1 m M i 1 i' '3 li Hi : .a , Ih cri ir e lb ui ir g M t 4 a. il L U T n E R S li U It G , CLKAUFIKM) COUNTY, TA. . i .17 Sen n'Mf, Troyridor. .Mav m, ibf,;i. ly. Vj Olatcbma her Ottoclcr, A'u. I I S .VurM iSiciW 67., rormr (Jii.mtj PHILADELPHIA. An assortment of Watches, Jewelry, Silver und Plated Ware em.-lantly on bund. Tvcptiriring of Wntchos and Jewelry promptly attended t, r;CTMr. Aviso invites Ms old ousdoiners to ctil' ami coo him at tlio abovo OctiiMifhineut, Feb. 15, 'Oi ly. ij -V 1 . A LMUlKqimntityofJCx- 1 10111 ,"""' Family Flour in Pur red! ,Sai'ks anil half Packs, ftrtaloly W. F. 1UW1N. Clearfield, Feb. 22, MS. mTTNISTItATOK'S KOTlt'li. Notice id hereby given that Letter of udministrif tiou on the estiito ofM.iTTtinw A. Folici:K, Into of Brulford township, deceased, having been taken out by tho undersigned, ull persons indebted to ,jaifl ei tate nro requested to inako iuiuiediuto pay ment, nnd those bavins claims against tho same will present them duly authenticated fur settle lacr.t. Til OS. II. FORCEE, ) . , SAM'L P. WILSON, J rtm IlriUortp.,Ai. -I, ISC5. Cheap Fit rii S tu rc! DESIRES lo inform bis oUl friends and run timers that, having enlarged bin shop ami increased his facilities for iiianufiicturin,', he is i now prepared to make to order furniture us may bo desired, in good stylo nnd ut cheap rates for Cash. Ho mostly hud on hand at his '-Furni-ture Rooms," a varied assortment of Ready-made Furniture, uuior.g which arj Uurcaus anil Side-Hoards, Wardrobes nud book-Cases; Centre, Sofa, l'urlor Ercikfiut uiil Jiuing Extension Tables. Comiaon, French-Post, cottage, Jenny- Lind nnd other Bedsteads. SOFAS of all. KINKS, WoRK-STANlX; UAT-KACK3 WASH-STAMPS, Ac' Rocking and Arm Chairs, Fprlng Sent, Cnne-Buttotn and Parlor Chairs nnd Common and other Chair?. look i A' a - a k a ss i: s Of OVcry deioiptioii on hand; and r.cw glasses for oid frame:, which will bo put in on c- ry reasonable terms on short notice. J.'c also keep on ham', or furnishes to or der, Hair, C.ni-liu.d;, Hair and Cotton top Muttrcsscs. COFFINS, Of every kind, Jlsdu to o'der, and fuuerali attended with a lUar;e, Thenover desired. AUo, House Painting done toorder. Tho filfcribcr ulso uianufaetures, and has Cf.iiHiantly en hind, element's Patent Washing Mmliinf, Tho heat now In use. Tho?o u.-in this ma hino never need ho without clean clothes ! Ho nl?oha Flyer's Patent Churn, A mpcrior art'clo. A family using this Churn novor noed bo without butter! All tho nhnvo and many other articles nro fur nished to customers cheap for Cash orciehnned for approved country produce. Cherry, Muplo, 1'opl.ir, I.iuwood and oilier Lumber suitahlo for Cabinet work, taken in exchange for furniture. JTCrKomoinber tho shop is on Market street, Clearfield, l'a.,nnd nearly opposite tho "Old Jew !Uorj." JOHN GL'LICII. Nov. 20,1 Srtl y AEiics'Ecaua 35ouse CVIIWEKKVIU.K, PA. ;1TUS.IX..C HI.OOM, rropru-trcfs, res-' .lVjL pectfully informs her numerous friends, c.t.d tho travelling public, that tho still occuplo) iho ahovo well known stand, and that they will 1 ..1 r.. l 1 1 - ..t r..-, ill. S .ill' I II CI IIVII7U U II, 1 III'- Ul WO III I "I I, V I UI J and conveni.'nce. jivJ-Cuarges moderato, jan 25, 6m. pd LEAH l'.LO )M. " JlElI()CRArjTlC. flUIE undirsi.'ned, having cuupleted his Phot- ngraph tiallery, in Shaw's Kow, two doors , west of tho Miinsion House, Cleurlield, Pu,, is J now ready to wait on nil in want of J W u nrritnrtntilill lirn tiUt-h 11.1 U ill I'tlllblt) 1110 to furnish thnpo hcinuttfu! T)rothictiois of mm draw- i ing In tho highest stylo of the art. Ha in f fated I up my rooms nt a considerable expense, with a view to tho comfort and tdcasuro of iny patrons. . I hope, by strict attention to business and a ilesiro to please,' to merit a liberal shnro if public t attonniro. A full supply of (lilt, Rosewood , and other Frames, Albums, und un endless variety of Cases always on hand, Particular attention given to copying ail kinde ,f Pictures. Jl'X Instruction in tho art of Photographing ivou ana apparatus lurmshcl at city prices, fq2l-tf II. liUIlXiE, Ailisl. J. (5. Ii LACK WELL. WITH GEO. V. 11HED k VO. CLOTHING, Also, Jobbers in f'lotlts, C;lsilllctl'.s and S;iltinols; No. I'i.X Market ft ice t, North tido bctwicn Fourth and Fifth, PHILADELPHIA. aJJ-Cnll nnd see our extensive stock. Aug. 10, XI. tf. 3 WATCH .t.JEWELP.V. TIlIE undersigncil respectfully I informs his customers and the public generally, that ho has just receivod from tho East, and 01 en, id alius establishment in UltMIMt'S HOW 'lenrGold, Pa., a fino assortment of Clocks, WATunrs, and Jnv.rt.liY of different minl'itics, from a ntntftn tin In a foil nlt wliw.K tin u-lll . tll nt ib m.i i.i. r,.. ..ri exchnnpc for old gold and silver, CLOCKS of overy variety on hand, at tho mist reasonable prices. ALL kinds of Clocks, Watidica and Jewelry carefully repaired and U'orrnntcf. A continunnco of patronage is solieitml, Kept, IK, 18(10. H. F.NAL'OLE. Farm for Sale. HTMIE sul.seriher oflers for sale, on reasonnhle JL tcrm.( IO . cres of I, nnd, more or leis, sit tiato In flirnrd township, Cleartlobl connty.v.lth about 40 acscs cleared, with buildings, Ac, erce- tod thereon, being tho same promises purchased l.v Smith d Kinir from Georire 13. Smith. For terms and particular! apply to the undersigned tit Clearfield, Pa. '1110S. J. HcCULLOUGIL Sept. 14, ISSt.tf. WJILOUIt. A Superior Article S r t" . t. :i- irt 01 ivxira railing nuur For Salo br Feb.!S,3t. JAS. L. LEAVY. piARPKTING Ingrain, Cotton, homp, Flair, V Hoot Oil-clotnc, liroentolle, uoor mais, c .1. P. KRA'l ZER. yr adics' and Children's Hale, Latest Styles at JL CHARLES OAKKoKO A bONS, ConUnun C. W. & H. W. SMITH,! dhali:hs in j MERCHANDISE! HAVE STILL ON HAND A Fine Assortment OF Dry (loads. Notions, Groceries, Jlardicare, Qticensicare, Wooden-Ware, ,K j Household Goods, ! ALL OF WJIK'll WILL V, SOLD IY LOT F & e- a la I J.in, 2."i, "m. CHEAP STOVES. T Ml: iiibieriler in order to accomiioxl.iie too citizens of Curivetifville. mil do public gi licraliv, ua." lu"i reecivci u mi oi COOK, AND l'AKLOU STOVLS, f..r wood or i-'-'al, which ho will di-po.--o of very cheap for ea.-h or product'. JOHN D. THOMPSON. Kov. i, 1303 -If. a r so ..... , :'.!c nt the cheap storo t Ij .1 i io of John 1). Thompson, I cents per oitnd. in CurttctiM iile, ; Ktv. 11, 1- A FARM FOR SALE. iMiii fuoscriiier oners lorsaio on riicuintiiK' 1 I r. i ., , 1 . ....!!. (intible i - uierms, a rami in iieccariu io n.-ini', one , mil" South of Peec:iria Mills. It contains l-'ifty Acres, with Forty Acres elea red, a -A : lo liarn.and other out -buildings, ni l a gr.Hiing ! Orchard of tliri'-ins trees. Tho title is uiidispn table. l-'W Tt-rnis, n ply to the underfilled, in Lawreiiea towihip, Clearfield county, Pa, biiii:i-3tn-i..l J. K. KH VD. NEW FIRM. HAR'ISWICK & HUSTON DBUSfiBTS ........ . .,r , , . ,, ... ,. ,,. 31 A UK P. 1 Oiled CLhA K I' 1 l-Ll) I A. KEI'.V Cultstd ht ! II on haul aLlfir . - ....'.... jk1 and vol Stlt'ctKl stork of J)UV(lS,nvI CHEMICALS I'ALXTK Of.S AXI VAllMSll l'Lltl'L'MLUY i Tliil.LT AKTICI.LS. PLANKS, LOOKS AND STATIONARY. TOIJACCO AiblXiAUS. And iiLrein.-r.-iI assoi ttiu-nt of VA IM ATlKtt un. I 1 a.ncy AKTJCLLS. W respectfully invite a call, feeling ,rn( ihat we can supply tho wants of eonfl -ail, ou terms to their f.Uisiaetion IIAHTSWK'K A lll'.STON. Clearfield April 27lli 1S03. tf S u s n u e h a 11 11 a H n 11 s e t fnwi'ss 1 7 ..'. , u. u. nicit vi 1.. rii.pt it im-. rillllS lnrsro and commodious HOTEL is de J. lightfully located cn the l ank of the Sus quelnii.ua, iii the borough of CurweiiJHe. Tho present proprietor will spare m cffoi t to render his customers omfortnble, and hopes tc merit a liberal i-hnro tf pul'.ic atronage. HIS I'.AU AND TALI.E Will bo well supplied with every Ih'ng tho mar ket iidurds, string" out. ltal'tiiieu will ulwnys f'ndbi.i' M ir. -. '" I. tf. 100T3 and Shoes a ei.mplel ; ) Ladies', (ientlemcn's, Misri..'. 11 Children's Pools Shoes and (l.iiiersn; J. P. KKATZER'S. STAPLE Pry Cloall-eloths, Fliinnels, Ticking, old prices at flood? Cloths, Cassinieres Tweeds, Satinetts, Silkwarp Muslin, Linen, Prints, at Iho J. T. KR.VTZER'S. n(IVVAItl) ASSOl I.TH, I Piiiupki.i-iiia, Ta. J liisensesof tho Nervous, Seminal, 1'rinary nnd Sexual Systems new and reliable treatment in reports of tho Howard Association, sent by mail in foaled letter envelopes, fro of charge. Address, Dr. J. SK1LLEN HOl iiilTON, How. 1 nrd Association, No. 2, South Ninth Street 1'lii adelphia, Pa. jy2( -'fil ly Chop! Chop! Chop! Qrv rvnA Pushels superior ltVE-CHOP Uv jiift received und for sale at1 $3 "5 per hundred. I Philipshurg, Aug. 8, ISf.l. pd. "7" ANTED A la rye lot of FLAX SEED in exchange for ianpo 000DS at the Cheap Fh.ro of JOHN n, Curwcnsville, ScpL 1(1, lRf,3. THOMPSON. 1 OVSEHOLDOOODS Tinwarc.Queenswaro, AM. Oiasswnro, vt oouonwaro, Looking Ohi'ses, Clocks, Nails, (Mass. Oils, Paints, Lumps, Wall Paper, at all prices at Ladioi l'urs. Purchasers may rely upon petting ' tho best Furs at C1IAS. OAKF0UD i. SONS, Continental Uotol, Philadelphia. Jan. 11. 1 "PROVISIONS Flour, Cheese, Lard, Dried Apples, Dried Peaches, reeoivod regularly from the west a tho store of J. P. KUATZEK. MFSICAL 000DS Flutes, Violin", Fifo., llnrmonieans, Preceptors, Miisio Paper, Vi olin Pows, Bridge, Strings of the be't quality nt .T. P. K RAZE ICS. CLFAll FIELD CO. DUIECTCHY TIME OF II0LDIN9 C0T73T. ?J Monday In January, I 3d Monday In Juits, til Monday In Mivrch, 4th Monday in Sopt. of oach year, and contlnuo two weeks if nooessary COUNTY AND DISTRICT OFriCU. Trcs't Judge on. Pntniiel Linn, lltllefonto. Ab'Io Judges Hon. J. D.Tlioini Bon.Curwensvlllo Hon. Jiimes l;loom, lorren FherilT, Kdwnrd revk.', l'rothonotnry, 1. F. Ktr-ueihr, licg. S. Uce. Isaiah (I. llarger, Kl.-trlct Att'y, VM. M. McCou;;h Tren.urer, 0. K mixer, Co. Surveyor, 11. 11. Wright, Coumii:tioi-r;-, Thus. Uoughuity, I Amos ltend, ' Conrad linker. Auditors, II Woodward, V. F. Couteret, i M. L. C. Kvnns. Corom r, Heury W. Parks. County Sop't. C. 11. landlord, Clearllold, (lien Hope. Cleai liuld. do Ansonville. Penn Held. LceonttuMill Piho l. Clent field Clearfield. LIST OF POST OFFICES. , I'oit Oj)uk, PuHlimiilrrt, (len Hop.,, Win. S. Wri.t 1 liihvilL, Theodore Weld, r. . l!(H .1 1 ' 1 Till, Hcjiartv's X Itoads.Sam'l. llegiiily 1. niver, Chest, Cush, Oslend, l'orrc.'.t, Clearfield iliide, Voodlnnd, Ltithershurj, Ti mitvijlc. W. McCriicKcn, Th.A. M'libee. J. V. Cnmphell, ll.L.IIendcrson, lames lUoom, James Forrest, William Albert. P.. 11. Moore, ttins. Mot y. l.looin, lo)!';f.', l:i;i'tMI i o!y. ,Ti !:'er: ' n Line, Jolill lleber.in, Ne.v W:: -ton, .las. (iallnher, llMrtsiile. luicliinv ill', East ltidge, lliird, Mcdarvf y, We.-Iover, Clenrlield, I'n ii' liv il!c, K.di'i. ins. ; t'orw cnv illc, Phi lipihiir, We.-t t'eeiitor, Osc-eoU Mil'.J, Marron, Utile Toby, Lccnnte's Mil'.-', llald n;i:.', Sliawsvi'.le, (Jraliatutoii, Smith's Mills, Maih ir.i, Tyler. Peimfield, Ansoiiville, Salt Lick. New Mii lp rt, Kylertown, Morii.Mla!e, I.'iinliiT Cny.J (iratnpiali II lis, Curnensvillo, Iilooinin ;.vi.'.e, l'.erktlll, Jellries, W. C. Irviri, Jack l'.itdiin, Jacob lloiee, (I. To?er, jr. Win. Mi-liarvry, S. A. I'lirber, M. A. I'r.n. :, P. A. C-u'iii. J.r.W.Sclinarra T. W. l'ictniu, Ci litre l oiiiitv, S. Lil t much" T. F. Hoalieh, Kd. U'llIillllH, ClearfieU, Covington, Curw-twvill j liieatisr, i'cru.-on, 1 ox. Jits. lct.ielii.n, 'Zl. lir.iham, li uclicli, , llnti n, Joi din, Kanhaus, Knox, ! Morris, ,4 IVnn, ! ' I Pike, l i i n, Woodward, '1 his Po.-t Otl'n-u n ii. do J Will aii.- wer 1 ir l' ci t'u on toivii:hii JOHN L. CUTTLK, ,111111 l , in .'i' n ...... ........ , " It !' 1 1 " I I l'INN'A ., , . -'. !l ' V ";". 1 ) I.SPI.CI I- I LL o!; -rs Lis s rvn- s m e;l. :. a I joii.tii counties ; nn-.i una an rAp-.-u.-ueu -i . tweiityyearsa.il Sur.'.-y-.r, Hatters I1i111sclfth.it lie can ren.hr tath-faci'm. Feb. 'ti:: tf. iW. , Street 1 It-ok." SI. M . I'M.orc.n. Airoitsnv Ar 1 Law, t'learli d, Pa, Ol'ice on Market ono dour ea-t of tho "Clearfield County n.ny 1, Itic.J-tf. j l.xv it 1 1: .1 . 1 1 1 . a kY: 1 ,V , 'Attni-m-y r.n.l CoitiiNtllof r.t I." v. iWill iittend to ad business entrust.'.; to bis enre in Lilt mid inljoiiiing counties at St. Mary's ' (Hcuiira'.T P. 0.) pep 'JS, '.' n:o pd. tiiomts j. :.i ( iM.orii, , Atloriif.v nt I.atv. j Ofli.-e ndj-iniii the Pauls, formerly occupied ly ; J 11. Mctii.iU.v, F.m., Market street, Clearfield, Pa Will a'.tchd pro.iij ;ly to t'jilicti inp, Sale 1 of Lauds, Ac. I'ee. 17, '''2. ! It OP.Kiir J. WALLACE, Att ir. inv at Law Clearliild, Pi., tl'ice in Mill's Uow, 1 j tile ih- Ji.uri.ul uthce. dec. 1, tf I.. J. CHANS. WU.TKil IIM'.-LT CHANS and LAKIiLT, Attoi ncvN at l aw. May 3, V,3. Clkai:fh.i.i, pa. D!i. M. WOODS, '. i.ui, 111, 1 Eaoiiiiinu Oiljce Southwest t fjll ACTICINil Pi,; genii lor Pensions. Second and Cherry -du cts, Clear:. .1 a li i 11 ry 1,1, Pa, :i, is;i. CYHENII S HOWE. J CSTHT. Ol' J UK I'l'.ArK. For I'm ATfn Township, will promptly attend to nil bii-ioess entrusted to his cure. P. . Address, Philipslurj; Pa. Ait?. 2I,t IM'.I 1 EVEU FLEd.-VL, Ju-tiiu of tho Pi'l.'o, Lit- J J tlicrsbur;.', Clearfield c.uir. promptly to all lusitiess enir.: Lutliersliurg, April 4, ISI'.I. y I'a., w.ll attcn'I ted to liis cure. .7. P. K 11 A T Z J- R, ItCII.VNT, and dealer in Dry (Lois otliing, Hardware, tue. tiswai e, Cruccrics 1 1 1 i.-ions, .v.:. Front Street uhove tho Academy Clearfield Pa. April 2l)ih ISC I, II. W. SMI TH ci CO. !Vll'.l!('il VMS, anil (k-nlein In Dry llo. d-., (iroceries. Hardware, liuoer.swari', uiol everithin 4 usually li- yt by the tnule. Storo on SECOND Street, below- .lud'e Leonard's, oppo site tho Presbyteriau Church, Cleurlield Pa. Dec. 4, ISf.l. Di-sluli'iii of ';irtiK-r.;l flll!'. piirtnershin heretoforo cxistiiv' bctivecn i,ii. ess as ssolved by B the nibseiihers in tho banking b this day di Leonard, Kinney &, Co., is mutual consent, Tho books, papers, and asseti nro left in tho hands of James T. Leonard, at tho office of tho 1 firm, nnd all claims duo to and by tho firm will1 bo settled by him. All overdue paper must Lo lerthnith settled. JAMES T. LEONARD, I A. C. I INN ICY, I W. A. WALLACE, I The buslnosfl will bo continuo.l by James T Leonard as Leonard it Co. dee 21-KS6I. pi,i:Ai!i:ii-,i,i) m:i J Hume Industry 1 Itsr.lt V cnrntirncrc Iho undersigned having citiihlislied a Nursery, on Iho Pike, about half t way between Cleurlield and Curwcnsville horns', is prepared to furnish all hinds of Fruit trees, (Standard nnd Dwarf,) Evergreens, Shrubbery, irnpe Vines, (Inoschcrrics, Lawton Plnckberry Strawberry and Kas pberrj vines. Also, A'lherian Crab trees, Quince and early scarlet ltheubnrb, 4o, Orders promptly attended lo. Address J. D. WRIGHT, Curwensviu sept. 11. 'CI. ly fi cntlemen's Hats, All tho Latest Styles nt CIIAHLES OAKE0R1J & SONS, Cnti- nenUl Hotel, Philadelphia. Jan. 11. nurrnit joust, MAIN STREET. BROOK V1LLE, PA I IL U. M K A N S , rHorp.iLTon. Oct. 19 ly The Keason why Everybody imrchapo their CL0TIHNO o, REIZENSTIilN UUOS. & CO. rscennso they sell so very chonp for Cash i IlceauKO they keep tho best goods ( Uecuu'o their Clothing is well malo 4 lajinunauio ( Uecause they keep the lirgcut assortment i j IJecuuso thoy get Now (looda ovory week Deciiuno they givoevory ono tho worth of his nion'y Pecaui'O they tako tho advnnlago ol nououy j lleenuso they treat Ihoir cuptomors woll J Peciiupo evcryboly likes to deal with thorn ; Peeiiuso they si II cheaper than tho rest J L'ooau.-o their Clothing are. well sewed i. Ct well i Lecuuso they can Buit everybody ; 1 Pecuuso their titoro is to convonicntly situated; Pccuui o nobody loavos their storo dissalitfiod ; liecuuso all who deal with them are euro to cal I again, and send tht ir neighbors j ' PeeauRO they havo pureha-.-od their Stock at such reduced prices that they can afford to ' ADVERTISE! , Theso arc a few of tho reasons why they ecll so cheap. '."-All liinds'of Country Produco taken at tho highest market price. liKIKNSTEIX BKuS.it CO. i Clearfield, Nov 11, l.vi;i, 3m. Ttta v h i.ii's nnr.iT atwnnt ma i Ccrofiila r.nd Sorofliloua Disoasofi. 1 from r.mi i ij ."i.'cj, ii !'( lii'iim rnvrchunt Ox- ' 1 1 V.-r inld l.ir .'e rpiauliiicH nf your Saiisai-A-MI. 1. 1, 1 tut iirvn v.'t oun I, ittle which I'ailed of Ha rt i irt-l cir. i t am! lull s itiiit.ictioti totliose who took It. As fut tk our people try It, tliey a- ree there bus l.ei a no medicine lil.e it heiore ill our community." Ur-.iplirr.n, I'iriplcn, Blotohc3, Tuntulcs, Ul- cori, Soro.-i, nnJ nil Disca-ies of tlio Skin. I'n.m .'-r. HJ.t. S!r,ttlai, Hrulot, J.ntiiitu'l. " I only do imv duty to you mid the miMic, wlioti 1 rel I li' v toii'ioinv to th .t you piit.lih of the me i!l -i : i-i I v i i-t 1 1. s ol your S u-i-Mill. t. A. My il:iu;:h t r, u 'e.l l-n. I; id im i.llleliii : liuiuor in livr earn, iye", ,iul hair .,r vcars, which w,-were unable in line u-itil ui- tiinl'voiir S uSAr.viill.l.A. blie bus 1 en well lor i o.ne lunulas. I I am without ,i-iy syniptoinB nt tlie ilisi-ise tliac 1 know of. 1 1 uaiv per!. , t health, nml willioul u doubt o,ve it to your .SAUAt-AIUI.I.A.'' E.-ya;'J0liS -acr.cpit Debility Purify tho Wood. V-'-i 7r. i: 'I. .T,;ci.(, It.-wtim H., .Vcie loci!'. " In:. Ayki:. I Seldom fail to reniove A.'n''.'os .-.rid ,s". r.'f.tlMA S: r. by the p.-r -everin:.' use of your ; s ', ic 1 1 ; ; i.i A. and I have just now cured no attack j of :I., !:. :t I'.r.i iiitlat wiih it. No nlt'-rativ"-wo 1 p.iv.,'si'.-..-.at tli,-'SMi-si-.:ti.t.A you have sup 1 pbed to tic -r.!'c.im as tr. I! as to 11 w pi oplc." 1 InuaJ. i:tJ-hut, .'-. Iliii'S:., Ohfo. " l'.,r t.r I..' vcirs, I h el the velimv Kry Ipehi I on mv ii: ht ar.ii. .iuriu : vvhi -!i too.- I tried all the I 1, 1 'bf.il-d j ti v i.-i.uin I . uiil 1 p'.-i.-h. and took huu ilrid !' ii 'H'lis w.-rtli of im-.lieiii.-ti. Tho ulcers wen- s. bad t'nt the cords l"-cauv- viihlc. mi l th" j do-tors d'-'-l Icl that my arm iiiu-t be nmputato.l. I bewail taking your r, i.'s M- vr.n.l.v. Took two hot ! (V s. mi I Minn' 01 j our I'll. I.-. To'.'.-th'-r they bav cireil mo. I am now . vv II cud sound as any Ixidy. ' :. in.- in a iMiMic ol ice. in-,- r '. is known to every bo.lv iu this lomnuiuuy, and ex.ltes t.ie woiulir ut ill.' li-r.in IT-n. It. f'y ,U..nr. )T. I'. if Si -'rrntttt, ('. I"., ii icudtii'i jiiiiutier of i.'il ('iiii:iieiu I'urtia K"lt. ' , . ' 1 hive tii.il vour Sat:- vi-Ar.tt.i.A hi nv fumilr, for general ilii-i)Hl, nn.I tor jot;.. 7 th" hl.xHt, wil'.i v.tv ben ti nl ru Its. ami cJ cuuli-luice itt Cour.nemd.iJ it to t'.ic ttllli.'tcd." Ct. Ai-'-licn-.-Vi "i.-c, icr-o, Pult Rhoum, i;.-al.l Ilea.', 13:-ro Kyo-:. J'i n .;: -i s ' !-r. ',,(..' . litor ifV juiii-hi'-n I inn nit, '. 111 -lili-imht. "liar mil; f hill, about llllie V, Si's of v.as i.-t 1 Led be i p-o-.l s on III-, f oe' a I. '1 h-y rapidly f!.r-:-.l -n.l',1 Ih' V lonifd n hiathoine and virulent Mire, w hich i.ivi red his face, and Ki-tually bliiobd his , s lor -i'imc .lays. A nkiluil phy-,ici.;n applu d i iu-'t.- of : lii. r and otle r n medief., without any Bj.imr. nt n.-t. 'or fifteen ly s we puard 'd hi I. .''li s, I- t Willi t lli-lil be shonl'l bur (.pen the fes t ii i - ci ! eo.iunt wound which lovircd his wlioli l..,e. ' II iviiet ti.'-d every thin.-r else we hail any bo C llolll, lie be:;all uivln;.' your VILAI-AIIII I A, 1 i.pi'p. hi'.' the Iodide nf p .tash lotion, as yon ih.-,.-;. The -ore b:; 111 to heal when we had elveii tiic br -t bottle, 1,11. 1 was well when we hud llnished ih, - e,,ii,L '1 be chiM's evcl i; lies, which h id come 'ut, 1 r.-w a:.' un. nnd be Is now us healthy and lair t's :,uy .it;.! r. The whole uci;;liborhood 1 redioUd lilat the cllll'l 11111 -t ill,'." Byphilii nn 1 Mercurial Ditcrwo. JV.-Tii or. Ilirum Slant, if .SV. l.nuif, Missouri. "1 Jour SAii-M'Alill.l A a more eircctual r'tic'v bo' the 1 ecoti'l.irv aympt.it is of S.iphiii und furi-Vjiliihtii- (hse.iMi- tlinu'iiny other we pxtssess. 'J h" i n o n-i, .1 . iv mil -1,1. d to you for nunc of tlio ll' ft Ilie lielliss v.v have." t'rvm A. .. I'.fi h, .'". !., rn tminent h;.-i -inn cf y-.e-l, 11, e, ;,',..,.., vh II (I JVouiilt' lit ltl-lltUr of th' 1 1 ,.:s, '.;V of .l.S.-'-1..-'fS. "In;. A vi.i:. My il- r Mrt 1 ln.e foun 1 vour PAbs.-.r vnil.l.t t;n i'xi-1'lh'iii renii'il for S;ii'!iil:f, bob. id iho ;o i'm u'.v tin 1 sr.'t'.oi',w type, and Hi'. t', I i I 1 Otoe . . . s'that Were too :-lill:it-! to ylel 1 to (.thcr r- me .i. ... I il.i not know- what v,e e ui em I l.iv with inure e. rtaint v of bih-cosh, win re u pow.r- !..l ,'.. . , ,...! nil alterative is r iui 1 Mr. (7ms. .;. I'o.i Lit ir,rrX,ir rr-.-f-W-,.V..f., h id . iic -i liul r.l-e -s on hi-. I -:r, caused by the uhue of im 1 cur v. or ;m mr id din rise, which grew more .-u i 1 .,!,'';, r.r.ivit-.l for yens, 111 spite of every i-;ui !y or t,e i:i'i"nt th "t ci'.uld he applied, until the 1 r evi riii' 11 -c . f Avi .it's Sai;sai'Ai;ii.i.a n li. v.-d I -in. 1 , vv c 1 .1 c :n be found more inveterate nnd iVtr- s-iii-t t!i i-i this, and it took several dozen be;;'. '1 to C'.li'c l:..u. IiCiiccrrhwA, Whiles, Fcrr.nlo V'cnhner.s, t.ro '-eia riilly produced by Internal .s'l-rofVoMi (7 (C o.',',.'. ;n: I ilia-very often cured by the ultcriitiv.! 1 ilei 1 of ilb.i S u:u iu:ii.i.A. Soiui' c.ih. s re.iuire, la-iv, vr, in "Id of the S t:sAl'Al:ll.l.A, the skilful 1 .dicidi' ii of local r.'inc.licM, Vi'ii t'.'i..- r. 7 it r.pil -;.f. '.v "'!, lr:tt.l Or. 11 M.irriil, ,f Cincinnati. " I h ive(oii':d vmr Sals e mmi.i.a nn excellent r.l. i-.!!.-. iii .!;:.c'i:"S of feiniile.. .Many eases of Jrn .:'il li itv, l.eucori-tiii 1, Internal I Icerution, and l'le.il , ; . 1 1 1 1 1 1 v , m-i-iiiir t.'otn flu- scrofulous iliutlie-ls, li-'.vc vi, I l.'l to il.iiud there are b w that do not, win n ils . licet is pivperly aided by local treatment." A ln'if, nnfilling l nltnm the jinl'ILiitiim of her vi'mr, vrili 1 1 j... ,1. ,. ',(' r nn-l myself h ive be n cured of a M-rv ,M ilit ,ffti-f 1 cii.sirrh'i-ii of Imi-r st.iuillnc;, by two holib s of )our SAlt.sAi-ARibl.A." It!ieiimnt:siri, Gent, Tdrcr Complcint, Dys- rcptiin, Heart Ditioit ie, Kournlnin, wh. ii cause 1 hv Si-rofi'it I.i the system, iro rapidly cn red by tins Lxi. Sahsai-auii.i.a. AYER'S (1ATITAUTTU PILLS .. - ,-s mi tni-r.v advaiitiigcs over the other pur .-.".lives in the market, nml their superior 1 'tue.s :11c so iiiuvei'saily kliuwn. Hint we n e.l 11.1t .1.) more than t i ti.-Mtre the public their ipi'ility is l.iniiUaincil e.jit il to the l.esl it ever liiis I.eeii, mill that they limy he depended on bi iln nil that tlu-v have ever done. Preimre.l ly .1. C. AY Eli, M. 1)., & Co., Lowell, Mil;.s., 1111.1 sold by .it-Sold by C. F. Watson nnd Ilartswlck ,t Huston, Clpnrfiehl ; E. A. Irvin, Curwensvillo i Foster A Medirk, Philipfhurg ; S. Arnuld, Lu thcrsburg j and by dealers everywhere. September 11, '61, 1 yr. SF, Mrt'I.OKf-.Y, Practical Surveyor.of , fcrs his professional services to tho pcoplo of Clcarflold county. Having purchased tho In struments. Drafts, Ao., of tho Into Thomas lloss. deo'd. ho will bo rendy to attend to business on William Carr, ,-.,.,,,,:,,..,; ;,v;V. f ,- M-, '.-.. S. J. If. A -? ftJSjh A. 11. ,li:iw. ! ' v .1 m .-nt.-i-1, isv niii. nd lor a war v.st with . : - J ... V ji fJ "AM v ii I-..,.,,.. I rcro'iiloiiH 1-rt-.ii..:i.wlii.-li vvaa very trnehh-Mnn-. !---?' f .', tj EfcllzHLHx:i , .' n.,.' 'oi!un.r liir.r.l.d i.ny relief until we tried vmir M r, V disr v A w 1 J.is A. U-x-xny . KU:..U!.,.A, Whi.-h soon eomph t. ly cured her." : E. c &&il--2b r j! . I (:har. J. 1 usey v, .. ;,jc, ,., of th u-i.Mylnmrn ;4"gr .Jntlif I ii. Woodward,' ,,y,,,, .:,,,. .v. ir. i 7. - biXjiui r''",fe9 I hih fja.-e. ! "I l'"l for 'ev.r.d y.ar.i a very tr.Mil,Icomo 2 l. A -ij-Jr I C 1l,.'-i,l..rn "r m i.'.y f.cc, whic!! LTcw rousfmtly wor e r- T - ''! "'A. m", i.t.til it. li-haired inyri.itiiivs and l..r.ime an inlol- i?.., -. f M.O.Mnk, ,r-!.!T!:u--ii-i. tii nlnm-t every thin- a limn r ..'.,' i.H 3 Jas. Thompson, r.cild.rt U,tU mlvi-i :n. inoli.-iuo, hut without tiny z.2 " I 'LpA t- rc k C Li J. C. 1 'leu nor, 1 1, lief wh.devr, until 1 to. .' your Silts m-ai.II.I.A. ; 6.4 r-.- ;'.( 1 . - p S J j!J 11 W. Sic-neer I It iiimi.il i itrly mule tnv l-iee wori-e, an you tol.l 1110 ;Z?.'tZ jPvj.?s f. S X ii j 'r l,,r I 1' tnU'ht forii tim-; hot in n few weeks t,n- new n r.j-J: X ' w ' ,; ,. r .' kVh li-.ran to form uud. r the l.lotchc, and eon- o -5 a. - jf.yOjJr C tft, ! S ffl H I. II. 1 1. 'mill,;. 1,,,., .1 u.,t, iv far-.- is iik nnootli n any body's, - J r. ft-j Tii 4 "J 1 1 75 n li.'iii. F. luk'.t nvd I am without ,i-ivsviiipt.inB of the discno that g- f. f?. z X D.i'. lJtiihak.-r. 1 know of. 1 cia.v 'peVf.-ct health, and without u Jo-, 1 Ifil'Mz 2 E James Icehet-J doubt o,ve it to y.-ur ,s.u;.-Al-Ai1ll.l.A.- ! g; w V ill ? O ' " rf'.esu,wii,!.,p. I E.-ya;polis-acr.cpil sJebiiuy-i'uruy iao , - ? r tf-llv.'a c I rr-.-t :,: i: ' f. r,!:cl. ir,.;'!on rt.,nr Vorl: fr , 4 if A n I AYKii. I seldom fail to rcnove Hri'iti,,i.i r- Pf- , t&ijr V .tnd . rofoi .us .V. en bylhe i.-r.evcrin:.'Usc.f your c r - C V.I; CLrr-r-r IFtS '0 l-rrtlt.; Sai.- m-m::i.i a, ami 1 Have just now ciireunn aiia.-k. , , Jr.,-jir.; J3.Li- tho shortest notieo ; ho can ho consulted at his AUCTIONEER, and will attend to the crying residenco with Robert Ross, ono mllo from Cur- of sales in any part of the county at.tho shortest wensvilte, or by letter addressed fo him at Cur- notice, and at tho most reasonable churges. Ad wensville. S. F. McOLOSK EY. I dress, either personally or by letier, oitheret np. 27 'el ly J CurweiifvilU or Ideoinville. April fi, Y.4, tf. JE7 GOODS fj, fjjjj Cheap Cash Store () p WTT.T.TATJP TOWTN! utJiiiuiii xi aaviiaj.1i Market sired, ovpaite the ' VUarfidd ILvse, Cloarliclil, Pa. A FRE.SII AKUI VAL OF Winter Goods AT THE CHEAT CASH STOKE. I am just receiving and opening a rnrefull elected stuck of fashionable Spring i, Summ of almost every description, j . A beautiful assortment of Prints and Dry goods, of tho newest and latest stylos. Also a great variety of useful notions. DllY-CiOODS AMD MOTIONS. Punnets, Shawls, Hats and Cups, Hoots and Shoes, a large quantity, Hardware, yueonswarc, Drugs and Medicinos, Oil and Paints, Carpet A Oil Cloths, G ROCEUI ES, Fish, Bacon and Flour, Mackerel in 4 J and I barrels, of tho Lst quality, all of which w ill bo told at tho lowVlt cash or ready pay prices. My old friends and tho public generally, are rcspoetfully invited to call. ff:-yS. 1! All kinds of (VM.Vand approved COL WTJ: V J'UUUL'CE tukon in exchange for Goods. WM. F. IRWIN. Clearfield, Jnn II, lSf.5. " "2. i. f 5' RICHARD MOSSOP, DSAILIU Jin FOUKUiX and DOMLvSTIC GOODS nt at nl nl SpriPalion Sensation Sensation Sensation prices prices prices pvici's dei, a i n es cop.ui;us ALl'ACAS .Tml reccivpil nt MOSSOl'S filNtilTAMS r.t Sensation prices CHINTZ n:i NTS (il.oV ES tit nt nt Sens.-it ion Sen-ir.l ion Sensation Sen s:it inn nl MO:; Sennit ion Seti.-tition prtccfc i ices prices prices '( IPS' prire ! r: HA VATS SHAWLS 111 )N NETS COLORE!) ) MCSE1NS f .t nt nt r.ces Sensntion prices All lo I !i.i.l nt MOSSOrS'. I.INEN nt. Sensntion I'll ASH at Si-nsiilion Ci;i'l'AINS i:t S,-nsnlion prices prices ices I A r.LH CLOTHS nl Sensation ! I 1 tvi.Mii, prices nt Sensation nt MOSSOl'S'. LACE HOSIERY RII-r.ONS nt r.t nt Sensation Sensation Sensation prices . rices prices price TLMMMINOSj of all kimls ei at in any (itinn'tv 1 Sensation A'.-.vnvson hand at MOSSOPS'. ivy juices pi ices J.f'lCf 8 prices prices prices at MOSWPS: CI.OTHINC! suchl ns C. ats, Pants, Vt-sls, I'n.ler Sliii ts, 1-TiintU'l Shirts, Runts, Shoes, Hats nibl Cup", at sensation prices Now for ftilo nl Motors'. II A IIDWAH El Mirli ns Saw?, nails) Forks, Knives, Spikes, Hinges, at Bensation prices nt MOSSOPS' LIQUORS. Ptii-h as Wine, Pran.ly, fi i n, W li iskey, Cognac, etc., etc., PR U ITS, sneh as Prunes, Raisins, Pigs, I-'iilici ts, &c. GROCERIES, say F lour, II a m r, Shoulder", Sugar, Molasses, Colleo, Tea, C r a c k e rs, Slices, Candles, it sensation prices nt Bensation prices nt MOSSOl'S'. nt sensation Cual Oil, etc., etc Always at MOSSOrS'. P.LACKINO ROPES POWDER SHOT LEAD nt nt nt at tit at sensation puces prices prices prices prices sensation sensation jCiisation sensation CAPS sensation prices Ai ,1.- .1... .niillIlM, IfOae it, 1f itvni lUdaUl Altvnvia 1rr.rta .in lioml a lull ssoitmentor all kinds of poods required p. .1 i .i ..i i:1. : for tho accommodation of tho pul.lit: .Nov. 12, 1S65. Licensed Auctioneer, WM. M. ItI,OOM, of Pike township, do sires to inform his friends nnd the public generally that ho boa taken out n Lieenst as an CASSIMERES nt Sensation SATT1NETS ut Svnsation TWEEDS at Sensatbn ,1!;ANS nt Sensation YESITNOS nt Sen-ation SHIRTINGS at Sensation MKIiRELL & BIGLER" Nayojust opened a large and eplcndid New Goods At their old stand in Clearfield, TTIEY have tho lest assortment of II.i I tilllt httl ovnr r" which they will soil at the must roa8onMl, ces, among which will ho fuund a snlondid t?' cuitlery' y .. ..vj ii.ii.uu special attention of it,. public, embracing heavy Kilver-Llated 7 Spoons und Uutter knives of the best , . ture. "iWttfjc. A lot of IMntoly of the lest nnn fire-arms. Also a tunnm! J;tttcr cartridies all of which will I,. ...u - 1 tuW blo-nrice. " ' rt'-'0lii- They continue to manur,ture all kind, of L in-ware, Rrass Kettles, Stove Pipo. etc., which cannot be surpassed in ikt. . tion of tho Stuto. 1 " They also have on hand TlUhburch Plnn among which aro Stool Centra Lev, im..: ' i l1nw fiilinD-a n.,,1 .L. . 'ISO. ptomenUi ' Ai?"culturl ra. 1 . . , of n,.a i, , I .OOK OtO CS, I'arbr and Cml jftovesa general assortmont, and of the bn. vei ns, mr euio ai reasonable price Coal Oil, Coal Oil Lamps, id arn.shes, a K-nmu,!tirt' i iiinis, uits ana varnisnes, a Mneml.tc- ' . n.. .. vn. r... 'A "er'atfortmi?nh variety f in fact almost every thinar W.,!I , the public can be found in thoir eftaM S und at prices that curinot be bout. Now is tho time to pnrcksp If you desiro any thing in thoir lino cf b i-'ecs.' (iive they a call an 1 o imino tlc:r eU " kJj they feel assured that you can be - mtn. I 1U.4 Itcauiubcr. t! eir es.,"blishinent L '1 S-,, Street, Clearfield, Pa, rtiero you can t :v. to the very best 1-. .(vantage. r r?r01d silver, co pcr, brass, pew t.r ..i.J 01J cstinrs will ho takcu in exchange for goon May 20, ls:t. .Mh'hltKLL 1 Bid' k'h (ill on a Hush! NEV FIRM. 0V.T0, SHOWERS & GR.UilJi. Suiuiuer Goods, NEW And Very Cheap!! ROYNTON, P1I0WKHS "oiuHAM--ius. ccs'ors to Pi.ynton A Shov.ers respectfelly unnouneo to to public that they are new open ing an extensive assortment of S U M M E l GOODS At the nltl stand in Oralam'snew hnildin; wVicb they offer to sell at aftnuijUniy l,w price, (considering their cost !) for cash or uj-f roT eJ country produce. Their stock of DKY GOODS CANNOT r,E SURPASSED I Customers can therelinds CALICOES WITH YAW COLORS'. MUSLINS! DELAINES! LAWNS CLOTCSI CASSI MEllS ! VESTING? LADI ES' SHAWL 5! GEN'IV SUAWI.S 1 HATS ,t CAPS ! LOOTS 4 SIIUK ! CAliPETS it OIL-CLOTIIS! OUR STOCK 0? FANCY GOODS IS UNEXAMPLED IN STYLE AND VA K I ETV, embracing NOTIONS! NOTIONS! NOTIONS Srnrfo! Hcad-Nc-ts! Neck-Ties! Satc-liul.s ! I'ort Monntiics ! Druslics ! Photographic Albums ! nrEs. TOBACCO & skoarsi rLREUMEUY OF ALL KINDS! i r anything tlsc in tho Xotion Lino ! ALSO, IIAltD-AVARE Q 11 ecus av arc, GROCERIES PllO VISIONS ! All of tho best quality, and rclected vritli spcciil regard to tlio trade of CloarPeld r ,y. Al Y l'f.M. jl.F. u PT'OWEi.s", EDWARD C '.AF .'.I. Clearfield, July 27, IslW. Ccarfielil AcaJemy. flHE next Quarter will o; vr my the ".tion as i 2.M hi of .Mar.Ji ! 'Ul. i.r follows: j Comnon English, comprising tn c , aticli- e nut higher .nan Iv 1 1. ,;,ritini'. - it u uiellc, ticoprniphy, -'.ngiish Grammar Ami History, per quarter, - I'D1' U' hei English, per quarter, - 7 SO Languages, par quarter, - . 10 0 ' March I, lS.lj rcllXEIILT AT Till! BKLIKFCJITK rPrM'llT CJIAt i-LAcr or nt-sixKSs. .BIAtirT& Co., nAVlNU leased the iounjryund Machine . Sho'.sat Miloshurg, known as " FOI.NDUY," nro prepared to manufacture and repair bteam l.nrin-s. sWcin and tren . pour. prices xhreshing Machines, Now World a d Hathaway Cook Stoves, Wagon Spindles, Flows, awl C t !,, nt ii .1 .t.,..i .. ,..;.. Tlov ilsobavc i.iawiMf, .uiur d, siivii ",vi . ,.- j . both at Pellefonte and Mileeourg.a vrlf y ot Cook and Tarlor Stores, for soft co.il, o' Pit" burg manufacture. Cull and sco f- r yourselves. ISAAC IIAUPT id agent for the York, Wj.-m-ing and Columbia Insurance CjnipEuic' jy20,6My 'TTIVIV,. 1 ...nlt..,;,,n Ia Ihfl ASSISlAUl 1 XI Assessor of the IDtb Cwllo tien District ot , lP0IiniIVvttniil, ft)nl Lioen.se us Auctioneer bar- tn nr,.nU., In r,n hv Mm nroror allttieniy, I would inform the c.iiict.sof Clearfield I0''' iW T .ill aitcnH n "flallim? sales" WflPneier , l..iv A " i.i u.vvuu w ... . fsknrffei I .1 -i .1 In n , nn moderate. Address JOHN L. Dee. 1, isna-tf. CleaidoW, 1 P. S.-Any person " Calling " sale "U"u' license is subject to a penalty of rtO, M'1 he enforced in accordance with the law, " nil persons violating the statu to. LEATHER I LEATHER! A N assortment Ur udo in V'uifiV R .4 fJJ il?H, PMI.vl.-'.rhh. jtn, 1 i -3mo. j