Still ona Kusli ! NEW FIRM. onm, showers & crauam. MS Summer Goods, NEW xftu cry . BOYNTON, 8H0WER9TflRAnAM-.ue. cessors to Boynton A Showers respectfully 1 ttVrf ' M 0r" I SUMMER GOODS At the old itand inffjraham'snew building wbtsb they offer to tell at astonishingly loir price, (considering their eoit t) for cash or appror ed country produce. Their stock of DEY GOODS CANNOT BE SURPASSED t Customers can there Snd CALICOES WITn FAST COLORS I MUSLINS! DELAINES! LAWNS CLOTHS! CASS1MERS1 VESTINGS LADIES' SH AWL? ! GENTS' SHAWLS ! HATS A CATS ! BOOTS & SHOES ! CARPETS A OIL-CLOTHS I OUR STOCK OF FANCYGOODS IS UNEXAMPLED IN STYLE AND VARIETY, embracing NOTIONS ! NOTIONS ! NOTIONS Scarfal Head-Nets! Neck-Ties! Satchels ! Port Mommies ! Brushes ! Photographic Albums ! FIFES, TOBACCO k SEGARS ! . TERFUMERY OF ALL KINDS ! Or anything elso in th Notion Line ! ALSO, HARD-WARE ! (Queens war c, GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS ! All of the best quality, and teteeted with pecta) . regard to tbe trade of Clearfield eounty. AI F. BOYNTON, JOSEPH SHOWERS, EDWARD GRAHAM. Clearfleld, July 27, 1S64. American jouse, MAIN STREET, BRUOKV IE, PA tf. It. MEANS, I'ROl'RIETOR. Oct. 19 ly Farm for Sale. IMi?. subscriber offers for aale, en reasonable . termt, K . cres of Land, more or leu, tit - uate in tiirard township, Clearfield connty, with ; about 40 acrei cleared, with buildings, Ac, erec ted thereon, being the same premises purchased . by Smith d King from Ueorge li. Smith. For terms and particulars apply to the undersigned at Clearfield, Pa. HIOS. J. McCULLOUCILf. Sept. 14,, BONNETS Fashionable Bonnets, bats, Nets Caps, Shakers, Ribbons, Flowers, Plumes Crape, Ilonuot Silks and Millinery Goods gener ally, cheaper than tbe cheapest at J. P. KRAZER'S. New Watch and Jewelry Store. SII. LAUCHMX, having purchased the e Interest of bis late partner, la now going it . on his own book in the shop formerly occupied ) by them on Second street, where he is prepared i to keep up his reputation as a complete workman by doing all work entrusted to hiin on short no tice, In the best manner, and on tbe most reas onable terms. Defying tbe county, all be ask is a fair trial, and a continuation of the patroos age heretofore extended. Look out for the sign of T II E BIG W A TO H. N. B The Cash will be positively expected , when tbs work is delivered. 8. U. L. Clearfield, April 7, ISC t. y HOWARD ASSOCIATION PuiLAiiRLrnu, Pa. Diseases of the Ncrvons, Seminal, Urinary and Sexual Systems new and reliable treatment iio reports f the Howard Association, sent by mail in scaled letter envelopes, free of charge. Address, Ir. J. SKILLEN HOl'tJUTON, How ard Association, No. 2, South Ninth Street, Phil adclphls, Pa. Jy20 '64 ly WATCH & JEWELRY rpiIE undersigned rospectfully I Inforinahia enstomnra unA tk. public sencrallr. tbst he has lust reeelvid from tha Knul. nd m An edathis establishment In UHAHAM'S ROW Clearfield, Pa., a fins assortment of Clocks, Watchks, and Jswklrt of different qualities, from a tinglo pleco to a full sett, which he will sell at the most reasonable prices for casb, or in exchange for old gold and silver, CLOCKS of every variety on hand, at tbs mcst seasonable prices. ALL kinds of Clocks. Watofcus mil Jl carefully repaired and Warranted. t continuance of patronage is solicited, pt, 19, 1800. II. F.NAUOLE. tl'8lCAL Q 00DSItes7 VioUns, Fifes, iiiri-n-!mt0,n S' PrePtors. Muiio Paper, Vi Iin Zomt Strings rthe best quality at J. P. KRAZER'S. Susquehanna Uouscf U'RWEKSVILLE, pa. W, W. HOHRALI., rroprlctor. THIS largs and commodious HOTEL lade Ilghtfully located on the bank of the Sus quebanna, In the borough of Curwensville. The present proprietor .will spars no effort to render his customers cemfortable, and hopes tt merit a liberal share of public, patronage. IIJS BAR AND TABLE Will be well snpplisd with every thing tbe mar ket affords. Raftinen will always find his "latoh string" out. Mar. 23, 'fif . tf. T00TS and Shoes a complete) assortment of JL) Ladies', Oentlemon's, Misses', Boys' and Children's Boots Shoos and Gaiters st J. Y. KRATZER'S. -- -- - tsr- f I ni i ,1, . . - STAPLE Dry Goods Cloths, Cassimsrcs Woak-ClOtlK, Tweeds, 6atinetti,VSilkwarp Flannels, licking, Muslin, Linen, Prints, at the old prices at , J. T. KRATZER'S. NEW FIRM. CARLISLE & CO, DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND . 1 DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, i (7 ROCERIES, L UMBER, j SUING LES,AC.,&C. j PlULirsnURC, Centre county, PeuuV Havo received and aro just openloij A tmcnt of he Hit, CHEAP EST, AND MOST SEASONABLE . GOODS rr sVm;sl Is thit seif eevetalrf , consisting, DRY GOOIK. A (JROCERIE 1, NOTIONS, HARDWARE akd QUEKSSWARE, li a l i c s' p iirsi Hoods, Nubias, Sontags, Balmoral and Hoop Skirts ! HATS & CAPS ! BOOTS & SHOES 1 Ready Made Clothing, of Latest Styles SCIIOOL-EOOKS& STATIONERY 1 Drugs, Oils, Paint?, Putty & Glass! Rice-Hour Farina and Cvrn-Slarch! CO A I.OI L I.AM PS W IK)I) AMI Wit.. LOW uri; T runks ij Carpct-Bags ! PUTS, TOBACCO AND SEGARS ! Fish, Salt, and Wails! and Lizcs&dl Cila! Flour, Fekd and Provisions ! And all articles usually kept tn a first cIuji country storeall f whirh will be sold Cheap for Cash ! or approved preduce, Lumber or shingles. Philipsburg, Nov. 18, 183-tf. Cheap Furniture I DESIRES to inform bis old friends and cus tomers that, having enlarged his shop and increased his facilities for manufacturing, he is now prepared to make to order furniture asniny be desired, in good style and at cheap rates fr Cash. He mostly has on band at his "Furni ture Rooms," a varied assortment of Ready-made Furniture, among which art Bureaus and Side-Hoards, Wardrobes snd Book-Cases ; Centre, Sofa, Parlor Breakfust and Dining Extension Tables. Common, French-Post, cottage. Jenny- Lind and other Bedsteads. SOFAS of nil. KINDS. WORK-STAND 1IAT-RACKS WASH-STANDS, 1c. Hocking and Arm Chairs, Spring-Seat, Cane-Bottom and Parlor Chairs and Common and other Chairs. LOOh'IXG-GLA SS ES Of every description on hand; and new glasses for old frames, which will be put in on ve ry reasonable terms on short notice, lie also keeps on bani'.orfurnishrs to or der, Hair, Corn-Husk, Hair and Cotton top Mattresses. COFFINS, (If every kind. Made to o'der, and fuuerals attended with a Hearse, -vhencver desired. Also, Iloase Painting done toorder. Tbs subscriber also manufactures, and bas constantly en band, Clement's Patent Washing Machine, The best now In use. Those using this machine never need be without clean clothes I Ho also has Flyer's Patent Churn, A superior article. A family using this Churn never need bo without buttor ! All the above and many other articles are fur nished to customers cheap for Cash or exchanged for approved country produce. Cherry, Mnplo, Poplar, l.inwood and other Lumber suitable fur Cabinot work, taken in exchango for furniture. XrRoinerobor tho shon is on .Market irot. Clearfield, Pa., and nearly opposite the "Old Jew .Stors." JOUN GTLIC1I. Nov. 2ft, mt. y LVT HERS BURG, CLEARFIELD COUNTY, TA. WILLIAM SCIIWEM, Proprietor. May 19, 1803. ly. NOTICE & CAUTIOX." HAVINJ aiade application to the Assistant Assessor of tbe 19th Collodion District of Pennsylvania, and ft Llecnse as Auctioneer hv- ...8 fciuuicu m mo ma proper auinority, I would inform the citizens of Cloarflc'd county that I will ntlnnil In n..llln ..!.. i -- i" wuoneer desired In any part of tho county, Charges uivuoraie. nauress JUlJi L. KEAMS Deo. 1(1, 1883-tf. Clearfield, Pa. .. . r""" inning rnivs wimout a license Is subjeot to a penalty of $B0, whioh will be enforflftil tn MMn.lnnnA ui.u .i.. i . ... : - " i...u mm mo iaw, against all persons violating tbs statuto. J Floor Oibeloths, Brocatello, Door tnaU, Ac!' . r. IV KA I it Kit. ; J- rjlRATZER'S. I MOUNT VERNON I IOUSE Second Street, above Arch. I miLADELPIJIA. i A. F. RLAIH, Proprietor. ! (I ts of the "Surf House," Atlantic City.) 1 r ft. 23, mz-i y. CLEARFIELD CO. DI23CT01Y TIME OF II0LDIN8 00U13. Id Monday in January, I 8d Monday tn Jun, Id Monday in March, 4th Monday in Sept. of each year, and contlnuo two weeks if necessary COUNTY AND DISTRICT OFFICERS, rres'l Judgeon. Somuol Linn, Rellofonto. At'to Judges llou. J. D. Thompson, Curwensville jion. j nines lilooin, lorrett, Sheriff, Kdward Perks. Cleartiold, Prolkonotnry, D. F. Etiweiler, Reg. A Kco. Isnluh 0, llarger, District Att'y, WM. M. MoCough Treasurer, C. Krntxor, Co. Surveyor II. 15. Wright, Commissioners, Ttios. Dougherty, Amos Road, Conrad linker. Glen Hope. Cleartiold. do Aoionvillo. Pcnnlleld. LccontosMill Pike tp. Auditor, II Woodward, r.l. Uoutcrot, M. Ii- C. Evans. Coroner, llcury W. Parks. Cuuuty Sup't. C. Ii. Sugdfrrd, LIST OF POST OFFICES. TuitllthijH, Beetaria, i ltell, Pint Officii, Pottmtittnt, Glen Iiopo, . Win. S. W'righ Vtuhrille, Theodore Weld, llegarty's X Roads, Siitn'l. Hcgnrty, Bower, W. McCraekco, Chest, Th.A. M'Uhoe. Cush, 3. W. Campbell, Oitend, ll.L.IIenderson, Furrest, James liloom, Clearfield Bridge, James Furrott, WoodlAnd, William Albert Luthcrsliurg, R. II. Moore, TroutTillo, Cbas. Sloppy, JofTcrfun Line, John Holier. in, Eloora, Hoggs, Bradford, Drady, BurnriJ, New nblngtoB, Jns. Uallahor, liurntiuA, PnlcblnvilU, Kt Ridge, llunl, McGarrey, Wcttuver, Clearfield, Frenchville, Karthaus, W. C. Irvin, Jack l'atchin, Jaoob ltoice, 0. Xoier, jr. Cbwt, Win. Mctlnrvoy, P. A. far her, M. A. Frank, P. A. (i.iulia, i CloarfieM, ', Covington, J.F.W.Schnnrrs Curwensrillo Curwensville, T. W. Fleming, Deeatur, l'hilipiburc, Ccnlro couuty, S. Rndbach, ' T. F. Iloalich. " West Decatur, M Osceola Mills, Fcrguv.n, Marron, Fax, Mltlo Toby. Girnrd, Leeonte'i Millf, I Raid Hills, floshen, rihawjviMe, llraham, (jratimajji, ' Ouelieh, Smith's MilW, " Mndira, Ed. Williams, Jns. McCIcllan, C. Mignot, William Curr. A. II. Shaw, T. lI.Forcee, Jan. A. Hegarty. r1!.-- T 1 - vuns . 4 U3VT, illusion, 'jlcr, Davi.J Tyler, I ' rcnuflolJ, Jl. Woodwtrd, Jordan, Ansonville, Elisa Chase, I Kar.baue, Salt Llek, (I. Heekadorn, (Knox, New Mi:ipcrt, M.O.Stirk, ; Morria, Kylcrtnwn, Jus. Thompson, ' " Morridule, J. C. Drenner, Tenn, Lumber Cit.v.J II. W. Spencer, I " Ornu.pian II lis, A.C.Moore, Pike, .Curwcnsvillo, T. II, Fleming. " Rloomingrills, llenj. F. Dale, Union, Reckton, D. li. Biuhuker, ' Wo.,,) ward, Jeffries, Janios Lockett, i nis run vmce win do rur Chest township, ft Will answer tn Ferguson township. JOIIN L. CUTTLE," Attorney at I. aw auj Real iMait Acctit, 1 CLEARFIELD, FliXN'A. j OJRrfo Mar ltd tt. Opposite the Jail, T EftPECTFL'LLY offers bis services in sell IV ing an d buying lands in Clearfiold and ad joining counties ; aud with an experienco of over twenty years as a Surveyor, nailers hiuixalf that he ean rendtr satitfuetiou. Feb. '63 tf. W M ftl'l-I'I I ftsrt-Mi i. i Law, Clcarfi d, Ta. Office on Market one Uoor ea,t of the "Clearfield County - n-ay 4, lent tf. Street Rank.' I.AI IIU. .1. Hl.AKi:i,Y, 'Attmnov ntul i Vim nmil I. n. n T.nM. i Will attend to all business entrusted to his ewe ill Elk and adiainlnir runnlii.a al St (r.'a I ' ( liensinger P. O.J Sep 2S, 6 mo pd. THO.M H J. MX'UI.I.Ot'Gll, Attorney at Law. Office adjiilning the Bank, formerly occupied by J B. McVnally, Enq., Market street, Clearfield, l ill attend promptly to Collections, .ilo of Lands, Ac. peo. 17, 'fi2. UOnKlir J. WALLACE, ArroittEV at Law Clearfield, Pi., Clues in tt.n's Row, op posite the Journal ollice. 1 dec. 1. 1858.-tf I. i. CS .'S. tVt.TFR UARUCT CRANS and BAmtKT, Atturiiejs at Law, 1 May S, '(IS. Clc Anrirun, fa. 1 j)iirju7wooi)S, PIIACT1CINO Physician, nnd Examining Pur- j geon fur Pcusluus. Ollice Houthwimt ooruer 8ceonJ and Cliorry streets, Clearfiold, Pa. January 21, ISOT ly j CYRESIUS HOWB. ! Justice of the Peace. I For Dkcatur Township, will promptly attend to all business entrusted to bis caro. P. 0. Addrons, Philipsburg Pa. Aug. 21st 1801 I EVER FI.EOAL, Justice of tho Peace, I,tI. J thersburg, Clearfield couf.y Pa., will attend promptly to nil tuinejs entrusted to bis eare. Luthersburg, April 4, St. J. T. KRATZER, " f r.IlCIIAiT, snd dealer in Dry Goods UXOIothing, Hardware, Vueensware, Urocerios Provisions, Ac. Front Street above ths Academy Clearfield Pa. April 20th lStH, U. W. SMITU & CO MKRCIIAMS, and dealers In Dry n 1 r , . i . anu.m, uruccrics, narawaro, viuccnsware, and everything usually keyt by the trade. Store on SECOND Stroot, below Judgo Leennrd's, oppo sito tho Presbyterian Church, ClcarOold Pa. ' Doc. 4, 1361. Licensed Auctioneer. WM. M. JILOOM. sires to Inform his friends and the public ; generally that be bas taken out a Lirenso as an I AUCTIONEER, and will attend to-the cryinij j of inlcs In sny part of the county at the shortest notioe, and at ths most rcasnnnbla Mmr. a.i , dress, either personally or by letter, either at vurweuevuie or liiooinvillo. April 6, '64. tf. PROVISIONS-Flour, Cheese, Lard, Dried JL, Apincs, unco readies, received reenlnrlv irhm Ibal tarua, m .1... ..C t Ik ... . . .. ' ... vr. .. , IVJIA1 iiCt. Clearfield Academy. D. V;. McCURDY, A. B. Principal. rprjE next Quarter will opm on Monday the X ouiei A'ccemuer, isot. loruis of tuition as follows: . Coinmnn English, comprising those branch es not higher than Iteadinjf, Writing, Arith niotic, Ueography, English dratniner nnd History, per quarter, . $5 00 Higher English, per quartor,, - . f 40 Languors, por quarter, . . JO 00 Nov. Z3,lMrt l. I)isolution of Partnersltij). flIIK partnership heretofore existing betweon J. the subscribers In tho banking business as Loonard, Finney i Co., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The books, papers, and assets aro left in the hands of James T. Leonard, at ths office of tbe firm, and all claims duo to and by ths lirm will be settlod by him. All overdue pspor must be iortbwith sottlod. , JAMES T. LEONARD, A. C. FINNEY, if. . . W. A. WALLACE, business will be continued by James T Leonard as Leonard A Co. dso 21-1041. RICHARD MOSSOP, FOREIGN and DOMESTIC GOODS MUSLINS at Sensntion prices DELAINES at Sensation prices COBURGS at Sensation prices ALPACAS at Sensation' pi ices Just received at MOSSOPS'. GINGHAMS nt Sensation imeoi I CHINTZ PRINTS GLOVES al at at ut at at at Sensation Sensation Sensation Sensulion prices pi ices prices CRAVATS SHAWLS prices ) nt MOSSOPS' Sensation prices. Sensation prices Sensation prices BONNETS COLORED 1 MUSLINS J A.I1 to be !mil at MOSSOrS'. I LINEN at Sensation prices CRASH ct CURTAIN3 at Sensation Sensation Sensation Sersalion irices prices prices fABLE CLOTHS at FRINGE at prices at MOSSOPS', LACE pt Sonsation HOSIERY at Sensation RIBBONS at Sensation prices prices prices I TRIMMINGS) of all kinds & at in anv nunn'tv I Sensation prices Alwavs on hand at MOSSOrS'. CASS1MERES at i'cnsalion Sensation Sensation Sensation Scnxntion prices prices prices' prices SATTINKTS at hi at at at TWEE US JEANS V EST I NO S SHIRTINGS prices Sensation prices at m assortf. CLOTHING suclO as Jonts, Pant?, Vests, Under Shirts, Flannel Shirts, Bool s, Shoes, Hats and Can?, at sensation priCCB . Now for sale at M03SOPS'. II A R I) W A R E suuli ns Saws.nails F o r k s, Knives, at sensation price? . Mnoj.-ipc. at MOSSOI S , Stdkes. 1 ' Hinges, LIQUORS, such as Wine, Brandy, 0 i n, W h iukey. Cognac, etc., etc., FRUITS, such us Prunes, Rnisins, Figs, Filberts, Ac. GROCERIES, say Flour, Ham s, Shoulders, Su;nr, Molassns, C'oll'eo, Tea, C r n c k e rs, Spices, Cnndlet-, at sensation prices ut sensation prices nt MOSSOrS'. at sensation prices Coul Oil, etc., etc- Alsvay? nt MOSSOPS'. BLACKING ROPES POWDER SHOT LEA L) CATS at nt ut at ut ut i enutinn tien.'iiition sensation -srnsniinii sensation sensation prices prices prices prices prices prices At the store of RICHARD MOSSOP. MOSSOP ; AJWByt kccps ou Iiatul a UH asot tmt'nt of nil kinds of oods re)uired tor the accomrnoduliOD ol the public Nov. 12, 1862. NEW FIRM. 1 1 ARTS WICK & HUSTON DRUG3ISTS -M A I? K KT Street CLKA I J FI 12 L D PA KEEP COUKfttnttll 0)1 hind a Idmt , in, . . . ' ind nnd well Stlrcted ttork of J) RUGS and ClfEMICA LS PALXT.S OILS AXD VARNISH PEHFUMKRY TOil.ET ARTICLES. BLANKS, BOOKS AXD STATIONARY. TO HA CCO & SEGARS. A.M) a general assortment of VAIII ATIES nnd Fancy AliTICLKS. We rcpcctfully invite a call, fcolinjr confi dent that we can supply tho wants of nil, on terms to tlicir satisfaction. HARTSWICK A HUSTON." CIenr6eld April 27th m. tf DIWMM.UTinX. The partnership hereto fore existing 1 etween tho undersigned, in the publication of tho ClinrJielU HepnUiean, was dissolved by mutual cousont oa tbe lith of July, ISfit. The Books are in the hands of the junior part ner for collection, Thoso patrons knowing them selves indebted to the late publisher! for cither subscription, advertising, or Job work, nro re spectfully Invited to call nod settle their accounts at their earliest convenience. D. W. MOORE, ti. B. UOODLANDER. ClearDclJ, July 27, ISC I. roRMKRi.r attiif nr.i.LEFoxTB roi snnr ciiasob I'LAl'K or hi-mmi:ss. IIAUPT & Co., ; nA INO leased the Foundry nnd Mrcbine 8hnps at .Milesbura, known as " OREENS. j FOL NDRY," aro prepared to mirnufHtture snd , repair IStenin Engines, sweep nnd tread power I Threshing .Muchiiies, New II 'or Id snd Hnlhawny j Cook Moves, Wagon Spindles, Plows, and Cast- ings of all kinds at short notice. They alsohave i both at Bellefonto and Milcsburg, a variety of Cook and Parlor Stores, for soft coal, of pitta. ' n-snufneture (.all and sco for yourselves. ISAAC HAI PT Is npent Tor the York, Wyom ing and Columbia Insuranco Cjiupsnioj. Jy20';'y i Aatioital Hotel, i MAINE STREET, ' CURMENSVILLE, PA., m WM. A. MASON, Proprietor. ! rjlHIS lung established and well known 110 X TEL, situntod In tin west end of tho town, has bocnrcmoddlod, enlarged and Improved, and iriuuur nUOOUIUei IU 111! nil" mcrous friends, and to the travelling nubile, that iu piojinaior rcspecuuiiy announces to bis nu- he Is now prepared to accommodate all who may favor Mm with a call. Ample, safs nnd comfortnble stablintr Is at- tached to the premises, snd trustv attendants will always bs on band. Charges moderate. Fob, 12, 1862. -tf. WANTED A largo lot ofj T V T. A V HJ V V T. I. Av,.l.inrra fs.i- 4 k J. U 1 ii 1 I li VAVa!Sv iwi aOODS at tho Cheap Store of JOHN 1). THOMPSON. CurtrensvilU, Sept 18, 1883. C AUTIOX. All persons are hereby eautio n od against buying or selling a certain Dark Brown Marc, now in the possession of John lliirh. jr., of Knox township, as ths same belcngs to ine and Is in bis use on loan only. CONRAD BAKE?. Kov. 2, ISfl t, Chop! Chop! Chop! liusnela superior RYE-CHOP just received and fur sals at f) i 75 per hundred. JAMES TEW. Philipsburg, Aug. 8, 18114. pd. j. 0. BLACK WELL, GEO. W. 11 E E J) & CO. CLOTHING, Al'o, Jobbers in Cloths, C'assiincrt's and Sattinots, No. I'2t Market street. North side between Fourth and Fifth, PHILADELPHIA. Sjfl-Cull ond see onr cxtcntive stock. Aug. 10, 'CI. tf. iit. TtoMo'j c.rcat kcsiiidt ro Scrofula ond Birofulous DlKeascs. fo i.iarry j:Jet, a m il t iioirii men hunt vf Or fiirtl, Mvinr. "ttnvc snM lar'ii itiantiti' of your SAnstr.V III. I. A, lint never vet one bottle trlii'eli failed of the n.Kln il eireet and full Mtiufnetion totliom' who tools It. As fnt iia our iHiiplii try il.tliey ater Hin t- lia been no meilli liio like it before lu our community." Eruptions, Pimples, Blotcb.03, Pustules, TJ1- cors, Sores, and all Diseasoa of tho Skin. From .Vr. Holit. Slniilon, llrirtol, r.nglamt. " 1 only dc my duty to you nml the public, when I add in v testimony to you ptiMili of the nio illclinl irtue of your S n vr.tliu.l.A. Mr daugh ter, ned ten, Ind mi iilllii'tinif humor in her mm, eyes, mid Inir for yenrn, villi, h no wero uimIiIc to cure until we trinl your S.t:s.vf.i:n.LA. fclic Iwl Ix'rn well lur Home mimiiiu. ' From .Urn. June I'. 7?iVc, a writ Kll'n mid i..rft. tr mnl IikIii of Drnnitrillt. l,llt ,j ( .J. " M 1 dmiL'liter has ".fTered for a venr nat with a erornlou cr"'lii,n,whleh was vi-ry tmuhleiiome. , Aoiinnj nnor.ioil any relief unlit wo ined your I fcAU3ArAr.U.LA,wliiefi soou completely cured tier." I From Chnrlrt I'. (Inge, I'.rq., of th4 iciilily Litomt (lay, Murray if ( o., mmiufinlursri of tnuuKilctt )ii;;' i4 .Vdskfi'i, .V. . " 1 had for sevoiid years a Tf ry tiwtliVsnnxr A.'iinni In eiv fii. viliieli irrt, onuiitaiillv worso until It dl-nurvd my fcaturca and became an intol- irnlile nlllietion. I trif d nlinont every tliliij; a mun , cimld ut In jlli mlrice mid medieliir, lint n ithiiut any I r. llef whnti-ver, until I took your H iisapai:ii.i.a. ' It liiiinMi:itv nindo inv fnce worse, as vou told me it miL'lit for a time; hut in a few weeks tho new I ..i:.. I ... r... 1... 41. A l.1.t..l...a tinned unlil my fan; Is r.a sinvvtb fi any boil-'s, and 1 1. i witlioiit any BVre-tSin. of tV; o t'h i ' vi. i..j'!T it; netillli, and without a I uoir;; OW'C It 10 onr SAlf1AP.Mlll.l.A.'' ', -T!t'?elas-Oeneral DcbUitr-Parifr thj I Blood. I Prom TV. Hull. Snicln, Hunton St., nB Tor': " Int. Avi:n. I seldom fail to remove F.rmititml nd ,S.viiii'iM .Si0.1 hy tbe ppmcwrinsr line or your Saks M'Allll.l.A, mid I have jnxt now cured an alMelc of Mnhgmiut l.riishnltit with It. .No nller.ilivo wo po.nes8 equal the SAKSArAlill.t.A you hav m died to the profelon as well as to tW ixople. Frnm J. f'. Jnhnnton, Ft., Wttkrman, f)ii. For twrlvo yeara, I had the vellow Kryi-laa if.i try riu'lit i.nn, during whieh tfmo 1 tried all the eelehr.'.h '1 tdivairlalla I eotlld reaeh. anil took hun- 1 drrdn of dollara worlli of liirilieinea. Thu ulcer were mi Kid the? cords liec.-tme vlMihle, and tho die-turn deeided that my arm miirt be nmputiitcd. I N'MSii Inking your S vus itu.i.. Toiictwo Imt tlt , and somu of your 1'ii.i.m. Tosji Hh r they liavo rureil me. I am now ua wi ll and souud u nuy Ih. ly. Iteiuy; in a pulilic pi ue, my raae in known tj every hdy i.i this community, a:id extitta the wonder of all.'' From ffon. Henry .Ifnuro, f. P. I'., of XcfnHe, ( '. II'., ii leading miutbcr of lite ('cuunicm I'm Ha muli. " I luve um'd your Sar imrii.i In mv family, for k'eticrnl tti-lUit;i. and. for fmrififiui tM hi.!, it!i very henelli rexult. mid feci coulideucv iu cuiuuk it to thu nlllieted." St. Anthony's Fire, Boso, Ba'.t Eheum, From Hurri u M.-Litr. ton., the able nlitor e-f the iiiuiutniiiH k iirniin-nii, i ciinnijivaiuii. "Our only child, about t'iree years of ape, was attai-kcd liy pluidea on his lorrlirad. '1 In v rapidly Smul until tliey formed a lout limine and virulent sore, whieli covered Ids fare, and actually blinded Ilia eves lor some dart. A sklllul pli) ulcinu applied nitrate of silver anil other remedies, without imv i apparent effect. Kur tifleen diva we giinrili-d Ms . handu, lent with them he ahonld ti"r open the fe- ' ti-rliig and corrupt wound which covered his n hub" , face, liming tricl evi'ry ttiinff eUe wo had any I hope from, we lacjrnn ul.W your SAimi-Aitn.l.A, ami npilvinf the Iodide ot potnali lotion, as you direct. I lie norc hipm to bral when wo had 'iven Hie lirnt liul lb', mid wan well when we bad llm-bed the secund. Tlieehil l' cycl.inhea, whleli had com" out, sreiv n'.nlil. and lie In now nn lii alihyiud fair na an c olln r. t he vvholo UciIibui'Uoud predic ted thht the child must die." Byphilia nnd Mercurial Disease). Frovi Dr. Iliriim Slont, of St. Lonh, Mismiiri. " 1 filial vour AltKAI'Alill.l.A a lnoio vll'eetnat remedy lor tho econ.hiry symptoms of and for nyphilitie dlseawi tlmii nuy ntlii r we poHe. : 1 he print i-lnn arc iinblitiil to jou tur some of the bent medicines wt have." i'rraii A. .1. Frfmh, .If. Ii., nil eminent jilririim of J iiirivii.v , Mum., teAn u a prominent lie aider cy' ; the LeyitUture of MiiSMi liutcllt. lilt. Avkii. My drnr Mr: 1 have found your 5Ai:s.,eAmi.LA an excellent remedy for Smihilii, I both of Hie primary and tecmiilury type, and cllee tnal l:i some rnus Hint were too uhntllinlu tu yield ! to other rciuciiicrt. 1 no not know what we can em- ploy with more rertalnly of tucccss, w hero a power till alterative la required." Mr. (Iuo. S. Fan I.irte, nf Xe,n TtnmKirfc , A". J., bad dreadful ulcers on bin lVi;s, eaueil by Din iibuiao of tni rcury, or tiirrrurinl dinrnsr, wlii.-h Krew nioru and nioru ni;riivated lor year, ill rtiitu of every rciniily or treatment that rould Ik- apiilied, until tho tieraevring u of AY Kit's MiAl'.Mill.l.A nlleved liim. Few e.ises can bo louirl moro invi.'tcratc nnd ilixlivn-lii; thiin this, iiud it took several doicn bolt lis to cure Mm. LeucorrhceB, Whites, FoinaU Weakness, an) pi'iiernlly iiodueel by iiiternal SmifalnH 17 crriilinn, and lire very often euriii by thu alterative (Ho t of this .'AliiAi'Altil.t.A. home cimes require, however, hi aid of the SACSAl'AltllXA, the tkilful application of local remedies. i'rom the trrll inwu anil v!itily-felrtrntel Dr. Jamb .forrilf, of lint'innati. "I have round your Mr.nAlMlill.l.v an excellent allerntlve In .lieaen of fenodea. Mnltv eAea of IrriL'iilarlty, l.riieorrhir.1, liiternnl I liberation, and loenl il. blhtv. ariliiL' from the erofulnua dlnthmis. have vlldHl to It. a.i.l there an. few that do not wlien itsellii-t in pniiierlyiilded by local treatment." A la !,,, umrilltna to allow the nul.licntion of her wwir. trritr t " Iv d iii.'liter nnd tiiVM-lf have lieen curel of a v-i y ilrbibtitiM' lA'iieiirrbie.i of lo:is' nt.niding, ry two buttles of your .SAU.s.vpAnii.l.A." Kheumatlsm. Gout, Li vox Complaint, Dya popsia, Hoo.rt Disenso, Nournlgia, vbi 'I cnip-cd bv V,'nir'nii in the system, are rapidly enrol ii) ion I.M. ; vi.v.iv.iui.LA. I urn r AlLK S s" TTT 1 1 rl' I l" ' PTI T Q I.-ALIIAUIIU lllslsd m. tunny nilvantaires over the ..titer nir,itivi's in tne iimiket, and thnr Mipertor ii lites are so ttniviTM-.M' known, that wr nei'il nut do tiiniv than to nMire llic liulilie their ijiiulity is liniititiiiiH-il eqiinl to tlir lu.t it ever una men. nun itini uirv iiiny tic iiepfniieu on I,, tin nil llint tliev luive ever ilotn'. 'rvi:ireil l.v .1. C., M. 1., 1 Co., 1 ...-,.11 M ' i.u,l ,,l,l be a-a--CM . r 11 11...n.M 1 1I..I..I.I, Huston, Clearfield ; E. A., Curwensville) Foster A Melt irk. Pint indium ! Arnold, l.u. - pi i - thcrsburg ; and by doalers everywhere. September 1 1, '84, 1 yr. sflLHAUI-'l HI.l m;ks-I:RY eiicoiiraje ly lloiiiel.i.l.iMrv.-Theunilersianedhavinir .Ti.bii.i,. - v it,- Hiv." ),... t-ic .,. irum l'Ul"nj " a .v, ...ui aill way between ClearlTeld snd Curwensville boros'. is prepared to furnish all kindsofFruit trees, ; (Standard and Dwarf,) Evergreens, irf.) Evergreens, . Rubbery berries. Lawton Blackberry .berry vines. Also. A'iberian rnpe t ines, uaoseoernos btrawberry and Kaspberry Crab trees, Quince snd early scarlet Rhoubarb. Ac. Orders promptly attended to. Address J, U. WRIGHT, Curwentville, sent 14 .'Bl. l 4 ?"! i s V-T;Tr. "7"ai A 1 ARM FOR SALE. 0SSo Uh. subscriber offers for sale on reasonable civfn ,,i praratus furni-hsd at e.ty prices thorms, a Farm in Beccaria township, one b ,r Ii IlHIDUE, Arltft- mils South of Beccaria Mills, It contains fifty teV-1" - JrjsV Acres, with Forty Acres cloa red, a ML ' -si n . TT1 I tifrauio Dwolllng house, Stors -house, y li 1 14. ()f O V Jjllj s log Burn, snd other out -buildings, and a grow iug' -- y-M- . Orchard of tbri lnj trees, iue title is undispu- ni".. ri a ci ma, apply 10 1110 unucrsigDCJ, In Lawrence township, Clearfield cosnty, Pa. Bep'J-3m-j.fJ J. R. READ. GREAT EXCITEMENT NEW STORE AXD THE undersigned, having remove i,' to th new buildin.8 "ni0.nlU House, on Pine street, Gl. if n.1 "S P., 1. now offering Co Z JlW1 4Z THE LA Vnvcr . .AAJ- SELECTED STOCK 0F COOLS EVEli OFFERED TO TRS PUBLIC AT TJI1S PLAC ALL OF WHICH WILL BK SOLD if PRICES TO SUIT TUB TIMK3, ' His stock bas been selected wiiV . regard to the wants of the people, tHJj DRY GOODS, - NOTIONS. HARDWARE, Q I' e ens Ware, BOOTS AND SHOES, STONE-WARE, WILLOW-WARE, t I 1 K t. U I -ii A DE Cl.OTUIVf I ' ' GROCERIES, EARTHENWARE, OILS AXD PAINTS, FLOUR ASDBAtnx GLAS3 AND NAILS, FISH, SALT, ETC. OF EVERY SIZE AXD PATTEN Together with all ether articles Bsesmrj n i ,, ' - r tun Msiirt 9A1I k!n,I nfl.rMPVB r... .. .i..-- . , " "'.m duce taken In exchange fur good,, at ths (lijk- vs. iai.iii.vt priic. As he is rio.'ivinir new suonlisi of nyj, weekly from llaltimoro, New York, I'biltiltlphis ami riltsiiurg, the public ran set st ouos that k win always be prepared l supply sny anick ui iuo maraci. J01IX I.0DSOS. Glen Hope, Dec. 23, 1S63. The E'eason y Everybody purchase their CLOHUSO KEIZENSTEIX DUOS. & CO. Bccanse they sell so very cheap for Cub; Because they keep the best goods; Because their Clothing is well made I faihioasUs Because they keep tho largest aisortawiil; Because they get New Quods every wtskj Because they give every one the worth ofhif ' Because they take tho advantage of 8bo4j; Becauso they treat their cuitomsri well; Because everybojy likes to deal with then; Because they sell cheaper than ths nit Because their Clothing are well seed i It well Bocause they can suit everybody; Because their Store is so conveniently iltutsd; Because nobody leaves their store diustiilMi Because ail who deal wi'h tbem srs nreltal again, and send their neighbor!; - Because they hare purchasod their Scock slncb reduced prices that tbey ess afurd te advertise: These are a few of tbe reasons whj the; ittt ss cheap. . ' rir-All kinds of Country Prodacs Ukes si tho Highest market prices, j RE1ZLNSTEIN BROS.iCO. ClcurGeld, Nov 11, 18AI, 3m. . I fl '. llrCl (ISIiP.V. Practical SurVHOTiCI ;0, fcrs bis professional ssrviees to the peof 1 A .i .. iKa la- 1 " ue.u coun.y. I... ng I- - i struments, Drafts, Ac, efthe late iboDM am . d.e0'J.' 09 wi" ht ,l) 4l.tenJ 10 T'!". .1 tbe shortest notice : he can be consulted si I s residence with Robert Ross, one mils froaH"- wensvillo, or by letter addressed to bus si w wcnsville. 3. i. sp. 27 '4-ly. CHEAP STOVES. rrnE subscriber In order to scetintoioJ"" 'S '" puui,iiiier in ajiuer iw a.-.- - ... I citi.ens of Curwensville, sni t P generally, has lut received a lntef rf, VnnJv Vm IMIM.MK STOVES, , . ... . . iismH ,t tstj for wood or ceal, whieh be will diip1 ' cheap fur cash or produce, JOHN D.TH0MPS03. Kur. 4, 1883-tf. a t tin 'S TOVE PIPIi-For sale st thsehwsilf D. Thompson, In of John . oents per pound. a! iir.t.TnmiAlHUCa mil E undersigned, having completed II ' . I ,iii..u i UL..'a Rnff. If . uj;i'i,ii iiaucrj, 111 ciia" - ! west of tbe Mansion House, Clearfield, - now ready to wait on all in want of ' . "'7 rrangensnis ore suca..-. H, furnish those beautiful productions . ,., , . , . . , , , a "f , t -a HriDS in la tbe hi8llett 'J18.0 lb :) "P ' wonw V"a?'" "J, view to ds comiori ana p ,-,: h -r". by strict -IMntioD totas sss. y, plewa, to merit liber, rj P""S8- " ... ii. tisl 1 ,,Dcr V01"' A,.oum' "u A VffJf5,u-n FlTIlSiBs Particular attention given to copying'1 ot,. nt EXTRA FAMILY FLOLK, oy id tack lor SalS By me iuncrn,tTi . ... JA.MES L. LE ' Nor. 23, 1861, tf.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers