THE. REPUBLICAN. f(DSKHPAT,::;:::::::::l'Ylruary 1865. u.ici of firbscrlptluii, Advertising and M 'Jobbing. frttr'P' fen, in nrfwmrr, l mi ill trilhi ts ro llit year, 2 60 if 'mil limit kittin iht year, 3 01) fin ( rti 1st vfplu In Iht pnttul vul. ."'' p'id"r til or lijore Juii'ry evurl, 1865. ijmrt' and IVrV noti'cej rack t timt; $2 50 friitori KofiV, rauA, - J 60 (''"' '''r'y '". 3 fi'nie, . 1 io plahliun n(iVr, cucA,3 rimes, . - J 00 lint; If 3 met, or fete, J au 'V ear utmroNml iWrdoN, - . 50 QKeial aartrtitxmj, jut tarn tqtlart of 10 1 . ,ft ,j; finss, or 3 timr; or us, 1 -forme itinicqiiem insertion, pnJtiomil Curd, 1 yeur, ' . . Loeil nolier: per Hut, . Jliinury (K'iVet, oirr i fines, per lino, )ary noVrrr7t'ttyt I y nut's, rfo do 2 do . Wo do t do Tmrly adrttliriny, J cofiimn, J . . M 1 . . glaiii; tingU quirt, do 3 qdirt; ptf qir,s . ,d 6 autre, tier orn'rs, 50 - 5 (10 IS 10 8 00 12 00 15 00 $20 00 35 00 60 00 2 50 ' 2 00 1 75 1 60 ' 1 60 ' 2 50 4 50 y ovtri qmn,pr quirt, (. lladbill;'i 4ee(, 25, or Uh, do i thrtl, 25, or left, do J tktel, 25, or Itn, do' . vkols ihctt, 25. or , S 00 fOver 25 of each of proportionate rate', . fiO-1'b above rate were agreed upon by the Undersigned, on tha 3d. day ot. December, 18AI, and wii be eirtlv adhered to during the present bigb price of all kind ul printing material!. D. W. MOORE, rublishor of the "Clearfield Jirpuldican." S. J. ROW, Publisher f the "Raff man Journal. Tyrone & Clearfield lUllroad Tlmc-Table Train leave Tyroce at 8:55 A. M. '. arrive at Phillpsburg at 11 A. M. Train learea Phillpsburg at 1:55 P. M. " arrives at Tyrone at 5:65 P.M. Cc9Scrmtor Wallace, and Representa tive Dover, have our thanki for various public documents. Soldier Shot. We learn that a loldior, named Jamea Cut ter, belonging to Co. G, 16tU IJcg't. V. Jl. C, now alationed at riiilil'tburg, was fatally wounded whilo lying in Iris bunk ou last Kiidiiy nig!it, liy (be accidental discharge of a j.islol in the hnudaofn conwulo. II o died the next day. when 1 is remains were r-etit to Ohio. We alto learn of the death of another loldier (Trivale Detio) of the tame com pany, on Fi id.ty hut, from natural entires. Jj-Another supplementary draft, to make up ilio deficiency in the quota (or the last iod.COO men called for by Iho President,' (-ok place in the Blair and JJpnting'Iori dinlrict pn the 25th January. To our ce rtain knowledge this is the third or fourth rupplemeotary draft thajt has been made, at least so far at some of the counties in that district are concerned. In Clearfield. .Jinwever, but one drnft wai made, and the ronrcripla nat all reporting just at in' other counties forthwith ' par" was declared, aud the troops sent. Rivers or Blood. The circulation in theeyntpin is not unlike the flow of riv- erit to the fea, wlncli move smoothly until lliey are clogged or obstructed, hut when drift wood or alluvial deposit dams them up, then comes the tearing devastation that follows the nbstrualton of a (oico which cannot le stayed. 80 the blood circulates imensiblr through the system until it beoomes clogged by disease ; then 111rA the ulcers, sores and disorders which follow that condition. Take Ayer's Sar i raparilla and put ify your blood, to save yourself from the floods, freshets and de (ages which weep unnumbered muki ludes but upon that shoreless soa which swallows all mankind. Lamratttr (Ta) llegisler. . ' ' A- ngro lawyer one of Senator Sumner's peff was, the other day, on motion of that fanatic,, admitted to prac tice in tilt) .Supreme Court of the United States. fiTEAil (SAW-MIMi MACIIINKRY : Ef)R SALE. COSSI6TISO OF ONE BOILER, 24 FEET long, and 3 feet diameter, having two re turn Uses-of '16 inches diameter each, with 75 "feet of iron smoke-pipe, safety-valve and all arch irons complete. Engine for the samo la two feet stroke and twelve inchos bore, with governor, fump, steato conneeting pipes, with requisite jlobe and governor valvea and hoator. All the ebafting arrd pulleya requWu for driving a large circular aaw mill. Edger aud jack-wheol tor hauling in Itgs re attad. . One othor boiler with ssioke-pika, arch trens, and tlher attachmtnts, samo as above, set io separate arcb. Having with It an engine of 16 inches stroks and ten Inches diameter, used Tor propolling a faoi: gate to which It is attached. One 68 toon circular saw, two smaller do., for edger aid cross-cut do., for sowing off boards nd slabs. All the bolting connected with the works, five log and board oars, abMit 1000 feet of Hat railroad. Iron. H wide by Inch thiek, to aether with all the tools in use about the mill. Th engines, boilors and machinery are In per fect order, under one rcof, and oonstitula oe complete mill." They are each set up separaiely, and can be conveaiently disconnected, or sold together, as may be deslrjd by the purchsaer. Irons for a water-mill, Including aa iron water wheel on a wrought-iron shaft, no longer to e, are likewise offered for sale cheap. The mill s atranville, Bradford county, Ta., ,.n miles from the station on tho Will amsport ail Elmira railroad, is now in operation, and ill eontlnus running until the middle of Janua rr, inat., when tho logs aad timber will becomo .exhausted, and the machinery then hold forsalo, deliverable at any time thereafter. . Likewise an engine and boiler of 20-horsc pow er, and sn engine of tho same capacity, without '.boiler, both in perfect order and ready loriwiuo diato delivery at this place. Price of the first named engine and boiler, wi th It. connection., in,:Mig abaft ng nJ asw-mlll, $3500. The other engine, with boiler, its connections and f nog gate, 'c" of the machinery and fixturea with " '. Elmira, and water mill Irene, will be sold st rates to make It an object to buy. .,:.r-. Terms orealo will bo mado easy, with satisfac tory papor on Interest. , .... SiTFurthwrnrticulars may beobtained by let .tefon addressing the subseriher, at-h in ra, K. X. jan.U-'66 tf WM. li',ilH nicricnii House . VURWEXSV1LLE, rA. MH ISAAC II I.tHf, Proprietress, res Dectfully informs ber numerous friends, tbeCvel.U r-blic, that ah. stJI occupie, the above well koowa sUi.aratid that they will alw.yifiad her bona homeOf-gomfort.ac1uoay ad eoaveolence. 'fitr Chsrgejn derats. jao23, 6in. I'd - LEAH BL03J1- RV CloITu Ati EXPENDITURES of Cloarfleld ceunty for A. D. 184. .V; .h! r1""' T?"w' r Clearfield ooun. tj In the Cummonwoalth of TennsTlraiila In . AUn Str. ""fT of i'aaua'V, A. D. 18C1, untd th. 0th day f January To "'n,ount, reo'J t'm colleetors fur UR', 104 and previous yean, u ffis 01 To am t reo'd from urueatod lanJj fjr ' , ISfla and,18, . 4 800 50 To ain't reo'd from collectors on Stale, 4 147 57 To am t reo'd from unseated on Slato,, 2.'4J to lo am t rco d from eotuuiiMionr' book, 2,032 78 ' . . CR. 1 l'7 olection expenics, $2,599 49 Uy BMefiors' wages, 881 45 Lyjurora' wages, Jjsj 81 liy foxes and wild cats, 172 87 lly Intcroet nrdcra, isso 7a Uy intereat on orders, 374 17 By commonwealth costs, 4C 21 lly contitubltV cotts, 213 28 lly ootmu'iisioiier' wagei, 1I5J 65 By ProthonoUry'i fees, 553 ti By ngrleultural apprcprialion, 100 00 lly coal and wood, 145 08 By clerk'i wages, . 377 go By repairs for county, 100 80 lly jutticei' conti, 37 n lly now books for oounty, 485 hi By pontage, ttalionery and eipref, fiu 93 By meruhandlae, . 73 as By printing, . 2fll 25 By jailor's fees, 25 73 By bridge contracts, 878 61 By court crier, . , 66 00 By jnnitor's fees, 40 f 0 1 By ahoriff'i fees, ' 100 00 By Inquests, 72 14 liy auditors and elark, IK i Oil By ditrlct attorney's fce, 143 Oil By refund, g 6j By auditing protbonolary and register's accounts, 10 00 By miscellaneous, Sag 50 By eommiiitioneri to view now township lines, u 00 Ey counsel fees, 100 00 Uy roaj views, 141 00 By lithograph orders, 452 00 B? Court-house bond, 3,000 00 " " int. 1,155 00 By am t of State tax paid, 8,005 47 By percontnge to oollfotari, 709 43 By eioneratione to collootnrs, 501 23 Hy Tr's pere't'ge paying out, 407 4 n ' 1.", a receiving, 438 A5 By bal due Tr. at last soflm't, - 4 71 By balance due eountjr by Tr. 17 70 $29,243 36 $29,213 30 Jlnunty Fund of &-)lcmbcr. A, V. C. KraUer, Eq., Treasurer of Clearfield coun ty in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in ac count with Bounty Fund of Sopteiubor, 1862 DR. To am't ree'd from eullccton Inclu ding percentage, To am't roe'd from u"ieatod lands. CR, By bounty bonds, Sept. A. IUSH7, $3,670 00 By intereat on bond, 273 4.1 By percentage to collectors, 325 62 By exonerations of ' 220 33 By Treasurer's porccnUga, paying out. 173 54 By Treasurer's percentage, receiving, 234 69 By ain't due Treasurer at last settlement, 13 65 Bal. due fund by Treaa. 3,422 53 $9,313 38 2,070 35 $11,383 73 $11,983 73 lleli'f Fund. C. Kratter Y.n , Treaauror of Clearfield county in account with Uetief Fund for A, D, 1361. DR. To am't ree'd from collectors, inclu ding percentage, To nm't reo'd from ur,xatcd lands, 1R62-1S63, To am't reo'd from com'rs' book. To am't due fund at la.t aetl'mt. To am't ree'd from militia fines, CR. By o mount of relief orders re deemed, $2,294 74 $4,624 58 1,(132 83 37 00 4t9 45 8 15 By amount of aertiucates redcemod, By amount of collectors' 2,513 60 . U3 11 pcrcfBtsgo, By amount of solloctors' exonerations, By Treasurer's perc'nt'ge, paying eut, By Treaturer'e perc'nt'ge, receiving, 110 63 7J II 104 15 '2,343 88 Bal. due fund bjr Trcas'r. $7,112 21 liounttf Fund, $1,012 21 Frlra C.Kratier, Ksn., Treasurer of ClearGeld coun ty, In account with bounty fund under Act ul At soubly of 26th March, A. D. 1.861. DR. To am'trce'd from' collectors, inclu ding percentage, . $(J,!3S 84 To am't ree'd from commission' account book, 26,'M 60 CB. By am't of bounty bonds rodeeuird, $33,938 04 Dy am 'tof bounty certifi cates redeemed, . 30,672 M Byaiu'tofint on bonds, 5,201 92 By collectors' perc'nt'go, 1,387 41 Krni nerations, 3,749 94 By Troasurcr'a perc'to, paying out, . By Treasurer's perc'ge, reoeiving, By Trossurer's perc'ge, on cash reo'd, Balance due fund, 432 74 fill 38 .12 l 14,52 04 $90,638 84 $90,638 oooaoes'iwoa';t; 3 i o C V tr s "oiS'r"' ''? 015 taK r- 5 o S" ru-KS 2 r- i t S 2? e2?-5.l5r2 ?cr r. 5 m "5 1 enSS j s "5 a C - - y O m. o c ; OS?' I? ea o 5 o o -i - o o o t4 ti cu -i ot cn o v 4. e Ud)MOlr03lr.o Am't of outstanding county order, $ 140 06 kjn'l of outstanding court nouso dvs Am't of itftsUndin court house (nonri. COO 00 14,500 00 Ag'te due from collector on inlintV. $ 8 89 Ag'ts duo from owner of . unseated land, 3.TI4 46 Ag'ts due from Tr 'surer, 1 J JO tpdebtedneis of aount), ll, nl $15,210 0 $I5,210 06 Ami of buU'dg ex." bounty bonds, Ag te am't duo from eel's forlS4, 1 j 2() n Ag'to am't due from un- ' seated lands, 23.21S 00 Ag te am't due from Tr. 14,620 04 iDdubtedaeai, 76,834 85 1119,800 00 1 1 111,800 00 $119,800 00 Jloiid Fund. C. Kratier, Eiq., Treseurer, in aeeoust with lSMrnd'lOT P,fOMOadKUU,1 f" To stu't due townships from last settlement, To am't received from unseat DR. 214 51 ea lands, ISflJ and 1883, 7,793 42 Toituth iut. Ami paid. Bal, dttt CU. 1351 01 SfiO 00 $ 83 II B0 79 72 90 160 00 1 35 40 00 21 08 470 41 62 18 117 40 85 67 221 30 63 38 80 83 112 40 239 70 41 61 23 05 47 00 171 40 Beocnrla, Bell, l,nSgs. . Bloom, Bradford, Brady, JlurinlJo, Cheit, Covington, Pooatur, . Kercuioa. 1 1 ox, I Mirard, I Ooihen, j Graham, 200 00 189 22 100 00 270 00 1,379 80 143 68 210 00 319 SI ' 133 nfl 385 30 148 88 38 39 137 91 48 C'J 136 61 67 91 27 03 60 63 19 74 60 28 132 63 8 50 87 73 43 75 133 45 MUIICU, lluiton, Jordun, Karthaua, Knox, Lawrence, Morris,. ; ., I'enn, l'ike. Union, Woodward, Dal due tp'i, 8 10 317 60 110 00 1,419 53 $9,012 93 $8,012 W . &A00I FunJ. 1 C. Kratzer, Esq. , Treat uror, la account with different townrhips for School Fund tor the yean i 1862 and 1803. DR. $ 17 It tr! ii ! Te bal. due tps, from last aetllem't i To am't ree'd from unsoated lands, CR. TowiiWi'ji. Am'f paid. jloecaria, $515 80 Bell, 431 17 Bogga, 103 31 Bloom, 151 77 Bradford, 19 21"- Brady, 418 1.2 Burnsido, 361 82 Chest, 284 48 Covington, 69 19 Decatur, 413 08 Ferguson, 80 SO- Fox, '.17 63 Oirard, 182 21 (ioshen, 1S7 48 lira ho in, 207 08 Uulich, 473 95 Huston, 4'."J 117 JorJai, 159 35 Kurtliaus, 111 (in Knox, 441 20 Lawrence, 279 15 Morris, .S7 43 I'enn, 207 OS l'ike, 156 22 Union, 258 09 Woodward, SIS 83 Bal. duelpa. 1,638 73 Ha! dm. $ 13 04 18 17 7 26 182 91 32 19 31 CO 250 17 29 05 2 64 39 56 73 77 57 81 39 87 21 39 639 81 27 76 19 46 9 35 26 97 28 94 28 43 1 1 62 41 12 $8,320 II $8,320 ll1 We, tho Cnuinii.isiouors of Clcnraeld counrv, in the Commonwealth of I'ennsylvauia, having ex amined the accuunls of C. Kralsor, Esq., Trt o Mi rer of thu counly of Claurfield for tho year !18(4, do certify that we find the account as follow : Tba amount due the county, bv .Treasurer is Sovonticn Dollars nnl Seventy Cents. , Tba Hiuouut outstanding due the ct unly, Three thousand seven hundred snd twenty-three Dollars and thirty-fire aents. Tho amount of outstanding ordorn, Tifwen Tbouaand Tro Kundrei and Forty Dolls rs wnd Six Cent, of whieb Fourteen Thousand l'lre HundroJ DoUars are is Court House Doir Is. ' The balance due Bounty Fund by tho Treasu rer is Three Thousand Four Hundred and T ven-ty-Two Dollar and Fifty-Eight Cents. The balnneo due Holier Fund by the Ties mrcr is Two Thousand Three Hundred audi l'urty Eigbt Dollars and Eighty-Six Cent. The balance due Extra Bounty Fund Is Four teen Thousand Five Hundred snd Iwanty Dol Urs and Four Cnls. Witness our bands this 20th day of January, A. P. U5. T1IOS. DOUGH ERTj AMOS READ. Attest: CONRAD IJAKER, W. S. Br, Clerk. If. We, the Auditors of ClearGeld county, Pa., having examioad Uie aeaouuts or V., hq. Tieaciireraf Clearfield couuty for the ;year 1864, do report that the accounts are aa abo re stated. The amount du the Hood Fund by the Treas urer is One Tbauaind rive Hundred and Forty nino Dollars and Fifty-Three Cents. The amount due Uie School Fund hj t'ae trea surer is One Thousand Five Hundred and thirty JtirM Itollar and rierenty-three Cents. iViUieji out hands this 20th day of January, A. D. 1865. WiUM WOODWAKD, ) U i F. COUTEKET, L M. L.C. EVANS, J . Feb. I. 18pC4. SrLENDID FARM an Valuable Timber Land AT . rrivntc Sale : rpilE awiacriUer offers to sell, at abargain, tl tiUvniDg described valuable proper; tj, lying on the Susquehanna Kiver, In U Bell township, Clearfield eouoty, bounded on lue aat by the rirer, on the south by lanfo of John Sundcrlin, a ibe west by land of UenJ. Baird, and on tit S"Wt by lands of J.F. Lee. containing 210 acrea of" kud, partly bottom and partly ridge land, wiib alfty or sixty acres cleared, on which (.here Is cnaeAed a good two-story dwelling-house, m. lf?-lian and other outbuildings. The land la 9 well ealeulatod for either grain or bay, and lying inmedLatela' on tho river, half way between Mo- B Shea's ud Irvin's Mills 3 miles from each .T . .7 . . . .,! m i. r -r Use si ,,"in, slUUUwn IS nw cilgiuiv iur .ui aiuu ui .. Lln a vaail uiillieat nt the low - inoium, mw." O - O " " ir end of Uie tllaeo. The uimproved land Is well covered with ' Vt'iite l'o and Oak Timber. There i also an a ' abundance ol timber for miles back from the A.VOT wmSft Must reaoa tn rivor i uia puiuk, thore la a lufting Beach on this land sufijcMot Aa ooeaawiodato thirty rafis. ... . . L . 1. . . . -. ,1.1- tboixj is also aa abundance or Coal uncw tbe ffujace, And if there is cool oil anywhere in the -Ky f h Susquehanna, It will be found here. tie flaw is well watered, and is well calcula ted for tho raising of stock. lt,v.!UiJ sold at a bargain. Tho title Is indis putable., fVftc further information apply st this of fice, snd for terms, 4c to the subscriber on tbe premie. 1'. JI. S.VITII, jnn. 26, 1865. Cuth P. 0. BL A CKSM IT J I IN Ci N E W FIRM. I)AM.MURB A STEVEN'S RKSPECT fully announce to their numerous friends and i..' ide i ul, lie cenorallv. that the have catered into co-partnership In the above business iu tho shop heretofore occupioii ny too senior pariuor in the bsrongh or Cloarfield, All sorU of work In their line will be dispatoh od on ths shortest notice, and In tho most work manlike manner, and upon terms to suit the times. Fperint attention will be paid to noaa- ,L!. .Hnn.I.J will. Ilia r. rl. . Ammnn nail lo a fine edfcd double y:.A i...u....n. will he mado to order, oi ther for Cattll or srproved Country Produce.' 2i"0ive tbsin a call. (i.C. PAS3M0RE. ; Dee. 11,1801-ly: U'.M. STEVENS. J. I. LI0RRIS & CO. PIIIL1PSBUIIG, PEN2TA. LATEST ARRIVAL OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS na In Goods, and will be aold lower than ny other house In the county. LADIES' DRESS GOODS. Print & Delaine. Belnjoral Hoop Skirta, Ilood., Nubias, Sontags, Comforts, Hreakfast Capon aud Gloves,' Fure, Mutt'a and Cutis; Ladiea Coata, Circulars, Viotoriwa, Bankets, etc., etc. o Q BOOTS -AND- SHOES of all kind ' for Ladies : . i. j; ' HOOTS AND SHOES of all kinds for Genti. HOOTS AND SHOES of all kinds for Children. n a HARDWARE In endlosa variety; Broad Axes, Double-bitted Axes, Raft ' ing Axes. Uaiking Axes. CLOTHINO Of all kinds for MEN and BOYS Cheaper than the Cheapest. A general assortment of DRUGS. MEDICINES. TAINTS, OILS, DYE-STUFFS, OUO?EUIE3. Bio, Bye ind I.aguyra Coffee. Hugars white, brown and yellow. Dried peas, sweet potatoes. Cranberries, butter, ogs;s, lard, cheese Sams, shoulders aad sides. Dried boef, cod-fish, uackcr?l,herring, STOVES. Cooking A Parlor Btoros und Stovt ptpe. FLOUR, CHOP, SALT. iC. SADDLERY. Saddlos, bridles, horse collars, trimmed horse blankets, robes, sleigh-bells, whips, buruess and bumos. MISCELLAN EOU3 A KTIC1ES. r Grind stones and fixtures. Ono 2 -horse Clean Wagon. Timber-Sleds. Buggies, Sleighs, Carriages, Ac, Ac, Ac LUNBEUMEN Supplied by tho quantity with goods, flour, bacon, or anything In our lino at 10 per cent, on cost, and ws ' discount all bills nrer $14 at ten per cent. Ib fact, nctling that man or beast consume, for our customer, having advantages but what ws keep or ean get and will sella little ehespor, that no others ia our business bars. jFirOut Clearfield friends will Jplcase not fo get to eall and see us when they eeme to town Tboy will fiml,us on the corner formerly occupied by J. Runkf( aesrly opposite the Conrad House, Siain Street. ,. J. I- MORRIS A Co. Dee. 7, 1861. Farm for Sale. IN Lawrence township, two miles south of the borough of Clearfiold, containing sixty acres more or less, lying on both banks of the Eusque banna River, vllh a good Saijr-will In running order, and one Dwslling-IIouse and Barn thereon- For teams of aale apply oi the office of CRANS if BARRETT. Feb. I, fit. ;. TYIIONi: CI.EARI'IF.I.D KAIL ROAD COM FT. An adjourned meeting of the Stockholders will be bold at ths office of the Pennsvlrnnia Railroad Company, on Tuesday, January 31st, 1 1866, for ths purpose of electing a President, Vies President, and twelve Director to serve tho ensuing yoar, and ths annual state- inent will bo submitted. II. II. SHILLINOFORP, Scc'y. Pbil'ajan. 25, 1S6I. CAUTION. All persons are hereby caution ed sga inat buving or selling a certain Sor- rell Mare, now In the possession of Robert r. J'unter, of Knox township, aa the same belongs to me and la in bia use on loan only. DAVID McREriUUtA. Jordan tp, Jan- 11th, 1865 pd. DMIMSTR.VTOR'S OTICP Notice i. hereby glvn that letter of adininlstia- tion on the estate of Thos, Campbell, tato of Boll tp., ClearfleK eo., dee'd, having been granted to tbeundorsigncd.all persona indebted to said eatate are r quested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present ' cthtn duly aulhentieatod for settlement. JAMES A. CAMPBELL JACOB W. CAMPBEI Pell tp., Jan. 65. pi. I )OCKET BOOK LOST. Tfc,J ascriber lost, Detween ths 15tk and iiia of December last. ailllAf ! wenviie or Wween hi residence and tbs " Farrcor's liU ' a black Morocco Pock- - ' st Book, (imall siie), containing ono $5 bank bi'.l, and about 3 in currency, together with ons r.eceipt for $5. Ths Under v. ill bo liberally ro- yarded by retuMing it to fawrsocs in-Jan. t. K U KtZp. MERRELL & BIGLER Have Just opened a large and iplendid assortment of New Goods At their old stand in Clearfield. " . , ,- I TIIEY have the that has ever hest assortment of Ilardwar1 wbloh they will sell 1 .... amon, t wWoh wiU b. fouod a .pl.aaid lot o C u 1 1 L E R Y, . To which they Invite the special attention of th.1 I nnnllA amsivaaini k&K Cl i . . a w I g.SpooB..aaButerknlv..ofth.Umanafae - A lot of Pistols of the best pattern, and other 3 fire-arms. -XfhuT;mb n i . j , oarviuges au oi wmcn will ds sold at reasons- -i ble prioea. ' They continue to manufacture all kinds of M 'v n ir...i r, . i tm-wure, urass iveiiics, atovc - g ! Pipe. ete.. which cannot be surpassed la tbia see- lion oi mo Dtate. They alMbareon hsnd WtWKirgli Plows,! among which are Steel Centre Lever Mows. Also, j Plow Castings, and many othor Agricultural Ini-! ptementt. J look Stoves. Parlor and Coa! OjStoveea general aasovtmant, and oT the 'best fat - O ; tern, for sale at reasonable nrice. Uoal Oil, Coal Oil Um ata, Oila and Varnishes, a general aaaortuient. . C( ratms.uus ana varnisacs, a general assortment, Glass, putty, Nails, Iron aadCastings of great tbepublio ean be found la their establishment' iittir'tt 2iAs7c ' '. and at prioes that cannot bs beat. U1M.W4.nLTJ XfOOUSy . Now is the time to purchase,' Tjoser v and Notions Ifyoa desire any thing tn their line of business, i " try UHU lUllOUSf (live theni a call and examine their stock, and 3 ithcy feel assured that you can bs aooommodated Kememoer, their estabusbmorrt is en 6econfl MT-uia silver, copper, brass, pewter and old . earnings win do taKon in, exenaogo tor goods. Alay ZU, mi. A UIULKR PROSPECTUS OF VOL. Ill 18C5. Tho Old Guard J A MONTHLY jmiuVAI.. i devoted to - UTEEATUBE, SCIENCE AND ART, D The Political Principles of 1710 and 1T8T. C. CUACNCBY UCHR, EoiTOH. j rpiIIS MAGA7-IMi Wlili-COSTISUE TO I defend the principles of Uovernmont which I guidod our fathers in the loundution of tbo He- I public. Tbe spirit and doctrino of the two first i volumes will be fully maintained in uie tniru vol ume. We have no compromises to inane wua error no parley to uiaho with dospotiam. Do- mo.'racy will be treated, not aa a varying policy of cunning office aookors and spoils-humors, bul rather as an abiding principle of political econo my and of popular liberty. All supporters of this revolutionising;, Abolition war, will be held us tbo enemies of the Democracy. IVo shall ao knolodge no organization to be Doutocratit which does not bouostly enunciate and suppor the principles of the Kentucky and Yirgioir Resolutions of 17U8, and the Ured Scott decisioi of tli o Suprome Court tho one assert'iDg Stati SovcREiGXTr and the othor Wiiitb Supiieuaoi To preserve these honored doctrines tho Dome emtio party was organized by the very founder! of the Federal Uovernmont, and it remained trut to them down to the fatal and dishonoring depar ture at the coininoncoment pf tbia war. '?'hb Oi,' Ourd is an organ of Dosuqcracy aa it was, be fore thia cowardly surrender of principle, and ai it must be again, before it can rodeom ou r coun try from the rule of faotion and despotism. It will be enlarged to double its formor site that Is, to forty-eight pagos for the purpose of mak ing It in all respoots, as to style and matter, a first-elass Mterury aad Family AJaga?ino. Among the literary attractions of tbo work will be on Original Novel qf great power and in terest, written by Dr. Thomas b)caic Enolish, whluh will bs published in chapters, beginukg with tho number fur January. While the Magazine will bs double Us former eizo, nly fifty peuta will be added to tbe price cf subscription. To onablo tbe publishers to make this enlargement without loss.the engravings will be left out except perhaps occasionally. T E It it S ; One oopy one year Sevan oopies one year, and one to the I getter np of the Club, I Twenty oople one year, and ons to tbs I petter up of the O.ub, j Single copies sent, post-paid, for Terms invariably in advance; and the $ j oo ii eo 35 60 0 2D Mega- xilie will bp stopped when the time paid Sot ex pires. Aa Tub Old Ouabd ia atoreotyped, back num bers and volumes can always be furnished. All letters should be addressed as follows : VAN EVRIIS, I10RT0N A CO. Vo. 1C2, yqsau St., New York. C AUTiy VA11 persons sre hereby caution ed against buying or selling, a certain Black MARD, now in tbe use of Levi Dorrjck, of Law- ! renoe township, as lbs saiae bolongs to us find is in nu use oa loan only, euoioct to my ortler. Jan. 2t,gt pd . J. p. SHAW. NOTICE All persons having unsettled ao eouutssn theBooksaf a. L. REED, A Co., will ploose call and settle (hem, as ws are doalr lous of closing our Books. O. h. REED, ft Co. 3 mo. Jan-11th 1865. 1865 18G5. PHILADELPHIA 4 ERIE RA1LJIOAD. THIS great line traverses tbe Xuflira and Northwestern countiea Of Pennsj'Jvatlia to the city of Erie, on Lake trie. It haa been leased by the Ptuntfhanla 'Hail road Company, and is operated by Ibom. Its entire length was opened for passenger and freight business, Oct. 17th, 1861. Tim of Pftttcnytr Traini at Emporium,. LCAVS rastward Mall Train, 3:20 A. M. 3:40 J. IK Elmira Express Train, - M. ' Aoeommodatiea, M. - Accommodation, M MAva wasTwann. MM Train. 11:08 - - A. M. Elmira Express Train, - . -M. - Accommodation, - - M. - - Accommoda'ion, - - . JUL. Passenger Cars run through witrovt CBAsae l. .. . V. .... a. hmm tfl.l1.1nlnli;. mrA V.t. Elegant Sleeping Cars on Express T:'lni both sy between Williamsport an"l iiahlmore. and i lliamsport snd Pblladolni'.a. i For Information rej-pecling Passenger business a .;ily at the 8 2. Cor. 11th and Market sts. i .nd for Freight buslnoss of the Company's ' A ..n, P. B. Kingston, Jr., Cor. 13tb and Market 'atj.. Pbilndolphia i J. W. Reynolds' Erie j .'. M. Drill, Agent N. C. R. Jl.,EuHimoro ; 11. II. Houston, (ion'lFre'ht A,g't, Phila.j ' II. W. Owismkr, yoal Jiciut Ar t, Philo,; Jos. D. 1'oTTS; ycfl'l Mapager, iVilliainsport. . Jan. 11, 1865. CLangc Jrjs a$,c , liut not his Politics. n. EJJOJ'AL mOM SHAW'S ROW TO ORA , barn's, ono dour wost oi Boyntou d Show ers More, lne subscriber wishes to Inform nis friends and aumerous parPbas that bs has left bis old stand in bbw s llow and bas hroxe oni iu new place in Graham's Row, In tbe shop former - I nn-ntiiml h it Kiutnnk He would like all his old friends to give him a as a lioot ana nuy. call on Court Woek, and bring as maoj new ones along as possible, a h can accomedate all on short notico, at the Short Shoe 8hop. Kept I, ' .. FRANK 8JI0RT. WRemeoiber Graham's Row, oue dour west of Boydtoa howere' Store. ju. Great Reduction in PRICES of FALL k WINTER GOODS J. R KRA TZEK, Street, Clearfield, Penn'a. Having purchased large stock since (be lute deolina in prices is now prepared la J) Qood . , w , lUCtlCSt I nMed, ' U OOttSy ' J.7 DclahlCS, ' ' . v . Good Black Silk, ; . .... UQUUrgS OTid AlpaC(lS, v . , Wnnlfitl SlhnirU 001671 PIIUICIS, Ladies' Mawcs. ' JfUfS (Hid BoMlCtS I ' Sla2)Ie Dry Goodf I f?-J,. J," m's1 i f J f , . TlfJ'syl jl , HCCLCL XI-MClaC KslOlllXllgy ttCltS 0,71(1 Ls&VS Boats md Shoes, Hardware , Queenswarc Drugs and Groceries, Carpels and Oil-cloths, I Household Goods, All 0f which -will be sold at creatly reduo- ea prices. Oct. 19-tr. C. W & H, W. SMITH, DEliiEKS IN ' Foreign & Domestic MERCHANDISE! HAVE STILL ON HAND A Fine Assortment 'OF Dry Goods, Notion Groceries, Hardware, . i Qttccnsicarc, Wooden-Ware Household Goods, I ALL OF VlHCn WILL HE SOLD vmY LOW F o r C a s li ! wTan,-25, 3an. tiQtrtfTY LOAX OF im. Money Wanted to Amount of THE Commissioners are roqulret Jo pay bounties to ' vdlunteora and swbstltutes ia i ordor to fill the quota of tbe comity en ths eom l iae draft, and (hey need money for mat purpose. Tboy now call upon the citizonr ito oorae for ward acU tasn tbe county the money necessary,, for wbloh OOC?QX BOXD VCLKAR OF TAX, Ilea-ring Six Per Cent. Interest, srynblf each balf yoar, will bs Issusd, running om 1860 to 1872, In sums of $100 $1,000! SFheeeUloment shews that the oounty owes but 4Jtfi0u tot bounty loans, and this loan ts a aur land sale .investment. All are Interested 'ia bav jiing this loan Uken, and it hoped It will bs I met with promptness. . j If not taken before tbs let of February It wlty i be placed in ths eastern c'.dea and ths opportun ity for Investment will '0 lost j jrer Subscriptl'd to the loan received at tbs 'aasf.eld Co-uty Rank np to February 1st, aad :.e monov will be there paid la ana bonds sellv- 'red. Come forward at ones and aid ea with i your money. THOS. DOrvUtvfcTXi ANUS READ, Attest, OiNRAD BAKEjR, W. 8. IJK AC LEY, Com mlsslopers. ' Clerk. jan. 25, adies' furs, Purchasers may ely nnon ret- i ting the best Furs at CI1AS. KU.NS, Ci ntinental Hotel, Philad'a. yn. u. iHrVfT 17TVT a nonsg, saddle I to 1 UijliiN . 9 tit I -JJ ' I were stolen from me on .V"P'I7 P'Rht (be 10th ult. The horse wn a small Dirjt Brown, with a 1 star in hi forehead. The hail was partially oB i hi right fhpuldcr, eausnd y rubbing it with coal oil. The borse hade,e.n lams In this shoul dor. The saddle wa an ordinary military sad 'die,' nearly new, covered with black leathor. Tbe thief is supposed to have been a man by the name of LACti, who escaped from prison nn the nigu uisjiorse was stolen, no wa seen j New Washington, Clearfield county, on Fr,- an, latr, susn uw. j j will fay any reasonable snm for tbe retiwn 0r me nors,e, r tor sucn iMormation as win en able me itn sK't bus and Uie other property taken. , W. JAC.. , HollidsysVarg, Jan. J, TSM pd. , . , ! fH enlleiocs Hats, All tbe Latest Flyles, at I J CIlAHtS OAKFOKU & tiONS, Cbntinen tal JUelol, Philadelphia. jia. ;