Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, March 01, 1865, Image 2

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    MHH??Y E art. n j. .
ion from any ore in authority will beve a
bad icUuence : at the same lime. I rocoa-.
oise the ditneuliies in toe way or lectur
ing these mfotmal commissioners at this
time and do not know what to recom
mend. 1 am sorry that, however, Mr.
J.ircoln caunot have an interview with
I be txo named in this dis patch, if not all
tlneo now within our lines. Their letter
to roe was all that the President's inetruc-
(ions contemplated toseeure their safo
conduct, if tiev had used the same Inngu-
oge to Major Kckert. U. 8. (J RANT,
The President consents to tho confer-
UM, !
'1 bis difPftlch of Gen. Grant chacsed!
i v . a I " i. t
ray purpoee, ana accordingly i te-ap..-
ed lo Inm nod the Secretary of Slate
ape clive'y as follows ;
War Depart men I, )
Washingoln It. C. Feb, 2. 1605.
LUvttiHMl Gtneral Grant, City Point, la.,
Ssy to the gentleman that I a ill meet
them perronally nt Forlrcs Monroo ai!
soon as I can get their.
I.ot in cipher Pt 9 A. U.I j
War lerartroeot, )
Wa.hiocton, 1). C Feb, 2. 1SG3.
Jlon. M'tlliam II Scvoril, Fortras Monroe, Va:
Induced by a dispatch from General
Or ant, 1 Join you at Fortress Monroe as
iooo as I can come.
Sent in cipher at 0 A. U.l
Before starting the following diapalch
was shown me. 1 proceeded neverthe
less :
Office U. S. Military Telegraph, )
War Dcpaitmeot. J
Tho following Ictagrnm was recrived at
Washington. February 'J, 1SC5, from City
roint, Va.. 9 A.M.
Hon. Wm. II. Seward, Suntari of Soite, Fur
trtu Monroe copy to Ifm. Kilivin M, Vdri-
ton, Sterettir of liar, Washington. I). J)
The rntlmrn hero hnvo nccotitfld Ilia
proposed terms, and will leave for For -
tress Monroe at 9 30 A.M.
U. S. GRANT Lieutenant General.
On the night of tho 2d I reached Hamp
ton Roads, found the Seretary of Stale and
Major Eckert on a steamer anchoivd oil'
the shore, and learned of them that tho
Richmond gentlemen were on another
steamer also anchord off shore, in the
roads, and that the Secretary of State hnd
not yet seen or communioated with them.
I ascertained that Major Eckoit had liter
ally ooruplied with his instructions, and
1 saw for the first time tho answer of the
SUoktuond gentlotnen to bini, which, in
faisispatcli to mo of tho 1st. he charac
terises as not satisfactory. That answer
as as follows to wit :
City Toinl. Va., Feb. 1, lsr,5.
Tkmat T. Eckert, Major and A D. Vi
Maor: Vour note, delivered iv your
self this day, has been considered. For
reply we have to say that we were furn
ished with a copy of the letter of Presi
dent Lincoln lo Francis P. Blair, of the
18th of January ult-, another copy of
which is appended to your note. Our in
tentions are contained in a letter of which
the following ia a copy :
isstkcctioks or jrr civis.
Richmond, Jan, ii, ISGo.
To conformity with the letter of Mr.
Lincoln, of which the foregoing is a copy,
ytuareto proceed to anini:ton L'uy
for Informal conferenoa wiih iinu upon
tho issues involved in the existing war,
and for the purpose of securing peace to
the two countries. With great respect,
jour obedient servant,
The substantial object to be obtained by
the informal conference is to ascertain
upon what rma tho existing war can be
terminated honorably. Our instructions
contemplate a personal interview botween
President Lincoln and ourselves at Wash
ington, but with this explanation we are
ready to meet any person or perions that
President Lincoln may epj eint, at such
place ai be may designate. Our earnest
desire is that a just and honorable peace
may bo agreed upon, and we are prepar
ed to receive or to submit propositions
which may posnbly lead to the attain
ment of that end.
Very respectfully, your.
A note oflhese gentlemen, subsequent
ly addressed to O en era I Grant, ha al
ready been given in Major Eckert'a dis
patch of the 1st instant.
I also here saw, tho first timr, the fol
lowing note addressed by the Richmond
gentlemen to Major Eckert .-
City Point Va., Feb. 2 180).
Tlionios T. Eckert, Major and A. IK V.;
Mijob: In reply to vour verbal slate-
mens mat instructions diu not nllcw yon
to alter the conditions upon which a pasj
rort could" be Riven to us. we sav that we
are willing to proceed lo Fortress Monroe, 1
nd there to have an informal conference
with any person or persons that 1'iesidenii.
T.irifVitn mav annoinl An IIia l.nkl 1,;. I
letter to F. P. Wair of the lSih of Jnnu-
ry, ultimo, or upon any other terms or
conditions that be may hereafter propose,
no inconaiieni wun tne essential
g -- O w laaMWUB J'V'V Sill I 1 IS D,
iiDCdisrLich our Constitutions arnf.mndfi.l.
It is our earnest wish to ascertain, after a
ire interchange of ideas and information,
:LV "a T Ll.L,li . "ry.' r
MAa. U . , . . r I
ju uoi.oinuio pvuee enn oe estnuiisn
d without the further effusion of b'ood,
and to contribute cur utmost el.Vuia to
accomplish such a result we think it bet
ter to add tbat, in accepting your pass
ports, we are not to be understood as com
mitting ourselves to anvlb in? but in rnr.
j w una iQiormni conierenco the views
and fellincs ilnn
..A.L. i c
--w v.'ilo,l4
rr pm,uiyy0jr i.c.. 'might bo colled, whose evidence could tK-The President's Mesjage, transmit
'f. A. CAMPBF.LL throw some light on this subject. Sup- tiog all the correspondence leading to tho
It. M. T. HUNTER, P0,e Got. Curtin, Major Dodge, and one' iat0 COnferonco at Fortress Monroe, will
Noil. The above communication was or two others we could name, were put' 06 found at lennth on our first and second
nl a el 4 a sm a al ratla... W. ..I -I 0
:y.ui" r"' Monroe at 4.
30 I M., February 2d by Lieatenant Col
onel Babcock, of General Grant's ataft
TIIOS. T. ECKERT, Major and A. D. C.
On the miming of the 3d the three
ftsntloman, Messrs. Stephens, Hunter and
UBDMii, came aooara 01 our steamer,!
and had an inte view with the Secretary
of State and mvself of several hours dura-
UUU, X. V lUCB..UU VI ;.ciuu.uaill IU .uo
meeting was thea and there made or
mentioned. No other person was presen t.
ho papers were exchanged or produced,
and it wai in advance agreed that the con
versation was to ba informal and verbal
maroly. O.n our part tht whole substan
ces of tlik instructions to the Secretary of
State here ia before r soiled was stated
and iuvlsto l upon, and nofhiag was said
tvi'M nt ni! rv- r nvf lit i a i
inconsistent Ihorewitb.-Wlnle by the
other party il was not said that many
Tent or on any condition they would ever
ambamI I. Aim nn inf vaI ftrueV i-rni 1 1 u
consent lo reunion : and yet they equally
oniitsd to declare that they would to con
sent. -They seemed to desire a postpon
ment of that question, aid that the adop
lion of some other courts first, which ns
Rome of them seemed to argue might or
might not lead to reunion, hut which course
we thought would amount to an indefin-
ite poitpunmrnt. Ibe conference ended
'without result. The foregoini?, contain-
sought, is respectfully submitted.
AllRAlUlt 1 1MV.I..V.
t.xecvtivt Mutuwn, ttb. It), Ifuo,
- .
..,..:. ,....!
,'":, " b' "'"j
8 It Clmrftflb (jjublican,
Wednesday Mokxino::::Mabcu 1, 1 805.
Provost Marshal Campbell
The correspondence between this gen
tleman and II. B. Swoone. L-q., will be j
found on our first pngo. It will be obser
ved by the letter of Capt. Campbell, that,
like liunsiJe in leferooce to the duai-
ter of Froderioksburg, he assumes tho "en-
responsibility" tftending troops to
11'1'9 county. Thin is well. Wo have no
I intention to be drawn into a controversy
with this gentleman,
this, if possible. But,
it, neither he, nor Mr
Wo shall nv oid
if we can prevent
, Swoope, shall be
permitted to pervert the
truth of histo-
The reader will notice that the charge
which Mr. Swcope wishes to refute is,
"that the authorities were induced to
send troops to this county by the false
representations of certain assumed lead
ers of the Republican or Abolition party
here." This is tho thirge. To refute
it, Mr' Swoope calls Capt. Campbell to
the witness stand, and puts the question
to him about ia tVis form : "Were you
influenced to order troops iojhia county
by certain Republican loaders!" To
which he answers "No I assume tho en
tire responsibility myself." Now else
could he answer? To have answered af
firmatively, would have been openly to
confers his owu incapacity to discharge
the duties of his r-ftice. It would have
linen eelf-coudem nation, resulting in in
stantaneous dismissal from office.
Tho fact is, Mr. woepo knew exactly
what La wanted to prove, and it wan very
safe, although not very shrewd, in him to
osll a witness who was personally interes
ted, and whose evidence eould nrt levrong.
But suppose Capt- Campbell had been
subjected lo a rigid cross-examination,
snd required to givo true antweis to i-uch
questions as, "Were, or were ycu not im
portuned to send troops to this county in
1863 !"
1 In speakina of deserters from other
cou n tirs in '. ltntf eld, nnd of information
in your possession, to whom do you refer
when ycu use the word 'officially V"
"Do )ou, or do you not, thereby mean
that your informants were oflbio holders
in Clearfield V
"Were, or weie you not, fieq'icntlj im-
imporluned, by men claimed to bo leaders
of the Republican part) in Clearfield, to
send troops here long before the death of
i Butler!"
j "Did you, or did you not, fiequently
threaten to send troops to this county be
. fore that event!"
i Tn mir rmiiiinn If Pimt PfiMldtell IVR I J,
! '
required to rnuke answer lo a few duch
questions his evidence wcuiu tear quite ai
dilletenl chutacler. i
Capt. CV assovoration that ho "made
Ihe reauiMtion on tlio oovernmenl lor
the troops," was enlirwly supei fluous' No
one ever oshcrted or even doubted, the
contrary. Nor did we ever charge that
at "prompted by political cr partisan
purposes." Our charge was, simply, that
he was indueoeed to make the requisition
for lroPr8 by certain
Republican leaders
ln tnis county
misronresontinir facts to
hint respecting the feeling
and conduct
of the I'emocrals of this county, making
him believe tbat
Ihey were orginuod for
resistance j that they had provided arms
nnd ammunition, and that they had elec
ted forts and for'.ications for resistance.
I'liese were the charges, and wo submit;
to tho public whether or not they are die -
1 il-.. - 1
proveu ny mis correspunueuce.
1 i... ii.. ... ..i.. :
1 UQb lUeiO .0 Ul.ll. B OUr?r3 IUPI
ur,on the stand T If Mr. Swoono is real-
ly in doubt about it. wo adviso him to call ( if ( tLal GeD Gfftnt geotnClt t0 entertain a
upon Gov. Curtin. lie will tben discover foeling ry jjfferont from that manifost
to Lis entire satisfaction, the mon who1,,, Mr TjiDCOi and jir. Seward.
were - nase enougn merely tor tne saxe 01
politics, lo involve their neighbors and
fellow citizens in trouble." And
""4 lu"uwi, " wanting 11 couiu co, ; . ,7 . , e
furnished in abundance bt ransacVinir tWsylvaoiai quota? Uas he lost copy 7
files of the Jjeolin orgaas here and at liar- tt0 we Wl11 furni8 h,m Wltu ,,B" a ao
risburg. on copies, for we believe it was published,
t. -.1! 1 t. 1 i. . 1 t.. n 1 .11 ' anrl nnmmnndpd ton. in evArV Democralio
it is nonccau.w .u.. vin. vatDrioeu.
make, no allusion to the arrest of ,W,
those who were In no way connected 1
.Ithlhamilitar, ..rtlea. These are the1
j .
1 1 1 t.:
wroug 01 waicn ws uare uiuit owuipi.ui
el. Of eoMrsfpt. Campbell is responsible,
Rut bis omission io enumerate meireap.
ture aaooK the achievements of the bjiih
thry ia control, to tay the least of
it, is to be regretted. Why were they ar-
rested? Who made the information T
Why were theo txeo. dragged fiotn the r
. i c i i- .......
homes, confined m du ty, slink tog. filthy
. '
pruons for weeki, aud then told to go
home at llieirown expenfe, that the uov
eminent was unablo to find any thiug
intl ,l)CU1 ? Captain Canir lell tmut
, tear in mina tuai be Lag thus aseuiuca a
vnrp ,lhi,t iiiln' if ,ioh t i I '.t 'f
'Capt. I'tiwpbcll clones Lis letter hv say-
! .
"the information upon which I a. ted came
through (he dirvel cthciu!, uuJ the rct-
poiiriliility fur Hbutcvrr lia enautd reals uropvr
ty ou llivae wlivrt bud conduct umJo tho uicaa
uie nccisfurj."
This is quito obscure, if ho refers to
certain ''dislinguuliad Democratic lend
cis" in this county, he tuutl refer, not to
their "conduct," (for they have po;d lib-
crall v in the sliaie of contributi ins to the
war, but to word, ihey have spoken. IfgjJ
o, we can only repeui, wliut we nave sam i
fiequently heretofore, that they have
nothing to take back. They gave no dis
loyal or unlawful udvi. Uut they did
adviso their fellow citizens' to elect Mc
Clellan, if poesiblo, and thus make re-union
poatibla. The increae of the Demo
cratic majority from less that 200 in I860
to over 1300 in 10 1, is proof that their ad
vice was not disregarded.
Tho "Relio of Barbarism "
The following item of nea s is commu
nicated to one of our super-loyal paper
by its correspondent at Savannah :
"There are six colored churches in Sa
vannah. Threo of them have large organs
and finu choirs. The pastors of four of
them havo always been colored men,
Three of these churches ere very fino edi
fices, and cost not less than ten thousand
dollars each."
What a "lai barons" institution slavery
must be to erect ana support so rnrj-.y
churches. Where elso in the wide world
can be found ai many "colored olmrchei''
in proportion to tho aame number of col
ored people t
D. W. Moohi, Eco: Enclosed is a copy
of (he quotas assign to the soveral sub
districts of this coJnty, at I have jut re
ceived thorn from the Provost Marshal.
Yours, io., . II. IS. SWOOPE.
Clearfield, fti. 21, 18C5.
Office Ppovost Marshal, )
Uiduwat, Pa., Feb't 21, 1S05.
II. B. Swoope, Esq. Dear Sir i The fol
lowing is an oxhibitc! the quotas of Clear
field county under the call of the Presi
dent for 300,000 men, under date of D-
cembor PJtli, 18fl.
All enlistments made to the eredit of
sub-districts since Jaauary 1st, lHCV, will
bo deducted fronithnso Quotas.
Although an order ba been received to
corotuoiK'u drafting immediately , it is nat
proposed by the Board of Enrollment to
do so tilt Monday, March (th, I M','i, un
less a per emptory order should be receiv
ed to commence sooner.
As Erie, Warren and JefJVrson conn ties
will be drawn lefbro Clearfield, this will
al'.or.l your county an.l a.i iitionai ween m
wlncU tney can niriiirit volunteers to nil
.pio'a be.oie tuo tiraitcomtuence.
It should bo distinctly understood by
tho jMioplo that ample lime will be ailord -
fttrnltth Bulfllittitos, hut every roan should
report on the day specified in his notice,
as a fuiluro to do so incurs the penalty of
desurtion, und the forfuituro of the riijbl
to place a aubatitute in snrvtre.
Reccttr i:i
N. Washington
Clearfield boro
2d iiosben
III : II uslon
f Kno
4 'Lumber Ci'.y
lj Woodward
5v instructions received Ironi Harris-
l.iif,- rin alterations pan be mudo on thato!
,.,. ;.h refcrpneo lo tho present draft
Very Kospectfully, Ac.
Our Citizen Prisoners.
Authentic information from HarrWkurg con.
cerning our victiuis of this "Reiga of Terror,"
isconfiictlng. It is certain that Maj. wilhclm
and Sa muel Lounsbury, were tried last week, hut
ths revolt was not clearly esccrtaincd. one re-
P " " ,n,t ln" 1 n e conTlcl,", ,na
hcarily fined bnt ror wuot, in tue easo or tne , verbally or by lottor, and upon tne most reaeoo
f.,rmer, o man can imagine. Ia tho ease ol Mr. W " Wfccn so desired, he. will furnish
... .? . . . i ,v the Clerks aud couiploto all the bui.ess connect-
Lounsbury, it .seems that he accepted r- ed with ,be JOBPU 11. JONE?.
pointinent to serve tho draft notices In Graham ! Kylertown, T. 0., Mar. 1, 1SC5. ty . pd.
township last October, which net placed him "In
ths military service."
Tbs report also rays that all tho other political
' prisoners from this county wero to bo discharged
oa Monday last. We tnsy hear something more
definite before we gn to press.
traces. The most noticeable feature in it
-i. . . r.i.- .;u
ItS-Wonder why it is our Jucokn neigh
:s bor fails to publish Gov. Curtin's splendid
11 i . .
, . twidr-nl Lincaln about Tenn
' '
Pper in the State.
rll reported tbat there has beeo
an oil snrtntr discevered on the farm of
' U' V ci : n.k... i .1 n nino
- " ut. u. ouarr, 111 uuiura ii.e.inv"'""
the Shirsy properly on Litk Hon
ju uaa tusis va wx.uuuia-, w.
, irrom tuo Ktonmonu uispetcii, rst. ju.j
, As elated by us on Saturday, on the au-
Hinrilw rf a ,1 m tin I iMl trnm I i An era I I '.drill
r.ard lhfl President. Sherman march
ed into nnd took possession of Columbia
las Fruiay rooming, our troops with- I ,KENbL. 01r!S-,r 'ullo",n
drnwinn- from the cilv imt a his forces J J P"ons have DM In tho offlos of th clerk
u'awln8 r0ln ,n" , . " , ,ot the Court of Quarter Sessions of Oloartiul.i eo..
crossed the Crood mer. several miles.,,. ...,.. ',i bond, forhen.m,. v,.."
uuuvu. 'o mhiu hv" i.c.u, vi
ascertaining the amount of government
properly necensni ily Jeft to lull Into the
hands of the enemy. We, however, kno-v j
that for more thnn u week the remoTal.
from the plsiee of government stores und .
other property hat been pushed forward
with al! I'O'sililu tli.-pntc li, which gives r.s
reason lo Ifoi o that the most va!uiiblej
portion hud been gotten any in tafoty.'
We hnd there, it teems, a quantity ot
medical s'.orcs, one hulf of which were
I rojght oil", the re?t destroyed by our au
thorities, their removal bciii; found i an-;
practicable. It wn reported on Saturday !
that the Treasury Note Lithograph Lmnb
lishment had been left behind. This Iho1
ireosury authorities lire Ftate lo be n--
correct. They state the
wlioli oeiaiihsu-1
furniture, wi-ro!
: mnt. iilates, poier, and
, . ..... ti. Tr.n..irr
employees in tho Treasury Department i
got ofl to Charlotte, North Carolina. iovcr-j
ul days before the advent of Sherman.
Some of them, whose homes arc here, wo '
understand, saved their bapgae, but lobl I
thoir furniture It will bo recollected j
that when Mr. Memminger. then ecro-'
tary of the Trees ury, carried these ludios !
to South Carolina for sa'ety, and to lespati
the demand for food in Richmond, he
permitted each of them to carry a bed,
ome chairs, and other furniture.
These household articles inw swell Ihej
list of Sherman's trophies. We express- (
od the opinion on Sainrday that Sher
man's next step frBi Columbia would'
lo in Iho direction of Floronca, South
Carolina, tho junction of the Wilming
ton and Manchester railroad, with the
railroad, north of Charleston, that
point bein in the roar lolh of Wil
mington and Charleston, but wo have
now however, reason to believe that his ;
main column will advance directly nortb j
towards Charlotte, North Curolina, and
'.vill content himtielf with striking the'
railroad at Florence with his cuvalrv'
This lait noan he may be prevented from
executing by thn activity and address of
fu....r.Uu, . M.v.v.-o...j, i '
saioiy iqiii ubbiiouio mow, uo ijb una uoneianJ ltlonce Boulh to the place of bejic
nilDertO, nun ins army new massed. A
strict ivlberccrce lo this policy has pre-
wcntpil one numnric.nllv inferior' forroa
from r-ivinc him battio. Thev have!
obligod, by the sheer weight of his col
umns to fall back as be advanced, bull,
t .1 .1 i
iney uv oouo iu in f-". i'.ri, du.i
l. n n I, At,, n, a fmn titiMf.1 an.l .nrjAra .V If. 1 .
mish tviih his vanguard. Under all the
circurnslnnci's, we will not venture a pre
diction as to where our treops will find
it practice to make a detertnioed ,and;
We feel enured, however, that General
ueauregara win tei iip do uprwriuoiiy
which may preseut itself of sinking tho
enemy a telling blow, andbelieve be will
risk much upon such a chaaco. The last
Columbia papers received ostimrvte Sher
man's force at iifty-'ive thousand men.
They aluo state that Sherman enforces
strict dicipline, and nunishos with the ut
mot severity any of bis troops
who are!
guilty of outrasos upon citizens.
YANKEE Pill LANTli K(r V .
Nftv Yohk, Fob 2.1 Tho Savanaah
.''Oironpotident of the Cnmm'rriil Advertiser
states that Iho L'ninn scntimunt in Savan
nah is all "bosh" atpl that the nitcors of
; u,.plio4 sunt from New York und I'oston,
; rt(.re nn0 ;,,), for froe distribution and
! tbut the remaining rive sixth was sold
i Recount of tho owners of tbesbips
1 certain privileged merchants.
on 1
Reported weekly for the Republican.
CiKtnrirLn, Pa., March 1, IMS.
Wheat. 2 SOfThl Onion, J MljLt &
1 1 j Rye, 1 on(.j)J 2.VirPej., dry bu 2 60
2f, Corn, 1 "5(i3 Ol'.Ur'n Apples, I rOfill 15
piaus, MllC H'lConl, T;t TSiCO
yt I Iluckwhoal, 1 00 .Lard, lh S5oo SO
f J Potatoes, 75 Hork in llnu, 4 ft IS
2 i Flaxseed, Un. 25 I1 Tallow, V ft 1
li Timothy. 8 OOf.iJ On llutter, " " -I"
;i'J, Cloersoed, none. Flour, S barrrel, Jl 0
W. Ilrans, 2 b(l(n,3 00 Bggs, V dosen, 25
Xltbi bbtrtistmcnts.
S" TOM:-0n the lSthofVebiusrv. fro.u the
houro of Jacob Plegiil, two tl" t'FALO
HODES, one mnrked J. Fbnw, the other K. V. W.
i The fcrsons who earned awav the dooto projo-r-
ii i tv will return them to H. Newton bt.a.e r Alex,
Fowell, Clearfield, or at bhawsville.
March 1, lsf.5. pJ.
Tl!TIOX. All rorsoos nre herrhy cautioo-
I J ed ecnin't harhorine or liue'.ing my wife,
SAHAH KLIZAUhTlI.on my account, us is
has left my bed nnd board without jut eause,
und I wilt pay ne moredet.ts or Her contracting (ak Mudin, with cotton, linen, fron the Coars
; Mur. 1, li-ii. J0UN KLINF., junior. L tJ tUll cest autnber.
t Ut'TIDMll'.H. The subscriber having
. ...Al
J taken out a I.iccnjo for cryin
and other Public soles, cithor in F.uglih or tier
men, respectfully offers his ecrvioos lo hie follow
citiians, and will attend to all cills from any
part of ths ef.uaty, on ths shortest notioe either
Cloarficlil Acidcmv.
D. W. UcURDY. A B. Principal.
1MIE next Quarter will open on Monday the
20tu of March, 1S04. Terms of tuition as
' follows:
' Common r'ngllsh, comprising thoso branch
: es not higher than Heading, VVriting.Aritb
metic, tieography, Euglith Uratnmer and
History, per quarter, - - - f i (1(1
, Higher English, per quarter, - T SO
Languages, per quarter, - - - 10 00
I March I, 18CJ
. .
To Those Liable to Draft.
fleld eounty, having offerred a bounty of
300 for each volunteer for the county, would
rsccommena tnai an wno couiu,
- ,hAm,, nf .v. vnnn(. .ni Dut in ,ubstitutes,
reeeomtnend that all who coulJ. would avail
thereby reducing ths number on the rolls for any
! .... 1 1 r . L ,).. o...miamI
rotnf call for tnnn h the tlovornment.
Attest, W. 8. BRADLEY, Clerk, fob20tf
1 1X1 . . .V.i t i.4 . f k.
'H' h been aTcd
lb. Court af Common Plessof Clearfield county
".. . at, next .... dt. ow-p.J
for IHO lu'l.cuuu au't ci.nuunu.ii ui m ratuv
. . ...j i c-r t u r 1 t d u
uirru. v. 1. 1 n v iuct,
feblO tf.
TpIlE persoi who sowo titn ago got a DUF
JL FALO KOBE marked " 8. Mitchell," wcu i
confora favor by returning tlio iam to the sub-
lormor. JAH. L. LKAvy.
i Mar. 1-tf. CIcarQeld, pj.
,0.iOn nxt. nireca'Jiy to tuo no I or
entltUd "an auttu rrgulntetho snlo of lutexioat-
ing Liquori," o.
Samuel U. Hepburn, Ponnyille.
Wm. Heed, Lumber City,,
Jjuiali Wall, Pcnnv!llo,
John Shcesor, Union.
lUvi 1 Johnston, Clearfield.
John Stono, Stouovillu.
D. II. Paulhomur, Ucccaria,
Edwurd Albert, Boggs.
Wm. Evans, Guelicu.
Mrs. Root, Woodward.
John S. Raacbauh, Decatur.
David Coplin, Decatur.
T. F. l!u:dich. do
W. Schwem, Brady.
Eli Fy, It ady.
Rjbert J. Ilnyaei, Kul'nui.
George lli.getty, Woodward.
Claudius bannoy, Cuvinctpq.
febCO-tf. Pnt'y.
Sheriif's Sale.
n J Y VIRTUE of a writ of Lecari facia; Issued :
IS "out of tho court of Common I'lrus of Clcur-1
held cojiity, and to me directed, t)ero will tf
eipo?od to fuhlic Snle ut the Court House in tho
blugh of Clearfield, oa Menda,, tho MA to ;
ot -Tiarcn next, tiie iio-wing twrcriuo j.sai
Kstut9, to wit :
A certain tract of 'nnd situate in Ko-h tp.,
Centre count;, and Murris tuwn.)i.ip Cltxkr&eldi
county, boondt'4 ami described ni folio m :
Ueginn.")? at u pine-corner of the John Uus
ton and rruirla Jcliaetou trncti, thenoe by tho
Stephen Kingiton tract fouth two huudrmi and
ihiriy-eic'it piTches to etono corner on the oulh
M"8 .H..Snunu c-rc, u
Kini;tun tract east one hundred nnd cxly -oiglit
pe.cbe, to a of tl.. said Johnston tr.e t a"nd
Long the divisor, line ef the said John,,, and
Ivitjgstou tracts west to the pino corner atorju,
containing two handroi utiu thirty lUe litres.
Oik t.thcr Irml of the HilJ Fruncis JohnrtoB
ihenceet along tho division line of the Kings-
ton and JuhBitoe truet ono ban. red on I sixty
i-'"Kl" porctiea
thence through fhi.t Johnston;
trai t, nnrlh one hundred and m percSe, thenea
. . l . .. i i i ..:- ..:t. u s.. i v, '
rinning, con .
divi,ion lino of the John llunt.m tract aforesaid,
t taioinit one bundrod anj five acres.
AI, Ont oiktr trai t, adjoining the abore, sit-i
uate ia Morris townehin, Cleartield county, he-1
ginning at a pine, thenee by lands
ia th cam
'of Patrick Moore and Magnus Millor, north ne
, hundred and a salt degrees, east three haiiJtei
'and forty ire perches to a post by a whito oak,
nortu eignty eight aud a naif ilegiees
wvet one hundred and eixty-rour pnrcDes to a
post, t helve south one and a hair degrees west
three hundred and forty fire perches to a stone
heap, thence soath eighty eight and a half de-
. i ii . v.
, f; tZ
; d..j .nJ fift-three acrs! more or loss
as the
, and taken in exo-ut ion, and to bs sold
property of Martha U.Snyder, aWi, and Aaron
Large, aim r or Taos. i. rnyder, dec a.
fehtO ic, JACOB F4TST, ehfriff.
tlflIF.ltr.AS, lion. SAMUEL LINN, Pres
Y ident Jodira of the Court of Common fleas
o ttie twenty fifth Jodicial Uistriet, composed of
tba eonnties of Clenrfiold , Con Ire and Clinton
and the Hon. JAMES I3L00M and IW JN0. D.
TlIOMl'SON, AssoiJtato Judges of Cleared. co. ;
have issued tbuir precept, to mil director!, for lbs
holding of a Court of CutninoD I'lcoi, Orphan's
Court, Court of yonrter Scenions, Cuurt of Oyer
and Terminer, and Court of Uoneral Jnll Iielirery, :
at tho Court Hou?o at ClourfWld, in and for the
county of ClenrGc! J, on the
Third Monday (20M ,.; of M.treh, 1S05.
KOTICE IS, therefore hereby given, to the ,
kroner, Jasticej of the Ponce, and Constables, 1
I In and for said county of Clearfield, to appoar in
! their proper peraeas, with their Rolls, Records,
Ioqairitions, lxiiaiinnlioni, atd other ltvuiem- ,
brances, to do thore thing! which to their ofices, '
an t in their behalf, peruin to be done.
tilVKN under my band at Clearfield, this!9.h
duy of February, io the yenrof our LorJ ne i
tbounand eight houdrcd and sixty -five. '
JACOB FAt'Sr, .Skrrijf. j
I'iTKxaisu vtsHcaar trn, I ?r10.
! f,V Hroudwav, New York.
I Waliin;rton Street, lloton.
f u t iroly new principlre of rr.echsnisiu. pos-
i' manv rare and raluable improvements,
havinr bi-en examined bv the in t
f' und ex-
pert, nnd pronounced to
j i'KRl KCTI0X combined
aill neither rip or mv.l, nnd is alike on both
i.l.'Bf Tiftrfnrniii nerf.'et swinif on every descrin-
,i(l0 (f n,,,,!, frpln Leath.r to the lincft Nan-
lUvisf neither Cum nor Cogwheel, snd the
east poifiVJe friction, it runs as smooth as glass,
uqJ ie f rnphnticaUy
a xoisi:rj:ss
f irinXF'
It require. Fifty per cent, less power to dri.
it than any other machine in the ui irket. A girl
twelve ycors t ago can work It stoaiily, without
fntiffuo or iniurv to henlth.
faticuo or injury to health
Its strength and Wonderful Simplicity ef eon-
struotion renders il almost iTposible to get out
of order, and Is l.uarautced by tho company to
give entire satisfaction.
Wo rcpoctfully Invito all those who may de
sire to supply themselves witb a superior article,
to corns aud examine this I'nrlvalled Machine.
Hut in a more espocial manner do we solicit tho
rntronaco of
Merchant Tailors,
Cornet ,"iuKer,
(Jttitcr Fitters,
Shoe Hinders,
Vest and Panta
loon Makers,
lhosfi Makers,
('oiuli Makers,
Hoop Skirt Man-
Shirt k llosom
Relialous and Charitable Institutions
liberally dclat with.
rnicas or machisb conrLrra ;
No. 1, Family Machine, with Ilemcr, FeUsr
and Ilraider, t
Ko. 2, Small Manufacturing, with Extension
Ko. .1, Large Manufaotaring, with Eitensloa
Ko. 4. L'te Manufacturer, for Leather, with
I Rolling Foot and Oil Cap, 100
1 Ono hall hour's instruction ts sufficient to enable
any person lo work this machine to
their entire satisfaction !
n-rrtri wanted fc-r all towns in the T'nlted
' Stats', srhero Agents aro net already established.
! Also for Cuba, Mexico, Central and 8 uib Amer-
' AUn fw r.irin. Mxico. Central and Boulb Atner
Yn ! Z ti horn i liberal d.seoun. .ill b. given.
, Terms MTsiwwts
t,niLiMSA rim
wo, v.wn t -- - ' . .,
or n tto r HtrTK HT ST.. Ph la.
I A 4 Co.
. fry, air
fr mU by
Valuable Real statc!
PTw.TrlE ?F,v .RI)SR op Tn ,i.
, v.., i u, vicaracia C0Dni .l n-
bo .xnoici lo fullio Bale, on the twjti hrw witU
On Friday, 10U. iUnh,
th. property of Jacob Lydlck, dlc'd i014 -
n the w.n byother land, of 'wi , ?' Jd
the north hj lanj of Irrin and
Waul, oa the cs.tb, land cf Jonathan ,Um
an.l on the south by Und of John N0m. i0
leb Way, and bolng the .atne rV 'i M! C-
said decedent from E. U, 1'atK
fuajt, containing 'a Ws.
One Hundred and Twenty.Fjve
and al!ut I'J acres In rneadov
I'""' ""ure i,un aoentii aor...
1 , - V
erected thereon a good log-b.rn-a'lio.l, ,,iB
150 trees of. hoice fruit. w,9hlslaiD-
cruis 'Jne-ttlM cash nod the k.t
three equal eunual payments to "h.
tend ond iiiortgngt on the promins br
"ay lydice;.
Feb'y IS, 1SCJ.
It sv:r;iKri;it's jimi'i- v .,
IV given that the following accVnukl
eiu.uicd und .ased y me, an!
record io this oOica for tie tanetliJi.
loj;ntces, creditor, and all others ia ai. '
irit' rested, and will be pr-!WDt4
w ...... . r.1....' ' WS Btlt
, VCT r, ,Xt 11 . .1 I to U held
" Va 'W C'i.
nunIklllf Mir utl .-lonil -f
I 1SB4, r.r on&untiMi and allousai.
and It. 1). Hofo, cx. cutori of iUi" .
.. u iouuui account or J....
iN-ftamcnt of Jos. Mc.M.rray. htt of the k ?'
of New Washiagton.ClearB.ld eea. J 'S'
2. The final account of Jaliu . jZmT'
; dTccM9d.h j'n:'' C""J' ,f Br5
! 3. 7'ho lrtial account of itjf. c of J,.., .. K r7
- " - j ajarsnnsir ts
. r . ult'H.
' (1,tJ, W Rh.,m T. ,? Juh" .ssit
. - ' 'T
( Oeorge '
,.,rni,i ,,.. j resw
tp , Clearfield county, decesied
I S. The account of Jaraos A. Hrgarty nl Ju
.,' , Hogarty, Kucutors of the Lit m ua J
V"Cll ' f B'cclri 'Mtlf,
- : . , . . m T
p . . . ' u. uahubr,
! n'guw,
JL 0f Plaster in Clearfield
VL&mi'J x ku,wJU lOUnQS
For Sals by
Fb'y 15, 3u
TCM-OUR. A Superior Atticle
of Extra Family Hour
For Bale by
Feb. U, St.
JAS. L. LEiVr.
is hereby given, lhat Letten ef Admlotiira
lien oa the estate of ANDREW CROSS.IeU ef
, Hoggs township, Clearfield county, I'a., iw.uti,
having been giantcd to the anderrlgned,sU&tr
sons indebted to said estate are re-laired to atit
immedlato payment, and those bevies; clalaa
, against the same will frersnlthem dalysatheto
; ested for sctUesaeet
! Jan. 15, rt pd. iamlsiiinitrta
A is horcby gireo lhat Letters nf ajuiisliies
tion en the estate of C. B. Iil'CK, lale ot DrU
ford township, deceased, hating keen tatfe
oot by the undersigned, all pwuoi lab4l. ,
said cute are request to make tmrseslitsw
mint, and those bavlag rhlrol j10tt ths a
will present them duly anlbenMetd fir mkU
uent. BABTWIU Bl'CC,
Feb. 1, ISC4. AdBlslitraw.
(TJlatclimahfr tf tbtkr,
Ao. 14, iVorfa Secorui St., center ( Qurfj
An arsortmert of Watches, Jewelry, 6ilrwss4
Dated Wars coastsntly on hand.
Reparirlog of TVatcbes and Jnwclry prooptiy
attended to,
ptrhU. Atl Invites bis old en?tom;rs toWl
ad sea him at ths abore establishment.
Feb. 15, '05 ly.
Orphan's Court held ut Clearfield Id sd4 for
said -enunty. January llth, 1?6J, en tlias Kols
' was directed to be issued upon the heirs asik
' gal rrpresenutives of Peter Uen, deceawJ, t
! wit : Johr Oweas, Muses Owets, Robert 0en,
lielilah, wife of A, V. Bloom, f homes OVenn,
(now dectast'd), lesring iijoe Koiit. Oweos A
soven others, of whom Aaiei Ilils is guardian.
I Levi Owens, deceased, leaving ime Joseph and.
I Sarah and six others of ivtuai Jobs BKu It
guurdian, to appear in open court oft the 1 si day
i of March term, lSf.5. then and there to accipt or
(refuse the premises at the valuation affiled by ihe
inoueet, or bow cause why the sains should 6
its sold. I. U. BARBER,
i Fob. 15, te. Clerk 0. C.
Changed his but not his i'olitice.
barn's, ono doer west ol Boyslon
! friends and surue rous patrons tbat hs Iss isn . s
1 old stand la Sha s B snd has roks eetis
end has hroks sells
. it. ihe shot fo'l
ocw place in Urabam's Row, irs the shsp iern
1. ...,l..l 1.. It i..mnh as a Soot SO'l "f-
would lik. alt bis old friends l i,e f
j 11. iiumr - - ----.
nil Ins aid friends te
britur U b0J
' " lo a nolsible. a. he eemods...
, ' ' th.'short 8bs Ssl M
, ' FRA!K 6ll0r.
I ' n . - n. ...-u ae door (
-o - , . .ii.. c tin tv nein
" '
Jan. 11.
NOTICE All persens n'fj,'
counts on the Books e f 0. U EtD. JJ.-
will please call sad settle tbeai, as ws
lou 01 cionug our h c
S mo. J-1115
I'i l'enn townfhip, ClearSeid county, oMM..
All person inloresled arehershy "UBMlll
peronal and real ertate to the amount W "
of two hundred and ninety nins 4ull"M,D!,Mf
nrpraised and set out to the widow. Bum 0 ;
1 . 1 ,) .. 1. .
under ths lew known as the
prniKcment was returned to tne urpp
of Clearfleld eounty, at January term. A- v
unless exceptions are filed, and sufficient tt
shown against said oou Urination. -rB
Register's Office. I. 0. BAM fK
Feb'y 15th. ISGS-tc.
AUTI(Jf Tha public 1 are hsrebsssJ
ed against truling or harboring ,
lingsworth, an' indentured apprentice, oa V
eomjt, as be left mf employ J"J
provocation, and I will pay ao ishu of -tractiag,
nnless eompsUed bj Uw. qxj,
Jordan tp. febr 13-I'd.
- v . . .
- nmitiLra, - ;(7
1 x-r - omoU as sh. bu ''9,
t ..J maintfinsaOS
dower snt mamieniuu
I febjfl St-P