ge C!farfdbtpublica,itv The Peace Movements, was not long beforo many conflicting re- WbenF. V. Blair returned from bis porti were circulated regarding the re- "oath-bound orjnItjtions," do. These 'reporter not only gave tbt lentimenl, but ... .it i s I 7. ...Afl hir com plaiou come nun an in grace irora guve " -v iult of their mission those wbouitd to ditgrace their manhood tbe speaker, a man wuy wu Ueny aic ia nP i iwuuu.uuu, u. Ur ui,P.iuu T0 Boll4l5onist.o position of the two by bolding their midnight orgies in hen- so palpable at this, and to susceptible of from Washington announced that bis trip Governments were known on the return roosts and pig-sties and shearing men to proof, must not complain if the public hud been crowned with the roost pefoct of Mr. Hlair (rom Richmond the one discard tbci, own parent, if the, held to discredits hi. allegation tb.t th. copy of .uceos.-lbat Jell. Davis, hi. Cabinet and a certain religion, or were bom in a for. the address furnUhed for publication i. Congress, and Gen. Lee ar.d his army, eignlnnd. But nil this U but additional correct, "verbatim el literatim." wers miiy i mnoui w wj uu turir evidence of the perfidy of the men who John affects to be warmly attached to arm. and return to the Union- ThU was are now seeking Tengcanco on the Peo- the Union-to our "common country"- contradicted the next day, and in a day pie of this county because the would not and pronounce, thi. "the best government thereafter, the following announcement r.,tln.nd .u.uimhom In iheir Aboli- amonv men." Ve mo clad to heor thi. appeared in all the city paper, boring ev- Wehnehday' MoRSisa::::::FEB. 8, 18C3. mion treason. If there are. crever were, from John. It sounds like the voice of a ery mart 01 i.aviog toon prepureu wnere I county, not previously araenaoio to vio lated law, will be adjudged quietly of any intentional broach of the law. That tome Democrats have been indiscroct, and allowed thomsclves to commit rets, or use expressions, that are in violation lof recent laws, we do not doubt. But the criminal intention always necessary to bo; provon before conviction is wanting- .Surely, if so ninny men as bavo been ar restee! were guilty of any design against the Government, or against the laws, tome tangible, some substantial proof of their I guilt could be found. They would not Le 'thus organized wilhout being prepa red ic umo shajie or other, to executo their purpose. I ho authorities are now ratified that the report, about forts and breastworks wore bu to fabrications. They should then weigh with great cau tion the talcs of the informers, most of Was not the tending of Soldiers to Clear field a Fraud upon the Government. In our controversy with our Jaecbin neighbor at least ono or two poinU of difference are becoming pretty clearly de fined, lie asserts that there was a ne cessity for fending troops here, and for proof, poind to the fact that our deficien cy hat been "reduced one-half" since the soldiers came, and also to the largo num ber of arrest, that have been mado ; wtile wo contend that, had our county b;en treated like other counties were treated and which we honestly believe would have been done had not the writer of tho articles iu the two last issues of the Juco- (in organ under the heading of "War in j Clearfield," soil others of, like reckless character, shamefully mis-repro3entod fact, to the authoritics-quite as many men wculd row ba in the service. Toe point of dispulo is therefore broad and distinct. Lot hs now refer to what our neighbor give as facts. He tays our deficiency (of course ho is speaking of tho time at which the soldiers arrived) was four hundred. Whore does he get his figures? He docs not state what our whole quota was. We confoss we do tot knew. But whatever it was we are quite sure tint it was fully half till ed. We assume so from the fact that vianv townshirs and borouchs had cntireh filled their quota ; nearly all wcro partial ly filled, and all with perhaps one or two exceptions had sent less or more; so that it is entirely safe to assume that our county's quota was moro than half iillod at the time the troops were ordered here. If our neighbor is correct, then, in in serting that our deficiency was "over four hundred" our original quota must hare been over eight hundred 1 Will he pre tend that such was the fact? Unless ho does he is salf-condemned. We repeat we have no accurate data as to our original quota, nor as to the pre cise numbor of thedeGciencr : but wo sr- ' 4 peal to every man in the county, who has given the subject any attention, if what we say is not true, to wit : that our quota was at least half filled before tho troops -c oi e T Then, if this point is settled, why was Clearfield singled out for this species of vengeance? If she had An filled her This question is answered by the Pros! dent's proclamation calling for thecurrent 200,000 men. In this Proclamation the President says that only 2G8.000 men were obtained by tbe last call for 500,000. Thit i but little over the half, so that it is xoost clesrly evident that other sections were also in arrears that CleaiGeld was not alone iu her deficiency ; and if her quota was ." filled, as we contend it was, she was but little, if any, below the awr of tbe wholo country. Then why were the soldiers sent here? Was' it simply to fillour quota? Ifso, what a terribly expensive recruiting ex periment it has teen 1 But it was for no such purpose. Martial Campbell was made believe that our people had organized for resistance, and that the conscription could not be enforced here without the aid of the military. lie was assured by men from this county, such as the writer be fore referred to, whose veracity he then had no reason to question, that such was really jibe feeling here ; and they went further, and assured him that they were welt armed, with ehosen leaders, and for midable forts and breastworks erected. Will they deny this? Let them, if they dare Under tLeee circumstances Capt. Camp dell felt jiKlilied in calling for assistance. VYe Jjlame him not for that. What ve complain of is, that he did not come and eee for himself ; that he put bis trust in men whom be must now know are entire ly unworthy of trust; and richly merit . the harshest eniihets it h as ever v.L bnan our unpleasant duty lo apply to them. , Ilad he came, all would have been well. The fraud and cheat would have been dis covered; a supplementary draft for the deficiency would have been ordered im mediately after Ihe election as was dono elsewhere in all other parts of the Stale and our people, having seen that the' election was lost, would not have been behind their neighbors. That such would' havo been the result we have hot a spark' of doubt. It would not have bean because! lit At stavm ! T iL. rj . ... ,,u. .j. iu war ; or Decs use contain!.,- th nuotation in miction lo the Union. It was clear that tbe rebel themselves did not anticipate a ready compliance will) their demands, while there was an earnest detire on the part of the Presi dent to do all that was compatible with his honor and public expediency in the premises, and who evinced not it lit tle anxiety to induce tin aocuninodatioa. It was briefly announced by lelecrnnl n rmi,i5nn.. tooni r otherwise, in repentant sinner. But who made this "best the great secrets oi Stole are Uiscusbou : this county, under the control of Demo-'government ?" Who "established thelib- " f m "Srf.i.d'.''.'ifiii crats, that advised retistauoe or defiance erties of the nation ?" John does not slop l0D or rPcaiY4j fr0nji there Commissioners this morning, that President Lincoln and to tbe laws wo know nothing of thorn. to teli us. Yet he knows very well that to treat upoa the basis of separation, i he secretory Heward hud retu to Wash tvi Snfermaitnn nf it. I.tPnr.i ! the rcrV men who mado this ' best eovern-! Prc.idenl of the United Slates, on the ington, after a conference with the rebel i " " " .. 'niiiAr homl. i irilimp to a limi-uiL' 10 commissioner, winch resulted in no ml a . n. mi I - .mi iiifl.ii i ii ii ii iia iv nru: 11 . a.. govern ofsuch organizations has been roado to ( mcut" lived and died m the daily practice to the authorities; and thai the large of wkat he calls the "turn of all xilluiniet." number of arrests made are th result of The Washingtons, the;Jeuorsons, the Mad information thus given. How this may ions, the Monroes, and Ihe Leesthe vt be we are not prepared to sny But when ry men who formed and fsshioned "our the whole truth is mado known, it will 'glorious and time-honored Institutioni" be found that not a single citixen of the were all slaveholders, and the woilU lias ever siuco believed that they lived and died as patriots and Christians; but ifl John's logic is correct, this is all an error, and they were all humbugs and dema gogues 1 How invigorating such senti ment, must have been to the patriotism 'of lha soldiers, whom be was addressing! I. I,., no r ilnnl ilh (hp. 1 CI l.J VUU", " V 11 i l v. i v ' .www- - fr.iJ-The author of tho article in the last JatoLin organ about the "war in Clear field" is nrto supremely ignorant as he thoroin confesses himself. We bad reference to the means and influences us ed to bring the soldiers hero -who, by the way, so far as our observation extends, are real clever fellows, mostly inti lligcnt, and some of them real red-hot Democrats ; and if there was any real utility for them here we would rejoico in their remaining with u. Our neighbor repliod to our argument with this understanding; and when he anv nerion of influence who may coma change of the attitude of either of the from the State in rebellion, with or with- Governments. out authority from Davis, to treat for nence Private telegrams have since been re on the basis of tubminsioo to the Union, ceived, making inquiry as to the truth of Of the above facte there Is no doubt." this statement, because Ihe whole truth The air of "authority" with which this had not been stated with record lo the anniinnira vn. muU .Mimad to teiiU prospective and immediate results from . .. , ,. . . ., , . , Uiohmond. Now, that brief telegram is the quebUon. Immediately the sheddy re,ialjU ftnd WM obuined from w oigans began to open their batteries upon authority. No details have yet been made poor Blair, not sparing tbe President, and known, nor is it probable that they will even old Wado bad lo send a broadside transpire tne I'rosiJenl and becrettry .Wl .lAnonnin. thl. oewR wm " only party, pretenion ' o nur ildd. ami tho pAnlnrnnnw Luinff an. attempt to "treat with rebels will arms tircly too informal and in the character lo their hand," in tho most violent terms, of a general conversation, to elicit the in other counties, Irfort the soldiers came ?" If our neighbor cannot answer the question without convicting formation within our reach respecting the: P14" whom are the oaly guilty ptrties, and do- pretends that a trifling typographical or tail their lies with the cowardly hope of ror of an , for a d, in the word had, blind thus rcrecning iheniselves. We might ad luce further evidence to prove that the soldiuis not brought here to "enforce the laws." Wo might refer to the repented threats of tho -Jin organ at Ilarrisburg, thut the "copper hoads (meaning the Domncrats) of tho North would be attended to ns soon ss tbe soldiers could be spni cd from the front." These threats were repoatod by every Jacobin organ in the State, nnd re echoed from every stump, and nowhere with greater vehemence than in our own countv. And again, we might refer to tbe fret that we had boen threatened wilh thU military visitation at diflerent periods for more than a year previous ; and if our Jtcolin leaders, who wore so overwholm ingly rebuked at the election of '03 and 'CI, bad bad the influence they imagined "v4 maul lu.Hno" is but little doubt that "war in Clearfield" would have commenced many months sooner. There teat no drfcicney in our quota then. If so, will our neighbor explain why these threats were then mado ? But the killing of Butler (an event, all the at tending circumstances being the same, might have happened in any other commu nity) gave color to the exaggerations of these leaders, and the authorities, per haps honestly impressed wilh the belief that an insurrection, or something of that sort was about to take place, yielded lo their demands, and the troops were sent. Krotu the foregoing considerations, as well as front many others that mig ht be produced, d'.d our limits permit, we are woitiii or WATCHES, CHAINS, IUKG.yc G. S. I la skin f, V - ort r)i.-. c. J - V OITtr ihe following to na.'. VALUABLEJEWELBfi HAVING BEEN FOR A L0N0 tiw K.K.d in tho Ucktt TI!t- litbsd our rtpuution for nranmi.. ' 4 .". bility, and roisessioi great fciUii. i. 50,tOO of Wslch..,DUD,ood Pi d . 4o., to Is sold for ONE DOLLAR Each , ' out rsgura io vsmo, na not lo b Lld ' " you know wht you srj to rtcelra M,i Just look ot lb Mlowinc Hit ....:.'' r.'.i old for " " W One Dollar Each t 17S Wntchsi (bsndixmolj engrw.d ' rsnUd psrfoct tint ktioert). tr.iB" miv aa i. fli.i. But ibis lasted only for a day; and wo now havo the assurance la at Commission en from Jclf Davis were actually at For tress Monioo on the 2d ind., where Mr. Secretary Seward was waiting for them, and who were joined on the next day by President Lincoln, whon the w hole party were expected to proceed to Washing ton. The Ilichmond Ditpatch of 31st, Jan., hat the following: "M.ssers. Stephens, Hunter, and Camp bell, the Lonreuerate peace comamsion views of all who composed it, rather than grave diplomatic discu s on. Beyond this whatever may be taid must be mere speculation. The conversation did not result in agreement. The main feature involving questions of separation and submision to the Union having been left undecided, of course those of minor character could have no existence, and so the parties separated. Ah fiir as can be ascertained nothing was saicj as lo luturo mooting, and tbe is sue seems to be left precisely wtiero 250 Lsdiei' solid Gold Hunt isz Caiti, .. 240 Gnft Silver W.tohti, 00 !?.." 1,000 Latest 6lyl Vssl and pieca unains, i,5"0 Gent's Califorole hi amond Pins, 4,0u0 California Diamond Ear Drops, 3,000 Miniuturs nnd Enam elled Kevolring I'inn, 2,0ue Cat. Diamond A Kn ain'ld Oeut'i Scarf l'ini, new Slylci, 2,000 Masonic A Emblem Pins, 2,500 Gold Band Bracelets, engraved and plain, 3,0uu Jet tad Moiaie liroo. cbe, 2,000 Cameo Brooches, rich patterns, very tasty, ed his faculties, he but exhibits his ears. Our que lion wns a very plain ono "why wnsnosuri.lomontarv draft made for this lour troops set up such a cheering ns nev . . .1 nas tat mm lia.tfl ItAt'.tr ani rt I ri 1 . I it I 1 II -l.,i ' ,1 1 - -r . 11...VI v iiviii wi v a huvi vviitiuuu'i st tjtit Washington City, stopped' on Sunday lclune of l''t night in l'etersburg. wljnce ihey wenl through the lines to City Point yesterday morning. They left our lines on Cien. Bush Jlionsou'e front. As they were mak iae the transit, llioir chn,acter and ob ject of their mission became known, when L WHa ! . .rti. ..1 - 1 1 , j-.--.-. . - i,ovu 1; lereuiuio anu Lara uriuro 1110 cjnierence. mere is no yeria- Tins, the real articlo, cation of the report c'rculating to-day, ' Coral Har-Drop, that they had agreed uoon a eeneral ex- .2,n00 Ladies' Chatelaine ' - a as 1 . . ma.iiP, u- iuu viuiu, "teMHtiii. WhcV fOtolOOO,. 3MIO 20 00 M4 00 to te outi, 00 to 19 00 k. M lltltlED Oo Febrnnry J. W. Phu- (tart, Kjq , Mr. Win. McKnight to Mist Mar- i'asfUiore, both of this pluee. tba I)It-:iIn Lawrooce township, of Consumption, 1 en February 3d, Kuth Adaline, daughter of Wm. J., and Mary Ann Luiuadue, agod 22 yrs, U inontba and 7 days. tho commissioners were out of sight and well within the Yunkee lines, when the clamor was immediately caught up by the OOtoUHuflV 00 to I ( li 00 to 20 00 mI. 1 OOtolJOOs.,1. 2 00 to iOQiMi 1 00 to IS Ot each. 00 to I 00 ..4 2 i0 to 10 tt MKh, himsplf of fulsebnod. hn should not try to ! Yankee iroops, who cheered and bnrrab shield himself by pleading ignorance of ing'thout? he Knglish language. missioners went on their wsy. The next riici. V"i:Tve"ciscwhere all the in- we beur of them will be through Yanke 2Jcto bbtrtistmcnts. OUPJIAN'S COUIiT SALE or Valuable Ileal Estate Inle attempt to opon negotwion wilh the Richmond authorities. The general opin ion is, that the effort bas failed ; yet there are those who insist that the conference on the James River sgreed upon a plsn for a further conference, which fact Mr. Lincoln and Mr. Seward keep to them selves. Be thit as it may w think enough is now known from tbe temper evinced hv the confederates, mvlnr. H ". im, 11 u oen. AiuLlellaa been elected, in stead of Lincoln, there would be no insur mountable difficulty in the way of an hon orable pence as among the first of his offi cial sett. If the war continues, it is sgreed upon all hands, that the next six months will exhibit the most herculean cflorts on both sides, and the mightiest and bloodi est battles ever witnessed. Tbe country can therefore readily calculate what it has lost by failing to elect McClellan ; or rath er, by permitting him to be cheated out of the election. 6,000 Uent't Pins, asplen- did assortment, 4,000 Solitaire Bleero But tons, entirely new stylet, 3,000 bluds & Sleev but tons. In sets, very rich, 5,000 bice re Button., plain, enamelled A engraved, I lf,00U plain fc band.otuoly engraved Rineo I P.U00 Spring Lockets, double case, r.cbly engraved, 2 00 to 15 (4 ivL 15.UC0 sets Ladies' Jewelry, I new and lateit Styles, t 00 to 11 00 tick .2,000 Uold Pens, A hand some iilrr cotes, S 00 to 10 OOsut. I This entire Hit of beautiful and yalutbU tpwb will be sold for One Dollar Each. CortUcatei of all the above articles will be placed la enril. ' ODes. and sealed. That ftnretanAi ail. 1 j . r: rt-.r-ii 1. .--..- !.v 1 S 11 VIRTI E OK AV ORnVn fit? T n t? nw - uin, uranrea . wunoui reiira IO CHOCS, ui ,"""77 " ,MMW"D7 '"'U-13 CorrfClc.r5.Td count,, ,W. will the receipt of th. ..rtific... yoa will ... U d to the Northern papers by the cprret- be eipoeed to TCBLIC SALE in the borouih of our tJ bve, and tbm it is it your eptin it pondeot OI llie AssOCiatOU i'retS. , virarneia, on - .....u. ....v.., ,. 11 SntnnlTV 1 1 U lOf s r iv certiflcales can be ordered for $1; clttn lIsit.lAHllst At Mr or TUI rorOMAC, OaXUrua), .UarCIl Hft, IbbO. 'fur II j thirty five for i;siity-0re.forli4 Feb. 1. The announcement that peace 1 Ail tbe following described Real Eatate, situate one Hundred lor $tj. r?t willseed aiiogUeir. oommissioneis had arrived within our in ''ke tonship, Clesrfleld county. Pa., late the tificat ob the reoeipt of 2i eeots. lilies and bad gone to Wathinglon, al- , I"-"Prt of Samuel Reed, decM. Beginning at a (i. 8. UASIilSi A CO, though premature, wat not without fouo-! j "1 l't lT'lZl. h ,M P'M ? J0"' 1 . Box' 4270 30' litttman 1 r . . . a 1 a 1 . jtneneeeast 2s perohes to a white oak. thence F.h 8 -ti v., Wil fn. dation 111 Uct. On Sunday a flag of truce : ,outi. i00 n.reh.. to s,..h.-. m.-.' ! B- Jl- e" ork "V- eppeared ou line near the centre, and, be-; down the river so perches to white oak, thence Ug usntJi wt nil luuutj ss uw m 1 w 'aivibu iu tug UI(IUUID, VUDlalLlB ftDOUt ) fog wilh Mr. ltlsir and General Urant, tor I . t olXiy-IMnc Acre?, permission for the following-named per sons to pass to uencrul Oram a LeaUquar- -.iu acres cieare-1, with good orchard, and hating thereon ereoted gned hi and barn, tra. v z: Lieutenant l,'rlnnl Itaioh A A 1 ".'.' vs.nnw- j v 1 7. . 1 yu.-uiui me purcnas money on hand. v. uMw..niiflLo vvuJiUlflIUIiri. (IUU USIIDCS ID ODe TeaF. With GREAT lil WtOVOEKTS IS Sewing Machines and the be secured EMriRE SHUTTLE MACHISR! Aii.srD rssniMnr trn, 1300. CO M M I .S.S ION E US' S A LK er Uffiflovstftad ILan(laJ 'man iinri ninnrl Iham lina. constrained to repeat our question W ,,7! -uc ,u.u. lD, oopu at.on reached Ihe appointed not the sending of toldiert to ClearMd a fraud " t . . V ? " Z .n,l .lil'Vi f' c'"? upon tht Government t ll.lDllllll, II Vl. U.l If Lt 'I' It. I.ntiit an.l . .. . ... w, ..... i. vU uu of mK on ine premises. Hunter and J. A. Campbell. Colonel! O. L. UEEf). iSsrauel Ilarinian, commanding the 1st Feb. 81b, 18(14. Ad'tnr. luigudo anu 1st Division, vih Corps, re tived the communication and forwarded it 10 headquarters. Owing to (Jen, Grant's absence from City poiut 00 reply could be tent immed iately, but ine mailer was referred lo.TJf PURSUANCE OF A.N ACT OP isscm' pens, and pronounced ti V. srvprrrtTVi Wsthinittoii, and after tereral communi-1 I bly. passed the 13th dayof Um. .itu -. PERIECTION eomhin..i cationt had passed bet neon our author!- titled on Act to amend an Act directing tho mode ' Ithata straight oeeJle,erpendicu'sr tctloi. purposes, mates ins Luifc or bHUrXLK stitch, wbieb countv will win neilber rip or rnvel. and ii aliks no both vourtbouse siues; penorina perrect tewing on every dsMns- en 5. 1 (ion ei material, irora uaalber to tbt AisM tt- Township. ' 00lt "HO cotton, linen, froa lbs coin- d..i... 1 est to the fi leit au ober. Chest. !, "T1D8 neuner tor Cogwheel, sad las SALESROOMS. 53G, Ilroadwny, New York. 252, Washington Street, Boston ; "ISHI3 MACHINE 13 COSSTRUCIID 'O.t ; X entirely new principles of iLeehaoiia, est- . teasing many rare nnd valuable iinproriminU, , oaring ooen examined by tbe most profouod fi llet anu tbe committionert llie permission i"' "K Dn sraiea lanat ami ror other was giantrd, und a depul.ttion, conmeting ' . xn oomniissioners or iicarfleu of Col. JWbco.;k of den fJranfa stair. Col. "'o'ng luos at too ir.rri...n I ...lirt If ri.mrtr.1 P.'. L..l c? ltoav th. 14th day of March, 1 ' ' vi. HI UIKVI VJI'Vlflil HIAO 1 I fl m--. II I If . i tfi'tf. it urrantre. Anotbir 'Tori's ntLL aoaimst rm Con kt." The resolution abolishing slave ry throupbnut Ilia Tlnilnl muni the House of Kepresentrtives last week 119 !"!?! d'?la ,0. nt" 1,16 8l,e"i?6- 1 no 55 70 Jobv Iti'ttEi.L, again. The iddrest- or - revolutionists to be part of tbe Constitution. iUO0D and were soon joined by Mr. Stepb-1" To accomplish thi. outrage H democrats !7 "d. J 1,5? "'P"'0"'- . 5l 1 , At, rrr.... ; ,",nule' 'I,ent ,n "rchaDging, 1 209 c.... .....v..t .,u.B H.VU. w..w,u..,u ina pWIJ CBai0 W1tnin 0ur lines, the 1 what jmrports to be the address delivered McAllister or I 'ennsylvanin. ITlbit scheme jtioops on both sides uniting in a timulta- by this gentlemen at a collation given to consummated it will be another tnsu-;Deou cheer, which teemed to givo themi Feb. 8, ... .. .f ,.n. -.,. 1- .-.1 . . crealei confidence than ther liaii 1,' tne so.uiers ai curwensv.ue on toe 4tii or ik ,0 w.. ret.orai.on 01 ;xh,LilBJt Tb ere -rl- Jjnimrr. will ba found on nur first nana the Union, at it is perfect annihilation to I i i 11 f J t . i"- k --ll vmA III ui I IflftTB. IIUMIB H mw. Hi III 1 in H was in waitira to convey i David Kopharl, George Mullen, 65 n tn, liauminn, Ileocaria. Henry Faunce, Ooggs, J. Musserstnith, Burnside J. Cunnincham. Rurnsid Oeorge Ross, Rurnside reler lien, Py order of the Board. WM. S. BHA9LEY,' 18U1. clerk, ! least possible friction, it runs as smooth ai (ItH, mi is cmpaaucauy A. XOISELESS MACIIiySi It requires Fifty per cent, less power lo drive We are requeited to publish it fur the pur-' State Sovereignly. pose of proving that the correspondent of LIEK NOTICK Th. Botrd of Relief or the county of Clearfield, will meet at th Commissioners' office, on Wednesday and Tburt- 1'oiot. A large crowd . - vvunHin..uii.ifl vi.ii;i7, vu iivuureauT ana ID them to CHy day, a. J2d and 23d dayt of February, 1864 of soldiers was The Board have directed that all new ai ttarlt it a lone timo since r,.rd t'll.": ."'nT-?" . a.reciea tnat a I the Journal, who renorted th aub.lanr' "T ' ... ... 7. i " 7 u.Uu. lU go glimpse can- must appear Dolor, tn. Hoard new appli. nil nrndi... ance c(ninr would nnrmitt Ut to anv nn ll.inrr of lllt ami wliin tl train n.ri. their swnrn iljilntnonl itiallin. -r .i.i:.. of the address, and whose letter was pub-' nmmnil,.inrw of ilm official aHa of 'ed loud cheers aeain created theui. On re?iu,eDt "! company! when enlisted: the w., :i .itu.,1. ... .i i ."riiviug oi tny ioini iuv were taicen to rj. . : . . :.".:"" " i uua iiwui u im iiraiuio iu . . i .,. , , - ... ., , lue lownsnin in wnic 1iKtif.fl Kw out. nc.if.liKA riw il.flh It it. ...' ....... . Vj vla uv.uw., VM .. fl.flfl.fl, represented the teKer. We admit that , commend bis recent letter to President Central (i rani's headuarters, w jjurne as H tb.n ,ny othcr MBCBD, ln tb, atrttt. A ti, """""J : twelve yeart of age can work 11 steadily, without laugue or injury to health. Its ttreogth and Wonderful Simplicity tf con struction renders it almost impossible togetetl or order, and is tiuarautted by tht eonpaaylt gir. entire tatisfactien. Wt respectfully inrlte all those who Dty J tirt to tupply themselres with a superior trtifls, to come and extmine thit t'nrlvalled Michlte. But ln a more especial manner do wt solicit the patronage of Merchant Tailors, Coach iMnkors, berethfr,DiP in whicb they resided at the tim. of i IoOT) Skirt Man lJ ,nhttment, and their present residence and that .7 ? ient ahd lh, i. without tht oe.n. of support for henelf . ntnrers, . i ! A . fir it. t t a s.i. a . . . i iitcni Lua diful. ikiessri. ainn sth m nnr. wun nronc nrniiriai nur i . ... m .el.. '.. .M.i' . I wneoin pro eaiiDg against the system or UmpUU looked much emaciated, but and children, who are d.nende no h vunuouu.a. .cme tuwir own umi- apportioning quotas of conscripts to tho Mr. Hunter sppeared to be bale and Two witnesses of credibility, from th. township cultlesj yet, having expressed our telicf gutea M iiracticed ut Washinetot. It is ,iearlT. did Colonel Hatch. The latter which she resides, must also be produced in the correctneisof the remarktas given' m,ni iti.r nA .,i. i ri, conducted the negotiationt In hit utual ht ccrtiflcnte.eworn tobefort the board, must tw th rriBBil-tu.!. ii.ot vr, ,? ou. y much hke flgrepabi0 bdiJ manner. . " ?1 ;h.e J1 "I1. ' lbe P ' T' -.....-o .Aoays production! before 1 fell into the. The only allutmn made to our d n.s,.un .rm.numu slough of Aboltionism . resents herself tt be : that the nnv.. i uc uijiT niiuBiuii ijinui iu uui UlUJCUl- n t , .... . . : . IliiY'for 1,im in 'tie. wat lha har i,n...M h. M. UteuU. r. " x .." ,,.,.rue " l,i:, r t- .... ,i - ii,i '.- , i : - --, , ....,. in umuiuts circuuisinnces and nor family in ..u. uicU-neuiUo sctupa claiai'ror State Kfghts cow, ii joonei lisrnman, on waamg mm actual want ( and that all th.fut set furth iuhor less than comply wilh his request, and la-- !- in i ;t fi.. .i -i - : good bye, that they should soon meet na- application are Jutt nnd true. ...i i:.i. u. I.' ...:....'- iUke IOCA,r,8 doop atltr.tbe liorte IS der nu(lt,ice. , Form, eoutainiotr these renni.ilinn. ,.. I,. , ' "' , ,7 l i Men." W e shall lay it before our read- Impeding the moveroenti of the Pres- uind the of th of Relief, when """" ;r.. ' Lieut Ihe Wash niton .War. of I i",l in.l "n nn me wunexsei a In tho letter of Mr. Russell, which we: ' -; --- ' 'ia an extra, announces the departure of , ' notice. vt e can the attention to the V.csidenl Lincoln at 1 1 o.olar.k to-Hair for Corset Makers, Gnitci1 Fitters, Shoe Binders, Vost and Punta- loon Makers, Drc98 ilakcrs, w. 8, kpnear. BRADLRy, Clk. Shirt & Jiosom Jlakcrs. Religious tad Charitable Institutions will bt liberally dealt wilh. rmcrs or macbiss conrtrTt; .. No. 1, Family Machino, wilh llcmsr, Feller and Braider. 19 No. 2. Small Manufacturing, with Extension ( llle, So. a, Ltrgo Miinufacttring, wilh Exlemios CI entlemen's Hutu, All tho Lntost Stylet at J CHARLES OAKFORD A SONS. Conti- mey believed that it was right to proso- cuie a war for any such purpose as Mr, rmtilislied last week, this laniruaize occur : .s.i. r advertisement of Messrs O.' S. Haskiss 1 Annapolis, on a tnecial train, for the nur tend you) yow will c. that not one trortf of your Co., in our paper. This is one of the old- I)0sei 'l ' underitood.of joining Secretary cental Hotel, Philadelphia. quout.on it contained to lt ... 4od . tarM- knftwn . KnilaA in oewara ai rortrest JUonroe or Lily l'onit, This assertion is as distinct as lancunce1 ,L ... . . ...... lo noia an luierviow with the re , ., t . , - imeir nneoi iraue. ineir wen estauusn- tut on, Messrs A. II. Slenhens rnn malrA il T..I lia aaaim .on linn. In. a it . . . .., n. n . HCI'IIOIIJ r . : . . ,cd reputation is a periect cuaranUe a- Jiuuler, and John A. Camnb is. Let us see how much Ibo reporter, ., .... ..,. ... rresidPiiL took hi. .un.n..M in . .i..i . . , - f niun uiiinu vicuiiiig, unu niiy vgs iritir l gisoouBteil, was mistakon. Here is our paragraph , in-lft mir.i1Mfl v---,.- ,i0rint. car. J-80 bJ,.enmt No 18, and placed Pennsylvania htate Stock . .,, , . , uPon lb tond at a lew moments notice Ppecio ion. will HO well lo trv IIia snliomn otlorort uu ii. ui.:.. . . . .. . i.... r ,i n.i.. Tb. writer proceeds to fay tbtt John Russell ' . . ",0 "'"mf.m .tt.nix v'a, " '" . ,,..t. followed tlen. r.tton "by reading a very inter- UJ Jlelr, """w Hsl iney rapany. i tie Metident wat acccmpon- Zy . :iiet oi tue ni." l. in..s. . jan. 1). rebel depu-1 t2T ATi:MF.T OF THU CM '.AH FI F.I.I) l T T O COUNTV HANK, for tho month ending 'bell :. ThV"" 1 1805 : Lincoln announced m bia "To wl om in' "lin address, in which h. lamented tht cWy ' odvertiso for one dollar each is certainly edooly by one of the altac nia. ,. .. . . . for the prttent rfmiai ore military fore in our . i. i r .1 i While UOUSO. vv""i maniesto: nor was il be. tm.i." a. . ii... U.V..I...HI..,'"! 1H""U wucl KreatciiBnco Checks, rufts,A. :Over drafts. c"u" llly would willingly into the Pre,0Dt aat should be tolerated until ev.ry r.- 0 obti service j but becaum it.- . l i . ,!n.d teM tympathistr, both North tnd South, 1 ! a la lavrl ali,.ii!?i , WM 00 olber, ih11 hld "'formed and" " iawjk,i alternative left tbnm i ... ihea' tbflt ha I a l "r"! .wn, nu., ine naareitT tn ue vam r accomodati Jim. ihe oadc at tll rl. il 9tMT drft Leen very fi"1 rarft6'ph tbe following langusge of the Brookvilla Bcpullkan is in to obtain useful and ornamen w Irice, CamV Accomjiodati Hih. The i l i 1 i,ronl lh f'lCt Of his going to FortMSS Reveaue SUinpf, ainvic. jjionroo or tity roinl olor is gii'cn to Furniture, i the report that the re el deputation had Un tad tipeunes, 1 , i. n r. a I r.- n ,i U n . . . . . . . I ! - - . . J !fl I ,. wi. .uunvu w vuiur our ituus, anu it. i. iney are now at fortris editor understood a torri-' Monroe. uma ,ne7 made in oth-1 it used tfH tAiUiiiiAo J - . i reopl9 treated with taa saoin fimm at... n. . , . . . .. i .i,.. . . ... . .7JP.,!lt?,,, lr"2k Wac"n itkflMok, Us.e, uorrbich is the latest on the aulyect im,32s zt, o8,VU8 41 b,b!7 Hi 11,901 09 lTl'73 (0 lo,4 iv on 153 00 297 110 480 00 323 29 - 237 26 1200.868 64 ble agony because we will not condescend ; We cut the following dispatch from the I beg leave to sty, on behalf of th... whom I to notice him. Buf thre ia no bln for ilarrisbur Telecrsnh of Monday, and i P't 'itl'Tl. al I a I iTmwi, iilctk ir mi i.i Ain. . - n a. ... been na nM;t . , sme.wi.oe, nanawany imng Utat belVH negroes tl .Zi Z Mt in" Th0 readm' aUenti0 h ca,Iecl 10 lbottke soldier, than while men. -'lC. i.l l ....... !.. 1. .... . ,,. , , . TTuru. iTimeu in uatici iu eacn oi tue lore- axi. .i . , i" w..ojiicU tuia ' much is boul ,iel neeiinn. g.injr extract, h wdl be seen th. th JV, . .pe ru,aor ,Mt .mor.cog by tbe early return of the Tres- , g "'' wui b wn that the gold f,ll t0 195, but rote again to 209. idenl and tbe Secretary of State, and it .Result ef the Peace Conference. WAsniROToir, Feb. 4 M vtcii surprise was occasioned this MABIMTIF.t. Capital Stock paid 1. . SSO.flflO 00 Notoi in circulatioia 49,807 00 79,833 lt 8,987 18 4,050 10 1,3S0 00 8.73S ii on certif of Deroslt. I Due other banks, ! Due Common wealtt, J and Exchange, Feb. 8th, USA. $200,888 61 JAS. 1$. GRAHAM, Cathier. Tl,'. No. 4, L'ge Manufacturing, for Lsalber, wilh Rolling Foot and Oil Cup, Si 1M tt. One half hour't initruction is tufJoi. nl to etaois any person to work this machine t I . nn I ,.. .ni:ar,,Miinn .WV1. WII..IV P,ll,0,"v,n-i. , . i ....... . . I r. - ..ii,..... intbarnltM fc' tales, where Ancnts are nel already esttolust. Also for Cuba, Mexico, Central and South Amer ca, to whom a liberal discount will ht given, TernmStiyariaMy Cosh on delirery.tsrt I' t If.. A in 1 1 ITH TO. M8, BROADWAY. N. Y.. SSJ WAS1IW0T0X ST., Boston, 72ft, CIIE.STN UT ST.. Phils. A. A Co. Fsh. 3-Iy. . ADMINISTR Alt Ht .)TI tT--, No is hereby given, thst Lf Iters of Administra tion on the estate of ANDKEW CHOSS.ltte el Ropes township, Clcorfield county, ra., decetttS having been granted to the unders i(nei!,tll per sons indebted to said estate tr. required to msxt iiDinedisto payment, and Ihooe hnring eltims .fftlnat lh. BntilA will nreentthein duly auihettt- cated for teltleinenl ELIZACETH CROSS, ian. 25. t-id. AdiniuislrslnS- 4 I)MIXISTRATOIT KOTICK-Nollet Jt. it hereby given tbtt Letters of adininiiiri- h. estnte of C. li. litfK, ii oi lion on lh ford townfhln. deceased, btving been ttket out by th. undersigned, all psrsont IndehteSi raid estate or. requct'ed to mate immeiwiyi- menl, tnd those btvtng claims tgsinsi will protent then duly surnennoaieu Kent. MAKlwilt tttai t Feb. 1,1SS4. AdmiBtsw"
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers