Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, February 01, 1865, Image 3
THE KKltijJLlCAN. - ,i r.i.f- VD.iiSDAV,::::::::::::i euni:uy l, imj.: 11 1 I - mm, ' Kates of tiubNrrlpllnn, Atlvortlsln Jobbing. luUcf ll'lio! '" n'cmor, .. .. if paid k illn'u the ytar, if twt pjid icf.'.i'ii the vctir. and w ' A SCO 1.iH,uiur(crl,;',WHvLrrjsC5. ip. . ' n' nr fx r. nnUea, ec h, C .f. $2 50 if J" SO , M ;(,.fOC.... otimcw, . -2 00 ff.,irt i...rfi., ,v,,rr , 10 I . fA j vv For ench littnrnt itnertii n, - 50 in.i , ,,, . j() i;vf, Mtiaiwl Vm!i, year. local no(ici, jr finr, Ytaitj udicrtiriuy, l Knair, do Jo 2 ,h in do Z lo di 1j oii cili!v(j, cofuwii, " " 1 " Bt'ti'l, eimjle Kf'ir, ... da Jl uinn, Jit r ijniri j tin li ijtthrH, perijuir, da oivr (1 jh , icr ijitirr, lltimiliU', I utirrl, IS, or ,, 10 J tirrf, 26, or , J , 2i, r . i. S CD 12 'n i; no (2o no .-5 (to 2 on 1 '' iwi. Ovov 25of Mch Wnbovoat iirofmrliuanto 1 :iles. j&r-ino iwovo rati v..,,- :i-!y., a uj.ou l.v iii ti i!trH:nrJ, on llie '! ilv 1 I', c. v.Awr. Vri I ;,i i! will I'C tn-icfly nillici f .l 10 duiint; tlu l.jh rracr of nil kinds of iirintii; main 1. W. MO'Mli: r-foiicr r th "v. -t 'Tt To Coiisiables aud Juilicc. cf the T'carv f fl-..l I r. . l-al'V' i n Older to cnnblo lur; Ois'.jit-i Auo'.-- t fenvf a'.l r,f hidiclmei.'. divvi, nJ prtpidnt ns " da'o r.i iav:-i1.h-. dud thwa aveid '.rouble and del.p, in iAm: I, he gives no'.if.o lli:.t. (Vmsl tllcin Hie m nous diSli ictsoT tni, ti anty aie ro .-j u ii i-il t'jexecuto all pitccpts isue.l to them, a- ' practicable, and uia!o rotui n of l!:a same, n-iih tut lr iv$ ;, tu tho proper Jutic of the IVaoe. And tbeJuttiees of the IYaco :n I he ditV.M-ent Toivnshii'3 (tii'l P'Oroughs ot Cleaitiold county, are re-, quired, as foon us full proeeeditif.R sue had before them, lo make return of the dame, iniinediately, it jt all cts, to the District Attorney. If tho above requirement-) aro fully complied with, w itnos.ios and par tie will not be unnecessarily (ielni'ied at Court, and a vast amount ol costs will be tavf 1 both to tho county, and to individ uals. WM. M. McCUI.LOLT.II, Zl. L'ibtriot Atloiticy. FHoiiKiRArnic A Liit us. Mr. li, 11. Mil ler, agent for tlm tirru of VV, J. Holland, of Springfield, Ma., is now ia our town , Ino,h(,r ..,, was al-o a prison koliciung subscriptions for riiolographic . ,, ., . ild , , . co.lvuliioil. AH.uin His sneeimen coiuos are enlen-' dul. mid he guarantees tlione to be deliv-j I .. .1 1 I 'I'l... ...Ill etcd will bo un gojd. The agent will maae a general canvu- ol iud una onu or . Ito oilu r places in tho county, and wo Hoaxed Ai..u.. When ill our citizens i1v!m all who wi.-h to procure a tubs-la n j learn that tho Harrisburg Teiyraph can hi t'ule to eubfcrile now. He will n0r be trusted ? Through some derange- also employ pgenU lo can vaa other places, lo tiboui liberal wagon will be given. " THE NEWS. Tni army news is without Fpeeial inter ft. Sherman is moving towards Charles Ion. His loreo is largo, and will bo large- . . I'll ! ly leinloicid, ns Ihe Uigor pOI lion ot mo wencrn troop), uteiy joiw 1 ",' "j as, Ac, aro being transported by railroads and Steamers lo tho South. j W ilmingiou isnoiyei laaen, inoubu ";rounj nnv believers not with1 tan din a ' is presumed that it will bo cvaoaated with- cut much Blrugglo- . Clj ,,orillll)S i;rly times, by lliii fame lying The rebel have been making 801110 ' ,,10eti The only jairposo of canard demonstration i ith gunboats on t'10 wus to r-iisc Ui31 1 iot nuot.n -vl.icli a-,y oie .Limes river, but without nenous '01,ghl ,m,.0 k)CWn at a g!nnce . or lof. i - .......... fien. Mead i reported to havo bo)n re-1 Pn.r -i:n. V Ic irn that Patrick Cur leived ofbis command in front of li'ch- Icy, Exp, of Graham township, and Uvo uiond. Di-nereement with lien. I genilemen of Jelier.- ,n coitnly, who were, istiiidlo Lo the cause, lie is lo have 'arretted tonio weeks njo, and taken to ffpnrale command. j Fort Miiilin. have leturiied to their honn?. ' There are recent importanc cbangn in 1 Wo have uot learne I 'iho particulars of tho Confederate cabinet and army. Sec- their release. Major Willhclm, Samuel retary of War Seddon has re.Mgned. Laimsborry, and .larob Hubler, all of Gra rireckenridgo is named as Lij probable haia lowiikhip, and J. ill Ac V'.'a!le:ti, i.a. fucce?sor. who wai in Imsinei-'S nl Palli noio when The Congress passed ar. iii'l creating tho arrested, t. : ll. r ii:li a ninn'.i. r of e'ul office of General-in-Chief, to wliioli Gen- zens of Prady township, are sti'l nt 1 t oral Leo will bo appiinted. fit'". Jo-c h Mifliin. We have no'j inlonnatpm E. Johnston has been reinstated in tho' as to when they are likely to yl t li i r lii ciimmand of llo'd's army, and Gen. G ir- als or I ir wlnt oirenees ih.y are to b in the place ol E-irley in tiio, turd. juapi I The jci-poiis lately a:restd in Kuo la'.viiihip, (sniio ten or t.-volv-,) tvr-:o at llc, TowMiur u ' I'iiakt.-'IIio ihi- 1J:alifl)U , H,t a.-jM-. lens of Eoggii towuliii linbln 1 1 draft, and ail fibers in fivur of (tiling n""1 01 ,! o ' hip by volunteers, are r'uesled to m" t at Ui ' houto of Edmund Al'.ort, on Saturday, t!.o 4tb tab, for thojuipose of rr.i.-in a.'l P".vi"S "v' ' i. necr.fnrT (.iih'.s. .MANY flTIZLNS. Tiik DmrT.-'l'iu; set o'j ,uo:a of ihe 200,000 men called fn Ly the late pm-'.a-mationof tho Tre.-i'lci.t, io n.iti-d to be l'J,603; of Iho l'.'ib Con."reM..iial itiiet 2,540. On the cull f.T .W,!.l C'O believe the proportion of otir ditlrict wasubuut 1 1 in ,,o.,;.-;n nenrlv ."jl ill from Hear- field county so that our people can gue.s Prottv nearly tto number to be lorthconi- iiitr bv tho 15th insl. "Lincoln nnd no Wore drafts." In Jail. Oar new Sheriff r.iLsT-lias . , , -. :., n.ohiil unit will laKen up Ull ij'l.llli'ia hi vuv j""i ,, : i.,,.-..i! n Wail Upon ... persons ty ' ,D6 . - lv LlFTtD BI3 CosaibSloS.-U. VV . IARK., tbeCoronor elect, lias lifted bin commit - on and i uo.v fully pri parea lor uusi- new. - . .-. P. ",".. . 7ji. r- WVhr.iurt; rUMr$ " 3 Wbeen on our table for more than , MUs Dvdia I.ulem, ... i . '.. li. wi. ro,e ,;,wn!rt,P B( i1, ,,.-,,, Mi k, Midi. Mrrcctin alt its appoint- ,1am !'. Invis, nnl Kcv W . - M. . iini- , bis , ,n,..M-.B,y.MH , or -toenl 1 - ' ,'.., Life Mcmbeu. ! W V ' n, jHeetinff oftho Enrollment Board-Bi- 1 Crowd, anrl Vnah r u,.-. " u Sun-can Mats ,,i n s. 1 rrtnimi:- . " VUlUUllii Sonrr - ... . . . . ' "Vi" a BCSI"3 01 H'roo days, In . tl; r'oo last week-commencing 'on lhursday and ending on Saturday-for llie purpose ofcxaminini. r1r,;.,.i r r . I... " -VU..IIVIH.IIIC Mil ll.ursday and endinc on Satanl-tv",,,,. ii.- . " J l"I""l'OfO oi nxaminitiK claimunu f,r ,l',10n' 4 correcting ll,o enroll- ' VMla,"ou rwo.kivasdo.,o; Vfit Lan" (Vl.-il I , i I P . i l. ... . nil t.....1. .1 . - ..UUfi., uiaiuuoman lalored nuL. "lUIOIl ns(lUl V. SoilU- Kill I I-v n. I a,jons WC(, . . , ,-. ,. " " "." "un-M r n" ,ul 0110 '0Ul' Vt: 1 0 C.i 111 )'l i... .... .1 .v . Jslactieii Has given, l-ut (ho fact UmL i "l "c niwie iy rnc'Mtj'ni of bath rolilicd parties, U condum pi.00f niai u,o otiiccis weio con.-cKutious in oiidfiu.f.f i ....... ., . "ioir (in'.v. (-,Jf !o fiiioi v. ia. i ,M )e Juril;., Iho -aIkIo lliieodayM,,! J0l ,jii3l; o. - t ! took ja,.t . , . v ,:c" . u,u " wutl Ifciiii" fca I, ..,,. uuced. Had r-t!t tin ri iiiu-i i: i.ii I ... t t . . . V. . . . J I l, two y;tM or cv.':. :i:i K A .fiou, wouid liavo e.ui f.i-f. VCUlotl 'I' .1 tho (iH'u'Ci'i unii!.! I..,.-.. y .,., " f'i , j '-'ii iuu'i cm so vitti ij-fin ...... I . ....v.ial (bey weie iU li.r, mih.t., ti.ov !, nav o i v i ii i ejire C!lli..,l lu l .id lo v ill l:'-f-0 I rill) si'il; lo 'U.- J ai.u n i lej.i esjiii lii..u), Ii lias boeti mi,v:--i-' I to m nv.ry ' iuoa who e.n mjiud i y tl,,: rr'ui-, un who ll i 1.0 li! "" tli ii. iv l.,.i thai they iv.m exoliii.l ; ai.d that we tu.t!!,i t '. i . r ay that nli Hi.-. r uli.j- :vs ,n Ill '.'11 'II l! s ,; e -unl l he in he it 'lip-ionwiTi I -s e.v. ui -it. I) ; II KlUVM I lil ! 1'. lit: d.tu.-.ii ; ol l'au.i.l 1'.uvpi,;ii : !'ji,i.x ivt.ii'hip, in this county, .if.-uni'i ten j e.mul' ie, i,e.i on tj.i'ui-l.iy the tlOih uit.kf tho fd- : lowing riicli;iicl,(.ty i iici:::,!.iru'ec Abcnl' 15 o'll'H'U in the morn in ' of 1'iil.r tlf lv)lil' ak'l','l oi'foldiuis visited llu hott-e 01 1'",ltl E-Jni,.n, nrictod and can limi nil. Iho eiii! I win then, t i a'l up-ptuiance-, in pcrLel lualih. Soon .di.-f herl'atlii.'t' was takjn, boweve:', bean to uiiini!'e.-t indi'p'if'ition, ul!i a-, is oi'ea-iuiied by a hi'u st tto of iif'rv.iii . di'i'angi.'inenl , it iiieli ooutiuued, bill ii li o;it causing any aU-tn, until Svu.d ay mornin-?, whsn th'? foldiers were c.'cu np proaehin!., fi-oin tho direc'.i'in of thn resi dence of Jonathan 15 )'.vai:in, (ion of D. in iel) having the son and hi other as a piii- onrr. Immodia'.clv whim tuld bv her .. t ,i - .i .... itill.uil U'jti l ill uiu riuiuuv 1 1'ai'll lull lllllli' rW cn O.u,ock ,Le omo oveiling wllon . . ls)lR 0XJ,ireij menl of Iho tuniis which is very common row a-diiys the Tdjr tph was Iho only daily paper of a l.ite date, that reached ; l his place la"t Saturday. Its formal an , i-1 ii ji iiu no ii ui luu nee-1 ii tin, ui u,e iliiui - 'success" of lilalr'si mission, and its nosi- , tivo assuiance that "Leo and his army, ' werfl ro,i(y to iy n helr am) relum to tho Union," and that dell', Davja an(, ,hc wwe Conj,rrsj, Rcl.e rpaiiy l0 ,(;ct1)l j,inuoin8 Crms," sttango lo gay, (hpse snna mm hnvo bm) E;raillll.y l0ax. '. M !l IS rtrr:. (..'i.r in; li i.o, .!an Ojr old and p-el.vnie fi i.-t-'l ir,, 1, M-r. r aei.t.of lltn lVr.tiMlvania I'.'j'.o i-.. le'y, . i.'oi thi-- pbiee a visit on tho second Sub baih of ll.i. nioi'th, and pre-1 n'.e i li." (daiu-sof li,e Seii-iv in I -v i.f our church- cj. o.i the !o!!-v. i :- tl be c.nmcne i calling on our c-li.em, aking .id I ) bis v hi -ii v-o I'nusi'. I i cm me n-o.ii in.i'i'- find that the ll ,CO,l worsl.ipiiig in . .i .i i ,.:t..i. liltlerellt ciuirelies HI Uils place; i.-m u . ,CH ,lfJ lilV,.0 cUril 0 siTJ ilj. jj,. wuj,i i0 tj,js opportunity of ie- im-yjua his uinccie thanks to all for tbeir ;kii.dat.en.ionsand very.Hb.ral conlribu- j ' 1 10113 for the Hplending of tho Word of Go.l. i na ne luriner mys t iiai nc utw not . i- .1 ,f .1 1 A lOUliu mil " uiu " ii.i'iiw mtumi- u. ' H.lter t1j?posed community .ban l,o has ' found in those aiU or ClcarOoM county jgb w-i,ich lie Iiai travelled J neither ' ,JM ,i0 mct wilh a Letter Mcce ebo - ,1Crc ' The following appoiiilmen'.a .veio tr. . l'i .1 V. Wkavkr. Edi . Life I'ireclor. 1 ' . ' . .. ilCkiAT CuRH'ENSVilj.i TI, li : donee of Wni. Irvin. &,... n.. ..!!!. ..... .. . ' ur" "" "aSCtllirely l,u ft.. l.iat Sainr,!. : 7 . ' o ou ... ' "' i4 na neon o occu- II Q IV ht 1Tn.. t.l i " 1 . anu lU0 company un i.:. . i j i "i cummanu n ... n., , i,-. ,,.... lu""l,s- lno: uu. Mil cn in iftnl ln i. . .. : I. from iUliie nnd wan n it bad prunes I ,o f . ,yVlspl 0 li " ""Wilj. t,',lU"UI not discovered until- r m to Lo beyond Tim ,1,,, ,.. n.i.. . , . . , la i luiii'n lu ill 3 i ' w ' 1'laco, nnd new fourt Mouse and one room i S5l.'. and one room in Shaw's i o-.v tmd ono in (IroLam'a How. 1 E"r. 7 t'r,"n s-V- '. fjr Ktbrtiarv U a i 1 1 . , , ... 1 .... rt i . . I v ..... iiuii,iin . I (JICIsOll S'.'OllH to (If. 1 f.V high prices. His terms 4 cnjiie, for W ; ' Ci copies d r ?.) ; P copie I'.r ?12, Ac. I l,tJ(t!'i('!-A:l pmins lnvint- imi.. ilcl nf- ' 1 c.u'iita n t!u r.o.i'.-.i ((, I,, ;; ;;i) p , V i,! I cal1 iir''' ' tl'i'in, us hc i,r'o dtrr' " i ! t K - ir - tar ! .:;. li. I.. T.:r.l .5 Co. 3 .'iur I !:h 1 CIl.H il- I ) 1 L l: .! iiis uil Uf;'-. J i-i:uvi. n:oM siiAWr? l'ow to ; r..- . V I I'i'i'f, .i.o d..n.r west i-f i;. v(.!(.n (f- , Uo. I v.i' "o'ili.r, i i hiC,,riH l.i.i 1: a. !:. nil 1 r.u M. rm.. itrotm lie liiisji't Ui 1 !' " ' 1 1 'r i.ri'l h't l,.-"';o em in ,4 J... ; ' . in i: . ., '. I'mv, in t!'r ! p T :-:ucr- :' I ': .".rtii.'i m h i: i' t iin I Ki. ;!" l I li! - r..' I i... I f-it ., t. i tnit W . I;, t! 'I ! i". ;.i -.1 !u ". in ii-.'.', til in.- 'V LfW I.' lu' L'.lll llf i at .-: I.y 1' 1' . r i.'i-.' i. 'I j.u 1' p,":: I'll. V .'. i.i. I !!,. i t I'.. ' ' i' 'lit., .i r i. 'w-.., ). l'.:.i : , rttii'i .'i-l i i.' -o. 'i..r , .1 is J.-.-... j'.i. it. JiUilji.ii .' !. I a !,iilv and U--di t I'l til . .1 At the if old ii nJ in Clear :ciu. rjVH'.Y Vivo ll,- L, ,l r.sorti. -;,( ..flIa-,1 ,vare 2 !,:i-' ri,-,- brer. b:u::bt t TiU'y ,w l,i. h Mi ey ii ill tell nl t!ie ii..t rei'Kia'.i- ii" a.n.a.j; wl,ir! will Le i'..uud a .lt'ii.iid lot i C U T T I. E R i ; .i vMi Lihi y in ile (lie fpecial .itteniiuii cf Ihf 1"L r, .ii,!,, !,i.r Leiiiv M I vt r-j.lii U-l I'oil.i, -' ! -...ii.T Knives of tho btft iiiaiiufuu- A I'l .f I'Kn! it l !.9 t ..t ; .tl.-rn, aul i.iiu-r I'.ie .neis. .a j- ::er;. I 'in nt of j.i.t.i! e.ii -Iri.I.'s -all of v.l. ieb v. ill 1 e A ut ii:i-,,i,.i-Lle .i icv s Tliey L-. i; t " n no I" iiian.if 1,'lur,- ail binds of 'Tin-ware, Drat Kettle?, S'.ovc- Pipo, etc., v'.i.'.i uaiiiu.t Le tin pa.- i-e-i in t'.is ,,. ..r ii ., t, Thev ttlsn Lav'., ml Lund PiH.lllll-'Oi M..,... "i""K v. inch nro M-ri t'cniri' I.h-.t i'l'.w?. Al ,o,nont.s I . . - lM.,w ( a-t:nj;-, mid ninny other Ajri icuiturul lin- Cook Stoves, Parlor anil Coal Stnvef n ji ier;'l ni'i.r!inont, an 1 of the best put tirns, fr mi!i) at reaS'.raLI.) prices. l r I r' t I will cimliiiiio running until ll.o luidillo of Junua-; .. LOil I (ill, V OUI Oil Jj;11I1J., ry, inet., tlio li-jj niul limbor will taeniae Paints, Oils nn.l Viirnb'i, n ? nera 1 aortiiu-nt. eWiitu.-leil, ami the innrli incry tliea hold for ml e,j tilins. pultv, Nails, lrmi iindi'asiiims ol prrat Jeli v e ru I.I 0 at liny time'lor. ' iiiririy; hi I'm! nlniofl every tbiii.' wanted by j biliowi.-o nn cii(ino uad lioiler of 20-horso pinv-, tho pubiio can Lo lonn.l in their fslablisiia-enl, ' cr ani H" e"K'" id' the tame capacity, without mid nl i.i icc-s that ciiini'.t Lo Tnv llu lime ! i linrr li-Ko i.OH lb UK, U111C I.) pUltlMfjO, ,;: yliU tiosn e nny u.i n in in eir lino nl niniTies. ,iiu' 1 " r!l11 nnd uxandno their diek. n. ! ll,.,.. I ., I ... ..,r..,l lh.,1 ...... I. , I ... i--,, i..r. their eyii,li..hmei,t i.s . s,.!,,,,.!1 licnitMioii, mill i. uii'ii.'iiiinui 13 Uii I L" Sir el, t'leni-lield. Pa , whero you can buy y; It tho very bet mlvaiitag.). ZC'-Uhl silver, copper, bras?, pewter nnd old cn-itiii's will Lo taken in oxehaine I'er gnmls. Way 20, lotiii. iMKRKLhli A lU.iLlOlt. PP.OSPPCTUS OP VOL. Ill ISO.). Til 15 (ISa tjsifd. A MOXTIit.Y .()5JltA l lii.iin:n tj LirEEAT'Jilii, SCIENCE AIJD ART, A X Ii The I'olitieal l'riiieiiles uf 1 1 1 una I (.'. Ci: AU.Nt l'. V Hl.'HIt, 1 ' 1 U 1 Oi: . risiu (i.izixi; 'A'li.r. cusitm :h t". iiieleml tne pruiciplos ol i.oi ci iiinei.i i lie,. e'lnl'.'il our laliier.-- in tiio I ni'.rJ alo-ii ol the he - imlilic, '1 ho i-pii it and d lelrau o'. tho two l.i.-i v.k'n mi. s u 111 Lu Im! n. uiilailr.'d ill tiio third V'b nine. t'. e have u i t otej i-iror a- p i :!.; t c:..'.. in,, .no v i ,11 be tr, .! I. of ...-;, n . -. -.i. j i.-liur .' :,: ii-:,; r :. e.v ..- I ! V , ''' '' ho- t!i::i rci : i .j. .,i t ;e me- A! -I ti f me I'm. o Ik :i n : wh.cb t ! s "t b"i,- :'y Iho I ll. . . :' f .- . 'i , i, eii.t . ol li 1)1!. ,t t;,o i I ll'l'T iV. ' ..1.1 I I I.i e ... I. l i : I l . . I . f. i. i . II I in I', e il' ol' I ""i oi ' H lit lo eliial e 1 t I d. I. . : ' . e I 1 ... V . i, lo i... I., -oi. .h'. '.f I"!- ' ' ' I'"' !'- ' 1 illy, ll iii ali l. .,'e.'i-, f. lo i.-..i li. Ai..--g i . ' Ll r.r,' :. '. i. - ' it i:i Le mi C. i(; :i J N -v . i ' " -" : I ' t,;...', v ,'" , I 1',-. Til : - 1 . I wl,;,.'. tiiil Lo j K ! ;-. -. . li ii'i llu' no'i-L. r I i- J a n 'a .". Wbil the M..i.".;i.n wi") bt 4 .h'iLi f!.i', only liny eeols iv.ll Le ami ' lo im1 UlLsOliplil'll. To :it li.'l p ll i) i I s '" 1 ' I .' I tiii ciil.i-i,e.iie;it wuh.ia! L i .hie i .v .' le left cut except p' oe- as, m i ot except I" r i ip: r t; i: in cap;,' o:io veor X" " """I TffLtv e .pie.i one v,;li: mid ono to loo i 'ett;r nil of III" I '-,ris ie.var il. .- i im , ': : . e, n :, i ;.i i,;i- .iao wiiiLe stopped wh atLetii .opi.l l ,. t- TIB 0l ,;in., j, 5ttf, U' k nun-.- ,rs nnd volinno. ran uhvav? be lnmv-hct. , i '"t tcr. !"'' !' i'l'-'Via r iis'.t o . Jus 102, .'.u.-isa :'. , New oil., fi ll'TION All rfr'.ori' h.reLy ei'ilio . 1 P,l st'aici't Imvine or sllinT, f vi i.i: n lil . "da vTaiiii ' ;a .1. . ..r I ... l.rrl,k. ol h.w- NE1I?OISJ.I.H0RRIS&C0. . Cheap Cash Store WILLIAMF. IRWIN! Mut id stmt, cypultcthc ' LlvrMl JIovu, Clouiiidd, V:. ' A FRE SUTeRIVAL OF Winter Goods AT THE CHEAP CASU STUliE. I nni jii'.t receiving nnd (ijioiiInR t'.cctoj toc!of faeliiunullo .iir in onrofully ot almost cvcr)r description, "Hii'jlvP '-5 "li :V lvsV u'-slj A li" ii ill i nl n. or tm. ..f . r l. :. i i t . , , ,,, y Ary P-l,, t ;!,.. .u, l. tc t utile a i ivit v;il uAv u ii!. ..I jn:v-(ioon.s ASJ XOTIOSS. t' lilli ! :, i"r'.,iy, II. its I Cul h, ; L'o-'it ni l :"!,. ILirJwii-v p. u liirK'' qiiiinlily, IJ LI II . V tt 10, : M!.l .'l licillOJ, O', n;ifi faint a ii o c v. n 1 1; s , l i 'i, V.." .n r.i-. l V.unr, .VluiitTit i:, J .i i I A l.aru ls ' li:.) I'l;.! on ilily.all of .lii..:i l.e (,ula U .... !..'.v- cu: h it re:i ly ny prit.. " My "I i iVi.Mi.l.- aii'l laa pulilic goiurullv, arc I . !"!' ir. lie! I" call. ' -Aii ki.i. t.ff;.'...t:,vi.i ' '"'A 77.' I l'U'U'i: '.';, ia xcli:ini;o fir wm. v. lr.'.vix. 1 !.. ! 1 T li H. i -i '-':'. i i'i.:; i;.'.'-. ii. -., i...t...i .-uviMst ! t.j i-'ii.u.:.::.i u.o;t'ui;ti sios, c, i :ino,i-! i" ''', I'-.U in. ,i-;i. 1 1 .."..-I..-. I . ' .-Vi'i:.VM SAW-Mlldi .VACIIlNKUYii- , VOLl SA liE. .?! r l.-T!.M Hi' O ",' K 1:'!I iill, 2 l 1 ilL'i''. v..' li.a, a-i.l "1 .V-.'t ilii.M' l r, iiavimj f.t j ra- j . l.'irn fl i.'s t.f Ii; Ir.rhrs .!i:inie!ir cn-h, with ' l'1 , : ir-; -''""'M 'i 'V-iiV all nrcli - j irm.s c .ni I !?. Fniro I t (lie -a an; is t-v.i lo,:! I - I .-tr.'l o n: .1 lv:I', i. im hcii l.nre, illi p n-rrnur, i -r 1 I'li'i ;., ne iei cMi. i nr.K j with ro.-uisito ': ' 'luli.i nn.l pi.VBi nur valvtJ niij lionlcr. Allllio j .-!i ul'iii, aii-1 i'i!lcys r...ti:.-iio f..r ilrivin;; ahrj Y ' -i l -.- ii 1 1 r f.n mil. liii r a i, 1 j i. k-nhu'.! iwr O li iuliii!; in 1 '(: nre atiatlicl. ! 'ni. ..tlur ...U.-r w'nli 'tii.;i'-.:k., nnb ir'ns, 1-. : a .el ct'.ior t:.irl.:ntit., fhiu. im alrnvr, i-t ia a " ' i o ar.'li. 1 1 :iviny with it mi cnini uf I d i'li hm -Ii 'lio :ui.l tin inilii'S diir.iii.l. r, u.-.-1 f.T j eri'iu'lin ii ;.ni to ivliu i. ii is -.tiaehud. j , Hni.iS inrli cnumr saw, two f mailer Jo., fur i ril.T nnj 'Mi -out il i., fir -i win t -.T iiU'i uliil.s. All tliu Iv llin ci.niKti.l tvilii tho j 1 i wnrks. Cvo ok mid lioar.l tars, nl.ont lODO iVct nf i Prit ruilr.ia'l iron, li wide Ly .? inrli lliiuk, to- . : i;..ili(.r i Hi nil l!i" I. mis in u. o n limit tliu mill, j 5 ' Tin- ri.'liM S, l.nilcr.- unil mm hini-ry ara in ji-r- q l fi i I I'lilrr, im t.T (mo ri-nf, iiinl fon st i tutu uno ' , eoill ll'tu mill Tlicy nro eai-h nut up n-pitriito'y, I nt iiiiently tlift'iiniicrtc I, or huM , ti'stln-T, iii limy Lo di'-ir'd Ly tlio luirclmner, J ru us fer a viiur-niiil, inclndini; an iron water whirl on ft wrun;; phali, no lon-ji-r In uso, nin likewisn ullorcil for sale clu'iip. Tlie mill is lit (Irauvillc, Iinnll'urJ eminly, l'a., pi'vcn mile fnun tlio ftaliun n llio Will aiii.--nort ati l Kltnirii nvilroatl, is imw in iipiTiilinn. aii'l umier, uiini in iurieci nr.ior aim ru:uy iur iiniuo ,ll-'llll'1'.v "' ""1 1,h,c0- p,.;,.0 of tl. f,,.-t named eiiKhiennJ boiler, with : it-, conr.eotioii.", ' w-uiill, a.)Ui ineludiri? i hailing and circular Tho other engine, withbuilvr, ! its t-.iiiiiettiniis nnd fillip -itte, ;2.i'.iii. ilieit.-t of the machinery mil iixtures with engine, t Klmi.-a, and water. mill irciif, tiiil Lo told nt rales to nmlio it an object to Luy. Tonus of falo wi I bo iieolo ca'y, with sr.tifa- tory paper on interoft. v.-o"i'urtliei pnrlieiilars may lo obtained by let- tor on addre.-oin tho gubseriLer, nt Klinira, N. Y. jail. 1 1 - ( j It W Jl. 11. J'lllLll'.-i. Tit lies' Far", Purehasers limy ra'.y upon ret J tin - Hi Livt l'uis at I'M.i.S. UAIt K.JJ'.li i Mi.WS, Hotel, l'hi'.ad'n. jan, II. ; I.H'TION'.-All p. J ed n;:a ii.rt 1 nt irr; re I ?d r.i . r in tho ll.'..- . ... ..( I." In f, . .- n -i ir lieri Ly cnuitmi. or iv 1'ii.j; a c.'i l iin Sor p.-.s.-.'.i.ill of It-Lerl F in, n? l!ic same Lo! 'Iil; t , ,,,0 UVI. jr j i,;.. u.o on i., ,n nnlv. i DAYiii MeKi-:i-:ii;i-;.. J.-,1an t; llth, l ii' i-pl. t cat'em. V Hal'. A. llio I.'i! '. Slvb's nt : -, tilAlihl,- Hal. rU.;U i S'.i.N.-. C"ini- 1K.nt ,u , i j.ia. 11. r i ii i He-- 1 t: I'iOV Ti IIU !:,.-! In ;in-:, or in ai'y v ey W I f i ' : ! :. li'.w in , i, r '' i:if.i. i-r (iir.ird .1 1 ni. d 'lie,- f ilii :i i li. i,:::',!, t .v. niii'i. as 111.' I l.:r.., l, j ' l. I i, i. i.- i..y i i y- , ll!!. t ;.i CM A-:. I: I li:.', .jl.'l. II. Mm:.) .t Mil K io i'i, ii 1 1 I ( I ! A i . 1. 1 " !'.l :i :.i . til I.'I. Ol.'llh I.AiJl.M'iMA V : I.i . . v i.i i-:-;.', i a." 'M- ii i i ., . .. , ;.'. io ...., .l .i.i 1 h,i; li; a, I . I'li. i ,' J" . 7 '.i , 'iff r '!' -f.'i.i.i t; I i Ii, ll ' 1.IM v.- l; 1T.V li. I : vi l Ma'.', n-a'.n, S:ii A. T.i.a.ill 1'. M. hilll illl i 'I 1 : ill, - - M. : - A oouiinO'i r.i"ii, - i . - - ,ci i;iinitnl.i ii, - y. ; .-. ,i, 1 r. W II IVKSTW A'l!'. ' ' ' V..M T: iir, - - A. V. II ' l.!-ii:ri i:;rc-i Train, - - -M - . .' A ""el .modall.m, - - y. -' 5 t I - - . A''f.,inr!ii'i i'.li. - - M. . j, I s-n noT Curs roi, ti.r .ie.ii witii .i r t u is ni L.'lh ways .rtwrn I'hii.i lelpliia sr. t Kric. i:ie'r Slc-p'rr C i -s 'it lisp-- Trains bu;b iiv LctiTcen iMi-m'i-.'.rt and lipl', mid W lj it "port and l'lihnd -'pLi-.. t'lr inl'.rm.iliori re.-p.-tiTig P.n-cn ; a .iv at the S. li. Cor. 1 1 1 ll and .M.n i r Liiiiiit'. - et t.i. i. 1 f.T l'r.i--!il lutiae.i r.f tiio;iau''s A jute. b. 11. Kiftdou, j:., Cir. la.h oiid Murkcl ,1 , Piiilad'-llliiU .i. V; !vnoJ' brie : ... M. Unil. Aitent M ('. It. It. liabimsre ; 11. II. II il SION, Hftl'l I rei-hl ..;'t. Phila. ; II. W. iwirjir.i!. O'ti'l 'liek. t A;-'t, I'Lila.; ,hi 1' Vott. . (im'l Mimi'r. illivn ' ' i.alt. II, I ""'' I 1111 L1P.SBUIIG, I'E.NN'A. LATEST AUKIVAL UF TAI.L AND WINTER GOODS i Turchased tince tho decline in n ' 2 C'oods, and will be sold lower than i HI C' any other house in the county. I fc1 ' ' - s I 1VinU & l''"'". Uelmoral Hoop ! s Htirt9)lod,.NuhiaSJr.t:,c9, IT , " .. . i . . .. c J. . vuuiioi, l.reak list Capes " t,d filol I...... xr, . I- I " ' 'uiia ". ; and Cntli. l' I Ladies Conts, Circulars, Vic'.orines, iU I P.akcts, etc., etc. 12! nTS AM) ,SH(L.S of all kinds Iur Ladies ; . 2 lIHtd j I 3 i: .'.o'i'S AND for Gents. ;UUES of all I'.OOT.S AN I) SHOES of all kind 1 t Children. Altl.'WAKl en lie ariety ; llroad A.- Din. i'ie tutted A xes, 1 ing Axes. Parking Axes. i li (LolllINii nil kin.l., fur MI-'.N a, i,oV.' Cheaper thiiii tho Chcaiiet. A goneial assoi I men I of I'Krcs, MI-DIi'lNES. PAINTS, i!I.S, m K-STl'I'F.S, A,.. CUo?i:iHE.-!. Uio, liyo nnd Lnguyra CofTee. Sugars wliilf, Lr.iwn nnd yellow. I'licd peas, Mvect pntatnes. I'raulKTries, butter, eggj, lard, t-lioese. iliiui!, choublers nnd tides, llrieil boef, cod-lHh, n.uekcrol.herrin;;. c c c J. r. K r 1 H I I ' J. : STOVES. Cooking A Parlor Stoves and Stove pipe. i'LOUK. CHOP, .SALT, AC. SADDLEKY. Saddle?, bridled, hor?9 collar, trimmed homo blankets, robe", sleigh-bolls, whips, harnom and haincs. ! 1 i , s j j i , - M l.SCELL A X EOU.S A K IT CX. ES. , 1 II rind Ftones nil vl fixtures. Ono 2-liorfo (ilean Wagon. Hiigie", Kleighs, Carrinrs, It., Ac., Ac. o . LL'XHEliMEX 'upplied by tlio ttui-tily with gooib, lp.ur, Lae.m, nr iinythiMg in our lino nt III per c. nt. on cot, nn.l we discount nil hill over $10 lit tin per cent. r. i "h fact. i t.lliin-- that limn or l ea.-t eoiiMitnej i.'tii wnai w c i;rei or ran get ur oi-r curioiucrs, nnd tviil he'.l a li.tle rlienpcr, Imvinr; I' no others in mtr Lasine.-s have. ndvantu , ,'.' I 111 ( '.. ,:i hi i.i (li.llio will J,n.,ie uA 1' ;-.- t i e..!l .-ii '. f'.e us whoa !;"V c. Tie ,lo town 'jl ey ni l fail ui oil llu- cm-M r f'.rnii'iiy occupied I V J. i.ui.k, r.cai'y i ositc llio Conrad Hod ft, : 1 "1 Jl 0,.r,f,ti T. I. MO It 11 I S ,'t Co. M'. r- '; -'I'.fn - . V c.,v"tl v.. -j r; , - .... oT - , i ; ... n : :" ?. i 'ft' I'L '; JW. a- ' .' 'fit.' oriTxy T"' a noitsi-:, svivh.i: O J U ;1 jL . Ilridlo nnl II .It r wi re dt'den froia u.ii ou Monday ni"lit the 2a ii eit. 'lno ln.rso vo' a rina'-l l'uii. lirnwp, wl'h ia bis hireVu l. llm ban w partially ""' b;-ri,-lit h'-iild-r, mii il Ly ru'LirT it iih r'.al oil. The lioic hail Leon Inmein I'.i.' f.imih tlT. Th s.-'idb? n,e im ord.i.ary ni'Iita'y d.Tt J d'c. near Iv hew, coterci whh Mn-lt rti Thi t;ii..f i i'iT'io.f I to Imv c been a nil 1 the Min.e of I.ACI V, who e lrm pri'-n tlm l-i-ht the h'T-e wis l'"l"H I'.J Wu: m'-u in Ji Vs!,in.-oa,'icld I' UUI.v, on tii I.i'. SOlh u.l. I wilt pay "'if re:., .n il.I.i -i-u-. I ( I .e r''ia ol iho h'.r.'i", '' ' f''i 'i'l' Inl-'ntii.'ioa .- viU n iillc mo io '.'i" "tli-'r p' 'I-u.' l.l"n. I! oh hv..'"iij. ' 'I' , I " ' A. D. ! i ARMY AGUE DROPS.! Tho soveroija remedy fur tho Curs of FH VElt ASD AGUE, AND ALL IHMOUS DISEASES A T T E N T 1 V X ! ; slkiehri:k3 trou Wjl'EVEU AND AGUE, ETC. Tl.l. ....... I....-..I . , . .iiuai K.niuenui n tne.iy lor tiio poiiim. iieiit euro uf Fever and Ague, eto., w:is discov. "fd mmo ytnri ago by ono of the must eminent thenii-ts of Amerien! ,. Out of thouaiinds of cap it h nnrnr Ln..n Ct! luiown to fail in cllec'.ing a radieal ouro. A O singlo linttlo of tlieso dropj lias cured diseaeos C j whieh Lavo y Sfubboruly liosistod tlio Skillful ' i Jlodicitl Talent! 1 It ci.ntuim oothing tbut will injur thu Coniti- i utiuu ! I It purifies the Wood! ! It removes Olstruetion from tlio Liter!.'! C j It proiuoU tho discharge of liile ! ! ! ! ZZ It cffot-ts radical nnd pormancnt Cure by ra moving tho imso upon which the nsruo de. y. ponds !!.'! ARMY AGUE DROPS, As its nnmo import, has boon and is the groat specific for nil im.i.iocs hiskashs In thijAruiy. It has no equal. Its popularity in our nul.lo Ar my nnd ebewheroia n universal as iu Qaro4 have been sureund wonderful. As rnEVESTA'UVE, It ban proved a ;ient blessing and raved many n laluublo life in those miasmatio localities whora (hey would Lue Leeo victuas to Uilieui diseases. The ChilN will not return if theso Drops are taken ! THE mm AGUE DROPS, Uuiekly Trivcs away LA X U UO It AND WEA O ESS AND EEHTOJIES THE SYSTEM To its natural buoyancy nnd animation; invigor ating the body and clearing out every vestig of Di?cuso produced by loathsouio miasul. HE WISE IX TIME!!! O t-ii" A o pinna residing in a Fever and Agut district should be wi'Jtoul a Jiottk of lite Barmy ague drops, ! And it is rtrongly recoinmendod to persons traT r, I oiling through places charged with iuim m. A. i M Wo roporUully cnll Bttention to our testima i rials. Many of our letters uttost that hundrod3 -n , of live have been saved la the artny by its uso. ; Indeed, eo well are its cuiutivo qualities appre I -'ciated in the army, that tho must nuocossful Sur . fnon.s in iho 1'ielil nnd Iloshiliil uso it almost ; .exclusively in Ihediteaeos fur which we claim its f-. infiilliliilily. Tho L.".t physicians always loirs y- tho Lu't means to oli'ect a cure, hence the uni. ' veii-ality of Iho " ;'AR1Y AGUE DROPS. TESTIMONIALS: W.- am lin ; y to refer to His Kxo'deney A l.iio'o'.n ; (icii. McCb liaa j (Jen. l'rcu-,oni; ('.en linrii'ide : Hen. Ihincirk: (ion. Kitr.atrich; lien , hi. c : C il. l'ye, iljth N Y ; C.d Q i'i,;k, 17th (" Oil J'ov. ler, 1 h!i N Y S M ; y.,jr Dkiiuus A III': Major llcii'si yder, ::.-it! l'a': J'jj-.r Wil ' . ' 'Ci Maj. r Piimsey,.Valir ;itillweil, Mil Lir l.'.i'. 'oi It, I.ieut. heliin, Kiir".ins USA hi liev l'-ib..p Potter, Kcv Ir 'iyng. Rt-T 1i T.i.-, 1 .r. N, iv Yerk ; Kcv II V J.eerher, Itev I h 11 Chapiii, Pi uklyi, ; Itev tit Clieover. Ite ' Mi i:.iug, New Yoik ; I!is H.,.,r Mayor Wood It o: M KalLfiei-h, U.r.i M 1' ul, hrooblvn . H ii Mov'T liiiiillier, Ite.n lloiite.) t',ree,.y, Ji.v. Y nt. ; an I liundrcls ..f ot!,, r tuimlly tuil'knonn t- mi io. ( t -.vliicb k e'-reuliu -,. V LICL. om: iuu ah rim hottli. WILCOX A CO l'li'.eii' il lilliee, JA Wat Lit St.'Nctv Yoik. tilth- . 'until -J " ;,"i i.'i.,t' on hit; wrapper- (-.-... Hell 't bt JJ-r T'i,:.;i. t l.t -111. wilh any other rein..y. If bo does not bar i f t s.iL', enclose os " I !. cr uni'l, and we wi send ton iiiidL'.t'.Ui of ti. Ar uiy Ajuo Iri r-n T" ' irall, p- '' JJi:- WILCOX ,v. C.. oc'.-a ";4. 11 V'.. r lit , New Yoik ,A. A. I).