"" - ' . H.ot. will soon 1)8 nynoymous the woria PRESIDENT JOHNSON. AP-JW- Uh good British Con.oU ai. ,-1,-. a S,- VALUABLli REAL ESTATE ! in reference to what my administration mil Unlimited Hereditary One. rpRUS! EE'S SAM. g;e (fkiufitlb gcpntto, . . of. v . ry '- va; i.-hii I nnminv in nresent position I tmut re ... in tka nant. Ton limy look ck. to itss evidence of what my course will b." eraphs from an article which was publisn- (jon8ols i t ho edui long ns li'J'i, in the national uazfiw, gon,e 0f over with "ns good as B itisli oniow. avi ,,,, Uov. Aan d.r McLeod, Chnp- VA For our part, wc think a U. b- nolo, bent- formerly Hoctor of St. Andrew'. By vi ina evou ana three tenths annual inter- ' clour. eld, Pa, Joha S. K'ii,K. K.,,.,0'. p.,, OK virtuo of an order and decroe of Hi. n. inn sevou aim mi " .. ... . Church, cioar.oiii, i , jw . "".. '!, u; .,,,. Court ol Uleartleltl County, tuert will v.. A cotenipornry reproduces some Pnra- CBt, is just ns much bolter than nnusii 1)rnoi,villo( to Sophie, oldest d-.u3i.ter of Hon. u. oxpoi)i t0 fublio Sule by outcry, at the Coutt the rate of interest is higher, k. iiarrott, of tbls placo 'i i..- ci 1 AwMi.n t Johnson on l jiiunr ui" iv.. . " .-i a 1 .. 21orAp,-J.l line ixecuuve ci.n.r ... , fi,,imini' a Limited Rent. . howl jov 'address of Ihe Indiana delegation, who ernrucut into nn Unlimited llercditiiry ..iio.i in aonrn him of thoir confi- ( )no." and the follow inn i:iHaa:es appear Idoncennd support. For the purpo-e ol most curious and sinking at the present. 'showing what has been Mr. Johnsons . , , ... . . ,,ubio ,i.,..,u4 ri.iz.i... of the "courao" in tho "past," wo commence Uo(jti provided enough of it enn be got, wl0 desire pocon:. on farther bloody light House in CloarSolJ, ou s our timid brethern, who smppeo .vrThe abovo notioo was accompanied with a rp ..c I..,, , 03 c,f J,inc top- their gold to J.ontfon ami mu-.ir . - jon(ltio lurkliitf ooithor Hi quality or t.i:nmty. . , ' for .,iU. nre now clud to sell out nnd invent , .iiU..0U,ua ith the .vent, it was o'cl-k, I'. M., nf fall iluy, (bo followingdoi- round los. amlBCrvw thom ' ,.. ,,.,. : uii.im.,. f "tAI. MAIK, the roi.eriy of m. ' , ' " cunrining , uiiu .... 1- r j luirf or Uuuld WiUnn, UocuiiiOiI, to wit : richt. AfW J otmt. ... ... i.i..JJn,i ;ih ,1 li.ni. lifu nn.l nn aii 11, ..1 ... 1 ......i... ,.r i.,.i .1...... ' u - CBIUU liru ii'.v "t"4 .... ...... tiH, . ui ... vitun'.n NEW TROUBLE BREWING i it iiojsiblo tl:T6 aro EWIN3- dunce of llw ij.ioil elieor or this world, tUcn you in the vnllcy of diuuciuahoninx, llintu men. filing iy ..I it down that U U not fr the wunt of ,h. tiA United Sliilcs, (.(,0J wishes of llio 1'niaTrni. fnuuo dwcllini; liouto, a burn, orchurd,! WK.rsiePAV Moh.MNO::: M.VV 17, ltii"). 'ti,;, WC(ti on our lira page, the publien- nnd it bo medicaiect with the proper in- insj J; U our iluiy to uiy to U. 8 COURTS. We are informed thatlrue bills ware found by tho Grand Jury intho U.S. Court lal week ogninst the aeveral gen lion of a speech delivered bv him in tlio K'et,'ol',, lf h Hootl rorluna a debt be .. that their uctions soi . . . o . : I, " ,.,1, k'i 'reuily Pi bund, thomosl is tobo niadeor.i g dirccli0M. United States Connie, in Dcceinbrr, 18oJ, lr,lci, it and .well it l0 the utrao'l, llimy ....rendered, on the "Jvhn Jirown Hani." t,e jtclug w ill beur. Allow ns many tlaiius i ,t0l,'s ttrniy surrendered bi IhuloQ t,wn- thereon and otlmr .... f.i n.l I 11. il. 1 Itti iKl.nl. " iToveiimiH. inn mna is 01 booh nuulilv unil cellain ., ,,.. J, A. lirubakorto Mws Magijio " B"."'1 .""l0 .of cultial'u". fnluinlng 201 acrs,. debt be m,.Uu that their uctions scum to tutid in K . MM, bah 0f Union towibi,,. ""Veniu ',,V Sale -0,.8.,bird of the B .7 tne ruiiiiary nro Daniol (ioodland A. I .... .1.- .1.1. 1... tt T.....U r... .1 1 t ... 1 .1. . L.-I. . . r 1 In) l ' "l lyri'lie, Oil lll IU HP.., J m.'... , vnunv luum-j uu uiiu'i, uui4 lliu nninilCS ill tiro JdO J0I1I1- .. ..,, f PliillDaburir. tnrinirly of Lnw- cm1.1l annual iintulluicnla fraio d.itu i.f rn(... many tlailil' .i.. urii.T aiirrenilere'i UUl noui uno . wnliiii. tbu county, to nui l.itzio l.iut;r, tiun of ralu, with interest, to bo ocured br I. I I In loin thiH we hnve iwo purposes to a decency will permit. Asuuje nit tno B, the other, ninny mousunu ui mcu v( uuiinio.n i., v-ouiru couuiy. uuu mungice uu iu iruiiri. accomplif h : Fitat, to ai-fure nit honest ebts of your neighbors; hi a woul, get witUmv- denying the right to "'"'" 0n th)) 7th ln,t., by Jm. 11. C urk. K,., . Mr. . , . 1,AVIJ TER, aciompnui ii , I scrap- .1 n,,,l liuwmi! oU. "on thoir own . " . ' c.,.,. , 4lit, s,.ri.h lu-nacr. butb of u l,ln' ' Uj irustie. I.. il,l ll,nv Iuiva nnL nn I' 110 Piltiso , " ' . . ' ni"", , .. 1.1 newLou !' - IXwienyou lmvo got nil, , hookin l0 wutcli the Miupo luma Lumber City. ' ( for niwo. and havo tho ,,,1.., . K L ol J-,h o ,S.I.h ' 11;,. that they, us n people, jealous of their ,ii,t n,nde us big us possible, and the next lf'tt poiicy of conciliation nnd of rung-, "(1 ,1., P M,f i-fiefrnf f e 1' ' '..,.. x.. in tliuirtriiut ll.'. llinl. ij tn nl il. intn nj fiiv linnd.4 as ...... It.i it w ill:llllll rated, thepo t.o.vei lull rJ.lUU j,MIUIII1UUHW. wr I I.'.... . V,k r.niel Lowmrn. tsnnc TunW, a vo . . , - . -7. f" " Wmil i full into ll.o new ord-r... ' ,,l""r" J'UUC I ' - . . .n ,.n,H A.,ni.iAa 1A lianil. ,-wa-4.'ivj, , w . " v .1 I o UU tOS ii ,..-. . , ,1.:- . . .. , .1 neotilo that lliey have not only iiocaiiso, , , tUmen ofl iU county w .o were arrested Ppol" llml' 3 ' ed together and ' , , 3 . . for doubts or feats, tint on tbo contrary i ,, .,..,! f iw the mil iary ast w nler, among wlioin .,or u" " you can a.tver isj 10 . ri. .. n i n 11 11 11 iiti nun uilu imp i"v unwi- .. t . I . . .. .1 ui . 1 1 v n Mr. Slorty, r.r.d ietliap ctiien. meir 1 this about, complicate it, divide 11, suu- xi,ey are Jict 01 tiio""""d c 1 3 B A V V x ... . .rials LavV been continued until the first." chair : nnd aecon.l. to refresh the , .. . , . t 8ul),1(!l iti ..pe it ; 1,1 there if lhey ci ,,uil it with .elf;rpeot. j . . "')l. liUA.N. 1 . I 1 H K UUS oia.KH OF TUB OR- -n the election of .Jurors to4ry cu.es in .' terry, win. 1. the .mpnU.nl List, man ft ,pry ,hat a ffW only can ..ndor.ini.d u do..e will.. Hut. U va:, be . liel.a.lof ( 'J - . ..... :n i: 1 ... . ihn .ic 11, .1 to 1 :. . .... 1 i... n ,.!i.l. r...rpniniiln nnd ...i ;.,iiuti in 1 oxu. ii Lid t hut I til ion, . Tbn o Uun Jrcd Md.wtu, )ybl tbieo J ears , V'... p' " 60 informations full in the wny of tho.o lew to Imca their nlvanlaes over tho many. 'It must not be fpivotien that the mem- lieuof the leg.ulaiive b idy are to have it l....,,r,,l Ilia M lr.-li? il'M , .. :. v I...... h, linml In niteileru .'..i,ir ,.r l... Lonfeik-iucv of the South, tho 1st of Aira. .('. HI vvsswps v - , , t UohitUi hii ftpicbi'iibvou tiiui uitir wiw u 0,fr o iinnd,d Mutton j tn, leei) H.ako in the yiulio A fullioien t i ,r ., ...eutv boiween the W af hir.gion ai.U , . .. , . . T '. . i i ,i ..." i . .1:1 :. , ,,. i. . J nuuilior, properly uinpo.en. can aueiiimr- :,,uinmj , in case no u.u mi..... , . . , ' i . ..!.., 1 .,,,.,! . in .. " .i . . .. A l'.il..i inm dro 1 .M Jli'irirf I be .!,! n..l nl ly legiHiiio ami njii'i-uinin, 'i"" - foresaw inav .in -( and legislate, and buy an 1 sell, and sell , wouUi in regard to all Kurnpeau imes-1 ,nyblo lou.i unn ially in currency on tho l .i'.i d buy, until MUD propyl i on . ,,ons, aci (....Y-m. even .... . r"" , i 0r December and Lull of Jmo by Coui,o:,i at- Ui'l . lie up a , tft 'hcl to eac'u note, hkU are readily ca-l.vj money" of their constiiiients lim passod 1 f My tli'in i"f nominally united, ioio their hands, to cive t.'ietn nu iniereU nn, choose to run risks to bull 1 ngaint their constituents nVl lo insure ttrjCt .ysicm Unit would;upei-yene,i! he ' nu).w1(.r. itaij;int to the part thoy are toad. Iheldi-lf. Hut, one ol the Fieiich Kmpei-, Tho wi.ys in which n great debt, bo ; noU-on idt-ai." hss ever been lln.t J 'U I cut pel d:i ti constituted and applied, will contributs , U1)C0 B,ould in smt way, retrieve Uie . TwoCoiits " " to tho United l-s l II?... We know not what the too is on the sub- the t.ieal Anmican uooenioii. ;.et ; but tbe :ra-tc we are well ncpiain-! -'fUe peech is long, nnd will ccouny sev tedwilh. These .lurois are s,-l-kJ or ct,- erl iues; but we will givo it in such -i, by the United States Marsl.alMind paro. U net to serioutly interfero with n tho cfeofthe Western district oour usual vaticly. The readei kliould pre IVunsylvnniii, nrota'ceu f:oo) about iLree-' 'i ve eaoli imiuber, uniil ho lias the entire Touilhs uftbe counties in the Sute. 'lbo bpeecli. an-l he will then find Ib'.tour uames of a portion cf the citizens of each 1 'll,,iry T governiiH-nt has been cx of the counties sro not put into a wheel amined, and in ome of its moit icpoi tant anddrawu nil a. iu the caseof Jurc.s Tor features discussed with a clemnosa seldom .nur ccuntv Courts; but U,o Marshal .,- "'- Tl,i'i U "-li!I.V ease ,Vc.' u -hn A i;n.l..r the two lust whenever !. b.ticliea upon t... right of .rvmorrntie. AdminUlnitio.. In:, c it - "Tl,c l"aeral .ovcrnnif nt lo ,h ultimate end in view nre both ml-' ,.essilJI, 0f Loui.-iaUii i -ii r .1 f i oee.es no s nowtc'Vivs he "All inerotu and obvious: 1. I no lavor Ho states. ! .was tho invariable praclio of the .ir- o.eui.sno. ""."ll0Ul . ! , , , 1 fv tlnn poedorit, whether will, in lAfier flattering tho lute Confederacy ' hls to select a rail- proportion of Kepub- "9 powers aie Unroim.! ur ,1 lvn,t,d. rti.-i , wjlMOlU tl(. j,,Jvenvnont( Wli tV-l lhe;wiUl j;lls0 hopes, it seou.s. now, Papule, n licans. The late ManUl (Ca uipbell) ul- "c""' : "CongieM l.iw i o wwii pot-r. j .,,,,,,.1,1 fealty to it, and wilt go through 1 llan t0 otter to Texaus. refugees, (Hi.d. vsys tried to secure st least ono-fourtli ol' A11 il l"' 'o ri-1.; it cui exercise j ihit k and thin to np 01 r it in nil i1.. op- ()l;rc.,Ieiate soldier., a guarantee of Tux his Jurors from the then 01.no.itio.. ,.ar- ' frimuixc tc cnjma' j-owcr." em.ions and usurpmom. 1. 'I he.r mo- , mA perhaps Wi.iern l.oui.mun, as a ins ouvors uom me uicj oppo.uiou ai tr 1 j .'. , .. , I ..y will give them con-ouenw nnd in- , l lUai i;, eUc! ai ms wid delond. Na- ty. There were then no political prison-i 1 heoe arc vory ir.portanl deelar.l.ons. ( t 0fi!i lo ,ll;lko head against ; and no political oirences b be triod, and tb-y weto utt 'red with an ei-,i'lihhi ; rj;4(,tj (ulofii. 'J. They will bo the ( 'iie i'nod States, when tho latter aie and if every Juror tht was empanuelled tbut gives ev ry noutai.ee that their mi-: readiest inttrrial thai can be found, for a , t,xi,1Uisted and wearied wiih the long civil durfns Lis entire tvrm Ind been exclu- t.meuls wei: l.oneslly oittrlbintd. In ' hereditary nri,locratio order, whenever j U j, ,K,t n now Coi.fed.rcy, or an , 1 , r. f.i .1 .1. i ,1 I inniters are ripe forono. I. A great debt , 1 ,l0i(;int people, that 1 prono.ies to sivtly composed ol Democrat-, it ..doubt- new of then., then, may we not ask ha .... ,.,.,. gH.ntt.xcs ma-' tXlo exigence, tut n lunch .ful if ttere was a single icislanoe in which, IV'po the adifocatos of i . trong centralized ny ,,lx.)!;i1(.r(;Is.!lnd other rPicer. ; and ' (,u. Q in haired, lifne Uniicd . Biif.U political complexion r.f the Jury goverumen1,, overriding and disregarding l fll'nT. aro auxiliaries of power, U. 1 states, that he can co'.i.i on iirailv ono could havo been made a uist cause nf cool State am'. Stato lawn, can have fiom their (Heavy taxei may produce discoiilon.s ; hun.lrcd thousand tonfeder.'e veteran !.!.. .1. I m . ., . 1 i 1 .! 1 ... .!..:.. '..il .. ri,:. f l ...;i .(. ,.r il,, 1 ineso may ununu lu.isian,-, ir n. ..,.,.. . ,.- ., . 1 .1 1 fironoi lion lo this da t-ul It Is clilUMeiiL now. i he 1 nite. ll ph "course 111 me rati m 10 ne me (.tales clusively prisopi' feal war Iiff. Iipfl In from Ihe Ijla liy of Jjii,al ua , was Wfun mi n in-u.ui . ii.encg n.,riu zz iipr-h4 to lUinen. tlit i:cu m a in .cul.t yli ln ,trut, tbotce south t'i i1.ko c,f bcliiuiii, cuntuiiiing .l'J Kcroiand io irrelnp. Hi" oilier in 'Co t.-j; tn:i iti at a fclune il l hiC c r 11 r. thence " nth -I.iomI .. tentbs perches to oP.ne. th.'iM'o c.t 'JJ pereh". Iu bciri.min. piui- Tim iu'.o'-ii is t.iinin.-; :u ucie- uioieor b s, being inut ol 'u. ID J 17. '1 K!tAH-ino fifih cu,b a! :i'o,and one lbird j bi "ccor.'il lor t'athuriiie Lvigy, widow ; sjid olio half of tbo bubiiHO ca.-h lit cniifiia'itiu of Milt, nnd lbo ruuia'r.d.r in one year, to bo ic Lnrfd by bond nnd 111 rl : ir. M iy IJ 1 1. Ill VilWI Ll-IGY, TfilrUt. on a .) 1 h i;.. t'lo5 note. ?.V)il twite. lU','nii ilo. S note. Desirable. Ten " " " 2J " ' SI " ;i More and More Tbo rebellion ii suiprcsse I, and lbo iSuvuni mont b.i-already ad.iftod ieaaifC4 tJ ri l.i.-.1 expcuJUurcj m rapidly oj oi.-iblo to a V' footing, tl- Vi ir.nrin5 from vfk 03 ,,or j i " jiver aud ritlrelij.-cr. This ii 1 11 0 Only I.'aaii l:i Ma: LjI n SherHV's Sales. I)V VIIU'K of nn dry writs of rrui?i'(i.,ni ) .'yini is.iiie.l nut of the court of CuViav I Ic.i.s ol V learneM ' umv, nnu in n- Jiroted ' thera bo e oied to PU"'.' SAI.V : Curt IIoiko in Ibc '"..oiikIi c , Ki ' Monday th lidi U:." , clciiC''1,1' 0,1 1 p.M..' f'' 10 ' M ,)!, i-' ' ',."!) f!Iuin d.i.'iibed Ittal ' ' ' .4 wit : 1 A certain true! ol bib situate in Fx town. li'm. Cleuifit M eoiiuly, I'oiir, U iiui.i, Ijeiiiij tract N.'. 117'; in 1 1 , e ilivl.i,,n of c.ti 1 lands l Hid f,:u . ..lor- ! . bounded nnd drei ibed ti follows ; lei;ii)iiinx ( lanecr slaic, and 11; , ,() car.. oai A. rchcoics 1 n this continent, will bo I he pro-; s;0w, does bo count right or wrouq? 'Lh i. niicr ol liaet- N'... )'''. i.iil -11.', and thenC'-br .l by the ilrvj.-nm.nl, and cn.titutcs 1U0 Ci-eat ' :'!' -Nrt- u"- "' "ct -Vj- ! 1 1 U an 1 foiir teiilb. (M'reb.s ; cro.-.inj lbo t.i. Popular I.uait of the PcMiyl?. ' iK io.ihoiii,, Cieell and lb. Kers. y road to a ... 0 .. .r.. ,.. , . . ,1 .. ' loai k .1 hemlock, uu I corner of tho. an I Ir.i Iho Seven-Thirty Notes aro coav, rt.b.o 011 , ,. . . .., ' , ,Kn.,, I l. . .. .t . .'.! 11 . 1 I I ! . ..it. V.l. I. ..!.. I.I ....! 1 1 inrn 11 11 :i m .uiiiiiir .11 111 v iu it'iiri 11. i ..-..t..., i.-i -vi -. . . v t 1 L.iuir iiiiluiiiv , 1 io u.' 11 jii ui 1.1 j iiJiav , iiil "uik . ui . i m m. m.11'0.- iivi , District Courts nro now almost ex-cviDco" of what his future is lo be, . 8taudtng urtny, in its turn will increase..-, '. ,u. resident Julinsnu un. With I IT vj .- oM ., n ! ' ''I'T' "', .v .u ' '" ""V.- occupied in the trial of politic! H not nidei.t that nil their blight atici-; the moral ore. oflho iovernment. by ,,, ,.VUhihI army devoied f-4 l,im, and to XJ' 'u 1 tl uu 1 v i to' oJ J. V eUl''t for oCVnces which roay be, in pati-.ps are dr.ciiieU? ;iiieuns of its appointments, and gV l his friend, lirant and Siir.nmu, I'ic. ident H fT Tl.U J? ft Pi rjfl H fl n3Tl x I ' ai'orn.dd r.....l nl ir.u. Ioj7 perd.es to ity. entity U-giitnat in political, Viom ihe.e fuels, tbeiefore, it is not un- " "I.. ' ,"''"? ""ange viW. gei.erous, and U UUU WliXllUJLlU JUUllUUl , t beM,.uu,g. .,,,,,,.., .ore; ?a . iwaa,-,: j oiu-"enr.'ij n'lndt.ii. uie ui.uu - ' '. O I de 1. 1 1 n I CT m 5 ' 1 11') 0 I H elj . IV le' I I mi . r v . uu ... I nil ..-.',.i.,, u.u-u vevuo.r fare, lint which lha parte in i.ns.r ' tyaor.nhlo lo .vuine, ihat ir. 1'reMdmt ' I'ho mannoiiien t of a croat funded .; i ilin ,i. ,.,(, i,." ,, i ' , . ! hieh sro ui ay w .rth a pri-uiiu:!!. 1 g t.iuii d o J. uos Vi!-on.:ind bciu- l. choose to designate as a-.is . di.loynlty. .lohnson tho coutilry lins every thing to debt and mi ixtensivo .vsiem of l.ixs, them; le wins to them the hit ure o! J.J J I'KOM TAXATION Is it fair that su.h ae should be tiled 'hop for, and if lo is sinretc and honest jwiit alt ul a j lea for istalilinhing a giat , c0,u,i;j if ), deals hnrshly with ty a Jury ry sua of whom h.sW. 1. i U no man h.-.s any reu-oi. to douM.) ; '''. oiated banU. A them. ..W will bo oil to Texas, to re- Th. 7-30 Not-, c.n.not be taxed by Tii, rit- ,e,e,H, chosen, picked t. by u ollice- should his life and Incuhi,, be M,red, he Gtti ZZ " .!,!... vr ....!. I .!... . r t ,.':. v.. c .i:.i -i i.: ,.L..i.i;.. I i. posioly, tne lui.l, ol u uiutn , uwner-j ine pine ..ooj.il nir.n.ui lUHlllllll n OH' I t in,.,, "r , ,,, j'l, ii. iuiiiu u.iij III el'iii .o , UTtsvX i.l alii til .I'l.nCfl.L. I ,,,,- uH te f.THrg -4 Unisl. li.lf the Abo-p- " :: - r " i T7. " ' CV!U 1 ,', , "o.coustiiu'ao..-.,, Nj), ' ate cuimitt ed. i. in ..he);.-. . ' 4itio.t leaders in tho Stte, en.ch of whom I tould imigine that his conscience appro- i Capturo of Jeff Davis Tho IlarrUburg Tc'cjwph of unday ved the net. lint there would be no Iii.ul lail conlainpil ii 1 1 i 4t ,n I .li from (ten Wil justice in ibis. SocouU the present Mar- son, dated Macon, (la., May IJth., snnoun ahal, ifke wm so disnised, with the aid c.ing the hi rest of .Kir P.ivis and his sl.ifl of the fierjured pi. mk inf .rmeri now1 on the litis inst., at Ii w insv i'.'.e, about 7.'. Snfesting the county, select a Jury that' miloa from M aeon, und that lie would be would lwn half the Demccials in the' forwarded to V,vhinglon immediately ',fl'. ' under a strong guard. The dicpnteh ap- Wo know r.ot what the praclice is now.4 pears lo have been received at Washing All we know ofMar.ha! Murdoch is of ' ton, and is dispatched thence lo New tbe most farerable chai:ter; and for York, addressed to Con. lix in Stanton's ought w ktiow hss msy fclect as fair a' uual form, but is without signature. ropOTt'.rm or rcinrK-rals ns his predeces sor did of Kepu-Mk-ano. Among those selected ft'OBt tills ffiWIlll'. IkiH-pio. trn have vet to irer.r ...... i rr v . ' ,. J -esj.ecially in W.v'i-lo publish - , ...... j , , , . re-wii, mo- ... , :....i ,,. ;., ,1 . i -il , L,.li. ifc.-uin.M.e-ii"iii.iinijr, , moi. I lo give the most idausib e And pon- , w . . ,,, ,,i, I r j, 1 ' c itilwcl m c imiiM on. W a re 'ret it. iii.i i ,uv .urn i, ill 'U '1 e 1 H illHil ' , . r . ...... . . ' 1 " i'o-i'i ..... lf , our eves to but Tin l'.Jt ,1 , ; , i . . . ,,, e I'lllllll 1 t'loiw on eyea lo l.u l. that is to be Usurped. It f .Bv b called. , i ...... r. ,...! r .r m yifi ii uu. 1 1. reji ei.ru e miii.i i ui tll IIS'-Hi I fo sample, a powe. Tor the common of il.J ,cr,.n.;t Co.,re.!o,a -v. U. of Tex.., 11 " ht 1 J Myir r ' r.'i ,,0S0V-Vor. "?n':" and a war a ith V,nc, how cr..y i. tl..- tbaa $.o id wellaro. If the i joti bs bhou d not be .nr., i . i i i- i . T ' "ul" 1 " , " 'opinion o Attorney -t.enera Spend, i,v ,i. i. r,,, too tnue.Ii e i hghterted, the naniti will es- i .i . . ,r ' '-""S .... ... . . , V an 1 the uclion ol cer am war n ici i s m per nnnuin, oecor Jin;; to tti. rate c it 1 on .nli.r proj orly. Subscribe CfcHirlily ! 00,000,000 of the bi..m suth.iriz.d re.! nro uow on tlio in:ul,l. ' enpe attention that il means in fact the joamo thing, wuh a power to do anything mo gcvernment pleakos in nil Us ca.es whatsoever. To ojipose tho power may, coneequcnlly leetn to bo ignorant, and Small I'isiness. We think it is the atnnlleU kind of business in the Abolition regard lo tho Ute ntruli .' Purvis aro del- j ieiite lliinss. Ai risiKC's th.. uuvern- Isorbed, will nil bo subicribed for with iu ... l . l I . i : . -HI I... , l 1 - , f i .i . inm enn uinii, iiirr nip iy i,h uueruii'i " "7'u,t"',os", 1 10 ',' d aW! ' friT.'ekesare loben. . r 1 ' 1 '""a".M. . lH.rionon nrrto bo narrowly interpret construe 1 s'i ici'it. As regard 4 llio men,1 .em. ihe ed .,km ! ' 1'. ivileK'S are lo be enlarged. that di.cription. Nationnl Debts and U. S Stocks. Tho creation of national debts is r.ot 'ed." That is tho ancient dictum of law ' "peeinlly apidicnble in matters of war. I 1 lie "opinion of Mr. Speed, met t y n j , c mutter opinion ol soiiK-b vU ele. w.l. a modem improvement, but llioabi.'iiy of . Ihj taken as lbo ifi uctini i the oiro.'c on a great nation to provide for a great debt, ' tho p il l of the ilove. nment, und the hasselectO'. a Ktigle Democrat. At tl.o i . expose to tho wor.d the contents of , ad l0 nuke il inoM convonieiil and lt I whole body of paroled Confederates will latelerm, there wero no Jess than five I,nvflle lol,or''. 'bitten Wire the urn; by ci I-iorni of pomonal properly, n a modern '. be declsred Ireeortheirobliga ion ! Jurors flo L-'s on...,i Tl,,.. i'ens o( Ihe Norlh to their friend.s in the' !vo"dl'';- Th dutt of (Jreat l.nlainwss For (iod's sake, let the most AW in v 11L.1 TJ ir. . J' 1 ? South. n.l recen.lv found in the ransack. i.1""" Xt. '! ni!lli,n by : erpr.ta.io,, Uaeeorded .he paroled ..i.-.vni0, moy were an neput-ii-j . ; loan in iuvj ann wnen ner great couieit Umleiierate so.diers : II tins is done, oaiu, and je sf them of the most pre judiced toe t.Sev-etity-two Jurors arojubout as many a . are usually tequired. Count ing Clearfield as an aver, go county, and thstthoro wevfl a propoitionnto number taken from each of the olhei counties, it would make over 200 Juror... It is there fore evi..nU..,.t cither Clearfield lill3 lmd more than a fair sharo of this sort of gov ernment patronage, or the court was hon ored with moro Jurors than wero requ'r ed. It was not tho term at which the lle puLlicans of Cleat field could claim uu nx ce.s of Jurors. Tho court would not like ly permit a man of either party fn.ni this county to sit ns a Juror on tho trial of either oflhoio cases. If.o, tho Fame leaf on ought to prevent any man from' this county siting on the Grand Jury. Wo have made theso remark. . nnd re in order that cili.en. of every tonn nnd ice- to be renpoaaiblo for the delivery of tho tioles f..r which ttoy receive order.'. JAY COOKE, Fessea iniis Astir, l'bilndelibia. May 1st, ISfii. tSulsci ijiiims will Lc rcciie.J Ay the o 1V.U...1.U..U. rtiier me i.oii;ueio will. Louis A 1 V. was terminated, Ihe debt thousands of them declining thoinsrlve. letter we.hould think Forney would fair- had reached filtv millions. Many stales- deceived und wronged, nny g to Texas, ly puke at the bate idea. j men aud economists were then alarmed to fighl United S'.oies troops, not nny .. ; at tho great burden which bad been iin-' longer under til Confederato Hag, but Death or Jackson's A poitkii .l'ov An- posed upor. the indusiry of the country, under the banner of Frnno. drew Jiiekson, Jr., adopted run of the lain ' but when Ihe war of tho Austrian suceei- ! Let Attorney den. Speed's "opinion" President Jackson, whoso deu I. was hue- s'on had .welled this amount to eighty ' go to the dog. and let a liumine and ly mentioned without any particulars, ac- millions, Maculay Fays that hittorians and magnanimous policy bo pursued towards cidenily .hot himself while hunting near oratois pronounced ihe case lo be ih .per- the parol -d and surmidei ed prison the llermitap, Tenne!ee, in. Monriuy a'e. J ' u t when war again hioke on', and eis! A. .'. Irctmin's .hiurnnl. IVil- Ulul ,b..,l rt Siuiol ,u f..l ,.,, ,n .. nC ll,. . ...... I .1..1.I ...... It :.. I .. v ... , .. .. -. ,x . x., 'ii-.' . iioion mi:, oi niv iiiniuiiiu in in ttiio i,i uuiy eillllCU III ,, fc I , X- . 111 I . , . i ' 1 i i . lockjaw, lie wnsa sonofMrs. ,laek..r,.,,s to one hundred and forty linlions, me . T Pretended RobbSry of .lichmoud, f-OUIity atloiin Hunk of (loarhoM, " iu b log bmiso erected thereon, and about I v ii. :.i ..... r.i .i i i... . NonV. ..v.. t X-..! i ti .... . - ..... i eight uercs cleared, ei.'d and taken in exoeu - .'..,i.i,,'..iiiii.'i luiiiouMin, nun a ei'iiMii in iiiniir mm oumncn ouiii pronounceu . . ..-. 1 1IM, . illieillill Jlillllv ()l e leilllieiil. .r.it. I. ... ... . . .. .. . f...lnnli...l. ..i . ll . ' i I'onamson. lie tools ins aiiep'ed Hint luiul Uuy had certainly miived. Da- l,IJI"ral im,iuine reo -i nrmv, who patent's nans, and inherited, at h is nd II ume laid that, all hough, by taxing wai captured by one of our scouting p.ir- deaUi, the llcrrnilae, nnd a large cotton its energies to tho utmost, ihe country i"1" endeavoring to escape Irum .1 . .. . : : .. f : - ? . , . . .. ... i . ' . . . . . . 3 ..:.......... 1 t . i. . .... , piiimauoii iii 4. i.sMssipp., nniii ol wiiicl., niiciil possibly live trirou"h it. I he exner- "1'""i""1" n uiu nisi uaius irom . i . .. . e i i , i. . . . j . ninrvt'i, pussen m. oi ins nniiiis, no imeiH iiiusi novcr bo re was fifty-six year of ago, nnd leave a a .mall increase might be wi:e, uaiignier and two foi.h. llio Nona villi, said the nation inuvt cast their lot willi tlio rebels, both enter- unie.s foiuo portion of tho i .... i. e ... i . i ..... . , ... i ... . i in i in-in ui . .-uiuuei, inn younsjer, was oy me vmeiiean enionies, uiui the nl-. r " " ' 1 "J."'". """ in.ere.ici, una win ne prcsomea lo tlio next enn.e 1 1 1 jiercues to a r tinn and tj b.1 .-old as the properly of David 1 . First .National Hank of ('urwciisvill.v May 17,'CI-lOw. . . i... . i ......... i ..: .i... t. i i i riiniri'.irs iiiii'i'.,,i ai,rt..,i,. in nivs it.....m,in,. ui n ,.r t i. pouted even J BS,ei " muv ue was iu r - ...viu..j - ... .. ouun o, ueou fibil ' (ir.i- chnrgeof all the specia which Was rercov-1 IV RU-en that the following neen.ii.ts hnve hoi-n Slurry uu -base. Ihoneo eatt by same 141 per. a. i... inn.,- c ... . . . i examined anil unused bv mo. nnd remain died of cues to corner on line of Win. Shirev'n niiri-hn. sink under it ,ro" ,"u"no " i limi wnon Ilia Inun W(.orJ in ,,, otlice for tho in. peetion of heir.s, tb. nccc snuib by the sa.no HiO perches to white load was borne "'one down, and he found it impossible , Us.itees, creditor., nd all others iu any wny onk corrrr, tbeneo ivc.t by I.auo (-ri.ham's pur- tft .ml ll fill I iu lin . nr., -!!' ...... ..;. . - 1 . . . . I .. . .. ii.-t. Ihenco north lUn'tier. i " .. r. .... i r . . ..:..... a.!., ii . . lerlo these fanlP, without any view i0l '?J "''V"'''' cre n tbo ""rronder or land given over, but again sho was more l"? exclel,1, t ti'"u U, soldiers nnI; IuilliMror, of jUn Kin,t. lato of Uurn.ido in. 1 Sbir.v. 1 4 ' pr-:ecnt proceed inc. W bnl.l M.,.i n. I !'.ort MrrPn. Mobile harbor, to the prosperous than evor before. Iljt when "U.ens appropriated ftu there was. Ho , deaifiold u . rty, dercnied. I V VimrK of s writ of T.n-a, -! Iinn. istued ,.,., ,. . , .. L ulled Slate lorces. nt which tuno lio at tho close of her Nanolennin in averts inai no Knows ol no oilier amounts 2. The final account nt Joseph II. tin tt . 0,selcct,"g Jurors Tor was taken prisoner, and is now in our lSlt., this debt had been swelled up to the of M,eci "ol llie pockets of its owners , minietrator of Paniol Will, late of ' "l-ics courts is radically uands. enormous sum of over ei .. wrong-open to tho mo. t cruel ubuso und ought lo be clumped, Favixo iuk riirn.-A Mr. JSturlcvant had been doing business at New Orleans. At the breaking out of the rebellion ho came to Roslon, and was there arrested for dibloyally.-Ao., the charges beinc pre-lf,,J , r ru..-.i --ir. nt.- '.-..A, b ' " ihenrdoflV Jones, ad- M.M out of the court of Common Pleas of Clenr- Morris twp., , field ciunly, and to me directed, there will bo ht hundred mill ero l"KPU luolimotid, nnd that -ienrno.,i eo.i.uy-.uccease.l. i vapo. cu iu i u.iiic ftalo lit the Court House in tho inn. ,i.n,n n.r... il.r. i .i i this lot wa. ull stolen. He stale further. ' inenccounioi joi.n .McVeilken. gunnlian , oi i icarncm, on .Monda., the l.tli tii Ilv,...vT,'r.,. r. ,...! ..r .!...: .;..b' . . " .,u., "l.u"u"" that thn nmoiinf hm linon vu.iK ., ! ef Henry II. ilurd, jr., snd Wilmm A. Ilurd, mi ' "' Juno next, tho foilowiu.' de.eribed Ileal i in iniwii . uu.itim, iir i.euri v nun . - -- ---- - v . . . v eo-.i,i i i ... ,, , ... . . ,, ' in'.n.T .ok. . . 1 . ,. . . . ' ., nor cniiicen oi enronne jiurii, ueoea.eu. 5-.i,0Ud has been ottered by the United half tho enliro properly of Ifco United l 'n'llei1- " confirms llio slaleinent here-; j. The account of V,n. 1-caih. gunrdiau of He . Slates liovernment, publishes a letter, da- Kingdom, the stoutest heart, the firmest lnloro flla'10 ''enera. (Srnn t. that il n-' becen S. K linger, late Kebecca S. Iiniioo, dee'd. iru ni nioniroai, 4111 u.si saying, that believer in national progress and national , U J 10 nl,oul y-i'w.Pi"). t olo-; 6. ihe finnl account of U. w. .Mci.utiy, eiecu whoever assorts that ha had nnylhing to development, might well lmvo been an- ne' (-''nl'1 was nn old te;;ular army cllicer "r of tho la. t will and testament of Joseph II. do with the assa'sin, or knowle.lgo or tho palled. Hut in tho very faca of this l,rcvioU:1 ,0 11,8 ''renkini; out of the war. . c,,rrdco"'p,' . , , c . u , Plot toenpture Lincoln or Scwnrd, black- mountain of obliiration.-to say nntbin,. " a relative of one of our most ..,fi;,.f.h? "' """""'."L. ' l' oul with reriu.v. He never of her vast ..ooninl .,.... 1 ,,,f .distinguished naval officer, to whom ho '"ZZ. .....o .v."?T,"? t UMiium, i tj; ii in n ii - p v". i ft . iiivhi wriu ui f HUUU ferred by a Mr. Allen. The charges were ',? n'J10011! r nny of,1,a ol,,cr T' properly of the llritish nation has' been -unicatea the above statements not sustained, and Xfe Ki.ir.oo.nl ...C r0"" """nation, nu 1 he was more than trebled, and her debt is now a Tllf :;' ::.-.;.- ...... not sustained, and Mr. Sturtevant waslnotin MontS when To ch.of , Thousand or troops have anived nt -" .- e - it lllinirini1 Rnil fttntr.s ura .lnnA,l n I n eso ns .tint to eat r.ntatn has done in paying tier r0und ami iu- uf.i, nu inn uu, anu more. Willi CUTS r"...i' ...... . i ,i i , i , ..... ' .. . ' . v . Oraul army passed throueh Hichmond, i u .invH vuhl iirriiorii. 1111i1.1w.i1r... . . . ... . . J.-.-l 1 ..,... , ". u.sc.srtou, wuenne Buet lor damages ; """; or a copy of tbe evidence so ns that Co eat I'.rilatn has done Tin navine her IU HI- P-OVe It. lion. ... ....! 1 1 . , i . . . tiding at Montreal. The suit was concluded in the U. S. Su-1 T,. 'M'rov it. George Senders is preme Court Inst week, ret ulting iu a er Washington and camps are placed all a round it. On Mav 3d. tho nndvar.coor u unvo nisi, it.-iriiu.ies U 11 OUCllCtl PV i. r . w . : i. ... i - . .1 . ... i r:ri mull- ill, .. h.ii in iti.iii ni nuim w.'ia ill. ill ci.cl tor 32,500 damage. According to! JaTOne hundred nd twenty-Pi,d, v bi ' ia in Washingion L. Smith, late of Clearfield county, doceaied 1 7. Ihe nrcount of Daniel lioruiau, one of the ndu Inl.trntnrs of dnhu King, Into of llurn.ido townihip, Clearftold county, deceased. I. 1. llAK'SKIt, AVoiVrr. Itcsistcr'i OfTiee, May 17, IS:,. , 1 ' TIll'I ,M 11 ri.lt of tho e.talo of Joirph IV I'l.u... r 11 :.t. . 1.:.. ,.i the Judge's charge the heavy verdict was! "" re au liorued to commence oper- door,, a population full of lire cner i Ue htxili cotp, W1ii ,oni..n at i anv.iie ; fled C0UIlt -the penalty this excessively "loyal" Mr. I alK?" f"""." lhe m0Dth of. AP"L 1803, enter .rise and industry an 1 ( SVccumll' !v 7'n,y' "m a,1d 1f.n,y,,flh oorP are herebnotiB.d that Real E.tau to th. ..unun. Allanb.li. . i- , . mostof which woro conversions of Suta led wea ll. r,r n nr, a" "' oll,cr 0,0 o of Three llund red Dnllars has been appraised Allen bad to pay tor upplying the term banks to National banks, with tho excep coutrfii . y- " d arcbiug towards Washington. end .et out to tbe widow, Catharine Flaw.Ln. un- "traitor" to his neighbor- tion ora few, whose organization com- ,u- T.V . n . r the Aot. of A.s.aMy giving to widow. $auo. W-record thi. -circumstance" merely !-eed prior lo .the 3d 'of March, T,,. ---l'1:', . ..." i amount r bank currency uu i ur n nil ,.;i.i . " i"- .v,,ur Ulu -....... v, , .. ,.,.,. ,,, ..., j .or nauoaai creau Asgoodm Unite! con duet tbetuselvei m a becoming maner. i Regi.tc.'. Cflie, Msy 17. CI k tlo. c. to show some certain individuals community how much they owe forbewweo of Damocrals. . in. 'i preludes moi i.-.ic i-l i-y ii.n. i huh :.r lii. luonie!! l elnio ii.imed 111 Jaid ti. Pa. by in.it lLe dated olli o.-lolier, lsir.t, r.eordei'. nt I. !.; Iielj. Ac. Seized ai.'l lbeii ill e . eutioii, ;iu l :i be .old :i- tbo piopeiiy of Win. l.uil.i. li.ro,. -J. Also A ceilaiu tia-t j'i iund 'ilu.ito in Per.'u .-n t.'r,uiii. 1'le.u lield oounlv, l'.i , bniiS'lcl ui. i"iutb by bin 1. of i, !J, il nnd V-i'ni. Wi.Hi, ui-nM e.-t by .ou i-- AI. l.'r.ml., n mid lie. r,-u Willimr,.., iioilb by 11. .shii bin) .lobn Henry, in ail nh u: l.l'J ai'ies, will, jl) aces cluarej. iiikI a fi,u. dwulliii- biiuse eroetod lliefui.. Seise I and I.. ben ill i .edition and lo bj . .'11 ii.- ihe properly of Ja.ucs 1'erRii.on A A eeilaii. trje! of l.ui I ,.! i il. i , on )-liip, IJeartiold emmtv. Pa., bounded by . Isn.ls ol Abraham l:b..ui, .Mo.-,,. Nurri, ami ml,'. , crs, eonlaiiiinir ton acios nun. r le.... with n i. . I f l..r.v fiaino b..u..i Und fraae stable enete l two . 1 1 , ....... v'..:. .i ... i . . ... me.it that ueeei. Is then, ll.ev i-u to bn ' . ' i l'"en exeeuti a auJ t. Lo M.iepi. iiiriu, iniy.iH 10 ie mni ... ,,. ,.. .., . m .i,. .i,.,,..:.. .old as ihe t.roi.,.riv ,.r r..i. r nand a premium, a, ha, uniformly b,en U, ,1.. on clo.irg the subscriptions t other hoans. It 1 liiI.oi, eontaininj; ubout 1;!2 acre", ;..," , ' ; "''out HO acres clei.r.d, and having thereon eroU- 0 l"'l'i' l" ' -...,..-. .i, ed a l.ou.-e and i.iirn. .SeijcJ und Piken in evi 'iryuiii lie ;nti ul ,r. .'. . ,71 7 ., ir,.h J ''' 00 ijJ a 'u,) . '"I"-Tly of t"i ir'.ei I'laco. Al so Ta-o oorl.it n l,,t . f -rund . ilu.ite i.i Usejula, D.o.itnr township, Clearfield co., IV. I I Itlll in if I aJ it. ... . i.. . . . . i . . , fon of ,he country ,u.,y bo udorded facilities f.r along tac,",'" l" aU. . taki3 tho loan, tho National Ibinki, Sialo Hank k""wn ,uc I1"' ,,f said villag as lot. No.. I -'. upon which thero is creeled u two-story nnd rnv.lo HankorJ throu'hniit the cmialiy Ira.uc bnu-, unlininhod, und a Inrire fr ima f tab'. bare ccue.ally asreo.1 to receive bcrii,iiu ,s H,lu .o.thu.lding... Seiiod n 1 taken iu exeeunnn nn4 to be sold us tbo property of U. at par. fubscribcri will snleet thoir owu nent. H.Kcphsit, in whim liny Lav. c. fide Dee. and wtiu.aly.r. V.lJZ boiinil,.,, I0 uin,u ll( 0t0 Alebi'nion, Jno I'utehia nn. I McCoy in.J uiht-r., with one saw mill, threo ilnellins bous-s and Uirn thereon erected, and ll! ' 2a aero? cleared, and containing .1)1) ucro.s more or bs. Also Two bundled acres mots or los, warranted in iiauio of Calob Way, boundei by binds of Iscbnever. John i'ulcl.in, Eb.nezer MtMaiter, and others. Ai.so One hundred .teres more nr lers bi.nnded by lands of llavi 1 -ilclulhiii-h, John l'.itehin, Wu.. Keiiu snd otb. J . ... Ill M r.. i . .i . . . . -H..-0--...I oi iieieminiii .. intere.l n a certaia tract or piece ol laud .un ite, in Bradford town ship. Clearfield county, Pennf vlvania, bounded as nn eliicer in the rebel lerviee, and wa. tempt lo nnjiose this load produced tho fPt'l,,t! 0Ljr lorces npproacli ing, lie ouloied i Orphans totirt of Clearfield county, tn bo held to place it beginning, contaii.liij- 141 acre, and lie tormina- burden. Airnin. .avs Macaulav. .m F.n.. soldiers broko open the kens, ardnmid. killed bevond Chattanooga- The c'.dest war of revolution, und, instead ol diminish- lt8oto lire, and that all hisell'urls to ! l 11,0 ('l),lrt 11 '' ,no b1.ro.115h of Clearfield, . S petcbes, and Lciiijs .ume premises which John brother. Andrew Jackson, is a Iirigadier W. added another Lundred milions to he "ve the specie woro unavailing ; thai the, '""""'m'ing on the Third Monday of Juno, Sbirey purchased ol Wui. Paasom by deed dated fieneral io lb r..l...l..m,v. II m...,!..... l,,,b.n lnl ... M ..... lv . soldiers broko oi.en the ke-s. ai-,1 nmid' 1S,'iV"r cnfir.i.tttlon nnd allowance. 24i h .September, IS.-,.. Seucd and taken in exo- l'tntc. to nit : A cei liii.i tract of laud lituato in Ruih toirn fliip, Cc.iiro county, and Morris township, Clear field county, bounded and described as follows : beginning at a tdno corner of tli 0 John llu'.n and Frances Johnston tructs, thence by tbe S'.s ldien Kingston tiact south 2oS perciei to stun corner on the south sido tif Big Moshannon erect and .long (aid Kingston tract ea.t 16S porches lo a line ol lbo said Johnston tract and along lbs division liuc if tho mid Johnston and Kings-":! tiacls west to the pino corner .foresaid, coniain iiitf 2. i seres, fceiicd and taken la elocution and to be sold is the property of Aaron I-rg nnd .Martha K. Snyder, administrators of Thom as U. Snyder, deiooitd. ACOB A. TAL'ST, May 10.to. AVier.. VnXIMSTlt ATOIt'Ji NOTICF-. Kotice is hereby given that Letters of AdminUtri lieu on tho estate of lieorge Kcpbart, lata of l)c catur township, deceased, have been granted to tho undesigned. All person indebted to Said f' tuto are requested to make immediate payment, and all persons having claims against tho iau will present them duly auihenticated for settle ment. PIMON KEAIIAHT, (RICH. 11 L'UH E3. M.y t" Ct fd. Admiu;ttat.:i,