,J .Tf nnmm in v i 'HIE. L'DWWin. I xssss: DAr,:::::::Arnl 1-', lvf,., rL.nA Clearfield Hailroad Time-Table Ei lit..... t A. M. Mrives at rinlipsiuirg nl . ..... I'lilllesbiir" at. II A. M 11:65 1. M. ii5 1'. M. iif"- i fcl.VC flllt I, If . Advertising and fin". i'n nii iiiire, - t ly jiu ut if illht Ihf ; nr, irilhiti the ttar. ; 60 3 00 - , $2 60 Ij'iW """" ' ' t ....... . L n 1 : . icin r'"o". 0 "'"'"1 .AtH'" . ciii'A, 3 tiiwt, ihc, Mr (f o tifflii,(ir tr, r fi'A ul'tittrtlt liMitrioii, 'idi Jefrtiti'J, fur ruck .unir i' 10 (inr, or ir .1 rtmr, or crat, fjr wk lultcnitriit interlim, Liii" '' 'urrf. Ijff'ir, -' 1 t'O 1 ,:o(t- . rrr (iHf, . I tT$ r" '" f, otrr l'", rr nnr, . K I: 1:-. I 1 . O .1 . . 1. rf.i J -til ' . I A Jfj nJrtrlitlny, 1 coumn, . f 20 00 1 - a;i oil l " ro on 0 tjt) tt ytr quire, I 11 r 0 oiiinf. per omrt . - 1 i thitt, 25, or ir, . . 2 J, I ilitet, ii, or lrt, I j. uhttt. 2 j. ir 1 , - B XI 11 of each of shove ut proportionate rates. I-I!.e above rate, vice agreed ..rn V, !h. c0t l1UHJroj I sirrifiC'l, on the 3d dav ot Iocenber, ISdt.i... ., n,ihl e strictly adhered to during the prescn I i "lhor l'resot iprkei t! all k.nds ofprintin; niatcrijli. !( ..11- iirifuni i. (i. .uuunr,, Pul'Uher of the "CUntU 'cmUiran'." S. J. HOW, PuNli-lur of the "Rfttmnn't J'jur-rul." TO DRAFTED MEN. n.e follow -Ir.c important announce mer.l 1 I I t 11 11 (.' ( . ii rcce.vcu iriim u. o, onui'i t, l.s.j: W, Moore, Fsq. DcarSir : l have just received a note m Col. C'aoJiibeil, ProvM.tr' ai fol- "The lime for the drafted men of C'lear 'J county to report at ludgway is ex- ijiieJ nva n tys iroin tue time sj.eciuea their notices to report. T'C.o give general jiubliclty to this y'gse.l II. S. CAMPflKI.L. Cap'. A Prov. Mar. l'J'.h Dut. THE SEWS. I SURRENDER OF LEE. len. I.se surrendered his army on Sun- , , ,, i-cveiiirg I.vst. 1 here is no doubt of i .ii. Tie announcement of tho fast is j iJsbv Gen. Grant himsilf. The terms t not given, but they were such aa were toposcd by Ocn-Grant. Th-iurreuder took pla;c some miles M'WB'JrKesv llie along trie line oi me li-ncnd and Lvnchhtirtt railroad. The I j C ; iipi! lit from Sianlon announcing the j wl i dated at Washington, '. p. m., April ,li. The furrcr.t.cr rui.tl hate taken !ce between half after four and i.ine o' ockof Sunt'ay afternoon, as tho !at role ' jrint to Lo. preparatory to the m.'ot ;. was ibite.I at h tlf put four. Thera is no account of any fi0Min; nfler utr-Uy the Gth, when Sheri id.in and .'.ilh corps had a desperate bhti!'' willi 'fsroir i:u;ird, resulting in the cipture rien. Ioll and four other C'enerals, en rith aiary wegjns, guns, and several thcu- i'ii.1 primi.ers. Mr' I.iiic.h) i in Richmond, where he m in cen-iullation with Judge Cam.beil J Senator Hunter, both ofwhoiu had ft Mr. L'r.ccln arid Mr. Sewutd at For- I 'll f .ne-in un.i. L- u n nnd w!l 1 it' . ' ' .' . nilnuglt retained nuihouty from Jell. liilo negotiate. A dispatch Males IhU ' . . -rgreement was likely to bo lean.'ol, I'U'.in,-u brief artaiBtico, but this n I'llwiit'd. and the assertion Mr1 Lincoln will listen I i .. , . i . i i i'. a., nisinr: in i ecus r.iui uucuii'iiiionui 'render, tbri stcnirg destruction to nil I o lcftite. Jeff Davis, and what ii loft of the Kicli- oi.d Government, arc said to bs at Au- js'.s, Oa. Hone On. ! Wo hear of several new j tcovorics of surface shows of Petroleutn It various parts of the county. Among I '(latest diacoverics is tli.tt by Mr. John TcMlcr, of Union township tvho informs ;l Ua'. lot found acolioction of oil on the tIt on hisj hind on Sandy Creek, in '"eh he snturate I a woollen rig, tviiich rned with all Ihe brilliancy of the pur it of oil. Mr. D. nys nothing about the smclf, '"cb is of the first importance ; yet wo Neuo doubt this U a petroleum fju n- m. Tn Xtw U. S.Stawi- Dltiks For lC'i. -Messrs.T. 15. Teler-on & Uros., 00 Ches- :illil,. I 1.1 i I l 1 U i I " U ct 1 h.iadelph.a, have just isbueJ 'r containing tho olhci.tl list of tho 4;op Duties impos ed by the act of Con" re,of March .'' H01 Trice 15 cenlg ' jie copies ; or 3 copies for M cetila, sl . . . . . jusrA.i...n a j .(......ImaI e.. Vi.ioi - it . . ... . - wi.cn, -o auuiiiie.i, ai.. ..-v.... Every man fchou'.d have one ; -J - ... - J(I no man in business can well get along ru can well nl alone A,i o solicited. Art- Nhonl i)-,lr. ., .r.l,rlio.l A,l 'uouione. uruers aro soncneu. au- 1 us snore. trrs., ., . ...... is.- r.-j iu ii me lostmaster at r.rie, ia., imu iv. '.r . . U( KnnU i I . n.. Mm l?,..lrr.n.Ia r, i a . - 'nki-m.i.u ... , i--- n tbat city, would once learn thai Clear- m COllnl. n 1, rearliA.l anonsir bir wav . , Hhr Philadelphia or Pitubure. In- lftl of sendioa mail tualter via. Ride- K U wuld be a great accommodation 1 ,. .. fc - ' Helusioess of this community. Some- " very oa in tbeir iteotrarny. a rvn...i i uutuorraco are rery much de- pressed. Timber doc, not command a, much at Marietta s rva, paid for ithoro' spring; anJ choice rafts arosaidto command nn lu.i in . . . j ., 1U mill ni LOCK Haven. We hope, however. th,t th0 prospector peace will si t things in mo- tion and tuyeri will como Ibrwurd. i 1 .. v. j. .1. . m,:, nnll 1. . , . - k"", uo nail glmige or tl'O I hihi.sl.urg circuit last year, and who v1 ti w retirement, send us tho following ' 1 ) I'-M ICl' ()TI('i:.-Tlio poprd of IKlief T iu acknowledgment of tho honor 1 '"r-"") 0",,n,jr 01 " ClonrOoia, will moot at t!io . , " ",u """.CotuiiiiKSHiiiiTa'iinii-o, on Wediiesdnv and Tturs- Iltl -J tlnyi ll.e Utltli mid 27lli duja of Anril, lst'j letter L.URr.l.TON, Ai-kii Iti K(',5 rear Friend Moore --l or am, timn I Llv, ,, . ' '. , r- 8 H" T 1 11,10 vr evo,! rCn,,0,.Volpa,l.fi"a ,lm0 10 wriiejoua lew lines; lnt previous to nity. I think it duo to tho rollers of . . , II ' jdurwoii Known paper and esnoci-tllv ! Vv-lni ""''""B Client, where I liaveledlast year, w .tl, the Iter. T. H. ...i(,... .. i : . .t .. . . - ""o n oiMi ui i ne i.ist ot men in my vatimatioii. In a few word, I will fay it wua the thortOMt year, apjiarently that ever I oxpoi iene.nl.' Willi a tnoro peiiertim, nolde aud liheral-liearted neo- pio. 1 iwsver did, nor expect to live. ilicy IUU, imill mill C OtllPil nir. 11 Tim Lord loveth a cheerful civer:" an.l I ..V think every creature that Ho has made 1 iMar- 2'J ,i0i- w- s HUADl.EY, Clk. -loves tho same. Previous m mv li.uuin.. ' - I .' ilieurcuu, I received from kind frin,) . . r . . u donation of a fine suit of clothe", which lollarj, jn uddition li presents I trmt my succes- bois mnv receive th Kani nr i.rni.,i. Jindues. May Uod hletg their labors to the building up of his Church. I will close hy saying tlict tLis present year I rurposo making my hotne in the lotutiful West. I ghn ll lili:lJ.il In hear from any of niy old friends and ac- .'.T ' "".,uc' "'y. -.ijliiu. I our rn ii .. ' " C. A. (JANX. At Hons. Charles Larrimcr, meniUr Of Co. K. Id'Jth V V rnl.l i.;. i,. ...u .,'.,.:;,:: '"" uwiiMuny. r. 'am j mer was among tho (irisoncrs caplurt-il in the first day's Laltlo of the Wildertieas (jlli May last,) and suffered all the hard ships of t lie Southern prisons at Ander honville, Florence, Ao., ur.lil nhout the 1st of March. Oa reaching Wihr.ingtor, N.C,he wa- taken sick, and remained in , , . , ... , the bOfplt-.l un'.ll about the QOtll, ihen ho was transported to Arnapoli;, wliere- ,. , .... after rpcndirgu few more days in honpit-j fll, W:a9 futloughed to come homo. He j was reduced almost to a skelr ton, but is! now fast gaining flesh bdu strengili. I Benjurain and William Carr, it will he! Henjurain and illiam Carr, it will he 1 li t ' rcn.cmtereU, weie caidured at the same I time. They all three remained togtther, and nil enjujed tolerable health, i:niil .ii ( near the close of their captivity, when .Eerjaoin was the first to take Mck, and I was sent to the hospital at Florence. The msi ncuouni oi nuum was seeing linn Rot aboard the boa, for Wilminslon a few -' ----- miles up the river above tho ci'y. Mr. I.arrimer failed to cet abcard Cat lu at, ... I in,!, ...ii,.. , I ,i i i 1 1 ami look another ; but never heard if his comrade afterwards, but supposes ho i rta. hed Wilmin ;ion, nd i-ei hapa died i , 11 I there, benjamin f r.nlly renrhed Annnp-; olis, ar,d .lieil ill ihe hospital there on the! .,,1 r t .1. Tho sad fu'.i- of those. two yotlti- men t a :enefHl gloom over tlieir numerous :..i..-. ;.. it.:.. : i I i,ere; I'.l IJIIl. 1 II I II lll O 111 lllll l I 'III in ') I IV i ihey cnjoje l ur.ivr:sil i es j f t . 'l,...-! both have intcres-ling families to bullVt ; the slot ms std can a of a h-ai ties wot Id ! n Ion r. Importaiit-ii True. Tho Xu-.v York Ilrrall of yesterday pro- less! a to bnvo information ditn t frum It'rlminnil llmt l'i eii.li.n! I.incnln i- n...... i ,,' .i.i . i . r1 y "'" "' " uii--inss oi 'va.c" ' lmur" 1 u7'rt-v oven;g ,nst lie, .bad n private conlerenoe with .Judilf! bo teari.'ol, ('Hinpbell, ono r.f the rebel commisaioners Providence; A. L. Waite f- Co., Button ; I'yneh it this nain : in the famous Hampton Kinds on, bjreime. on X Loo, Springfield. Mass.: S.N. C-llender, i rs iterated ' '"'fe'" Canijibell, il i. unduiaton 1. v ,.,I HutTalo; CurJi.ii M Millian k Co., v..;.t,, -I ; A. i inio.noi e i.,' ' , , r t a- i , A. Colter 4 Co., Cincinnati:.!. A J. Vt . Iluiin, , . , . w ith t hi' a.l vice and c m-or.t of Ji fl '.ir h. c . ' . . ... .. ,, cl . , . .. , ., . , to linthliis .i ii . r i. . Springfield, III. 11.11. Shields, Cory dun, I nl. ; ,m,;,;m-, -'P0'1. H,e re bel evacuation of l,e..rt...nd. o. o. Carber, Chicago, aconailionat n.,,,U,iCd behind to .,o whst eon I bo! The Am. Ad. A;-. :i-'J Rro td way, N. Y. Pus. uc'.ion to all Hon in bclnilf of his despairing re'o.'l in- ; pep't Em s AM;o. ('or, Pcii't Fowi.aa X (B,,ubell. one r.f the rebel cnmmisaioners l'i"". " y '- ' . ,....,,,,,,.,i . .mi ir ..... t.i,u. ... doni in bclnilf of hn de-piirin re'o.'l in- ; ociales and followers in a Iroat v r.f r encn , 1 he ller.dd further informed iii it ed nesdny lutt had been sppointi d ns the day fur a moue forniul meeting bulweon i the Piesidenl, (ienpral Weiizol and one or ! two oiliers on the Union side and Judire Campbell and some other prominent rebel leaders on the other m do, and that h igh expectations were eniertaiued that jieace would speedily follow I he Herald attae'ies the higli.'st impor lance to this intellgence, "for," says that journal, "we accept it as t-ubstantially true." Ve would be glad to havo better1 authority for it. Aye Ajml ?(h. Ewiuratiox. The record for foreign emigration for the four years just hasted, nt hip pon u, e l0,K ,001 up 4',o ., , ,1 , r . . , r . ..... .-i, . OI wineli nuinlier inolmtjly lw-lliira.s ,tjCs, quality and moderate prices not every wero aiiults, and of that number about whero to ho found. Tho attention of Miliners two-thirds, or over two-hundred thousand, were males, ihe followinc ate tho mini- ben Tor tho frexpective years: IPGl ,r...9 ; 1802 07.CO0 ; ISG.,-155,32.1 ; 18C4 lr ,'JOO. It is probable that, adding Ihe "' 1 J"" I" ui vin.-'i o'li"i l0 nlimi,t,r for ti1P foor yealt wii rcch seven or eight hundred thousand a fact that kIiows mokt unminthkably, in con- Cclion with tho lossoflife by tho war, I 1: ... . . . . . P j comin nnjpr ti.ft dominion of the "for- now n u. ifl nnr niunirv in oi t'.vr muHiiv .1 Is not "Native Amcri- eioiaent." is noi'Tsative Amcri- , canim" astounded J Let it be consider-; J -,iat itom -20 to 1830 the total emi- ( Rration was 2H,d'.i0 j from lfi.,0 to 1810, 55o uoo ; from 1H40 to 1W0, 1,538,300 ; and 1 II.. r iL.mi 1. ...nv.i ... . o lOoU ine total emi- "t ' ' .t, i.iii, ironi I e.,',11 1 o 1 v 1, .tnann, r.,. luiai.ifr.n i-nr,nn . . .w.in. 1 i".i. 1-11.7 hi 1-1011, .MnJ ; nnu ' irom iflou io lenn, z,7U7.oi;i, nnd perhaps the astonishment will be increased. At i . :..v -in i.:.' ' . '.. asiuiiisiiiunii mil ua increased. AI .,- : .,.. r .ui'. - v.;' ' , . " il,. 1 O r.on oon . . iK- ,mY nn. iiiiiii.ici nm ivnie,uo..,iiuti-oraunui ono million more than in the previous le- c"' opre Bro now comings " and autl-foreicn aommatioDiBli ? Patriot ,r, ;..'., A c"8 rcnd'v8. 10 th.e.Js.eW 1 xiihisma Cnnrt. in hirh airliilil sraa loff. jn'pj or ?arn for lbe pyment cj nebt. rPTTT7 Tlf l iwrm 1 Hili MARKETS. rp..,...,--. ''p n-i ' " "I1'1 '' "iioac, 2 OlbOnion I. fl ijor.h? (in OH' AdiiIuh. drv TH L ') mi t'uni, Oats' 1 75(.ii2 Vlljiir'n A jiplun, I 0U(,tl 25 1 inr.ul i in if... i ".,.. Jl"'kwhent, i Wurd,' m 20f,'a 21 -ra, 2 ;,u lalluw, nt III 15 'Timothy, 8 oilf.i.tt 00 Huitor. ' jii Clove-meed, 'id 00 Flour i H 12C,)3 00 1 vv- UeHns 2 00(2 6U.ifgs,''.i dozen, 20 11,0 11,mrJ ''-o directed thai nil new nppli- a- 'n"!t a,,1'car M",ro ,ho Uoi,rJ 1'f"'luoe Hioir Bwom Btntoi.ient detailing iiume of soldier, rci,"l,"t ttml cJU'l"'y; wUon c.istod ; the nuiuberof children, with ago and toi of oa.h ; tUo, w',lhout ,ho support f,.i l,ere!f iml (i)iililrnn ivVa n .. ,1 ........ .1 .... . t t '. r . ,' , , " n' r i ,il;, i,c re.id.s, niu.t al.o l,o i.n.ducc, wl.. .nislcnte, iworn to before tho bo,l, u , - P d must Hi forth that tho applicant is tho ncrnon sho r n.r ! resents herself t be; that tho ttateiEinoiit oftlie. ! , number and age of her family is truo ; that ho 1 ; ia in destitute circumstances and her family in ' f actual want ; and that nil tho TisU tt forth iu her j application nro ju?t and truo. j I Forms containing these requisitions enn be oh-1 .tuincil ill llm nlli of II. a 11. .....I , r l .1: . i " ...w ..IMIU Ul l.l'l MM. nilt'll apidication Is uiado and tho witnesnos nnni.nr. I riiiui iiii i1 tv, f !.. rpAi L tl , ....... . A ttu VIlUlllllMtJOULTN III 'lonrlielJ county havo adinurnod until Mun. diy tho 1 0th day of April, ls-tij. j l'y ordor of the Hoard, W. S. HltADI.KY, Clk. Comiuissione-s' Office, March 2i, lti... DCTDon't tail to Ilcad This i Oaila! 0(8Laa2 Oca. i 77; ! EAST INDIA ( 'OF FEU CO'Y, j l.'i-l lteailo Slreol, (three doors from Oreenwirh Street,) N. Y., call tinirerral attention to their ! Kc nfis Kast India Coil CC u kknts east India coi-i has all tbo flavor nf OI.ll t.OYERN.MENT JA. i YA, nnd is but half tin price , and alio ihnt KKNT'S KAS'l' INDIA CFKKK has twico the rtrenth of .lava, nr any other ("of fee whitever and wherever used by our first class hotels and steamboats, uud steward- say there is a saving of 50 per cent, ! KKNF'S EAST INDIA COFFEE is tho most hsalthy beverage known, and is very "!!tr.,t"n"- 11h? woftk. l,r,r"' ,",l,-v B, ,lM all times with impunity. The wife of the Rev. V. "aves, local mmistgr of the M. K. Church, er"'-v t'it-,;'' '"' mt Lren able to u any coffee f"-lilteen vsars. can n-e KKM EAST INDI A CO F PEE three times a day without injury, it being en- ,,re v rrt0 lrum '"0;e Fropem.s thatpioJuce nervous exciiemont. Pr. James Doyle, of l.rf, Cham'iers street, say: ' . , v I'cver known any oott.-e s tieaithfui, nu- unions, (tin. uoc iiiini an injurious iiiiiiiiues an KKNI'S l'.sriNDl C( -KF-' I advise u.y patients to drink it universally eron ll',0'VnWn- '" ' 10 I'r,,1"b'u'J lUo ! . ue or toneo. , The Principal of the New York Eye Infirmary ' ' ,B.V!,: "I direct nil the putianu of our Institution 1 t0 "knx's'fsT IXDI COFFPF i and woulJ not be without it on any account." . T? K.ov-L- h"a0- n clergyman of tin iM. K. Church, now stationed at Hulsey st., iSewurk. sat of KENT'S EAST INDIA "()' FEE. ' nave use u nearly a vcar in inv inmiiv, nnu ,., -, . ... , ,,. , i,. i . . .. initntiun, as in tho cr.se of ill other Coffees. It ij -'X;.- P'oa'ant. ai,-l I eordiaHv ree.r,. j menrl 1 1 to all clervmi n end their l.iinil:'". 1 KENT'S EAST INDIA CoPEEU I i used d iilj by tho families of Hishp Aine, llishop Raker, liislr.p James, nnimanv of (ho! most uistniijtii.lu'd mm in the country flcrj-yuiiiu anil proicsiioiial Jjowarc ot Lotintcrlcits lou nvn nl I iiii'ifprfiofj ' I nnd he sure that the p.-ckaues nro labl!eil V CUl S J'jtlSt lIUlKl LOfCCf 1". I II 11 A ).' itrccl. Xiw Ymk, ; ns there are nunur.us counterfeits cflnat undsr i the n unc of,'Ccnuino East India Cotlee," "(iri- ,ginal F:it Indii Coffee." etc put forth by ini- I posters to deceive tho unwary. J In lib. pnifcagc", and iu boxes of .111. i) nnd UM) lbs., for Uroeors end large ronmiuers. h"'d l.V droccrs ijintrnltu. OrJcrs fr- in Country tirocers solicit ti wl((im R ,il)cra, j;,,;,,,,,,, h ,,,,. llU,, : Ilni-1, .t Molar n-.d W .1. Helss .f- Rro.. Philadelphia : I' rnncis II. I'errv Providence: A. L. VYaite f' Co., Roston ; I'yneh alio C. C. Oaroer, t. hicngo .... . ... , r... Pep't Ksos AM;o. ('or, Pcp't Fowi.ua A Wkm.s, nr? authorized tu rsceive ordrs for Kent's East Indii Co lies. April i, ISOj. ly. R. DAVIS. iMIIJMillY GOODS. ETttasa & JcXasLtc-jfi.Tr, WIKH.KSALK DEA LENS No. 131 Market ntreet, nortli hide, III!, A I) K I V 11 1 A , Have now opnn thoir Usunl lundsome variety of Ribbons, Bonnet Materials, Straw A Fancy Bonnets, ' Lndiis A Misses Hats, Flowers, Ruches, Laces, j and all other article-1 required by th. ' MILINEIU IKADh. i ny ring experience am siriei nueiiiion 10 mis iirancu 01 branch of business exclusively, wo llatler our- tr,VC! thntwo can offl,r iniul.onK,n in variety and Merchants is respectfully solicited jjtll J II I M VVi I III nitUllli'll J'i. A VU Ull tlt yi uv I ei April b,Wb. 2 in. !...: ..h. I r. nlt..n.:,.-v ....Il t, CI lit-,,- neitAFi i:itzoiaall filolel, ftlAl.M. MKUi, CI UWi'..tj Jbl.l., Vr. M WM A- MASON, rronrietren. milI - 3 lornr established nnd well known 110- X TEL, rituated in the west end of tbo town, has boon romoddlod, enlnrpcd and improved, nnd ll,.h,n.i.t,A..,nsnfl.irll. ..na. 1. I,..n,,. merous friends, and to the travelling public, that i-i"i'i mn". iv.-i-cnuuj niim.iiiii i-o i" nc. uu ''10 nnw rr(,Parol to accomuioduto all who may . . ,v . . , .,, .nfa BnA ' nmrM,.i.i .,ot,ii-- t. t. tached to tho promises, and trusty attendants "'I . -."".'R j will alway 8 be on nana. Cftargos uioiternte. .. umii ir. u-o-u. mIt. K. si. iHMini rcspectiiiiiy announ. ill ... n... .i. .in i.i. . f... n..;.:i. i. v "i1"'"1 'niormm, CHl nn'' l iBn0 m'J..' 10 commu" ,Wondyi cat nnd P ane Ml SIC, to commence Monday Kn nil . . At.ril 3d. Terms, iu per quarter or 1 1 weoks. i jr-ltoonii at rosidenco of J. L. Cuttlo, Esq Cloarfield, March 72, 1805. Ii'ISH SALT and TLASTER In largo quan ' titios, at J. P. KUATZER'S. March 22, 1SC5. Tallies' and Children'i Hats, Latest Styles at 4 CHAS. OAEFORD rt- SOVS. Continental Hot.l, I'hiladerrhi isn. 11. 1 THE CT1IUSTIAN COMMISSION. ' MOTirK TO EVEKYIIODV. Tuo Meekijw the i k and Wounded SJdlert. During mo fortnight commencing April 3 J, no will dovole 25 per cent, of all Co reluil sulus at our counter, of Ah1v'.:!l1"Em,OSTOrrC VIKWS - iii.uuiiiiAniB, Also Remittances l.y Muil for tho same, when si rpcciiiu.i, w mo rciioi ot our Kick and Wounded Soldiers, tliroun'u tl,e iuHruu.entalit y of lh I'hribtiun l.'oimni?in. Or.lcrs by Mail for this (.bjnet, benrinjr d.ifo any time pre ions to May 1ft, will bo receive! and the 2S ptr cent, paid over. The Rckiiowlud:i'i'.irnt (.f tho Trrnsurerof tl.u Chriminn I'omiui.-.iiou will t,o eunt when rtfquiri Tho (rood j will bo told nt our unual printad ciil.iloguo prices. K. A II. T. A5T1JOW ,'i Cc. 1U1 l!r(.;lHv!tv. New York. Thrto doors from Ht. Ntuhomi Hotel. We, tho und'Tri-ned, cordinlly r'M,in:nen , to tlio nnlii-o ot the trii nd. of ' 1 ho Clu i(i:ui Coin minimi," thcotler of K,.t H. T. Anlli my i Co., to devote t this object 2.'i per cent, of liair l'.e- tail Piiici nl aiuiuui, KtoreoiK'oiii i ..... 1 - ' in li'W-i. lirnl vl ...... 1 1. it I'lrnuiii cionmon ilin April .id, 111 set forth iu tlieir Advertise, mo 1. 1. ii:o. it. sri'AUT, rrcsiJent u. ;;. cur'.j- lian C 'iii mi ksi uu. .T. T. UL'HYK. II. DYKK, .Secretary New York Uruneh Christ inn t'oinini.: inn, MOKIUS K. J US I I'. TIIK'.DOKK HOiJSKVKl.T. WM. K. UUlKJli, fit drmin New York Lrancb. April i. SPRING GOODS, W CaSrurthascd hiiico tlio l;tto di. in pn'co.-f..:.j .lino .. r. k n a tz : Front Street, above the Acadcmv. CLEARFIELD, Fa. Now oCers a very largo stock of Dry Goo (fa, ; At a redur ; HRKSS ii iir-tion of 2.1 to it) percent., includinc OOIbS in treat arietv lerinoes, (iinghams, Cloths, Helaine?, I'r:n!., Ca-siuieres, Alpacas, Silks, Snlinets, Rip?, Cashmeres, Tweed', Cohergs, Mohair, Jeans, Lani'llas, Muslins, l'l.iiin"ls, Iiminets, Rib. bur.s, Cli.nVs, Ralinoral tkir's, Hoop. Mtirls, Shawls, Dresi Trimmings, Head Net, Caps, Corsets, lil.es, Collars,. Scarls, (.ren.uliiio Veils, 1 able Covers. C lot h i ii cr . Coat: i. Funis. Vests, Over ras, i.enl's Fhiiw'. iliirts. Hats, Caps, l ii'li-r Shirts and llrawirs, Roots, Sinus, liuai Shoes, Cravats, (i loves an 1 L'oliais. HARDM'AUrj. FEENSWAP.P. a CEKIES it MUSICAL tiOUDS. U- y O CC i' I C S. Tea, Cotice, Sugar, Molasso.-, Fait, Candles Rice, flour, li-e.iri, j-1 n , J una ceo, 1. minis, Currants, Spices, Crackers, Wines, llrandies, Vin egar, Oils, Var nifh, Alcohol. T1X-WAKE, GLASS-WAh'E. WotiDEX W A UK, and STATION Eli Y. Household Goods. Carpets, Oil cloths, Drugget, Looking Classes, Clucks, Chuins, tVnshboards, Tubs, tin -lilts, Flat Irons, Fan", Window Illinds, Wail -paper. Coal Oil Lainps. I in breil:i, Hedrord, Knives end Forks, s'pi.(.ii,Cr"tks, and t'lovo Klaoking. 7. All of which will be sold on the most iea- , eoniin.e lerins, anil ine ni;nc-i i'::iiKf-I price hi,1 i lor I. rain, Wm.1, nnd all kinds i country pro.luce. i Cleailicld .March 22, ls,ij. Oi- Itl'.WAlll) Was taken about the lo.lt ; OsJ of Jiiniiai v In-t, a large light I. in colore 1 ' pin), with a long bushy tail, nainid Tii.eb. T above reward will be paid for his dclivtrv I i owners at Cook's Mill, in Craliiiui township, or a fair proportion for iiiformiition of his whereabouts JEMIMA C. P.niiNKR, LEWIS II. IlJtl.NKIt. March 29, 1B.1. Oin'JIAX'.S covwi sai.i: or Valuable Heal Kstatc 1)V 1 I )Y VIRTPK OF AN onPER OF THE Ort- bu vxpi srd to l'FRLIC SALE, nl I'ennvilic, on Saturday, April L'2d, U;fi5, , All the following described Real Estate, situate j in 1'enn township, Clearfield county. Pa , lute the property of Martin Myrter, dee'd. : I A certain trad of improved hind containing I 100 Acres. j Rounded en tlio north by P. Ibilly, on tho smith ; by Wm. Rigler, on the west by Clark's heirs, ' and on the Kn-t by Win, Rigler tho great ' poition of which is cleared and in a good rtnto of cultivation, with a two story Lo I welling i IIoufo, Log Ram, nnd other outbuilding-, nnd two Orchards of assorted Fruit. TerniN One half cash nt cot firmiilion of tho j sale, and tho bnl.ince in ono year thervulto", 1 with interest, to bo secured by bond und mort gage on the premises. 1 VC, Kale to enmincnee at I o'clock, p.m., of said day, when due nttendnnco will be given by i JOHN IIA.W, Ali'M MYRTER, j Adm'rs. JVnn township, March 2'.), lf.-'i. lq V E It and T l M 0 T II Y SEED rsVeiy I .... ,;nTvtn Mnrch 23, 1905. Till-: CO UN T Y N AT I O XA L 15 A N K TRRAsrny DnpAitTMnxT, "1 I OrnrFor Vt ni'Tnoi.i.rn or th k Titr.isrnv 1 Wnchinpton March 2n !, 1S.",. , It I '.AX, by satisfactory evidenco pro f rented to tho undersigned, it has been made I to appear that Tin? Cot ntv Natiomai. Rank of Ci.F.AitriEi.n, in the borniich of Clearfield, in tho onunly of Clearfield, nnd Stnteof Pennsylvania, has been duly organized undor nnd in nccordanco with the requirements of the Act f Congres cnti-' tied " an Act to provide a National Currency, so- curod by a pledge of United Stntes bonds, to rro- i pro viso lor tho circulation nnd redemption thereof, approved Juno 3, IHOI, nnd has complied with nil the provisions cf said act to be complied with ho foro commencing tho btisinofs of banking under j ......... B . -..v... . v Vi, t n., t ,n r ! eaiu net. ..U", IV.-H-, 111 1,1. ...IVI I.I.VI on. v.. .nil" 1 (roller of the Currency, do hereby certify that 7,e C'.mnO Anfinimf laid- nf Vlmrfirhl, in tho L J .. Dorougn 01 i.ienrnci't, in tlio county 01 .icarnoirt, and State of Pennsylvania, ia nuthorijed to coin-1 ,- n,n i,,c. ri.,.vin ..n.lnf il. a,-i I'". .. b In testimony wherof, witness niy band and seal nr otTra n.i. 9,1 .In. r.r M.rel. isr,'. HUGH MeCfLLOUUH. Mar.S-tf. Comptroller of the Currency. -SXVr 4 rV-'l'l',l A KArri.nl o-nll J L.U. . ,i.. duti nf. household-orone willing to learn. Must ibav good recommendations. Apply at my bouse, or nt the Here of C. W. A II. W. Smith. , 11. V. SMITH. Msreh C2. 1 ill. A IJMlMSTKATOU'SNOriCi:.Xoti-e XA. is nsrouy given that lettori of aduiinistia- ''ou on thp entaitrf Jas. A. Wood, Into of Union 'P i Clearfield co., doo'd, having been granted to t'oundcigncd,all persons indebted ft) said citato sro requested to uiako liom,lii ,......,, -.i '. Win claim, .gainst the earn, will present - m.j aumiimuttiuu iorsottitnent. ! PAY11J HORN. Murji, Or pi Adinlniatratcr. Si) V"1-1'" lti;VAlll).Loft, on Fin ItOI.l.AltS KI'W Allll i.un or ai iseisinn rafting ground, a pocket r.i.,: containing fifty dolUrs-o.-o $25 bill and three 510 bilu-nls ,, . ,,rul..,,orjr r,(,l0 n Jot n l.ut.er lor pnjahlo three months after date, l:emt'i.n e.Tomptn.,, ,,( Utttc,i al,,,uttho 21th of lU'ceirbcr, lflil. Any person linding raid money m.. .uiuiuiuyu iu iuu win re.-eivo tlio aliovo ro wu,r.J' THOMAS Ll.lCli.-j, Jr. 5, (f. Aladc ra F. O. IX Till: f VTTi:il of tho rc-witTTTfJames ('urley. It appenring by tho meu.orial of lea liii;; ( itiz.jas oi KarthauB twji., that tiicy uro conviiic-d that the jurors who hold llm iuqucit on the boiy of 1; ,rt!cy L',i,;.iu were mi-takin in their ver'ii;t. and it lo'ii. ilio nr,;r,;,.ii ,.i ih nm.i nl lf!i I'll i .-II a II. m I I , i: .. I : .1 c ..u iii'llllLf l..l'ri"ll was wrong ! Ill IHOI, 100 reward l.crot..l'..ra affered for the uircat of Jauit i Curley is this day withdrawn. TIMS. l.OCtilltllTY, AMO.'i IlKAI). A"';Jt. CONRAH IIAKHR, W. S. URADLKY, Com iniaeioners. Clerk. March 180i. iMlOTOGHAlMllC CAIl " 3:-cj? clzlo 1)ltAl).ii ,v CO NOW OFFER THEIR 1 Maiiiinoth Car for fiilo on reasonable terms, ru t at a reao.nablo prico. I'art of lha CAR is new, mil the remuiu.ler is good ai n.;ir. Ono of! tho best travelling i'alluiiet over built; tho sky - light is txtia laixe, loth and totehtnr', ing, has also huge si.le Kiii.hi-.vs made expressly for card work, Ii ml IL Pi in 1 !. 1 1 .r'i t...i- i. n .1 I . .. . . c . - 'n4 v VI vjh v I ill .'ill o lor maliing first-el pictures ; is locntediu l'hilipi bur;. For ptice, ttrins, nddtess i URA C A CO. ! March tf. I'hil ipslmrg, Fa. l'riulicttl instrucilons givnu to the juir thu'iijr gr.it is. ipiiii.ADEi.pniA i euie niLi;.o.a. , r Jill l.s t.r.oit Iitio ' , "'''' ."r- m. i i 'i i It ii e " t e r ii tlio city of Krio, on Lako Erie . . ....-a . ..iii.ttiiiutn ,u Jt has been Rased by tho I'cnr. ,'ivnn' i A'.ii;- roo i -,m'iy, ana is cjierateil y i:,-ni. its entire length Was opened f r j.a: sender and freight business, Oct. litli, 1UI. Timi a Vawnrj-r Trains or Emporium. I.havp. nAhrwAiui. M'lil Train, 3:20 A. M. 3:40 I M. Warren Accotn. Train, . M. M. M. M. -M. M. M. Ci riy Aecom. No. 2, Corry Accoui. No. 4, LEAVE WUSTW Ann Mail Tram, 1I;0S - -Win ron Aecom. Train, . Corry Aecom. No. 1, Corry Aecom. No. 3, r...-.i cger Cars run through ninio. T cuasiuk both wajs between l'hiiadelpl.i nnd L'lie. FUgal.t Sh e :ng Cars in Mail Trains both ay.1 between l'biia ielplil.i mid Lock Haven, ai.d i.;i Wi!liumx.i.rt aud llltirra Fxprofs Train !"'!iucn lliauisport nul Raltimore. For information respecting' J'ussenger builnces I .ly at the Cor. .f(th and .Marrivt sreetj. nd for l'nigbt Ludne-.- of the Cui'ipnrty's A .int.", H. Ii. Kingston, jr., Cor. 13th and Market st , l'hilnib'lphia ; J. W. Reynolds' Erie : .. M. Prill, Agent N. C. R. R. TV.iimere; II. H. lioi stom, Con'i Freipht Ag't. i'hila.; 11. W. OvfiNMra, (len'l Ticket Ag't, I'hila.; Jos. I). 1'oTts, lieu'i Managor, WilliatusporL jun. 11, lsCS. s T)M:On the I th of Tobraary. from tho ROLL.--, one inaiked J. Shaw, the other R.V. W. Tho persons who curried away the nbovo proper ty will return them to p Newton Shaw or Alex. Powell, Clem held, or at Shawsville. .March I, lst;i. pj. 1 l'CTIOM:!;it.Xl,c subscriber having 2 taken out a License for crying vendues ami oilier Public sales, either in Kugliuli or Her man, icspeettuliv oilers bis services to bis fellow (.iti-uns. and will attend to nil calls fium nny 'pa't of the comity, on the thorlest notieo cither ; v rl .ally or by K-t: "r, nnd up-n t!:e Hi" rea-ou- able terms. When r,, ,),-.,-,, 10 will furnish the Co rk and c.iinplcte all t::e bu-l.-cs connect ed willi I lie Mile. JOSr.l'll II. JONL'. Kjlirtowi:, P. C, Mar. I. I -Ci. ly. pj. New W fitch fi::J Jewelry Store. O II ijt il'le At'CII J.IN. Inning pun in,- . 1 t: -t nl Ins l ite I 'iituer, is now goicg ii on his own h'".l( in the s o p formerly oeei.pie 1 by them mi Sc. -oiid ftreel, where ho is re ur-'.I to keep 11; bis re 1 ,!!. i-.ioii as a complete workman by doing all work eMi'ii'tcd to him on short no tice, in the hist tniiinier, nnd mi tho most reas onable ti rms. Defying l!u e ut.ty, ulliiun-k-is 11 fair tri:il, nil I a c uitiiiiiati in of tho p'.trotis ago beret'd'ore i Men. led. Look i i.t I r toe Igu of t 11 r. p. 1 ; w a n. N. I! -The Cash will bo pos;:ivily ii;-"tcil when 'be work i.- dclitired. S. li. L. , Clearfield, April 7, Hi". I. y ! iJLASTKIl. 70,000 rounds of Plaster in Clear Held . l .r Sale by I Peby li, lit. JA.SL. LEAVY. ! I" adii J . ics 1 urs, J l:e la-rest assortment nt ( HAS OAK FORD A SONS, Continsntil Hole. Philadelphia. j in, II. STEAM SAW-MII.E AND TIMI'.Eii LANDS AND TIMP-ER F 0 li S A L E ! VM'.W I' lHST - CI !H TIIIHTV horse power circular SAW-MILL with 11 10 acres of ijr.-t quality of Into pino timber in 'ce unilde ens and a balf millions ol I.1W.1 cm! nnd ready for manufacture and Timber Lease f two millions more. The mill is ndnptod to cul ling Hill .-tuff, and a number of Bills now offer ing. Accessible and 11-jacent to Ihe Pennsylvn nia Railroad nt Tipton, by plank road. Mula lentils ami oxen will bo sold with tile property if required ns we las all other i'liplcments neces sary for driving on the business nt once. Will be sold nt a bargain to close 11 ccnecr i. A pj.l at No. Forrest riaee, ir-i, South Fourth st , I lii.aJi Iplna. it to jonn 1.111011 , in i ipiun, i.inir county, who will show the property nnd give full particular.'), and who is niitnnn-ol to sell. March 8, tf. II. 11. SIIILLINCFORP. "JOTIt'K- All persnns having iirseltlcd nc 1 counts on tho Hooks o f (1. li. REED, A Co., will rdemo call and fettle tboni. as wo aro dosir- ious of closing our Books, II. L. REED. .1 Co. 3 mo. Jan' 11th LSilf XlfYIIVP "I',P VOV llfMlQT' ilV'Uil l'iUiM.'. llCLOFj Sccoiid Street, above Arch, i II1LA DEI. I'll I. . A. I'. HI.AIIt, I'ropi icfur. (I to of tho "Surf House," AlhiDtic Citv.) f pt. 23, lsn-1 ys CTiaii''! liislhisc, but not his Polities. I EM OVAL FROM SHAW'S ROW TO OR A- J. V ram s, ono door west ol Rovnton .r Show-; ers Store. The subscriber wishes to Inform bis r,-. ...r: 'iTrVTvrTiv' sTV friends and rnmerous patrons that ho has lert hit IMIIN Will ATOM'S, NOHt H.-Notice old stand in Shaw's Row nnd has broke out in a IV la boroby given that Letters yf adminlstri now place in (Iraham's How, in the shop former, tion on the estate of Mattbrw A. Foppkk. late of Iv occluded bv It Stuninb ns a Hoot and ghop. Hndford township, deceased, baying been taken . -... . .' - . m t tV ' . e,n Km tl.A hn.liiBjinnnyl Sill tMlflnni iriilaftiilil .t .. collrt Week, and brine ns many now Jlo woubl like all his obi Inenus io gnoiuuii, ones along as possible, as he can accomodate all 'II VVIIIk UVini 7 - on short notice at the 8 bort Shoe hnop. hept by , n . MtAah biiuki. Remember f.r.h.m s Row. one door Ml of tojnton i ?!ioweri' btore. jm. 11, 'CI. (JHKAT IMPIIOVEMKN'TS IN Cr.rw. Hr,.r.li KJVs V llAtlUllllIUo l8 EAJTIIJE SIIUTTLK MACHINE! rA'iENHTMi) PtciincAar iru, 1SC0. SALESROOMS. ri0, Broadway, !Xew York-. 'Ib'l, Washington .Street, Boston. rpms MACIIIMU 13 CON'STRUCTED X ( ntircly new principles of n.ochanimn. po. nosing many rnre and valuable iniprnrouiinti, bavins botn cxat.iiuc l by tho nvft profound ex P'rti.. and pronounce 1 to bo bl.Ml'LICITY and l'KUl KCTlUN com', ined. Jtha3a i-traight noddle, porpcndicular action, makes the LOCK or iUlUl'TI.E fitch, which will r.citho.- rip or ravel, ond U alike on both tides; pvrforu.ii perfect tewing on every dFcrip tlon ef mnttrifil, iroin I.cuther to tl.o lii.ost iVan. took Mus'.'.u, with cotton, linen, froia tbo coars est to tho liuejt number. Ilavinjr neither Cum nur Ctmi.otl, and the cant rn..i)i1n frl..tl..n . ...... . ... l,vir i uu'u '"" j A IS EL KM MAC1IIXK! f It requires Fifty per cert, less power to drivo ; it llian any other uiaobino in the iuurki:L A girl ' twelvo years of o-,'e can work it stoaJiiy, wi;hou: i fatigue or injury to health. Its strength mid Wonderful Simplicity of con struction renders it bIiuohI impossible to gat out jof ordr, and is iilar.i.tecd by tho company'.;) i uivo entire sa'isfiiction. , roppeotiully invite ;i thoeo who may dc- '"8 ,u SUP1 thotr solves with b supe:i ir ar'ielo, '" c"lne ttIi;i cxauuine ihis Um ivallcl Mtriilre. '!ul ' s uu're especial uiauucr do ,-,e solicit ha 1 putronncjo of t-Mcrcnr.Tit lr.ilors, Corset Ifukc-'.-s, (i;iilcr riltcia, .Sltoe J.in soir), Vest and Lr.!i loon Jfaiccrfl, I Coaell .Makers I . . ' Hoop fjkirt ilau- uluutui'ers, Shirt i Bosom Makers. Dress Makers, Religions ind Charitable Institutions will bo ho. rally delat with. J'BICTS OK MACnlNE Coi rLLTB; No. 1, la-nilr Machine, witb Jie:u I'alUr .nl !'.!.).. ) 75 '! No. 2, Small Maracf-rui,: , v ith K-'.-.uoIju -1,1.1., No- Lar'i M i:iufa..-''i.-inj, with xtcnalur Tah.N No. !, lge Manufacnri'. . '.or Leather, -lith Roihng toot ai . Oil Cop, 7 00 On - i ili -.oar's instruction is sufficient to eniblo uny person to Work this machine to the'- t. tii c . vti fkCUon ! ;?2Af-euts ; .nted o: a.I towns in tho Unitod iitiUos, whero A lls a,o not -lremiy e-tabli-hed. Also ijr Cubit, Air xieii, It! nd P mh Airrjr ert, to whom a liberal i;. -count will ho given. Terms invariably Cash on delivery. T. J. McAKTitL it ft '(J. 63fl. BR0AJJWAY, N. Y !.. WASHIN'OTOH ST., lioeton, 720, CUKST.VUT ST., Phila. A- 4 Cc. Feb. S-!y. XJR'lVHIONS, Flour, Ritoon. Lari, Ches-e, Dried lletf, Pried Frnit, io., reoeiv- t rci. ulnr's nt tho tt.ro of J. B. KRATZKit. Mar. 1SCS. rront t., citarfleld, Fa. Ct TU)X. LL ersor.s are hereby c.iu ti ;ml against uicld'iiig in any sv wit'a tmo Ray Horse, ono Rav Maro, one Set J-'nublo Harness, and one Log riled, now in tho u. e ol Uriah Pitt, of Roggs township, as tho $rdi be longs to me, and is in Lis po.-ssiou on loan only. JOHN RK0WN. EogK" tp-, Mar. 22, 1SCS. tSL'JiCIAL XOTrCJi. Itll" person who eoino timo ago got a BUF . PALO ROBE marked S. Mitchell," would confer u favor by returning tho same to the sub 'fiber. J AS. L. LEAVY. Mar. 1-tf. Clearfield, Pa. Ciseap Fcirniiwre ! DEsir.F.S to ir.form bis old friends and cus t iners that, having enlarged his shop and increased bis facilities for manufacturing, hois now prepared to uiuUe to otder furnituro esmay be desired, ia good stylo and ut cheap rates for Cash. Ho mostly has on hand nt his "Purr.;. lure Roots," a. varied assortment of Ilea Jy-ruade . Furniture, among which urs i iJurcaus and Side-Bo'ard?, i Wardrobes and look - Cases ; Centre, Sofa, Parlor Kreiiklast and Dining Extension Tables. t Coiumoa. French Post, cottage. Jenny- Litici and other Bedsteads. S '!'.. (.fall. KINDS. '.VdilK-STANDo HA l-KACKS WAldl-STAXDS, &o. Uockinir nnd Arm Chairs, Spring-Sent, Cnne-Pottnta nnd Tarlor Chairs r,nd Common and other Chairs. LOO K I .Y (7 - t; L A XSES Of every dctcr'ptin nn lnr.d; and tew glesrei for old fi .i ii c. nliich will be put in on ve ry rcaM-nablo terms on short notice, l.'c also keeps on linn.', nr furnishes to or der, Hair. Coin-llcslt, ILilrand Cotton fop M'lttr.'ssc". COFFINS, (if every lunfi, Made to o-R.r, and fueerfiis at'. . led with a lUnrse, vhrnevcr desired. . Also, !(o use 1'alutill" d ine to order. The sul scriber abo ninnufiictjres, and bur c in'antly en ban 1, dr-mcLt's Patent Washin?" Machine, Tho best now in me. Thoso u i iois innchir. -never need bo withuut clci.n eluthcs ! He also 1 . 1' Ivor's ratcnt Clusrn, A fuprri it art'.cV. A fatai'v M'ing this Chn::: never need be w ithout butter All the above and many o' r nrt: 'es are ftr ni.-iied to euitoiuers che p !'.r Csn ur 'xchanr. fr approved cmrtry pr'oiue... Chei.-, id apt i'opiir, I.in-.vood ard other .'.timber suitable f. r Ca'-inet work, taken inc.'.l- ..g- tor furniture. "VTu'iiieiaher the sin p in on 'nrket etree' Clinri'n Id, Pa., mil uearly opposite ll.e "Old ,Te' Stofj." JOHN OULICII. Nov. 21, ISfi2. y )u iri, b. t -j b u rj Ei t tt v a B L I f M u I: S B II R (i , CLK.AiUIlI i) '.OUNTi; r.v. WILLIAM SCH'AEV, Prof-rider. Jb.j ID, ly. 0(!'Li(tfcm;i!icr A librlrr, Yd. A'ri .S'e-.'Oi.i .5'.'., corner cf Quarry PHILADELPHIA. An assortment of Wutehos, Jewelry. Silver snd Plnted Ware eonstan'ly on hind. Rcp'nriring of Wu'.i hes and Juweicy promptly utteu led to, "J'Mr. Aviso invites his old ciislomers to call and seo him at tho above establishment. Feb. 15, '(ii-ly. A LRf:i;-ii.nti;ynrtKx. nmilj Hour in Bar racks ard half Sacks, for sale hy W. F. IRWIN. Clearfield, Feb. 22, i , .,..i..,-.-,... , v... fttd estate are requested to make iinraediato pay ... i it ... wont, anil tnoss oav ng eiaimi agiinsi tno ssuie. wm pro.oat mem ouiy auweDiicaiau lorNtui. mani. o liiyf. i' ivrianN' f Am,f K , J L'lidforJ t . Ap. 4, UCS