Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, March 15, 1865, Image 3

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    - TITP RFPTmT THAN. I ftS-Sinca U,a AT.n
HS-- "
& Clearfield liaHroad Tlmc-Tnl
iin leaves Tyrone it
arrives t riiillpsbun? lit
I j;n leaves Philipsburg al
ii arrives at Tyrono at
i a. m.
.,(., uf SnW5',IIi1 AertisluS ,d
fjifr-MWrcf."8'. - . $2,
f puiilu-ithin the yenr, 350
,uiifrtP"'' ' " 'yirtVyc01(r, 1805 ,
fart ai d St rt Hnticct, rack, 6 limes, $2
j,cWniV nntih; tnrh, - 2
C(,i' oi"' Eslraii, rttek, 3 ii'mrs, . 1
JXiiolutio Notices, tuch, 3 i'ir, . .' J
frattrcnr A'lccrtitemrntt, per 'quart of 10 )
'lies, r 3 (imrt.iir iVm.
for ciirA shov-chchI iimntion,
0ril O-lrrrtitiw, Jur tuck trjiiare 0 10 )
linen, or lut 3 timet, or Utt, I
I'or tnrh tvbui at nt inHNion,
fnrttional Card; I year, ...
iortd "'! per line, - .
ghilunri ncli.n, over J net, jtr fine,
)-(r(y ivrr(iunT), 1 sonore,
- i tO
8 00
12 no
j 00
I20 00
10 oi 3 Hn
jWy ailrttihiuy, column.
" J "
i (( ijiitrc,
. W . 3 quirt; per quirt,
. Jit 6 f hiYi-ii, jKi-gut'rr,
do. . orer fi ijkiVo, irr ijttirt,
Oimittill'i k thctl, 2i, or leu,
in i theet, 2.i, or it,
i 'if', 2i, or
35 00
rt no
2 50
1 50
2 50
4 50
8 00
ichole thrtt, IJ or leu.
.A iHif Ah r .1...... . .
tf-Tlie above ralci were afir(w4 upoa by the
,nJfMign.l, on the 3d diiy ot Dwcmbcr, 1851,
nil will ue (trirtlv eitticrcd to dnrinr the nrffunni
liA prk-es of all kind, ofi.rintin-
TuMislicr of the "Clearfirld .V;mh'iraa,"
S. J. ROW,
rublifher of tho "Ri'mmnn Jonrnil,"
iu. u..u.uo,. . lu. owjuuiq-ommuieearo
mu.B t i 1r?z ; 9
il ClenrSeld, on Tuesday evening, March XI.
1 full alteadanee i runnmtn,! .
V.. J. WALLACE, Chairman.
Bflow Will bo found a list of the names of the
(follomcn comprising the Committee :
Thomas Groom. R'cctria;
W.T.Gilbert, Bell;
Charles Sloan, Bipijs ;
fi. V. Wilson, Bradtord ;
Andrew I'entz, Brady ;
Krastun Luther, Bhom;
D.inicl Gorman, Hurnstde;
Wm. Tucker, Chest ;
1'. F- Couteret, Covington f
James Thompson, Curwcnvil!6 ;
John White, Decatur;
D. Straw, Ferguson ;
James McClellati, Fox ;
Justin Tie, Girard ;
W. J. McCoy, Gulich ;
John F. Hole, olion ;
Jama Stewart, Graham ;
II. Woodward, llu.ton ;
D. V. H'ise, J ordan ;
Georgo Ileckadoin, Karlhatu j
D. K. Mokel, Knox ;
M. NichnN, Lawrence;
W. W, Kily, Lumber City ;
John IJoovur, Morris;
James Savage, N. Washingtoui ;
D. V. Sharp, l'enn ;
Richard I'ieinan, I'ikei
11. A.i3itii'y Uiiion;
, Thos. Henderson, Woodward :
All is ipiiel in front of Richmond and
rcler.buig Tho bad condition of the
jruada prevent any movement;
'VUciitiaif achievements in tho Shen-
ftitloah Valli'. nnti-jJ lal ii pp1.- turns '
out to !) tiie capture of alioal l'JOD pris-1
oners and six pieces of cinnorj, not at '
Chailottville, but near a place called Fisii-.
errillv Tluiawas luitlittln lii'litini?. !
Gen. Early wa net captured
There i no definite news from Sh.erman.
liie rebel papers make no mention ofIiis!
movcinents, which is understood ai iotli- ;
wiing his success. j
tCiclimood jiariers cl r inlay lasiieoonain
an official dUpatch from Gen. Lee, an
nouncing a bitlle between the forces un
der Gen. Br. and Gen. Scnfield, on the
M r , -y
mao-Deiween .Newoern inn aiuiiun, -"
C, in trbicli tho lebels claim 10 have cap-
. . ,.A. . , .., , i
lured D.00 prisoners. 3 cannon, anil lo
lisve killed and wounded ft large number
of Federal .oldiec. with HiShl Iocs o
Ihermelves. Scofield was trying to each
j Jlaleich, it is fupposed. for tho purpow of
j . f . . .
ssisiiDg ann joining oocruinn. :
Thcbill providing for the arming of
JOO.OOO negroes lias passed tbo rebel Con
f, r. ... i r, . i .. r:
tue iriilsin.overn.-ucniiiajsenia.iiu-
Uterl'lenipolentiary lo Mexico, who has
been received with great pontp and show.
Th... I. .,:mt11i.: TrniJ.l and thus
our toasted Monfocdoctrino Ueatcd
ilh rcorn and contempt.
Vert Decided ( ?) Our old friend (ZYv-
ha Fenton) sends ut tLe following item
. . . ... .. -
oi very important lniormation. now any
part of tho document in question could
LavflWn incorrectlv "attributed" isouito '
wva been mcorreciiy aurirjuteu quuo
a mystery. Hut he does not say that such
fas the fact tbus leaving the dispute bo-
, . , . .
s?een the Speakr and the Ceporter just
there it has been all tbo time :
Graupiax Hills, Feb. 27, IMS.
Mr. D. W. Moore-&: I aeeby the
papers of your town that there is a consid
erable amount of accrimonious controver
y respeoling tho reporting of the addres
lot to the aoldicrs at Curwensville. This
is to inform you that said report was made
from tneoiory alono j and if any part of it
j incorrectly attributed or overdrawn, no
ono had any knowledgoof, or part in it
xcept him who has tbe honor to subscribe
bimielf Your humble servant.
8oLttERs"FuNER AL.--The remains of
James A. Meud member of Co. K, 84th
P. tols., who diod in tho Uoepital it City
Point, Va., oq the Cth January last, roach
4 this place Satu rday Jast, and were con
ed to their laslresting-plaaeyoBlerday.
He was aged abiu I 27 years, and leaves a
'ipe circle of friends and relative?.
. IThe price of gold in New Yoik on
't Saturday was 1.03. acarooiy ment Oncd." Th..
a announcement nf ,,...? -
- v
r uuur, causes t.A n
caroIoHre''k. Tl,e.e discoveries give
......uimoi prospective wealth. Hut that
not a hst our people want. That does
"otlfu!',,W,mcu fioandfisbl io thi.
6Io,"10i Abolition wnr
llW.l oll-lan8 before Igorou. oil
rmlili8 will be cotnoicncod, and wo
iuin mere caa be but linlo .ml,i r I
Vn l!TI if"". " . .. . .
..w inu 1'iiori 01 a r.primn imhnr
tho law to get "the lending Democrat of
Cle.'ufiold borough" to certify -that they
exonoratcd liira from all blame for th ar
bitrary arrest of cerium Democrats of UiU
county. Ue bho'ild know that "conscious
innooenso iceks no endorsement."
. Iai-RoviNc-The two tirst "National"
Kanks eitAbliitbed in this county w ere con
tent to proclaim thci,' creation to about
1300 of our citizens-thereby jiecifvins
their indiflerence whether the remaining
2C00 ever henrd of the fact or not. The
County "National" Bauk. however. rur-
eueg a different coure, and instead of so-
licuing the business of a small moiety of
poopio ot the county, makes no distinct
10 ' ,,ul 8ITr'8 to Ibe whole people, just
ns if they thought tho moi.ey of a Domo-
. . . .
Cfat WaS JUst ttS V of OU Aboli-
I TiibOldGuaiib The Mareli number
of Tin Old Guard (now ready), contains
the following articles : Our colonies and
stale Unions ; 1'ue Peer and tho Printer
tconunued j l bo Celebrated Beauties of
th. u..i.ed
olalPS : " I lip .ninrnni . Tim mat.
1. " ."fo i...iMvi h lcc?..: 'io8Br 'l il"ey tl Edword
"vfrcil ; IlJOititors iahlo. I his nun)
I uer n.n iwo very valuable articles: the
laauer, 'Our Colonial and State Unions,"
in which il is ehown that we have had ro
ess man lour Unions and the mm "'I ln
Ameitcan Races," which is full of useful
information. I lie article on tho 'Iie.tu
ties of Hampton Coin t," is nn interest inr
hist irioal n-view, while the Editor's T.ible
is di-itiiiguislieil lor its usu:il spirit and
phjuaney. Single copies sent (post-paid)
lor i!0 cer.lH.
No V''1 Xahsan stiect, New Yoik.
Tho following committco has been nnpointoi
by iho Hon. Thomas H. Jlurruwer, Superintend-
out of Soldiers' Orphans, vis : James U. Graham,
A. M. UilJs, Mrs, Wm. liigUr, Mits Louisa Krat
tor. Mrs. Jaae P. Irvin, to wboai application enn
bs made. Tho application here alluded to, is
that to be made on tho part of the orphan by the
toother, guardian, or next fiicoJ.for the admis
sion of tbo orphan to the proper school, Hianks
can be had of either of the abore eoiumittoo wiih
explanations to those eotUW to the benefit of the
Soldier's Orphaa Sahool.
"SSUftil Leaees Mankj, (new form), for sale at
this vlXoo.
riUTri 1 r A 1" T'lrI1C'
I la Ut iM A Ii l K I r.
1X J-1 1,A21--LV1VJ-'-LVJ'
Hcportcd weekly for the Hcpublican.j
CLEAnru.Lli, Pa,, .March li. lr-f.5.
$2 fiOfii,! T.'i Unions. nnf3 :.0 I
2 00f,i,2 2'.; Amdes, dry -fl bus 2 In
1 ;;wl f'liir'n Apples, I 00 ft. I 2-"
I flOfxl If ll'ool, -ft Ih .lOfj'Jll;
viVxsoed', "Ji
1 00 Lard, a 20(rf) 2 j j
75' fork in Hog, i lb IS,
bin. 3 . fallow, n 15 ,
8 OOf.f.O 60 nmter. ' " 10
none. Flour, j barrrel, U 00
vi'iin icni,
W. Boobs, 2 ofltg.:! 00 lfggs, X doton, 25
- i ,,
J. lUlli
for taa
A L1R(3E quantity ofF.x-:
tmirti Family Flour in Har- (
Telr, Sacks and lislf Sacks,
W. F. IKWIX. j
flcrfild, Feb. S.'.'fii. 1
Xotico is hereby
1 j eiven that the Csdluwins; accounts have been
examined and pas-d by no, and rcnuin filed of
I al. : . IT. a Cm t It a in e.AA inn rf Vl A I -
rtrUfU III lUin UUIID IVI UIV asi r .v- i"" ""'I
legatees, creditors, snd all othors in any way
interested, and will ptesontod to the next
Orphans' Count ( Otcarflcld county, to be held ;
ftt b6 cwrt H3l!)0 i , boroil(,h of cleartiold,.
commencing en the 3d Monday of March,
.,nd I!. D. Koso. exneutors of tho last will au l
tcstawent rfJo.. the borosgh
of Nw Washington, Cleartiold county, deceased.
J, The final aocoant of Jul ins A. lurpe, execu-
tor of Thomas Orson, Ute of Brady township,
'l .1. 7 ho partial account of Mary Spencer, ad
ministratrix of James Spencer, deceased.
. . .... . , i ....s
I. Th tsJ ascuuniot joun u. ivoaun unu
- - .,, , ,u i ni ..
twp.,MarfieM county, d"ngc . ,
' K'"? L WTl n " V
tnmt of John DiEon, late of Beccaria township,
lleglster's Offico.
Feb. 15-tc.
I J Ornhan's Court
COl'MTV XS: At an
Orphan's Court held at Clearfield In and for
- j.n. nth. 1865. an alias
wg directed to bo issued upon tha heirs and le-
t?"' reptescntatives of Peter Owens, deceased, to
0weB(j Robort 0w(n(i
D0Uaij, wifo rf A, P. Bloom, rhoaios Owens,
(now aeccafed), learins Uene uooi. uwm
seven others, of whom Ames Ilile Is guardian.
I.vl (Iwon. dieeil. loayinif Issue doseno n"
Sarah and six others, of whom Joha Bloom is
guardian, to appear in open court on the 1st day
if March term, 1805. thon and there to accept or
refuse the premises at the valuation afiixod by tho
innucst, or snow cause wny mo rami i
tl sold.
Feb. 15, tc.
Clerk 0. C.
Changed his liaso, but not his Politics.
ham's, ono door west of Boynton f- Show
ers' Store. The subscriber whhos to inform his
friends and numerous patrons that he bos left Jus
old stand in Shaw's Row and has broke out in a
now place In Graham's Row, in thfl (hop former
ly oecunied by B. Stumnh as ft Boot and Shop.
TT- ....1.1 lib. .11 1.1. nl.l f.i.nn. It IT I VA ll I 111 'ft
call on Court Week, and bring as many new
ones along as possible, as he can accomodate all
on short notica, at the Short Shoe Shop. Kept.
11. tiuuih u.. pii ut. viu iiivuu. .-
arrnemerooer uruiu v.
Boynton A Showors Store. Jan. 11. j.
of Boynton c
1 1
' 1 -
oi " :r r.:r:., . t,.tp.
TVZ HTitS , SsTfc" il .V 8. " ;ld
ctnafavor by rsturniir the to the sub,'
JAJ, Ut uun
....v , i. i l i-
Mar. 1 tf.
Clesineld l'f.
! barter Sossionlof Clenrlinl,!
innir tiniiimn. i t wv.s
iug Liquors," -c.
Samuel C. Hepburn, l'eiinyillo.
V in. IJood, Lumber City.
Isaiah Wall, retinv;llo.
Jolin Sheerer, Union.
David Johnston, Clearfield.
John Stone, Sionoville.
D. II. Faulhaniiis, Beccaria.
Kdward Albert, 13ot'gs.
Wm. Evans, Ouelich.
Mrs. ltool. Woodward.
John S. UaUtrbach, Decatur.
David Coplin, Decatur.
T. F. Boulich, do
W. Sohwera, Brady.
Eli Fy, Brady,
ltobert J. Ilaynes. Karlhaus.
Adam Knarr, Brady.
. Benj. Bloom, jr. Curwensville.
Robt. Stewart, Girard.
W. W. Worrell, Cnrwensvillo
Mrs. W. A. Mason, Curwensvillo.
J. 1'. Nelson, Morris-.
George llngerty, Woodward.
Claudius Barmov, Cnviimton
,tnnm H. i ETZWEILER.
feb20-lf. rro,y
Sheriff's Sale.
BY VIRTUE of a writ of lemri Far!,,,, iaUed ' ani roturnin8 ' to mo will receive tho above ro
out or the court or Common Pleas of Clear-1 w, " TUO.M AS BEERS,
field county, and to me directed, thoro will be Tl 8' lf' Madera P.O.
exposed to Public Sale at tho Court House in tho I TV Tllu M.T.r-.. , . : ;
-.v. i..w, hi ...iFiiuiiv, too join oav
'-f March next, tho followius described Real
Estuto, to wit : I U,DS ciuiens 01 Karthaus twp., that they aro
A certain tract of land situate In Rush twp.. V?t Jwo? who hcld l'" inquest
Centre county, and Morris township Clearfield ?h " . f U1'r.t'?y. Ll,K?a were "'istukeu in
county, bounded and described as follows : i Tt.r,Vlct' d t tiomg iho opinion of tho most
llcginning at a pine corner of ihe John llus- ' u?' lt "i iaiingr ,hore3f was wronB-
ton and Francis Johnston tracts, thnnr. Iihl,n '"c, .th" f'",rd heretofore for tho
Stephen Kinuston tract south tw .nJ
thirty- eight perches to stone corner on tho south
side of IJ ig Moshannon creek, and along said
Kingston tract cast ono hundred and sixty-eight
perches to a line of the said Johnston trac t and
along the division lino nf the said Johnston and
Kingston tracts west to Ihe pine corner aforesaid,
containing two hundred and thirty-five acres.
(Viis ntiicr tract of the said Francis Johnston.
beginning at tho first mentioned pine corner,
uienco east along tne di ision line ot the
!,, n.t 1 ,.t. -t rtnn 1 I..I ...1
I stuht rowiun. ii.inei. Oimiirrh .n;.i .i
tract, north one hundred and six pert-he-, thence
west ono hundred and sixty-eight perches to Iho ' i lru40l"nft Saucries ever built; the iky
division lino of the John Huston Iraet aforesaid, I. ' ,.i.extr 1"ret'' nn'1 pitohiiig, has also
and thence south to tho pluee of bctinnin?, oun I ,0 "do "ade expressly for card work,
tainins ono hundred and Ovo acres. j "n n 'anoratory, and every cjnvonianen for
,!',., One other tract, adjoining tho above, sU- llhl"8 ""t-class pictures ; is located iu Philips-
uattf la Morns township, Clearfield county, be
sinning at a pine, thenco by lands in tho name
of Patrick Moore and Magnus Miller, north ono
hundred and a half degrees, east tlireo bundled
aul forty Ave perches to a po.-t by a nliito oak,
ihcnso north eighty-eight and a half degrees
wettore hundred and sixty-fnur perches to a
post, thence south ono and a half degrees west
i thrro hundred and forty five perches to a stono
a stono
l-'f a. -
heap, thence smith eighty-eight and al
grees, east one hundred and sixty-four
to tbe place of beginning, containing th
drcd and hl'lr-three acres, more or loss.
' ' I I
and taken iu execution, and to bo soil
property of Martha (l.rfoydor, adm'x, au l Aaron
Lnrge, adin'r of l'bos. 1. Snydor, dee'd.
febSO-tc. JACOli FA I'. ST, Sheriff.
IYrili:iti:S, Hon. SAMUEL LIXN, Proj
T T ident Judge of the Court of Common Picas
of the twenty, fifth Judicial District, oomposod of
ll.. nnnnli.. nf l'lA..r.nIl P..... I'l.n,
and Ihe lion. JAMES BLOOM and lion. JNO.D.
THOMPSON, Associate Judges of ClcarSold co.
lmvo issuod ,hclr V""?!, to me directed, for tho)
i holding or a Court of Common Pleas, Orphan's ,
:Coort, Courtof0.aartcr SesMons, Court of Over
and Terminer, and Court of Oeneral Jail Delivery,
i at tho Court Houso at Clenrfiuld, In and for tho
i county of Cleartiold, on tho
1 lard iL mil j 'Din tuv) nf M.irrh, lbW.
N'OTICE llierefo'i. hereby nie.n. to tba
Coroner, Justice" of the Peace, and Constables,
in and fir said county of Clearfield, to appear in
their proper pcrsous," with their Hulls, Records,
Inquisitions, Examinations, and other Koiueiu -
branocs, to do ihoso things which to Ihoir otliees,
and in their behalf, pertain lo be done.
......., . I ..... ...... aa.i
un la tinner my iinmi at t leariioiii, nns .utii
iliv i.r ri.hrn.rv. in tlm vnnrnf nor Lord una
tbuiunnd eight hundred an 1 siytv-fiv
JACOB K.VL'ST, Shcrig.
Scwinif Machines
paiexhtkii rtsnuAnr 4rn, I860.
'Hit. llro.nlway, New York'.
2)i!, Witsliiiio-ton Street, JJoslon.
. entirely new principles of ir.ochanism, po
sossing many rare and valuable improvoinonts,
having been examined by Iho most profi nnd ex
perts. and pronounced to be SIMPLICITY anJ
PERFECTION combined.
It has a straight needle, perpendicular action,
makes tho LOCK or SHUTTLE stitch, which
will neither rip or ravel, and is alike on both
sides; pcrfurms perfect sewing on every descrip
tion cf material, from Leather to the finest .Nan
liaon' fr"!a
C'liavini neither Cam nor Cogwheel, and the
least possible friction, it run. a. smooth a. glass,
and is 'nj11''
It requires Fifly per cent. less powor to drive
it than any other machine in the market. A girl
twelve years of age can work it steadily, without
fatigue or Injury to health.
Its strength and Wonderful Simplicity of con
struction renders it almost lirpossildo to get out
0orjr( nQI a Cjuaraiitccd by the company to
We (ntiro satisfaction.
a ro(,)CCtfuIy lnvlt0 x t)0M who may do-
f-m to supply tbomeolvos with a superior articlo,
,0 come an examine this I urn aneo i.sbciiiiic.
j!)t )n ft mor8 espocial manner do we solioit (be
..t,nnn.n nf
Mcrtl,ant Tailors,
Coacll iI nlvOrr,
Hoop Skirt M.m-
Corset Maker?,
Gaiter Fitters,
Shoe Binders,
Vest and Panta
loon Makers,
j ulilClnrei'S,
'Shirt & Bosom
Press Makers,
Religious and Charitable Institutions will bo
liberally dolat with.
rnicrs of machixf. comcletb ;
So. t, Family Machine, with llcmer, Feller
and Braider. $ n
Ka. 2, Small Manufacturing, with Extension
T.blc. 5
No. 3, Large Manufacturing, with Extension
... . . - . T . .. C. n I ., 1 r. rt f rtl" T. ft B I ll t T- W i I ll
An, u no iiiiiuuinL.iii iun,
Rolling Foot and Oil Cup, IflBi
qd0 jj, hour's instruction is sufficient locnablo,
unj person to work this machine to
n,eir entire satisfaction! I
. JiTAgenis wsniou im " v ---
I , ,oro Agenls are netalroady established.
i .... r...i,n AiAsien. ioninu itin. c"iu
.1 - !iT.iftn. i nnirm inu eouiu n u,.-
Al.1l IW. V.UU, ...v.--, -- -- . , .
i. I iiK.r.l discount will bo eiven.
w " tum;1 r..h . d.iiv.r..--
;, BROADtYAY.N. Y..5:,2WAu iiu.,.
t. r ...I., iin rii.uiw .T1..11 I.
rii iiuniuij, ."t i. 111..1' v , ... , . 1 I
A Cc,
rniiE Bd.i....,
, -..-viU..Uuj. AJiLVinir nnniri i a i f 1. 1 ill. i
fily rranKora.nUare.ucha.wilUn,l. e u.; to
furnish those boautiful nro,ini; r ....
; ing in tho highe? t style of the art llavin 1 fitted
;p my rooms 0 , considerable expense, with a
,iowt he comfort .n,l pBM0M 0 my ' tronf
.1 hope, ty.tnet attention to business an J adosire
.to please, to Bent a liberal share cf public
. pattonaR. A full Eupply of (lilt, Rosewood, and
I other I ramos, Albums, and an endless vuriory of
Cases alwuvj on h..j '
Particular attention i n i.t ,
'of Pictures. " ." "T'-S" 'nus
I .in'struction in tho art of rhotoSraphinff
given and apparatus furnished at city prices.-lepal-tf
II. BlUDUi:, Artist.
j A D"NITlt.T()U'S.soiicK.-.N0tio
Y U hereby given that letters of administia
I lion on the estate of Ja,. A. Wood, Into of Union
, tp., Cloarfiold co., dee'd, having been granted to
theundersi),'ncd,l persons indlttd to said estate
1 are rr quested to make immediate payment, and
1 those baying claims apainst tho same will p:escnt
All. n. .ltilu n itllint;n.. . . . r ...
v.m. oiumucwni lorsettiemont.
,r o . DAVIU llOItN,
Mar. 8, fit-pd. Administrator.
OT I)()l.L.lltS BliWABn.-I.nst, on Pino
VV 1'un ?r.1 Uels'na rafting ground, a pocket
. Vi . . "S ' auiiars ono $21) bill and
throe 51U bills-also, a promissory note on John
Ilutler for $105, navublu thrAA rin. ,1.1.
,boing an exouiption noto dated about the 20th of
ueccmoer, ino4. Anv nerson flmlino mill mtmnv
i I r.lw r. "
, V- loy: " "PPoaring by the motional of
Jmci turloy is this day withdrawn.
W. 6. BRADLEY, Commissioners.
Clerk. March 8, 1S05.
Mammoth Cur for salo on reasonable terms.
" irii;o. ran oi tne i,ah is
I , ,' nnJ remaiador is good as now. Ono of
bur '. For uricc. terms. Ac. il,lre.
lilt A I) LEY i CO.
March Philipsbutg, Pa.
Si. Practical iustrueitons givon to tho pur
chaser gratis.
n-lli;suh-rrihor trill emn.ot pt-pt tPcnc
1 T" h
j , in hnmrmM t0Wnsbir, on Wednesday, 22d
March, tbo following des-ribod prop3riy :
iviicniu utnciii;ii jrtP)3riJ I " " iiutu4w,
vtZl ?i:l,Vo!r5""iN,"""n;r,I KlS' ?Kch.e.S S5C3'
live !uckwl,.t ( t. p.,..:.. ""u,ul"',"" -
Swln 'a'llM a,d' h";
Furniture too tedious to mention.
ALS0-A lt of Shaen .n.l llo.
, ' o-.
mjv iaio to commonco it V l d..
attendance will bo givon and torms made
J a mes e a I ley?' "
March 8, tds-p.l.
I f 1
;l,IIU' ND'I'ICIl. The Board of Relief
for tbo county of ClearDold, will mcotntthe
' . ' j" j
""J'. Z
f ", PTi
Commissioners' nmco, on Wodncsday and Tours-
d and 2.'!d days of Murrh, ISf:.).
Board have directed that all new nppli-
" " " "V ' .
ro'dmcnt and company; wiien oiiiistid : tho
number of children, with age and sex of each
i the township in which they resided at t'-.o lime of
enlistment, and their present residence ; and that
' 's without Ihe menus of support for herself
aml ohildrcn, who arc dependent upon h"r.
1 Two witnesses of credibility, from tho township
, ' winch " rosulcs, must also bo produced
I whose eartiliaite, sworn to before tho board, must
.rll mat mo applicant is tue person sue cp-r
tu l...roll' t i, 1... ' Il.ot ll.n .lnl.n-n.nnl ,.P,i,n
im-.i. umi . ' v
I number and ago of her l.imily is true ; tliatsho
is in destitute circumstances and her family in
actual want ; and that all tho favts set forth in bur
application aro just and truo.
Forms containing those requisitions can bo ob
tained at the o Hi oo of tho Board of Relief, when
application ii made and tho witnesses appear.
Mar. H, lSfi.i. W. S. UltAUiiKY, Lik.
I8G.5 1SG5.
raiHIS great line traverses the Xorlhorn and
JL Northwestern counties of Pennsj Ivabia to
the city of Erio, on Lako Eric
It has been leased by the Prnntyfannia Unit
rntd Cnmpnnij, and is oporntod by them.
Ill entire length, was oponed lor passenger ana
freight businoss, Oct. 17th, 1801.
Time of rut'rnjer Train ut Emporium,
Mail Train, 3:20 A. M.3.J0 P.M.
Warren Accom. Train, - M.
Corry Accom. No. 2, - M.
Corry Accom . Jfo. 4, M.
Mail Train. U;0S - - A. M.
Warren Accom. Train, -M.
Corry Aceoin. No. I, - - M.
Corry Accom. No. 3, - - - M.
Tr-fscnger Cars run through without i.-n ixoE
both ways between Philadelphia and Erie.
Elegant Sleeping Cars on Mail Trains both
ays between Philadelphia and Lock Haven,
and on Willismsport and Elmira Express Train
between Vt lliamsport aad Baltimore
For Information respecting Passenger hufinofs
a ly at the Cor. 30th nnd Market sreots.
nd for Freight business of the Company's
A Jilts. 8. B. Kingston, jr., Cor. Elth and Market
tt , Philadelphia;
J. W. Reynolds' Erie;
J. M. Brill, Agent N. C. R. R. Bahim?re ;
II. II. Hocstoh, Oon'l Froight Ag't, Phila.j
H. W. Owissrn, Uon'l Ticket Ag't, Phila.;
Jos. D. Potts, Uen'l Mansgor, Willinmsport
jan. II,
is hereby given that Letters of administra
tion on the estate of C. E. BUCK, Into of Brid
ford township, deeensod, having been taken
out by the undersigned, all persons indebted to
said estate are requested to make immediate pay
ment, and those having claims agsinst tbe inmo
will prcsont them duly authenticated for settle
Feb. I, ISfiJ. Administrator.
c'.&lattbmahcr gfcbclcr,
118, yotth .S'.-foni .V.'., corner Quarry
i An assortment nf Watches, Jewelry, Silver and
.... . .. . 1
Plated Ware con sun tiy on nan u.
Repariring of Watches and Jowe.ry promptly
attended to,
rvr-Mr. Aviso invites his old tustomers to call
Bn0 ,P0 him at tho above estaoiunment,
jr,b. IS. '05-Ij.
"rVTCITIt'E- All nersens having unseltlod ao
1 1 e.anu on th. w..f o. ltreeu, co.,
; Pl. .n ettl. tbe..,, as w. at Ues.r-
iou, orceins our i;:ck-
I! L. RF.EP. A Co.
Jan' tt'Al IS n'
MTllI IJHI ft-n.iii.i . .
S---., Vn win ioin ei teoruary, froat the
Ihe porsons who carried away tho above prope - ,
i? V, ; ",u iu ewmn suaw or Alex,
l'owoll, Clearfield, or at Shawsville.
March 1, 1S05. pd.
rAlJTION. All rersons nrn :
"nu LlilAALhTH on U1V account. .. .h.
".r.".? no ""TO debt, of her conlr,
Ihout just cause,
i ner contraclinc.
."nr. , i.Mjfi,
JOHN KLINE, junior. ,
u iniai;tn,Tll. subscribe. I,..:.,
.M.11. vendue's
...,vi uuu buivb. ennpr tn Kh.fI uk - it
lie sales, either in Euglish or Uor-
oitizenj, and will
v.... Hum IIIIY
eouo.ty.-on the shortest notice eilber
of letter, nnd nnnn .. . .
able terms. When so desi7ed he w l7urT,h
the Clerk, and complete all the busisoM connect
cu wun tue sale. JOSEPH H. J0NE
Ivylertn,wn1. O, Mar. 1, 18fii. Iy. pj. "
Tim pot'uliiir taint or
iiit'i't-tiim wlikli e
call SriiMi'i i. v lurks
in the roii'-tiliilionii nf
multitudes (lf mi ii. It
cither juimIucoj or Is
produced l y nn cn-.
n.-f .. - ifi-oiou, vitiated rtile
. Tk-nr , , ' "t the l lood, wherein
I Jiil'iil uid ltomea In.
f'?yi!-ointHk-r.t ts suanin
tXfj,' f'JFJ viUl1 in tiu-ir
& isorons action, and
-Tf5ri'!lcavc's tliu rysteiii to
fall into (li-i.nler ami
ec-r.y. 1 be f crofiiloiri eoiitiiminntinii is va- caused l y memuial diycate. b.r
livill''. (Iisordercil iVu-est im fmm iinl,i.nltl,
I'....l .- - ... . ..... . .. '
impure nir, filth ami filthy linbili,
Ui-liressinir vice, ami. i:! ovu' nil l,v
llie vciK-rciil iiifiilicn. AVImterer lie its
unetenl infeelicn. Whatever he its ;
it i,J,rc,li,ary In the o,,
.ling from parents to children unto
the third
teem. In l, 1 1 ..fill I... , . '
. """""" 'i win maniiKe mannor, and upon terms to en! th
vj.sit the jniquitics of the fathers upon their tlmos. Special attention will be paid to horsn.
c.iililren.. . 1 lie diseases it uriiiiiiles take . shokixo. Ib fact, everything connected with the
various ntiiues, oecoiililiR to tho organs it ' eraft from a common nail to a fine edged doublo
nltai-k'. In the luiiiis, Serofula Droilm-ea bitted chopping nxo, will be made to order. i.
tulirri'les, ml finally Coinuiiiiuion ; in tha
fclnii'lS a llings which suppurate fiml be
cmnq uh-e.oiis fores; In thu Hoiimili ami
bowels, ilerain.'eineiils which proiluco indi
gestion, ilyspepia, mid liver complaint!; ; on ,
the kkin, eruptive and cutaneous nlleetions. '
'I'hese, nil having the. i.aiue origin, require the
tame remedy, viz., ptti ilicalioii and inv i;;ot v.- !
uoii in me uini! I. - i iirily the Idootl. nrd
these (langcrmi-; tlitcnijieri k-avo you, Witli
feeble, foul, or corrupted blood, you cannot
h. ivo health; villi that "life i.f'lhe fle..-li"
healthy, you cannot have scrofulous disease.
Aycr'a Gavsaparilla
i. ; compounded from tho most cfketual nntl-
dote that medical scienca has discovered for
lliis uniieting distemper, and for the cure of
" , " lu'J re,,!t:,1' V,(1:VSCiH
km w n by al who liat e given it a trial. '1 liat
it ilon combine virtues truly exlrnordinai v
I in their cHi-rt ujion this class of complaints,
I it ! til!! wtlll I'lIilsJ linu'iin lilt (I... ..... I : i ... 1 . i
11 I'l'iispul.iDly iioven by the great multitude
. f Publicly km,,7 and rcurkuhle it
S 'na,,e the l..ll.,w.n disease.! King a
I Evi1- 5r Glandular Swellings, Tumors,
-r.t.M..y 'Muii ij mi.; j;i ic,H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J l in I U
jy1lJeilxs xxcss 01 Ol. itntnonys i'll'C, ,
??' Ilh1eUm. Heafl, Couglu frciU i
, tubei'C llloug deposits 111 the luilfTS, WhitO 1
i Swfil! niM. TimS 1 t.V. Tii-nnerr Wawmlndn !
when due Dyspepsia or IndlgCStlOd, Syphilis and 1 lice, in the best manner, and on the most reas
lo known e,i,:i:i: Tr.:... t.t :.i n: ; i.i. . . w.c: .v.. .hi. ..u
I- a-i VI '(Ji .,v.ui(,u.,
Syphilitic Infections, Mercurial Diseases, j
FcrillO Weaklie3301, and, Indeed, tho whole
scries ot complaints that arise from impurity
of tho blood. Minute reports of individual
cases may be found in Avrn's Amliiican
Almanac, which is furnished to the druggists
for gratuitous tlMrilmtinn. wherein may l;o
learneil (lie directions for its use, nrtd some
of Ihe riiuaikablc cures which it lias made
w hen all otlicr remedies had failed to r.fl'onl
relief. Tho'0 cases imrposely taken
from i.'.l sections cf the (oiintiv, in order
that every reader may bin e access to
one who can speak t) bill) of its bencliti from
personal experience. Scrofula depresses the
x still energies, and thus leaves its victims far
r,rn mbjcit to disease and its fatal n-fults 1
,,.u, ,,r0 l,(..,l,v colistitmions. lii nee it j
((,nila t() tii,((.n, n,i j,,,.., iri ctlv tlioitcn
. . - . . .
the nvcrape (Itiralioii of human life. The
vat iniportaiico cf those considerations Ins
led us b spend years in iei feeling a remedy
I vhich is ndeqinite to its line. This we r.o.v
: ofler to thu public tirt'er the name of Aren't
Sahsaivmui.i.a, iillliougli it is composed of
I inreilicnts, some of which exceed tho best
; (if Snrnnpuiilla in alterative power. By its.
! aid you may protect vourself from the fuller
ing ami d,ne,cr of these disorders, l'nrgc
out the foul corruptions that rot nnd fester
in tho Mood, purge out the causes of disease,
n:id vigorous henllli will follow. By its pecu
liar viiturs Ibis remedy stimulates tho vital
functions, and thus- expels the distempers
which lurk within thu t;.slun or burst out
on any part of it.
We know the public have hern deceived
by many compound of Sanaparilla, that
promised much and did nothing j but they
w ill neither be deceived nor disappointed m
Ibis. Its virtues have liccti proven by abun
dant trial, and there remains no question of
its surpassing excellence for the cure cf the
nfilicting diseases it is intended to reach.
A Itlioutrli under the same inline, it m a very
different medicine from any other which has
been before the people, and is far more ef
fectual than nnv other which bus ever been
available to them.
Tho World's Great Remedy for
Coughs, Colds, Incipient Con
sumption, and for tbo relief
of Consumptive patients
in advanced stages
cf tho disease
This lies been so long used and so uni
versally known, that we need do no more
than assure the public that its quality i kept
up to the best it ever has been, and that it
ninv be relied nn to do all it has ever done.
Prepared by Dn. J. C. Ann & Co.,
1'raetical and Analytical ChemUti,
Ixivcll. Mass.
Sold ly all druggists every where.
SO-Sold by C. D. Watson nnd Hartswiok A
Huston, Clearfield ; E. A. Irvin, Curwensvillo ;
Foster A Melllrk, Philiptburg ; S. Arnold, Lu
thorsburg ; and by dealers ovorywhero.
September 14, "C I, 1 Jr.
Clearfield Academy.
D. W. McCURDY, A. -8 Principal.
fllllE next Quarter will opsn on Wednesday fhi
I 111 ..r M ...I, laC.I T.r,. .r 1 ii',,.n 1
A ..1 ui ..ia.v,., . v..u.w. . - -
moon s:
Common English, comprising those branch
es not higher lhan It ending, W riling. Arith
metic, licography, English Grainmcr and
History, per quarter, - $5 0
IliirliAr Vmrliiti- tiAr iiunrler. . 7 ao
- - n rt , -- -i .
Language", per quarter,
March I, 18fi
10 00)
-T)HCI' 13 HEREBY OIVKJf, that the
1 nal account of O.U Reed. rut of gf . , "
late o samne liesa ransua "", . ,,".,
the Courtof Common Pleas cf 1 'nn,J
for confirmation nt seat coir., .-
for the inspection aril 1'".
fel:P ll".
Sni'T)in KAPM"
V o I 1 I i" I i
- V I U ab C i 1 III U C T Land
Private Sale!
THE subsoribor offors to soil, at a bargain, t! e
follua ing described valuable proper
ly, lying on the Susquohanna River, in
liell township, Clearfield county, buiinded on the
cast by the rivtr, on the south by lands of John.
Eumlerlin, on tho west b? lands of lloni. rtuir.l
n me west ny lamlsot J. f. Lee. ouiitainine
lanu, wnn lilty or sixty acres cleared, on wiiinli
there is erected good two story dwelling-UCose,
a log-uam and other ouibui!dini;f. Tho Iniid 1
well calculated for eithor grain or hay, and Ivintj
immediately on the river, half way betwueii'Mc
. Ohee's and Irvin's Mills 3 miles from each
IbesituatiQB is most eligible for any kind of
business, thero being a good milUimt ut tho low -cr
end of the place
I The unimprored land is well eovorod with,
j White Pine and Oak Timber. .Ihere isclroor
t abundance o( limber for mika back fumtbu
.river that muft reach the river at lh:s poiiit, as
. there is a Rafting Reach on this iiiud suldont
toeeoinmodato thirty rafli.
I Thero is also an abundance of Coal unOer tho
; lurfaoe, and if thero is cool oil auywhin. 'n the
j valley of the Susquohanna, it will be found h'-re.
j The place is well watered, and is woll ca'.cula-
tod for the raising of stock.
I It will bs sold at a bargain. - Tho title is indis
' putable,
i TT-For further Information af yly at this of
j flee, and fur terms, Ao to tio subscriber on thej
promises. I M. SMiTH,
Jan' 18U
C.U P. f.
tt i m.c,ntn.. .
I fnll inuin.. iV.I. .
. ,n0 I"1'"0 ffenerally, that thej haye entered?
io puonc generally, that thej have entered?
co partnership in the above business in the
,' :(,PB(rlner'ip in the above business in the
A11 ,orts o'f work in their I n. will lj dispate'd.
" " ". -O"
fr ;ai''1 or approved Country Produce
.d-Givo tbsm a call.
Dac. 14, 1SC1- y."
I Far.u for Sale.
TN Lawrence township, two milos south of the
A borough of Clearfield, containing sixty acres
more or less, lyttig on both banks of tho Susque
i l'aiina Itirer, with a jsood Raw-mill in running
, or(or aa,l on( Dwelling-House end Iiarn thoro-
0!l' Fur torm' of ,ttl "PP'T at the office of
I -1 '..V,
ft lliniif"lli 1Yaflfen
! lt'Clll 11U1ISU...
UU r"Hy inform, her numerous Iriond-.
i and iho travelling public, that she still occupies
,' the abovo well km.wn atnn.l. n,. ni
always find her honse a homo of comfort, c.-oooiuy,
nnrl nnn Iran! '1 '
' VSIICUVU. J V U Ufg U.H HI O UOF 1 16 .
anil convenien
JBn 2. .
Watch tind Jewelrv Llsvo.
C lAUCIlI.vla.pareh.sod th
O. interest of his late partner, is now going IV
oVhi, own hook in Iho fhop formerly .olued
"y'110 on Second street, where bo is prepaid,
" K'"P P.? reVn s aompiaie wraua
onabie terms. Defying the county, all ho sk-
is a fair trial, aad a continuation of tho patrons
ago heretofore extonded. Look out for tho sign of
N, B The Cash will bo positively eipictcd
when the work is delivered. S. 11. L.
Cleartiold, April 7, IStH. y
Also, Jobbers In
Cloths, Cassiincrea and Sattinota,
No. 4 M Jlaikct street,
North sido bctwesn Fourth ond Fifth,
ity"Call and seo our extensive stock.
Aug. 10, '04.-tf.
(YIL'TIOX. ALL porsons aro horeby cau
J lioned against trusting my wife Lavina
Hums on my ncoounl, at she has luCt my home,
and by a settlement be tweu us rolesacd mo frosn
dower and maintonanoe.
fcb20 3t-pi. ELIJAn BURN3.
TITHE undersigned respectfully
J informs his customers and the
public gonorally, that be has just
recolvcd from tbo East, and open,
cdathis establishment in tiltAllA.WS RO W
Clearfield, Pa., a fine assortment of Clocks,.
WATcnas, and JawsLnv of different qualities,
from a single piece to a full sott, whiob be will
sell at the most reasonablo prices for cash, or in
exchangofnr old gold and silver,
CLOCKS oiovory variety on nana, anae man
reasonablo prices.
ALL kinds of Clocks, Watehos and Jewelry
carefully repaired and H'arruiited.
A continuanco of patronage is solicited,
Sept. IV, 1860. II. F.NAUJLK.
Farm for Sale.
rpiIE subscriber oCcrs for salo, on reasonablo
X forms, to . cres of Land, more or less, sit
uato in Girard township, Clearfield connty, with
about 40 acres cleared, with buildings, Ao., erec
led Ihoreon, bo ing the same premises purohaied
' by Smith ,t King from George B.Smith. For
torms and particulars apply tu tho undcrsignod
at Cleartiold, Pa.
Sept. 14, 18C1. tf.
, of Plaster in Clearfield
For Sale by
Feh'y 15, 3t.
. JAS !,. l.EAVY.
gjiiOIJR. A Superior Articlu
of Extra Family Flour
For Salo by
Feb. 15, 3t.
1 j Penn tos
OK JAS. COM.YLate of
townhiClearfiehl cnunty, deonassd.
Allrersnn' intorestsd aro hereby notified IBM
i porsonal and real estate to the amoiinf In vale
of two hundred and ninety-nine dillsrs has been,
appralfcd and set out tolho widow, Rutli Coaly,
1 under the law known a. tho '". wbl-h i p
ipralscmcnt was returned ' the Orphan I Court
I nrn..rn.i.l .n,,iiiT. at J ii mry term , A . V., 1SS5,
,,, ,r.rii0ns ire filed, an! lufiieienl reason
ci-ll . ,.
; ,hr,wn against sat" coiiuiii".!
liecister's (,
VUrk O. C.
Feb' J5th. mUe.
To Tliosc LiaWo to Draft.
tl T
y field county, having offcrred a bounty tt
830O for each volunteer frr la. Bounty, would
1 .1. .. .11 -I,. ...l.l -,!,! AVAIL
,,,.,,,, nf tn, bount. ad put lo aubeUtal
thereby reducing the number on tbe rolls for any
r.ranmninoj in., mi wuw v., - --
future est Tor men ny ine uwnmni'i'i.
Attct, W
? WR DLKY. CWik. feb-3'1