Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, March 15, 1865, Image 2

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    (hat Sherman need'
bluntly declares
UIUUHJ - . . I.
from Atlanta toNavannaii wiumut bi-
.la, and decidedly another to BUCccBslully
prosecute his present campaignto laKe
.n,l lw.1.1 AllCUS a.- IJranonVUIO, ana
.,...1. i ?i. tibund-slrov.
i.nafii-iuii-i... v...rt
ing angel straight to Richmond, lie it to
fiight battles Ibis time, and to meet again
.hwaitthemif possible. The Northern
people, tho JW therefore declares,
-muBt recognize that this will cost conlin-
ued draimj. which must constantly 1,8
iiiiiuw8i t l
J at mcr.
- .. ru . I
fiTKp fll Ifrtlflrt 4if111lh'If3rl
Vij l UUaimtU iifuJutwi,
. ' u 1
WtDXESOAY MoRSINO:: Mar. 15, lcV5J
Forward. March!
The list of drafted men in Ibis county,
i i . i t.. - : .u.. i
UiULiJ ICtllCI lunu I'll iiiij lii ul
icn. Ofcc'unea large tnnjoiity cf them
are Democrats'Voppcrlieads" "teccss
.on sympathisers" who avowed them
selves opposed to the war lor tbo cinao
.ipatiot of the negro and the destruction
of Slates' Ilights by toting for McClellan
nnd Pendleton Inst full. Such men nro
i.ot wanted as soldicn. It would not
sAfo. If the Abolitionists were tincere in
accusing them with rebel sympathies, and
if tbey really deiirotho war brought to a
iuccessfut close, aud the rtlolliou ciush
oJ, tbey H ill never sgro to put arm. in
the hand, officii men. I'y no means.
Ihey ate too ' loyal" for that. Tho cause
i) too mored to bo entrusted to Dainoorat
J3 band.. Their cry used to be "put
none but Amei ic3ns on guaid." Now it
is "put only Abolitioniktu on guard-"
Therefore, our Democratic friends who
liave beeu conscripted, aud who are in
ouch mortal agony lest tbey shall have to
into the scrvieo, ehonH calm their
.tear Their Abolition loaders will burdy
not kt a tingle mau of them put tbo bar
ness on as long m Vhero are enough of
tbem to fill the quoin.
We know ther are some Democrats
vho aro so incredulous a. to think differ-
ercnlly, aud to suspect-tUee Abolitionists
i - - . :..:-i iU.i
the Abolitionists would rather stay at
'home and let tho Democrats g" to war I
Yea, that in some cases Ihcso red hot war
men have attempted to hire some of the
rankest copperheads to g- a. substitutes
for them II
Rut this cannot be. It is imposile
that any sot of men and especially those
claiming to possess all the "wealth and
intelligence" nnd nil the "piaty and pa
triotism," too could thu. falsify their
.profestion.. We cannot boliove it. The
Ufl may slop stock still in the mid
neavens; me moon turn backward in
her course ; nnd light turn lo darkness,
but the Abolitionists wilt te true to Uioir
patriotic professions ; u.t.7 answer tbo call
of their country for aoldiersin this war
..!. .. : . ..... '
for tho negro ; Mid will not permit the ras
cally copperheads to lo sect to the Lroat
with arms in their hanei.l
W'ky, it m redicnlous it m fnon.troasl
Just Hook at the list of comcripts in our
owa little iioroujjh I See tho names of tho
valiant lirrnm I Tir o.rnf it, ,m I
k, ruu.meu on our ry. . inrormeili whcn h nla:, wn, mnklg bis
gest yet a clean seep of .Bmenl n ofricer (not Bclua in lll0
reteral districts. U .. bel.eved that i, Uq h(, R man
dislr.ct. are ent.tlod to credits no yet al- BOme(hi which be wilhhcU,t
lowed: but even after making a large ,al- .. j,ri n the r , ; lhe U d
lowance for such reduction the number i , , , ,
.... , . , ... .... rascal deserves hanging, and we may as
tlifttwil havo lobe furnished will bo j . '
, , iwe 1 do it now "whan the Tictim, flight-
..vw.vsvs atv va ui vu vs iiigui i f--.wwSuav(Albav -
think it is a most holy cause, and that to wbolo proceeding is wrong. Of thi. thcro icouso rhii "rest has not beon made
die in its icrvice is lo bo canonized among 'cannot be a doubt. The very law, for vi- known tt' 'el " but il ' 'ftid 10 bc lho Pub
theSaintsJ Who daresay that they will', olatin which it is pretended they were !licftlion ofa communication animadver
hang Uck t Who will auppoct Ihena of 'arrested, requires their delivery to tho civ- tinS uPon lhe conduct of n certain milita-
wauling Democrats to go ? Why, if they
re among tlie "percentage they will in-
Aist onLho Democrats who nro ahead of,
ibeia to aland aside and give thorn 9 fair
cbanceT Indeed it is whispered that they
are not going to wait for the day nppoin-
ted for them to report j but that hey aro
going forthwith to lho front, for fear they
might bo loo late to witness thorobeU lay -
ing down their arms l Talk of the Aboli-
.tion'utsof this county staying at home
and permitting tho Democrats to go to
war ! Why, iti. nonsense I Thev are too
. . . . .. ....
ic to magnanimous, lor mat : JNo,
no, Dcmoorati ; jou must not bo Euspi -
clous. Thero are jmt about enough aUo
bodied Abolitionists in this county to Cll
tnepresent call, and 0 course every man
oftLemwillBoLafnr. n,-iii.;,;i.l
"copperhead" to enter the service. To1
.uouotmis, would be to discredit thoir
profess on. which I .
a uo uuutiruui.
Tue Dkaet Tho melancholy list of con-'
Bcriiisiortiiiscouuiy win oe round on our!
Ursi.poge. We have no heart for comment,
miiauji uiuu tuu uiuit iiiuurniui
nmmAnlAtf am Uini.l.Knin 1 .n . .. .1
j u luui.kiiii -iwtgaUU
promise, ever wilnet.ed. Toadd to its
kil AKnAn. . 1.. r. i.l i.
mi.u.i.iTOui Btmr is lepurieu iu
i t s i r i , . .
uau uauuiususu irona iicatiquartors at
H.rfl.hur, rflr.i i L,..,..
B 0.vvi,v i.iuiivnn;
except (rota their particular district.
Siatb Cosvkntion. The
fUela Central Couimitlee ot its reccnl
ui ua recent
i :i. i
.meeting, appointed the2h day of June
next for tho holding of a State Conven-
T r...n. iv . . . ..'reoiv ... . ..
iWThe Hessian organ of Harrisburg of
i... l-t 1..4 lit
, pursaay iui wu.. ,..,......
bo a ' con feu ion " of Gamer i lilooro,
Fa on0 0f . the viutima of Ibe late des-
i . ,m-,naA i n.;.
pouui m .c...., ...b..v ...
M,.niv ml who had a mock tr al before
' . . , ..
the Military Commission lately iilliPg in
jrarrj8lnirg, Tjie Telegraph takes great
rrent thi. "confession" n.
though it had been made bofore, and was
ipnrt ofi Ul0 proceedings or the Commis-
B.on vltroas, this statement was mado
at rhiliislmrg. when Mr. BUom wan first
, , . . . !i.ii!n
Inrreiiiiuiiii..i... ! . ' , . cnnnoL steal enouuh cotton to chance the let somewhnt intoxicated. Ihey liand
there. the major part of which, as we are to interfere and go through this ceremony b . ir i!,( rullcd and hobbled hicn-took hU rnonev. 1
.... . . - : . . ... ...
credibly intormcu, ne now mosi posiuveiy
i,len5eg nn,i dieolairoa, averring that ho did
not swear to one-hall that is contained in
,. , .
this document.
Mr, IUoom's caso is similar to a number
of others arrested about the same time.
ir....i.Vml..r..rnth. tribunal aL Phil-
. ,
ipsourg, coinpimeu 01 scvciai unninij fc
tlemen, for examination. It was tho be-
examination. It was tho be-
lief then, as it still is, that tbeso arrets lUrwt ( Union make, the fallowing com
and examinations ' were made with the menta on tho National Disgrace :
hone of elicitine such information as
wouj,i warrant tho arrest of Messrs. liiglor
i ..
and Wallace. Every effort was ma
i'0 lO
procure such evidence. Threats of various
kinds were made. In one instance, ns wo
ened almost to death, fell upon his knees,
and begged for his lifa, promising to
J lii'uir to anything thty u-antai.
In view of such facts what relianco ran
bo placed in thisstatementof Mr. Bloom's
.vliich closes with those words :
" I make this oath freely, without anv
But there are rusny palpable errors in
ibis alleged statement, sulllcirnt to con
demn il without further evidenee; and
such, too, as Mr. Bloom would not make
if lelt to himself. In tpealving of tho
" Democratic Castle," he h made to say,
" these raners were framed for the nur
pose of resisting the draft;" nnd he also which removed lha liimor bar from t ho
, r .. .1 .i i l ,. ,i Senato wing of tbo Capitol. We havo no
speaks of an "oath;" thai h "swore the , mcans of wht ,ho membership
members," Ac. Now, these thing, con- 'or luo "j,,.cilt pnriy of civilization, entij:hi-
.lemn tbo wholo aflain Tbo "Castlo"'enment, progress and Christianity " havo
contained nj oatb-and tho word " draft." , 8a3' about the Into conduct of this tho
. . -,. tt , p .
conscription, 'or anything of the kind;
was not connected with it. Its only obli-
g(tion- -as we are assured by its members
. nl,l,nftf Imnnr nliUr in tniii ilm
.... ... i, overthrow tho rebellion, and bring the na-
Democratic ticket, or not vote at all ; no- Uon 0(U (lf J0 d;trknesg 0r ignorant no
thing more. So that, if there were organ- niocracy and barbarous slavery into the
izatjons to resist the draft, they were cal- broadest kind of civilizing and Christian
led by some other name; and tho very M''- Hut few of the organs of the
, . , ,. Abolition party hnve had the manliness
fact that these confessions m.ko no d.s- lQ ekhor enon greftt na)iocal
unction, siamp inera as spurious inai
vi iuu uiuu iu
whom they are attributed.
ine oiar tnamDer uono up.
. r i .i .l
We are luformed that the military Com-
m ss nnat Harrow-. nri nr
s-t 1 ,, . ,
v"uu,u"' "rjjaniwi. ior mo a.iegcu pur-
pusoui trying a nuruowr oi mo citizens ot
this rminlv arr,tP,l n,l .i,M ...
1 . . ... ,SJ
tbo military, but in reality to inflict such
punishment upon them a. would gratify
the malignity and personal spite of certain
officials and Abolition leaders horo has
caliapsed. disp crsed and diehnnded. W
. , . . .... .
urn nni pxnri v Btrnrn nt om mAAna e.eni
by which thi. disgraceful nuisance was a
bated ; but we Mre right glad to know that
Got. Ccawir took an active port in it, a.-
l.M 1.L- 1 1? T. 1.
aisled by one or two othor leadine Ilenub-
Jicaci, who are not quite ready to see these I1''"6 Whiskey, and Oiher Stimulating
p oten4 'machines of Dosnoli.tu establish- Drink, "rtom0Qltot lUAUa."
ed at ottr State Capital. Tub Last D:srLiT or Desi otism. P.
Jfowthis it to affect thoso who had Gray Meek, editor of tho Bcllefonle HucA
cone through a mockery of a trial beforo'ma"' wasorrcsled week before last by the
this Com mission, we a, not mlviaml ti,a
il court.- But the law, in this reject,
wa disregarded. I
IViil was refused anj
before a cotirt-maMial,
lueY wre dragged before
nd forced through the mockory of a tri-
a' All they asked was a fair trial, which
could only be had in a civil court. And
wl'10 wo cinoorely thank tiotr. Curtix for
noble con duct in behalf of these men, riCllon 50 vlUI,y nlloctmg his personal
F!ti!.-I.;. a.
.wo ftTveotly hope, that n. long n. ho oc-
cupics the executive chair tho personal
rights of no cituen in any part of tho
Common wealth shall again be invaded.
Three hundred thousand stout Democial-
' . ...mi .. .. - ..
ic anus win susiatn aim ia bo uoir.g, nor
, "'7 favors therefor
,,., , P , .
TuCfluoUof Clearfield county on tho
t'rcsei.l call is 545 men. Some substitutes
havo been put in some
for three years)
: u OUiu in. uuo yenr, ai on averagO, per-
...... .
i , -
.hapsofflOOO. Volunteers cost from 8500.
1 S'OO. Suppose that one-third of carried It on by simply iMuing prcmUory
mo 1.11.1 . ... .
... 15
v-'w ict luBo, iue amount woum te
' lr, fiflO 'l ' l . . . . . ... , .
luotn, about 180 men, is filled with sub- obligations, so mat me war nas not pro-
stitutes and volunteers, costing nnvprnffniei1 our rcsourcc8l,n"nciaI5
. a uu i uiuuiiiuur ooj wouiu at issue ot tlio currency lias neutralized
lo bo made uP by coCt,ipt.-a,,; Ihcm by increasing thi expense, each
I AllIn.lmilia1 I'l . . . . . ivnapln nw.t-a than Ilm nnionnt In IR C)
IHO roma nder 3M wonbr.l 5.i, f llin o..rronn l.n. tifltilra zed
... . .
wu. tueir worm to iheif , Y , i . 7, . i. ...
rnnnii. ;i...i: ., . . I lectcd '. and remember, too. that when we
""vi iMv.uuing iue bounty, is notl
'less than 81000 n.r a-... .... I.J
i--,-. r..i uiau, iuttK-
mg an aggregate or $363,000
Add cost of vol's &, sub',
. fl. .i r--
, loiai war expense lor one vear. sanu mifi
Who wouldn't be proud of havinc voiri
I. - - , - -.v.u
j Tor Lincoln aud a vigorous prosecution of
! the war? I
kAm n inuui Ihn V on P.nclllont fll
Hie Uniteu Mates", was so arunk, wnon ho
was installed into his Ligh ollice on
jh, tn.i.nt. thai ln nm i,v 1
ii. -
have been
. ,
utterly oblivious cither to time or Place.
. ti..r
Ilia speech was a miserable medley of bur-
foonery, so disgusting as eventually to
interfere abruptly to put a ..op to ih.
disgraceful scene And when be attempt-
ed to administer the oath to tho new Sen-
ators so oblivious to duty was be that bo
could make nothing but ridiculous mo-
linn. . l.n Fnrnov. ll.a PlLffVlf. had
mi tK'.i . ...... j . :.i
i ouni icpunrr was inuueeu
hold tho speech from publ ication, and
tho world will only get such portions of
.. ., , . i .i .n,-
it as the reporters seated in tho gallery
cyuld catch. This scene took place in the
Senato Chamber, in presence of tbo Tres-
S.l.nt an.lftd.ln.t. thM .1., ibe. Su-
. 0 r!
pream uuurii, imu uiuny represuniaiivui v.
foreign Governments. Tho Jfarribburg
foreign Governments. Tho Jfarribburg
" The telecraphio news of Wednesday
announced that Vice-l resident Johnson
Imd been unable, bv reason of indisposi-,
.. ........ ,' s -ir. .
0f tin Senate. J'his would naturally be
lion, lo lane ins pmcc m prrnuinn, uhil-ci
cxruclcd after hi. outrftlieously (iisgraco-
ful d'jl.nuoh ol .alurdiiy, but tho Hum oi
the mailer is, so we hnve lccn infoimed,
that the "drunk "of Saturday extended
into and over Monday. A reliable gen
tleman, just from Washington, states ihat
on Monday night the great "plebeian"
was splurging round the streets creating
disorder, until interfered with by a police
man, "rerbarsyou d-d-dnn't knoww-w-who
I am T " interrogated the " plebe
ian." " I know that jouaroviolnlirij: the
laws," replied tbo policeman. "I-l am
' Andy .lolmson, Me Yn.-o-Presidctil-ov the
the L:-nited S-S-tatcs I nm ; " explained
the glorious author of the Tennessee test
oath, and the bosom companion of ibe
"godly" Parson lirownlow. Drunk ai
was thin man, howover, ho was consciou
! that the American people were more ine
briated than ho when they elected him
tho " plebeian '" lo a position beyond, his
deerts and his capacity.
It is said that those Senators who pro
fes. lo have eomo respect left for appear
ances are contemplating eome plan lo re
lieve him ftom t he duties of hisollicft dur
ing tho extra sesiinn they not bavins
much faith in theetlicary cf the resolution
Lll'rt DlLtllU.tlU-UCftlCI V HIU V- MH'II
, bul ejumo lbpy ,, lrncn in i(
trnc1 111
POme Ue purposo, somo nollo sonlimcnt, I
some patriotic motive, some great theory
to d iscn thral a world, unite the States,;
grttCn or to condemn the author of it. the
The postal organ, of this city, is among
the lulter. Even the clo. ical editor has
. . I. . . e i l
, tortured it. nto some sort of comely shape
as a" special proviuenco." .Nor nas the
... -i ,' ... .'.. .i i.:.t .r... i
n I IU1U , n I o iu la l iu Lit'i jliu lunui , uuu
. .- 1 P
1 1 1. 1 . . t- r .
.hmuu "uiN
baP9 l?y ro not yet certain whether iho
... , , , .miiiiii iiinini nm 'nil 'j.iru 11 i n nuuiT,
scene of aturday was a nianift.Malion of ' . f, i ti . i- .1
., . .1 1 i;i .i thenco to tho right shoulder, ai.d lust bc-
God s spirit thiouiih man, as. typ cal of 1 r n . . . .1
,, . , . .. , 1 1 11 1 ,1 fore noon t'10 pa n passed lo 1I19 re-'nn
the jubilation vlnch shall rcgn when the , r.ii, . : . i 1,
J ... . . . 1 .1 . i-, 1 of the heart, occasioning great dnnenny
negro mi lenium bee ns, or whether n it- r . ,1 . 1 . " -. . 1
.. . , ., 1 b ., , 1 . 1 of breathing, ho supno-in-' it to bo severe
tie too much "red-eye' is to be made ' . . . . r, . 1 a .,
. , , , .1 ,1 i-.- 1 ,r cold, applied to Dr. Hanier, Nurifoon nt
atteml rAlimlr rA Ihrt Ahnlitimi li nlfiirni i .. 1 1 . . o . .
(An . Ln r,.n iTntil i'n rtlm.l.u
I , ; r. . ,? . .. .
nr inn &iiitarr n in iinvn tionn rn ivm
uuvw wen reiiGsn,
i .i: l
u win iitb ubK iut u uib6bi tot tun ui't'ii
1- ti:-t..'j
ill - l ,
1(:)lpircJ ftml ThoroUKi, LoJ al Patriot
nor for a logical editorial, in the best ftyle
l.f 1 . ' . . t . . i.Tl. IT e
ofnulpit olonuence. unon "The Use of
military, ana taken to Hanisburc. Hie
fY olllcer 10 ll,at coun,y' Arier tIetain
' ing bim about .1 week in tho guard house
J "-ri.bur, a eorl of second .'Black
,Hole of Calcutta." where lho prisoners
from this county are confined ho wa. re -
leased and sent homo. Mr. Meek nromi -
sc.. to c'vo a full history of this little Iratis- 1 pni'Odts ami friends of tho deceased to teams nnd oxen will be sold with the property if cvre Diurrhu-a or, in either esse r
, . fc . .. . ' . bnmv llmt evorw all out inn immliln cn; required ns well as all other implomen's noce.- i,lr:n tha nn'nna In n heulihv nnd natural eof
rights, in hU next paper which wo may
find convenient to transfer to our
-. . ..
A Dank Dicture.
Ihe rhi.adclphia
In'uircr (Republican Paper) theother day.
I. .. . . . .. ...
10 uiscussir.s me nnancmi comtition oi
" ui
invite special attention to the extract
im,i.i1i,iiIiii-1v nfilirun jilm l,n,ii nfiim nnAil
times we are now onjoying. It contains
food for serious inflection, and earning
trrtn tV. n nil rrn If iI.ia. il .mini,! 1, i.l,nr.
., . t. . '
, ged 10 pariisnn uias :
" .. ii .. i .iii.
jicmcwuir iiui nvi one cent oj mc i.i'i.m
t, .,;, n l.nicar-
I -.1.1: .: l..,i il,. i..: nn rn.
i laun in our uovcrnmeni
.. , .
The ta.v eoltec-
' t.-il haiv. mil noMuw. beraiiso lhe addition -
..... . - - - t t -
i . . i nnr
bc8,n l..ry. wo ca? r?d no,no thnn
our net income, anu mat rvcru ceni rcnuw
tdor taxes is to much taken from production.
I "
fyjy-Tho London 'correspoudont of tho
New York iYMf. writes that "Earl Iluseoll
. . ,.' . .. .
u ns orcneu a din oniatio corresnouuoni-u
1 ... ...
WllU 1110 UOIlteUeral commissioners in r.u-
rope." This is tigtifieant if true, apd may
(part of Kurope.
u ricbiiiBVl vi i tvvi, uinuu vm . -
Financial Liffht 1
c 1 f .. i . . . I , i it.
OIllUO IMUI iu i run mil i m-3
commcoof thi. port, uave been recently
... be.ore ,ho country: From the man'
. --
er in which Hie stulomonts havo been
made, wo naturally conclude tho object
. V." " . "7 IrTt..
io . ,mu V,M. l,BU.' 1,0
po. Withholding the in rortnnlion woul.l iy were "" army, ana ,
,a?e .,rovokeil ,j,Cuion, ad excited defied the authorities to nrreit theni i
,u,pjjon 'e have the 'fuels now go The Provost Marshal at Allianco, soutrti
plausibly ..rraneed lb.1 .lb. "r$2 .
1(boul c54 ()00 01)0 in our favor, ivhcn it
waif M We show, Si.'JM.OHO.ouO against u!
Anything that would arrest this untoward
course V.OUM T rove a hlesslnc to U-. If e
" b" ""
nol be tho greatest curse that could helall
Us. We suppoe this balance of $358,000,
000 ha. been pari not wholly,
u dated by the sale of United States bonds
nl avcBge oUboul Bhy cenU l0i th 0
j0uRr a melancholy conclusion to arrive
ftt, to be sure, but we are persuaded it is
Were it the statement, o arranged for
i,j floor Dublio
. . o
,. v,v i r...i i...
iiMriir iiviu tivn avii v aui viiju I'wi n v w u-
mt olipecie, fr 1 804,
FlicvietipurtoJ, 1804,
Total exports, $272,ci7.-ifl!i
Imports, ISC t, 218,125,700
Ann.t L.UtiM nf tnr ISftl.
, "it"-1" " -
i ii UrfiUr, at uiUrci.resented, $ 41,501,703
Here follows abatement from tho fore-ll,,0 wli:cli will noon be upon tliem. i
going figures, nrrnnged in such a wny ns ;from July next nil Stale Hank circula-,
to be easily comprehended by the genci'id tion will bo ta.0l ten er cent., tliO;
i-eauer : lidijett ofConress beiii. to finvo them
n-tiaurK1 Sew Yor!t' 1864 tw,YPr X:Uioi,:ii Hiui,". t,,cro-
!,., i I,7:ii,'.iii2 . by giving t lie (iovurn men t entire con-
ipecic, ' 2.2r,s,c23 , trol of the imr.-e as it n'readv has of
. . , . . ,D., ,0
nu;ii iuiiuri.-, i.iu-i, a is, i i jt, "
AJ.l tiU pur coat to amount of du'U-
tic gouJs i'ur duties, froi-lit, .tc, 12J,i7fi,933
A.U100 thU h.h'i k..M
luiviug uvaruo.t 200 duriiij; lsot, Sin,CO2,f.0'
Itvt.nrl.'.lnri.,!, 1 ,.l I .t,....l i
renc; vnlui), $22l,K22,3l2
.-ppom vxpiiruu, jjc.i, au,oui,ii
Add ICO. or ct. pruuiiuiu, 6U,8ll,U2l
Actual bal. of trudc njni'mi , 13C4, $.117,773, HI I
Let us remember that dclt i tlaccry, acd
that we are all engaged now in foregoing
clians for our own hand, and for tli'iso ol
our posterity. X. V. Frrrmun't li.imml.
Death from Hydrophobia,
llunry C. Tlnmp.on, (sen. of Mr. II. A.
Thoinpoon of Indiana Ciiuniy.) a new rc
emit, enlisted at HarrUhurg, t'etina., bul
wee.;, ior me ioiii lonna. o.s, on i
way his regiment,, Mopping
Ill I llll UlirrillTliH, IV IIS FfU.'(l Wl'.ll
! hvdioi'hobia, and after 1 i n vt rin lt
! Turtv hrmi'4 in pirlr(nip ri!iv.i:r:il siiliArin 'i
ill.... r: .,,! i . .ii.'.i., i,,.!.,,.;!.',.
Illl'l 111 I1IDUI.II ll'll ll'll llrij 1 1 1 I .17.1 lUtl
blo, died at a few miuutx p:it twelve
o'clock, on Wednesday iiighl. Tbo oir
cunisluiice.', a. far n. vo could gather
them, are a. follows :
About Mrce month: since the di'cea ed, in
pUKiDg up a young pup on uie street, was
bitten on tho knuckle of the riyht hand.
The wound wa. a mere scraic'i. but it
was followed by rather severo iiiflamation
so a. to disable him from his woik type
setting about two weeks, but beyond
tin. no attention was paid to thu wound,
and the hand being restored the easuality
wa forgotten. Having enliHUd. was eo
i mi: ins iikiiin in, iiuv jit-lulu iiiivrii
,,,.,.., ;:,,,;,, ,.r.,,n,l f,nt
ing to his regiment, but h
i..,i n
1 1 visiting his si.Mer nidiiiL' theio lib cam e
l i . . ,i :. ...... .. i i -i. . i. .i..
, , ,i - I . . l . -n in i
to this city and reported at I od Barracks
1 on I uesday morning last. Siion alter his
nrrivn i,0 beenn to experience cain in
Iho knuckle that liad been biucn: and
t w. n M I.A..',.A ll.A .........I I . I I 11
lha rri?ckS, for relief. Arior receiving
a proscrii tnn ho went to tlio iMjtin.!
i ,. I ; .1.:..
. .
I 1 n,l,vl t Ml" 111 41V U Jl i I I J II
inj; wu
i j.i.:,!, ...... i im:
i9tMeuwitU convulsions, litis
circumstance awakened apprehensions in
tho mind of the Surgeon, and iu ans.ver
to hi. inquiries the (uregoing faeU were
From this tiino everything nai hu
man sympathy could suggest, or medical
skill devise, was resorted to, but all in
The deceased was a printer by trade,
about 21 years of age, nnd possessed of
more than ordinary intelligence, lie
from the time that the disease clearly de
veloped itself, was fully conscious of its
necessary fatality, and during the lucid
intervals talked of death as tho only hope
! of relief.
I The paroxysm, of the dieao were
, mnl-kn,l wib fearful vio'
i ;f
violence, Bccompnn-
I apprehensions
'..., .i ..i.iu i.:. i.
1 would rid his mouth by violent spitting,
l II will to asourro of somo com foil to
. 1)0slowp,j upon blm. Major !Skile. with
choracterisiic kindness, promptly tele'
graphed to the father and we understand
his arrival is anticipated.
; ByX,Tbe abovn account of the tnelan-
choly death of Mr. Tliomp.on. wo copy
r''orn l'10 Columbus (Ohio) Matt Journal,',
.nfAf!irrli.n.ii lIi!if!i!lmi.MrH V fl'b ruw n. i
T. ,i" ,
oiontresidi in I r rtrr is,bvira. troucht the!
luili in no 11 vi i ua 1.UUI il i I'ufeuu l'l(9'
. -i- w -i i , ' , i
ent residinc in llarnsburc. troucht the
;rcmnins of his son homo and they were.
. . - n
int.irrednt nlairav iIIa on SaliliAlli lnnt
I Carbon Cocntv Prisoners Says the
n.u bnn Jlsmnnrnf
I "Ilia nf niu.t v nl Uo.l,;rrl nn U. .1 Tail
Lanil lh ri,innn, ,birtl. ia I, mmnml
"i7t 'C""nZ "i .T I " It . : 1
, .,i i , , , ., . .. i .
"Lrcacd w,l,10,,t lhority ot law. for
vuiuiwuuiieu iiinLUHTOUi una uuuu-
' "c ' tf"?. J "ie.P. . i ,? Smo. V .,,
by a bevy of should-
lcr.ltrnr,.ied hircinc8 of,ho Abnliiion de.
"t'",i "3 ""'J uu"i
MVs.. " V " . ' . i .
. . . . .
""v."' -iii.i.ei.ii u.a -
H IMI II STn Ir "), Mtmlnl r Mm nt
. . . , . . ,
. . . .
leased, without le ling why thev were im-
. . ' , . . tt. ...
pruoneu or wny sei iree. inn ei
of the so called Preei.lent amount, to an
, , . ,, .
..,,. . . . ..i n,
! UIKIl'l U 19 l,y I till II y nriU IIIIIW vhvuhks uilt
lho Court Martial which disgraced our
Court lfouso was no legal tribunal, but
.1.. i..... f kt. m.1 I ... i.
iuu mre i-resiuiv. u mn, ncuk w
niuKo an npivumui. v. . ui iuu niero
. r , . . I ,.
purpose of removeing from this county a
f.M nnmorruts irho troulri bp in fh wnv
.-. - , a
at election,"
A Taovost Marshal in a Bad Fix Tho
nap nra iva 'M 111 in
7 .
About two woeks ego, two deserter. I
. . - i n..- ...
n-.uu uounuy mm vuuiuuguam, ramie
" Ptearance in wayno township n
t.hU nuntv. Tlir-u nnnnlv .rlmiii.ll... '
r-.: ;;u
- n&hMA?
to placo upon tho wriitf and ankles of '
the deserters. At the Falls of Snpgar
'Jtcek, De Luney and Cunningbam found
i'I'"iy iunmuai in n r.joiii iu ua- .
. .... . ... .. . . .... '''
revolver biki Knuo-pui mm in a wagon
nnd exhibited him through the, country
ty Martha! ns a prisoner ft dry and anight :
they finally brought him to Canal Diver,
and showed him in tho public street.!
ILaney would sing a song, and compel ,
the Marshal to keep time with bis cba.ns. I
i Alter Iho deserters had all the run they
i . . I .i i.e. .1 t. ... .1..
uosiro i, mey icu ino i')w y hi mo iimet
and departed, much to tlio nmueaieut of
tbe crowd."
I G KT ikAI)V VuktiIk PuKtk nr.. We
; adviso all our readers to "cut their
coats ftccordiii'' to Micir clotli" flOtll
this day out. its the only way of pre-
: paring lo resist MicccssT u i ly ino ores-j
the kwoiI cf the nation. Hut what
... .. , . .
will ted even harder I1)il the 1)001
! !h the tll iti'iiml tar tirrnt) ji-r ant
wich, Iroin .May next, m t be inv-,
IpoHcd iijion every article unbraced in;
I ho t'tli section of tin) Kevciiue Act .
Tlumr U'bn :i r. l ii il f' i m ! li.i i vv i t ! tho I
, SCC t 1 Oil Ca 1 1 IIP t fcfcf t it tOO SO
! lleiicefurtli, l)V years In come,
Slia l I'e the heaviest til.e( I 0CM)le on
the face of the earth ; nnd with this .
burden on our baeks and a depreciated
currency of over jii0U,000,(l0o to still '
farther embarrass us it is the c.-'
treme cf folly to suppose we can 1
I'liig bear up. Werouneil evcryl.iody.
t lierefove, to jirepare foi' (lie wor.'.-t.
Somet hin must soon ;;i e way- sotni'
pillar (;f the eliii'j cr.iiiilili the
crash is inevitable :unl when il does
lake platv all wl.oliave not so arrang-.
j t-d tln'ir iillairh as t
lk.r nur;t bl) misllt(i.
land iiMiu t:ii
Iit. it- I a ion.
I)ll'.lIn Keriiioii tnwusliip. on the 2ltli -.n-Huiil,of
Iljiipinj; Omigli, lOfto May, danj'nor
of Jolin 11 n I 'lnitha Head, aged two neili
nnd two duyi".
Iir little E file, sU'e gone l.rr'.c to rut.
Vlnro no'i'r a sin shall stain her lirea.t
No turrows dilurb Lr no foars iiniioy
li i loud to o'rsUad"W her inn 'Ceut jny.
u. m. 1:.
- 0n ,Hc 27lli ult., of Typhoid Fercr, at l'oint of
Hocks HoM'ital Va , Jnincs C. t'leio'uu, of Co. 1
I. 5Sth P. V., ia his I 'Jib. year, sou tf J. II. I
Fleming, Curwensville. j
-TS-lIe pnssod nwny Irustinj; in (ho Rc Jcetuer ,
and kcfcil to meet nil in the lietter land.
At Metre's Mill.", lii ll township, Martha Ann ;
Mali Ida, dnui;hter of Philip nnd Marlha Me-j
Gee, .-(,' d ' months and 21 days. j
Aftxr a protracted illooss, the angol Death
relieved the little dnr from her earthly sutler-
! '"S- V c'r n"' Iil'i'cli,'n,"0 an,, leieKrcd lami
Iv for tus deiiartod nn'mber. for she Is haiun
ly for the departed nn'mber, for she Is happy ;
with her Heavenly Father, aud is waiting tiw
welcome you homo wlion tho messenger Ileat.l '
sliiill cult you to inhnrit lifo eternal. I
l.ittlo Martha, sweet fl iwer, i
Thnu nrt fro'u em ill furovcr gono
To enjoy blissful plensuros
With thy I'Btlu-r oil high forevermore. 1
J. .1. b.
Jlcto butrtiscmcnt
i;tt ionnl Slot el,
Mis. WM. A. MASON, rroprietrcss.
rpilH lonj estiibUnlied nnd well known 110-
X TKL, situnled in tho went end of tbo town, I
has boen reiaoddled. cnlurted nnd iuiprorcd, and
the proprietress refportfiilly announces to her nu-( ant to lake, but powerful to euro. Theirpons
merous friend?, snd to the travelling public, that trating properties stimulato tV. vital aotlritisi
he is now prepared to accoinmudute all who may : . ., , . .
fuvor hira with n call. ' 1,16 bot,J'.renioT0 tho obstruetiuns cf its organs,
Anipl, safe and comfortable KublinR is at- j purify the bload and expel lie diseaso. Tbsy
tached to tho premises, and trufty nttendunts ' purge out the foul humors which breed and grow
will always be on hand. Charge. 'rato. distemper, stimulate slavish or disorder.d or-
, r, -
iu r nPru-'u M C1:U
14 i "J J C A T f
V. liorso poner circular SAW-MILL with 340 i
Ill Tt-8 Vi 'JIV U:ilH Il - lllll- (lllC llllllll-r 111 .l-U
fimple on j nnd a half millions of 1.0US ct
and ready for niaiiiifaelure nnd Timber L'!n.9 for
two millions mote. Tho mill is ndnpted to out-
tins I'iil-atuff, and a nuuilirr of Hills n-iw uff.-r-
, j..i ..r . k:.. :
1 ins. Aci'MMUlo :rnl ftljacont to mo i'enn.ylva
! tii;v Hnilrtmi At Tipton, by plnnk rual. Mulo
f"r' f"r llriv,inK on 11,0 '""'''"' ' onto. Will
I L t.Jil nf a Imrifsin tn olain a nontarn A tih t-
South Fourth tU ,
l'liila.lcliihia, or to John Elliott, nt Tiptn, Blair i
County, who will show the property and five full ,
pat'licuUm, and who is antliorixed lo sell. i
March S, If. 11. II. BIUI.MXOFORn. I
Til Cf )l!V
' S T Y Is A T I C) N A L BANK I
. Tukastry Pkpartment,
"""N..l.rj:.". v ,r, )
Orricit or CtMrTnoL .r.norTiiK TnrASinv
... .. . ....... i .....t
ueinn cion .iinrcii .na. iooj. i i
iriiL-;ii;AS. by
IV mniil i 11.., i,i,,lr.;.r,i Y. hi.. !
saiiuiaciory oincnce pro-
to appear that Tan Cotstt National Haxk ori
Cl.i:Aiinsi.n, in tho borough of Clearfield, in Jbe
county of Clearflobl, and Stnto of Pennsylvania,1
line been dill v orcsnlied under and in noaoruanco
tho roouiromonts of lha Act of Cougrea cnti-,
. " n Act to nroride a National Currency, se-
.. K . ..I nr IVit.,,1 filnten bond., to lira- i
vide for the circulation and redemption thereof,",
apprcrcd Juno 3, lsttl, and has complied with all'
the provisions of said act to be complied with be- i
- ' f"re commencirfi the businofs of banking under!
said act. ..... !
- , "
i Now. Tkereforo, I. lluou McC. ti.oicn, Comn-
troller ef the Currency, ao Hereby certify that
.... ... . .
' ' 1 .'""" v.rv,..., ,.. ,,i
..... ' ....
, Thr. (,, ,,! nl larKrMI, in the
nieneo iuo Business ot backing umior me Act
' Ia testimony wherof, witness my hand and
I or oiuco tli i a 2d day of Marcs, isni. '
Mnr.S-tf. Comptroller of the Currency, j
("1AUTIOV. All persons are horeby ca utim-,
J ed nzainit meddlinir with a team of Park i
V J eu nsn
,,- ,..". i. n. .r i n i..i..
of COTington township, as the same belongs 11
HIT lllttll-.l I1U11 III III. ,'VPC Vr9 IV M V. W . . ... Ul.-'l ,
me end is In bis nse on loan only.
J. R vrv'.ON.
- - -. . . v
j Mar-U-at,
? ? $ $ J 1
' - rivTnwie nii
, " " , ! L. L 8 .
vi,'vV"VW JJtr I y
MTVl'TOVC nit.
ie. v j 1 ILLS.
TOi b
NEW TON'S pj lis
Compoietl of highly ConcentraU'l Extracts from
Of the rtcst medical valuo, prepared from (,,
original prosoript'on of lis colctrsUd Dr. ET.
TONT, and ustJ ly tiioi with lurh rerarkU
success for twenty yoars ia sll parts or tb Unit.
Oil Htutcs, are an liliU remedy tn s!l
e Digestive Organs
1 1 1 Tt U 1 1 K A ,
I Y.l'F.rSIA.
The woll known Un. Wat!hk-j( of CuituO, iiti
of these Pille, " They have the finest tffjcUpe.
I 11,. 1.1..., n.wl .!;..,:.. .
...... ...... ...imki.v viaii. (if uu, iuvucuj
in the world nnd nro tin mo ft perfect pnrp
live whleh Las evor yet been mad by snjbol'.
Their effects havo abundantly shown to thi com
munity how much thoy excel tho ordinary modi
cinrs la U!e. Th aro safo and plesi-
gana into their natural action, aad impart s
' he"Uh' lone t0 Ul wlu'1(, 'y,Um' Kot onl)r Jo
! Uict euro Ibe cverv dnv coumkilits of fvcrTbo-
j dy, but sbo forniidablo aud danjerous diseases.
tho samo time, in diminished doses, tbs safeit
1... il... 1..,,.d.1 fnr rMl-
" r..i-.v -
... ti .. fnm
. lrcn. nnd being purely vegctnulo ar free 1.0
rlk or hnrm.
The moet romarkablo fer.turo of tbese Tili I"
! ., . .. ... , . , ., ... ..iml
I II v JUll IL UlllMI 1111 ivilll.ll llll Hi-.
dissimilar chroiiie disea-es. Tub s.iss o'"1
torin? the organs to a heslihv and natural i
dition, which cannot bo said of any otlior moJi
cino in existence"
Thej' crento pnre blood and reraore all imp r'
ities from the system, hence aro a poiilirs CURE
Mr-lvCL IvIAIi I)ISLA!?hf
nPrice nxx dollar rr.R Ml
.iuitl .."yyiic'i, vi itm win.., - ,
',.; f rr;ce I,,
,lrv ' "-c. u'j
. S. ROWE& Co.,
Sole Agents,
ID, Liberty Street, Neio York-
SSrFor sal in If irls w ick 4 !!
- . ,
j Jtaicl , l'o,