' THE REPUBLICAN. V"EONESlur,::::::::::::::::::Ai)ril Jit, I Mi;"). T I .L 1 - ' " nates of Subscription, Advertising anil 1 Jobbing. SvUcription, in n.'ivuicf, - - J 2 HO if paid within the yrar, - 2 SO n ' i not paid vithin the year, 3 00 fVTht abort rate to apply to the prctent vol. unto" paid for at or before Jan' ry court, 1S65. JJmrV fliicf JVrV tiofi'cti, each, C iWt, $2 60 Auditor? notice!, each, - . 2 50 Caud'om aud Kflra'yt, each, 3 ftmcf, . 1 60 pinlution notice, each, 3 timet, . . 2 CO frtuitnt Adrertitementt, per tquare of 10 1 . r ii'iiM, r leu 3 limn, or cm, J J for each tuhteqnent intertion, - 50 Qficiul advtrtiiing, fur each tnar of 10 J , , linen, or leu 3 timet, or leu, J Par each tubtequcnt intertion, - 50 Profcttional Cardt, 1 year, - . . 5 00 lotal notice: per line, - - - 15 Okituary notice; over i line; per line, . 10 Yearly aditrtitivy, 1 tqnare, - . 8 00 do do 2 do . 12 00 do do 3 dn 15 00 Jtarly advertising, J cuhmm, - - $20 00 " i " - - 35 00 " 1 " - CO 00 fl'cuis, tingle quire, . - . - 2 50 tfo 3 quire: per quire, - - 2 00 do C quirct, per quire, - - 1 J5 dj oi rr 0 quint, per quire, - 1 60 Handbill; ft iietf, 25, ur cm, - . I 50 in i theet, 25, or leu, . - 2 60 do i theet, 25, or , . - 4 50 i whole theet, 2i, or leu, - 8 00 fOrer 55 of each of above at proportionate rates. sfrlhe above rates wore agreed upon by tho indcrsigned, on the 3d day ot December, 1SI'4, and will be (fictly adhered to during tho present high prices of all kinds of printing materials. P. W. MOORE, Publisher of tho "Clearful.l Jtcpuhlican." S. J. HOW, Publisher of the "Hnfttmun't Journal," Maj. Will helm. The announccruent that this Uepjily-wrongcd citizen cf our county (vus, at last accounts, lying ttanger ouily ill nt JfrribLurg, will bo sail news to his rumcrous friends. Although t-en-tcnri d to iuii'rifor.mpnt in Tort Mifflin, through tLo ii'ti rposition, cliiolly of Gov. Curt Li., bs wp ure i ti formed, ho has remnin ed in IJtttrieburg. The brg'iDtiing of latt week his fortitude seemed to forsnko him, and ho was at onco prostrated. His vvifo wert immediately lo his assistance, and wheu last hoard from his condition was somewhat improved ; and what was still better if not luo late he had permission lo return home a. soon as his health would permit hut upon what conditions, or by whose authority, we did nil Irani. f.&The drafted men of this county nro juit now in a quandary. The (iinais cow hero when they were required to report; tut it is known thai in som.) other dis tricts notice has lecti given for "them not in report until further orders, and word until Kidyway on Monday last, ver i .:.y , that similar notice would he given in this district. D-ffiiiif) and official no tice was onfi Initially expfotcul from Capt. CiimpLull ou Monday but none aico, and cur conscripts are in doubt as towhatihey should do. We are sorry that it is a subject in which we arc not fermi'.tcl to givo advice. Peats or a Soldier. Tuilip McCrt-ck-en, son of John D. McCracken, of FVrgu icn township, died at the residence of his father, on th 0ih inst., in the 21st year cf his age. The deceased was a member of Co. K, 8hh liegiment P. V., and was taken pris oner on the Cbicahominy on the lG'.h Au gust last, and remained a captive until a lout the last of February. IIo was un well when ho leachcl homo, ami soon took worse, and died in about twoweckn. HorsE Burnt. A Dew d.velling-houe belonging to Feler Oivcns, in Knox town ship, was destroyed by fire on lnt Sunday eiening--evidently the work of an inccn diaiy. Mr. Owens intended to move into the house the next day. &3Tl( you wan? to astonish yourselves go to J. I. Morris & CW., in Fhilipsburg. Ij b'jy your goo:!s. Meeting of the Deraocratio Standing Committee. A meeting of the Democratic Standing ('omruittee was held at theoflieo of It. J. Walhico, Eq., Chairman, March 2ht 1HG5 O. 13. Goodlander. Esq., wus elected Sec retary for tho prsont year. On motion of Matt in Nichols, Faq., i. was Jttsolrcd, That whereas, Cleai field county was honored with tlrti delegate to the State Convention of 1SGI, andrfho with a delegiUo at largo, as well m a Kep resntitative IVlegate, to the National Con vention at Chicago. We hereby concedo to our aibter countioi of Clarion. Forrest, Elk and Cameron, tho richt to the Senn toritd Delegate, and to Elk and Forrest tae ltepresentative Delegate, in such man ner as they shall adjudyo. Col. fj. S. Worrell. (. 1. Goodfellow and 1. h. Ivcizenstein, were elected Senatorial Conferees ; ami Lever Flegal, John G. Schryvor, and J. Linn McFherbon, Kepro antativo Conferees, Eulject to-the resolu tion of the Committee as above stated. R.J. WALLACE, Chairman, Short or Memoht. Forney, in hia Presi of the 14th inst., the anniversary of the surrender of Fort Sumptec, 6ayg ; "To-day the glorious Flag of the Union, which had waved vndimmed and untarnished Ur ao many yoars, until tho foul stain of an unjustifiable and unholy Rebellion bad ullied its folds, will again float over tho walls from which the originators of tho Rebellion had torn it." Forney evidently forgela a certain "lit tl affair" at Uarper'a Ferry, in which ''Old John Brown" performed a conspicu ous part, and wherein that lame- "glorious Flag" was somewhat "tarnished" aud "sullied." EuKAui was instigated by New England Turitanisra, and heoco, in the estimation of prcaeut "loyalists," was all fight. Now, Forney and his followers know and tbey should so preach that f there was Treason in either of these els there was Treason in both of them j nd that it will not do to extol the one by siogkig "Jean Erown'i loul it mari-hing na," ni denounce the other. ! THE SURRENDER OF LEE. Full Parlieulurt of Eventt after the liutlU of fimtonivillc The Endeavors of Lee to Es tapeSheridan Checks him at the Appomattox-lie Ajrecs to submit The Aeics ex cites our Men lo unusual Enthusiasm His Army Completely Broken Down Only from Eiyh: to Jen Thousand Men Surrendered What wc have Gained and what we have svf-'. ered. Washington, April 13. Correspondence from the Army of rotomac snys that very litllo fighting look pluco on the 7th iust., at Furiuville. There was some skir-' mishiug between tho enemy's rear guard tind the 2d Corps, with tho 2d Division of cavalry, the result being unimportant.; Lee had intended to fall buck to Danville, but being cut oil" by our forces getting to liuikesvitlo first, he changed his course and started towards Lynchburg. 1'art of his army passed through Furiuvillo on the morning of the 7th. After crosing tho Appomattox tho bridges wero burned,1 aud before our troops could get over, thu enemy had taken a position a mile from the river, wliete t hey erected works and made a stand, in order to allow their wag on train (o get out of the way. On this side of the river, just outside of the town, a divisiou of cavalry had taken : up' a position, determined lo annoy our! advance while reconstructing the bridge, i i The od Division, uuder Ueu. Crook, at tacked them vigorously, driving them back some distance, but they hud a force dismounted lying in ambush, which pour ed a severo lire into our men as they ad Ivanced to the secon I attack, and ihey were compelled lo full back on their sup ports. The loss on bjth sides wus very light. Tho 2d Corps soon after ciossed, and pushing on alter the enemy, drove them behind newly built breastworks. Gen. Smyth was severely, and, is believed, mortally wounded, in leading the charge. This was a tad loss to the command, a: d every man in it feels the los as a peison al one. A more gallant soldier never ser ved his country, and he not only ranked high for bravery on the field, butns ageti tleman and a friend ho was beloved by all who knew him. ; The loss in the 2d Corps during the day j will be some one hundred and tifty men. mostly of Smyth's brigade. In the morn-! ir,g before the enemy crossed tho river, I tAulveguns weie tuken from them, and I afterwards t-ix more, making eighteen du-i ling llio day, and about 2,HM) prisoners, j The number of prisoners taken o:i the ) Oth is pultlo'.vr. at i, i no, almost entirely ol Kershaw 's and Cuslis Lee's divi-ioir The correspondent, after giving further details of events, but which hav mVmly been published through official Muice, says tho lield where the surrender took place was almost covered with '.he ene my's dead, all of tliein nearly f-eing shot in the head and upper part of tho body. The position was a vory favoiablc one fir theai, but our artillery had good range on an adjoining bill, and our men charg ed up the ascent with such impotuoity that uno wero bayoneted bebuo they left their light breastworks- The road for miles was strewn with broken d i n wagons, caissons, and baggage of all kind, presenting a scene seldom witnessed on the part of Lee's army, tl.ir loss mi the iitli will sum up about or.e thousand in killed and wounded, the Gih Corps sull'cr ing heaviest. Anothor letter, dated rn the evening of the "th.snys: Siraugie.rs are lound scat tered all along the hoe of march, and as the troops piss th ey come in and sur render tliemsi le, expressing their de termination to tight no longer, as they consider tho rebellion us good us oiet. Four guns were brought in thn morning, besides a long train uf aoibuhmcen, muiiy containing wounded, who wore pi. iced in hospital and cared for. Gen. Gordon sent four surgeons through tho lines this afternoon, ntking Unit ihey lie allowed to minister to the wants of 1 th03eleft behind on the road, but as wo have plenty of such help they will bo 're-; turned to the army in tho morning. j Gen- 1 1 ay ? was relieved from his com-' mind of the 2d D iviiion of the 1M Coi ps ' yesterday for tardiness in moving hiicotu-i mand in obedience to orders. j Another letter, dated tho 0th of April, says: Notwithstanding tho correspon-i dence between Generals Leo and Grant, yesterday, which led all to expect a for mal surrender this morning, the loi inerex erted all his energies to escape tbe net laid for him. He marched rapidly all yesterday afternoon and evening, until he , ran against Sheridan at Appomattox Court House, when a sharp light ensued, result ing in tho capturo of a number of prison ers, ana the checking ol llieir retreat. The 21ih and 2ith Corps were closo un in support of the cavalry, and during tho night look up a slrong position across thu main road, and on llio south side of iho Appomattox river on Iho north, cutting them r If from retreat in tha.t direction. Early this morning Sheridan attacked, vigorously, and lor somo time a btitk en gagement, was carried on. About G a. rn., a Hag of Iruco appeared in front of his line, and he wus h.foi im d that hostilities had been suspended, in ordor to arrange tcrois of surrender. This was caused by an agreement made by Gen. Lee consenting, to a cessation of firing, so to comruunioute with Genciul Gri.ut, and was done, it is said, without proper au thority. General Stmidan'a adjutant general was nllowed to come through the rebel column to communicate with Gen eral Meade, who stated that he knew of no such arrangement, and that ho was a-' bout lo move forward in accordance with his instructions. General Leo, however. sent another mestaie, desiring to havo an interview with General Grant, to arrango tho terms of surrender, and General Meade was thus ol. liged to grant a two liisur'e armistice in order to communicate with General Grant, who bad moved arcund to j the left during tho night. The two hours expired without any result, and tho Lieut. 'Col. Whittler, of General Wright's stall", came in and reported the terms arranged jand the papers sigffcd, when tho greatest 'excitement prevailed throughout our lines cneer upon cneer rending tho air. Soon after General Meade and stall", with other officers, rode along tho line of the 2d und Gth Corps, and they wero greeted with tho most, enthusiastic shouts, the men throwing their hats in the air, and fairly dancing with joy. No such scene has ev er before been witnessed In this army, and , tho thanks of the whole country mo due to tho bravo men and their heroic com manders, who have achieved such a great and glorious victory. ' It is understood that the men of Lee's army are to be paroled and allowed to ro turn to their homes. They give up every Ihiogin their hand, but last night they , destroyed l-rg amounts of propmlyin thoslmpo of wagons, gun-carriages, bag gag'i papers, d'-c. The number ofLeo'e forces is put down at about twenty thous and men. Very few guns are in their pos session, as they havo abandoned nearly all they did not lose in action. Thirty- cigi.i were urougui in yosteruay, aud sev eral this morning. The- rank and file of Lee's army nre said lo bo well sntisfied lo give up the strug gle, believing that Ihey hnvenu hope of tuccoss; but if General Leo had refused to surrender they would still havo stuck to him. Tho officers mainly are Buily and discontented, but this feeding will soon wear oil' when they find how liberal) ly our people are disposed to treat them. Another letter from the Army of the Potomac, dated April 12, says : The final arrangements for tho surrender of Lee's army wero completed yesterday, and to day they -wero at hbr'rty to proceed to their homes or elsew here as they chose Tho terms granted wero certainly of a very liberal character. A largo number Of Oilieers, together with thousands of tho men of this army, express their dissatis faction, not only at tho unprecedented liberality granted to the Army of North ern Virginia, but at tho manlier in which they were paroled and allowed lo go their way, without our men being permitted lo enjoy the result of their long struggle in tho pasmgo through the linos of Gener al Lee and his army ; but it is claimed this would havo been humiliating to Gen oral Lee and his oilieers, and thai it, is not tho wish or desire of our Government or commanders to act toward tliem in any way that would tend to irritate their feel ings or make, their position more intol erable than it actually is. The policy pur sued may hare been for the bet, and our soldiers will submit, as thoy always do, to what is judged mot wie. During Sun day night and .dond a-,' large numbers of tho rebels, as well us some officers, made their escape from the linos und scattered through the woods, many, no doubt, in tending to return homo. Ourcamps last night were lilhd with them, beggirg something to cat. which of course, was freelv given. These men, when asked if they had boon paroled invarihly replied "No," but allowed to go where jjhoy pleased. Tho number General Loo claimed lobe about given up was 10 000 muskets, with us many mote men from the commissary, quarterm istei's, hospital, and other tio partinents ; but tho oilieers who have been permitted to p.n.i through their camps asse: t that riot more than (even or eight thousand will In: found to have surrendered. The cavalry operating; with Leo was also turned over, but only a small force, witli broken down horses, could be found, report stating that the best had picked out and sent to Johnston. The number of guns-taken wus thirty, with liom three lo lour hundred wagons, very niniuunuio'n, ami no supphc. As tin evi dence of tin staie of tneir commissary, when they reached F.trmville, tho resi dents tell us they had been issuing ears of earn to luvn for several days previous, but that a train from Lynchburg met ihem iliere with flour and pork. Out (if some two thousand horses turned over to us, not more than two hundred wer found 'o be ivorih a single ration of fjrage for each. Commissioner " il I and Assistant Com missary Hatch were captured on their way from Kioiuiiond toward Danville, ami brought into camp on Sunday. Thev had ii large .Southern expre-s wsgon. lilled .villi cigars, liq-i rs, and other luxuries, and by somo understanding were allowed t ) go into Lee's lines. They relumed last evening, and are said to have gone to Kiclimonil on some busine-s connected with tho exchange question. Orders were i-suci last evening for a movement of troops now here. The 2d and Gth Corps aro to start this morning lor Burksvillc Junction, the cavalry ami 21th Corps to go toward Danville," while the oth will remain to tako possesion of and bring away the propel ly and tffects of Lee's army. The Irakis uro now running to I'urkes ville Junction, but Uio road bi-ing in a lathershuky condition, not much regular ity is as yet attainable for the time be ing. l'rigndicr General Smyth died on the '.'t h from the td'-cts of the wounds receiv ed on the Glh ir.st. His body has been embalmed, rind is nn its way to bis Into home. He lived at Wilmington, Del., and leaves a wife and child to mourn his lo'i. Major General Molt, who was badly wounded in the engagement of tho titb, u hilii gallanly leading his men in a charge on a rebel wagon train, 1 f l for home this morning on a leavo of absence. General Melt's wound i'juit below the knee, the ball passing through bjtween lbs bines. THE aiARKETS. P.cp'rlod weekly for the Republican. Cj.EAm-tnt n, Pa., April 12, Hfij. Wheat, $2 0r;Onit,i, $1 aO(Vi2 00 Rye, 2 Ol'; Xpplcs, dry bus " 2 bo Com, 1 7.1(0, ! ni 'ljr'n Apples, 1 (llir.nl 2.ri Oats, I 1)0(0(1 HKH'uol, -( ft) KiCi.lMI Puckwlic.it, 1 (Id Lard, Ih 2,)(i'( " 2i Potatoes, Mi t-ork in Hog, 'fl II. IS Flaxseed, '(X bus. 2 50 Tallow, ji lb l i Timothy, 8 ()t'(o, Oil Uulter. " ' 411 Cloverseed, ;i 9 0(1 I'h.ur, V 1 1, 12(o,13 00 W. Leans, 2 OOo iO.Vfgr, "j ilnr-n, 20 w. wmamiaflw mrnmim ins w wimi ,tm sw , IP.G.5. PHILADELPHIA ,t ERIE RAILROAD, rj ISt great lino travorsos the Northern and X Northwestern counties of Peunsylvabia to the city of Erio, on Luke Erio. It has been leased by the Penntilcania Iiail roml Company, and is operated by Ihem. Its entire length was opened for passenger and freight business, Oct. 17th, 1 801. 2Vnie ( Vatnenger Traint at Emporium, I.IIAVR Eastward. Mail Train, 3:20 A. M. 3:40 P. M. Warren Accom. Trnin, . M. Corry Accom. No. 2, - . M. Corry Accom. No. i, - . M. leave westward. Mail Train, 11:0s - - A. M. Warron Accom. Trnin, - - -M. Corry Accom. No. 1, - . M. Corry Accom. No. 3, ... M. Passenger Cnrs run through wimort chaxge both ways between Philadelphia and Erio. Elegant Sleeping Cars on Alail Trains both eayr betwoen Philadelphia and Lock Haven, and on Williamsport aud Elmira Expross Train betwoen Williamsport nr.d Baltimore. cor information respecting t'asscnger business s nly at the Cor. SCth and Market sroets. .nd for Freight business of the Company's A onts, 8. P. Kingston, jr., Cor. 13th and.Markot J. W. Reynolds' Erie t M. Drill, Agont N. C. R. R. Baltimore ( II. H. HousTow, Oen'l Freight Ag't, Pliila.j II. Y, Owiuker, Uen'l Ticket Ag't, Philu.; J" D. I'sru, Gn'l M.innger, Wiiliamspoil. Jan. II, IS. PUBLIC VENDUE! TIIl, sabscriber will expose to PUBLIC SALE at his rosidonco in Uradford township, on Friday, 21st April, the following described prop, erty : Two 8pan of Tlorscs and Harneis, 2 Tirnbor slod, 2 Lof chains, 1 Long Slod, 2 Fresh Cows Olid 1 HoilllT. 2 ll,,-t ll.r.. nn.l other Farming Ulonrtls. Household and Kitth- en Furniture, snob as stnves, Deds, Ueditoad., lablej.Ac. Also, a muall lot of Clovoriaod. I erSalo to eounuenre at 10 a, u., whon due' KENT'S EAST INDf A COFFEE attendance will bo given and terms made known lias all tho flavor of OLD OOVEHN.MENT JA l,y IMVID ASKEY. . VA, and is but half the price j and also that Ap 12, tds-pj. KENT'S EAST INDIA COFFEE VdFV'NWAVTi'i, T 7T7, : T la iwloo the stronth of Java, or any othor Cof VrY.rJ.? '. 'A9. B??.at foo whutovcr and wherovor used by our first class -: .. :n"" iitUJil. I'UIS- Soldiors, Ladies, any one can soil it. II. E. UOODWIX, Ap 12-V5- 1m. byraeuiie, X, Y. SPECIAL ANNUUSCEMHNT ! K. A II. T. ANTHONY A CO. At.innf.K.'i.iiftf PI, sIa .,,. i 'nr . 1 MailUfUOlSOf I holographic Mtlterillln, wnoi.r.sALi k iiKTArr,, .101, BROADWAY, V. j- j In addition to our main business cf Photo-1 prnphic Materials, we are Headquarters for tho lolluwing, viz : i fitcreOSCOVCS and MCreOSCOpiC teiVS I Of these ne havo an immense assortment, is- s iT.i. ! . I .- u 11 4 uiiiii)vuFi.gf u iuu' ii'Ji jiioti, lUvoivmg s.iriooipo, tor public ur privato ex bihition. Our Cutnloguo will bo sent to uny ad dress on receipt of stamp. ! I'hoto'jrapliic Albums ! ' Vt'e were tho first to introdjeo thoso into tho United Slates, and wo manufacture iminonso quiiiititim in great variely, ranging lnpr.ee from bO cents to SiiO each. Uur ALIIU.MS have t!i3 r.'putotion of hoi njf sufsrior in beiuty and dura bility to any ethers. They will b sunt by mail FKE15, on receipt of price. J-l-'iuo AblJUMS made to order. j (trd J'hoto'jrujiht ! I Our Cu'alogito niw omhracos over .())() dif ', ferent julijects, to which additions lire beinjj on -tinually made, of Portrait of Eminent Ameri cans, elc.,vu: about 100 Miijor-tleneruls, , 2utl IiriK-Henerab, 275 Culonels, 40 Artists, I 100 Licut-C.liinels, 73 Navv Officers, 12i Stae Picture, 1'' 12i Authors, ill Prominent Women, , 2jII Olher Oilieers, 8,0 )0 Cpios of Works of Art i including reproductions of the cinat cidebrnlcd Engravings, Paintings, Stutucn, eto. CutHlogucs ' l''oro aro numercus counterfeits ofloat un'K-r sent mi receipt of tilaiup. An ordor for One Ilo- j t!! nu"'l "f "(icnuino East India Colfeo," "Ori inn Pictures from our Catalogue will bo tilled on ' ''a'it lO'''a Coffee," etc., put forth by iin t!io rcneipt .it" $ I SO, and sent by mail, rncii. i I""tl'rs to deccivu the unwary. I Pbotograahers and others ord:rim' iromls C. O I In I lb. packages, nnd in boxes of 30, (0 ; I. will please remit 2 j per cent, with their order. X-fl-J.no prices an ijulity of (oir gu ls evi- not fail to sati.-fy. April! Jin A i co. THE I1I.-T0UV OF I'UOTKSTAXT VUIESTCJIAFT IN Slt.roiic & Aiiicrit'ii. utivo numbfrs of the Hanner of Light, (on in ilependcnt weekly newspaper, published by i. J. Hs.KnE, at Xlidlletown, Orange count', N. V., at $2 per year, pnjal.lo in advance). Pack num. bcrs, or supplements, containing the chapters al ready published, will be funnshod to subscribers, I This lli.-tury enntaius a full ciposnro of Popular Delusions rebi'ivo to tho preleuded " Reforma tions " under Calrin and Luther, Henry VHP, Cranuier and Cromwell, Ly a truthful hi.-tiryof tnoir rise, program nnl persca itintn m l-. ir ipe, 1 Hi wn to Iho emigration of the Phaii.-aic Piiriinnj lo America An accnunt of th cir persecutions Liiptisu, ijiiakeri, Latholics, and Oilier Dissent ers in New England, tho P!uo Laws and Witch craft Persecution of Dii enters from the Stalo Ueligion in Virginia prior to tho ltevdotion of 1 770 -The severance of Church and State at the furmntion of the I'nited Plates (P'vcrnmcnt, on- , posed by tho popular clergy of that day Their iiiurls unit llKoe ot llieir progeny, to re.tore ( liiicul power to the clergy by an attempted union of Church and State the Constitution of tho I'nited Stales, and most of the .Suites in tho way, and tho consequent eonspinry of the clergy to overthrow our farmer happy system office government tho various niOHns employed from mo first perversion of .Sunday schools, nnd tho Anti iVunday Mail movement, down to the pcizuro and subversion uf tho roiinnwi schools, academics iindculbges, fruni institutions nf learning to en gines ol ignorance lor tho enslavement of the minds of the rising generations P) tho degrading dogmas of the clergy tho rise and results of f-ntivo Auicriianisui, Maine-LawiMn, Know No thingism, Aboliiionism, and tho various othor fanaticisms of Priestcraft. All should subscribe, who wish to acquaint ineniseivcs wnn Historical ucls ol tlio grcntet value at ttie present time, or to arm themselves with arguments to oppose Puritanic Priestcraft, wh eh, in addition to all otlu rcursi s it has indic ted upon our country, hns now involved us in tho most torriblo soctional war, and threatens to fol luw it w Ih a sectarian crusade far more awful, unless tirreate l by the dissemination of documents opof ing iis character and objects, null ns tho author l.as suuglit to make this hi.-tory useful in acroinpli.-uiiig. Priotcraft is therein proved to be alike antagonistic to the true Christian reli gion, popular liborty, and the public peace and prospcrily ; und the political clergy are also pru- yV ; . ,,, ' ,u,nl"c" . - . ... I e - - vi nil i mice oi i uaue, uui inuir inouuiicu evil, and only evil continually. Patriots t, I1 find a perusal ol itspagosot great ailvantago in enab ling Ihem lo tigbt the liydra-beadcd innnster that must bo slain before wo can hope for peaco nnd n restoration cf civil and religious liberty in cur country. . ! This History w ill also soon bo published in book f irm, with paper covers at 1$, and in good cloth ! or shin covers at $1 oil '.o $-'. At these prices it! will bo sent to uny address in tho United .Si inc., I poslugo freo. Every intelligent patriot should havo a copy, and alter reading lend it to his friends and neighbor. j 'i. ''-Address, cuciosing payment, 0, J. Ilocbe, Middlctown, Orango coun ty, N. V. npl2. i WASHINGTON 1IOUSK, Ao, 7W, ChcslMil ttreet, I'llILADEI.PIlIi!. rpnis HOTEL ts pleasant V situated on tho I North eidj of Chestnut streit, a few doors above boventh. Its central kcatmn makes it particularly desirable tJ persons visiting the City on business or plensure. CJ1AS. M. ALLMOND, Ap. 5, 1SG5. C m. Manager, M I LI NER Y GOODS. WHOLESALE DEA LERS o. l.H Sl.nket street, north side. PIILADFIPIffi ' Have row open their usual handsotno vnrtoty of ii.uoou,, j.i.iii.e. i.iiernna, Straw A Fancy Punnets, Ladies A Missoa lints, Flowers, Ruches, Laces, and all other articles required by the - MI 1.1 X Ell Y TKADE. By ling experience and strict attention to this branch of business exclusively, we flatter our- solves that w. can offer inducements, In variety. styles, quality and niodorato prioes not every- where to be found. Tho attention of Milinors and Merchants is respectfully solicited. j -r-Particular altontion paid to OPing orders. April 6.1SW. 2 m. adies' and Children's lists. Latest Styles at CHA.S. OAEFORD A ONS. toniinentnl j ll"l tl, Phil sdelfbi jnti. II. CTDon't fail to Read This! OaiEsoS (Dfflffo! (D&aq, THE EAST INDIA COFFEE CO'Y, 154 Heads Slrout, (throe doors from Qrecnwiuh Street,) N. Y., call universal attention to their Krllt's 7''S J I) (11 11 CtiiV'r 1YLHL lllLlUl IslWLC. hnfnln .KMnnbont. nn,l t-w;.l. . I. a saving of ! nor cent, KENT'S EAST INDIA COFFEE Is Iho moFt healthy btvorago known, and is very nutritious. Tho weak and Intinn may use it at mil times with impunity. Tho wifa of tho llov. I V.7. Eaves, local miiiistur of tho M. E. Church. horsey i;uy, wuo lui not ocen anio to use any cotTeo f,.r urteeu vears, chn use KENT'S EAST INDIA COFFEE throe times a day without injury, it bcinx en- nr.,. .;i.,.i 1 Dr. jamM jjoyie, '0f U(5) Clambers street, .ays: i haT9 nuvcr kll0W uny 6o(roe ,u hjftUhfu nu. truious, anil fruo from all injurious qualities as KENT'S EAST INDIA ClVFEE, 1 1 ujvih my jmiioiin 10 anna 11 univoraauy even thoso to whom I Lavo luttierto iirvtubitcd the , uso of Coffee. I The Principal f tho Now York Eye Infirmary snys: "I direct all tho patients of our Institution 1 to uso exclusively I KhNT'S EAST INDIA COFFEE. and would not bo without it on any account." Tho Hov. C. Larue, an eminent clergyman of t'w M. E. Church, now etutioncd at Jlalsey St., ' Newark, savs of I KENT'S FAST INDIA COVFEE, "I have used it nearly a year in my family, and find it produces no ache ol' tho hoad, or nervous j irritation, as in tho case of nil othor Codecs. It : is exceedingly p'easunt, and I cordially recom ! mend i t to all clergymen und their families." ! KENT'S EAST INDIA COFFEE , is used daily by tho families of Iliahop Atnej, I lliahop Paher, liirhop James, and many of the 1 most distinguished elorgyuicu and prolcsiimal j men in tho country. 1 Ucwarc or Counterfeits ! sn'' a eur9 that tho packages nre labelled : uio'e 1?itet In fti j--u.n muni ' I J I Ji hA J) h street, ic-ia 1 or;, ' n,ni' "," or firoenrs nnd largo consumers. J !0"'" " ",:ers 'j-ncra(ij. UrJcrs Irion lountry flrocfrs solicited, to whom a ory l bersl discount will be made, H'Woo.; Agent,.- llollish A Molon, and W. J. llelss if- Pro., Philadelphia ; Francis II. Perry, Providence ; A. L. Wake k Co., Poston ; Pynch on A Leo, Springfield, Alass.i S, N. Callcndor, liuiTulo; Oor.lon AIMillian X Co., Cleveland; A A. Colter A Co., Cincinnati ; J. A J. W. liunn, Springfield, 111. ; 11.11. SiUieldi, Corydon, Ind. ; und C. C. liurber, Chicago. Tho Am. Ad. Ag , 'Ai'J Uroadway, N. Y. Pus Dop't Esos Al.voiui. Cor. Dep't Fowlkb 4 W'km.s, nil authoriiod to roceiv orders far Kent's East India CofToo. It. DAVIS. April 5, 165. ly. ST 1 A M S A W-MmTl AND TIMBER LANDS AND TIMBER F O II S A L E ! NI.H llItrjT-CLASS TIIIKTV linr.t power circular SAW-MTI L with 3ltl t A acres ol irst 'pnilily ol t-ui'p pmo timber in lee simple onj and a half n iilions nf LOUS cut nnd reidy for manufacture .?nd Timber Lease for two millions more. Tho mill is adiiptcd to cut ting Isill-ttulT, and a number of Pills now offer ing. AccessiMo and aijacont to tho Pennsylva nia Pnilroad at Tipton, by plnnlt road. .Mule - i teams und oxun will be sold with tiie property if required as wed as all other implvmen's nocos sury for driving on tho business at once. Will bo sold at a bari;nin t closo n concorn. Apply nt No. it, Forrcsi, Place, 12.'), South Fourth nt, Philadelphia, or to John Elliott, at Tipton, Blair county, wliii will show the pnpdrty and givo full particulars, and who is authorized to sell. March S, if. II. 11. SlULl.lNGFOIID. TOTIt'E- All persons having unsettled ac- will please call nr.d setile them, as wo are dosir lous ui closing our Looks. L. HEED, A Co. 3 mo. Jan- Uth ISrtf MOUNT.1 vj:rnon iiou.sk Second Street, above Arch, 1 IJILADELIMIIA. A. 1". Itl.AIlt, Proprietor. (I te of tho "Surf House," Atlantic City.) ! pt. 2.'!, lSti.,-1 y. Clian-jotl liisUast, but net liis Politics. REMi0b FROM SHAW'S ROW TO OR A bain s, ono door west of Loynton if- Show ers' Stirro. Tho subscriber wishes to inform his r.:nnj...i ............ .i. . i. . i. . i r. i - I 11 "o. (i uu iiuiucciu!, INtilOllS IIIUL IIO IHtSiCll UIH old stand in Shaw's Row nnd has broke out in a ,.ow i , 1 -o in tl new place in ttrnliain s Bow, in the shop former ly necnnie.l bv It SliitmOi ns n 11. .m! uml SI1,r,i, .-. .... .' . .. . . . "I no -would iiKe nil ins oll irieiuls to givo him n call on Court Week, and bring ns tunny new tlliev lllilMJ nt 1i(iKi.tlilA n liA nan n.ni,in.lnlA all i on short nolice, ut tho hurt Sho hop. Kept (by FRANK bllORT. I TrGfTtemember Graham's Row, ono door west ; of Poynton A Showers' (store. j iu. 1 1, 'tia. :i(j(Hi;il EIoU'2, ' MAINE STREET, CUR WENSVILLE, TA. Mrs. WM. A. MASON, l'rojirielross. 1 1 1 1 S long established and well I JL TEL, situated in tha west end of tho town, j has been remoddled, cnlareed nnd improved, nnd I tho proprietress respectfully uniiounccs to bernu j incrous friends, and to thu travelling public, that she is now prepared to accouiiuoduto all who may 1 favor h er with a call Amplo, snf nnd comfortable stabling is nt- (ached to tho premises, and trusty attunduuts will always be on hand. Charges modcrato. Mar. 15-'C2 tf. M' r"i,"Tm-i,in- '.,,. lt. II. J. III.KRi resrectfullv nnnonn- . , ... . , -r ,, ccs that she will take a few Pupils in o - cal and Piano MUSIC, to commence Mondav I Anril 3d. Terms, till nor nuarter of 11 weeks. air Rooms at rcsilenco of J.L. Cutlle, E(i. Clearliold, March 22, 180 j. ' ' - -- irCTIONMKH. Tho subscriber bavins A' taken out a License for crying vendues nnd other Public snles, either in Kuglish or (Icr- .......,irli. nir.P. I,:. I,;, rvi II IO."VVII'7 UIO .VI. IV. IV 111. IVIIVR cituens, nnu win atienn to an cans Horn any P'1" of tbo county, on the shortest notice either v(,rlislly r t,y clterj KIul upon tho most roMun. ., e lorml. when so dos red. he wi fuYn h tho Clerks and complete nil tho business connect ed with the sale. JObEPil II. J'ONb?. Kylertown, P. 0., Mar. 1, 1805. ly. pi. SrECIAINOTrCI'. , fpill'j person who somo time agogot aBUI- vn a nunc ri,,i M. Mitchell," would confr ft fRyor h nluTnlag the earn, to the sul- icrib r ' JAS. L. LEAV Y. I scriber. Mar. 1 tf. Clearfield, Pa. i 1 OLinda TTBLASrHK. "20,000 -it ( . . r 11 p rJaStCr in llCarilClU 1 or Sale bv IVh'v is. ' i- I. 1.TAVY. SPRING GOODS. CQ-rurclmsod since tho lato docline in prices. 1 j. r. kra tz mi, Front Street, above the Academy, CLEARFIELD, Pa. Now offers a very largo stock of Dry Goods, At a reduction of 23 to 40 percent., laoludla ' DKES3 GOODS In groat variety. Marinoes, (Jiaghsini, Cloths, Doli.inss, Tr.-if, Ca-simercs, Alpacas, Silks, Satinets, f.cs, Cashmeres, Tweeds, Ooborgs, Mo.iuir, Jet i, Lauellax, Muslins, Flar.nil.v Hon .ets. P.m. bons, C.oaks, Ealmural Skirts, P ,ip- . Skirts, Shawls, press Trhnmin --, Jiead Net, Caps, Corals, til e Collars, Soarts, Orsnndins Vi.l, Tabla Covors. Cloth i n g , Coats, Tants, Vests, Ovor-Ooats, dent's Phairls Shirts, Hats, Caps, Unlor-Shirts and lJrawers, Boots, Shoes, Ou:u Shoei, Cravats, CI loves and Collar!. HARDWARE. QUEENS WARE, GRO CERIES & MUSICAL CUODS. Groceries Tea, CciTeo, Sugar, Molarses, Salt, Candles, Rla, Flour, Il&coa, Fish, Tobucco, Uaisjni, Currants, 6 p i o e s, Crackers, Wines, BranJios, Vin egar, Oils, Var Lish, Alcohol. TIN-WARE, GLASS-WARE. WOODEN. WARE, and STATIONERY. Household Goods. Carpets, Oil cloths, Drugget, Looking-nit!!,, Clucks, Churns, Waahboards, Tubs, Isujlt cts, Flat Irons, Pans, AVindow l!iind, Wall-paper, Coal Oil Lamps, L'm brellas, lledcords, Knieaand Forks, Spoons, Crocks, aud Stove lilicking. git All uf which will be sold on lbs most rea sonable terms, and the highest markat pries paid or Orain, Wool, and all kinds of conntry prod ito. Clearfield March 22, I86i. 85 ItKWAItn. Was taken about tin 10th of January last, a largo light tan colored DOU, with a long busby tail, named Tioer. The ubovo reward will bo paid for bis delivery to the owners ut Cook's Mill, in Graham township, or a fair proportion fur information of his where ibouti. JEMIMA C. BOONKR, LEWIS II. BOUN'EK. March !, ISC5. OIU'IIAN'S COURT SALli or Valuable Heal Estate ! BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF THE OR phan's Court of ClcarBold oour,tv, there will o exposed to PUBLIC SALE, at Pennville, on Saturday, April 22d, 1865, Ail tho following described Real Estate, sitnut In Pinn township, Clearfield county, Pa., late the property of Martin Myrter, dee'd.-: A dortaia Iraot of improvsd laud eoul itning 100 Acres, Pounded on the north by P. Dally, on the sfluth by Win. Biglor, on tho wost by Clark's heirs, and on tbo East by Wm. Bigler 'the greatre portion of which is cleared aud in a good state of cultivation, with a two-story Lo Ewolliug House, Log Pr.rn, and other outbuildings, uul two Orchards of assorted Fruit. Terms Ono-half cash at corfirmation of the sale, and the balance in ono yew thereafter, with interest, to be secured by Lond and ruort. gngc on tho promuos. 'S-ti-Snlo to commence at I o'clock, p.m., of said day, when duo attendance will be given by JOHN FLVrt'N, 1 . , . AH'M MYRTER, J Ad'n renn township, March 29, 1865. iLOVER and TIMOTHY SEED for sale be J. P. KKATZER. Maieh 12, mi. tiie count i" atiaTbanT; Tur.isrBY DerARTiiENT, Ol'KIt'K OP CoHI'TRbLLRROI'TIIIC TltKASURT, Waclington Morc'i 2n.', 1S5. r.H M.Ss. by fa'isfaot'irT evidence pre- V T scntc-1 to tho undersigned, it has been mrnis to appear tlmt Tm: Cm-ntv Natiomal Basic or Ci.eirfiki D, in the bon'ughof Clearfield, i- lb county of Cienrfield, nnd Stuto of I'ennsyN ania, hns been duly orgri.iitd judorand in acti Jcncj with (he requirements of the Act of Coi.grcs enti tled " :m Ac' to provide a NiOional Currency, bo cured by n plodgo of l'uit.J ijiates I nds.to pr vido for tho e'-culati -n and r.dempt.on ther-.o:. " npprcved June 3, loOt, and has co-. plied w: the provisions of said act to bj con plied w. . ; ; fore commencing tho businass of bauking ul:r said net. Now, Therof.ro, I, Ilrun McCl'Lt.oioii, Comp trolh r of the Currency, do heriby coitity that 77ie (' ufifv .Viid'otmi hunk of VUarfieli, in tha borough of Clc.irficld, in the county f Clcii floid, i n,l i, i.. ..r !...... .1,. I. .il,,i...l !,,.,, i ' ' ' " " " "" "'" - - "" ""'"CB .l'19 l"W fcf talking under the Aot llfoTCSaill. In tesiimony nherof, nitnnis my hand and seat of often this ?d day ot Marc ." IHO. . HUH IT McCTLLOlJUII. J'ur.S tf. Comptroller of the Curroncy. T A iVIV I ) A Servant well acqua'.n- ' tcdrith the duties of a h list", o!J or ono willing tj learn. Must, havo good recommendations,. Apply at ay house, or at tie store of C. W. A 11. W. Ginltli. I 11. 11. .-.Ill ill. March 22, 1 805. AI)?HMSTKATOK'.1 Mil ft I". Notice is hereby given that lottcrs of bdioiuistia tiou on tho ostite af J.is. A. Wood, lato of Union tn.. Clearfield co.. dee'd. havinir been erantad lo the undorsicned, all rerfuna indcht'-S to said estate aro n quested to mako Immediate payment, and thoso having claims against the same will prossnt i cthui duly authouticaled for settiomeut. DAWDHORN, , o r, j ni:.,,.i,. i i'lui. v.-t-u. n,imiiii,,iHii,. 1 O PL IH)1.I,AKS Iti:VAKII; Lest, on Fia Rim or at Be'.sina raftina- s-ound, a pociet i book eontarn ing f.fty dollars one 2i) UiW aod I three 10 bills also.-a promissory note John- I.. . - .... ... . i r. - .1 - 1 llnt'or lor IUe, payatlo luremoninn.rr ui, boinir an exemntion nolo datod about the 20th of ! TOernmher. 1S,U. Anv person uadir.g laid money and returning it U ttt will receive the above re- 8 TnOXfAS! llltKRR. . JUJ - V..-. t Mar. 8, tf. Olauera r. V. JaJiet Fnrs, The larost assortment at CHAS j 0.1KFORD A SONS, Continental Hotel, pbiladclpbla. Jan. 11. IoISII-SALT and 1 titios, at March 22, 1905. . PLASTtR In lares qoan. J. P. KRATZER'S. 1" adica' Furs, The largest assortment at CHAS J OAaFORD A SON'S, Continental Hote. j,, ui Jan. II. CiTOLKM On the 18th of February, from th k3 hoase of Jseob Flegal, two BUFFAL' ROBES, me marked J. Shaw, the other R. V. I i oe pertoBt wn- oarrieo away tne nuove proper tv will return them to R. Newton Shaw or Alex. i Powell, Cletrflsld, or at ohowsillia. ' Much I, I '!'.:. pd I i- 1 X i