-ST gc lrarfiflb JKf publican, Wednesday AIorninc:::: ; May .'J, lCfj. U'.T.II -1 '- " J"""' V- ! ..! 1 Captain John P. .Mtklcnian. Tho attention of tho people of Clearfield county is resrectfully invited to the letter clfUPlS BnJ 8trcnU0lH crbrta wef0 h of this gentleman, nlm-h will bo found nj.ulc to iiltereepl then, befo.o they cross upon our C.st page. This letter was bro ,1 tha Missiisi K Tlfro ftro 40mo r,Jl0rts out by tho correspondence between II. B. of nM momeatt Atk ,ooki, twoc, and Caplmn Campbe I , which w0 ,0 nnot,jer ii)yasion of MjMourL lWi.l.ed n February last Had Captain Thfl D tm(?Ht h;, -ust . d ft MeK. remained silent under the alleja- , . . ., . . ,, ..... ... , order freatly reducing tho expenses of tions and nistnuattoiis therein, tho pcoplo .. . ., . . , .. . ' ... . ii -. i that Department. All priaoner. to to be we 6poko cf him as a "patriotic, high- minded gciillemau." It was net only hia own characler as a nian and an officer, that -was assailed, but Ins m'hioo would , , , , . .. .. have been understood as -admitting the truth of all that Capt. CampM! had said derogatory to the good namo of the citi zens of Clearfield, utuorig wbotnbo resides, and to whom he is extensively known, and, excepting a ft" of (he Abolition tenders who failed to control bis official actions -to suit tlic partissn ends, uni vereallv .rcspeoled. This letter is a tri umphant vindication of both Tiiif van tAiri t.n ooi. i:il v;u rtn (hia , , , n ... , t c ktler for Us deiimlivo settlement of tho .. i i r, i i , j qucttioD, uho bTMiijhl, or u-h cauctJ to Ik ,, ... . , ... brouqhl, tAt svlJurt U Ihu cvuntu 1 an'i in oe- , '. half of tho Dotnocrocy we thank iutu for, it, TIhj JikMh organ of (his plcelia.i - frequently asserted that the Democrats wereloi3 to blatuo.and that certain gen-, tlemeu, which it den'gnatod as leaders, ; ltit public ollicer recommends Samtei. were nlotHs refpoosible. Capt, MtKier-jl'. Suioart, Esq., of Bellefonlo, as the Tran shows that lio was urged to bring so'j. next Domorratio candidate for Auditor diers here, and names tb meo who urged General. Should tho health of Mr. Si.sn him. This, w believe, was in 18G3. It is rer not warrant a re-nomination, no bet true, he had applied to his superior for cr selection could possibly bo made. assistance, such as a rail ilary force would ; "be; but it was for a legitimuto purpotCj' BQi-EDwaau I.nuersoi.l, Esq , a distin ; and not to "arrest citisons." But his re- 'finished D m cia' of Thil idelphia was boet uestwas not granted for the pitiful, if -not spiteful, reason, thac a military force j would only chaso tho deserters into some ' b dibUkt' txu ClM muld etcap the odtvm of "harlorirg daert - en I In that ca.'e the "responsibility" couKl not have been cast upon those "dis- tingutshed leadeta ' of the Democra'.ic party, and hence th eoldiers were not 'We have frequently Admitted that in one sense tf.e Democrats were to blame fcr the soldiers coming here ; that, instead of increasing, bad they permitted their ma- jority to havv beeu decreased, there would have been oo history of a "War in Clear field" to racot-d, Iliit !?, iv . - . ... .ti'unsfDe. Our nidjonly in 1803 raa Jaj-gely in oxcess of any former year; and in 1804 it was largely increased over that of 18u3, If, then, Messrs. Fin oey, Swoopc & Co., thought toldieis were needed in 180.1, to explain their over whelming deftat, bow much more forciblo must have beeu their reasoning in that direction in lPC-l, when the soldiers weio actually ent! They had discovered that Capt. McKicrnan could not be used for partisan tiriioses. But in 1804 ho rcsicn- .i ,i : ,i i.i: ru, una iu.i.r:iiicij me bouiiuis cuu p, n . r, . ,. . ... , . j voj,.. Mbiutiii, i.uiiiiK iu vuuio nu.ieeo causing Ids deatli in less llnui on hour af for himself, trusted to his agents, and wa terwauls. Tho lacls as proved on the trial too ready it believe tho false and exlrava- nre "t'""' ns follows. gant stow, carried to him about ammu-1 Son,e"" in e Kuperts Je ... ,,,,.,. , , clnred that ns soon ns they got throucu nition, Torts, lortiflcntions. brca-twoiks, iih their work they would "attend" to Ac, and, perhaps, was perfectly honest Vanasdlen ; that some time previous in the -belief that there was real cause for, Howard had also declared that if V. did a military force here. The unfictunato affair at the 1IOUSO Ol dnms. in Jlnox township, is Pointed out , ', , . ,,. as proof thct soldiers wero required. But it standa alone. With the exception of La rescue case on the Jefferon county lino (and scores. of similar cases occurred all over the North) not a solitary instance of resistance was met with anywhere. And what wss that case? A number of men wero at a "frolic" at Adam's liouse. Adams had voted as a Republican in 18G0, nnd bad volunteered as a Republican at tho beginning of tbe war; as also had -MaCulK-ugli and McKee, hit comrades. Not a shot was fired, nor the slightest at tempt at resistanco made, by any man at Allures', except" by .Jams himself; and he had frequently declared (bat he belief-1 -cd death would bo bis certain fate, if cap tured.and that thereforo he would not be taKen alive. HOtico this ailair .tands so - itary and alone, the only justification of the ki T 'lX ' tw P ' J , . "IT" ,hRl 00lu nnd old had an .onduot of Capt. Campbell. The same' a'ndUColotl V.K:o"hVV Z2 r''-o horse, to ride to Log men wore in tho county in 18C3, and it ed them to arrest him, nnd Mr. Farlv a I!?"' ,P.' , i '"'""jog was for their arrest then that Capt. McK. ! connected with the Provost Mar i 1, ILTnTJif' asked for the assistance nLich Cart. C.rr pi ! J h1'- ha" lo'1 ' lbi if be at- "olwnh.laud.Dg the large sum. ;f Tim,inalion',,of rh"d,ur This is but. single chapter in the his-1 three days, and after a full and impartial 1 i!",1! ''Imi.r ? win.. .uD iir.T..ji vieariieiu county j ana; " y V, ,v having thus established the important,?"?, Trtlnyw rith a B .iiui, factasto- whocaused the soldier, lol. sent bere,.tB ocoss.on requires, wo will hereafter show U,e purpose of tir com- . fil . ... I jug, ami ineir Bcu.'evements wuilo Here The aggregate yield o.' oil per day in all the oil regions in the United States is 0, 000 barrels. On this, ia jta crude state, the average profit is about five dollars pec barrel, so that tha net profit on all the crude petroleum produced is, $30,000' per day, or nearly jlI.O00.000 yearly. -JV-bvrg Ditpateh. ifeMr. J. Frost, Esq., paid our town a flying visit yesterday morning. THE NEWS. t cs. a it. . i occreiRrjr oiapion .nnuunm umnuv .patch ha. been received from General tirant, dated Raleigh, April Mil,, in which ,, in which he save; "Johnston has surrendered tho forces in his command, embracing all from here to the Chattuhoochie, to Uen Sherman, upon tho ha? Is agreed upon be- twecu Lee and myself for the army of ..... .. , Porthern v irgmia. ' I Ins, we presume, disposes of the lust organised rebel force east ol tho Mississippi. President Davis, and other Government , nllk-ers. necomnanied bv nbout 2 (1(10 mJ airy, were making for Texas, at last nc exchanged on taking tho oath of allegi ance ; all soldiors in hospitals fit to travel, aro to be discharged ; and the, forces em- niiivoil in tin. Hnut'l.w f d.i.k f , ... .... , , . . ... ,. ... General, Chief of Orduiiincd. Chief of En- gtneets, and 1'iovosl Marsbid Gouon.!. Depaitments, are to be itumedintely redu ced to that required fjr closing up their business, A fearful calamity happened on the Mississippi, seven tiiil.s above Memphis, on Wednesday hiit. Tho Steam er Sulta na, with alout 2,(nl0 paroled federal pris oners from tho rebel camps, and about 2,- !0t) linnnn impi 1.. ..11 IU ; . t. ' ''r3' nJ al1 but about 700 werueilhcr . . , . , HaUfd to leuth or drowned. Tin. cu- . , .... ... tnnty his no parrallel in the bislory of , , . . . ' steamboat navigation, .. Ai oi tor Iisnkkal. A cornien,lont of ,. ... tho Lock Haven Democrat-win evidently knew, tho value of a fulthful and comi.e-j anJ ".aulted by a mob iu meof the streets 1 they wero entirely iunocent of giving the ",al city tho other day, for Innguago ( assassins any aid or comfort, knowing ued in a speech delivered a short time ll,,(:,,n 0 , 1,0 8UCU ?.'V'T at W i - ! twlo'cSic'1 thttnrithIeS em i ork, aim when he turned at bay tourid the two young men above referred to, defend his lifo ho was seized bythepo-'as well as the body of Booth. Ilarrold lco and compelled to uivo bail for Si' (100 i - - for committing au assault with intent to kill ! What a glorious couulry I j We venture the prediction that it will not be ion years-perhaps not half Hint J'riod until nine out cf every ten of this infatuated rnbblo will practically endorse every word said by Mr. Ingersoll, whiel they now condemn. And not a single word of condemnation is to be found in a i i i"' uui "wk even fy Forney ! Important Mnrdor Trial in Carlisle. The Carlisle Democrat has following ac count of the proceedings in r.n importan t murder trinljust closed before tho couit of that lac - Howard Kujierl, Lewis liupert and Henry liu port were put upon trial in the 'Join t of (.yer aud Terminer of Hint coun- tv. nr. frni,kiluo (Kn ISlli in.lul f.. . murder of W. Vanasdlen, at Centrevillo. on t htj Cist of December last. Yuiinsdlen wasadeseiter from tho army, aud the Iiupcrls atteuipled to oirest him. am ,i , ,.; . n .it, . i , while coing so lluwnid hupcrt shut him. I i.ol linsk Ins f Jiupcrl a) corn he should never huk for any other person, d c. Un tlio 3 l.t TiP IW.nilinii I I treville. whero Vanaarllp'r. ... . ' w.u."i. . llici VPIIJU IU lev rain a In t en. - . ...c, .... where a laro number of persons were as- enihled at the hotel, among Ihem the do- X,iof Til i? i r.i...i USP v. ...v. '.nv.r.i ma IIHII.l Up.ll) Vanasdlen's shoulder and said, "You are my pnsoner." v anaMllen replied, "How 83?' Rupert answered, "Well you are," when V.jeiked himself looso and walked off. Whrn he was about ten yards off Howard Rupert called upon him to stop and almost instantly fired his pistol, tho ball entering near the spinul column and coming out at the point of tho breast bono. I hey then took him to his houe and was n the aimn ea .if nail. ir....i i... was in tho agonies of death. Howard Lav ing previously declared thai he would de liver him at the Provost Marsh alV office "dead or alive." Af'er his death, the same day, Howard declared that "Vanas dlen was dead, O d d - him. as he ought to bo," and similar expressions, ten Ul iU .""unco. m. .i.r-.i... . .. . ... . vor,, . nr ! ,, c...- .1 M.ta.UI?w7rf KoP u.a second degree against Lewis Rupert "0 1 . ill! .IQienUltn ta ttfirA llun rAlnanfld.l Ia nr'sor;efend"n,r ero ihen prison to awmt their senlence DfWOur relatinn. ;n. xt.:. i DOur relations with M x ial Washington despatch to the New York Evening Advertiser unvHt "It l. I, .1 ;.,. i .. f " cu, UU what appears reliable authority, that our1 ..i..: M iciuiiuiis wiiu iiexicu win soon assume a new and Important aspect." Ss-One of our subscribers in the coun- try, who has read about sailors "heaving tin' anchors, wants to now if it is sea- , sickness that make 'em do it ! ' TinnTir TTTTS A RA Wiw" n Anaiff BOQTH, TUE ASSASSIN. CAUGHT k .. . JIamU captured diMan tflhiA w.V. deathQffuuil Xiavtte. mmm ?aKlt . u Washington. April 2i lh-U;J0 A. Miiir-(3cnrtil to, Ac l ortf J. Wilkes II f r jtt it f lkl nn m ittr A s .1 IVl bPl Booth an?l Harrrtld weto chased from tho Swamp In St. Mary s county, Maryland, to Garten's Farm, near Port Royal, on lb" Rappahannock, by Col. Baker . force ..... n.. I,,,-- . .. .i.... Tho rear of tho barn in which tiny took rcfuga was fired. Booth in making his Cyrano was shot through the head and killed, lingering about three hours, and Man-old w captured. Booth's body and ; Ilarrold was captured Harrold are now hero. SlgncdJ E. M. STANTON. Secretary of War, Tort Royal, Vii.. near which place l ' Ilea. V IC'&II IID mill nuivu . .kmvi. Booth and Llarrold were taken, is on ',e.irll:0 ' r Jtathburn, a Si.en cor carbine, a sev- south sidnofthe Itappahannoclc, about Jbhooler of Massachusetts manufacture, twenty miles below Frodericksburg. 1 he ; . rvoiyers. and a pooket pistol. He belief herotofore ontortained thai Booth, I . . . l.. . I I . . . l.i. r I n. 1. ..1. ..i F 1 1 iT 1. buujo 'i.ii nu.ij, i'wvui nirviuu ju v i -- . es. A parly o: lour or live accompanies - r 1 A unrl v Iam I rt Iiiia annnmnnrilAd them, who spoke of Booth as a wounded ntl"of M.r land! iU? oTlIiighrierw th P h7 with a view to crossing the Potomac f'' "ned Sown ad a overnmont shoe Virginia, is now confirnie I.J 'K uh loot h0"rnmMI WaiN,iTOM. A pril 27..-H. Star, in a j0" "J f j l)8 oUained to the other lutn edition, haa the following s I.""' i0 ukinc tho two Garretts in- Boo.hand Ilarrold roachej "Garretf." w m.,; "g, Unm3iI"lJ .et .i n.w n,: .i.,..-t0 custoiiy. l ie command nnuicumieijr Marylander on Ins way Home. "'' """l.j i 1l0stoiiabout seven years ago. they wished to leave him there l,orllat Vhich lime he assumed the nameof timn, and would take turn away on tne 2(tli (vcsterdav.l Booth limped sotnhat and walked on crutches about tlio plac, eomplaining ... . . ..fit i . i i . ..i .. ol his anaie. ne nu u.num t.gui.nj look their meais at the house, and booth kept up appearances well. i )na ilnv ut tliA ilmripr talila the eonvor- lll,u"11"1' sntion turned on ti.e assassination of the; President, when Booth denounced the. snsinaii(in in iheseverojt term, saying ; that lliero was no punisiinieiu aaverB c-, nough for the perpertator. . t.me someone said in his presence that reward amounting to two hundred thou sand dollars had been oflored for BjoiIi, and that ho wou'd liko to catch him, when i Booth replied, "Yes, it would bo a good , . 'II ' ,aul; but lb amount w Jt,ubl' oon J" iiln"e l hun(JreJ U,0Ul,ana .... '. , ,. , . 1 he two Garretts. who lived on S". v n"uL' n Z A .i i .i .i i. ... . ouy ill llr . null nuak mrii u iuihu .r'tc , . , , , 1.4 i.i i seu ted themselves paroled reb sold ers .. , . .pi . i ,., on their way homo. Ihey also say that ... i ; ,i i when the cavalry appeared in the ueigU borhood, and I bey hoard that they were looking for the assassins, they sent word to thorn that theso two men were on the place: in other words they assert that WM immediatelyplc(d in a sale place i . . . Thus far, it is stated, he has manifested no disposition to speak ol tiio affair, but at he was known as a very talkative young man, he may aoon resume tho usocdhis toccuo. Boo'.h and llairold wero dressed in re bel prey uniforms. The stuff is new. Ilarrold was otherw iseiiot disguised much, Booth's mustache had beon cut oil appa rently with scissors, and bis beard allow- e.11, ,o rsow' a. oc,jirnmrs"oiss- what shorter than he usually wore it. Booth's body, which we huve before dc cribed, was at once laid out on a bench and a guard placed over il. The lip. of the corpse are tightly compressed, and the blood ha. settled in tho lower part of the fac6 and neck. Otherwise the face is pale and wears a wild, haggard look, indicating exposure to the elements and a rough time generally in his skulk ing (11. II!.!:? ! I it . flight. His hair is disarrange I and dirty, ana s pnrentiy iia.ii.oi i.een combed s.nce he took his flight. J he head and breast is alone exposed to iew, the low- er portion of his body, including llie ,j hands and feet, being covered with a tar - i'huiui imuwii our . mu uos wnicn ,nio the smoking car, when several ner lermmaled his accursed life entered on I ,... Ufi it. .,vin n,.r .....i. the left side at the back of t!ie neck, a point curiously enough not lur distant Irom that in which his victim, our lamen ted President, was shot. No orders have yet been given as to what disposition will be made of I he body. Further Details of tho Capture. Vltnli:rnv Anril n7 Tl.. - ' .1 :. : r . i .... .!..., .. ul" " 'a.r mnowing lurth er uetaiis in relation to tho cat iur of ifurrold and killing of l'.ooth j The detachment of the 10th New York rftvlry. un(cr command of Lieutenant Dougherty, numbering 'JS men. and ac companied by two of Col. Daker's detect ive force, which went down the river on Monday, obtained the first news of liooth at 1'ort Royal on Tuesday evei.ing, from an old man, who slated that four men in company wiih a robel captain bad crossed the Rappahannock a short lime previous, going in the direction of Rowling Green, and added that the captain would proba- as he was courting a lauy tiiere. Pushing oh to Rowling (ireen, the can- tain was found at a hotel and taken into custody. From him it fit ascertained that li ioi Ii and Ilarrold were al the house of John and William (f.-trrett, three miles l.nil Inu.r,!. 1'nrl nn,l .1 . quarter of a mile from the road passed over bv the cavalrv In the ineantinia it brothers, who urged liooth aud Iarrold i to leave lest they (Oarretts) should eet inJ ,va. ...vj, ...... ...y ..,ulllKO, meb reUred f ftf the OW ! . - . . . ' ...... :!S5h ven I hi. horse, from beinc taken and rid. vent his horses from being takon and rid. Uen " 10 lue oighi by Booth and liar- rold. t. . Upon the approach of our cavalry front D " : iy . o i r iif.j ir cavalry front M.,oa Wednes- it of the corn 1JU"'lllSure'U, souu.u a day, the Garretts came out cntl m meet thsin and n anisrsr to thair i i ... . . inquiries, directed them to the barn. , Root h was at onoe summoned to surrn- j dor, but refused. H.rmlrl inrsP(l a ' willingnei. to give bimi-f up, but was o- verruled by Rootli for 10m. time, Anally, grnj J j,ring, ,Mfin4 Booth in ;iueoru. s ":.-, "-r'i7r: the barn. The latter, assuming a aenaui .r dJ,r0" ;J0J h m tbatVh. mea J,C u at fiOwdi r i.Unce 'r.Ai.i Tdriwo un at 50 vard. distance. 1 U,,,BH h-.rtl,,j nnniii out and lifht them, After the barn had been burning turee ' nil art on of an hour, and the root., a- bout to full in, Booth, who had been .land- ' ... . I Inc with a revolver in one hand and a car- bi2e re.tloI on the floor, made a demon- stration a. if tp brenk through the guard . escape. To prevent this Sergeant ; elt tired, intending to hit Booth in and Coibelt Moulder, so as to cripple him, the ... ..,., .iritinn a littla too hiirh. i ball, however striking a little too high, 'entered the neck, re.ulting a. before sla-' ted p.tt. t.n.l in hi. nos.Bsi.ion the short, , u ;r. Jul. l,iil. huairuuk' addition to bis suit of grey, an . ..... 1 . - iv ..o mrfiAn niior rniAnnincT liih UUl IUI Biiniikjwii, w.ewa .-0 nntilun Sergeant uoroeii, who snoi uooui, 1 . n . .. , . n . 1 1. - .. Corbalt. To-dav he has been greatly lioniied, anct on tho street was ie iiedlr surrounded by citizens, who oc- casionHlly manifested their appprecialion , ...... M ,;,,.,,. ... . i : s...i ,i. , , . . j , roturn.,i hom. i. ..l. 'I I, o ,.r..l... in linv. lon on ' .... r . ,:',':', 'r ,, ,i,.,.,i.. r n.i. .-,,.. .,, .., unp.: ness concerning their connection with - o t. ... . .,. tr0i.i ,,!. , i hit n mm ii . iniiiiu aula i i in i.iuviu ;lhilI UU of he l0lofSc. Marshal Mur- ray aud a posse of New York detectives 1 . . , . . , . . . t iracaeu uiera wiiinu a sunn uistance oi Swan i'oinl, but the Marshal being unac quainted with the country and without a I llUnill ICU HU 111V IAIU .HIT HIIVJ II ItUU . - guiJ - juring tho n.ght, took the wrong I road and beturo he could regain the trail, Booth und Ilarrold succeedtd in ttohsing ne rjvpr ih,t Booth ,t.Pti to shoot himself while in the barn is incor- ' ruci. lie, Huncivr. iu mi iiuiivv nun uis : . '. .. ., ,. , . besiegers, indicated that he would not be . . " ,.' ... .. , takenaive. His manner throughout was 11 e, however, in his pailey wiih his that of a hardened desperado, knowing that his doom was sealed, and preferring to meet it there in that shape, rather than in tho more ignominious death awaiting him if captured, lie appeared to pay lit tle attention to the tire raging about h'm uuiil the roof began to full in, nhon he mailo n movement indicating a purpose to make the desperate attempt to cut his way out and perhaps, really hoped to suc ceed amid the smoke and confusion. It was this movement on his part that teemed to have caused Corbelt to tiro the fatal shot. Ilarrold before leaving Hie barn laid down bis pistol, w hich was immediately ricked up by lioolh, who! had it in bis hand at the limo he was shot. DISTURBANCE OF THE PUBLIC PEACE IN PHILADELPHIA. ATTACK UPON EDWARD INGERSOLL, ESQ. A serious disturbance of the publio Peace occurred yesterday morning at Niuib and Ureen streets, occasioned by an assault upon Mr. Edward Ingersoll, by a number of persons who took ollense at some remarks in a speech delivered by him a short time since, at an Arm-Abolition and Slates Kiglits meeting, held in New York. The circumstances of tho whole allair, so far as we can callier f;-nna I the best authority, seem to bo as follows Mr. Ingersoll resides at Germantown. ami ' cum jl)U) u.e city yesterday mornino on tie n o'clock liain. He got upon the car. at T,og Station, and wa. greeted with the ,vr,i "iraiif.. i, .i,... LUlluing u,,on the platform. He passed I i..n ii,.r. r... .i..,.. um... ,u. reaeueu .Mum ana ureen streets a party gathered around the front of the car, for the purpose, it is said, of civina Mr. In- geisull a parling salute ol groans. J he latter, however, left the car tv the other door, and passed up Ninth street lo Wal lace, and was folloaid by these who seem ed lo be in waiting for him. One of the mob, Captain (?) J. II. Worthington, Jr.. l'J8th regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, supped up to Mr. Ingersoll, and after in quiring whether his name was Ingersoll, said ia substance, " I think you owe an apology to the country for your speech, and particularly to the soldiers." Mr. Ingersoll lefused, and Worthington, who carried a cane, raised it as if to strike a blow. Mr. Ingersoll a!so raised his cane, and several blows were exchanged. Mr.l Ingersoll received a cut on the left side of the face and had his cane broken. He was also seized by the throat by the father of Worthington. After soma struggling ue broke loose nnd retreated about ten pace., when he faced about, drew a revol ver and cocked it. The crowd fell back for a moment, when all further proceed ings were cut short by the interference of oflicer Jones, or the Eighth district, who at rested Mr. Ingorsoll, and conveyed him to the police station. Thirteenth and !?ir 15 Vi" Blr""' "euorjoi i9arn a,? ' ir er arresteu. aiuoiuiou maiiey vr.ts eeui mr, ana a hearing was had in the ease. The evi dence adduced was substantially the tame a. given above. In answer to an inquiry, Mr. Ingersoll slated that he carried a re volver because ha anticipated some such attack. He further stated, in answer lo a remark made by some one in the oflice, uiai wnen me weapon was pointed towards This was met in renlv from some 01)0 'n in tne crow u, l OUT are a liar and .1. , .... .. .7 . --- $2,000 W - h f h"f f ' n J h&l tAPV MMM, inl.nl n 1. : T I J3 ' 'j ATTACK ON OH1KLK8 ISGIHJOLL. tta. uhabLk. ISqirjoll, ho. A faw hours aftav tla f. r-u..l I es Ingersoll, a brother of Edward, in com- pany wiih a friend, repaired to the station !L.e at Thht.enth fnd Soring Garden ..reels, to give tad for his brother. Mr. nt . . " .. ' Cuarlea I n crnr.nl 1 unl in ip .n. n,k:ni. he left in Spring Garden street, below MPr'l 1 pd. Woodland I'o., Clearfield oo, Pa. Thirteenth. Mr. 'iDgersoll had aletter'. N,B- 1,e"on eU'm "les without a proper from M.nr ttnr d.in .-. license are subject to a penalty of $80. which iaa to tee his brother, lie entered the Uon bouse came out again, and beck ?r.l'?.ut?r?"PPriDi ".,,ruD" ami Mr. In anr.nl 1 .,.,! :The carr.go bad only diiven . r, yard, 1 when rrer, attacked it on each iide. Some when oeen attacked it on each side. Some iu front atoppod the Horses, wiulst lb our uiu Ingor.oll with club.. Board, were taken fretn the neighboring building, and the . I - U-v 1, n. t Y A IftMAUII .mi TV1 ! carriage tioors were uru ... aeverely beaten from both aide, when and car- linaiiy. ine ponce, rcacuuu ....u. ried him into the station house . Mr. Ingor.oll wa afterward, conveyed to hi. homo his wt lie lias oeen severely iiijurvu,uui hi. wound, aie not . Subsequently the hi. wound ate not dangerous.. venerable Joseph It. Ingersoll gave bail for Edward Inger.oll, and he was released. We understand that at lloclock yes . terday morning a committee or citizen., headed by Worthinton, waited on the i Mayor, and requested that . hdward lngor- sell, bail bo raised to 10,000. The Confederate MaiorTaylor who " remembered a. one of Jell. 1W commissioners to Washington ear y dur- ing the war. has been paroled for ten day . - Loui.ville. in order to enab a him to j United Slate.-he .having re- , , . . f sPClance. 'lbe . . Major is a son af Zachary Taylor, MARRIED 0a the 27th of April ly the Hov. J. M. Smith." Mr. Win. E 'Forces 16 Miss Sua Shirty, both of Bradford townnhip. In this place, on Thursday, the 27th day of A- pril, by the Hev. Monroe, Mr. Darid II. Gear hart, ta Mits Mry C. A'hugart. 1)1 l-'.D In Ooshen township, on (he Jjih of Apr!', Koheaca Bull, only child of J. W. and Ma- ;ry Jane Wallace, aged 4 years, 2 months and 13 di Two weeks ago diiteaie laid hold Of little Buy's fraire, And how in death she's etifTand olJ, But she will live again. K. Ucto Sbbtrtiscmcnts. GREAT FALL IN PRICES ! " SPRING if SUMMER CLOTHING at ins Cjjcap (Eloljinn Sim REIZSNSTEIN BROS Grand opening of Spring Clothing this ilsy, fcrent subjocn, to which additions are being oen -Urand opening of Spring Clo thing this day, tinually made, of Portraits of Eminent Aincrl -(Irand opening of Spring Clothing this day , ' cans, eta., vii : about Orand opening oT Spring Clothing Ihu Uuy, At Reiiensto n Bro's Eilensire Clothing store, At Reiienstein Bro's Extensive Clothing slvre, At Keiienstein Uro'i Extensive Clothing store, At Reiienstein Bro's Extensive Clothing store, The largest and best selected stock iu town, Tha larr..! nl ho.! .nlocteil itiicli in town. Tho largest and best selectcJ stuck in town,; The largest and best silecttd stuck in town, Furnishing lioods, J'alt A Caps, Furnishing Uoods, Huts A Caps, . . . ' turmshing Goods, Hats A Cnpa, Furnishing Uwdi, Hats A Caps, , Trunks, Valises A Traveling Bugs, Trunks, V.li.sei A Traveling liags, l. will pleae roiuil 26 per cont. with their order. Trunks, Valises A Traveling Bugs, TTho prices uu ijuulity of ourg wJs caa Trunki, Valises A Traveling Bags, not fail to sutiafy. Aprl2-2tn A a co. At prices low Tor tlio limes. At price, low lor the times, At prices low for the tlnicn. .r.niiu mr me 1 1 in en, Our old customers do n"t ncid in invitutioa, Our old customers do not need an invitation, Our old cestotueri do not' need an mvitutian, Oar old customers d j not 1 need an invitation, To oihers wo say, t'n 1 and examine our stock, Call nnd ciainiue our stock, ta an. examine our Hock, I all and examine our stock, Kcforo purcliitriiiig JOlscwIicre, Jlef'ore pur tdtuin Klsewlicio, Fancy Goods Constantly on Hand. UEIZENSl El.N LUOl'HLHS. I May 3, "S-ly. 1 PTAN'O FOR SALE. A pinns male by I.otid ,.t iu.;i...i.,i,,i,; ;. ,,ii....,.i r... .i -. .. $130 catb, apply to Mrs.B. J. Berry at the houf0 or J. L. CH ILE May 3, lfij -St. STRAYED OR STOLEN from the counter of iho subscriber, TWO BOOK. 3, one entitled Ancient Mythology," and tho other, "Self Con trailietions of tho Bible." Any Christian, or Christians son, that took or rtolo them, will please return thorn t. the subscriber, or tho sub scriocr must cunsiuor mat Christians will nienl. S. II. LAUUHLIN. Clearfield, My 3. lSdj.-p t. AmilMKl It ATOR'a NOTICldNoTice is htreby given that Letters of Administra tion have beon granted to the underpinned on the estate of Titus 11. Bowles, late of Laivrenco twp., Clearfield county, deceasod : tlurefuro nil per sons inaobieu to sam estate ore required toaiake immodiate paymont, and thoso having doinnndi ....u. . 1 1 ..i. ....... . i against the same will proscnt. theia duly authen ticated lor sotllement. SAMUEL II. R0WLES, Adm'r. May 3, 1S0S, pd. VDMIMSTn.VTOIfS Miner,.. Notice is hereby given, that Letters of Administra tion on the estate of Iienj. F. Carr, late of Law rence township, Clearfiold county, la., deceased, having beon granted to the undorsigned, all perj sons indebted to said estate nre required to mnke immediato paymont, and those having claims agaimt the same will present them duly au'henU cated for icttlement. EDWARD WILLIAMS, AHm'r. ELIZABETH CARH, Admrr. May 3, IS651 4 milXISTKATOU'.S NOTICF. Notice l. is heroby given that letters of administra tion on the estate of W. II. Mntteson, Into of Fox tp., Clearfield co., dee'd, having been grnntod to theundorsigncd,all persons indebted to said estate aro requested to make Immediate nnvment. and those having claims against the same will present cthm duly authenticated for so ttlemenL C. P. FELT, May 2, fit-rd. Administrator. GMCULTU It AL M iWTINcTl The members or tlio Executive Committee of the Clearfield County Agricultural Socloty are requostcd to meet at the ulT.ce of R. J. Wallace In the borough of Clearfield, ou Snt- tirday the (1th day of May, at 3 o'clock p. m. at : r I . , "UMUt" ul importance is io oa irnnxncieu. May 3,'6i-lt. L. F.IRWIJI.See'y. 1)AT UP. ALL persons Indebted to Dr. . Hinar Josaru for professional servieos or out ls 2?, u.. . it t Rfci, J. r. otherwise, are requested to call on the subscrt- Ma 3. 1865. 31 A : V. "Tha nndorened, having 1 lh. -t,u. Tri I? vwou'd inr,or" SfETZg, I whenever called upon. Charges moderate. " " .uvm. vunt.ca 1 jj.... riMt-o,, mitnun. ffi.".1.-f,BfM?, - h'9 to NOTICE TO U. S. TAX-PAYERS ! a IX PERSONS KNOWING TIIEMSELVK3 CM. liable to assessments under the U. 8. R. du. Laws, either for income for the year 1864 gold or stiver plati gold watchea, tuggiei, e' riages, sTring-wagoni, pisnoei, mclodeonf, or fur license, for 1805, are requested to meet me at the following ramod places on the days appoint ed, where I will receive all such returns. And In default of which the pcnulty of twenty. (W. Percentum will in all caaes be added to the prop. For I'learflold borough, Lawrence townahip and all others convenient, at Iiraol Test's office' in Clearfield, on Mendsy, Muy lt. ' . . vimuiii, uviiukkiii, una jriauu3 town- hips, at the home or JUn 11. Mulson, Mulion. burg, on Thursday, May For Morris, Uruliam and I!rsdfird tuwnshlp, at tho buuto of Jin. 1. Nelson. Ktleitcwn i,n Monday. Msy 8th. ' n For Decatur and Bogus townships, at the houneof Milo llojt, In Uiceohi, on TLundav May Ulb. . For Bcccarltt, Woodward and Jordan town? "hips, at the houeo of lluiiiul l'uulhaium, in til Hope, on Monday, May lilli. For Burmido, Boll aud Chct towniliip, at the house of U. S. Plotner, in New Washiuton on Thumday, May ISth. u'l!wn, For Ferguun and I'enn township., and Lum her City borough at the hous. of Win. IWod on Monday, May 23d. For Brady, Bloom and Union townnbin, at the house ot Win. Sihwoin, in LutherburK, oa Wednosday. May 24th. 6 W.J. HEMl-niLL, Afi'tAss'r, 1st BivWion, l'Jib Bit, Pa. Asi t Arictior's Otll-e, I (.urwcmuile, April 21, isfii. sp2 SU SI'KCI AL ANNOUNCEMENT I E. A II. T. ANTHONY CO. Manuftte'rs of rhotographic Materials,, wnoLBBALS A RSTA1L, 601, Ji 110 A DM' A T, N. In addition to our main kuiincm ef Photo, grnphic Materials, we are Ileadqnirltri (or tbe following, vis : Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic Views I Of these wo have an immense assortment, is. cludinir Wur Scenes, Amoricjn ar.d FoToiirn Cit. ! ioi and LindEcapc, (Jroupi, Statuary, tlu. Also, Revolving Stereoscopes, fur public or private ex. jhihition. Our Catnlugue will bs sent to any ad ' dren on receipt of stamp. J'iutoijrtiphic Albums! We wero tho first to introduco thsto Into the United Slates, and we manufacture immense quantities- in great variety, ranging inpriou from 60 cents lo 'i(l each. Our ALBUMS have tho roputotion of being superior; in beiuty and dura bility to any ollien. iney wul be sent by mall FREE, on receipt of price. rrrioo ALBUMS inudo lo ordcr.'S- Curd Photographs ! Our Ca'uloKuo now embraces ever 5(MM) dif- 1 j J'"J 'f li. nerals, I t i-Jueral, t', J C"'oncl i rtists, Lieut-tul..nels 2jU Olher OITieeri, 7J Navy OrTloers, 15 StaifO Pictures, S0 Staiesuieu, ISO Irivine, 125 Authors, tC Prominent WumeU, i ii ii i.... ..r U-...1.. ..r i .. " u. ..uiim ui aiv. including reproductions of the mo.-t celebrated Engraving., fainting, Statues, eto. t'atalognel sent on rowipt of Stamp. An order for Ono Bo- sen 1'ictures from our Catalogue will bo filled oa the rcoeipt of 1 U, nn-1 sent by mail, run. 1 hotngrahers and othen ordjring comli C. 0. SEED POTATOES. A superior lot-fnr sal at J. V. KRATZKR U. April Cj-Iin. ri'U L1C VKNliL'B PES SONAL PROPERTY! , ritJIEREfwill b. expoied to sale at Public Oul- 1 cr, M ,ho rM,,onoa of M;ltthew For01),( Ue ol Bradford township, on Tuesday ilic 9ih day of Muy, '6j. tne following articles of personal property, to wit: One inr.re, 2 sett of harness, 1 windmill, I threshing machine, I patent hay-fork, one cow, 4 head of young cattle, 10 hops, 22 sheep, I two horse wagon, two timber clods, 2 log chains, 1 fiJ'T 1(,1"TV'' 3 plows, ono culiivntur. twohull'aln robes, 1 ten plate stovo. 1 dininir ta- . ble, bureau, and 2 sett of chairs, beds and bed. ' rlinr .ti.l num. ....... .-.'I.. V.....:.. ".."bl iiHunii;., UIII11 (irilLICI U. XHrUIIII ntensils, and Household nnd Kitchen furniture ' tedioui to aiention. Also, a largo stock of VMTMM1IH TV STv (fS all of hich nre 'n good order. i?ab to camincnce nt 8 a. ra., of said day, and continue from day to day until tho wholear sold, when due attendance will bo given end terms made known by T. II. F0RCF.E, S. I'. WILSON, Adiu'rs est, of M. Forcee, dee'd. Ap 2i, tds pd. (Jin lti:VAHI) will be paid for Ihe arrest VlW of JAMES PRICE, who escaped from the custody of the constable f Karthaus town !.. . . . . .... . n .. , shin, on Suudsv the 2d Inst. Faid PRICE I. about 5 feet 8 inches high, dark ctnplezion, with blue marks in the face ; or fifteen dullars will bo raid for his delivery ia the jail nt Clearfield. DANIEL MOORE, Karthaus, spH 'fli tf pd. Conitable. TRU STEPS SALE OF IY virtue of an order cf the Orphans' Court J of Clearfield county, there will b exposed to ITBLIC SALE, at Lurubor City, a ' Saturday the C.th of May next, A oortnin Lot of Ground situate In Lumber city and known as lot No. IS In plan of said borough, and fronting on the t nrnpike, and adjoining pre. perty of James Farwell and others. TERMS. One-half at confirmation of sale, and the balance to be securoi by bond and mort gage. JOHN OWENS, Truitt n Eilnlt nf I'tler Owtni, dte'd. April i, ISfli. THE COUSTY NATIONAL BANK TBaisrar DarARTMasr. Ornraor Cimi-tholirroptmc TaiAscar, Waehineton March 2nJ. 18(tj. ATr" I'" UAX. by t atisfactorv evidonce pre- 1 T scntod to the undorsigned, it has been made to appear tbnt Thk Cotaw Natiosal Basi or Clrarfiri.p, in the borough of Clearfiold, in the county of Clearfiold, and State of Pennsylvania, has been duly organised under nnd in accordance with the requirements of the Act rf C'ongros enti tled " an Act to provide a National Curroncy, se cured by a pledge of United States bonds, ta pro vide for tbe circulation and redemption thereof, " approved June 3, 18(11, and has complied with all the provisions of said act to be complied with be fore commencing tho businors of banking under , said aot. Now, Therefore, I, Hrcit MoCoiloi-oii, Comp troller of the Currency, do heroby certify that The County Aalinnnl Bank nf OUarfiM, In the borough of Clearfield, In the Cfrnnry of Cuarflold, and State of Pennsylvania, Is authorised to com mence the business of basking under tbe Act aforesaid. Io testimony wherof, witness my hand and ta! of office this 2d day of March, 1863. HUGH McCULlOUQH, Mar.8 tf. Comptroller of tb. Curoncy.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers