Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, January 18, 1865, Image 4
..W-.W- ... i- OLEARFIELD CO. DJ2ZCTCI Yj TIME OF U0LDIN3 C0T7S?. j 21 Moi-day i January, I SJ Monday lu Juki, Id Monday in -Marcli, in aiunuay in orin. 'each tnr, noil couliuun two weeks if nocessary COUNTY AND DISTRICT OFFICERS. Prae'l Judge on . Ptmd Linn, Rellefonto. Aa te judgea Hon. J. D.Thoinreon.Curwensvillo Hon. James Ulooui, Forrosf, Sbeiitf, Edward Perks, Clearfield, proibonotary, D. F. Etsweiler, " Keg. A Re. Isaiah U. llarger, " District Att'j, Israel Test, " Treasurer, C. Krntxor, Co. Surveyor, 11. B. Wright, Alcn Hop. ComiuiMluners, Tho. Dougherty, Clearfield. A inoi II rid, Jo Conrad Baker. Araonvllle. Aaditovs, Charles Worrell, N.Wab'Ktoa II. woodward, FenntWld. F. F. Couterel, Lecontes Mill Coroner. . J. VV. Poller, . .. County Cnp'l. C. B. Sandford, Clearfield. LIST OF POST OFFICES. 7Vir'', "oaf OJJfit, f'ottmvttri, Bsrfaihi, Glon Hope, Win. 8. Wrigh I'IhIi v Theodore Weld, - llcrartj'i X Rosda.Sam'l. llecnrty, Bell, Bower, W. MeCracken, 1 Cheat, Th.A. M'Uhee. ' Cuih, J. M'. Campbell,; u.ienn, li.i-.iietHiei.-'on, ' Forrest, Jamea Ittooiu, Clearfield Bridge, James Forrest, J Woodland, William Albert. Luthcraburg, R. II. Moore, Troutville, Ckas. Sloppy. I Jefierso Line, John Ileberiin, i Blown, flog s;s, Bradford, Brady, Bomrld, fsew asMi.gtAn, Jas. (lallaher, " Kurnalde, Patcbinville, Kan Ridge, W. C. Irrin, Jack Patch in, JlKHlt) Itoico, I Win. McOarrey, i tliL Hunt, McO array, " Weatorer, CWarflelJ, Clearfield, Co.ingron, FrenchTille, 11 Karthana, p. a- t arner, . M. A. Frank, P. A. Uuuliu. i ifiu hDtr" ' T. W. r leming, PntrA rnmiti. I CurwanailUe Curwenuilla, Deealnr, Philiptburg, Weat Decatur, Oaceola Mills, Marron, Little Toby, Leaonte'a Mills, Paid UiU., Ehawarille, tiraliam'.on. Smith's MilU, Madeira, Tyler, l'ennfield, ' Anionville, Salt Lick, New Miilx.-M, Kylertown, Alorriadale, ' Lumber Citr.t 8. Radttbnch, 1. I. uoalicB, Ed. Williama, Mcciciian. 0. Migoot, William Carr, a. it. Phaw, Forguaon, Fex, ttirsril, .. fioahen, tiraham, tiaellcb, II us toli, Jordan, Kanham, Knox, Morria, - &uza mast, 0. Ueckadorn, M.O.Ptirk, Ja. Thompton, .1. C. Brenner, II. W. Spencer, Ten., i. Pike, Uraupian ll lla, Curwenavillo, " Itlooiningrille, 1'tilon, Keckten, Woodward, Jeffrie, James bocKeu, : This Pott Office will do for Choat townehip. uiu answer t-jr rerguson lownehip. JOHN L. CUTTLE, Attorney at Law and Heal Kstate Agent, CLEARFIELD, PliN.VA. Ofliet oi Martul si. Ojtosiie the Jail, RESPECTFULLY offers bis srrrices in aell. Ing sad buying lamia in Clearfield and d- Juintna; counties and with an experience of over ..." c. ,... n .. f i .. I twenty years as a Surveyor, flatters huuaelf that he ean render aatufaclioo. Feb. '6'J If. ; lir M. MCULLOircai, Attohsbt at V . Law, Ciearfi. d, Pa. Office on Market Ftrcrt Rank." on door east of the "Clearfield County itay 4, l . . LAL'RIH J. Ul.AKl'.I.Y, Attorney and Counsellor nt Law,! Will attend to all business entrusted to his I car la Elk and adjoinlog counties at St. Mary 'i (uenxinger f . O.) lop 21, e mo pd. THOMAS J. M'CX'I.I.OIj till , Attoriiey Bl vuii. aujoining me uana, lormeriy oecupiea ny . J u. aics,nauy, fcaq., fllarket street, ;ioarfield, Pn. Will illunrl .,r. ,A (",. 1 ; L..I. Pa of Landi, Ac. ..... r.u.r..j .v .n.i.-'ii-, t- nis i . Vec' 't I D OBERT J. WALLACE, ATToa:ar at Law j 1 i Alj uiearneld, ri., umeo In ttsw's Row, op i posita the Journal oQtce. dee. I. 18S8. tf t. J. CKAN1. W.M.THK BARRET CHAN 3 and U.UIKET, Attorney at Law, klay 8, '08. CLiAiirtiiD, pa. blOirwoobsr PRACTICING Physician, and Examining Sur-1 geon for Pensions. Oftke Southwost coruer ' IRACTICIXO Phyaician.and Examining Sur geon for Pensions. Oftkf Southwost coruer Second and Cherry stieets, tlosrfield, Pa, January 21, I M. ly CYRENU'S I10WU. j Jt'sriCE or tiib Pkack. Por Pki-atur Township, 1 will tirnmnll aIIahi! I.i ll .n I his eurc. P. 0. Address, Philipeburg Pa. Aug. 21st IS61 L EVER PLEOAL, Justice erthe Peace, Lu thersburg, Clearfield cour.Iy Pa., will attend promptly to all business entreated to bis car. Lutbersbutg, April 4, ISfil. , , J- P. K R ATZ E R, l?r ,, J"nd ,,eB:r lu I)T ooi .ijL-.oiuiiig, noruwaie, yueenawat I'rovisioni, Ao. Uroceriea ' Front Street above the Academy Clearfield Pa April 20th 1C4, It. W. SMITH & CO. MERCHANTS, and dealer In l,y floods Groceries, Hardware, gueensware, and everything usually kevt h tl,. ...i. b. ' FECOXD Street, below Judge Leenurd's oppo- ' site the Proahvterian Phur.-h n...t.i.i i'.. 1 ' I'ecl, 1861. I Ja. Mr MurTTC JHcMurr., MlU. Irrlll.; Pry Goods. Groceries Lumber, Ac, Buinsido, l'a Dee. 24, I?2. josehi ii: M'aiuiuYay t1'?. A L a I X L UM bxr "8W "nwgn. Clearfield County, p July ISt 18G3.-tf Licensed Auctioneer. ltr)l. .11 iiiooi, . " l ? T sires to inrnr n i.u ? T '"""'"'P- -! either t i or Bloomvillo. Aprn 0, 04. tf. 1.. ,8rF'our. Cbceae, Lsrd. Dried 1 "i'i""! riea I'eache. ru.j : 1 -" .',":-' tnnthrmiUmta MCZ Ii'JZ.lT'y - ' a-iiAiy.KH. C.'earfield Academy. D- W.McCirlDYLA.B.PrincipaL rniis 'I M Qrler Will open on .. .v. i ' L othof Demf li ,u' follow: I- -ormaoi luitionas Common K- gllh, comprising those branch- m.,r;u f??.t.M- metic .Geography, tngli.h Oramm'er and I 80 111 I f" quarter, . g w.ZZ, "" per quarter, -Nv. J.i, I Ss 1. 7 0 10 00. .ral.y that be 1, ukcn 7t7 l" i.'U 17. "rAVvT? . .C.h"S" I. WfiKSt - (Pfl-UBS AL CTIONKKH. .n,l .01 7 -"" an , nusjia, v nr. of ..I., in pariof O.c ntn 1, II 1 1 , '-nUH Iho. beautiful . rvinuiiuiij ur U7 IPIinr. dill.a. .1 t)A anlnrratl In aaaneilue,. :!. 1.. vwa ncuiTllll NEW FIRM. CARLISLE & GO J j DEALERS IX FOREIGX AXD J DOMESTIC DRY (i OOPS, GROCERIES, L I'M HER, j SIllXGLES,itC.,tC. rilll.UlUJKC, Centre count), Peuu'a. I ' Jluve received mid are just opening i tht laryctt attortment nf fit lest, CU EATK3T, AND MOST SEASON A RLE GOODS F-rr i;mj4 hi thi t4rtio veouittrjf, nmtml'iKy DKV UH)I A (.HOCI- lllt S, K0T1ONS, JIAIIDWAHE ami yUKB:SWAUK, fijii (1 ics1 F n r s ! Ilootls, Nubias, Sontags, Balmoral nnd Hnnii KLirta ' II ATS A ua r.s : 1.00TS A. SHOES jRcady Made Clothing, of Latest Styles i I, , . jSCIIOOL - lJOOKS A STATIONERY ! I ' t-v -x-, ... ,. . , Drugs, OiK Paints Putty & Glass! i. ii. rorcee, ; Jch.JHX,ry,'''7'', Farina and .' David Tylor. 'I j H. Woodward, ; i o. I..OI !, LAMPS WOOD ASI) WIL-I on- u.tiii; Trunks tj Carpet-lings A. C. Moore, Lj.' K.kill'll'KS, TOJJACCO AND BKfJAfeS D.E. Hruliuker,! v i c, . t i,.;f i I (31, Oilll, UUU iWlllS Flour, Feed and Provisions ! And all articles usually kept rn Brit claaa ,..,,. .Ti.r-i.! v. -n u. ..u country store all oi which will be sad Cheap for Cash vi j' jtouucv, Luuiusr or ii.ingira. Pbilipaburg, Not. 13, 1S83-IT. - - fllf! Ill II I f II V ,,',S' Hlllll t , ESIRES to inform his old friends and cua- J tcn.ers tbat, havinir enlarged hia shop and increased bis facilities for manufacturing, he is ow prepared to mnko to order furniture as may ... ... ' ne ueaircn, in gooa siyie ana at cnenp rates tor Cash. He mostly has on hand at his "Furni- '"r0 .V"01"'' a var'7 assortment of heady-mud -...M ; iureuus auu oiue-noarus, I Wardrobes and tlook-Caees ; Centre, Bofa, Parlor I l!reukfit and Dining Extension Tables. j Common. Freuch-Pobt. cottage, Jenny i Lind and other Bedsteads. SOFAS r,f all. KINDS, WORK-STAND. MAT-RACKS WASH-STANDS, Ac i i.: i t -i. liUCMUg illlU JYTIII ximir?, fpring Seat, Cane-Bottom nnd Parlor Chair I and Common nnd other Chairs. I 100 A" A G-GLA SSES Of every description on hand: and new glasses lor old frames, which will be put in on re ry reasonable terms on short notic. lie ahokceps on ham", orfurnishes to or der, Iluir. Coro-Iltisk, Hair and Cotton top Mattrosses. rOFFIXS, (if every kind, Mjdo to order, and fuuorals attended with a Hearse, whenever dofired. Also, lloiino I'uliitlnp dono lu order. The sulscriber also manufactures, and has conMamly en band, Clement's Patent Washinrr Ma-;hiii(. The best now in use. Tho.o ,.! tl.i. n.unhln need be without clean clothe. ! lie alt has r Iyer 8 1 alCllt L llUm, Idco'd, be will be rend)1 to attend to businets on A superior art'rle. A family using this Churn , Ike sliortost notice ; he ean bo consulted at his nover need be w ithout butter ! , residoneo with Robert Ross, one mile from Cur- All the above and many other articles are fur-' wcnsville, or by letter addressed to him at Cur nUhed to customers cheap for CAsn or exchanged wonsville. 6. F. McOLOMvliY. for approved country produce. Client, Maplo, I ap. 27'Ct-ly. Poplar, Linwood and other Lumber suitable for i - Ctt,,i,"t wor,I ,aken In exchange fi JfO-Rcmeuiber the shon is on J or furniture. Market street. t learlield, l a., and nearly oppo. Ite the "Old Jew Store." joilN UILIC1I. , ,a l8B? L IT HER SCI RC, CLEARFIELD COCNTr. TA. 11' T I A f .?! Ti'Msr ri " .J',l'-l.rornaor- May I, I86S.-ly. N XOTU'K ov CAUTIOV TTAVINQ ,ade Jl Assessor of th Pennsylvania, and a application to the A the lth Collection District of a License as Allptinnanr I,.. ing been granted to me by the proper uthority, I would inform th citizens of Clearfil.l .,. . . . y" """" oi uiearneld county n8? 1 aucotl t0 " "g 'nics - whenever be enforced in aecordune with H.. law, guinst ,u persons Tiolating the statute aTlARFKTINa-Wraln. clio. b,.":! V vi, nil .i-.v. 1.. " .VC.V " ."'"' "on, oe v r ull tlnMJ'ocatelle, Door rocatelln llnn ...... A. rocaieiie, ijoor mats, Ac. 0. 1. AKA Zhlt. ni '! iCloeka. Naila. (Jla. riiu ", . .. ' . .. ' . . """a, litmni. W. 1 "r " P"0O'' " J. 1. JVKA TZI'.l.'Q . iMOUaNT VERNON IIOUSE. Second Stmt, abovo Arch. PU1LAUKLPLIIA. . A. I". ItLAIR, Proprietor. (I le..f the "Surf Houa,-' Atlantic City.) f 1 1. 23, Ufl.-l j. 11 OUEAT EXCITEMENT in GLEN HOPE ! NEW STOKE AXD fpilK undersigned, having remored bif store X to tho new building opposite, the Vnion I House, on Pin street, lllen Hope, Clearfield co. Pa., ii dow offering to the publio BEST THE LARGEST AXD SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS OFFERED PUR LIC AT EVER TO THE THIS PLACE; ALL OK WHICH WILL PE SOLD AT rnrf irs tyi .c't tii' Truro III. U-. 1 -1.1. .11. . j regard to tho wants of the people, and embrace DUV GOODS, NOTIONS, IIAUDWARE, QUEENSWARE, IIATS AND CArS, COOTS AND SHOES, STONE-WARE, WILI.OW-WARE, READY-MADE CLOTH 1 NO, GROCERIES, EARTHENWARE, OILS AND TAINTS, FLOUR AND BACON, GLASS AND NAILS, FISH, SALT, ETC. OF E VKll Y SIZE A XD PA TTERX Together with all other articles nocesaary to rouipleto the afsaortmont of a first class country . atori". 1 UTAH klnda of LUMRKR and Country Pro- ! due taken in exebango fur gooda, at the high- . en mnrnet P, . lie la r.-ceiviiJB; now auj.puc oi oona weekly from llultimore, Now York, Philadelphia and PitltburR, the public can see nt once that .tie will nlwnys be prcpnrod lo supply any article in the uiurkeU JOHN R011S0N. Olen iTope, Dee. 23, 18ft3. Tlie INiisoii why Everybody purchase their C LOTH IN 0 o i REIZI2XSTEIN IJROS. xV CO ! . , , I lllE." cncap-ior v a III... .1 1 .1.-1... 1.. 'i"""-o ". nr.-j, u.s oeai ruuu. , ! Because their Clotbinir is well made A fashionable I ltocause thc, kcep ,Uo lar(?e,t ,orlmont. llccause they get New Hoods every week ; Pecans they give every one the worih of his mon'y l!ccause they lake tho advnntngo of liob'idy; llecause they (rent their cuetouiers well ; because everybody likes to deal with them ; Ilocauee they sell cheaper thnn the rest ; Because their Clothing are well sewed A Gt well Ilociuse they can suit everybody ; j Because their Store is so conveniently situated; liecause nobody leaves their store dissatisfied ; Because all who deal with them ars sure to cal again, and send their neighbors ; Because they bar purchased tbeir Stock at such reduced prices tbat they can afford to ADVERTISE! j These aro a fear of the reasons why they sell so ichenp. ' A11 kinds of Country Troilupe taken at the highest market prices, j REIZENSTEIN BROS, k CO. Clearfield, Xov 11, isfi.l, Jm. O .llrC'I.Olii :Y, Practical Surveyor, of. Q . b r !'.'' Professional services to the people , n 'V- r . i1 J ! llTTD h 11 OrT.fitTTi(l I J M ll ft I ft I 1 1 V T.ft. rilllE subscriber in order to accommodate tb X cititns of Curwensvllle, and the publio generally, has lust received a lot of COOK, AS'I) taklor stoves, for wood or ceal, which ho will dispose of very cheap for cash or produce. JOHN D. TIIOMTSOX. Not. 4, 1863 -tf. ALSO, OTOVK PIFF-P.r sale at th. ehn ..or. H of Joh jj. Thompson, in Curweosvill. .t IS ,oontpcr ponnd. Nor. II, lifns JIEIJOGRAPHIC. fDHE undersigned. Iinvinir .nmnl.l..l Dint. J. ogrnph Gallery, in Shaw's Row, two doors west of the Mansion House. n.r(tnl.l t. . i. west oi me .Mansion now ready to wait on all in want of auchas will enable me to productions of sun draw - oftheart. Having fitted .L.r.i.i. ........ uu . view to the comfort and pleasure of my patrons, 1 nope, by strict attention to bus ness and a de r to PIe". to merit a liberal share cf publio pattonage. A full supply of Uilt, Rosewood, and (k. n " -ui'f.j ui uiu, iiosowooa, una olhcr FralI10, Albums, and an endless variety of , Cases alway on hand, . " r. ii ri .r. Particular attention even to corvine- all kinds! n:.. " wo of Picture. jjriJ-Instruction in the art of Photocrapblnr given and apparatus furnished at city prices. I op2UI II. BRIDGE, Artist aVotx Sale! ETRA FAMILY FLOUR, by th Barrel nd Sack for t1 by tb auhscriher Ko, -1 ar MME8 L' lEAn'' for. .3, l.ot, sf. RICHARD 1'IOSSOP, BIS AMIS SET ' FOREIGN and DOMESTIC GOODS MUSLINS nt Snnn,lion price DELAINES a Sensation price COBURGS nt Sensation price ALl'ACAS nt Sensation jiriee Just received at MOSSOPS'. GINGHAMS at Sensation prices CHINTZ at 'FKINTS at GLOVES at CUAVATS at Sensation tiriccti .Sensation iiees Senhalien . rice SetiHation prices at MOSSOW Sensation price MI AWLS at BONNETS at Sensation Sensation jiricei prices COLORED) MUSLINS f at All to be :ihi at uuniui's . i LINEN . at SeiiNutiun Keniuiioit .Sensttl ion Sensation prices , prices prices prices CRASH at CUUTAINS at , rAHLE CLOTHS nt i FRINGE at I Sensation prices at MOSSOPS' LACE at at at Sensation Seusalion Sonsaliou prices price ' I H'T I , ' prices TRIMMINGS) rrice of all kinds & V at Sensation inauvounn'tv I Alwavon hand at MOSSorS' CASSIMKRES SATTINETS TWEEDS JEANS VESTINGS SHIRTINGS at at at at. at at hensnlion S?naation Sensation Sensation Sensation Sensation prices prices f"-!088 prices prices PrlccB at Mossortr. CLOTHING ucll a Coats, Tants, Vests, Under Shirt, Flannel Shirts, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Cai"i, at sousalion prices Now for sale at M03S0PS'. HARDWARE) such as Saws.nails Fork, Knives, Spikes, Hinge, LIQUORS, such as Wine, Brandy, G i n, W h iskey, Coirnae, etc., etc., FRUITS, such as Prunes, Raisins, Figs, Filberts, Ac. at sensation price at Mossors. at tensation prices at sensation prices at MOSSOPS'. nt sensation prices GROCERIES, say 1 Hour, Ham, Shoulders, Sugar, Molasses, Cotl'ee, Tea, Cracker, Spice, Candles, Coal Oil, etc., etc Always at MOSSOrS', BLACK I NO ROPES POWDER SHOT LEAD at at at at nt at sensation prices bCiiHution sensation sensation sensation sensation prices i prices prices prices CAPS prmes At tlie flora of RICHARD MOSSOP. 1 MHsSOP -www Alivnys keeps on hand a lull ln,8otlment of nil kinds of j,'0O(U required for tho accommodation of tlie puldic. Nov. 12, 1862. NEW FIRM. HARTSNICk & HUSTON DRUG8ISTS M A RKKT, 5,rcrf CLKAKFIKLD l'A. KEEP constantly on hnni a large and and will selected stork of Dll I'GS and C1IEMICA LS PAIXTS OILS AXD VARXISU 1'KaH MKKY A ToiLET AltTIChtS. BLAXKS, BOOKS AND STATIONARY. TOBACCO & SIXjAKS. And a general nssortmcnt of VA KI AT1ES and Fancy ARTICLES. V respectfully invite a sail, feeling confi dent that w can supply lb wants of all, on terms to their satiafaction. 1IARTSVYICK A HUSTON. Clearfield April 27th lSli.L tf IISSOI.UTijOX. The partnorihip hereto XJ tore existing retween th undersigned, in the publication of the IHnrMH Itrpuhlimn, was dissolved by mutual consent ou th Uth of July, IS64. Tb Books ar In thc In mis of thc junior part ner for collection. Those patrons knowing them selves indebted to the late publishers for either subscription, advertising, or job work, aro re spectfully invited to call and settle their accounts at their earliest convenience. U. W. MOORE, O. P. liOODLANDER. Clearfield. July 27, 1S6I. roRHiRi.r at trr niti-rrroKTR roiMimv ciianon ri.Arit or si'sisk.m. BIAUlT cV Co., HAYlNU lensed tho Foundry and Mecbino Shops nt Milosbitrg, kunwu as "GREEN'S FOUNDRY, i," are prepared to mnuufaeture and am Engines, sweep nnd tread power Machines, New Horld and Hathaway repair htenm Threshinis Cook (stoves. Wniron Snlmlle. Il... n,l r.-i. Ines of all kinds at short notice. Thev both at llelleronto and Milesburg, variety of Cook and Parlor Stovos. for sofl coal, of Pitta. i burg manufacture. Cnll nnd loo for yourselves, ISAAC IIAUPT is apent for the Tork, Wyom ing and Columbia, Insurance Companies. jy20,fil-1y AsitionnB Hotel. MAINE STREET, CURMENSVILLE, TA., WSI. A. MASON, Proprietor. i rpiIISlong established and woll known IIO-' 1 TEL, situated In ths west nml nf the town. I . ha' bcenromoddlcd, enlnrtcd and Improved, and' tne proprietor respectfully announces to his nu- ' nicrous friends, and to the Irav.llini. toihlin th.i : i he l now pfeparod to accommodat all who may ""."r H,lu can. ! A.mJ''0' ,nf nd ofnrtahle stabling is at tn.:ho ,0 P"mics, and . , nuu v.uo.j . wl" always b on hand. Charges moil Feb. 12, trusty attendants iloralo. lSG2.-4f. . . . A M'I'li n laro Int s V "iwuu d I T T. T a v e r 1- A A SEED n . m CJtchango for GOODS at the Cheap Store of JOHN D. TIIOMrSO!,. Curwensville, Sept 16, T.83. CAIJTK1N. All persons aro hereby caution ed againat buying or selling a oertaia Dark Ttrnwn Mare, now In th. rin,....i... .f T..i.M 11. .u jr., of Knox town.hip, aa thl tuino bolcngs to in and is la hit use 00. loiu only. , C0.NKAD BAKER, j Nor. 2, U44. rii mi. i . - - .1 milli on n luisli ! NEW FIRM. COYMO.N, SIIOU KR8 L GRAHAM. Summer". Goods, NEW And Very Chcoi t t llOYNTOX, SHOWERS h GRAHAM aue M3 ceaaors to Boynton A Showera respectfully announce to the publio tbat they ar now opeu ing an exlenaiv aaaortuiont of SUM M Ell GOODS At Ibe old aland in Oraham'inew building which they offer to ao li at artoiiiabiiiffly low price., (rouaiilering their coat !) foj cah or appror ed country produce. Their slock of DltY GOODS CANNOT BE SURPASSED I Cuatomeri ean there find CALICOES WITH FAST COLORS! MUSLINS I DELAINES! LAWNS oi.uin.-s i uiMttis : v LADIES' SHAWLS! GENTS' SHAWLS ii ats ji caps ! lujo-ra a shoes 7 LAitraia uiL-vuiuia i OITR STOCK O? FANCYGOODS IS UNEXAMPLED IN STYLE AND VARIETY, embracing NOTIONS! NOTIONS! NOTIONS c. - , it . x- . x- i rr- , Scarfs. Ileud-JSCts! ck-IlC9. Satclicls ! Port Monnaics ! Jirushcs ! riiotoirrrtphic Albums ! F1PES. TOBACCO k SEGARS ! TERKUMERY OF ALL KIN DS 1 Or anythin!; clue in tho Notiou Lino - --- ALSO, HAllD-WARE Queens w are, GROCERIES PllO VISIONS ! All of the best nualitr, and selected with special i regrd to the trade of Clearfield county A I F. B0YN10N. JOSEPH SHOWERS, EDWARD GRAHAM, Clearfield, July 27, ISO!. American Douse, MAIX STREET, IlROOh YiJLE, PA U. It. M K A N S , PRorsinoR. Oct. 13 lv j ! Tar in for Sale. t f"MIR subscriber offers for salo, on reasonable X terms, HI . r res of Land, more orleas.sit- ' uate in liirard township, Clearfield connty, with aooui v acres cleared, with buildings, c, orec 1 ted thereon, being the sam premises purchased , by Smith it King from George B. Smith. For terms and particulars apply to th undersigned at Clearfield. Pa. Til OS. J. McCULLOVGH. I Sept. It, IS6. tf. BONNETS Fashionable Bonnets, hats, Neta Caps, Shakers, Ribbons, Flowers, Plumes t'rape, Bonnet Silks and Millinery Goods genor ally, cbenpor than the cheapest at .). P. KRAZER'S. New Watch and Jewelry Store- CJ II. I.Al'CHI.lX, having purchased KJ' interest of his late partner, la now going on hu own hook In the shop foriuorly .occupied by them on Second street, where ho is prepared i to keep up hia reputation as a complete workman by doing all work entrusted to him on short no - ticc, in the best manner, and on the most reas - nnnhl Inr.n. Il..fin I),.. ,lo .III.. ..I,. .' is a fair trial, and a continuation nf' llm m.trnni age beretoforo extended. Look out for th sign ; T U 15 BIG WATCH. B The Cash will be positirclv expected - ! when the work is delivered. S. 11. L. viearneid, April 7, I8B4. y nOvVAltl) ASStltlATIOSi, PniLAnr.i.rniA, Pa. Diseases of the Nervous, Feminat, I'rinary and i Sexunl Syatema new and reliable treatment ' in reports of the Howard Association, sent by mail in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge.' Address, Dr. J. SK1LLEN hOl fillTON, How-1 ard Association, No. 2, South Ninth Street, Phil adelphia, Ta. jy2U-'64 ly j WATCH & JEWELEY fllIE undersigned respectfully X infurmshiscustomeraand tko nublia srenerullv. that he hns iii.l received from tlio East, and oi at hie establishment in UHAIAM'S HOW rlfarfiold, Pa., a fine assortment of Clocrs, Watchks, and Jrwelrt of different qualities, from a single piece to a full sott, which bo soil at the most reasonable prices for cash, or cxenange lor om gol.l and silver. CLOCKS of every variety ou band, at tie mill rcnsonsble prices. I all kinds of Hocks, Matches and Jewelry. areiully ropnired and Warranted. I A continuance of patronage Is solicited, I Sept. IP, 1860. II. F.NAUOLE. MUSICAL GOODS Flutes, Violins, Fifes, HarnionicAns, Peceptors, Musio Taper, Vi olin Bows, Bridges, Strings of the best quality at J. P. KRAZER'S. Susquehanna House, ( UnWEXSVII.LE. Pa. IV. W. UK It AM., Proprietor. rplllS larg tud commodious UOTF.L is de I liehtTuI v located nn Il.e hank nf lh Sua - quohanna, in the borough of Curwensville. ine present proprioior win spare ao eUorl to renaer his customers cemfortablo, and hopes t merit a liberal share cf public patronago. HIS BAR AND TABLE nf, bs well supplied with every thing the oiar- VJ I 1 ... , , , . ... 1 1 :i.i... i. 1 aei auoraa. naiiuiea wiu aiweya aniiflii -mwu iu-ing" out. Mar. 23, '61. tf. STAPLE Dry Goods Cloths, Caasiintrc Cloak-cloths, Twieds, Satioetts, f-ilkwarp Flannels, Ticking,. Muslin, Liaen, Prints, at the old price at J. P. KRATZER'S. "IOOTS and Shoes a couplet aaaortaient of 1 Ladies', Gentlemen's, Misses', B?i and Children's Boot! Wheel and rtditsrsst J. P. KRATZEK'S. tall Sriion-M I...V "itl'uconstuuiioru,,,; proline,., ,.. . i lv r.a ' - I.-. I.I.-.I. itiu,, " t.. t' ii.i : ( Ti'i't in,.. " lire: ,v. I lr .finfulnti, , .,miimii.Mu s, 1 iivma. .liM.r.icr.M ,ii.ti ,,., .7 ImhI. liiiinirc air. lihli n .i. . ."f til i'i.n .in'' m,,! ui"',.:.: - 1 tin' vhutuiI int'.nion WliHiever 1 i . origin, it i- licrcilitm v e;m-.titutu,n. '- fro.,. iar. !it f, cliilorc-n urn ".utircn uni i-rtuih M . w-nir. l- l.o tin- rod !' II mi win, : nv .."imi i. "IlrHl IlillllTll. .... ii... .'i ii. v i inii-rc i I he iIihi-ik.-. it riirinaii.. nrronlin to n,,, niiiii-L. In tl.. I...... . "'"" II iteki. In 11... Im,..s. S.-r()fl ,.' " tuhcnlc-s nml filially fa.ii.iimption in u pl.-.iul, Mriui.'K ivlii. h suppurate 'and I come ulcerous aores; in the atomacl, laiwels, ileranKfment.i vl.idi larotluoo InT Ri-aiion, dyspepsia, ;I liver con.pUim, - Z tlio ikin. eruptive and cuttinroiu .,a ' j riicso.all l;avin the name origin, nire !.: i fame irinedy. viz., purifleation und i,,vi Minn of the l'urifv w bWi iil(.L. daiiHcrous divtcmpcra liavcv,,u u" ! frel.le, or tonupud UUkxI. vcnVsnnol i l?,l!va!: x"1 h- - i-.u.j, ju . .hhioi nave scroiuloui di' ireaac. i Aycr's Sar8aparilla is eninpoiiiid. d from tlio iini!,t r-fl-'ituul otiU dntcs that medical M-i.-ncv liai li-.-overcl fur tliia aniictinj; dUu-mpi-r, and for the cure of the diiord.-ra it entail.-.. That it is fiir ,M. lior t. (inr nthrr remedy yet di-vid, i, Known liv nil who Imvp iri v.-tiil n iri. l -n... it does comliine virtues trulv rxtraimlinarr j".t,,,'ir ,n',;(;t "P cl.i-i of eomj,i;iiu, " ""''M'tHal'ly proven by the grout multiiudu of publicly known nml remarkable i-iir(, i, ",a,,r pf "'c following diseases: Es-. I Lvil, cr Ulandular Swellings, Tumors, j Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches and Sorei i Emipela Eoss or St Anthony t; Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Coughs from ! ; tulerculous deposits in the lungs, Whita j Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, Neuralgia. 1 Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Syphilis and I i Sypmlitic lRiectious, I? ercunal Liscw i i in in- rv ciirkiiijscs, ..-- i'1'ii'i'ii.nicMiiuiu series oi coiiipiainis mai ar.i-e linm uupuritr of the Hood. Miruio report i.f iniiiiiiluj e.ires mnv he f'-nind in Ainu Amlimiiv i Ai.w it r. v l icli in furni-ln d In ilic iln.Ut j lor gratuitous distribution, wlu-ri-in nwy U li-anud the direeiioiu fur its ue, cr.d j uf '.he li'ionikal.-iu lire v l.ich it hns mnui: 1 w In n nil other lemi'dies l;:ld failed to r.lIW relief. Thoo can s nre purpotcly trim frniii all M-rtioiis c f il.e louniiy. in orwr that every leader uu have a.-irss to sou nm- w l.o can eiiei-.k to f f its 1 1 iief.'.s fiori I personal c.vtK-n.'-nr. "rrnl'tila ileprri'j tb( i tu-rgies. and thus leaves its victims fsr more nihjcrt to dina'c nt.d its fr.tnt lf.ults ; II-. an rro hoalihy r. nMitutioi.s. lltnee it ! Ieinl to shorten, tir.d does greally shortin, j the i vernj;c duialioii ef limr.nn life. Tho vnt importance of these (unsiilf rations l:a i led us to t-punl years in perfecting rur.'ih; vldeli in adi-iimiti.1 to its cure. This we in i offer lo (he public under the iiaii.c of ! SAiifiAi'Altti.l.A. iihlioiiirli it is c.ii:j)0c il tf introdii Ills. Kili.e of vrbieli er.eii.lil.e lest i of f'lu-.Mixii ilia in rntive pow r. l!v nid ymi niny protect umru'lf from the M.llir ' in lt "nii.l ihiiiL'i-r of the.-e disonlerf. Puijif cut i lie foul corruptions that mt awl festit I In tlio hi xl. pltrjje out tlie ruti'cs oi iiisenir, nnd viirorous lieal'.h will follnw. I'.v its pre it- liar virtues this lenii dv stjimlutei tlieiitsl fiii-etions. nml thus oxpela 't'O di.Un 1 ivhii h lurk within the rysteiii urluntua i on iuiv uart of it. We" know the pu'olic have lien deeeivrl 1 ly lunny cotnpounds of Sirtny.milin, lirt I pioniied niueli and did nothing; lutti' ' will neither he deeeittd lu.r (liMip;"it.ted ii ; llits. Its virtues hne been proven by a'-ur. ! (la tit trial, and there rciuniiis no mu-Micn " ' its siirpasaiiiK rxcellcntv lor the t urc of th.' 1 allhetnig du-cuscs it h iniendi d to reset;. Although under the mine name, it i a titt .i:.i- . I:. .i i : 1. 1... i iiiiiereni nietneine irooi a n on .r .v i ni n" the i Poen before the people, and is far nmrc of- it f,., tunl thnn nnv other w hieh Las iwrl'." i nrailahle to thcin. i ' ' 1 I . ' ER o 1 ' 1 1 l,1! 1J V P VI ''IT ) I? I V 111.1V1V1 1 lVy J J I 1 . ' ' 1 Tho World's GrCftt Bctncdy COT of . ! Coughs, Colds, Incipient Con-. sumption, ana lor mo rei.ei of Consumptive putients in advanced stnges i of tho disease. This hrs been so long used and " lm'- leriallv known, that we need do no irore than us'stire the ptihlie that its quality is ki up to the host it ever has been, mul that u mnv he relied on to do all it tins ever uom. Prepared hv Dr. .1. C. A i:n i " i haclicat and .nahtical ChmuU, Jewell. M . Sold by ill druggista every where. -0Sultl bv C. D. Watson and Hsrtswifk Huston, Clearfield ; E. A. Lvin, Cnrweniriilf ! Foster A McGirk, Pbdipiburg; S.Arnold, U thcraburg j tud by dialers everywhere. September 14, '64, 1 F- n I. ha it i'i x i ; usi :r y nconraje J Hoi Home Industry. The undersigned hsvin. ... - ..-., . .. w B en. cstnhlislieil a way between Clearffeld and Curwewvill b"""' is prepared to furnish all kinds of Fruit trees, (Standard and Dwarf,) Evergreens, Shrubbery, will Grane Vines. Gaoseberries. Lawton Blackbtrrji in Strawberry and KasnberrT vines. Aloi. XiLenan : Crab trees, Quince and early scarlet Hheubark, do, Urders promptly attended to. Aaarew J. D. WRIGHT,"'. aept. 14. '4. ly I A FARM FOIl SALE' IHIK subscriber ofTera for alo on res" s nnabls 1 therms, a Farm in Heccaria township. mile South of Beeearia Mills, It eontsmi ri"J Aj Acres, with Forty Acrea clisred, a fZ'-lz frame Dwelline bouse. Store house, iji log l.urn, and other out-buildings, and a growi" llrnhnr.l i.t lliririn,, Iran. Tha litis il IIDdiS!'"' tublc. I'or TerniK, apply lo the undersign"1. in Lawrence lown&hip, Clearfield coanty, r. teii-'l-Sm-p.I J. R. READ. Chon! Cl.on! CIiod! A AAA Bushels superior RYE-CH0P U, UUU just received nd for sail $.1 25 per baadreJ. JAMES TEH- -pd. Philipsburg, Aug. 8, 1S4.- J. 0. BLACKWELL, WITH GEO. W. KEEP i CO. CLOTHING, - Alan. Jnhbtirc in Cloths, Cufwimeres nl Sattincts 1 Jf'L f-X j ! f aW 'ft. I Ko. Market treei, North lid btwea Fourth sml FlftK PHILAUELPillA. mT Call sad sis our Altlv stock. Aug. 1. f4'-"-