Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, April 19, 1865, Image 2

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    f breatbod Lit hut in an unconscious state,! ANOTHER "DARK DAY."
"it about sovon o'clock, lie commonoed J since tho announcement that war "?
sinking at two o clock this morning, and I ( , b olWeCn thcso ..aoVer.iKn and In
was uncoueoious from iho liaie ho was. , , uu'l,"'611 "
'8bot. f dependent Stales" just four years ago
ij Gen. Augur, commanding this llapartlthe present announcement of theassassin
'ment. has otTerod a reward or ten thous-ft(i0n of Fresident Lincoln and Secretary
,und dollars to any one who will arrest the3,sE,VAR( is tho saddest news for Awciican
E U3H3l 11 VI I iiijvi v fvru i UCLI gj
itary steward, ixo ono is auo.vou to leave
tbo city,
Q So far as con be asoortumud,
only two
ensured in the fearful,
iililut nmnirtn u ilividtwl aa Irii
W'EnNKSDAY iloilMNG APRIL 19, 180j.wjiether it wis a onccrlo t rebel plot,1
' IbnU-hed in v ircinia or Canada, or wlieth
' 1 1
fcUtll I1UVB Uffll
er it originated heic in the brain of liaoth,
who had been a resident of the city fori
several months.
Vice President Johnson
Below we give tho particulars of this
unparalleled tragedy. Tho Trcsidant was
seated In his private box at Ford's thea-
. ....
entered Jnicncod.Dootli paused this sentry, bv kiv
Mini I innnmn n aniun (i.ii'prnnr. I him
r - . i - .
leaned . .D6 inonnmooi
' J seniu m
Tacts aro
derived from
an authentic
Washington, April, 1.V Tlio President
is lying in stale at the While House. No
Installed asJono is uHotved )o Kj.prr.neh within two
(squares, except privileged persons.
E The deik at 1 1 1 o Nat ion:il Hotel,
where Hootli boird)l Ut tT.u;ing.
htato that two very 8Uriruoui persons
called for him yestord iy, and that in tho
evening they all suddenly disappeared.
The sentinel was placed in the passage
uvav to tho private box occupied 1)V the
're-tuo company were periorming "itie;i'rendont. Uelore tho performance com
. . I .... II VV 11.111 .UV I. '1111'.- 1 II
.1.. ir... i t. . : ii m
iu uu umu niu jiimui lui-n ii-ujiuu
down to the stage (a distance of 20 feet) l
turned to the audience, and bowing, ex-i The extra JnteH'arnecr says : "Fiorn cvi
claimed, "liz temper tyrannis," (thus al- donee obtained it is rendered highly pro
wavs with I) laotsj-and weaned at theSbft,Ie that the man who stabbed Mr Sew-
r ,i i -i i- T-i r n .i fnrd and his son is John Surratt, of Frmce
ir of the budding. The follow.ngare the countyi Marv,!imL Tll ' llorJ0 he
details as kiven officially by Soc'y Stanton : ro,ie was hired nt Nnylor's stable, on
Washington, April 15, 1:30 A. M. f Fourteenth street. Suiratt is a young
This evening, about 9:'M F. M., atnnan, with light and goatee. Hi
Ford's theatre, the President, while sit- father is said to have beon postmaster of
ling in his private box with Mis. Lincoln, rFrince ueorge county.
Miss Harris, ond Major Fatbburu, was! About II o'clock last night two men
fciiot by an assassin who suddenly entered crossed Anncosta briilge, one of whom
the box and approached behind iho Fresi- gave the nama of Booth and the other
dent. Nmilh. The latter is believed to bo John
The assassin then leaped upon the .Suiratt. Last night a r tl r -sJ horse trr
stage, brsndishing a largodagger or knife, found, which has beer, iduntihed by the
and mnde Lis escape in tbo rearot tuejpropnelorof one ol th
theatre. jy meutioned, ns having been hired
Although very fsr from endorsing his
public policy even that indicated by his
most recent declarations ; and equally
far from believing that a ''restored Union'
would over bo the result of that policy ;
yet still wo began to feel as if nil oppres
sive, smothering weight was being remov
ed fioni tho heuits of all true patriots ; as
if the fog that had so long obscured the
horizon was about to breulc awny, and our muvoJ to tliii county, and engngeA xtaoiirely
long harvest of blood was about coming
to a close, so that calm reason, and sober
States were the freest from tax four yeors
ajjo, Now, and hereafter, they will bo lax
oJ Iho heaviest. So that out posterity for
generations to come, as often as they are
colled upon by the exciseman, will be re
minded of the inspcrily of the last four
mm a i n" " iwfl mi 1 1 i i "Mmnm ,
1)1 l.D On tho 15lU ci April, 1 SC3, of Ery
klpolm, Tilus II. Howies, Mol 41 years, 19
uionth unJ 23 days. JIs leavn a wifg and uins
eiuull cliild'eu to mourn liis loss. i
Iluarcat fiitlier lliou huat luft uj, i
And iby loss ws Ueoply foel, J
Hut 'lis (Jod who has Ceruft us " j
Us cuu all ur eorrovrs heal. f. It. ,
At the roidonco cf li, Hartshorn J, Ki. , in
Curwrimvilli), on Friday lait, of I'nouiiioiiia( ;
.YiinniiiR KtvcLion, in the COth year of k go,
Jt-iT'l'ht deceased was originally, ne boliovo , ;
from byeoming couniy. .iiiuiy jeura k no ro-
his establishment.
Accounts are conflicting as to whelhor
liooth crossed the bridge, on horseback oi
on loot, but as it is lelieved be roue
across, it is presunicd that ho exchanged
las horse.
The pistol ball entered the back of the
1 resident a head penetrating nearly thru
it. The wound is mortal.
The President lias been insensible ever
since it was inflicted, and is now dying.
About the same hour an assassin, wheth
er the same or another, entered Mr. Sew-" ,r,AL As-Nf,vNcriii:NT or the ini.lction
ards house, and, under pietence of bav-1 or rm:snr.NT johnso.n.
it a prescription was ehown to the Sec-J Wasiiinotox. April 15. u, P. M.-Maim
retai) s sick chamber, the Secretary was. General Dix, New Yoik .--Official notici
in Led, the Assistant Secretary and Miss 0f the death of the late President. Abra
Reward with him. lhm Lincoln, was given by Iho head or
The assassin immediatolv tushed to tlieTii, n,rrin n.,. ...,r,;. i.,,.
bedardinflxtedlwostab'oiithoihroatand j0hn83i, Vice Fresinent, upon whom the
two on U.eruce. It is hoped the wounds .Constitution devolved tho cilice of tU
may not bo mortal. My apprehension isj President
ihal lhcy will prove fatal j Mr. Johnson, upon rjc ivin2 this notice,
Ihe noise alarmed Mr. Ir ed. Snward.fBp,)eeil befaro the Ihn. F.
who was in an adjoining room, and hast- Vlue, Chief Justice of tho United States,
enedtothe door of his fathers roorn., loo1 lIl0 PiUh of ollioa a9 Prij.nt of
where he met tho assassin, who inflicted, lhc Unite,i yui0Ji anJ Mlum, j li,e Julie
upon him on or more dangerous wounds. fan,i functions
The recovery of Frederick Seward isV Tlio President met the hea ler Depart
uoubllul. fments in Cabinet meeting, at the Tremu-
U is not probable that tie PresideDtry building, an 1 among other business the
mil live through the night. -following was transacted :
Gen. Grant aud wife were advertised to! i. The arrangements for tho funeral of
bett,tl,h,e V'iif .lhu .e"u,,nfeV'"1 , 1'u the late President were relerred to the
r,trn'0 r I'"0' ". o-any,J,e,eral departments., ..,..,.r J - nuruer, r.q , was appoin
I HUV kUU I'lUB ILLIBUI H lArl A i . .. . L.' .. J f O. . 1
; Sec
retleclion. couui i.iko control oi mens
minds, and thus prepare them for the great
md noble, but extreintly ditlicult, work
This was why we felt like rejoicing nvcr
the rectnt brilliant military achievements
;u Virginia. It was not beeauso wo tho't
iho South was conquered, or that the
Uobols were about to surrender but wo
felt salaried Hint lh very liberal and
mncnanimous terms offered by General
Grant so very different Irom the "bloody
code" that )iad theretofore chatactcrued
all our transactions with tho Rebels -was,
if not instigated, ut least approved by Mr.
At all event., the Radical fanatics of
ihe North eeem to have so understood
him, lor Ihey had alrendy opened their
vials of wrath against both tho President
and Cien. Grant in true Puritanical ntyle.
So bitterly opposed to
render proposed
Abolition majority in both branches of ,
the New York legit-laturo Hint they refus
ed lo pats iho customary resolutions ol
thanks !
It was from such facts and indications
:is thefe that we had began to hope it
nr.t t,i believe that Mr. Lincoln had de
termined to modify his improcticablo de-1
mands, if not lodiseatd tho radical ele-'
ment in his own party, the yielding to
whoso e.ourciis ia iho beginning caused J
all our woes. j
Now, however, that Mr. Lincoln is no I
more, even tins nope is scauereu lumo
wiods. and Iheieforn it is that wo feel that
breaUins out of tho WRr ho removed to Aorth
Cnrolinn. from win-nee he returned a few weeks
he fore hu death. Ui a rcmarkublo oireumitiinee
that lis waf Ihe third brother who died siheo the
4 1 ti of March lant.
On tho Pth in ft., Aaron II., yoiiDKft son of A.
T. mid M. Il.ekuck, aged P year, 3 mouth: and
U days.
lirother thou watt mild and lovoly,
(Jentlo ns the summer breeze ;
Plouiinnt ns the air of evening
When it floats uuioug tho trees.
Teaooful be thy silent slutn!or,
l'oaceful in tht grave so low
Thou no more will join our number
Tbou no more our fungi thalt know.
TloareJt brother, thou haft left u?(
llore 111 y Ion we deeply feel ,
Hut 'tis God Ihat lias bereft us
lie can all our sorrows ho-ii.
Yet, again, we hope to meet thee,
When the day of lifo is lied ;
Then in Heaven with joy lo greet uicej
W here no Urewell tfnr is shed. m. j. ii.
'Ittto Sbbiriiscmcnts.
C 1 ( Hi: Altl) will be paid fur tho nrrest
O 1 f of JAMES 1'IUCK, who escaped from
the terms of sur- Ihe custody of tho constable of Karthnus tuwn-
lIi'ii, i,n Sim l t. initt. Said l'II(,I' ia
by Gen. Grant were the ) 5 8 i,1(-bes high, dark ccnplexion, with
blue marks in Ihe fuel ; or fiftoon dullars will bo
paid fur his delivery in tho j nil nt Clear fir) I,
Knrthnus, opl3 '65 tf-pd. l'ontuble.
"vTjiU'iinibila IS.t! &ziz.t?.
I") Y virtue of unorder of iho Orphans' Court
) of (,'lnurfiold eon nty, thero will be exposed
to yniLIC SALK, nt l.uinhcr City, en
Satui day the (itli of May next,
A certain Lot of Oiround eituale in Lumber eity,
and known as iol No. IS in plan of aid l.nrungh,
and Ironting oo tho t uin ike, und sil)u;nii2 pre-
jierlr of James rurwell nnd olh.'rs.
T Kit MS. One half at confirmation of sale,
and the balance to be secure 1 v bond and murt-
irjiro. JUU.N uw h.-i,
And so have the prices ofGooila at the Cheap Cash
I Store of
2. jr. I. Mosis & Co.
Who have Jut returned frcm Philadelphia with a ktrgeand well solected
stock of Goods (Spring A Summer), purchased si-ice the late decline Id
pricu, aud which they aro prepared to sell
Cficaticr Mian lhc Cheapest ;
l'nnls, Uelnines, Iiaimora l and Hoop skirt, Ladies aud CUiljrn,
.v , ( I . 1
' l'rinis, ueininew, i, minora i anu
Circulars, Ladies' Baskets &c.
'i Notions in Kndless Variety !
Hoots 4' Shoes of
Kinds tr Ladies, Men nnd Children !
I Cloiliinrr of nil kinds for Men and Uovs,
At Sensation Prices'
Hats and Caps in Endless Variety for Men, Boys;
land Children !
liroad axes,
i gers, ae.
Uuublo nud sin,, le bitt uses, rafting aud larking am, aa
Rio, A'onnd Lasjuaria CuITeei ! Bron, Yellow and White Sugars !
Itiipurinl, lilack and Younu Hyson Teas ! Kresh Can I ea;bo., Pi -klcs,
; Jellies, Catsup, I'epvr Sauce, Uoansi, llaius, -u'.Jorj, Sides, Syrups, tc.
Stoves Cooking and Parlor Stove?, Pipe iyc.
Saddlerv Briillt:
Collars, I larncss,
Saddles, Line?, Whip?, flame-;,!
Grind Stones and Fixtures ! Carri .!.'
Sleighs, Wagons, Clovcrsccd, riaster, i$c
To Lumbermen ami Ciirtractors we would t;ir that we :
tiro I'lvimrcd to luniisli tlic-ia with Flour, Kurn,
Fili, Salt in fact, anything iii their line-.'-licjier than '
tho Clii-ajiost '.
Wc ;:nara!Ut c
s.ilUtieil with tin
I'lTSOliS Vl.-l
(ii'oat liar.
to nj
iave 1
innko forv Li.nllr nfr.o,, T I -.1 Sj '.
ortheConfederac'yran. hi e cta Hshm lnnl:,0l "'T T nnn.
of the Government of Virgin in
AH the member, of the Cab net except! IS I n i C;lb,net' ""l1 tllP
Mr. Seward, are now in attendanc"uSnVf.,, ? f - a,n,d a,soharS '"P'i
the Fi-esirlflnt I bur m. P i ilv0 dulles ln 11)0 Banie '"Hnncr ns before
ft' hSpredor! d " loZ l! "'""''V
Th. r ,va,N;J .'U- GZITg J iTaanrgeons report that the condition
lfnnTVn '2'' 'wSfw-'ot Mr. Seward remains unchanged. He ia
ard, and the O'.her ,Svffercr)J. Uktt ,; au i ., ; r, r..i
Washington, April 153 A. M
Hie . resident Bun ureatnes, but is
quite insensible, as ho has been ever since
no was suot. lie evidently did not see
the person who shot him, but was looking
on me stago as lie wasapproached behind.
Mr. Seward has rallied, and it ia linnet
ho may live. Frederick Seward's condi-7,
of the many "iiaikdnys that have visile. 1 1
our land during tho four year3, excepting 1
the first ?ne, this is'tho darkest.
Mr. Johnson, the Vice President, wasi
immediaUly sworn in Fresident. I low
he will discharge his srered trust, time
will tell. So f .ras may be judged Irom j
" l - ' . licen-e are subject to penally of -in. whirl.
nolicv Wl l 1)0 fulIV UP tO the most TUUICai ,)P..i.jn :m l. -nn.rcnd tin. I.
I ' .V.J H lUl'l I IIUUI ii, I I I-IJ .r.iV VillOP.
intimations of Mr. Lincoln delivered at
Trvnltc nf Eitilt4 nf l'tlcr Otttm, dce'J. I
April 1J, iyi.
i;t'TIOXr:i:it. The underjigned, bav
been Licen.od nn Auriinncr, muld inform i
the citiiens of Clearfield county that he will nt-i
tend to cailiiR sjU s, in any part of the eouuly, I
whcncer ciillsJ epon. I li : r r iih.d.'r it".
Address JIMKS II. 1 I'ltNLft,
A ril II. pd. Wr.oillnnd IV., ClonrSebl e , '.
J. I!. Tersons .'ulnrift snles n itiiout a pr i yrr
TlianUfiil for past j iitn
. . i t
nance ol ibc sum? .
WO 1,;.!
Wo aro Mill a' the
tho ;x'.luui;'o Hotel.
;i:u i Hi
i;n '.'ii r,i
The higlies-t Market Price paid lor Tir.ibor,
nnd Cuimtrv
a I
enck Seward. The murdorers h.nve nof vol
uecu oppiencnueu. h. m. .Stanton,
iVcrelary ol ar.
Y'e havo dates to Sunday evening, at
which time Mr. Sewaid'i condition was
still hopeful. Tho assassins had not been
the same time. Hut in addition to all
this, when ho entered upon his duties as
j ice Fresident he was so romj letely un
der the influence of liquor that his con
duct was no better than that of a lunatic 1
So perfectly disgusting and
was his behaviour on that occasion that
many of the lending organs of public opin
ion in his own parly formally demanded
of him that he should cither "reform, nnd
that thoioughly, or resign his cflire."
The latter he did not do. Should he fail
to do the former, then "God help us a a
April 3d, Ifctii.
Votes and Hills discounted, J2C.S74 Ti
Furniture, ... 151 y
Current Kxpenses, - - 71 ii
T.. .... . :.i - i.n
.. . . 1 .All I .IHi . - tlV.i"
disgraceful; l)ue(,m Nntiornl Hanks, - A HQ 21
'lue other llaiik, - - 2.S33 46
U. S. Lords deposited with Treasurer l
of 1'. S to secure ciri ulation,
Cash on hands notes nf tiito lianks.
Legal Teuder Notes,
J. I. MOIlj.ilS & CO.
riiilipsburK, I'a., April 1'Jtli-I,
The (jrcat Invertion of the Ago in
po.coo no
VI. Oil) 02
2,r.'7 72
arrested, though it was thought scarcely
i ioiv ut aru a uui u i mi., . . . .
lion is very critical. The attendant whoSH,"""l"ll l"ey coul" CPCfl
was present was slabbed through the!
uiRev. W. J. Alliton, colored pastor of St.'
Ilhomas African Church, was arraigned
Cnp'tnl Slock paid in,
(Vrtificiite, 1 ii'povitors,
I I tl o Lepimitnri',
I l'tie other Hiinkr Xatiuoul Liuiks,
When "Pay Day" Comes, What then'! Zr .' .
Many people ore in the habit of boast-
ing of our national prosperity during tho
last four years. They point to the high
prico of every article of merchandize, of
tho products of the soil, the high rate of
lungt, and is not expected to live. The
wounds or Major Seward are cot serious.
U:.: .' 'lycs.crday en the oath of John Kelly, con
WhM.,;; V ,i : . 7r, :: of car No. :, on the Lombard and
person, that attempted to murder
Seward, remains in doubt. Chief Justice
Lortler is engngad in taking the evidence
STA 1 l;.MI'.M' of the Hiimiees unite Ho
ruiii;li of Clearfield for tho year ending 4 1 h
April. loliS.
seems from the evidence odduced, the do?ad
Assault and I.ncitinu to Kior.''hoVTMi tlic prosperity of individuals, and
the great abundance of money, Ac, &c.
nr-i. tunijj .um 11,10 1, .. j ma 11 WKCEtrTH
they believed there was reality in (hi) np-' Taxes credited on McAdauiiiing Second
South-street Fassenger linilway, ohnrging ! I'aren t prosperny. j Tmm ; .Mr A jatI,iling Mark;t
-Inm with ajsult and inciting to riot. Ill alions may be compared to individu-1 street,
sin many respects but especially j ; ' ces of Expenditures,
'(.it nee to their financial affairs. Inin-1
inilividnnl anmn fost vniinir Hum
Bbini!-:"i fc;.v 1 . : :' ,u: . uiv . .. .
DW1N M. STANTON 1 1 oi iue company proiuuiteij colored whose circumstances gave turn unlimit-
Sccrelary of War. 11-" r- "-"s "- "vcm. """-lett credit. ! he thought of pay day never
death or TI1B rKF.slliKMT. r..- 'T ..." I'.. m."1.,". . . """ 'crosses his mind. Monev rolls into bis
Wisnivrrnv At.rillri lf(r.r. L"l"J'lJC, r uv i we i ii ii aim Lombard J , , -
ihington, Apr 11 10, iiwm. rBirt.ai8. and lob ihn anf.,n,int ti.,.. i.vexL-lieorer from everv ounrter. and li s
i - ----- - -iv ii iuu w sactu iiq s A '
f W. niHLLKY'S New Patent Dl'PLKX
Wests , ltradley .i Cary, (luto .1. I. A J. ().
$102,01)7 02 1 Went.) Solo Preprietors and Manufacturers, 87
I Chambers nod ;9 and bl Ileadj Street!), New
. 5,nnn no ' York.
6, ono 00! THIS INVENTION constsls of DUPLEX (or
,mi ci : two) blliptle Meel pls, IiikpiiIoiisIt braided
3,41)7 62;Ti)litly and Firmly together, edo to cdo, mak-
S,003 96 j in the toughest, mott flexible, liln.tio nnd l)ur-
485 90 nblo Spring over used. They reldum Lend or
lireak like the Single f-prin, and coneeijuently
$102,007 02 Pre.-erve thoir Perfect nnd LVnutiful Shajnt
I heroby certify llint the above statement is a Twice as Long as any oilier Skirt,
truo abstract from the Qimrterty Report mode ti j The Wonderful Flexibility and (Jrcnt Comfort
the (Comptroller of the Currency, .tpril :td, 1 SO j. i and Plea'ure to any L-idy weitmig Ihe Duplex
ap'l 19. A. C. 1 1NNEY, Csthier. ( Elliptic Skirt will be oxperienoed arlictilarly in
, all Crowded Assemblies, Operas, Carriages.
Sewing Machines
rAiKSNTtn rsMRoanr 4rn, 1?60.
tbeeso.peof the murderer. II,, horseK;. lJT . r"n "'at "'.ineani
ha. been found on the road near Washing-KT f " ',!a1lf"rnl'I BS, Iho K'" "'
ton. EDWIN M. STANTON I ".mPa,y prohibited colored whose
13 45
$40 47
' rxi'PNMTrriKs.
Orders drawn during the yonr $1.1, P2
, Pay't taxes on JIcAdamizing, 22 Vi
spend it. Couldn't such a chap make
plurge, and keep it up, too T lie would
m - km: rsiw
M aiA.iJAhAi(ii Mi . . It. I r: 1 I i . vi viuitinmun I ub iJO
died this raornioc at Iwentv.tivn niinniP,'?11"1, , out' .rhfl.. 'nJ. re-Ionly trouble is to devise ways and means
oec y oi naj. r lv lone to imnedo the trnvnl nl'ii
OTIIFnArrnrTi: itn Citi : lbo crowd of P80"10. wu'e bo 8 tierfuct "Pecimon of this sort of pros.
W a ik,; . fcoli)redpspeeililycolectedandaugmeiHo('pcrity-rt.tMjaiMrwi(ot,uf. But
resident opposite Ford'a Theatre to Iheithat a free fiht would take nlaco. Xh Jbound to come. What then? Why tho
r-xecutive Mansion this morning at half'conducinr quietly walked lo the magis-J,ln's of 1,18 ""noxampled prosperity"
ed in t n ncari,e' nna wrrr-ltrato' olhoe and mnde tho neccessary ofli-jwere ended, and ho was bound to Fpend
l,v n . n , "" 11 "a BscoritM duvit, upflu winch the warrant was issued.
i'l ho document was placed in tho hands of
Countable IIcL'derBon who at once served'
ist. 'The defendant was bound over in the
Reportaf sum of $000 "to ar.swer the charge as pro-
tierrod against hint.
Orders were drawn
For work done on streets,
For bal. on Lor. bounty ilnmls,
For int. on order No. 14, Jan. '1
For Lumber,
For bal. duo Collector 1803,
For llii;h Constable services.
For Clerk services,
$107 1
, 7 4.1
, 71) I'J
l.l oo
10 80
12 00
10 OJ
$LI3 92
Itailrond Cars, Church. Pews, Arm Cbiri, for
1 rometiado and llousa Drenn, as the kirt can
be folded, when in use, to occupy a small place,
as easily u. a silk or muslin dress.
A Lady having enjoyed the pleasure, comfort,
nnd crest convenience of wearing the " Duplex
i lilliptio Steel Spring Skirt" for a eingle day,
g(, will never afterwards dispense with
418 V "10'r "'- '"r Children .Misses, and Young La-
, dies they are Superior to all others.
I J hey are the best quality in every part, nnd
Unquestionably the Lightest, Most Desirable,
Comfortable and F.cotiomicul Skirt evoninndo.
For fc'ale in all First-Class Stores in this City,
I t. . . V. - 1T-1...1 C.-.- I J
j niiu iiirouguoui iu l uuuii rrinios mi(i innanns,
Havana de Cuhn, Mexico, .South America and
the West Indios.
A. A Co. New York, apl2 4m
- nuiviajiu J
ntlinr ..T! . "f .. . " I
" -i.uiuijf oiucers luiiowine oni
i ins is indeed a day of glonm.
rrcrn iiiit. ii i k . n.i - t it. .
V i T7 . :,'"uieic w..ewaru isl
cieau, uui mis is not true. Information
was, however, obtained by direct inn airy
at half pant ten o'clock, that his condition
is considered critical. His head is horri
bly injured.
Secretary Seward suffered intense pain t
inegasue maae upon ins check and
throat are frightful, but (till ho is not be
jieveu to no in immediate dancer, nor in
a worse state than his son Frederick.
Major A. II. Seward receivod two
fi-jylf peaco is nMilo soon, and the peo
ple setllo down to contemplating ihe
cause of the war, we have no doubt Abol-
lionism will bo considered tho beninninc
of the whole troublo. nat-lv linn
lived thus far on war excitorxient. and war
i'pital and when the war md the party
"... uiu wim it just as a tree decays when
i,.. .. I.H.U couiu COTnrn a nn linn nnri"
the remainder c-f his dnys in misery, n
t ft . i
A'jouna slave to nis inexorable creditors.
Just so it is with the United Stales.
They enjoyed almost unlimited credit,
They could borrow (though ut a ruinous
rate of interest) just as much money as
they could possibly spend. So liberal
were they that many favored individuals
were enabled to pocket ns much a? a mil.
lion of dollars a year ; and in one instance a
Government ogent (son of Simeon Draper
of New York) made J 180,000 in two
Hero was prosperity, sure enough I
Due from Collector of 1 802,
Due from 6olleetor of 1801,
Due on Lanibcrrv judgmeut,
Duo from J. Alexander on planking,
Due from Presby. Congregation on do,
Due from sales of plunk,
Cash in Treasury,
EORCK FALK takes this method of inform
ing the watermen of Clearfield county that
ho has re'ittod and reopened tho hotol forinorly
kept by K. Schreiaer, at Coxestown, where ho
i will tako especial pains to render satisfaction to
ll who lavor biin with their patronage.
Coxestown, April )2, '65. dfsly.
f 133
17 4
54 C9
4 16
27 f0
wounds, one in the arm, but no feara aref since Ihe country has beon broueht to thet1' W!t8 'ill,out parallol, here or else-
$722 2
Outstanding orders year ending Feb. '.lO $31 75
Outstanding orders year ending Feb. '00 1 (10
Cutstanding orders year ending Fob. '01 10 SO
Outstanding orders year ending Oct. '02 72
Outstanding orders yoar ending Oct. 'f 3 6 62
Outstanding ordors year ending Apl '61 18 65
Outstanding orders year ending " 'CS
Due K. Mitchell, late Treasurer,
Due on McAdaiuixing Second street,
Due on do Market street.
Excess ol assets.J . .
where. Now else could it bet Were wo j By Order,
not getting money as fast as we could, and
ttu.yv...u ciiicin long Kept tlieSmakine as nianv and as Lit? deLls not- "nuersignea, auuhof oi je.ruem uoro.i iwo witnesses of credil
country prosperous and!arion1 T, g. , 7 . g P hving examined the .ceounts of the efficers of i which she resides,
Democrat. Jsible, Without paying any of them ! Sure- aid boroujh, do ecrtify them correct as above whose cerliarato. sworn t
entertained as to his recovery. ego of ruin by its fanaticism, the people
Mr. Hansen, an employeo of the Stalei'"' rreier to give the reins of power into1
Department, who was kindly assisting! Democratic Lands, which to long kept the1
me uui side oi air. oewaru, remiveu a
tab in tho back. His shoulder blade pie
vented the knife or dager from renetral
mg far into his body. The proi-pecla are.
mat do win recover.
WASniNGTOM. Anril Th Tii.
dent, aurrounded hv Mrs. Lincoln. ThadJ
yus ana ivonert, liis on, vioe rresidentl'w. wDorjava noi oeen torwardea to gen-ines ana wormwood thon T Of all the
inn Nam a Wupmmjii Mil.., m j mi i . . i i n r a! .1 . . ..
wun him viuc:B,n.'rni rcntjczvoua iri 1 do rc leasea. i uruodi di ido worn t i hnn a Ar t.A
uw I VVIIIU UI L 111 M
LL persons indebted to the undersigned, or
. to the firm of I'ASSMOllK 1 STUVKNS.
aro requested to come forward and ssttls without
delay. row if tho time to save eosts.
Cienrdeld, April 12, 1805. V.
Iadics' Furs, Purchasers may roly upon get
J ting the best Furs at CilAS. OAK FOR D At
HONS, Continental UoM, Philad'a. jau, 11
I) I:I,I1:K NOTICK. The UosrJ of ltolief
LV for the county of Clearfield, will meet at the
C'oinmi.-.'ioncrs' office, on Wednesday and Thurs
day, tho 2rtth and 27th days of April, 1865.
The Hoard have directed that all new appli
cants must appear before the Boftrd and aroditcc
their sworn statement dotailinc name of oblii.r.
oi regiment ana company; wlien otiiisted i tho
85 nutnberof children, with neo and tex of each :
the townihin in which th P tAaiiltwl a tVi lima f
nin1VJ2 3flnliFtincnt.t and their prosent residonco ; andtbut
D. BIGLbli. the ii without tho nioHm of ffiipport for her?oif
, ',. ,v. Vi " i 7 . lu'"iren, wr.o ro aepenaent npon her.
The undersigned, Auditor of Clearfield boro , i Two witnesses of credibilitv. from tho tuwmhin
must also be rroducod
n LAr... . i. - v 1 . ....
r ' - . . ....... .v, Bnv... I. . IUD II I.L
iy it would be strange if such a nooplo : "i ,:",,r . ..h. u..M..i. .....ji-- '"A0.tu,i6erPPl!ra"V.,t!-cr''''h."'v r
Jwould not be prosperous! th. liabilities two hDd?.d .nd seventeen ddui SKrV.7.f k f r
But how will it be when pay day comes, and sixty five oents. nARRKTT . .. ' dostituto circumsUnces and her family In
Cloaryeld, np i, m, istia.
I) 17
7 68
0 27
figrOn the 14th tost., Fro. Mar, Oon.
Uinks, at Harrisburg, issued an order toj
me i ro. war. oi mai aisirici, saying, - ah as come it must T Will not the reoolleo-
men draltoi under the call of Dec. FJlh.ition of our rre.ent nmsnoriiv La t,;tir.
fB I" ..a .......
HAII Olirl Arm - . 1 .1. rB 1 1 . I .
ctunl want ; and that all the fasts set forth inhor
pplioation are just and true.
forms ooutamiDg theso requisitions rin be ob.
Ladies' nd Children's Hsbi, Latest Styles st Ulned at the office of the Board of Rlwf, when
CHARLES OAKFOHD A BON3, ConUneu- spplication is made and tho witnesses nppear.
mi uoioi, ruuaaoipnia. jn, 1 1 -3mos. ; Mar. 79, 1885. .W.
foG, liroad way, New York.
-'- Wasliiiiirton Street, JJotton.
Hl.-i MACHINE T-? rnvsm rr -rrn v
entirely new principles of haniso . o.'
sinS iny rare and valuable Lupr. vetueut.,
having been examined by the most prof, und ex
perts, and pronounced to baSrMPi.lrrrv.n l
I'EMKCTIO.N cotnblneJ.
It has a MrsigM need!, perpendicular action.
"'It i t V ur PIIUHLK s'iteh, which
will neltWripoT ravel. . ml isalike on ko'h
aides; yorforras perfect sewing on every dwrriu
, f.",?"ri ' ,,'",u '-father to (1 fnert Nar
aook Muslin, with cotton, liaon, fro-n the com .
est t the finest number.
Having tioithcr t'am nor Cogwheel, nn l i
cost ponsiblo friction, it runs at (uijoth as
nnd is emphatically
ll requires Fifty per cent, less pu-r?r to
it than any other machine in ,tbemirkot.
twelve years .-f age can wur itsteadi'v, w .t
fatigue nr injury to licaith.
ltd strongth and Wondorful Pimp'ii. '-y o. .
struction renders it almos. iir possible to r
of order, and is Guaranteed by iUj cul -give
entire satisfaction.
We rorpecfally invite all those who m,
sire to supply themselves with a eu.
lo come and examine this Vnrlvalled Mlc ..
Hut ia a more especial mai.uer do ne o'..
pntron-igo of
Morcliaut Tailors,
Coach Makers,
llooji Skirt Maii-
Sliirt f lioMOMi
Religious and Charitable
liberallv d"!tt with.
thicks or MfuiVK coJirtv--. ;
No. 1, Fatilly Machine, wl h, 5r'e-.i '
nnd liraider,
7. 2, Small Jlanufacturing, h'. '.' r '.onsi, "
No. 3, Large Manufaetaiiag, wi':. '.xUa 'j:
No. 4, L'ge Mnnufactsring, for ! !- "
Lolling Foot and Oil Cup,
One half hour's iustructioi :i iuff,cient '.o
.iy person to worl' th:- :'aine to
their rr.tire t .'! j.aotion !
Tji-Agonls wa ited fi r nil tow ' tr th - V
States, A-i.nts nv nc'.lr .dy Ci"' i..
Also for CuS, Mexico, Con' .tl snd South
oa, to whom a libernl disc irt will bo giv.
Terms invariably Cosh on doiTjry.-UTj
T. J. Mi AKT.1UH i t'O
638, BROADWAY, :T. Y., .V2 WA?HINiJ
ST., Bofltan, 72i', CJiSoTNCI Phila.
A. A Co. 1Yj. 8-ly
Corsot M tik r-.-'
(lu.tor I'iltci .,
...hoe Binder.-.
'it and i' .,
loon Makei j,
Drees ALikt,.:-,
I '
R0VISI0v. -".-IT jor, naein, LarJ, C
uliirl; at the d'jio of
Mar. ii, 18f5.
J, 12. KRATZEii.
Troot sU, Clcarteld, la
are hereby c
a any wa--
vlJTIOS UJ. r rsons
J lionou niri.inst in u.lli'it
one Bay Horse, one Uay Mare, one Set D "t
Ht mess, and rne Log Bled, now in the 11s
Uriah Lits, of H-iggs tcwneblp, as tho sstr.s I.'
lonts to me, and is in I.ii possession ot loau er. r
Boggt fp, Mar. 22, '.885.