, (U wAv iJiiw jSx? JI1T fi 1 rait D. W. MOOSE, Editor and Proprietor. vol. xxxvi.-wiioll:no. (Lorirsponbfiiff. PRINCIPLES, not MEN. CLKAR1IELD, PA., WEDNESDAY PlilL 12, K5. i'14 1." lAfAn WnmO- about ono mil mi nan iiijvyd. in..'. ruarn.'n at i.or. pushed on nearly duo wot. and i.. 1 ..iiem..,, u-... .fY "u,ei PoreiulnJ ll.o g northward, wul, the piekcU of Awes' ho cmo'm.oa mI.o o "u vw IT' b":0 'I'vmioi, w-uh.n f.vo hundred ynU of tho ho charge, a:,, " uhy 1 Lis iU iMirtO.Hr.w, ... n i..,. ... . .1 r.,vo Lack m confusion. TERMS :-$2 00 Per lannnjtfpald ialdvar NEW SElilES-VOL. V.NO. si " LETTER FROM CHEST C.1EEK. IJ'.'or lu-fltUi- HI .- ' " "v-.w.n .ujiui'iiiyi iiE.U'uiMRrtnsoKTiiK Av ,. i ! ana threu mo w.f. .,f it. -. m i. tftho CV.rr.W ..V.-,.','.,.,,,, 1 noticed, in a. April l.-Tho g, eater portion f I ith the Hoydlon road. Z, - '0!'"!1 CAPTURE OF RICHMOND Details of Saturday's Movements. nng .'imto a number U-e editorial, that you seemed of I'rihonors. Ho Hieees until ght of t ho Five Forks. loihaiii J , i-ns; ieu uiuiiim , Uif isi mo rehol where tao enoniv'., i.,f.. V fcronfcriV.S belonging U,o K'-. l!"-. .'. i-tod tehmd i, J, pT . - i . . ""i'i.TOiuoiiu.1 ma-, an'.l re- o u pari in 1 leuel 6 com- 1 1 O .va.i nn.v if I ,. 1 1 -, bunco of outer- painm: tho roads conn,.,.!;,,, .ion. numl. IrmiM.L IY,,, r-i. : . i . . .. . 'V' 11 11,1 '"iio.s au.J a Lalf - " O """'.IVIJ. . ...u III! lilIMM I- 0. II. u , . . wuiiin U iiavt forlv.pi.... I.n.... i ""v'.ui. A,ir jcpurty wouLl stau.i no ittlhi' ncrvice, owing to the pivat rush of i-w rs lt(Jl.o!.t;on cnii-i'iijits! However this tsj to in your loiui, 1 can assure you it J;unt R i'!y to this Tclion cf the emm lj, 'll.o Aho!;tio:n-ts Loio mo not on'y jesirotis of the Ie!;V'i.Tats takia;; tl.cir tore, lui l!:cy vot.M ix4 1 c otluuh 1 in lUk'i'! if ll.e L'cini orats t cil i u liu. c-f tl.iD. In f.it-t. M.:ao ff cur Al..! i;:on lt!ii:vN Lot tvui.l ho '0i 1,'ctJy nii! ifjlo civ? a fc.v Li:itt:cl dollars to any toe of thc-o who, foi year?, they have leca calkrjj C'i'per!ioaJ," -IMi-l ( in-pilliizor.-," 'Tia:Mi," and n-ch ta:M unios, rather than face tin ii- t'nclj AVif's tusic. Yi'?, liiey wou'.J ie i;!in' to jcj'loy iLoiO whom ihcy havo l-?"ii ilc-isuncii-g in ,-i:-aitora'' to fijl.t in iJ.iir ml ! ! How utliaiH ! lTow j a'.il.'.H-: V.'I.atu' icil they )ur, :v r.ti ' t in eau'0 ! n i , Iiiitcr to f h t ni'iiot Tiai..-. ! VI ,t ilful tights i: lVi:.y t t;:('tiii'.i i c: , i-; or.:an:.a- lliolate. lainn remlr it initH-.s'h!,. !,i hiipsMetachmenU frn:,'i other inc me vaon trains m t isv us thu uow- ''" 'ho l It , r (lie l'lfil, c ,n,s m-i-u, uiio ir.Ain lauii):' lortv- "" in i!ivo;vin ' !'. j,t, ..r...,i g i nours to ir.ovo live niilos, oi.n tLnm "i.il men y.iatini:. Jiut 'thrcm.-h the ui ".."'a (,!'erj'y ami j'erM'VC-ivi.'co el the cthoer in oh.trpt ot the ( nu i.-i m.kis er ana ti innii.-.-ary Pej-artiiifiits, tie '" oeen almot a, well tup"!io-l. in t!e-il o r W hen th i eai e- Satieo el' I !w on., ,. ., '.. I ; en am-eii naiii. mov in I. I'1 ivn-.l I . . i .... matter vl.otvo .-tnik" r,,it wu i.,a:i 'l the :ival IM !au 1 1 v I:t!e I i.-, i, .. t.-.l I Ml i If 1 l'l 111" 1 C J I I'll -. i f 1 i . 1 1 .. i i- .. i ' " uj.il ur 1 i' IVf . .11' 1.1 li in. , 1 ... I . r .i . . . .1 1'n'ki ! t'rf i Ayrei tliu-i a i irv 111 tl:I'I !:ai tors. i"'ivf of SherhlaiiN rr li' .e.:; i l.cre I i-t i vcnii a -.ft of th" I iKh c.iijh n;ii at one.' .le-l.a'.ehe 1 to . ai'l. r.rd il i oxpeeti-l that' Lj-nir-M : in tl.e nr.iiiii.:; w,- f,;.ll roj.ivo ; . 1 u v, lii'in that ij's rur. It i I ' " "HI- Ml.'l'Ui.lM ori the iva t i.a iny fi a j.J .o Five I'.ii 1.. , whieli is a!i' n:. fiMll tl:e hi;.' -i.los ol e.iKi enn:u-uin. have fi)ii:;'i I-nei,a. i ra.v: :,i'-i livitin was iluewn 1'ito ii ip;iar:.li!o : in l i-i-ux .,1.,,, ar,.l was driven 1 avk j-e'.l smd; f,-,r :,t ;l ,:,, nd a-!,l. Thev wero final' i, fir:.).-! heyeml (1,,. '., v.;: .,. r,,.l In tr of ;,. l.oi e. I d to thr ;.tl 1. k : -1 . i - n nd hy lnli.,,,-t r.v:r I'. M , ,.. 1 ,,, , ;.. r,.. !. deed it,., lit p-miiid. In! (.-tihli-lu-d 1 v,i hriira 1 -s on iho Wliito 1 ak in I. In froiit p! Ayi-ri orlioa jM ,!, m.,rtl. in;' the IL-ht w u j.ip.dy an inlaiiliy im?, ;Oid in.- ti'..p t!:at I. -h ivfiUint.a m::ia- -ett h'li ; ' H-it In... I ji, ;i: tIMt 'it re.-led l v Wl. :tn. i- .. "is K-li l.y the r.-VI lortiiiwtmn'.iie.rr ....lei.ei'b inn. rieket.' divUi..:) is ru- -1 ted lo ho I. tw.-cti ei.-ht fiti 1 tori ill ous and f tr..i::r, and i Kud 0 !) mio;-. in iiuiio.ers ;n any division 111 t!io r.'hrl vieo. York ooJ he 10th Now York wcro a,ain ? e , 0 ery neaviiy. At tui.n tno noMiiall portion of the cavul.v ei.rr.nmnd was hack on iho Vuu Jihnn road, uhout threo miles. Matter. lh eatemnf- to be very fe.ious, n ollieer lt-Tr TlU ,n,l(,v 10 i' J1". T OTinnand u, a rcinhW nt He did Ho.nnd.hoivinforcvmcnt uim ed m -od .soason 10 participate. Af ter Iho enemy had gotten over Iho lord , con iuue.1 to deinoiHtrUaaMnstour left centre ah u V10,v l() decoiv.cg us at to what o her movements he Has then tnak in;;. i- ...ii.-,.,i,1,tlMlvil,1 ;(,!,,.. hunt 1,01th: rtre.1 or injured any of our iik io ' lVem. tl Mtnong tl.clroop., on iho left. Centr,. wa3t:u.2,t Ponn-y hunia. Culonel O. , Kim'.vlos; 1 in, lv.iii.-vlvania. Col. J. 1. Kobm,oii,Sth I'lnnsilvania, I.cut. . ; ,'J,:i,i 'H 'I'enn.-vlvania, J.n'iit. (.,,,1. A. ' H i.,,. .., i . 1 1 , Vania, (.' !'i'l W. Sander.- -. 1 r- Mie re )e! 1;.! 1: tiie:no:i fop'ta r vc'.eri! fi u PI d AO l.'.l i. ! S'.t. 1. 1 1 Uth: ! ia'1'.-ea 1. '. '' d. i.-io-i 1 1 in 111 a a hoiry, ad !iie!i 1 am t -.ji en t 'A ! 1 iu'!i !i.i 1 e 1 ui" ilh-r- 1 11 1 i-l evciiin.; o.ir Wi ha n lldmor 1 ! tlii I il .01 lO t!.0 OL on whi. a i l II in !; '.s, on the 1 a ii'iu 1 t-r 1 pi ue-'.n:it , intei.-ei'tion ol 1. From : :n C'i a'rv 1 IU I IV .'I' ii in 'Hi 1 art of l ,. 1 :v-e 1 Ihoj'iiiot c enemy thu aV'oed li .i-iUi'.'l', 111-1 ovi-i'i d Ibolitier.i-t'j train! lrahid, 1 hclievel k Dtuiociau would heat a I'rou.ie.iu time t' g.-l t I; krt vreio it rot for that it hrieot ai;d ii.-S'r'ht at tit tins 1110. eait a I eat ho.i i ; iho .-or il'" in e jiuiii ui 1 w it li 01.1 v a in 11' ui odieallo rrinciidr, t or 1. 1 ; --r 1 i.o t in ieinind of an Abolitionist 'p. .' ij u-. .' Jrit'C J ;": f l.irjuin ! This I iririj !e : -pars as plainly in a l'etiD'-ylvai i 1 A!u ; ticr.i.-!, ! in iho ivT.tiirie Yaid.t e, t ! ; -1 1 T ;Lu; 'neil (juite so faiiy dew '.o 1 .1. -. t KLi-lhri l hey laiynj.tk k rife, w il ii. w hiidi ah:tt!e, or a white nin to bi .-hot in ; iiir Bti'i -I. Iheir taott 0 t tf.:--Jo bo "lake : itecL. i; est !" ; TliOiifch these tlion pieol.'.i a to every ! loetLcy Ueel t-.'.t Iho war i.s j ut iiljjut orcr, a the rebels must necessarily be ilirreJ oui by this timcoaviii i had ti iih injlo cat for the h.'l three years nndnii.e B'.'iilhs; ll-ul the re-election cf Lincoln bi assured limn that we nic in cat rest : ill their fighting men were all kd'.ed Ingagn.and that thci.-pre-ent army b !j muds up of iio 1: mutt 1 1 .1 a they pot hf "rol l-.it iho c::ailo ami the ci.ive ;'' jut Gin. Lee has t'uvrendeit; 1 that Jell". b rcs;p.i . J. Ytl thoso men will j:ivo thfif kd dollar, boiro.v, go in debt, and Bslave themselves, rather than enter the rrlecl In December they will preach teyou that the war will bo rrerlel'ote ieLUils of the January stoi n tt liavcr-e te Allegheny monntaitis ; in lVbinai v icy will nil you it wi'.l ho over before ! (iio no mil oil pi 1 ' ?a:ne ti.1.0 l.i! -'ii.t-1 s. I i:h (1 the I.e's were re-en!, of them a', a re.-i-Cable d :.- t'liie.'. ing re'a.foiO' d lids nioitiit'g by tl em ; -, tl.o enemy t in :r lie. el and !:' fell into our h.al r.dab 0" 1 1 0:1 Ml ! e Fif Ii ell h. c'i Ml 1 .:! '!)' to it ny of their won h- 1 , a well as those of o ir left l eb;i.d t 1 e.. v line l A piis- Now hi.,- :n th ' e . e I'e IlO'Ii' At solid e. leiehed to ; U lute I l.ik I oad, tbr miles h.iin Fivit F'o ks tn and t!ne miles fnmi the Ml..-.. I...-.!. . . 1 . inie 1 ik i '.:a 1 i 1: ti r.oviiton r .Ir. Piliioy's Hi bold the . 1 abmst o fade la-tw.nd- Fi on that point our li 1 111 I'eie.sai :oi lingular (eon 1 iicibn 1 In. loini to !!ie .ooad caiM, new L.i farm, 1 Mouidan found hi n-i ! f 1 s" ? ii!1! v fi 'ui 'e 1 n ii h inl'.mt ry NO.'.erdiv 1 li 1 wa 1 in: ibL- to ui.ioe .ii'iv i-'.ib piolod ad va":-.1. Lho in ll.o cveno,,' I." h .1 a I hunt tl,"ti t , ii Milting in a i r. a n laLtl", tie' de;,1;;. , f u hieli will lo' i . .ui by o..t ' 'I I -poo e ir. - u it!. I..- e euui oi l. J' um,' ll.o ui-!-1 f; . J ait of the Fifth eo p, was i.l iv .'d lo hi.-, Mip o-t, wit'i tl.o exi-eotati-ui i,l -tri! iuL' die lohol inl'i'i ti v ill 0,1 ppti HIP W0 Coul 1 have Lr.il: on had It not been fir the fa el that t i thu ' "ght of u.s lay the While l i..: , v,i I. p'ir . 'die! t.. whioli road th - i i.em; hi I o,iab--i-.ui.-il a hiroi.-; bne. Tin.--ai lieala j oint i wa, this-t!K. While Oak road inns Irani ( Ih.l'.oydlun j l.uik over in ;U1, 1 connects , v. I'.h the road i,ee.-s; ry fur tis to move on un moer to :eaeh Fii. Fo. ks. We ,ul I , "jot rmnuon t!,o 1; oydton plmk in lho ...u n ui oi it-u-1-i.uuig loo, and liien turn '" lho White Oak r.nio t.,i- il.,. r..,.s.... A'! id:ng th.j lUu-, from the rxfivmo If. i to lheex;rei,-o of the left eentre, the, Ham made by our men admirable. lho heiubjuart--i . Il ,g , I iu.icniis Ohm les 1. :mt!i 1 J. l, wn (i,v-.-; e-ou' 1 have hoe.i see-n Ihn.ng h.uea id there Ihrm. -h lho wnodi, A'ailutheii-ooinmandeis cheer- I ll !!lC llloh no ..... 1 . ; " . iuen nun'' iu h.l- "'Sl't within a mile and a hnlToTlhTfT. on the Boutl.webt side. 6 utj Thc stnil, made hy tho enemy to ro Un. then- works had been of tl.L - t desi.L-ralo e u,i-.i . . ' ' L- 't' ohtained to-di;;,:; d1;; lo tho strate-'v evereisn,! I , ,i " ders hut . ., CXUU8ca '' ihu coin.nau der.s buttotiia ovorwhel.ui,,.. LUm,HM wo, 1- :i r tLe trlJi- 'JlJ Tho order for an attack on tho'ino ea and noulh of Petersburg hy ibe SisUi uuii .Nuuh c-orp, wore carne-t out t.uiicl ually ai daylight, the .iiillery jiu- n-' been hamuieniig a.vay the greater ,.!irt ol ho nght n.oiig the tn l:.o Lm; h,-id bv the abo.e corp.. aUl!j tt )u,VJ1. . i.ao has been Vciy teldota lama durit. ' Hie war, not even unpaged l.v ijiui vL-A.' ff !a,Ul J C!' oleasion t-f iho mam 2. pi 1.-101). Tho Ninth c-.rps troop, ear-,,.,,!,, t:,,, action wcr the .Second uu-i 'l';',, -,j , ion.s and Colonel .a,n. Ikir;:,:-' ,J( of the First division, i'iio '-:a e 's lilildi. in t'tni.l I.- tr -i ' . c. ' ' : -t v. 14 ii..,t a ; t tho Je u-ah-m roud, and wt-i - ; ctvaful that by 8 a. m., we wei ion oi lliico fo.tilie.iii jr.s, lni being the most e.tet.sivo and i ' 'i'heso works contained foci a. sonioot win cli were at once 1" e, on ' allij- thai on and nalle! u itli tl ei.eiav h.i.i v labii - ' " "l.W t ' I V J At t'.:.sj.inciu.0' Gener: 1 Custer i-rrived j y 7 Wt ", ,'-'onSil to lo , i. upon the ti.lt.vrth two bii - i.le.o his d'-1'7 '.'T" V ?nsiUe vi.ion. TJ.-l.rW., 11,,,, th", nJ. Lu,!drcd iyl'l V-'l... 1'iaiy this (ieneud were in,l....l n ,.!. ' .. . Wa4 an.Uer.W0.. Wh'cU the : '.,. ..i:-.-- . ,V,,J - I rea leei. i.ni 1 I mm ...V t.i. e . . - .".. ..,i;a II, ei 'liO, n!i -eel the 1-lioii.j iul'aiitiy lighting had now v ; mo-i debtruclive lire upon our I h ; on think an I 1 1- ir l'eti icb-ji -i i n - a . eu'.'.l t'l, lv. li nut i r i-l'p:o.o ii u o .-h .11 probably i r. tinavo i.Ik i m on. ; 'i'he attack r; ido on tho enemy', iia f.onl of the TiM-tiH -'on-ih c ap: , by FoHt-rs idon, and about tl t loi.ers wei e l-roULtht in, lho 1 1 ;h ! York taking the in o-l of lip-i.i. I r:iic three hundred or four hundred I l imit r,l' rroini 1 iv:n taken from them. j ati-l our Jplekei linn n niiieh further nd-: ami niiing. viti.ee. i. a i l .- -i. uios p 'iii-iii was . uc i avuiry iper.il inu-s. assaiiltea an-l a tew oi our men cipi'ire-i, but in a very short tim it vt i's re'.ak-n w itli aljJl sixty riijm.n ai la bt i .1 of Col It, lhi-refA.-e. Lees mo niee-sary fur lis, in oi ki to e it.tinuo on, to imj.e to the iet available roil t i tl,,. w.-.i ,v ,, I I j ''II. lias no !id )! ,-t ,'i.t iiu-e. Alo-n il was found that our column would , loi.e to inovo by lb.; front of the r, b 1 I 1 i.e. and no: far from it, and ihit should j '.ve d i thu, andlhe cm-ipy f um! it out t. iuoh no doubt ho would," hit liist mine woullboto cut our eolu:::n in two and attempt the t ;, , lore o tu- - uty cut oil. A n v l pi-oii :.t till i,i-iii! pi.t...l ill. i.. ill- It on, ...... "... . . . 1 it-it mat ten kiioa.s ii;.v a cavalry 1 " i iiiand v. lil hit in ami impiiinet.ie.hi. T, b ... op ui our t-eniie. ; .i . .- ' ' ii was nere t i it one divi-i-m orOone-ril ' , " u,e rjr'r" MerriltV co,r, w.-w posted j , he . i l- ' U''" "Je ' ' 'V'1" M lh l' of , hiek W0,Ju. Wc 'ha i a hue fo, mod ' Z"m" " w ' '? f " e.mMstnig of men dii-mounled far tho pur-! D i , .n3 "f"" " Oic ,-, . lo-o. Ooneral (iibl, c-mnaaiid f , X ! d dotted, n d tl , ; iiihs wero oiivon back ik'-r a ), i3- oii mis i:ue. j iia enc-mv K.-t,t ,,n si,- ,,, light with n weak line of infantry, untTl joined by Lillie's hi igi-io of Gordon s corps, u rejuiur line ol battle "fa ) lain o po i-i -mi- o it. n.) ai I'tor h ov el 'I II- Io'm-s r.f th Filth corps yostoi. loan- j-.i-t a-seei tained to have been iol far lioiu one lliousand in killed, woun led rs. O n- 1 vs 1 1 !!io preset) I 1 1 .n v A. n i: e:;i eo 1 il a 0. e lido ilia', of tho en miy on -n-a parts of the Foe, at lea.-t, Was reat ! l!, in phi- ravn. hut cf course the tola. j Cien-t ho eivell. M ij or Il--killsOn, of ill-- I '.th N.-.v Yolk he-ivy aiti.leiy, ii woan-j-J c 1 ami a prioner. I Tho f harps'io itrr-t b'o-i-ht in! lu Fifth c.'i l.s hea-l-l'i'" tel'S this lii-iruing ai.xteen eav ilrytnen. 1 flanging to William Ileniy Let 's command. They had boon on ielcet, ami were cut oil' by the force sent l- tho ai-i-tancj of-Sairi-hn. -r.co:;u i.isi'ATe u II r Mii'i: vitrmts Amivor tiif. I'ara m ac te fir't of An il : in the latter part of ,p:it 1, Midnight. A coui it-r from SIh-i larch thev etend the time till Mav ? j id.n has jusi arrived with the most cheer fothey believe their oivn lies? "llvi iaily ihey aro living epistles known and Mol all mer.." U'hat an incalculable amount of r.ii-.- ieflias been cone by llitvc tio proiess . . f . . . , f , . . . , i iilC olaca now euno out , , i un y ,i , a- n.uiM-u i'j u ,,i i i-i 1 1 . v i it.i. . UlIia epirilual udvipeis, but who lire C(. H.jo, i,,ui r,,ovc,i don tho White lo.-e m and hIioii tln-y aseeitnin,-l that fact the political ndvi'ers of men, will , ,lk ,',Kl.j. U w;.s here t he latgo i,u .,b.-r ' Sheridan was in co.irn ind they better known when the ha-tory of th, I ol pri-oneis were taken. Theiebois il,,-., n.u.ircted a stiong de,ire to ;ee him an-i L , , , ,, , -,. nn :, iretreate-lse-u'.h, nl -m; tho Wlotn Oik tin; g-jaer.d in pi.ry vv.n. acre is he .' Kent time blind bovaittv'l hy an tm- 1 '. ,,., ,v n ., j. ),,,, i , ' 1 i-ead.and weie vig-noii-ly purt-ie I by 'o n- w o o n ne . tinl hand. 1 once i.eai d one ol t !.e--:e , . , ...i,;-. f..;nn r ,.,v.-drv IVooi 'Unit night lhr Iroorn cr.piinipe-1 in nnd ing news. 1 lie comaine-i loico oi cavit.ry and Warren's infantry advanced ngiinsl the eni'iiiv this afternoon, driving thton -everal ui.le.s, and capturing about prisoners and a nuinb.ir of nuns. .ey retreated to i ivo l oiiif 10 I'iN'.viM-ii; CrKT li n i:, April 1, '2 A. M. Uu :ti , iv-ing III. n. a sliorl d btaueo ol ( I'intviddie rte one ui :, fi ed mid hkinni.-h id wilh thu I -ih N oi I ii l.'arulaia I i.d-'pen-don I battalion, now only i.b.lU Hgbiy 'rorg, ti an-'- .. body of Irjupj ho li.ve l-io'i Kinging iiboui l it o country i-cekiui; loi a,:1.) ior iheir ie i m:j iia 1 theiiiseh t-.s. 1 lie; Woiuh hcl-.s i .,11 I, uholil lho i eitieiis leal o 1 inueu iieieliiai) they lo Soeloil, '1 Ins sinatl j ai ty aiteuipted to cii-.-ik ojr a Laaeo by fckirmixhiiig fici ly and felling treon aeross the load. Fin-I-ing il w oal i not do to lot them ijo on in ihis way. tit-n. Irwin Gregg unit-red Oai- oiiii-I U B, KloivIch, couiiiuinding li 1 .--t , l'eiinsylviuiia, lo charge with a pciliou ol ; his leginient, and drivo the rcl.-ols oil. : Tl.o clrirgo was accordingly made, und AS hUCCfaeflll. ' Wo took one ollieer and a few private, prisoners. After th-s there was no more hkirmidiing, and wa entered iLrnvid he without opposition. As wo entered the i loo t-twn tho sun was sitting ; il had just , ruined t-oim timing the day, and the road i,.,0 wero raiher muei ly. u lint low pimp w hu-o ignoiat.c was provcil.ial. , ta; Armv of tin; Jaaie-, advance J ivwt on arour.d the tnvn, find that niitht, to, ihv l ilio fold to. -I to'vaid the .NH lisi.ie road. I" """ ' "e-t vvuvi u.m ui-geiM-iai-, on -, A . f,-r tho Y-iK'.i.r;i pattof thiscoiiiiliy le a , v-so mind i so nai roiv and eon l.'t- 1 t,, t tO d-.'.-ii'O tl,0 le',r.lt'e of hi' -.iiliy, is not fit to live in this it; th mo--e!l lei: was on I v i:.il'-i i; !, ;i m x w-, ., un- -1- l I. .c i ,',n: i..U-, ! bir -ta-Ull Wwal v 1 1 l .i to -eh O.hO'.- Ti.o faun p-.u:e-,o. :g hi o t. ' i '. L.i ! nil int.- A '..: re t, ui le-.-s lL-- ' ,,,',-!. : -It-Ill -1 rgue, lo.bi o T one is t fb i cujiitrv : .'--.2 u '"' ' Til ls niaiiiu i-il. I e n.i.,1. 1 ,l,i n ,1 I1, ; ho ronrs -il ill end Oe ' ' ,,',-,.;, o .iler '.f the t'liiviTM' .- imo'.i.i T ul ' he-0 y li .ie I li i tie' villi ! . ; auo alter about 1 1 1 ! l 1 0 I I ' I . i.l.i.i -i , , lea- , ,l, ,,.JoI-c jj '' as the la-l r,oat lit.e of laili ,., 1 the :;','.-'is .".iVa I ) supply llmir c.u-iial and bee's, army i- a', nil to ho .-evered no! i. is 1: rmlv b- la', id thev wi'l immel.Atelv ivo I !i en t p jsi' i -ns at I'e-'e i -b .ir no -a .' ha g-.;P 1 ly on the er'.rg ," . j.'-litifil h in iia..-o ViOcl.-; d al mc for th: land kichmond i Sharp e:i,i cm-'.-l n g 1 llf ill 1 lo' Co II '. i o ol till: b-'l of t'uo S,' h o ,rps. tri-k-!lh3 Eattl- cu Fri-.Iay F,U1 FarLcuIir? 1 , i - ' F.u-.'.i.v's Mll.t., Apul, I T-i nn-l-'i stand ihe not r a i ions ul ( day, th. , il '"T.uer bad their i;t!:v:ic rial lior c b.td V-'.'.U FnOMl, ll.e !al lei had ri'.',:iti''il I ll.i' fcvrr.il hoad-uni t.-i's wagtuis ditl nt 'g-t ui , the j'encKils end their fl.ilV-li.il nothing to eat. ai d both went to bed hun gry. ' u th . orcn-ion hard t:o. k was-at a pi etnium arouinl hea-hpni tel.-. Tl.o to.vn coal 1 not a'.l'oid us iii.thing lo ct, ami e. inse pient ly wn eli 1 not gi't a.l Oppottu i.il V lu ii i e pii it. i Fur lb- night G-.-n. Slier id a lu-ail, pi 1 1 lei .- nt Lho ho! el, am: G Icing hi- I. .inner i.n th-' u'.er l ' an l hous- o;u,i)- i'e. Tin- o! thee luniii is id.iscIicJ. 'lho load ncees - uylorus Intiavel on Was nan, ov and long, through a thickly wooded an-l swam py n-etioii of country. Fy lho lime the lie-ad of our column o nild Lave got well on in iho iliiection, if imt iiupo un to Five l u.r.-, it: u n-.l.' Woi.i l ll .Vll boJIl OICIv near tho 1! 'j al ton plank load. l!,i 1 lho enemy then made, an attack, and we been t i iaj-t-lli d to h i m :, to line lo niiei lnm the ad ant-igcs would have been greatly in tl.o en ui'H hnor We e-.Uel nol clou g - the cm oiy mounted, for tllC glOlin I Will heavily wooded, bo-ides being sivampy. Again, had our men been dismounted nnd gent i no light, the lel.-g rang,! i illes and muhketti ol lho eneniy'.s infantry would have soon driven oil our boy.s, w ith Iheir tdioi I i ange e.u bim . l'ho disparity between the range ol the two arms would uoou have tellled the matter. This now brings u.s to tho morning of lliColnt. Tho day opened cloudy uiiel rainy, and lho roads and ground generally weie in no wise improve J. 1 ho (.uialloi.1 runs wore us tmall creeks, and ihe creeks an rapid blream.s. livery ho.h.w noted for a water pud die wa, nniv matkel ly a niiniituro lake. 'J'r.neling idoiig any road was attended with a constant found ing for bottom. Fetwecn eight' and ten o'clock in tho morning an advance was made on lho right o! the cavalry line duvvti the White Oak rond by a porti'ii of the Fifth army c Hps. Flout none cau-o, as yet not billy explained, I ho movt men t ptnved a fail ure, 'lho oau.-o ii'.ti ibiiied by imiiie to the troop being o enoa' clu-d in ii'imb.i's, and by others lo widely di'leion'. e..'i t . At any ta o tho ttj-ivuiViil v.a, m l antc- Froni this lime till Lup i-, c -s tho btruggle continued, t L. e,, every tilolL lo rceni-i-,- il. I... , men were determined n i-..i,.: sion of what tt ey had fouglitbo Lard paiu so ueai ly tor. About noon lho chances neemed. that wo baouu ,oo it, hut soon nfter tho l'r vih'.omi. brigade, under General Col lis, uio l. iimneer origi-ue, untler (Jone'.'d L ud '0- . ;C- when ho lurmed and advanced. lho Id, fit!,, n-,-1 Ci, foiled Plates lleguhus and Ctli i'enmylyania regiment iieio d.d m .-l of tho lighting. The com mands of Generals Lavis and Acting l.i igr.dier Gi-neia!-. On!,!!...! P.a..,. Ira,,,", an-lOhailes b Kil,..,.i ,1 I... ,i.t . .T.f.0. 1 ." "8'nT brigt-ae, untie got over to the B ovdion .-,..'k nnd l ,1 ! '.wr w,.,h Ut'U(!lal HamiUon'd brigude of they prevenied the enemy' from gain a " - ' CaU-,e , n -he,(s10''. loothold on that road to-e'h.v fc e j X lh.0:t Un", 8veU thealla-it It U probable that (he :,th and M corns nU" '? J, '0l'k in'm CAVVl ad agnin and a onion of 0.d's army will b 2 T U TV ' "V'6' , ilv pn-'o',-d ' lho lira which, mmoj on th ground I iia'dijiercsts oi ie service compel vour "7"""'' '' fy . , t-.i cm le.jiomhmt to on.it a c.eu e et 1 c m ' c,li,ructer; a"u l 6la;1 men ad po.tai t iolurma.ion ; h i fc o 1 1 1 i s account 1 T? ' ""r th,r0Uh lhe Ver' t!licl:est of eavaliy ,.pc.., ions' is no, a fo r! uc- 7 77, t"?1? ,ora t0 V c Mil tail as it othenvise would be i t0E',,t Tor? they crossed half the I I was al lh:s pe, icd .hat .he real battle ! "S1'0-"" " "0t 8000 ,0 b ,ur" camujCi.ced. 1 lie inomoi: I was a tliticul i. i' t .t t. , ono lor us, ar.d General Sheridrnt,, t , S'1' ,,0rU'U C0DtC3,anU Mo. theieiore, .lashed forward, f dlowed W,V ' ? T dun.uS the ln'' , , . ,. by bis Midi'. hea-hpiarte-r'H H p- and ccori ' " S 'lCX W," I,nrl of hh divi and wilh his hat oil; w avi - u n . he i i, ' ' f.'0'' IUaU0 an 1"uck ln U ' rt Mc he che-ei e-d lho men , ml 'I, ee ,! 1 ., i, ' i t,1:V0' tha -Md'OmattOX, and took llotoid them to.emain linn; nnd r ?l the lino but v soon otier forced cheers and tho answe.s Ibev -avo a -UVC '' V0 L,S fru,er V to cheers ami tho answeis they gave iu r turn told plainly enough they woil-J, The sight was a thrilling one. 'I he en emy had driven our men out of tho foils, m il Hit fielding was in Ihu open lie-Ids. -Along tho line of the woods l! o enemy re-formed l is line. Colonel Caphart's brigade ami Colonel Ft niiinglon'ts brigade were hastened from the left ol the lino to mppoi 1 the centre, .lu.-l be-fore the ene my hud e-,1 out of the woods our mm Motion low breastwork of stone foneciaiK I Il oil not iifl'oid them any p.u lli-ul.ir pro- j lection. ' At live innl a Lalf o'clock Ihe cn fitly made a gfar. I advance m to. o bn-'s o1' b i"-1 lie!-!-.- i the han! ! a lack ol' s-.innntt. i ho loss of the Ninth corp3 will roach from eight hundred to ona thou.and, in killed, wounded ami prisoners, among w honi were Geneml Toiler, commanding the rccond division, who is badly wound ed in the groin, -but not fatally, it in thought; Col. GetcheM, ol the 3 1st Maine, 'severely; Major Helton, 31st Maine, se verely; Col. Gregg nnd Lieut. Col. Wins h.iv, IT'Jth New York, wounded ; Major Moi row, Lio-iili I'ornsylvfuiia, lost n leg; l.ieut. Ale.and.r, Li'itli l'ennsylvanii killed. l'ho c-c'ps have taken 11 guns, about --ln0 pri Unas, ami two bailie Hairs tint . I I . ! .... I . . , no no. i in f ivo, tn torsi i ,(. iv , a-. ; , ,, , ,i .,m,i p i i i. or.,. i,.,:.,a.,K- o v i 1 1 . t i llV - II"' Fennsylv.inia. ' ' "I i.i nit ...o -, .... ,., . ..,., t ,. ,. I C - I I ', , r . . I 11... 'CI. .... .!. 1 ' "l."l . . b ill... - I ill.; oil. . I , , ,-. , 1 1. 1. I i- ' . ,. , i . i - , , . . . i .... i '-!-.. u i ,- i. in laaa ol r.iu n -.'leu, lie a- thccoleb .... .,,. ,, ,1 , , ,,k, l ,i , n ;; il , , , , ... , ' I-.,! i,':. I. ill S io-b. e-l lino ra- a-i-i her-.c: tho f:f--a,ry f ould not :i a ;l- 'Jf l eailel' la.l'le hl- '-n . 1 'ro il; w::!l ol the ,er acne: .J: look up iheir-pau tors in tla- liehl- ar niml t'.o town. Son)'' I lho tall o'.li'or.s f'.ei 1 on in ll.o dj coli-n ol'Fivo Foiks. Ah ml an ho ir or nj aTior th cell ps tr lops h el be, ;i repuli-e I, a el a'.'at'l; win ma-lo by the erotnv's iav a'ay oti lli.it p-.'ili m on the h ft ol G.-to i al Saei i 1 in s lii e held by Goi.i i ai Cha; h s 11. Smith's brigilo. The e.-.e.:' c aac up in good i-t;, 1-.', t.-at wcic l Cpc .! .1 '. it h or .;--1 -i.-i ah! . lo. s. As nan a-, po-.-i! -ie ( lin eal S -ii sih ma I" a co l a lei e-li ii g--, dri ving the cnemv leak, mil t..kiii-evei j tin i iy pi is oiH i s i i thi- ch.ag 1 M.-j .i I'liul Oa.iaooui no, i .iiittn ialiiig 1 1 .V .-. Yoik Mo.f.le 1 lhll- s, iv..i w,'iir. ! ,h- 1 in the. .-h.i'ai.lc.". tb-iierai Smith ha 1 i-iii.st iu ii on i no seen.) t.nd m.;-i i on tilt' oobu s ( tho .'.ill', lo lo, 1 brighter tl.a: field wis crow dod wit! e Lht r wit h t in-ir Mall vr si. who 't! ' ri 'iv i-ot f.'j-ut nii.lAnv letAc- i;l "' 'V-F' . , ,- , , If. I b j I OV rail ru: lie when he -.v si - j j . t . c lie i onliatl-d lo I .old hislriel ,' ;' ih S. mlo-i ' about nice ' i lime i- vern - trove-1. r, in. I c a Tied Ihoal with uey al oaco l'Ushed for .lvk, uhii'a ihi.-v reached and in a very short .-f il v- ore t :; n u i and a moved on a i ii-g ihe 1 1 n i iii, and i a. the c:ty. ,1; a ail.-:-) num aavti to'.v.u. els before tlieni, into ttnir d IV 1 inner i il a out .l,!.i'h No all.iel. a o i M, ; IP! i o en i j on lho inner r of prisoners, guns. lias l)5'.'n n a strong ', in; mu-t be-. r in iiind lho t on loi im.i ion ih'- line, : I. I lint part i tH't'iijiicd Py O. J tlilloi out t a 1 1 - bif.-i o tha la. t ul':'U- l'ho left of lho Sixth o-.rps t .'-i,d u l. ilattl'.or'.s tun. lac Second cor lis c.ucial- ! .. I O !.. I , l.. I. l , .1 i I,.. I'll (IIP. II 111'! lull III, ill .i.e P. b 1.1 .ii'- viv.l. it r .-iile il ii li 'hi. ne.eh. mill oljectat wh'tii he was throwing hi.n ,v'a,.i,)g ,,t. ,.'ros-ipg of N'a-igh.in road. 1 lie I illll COI'i-s was .suosianiiaoy iu te of la the pn-t cilice, raid before going lo bod tho c.m- ic'us at .1. If. I) iv':-., tla v aie w lcl.m'.", one Was U't'l.detl, but SOU".' thought i iteiid at n very ies jn-clful didtuiuo- oetliroeor four hundred mil, s from ' a iiu-u-l Iheai-tlves w itli roiidli) touts of lho mail.--. They f mnd many ;-i'V love letters, let tors containing Con h- !o: ate nolo-., lings, e'o, an-l privato and public letters o! a lUoio intoi est in g than important charac ter. Most all of the lellei i toul.ii.ioil rcf- liles I 0 ,-elV lllg The w on r.d --..in 1 1 c nd in -rom.i.rL.' of Hicks Lloro anon. YE ltlTAS. Gen. MeOi.-l- , fcirA r.,ria letter ays intend " ior ttbeumtror in the south of Franco, und hurtling to America next autumn a l.oi so shot iir.iler bim, bo a trilling '-vo'.ind ia the 'o'; was : I :gh t tl. it (.! - 11 el'al u -1 on the liclti d.u ii-g th the day. Wo killed in 'his lUT.-i-.a-Mr a r. b "! colonel to. un-I N'e.dl, ) langiiig t a N . th Cat oliiia regiumat. lla-1 tim g.-oun 1 a 1 laillo.l t ) au thi.ig l.ke a steady cli trgo we would have cap; ai e-l very in any inure priiionors boh.ro i ho rebels l e uai-.'d an I ii ei o covered by tneir inlaiitry, tains to fl.slen an, l et, I. o. Iu M;, tub' s over b.-l'i r--. 'I he coin i a!-, and on - -I ' t ?tp:etie o-T-.e en, th wt o I e ll eki d. loi :i :o-j i . ii.o, ai.-i ho I ad uai. 1: I v int;-;:-1 ol u-, iu this v. a" t h.,t l.i - t I : . . . i . . . i t o 1. 1 oio-i a .-ui i ,ii . lues, ,-:i,, i i e ill l 1 : o , , , i , ,- , , : , . , . r , i- e m it.vf a- I I. a- loo -,.-al...i ,..,,, ......,..ft; .... :au-,al.!l niiie. U .h-an led to the . ! lU: O-UXWl ,;o... lolling O It b lite- , , r), , V,,M,( , ln ; : l( r:c;i poured ,,: ,. w e,.- lavctc-1 h,o. whn h ,,, !',,,,,...,,,;, , hU. t,,0 niorolha.i oioelr.iae tl-enoaij s l.l.e, ,,,,,,, HaU ;u : '.,-., lu;d south ot i.r.d loie.'. ooi'lt.tl p-ltionie: it into , .-, , v ,i:U,:,:tlj, vikh lun. , ,, ... , . . ! Sixth corps on tho i'iuht ami tho Scc"ud by dark lht, r.u-uiy et bvcred one leru-;rn ,!;0 suiv:..nt-t,i llt .i... b.dita.vl too!: be vol.ey : ii seemed to bo a eontmuous ; , v :,, ...0ljl wh.r.ji..... .,s,. L.ic of Lame. As it did rut move our; one-thoi.s.itn.l pii-ouers wuc can in m any, In- eneo.y bro,.-and went :';! ,,.,, hero. T,,0,e . , wor,. r.,,,,1 aa- we tv.-re h I- in p !'-' the held , ,(n Tu, ,.,. d i ,' liot,,, ' undo, Coll. Gib mil our ),o-iti ti at Iiin.sidd'e loipl1, ,, . .., , ,,,, ., i i ,, . i ., ,. .. 1 ,b.ns. 1 ucv we-l e : aj-po, t. .t by Uio coll 1 U,US''- ,. , , ,, ! c-1 elivi.ior, of th-.-Te ,-tity lifla coi-ps ball Among I lia wounded tetd t) Iha i oar , , ,, :, ,: r . j ill', i.tii. . i.e. ui'. , , b Ol,', i ..-.ill. m a held tho Iim , " V ; ;l ,,is lien l ie i-n-T-nt lorwani move endii to r-rolong h s to -jui n in t ai is i tuns iei i topj & i I ,, Icomineticedtho i th cot'pi was in r. weikx aud thenco go to Koine rr-den, with he in on. m. of n-end-noHh,rW lo in (.,)ak(,, f!L,o a-lvisa all our rf.ulers Laving "'pCity to sell to give wido notion of the , erences to the tuil -rnig eotiditiun of tho' . . i 1 t. . ..-I . ...1. s.ini.ii.i'li i ... ,,, ,1 ii,,, 1 ksrtmik. Iliii-ti r,,n. Slim- II 111 l- tl.IOli'l! nill'i. ill il 1 I'lllf atlUlel , ...... .,..,... ui .. ... . fiom'tho loll of Ihe Second, in n.-ai ol I tie nin J 1 paragraphs on the tpiestion of and i W hilo .etieial Smith was lighting, '1 m-' luuienting tmi neees.-ity ior coiisenpting, ; arid U.ivi t.nved :.oro.-3 with a prntioa of nt forward inovemont pressing, ami nrnuntj tho negroes. , bis e-.mmar.d and engage 1 the enemy on i moved During the night of tho 2Sih wo riper,- Smiths right. Under Davis, iho l"th! an-l i-d communication with tho infant ry on ! New Yen k, Colonel M. II. Avuy; :Mtlil i Maker ro.ul our rieht. On lho lllllli it rained hard and -Nv lot!;, (. o,oml . . L. New Lorry, and and Boy. lion plank road, between Hatch- the roads were boon rendered almost iin- 1st Fennsylvaiii.i. Major H. S. Tliomas er's run iti.tl Gravelly run. Tho Second pa-sabL Pa all wo could it was found wero eng i-e-1. The L t Maine, I.iejlmi- Sixih When 11 .... I i I T . ' It I 1 WWII a 1 t if 1 . lv 1.(11 I 1 1 I , V I L' :l i I 'I -ITlill ' : ,',',, .,, ,, '' , ' '. J ao Secon l turps, l,eut. ill --ui. ed the 1th 1 eiiii-ylvania. ,- , , ,i , , , - . ..... J . . rum tho run. a rune an laeut. ili'i.iv ol he b I. eiinsylvanu, , Wi, , oyor l;o )V,.at ofij. w is cariie-il oil llio Heat eii'.nl. ,l!.,v. l :, lv i- clilh ho to.al cava.ry los-o, or the .lay lire - Ui(! ,,,,., ,,;)r.u J wulln snppnrtio, di& b.dwe.'n live und six hundred; pivbubly !,..., , ., , ,.,, i,.. ,v, ,,, ',,,,,.-. I. , rilnl n, I, ivn . ... . .'..I ..... I. . ......... ... V ll.... 1 ., I. i" ll P 1 1 I. .'1 II '!!' ' feiol, of ihu est of il, id:-.;i with corps crossed IIuiIkv's run simultaneous.- impo-s-ibki to get our trains up. Hy n-.i-j unl Culoin-I .lonathan 1'. Chilli y ; Oth Oh- Diliin ' ihe ii.-rht. rie:i. rirnnr rti-il.sr.sd n portion of tho &th corps to advance, so as io strike at thoroirof the infantry force tho wo I ks aim without opposition. ly, und moved up the South sidi? o the , k0H of this lin small portion of the com-, in, Colonel M. H. Ciyer, a. id "Jd Ne.v York leek, towards the I- .vellon road. 1 ho maud bad to bo lelt a long tlistanco back 'luunleu leill-js, and loth Oai i. Oolonel ',cliboth through tho papers and by Xwenty fourth cot p was jiut into the place ' to nroteot lho train from etti.turo by tho 'Stephen U. Clarke, were also eng, ig, d "Hi-bid. It cobts but little, and by occupied by the Second, and assists iu ; cneinv's cavalry. This was known to be ! Having failed to gain any advantage on '''inr eotni etition nmong purchasers ;y dd luindrrds of dollars to the euui k. property will sell for. forming tho main line, und is also some-, t)e:r by, patiently watching far an oppor- our left, the enemy turned his attentio what in the position of a reserve. tunity to niako n dash. Itisalino. t need-' to dUcover what hoaihvay ho could m ik Mieridan in llio moamuno mnveu nn loss to say it did not get ono. J.aily in ngainsi our r.mn. un ms rig it ire cavalry command around !)innwid- tho tnorniug ol this day, afier having pro- my left his cavalry and mov en tiro dlo Court in e lit the eno- ed Pickett's IVmocralie nictnbers of (he itiilature L iivrt united in nil fltidres9 to . if prtv friends in tha SUto. reeem-1 flunk. A t dark on Ilia OVclling of tho 30, iibinlc road. Hero tva rested ''HdiiiB th Hurri-L.ipff ;Wi',i le Oif-iri lho IctL nf lli Scennd corns rested 011 lho Wns.t nf thn Hnvtllnwi, i.l n.lf rniid ia ft 1 lo check il at a fordini' placfl on tho line rpori as tho central leu:oeratic orcan. ' Bovdtou rlank roadncar Eurgos' tavera 1 rotd runninc to r "ivo Forks in this lat ter of Cbamberkia's Kun. Tho 21th New House, thus threatening tho ; tected our rear, w a onensd communica-1 division along our front over to some 1mv- fscutliside railroad, and tho enemy s right ; tion wilh tho infantry on lho Hovdtou hinds thickly wooned on both side- Ve our right, luiscovcreu uio inovemeut, nna attempted 'i'iio enemy .v;ts lound lo liavo fallen i ie .... iI.1l, of It A lino rev, iii Ir,. . , , . . .... . , , . . , , Ultl-h I'l'i" "" l a -w w hio!i attacked Shei idaii, and H ivaslho 1 1 ,i... o;..ii, otn ns cu'.tiiij them of!' they Pickett had now not his command into a I ,. ...xlir.il il,,. So , l il '.. naiK ..-:.:.. r ...i.:':.. .., . ,!.. ""'.'"S. . , . . - . ' jiii-iuoh iioui "...on no wouni nun livery el.Ilietilt to extriiate it, Wo are expecting more and very heavy fightiifg. Iiaviujs ' - - -.--. In lho forenoon, and being busy ir. teaiing it up. 1 his ot our.s- cm ilie icuc-l uriily in t', and tho two divisions thus caujhi between the Si vlh and Second corpo, nt once stood across tho i-outhsido road to ward! tho Appomattox, hoping to bo ablo to 1'ortl it nnd thus cseano Cloture. Hut it appear! they ran agiin-il Sberid.10, and put' ing on a bold appoaranoe' made ii show t f fieht Virginia win vtm. ij---;. - ,- , . , , ,. , . lino of works, which we have hern trying Ncivs to thu clh-ct reaching hsad iunr in vain for months to overcome, h.is ut ter.h tiro divisions of the Secoud corpi last yielded to our victorious arms, nt.dj wrae al on,?3 r-cnt to Hank, and if possihli tho greater portion of thW army are to, to capluro thi cut no command. The Victory ofSuiitlay. IlKUQt:ARTi;rts Armvof tub Potomac, April 2. Tho most important victory the Army of tho Totomao has ever gained in Virginia was iron to-day, and tho outer i : . . .-...-),.. ulilnl, tt-rt lintrii liprii irvin i