store, At I'cinenstein lire's Extensive Clothing store, The lurgefl and bert selected stock in town, Hie largest nnJ lust selected Modi in town, 'I he largest and best selected stock iu tm. L, Hie largest and best selected slock in town, Furnishing Hoods, J'ats A Caps, Furnishing Hoods, Hats A Caps, - i i 11 , in. lumi.-b og Ooods, ..t. A Caps, u'uls ln! V,' y(llitcs''.Vi'rra eling Hags, Trunks, V discs A Trav. ling tags, Trunl.f, aloe. A I raveling P igs, Trunks, Valise. A Traveling lings, At i 'res Inw I'nr the liinc, Al price low for tlio times. At )rlrc low fur the 111110"!. Atl'i ires lew for (lie limes. Our old customers do not need an Invitation, Our old customers du not need nn invitation, Our obi cHstomers do not need an invitation, Our old customers do not need nn invitation, To other, we ray, Ca 1 and examine our slock, Cull nnd cxnuiino our stock, Call and examine our slock, Call and examine our slock, Ilefoi'c purclinHin ElHowiiero, Before purchasing Eiscwliero, Eefore purcliasing Elrtcwlierc, Fancy Goods Constantly on Hand. UEIZLNS'IEIX DROTHLEd. May 3, 'i 5-jy. I) AY LI'. ALL persons indebted to Dr. IIksrt Josura for professional sorviee. or otherwise, are requested to call on the subscri ber, at hi. offlcs in Frenchville, and .ettls with out delay fur now Is the time to sovs cost. Y. I. tOCTLKLl, J. r. May .1, 1KA5. 31 IU-fA J lilies, lit !-f ALT mJ 1I.A:.TI. H in large qtian .1. P. EE AT 7. MP'S. Mir h 2.1, ur,-. i.;i.i... " ...ii -i .. . icni itu . ,i. .1. .?.:. . "V.V" ' .'' : "coo., buWes,er- I o wv keiso PUBLISHED IV envepn w s'Pr tbtt Tnr eir nrescnt rosi,ln.. . ' 7.i" license, for 1SU5 ' " T "' ur ",r . " "U,U"P" 01 'er .. (nn in- .v'" "".t' "' '"." . I id iii r ,' . t lie foi lint inn , im.j .i. Ti . vv 'Hii.r.iubl sho.l l,v (1 I . ". '-"'laiuom, ana ttn.lcldl.lron. who.ro.Un.;,. ' '7. mrsui' eJ. hrr 1 - 177": '": V" ua ' PI'"'t. "J."' ''"t.'wi.. Orunjro o.mnt.. N V ""oon duly orgaul.oa in which ,h. resHes. mu.t .iso" b. o"' -ntu,n will in ,c ' f,,," , " "' ,7, .,, !7! ?! f IV i MM I NOTICE TO w" " " I I.I. T'PIlSnvo ..... burjf, on T li u r .1 a y , May 4t0. 'ur .Munis, tiruham m.,1 liruHr, r.i i i... . . - - ,nuSiii. MoaJ.," VavS.h t't0n' K1"tuw'l' l',r i'i 7 . l,.lo ,.f V ri,"":1 T""1'1-'' thl' 1 lor Ileecaria.Woodw.r.1 n,i t....i.. Hope, on Monday. A!:iv iSth. i For Jlurn.iile, j! It nd Clict townfliio,. at i lLo ''ouso uf S- Plnlner, iu New Wuahingtou, un Thursday, May l!ih, .. .. : l or r-criruson and l'onn i,...i,i i t .... her fitj b.,r0URli .ttho huuii uV I'm vJi Wouduv, May S:iJ ' U ; I'or "Ura.lr. Illo'oin nnd Uni- .a . Ih. honw ol Win. Schiren, " V ''"r1"'"' nt W,duo."iv May "' ' - ' 10 Lutheriburi, ou . J. HUM I'll ILL, Afi'IAmV, . ....... - it UiviMun, lath uu-t, r.i. I Aei't Affe.iur' O.Ti o, I ' Curwcimville, April 21, 1S05. nj2a at. S VKC I A I. A N N U U N C K M li N T ! K. i II. T. AXTIIOXY A CO. j r , .... . . jLlDlllae rsol lTlologflMillKj MatenilLs, VW.M.KSA,., A iikta ii,, wi niiiieii gl no tmiii Af o i" i o u uil . Iiiiifiiina iiinL.. ... ... r I 11 i . vwiWi,v- f. ... ... n r,M ,,,,,, , ,,, . ,, i j ' ' ""ereursi'S u n.is inilie- oi.'l, JiJi'J.lJ) nAl.N.i. , ted upon our country, bus now involved us in tho In addition to our main bu.-incn cf Photo. !" 'sl. turriu,o settioiial war, afid tbrtaten. to fol grtipbio -Materials, we are ilead.marters lur the ''iw it w ih sectarian crusade far more awful, following, vu : uuies. arresto-l by the d'.s-einiuation uf documents StTf(iscijt,.s an! Sti'reosfijiic 'irict! Of these we have an iininente a-nnrtireut, i eluding War Scenes, American ar.d Foreign Cit ies and L'.ndscapes, (Jroups, Statuary, etc. Also, Revolving Stereosc .pes, for public or private ex hibition. Oar Catalogue .Till b) scut U any ai dless on receipt of sump. J'iofiajrcjiliic Albums ! We were tho first to introduce these into the t'uilel Stat.s, and we manufacture iurnenso ..iantitii in great rarie'y, ranging inpr'eo from 0 cents to 5u ca. li. Our A 1,11 U MS have Ilia repulotioti of being superior In buiuty and dura oiuiy io any otaers. j ney I'i'iLK, on receipt of price. will be sent by mail .Mf-Kiua Al.nlJ .MS ade to order.'t'J;. Cr. Vi'7o:;nry,,', .' Our Catalog'i.' now oiubraeo. over .i()(K) dif ferent subjects, I" whiih ad litiors are being oi'u tinually made, of 1'ertraiti of Kuiluent Aiecri-. caiis, etc., viz : about lliO Mnjor-icnc nil., 201) Htig-Uenerals, 275 C.li.nels, Id Artists, 1 00 l.ieut-Colone!., 2..0 Other tnheers, 75 Navy Officers, 125 Stage Picture., 60 Statesmen, i:t'i I'i vines, 125 Authors, 5(! Prominent Woni-n, I 3,0 i0 Copies of Works of Art. 'including reproductions .f the most celebrated ' Engravings, Painting., Statues, etc. Catalogue? ,' sent on receipt of Stamp. An orJer f ir One Do it n Pictures from our Cat.iloguo will be filled utl the receipt of 1 1 HO, nn 1 sent by mail , rm:n. Photographers and others ordering goods C. 1. I. w ill please remit 25 per cent. nitU their order. r-tV-The prices aud ijuality of ourgnl. cia not fail to saliaiy. Apr 1'J uin A A CO. UIED POTATOES. V superior ..t f..r sale! J. P. KItAIZLU'S. April IV I". I'CTHXi:i:K.-Th undersigned, having been Licensed an A uciomesc, would inforiu the . itii-.i i s of C!i arfu 1 1 cmnty that he will at tend to callirg sab s, in any part uf tho county, I w hem er called Upon. Charges nm.leriite. 1 Address. JAMES II. Tl'KXKR, ' ,1pril l'.l. pd. Wtodlan l Ph.. Clearfield co, Pa. 1 X.J!. Person, calling sales without a proper I license are subject to a penalty ol which provision ni!l be enforced iigiiust those who may 1 violate thn same. 1)1AN'J FOIl SALE. A pinna mado by Loud of Philadelphia, is otlere.l for sale. Price 1.10 cash, i ply to .Mis. L'. J. Perry at ihe'hmi.-e .of J. L. CL II'LE. . Mny .1, l."f5-,,(. STHAYE1) (HI STOLEN' from the runnier of the subscriber, TWO HOOKS, one entitle 1 '-Ancient Mythology." an I the other, Sell C ia- Iradictinns of tlio li.l le. Any Christian, or 'Christian', son, that tool; or stole them, will please return Iheui to tho nibseril.xr, or the sub ! rcriber must cutisiJer that (.'hri.tians will strut. S. II. LAL'ij'llLIX. I Clearfiel 1, May 3. HC5.-pd. A HMIM-Ilt ATOK'S NOTICI'. Xotice is In rely given 1'int Litters of A.liiiinistia tion l.ave been gninl.n! to the undersigned on the elate of 1 litis II, Pom les, late of Lawrence twp , Clearfield counly, decease! : therefore nil per sons indebted t i said estate nrj re piire J to make inline. liale payment, mi l those having demand. ngait'.st the same will present the n duly authen ticated for setilcuieM. SAM PEL M. BOWLES, Adiu'r. May .1, 1 ti,i, pd. 4 D.MIMSTIIA'IOICS XOTIt l Notice .V. is hereby given, that Letters of Adminisiia lion nn the rstt of I'.enj. F. Carr, late of Law rt nre township, Clearfield county, Pa., tleeo.nsed, l.uungbecn granted to the undersigne,', cl! per soi s. indebted to said estate arc required to make iuimediiite payment, and Ih.vo having cliiims n gainst ihc same will present them duly au'heiili cati'J for settlement. EDWAKD WILLI Vl.-s. A ln'r. .LI.L;ET!I CA11K, si in, r.r. ' May :i, isr.il i - Juu.'j iiiu.r PHILADELPHIA & EIHE KAILROAl). T Ill 13 great lino traverses the Northern and Northwestern counties of Pcniisi I. uhia to , tho city of Erie, on Lake Erie. . It has been leased by tho V'rtia .o'toiii'd liuil rotr.i VviKj'nny, and is operated by llicin. ' lis entire length was opened for passenger and freight busincts, Oct. 17th, IMil. 77we tf 'inn, lorr Ti niut tit Krtjun turn, I.RAVK RAsTWAIll). Mail Train, ;i) A. M. 3.10 P. M. Waru n Aecoin. Train, - - M. Corry Aecoui. N'o. 2, . . M. Corry Aceom. No. I, - . M. I.KAVK WLSTWAItn. .Vail Tram, IPOS . A. M. Wairen Aecoui. Trsin, - - -M. j Corry A "com. No. 1, - - M. Corry Aecoui. Xo. 3, ... M. ' Ptssrnger Curs run through niriiot'T (nAsuit both ways between Phiiadelpliia and Erie. Elegant Sleeping Cars on Mail Trains both nys between Philadelphia and Lock ilnren, and on Williainsport nnd Elmiia Express Train between U lliamsiort and llaltiiuure. For information respecting Passenger bu.iucs. a tly at the Cor. Hllh and Market .reels. And for Freight business of the Company'. A nits, H. II. Kingston, jr., Cor. l.'lth and Market si , Philadelphia ; v. W. Pov Holds' Erie; M. Dri'll, Agent X. C. It. U. Pahirn' roi ). II. Hoi STos, (len'l Freight Ag'l, Phila. ; H. W. (iwiimkh, Oon'l Ticket Ag'l, Phila. j Jos. D. PolTs, (ieu'l Manager, Willnunsport. jan. 1 1, IM5. 4 CENTS WANTED To .ell the great work, lyle, q'ti' "J pnoe.-not eveiy-1 verbally or I) - letur, and upon 0 most reason- y " LIFE AND DEATH IX KELEl This- wuerei-.be found. Tho atUtition of Mill oer. , aldo term.. Ben so desired, he will furnish ONS." Soldiers, Ladue-, any on. can sell It. " Here aant. u respwifiiliy e.dicite.i. tho Clork. an! cuaplcte sHtbo busiwM enjeoU ii F niKirnrtv riPartisular ancntion rl to fhhn orJiri., iid wiih thd asu. JOabl'H 11. JONEi. AP12-'.la. Arr,!lS.-5.2ai. ( KyKifwr, P. 0., Mir. 1, JiCj. ly. pd. PIlOTFATn, JJL,, UiVlLbTAAT PRIESTCRAFT IX - IX . . IC5I- untiiininir "0 chn.iterj nl. proirie.-s and iioreeuii,m. v..'. to l wn to tho cinignitiun of the l'harimiin I'm iluni niiienea An account or thoir pcr.ecuiiuna of ptiMs, (iuiilters, t'atholii'.", and other Dirsent- i"Xcr England, ,h.Illu. Lnw and V "ra." craft -lVrwmhnofUis cnt.-r1 l'rj.u tha Slim l,l'lii"n ' Virginia prbr to tho Kovol nu.'n of -,-. ..-.-, wuiiniTt., V.UIUU nil. I li: . 'nrin ii tlnr. .,f .1... 1'..!.. I ... . i.- .u...v.......,'i ou"M. "."vsrumsnt, op. liiiwi ,i.',r r f) ' re.toro pj- i "i iu iiiu eiLTP- i ... . "f Chun f'.ited Si wav.ni"' tliurch and .Sf'.r.,,, n,.,,,, : .. ... Inl 1 vyuonimiuii i;i mil f,1"11', hjU moBtof Ilia .Vutes, In the ' , ' .', ,no C0ni,c'iuent c...i,pir.cy of the clergy I OTCrlurow u,ur "er happy yMew of fre , 6vernmenithe variou., weau. euiplujed from A ,?i ' e' 'T"'1'1"" "f -VunJuy scheula, tnd Hi , , i f" ! "luvement, duwn to theieiiuro su bvem.n of the c.n.nnon acho.ils. ncudnaiies i . . i..."......iiiwii..uiui letirmni: i en- . gine oi ignorance r.ir the enslnvinient of tho minds of the rising generatbinj to the degradiiii; .brings of tho cU-y tho riso and result, of -;tive Auirrisanisiu, Maine-Uwisin, Know Xo- , iiiiiikimu, Auoicn.insu), and lb vuruus other fannticisiu. of I'riest. ruft. j All should .Ubseribj, who wifh to anriaint th I'm s ftlvr.. will, 1. 1. 1. ....... I ...... p . ' i , wn mi-is iii uie guatert value at the present time, or to arm Ibiinsch ei ; Tl'rf ''"'i'Ti'.I 'l' "I'I",E0 I'uriln it ic P, ies.erafl, Lilio'ios u enaracier and uljects, suiii us the author l.ui sought t.i make this bb-tory useful in accomplishing. Priestcraft it (herein proved to be alike iintak'onitie to the true Christian reli inn, poptdar liboriy, and tho pt.hlic peaeo an 1 prosperity; and tho political eljrgy are also pro ven to bo servant ol Satan, instead ol minister, or the l'llnoo of Peace, and their influence "evil, and only evil continually." P.itriotJ will find a oerusnlof iu pagos of great advantage in cuab luiS them to light tha by Ira-beaded mooter Hint must ho lain before we .,.,. T . 0 C IU h I IN f.,r llt'llCI and a reHoration ofci.il and religious lilcnv iu n:r c.iuntrv This History will also soon ha nubli.b.i I In ",rmt w PIer covers at If, er covers at If. und in l-u,1 H.l. ur skin covers tii .ii .. I ..i ------- . .. i i.'" .r 11 nm oo seiu io any u.i iress in tlio L niied .Vtattts, po.-iage iree. r. very intelligent patriot should tiave a copy, and alter reading leud it to bis friends und neighbor. O-Address, enclosing payment, ij, J. ISt cbo, Middlctown, Orange couiny, X. Y. apI2. SPRING GOODS. run Imsed sin co in jincos. the liite crime .. '. K R A TZKR, Front Street, above tho Academy, CLEAIIHIILH, la. Tow cflers a Very lurgo fleck cf Dry Goods, I At n reduction of 25 to 10 porcent, inclulle 1 I'KESS (iOOHS iu great vnriclv. . Merinoes, Uinghaini, Clnlhs, lelaincs, Print'.., Ca-simcres, Alpacas. Siik., Satinat., iieps, Cashmeres, Tweed., Cobcrg?, Mohair, Jein ' I.aiiellas. Muslin., Flannels, Hornet., Pub. j bors, Cloaks, Halmoral Shirt., Hoop. Skirts, Shawls, Dross Tiiminiiigs, ' Heal Nvts, Cnj.s, Corets, lilovc, ' " Cullais, Scar's Hiena lino Veils. - Table Cover.. ! Clot h i n r . Coat'. Pants, Vests, Over Coats, lient's Shuwlj SLiits Hats, Ci,., I nder Shin, and Drawers, Hoots, Mines, (iuui Shoes, Cravats, (iluvoi : uud Collars. It AKDW ABE, (,rEENSW A EE, OBO CEBIE.S &, MUSICAL OO'jDS. Or o c c r i c s Tea. Coffee, Sugar, Molas'ns, Salt, Candles, Hi, l b ur. Paeon, Fi.-h, Tol.iicro, l!iii.in. L urnints. Wine pice s. Cruel., rs, Hraiid i Via- 'gar, Oil', Var lii.-h, Alcohol. tin-wai;e. glass-waiii:. woodkx- W ABE, ana STA l inNEU Y. Household Hoods. Cupel., Oil cloths. Drugget, I kiiigtilas.es, ( locks, Churns, WushLoards, Tubs. Illicit t ls, l lat In lis, Puns, Window Blinds, Wall paper. Coal Oil Lumps, Um brellas, Hedcords. Knives and Fuiks, Spoons, Crocks, uni Stove Llacl.ing. J'"-A1I of which will be sold on the most iea Sonnlilu terms, and the higliuot market price paid or I ' lain, H'ool, and all kinds of country produce. Cleailiild .March 22, 1S05. tfl i" fl .1 l 1 JU. ol 1 Lister in Uenrlickl For Sale by Fch'y 15, .'It. .IAS L. l.EAVY. i:Uioiin! E2o(eI, MAINE STHEET, Cl'ItWEXSVILLK, PA. Mis. WM. A. MASON, Prnju ielies. T H IS long eslabUshod ae.l well known HO TEL, situated in I h 9 west end of the town. has been reuiod. lied, enlarged and improve. I, and the propriclres.respertlully announces lo hernu ! mcrous friends, and lo the travelling public, ihnt she is now prepared to accouimo.tuto ull w ho may favor her with a cull. , Ample, safe and comfortable stabling is at laelitd lo (ho premise., and (ru.-ty attendanls ' will ulwiijtbe on hand. Charges ino.lnrnt". Mar. 15 'fi2 if. milim;IvY ciooD.s. IT. 1 . 11. . - .. ' r: -. - .1 f. I. ... ,r m e, , ,; , v. :i j w v ss,w Mviumjijiii,:, Wlinl.i:,SALi: HEAl.KU.s No. I ll Market streel, imith eldc, I' II I L A 1) I' L V II 1 A , ' Have now opn their Qcual handsome mriefy of conlcr a favor by returning the faun to tho sub- Kibhons, limine. Materials,' .-riber. JAS. L. LEAV Y. ) Stinw A 'Fancy Hnn.Ms, l M,,r. tf. CltarfislJ, P.. Ladies A Misses llu", I - ' Flowers, Huche.', Laies, j 1 I't'TlO.X Lillll. Ths .ub.cribsr having I and all other atlieles requited by the I taken out a License for crying vendues' M1LINKKY TBADE. 1 aul ether Tublic .ales, cither in Euglish or (Jor- Py ptn expvrienee ard strict atteullon ti tbi. man, respectfully otbir. hi. service, to bis follow ' i.r.,,h ,.? win.... exclusively, wo Hatter our-!citi:ens, and will nttuni to all calls fiom anr solve, that wo cau oiler inducements, in varLty. Tlll: COU.NTY NATIONAL BAN li TRBAKtRY Dkpahtmknt, i urricF or tt MMKoi LtitoFTiiB TitEAncr.r. J. acLiiiRtoii March 2oI, IaC5. J ri,,;lilA!l'J tatisfactury It scutvd to tho liuJcrsitned. it hia been mudn Cocntv Natiosal liAsm or boroushof Clearfield, In thu I t't.itoof renafylvania, under and in nccordancif of the Act ofConcres cnti- , , ,l) I'rovul National Currency, - -... v- a ui uiuiuu Dimes uouas, to pro vide for tho circulation and rodcuintion thereof," S,prcved Juno 3, lSiil, and has complied with all the providiuns cf said act to ho complied with be fore Coliirnent-ili" tho buiine- uf l.ut.tin.r ..r... said act. t;,aW' Thorcr"rp. T- Hugh McCei.i.ofoir, Comp- , r m " mrrency, do hereby certify that , c C'",""J -V i ln,k if Vltarjhhl.m tho bor" ' flenrDcM, l,n'1 St:i115 of I'-'J'l' WCnc0 ,ho lu,in" i-wniii' .I'KMlllMl , in tuo counly of t'learueld, vania, is aulliuriii d tu com er bucking under the Act In testimony whorof, witnon my hand aud seal ui uuita iun a day ol Marco, IS05. IIL'OH MuCULLOUOH, Mar.S-tf. Comptroller of tho Currency. SETTLE UP ! 4 LI. person, indebted to (ho undersigned or il to tho linn of PASS.U0KE A 8XKVKXS, are reciuestod to come forward nnd tattb without delay. Xow ia the timo to srte eostf. , , . , 1- C. PASSMORE. Clearfield, AprilJ2, ISfij. tf. " i'UMI XIS'l HAirlt'MNOTiCT27J IX. is hereby given that letters of administra tion t.n the estate of VT. II. Mattes, late of Fox tp., Clearfield co., des'd, having beoa granted td the undersigned, all persons indebted totaid estata are hiuestcd to make Immediate, payment, and those having claims against the same will present ethui duly authenticated for settlement. C. I). Jr'tLT May 2, Ct pd. Administrator. new ' skTiTn'oiT iso; : ' The (ireat luveatiofl of the Age iu O O P SKI 11 TS! TW. lilt A DLEY'S New Talent DUPLEX . ELLIPTIC (or double) SPEIXJ SKIKT. Wopts", Bradley A tury, (lam J. I. A J. O. West,) Solo Proprietor, and Manufacturers, 87 Chamber-sand T!) and SI Rcade Street., York. 'HI IS IXVEXTIOX consists of DLTLEX (or Iwo) Elliptic Stoel Spring.., Ingeniously Uraidod Tightly and Firmly tugethor, edge to edge, mak ing tli j toughest, uioa Uexible, Elastio and lur- Ullllt SlirilK. AVAr II. ..1 Tl... !)..! ' SI -. AMC. .DIU7IM 1IUUU Ol l, I. I-, . .1 . r.- . . :.;"ia..r.i5,?,K,1. "l'"" tt"J wn,!!1u?"lV ..uv-i. inou irouti ma uonuiuui ouapj Shall!! T ...... T . . . . I iwieo as i.ong as any otner blurt. T'ik H'iin,l,.H'iil I'l..!i.nii li i i r... Y .... T " . V . w,u n-j i leusuro m auyi.uuy wearing itie Liuplox no Skirt will be experienced particularly hi lie Skirt will be experienced Particularly in an o.uwiju Assemuno., Operas, Carriages, Itailroad Cars, Church Pewf, Aral Chairs, for I romena.le and House Dress, as the Skirt can be folded, when in uso, to occupy a small place as easily as a Mile or muslin dress. A Lidy having enjoyod the pleasure, comfort, nnd great convenience of wearing tho " Duplex Elliptic Steel spring Skirt" for a singlo day, will never afterwards willingly dispense with their ue. For Children Misses, and Young Li ilicj they are Superior to all others. They are the best quality ia every part, and rn.iii sti,,n.ibly tho Lightest, M-jjt Desirable, Comfortable aa 1 Economical Skirt ercr mado. For Sale in all First Class Store, in this City, and throughout the United State, and Cunadas, Havana do Cuba, Meiioo, i'juth America and tho West Indies. iNui'ini: rait i in: Dnri.Fix rt.Lirric skirt. A. A C. LXew York, ap!2 Jin. CHEAT l.MPJWV E.YJEXT3 IN Sowing' Madiiiics EMlTIiE SHUTTLE MACHINE! f AiE!-mj rr.aniAin lru, ISOU. SALESROOMS. Hi oit.hvny, New York. Vashinti.ri Street, Hoston. ;..)'. 2. rnillS MACHINE H C0X?TRrCTED OX entirely ra w principles of n.ecbanisin, pas-se.-.-mr: many rare and valuable improvements, having been examined by tho most profound ex pert., nnd pronounced to bo SIMPLICITY and I'll 111 ECTJOX combined. It has a straight needle, piVpendicular action, mnkct tho LOCK or SlU' l'TLU stTlch, which will hci:!.r rip or raVcl, ana i alike on betli sides; performs perfect sewing on every descrip tion ef material, from Leather to Iho finest Nan s' o Muslin, wi:h cotton, linen, from the coats est t) the finest number. j Having neilhtr Cam nor Cogwheel, and the last possiblo friction, it runs a. smooth a. glass, and is emphatically a .ots-'L maciilxi:: It requires Fifty per cent, less power lo drivo it than any other machine iu the market. A girl tuch" y,.;,r. r can wark il steadily, without fat i ; t io i r injury lo health. Its strength and W.mJurfal Simplicity of con struction renders it almost iirpos.'iMo to pet cut ol ordur, and is (iiiaraiiterd by the company tj give entire satisfaction. Ws respectfully invito nil Ihoso who may do irc to supply themselves will: It superior article, to come i, tid examine this t III ii ailed ilUelllnc. Hut in a n.i re crpecial manner dj no solicit tin patronage of 'lercL.tiit T.ul.MS C'-oacli Millars, .'loop Shirt Man iiliutiii'cr.s, Shirt i: ro:ji'in Milkers. Corset Makor.H, (Jaitcr Fillers, Shoe Hinders, Vest and I'ant.t loon Makern, I ress .Maker?, Iteligious and ChiiiiUhlo Iiislitutioiu liberaHv debit with. lb. Timrrs or .'uciiisk emi.r ; No 1 Family Machine, wiih IleW.-r, Feller and Hraidor, g) No. 2, Small Manufacturing, trilli EtV.'tibion Table, ij No. 3, Largo ManufaclHrin0-, w ilk Etcn.'ua Tab!.-, i No. !, l.'go Mainifacliiring, (or Leather, with Polling Foot and Oil Cup, 10i) One ball hour's in: ti iKlion is sufficient lo eflabU liny i .-r-on to work this uischius tu llu ir entire sitisfaclion ! Zi3 Agents wanted f,.r all towns in Urn United Slatei, where AgfR.. V1 not already established. Also or Cuba, Mexico, Central and Sjuth Auier ci, to whom a liberal discount will be given, Term, iuvaiiably Cash on deli very, T. J. McAK'lill It A- t'O. 63C, PltoADWAY, X. Y., 552 WASIIIXOTOX ST., Hostan, 720, CHESTXIT ST.. Phlia. A. A Co. O'cb. 3-ly. i EOlltiE FA EE i X ing Iho nateriii. takes thil fc'jthod of inform- riiicu ol i learueid couniy mat be ha. ref lied and reopened the hotol formerly . kept by E. Schreiaer, at toxestown, where bo will take cpocinl p-.in. I" render sntisfactien to all who favor biin with thoir patrcuage. Coxcstowo, April I-', 'fj. dr.ly. i SPECIAL NOTICE. 'rilll' person rbo some (line ilgo go! a I'.L'F 1 1 FA LO HOPE markeJ XS. Mitehcil." would part of thn souoty, on ths shortest notion oither i h irs ' now-rf : ,;v" xf'. '