f. - . r; I v ' ' :- :. S2S tvo vo ho 3- i in .- IP Es, not MEff, .-6,r: . . ,,; . . - -.-rr I VOL. XXXVL-WIIOLE NO. 1849. THE DRAFT. ftwaria. uron Weld jw. S. Beer ' jbrahani SmiiU ftilin Tubbs hto. Robinson !;pplGiH i Urn. Worralls U. K.Shotr iVm. A- Farkn6r i Joseph II inkle Stmi- M. Hevcrly GtoVf Prater John loovcr pjrid Bear J IV Lnll tyrm II Thurston Smith Washburn Ji)ba Gallaher Lewis Shimmed Lei- Hoary Snyder hcob Snyder Louis Miller h Pernor Join Smith j Kobt 8 Bea'.ly j Jieob Friar , : John W Hell John Jeukins ' Atnos Bonch Jmos B. Tato j Bradford. :, IT ci. fetors Joseph Miller lowry McGill ieo Barger jr Ubsoloru Pearcejr Jtbvolem Pearce L (Jill vRoU Livergood ilexander Scott jercme Robinson ;fm. Bates Kith Smeal Archibald I.ouni-Lu Francis Graham lex&iterFran!z3 i John Livingston t Divid K 1" Dixon i Tbomaj Tttiks rlr Grhllus !ohn Holt 'Jobs Graflus ' Graham jr ' ittiati Watson j fhiVv, Ycunj I George Snieul ! Jobs tVoolrklgti , Jmeph Sh'ley" I clnatLan Wiser jr ; Abraham Grahim KoLert Green ! Jimi Luzier Brady. 81 names, 5S Drown. fiforge Wingird Uriah HeDry j Ferdinand Kich j Simuel SI) n O'er I Henry Shugarta i Godfrey Wetvf 2d ; Jiracs Ziegler I Joseph Smith ; L G. Morgan orge Utzioger R. 11. Moore 1 A K Weaver R'm L Porter Jscob Zilliox AJam Rishel John Lonkard Fred Smiley Piuicl lloofnagle Atins Bonsall JHSjke Christian IlaitsfcU Levi Rudolph Daniel Goodlander Itiael Hoofnaglo Georgo Nolder John Ueiges Jamct Miles John Overdorf Jacob Smith I Mjthcw Scott i iohn W. Kylcr I j lliles li Beers f 1 John Brown Abraham Wei?er Amaa Wicks Dvid Beers Silss Turner James James Marlin V. Turner lieorgo W Shimel Joel C Ralston Zenas Turnell Geo W BuikholJcrWm. S Wilson Jv'i Go?s Lindsey Stono Francis Bu'h eorS "" &,Jr.-.P.li Eutler Oeorgo Tetors 4JlobtWelch 3 Lindsey bhaw Lloom. 21 names, 24 Drawn. 'm Line Jiaao Woods Georgo Leech Wm. Gwinn Tobias RhafTer Henry Brickley David ChiUon John Smith Junes Bailey flcorgo Merrill John Cleaver BurnsiJc-81 Teter Beck Rebtslian Bearing irn v..r. htrick McCloskey Dsvid F. Smith filion McCarl John Fulton John Snyder John Fry John Young Alexander Lee Pvid Snider John T Crig John Triscot KOOBE, Editor and Proprietor. names, Drawn 33. J. M. D. Gill Samuel Root A. S Dickinson John Mollis John Dickinson Amasa Smith Levi r.acr Abraham Warrick Christian Koon Abraham Malhew A. D. jois George Wilson S S Ilindninn Peter Heal Asbury Lee James C Gill A C Cotlley Dennis McCoy Chiietian Choonover 54 names, Drawn C3. James Wotzcl C. W. Bench Amos II Suuderland Charles llullehan Godfrey Weaver David Bell D W MeCmckcn Joseph S. Campbell Saml Michtly Wm Mehati'ey Angus Miller Tj names, 62 Drawn. Rudolph Buck John Sou It Joseph Jacks' Kills Buck Daniel Culler Benj Lounsberry Joseph Powell Aaron Graham Wm T Ritchie James Harrier N 1' Wilson Wrn Foreey Nehemiah Main Win Grafiim m Alaiic-.v Henry S niol Wm Knop I K..,.isfCr (iearhart J f Dc Han J W Grah-mi Wm Ilanier Daniel Kephai t J E Burger Martin Wilson Dr.vid Da!o Sjlvester Williams John Crowell Mark Taj lor Matthew Wilson Cdmur.d Pal John Forcey Wm I'.oglo A G Maishnll Henry Zilliox Peter Keller W T Hamilton Peter Hoover James Sen del I Godfiied Weaver Michael Shar Alonzo Dixoii Henry Uttinger H L Weaver Georgo Weaver Joseph Uanna Charles Marshal Joeeph Heberlinj. Henry Korb L L Ogden Jonathan Sha('cr Abraham Heigcs Paul Heveriing Samuol Troy George Korb Georsa Bells Christian Korb G W Shugarts Frank Dutery Harri?nn Seyler Lever Flegal names Draw n 37. Jona Tetcrs Ilenrv Ilummcl Trisli Lid Thomas Honiter Daniel Ducan Philip B Miller John Akey Henry E Shi nel John II Turner John Woodel Abraham Hois John Mullen Marlin Merritt JohnMChaio George Guinu Jamej Mclnlyro Isaac Thomns Lewis Woods Spencer Whipple Henry Marshall Jackson llonry Samuel Irvin George Hoks Gainer Bloom Dmo, Drawn 44. David Mitchell Theo Lu.cnhover Jacob Lee George loslu David Smith James Crosby Jacob Henry John II Myers John Yingerland Wm Anderwq Wm Barnlurt .Tonat'ao Grosenheek Thos Scott Michael Tingling John A Alhsoo John Langdon James Lamer ier timmorman Henry Darr Kcn Mear Georgo Carson James Lyons Chest. To Jno Ilockenburv Wm Ilockenbury Levi Roland Henry Pennington Jarnurl Wcstovcr J B Worrell James Davidson Joseph McCully riiilip'Pcntioo Abraham Rouland Marion McCully Albert Thurston Jnoth Rouland John Robinson Henj dinger Sarul Snyder Isaiah Rorabaugh Andrew Frealoy Geo Oashnll Wilson Word Joseph Westover Jno Oingtr .lobn Wrstnci-r I l.'lio Wm Seibirts J no McG.irvey 1 aul Mcuarvey CkarfUld Boroujh, I! Ilacknian joeepn Mantj J W Wright H V. Snider Reuben MePherson John McCliIl.m A C Finney J B Kougeux John Curley Jacub Snvil.T German Barmot John llugnot J. P. Mulson Win Scl.nar Henry Knepp Peter JJnrr.ies W M ThiMrpsou Wui White Louis Pirnrd Fred Plubell Nathan GrOiS I'.cn. Snyder F F Coudriet John Vcrriot Charles. Weaver .H. C Bra.ir.ird Ao namtt enoujk in Ljx CurventvitU Jhrovyh.Z'i names, Drawn it F Eowmwj Arch Mootgoraery Geo UarUy Stephen GraCf S J Gates Decatur.-3S Jonathan Kephart Abm Phillips Adam H'alker Isaac Kephart J B Warner John Burns J H Kline II K. Kephart Hillard Kliue Chiristo. Megley Levi Goss Geo Boalick Henry Post Levi Davii S H Miller P. M Peters Frank Bynier Asbury Gearhai t J P Thorn peon Aaron Boalick JWpussn 32 F McCrncken Daniel Blonn Shannon B'itherite D U Head Thomas Tubbs Geo Straw C D Tubus Georgo Tubbs Thomas McCrackcn Daniel Liope Alex Ferguson John Gregory James Montgomery 0 H' Curry Nicholas Tubbs G HTink Fvx 10 namos, Henry Humphrey Thomas Kinney George Uimes B Davenport George Clinton C Uai tholomeir Girard-21 names, 21 drawn. Mitchel S'liopo N Eounolot Adam Spackmao Francis Balier Henry riulell John Smith Lafayette Graham Xavier Leeonle David Smith Barnard Green F-dward Waller Goshcn-22 name?, 2- drawn. Martin Flegal Wm Graham Matthow Tale Robert Flegal Whitmore Seilridijo Abm Selfridgo Georgo Kyler George Hoover John Sankey Daniel Kylcr Thomas Shaw John Smith George Morrison Grahm-H names, 62 drawn. Barney Shipley B D Schoonover John Dixon Dennis Turner Wm Johnson Samuel Brickie lleory Tcniico John Runderlin Danl Bricklcy Wm Brothers David Byers Walter Kitchen names 51 drawn. Mosos Thurston Jacob Pennington Hamilton Whito John Smead 15 J McMastert Jacob ThuMtou John Rays Thomas ICvana Wyatt Kitchen Henry Westover G B McMaster David Thurston Danl Selfridg J H Ame Silas Hockenbutry Lewis Westover Thoa Evans Perry Tearce Jarod H.tney Miolnel Seller Win Kitchen Isaac Pennington Jacob G I.iucMtcr Johua Pennington A B Barrett Bnzel Dimond J J Westover names, C5 Drawn U. Israel Test (i B Goodlander G W Snyder W 11 SI. a Joseph Shirk Sand Jlustun S J Row name?, 4$ Drawn Christian Brown Charles Barto Francis VHllornnnt Jacob Maurer Thomas Thomas J L Rougeux Iieulien Jieiier Augustus liougeoux John I'icard Jesse Matihews Louis Uous!ey J B Gorniont John Tieard Francis Uolley SyIveter lluLoi t Joseph Gro?s -'iin ratclot Mcholas Crotzer Augustus Mulson 10 - James T L.'rov.n SG Pyles Jell Bloom Apgor Bloom Klger On ley names, 5G Drawo. 0 EGearhart Abm Phillips' II Greenaivall J D Gearhart T L Long J M Lucas Isaac Crowell W B Morgan Adam Kephart B'm Gos A L Kepha't U D Showalier Abm Gos il'A Roams B F Kephitrt I'.enj Malum John Curley 1 J Goss Charles Boalick Not enough name naaie, 31 urann. Josiah Henry Jacob Gibson II m Cook Robert lUmilion Tcter Bishop Matthew Ker.ty ll'ni Nswcnmer J M Bloom .1 I) Straw J T Straw ir 1J' U. II Isaac Mooro John Snyder O.-ango Thurston Ribert O-veas W R Smith C drawn. Georce Shirey Zsnas Leonard Levi Wetzel Georgo Steerer Ames Nivin 'I honias Luzier John RimiUet John N'ewcomo Jonlh Spademan Francis Vassay Not encugh names Ephraini saaw Robert Leonard James Oar ley Harrison Spenco Alex Read Thomas Graham Jordan Bumgtrdner GoorfO Selfridgo Merriach Shaw Hhristian Tace Gtorge Narehood Jsmes U Smeal Andrew Kirkpalrick Strouel f tael CLEARFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, MaB" laao Undercofler Abm Luzior Levi Hubler John Smith Henry Siueal Daniel Smeal , Patik Curley J T Jacob Hess i W P Smeal John Lytle ' John Hamlin ! Ueubcn Wright Irvin Burgo Samuel Flogal lames Mye.' Morris Dunlan Henry Hamlin Gu'ich. Al j Abednego CVkey )V m Conrad jlemy Altaian ; Levi Spanglo iiuiion-j.) J.iraes Guckhaven Alex Barkey i Frank Hewit O.car Allen I Le is Horde 11 ! Wni Shoemaker ' John Tador ieorgo Broivn JorJunroZ i Patrick Gillian 1 Aaron Siv& ; J'lioinns Ross Beej Bishop H M Johnson I F Bloom ; Wm Gilligan A S Williams i Wm Jliibeton J )lin (ire'n j 11 I! McCully : J R Johnston Martin (iilliau i Jiiiiios McNeal j JCni'iduf-ZZ I John Harshba'-g-ir Joseph GiRiland : B'm. Brenker ! JiicJ Dulteiy ; James B'liito ! James lia'nes Elijah Nii'kelr.r;rer Andrew Conaway H'lii. Con fair Jno. Steiner ' James Conaway J M Banch Beij . Gunsalas 1 .ntnp t in lev w.w-41 Jno. Mays Peter Sloppy I I'm Tiude Daniel Siarr J R. Dunlap R.bcrt B'itherow Edward Lord Samuel S Hoover Tho's Temploton Robert raiierson Price A Howies Jno Jackson Jas Haley 1 1 co ii i.eary Jno Everhatt II P McDonall Bernard McFvnan Lut'i tnsc '.j Christian Staffer. Jno. Fultrn George Dimgl.erty j Thomas Mel'hcrson , Dan ill Welch j MailitfW i .-.cknian I (! G Irwin Marlin Owns . Iiobeit Read Michel Amis j Jno. C Dalo I Jas. Snackman V.'m. L Hunler I Thomas Howies Fred M Garden I i i. rr it .... i... I ) D GcpiLVEow Robert D Litz Milton Ogden Jc Hereon Ciamer James Irwin W S Hunter ' Miles Tate 1 C H Mareumbcr i Thomas Snaeknian Daniel H Fullertcn ' Jno. Lyiel j Evans Miller . Peter Hulfuer Jon. lloyt George Green Fred Shaw ! llamilton Read J h Reams I Levi F Irwin j Samuel J Culnett , Jackson Conklin j M W Snyder Morris.- 01, G D Hess Jacob Goarlurt D A Gray J D Denning Edward Weis John Bordro Joseph Weis Wm Rothrock Jno Merrill Danl Will Jeremiah Kline Benj Spackman Jacob Fullmer Andrew IIc!i Danl Soncs L Brown Josse Beams Danl Beams A L Morrill Henry Ricarts J Mauck Leonard Kylcr James Irwin Edward Deliaven J J Wilaon J A Narohood Michael Iteady David Parker Jacob Hoover tharles Donsel Wm Myers J P Nelson Amps llubler James Young Daniel Woodring Abna Hoover Kobert Luzier Olwin llubler Benj Smeal Frank Coleerovn Xot name enough names 8 drawn. Adam Height A B Irvin J II Miller Samuol Hegai ty name, 10 drawn. Jacob Smelhers Hiram Woodwaid J C Tyler Hiram lloyt Vi D Woodward Joseph Bliss FrcJ Brown I'M Washburn names, drawn. V S Jayne T UOweus J N Dickenuan Wm Curry J G Williams Abm Bloom John McNeal James I'rots 7'homa.s Sniiih James Wilson Jas Patterson fof J) L I) Curry A W Young Matt McCully nsmrs, 2S drawn. Jon. Confair Charles Conawav Roland Kanady Jncob Michaels B'm. Moo.o Jehu Halm John Seyler 'J homns S:nith h J Holler Iaac MfClokey George Emick Godltey Fisher II L Biinigurdner Wm. Ounkolas. names, 31 drawn. II F Bowles Jno Dun'ap Thomas Call. cart Kobt Hunter Isaac Rae Aaron Wiso Thos McCully Jno Hickock Win Holme Jr. A Wie W.u Dunlap Isaac May4 Jno High W M Calhcart M Mays Jnoth Baker Milton Sloppy mines, TO Drawn. Samuel Cramer Jno. Woodel ' David Woods Miichell Reed Henry Shttllner Henry Trump Miles McCoy James Mums Berj. Bloom Win. Wait R J Conklin E J Lead W E Ream A J Kiine Abraham lloyt Andrew J McBrido Levi Howies J no. A Read Daniil Mitchell Abruhani Carter Hubert Hoods Jobu Puttier B'ui. Shafler S A Balhuist S S Mooro George W Dunlap Jao. Hoover David Laosbuiry Jnc. Lovo George Jvlin Allen Mitchell J BShiiW Charles Burst B'm. Irwin Mathew Howies George Gulich H'io. J Lumaduo Joseph L Owens names CI drawn C Gearhart Ed Brenner L I Good D Jones A'J Ames Geo Uess Jno Matley Geo Waring Jno Baptiete Jnoth Huthrock Leander Denning Vincent Flegal Ar.dy Brown Hobt Thompson Wm Waring Jofepli Dippard Andy Hunter John Iloughcnbury Michael Brown Ferdinand Jones Ooodfellow Meirill P Ralioru Wm Shimcl Jaoob Koo?or not MEN. Levi Bowers Philip Shimel ' Adam Knapp Alex Hoover Jno Albert Gilbert Hoover David Frazier David Kyler inrni Mccwen '; C J Slillwagon ' Jacob Breth ! Philip,Netr Christ Nell'jr Alex Creiwell Finn. H names, 30 drawn. W P Johnson Amos Wall David Way Danl Aaron R M Hoover ' RicLnrd Danver Mardman Iccnreller Allen McDonald GHer Bell B F Diehl J W Jii.flcrly James McEwen Amly Sneneer Elliott McCrackcn W A Mooro Wni Bowles Jo.-eph Russell Gideon C Duflman El'jih Mooro S F McCloskey J 1 Bloom J Jordan Bloom Peter Peiller Andrew Tozer I U'McXaul Z Hartshorn F A Fleming Henry IJickok Johnson Holden Allen II ay J R Caldwell II H'MulIin Zenas Hoover Fred Ilaiiey U D Ruler I A Thorn Dson J H'McNaul John l'ortnr Joieph Goon Wm Cleaver I T Caldwell James Kratzer Benj. Hartshorn Union 3T Uvi Uraasler rn Clonzer Juo Nelson David Wclty Lewis Doney ReuLen Jordan II Corlney II WhiteheaU Saml Gelnell J B Clouser P Crick J Pentz C Labordo Wuodtvar.1- 21 A Shnw Daniel Kephart C C SholT Thomas Mathers Solomon II ill-man G M Chandler Eliuialek Alexander Aaron P KhofT Henry Cogan G W Shod' Milton Hampton Stacy Cowman Hons Alexandor James Alexander Win II Scott Not names enough A IIonuiDi.K Aif.ub Women Toktckku Il bbcry, Uutraye, Arson and Murder. -Six heavily ironed pi isonors canio uj) on the Lotus day befoie yesterday, from Claaks ville, among whom wasG. W. Hutchinson, formerly chaplain ht colored Kansas in fantry. The names of tho other ti vo are W. B. Farmer, 1st Arkausas cavalry ; R. II. AtweJ, 2d Ivansas cavalry ; John Sharks, 2d Arkansas infantry, and ( O. Kimball, citizen, formerly of (he 21 Kan sas cavalry, bihI more recently a lieuten ant in the 2d Arkansas. Ex-Chaplain Hutchinson, who resigned his portion in Iho army ?omo tino last spring, in order to tollow tho real bont of his inclinations with more leisure, stands charged with heavy upon the government and people, mow lar he is incriminated with tho deeds of the oilier prisoners cannot be ascertained until Rfier a more of the case. The other prisoners stand charged with tort'irini' tour rosnectaMe ladies over slow tire till Ihey - n ted about their heads, shoulders ana leet, and with ravishing of which ono died made cripples for life. One of the prison ers also charged with additional enmes depose, i iuy were, u.iuDiiess, m no nuni upon tho body cfono of tho victims which or for jokes. They s.-e now in tho Libby pen would shudder to record. prison, where, it is hoped, Ihey will re- The object of Ihe cruel wrelche3 wai lo main uutil our gillant men arrested by- obtain some money, a considerable amount of which these ladies were supposed to have in their poe?iion- Jbey Jivo.i a- bout seventy Cvo miles below this piaee. in the vicinity of the unfortunate victims are now al tho latter place under medical treatment. Their houses were also burned down. In formation was received here day before vesteiday. and seven other persons had been put in irons at uiaritsviiio, cuaigou wilh being connocte 1 in the above crimes, ii- . i, ,1. ,.:i, r.r ii.;. i.n.fiil nltiiir It 9 KIVO liCllil. VI v we received them from the officer who as we received them conducted the al Clarksville. .1,,1 ll, m-nliminurv nvestlL'.ltlon a edlv develop all the facts in the case and : i t... i ...i edh just jusuce uo luu mc-iev, United StaTe. Senator Th'ready t-Jvance a Holliday Hicks, ex-Govcrnor or Mary. lann. died in Mnslnnelou City, ue was struck wilh paralysis and dicJ in n 'hort time afterwards. Saml Chapman C Deaving Zacharias Folmer Allon Matley Jackson Hoover Franklin Rouch Jno Shimel a Jerrett V. Kobt Mellar il onry Feath J II Beyers Jno Mehatl'ey Jas Feath' Wm Ghaller James Framton Simon Whitmore Abraham C Moora Filis Kester Jno Rusiell Edward RatVerty James Martin Elijah Wall en Patrick McMahan E W Brooks D II Johnson Miles Spencer Win Fly nri James G Hill Valentino Dalo David Spencer " i JSetK names, drawn. J B Smith Thomas L0115 Hiram Leoeli Henry Hiles Alfred Long J H Brady Jason Sponcer G A Bailey Joseph Brink Milton Read Jas R Cupples J T Stago L D Jordan Hobt Owens F T Bloom IF R Curry Solomon (i Pylis J R JlcCluro J B C Leech B Caldwell H Bloom Harvey Bloom JC Bloom H P Smith names, 20 drawn. Saml Austin Jesse Jewell Geo Potter Wm Booze Israel Guirio Geo Clouser Jeff Caldwell Oscar Green lS Horn Geo Doney Danl Brubaker Jno Brubaker names, 20 drawn' James Locket Wm Luther Jeremiah llainos James Connelly H E Beams Alexander Ream swindling opeialions thorough investigation a: i - were horribly niutua - them, from the effects and the others were Clarksvillo. inreooi from the onicer who full tiiil will undoubl- HOW CMS CROOK AM) KELLY i..u. ,cnmonu jsnqu.f Ft)b( 27 rt.i -v. me ian and the adjutant general of the former,' Thayer Melvm, arrived in Richmond yes- '7,U1""""?M central cars- As nrevi.ml .in..i i." oflicers were cantured f,?' f'. .n 'VCf McNeill and thirty jno parry engaged brill ant enti V" I"" 7." U.'S a.nu i;.i.. :v. 1 e7 r:'p'r' w.s ed the pift,.,. 7;"" ":" e, u .1 uvui un uie nic cnpiunng tho only sentinel to bo seen, iu (iiicea turn to divuiL'o (he Uierunin body of the Uetachmont was hen posted 111 a convenient position., and the. Lieutenant commanding, with several f the men, boldly rode into the town, w hich was earrisonoJ l,v mf r- 1 uieo l euorai troops. The 01 ueno:at Crook wero those of Geno al Kellv Iheir locations : being d.iTy made known by tho captured sentinel, the daring part- isans made thoir way to those of the form er.arnvmgjust in Lieutenant halted sentinel if tlm ,mn, nn fillir'r..n. ...a ....1.. - 'i"y, portant despatches lug. followed by his men, advanced to tho sentinel, gave Ihe countersign, and pass edin. Upon entering the hotel, the squaU was received by au old negro wo man a no, it appears, was the "night clerk ' of the establishment- n l making known their en 10 tno room ol Weueral Crook, the do mes.ic looked at them with a kind of a humerous mspidon, and remarked: en, you ail h do strangest soldiers, I declare y6u you you must take do light yo'tsclves and go fust. I'll pint do room out to yo., I won't carry you dar dough no how." h did not make aftv difference to our bold cavaliers which molhod the old woman preferrod ; they look the light and tho lead, and in a moment or two were in front of the door, where the old woman hastily left them. After several ineffectual raps a roponse from within was obtained, and the visitors wore ordered to enter. Is this General Ciook?" a-ked the lieutenant, holding the light sa as to give him full view of tho general as ho drowsi ly looked at them from his Ld. "Yes ; what do you wai t ." wai tho re- i. 'I, said the lieutenant, -am ueueiai Rosier ;" and drawing a pistol and pre tenting it, added : ''I have noiue very im portant business with yon. General Crook, and will give you precisly two minutes to get up and put on your clothes." Tho bewildered general did not know how to reply, and did not diro to resist. He saw al a glance that it would be as useless as dangerous to atleupt oscape by raising an alarm, and he did not stop to solve the mystery all. Ho obeyed at suggestion of the propriety of keeping quiet leing whispered in his ear, he pasted out with his mummy. U.i tlieir suaded the sentinel them by inducements similar to those submitted to the general, and, mak ing their prisoners mount behind them, rojo back to tho ui tin body. In the mean time a second detachment roda up to the q miters of General scono occurred and that ollicer was in due time unddr guurd But the parly was con tent. Ascertaining the quarter of tho A ljulta' General, they gave himapasi- uig cull, ton (Hi him in Led with his wife, who happened, oh, pity him ye Benedicts! lo be a blushing Lri'io. uud as peremptor ily, but gently as possible under tho cir cumslaiicas, sueceedel in "mutating" him from n blissful bridegroom into a misera ble poor devil of a prisoner. This cap ping the climax of tho night's sport, the rendezvous was regained, and wilh their prisoners ti ling behind them, the com mand rerrossid Ihe river, aud sped away Ibrngli llamshire. By some moans the alfair was discovered soon after they left, and a whole regiment pursued them to r.o purpose for fifty miles. I'pou being pre sented toGnnei tl Early at his hold piar-tr-rs in tho valley, tne prisonors were ra reived with tho homely but, no douLt, acceptable, greeting : "Takoseats, gentle man, I presume yoi aro tired after your ride," and then added tho hero of brill iant victories and stunning defeats, with an intensification cf that fine tooth cornb i . , peculiarity ol his enunciation : 1 expect jsomo enierrnsing lanisee win uo iini(: ! oil with mo in the saruo way one of those days." Whether the prisoners relishfc. - : tho joke or noi cur them as "guerrillas' ana conlino i in chans and dungeons on that, pretense.iuro roicaseu. BELLE BOYD. To Tits EniTORor iubXew Yori World: There recently apjeared in a New York naner an article, copied from an English . Boile Bovd,) which in reicreneo L3n,ioii in poverty anu want, anu reconi- j mcnd jng her lo the sympathy of South - : v..i.j . ieril - 'Illl''i'K,n",ilu,l,,0,14DV'BI'"I - "i lhal Mr. Harding, who had gone to Amer- ' I u .tio,l in. l.i. r'i.n n, hui wa, gun'0ring conli.iement in a Van- i. u. i -,:ifn n book. i , Kee i oasiue, inai m.b .ml ihoi.nV comber of publishers we re . I . . . nee B oanuul" but the poor 1 P''VZdifepended on its nearu tier wi;' tuppe-sion, larei ;t01- TEKMS: NEW Kee generals Crook and Kelley two o'clock by tho Anltipn,I n r.. 1 1 J' lt by Liu.enani nion. From one of in 1 . . . - -: "nicain wie lonowine 01 lue ,owu ft it or Lhn o.l neauquai lers 1 . otouehittl, and at .1nil n ... I front of which the and innuired of tho ..... : ' I . ! . . no saia tie nail for him nn,l .i;a-,n..n. I tw desire to ba conduct- of so uiiexpecied a once, and a untitle cscoit as tuuto as a egress lae party per on duly to follow Kelly, where a similar . ., mtormani. ian:u 10 t. ir...i:n i.. m o. uanuug slated that she was ir. i, . . ;ia .trn .i-i.l ('nnfo,l..rati flutic".' i,nn,i r Ll.n Federals, us. n - , handom I...M. not i ' - $2 00 Per Annum, SERIES VOL. j I wnn.t . ,.11.. r"0 ,of thfl HWo - "7'l,'ww the columns 'statement" ithin the past in th tt..:..j 1.7 7 ... w...lcu oiaies has bent her b llir.' exchange on Loadcn bankers Vn ,u mount nfii.. i... . .'8DKer 10 'he a- backs. Shfl 1 " this monnv 11 1 Her lita 1 1 . . --j . .1 , I cu.""e n. drafts .xtraet! .going 011 to ter. and .. i distress. tizzV" a orabl. to borrow. X anU wotti imr niAn.. Jewt,s llPrt friends. Cut offfr":. ""T" 10 in a JNorthern nn.on , ,,,v. l ln B L I..""" .' ,0V,?,y. highest credential of 1 received durinw III in tin.-ii. l.l.. eTu'e the YZof U letters nd etop my mone- 1'' know whv I L , Z.' uu.d..1 u.";i ; cruel, and it is be. ' coverornont in ! r.. " J. . . it ll""S-''i the derks,,. wojUI be cal ed unchivalrous. G oJ Uo'.. car. tins be the niuaieo,,tU eenturv f Mr. Harding camo hero as a i.cnoei,; . cmzen would come. to attend to his r-. vate business and return to England. ,"., had no confederate duties. UatiL near comp e.ed his labors, ho wont loll -i burg to see ha wife1, mother, aud while ....u6 luenco, wan all the naneis an, I not.: i . rested this side ol i( perT lw"" fined in nondescript guard IS;, ft?." ami draggeJ about like , convictJd felon, he washna v loiW,l iti .h-r- u ' at 1 iishington, and from thence taken to I oi t Delaware. Aftersutlering two months' confinement, he was unconditionally re leased, and sailed for Europe on Ihe 8th february. She will not b0 in want or dis tils when ho arrives in London. For what he was arrested or confined is to him yet a myttery. The intimation of Mrs. Harding that the publication of hor work would ondan got the life of her husband wai not with out foundation, as there are officers Liiih in power at Washington, of whom she knows more than is generally known, and who will bo shown un In tl.nlr i.-u. . r- and colors in I truth. Fighting Men Wanted. From a hundred of th Aboltion presses of the North now goes up a renowed de mand for more active hostilities, and a greater earneatuess in the proiecution of tho war. The work of "crushing out the rebellion" is to bo short and quick-for this purpose it is necessary that a requisite number of men should be furnish.! on demand,- there is to work ; the great army teiuforced immediately j Sherman is to sweep armod resistance Irom the States of iSortu ana South Carolina, and bringing his mighty and victorious ai rav lo tht southern side of H'chmond in co-operation ... :,urH fi- . .l t. ... yyihi uii. vjnun mo nnisumg siroko the coup do grace is to be dua'.t to the power of the Oonfu Jorscy. This is a pleasing picture if it was not so old, so stale a one- This finishing stroke has beon held suspended above tho Confeo'erey for years, ami yot the eliealivo blow lias never Laen siruak. .Soiuohoir, when opportunity is alfordoj lor a stunning whack, which, in pugili. lie phrae, is to knock Ihe Confederacy "out of limn, "the smaller ami weaker of the belligerents, who bad juH "come to gr.u,' witn indiinitable pluck, stops smilingly up to "the scratch," for the next iouii 1. We havo been told divisions in the councils and among the peopiu ol tne toniederacy. Tho press ol that section, echoing tho popuhr thought, giving voico to the poplo's will, shows no evidence oTa want harmonv. Tho Goner-al-in-Chiuf, tho tried, faithful, and trustod Lee, sots himself to the work before bioj with a courage and purpose whioh is in fusing new life into the now thoroug'y aroused saon of Iho ConfoJerdry. Ilia now .Secretary of H'ar John V Hrokon ridgo, enters upon hisofliie po-sodng the utmost con.'ideiice of the people, and will prove as active and indefatigable thero as he has done heretofore in the field. Gen. .loo Johnson will face Grant before R'ch raond us dctiimieddly ns Lee his done; every w hero lliere manifested hope, con fidence, and evidences of on unyeilding purpose to aebcivo their indepondonco as a peoplo ll'hularo the cilizens of the Federal Slates doing meanwhile? Grumbling at Trovost Marshal General ; soeking by ev ery imaginable shift, quibbl", and subter fugo to reduce the quotas of States, Con gressional districts, cities and to.vos. All the war men say "we must whip cut these rebel', conquer a peace, drub tliem into the Union," but none of the gentry who clamor jo loudly that Ihero shall be "no compromi'ewith lr(i!er,"exp:es any iu tontion of going to the front themselves. Soma of I ham. il truo. riave bsuetJt I Hessian, a Chinaman, a nigger, io i , but thai I ntl b vay ' is lo be wound up. - '" .. , war men themselves I IS 10 DO snnri nnu snarn; ucrc.oir, uvy itionists, tho present glory awaits ro- P' 7 oj "j""1 S raD on vour knupsacks and strike tne I ' . . last ana rnosj v.goro u. generally are over confiden', and.ln it. f.io.la inn.! to them to bs more zonlo'is and prompt than ever. U if paid ia advanoa V. -NO. 85 T k your allowim. u re6ara'ug Huso f0ti '""ums ner auont . een '' ""uuiveu a SOU of ;. " ,,ilve "eon onen. be for 11,;. i .1" ZlZit' lm 1. . u-ku. ...,n . young and I ueauinu: claim to the hut 1 also ilj.. t. honor .. - -n.m n-ueri-on ',H ."'! u ?y 01 ui y ' lu 'on nip "' ' -aii '"ovaimii prison Ihey fear tho be no mors i.ilf.tai leaders sra In ha there wcro boneless an Indian, or oven in i which the con- . i , n look hold , the war is your last .chance j II- I it.. lAiia . u.on.