Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, May 03, 1865, Image 3

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    rm mrmum r-r- m-t
of SubM-rlpiion, Advcrtklnf and
bUcriptio, '. - - - 2 I'O
V, I""" WT' r ' " :
1 not jm'd within th yeurt 3 HO
1j.m' nun Ec'rM nntiiii. ttich. fi ft'm.
$2 50,
JiW , cur. - . . 2 50
L, ,3 timu, . 1 50 himself i tl.flt brave and J-elf-pobSOss- HB.Ionf rcUtiv, to the preuadod "Kefonn" vV " !h.8. ""r.0 OLI) "OVEUNMENT JA
E ",r 3 - . - 2 0 Cd mannor which ha .1.... .n " " Calrin and huthor. II.Jv V . I VA' "?''.?" Tr 1 i that
jiraiili'.if A ticrtitrment, ptr synare nf 10
lines, tr leu A timet, or (,
for iai4 lubteqtttnt intertivn.
Ypcial mlnrtitinj. Jot tuck 'quart nf 10 1
i so:
"Nri.trira j limes, or leu. I
jr tnck tubtequcHt iimrtion.
frafional Card; Xytar, . . .5
moii' , ptr lint, .
lorif (iVf, orrr 5 linn, per lint,
8 00
Iirt) adttrltting, 1 tquart,
io da id .
Jo Ho 1 "so
12 00
15 00ln
ltrl atiiertitiny, rcMmn,
J20 00
fl nn
Vji.Aj, tingle quirt, ...
i ,a
7 3 iinree, er gun, . J
5 nn
4) f !! ptr quirt, 1
io ortr 0 quint. jtr quirt. - - 1
50 !
WitdbilU, i -c-f, 25, or est, 1
Jo J ihctt, 25, or fees, . .2
1 firl, 25, or , 4
50 '
da vhnln thrrl, 25, or Inn, . 8
W M of each of above at vr.,orti,nato rate,. '
e5Tho above ratca were acrecd uron bv tho
Buittiitned, on tho 3d day ul Drceuiber, ISiU,
LinJ wilJ b t'ictly adhered to durintr the preseul
i prices oi all kiuja ofprintinj; muteruls.
I'. v. aiUOKK,
PaMisber of tho "CUarjhld J:,r,il!i,;,,t."
6. i. UUW,
Tulilisher of tho "Kiifcmnn't Jnumul."
Is Town. Jnmrs P. Gnin, liq.. a,joot
tf the American Life Insurance Company
ItfPliilaJelpliia, bus been spending a few
Jars vnlu u, trying to convince our citi-
. . ... . . . f
jena that they might die, unle.-a t'ueir lives
are insured in thai Company. Mr. G. is
.,11 1..IaI.1 fnr ll,s V,..;.. .i informed Las succeeded in brintin
.;jitea nsmber to his way of thinking.
!! is quite the gentleman in every res
j ect, and a first ralo fcl'o.T barring his
jolitics and strange to say, we boliove
liis notions are altogether Democratic, but
stsome timo iluring his life, he has fallen
nto t he bad habit of votlnj wrong. IIo
iror, for an Erie county Republican, he
ices very well.
U'e further ur.di-rst.inil that he is about
Hiking airniigmcnts for the appoint
ment of an Agent for this company to 1 cj
J a ............ w v v.. .. .'.ui.v 1 KJ lull llll.l,S
.ocstea li-ere. and homes of tho to most conspicuous
rh&ufer's CuCth The title of a I f;l,"i:ie3 r KfpuWio. I giv them my
, ,1. i , . ,, ... ,, I ward, oulgushing sympathy, as I am sure
w Magazine publuhed by C. W. Alex-ftl ,,ersons within tne hearing of my voic
snder, 123 South Third street, I'biladel-1 mu..t do.
;bi'i. at ?2 per annum, or 2) cents a in
g!e copy ptiblilied monthly. It is do
to'.ed to scones nl incidents of the pres
ent war, chieflf y contributed by partici
fints therein.
Rtiivst. C. V. i H. V. S.mtli h ave
finovpd their storo from North Second
iireet, to the loom formerly occupied at
Tost Ofliee, on Market street where
hey tre filling up in good 6tylo, and in a
' days will besiipplied ivilh fieih gooda.
AiJTLe Erio Olsemr, of Friday last,
iy, poeticilly, "Summor is Coming.''
That's right, Ilanjamin, bahopaful. He
bid a heavy froit yesterday morning, Mill
ce formed to tho thickness of window
;!u-so yiu tuny look for summer
thero about the dog days.
out I
Ciapretcrsnr. is on our table, in all its
literary excellence, nnd gorgeous beauty
f its fashion plates. No lady should be
ilhuut it.
t-iiTrurify, purify, purify tho blood
iih Ayers Satsaparilla, and the humor,
itrsngements anl distempers which per
:ade tlie system at this season will dissp
:?r. Wo have tried it and speak with
oo lodge.
Order or Anarchy.
In view of the numerous recent exhibi
ts of the results of popular excitement
II lliid anil munvntlipr Inwrih nr.d nili
i becomes n crave question with the
'ietWaoflaw and order throughout thai
whether we ai a nation aro l)re- i
mill willim? in l. irnern0,i Ko iim
rresponsible and illegal tribunals set up 1
a the beat of the moment, called unto ex-
-'tenco by pasion and prejudice, and in
nost ca;j deriving their animus from .'
Le great American heat t; coluum; of nr-'
'iinmnt in ciinnnri i,f cii.1- i . 1 1 . !
onmUnf .: f M,
''l.l... " '.." ...
i.H,nuiimi! F.i won u raho ve ii6en
1 I... :i. 1. . .. . ,
"'ji iuio .,io l.iain, stury question
-'.M .. ' . . . J
"' tlie people 01 America, cui.ens
l Ibis great Republic, hold our lives, lib-1
te ,iliv , trano.i ilil v' ev-
rythmij wort i mnc lcr, ai tue win oi
. " . . 1 . - . i '
I iuy law. or unuor um phuuhuub ui
.,,L i i i s - AT t n
iwoftholand? Ths question allectsev-,
rj man io the community without excep-
iioo, and UemanUs now, to-dny, his btcr-
!ct consideration. 1 demand. aUo that
is voice, his intluenco. his personal exor-,
ona. ni he values a government of law,
fsexeited to the utmost, and promptly
M the maintenance ol public order.
I liilctlelphid Age.
Official Mistakes.
To th KM O lhS ACIO lorn ixma:
a ....i.i: m. ..urie i.nnrant of
i ilia if ii. ruuiiu M.v..j . tj
lie great facts of Chirislianity, and tho
Sauiemoi ial usaeos of the
khurch ? (iovernor Fenton, of this State,
tely appointed Good Friday, tho anni-
py of the death or the bavior, the most
Kletnn fatl of the Christian world, to bo
Piserved as a day ot 1 har.ksgivinc; wnicn,
'ovrever on the impropriety of such an
Ppointment being represented 13 him, be
Hlprwards revoked.
Tresident Johnson has just reversed
r'1 blunder, (to call it by nootiier namo.)
H.rpointed Thursday. My 23, h, which
Hie fet.val oflhe ascension of tl.e great
of the Chifstian church, to be ob-
P'rved as a day of national humiliation.
ii is 10 ne uopecl lliai tuis appoimujuuii
'o will be changed to another day,
private grievaii.cs and parly animoiilies. i "':"" u me samo conclusion. rmn! .7-AH of which wi
'olumns mii-lit bo written 'upon thisfub- pi'eless commentary nr- '' cenfrhl . soiniido terms, nud the
'ct ; columns of ppel to the sense of , '-"ougiit, it !s the final reported conversa-j ior limin, Wool, and a
JMice which is uover ontirely xliiat io i'Ioii bclw,on tha lato President, nnd Cabi-I tioaiuoia .tiiiroa 11,
Ex President Pierce.
We lonrn from the New Himi,ir v...
trial that ou Saturday nijht lust, about
uuuls, a erowU uumbei id-; about two
uunure.i appeared ubout the door of Gen.
1 Ikri'e, in Concord, and surprised him lv
vociterous calls. Immediately tho door
was H'l-own open, and in ti1(5 Hav.o of iho
anlii lrl.t il. . . . 1
.u.. . ru.a. u, n we print ueiow.
jur rentiers wi I npivtiva tlit m mini.
taken bv surnr sn. Uenorn I'n.rr rl.r.n.i.
. - . ..utu
nently litinsui8hed him. There cn be
but lii'Irt Jmri.i ' " i l i
1 , : J" :?. LV- H' C.r.Wd liaJ
. ...t... , mlUK;l n i iey aufsmDieci
I in Tront of that mansion, but the nob lo
and leailess bearintrof Us treat and natri-
otic accunant awnd ilmm inin ror,ooi;r,,t
J Rilenco at first, and soon extorted from
. a . ivnaiu is ui ii in roi)Hi iin . i 1 1
.. . . . ' ' . v - -
1 u,r"'' ai l,1"t w "en h linishecl
"i8- iV.r11.?""
night, they
"good night,,
anI uttered hia "good
retsponuea with hearty
ami three cheora for ilmf.
l " --- .
quwiiy as tnougu mere hau
tnje escuemeni in me aay.
.... . i i
ii auuiu up uie ex-t rcsiueni s iorty
bearinc at an example for all t.ublic men
who may find themselvo. .i,,ilarlv r.
and we commend the coti-
iducl of Im lisiene's to Iho imitation .1...,,, .! I . . I
' !,CO,"U Ver"
!., mid cun neittier enjoy gooit nor
enduru ba l newa without diaturbing their
quieier Rni more law-ab:Uii)g neig,.
bors. -'tn'jU;' IiiUUiycnccr. op i;e.v. riERt'
Fellow Tuwium,-n-l com (0 ail!ertain
uie motives ot tlua ca'.;- What is
desire ?
jSomo rcri",, iu U,0 c,.ovvj ToAed :
n e nub '.o hoar some words from you
rn I I. . "
vu :lll fiPf.lfilAn " linn '
''Ooeded :
t UVM. 4. Jl
I wish I could address you words of so-
ace. I!jt that could hardly be done.
TIia m 4 ,?n i i nilrt rf o.n ..i.....;... ti
aspcctH, is overwhelming Ifvour hearts !
ln, - ,.n.Mi.,l ,.. . .i
1 ? ftvv,lken l,rofounl ",ow and rogrel
.,.. nu, miiLii iiuu iiiuit'iiu uii:urcu
in our history, mino mingle its deepest
regrets und norrowsj wirhjnuis- ltisto
be hoped that tho great wickedness and
atrocity was coutiirtd morally and actual
ly to the beads and hearts of but two indi-
i i.l, .-,f !l il,.i, ...v..,
- j i nn ,nuic n H i till BUI VIVO UII
this continent; and that they may fro-d-
ily, and in obedience lo law. meet the pun-ii-hu
ent due to their unpnrnlhxl crimes.
It is well Unit you it is well that that 1
well that all men worthy to bo called citi
zens of the United Sialos, make manifest,
in all suitable form, tho emotions inci
dent to the bnreavoment and distress
H'lliril li-ltrA linnn l.rnnirlil I-. Iti l.n...i.
l;it beyond personal grief and lots,
theie will ubida with m inevatably the
moat painful memories. lVcnuse, as citi
obedient lo law, reverinp the L'ortitii
tion, holding fast to the Union, thankful
lor the period of history which succeeded
(lie Revolution in so many years of peace
ful giowtli and prosperity, and loving
wiih the devotion of true and faithful
chiblren, ail that belongs to the advance
ment and K'ory ui iliv n.ivi. u, n u ..... ,
er forget or cease to deidcre the treat
i crime ar,d deep bluin.
A voice from tho crowd "Where U
your llng?"J
It is not necessary for me to show my
devotion for Iho atars and stripes by any
special exhibition, or upon the dumund
of any man or body of men. My ances
tors followed it through the Revolution
one of them, at least uuver having soon
'" moiner s rooi irom uie ceginning to
the closeor that protrucle l iitrugule. M)
brother followod it in tho war of 1 1 :
and I left my family, in the spring of 1M7,
among you, to follow its fortunes and
maintain u upon a torcii-n soil. 1UH tins
t0u all know. If the period during which
1 liaveserveil our Mate ami country in
various "itua'ions, commencing nmre than
'.hirly fne yeais ago, have 1 Ii the ques
tion of my devotion lothellag, the Con
stitution and the Union, in doubt, it is
loo late now lo remove il, by any such x
hibition as the inquiry suggest, lt.-sides,
to remove such doubts from minds where
they may have been cultivated by a spirit
cf domination and paitUun n.ncor, if such
u thing were possible, would bo of no con
sequence, to you, ond is certainly of none
to me. The malicious querliouiuga
would return to reassert their sutirenmcv
ana pursue me worn oi injustice.
Conscious ol tno iniirraities ot tempera
ment, wnicii .o a gr-aier
or less ex lent
hesot us all, 1 uttvo never lilt or tound
11,1,1 violence or passion was ultimately
rroiJl,clive ' lucficent result. It is
gratifying to perceive that your oWrva-
tlon-bMeier man mine, has led your j
r "' 5 and with that despatch comos news
I o ii r t n ii t 1 1 1 o -h( friiiv' bone that, in
smto of t bo ktiifo of the asfsssin. bo ife
..,! iniMlopl ot llm Seers-lnrv nf fMate
. . ----- -- j - ,
iniiv I .rniii-1 Trov , ence. ,g anaieii lo us 1
; -c. - ' ,
in 111 inim mi oinnri-encv .
1 1 .if -i 1 .. .-
. 'l"B"K, 7UU '"r "7 . , Ullu""
with which you hive listened to me.hnd
ifW.itirtnfi nf vnur utmrnvnl ft
. . . . ,
rtw noiivlihi-ar Ami will not flptnin voil in
LHY fir 1IZIUMII bum "Ui iiv'fc urtniu tou in i
. , , . - . t
11 p-
vu a I, and for what .. d.v.d,..;
"'""V, -
most dear-our Country-our whole Coun-
lr)'- "00s nifc-ni.
.-jrThe Boston Gazelle gives and odj
reason for disapproving of tha recent de
monstrations of mob spirit neat that city.
It says :
"Men who take umbrage to day at tbo
non-display of the insignia of mourning
j - "
may to morrow see cause lor visiting ven-
ceancs upon I nose whose income tax is not
. - . t , . ., ,
"P to a supposed standard, and Ihus step
'v p,r "c "uiu oon arrive hi a ciui'ii-
tion oi atiairs where mob law would be su-
l",1'"r- - -3
mrT"7 1 T k 1 ) 7" "I ""PC
IjXi 1H Alvl.l!i 1 Oa
j Reported weekly for the Republican.
Clearfield, Pa., May 3, lsr.5.
Wheat, , bus. $100 Onion,, $1 50f2 00
Rye, 2 00' Apples, dry W bus 2 ifl
Com, 1 60V 75 Ur n Apples, I ooftl 25
Oau. , l.-'toj "'Jt
' .
nan.t .in T.iin-. v it, is
Timothy, 8 00(9 00 Butter, " " 40
tioverseetl, jo im Mour,i ti, i.y,u uu
'W. Beans, 1 05Q2 CO Bgy;., t doten, 20
E:ibios)c & America.
- u".vo "'"" of the er ,, ifAt, f,n -.
UtM0 till tint Won If I w na.tiln. ....... i L
bo,,, or .nppiomo,,.,,, containing 1 1, oha or. il
Vnail .. a...l.K..l. . A !ll t. e .... .
I'uuuouou, win do lurnisiieu to subscribers.
Th U Hitnr rn.,,. . r..n . 1." 1 V I
"4 Cwmwoll, by truthful W'tory of
,ho11' "" 1'roisrofi and perecutiun in Kurono
dtWB 10 u.igratiUnof tho Phari.aio Pu, iZi
io America-Ail account of their pomecutiom of
Bnptiaii, QuHkem, Catholic, and other DUseat-1
'n New knitland. the Uluo 1..... .n.i vi.K.
craft Pcraeruliuni of Din tntari fr..,n it.. s.. ,
i - "1110"111 Virginia prior to tho Revolution of
Jiltl The eovernnce of Church ami Sit .t ik.
luruiaiion or the I nited St ulna (!n,.mi ...
0 mv ,
iuruiai on oi tun I niinH n... .
P",eJ i1!" P"Plr clergy of that day-Their
eOorta and thoie of thoir progeny, to reetore po-
utical power to the clergy by an attempted union I
of Church and Statu tlia Pnniiit.iii..r. r n. -
... . - ----- r V'
- oi me states, in the
way, and the consequent conrpiricr of the clorev 1
to overthrow our former happy .ystom of fro j
f," .!."." "r,l01? n?'",n' .enP'iya Trma ,
V"", . ' "f... '"ul. na the
I .miiii uiufi'mui- ilnu-ri In hA
r nndcullepo. f,,i" n cnoul8' alemiui .
i . .". ' uiunum ui learning 10 en-
learning to en-1 I
ginee oi icno'anoe fi.r )1.a
enilaveuient of the
V " 01 je ri8 gonorationa to tho degrading
ilogui'.i 0f tho clergy tho riae and rniulli i,f
. elive Ameri;anUm, Muine-Lawiam, Know No
tbin:iam, Abulitionisio, and the variuua othor
fannticiniij of Priosteraft.
All should aubacrihe, who wish to ucquaint
themaelvea with historical fucta of tho greatest
value nt the present timo, or to arm thcmsolves
with arguments to oppose Puritauio Priestcraft,
wn m, in auaitiun 10 all ottiercurses it hus inllio
ted upon our country, has now involved us in the '
most torrihl. .i.iinnal . i .l ' ..LU. .;.T ,
low it ... a sectarian crusade fur more awful.
IIZ'X" "j ... ;
6 " ...,.. ,m. pmu.10 peace saa
properity : and tho political clorirv are nlso nro
von to bo servants ol tfatan, instead of tnioiatcrs
of the Prlneo of Peace, uud their influence "evil,
and only evil continually." Patriots will find a
perutalof its pagos of great adrantago in enab
ling them to fight tho bydra-headid monster
that mutt bo slain before we cnu hope for peace
and a restoration cf civil and religious liborly in
cur country.
unless iirreste i bv the disseminnti.m r.ra
nn.inrr it. ch.'r. .1 V.l7i" ... 7. .. ""HD? It to all Clergy
author tai sought to make this history useful in . . , ., . U,V
... r ft - ..v. D UIVIllll I'l IJIDU IjU
Thia History will also soon bo published io. book 11,0 nttin9 "i "unuine East India Coffeo," "Ori
fonii, with paper covers at I, and in cood cloth 8""" Ka". Io'' ,:i oc," etc, put forth by im-
or sain covers at l an -.o $J. At these prieos it
will bo sent to any addftss in the United .Vtatos.
postage free. Every intelligent patriot should
have a copy, and alter reading lend it to his
fi iends and neighbor.
JT'T-Address, enclosing payment, (J, J. Beebo,
Middlctown, Orange county, S. Y. spl2.
rarTtircliaiu'd hinco tho lato decline
in jn ico.s.rij
Front Street, above the Academy,
Now offers a very large stock of
Dry Goods,
At a reduction of 25 to 4(1 percent., inclujing
UKESS (10ODS in groat varioty.
Merinoes, (JiDghami, Cloths, Delaines, Prints,
Casimeres, Alpacas, Silks, Satinets, Reps,
Cashmeres, Twoeds, Cobergs, Mohair, Jeans,
banellas, Muslins, Plannals, Hornets, Rib.
bona, Cloaks, liiilmoral Skirts, Hoop
Skirts, tihawla, Dreaa Trimmings, ,
Head Nets, Caps, Cornets, (lloves,
CnJlais, Scarts, (IronadiDO Veils,
Table Covers.
Clot h i
rr .
Panls, Vesta. Over Coats, tient's Shawls
liirts, Hats, Caps, I'nder-Shirtt and
l)rawera, llnots, Shoes, Gum
Shoes, Cravats, (Jloves
and Collars.
Tea. Coffee, Pugnr, Molasses, Plt, Candles, Rioe,
i'lour, llaeon, Pish, Tebaeeo, Kaisina,
Currants, S p i o e a, Crackers,
Wines, Ilrnndies, Vin
egar, Oils, Vsr
ui.'h, Alcohol.
Household Goods.
Carpets, Oil-clotha, Drugget. Looking Olasses, '
Clucks. Chums, Washboards, Tuba, Buok-
cls. I-'lut Irons, Pans, Window Blinds,
Wall paper, Coal Oil Lauipa, Um
brellas, Rcdcords, Knives and
Forks, Spoons, Crocks, and
Stovo Blacking.
II bo sold on the moat rca
highost market price paid
11 kinds of conntry proJuoe.
1 1 1 1 1 . A i.' 1. 1 -1 1 1 1 A iv
rwHt-S great lino traverses the Northern
. ...,.;... r i 1...1.:.
A .v""""1". '"' '
the -itv of Erio, on Lake Erio
It has been leased by the l'eiin'ylvnnia Hail-
romi 1 m io ay, ann is operated ny thorn
u entire length was opened for passongcr and
frciirht LuninosH. Or.L 17th. lHfil.
7'.. nt 'i.sii T-n,m
Timt nf Pnnncmj'r Trnint nt Emporium.
Mail Triin, 3:2U A. M.8:40 T. M. '
Warren Accom. Train, - . M.
Corry Accom. No. 2, - . M.
Corry Accom. No. 4, - . M.
Mail Train, 11:08 . A
Warren Accom. Train,
Corry Accom. No. 1,
Corry Accom. No. 3, - .
Ptfjengor Cars run through without cnAsoa
both ways between Philadelphia and Erie.
Elegant Sleeping Cars on Mail Trains both
rays between rniiailoiphla and
Lock Haven,
. u-illinmsnort .... K,,nir. Klnro,.
. , ,. ... ....,.,.. '
between W lliamsport and Baltimore.
For information respecting Passenger business
s ily at the Cor. 30th and Market sroels.
And for Freight business of the Company's
A jnls, S. R. Kingston, jr., Cor. 13th and Market
.1 , PhiladelphiaT
J.W. Reynolds! Erio,
.. M. Drill, Agent N. C. R. R. Baltimore j
II. H. Holstos, (len'l Freight Ag't, Pliila.
11. W. Owinssr, Oon'l Ticket Ag't, l'hila.;
Jos. I). Potts, Ueu'l Mauagor, Williamsport
Jan. 11, IS6S.
4 QKSTS WANTED To sell the great work,
ONS." Soldiera, Ladies, any one oan sell it.
Ap 12-'f 5- lm. Syracuse, N, Y.
Ladies' and Children's Hats, Latest Styles at
CIIA5. OAKFOKD SONS. Cotitineatal
Hotel, Puilaielphi jn. 11. I
OCTDon't fail to Read This !
(DaiEtBtsJ (Dm?i3? 01u?ao,
Til: 1
151 Reada Street, (three doori from Greenwich
btreet,) N. I., call unlvorenl attention to their
Kent's East India Coffee.
th..i,k r?DIA COKFEB
?a '7'" the ,t'0Dtl of Java, or ant other Cof
"hoover and wherever u,cd by oJrflr.t .).
D"le" nu ,,e"mDoi. nd .towards tay there ii
ft "l,vi"?.?? pf,r eent
ii the most bealtbjr bevermr U.n i. ....
nutntloua. The weak and infirm may te it at I
all tunee with imnunitv. Thawif,. ..r h . !
w. isaref, local unnistr of m u
lr . ..... - k..w vt.
n. tivnn. nicui iinnimu. nr !,. xt r. i i.
J,"eJ. V; who hM not been able to use any
coff8a f,,r fifleen !"'", ean ue
tiiroA fimo Hnv !ik.,.i ii . . '
. . . 'Jrj, ii uoini' en
reiy ireo irom t&oaa propertie. that produce
norvone excitement.
Dr. Jumei lioylo, of If , Chamber, .treet, Bav:
have never known any coffue ao healthful, nu-
UU.oo., tnrt irow. i ij4rioo. ,,,, M
K P. A. 1' T.A.'SI' V I f li'L1 L1
I advlae my patiente to drink it universally even
moso 10 wuuui i navo tiitnertu
hitherto prohibited tho
uao of Coffee.
The Principal of the New Tork Eye Infirmary
says: "I direct all tho patients of our Iumitutiuu
to use exclusively -
and would not be without it on any account."
Tho Kev. C. Laruo, an eminent clergyman of
the M. E. Church, now stationed at llalsey st.,
Newark, says of
V , " nn"l V , 'V'. "na
fiDd ".Produces no ache of the bead, or nervous
t.T 1 I; s-. . . - ..
""Il I
wvw.....fe tj jjiiDDuui, mm a vuiuiiiiij rvinui
men and their families."
families of liishop Ames.
liUhop Baker, liishop James, and many of tho
must distinguished clerirymea and prufvssioaul
men in the eountry.
JJcwarc of Counterfeits !
and be sure that the packages are labelled
Kent's East India Coffee,
154 READE ttreet, New York,
as there are numerous counterfeits oBoat under
posters to doceive the unwary,
In I lb. packages, and in bosoa of 3, 00
and KM) lbs., for (Jrucers and largo consumors.
Sold by Grocers generally.
Orders from Country Grocers solicited, to
whom a very liberal discount will be made.
WiotttttU Aymf : Uoflish A M ilan, and U'.
J. Ueiss if- Rro., Philadelphia ; Francis II. Perry,
Providence ; A. L. Waite Co., Ho'ton ; Pynch.
on A hee, Sprinpfidd, Mais.; S.N. Callendor,
Uuflaloj Gordon WMilliansst Co., Cleveland; A.
A. Colter A Co., Cincinnati ; J. t J. W. Dunn,
Springfield, III. j II. U. Shields, Corydon, Ind. ;
and C. C. Uarbor, Chicago.
The Am. Ad. Ag , 3S9 Droadway, N. Y. Bus.
Dep't EsoS ALVonn. Cor. Uep't Fowlkii &
Wells, ars authorised la recoivo orders for
Kent's Kast India Coffee. It. 1MVI3.
April 5, 18115. ly.
1TOTICE- AH pcrsens having onsetiled ac
11 counts on the Books o f G. L. REED, A Co.,
will please call aad settle them, as we are deir
ious of closing our Rooks.
(i. L. REED, A Co.
S tno. Jan- lltli lSDf
Second Street, above Archi
A. K. ItLAIH, Proprietors
(I to of the "Surf House," Atlantia City.)
r pt. 23, 186.1-1 y.
Changed his 15av, but not his i'olitics.
J. V bom'a, one door west of lioynton (f- Show
ers' Store. Tbo subscriber wishes to Inform hTs
friends nnd numerous patrons that he has left his
old stand in Shaw's Row and has broke out in a
new plnoo in Graham's Row, in the shop former
ly occupied by B. Stumph as a Boot and Shop.
He would like all his old friends to give him a
call on Court Week, and bring as many new
ones along as possible, as he can accomodate all
on short notice, at the Short Shoe Shop. Kept
3T-VItetnemler Graham's Row, one door west
of Boynton A Showers' Store. - jan. 11, '05.
National Hotel,
Mis. WM. A. MA.SON, Proprietress.
rpiITS long established and well known 110
JL TKL, situated in the west end of the town,
bas been remoddled, enlarced and improved, and
tho proprietress respectfully announces to hernu-',,,
merous fnonds, and to tho trg,v(.lling public, that)
she is now prepared to accommodate all who may ;
favor her with s call.
Amnio, safe and comfortable atablinir is at-1
tached to tho promises, and trusty attendants
will always be ou hand.
Charges moderate.
Mar. 15-'ti2-tf.
WHO I. :.SV1 - E 1EA L F.RS
No. 131 Market street, north side,
j Have now opn their usual handsome varioty of
Hibtions, llonnct Materials,
Straw A Fancy Bonnets,
Ladies A Misses Hats,
Flowers, Ruches, Laces,
and all other articles required by the
Ry ling experience ard strict attention to this
branch of business exclusively, wa flatter our
i olvci that we can offer Inducements, in ?antY
solves that we can offer inducements, in variety.
stylos, quality and modcrato prices not every
where to be found. The attention of Milinors
and Merchants is respectfully solicited.
- JMT Particular attention paid to filling orders.
April 5, lHt5. it m.
ces that she will take a few Pupils in Vo-
cal and Tinno Mt'SIC, to commence Munday
April Hd. Terms, $10 per quarter of 11 weeks.
tf-Roouis at resideneo of J. L. Cuttle, Esq .
Clearfield, March ?2, 1855.
. ... .. ; T t"i
LLTIONEnR The subscriber having
taken out a License for crying vendues
md other Tublic sales, either in tuglish or er-
liinuf lorjiwvimn uurn uis iviiitive r sua imv
. citisens, and will attond to all calls nom any
Pftr' of lne county, on the thorlost notice either
1 verbally or by lettor, and upon the most reason-
" or""' V nen f assirea, ne win lurnisn
, " C'rk ', complete all the busiscss connect-
ed with the sale. JOSEPH H. JONES.
Kylertown, P. 0., Mgr. 1, 1865. ly. pd.
riDhAblhK. YU.UUU l OUnUS
of Plaster in Clearfield
For Sals by
Feb'y 15, St, JAS L. LEAVf.
1 PROVISIONS, Flour, Bacon, Lard, Cheese,!
Dried Beef, Dried Fruit, Ac, received reg
ularly at the etor. of J, B. KRATZER,
Mar. 22, 1805. Front st, Clearfield, I'a,
Furs, Parebaaere may rely po rst
T ad
J J bet r"nrs st CHAS. OAKF0RD
SONSjtCrnUofntal uetel, rhiiad a
And so have the prices of Goods at the Cheap Cash
Store of
U. I. MorHti & .
M ho hnro just returned from Phlladolf hla with a largo and well ielectod
r w, ( ...-ays isifi IV l lllUIUUI
price, and which they aro proparod
Cheaper than
Prints, Delaines, Rulmoral and
) Circulars, l.udiea' liuakots, Ao.
Notions in Endless Variety !
! Kinds fir Ladies, Men and Children !
Clothing ol all kinds for Men and Boys,
At Sensation Prices!
: Hats and Caps in Endless Variety for Men, Boys;
l ami Children !
Rroad axes, doublo and single lilt axes, rafting and barking axes, au
gers; Ao. " I
j Rio, 76 and Loguaria Coffees ! Broxn, Yollow and H'hlto Sugars !
Imperial, Black and Young Hyson Teas I Fresh Can Peaches, Pickles, J
) Jellies, Catsup, Peppor Saueo, Beans, Hams, Shoulders, Sides, Syrups, ifc.j
Stoves Cooking and Parlor Stoves, Pipe ij-c.
Saddlcrv Bridles, Saddles, Lines, Whips, HamcsJ
I Collars, Harness, SfC.
Grind Stones and Fixtures! Carriages, Buco-ies,
Sleighs, Wagons, Clovcrsced, Plaster, i$c.
To Lunibormcn nnd Contractors wo would cav that wc
J aro 1'iTparod to funiisli them with Tlour, Feed, Uacon,
: Kish, Salt in fact, auything in their line Cheajjor than
the Chenicst ! j
Wc guarantee persons visiting our store to go
satisfied with the Great Bargains they ean have 1
Thankful for past patronage,
uancu of the same !
Yo nro still nt tho old (stand
tho Exchange Hotel.
The highest Market Price paid for Timher, Shin
gles, and Country Produce.
or. i. Momiie co.
l'hilinsburg, Pi., April lOth-lnl.
! Sowing Machines
rATBSMTin rrBiiUAar 4th, 1 SCO.
fjoO, Broadway, New York.
252, Washington Street, Boston.
L entirely new principle; of ir.erhnnistn, pos
sessing many rare and valuiblo improvements,
having been examined by tho most prefuiml ex
perts, and pronounced to be SIMPLICITY and
PERI ECTJON combined.
It has a straight needle, pcrpondviulnr artion,
makes the LOCK or SHUTTLE stitoh, which
will neither rip or ravel, and is alike on boUi
sides; performs perfect sawing on every descrip
tion ef material, from Leather to tho finest Nan
sook Muslin, with cotton, linen, from theconrs-
0 ,Bt) (jnest number,
jiaving nolther i.'nin nor Cogwheel, nnd the
rnst rovfil,lo friction, it runs as smooth as glass,
nnd is emphatically
It requires Fifty per cent, less power to drive
it than any other machine in tho market. A girl
twelve years of ago can work it steadily, without
fatigue or injury to health.
Its strength and Wonderful Simplicity of eon
stiuction renders it almost iTpossible to got out
of order, and is (iiarantecd by the company to
give entire satisfaction.
We respectfully invite all thoso who may do
sire to supply themselves with a superior articlo,
to come and examine this I iirivalled Mr.rhlne.
Hut in a more especial mannor do wo solicit the
patronage of
Merchant Tailors,
Corset Maltcrs,
(Waiter Fitters,
Shoe Hinders,
Vest and Panta
loon Makers,
Drcr-H Maker?,
Coach Makers,
Hoop Skirt Man-
Shirt it Bosom
Ttliilous and Charitable Institutions will be
liberally dolat with.
i-iiices or MAcnisa complftr t
No. 1, Family Machino, with Homer, Fuller
and Braider. . 60
No. 2, Small Manufacturing, with Extension
v. J. Larue Manufactaring, with Extonsioa
T,.,in. w
jj0, 4, ,'ge Manufacturing, for Loathor, with
1 Rolling Foot and Oil Cup, 110
Qne jjj- bour's instruction is sufficient to enable
person to work tins macnine 10
' ,:,. ,,.,urietion!
-. . ,. .nl,i rr .11 towns in the Unitod
.. . wntfreA genu are not already established.
it.. ( ... r.,i.. M.tipn. Tcntral and Soulu Amur-
to whom a liberal discount will bo given.
-.',, .nToriHbIy Cash on delivcry.-TS--
. ,,. j jIcAUTIIUR & CO.
0 c
.80 Boston, TiO, t
I A'j.
CllbsliMil l biia.
IFeb. S-ly.
1 1 E0ROE FALK lakes this mothod of inform-
T ine tho watermen of Clearfield county tkal
I he has refitted and reopened the hotel formerly
kept by E. Schreiaer, at Coxostowu, where he
will take especial pains to render satisfaction to
' all who favor him with their patronage.
Coxestown, April 12, 05.
T11K person who some B";
run nmm nrl,nd "8. Mitchell," would
- 1 confer a favor by rstwni.g the same t. the sub-
tcriber. . " .n ...
' Mar. 1 tf. lu""'"i
uuiLUnDDUl OiUvV tun lutw UUVIlug i I
to poll
the Cheapest!
Hoop skirt?, Ladies' aud Childrens'
I3oots tV Shoes of all ,
wo hopo to merit a contin-
in the building known as
NEW SK1KT roil 18G3!
The Great Invention of tho Age in
Ii O O P SKI R rsi
. KI
Wests', Bradley A Cary, (lato J. I. A J. 0.
West,) Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers, 87
Chambers and 79 and 81 Roado Streets, New
two) Elliptio Steel Springs, Ingeniously Braidod
Tightly aud Firmly together, edfioto edgo, mak
ing the toughest, moit flexible, ElostiO and Dur
able Spring ever used. They seldom Bond or
Break like the Single Springs, and consequently
Preserve their Perfect and Beautiful Sbaja
Twice as Long ns any other Skirt.
The Wonderful Flexibility and Great Comfort
ami Plsasuro to any Lady wearing the Duplex
Klllptic Skirt will be experienced particularly in
all Crowded Assemblies, Operas, Carriages,
Railroad Cars, Church Pews, Arm Chairs, for
Iromenailo nnd House Dress, ns the Skirt can
bo folded, when in use, to occupy a small placo
us easily as a silk or muslin dress.
A Lady baring enjoyed the pleasure, comfort,
and great convenience of wearing tho " Duplex
Elliptic Steel Spring fklrt" for n single day,
will never afterwards willingly disponso with
their use. For Children Misses, and Young La
diet they ars Superior ti all others.
They aro the best quality In evory part, and
Unquestionably the Lightest, Most Desirable.
Comfortable and Economical Skirt over ma-le.
For Sale In all First-Class Storos in this City,
and throughout the United States and Cauadas,
Havana do Cuba, Mexico, South America and
the West Indies.
UQt nix ron ma bit-lb elliptic skirt.
A. A Co. New York, aplJ m.' MI1ICI3.-The Board of RclUf
for tho county of Clearfield, wi'.l meet a tho
Commissioners' ofhco, on Wednesday and Tburs-s
day, tho 2th nnd 27th days of April, lSej.
The Board have directed that all aew apptU
cants must appear before, the Board and produce,
their sworn statement detailing naato of soldier,
regiment and compr.ny; whia enlisted ; th.
numbcrof children, with age nnd tsx of each ,
the township in which they tcsided at the time of
enlistment, and their prescat j and that
she is without the meats of support for herself
I and children, who aro dependent upon ner.
Two witnesses of credibility, from tho township
in which she resides mn! 'also be produced
whose certificnle, sworn to before the board, must
set forth that tho applicant is the person she ep-r
resents herself be ; that tho statemment oflhe.
number and agof Iter family is true ; that sbo
is in destitute cirocmslaneos and her family In
actual want ; and that all the fusts st forth in her
applleatii av Just and truo.
Forms containing thoao requisitions rs be ob
tained at the office of the Board of Relief, when
nr..i',.in 1. n,.,u .n,t il.. witnesses appear.
May. 2, 1865. V. S. BRADLEY, Clk.
skttu: urf
ALL rersons Indebted to lh undorsignod, of
are requested to come forward and settls without
deliv. Now Is Uie time to sav. costs.
" 7 . O. C. PASSM0RE.
Clearfield, Aprtl 12, 1S5. if.
No. 709, Chestnut ttreet,
rpiII3 HOTEL is pleasant situated on th
X North side of Chestnut stroet, a few door
above Soventh. Its central lecation makes it.
particularly desirable tl persons visiting th
City on business or pleasure.
Ap. , 0 m. Mans(sr.