Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, February 01, 1865, Image 2

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;i 1
ge (Eltarfitly jupubiitan.
llorlcn was U'leau-d, Iho Ui.iuhal ancsl- The Hxplobion of tho
cd, his nmimuhion iivoked, mid after ,
I l I.I I'Tfi AM) I .X I'I'.NDI I ITtllS Am'l of outtMg ex. Uunly bondj,
IH, id t Ic-ai fn Id county "or A. I. 1 jt I.
j pay in a Ihe ioi.t and h'r nil Uio trtaimo
! ho had ccrasioiud, was reloaded nnd pent
' about hi Imsinu'S.'
' I'khmvI Mm.-li il C.iMri.r.i i. de.-etvc-- iho
lliin.'.is nf the whole i HMiH.m'y r r llm;
prompt :.! I 1 1 .
r l.i.i i k
, 'ei neighbor ''
not pi.LIMiii.;: f in fei 1 M
V.'ii.i'. v ."i.'.'l our ' -.
iiii.v u. ir i c a-oi. - I t
loiter from o.:r p: :
of the lua'raziuc of
- II, H HUM lit' HI l
0. KruUer, Fill , Troaturor of Clourfu-ld conn
Cnrn-poiiilenoo t.f tho X. Y. TiHninc
l'.ii:r I'Viikk, Jan. lo. This iiiiirnliif!
iilmnl t-n:l.l o'rlncl., n-. I i; i-it I cil v.'iib nn'lvii;; I. i uu'y li.i.uh foil
fVlier, study irg iho nun il nl l.i.M'or r,. mii'iro'-i lr.un ui...ii. I f..r
I t l','ii r.'.i", turn uai ru I y traveise, ui:
UiOMt.U I (.' in by (in: , ;..'.ii..-liy i np-i-ly
i ii,.', ill ilh til-'I'ii mo -ml.
A'to m l uua I rom col
i lorlsei, 3
1 1 19,(00 00
5,219 11
'ty In llio CuiimiiiHwciiltli of i'cniisi Ivania in un- Ag'to m't due from un-
t-.,imt Willi nij county frmii iho bill of January, : footed lands, 2 3,21j 6
A. 1). Ib'il, uulil tlio liitt day !' Jann-irv, A. 1. A;; "to nm't duo from Tr. 1 Ifi.n in
i-,s li..Ubtc Jnc-', i 81
To mi., ,111.1 ric'd fn.111
h',1 imi-I ,n 1 111U1 yi in
Hectors f r
P-lii ,iml,l 0' !,
Tn ain't ri'c'.l from othctors on Pur
') 11 an.'i 1 e ri-.,;ii 1111 ' .1" I i'ii 'ii .
1 17
r.'j -I'
' IV ill
.-.!:. v
' v 1.1,
! il.,'
I'M -'1-l..-
John 15i sm.i,.--TI-o 1,-i.-l' m-iiluiii
lnaJepfol'fliln., .lhn, in our i-.u
cf tho lSlh ult., lia it wln.U'
j.pck of trouble ii-.n u", aoou:tiiy 11.)'.
only rtiuiifi us to ul iis'.i In- l'tE
tor on cur first jLig." ; but a .Icfiie iu,'.
cpto oursclf, as al.v. tho c nro- inU :ii ' I
tbo Jvunu', from ;iuy inton i;,-m to m'.-rfj-rcscnt
fnctn, mi'l K (liii. ruHiiyiion. ii-"
thnt ho hat ma'lo it, our impi 1 iitive ilu'.y,
lo oonvici Lim of (!-lii'rrn!e fn!.-. hoo'l."
by iiuWiMiinj? the n'Mro.- in ni.'iU'!i,
which we will h i oul' ,u'vl isv,,
John couii'l nn that we !'ul not n'.n'.ily,
cvenwUhan - ;",a;
h win "topoitoil to have fai I in In :n-
Jres' We nill litmoitly ouIVm ih-i
tho very reason u .y we timJc no (jua'.iii
cation wns, U-cauio we belie ircil tliiit the
. . t 11..
loiter in nueilion was wuileii i .imin c.i::,;,:,,, t-t nl, v . Mn'JreivU' 0
himself ; ami bo boliuving, w l. ih il for only nutMiou U) tlU re,' r-l i- wlo'll-er
,-i,ill llml. Iit Willi I I not. ;,1 A-1 1" .!' t II. i
own remark,. Howev.r, wh.llicr or i oeiuoul U ... ,,.y I ;-r .1..
OS ) llllli !: Ji
: ni-'.t. r of l!..' Ii
did l'..o I t lief " ;:!i
,1 0'.'acti' 1; cwii' '
(nl air,;" I'j ' :":''
tiu.o, hiiwcvi r, tin-.: ' iiob: l'ly KiMw ii.
r :i i f il.lo ''i' . ii" 1 i '"
t !.!. on'y lli il I !
..ilnl ii' ivo '-w;i-" In I
lui'ji.l ll.iuk i' "'
lW iii.-li."it"r of thnt '
t I: ii lo
I iit
11 iv,,.:i
h it
I 1 yV. Ii lo
l!,.i! ill : Mll-1
" jvii el oiii' "
At '!: 1 r, t -.;! J -"
i li ii, w !.-
fur i'.. ;'r
1 l.:,'u a.ii.r
I til-ill 11 1.
i:;.-!i l'v t '.l
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1 . 1 , 1 1 1 1 I ...
i'l-. 11:
r , 1 1 1 1 ! ' . '.
,y 1m
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1 1 1 i y
I 1.
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i 1,1 . I ;,'i I
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.( I II H, 'J" "'" 1 11
I :
, 1, e
ol ll
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t.i it . !
!!l li:.-
ii-: fit v f 1 1.
i.i.a ,'..
',,t of ,!..-.! -.;
,.1'il 11:. 'I I-
, 'A ill.'h. 1
'.' 1 , 1 1 1 1 , I- 111
: . ,1 -i
l.-l- i
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II,,'. iU, I
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i v ii,
i-i .-.
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. ,;i..vj;. a.-.-l- " r l.--...-.'.
t h'n Si .in-, : nii.niuiioi! 1-y ' h
'o(U,v.iiii n:i tl.o -nil i 1 t
r.y t:.
ii-1 'inn t -
f .l,,!,.
it will I
.-.ei it is hi ! I lii it tho i liil-ir of i tiul
by urtiirioi of aji euiiioii I, muit naylhu
stamp CNpi'iiso- :
(.'nll:ij;'ian i-link-
1 veli.Jor or v 1 1. fit f of'l 1 ii1 1 it ii of a-
! ;if ! ii 1
I. ..... ! p 1
. " I. ill .
Hi,- it:-'..', 1'
:,.,.! ." .::. I
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! ',-.'. W,'
1 ,'.',.-1.; 1 1..-.-'1 -1', 1
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I ; I :i I i . I .
' I ii.- A, rot of tin:
,; ;,i 1 ' o I l l t lir I" .
i ', lil ,:!..'ilu' o I.
,ui 1 : 1 1 1 - t- Il -:'i
i.iiuh'ly 1) U .: i
main ..-r i-ni.M of
011 r boy-. I::., I b' 11
in Iho bo, lil. j 1 o if.-.
.-; 110, -inlvi!';: I''.l--c.i
.-'.' s In. 11. i ''I "' ''
i.o .'.'iV
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irt :i,n.-!iiiii
V l.'i'.i' iM
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a ir
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: I pi int'ii
or r ,ii I:, -tin!
I lln
.1- I ho
.Sly oi
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. 1 ,. 1 .1 , ..;
I ml. is,
. ; 1 .-1 i. .1 1 r ! i .
hi:. i n , .,iii , .1
t.,1 I - 'i- I ,
I ' r;-!i I ' : '
.,;!., ni'tury ' 1
i- .i':,i:' , i-i
.1 . 11 1 ' 1,
:!.'. n,- -.
li's T-T c ';
til-."' Cnht,
,v I, .!, ..r .-
I i. lii
I'. t,i.-::.-I'V
j.,..,- I
!.-,- t riJk-e 1
I'.y c,-ui I c
I jr ,i-.iiiOr'i
li V thfl!t ':
I'.y iniiii'.:-
Vy iniiliioirf unii
:i!r '.-i
- r.
I- .-.',
lin' I. i t. JIllO ol liy ii-lri'-t iiUjiucv V 1. 1
1 ilium. i:-!i;: alOUml lly r-ruiil.:,
i.ii'I'l, hi,; tl.o tiin -"i- by nii'lilinf pn 'I ..r.otiiry iiii,l
1 i 1 1. it in.; in a
c;:i;l :, .".!!! it H M'.p-
'.11 1 ' 1, ,.li.
i- l 4 1
f, U 71
..7i 17
li'.; 21
1C2 ?,1
:.;3 r,.;
a. b'l (.1
1 0-
:::: r. 1
1 1 1 1 .1
1 1
i-i:t ' 2
Hi i '.j
S7-I 'il
.10 I :'
Hill 11'
72 1 I
I'.' i 0,1
l i.'. 0.1
s r
jlU.KO i-i $ihi,m;o itj
Tin rl I'tml.
C. Kr..t.r, M" . 'i rt.ii'ir.'r, In o!it with
o,!, , !,! i.iv.i !,:, d i'ur K i ul 1 iM I I'-.r ll.o ycais
I o2 !.:.,! I" ;:.
'J i.'t .1'iO li wn -Lips lr',:j
I i-l M-ltlein-.Tif. 5 SH -I
'1 . tii,,'t r -fi-ivc i from
1 1 1 .-.a-', i -iiJ ui 1 1 'i; :. '.' i
I. l.-.U'. II'-
.h-i 'l, Tlio
judga when they kco what;"i'7') to ho a Co-irt ileei-l-.-H that iV.-mt tho a , t of f.m-
r.ut il it was not ;i .-si itM-n it n t ir.-' . 'i' ir in u i' 1- 100 (i i-
iv of tlirs Vi'i' l ti'M 1 In- -1 .1 :n 1 , l- Ii n
. 1 I , ,1 ,.. , I i.l I ,11, r 1 ill .1 n V-
be was correctly roporteii, tno puone 0.111 -ti ,4 Mi!X) ,i ,), ,1,.
1 -;
111 :
1 : -1 1 1 -' I 11 e
!! 'hi -I i-.i
l III 1 I' im I .IV Hi' i: 1 i ,u. 11 1 . 1 - , ,
:i l,ni. it i; -ii;.l fi an otV.ccr ic- r. l.11M. r,CJj'
.-I w.!h:i f-oU.i r l'i' h.ivir; a j;y r-.:i 1 ii-.v,'
i!e ;n tin;, but, ! I'.y lilltorni h i.r'h-r,
left hilll to his I'.y Court 1 ic 1, i'l.!--
led ami of ov-ir.-u- t l-iy .m-1 pay I- r it
if the vomb'O have nut i-pii-si! i
, to tl this for him. 1 It i-i pi ii 1
'the plaintilU having Cm ui.-hu'l aul a'liv
o.l (ho stamp to lln'ir ' doc-1, Irr l 111 : i-!it
to rhar'e the iK-lVi, with tlio prieo
it. 1 ho Mam 1 H'.o (,'-ionti,il 1,1 iii il;
mi 'meiii
is ei.lcit'l lor
th'fi' tuts
tJ tl'.t
There is noqualifieution here. Tlmeliiirgo !
Is bro.i'l, ilistini.'t, lObilive. "Ha'' me
copy of Hie a.Miess
correctly reported ; if hlous, bcntenn .s, nml
luuguago wero given in the tll'oii, vihioh
were not used by the author, why docs ha
gbusoua? Whynotluin hit b itteriei a
gainst the reporter, even if that would
subject him to the charge of solf'.a-
mw I I '( I. ...... . . . . 1
tionr lea, uibicaa 01 uuusin us.ii uunm the plamtill-to p i I rm wli.c. l b.-y in l :i-r.,;i.i-nrnq..rtoil.
win- not i Mther than k erei'il to in.iho. .) 11.! imou t 1 ev ci 1 run 1
"IT"-! ' .1 . . , :
u for affoidmg him tho opportunity cl
removing anv unfavorable inipie-tiori the
"icporter" may have created 1 ,-, JJ.,,riJ. .-i 7". :
Hut John faUt'ly chargu's us iith"a-; ELAIU'S IJIoSICT.
sailing" iu 11 "iourrilou-f' and "uii'liai- ,
tied manner," his "religious viewj," hh1 JcfT Drivis Wi!!ii;tT to llctuvn
thosoot the soeijty lo which he bc-Iun-. ! Union oil Liaoola s iciui3
.v 1: 1 v : ion. -I '.ii .
1 1 now .led "iiitoly knovn tint Mr.
1 '.1 -, 1 1 V 1 11 1-. ion l,:m t-i-i-n rii.'.vr iil tvilli
just as ncarco as they were w ith us. Then Climi,,,ln p.n.(..
Ictus see what wo did say of our 'fi ietoK' , Mr. On vis ha pled-i ,1 him-t If lo -ii. 1
"reli-ious views" that warranted nil thin' .immediately fun., pinth-inen to U'.i-h-
broad,ido of adjoctivo1 and exPIeluc. h)'n y"""? "1""' '.'f j'1' " ''.'' .
J 1 l'i -i h ut I iivh staU u .livlii ellv to
Ilerei tho whom ol it. M. ,.,uir l!lal 0t,i ,,ouclule a pe:,,-,-
" liut it Moms that theso kin.l Uoiirte.l lmlies nnd rotiirn lo tlio Union upon leinn
were not permitted to bcatuw thoir liliernlity in i xvoultl I" relfee'.lv tati-!aelul V t
that P!aiu ud MiMtentatioiu manner l.c-.-iiiin M , j , ( ,
their ntaccul butitts fur, if w narutJ jinlo ol , -,,
t,,e "flock " hy il- "he:..l" (Abruhaw Sreni-orj Ml'- n,J ,,,,, "'lervieiv Willi (..-.,.
and one of the Fpcakers. (John Htissdl) who, wo Itobert I.. Lee, Who avowed Ihium-II o!.
rrojumo, ipoko unly as Hid ".ipirit " lu-jvvd him, hiioiH ol mdin; the lehollion ly lay in::
they belungod to vlio Socidy of Friends." down their in mi and return iu,i to the
Is any thing "aeurriloui" or "undi-ii- Union,
tied" io thin? U their either "maligning 1 :,1,r- 'lir m- eonverrfd aith a ni ,j..r
, . .... , .,, .1- ly of Ihe Kebtll iinjrrr-.s, who 1 eii e-.-iit-or
traducing of private chancier ? Hun oJ lUl.mU.0H it, favor of endm- f-jrth.v
John, if there is not, wo cliargf you as boMililies. There o in be no .im ht
distinctly, and broadly, and uo pial.lie.fy in a day or I wo at the farthest eomniis.s
mvou ruukotho aceitsation, with f.10 ionw ivill reneh Wahiiton to Ui...;
Iiom iho ii f ciiliinl u In Is lii. ii- i.ow :.i!c
meaiicst of conduct in the eyes o I the pi.,Cc to tho Union', CViistiiutii.ti nml iho
world, and the- heinous ofsins in tho U'v.
Jlr. I'.luir eiiiei ienet 1 the kin 10-t
1 :i in 11 11 iiuuli ut rei -l
L.-e, ;.:,! that :Oo:i :o er th.
vi -ii t up. i'lje .' p'.o ion, i:i '.,
i i ju:i.I. I.-!', a l i.iLi-r, 1 1. i:i t h
e 1 l. i i in ;;li. ) I ui '"
an 1 1 vci v hody lieu 1 ho p!
to k:; 1 -.-l ,l,:,'p in li.e ihb
.s'i '.v !i imhire :.:'.d tlio i I
N .: .r 1 Oi l; l',":-. all' 111- i.ol l''i! 0110 r
uiLi.t i.i fol. AM.-i.'s i-Aji ie) had been
2ei:ii-.l l,i r.eaipy tin' l ilt, mnl at the
tiiio- o I' tho t-xplo-ion wi iu bivnuai'k in,;.
r.- jistrr r :n-r,,iii, 1 Oil
by iiiiiii'', .".'Jil in
by i-uiii.iii .'iiinurs t i vi".v iioir
1.1 fill
1 1,0 IM
I I! (Ll
t,',2 d'l
.'l.Ollil li"
1 00
S,0l).i -17
710 4i
Ml I 9 !
( by ihti; t't-n p.v.i..; , .1,17
'D I mm OtiO lly " " r.-'t-it in-, i.i? fi")
s I'i'.r- I'll by l,,il .hi-Tr ut ;,i ..ji'in.'t, 4 71
ih ar.'.l bahni.-e .iiu- i--,uc:,v by Tr. 17 70
oi I..-,.,, . ,. , , , . -- '
"'.' ''"(' "J j !. lh!itr, .1. Jl. I-I,.,
(.'. Kr:i:.'ir, J-'nii., Tronnircr nl t'l.-io i'.c! J i'o;in-
1,,, i.i,
1 Pniir.i.i,
I'llll si 1 . ,
1 !,
('.'.'.':: 1, .
I'-, iti.r,
I Ar U.-'.-M,
1 ,i,
1. in. li,
1, ,: '.1,
l , I' I : III .
il-is:. u.
b.i I HI,
1. ii ,1 1 ir.i 1 ,
'i...l 1.
bill 'lllO !('.
1 j.-irt. r
r v.
1 r.i
S,:o 0 1 !
'.1 -j
1 .el 1-0
10 (" '
17 i ii
:i7 in
j:M . ;
.' 0 ! j
V.".i 7J
1.1 -In
i.v.0 Oil
1- 1 -.2
, .7 J ' 0
1 1:; is
2,0 Hi
:'.!- si
l.H tc
y '. ;;u
1 H hH
;s ',-.1
:;i7 .mi
7 2 l-J
?1 n
i,i !
i'j I' 7
.ol .
112 p;
4 (il
17 in
i :; p-
11 i.j M
i.7 '..l
27 :
io i;;
I'J 71
1:12 )
s ,10
f-7 71
4:1 7 .
l:::t 4
oi w. & 11. ig
, foreign Av l)ouiestie
ME 11 CI I A NDlSft
, lIAVi;,TJLL ON1a.NI)a
Fine Assortm
Drtf Goods,
;i l of 1 '10
ea-. V-
riy " " int.
by nm't ,1 p. r Tri-r.s. ree l,
by -i i.'i-nt.i:: - t i roll--, t'.i ,
i'.y t-MMiriiti.ii..i iu cola-it -rs,
i -,(;! 2 :U
C. Iuiitz.-r, , '1 rin: urcr, ill ac-ouut with
olll'. o ut liovr-hip.-: I'ur -.Lojl Fuud fur the j enra
1- 2 io:d !.(,.;.
Ml. I
I" 60
K,"il.' ;.i
I v in l!it Cfiinini Tiv,,i!Ii i-.f P.-n n. v I i-.iiiirt . in :i,--
w ii h lli.-i.' r.i'm.s iti'i ke-I, at a level Sac i-'ounl with bounty FunJ of .o temWr, ImU
liu.ii- the ni.iu iiiio. A!i::..-t tho whole ' ji);,
ihr.-o meiii 1 vt" j furit'd nlivc, 10 a T nm't ..-'.1 from t-!!ei.t.ii-i lifhi
;;:(-, iter or lvss (l. plli, by I.1K111:; .h-br'n
ui 1 he t :'.'. I !', .--'i'.' , : li'. ll . ti :ab r0, Ae.. 1' e.
It i ' 1 -! iuKi'e I that the llitli New 'i'.uI;
l.i-l llil i-i l.ilt.d :i'j l v. .'.;i:,l,-.I: tbo f.'.lih
Ne.v Vniii ". 1 I lb i -'Old won:,.'.-1: :m,i
:'.,.. Mi N.-w I! iM-:. in- hi:!o-l I
iv.,i::o!.'.i - in nil. :.!- -ill - '.. I'm' llm!
r.'..M;, 1- -i i-:- :.:.piy l.ot
I hf-o re I s.
Tii'i .' in ; ii 'oi s 1
mi 1 a la I've iiuuil
v. i-i I. iio 11 1 ai e l.i ea
p:ii I of tho i iy in
1 -s v. it a j 1 o-j ei t ol
our'ilv ll.i.'i.'i li
llil- till!
lli iho r
r ti.o
M' of
tnre. rrj.'iirici. .
ollirr voluiiti-er
ir;viL'i'd a 1 . t r
re M-.-'it Th'.io
r.-r.t r.piny p.'1-.ous in the t at
; of tli" oxp'o-ion bi'ii les the
;:iin. i.i-, on .inty, drawn then- by
eurio-i' v. and very loot of I he debris 011
all m h-s of 1 he ei a'.i r v. iii have lo be du
over bo" no the woi!i i-an l. piopi ily 10-
ilinjt I" rroiiti,',
To ain't rn-'il f.-um u-.fcnl.-.l 1.T..1
Hv lull,!.' , Si j t.
'A 1.I'-iL 't,i7ii
by iii-n-l i,a l.-m l , 27".
Ity 1 or.-i iilii,- t cull -i't,)r.', I! 25
liy f x,,io'r.i: i.iin of " Jil
n-i 111 "in ' t 1 ' j r''a i"r"i' ' piTci'iita;;?,
' t'' c p-j v in r 1. nt. 17:1
l-y Iri-itMin r j rcciit'iC
ri-'-i'ivin, li S 1
Jty ain't ilin- Tii'.i-i.r.r nt
but ,i-i(ii 11., ni, i:,
up ll.n bud- 'laefninl l,y Tr, .1.7. ::,I22
t tlliv; thor-
2," 70
In 1 ah ihif- I !, IV,. in I, is' rctih-iii't
To nm't rc-'d Ir-.m un?orit.'d Inuds,
7'i,n ,io',v. Am' i'iiU
li....' -ii 1 in, $ I a m5
r.n, -bii 17
li,,'---,., 10a :u
1.1 77
.111 21
IIS t.2
rei 62
n f
:m 1:1
4 bi
'.'7 .1:1
182 21
1S7 4S
2H7 OS
47il Hi
SC.! ( 7
Ij'J it.)
Ill (HI
til 2'i
270 II
,",S7 4:i
207 I'l
I ili 22
I H (.'J
iil'i f-.'l
i,j::s 7a
; li'iely.
: Ihirn.sid.',
. flietl,
; C-iv Ingt: :i ,
' I'urgiji'.ii,
1 I-'.jx,
I (.'mini,
1 (1,,'b.n,
! oriiioiiii.
! lliiiitih,
K.u iliiiu'.
! Km i,
1 I'cnn,
1 I'ilic,
l iiiuii,
' W iD.lvvuril
1 I'.al. ilav t-
J!d! .he.
f Ill 0 4
hi 17
7 2i
1-2 HI
ii I I'.'I
2..0 17
20 0j
2 51
Ml iifi
73 77
i H
il'J 7
21 .)
:,au si
27 7''.
I'J 10
l "."1
2fi 7
2S i:
2s 4il
II i2
4 1 12
. I I .i'.'i-'!
S,"2fl 11
Household Goods,
F rCas Ii!
Jan . 2 i, "in.
Great It eduction
.7. v. YjTTtYeii,
Front Street. Clearfield, Penai
Having purelinsed a large tteck inceihi
h le decline in ji ices is now prerimlic
oiler great bargains in
Ncic Style Dress Gook
Richest Printed Gooih
All-lFool Delaines,'
S-VI20 n French Merinos,
:t'., iv!.,-) t,';;'; ni rosted on
1 i-r on chaiv of friiu 1 in Tl i"-1'1 'b: ' u ' "tl'iiii,
vr,,-s of New-Yoik Fold- i" l ri1"1 lr"M ,'",e''
estituiition of a'.l orthodox (lakori tlio
fearing of false witness nj n'--io yvur ncijhlir.
AUhoti2' John's memory may boat
fault, yet Ins ia not wanting in ihii-iv:l-nei.
In fact h' ru.iy la i .illo I ' -h.up."
Thus he iis.-uine.i Ik-cui.-.c no naih
conl.iining tho lin;;uaj.3 that "reiiorl"
alribules to him, a imii.i di.u ,i to .1
py one, an 1 thercf,. re having the ii.foi
itnce that what "repoil say ," o! li'-n cm
nol bo (rue. The th-niid is tud p-.-iiiv.- -r.iily
iiifercntiiil. Ti.o "iej-ort"' N, that
f'o: 'ii .stioti, perlrjpi r.icotio'l Jy , iu
the idenlatd I r j. page r-cl 1 y i:-, v.
1 Ut to " I't ic II -1" ' J' hi) by l! e ;;i lit' ill
who then aeled us "f .1:11 iiii--i-hut,'' aii'i
fiat the re-.pon OS -,vi : e a ; u e ;;'i'. ! ih,!::.
Will John d.-ny this? Ifl,-: d li.i n
ivo wo will ko what j rm-f "1 cp. 1 f' mi
Tlio alilri-.s i:i ip.10 li'-u w il! apj ..:r in
our next, when we liny pay como f.irlh
t r le.-peelsto our "f, it 11.J ;" ;u,.l if wn
t hai! nuke i-omo ie!erem-es of a hliil tiio.e
tinpleipanl (.'imi'mc'it, i.ol !oi ;:t ttni" 11 ve
ty inlerestipi; th:'lir in Iho hi-.tory of
"Spirit Ii.tpr.i","" m Teim township- l.e
t'iii-.t not rem;.!. lin, nor fvr a ii
tnent think that we h ive any p:i
useail the "re'iiouj view;," of h's
olhcr society.
p ';,-" oiri.
the L7 ih r f ( h'tol
ti'ii-. toi'linu tho
i. r-, mil tin own into Iho Old Capitol j v all)n,1Iit
pf-.-n without M id, wai vest. i.W nneon- '"1jl.Il.,j'i
I ,t 1. .p. ri ' 1 v u 1. a-e-l l y order o tlicM'ere
! .: ;, oi' War 'I h :-, we 10-iip-.o. is one o
the' t.-r.'eetj of the nets-11 of the lleo-e it
;il'p"ilil.ii' a rrti.p.itleo to ir. 1 e-t ig-it.
the i :oes of l!,e ir.' rf I (1 1 d in if.
1 Vd (hi i u 1 :.i;d V,i 1 ' 11 I 1 i: 011, 1 1 is iIio
A' :'. y Fml t
(t. KiiP '.r b.-. , Trtn'iirrr of f h .-irfii'l i e,.-.miy
in iiot-junl niili ltt-licf b ind I' t A. , bnl.
To uiii't rei-',! fr iii t'ullcolnr.--, !nt'u-
ilin? ! cri-i-iit.i ,'i
Th 1-i't r,-i ',l !,u:ii 11, roalnl '.neb,
b-",;.'- is.;::,
T nm't r.-:M from i-iiu'im' I.-. Ic,
V, ih-J C.)iii:iu.v-i.)tn'is or Cie-ir.n-1,1 ci.iiity, in ff . . . t1'
ili- Cuiiiioinic.-illli of I'emmlvamn, having x-, ilOOtl liuH li
iiiiiinml tno ajiioiint." 01 j 1vra.i1.-r, r.s , inusu
n-r .f iheeiniuly of tTi-i' Iho year Is' til, l I Al1uirI
Jj.-trtify that we find th. nccunlns f.liotv,: IsOOItlgt (IlKl 4 llJ)llClli,
Iho amount doc iho county bv J rciniror is
.is'Hciitii'n l'.illarsanl.ovoiity lc-iit.'. , (WlC)l frlUUtiS,
1 . 0 : : 2 s.'i
S.i7 00
4 10 4.'.
Ladies' Mantles,
f K.
f rL-licf fun,L- r.'-
f i','r,'i"i-:i' ?
treatment lit I he hands of tho horii u-j
and ho ropni ts llial ciiu-O the. 11 1 1 ' n,-1 r 1 1
nf foil l-ihcr i,n enliro rov'i : ii. 11 (!' pub
lie . pinion h is t.iki-n plae -.
'i ii i,iro'. i xlii'M.i- i.iivriM'i i : 1, '1'..: ;
it out. P. the 'dtti i- emu ii'.linil ll...- .mi 1
nest 1 1 thoir a.i-,i!.
'J'i: J riib;.li,rttie of nn :niy pe r-
wei e fi.-t-l-." diseii.-o( in l.-.iii:e i mi..:!'i!
r'.lld p- oil: h-s in f u:!iiiio!id, I" d ;
(.''lii-r.i! ji'i'iil l.-cliu;; 1 I'j -V 111. d 'eii 'l le
Mihe ! 1 11 .111 lln) 1'ijid 1 iieui.ili'.'ii 1.1 tho
iuf -nr...1 11 11.
to ('oho
North, nnd In the
e r f
e 1 .ii.
. 1
1-1 'I'.'i!
ei-!-.! iv-
.: :i -'. tl
oi.i'iiit of e '
by itii'. i..i; ..f eolUi-ton'
i'.'. nil-..;.-,
by au:',ii-it of coilt-rtnre'
I'.y Ti i ii-'ii i.-r j tri'nt'i'
I a in? 1 ni,
T.i 'iv, i-'ir-.-rV I ore 'i t";-o
f ,ioi bv To'io
2.. lb 5 .10
::, if
ll,i fu
72 r.i
ini r,
f.iill Mi
riio niiKiuiit, mitotan. tin rr duo tho county.
TI:r-o tli., 1 itovon hundrvil and twenly-throc
l'.il'.nrs and thirty five cents.
Tin. iiinoiint ..f nut-tiindiiii;, Fil't'-on
Zh .iif.n. l I11.1 lbniil:l and Forty Dollars mil ; J7...... n1ll Jlnmuii
mx fV..i-...f which Fourteen II.' I Fir a ' IH 011(1 liOUUU,
iliin.h.-il JJ'.lhir.-nro 111 Court lbimo lion-li. 1
Jl,,l,i,'i,,'e di.S l:.,u.ity Fund by tho Trcn.u- S((ll)Ic D I'll (lO0(IS
r,-r w riirre Thoii-anil I-iitir Ibiiiilr.-d anal wen-, J
ty-Tnn piillarf 1111, 1 i-11 ty-i.ijjni enis.
Tho biilanco iluo Itcat-I Fund liy tho Trea.iir.-r
is Two Thoujiind Thrco liundrol and Foriy
, lii-ht Dollar mid Fi,;hly-Six Ci-iits.
Jlie iluo Kxira li -unly Fund is I'.-ur
teen Tli'iioand Five Hun-lrvl ami Twenty Deb
' lnr.i an,! 1'i.ur (V tits.
Viln"-' "iir liiind- tli if 20tl. day of January.
A. D. i-o:-.
- ( : .
Upon th'-- -Ml' jeel il...
i.i And 'ni' 11, "-ill! ' ,1 i'l?
has ih . Ulr.:r::
1) 1 r;
, 1' I'..- I r
i.i, -i
, in ii i-
il l ;.-!
In 1
7, (-12 21 ir
. ;.',; -' my io,..
r. 1'.. . , TreiiMiic r 1 i t 'u-.u 1 "
oe v. 1 hit .11 I., liiii.l m.iier
i. e. Miin h. A.';. I'il.
',i rr..i ,', .'...(-, ii.ehl
i,ii2 2!
I 1 conn-
i nl A.
He adtj-.1 lade Cloth ing,
Millinery Goods,
Jloscry and Notion,
lints and Caps,
Boots and Shoes,
Tib is. 1)0 f i-il hlfl'V. l O
amos !:i:.i'. !
ii)n;.ai) liAK r;;. j :i
l'.it.M.i .fy. t'leik.
iilili-ra of Ch'ior..ld cuniy, Fa.,- f 1 ,iy ll ir lir f S' OltM))r(M
:,theai.uiit.of C. luaiiyr. I-?.,. . iIlU "'.b(U L CCC-Mlt
r.i in 1 -inn ei
L l,
lln- tiliU
his e.iii'i
'(!'. 1
1. 00 i n
ii.iir h V
iinr: ;
ai tlo
in 1;
of li,
.il :i. I i
1 i.'
1 1 i, ii-ii
" 1 1 1 1 i o ; 1 , " b 1 : 1
' ' i j -ettii a I - .-nl:
ph'.i-in:; to .-h",
iu e :i 1 1 ' ! ,u 11 ,
1'li' i ;, nt I.i:.,- ,
kli i'.v all ;ih, -nt 1
'I l.ini'iln li
.' i'.:i,':l mi-.-tp.
l r.i I bin;; -. lo
.nt ii, : : :.
i ii i:-;' ev i iei
1 1' r;.ei!',.it;ii -,
1" ;'..
lifis th.- ,ii
It is t llppo-ed
I. 1 1 in 'J to l.l.'i
1. or i. e
:; i 01 1
- ol 111
1 :. a I
liy Ti
' .M.IVC li
f i-o . n
I' ,-. '.
i.-' r . I ,'ii-',-.
At lest :
W .'.i. s
Wi-, iho A
liuvinr eviiiiiili.:
'i u-ii-ini'.- i !' I i-ai-L.lJ iDi.iay ler yea.-i IMil. . ,
Jor .oartilii.t llio auoiuit.- i.rj iu aV.vo 1 lalcd. ; J I'll If S (111(1 GrOCC7USt
Tlio l.lle.llill dliO the I C : .1 by tho Treat- C
i.n r , t'ne Tl. eo: to! Five lb.imlre.l nnd Forty 1 . I J .1 .
rune l'..!:i,r:;ii,l F , !t.y - T !. re. ConM. L (I I'J) CIS (11. (I ( ) U-CWtlli;
'i i.e .1111 -i. n! il. in tl.o Sii'hi,i l Fund by the trea- 1
pup it die I linn-iiiul 1 ive llunilrud mid thirty- J () (fitft () rf Go()(fot
i.'lO l fi.ll .: llll'l - - ' ' I J -1 , 1 I U 11 ' Vll i.
t.'i-i v uui l-iiii la this Will day of Jai.uaiy
A. I: l-i'
'7 41
lil to
i.i ,
I. .2
l.i lai.u- uio li,e I,
b", 2 .VI
1 I, .120 UI
::;i:am wcoDWAnn,
V. V. rod I !: I'T,
I., f. JiVANS.
i, i -i.
M.'l.i;.'lll) I'AKM
V ;i 1 ii a b 1 ti T i m b c r La 11 d
Ail ofwhieh will be sold al grrnllv redoc
od .rices. Oct. 10 tf.
Money Wanted to Amount of
"S 7 5.0 0 0!!. '
v e
( i ll
: on
el,. I
'krved iiim Itictrr.. -A reliahi
t h . r, and lii,".t l, .lh are wiih
! "ake soiiie t,i;i.e. .ioli-', ni.d thro i-.po-ed
to lo the lo;ion the i :
:'lii mo- hitur.s and orn.y Aholitioni-ts an
i.o...' in'lhe iiimpngo iiyain.'t eoinpion-,; (.
pr ;n e.
r any 1
I I "i ney 's ',,-., also of Iho fain,: dale of
,'ilie 'l'Jiinjil, takes a very tiiili-rent view
t-.l .ell of Ihesubii-rt t! i-pell in ' in asiii'de brrnlh.
of liik county scnd.i us the following jiar- a'.l the lukdil ntHi.-ipntions of an e.olv
titular of an outrage recent ly committed jcTllonn.'iil which bud been created ii. f:n
upon a quint and unoH'ending riti.eii of , minds of noma of our ovor-cnpli.h nt eiti
that county, and the prompt and btilutary zens by tho Tdfijroj h- l ot ney says :
pniiiBhirient of the nulln.r : j Th lale nii..-:ion lo Kiehuiond ua-, no
"A D-.'puly Trovost Marshal eam.i hi 'hmht, a l.iilute, bu fir a.-: it has inlei.d.d
the house of U. llorlan, in fox lownshi itosollle toimsof honoriilh. peace, ir v 0
at a late hour in ll.o night, ,! ClZl'l
. . . , , ii ' m in ipivi'V-i. VI lilli IIL'(ltrSiy l unj
ou aciniiUnnce wlr.rh was rruntr.1. 'Il.n'u-nr nmU. ;,;,.;,. r,. ...
o -------- - ,
I n r n,,r in mml inlnl., .1...... . 1 r .
riittijci mi i il i. lie i j Ml'IlKirilie'.l pi r, 11 3.
firc-arDis. llorlon nuked f..r what t ur-
posoT Tho only reply was that bo want-!
1 1 k
i, i
.ih b- i.i,.
i .-., I,
I'wsbi:-,; i:-
.-I .- j ,- 1 1 1 ; v
n i i.i i ii) ;
-e ;ii-, I liiti n tluae
ll lie- l.lit ,-- of
.1 i'.A !;i; !; l r.
'Iho wnr, nndas inspiration for renew e ! el'.'oi t.
No-v is not tho time to relax our enerey.
The Unit?tl Stutci cannot always be olli-r-ing
peace by messengers. (Jur formal
nil'.tr ti I n nil j C, ll.n ;....., i .. ti
eJlhero, and would havo then. As it floor of return has boon , on I'm,,, n,
was geucrally believed that llorlon kept, nnd it is nol the purl (iovemment
tome money oboul him, and as the stran
ger was in citizens' dress, ho felt as if con
fronted by a burglar, 6eized his rifb nnd
ordered the intruder to leave. Willi this
tho stranger seized the riflo, nnd present
ing n six-shooter, eucceoded in gutting
possession of it. He then left; but rc
lurued io a few hours with four soldiers
all in 'citizens' cholhing and effected u
h f n n ;i 1 : 1 1 ,
or,!, r . iiiol
, ii- Ft i.". I,
HMMVSItA'IOi'.'S ,tHICi:.-. si. -
X k ' h' 1 ' .',':.':' i " -"'ii bi ilert of n lrioiisll "I
lien mi il.r , -;i:'e of ('. li. bl'f'K, Into (.f J'.rnl
l.rl ,,v. li-'.;., .I-i. i.-i.l, li.ti L:ii l-.-en t..'."ti
out by Pie uii-l. r-iiu-il , :.ll ,. r.-,,:is t i
mi l t'.-liili) nr..- r."ia--li' 1 to make inine'diale :iy
iiieiit , n ad 1 1 1 . - haviii ; elainij aifuiil the saino
ni'.l jro .iit th.'in ilalv iiullieiitii'iited fur Fettle.
in out . ' II.VliilVKi lit'CK,
Fell. 1 , 1 Mi I. Aihiiiiii.-'triitor.
ASi'E'H'iHi Mocssc
c'7.' ifa: ,v,v i v ,.;, '.i.
MliS, IA.C DI.OOI. l'reprii'tre.-", res-'
poi-lt'illy iiiferiiis her niimeri.iis friend.",
nritl the linveliiiig ublie, that fho rt'.II tc'iii iet
Ilic ubovo well l.iinivii Mand, that they nil!
a livnys Im 1 lirr bonce a li '-me ol i .uiif.irt, eeononiy
and t-.iiivenb-iH-e. J.Q- I liiirj'es mod.-rnlc.
jan 2.1, Cm. ..l MlAll ,
tlMi ( I.f. tltl'll'l.l) It til..
HOAI) CoMl'T. An ndji.iu ued moetiiiL' nf
z.. " -'
-' ir
ii ? .' :
- n
"'UK Ci.'.naii.-'.-i.,r,rr. m i .'Uircd W H
hoii-itie.. to vihiiiteers and uli!tltH"
older to till tl.o (piota i f the m mi"
in,; di.ift, nnd they need money for that purl
'l lm-.- nmv 1-1II ilium ihe 1 i i rear toconii"'
rjlltl. - ib. I'.er otters to soil, nt a linr-iiin, f o ward and tann tho enmity tho money wwjfj
I !, Iboviii - ,!,'., rihed viiliinlile j I'-r which COl'i'ON HON IK CliEAR 0
l-,'i,' mi ll'o s-u.n.-hiiiinit Kiver, in j
li. H t ).Mo!ii, fl.-iirlield c imty, l.otiniled on the ,
:. st by the i oi r, ..n Hie r- nth by lands of .lolin '
,-uil.k i !in, en llio ne.t t' lauds of bi'iij. V.ninl,i
i-iidna (lie i ?1 by landsof J. F. I.ce, e intainin.!;
I . nc-ii--. cf land, p i.rlly boll. "in .oid parity ri-lfi
l.nel, niili I'.li.V or M.x'y Hi res cleared, on whieii '
there is treiti-d npotid two-nt iry duelling liuute,'
11 li; nnd other inithuildini;.'. Tho land ii'
Mtll i iih'iilated ("r either .ruin or hay, and lying'
iireii.-'liiit'.'ly on the liver, half i.'.iy between M.--i
ht-cV and In in's M.lls tl miles fnou eneh ,
the s-iliiiiliiin is most i iiuii. le for nny kin I of
liie-inr.-:', tin to I t-ins good mill cnt nt tht) low '
.- a , i' . i, . i...... i
T I L'llll Oi lUU I'llli..,. - , ,. ... ,
s- .... .ii ,i . -.1 ? ' t-ulieeri.ti.tus In
ilie iiiniiiiroveu liinu is wen civerei una ., , , ,, , v. i.mrr
-. I Wl.;... P U,U Ti,l,.- Tl,,.r ,. .'".'ariiom ... ity lii-.k 1'. t,
. . in i . . ... w - . - . rto l.a t ,.,r. t 111 ft I Uou"' , .
1 lit T,,i-iiif
lieann .i l or onu
nynhle eu-h half en'r. will he b.-uoi ni;r'l
ton Is. ill to 1S"2, in Minis of
The fetllenu-iit .-lions that I he count j
S7'i,000 for bounty loan, and this lo ,
All are interns: , --
!i,t(l n " "
it i. I
and rnfo investment
ini; this loan taken, rnd
met with rroiiiptiii'ss. . ;j
if not l :ik-. n iH'turollio ht of Fel'i"'J ' "
he plaei'd i:i the easP rii cities and ihoopp''"''
ty I -r 1 1 : v i -lin.-nt -will ne losi. , . .j,
e reii'"-- - i
" nhiii. dance nl liinlur for miles hack from the ; crtf j
: - I r. . r linn niil i reaei. i n- i tver in mis i.ouii, 1 y(lllr mon(,y
L there i. a I'. iftin Ilea, h mi this hind f lillieient '
'- i tn Bcc't'iiiiiiodnlo tinny ratis.
' c S - Tht io it also ti uhundiincii of Coal inider Iho
. S 1 Hirlnce, nnd il Ihero is cool oil nnywliuro in tho.
V c Milley ol tho, it nill I.o found hero.'
? il Iho plnco is well naliii'.i, unn is wen caieuia-
7.''r J ted lor the raii-intf v( stock.
i 2 " li will be f.dd ut n luirjjaiii. The litlo is in. lis .
3 i..o.l.U
Si' .l,.. r.,r.'...,r ;,,r,,, ,,, si ,, .,i,. i ,i.: ,.r ' I.eonartl. Kinnev it Co
K I -i I .'. .Mlll.v. U,,la, (l i iiiidiji- v
tlrndon the threshhohl in f.rrpetual fPVIUi
'plication. I,tt uUmvn unmn lnl.-,, nf. L HO,'
a desire to make pence on tho part of tho ,ho s,l"'1',l(,,llers '", al 1,19 c,,1'n "'
rebel leadcra l,nf.M. im 1..'. . ,. 1'cnnsylvania ltnilroad Couipnny, nn Tuesday,
6tand idly at bis post, Till t lieu let tbo J"i'."lar " ' 'i'' "'f "'u 'eC,,i"K'
..... ;n ! . ... 1 1110 i I resident, u-o l'repident, nnd twclvo Dircctork
war go Oil in Its tnumpli. We look be- to.ervo Iho c.i,.,in2year, nnd tho annual tnte
foro and alter, and eco nothing Lul vio-1 meut will ho nihiiiitied.
X . fi. e, nnd for terms, Ic,, to tho (.uhserihi r on tho """""! consent,
:? '- .iiremises. 1". Jl. K.Y IT 11, ' Tho hook.., oirers,
l'i vl jn. 20, liilij. Cush V. O. ( hsnds ofdnnies T. It
f'oiuo foriiiird nt omo aiol I "
TICK l'OI ullt4"
a iiiK I! HAD.
Alte.-I, CONK Al liAhtR,
M'.'.i;iiAHhi;v. tviiiDiii.'p;
Clerk. Ja"'..?i'-
n;.-u.i..i;..n ..r l'm-l nersliip
j'1-r....nil.'yii v.
,. i . .,..r... .Min bd"
Ilia riinncrsnin iieroioioiw a
Iho piil.serihtr.s in tho nankui? "" ,b,
., is this day n
.. ... urtiil"
- r j-
u r - I -. -r.
J, 1 U I' C. 1-3
l'hil'll, j 111
II. II. SlUhLIXOFOUI), ?ve'y
' Ain't of out tiindin cnuiily ntderif,
Ain't of out. tnii.liii court liouso
Notice i orders,
1 1 M I M S I It A K ) H'S N ( ) IT ( i :
is hcrel j piven, that boilers of Adniinislia- Ain't of ouUtandini court l:ouo
C-iyT!io Illinois Ccnlral Uiiilrond is ma
king un cllbi t to have the cnpitol of ihai
ki... . i r t ii.. i . A. M.
KPr-nml nnl.innA l. ..t.., ll..., .. .u...:u ...... fc' ..V .....! .VCft- ,,,, 0n tho Cstl.tO llf ANDl'.HW CltOS.S.hltO of h.lll.i,.
"""" v.... ,u nuvuv uiw miiuo iumi- 1..,. nn, nlloe ni mm hi, iieiininti I. S Hill ' n , ... ..... , . . ,. . . ... , ' ...... a.. . r- ..,ll,i.. ..
.(v...,- , ,,i,(;Ka inniniiip, i.ienrueni couniy, x a., ueeenseu, iu uuu ii..u. ivn..- ....
OtKI to build ft new capitol lit Unit 1'laco. having hot-ii -.runted to tho uiidcrjignci!, til per 1 eoiirty, $
, "ns inilchled to mini cflute aro required to inako Ag'to duo from ownors of
... . ,. .1 . I tl.llt... ,,t. lln . .. I ,1..... , I l. .a.Ia Intl.ltf
,.,..,.. i. t . ( ,, . .... i llliO.iii. J bit I It Sllailt;''. rOlllarhCU a - mm ioi.iu- i-i.nni.-
),lu' HOlel, HU'.l huaily to Kl'le.Vfiv, I , , ., ,,,,, v....i . v nj-'innst Ihe nill i.resenl them dulv au-henti- Air'lo duo from Tr miror,
. . . ... . . iil'.v, Hull LliU .11 1.VIt-3 illlll,il III f P' Ll V31 . . . .- -,.t . r
wiicretiietHbies look a naildaii, and. to' .-Npl ;it , ,vft3 ,l0 rrplv : "their
the m.-.! .-Isnl, rjuite unexpiitct vn Mr. j lather wits a f:rctcr.-" I
nernson the llorlon was then
seized, hand cuffed on 1 Ukcn to Mr.
f i
I I4U do
liOO 00
11,000 00
"alid l"r settlement.
nn ft r'b
lil IZAeliTIl fKOSf.
Iniichti-dness of eoiinlv,
.'i,7l I 40
U 70
11,11)0 01
.,15,210 " .?l..,2lfl OP
f ) ss.Moitr, A STItt'UNS RKSPECr-
1. full
II HJIIII 1.1 illllll.-n I,ruiin.'. ..
! linn fitt'l nil .piim4 ilun lo and by " .w
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fully nnnounee to their Humorous Iriondi and A. C. FISNIiV,
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lo ti.o I uniic Rcnerully, that they have osterotl V. A. WAbbiy j
inio oo.pnrtiier.-nip in tlio nbovo l.uninesa in tlio ; The hiifine.-3 will ho contmuW oy .
nhop heretofore coeiipicd by the HCiiior uu tner i Leonard "s Leonard 4 Co. '! JI-J,
in uio herougli ot flcurlieU, - "i-TTp Votn
All Hons of work in their lino will le dispatch- MMTtATOi.'-- X) I ," 'jB,.
,l nn it.. .i,n.i.u i ... i i ,i.. . I i t. i,.,.u,;..ii Hint letters of oip. ,
-'' "' ,i,fni"ir,aim ill lull Ul'c I. n oi n b-- . .. U(0 01
iiiaiilike iniHiiior, and upon terms lo unit the turn on llio esliito of Taos. Lampoon, (j u
ii,... u.,.,..i.,i .to,.,ii., iii v.. .,..:.! i ........ i-.. i'i,.arr,.,l,l .... ilnr'it. h.ivinn ofen f u
siioF.i.nti. jn tact, everylliuigconiieeleil with llio uiouiinermj;neii,iiii pi-ioono .... ..- en(n
crnrt--from n oounnon nail ton fino edged double are nucstcd to make imincdi.ite r7
i.:....t .t... .i . .. . . .u... i!...t .ciiiniii th taint i"P'
.M.1.V11 vno.iiii'NAV, n i ii iifj uiiiuo iu Ullll-i, oi- i hhtu nftii.A ,
thor lor'Ctthli or apprcted Country I'roiluce. elhui duly authenticated fiii -se "tnu i
J'Sj-Ciivo thjin a call.
Pec, 11, isci-lyl
a. c PASsMonn.
I1MKS A. CAMi'tlKbh. I ij'(.
Pell tr.-'m- f,s- fl-