ini lie . . -ST' - - -A4t v . ' r " --- .4.-:; 4 P. W. MOOSE, Editor and Proprietor. VOL. XXXVI. VI I OLE NO. NEW GOODS . AT THE Cheap Cash Store WILLIAMF. IRWIN ! ,Var:ct street, trr(Site the Vicar fidd Ikvse -Clearfield, l'a. A FK CSU "a K UI V A L OF Winter Goods AT THE CHEAP GASH STORE. I am just receiving and orvcnlo" n UtcUd stock of fashionable Spring & fkimm g o 0 m s of almost every description, A beautiful assortment of Prints and Tory ;;". ff tto nowest and latest stlcs. Also a mat cl" 01 u"elul notions. fnm'1fi."!'W 1VI1 VSiM'Tr-wrr. um-u vui.. ."x J5onnots, Shawls, Iiaia ana Laps, .Boots and Shoes, a largo qttiititily, Jlardwnro, Qnecnswnro, Vrugi and Medicine?, Oil and Paints, Carpet A Oil Cloth. GROCERIES, Fish. Bacon and Flour, Mackerel in 1 I and barrels. ."the best quality, all of which ill be sold at Iikt lowest ensh or reaJy pay prices. Uf old friends and the aublio generally, are wpectftilly invited ta call. $VH. U. All kind ortfVf.Vand approved VMSTUY FHODVVEiiktn in txchanze for luoodl. wm. p. irwix. ClcarCcld, Jan 11, 1S65. ST o r1 3 C C3 STEAM SAW-MILL MACIIINKKV FOil SALE. if'OXSlSTINa OF OXS IiOILER, 21 fliEr V l"nz, and 3J feet diauiotor, having two rj- 'rn flu's of lfl inches diameter oach, with 1 3 'M of iron sroolce pipe,safety-TWe and all aroli mi complete. Engine for the rnmo is two feet foke and twelve Uwhos buro, with guvcrnor, imp, steam connecUn pipos, with ro,( ixisite (lobe and pxrvernor valves and heater. All tho fting ar.d pulleys roquiidto f ir itriving a lur-j areular saw mil,. EJgor and jauk-wheel for Uulir.g in bfil are attached. Une other boiler with siuuKo-piiin, area ircn ud father attachmtnts, saiuo as nbovo, set ir 11 lrato arch. Having with it an engine of Id uchu stroke ami ten luetics uiaiueter, Ufcu Mr (wpllinir a tang gate to which it is attached. 0d 5S innh cirvulnr saw. two smaller Uo.. for rfger and cros cut du., fjr sawing oft" bnnrdu md slabs. All tho belting connected with tho rlu, live log and board cm-, shout 1000 fcut of lituilroad iron, 1) wide by Inch thitk, to pitterwith all tho tools in use about tho null. Tbc engines, boilers and machiiicry aro in por fict order, under ono rtof, nud coiitituto ono mnpiote mill. They aro each sot up separately, d can bo conveniently disconnected, or sold Stlier, as may be Uosired by tho Iruns for ft water-mill, Including an jrn water on a wrought-iron shaft, 110 wSer in uso, likewisa nfl'ercd for sale cbojp. The mill is at Oranvillo, alradlord county, Pa., "fn miles from th, tv'.,t,iop on tbo M'Ul aiunM.rt d Elmira rnilroaJ, V"V .in upurulion. and ill continue runnipg uutiUae inidl of ;ai;ua 7, if.'., when the logs and timber will booouvi "Untiled, and tho iniiuhinery tbeii bold for sale, l(rer,iblo ut any tune theroalter, ,i;t...: -!.. ....1 i.ur .,r 20-burso now- Mnd an engine of lha saaio caiwicity, wi.WW ttiler.boih in perfect order i.d ready lor iui.Va-1 lult delivery at this place. .... .,w Z" i1?m $SM0. Tho other engine, with boiler, Uwnno'ctions and gang gato, 2io0. The rest fil .n.rhinorv lud liitures with engine, at lEWra. and waier-iuill irons, will be sold at rates rako it an object to buy. Terms of sale wi.l be made eauy, with salisrac 7 paper on interest. .... jn-Furthr particulars may beobtninod by Iot tron addresslnj the subscriber, at Eliiiir , N. 1. f adios Fars, Purchasers n'f ?J?'?J U th. best Fur. at Cll as. "'r-1 1 tlaenta.1 Uotel, ymia-ueipw. y - r.. . T sdies' Furs, Th. largest assortment at ' Iiniyvnitli A HOUS. t,onunenini w.. 'tilidolphia. jan, II. I sdies and Children's Uu, Utost Styles at U CIIAB. OAtrUKr A D.V.10, vv. 1T,ii iiL:i.j.,i.,u. Ian. II. rr !.. T slies Furs, Th. .nr swortflriwt at CPAS. 0AKFOBD SOH8, Continental "'.." ' ' !' LEATHES 1 LSATKJBI A K assortment for sal. ?I,'d:nR A. Leo. Jt. MKRRELt glOLEB. I sdi,,' ,ad Children's UstJ, tt HSd3D jCi' WW 5 ' f K rJ 'or - B r ' y 9 .iTa m J 1847. i! . wiowriinhiij, Advcrt.riiig nlld SLlnrtptmn, i ,!tt . . . f 2 0 J? Q' Thee V "i (I'llnil trr( ; no .' ""' "!'l' to the pv.Hcnt rl. '',"'( or l-J-irvJun'rymurf, ISC. iimv unUm pit AJm.t' and IV n nut, I loan f2 n i tVfiti,,.,. nurf A'miti,v,, rath, 3 -- ,.. ,.,,, ,, ((( (, .) i. j iiniiiciir AiXtCHittm t'ciif Arfccrtitaiunt-i, pa- n'iart of 10 ) lift. Or t 3 lltlt. or h;,:. f . , f "r " itvrijucnt tint rt ion, 1. . . . ' j yi (i. orniy, cacA 7iiai ,, 10 ) fiu, er f. i S limn, or hi' or A ,uUroct iuurliun, I rufcMionttl 1 ycur, H'rfttltk, Inn' liilf. J - 5 IKI Oottnnry vnlU t , j:. . 10 s no J2 CD 15 00 f20 00 oo 2 f.O 2 (HI 1 7i l ;.o 1 50 2 SO 4 b" J -iYy luh-rrtUi,,,,, I "yiiid'c, 3 'to column, 3cin7y udicithin'j, IHtinl,, t;,jlf ,jH;rC) tlHirrg. iter attt,- 0 (jiiirn, pvrijulre, "''"' 0 ?iVr, J icf t. 2."). 4 ltlt, 2b, or cm, iu iriort .e7, 26, (,r, luver JofcncU of above ut i.ronorti,,n,t ,..,. . . ,, v t vi 11 ino I ,ii i, i." i... nd will be atMctly adhered to during tUeV,rc.Vni Idgh rrkes of all kind, ofprintin; nmtcriuU 11 If MnAi) i' ruLluLcr of the "ChnrjUht i:r,,bt;cn,' 6. J. now, rulilUber of tbo "Hnu.nau'i Jour-ml," (Eorrtspoiibfiitf. Cleakfield, I'eu'v 20ili, lf0,'. D. V. Moore. Lsq , Editor of the CUvrftM Jiqwoitcaii Sir Mv ntlenlion linuin,. been called tOBeveial article In your pa . . o per vYiitiin 1110 last lew weeks il nri )" ihat tho troops were sent to Cleat Field rriinivf Fii ,nl t 1 inin.i. n3 ..n,t .. I deemed it right and piuper lo address a note to the Provost Marshal of the Dis trict, as-kin,; why, and at n hoso inttunce tioopgwcre sent here. A copy of Ihat note, vwili the reply of Col. Campbell, is herewith furnibhed you. That you were misinformed as to the true f'ac 8 is dearly evident from the statement of the Provost Marshal. The charge waa a grave ono -one which, if true, should expose the parties guilty uf il lo the scoin and contempt of all honor able men. Il is dillicull to conceive that any man could be bao enough, merely lor the sake of politics, lo invohe bis neigh bors, friends and fellow-citizens in double to cause them to "bo dragged from tin ir homes," impii-oned and puni-hed. I I is but right, therefore, and r.nly l;ur in your lellow-riiizeiiN, against, vt li.itn jou have made a clniigc so K'l ious, und to the Government und Us oll.ceis, that jnu shotild five to tho statement of the I'm-: vosl Marsha', the same publicity jmi gave to the dunce. '1 lie cjrrc.-pindeiicu is furni.-bed to you for that jmrj i i-e. , Yours, Ao ' 1:. r.rciiL'K .swoon:, i Cl.BAUl, I ilii'i Slit 1 ; Cot.. II. S. C.vui'Ui.i.i. bf&r Siy : I in vile jour attention lo Ihe accompanying copies of the VU urJicUl Ji uLlican, 111 which the charge is mud,, nnd reiterated, thai, on the solicitation cf Repub licans in this county, troops were sent here lor political purpurea. It not inconsistent with the public in terests, will jul p'l,a-e inform me if,,.-: in duced you to make a rrfiiiisition for I'ooin 10 be sent to Cleailield, and i n oops w noe lepre.- entaiion vour action in ibe Piemises was based. Uy to doing you will confer a favor on Yours truly, 11. B. SWUUi'K. On ice Trovost Makmj.w., ) IfruiWAV, I'en.v., Feb. 10, l,ti.). j II. 15. Swooi'E, E-., Clean field, l'a Hear Sir : I have the honor to acknowledge tho receipt of your communication of hih in stant, with copies of (he CnviuU ilu Hi can, containing the editorials lo w Inch you refer, and as I do nol deem il liieousistcl I with Ibe public intoi csts, but u duly which 1 owe to inysilf and the (iovt i ntnent which 1 represent, 1 will with pfra-tue briefly furni.h j ou with the rea-ona which prompted me to n.piiro tho presence of un iirmca !o;co in Clearfield county. In pursuance of the call of the Presi- .1...., .,) , i. irii,.,l Slates there were dial- 1 ,0(i ill0 o,e SC-vico, in Cleai lield county, l)ie ,1 October, ISO I, Gliti men. ti,, Ii.ird of Enrollment, by order of tho ilepardnln;. notilied tU tonpr at LruoJUvillo, JcJiTion county, on the j0ih of tho same ujaotli, Vero tho Hoard ,..:, I rnP tl,0 ,urn080 of holding Ihe necessary exanntiBtiona tor Ibo casieinj counties of iho district '"""" , , i r-irf!,,!,! Hit iLe ouuiUer drafted in Cleariiua county over Jo) men lailea to rcpon. a- . i. ;.,i.i-u nnil ipnTiil invpstl- Aiver iiiuc i .... .... gallon into tbo cause of tbis failure the Loard becamo satisfiod that concerted no-, tion had been liken amougst wige nuu,-. ' . AV , V. d a ,..1 men aided and abetted " - lln,tf ,:,), a bv many citizens of the county, wuu a view to resist the execution of the dralt. Evidence was also hud beforo me 01 tue existence of a widely extended, f.ecret atli-bound aasociation, for the purpose of ! rrniliod that large quantities of revol roSltOIViO - I'""' ii..hi61iiiI.m;"" r.,:i, n,l Ihat Inrce nuantides of ICVOl- - ont nlhnr arms with unusuul uuauli- mn,ur)iliorl hail been imporlod. - . ftjrilfion to lbese facts, I was in pos ; iHrialle. of the inrormalion Ihat aumbers of deserters frow OtljW counties in the State bad repaired to and were lurking amonf; tueiaunessei 01 , rho' Deputy-Marshal, Capi. KcKternan, j.taUed t Li count,, M from time to PRINCIPLES, CLEAR FIRT.T1 P mo reported tlio unpoibiiily of obtai,,- ud orH.s!l,nco from tlio inhabiunts, i llie1.r..Sociit,OI,or iluiie... tl.nt. on Lo contrary, Reverter, anJ nou-repor i drorted men rero teocUd, hmboieU and employ. Hi. ,,, dfliuncc of I l.o lu8, Ly ,m. ;-u:l 1-rove luniks utilwj su.lainwt ly a Uj !a,y foroo-aml tha Le l,,j Leon ic- tion of Lis Ur.y. . 1'iou n knUw!Ml2o or theso facia, I waj prcparca, tvLou lliu urufieU mo c..;i,., 5y-Wpirt, to malio a, retjuisitinn- lor troops i'l Cleailula county, without ropi'ia to iuuly, chargo.1 op-jij we, wliiloat, Ciook- that thu ollicer Uijpluycl Ly mo liad nl been c-iK-clive. strcnujus cilbrts Jiau tot been made to urrct tlio dolin )ueiit Intlted men and deserter-, that every pacilic nieasuro had not been and b.iould L.i Mhaused, Ltforo were called IfiU) the comity. "n t U it 1'epn.soututiou - on lsOl, 1 sent (Jul. (..'vris Duller tbo rrinnj n n, , Uo . Jjlh, 1111,1 l.UMll. l.eo.-e Van Vliol -lcial nf ,7" I),,,,,.,.,,.,,,,,,. , ' ; 13 , , ii v I, i Hiirhi a ii.huiiuu ueyerier named .Jo.-eph Lunddberi . residing with in a biKM t disianco of'd btuoii'di. hi mo tiiort to iniiko tbu aireLt. 'Jo I. Bui- .i i7 ,.' . 4 ou- ' ci IIllilMIMMH II II , I I n ... lit n S I "''i ' MT"n- i j !r' ' " . V d aSMsU'J-' ..h.. va i tillTVl.,1 UUU c mEequcnco ihereof he is tlill at lar-o. ' Wlica this OVtTt ucl Was enrnmif In,! !, . ma nam i eneveu anu jn auuaioii to ttie stale ot tlio county as abovo detailed, it would have been imbecility to 1 J I IVny 1 ..'ll..... fy the least, if 1 hiul n:it rondo the reiui-! conimi. s.'on whunever I lmvo itosoii to jbi'.ion on tho liovernment, for troops, to ' suppose it will La received, or lo receive , arrant the murderer, break upand disperse ' a commiris'on if the United .States (iovern I the organizations against the (JoveriimeiH, ; ment fchall chose to send one; ihat, not 'knoHno exist, and dccure and deliver withstanding t Ire rejection of our former ver to the proper authorities for punish-, oilers, 1 would, if you could promise that u"-"1' ."'e icits ohihm ol tieserlei g, noil- 1 i1 1 if) t 1 1 II if ,.r,i I , u,i .11.1 ii ii . I .1 .1 1 1 " O "', .IIVII, U1IU UUIUf Ol citi- '"-"""""""'-' "j uitu acu luuvjntu uih vmiri 1' I...I I ... 1 1. ; .. 1 - I. . I . 1 r V ., , with a lull knowledgeof tho facts and I made the re- , quisition on tne Government for tho Afterwards, and with the view that it i troops lo enter Cleai field county, and am should be fdiown lo Mr. J).ih, I wrote nlono rcspons.ble to ihe people and the and delivered to Mr. Dlair u letter as fol- Govei nnn nt lor 'the act, and can fr eely ! lows, to wit : and candidly ussert, that 1 was prompted U'anliinglon, Jan. 18, 1?0;j. by do political cr partisan purpose, but with ' P.P. lilair, Lsip Sir; You having I the detei initiation lo compel obedience to uliown me Mr. I avis' letter to you of the , the law, to consult and promote the best 1-ih inst., you may say to him 1 have con interests ol the people mid the Govern-' rtantly been, am now, aud shall continue U'ent. toady to leceivonny agent whom he or I Mad I not adopted this course the sup- any oilier iiillucnlialpersou now reuniting pletneulary di aft would have biien exceed-' Ihe nnlional lUHboi ity may li. formally I nigly oneiou.H and unjust lo thoso who ! Eon I 1110 with U10 view of seen ing peace , wci willing,to ic.-pond to tho cill of the to the peoplo of out conmion country. ( mvei rimenl and discharge their duty. lours, Ao., A, J.I.NCOLN I l.c r, stilt, has fully demonstrated the' Afterwards, Mr, Lilair dictated for and tti-!im el ll.C measure. No le.-s than lUj 'authorized lne to mako an entry on the dialled men vho had refused to report, ' Uak ol my ret line I copy of 1)10 letter I, in e l.'ccli tn ough t to Head IJusrtors hy tl.u tiiK'i'S, w bile they have in rested i J oiner defends nnd bounty-juniper.?, and have to a gu ut e.v'.ent, :1 Hot entirely bro ken up the si net organizations to resist the tiialt. The supplemental' draft has been made, and the iiuota, uithoul mtei lit cure on the put of the troops. I A imsx of videtice has been collected, ! w bit h, when the pioper linn! for its pub-j , liiation nrriv.s, will remove ull doubts as ' lo the expediency nnl propriety of send- ing troops to your county. I I n ibo discharge of our unpleasant du , lies, the Hoard of Enrollment has studi-jion.-ly aimed lo eschew the knowledge of , any iniin's poli ies, but it may be right' Ilia! 1 should heic stato that the chai;:.', ( that members of the Republican parly 11. - 11 1 1 -t ctd me, in sending troops into dear th Id county, is wholly without foundation I nnd th:M 1 was wholly tminlhicnccd by. the h-thngs, passions, or nniin j.-itits of a hiij I,- ciii, 'ii in your c, unity. The inlet iniUion U( on which I acted,1 ; raine ibiough tbo dnecl ollicial channel, 1 ai.d t! o ies J Olisil ilily for whatever ha 'ensued resls propel ly on lhoe ivhu-e bad conduct made tho measure iuec.-ry. I 1, .'-ir : Yeiy lie.-pectuily, I Yours Ti nlv, I II. S. CAM ri'l'I.LL. j Cajd. Mid Pro. Mar KM. lh.t., Pa. I 1k itiMi't.v Cool.. A lady, v, ho had a somewhat Taccinmaliail K oil"C, re.-ulved Id Irigbtcti bun iutf len-i erarce. Sl:e ll.i ieiore mgaged a watchman, for .". stijt nlali d tewaid to carry " Philander" lo the wali h house while yet in a s'ulo of insen sibility, and lofiij hien him when lie re covered. In roii.-i i)1 1 eti co of ibis anatigi -nit'iit, he woke up about eleven o'clock nnd found himseii' 011 his elbow. Ho boked around until his eyes rested on 11 mail silling by a slovo und smoking a cL- " Where am 1 1 " aiked J'hilandcr. " In a medical college," said tho cigar smoker. What a'doing there? " 'Going to bo cut up." "Cut up how comes that?" "Win, you died yesteiday, while drunk nna we Have uotigtn jour caicass any now , riL,ht t0 ,P ,-, ! . . . I. . . I..... , h)io uJ ov(,r mnke 11 . . .... out or you. If you aro not eieau ua no J doctors; and they'll cut you a,l' 1 op v , . j (ho oJ sot '.To Lo sure wo will now immeiliate- ly," was the resolute reply. "Walllouk a'hera, can't you lot us have pomclhing to drink before you lo gin ?" fiajrA poet witi engaged in nxamining tho various "wator fulls" that adorns the hoadiortlie ladioj and perpetrated the following : . -Such curls as Ihoss your sister wears, How manv maids havo prayed for, Now candidly aro they her own V )h, yen, they're hers and paid lor, U-A word ppoken iu kiuduc.-s is sel dom spoken io vain it is a 6eed which dropped by chance springs up a J'oiver. not MEI. T' ujcomi,jjii 1 r iOO. HIE PAC2C0NFEP.EKCE. Mr.ssAjE oi Tin-: ri;i:sini:NT. To the 1unorJlc thc i,,,,,.,. ,4 , on con ercce recently bold i Hampton " ci "I iihi tin in rii'W ,7 , 1 V .niin.r io nale that on tbo day o tl,e date I p.-tvo Franri r. lilair benr-r'.- -Allow tb0 l.enrof, 1 . r.Jt!8a;.. Sr., t0 pa-fur linn, Bosmilh, and, ,,i,mi. A. LINCOLN Ueconiber 28, lSGl." LUUUI-OXUENCEIiETH'eBN THE AMI bin i. OOVCr.NHENT ' At tbo liino I wan informr.l l,at Mr Linir Knirdit tim e n 1 1 iw n .1., ..... tint' If) Kichniond, Va., but ho ivas ciVen 110 authorilu Ir. cnL- .... r..i ".. eminent, nor was I it.foiiued of any thin" in tr.i.l l t . J C r' ui l i. I. iriUGwOV i 1m u r.nM . 1 , i 1 ,u'fVv,s,u- , Allerwardi Air. told mo i ttut be 1,'id been to Jfiehnnnd. and had ! SP( II Mr. 1 ..(V... li...: i . ... m , i V " '7 10 ' ,u r-t'"" leiiHiin me luaiiuacript It-ttar, us follows !o w it . Jl.uiiioM,, Jan. 11, 105. " V . hlair, ;c ; .' . it i . . iii: i nave ucetiiej it Moner. and nro- 4lmihuii, ui ou, io i-ive you in this , nr, n , ... ! . . -.. i ' . ",0 ?ubsl;,"cu of "10 re''"'" niado 1 ",e to ICpcutcU by jou lo TieMdent ' J.inoin, a.c- I huvo no di.-po-ilion to find ob?lacleb iui.t .orrna, and am willinj! now, as hereto- lot a Jo enter into negotiations for tlio res- toraron of peace, I Hill t-i-VwIir r Lmt.l n a commissioner, jn.Hstor, or other aeenl would be received, iiipoin I one immcdi- .1.1.. .. 1 . . 1 1 . aieiy, anu icneiv um i-,'eu 10 enter into ' 11 c"."k'lc,K:0- ,v'u! a vlelv' L? fiepul(' V to tho two countries ' Youis, & JIvl'rKKSON DAVIS. last iibav.' recited, which entry is as lo! luu's : 1 ttiuary, IoCj. "IV-J.iy Mr. I'lair tells mo that 011 the Lllst, instant ho delivered lo Mr. Davis the original of which the wit hin ii a copy, iiiKi left il with him ; thai at the lime of delivering it Mr. 1'avis read it over iwice in Mr. Llair'.s presence, ut the of which he (Mr. J'liih) icinarked that the part about our own common country re lated to the part of Mr. Davis' letter about Iho two countries, lo which Mr. Devis re plied that lie bj understood it. A. LINCOLN-" A fici ward.) the .''ecretary ol War placed in my band iho f illov.iti:: t.'l.'iani, e'l- ilo,e,l lv li 1 it) , as it appear y l.'lcgl'q,!., 1 ar I 'ep irtuu'iit. J Oilice- I . .V idiinmy Cipher. I lie loilow ing le!egi.'i;:i was icoeivcd Wa-hington, Jat. it'll) -.'lb, lSdj; lleadipuartcrs Army of the Jam ) ('.. .'ui v. )i , .1 in. D'Ti. .''"! .1. ,V .., A ritin, il'.r ; The billowing k' ateii, j i I lec-iv from Maj l' Gincl.d P uke, vim irlels ti me lor my aeiion, 1 niir '.oyo;:, j.ieut. (i jiie-ral Glalil'." ii!ietna-. Il' V. C. Ou!', MiM'T flelieral C.iiiiniain'i ,'. He pial I, A ritiy l'o! r. !., . .01. I -.l, ,1, ! ':. J! ,; ve-i.i 1: . C ,r t!-..!c, ,t; llowing ch'-p o ir iie.Lion. gj of t.iciier.d l l.e'l you l.jr 1. now l'i itch is f 11 ivntde 1 l. Mn co 1 have t o 1 1 . ant's h.iv in j hail ' this bind, 1 1 , (Vi de raiikiii' ofliei-i an ( the m-i'ter to von, as picicnl in the two armies. JOHN !. PARK lil. Maj. Gen. CiUiiinaiidioT. Piom lleadciuiuteis '.'th Army Corpi, Jun. '.'J-Major (iciicinl G. Paike. le'eadipiui iers Aimy of the Polonnc. Alexander II. .Stephen.-. K. M. T. llun ler, nnd W. J, A. Caiiiplv 1! de-iic to cros my 1 1 11 ?, in nccoiuancfi with mi nr. let- standing claimed to exi-t w ith Lieuten nnt General Grcnl, 011 their wry to Wa-h iiiL'ton, as iieaco .Shall . iiin lin fiilmii t.d? TI iv dii-ii e an rai !v I . . . ' . . : K.....I 1 I answer to come lliroouo imuieuiaieiv, mm .. , ll.l.A.AHnn..,. I'-,.. I'.MIll IA.I, 1,1 1 I wouiu imc i .v,i,u x ,1PV Mn. If thv can't do this, they wool 1 like t0 ,.11)a ihiougli nt Id n. m . n hm i t row morning. U. li. tt j i., ..a. it f t i w . TV' Major Gci.eraKomm Hiding 'J, Un js. him a letter of llio Secretary of War nHiiingioii ;i .,o A. W., J-ejruary Respectfully rererrcd to the President to Ucn. G, ant, as follows, to Wit : , 1,,JJ ri01" rinVov t,n,ir T for such insiruclions as ho may be pleas- ... , . ... . , Febiuary 1. ISuj i'J M i . oi. cd to give. EDWIN M. STAN TON, U ur J-'cpartment, sl, .ton, I y y (S,.,( &eretary of War : Secretary of War. , , Ji)V B'' r' Now that tho interview bolween Major g 30 I Jt.. Jan. 3. lSf.3.-H appears J-dewA '.Gen-'ral I r,wl, ComwanJ.y, be. rikprti llll(pr j,is written instructions, tint about the timo ot phcirg Iho forego- General: The President desires that and Mr. Stephens ami I pnrty hos ended I ia telegram in my hands tlio Secretary you will plenso procuro for thn bearer, will elate confidentially, but not ofncial cf War dcspalched Gen. Ord as follow?, to; Mnjor Thomas T. Eekert, nn interview ly. to become a matter of record, that I . 1 wiih Mr. Stephens, Hunter, and Camp- am convinced, upon conversation with War Deparlmcnt, 1 j bell, und if, oj his return lo you, ho ic- Stephens and Hunter, t.ial their .Vint. imtton .Inn 9 Him 10 jmi. I I (tiesls il, linss them through our lines io iiiirmioin ie j"u uuu iiim o,u IT asiiington, ,mn. -j, i, oj ij. t .1 .i ,....,?... i n,Ur n, in rpilnm MMcn nnd union. I have . ... . .... I Si,. I. 'lisde nurtment has no knowledge of; any undemanding by GemOrant any person to come .... . - v01 e t n ne of this -eve a. y floct upon , This bus placed me io an awkward r commissioners of any sort. 10U will, jou let none ol iuis nave u. n iilrl! I could have avoided bv not therefore allow no one to come into your yX'nlVrrttdt. 1 eing'th m in th cfi.t innancT I no KiffiTj I,yPtccoI Wa, fear tleirgoin, back without y expre.,. TERMS : NEW jtions to hIjodi your telegram will be rent jlor his directions. I). , .STANTON, ! r , . . Scrretniy cif War. r,, lu eipner r.t a. h., ;;ot i. A i'i . . I d'MVH. ui h i ar Depnrtmpnt. Wnaliinglnn. P. C . 1 Ha. w.. Jan. .',() isns r Army of the Jam's ; ps directions of the"- rrrsident voii nro inBtrncted to inform tlip three L-entle- ra.r.nholl, that a ',, o Ven r Til V. a ... patched to tc, at or near iioiv ari, without uniieccesary delay K. M. .STANTON i A'?,','Wi;rt',? 1 I'ircd anl put into The nanun ol Mnior 1 linmm T IVLo.t ... i . r-J V. i - i iiju Ui- nijuutiioiisnnu mc8.-A"c: Executive JJansion, Wnshinpton, ) rr . Jan. .'JO, Im',5. f Minor . Kckert-Sin- n.. ...u, jceed with the dorumenls placed in your ..and.i. and on rp.iel'ini. I'Jn.i n,.,i ...:n ,i iner nmi die letter injdressed to him by t he Seerelary of War. Then, by General inl e assistance, prncuro nn interview with Messrs- .Stephen, Hunter, nnd Campbell or any ofihem, deliver lo him cr them the paper in which your own letter is wriiien. Note on the copy which you re tain the time of delivery and to whom de livered. Eeceivo thoir answer in writing waiting a reasonable time for it, mid which', if it contains their decision to oomc tlrr'o without further condition, will Lo vour warrant to ask Gen. Ordtopass them through, ns directed in the letter ofSecro trryofWar to liiin.. If by their answer they decline to come, or propose other terms, do not have them pass ihromdi. And ibis being your whole d-itv, return' and report to mo. Your truly, A. LINCOLN. Messrs. Ale.ei U. Stephens, J. A. Cwnnldl, td 11- M. T. lluuter: Gexii.emen : 1 am instructed by Iho President f tho United folates to place this paper in your hands, with iho infor mation thai if you pass through tlio Uni ted States military hues it will be under . iiii ut!' stood that you do jo for iho purpose of an informal conference on tho basis of ihm letter, a copy of which is on lha rovorse jour lines. Tho troops nra kept in read i side of this sheet, und tliut if you choose ! tle'i9 tn ninvo nt the shortest notice if oc to pass on suc'.i understanding, and so no- i casion should justify it. tifv me in writing, 1 will procuio the com mantling general to pass j ou ihroind die lines and 10 Eur tn;H Monroe, under juitih military precautions an he may deem pru dent, and at which place you will be met in duo limo by some person or persons for the purpose of such informal confur- kiicc, and fuither (hat you shall have pro tection, safe conduct, and safe return in all events. TIJOS. T. KCKEKT, Major nnd A. P. V, City Point, Va , Feb. 1. Lmw. cuNrit.w, (-.rant's actios. Afterwards, but before Major Eckett had departed, the ft Howin despatch was reeeii-ed from Gen. Grant : Oliieo of U. .S. Mililary Telegraph, 1 War Department. The folio v'ui! lelegram was received at Washington, Jan from Citv Point, Ya,, lO.S'J i-si: January 31, Ls!i'), Ills K.'-eelleneo Ahruham Lincoln, President if the i'hi'ed Ut iles : The following communication was re ceived hero last evening: Petr-Mmrg, Va., Jan. 30, 1.SG5. Lieut. Gm. I'. A'. Gran', (.'vimitandimi 'JiC Ar- mis of lit I'ntied Statts: 111: We deeiro to pass your lines under sale coiid.H'i. nod to proceed lo Washing-t-n, lo hold a con feriiico with President . . . . . . . . .ll.C :n upon Ue fui;ict l Hie exiting iva:-, iiiiil w 11 11 a vto'.v ol ascertain ,ng upon 1 11 :''C.' i nis it 111 iv Ir- ti'i-miiulc 1 in i'ci'- :''C.' 1 f llie eoiivso indicated by him in .5 b'Uer to Mr. II. air ol January IS, ISo'i, which wo pre-unio ou havo n py, mid if not, wo v.-ifli to see ou in noii i! ciiiveiiiciit, ton! to colder with ui on the sill j'-( '. Veiv lt,Jp clltllv. voiii's. ALKX.'ll-SPKUIIENS. .1. A. CAMPHFLL. K. M. T. IIL'NI UK. I h ue sent tliicotiijiiH to receive the.-a iitlenian, and expect to have them at til of mv oiiai -ters t in ci fr ui" .1 .villi ;n- vniir instittctions. I). S. (JUAN I'. I bis mcstr.-e, it will bo t.rrceived. Con. Urd's nrrency in iho mal- tor to (ienend 'Irani. I resolved, howev er, lo send Major Erkert forward with this me-isago. nnd accordingly telcgrnph- cv.' lieneral rs Pillows E:;eculivo Mansion, Washington, Jan. 111. Pd lAc'iienanl Grant, ('' '."t A mc--cnger h cnmtiig loyoiinn tho business c-Miiained ill your do-patch. l;c laiu the 'nt lernen in omloi table ipiar-U-rs until be ci rive, and then net upon (ho inesvii.'e be brings, as far as applicable, il having been mad.) uji to pass through General Old a hands, nnd whon tharcn- . . . Utima were bupposcJ to ueyoinl our lines 11 a l.lC.if.. : nl In rlili-r nt I .10 p I ; i ..-.. .....vv...... W(iell M lj,)1. K(..Pll ((.p,irteu ho Lore 1 such mililary pre'cauliou as you may deem roriress luonroo, ny sucu rouie anu ",,v.- ' " , - $2 00 Per Annum. iTpald" in &ivia SERIES-VOL. V.-XO. sa ISSTRrrnnva t- ..r. . cached 1 deanatohoj ellf,rf,,Q, f .1 V ' . . l"UUU 11 L Ifl I Ad. n ..... . i i i ' . i vm i . it 'i nn. ilnr.. I ;, ir r i . '.e""'7 ul !8C5 J IS,'-. " j " Mra, Scmury of xu!e : there to meet nnd ihCwn-.n., .. ' ..:i.' r.nir, punier ua UamnlioU on tho basis of my letter to F. TV JJlair. ., ... ..lly io a copy or which ou have. ou nrlll make known tnil.nm i?"?!?.':. .. wM known to them fri Tl. rTT' first, Iho restoration nf b. authority ihrotighout nil the Slates ,y,W, No receding by the Execuliva ol the Lmted Slates on the slavery oiies- t inn Ii'imii ll. , . . J . ..... ,c jiusiuon ussumea thereon in tho lato annual message to Congress niid in preceding documents. Third No cessation of 'hostilities short or on end or the war nnd the disbanding of id! ihe forces hostile to the Government ou will inform -ihcra that all proposb donsot theirs not inconsistent with tha above will bo considered nnd passed upon in a sm:t of Binccre liberality. You will hear nil they cheso to say nod report it to mc. 1 ou will not assume to definitely consummatennything. Yours. Ac, A. LINCOLN. the conference not to interfere Trim THE WAR. On tho day of its date the following tele gram was sent to Gen. Grant: War Department, Washing-1 ton, Teh. 1, 1805. f Lxcv.t. thn. Grant, City I'oinf, Va. Let nothing which is transpiring change, hinder, or delay your mililary movements or plana. A. LINCOLN. I Sent in cipher nr 0 Si), A. M. Afterwards tho following dispatch wni received from General Grant, Office U.S. Military Telegraph, ) In cipher.J War Department, j Tho following lologrntn, recoivod at Washing, 'I'M, p.m., Feb. 1, ltjCj : From City Point, Peb. 1, 'C5, 12.30 p. m. y.xed. A. Lincoln,' resident U. Statrs : Your dispatch received. There will bo no armistice in conseuuenca nf ihr, .. 1 ence of Mr. Stenhens nnd nthPM win,! U. is. GKANT, Lieut. Geu'I. Jo noliTy Mty'or Kckerl that the Secro laiy.ol Stato would b at-Fortress Mon '00. end to put them in communication, Iho following ooLsimunicatiun was sent. W ar Deport mont. ) Washington. D. C. F'eb 1, 18(15. : M'i'wr T. T. J-sclert, care General Grant, City 1'oint, 1 irt;inia : Call nt Fortress Monroe and nut vmir. self under direction of Mr. Seward, whom you will find there, A. LINCOLN. On the morning of lha ltd inst the fol lowing telegrams were received by me re spectively from tbo Secretary of State and Major Kckert : Foil Monroe, Va., Feb' 1. 18C3 1 11 30 P.M. The 1'rcfiJ.iU of the United States : I arrived ut ten this evening liiclimond parly not here. I remain hero. W. II. SEWARD. City Poind, Va., Feb, 1, I8u5. I 10 P- M. I Ills KxcdUney A, Lincoln, 1'reiUint Uni ted Mates-: 1 havo tho honor to report tho delivery of your communication and my letter at 1 13 this afternoon, lo which I reoeivad a reply nt O P. M., but not snitisfuetory. At S P. M., the following nolo, addross- - i . .. , 1 1 ' l" ' neral Gr.anl, was received: City Point. Va., Feb. 1, 1G5. Pa 7,,Vi .'enani G aural Grant: .Sin; Wo desiie to go to Washintonto confer informally with President Lincoln peroonaliy in rcleronco to tho mallors mention, d in his letter to Mr. liluir of ol lha Hlh January, nit. Without any personal compromises on any questiou on the letter, wo havo I lie permission to di so from the authorities in Richmond. Very respectfully, yours, Al.FX. II. STKP1IEN.S, R. M. T. llUNTLU, J. A CAMPBELL. At 'J. 30 P.M. I notified tham that j Ibey could not proceed further unless "' complied with tho lerms expressed 111 my ii?Lii;i. j his jruiiib ,11 mruillijf urr : i 'i-i. ..:..i r ... , .1.. jgnatcd in tho ahovo nolo ought not, in in;' ojiiiiion, to bo insisted upon. I lliink Fort Monroe would bo acceptable. Hav ing complied with my inbtructions, 1 will return to Washington to morrow, uuloss otherwise ordered. THOMAS T. ECKKRT, Major, etc. ilF.NEIIAI. (lltANl's IlEl.lKI-THAT TUB REUKU WERE IllSI'OSIlII TOStllMIT. Cn ready ibis dispitch of Major Eekert I was nbout to recall him and tlio Secre tin' of State, w hen tho following telegram from General Grant lo thn Secretary of War was shown me .' Ollice U. S. Mililary Telegraph. ) War Peparlinent. J inclpllCT. i r II I . . !!.. ..." loiiowing teiegrnra was rccoivt-u .. ':, . . 1 1 . If.l I I...II. A A.K.A.. .H. not felt myself at liberty lo . cxpre.. any