Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, May 11, 1865, Image 1

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    1 rtft3 )f ifx
flf If
D. W. MOORE, Editor and Proprietor.
Qrijinal otfriT.
Furewoll, father, I havo suffered
Oli, yoa know I've suffered long
Mjr temples throb my Lead it ashing
And must I suffer, suffer on t
I urn weary ; Oh, how weary I
And I long to soe the blot,
l or this wurld Is cold and dreary
Compared with this bright laud of rent.
Farewell, fattier, 1 am d; ing ;
Von't you see (ho Angel's burnt t
flon't ycu see them toiuing, llljing,
To irufl uie to that better liin.l
Tell uie, father, will you iui.s me,
M'hen your children uicut at eve ?
Tdl uie, will you try to moot mo,
Matin this sinful world you loavo ?
Farewell, sister, you will miss mo
When tho lovo'y roses bloom ;
Will you scatter, in remembrance,
Fluwirs on uiy lonely tomb ;
Vou will miss mo mod, dear Mary,
In tho lovely month of May,
M'hen next you Rather early lloworj
lViive in data's H aims I'll lay.
farewell, M?ttr, you m ill xiijs mo,
t bin you outer tho front room,
W'hero I suilero , wbero death found me,
Where I was shrouded lor the tomb ;
J'mircU Mary, will you moot in
In that brigln aud buly laud ;
iJi'n't y.ui mo Jesus Inviting
You with 11 ceding, outJtrctcuuJ Land ?
Farewell, brother, you will miss mo
When you ine'. at school aniu ;
M'hen you see my iu;.t is vacant,
Will jour heart bj li;led with :iin ?
When you remember me, dear biolhor,
Think I'm nith the happy bloat;
Try, dour brother, whvu iK-mli calls you,
Xo meet uie in that laud of rest.
I am coming, mother, coming
F.r a lung and fond embrace j
W here the blesxcd sing forever
11 e u see cacti utticr face, to face
biiefytars have passed einuo Ut wo parted, !
!!.. ... .....i i ........... . 1 '
Hut now we'll meet to part uo more ;
Come, dear father, sUttrr, limber,
Meet mo on Unit happy shore.
Dower, Amu. 17th, liSCa.
9 ... . .. '
Tni Tlnctual Ma. Mr Higgins was
I very punctual man in all his Transact-;
ions through lifo. lie amassed a largo
fortune by untiring industry and pur.ctu-i
ahty, and at th advanced ago ol nicely i
r wa resting quietly on his bed, and .
calmly waiting to bo culled away. He1
hid dtlilri'r mnili. almiul o,o.-
rangpnictit for his decease anU ouu...
His pulso grew fainter, and the light of
lifoetemed just flickering in its buckets,
Rn one of his sons observed
"Father, you will ; probably livobuta
day or two ; is it not noil for you to name
jour bearers ?"
"To be sure, my son," said the dying
mD; "it is well th'ou?ht of, and 1 will do
il DOW."
He gave tho names of six, the usual
Dumber, and tank back exhausted upon
bit pillow.
A gleam of thought parsed over his
withered features like a ray of light, nnd
h rallied once more. "My son read the
litl. Is the name of Mr. Wiggins there ?''
"It is, father."
"Then strike It off?" said he, emphati
cally, "for he was never punctuul was
never anywhere in season, and he might
hinder the procession a whole hour !"
A Matubmaticai, Vvzzi.t. The follow
ing is decidedly tho neatest littlo mathe
matical puiilo that Las como lo our no
tice :
A man has sixty apples j ho sells thir' ;
tn r, ft 1 . ...i,: !. I...-
v. uiotii ttuw, .'-;cn is I'u ft Cent a
pi-co, or
two apples fi' ono cent. He
the ro.nainlnc Ihittv for ten cents.
"r.A:'n & third of a cent a piece, or three
apples for one cent. Thus woseo that
for five apple ho gets two cents; now
tow manny cents loos ho get for lixty
apples? Tho problem seems plain enough,
and the rule of three give the immedi
ate result of twonty-four. l'.ut on the
olher hnd, it he gets fifteen cents for
thirty of hi apples, and ton cents for
the remaining thirty, it seems pretty evi
dent he gets twenty-five cents for the six
ty MiDNicnT, Thoto is something as benu
"tiful a sublime in tho bush or midnight.
ILonirrlnl nuiet t eeners. Iiivin.T down '
- j ... . j-... . . , ,.-n -.
-v.u uinr mo wuiui-.., iiiwmiiuu iiixo
to joy or sorrow; helpless alike tho '
strongmanas Iheintant; aud over all .
the sleepless, which since tho woild
"began ha never lost sicht of one pillowed
inougnia .me mete come to us in
our wit9tui niglit boursi, Willi nn almost
.painful intensity. Then eternity only
r,0, un,, UIH4 every tiny'8; lite a fable
V IT i thU8' l" U,estirnd ,1U'"!
of lifo chaso those thonahi .. ..7i L
nn driA nn tlm ri j .....,
sun lines up uie acw Urni.i l.i.l. l,
n .iiv
our thouehts rerrormi .1
niVon ere th'ev departed lr revl,r'n
! . i
eiyTho oil wells in liurmnh, it ;s esli
ninlnrl 1ibu been virldini. Ibuir .
atleasta bundled years, a
per annum
o - ,
mounting during that period to about
eiuhtv million barrel- Knclihh measure
these, if arranged as previously taled,
would form a continuous lino of oil lar -
rels twenty-seven thousand three hun
dred miles long. Oil wells also exist in
Persia, aud it is said have lately been dis
covered near the sea or Azof while on
the Island Samoa they exibted fivo hun
dred years before the Christian era.
&3TAsan instance of good fortune that
oruetimea attends speculation, ihe Cin
cinnati VomrMreial is told of a man who
or tv,rcc y"r" s3;o ws a pTnppr
cvrior in tbt.f c'.tf, ard is r.o'f outrjsti-t
pbo worth orcr i'ro ctdlcr.?. IV'r:hi'.r,
"u,,i Ihe hi-. 'ii:,;.
- lU LUH IJilVai ir.n I"
ITho following letter is important cbieflv La.
eauso its author is a M ,,.i,.i,.,...,..i ......
feet eatiuHtv " AK..t; t:. i. .
great iutollect.of largo and lomr ei.,ri,n,n ..! '
. ....v.u.umri. iJm no IK U 111 U II OI
i,uruio a eystcut of cnpitul tiunir!!.,.,.n
mo leaaers of the Kobelliou that
peace, which !
is now at th9 threshold, may bo far lu the fu-
iuro, i,d. lier.J
1'eteruoro, April 21)( 1SC5
IWsUent Joii.n'5o. :
Honored and Dear Sir: Only ten ,lnv
"go mid tho country frit suro of an immo
Uiiita pcaco. Tho only nri.rehfiision yM
Us tortus would bo
ciMior thau it
was ptudent to grant.
To-day, thero is n
-"g miu iviue-spreaa fear that I
afar oil'.
XM ... . - -
hcaen w
"ence tins great change? It1
coiuw hout the nsawinaHon of Abraham !
Lincoln; and from you taking his rhtce.
Jst, F,
or, w.
inccii-ant demand
for a Lloo
a ami r l-oious no hw townr.l
tho con.merod rebel, met i h n I
ionse in tho remsrknl.u t-i..j.. il
compassion of Mr. Liucoln, it isarprehen
ded that there may be qualities' in your
elt to which fucIi a policy, unless con-
p.,........ .v jjujiHMui, wouut te en
tirely welcome. Then, by your contact
I with the r billion by jour personal ob
servation of its crime.", and e.pceilly by
, what you and your family and Iriend had
aulloicd from thoso crimes your temper,
I unless marvolously controlled, could not
l have failed lo be excited, nnd to cull Cm-
I tho ioveret puni.-hmeut on tho leaders of r
ii.,, ...t. i '
I 2d. While Mr. Lincoln was yet alire,
' (loveitinient wai incessantly called on bv
...... .o- . ..1 K ... . 3
P"-"" 1'uini; uiofiinL's, ty sortnons
saturated with the vindictive and blood-
..:..... r . . . i . . .
iiinaij Bjiiiit oi inn jo.np1 llieol.Yy, nnd
by voice innumerable, not to spare iheso
leading rebel. No wonder then, tbM the
nnnner of bin death is made use of to in
crease their thirst for blcod. For, absurd I
u is wio cuargf, mat ma nain was
their tool, it nevertheless gains extended
credenco. Thoy all knew Mr. Lincoln's
characteristic clemency, and that the
terms of peace bo win intent on were i x
ciedingly mild. I fence, how insanfi is tlio
supposition that any of them bought his
'"na.P "'orno.t iatri.y. It U Ie directly. Xei 1 v , w h . U
.UUpcUiiiaiu. appeal to l'rosident John-! coino to Wliovo it unVi . ft , .11 . r . "aV0
sro. may not be i vain. Shou.d it bo-sbou.d U.. North. ' U' ri ' 1, t ZaE I " h S"?'
our Uovornmont adopt a revengeful policy. ,nd 1 peonlo lu.vo now nut their final ! 'LAh"' . U
iu an
. mil. wiiv sttnnld tin mvcrnmpnl rpfn.n'7 .
to adopt, or, even lor ono uummt, (oVI!?-1 kr;x:P
en to, thii rigorous and bloody policy 1
...1 1. ... .
Wltyehould not Kovcrnment deal ivitltl
the conquered in this war, as il would deal I
Hilh the completed, were it successful in I
a war with Mexico? Tho answer is be-1
caube it is a civil war. l'.ut is it not such
a civil war us the ublest publicist bold
fchould be cot. ducted by the rules of inter-1
national war. iaysVattel:
" But when a tati'.n boooitifls divide 1 into t,vo ,
pirticr absolutely independent, and no lmigrtr ac
knowledging a eominua superior, tho state is
dissolved, and tho war between the tuo parties'
stands on tho sauio ground, in every ro-pect, us '
a public war between two different natiuus.
a ThflV Hpiiln l.u . . .
diflercnt nations would d... The- oblivion to
t ur.?Jh?!"T,'?n,!:'""!f T'!V.'a I
r J..T " .1 . ......... V n-"f"nR
ll O'uu M.iu.r, una mv ium til Q Ijw f
nature impure oa all natiun? ia trajfaetions
tweca state ana state.
How emphaHc.dl'
Tba Sc jihern half of our tuition.
. mis tu'oiu's in our
conta:nire rnanv millions of people, broke
fc.vay jroru tuo Northern hall, and boeaino
n manifestly a nation cj udont was the
Northern half. Wo could not proceed
agaiubt tbi) many tuillions as against
traitors and pirates, nnd try them by mu
nicipal law. Theeve went iinmoasurnblv
beyoml Uie scope ol llio Constitution, and
took its place under tho provisions of in-
ternaticnal law., lielligerent rights wero
accorded to our enemy by our o.vnas well
ns by other nations. There were truces,
that tho dead might bo bu . ied and !)r
other purposes. Captives were not killed,
I but held as prisoners of war. There wera
' negotiations for peace ; and that ono occa
!fion the TresideMt and Secrclary of tato
were our negotiators, nnd went lo meet
theirs, showed, not only our respect for
the enemy, but how entirely we recognized
tho Law of war in our contest with him.
jsotti parties ero viu:iy interested m
...i i.i i ,i.:i ... I
Pll , i, w n, v .ill. I ,T , ill! ' J ill
not letting it sinK into an lutornecine ntnt 1
piratical one. Both parlies wore equally I
concerned to fave life, town and property"; 1
and to have the war of so civilized n type,1
. i.,.. .i
becoming soldiers and sailors. God for
becoming soldiers and sailors,
bid thai now, when the ti le of war sets
1 strongly in our favor, wo 6hould bo guilty
t i( tl.ini.liri. lliA (',itc.titiltir.n i. -.!-. flm
J-laoo of the code of war, and of holding
' . U,UVU,V V !k li ' . "
Hiiu ii yii'i. u inu.oii. m'wu niium u
m nimg u nuin.. v... ""' "".uccome mm io uo is lo guarn inmseu
i .1 1 11.. :e 1.. ,,..1 1 ,., .... e
inouo iu ie icon n muur.;.,,; ana itiem lor tne tuture ; nnd tins no can
rcrd tul ns enemies; an.l whom, byjmost elleetually do by clearing his bouse,
nil the conclusive leasens of the case aside Rt,d forever keep. ng it clear, ofintoxica-
fl0nl ucl agreement, we are bound to re- ting liquors. So. loo, tho duty of the
' gard in that light only. e must not bo .North is not lo puni-di the South, but
cuutyol this bad laitn. o
must not
1 lit-eak thia sulemn Imrgain. Tho South
I,.'1"10 ,ul ' V n
I v.eI",,0.U8 for il! Anvl w"u'd not t",
!i , " ,eltr' " , J101 M"''iinS 113 Ior
' 'i ,V fe',,rfu divided in regard to
It l ureatly should nn nil lnvn nnr eoun-
t ... n..i ll...... :.. .1 - , 1 ,1
"J :,D mini! we.HU.ojiu an
lovo moro
o moro ; ami that n rairdualing. "Our
jntry right . -not "our country right
wrong! should be oar motto.
uiniuiiyi i.jui. uo oui motto.
But there was another and no 1. con-
elusive argument for conducting the con -
test with our enemy on the most liberal
and hnmanA r rincinUu. It was that it ia
reasonable.and charitable to conclude, not
onlv that there must in order to rn'e
fuch vh.U numVoro, 1 ') the.r f:i'i-.-re be. I
io iho.r cr u, but thi't c
'X liiy v;.; a:: I i tiloil t i , c r 3 p
.Li,", il ,V
: l. uio : i J
., ...
lAnl I lai. I - 1 , .
...v.. wuw, uuwovcr IHCKinir n
ing m
i IIIU3L I! IVH .1 H, m (Y Of. ... ......
soundness. And such it. in tZX .V
i 1 ho constilutionnl ii,.l.t. r ,.. :
.. . .i. . - . --
I 7' "
ii-eir cause, lias mm 1 1. a I
T:?lX V Utvod in. Kven
t," 'J ? ..u,,?n U'?.' cf " .occion."
....... . .. v ..-.v.-
, , .... ?l only on tho luU -
tlu-liold but at the ballot-box a a . j
iMcCleilan'a nouunation was luTa d;
.131111 nil 11 JI1K ISOll iivnru.l it ......
I io got votes. Mr. 1 otidU'ton an m, r,., i ik . . i e m 1,10 con
and unouahli,! ad-ocato of'S doCn'n" t "i ' . ' .'IV . 'ho
represented tho Democratic i.artv nn.l
yoiir vast
lll.i oritv over lum .,...,
with our military victories to prove that
nirtvncau people iiavo no longer
,-my palier.ce wiih the doi.-trino. Kv..n
iho who have clung to it tho mo,t tena-
CiCusly. nr)d tlioo who Mill ce htmug at--
r" l"U!" tMU u ' itieni
lion will mark with her elroiiL' Misfxvnr
n I'm v rvn a . I. rt ... : i . . . . .
doctrine t hicli ha coat ber so u.uch tliehs, not to let the extended con-
victioti at the North as ive'.l as nt the South
t' ' I H' M I u u n t I S I . A 1 ll . f .1
"." v' ",(-l,uul oi uie
" V. .Vlu..,s:,t0 '." .6.omo doSreo
" l" .maa ciingin of the S
51 u-
tuern i eopio to it, :s to boiray a great and
guilty iiisr tnibility to the claims of reason,
cacdor and charily, lie is not a right
hearted man who can read without sor
row frr (Jem nil Lee, and without some
tneasin'o of excuse for him, tho recounts
of his hesitating between tho claims of
his country nnd his Virginia, to his para
mount allegiance. Chargo tho general
wiili kuiIi lor choosing Calhoun instead of
Webster for bis uxpounder of the Consti
tution. l,ut ll'luilt It lo lie iiinr.. In; mil.
ortune than his guilt that, in respect lo
Mate ioveieignty, he grew tip under the
teachings of .Jell'etson and Madison instead
or ihoseof W'aiirtton and Hamilton and
Jay. Candor will allow the like plea even
for Jell'crson Davis. Let him who " is
without sin "this sin ol taking as a po
political authority not Calhoun merely,
but even JcUVmsoii or Madison -"let him
lirst cast a stone at" JcHersou Davis. The
simple truth is that our nation had not
learned tat (io 1 did not create ouo raco
of his children to bo trampled upn by
another; nor that she is but a single na
tion instead of a dozen of nations. These
lessons rim now loarned. Tho war has
lau-ht them; nnd tho cost or learning
them has bfen too great lb at sli3 should
ever fornet them. Krom the. !, W of
.V torn rl mi Pf t n o ' Sdllt n nor fi
-otlli lia'l ueon willing to learn tlieni, so
neither can pul the entire blame of tho
war upon tho other. Ilenco neither is to
punish the other ; but both are lo forgive
each other. God fays to the North as
well a to tho South, "Uo, and aiu no
I railed "seces.ion" the rn imp ofthe
rebels. IVi haps, it wiil be raid, that not
"seces-'ioii'' but bla very was it- Neverthe
less ifoluvery wai the ultiiiiale cause it
to perpetuate) that nboininalion an 1 ex
tend its border was the en. I they in
ipw, ftill it cm not bo ib'niod that "se-
cession ' was their proximate cause.
But it will be raid, that tho South doe?.
not abide by the rules of international
war; and that, therefore, the North is re
leased Irom tliem. Sorry am 1 to have
lo own that sho does not. Sho stnt ves and
::iurder prisoners of war than which
there is no moro abhorrent crime. Jtut
what is tlio st.irit which prompts her to
it? It is tho pro-slavery npirit. Tho same
spirit, w hich ignores tho rights of black
men, alio vs the rights of no man to stand
in her wuv. And is the south alone res
ponsible for this spirit? The Noith is
scarcely less so. Until the rebellion, tho
commerce, politie-i. rrligi-iu
jnUenees in the North were
an 1 social
mainiy in
the servico or slavery ; nnd did much to
giro strength and ratnpancy to its
nal spirit, oitiing hko nan tne poopie
of tho North thought a man disqualified
by his idaveholding to preach the flo.pel
of Jesus Christ; and scarcely ono in
hundred or them would have refined lo
vote for a slaveholder for President.
Surely, in tho light of their common res -
ponsiniiuy lor wnvery, ami. lor i.'ie ppini
it generates, the North ns well ns tin'
...... .. I . ... I - .1 I .1 1.11:
.-53UUI is io uo cuiiige'i wiiu uie ienei.i.n,
1 !.!. .It!.-... "I I...!.. i I . . 1 '. ...
nun, nun tin us norri'i mil's, inciii'ti..
I MVf.n
the s'.nrving and murdering of pr'n-
oners. 1 no wiioioistbo work or ti ii ;
and it is the foulet hypocrisy, as well as
tho deepest ini.istiee. Tor the North to
punish tho South Tor any pari oT it. If
a drunken father has brought up his sons
to bo drunkards, nnd iT. in one of their
I family- cnrousals, thev fall upon him. lie
j should not, if he shall afterward get them
, in his power, punish them either Tor their
'drunkenness or for bent in i him. All it
fnl",n" or lor beating mm All it
iiprom.'A nini in iin is in uitani it imsini
simnlv to nrovido for the future safolv of
both North and South. I scarcely need
gnv. mat too main ining to inw tnu is 10
rid the land of slavery . and lo restore I o
! iu victim tho civil nod political l ights p
wbieh it has robbed tbem. To this 1 would
a. 1. 1 n,
1 . . '. . 1 . r
, miont not una but tlio breakum ut 01 1
tUo largo landed estate or tho Sjutb for
1 the benefit or the needv, and the perpct-
Ual withdrawal of political power from
iial w i Ihdi awal of political power
the disloyal leaders, and the temporaiy
' withdrawal of it from tho disloyal masses,
' 1 admit that the probation in the one ease
irnnM l.a II ,1,1.. 1 1 In obniti ncd. and the
absolute denial in tho other to be repoal
"I. Nverthele ir nWV
j ' n.ia.
I ih". pla-.i -','!'
L..VC it tnk.i
ii. i
(. tafj to
not MEN.;
Not to hold the dislov.1 i
, . J
' , "!7to.!'e TJnlifiel for
-II .. I . '"''. "uu moil '111
... -,''', . .e ."I'lot-box urwnrd. in
;..;.ii ,..n . -, "is ' "", n bu-
uuiiiiiiiftinriiui n.,.. ..
Ll.k map h0 musUot wit' r ic Lo Z
itiiuui luny I wnna iva u.;,l..l r ..
l.i.nnlr i .
' " UJi tt"U
be ohjeeied that tho '.pi ' bUrl C0,I)e5 of J- Wilkes liolh
J ..,ll.l.lllU1llifl tjrtrn, tor,. rt .. r.. IC . t 1
I loud, .hoalU to the I ,. . ' . . i
oi war, wliu-h. I
crn our contest with V. ' "V: 1 '
I . !V"11'1. ,lie lo. ..ot
contest with
. conunue to tor-
! il'?
1" ' iULvin;e nil i
.. v-.," ...7 r " "V 110 "y"
'' uttel, "do himself
j'.si il-i; lesjiect-
inn run nMAii .i.:i. i
l lae to
- Jlemav even, if pru
dence so require, render Lor (the con
quered nation incapable of doing mis
chief with thosamo ease in future " Cer
tainly this is broad enough to cover our
chum to break up the slavery of tho South
and the great estate, it Las ctentud, and
v T.T.r fttrher b,H';ol-1,ox" her safe
ty and the sefety of the whole nation.
I referred, at the beginning ofmvlot-
! l 10 rPrcLens""' ilHt peace, which,
only n few (lays ago, feemed so very near
w now quite remote. I cannot doubt
that it is. if tho severe policy toward the
conquered rebels, which so many are call
ing or. shall be adopted. ' tl'nl event,
ha.dly in my day, or even in Vours. will
peace return to vou r nll! rtn,i ,...'.
1 or once let ,t bo known that the leadinc
ebelswho ihall.fall into our hands, will
t.e donmed to il death
tmrr.-onment or exile-and ininiodinielv!
among their followers sympathy with
hem and rage against u, will know no
bounds, len of thousand will burn
wuh vengeance, and will care for nothing
bu to gratify ,t. This will be true, as
m l of perso.,9 under parole ns of others
In that ttate of things a guerrilla warfare
would ensue, which, if not pacified by
concession,, nnd such concessions too m
wou.d fatally mvade national ami human
nSn.s, luigut run Uirough
hnrnsiiing and wasting our
many years,
armies, and
mining JenrfuIIy, if not
fatally, to our al
roauy vast debt. U
tn lllllt. t n,.ul
most not bo forgot-
nation many yfars.
many lives, and thirtv nr foriu n,;n:B.
nntion many
of dollars to put an end to the guorril'a
war carried on in Florida by a handful of
Indians nud negroes. Nor must it be for
gotten that the hundred thousand Domi
nicans are just now enjoying a complete
md hnal triumph over tho many millions
of Spain. Itome, like ourselves, was a
iC TrtrrTtrSn' nTa.,y"yu, Knu iT v io 7. .f(r
to achieve an entire conqueu of tho few
Cantabrians. The lesson of such cases is
that a people, however great, should be
ware or driving to desperation a people
however small. It may be hoped that
tho negroes or the South would stand in
the wny of this apprehended guerrilla war
fare. A part might. Hut the remainder
identifying it with justice nnd mercy,
might hasten to identify themselves with
it. Moreover, if our Government shall be
guilty of what scorns to be bad faith or
cruelty toward tho conquered rebels,
would there bp a disaffection at the North
bir inorealnrmiag than that hitherto man
ifested? In a word, would not tha Gov
ernment thereby ruakoan enemy or tho
South and an enemy ofthe North also?
T havo danced at the painful conse
quences of a harsh and unfair treatment
of our conquered enemy. P.ut hotv bless-
A.l i.nnl 1 I... .. .
ci n....... no inn consequences ol a wise
ana kind licatmont of that enemy I Then
the South would bu nt peace with the
North ; would soon learn to liko her ; nnd
would soon welcome the lens of thousands
ol families that would immediately begin
to emigrate from the North to the South.
Then the North and tho South (slavery
having passed away) would rapidly be
come one in interest, and one also in
character. M.ire.-ivnr lb n-l.nln ml.l
be blost by the termination of this most
horrid war in a peace so full of reason.
' pistico nm hvc Christianity wool 1 I
j honored and advanced by a "peacn made
go strikingly in her own spirit. In that
spirit wo cannot slied on" drop of blood
of our sub bind foe. If pressed of it
we shall forcive and forg.'t the wroni's
done t ti, XortJi. nnd shall foci that th"
South has suffered enou-di. and
that fihe
,l,.m-L tAl,.mil-,in,im,ri.i ,,n,tl
I . ' " ""''
no more alliicled. bv US
. . '
on your wisdom nnd mugnani-
found my warm hopes of pee
it'ituim wargivo plaoa to a bloodies,
kind, forgiving, and. therefore, inimedi-
nto p.'aeo. Put this is not all for which
i look to you. Now, while wo havo thi
tr.'vi ense ofono of the worst wars now,
while we can contrast its iiirlines with
the beautiful peace, which, unless we
thrust it from us, is jtut at l and hot is
thelimefor our nation to bo the fir-t of
all nat iona to propose an end of national'
i .. . e ... . r .
inuiins oi an i n i ?r nation a i i on - ! oi ner guesis, wueii lining iiib veil .uscov
gres, whoso decision upon the disacreo- j ered tlio "sell." Tile next day tho dis-
men I nnd controversies bnlween nations confided husband submitted to the
chall bo final. Youri bp tlie glory to fa- penally and wheeled a barrel of fbur
vor a measure frnncht with more honor
In Oml nn.l lnr.,A liminlnnaa I it t.1 1 n tt.t.1
nn n .i.. ..r..i v.,.,ra
l)e the glory of identifying vnur Alaini
ralion with the ctnso 0r international
, With great regard, vnnr frienrl.
j G Kit It IT SMITH.
C-J-Nevada, "tbebnby Stalo ' or tho
j,,,,, jn
wn, cpv
tiroduced last venr, fifteen mill
silver, That child or Uncle Sam's
as cet-laitily born with a silver spoon in
its moulh,
Ami?! say w e. Tho New itork Tribune
says justly: "Let not tuo vtctoty oi me
- republic bo stained by a single act of ven
pn-n-n-P, nr n "in"' - pa:c. , tni tlio i.iional "iis'.;i; i.uo L-3'
erie op cf b.oju ihe'. t . puuiu:. 1'.
correspondent of tho Now
i "i nine iroui asuitiL'ton. on
i w.i..i:...i n
day, u)f
Voutn'1nu 1 1, n C 1 .lt"-f . ...
-""'V l"D 't-n'iury 01 nr,VltUOUl
Hlhtructtona Of nnv kiml. rnrnmillr..! in
I fpl. Lafayctto C. linker, of tho secret ssr-
l lition more sccroiivnlv. "Wii
fcici bu .ilu i Qvnr in riiin.i tia
,1 :. ... ..... . ; --j
t "i" ."LT. TU
. .. .' . . J
ono man living besides myself- It isgonn.
"i not ten you wlieie. The onlv man
that knows is sworn to silence. Never
till the great trumperler conies shall the
grave of Looth bo discovered," And this
is true. Lnst night, tho 117th of April, a
binall row boat received tho carcass of the
murderer ; two men were in it ; they car
ried tho body oil' into the darkness. And
out of that darkness it will never return.
In tho darkness, like his greatciime, may
il remain forever, impalpable, invisible,
uondesoiipt, condemned to that worse
than damnation, annihilation. The riv
er bottom oczo about it laden with
bhot ami drowning mancles. The eurth.
may nave opened to irivo it that silence
and forgiveness which man will never ive
;.. ti. .. , . . .
in muiiiury. me usues may swim nround
it, ot the daisies grow white above it, but
wo Kiiall never know. Mysterious, incom
prehensible, unattainable, like the dim
limes through which we live and think
upon ns if we only ditnmed them in per
turbid fever, assassin of a naliou's Lead
resti somewhere in the elements, and
that is all ; but if the indignant eeas or
tho profaned turf shall ever Vomit this
corpse from their recesses, nnd it receives
humane or Christian burial from noiuo
who do not recognize it, let the last words
tho.-.e decaying lips ever uttered be carved
above them with u dagger tho history of
a young and once promising lifo useless
useless !
Chicago, April 11. To ihe Editor of the
L'liifijo Tunes: Much dissatisfaction" and
holy horror have been expressed in some
of the "loyal" newspaper sheets, and by u
certain Tennessee river preacher, because
in one of your editorials you denounced
both John lirown and J. Wilkes l'ooth as
individuals acting from the s.itno motives
in their diabolical design. Now if they
will refer to a speech made by Mr. Lin
coln nt Cooper institute, New York, fob.
27, l't'iO, they will learn that ho did .not
consider .lohn lirown a glorious martyr.
He said ' Orsini's attempt on Louis Na
irlrpri tti t,.j;,,i,n.JViv4.iV ttLunmr1 at
prerisffy the same ;" nnd yet these parlies
deify n man n hoiu our late President de
nounced as au assassin. 0.
The Firia of Richmond-Letter from
General Ewell.
Washington Chronicle, April 2'.),
The following is an extrac; of a letter
from the rebel Gonetal Lwjll explaining
tho partial burning, etc., ol liieimomr,
during its ewicuution by the rebel army.
It is addressed in a relative near this city,
and is dated at I'm t Warren, Apiil ISth :
1 am abused for burning Richmond. It
was burned by the mob. There were no
troops to keep outer. I had told the prin
ciple citizens, months before, what would
happen, ami urged them to form a con
stabulary force to keep order, liut they
would not only throo persons offering
.heir services, when thero wero hundred
doing nothing. The lire hoso was cut,
and l lie arsenal burned by tho nioli. 1
havo taken every precaution possible, and
the people must blame themselves. To
prevent misstatements as regards our cap
lure, I wo. ild stale we weio order
ed to follow Anderson; that after driving
back uu attack on our wnjon3 wo found
Anderson cut oil" from those of Lee's nr
niy in front, and tho Sixth corps came nf
tcr hip, attacking my troop. Anderson
failed, aft ar a trial, iu breaking through
iliose in li i Iront ; and tny men, entirely
surrounded, (ighiing over ton times their
number, were captured or Main.
Too Mi'iii For Him A Cincinnati
merchant and his wile fund of practical
jokes - rci'ently enteied into a wager by
which the one who should first be Pol l
y l he olher, was to submit to a penalty
imposed by th;i triumphant party. For
souinda) both wore equally vicilnnt.
and every attempt tit a joke failed. One
- 1 evening, as the couple were about lo t-
tend a party given by some (rionds, the
la ly complained of indisposition, and the
htib:ind went to procure a carriage.
I While he was gone, a negro woman of the
wi!o no and height was bundled up in
her cloak and furs, and when tho carriiiia
ouie took her place beside tho husband,
I with a thick veil drawn over hor l.ico'
! in reaching bis destination ho led bis
-opposed wife into tho house amid the
.. .. . . p. :.. . . . ... , .
i lirotigh Ilia several principal streets to niton .i.At
- I Tai.rvthi) Yourti.-A good anecdolo
, i 'oil oi a noiisepainier on, wno usect
l!ie brush dexterously, but hail nennired
tho habit or 'putting it on too thick."
jOim day his father, after having fre.piont-
I ly Fcmuou nun iui urn iaviu uauoing, au'i
t . ...i l.: r. i. . . . ' . .. i
all to no purpose, gave him a severe ll.ig-
- "moil
" I here, yon young ra?c:d,' said he, at-
ter per'orming the painful duly "
; you like that ?
j "Well, I tlon'tknoiv, dad," hmed lie
j,oy in reply, "but il seems to me that
Vounulitona thundonu ' signi tnicKor
- tl
J Fill I Uld I
.1 a oi..; ::"
$2 00 Per Annum, if paid in advance
A correjondont, writing from Itich
mond, three days after its occupation by
tho Union forcos, tolls tho following
story :
Around the corner of a quare opposite
the Capitol there suddooly burst, a't noon
yesterday, a Irilliant cavalcade of North
ern ofiicots and ladies. Tho dust from
their horses' boors surged to the sidewalks,
and into the faces or a groupol'the daugh
ters of llichmond who wero returning
from church. The eyes of Ihe fomalo rid
ers, nglow with excitement and pleasure,
were first lifted toward tho statue of
Washington, immediately In front, then
fell with a curious look, minded of irony
and wonder, upon the ladies "or tho side
walks. In tho gazo that returned tho
look flashed that keenness of the varied
lightnings of a woman's eye a quivering
fcorn. One of the equestrienne could not
have observed it. Iteining her horse up
to tho curb, with nn expression of girlish
ardor. nnd delight, she bent asunny face,
crowned with golden hair, above the as
tonished fjroup of southerners, and, sing
lingout oirebaughty Rgure from tho rest,
said eagerly
"I beg pardon, but is it not truo that
I rccgniio a friend. Can it be that this
ia really ?"
'You are mistaken," the Southerner
responded, with the same fixed gate- "I
have no frionds whero you abide."
Lifting ber dress at the curb, the wo
man pnssed on with just the slightest bov
that was not in the slightest degree re
turned' Yot, let us fairly judg-s them, fjr thero
is (ometning appealing in their sorrow.
Humiliated as they are, who in their
boauty and their loftiness of spirit have
been cupbearers of hope to the rebellion,
what havo they to sustain them save their
pride. ? ffcro, where all is over and done
to our content, wo can afford not only to
pity, but to admire them.
Skvstbi.e Maxims. Never lasteanatom
when you nre not hungry ; it is suicid
al. Never biro servants who go in pairs, ai
sisters, cousins, or anything else.
Never speak of your father as "the old
Never reply to the ephitheU of a fool
or a drunkard.
Never spenk Contemptously of uwoman
kind. Never nbuso ono who was onco your
bosom friend however bitter now.
Never smile at tho expense of your re
ligion or your bible.
A good word U ns soon said as a bad
No One IS a lOOl aiw.'iys ; crci j v..w
Pence with heaven is the best friend
ship. A Patent's Joke. A sturdy sorgent
being obliged to submit the amputation of
his hand, tlio surgeon oilered to adminis
ter chloroform, as usual ; but tho veteran
refused, saying if tho cutting was to bo
done on him ho wanted to see it,' and
laying his arm table, submitted to
the operation without a sign of pain,
except a (inner setting ofthe tooth as tho
saw Btruck the matroiv.
Tho operator, as he finished, looked at
his victim wjih admiration, and remark
ed ; 'Vou ought to havo bceu a surgeon,
my man.
I was tho next thing to ono afore I cn
listed,' Bnid tho hero.
"What was that ?" nsked tho doctor.
'A butcher ?' responded tho sergeant,
with a grim smile, which despite tho sur
roundings, communicated itself to the by
standers. Advertisimu. You see goods ae like
girls they must go when tliey nreui rash
ion ami gooil looking, or o!so a yoke of
oxen wouldn't draw them oil' afterward.
The man that adverting most docs tho
most business, because ho dou't make
one's stock last one's lifetime.
Advertising is like in iney if followed
up. Moichanls think nothing of paying
forty dollars for ono M?n, with nothing
but a name on it. Well, what do you
think of having several hundreds or thou
auds of si-iis a week in a newspaper? In
it you show your wholo establishment lo
l ho C uatry every week 'I
:-3"'A certain linendraper waited upon
a huly for the price of au article purchas
ed at his shop. Sho itnleayored to to
mind him that sho had paid him for it
when he called some time ago; ho declar
ed ho had no remembranco or the circum
stance: on which she product d hisjeceipt.
lie thin asked, nnd said." " I am
.... 1 1 . . .. tt I...,
soirov l did t 0 rrcot ectit." to mcn tne
lady replied, "I quite beliveve you are
sony you did not m-collect.'1
Jjf A lady passing along tho street one
morning noticed a little boy scattering
Fait upon thepavoment for the purpose
of clearing the snaw. "Well, I'm sure,"
said tho lady, ''that'll re! benoyolenco."
"No, it ain't mVam," replied tho bo-,
"it's salt."
C3T"I am afraid I shall como to want,"
said an old lady to a young genleman
"I have come to want already, was the
reply. "I a"1 'our daughter.
jyTho workmen of the Kiltery. Me.,
navy yard raised J 3,330 for John Magraw.
who had both hands bloTn off while Ci
ing a fp.lute.
BOS A Sjutnorn ut girl school at Faratogt
was expdlled last Satnnlay Tor saying that
was the happiest day or her life.
uonel, on the
bti:0 li'.e SOr-06
t f
l.'ll.lVjI. W.T
ietiij h i,ow lighted t ci.'
fi'l .V.