Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, December 28, 1864, Image 4
CLEARFIELD CO. D1E2CT01. Y TIME OF JI0LDIH8 C0TJ1T. H Monday In January, I 3d I Monday In June, 1 Monday In March. 4th Monday in Sept. of each J car, and continue two weeks if necessary COVNTY AND DISTRICT OFFICERS. Vra't Judge on . Samuel Linn, Itcllefonte. At'te Judges Hon. J. D.Thompon.Curwensvilla lion. James uiuuin She: ifT, Edward Perks, I:rthor.otry, I. F. Etsweilcr, Iteg. A Itee. Isaiah 11. Barge?, District Att'y, Israel Test, Treasurer, C. Kratter, Co. Surveyor, II. It. Wright, Commissioners, Thos. Dougherty , Amos Head, Conrad Haker, Auditors, Charles Worrell, II. Woodward, F. F. Coutcret, J. W. Potter, C. B. Sandford, NEW.? FIRM. Forreft, Clearfiold, Clen Hope, j Cleurtield. do Ansnnvillo. N.Wash'gtnn lVnnficld. Locontos Mill ti Clcarfisld. Coroner. toiinty Sup't. LIST OF 10 ST OFFICES. '' '.it, '" OJUct, ruilmatttrt, Eeeeario, Bv'.l, PloOin, iioggs, Bradford, Drady, Glen Hope, Wm. S. right Vtahville, Theodore weld, Ucgnrty's X Ruada.Sam I. llegnrty. Ilower, Chest, Cush, Oitend, Ferret, Clearfield bridge, Woodland, lutlicndiurg, Troutville, Jefferson Line, W. MeCraeken, j Th. A. M'tihee. J. V. Campbell, 11. L. Henderson, j James Woom, -Jnmcs Forrest, William Albert j R. II. Moore, Chas. Sloppy. John Ileberlin, Burntide, New Washington, Jai. Ualluhcr, " luirnsiile, - Patchlnville-, " East Kidge, Cbtit, Hurd, MeUarrey, Westovcr, CIi(UlJ, Clearfield, Covington, Frenchville, Karthaus, Curivenivllle Curwcnsville, Decatur, Phi lipsbnrjr, West Decatur, " Osceola Mills, Ferguson, Marron, Fox, Little Toby, tiirard, Lenoiite'a Mills, llald Hills, Goiben, fihawsville, Graham, Oraham'.on, Guelich, Smith's Mills, Madeira, IIuslco, Tyler, " Fennficld, Jordan. Ansonville, .- Kanhaus, Salt I.ick, Knox, New MillpcrV Morris, Kylertown, 14 Morriedale, Tvun, Lumber City, " Grampian 11:11s, Pike, Curwcnsville, " I'.loomingvillo, Union, liecktin, Woodward, Jeffries, T'jis Pust Office will do for Chest township i Y .it answer nr ierguson township. W. C. Irvin, Jack Patehin, Jacob Doico, (I. Toior.Jr. Wm. McUarvey, F. A. Farhcr, M. A. Frank, P. A. Uaulin, J.F.W.Scbnarrs T. W. Fleming, Centre county, P. Hadubarh, T. F. Hoalieh, F.d. Williams, Jas. MeClellan, C. Mignot, William Carr, A. H. Shaw, T. H.Forcee, Jas. A. llegnrty. Chas. J. Pusy, David Tyler, II. Woodward, Eliza Chase, 0. lleckadom, M. O.Stirk, Jas. ThoDipson, j J. C. JJreuner, II. W. Spencer, A. C. Moore, T. II, Fleming.! Ilenj. F. Dale, Urubnkcr, I James Loi-kelt, CARLISLE & GO, DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, L UMBER, SiIINGLES,dC,dC. rillLirsilURG, Centre county, Peini'a. Hnvo received find riro just (vponing the largest assortment of ht List, CHEAT EST, AND MOST SEASONABLE GOODS j S.'Or brought to thit Hxtiun ooomilry, initinj ! I DMY (KM) US A cuocuiui:, NOTIONS, iiakdwauis and quis-Eswakij, jL a 8 i c s' V uvsi ! Hoods, Nubias, Sontags, Balmoral and Hoop Skirts ! HATS & CATS ! HOOTS & SHOES 1 Ready Hado Clothing, cf Latest Styles SCHOOL-130tKSi STATIONERY ! Drugs, Oili, Paints, Putty & Glass! j n, i. - j utriit Kill COAI..(MI. LAMPS WOOD AM) WII. OW HAKR. GKEAT EXCITEMENT in CLEN II0EE; NEW STOKE AND I i i rpilK undersigned, having removed his store I to the new building ippositJ tho L'nion House, on Pine street, (Jlen Hope, ClearCeld co. Pa., is now offering to tho public WAK, 01 NO WAll! I A FRESH ARRIVAL OF Summer Goods i AT THE CHEAP CASH STOKE. Still'on a Eiish ! LARGEST AXD REST OF THE SELECTED GOODS STOCK EVER OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC AT THIS PLACE; ALL OF WHICH WILL LE SOLD AT I' II WES TO SUIT THE TIMES. His stock has been soloetcd with particular I nm just receiving and opening a carefully tlectid stock of fasbionnbli) (spring A. Finn mo G 0 of almost every description, A beautiful assortment of Prints and Dry poods, of tho newest and lutost stylus. Also a treat variety of usi-ful notions. DKY-liOOUS AXD NOTIONS. bonnets, Shawls, Hats and Caps, Uoots and Shoes, a large quantity, Hardware, Queensware, Drugs and Medicines, I Oil and Paints, Carpet i. Oil Cloths, GROCERIES, I Fish, Bacon and Flour, MucUerel in i i and i barrels, of tho best quality, all of which will be soli at. ih l.iwcst rnuli or roadv t)V prices. 1 NEW FIRM. IiOVTO, snoivi:its & (.KAll A.M. Summer Goods, NEW And Very Cheap ! ! 1 1IV. Willi it- B OYNTON, SHOWERS A GRAHAM -suc-ccssors to Boynton & Showers resoeetl'ully announce to the public that they are now opou- '. ing an cxtensiva assortment of SUM M E U GOODS . At the old stand in Oraham's new building which ' they offer to sell nt astonishingly luw prices, , (considorin their cost!) for cab ur approv ed country pruaace. Jtieir btuvk ol DllY GOODS t.,i . ""'ya ilecay. The- scn-fulous conUtnina ' ' ni r.,,,..!y ;nu.Tl by nM,lT mil . .u.orucTiMl l,mU.m from un e.U fmd, n.ipiiro air, filth and llltl7l ,ih' tho d. -imping vioos, nu,l, aUt(f thu vonm-al lnfecti-m. Wl,! oni-'in, it is licrcditarv in. the ik-sctfinling " from paints to diihl, tho third and fourth r, rT Kocms to ha the rod cf llim v !10 ,aT. ifp visit the iniquities of tie fithcrs fhihlrcu." Tho diitawi it i"111 it-, acconUiii; to the Ji.hl? Mv old friends and the public, generally, are Civvrrr m." i i.-p a iFTi t reirard to the wauU of the people, and embraces rcp,,c,-tfiilly invitod to call. ( ' ' I vsr it. 1S.-A11 kinds of ffM.Vand approved : Cu.'tomers can there find I CUISTtr ntOUUCE taken in exchange for CALICOES WITH FAST COLORS! DllY GOODS, NOTIONS, HARDWARE, QUE ENS WARE, HATS AND CATS, COOTS AND SHOES, STONE-WARE, WILLOW-WARE, READY-MADE CLOTH I NO, GROCERIES, EARTHENWARE, OILS AND TAINTS, FLOUR AND BACON, GLASS AND NAILS, FISH, SALT, 1 Goods. Clearfield, May 4, 161. WM. F. IUWIN. RICHARD HOSSOP, FOltKIGN and DOMESTIC COOPS MUSLINS DELAINES CO BURGS ALPACAS at nt at Sensation Sensation Sensation Sensation prices prices prices Just recoived nt MoSSOPS', i GINGHAMS i CHINTZ PRINTS G LOVES j CRAVATS nt at nt at at Sensation Sensation Sensation Sensation Sensation prnx'8 prices pi ices' prices nt nt MOSSOPS' Sensation prices Sensation prices Sensation prices JOHN h. CUTTLH,' and Heal IMatc Acrnt, CLEARFIKLD, rENX'A. Ojfiecr Marlh'tst. Opposite the Jail, RKtrECT FULLY offors his s. rviecs in sell iug as d buyinx lands in Clearfield and ad joining counties ; and with an experience, of over; country store all of which will be sold . . c. - a . . . If it ! ihclit joHm uj h currvjur, uuiiers nnnseii inai bo oan reolir saiisfaction. Feb. '6,'t tf. Trunks Carpet-Bags ! PIVES, TOI.ACCO AND S KG AILS ! Fish, Salt, and Nails ! Fl.OLR, Ff.F.D AND PltOVISIONS ! ; OF EVERY SIZE AXD rATTF.fiX ETC. T'other with all other arliilo." ncecs..iry to SHAWLS at I'.ONN ETS nt Ct.iLOK ED I MUSLINS I All to bo !md nt MOSSOr.S' LINEN at CRASH at CURTAINS at TABLE CLOTHS nt FRINGE at Nnsntiou Sensation Sensation Sensation Sensation prices prices prices prices pricek at MOSSOPS'. LACE nt Sensation prices HOSIERY nt Sensation prices RIIUiONS nt Sensation prices TRIMMINGS of nil kinds it V nt in nnv nuan'tv I Alwavs on linnd at MOSSt.iPS' Sonsalion prices CASS1 MERES SA1 TIN ETS And all articles usually kept 'n r; tl,, : complete Ro asssortmuut of a Drst chiss aountry j XW EKDS A Law, Street tank. MTi;M.orf;ii CIcarD d, Pa. one door east of ths AtTonSKT AT "Clearfield County ! may 4, ISCt-tf. 1. At ItlH J. III.AKKI.V, j Attorney anl Counsellor nt Law, M'lll attend to all business entrusted to his i rare In Klk and adjoining counties nt St. Mary's (Bensinger P. 0.) icp 2 6 mo pd. j Cheap for CuhJi or approved produce, Lumber or shingles. Philipsburg, Nov. 18, ISfi.i-tf. Cheap Furniture ! T1IOMASJ J. M HII. I. )U. II, j "pvKSIRKS to inform his old friends and cus- Attorney at Law. ; J timers that, having enlarged hi s!n.p and Office adj'.iDing the Bank, formerly occupied by increased his facilities for manufacturing, hois J II. McVnally, Esq., Market street, Clearfield, : now prepared to make to order furniture nsm iy Pa Will attend promptly to Collections, Pale t 1,9 desired, in good stylo and at cheap rates for store .7TC-AI1 kinds of LUMBER and Country Pro duce taken in exchange fur goods, at the high est market t.rii'O. As ho is receiving n"w supplier of goO'ls weekly from Baltimore, New York, Phihidelphia and Pittsburg, tho public can too ut oneo that ho will always be prepared to supply nny article in tho market. JOHN RORSOX. Glen llcpe, Dee. 2::, 1S63. .1F.ANS VEST1NGS SHIRTINGS nt n. ut at nt at .ensation nsation Sensation Scnsatiun Sensation Sotwition prices prires prices j'rices prices prices t Motors of Lands, Ac. Dec. 17, "62. " OBERT J. WALLACE, Artwtr at Law J.V Clearfield, P., Otliee in thaw's Row, op posit the Journal office. ' decUlS58. tf h. i. CRANI. WAI.TFH UARRKT CKANS and 'BAHIIKT, Attorn-y at Law, May 3, '63. CLKAKfiitib, I-A. Dj;7M." WOODS, PRACTICINO rhysician.nnd Examining Sur geon for Pensions. Ullice Southwest corner beeond and Cherry streots, Clearfiold, Pa. January 21, Uri.f. It CYRENIl'S HOWE. Justice or the Peace. For Dm'ATin Township, will promptly attond to all business entrusted tu bis care. P. 0. Address, Philipsburg Pa. Aug. 21st 1S61 EVER FLEOAL, Justic of the Pence, Lu- to lis care. ft .. iwtn J CLOTHING such nd Cents, Pants, VchIs, I'nder Slurte. nt setif.ilion tmces I Flannel Shirts, i Roots, Slices, Hats nnd Cans, Now for sale nt MOSSOrs' H A R D W A R E o t CO .j " t o tV:. rn o K3 1 T j thereburg, Clearfield eniiLty I'a., will atteud promptly to all business entrusted Lulhertburg, April 4, lifil. M Cash. Ho mostly has on hand nt his "Fumi- turo noonis, a varied assortment ol iicuiy-muae Furniture, among which art uurcaus ana Muc-i;oaru, v-xx- Wardrobes and Book-Casos: Centre, Sofa, Parlor Breukfaet and Dining Extension T.iUe.". Common. French-Pest, cottage, Jenny- Lind and other Bedsteads. SOFAS t,f all. KINDS, WoRK-STANDs HAT-RACKS WASH-STANDS, &o.' Uockins and Arm Chairs, prlngeat, t-ano-liottnm ami 1'arlor Luairs I J i nuu voiuuion nnu oiuur .intir!. , LOO K ISO- (! L A V .V .' S ) Of every description on band; nnd new glasses for old frames, which will bo put in on ve- j 1 ry reasonable torms on short notice. 11c alsokeops on ham', orfurnishes to or. I dor, Jliur, Corn-liufk, llmr and I I Cotton top Mattresses. i I COFFINS, Of every kind. j ' Made to o-der, and fuuorals attended ith lUarso, Thenever desired. Al..n. IIoiisp lu it, t In r ilnno lucrder. The subscriber also manufactures, and has j '"very body f.urchaso their CLO' constantly en hand, 1,'iypvCr I.'T V l)PnC Clement's Patent Washing Machine, Lli UKLO The best now in use. Those usiii this machine 1 o P IbiicIi as Snws.nniis Forks, Knives, ;Spiks, ilinges, i ; LIQTORS, snch us Wine, Rriiiiily ', G i n, W li iskey , I'oL'ii.ic, etc, etc. FKITl'S sMcii ni Prune. Raiin ! Fit'", 1' ilbei Is, ic, nt sensrition prices et Mosst.trs'. Gr.if.TRIES, Fay !'' 1 o u l , 11 n ix. s, Sluuiliii i Sngnr, Mo!"s, Collee, Ten, C r n c k e rs, Sj ice-', Cil.d'.e, t.oi.l 0.1, etc., et. at sensation prices nt pontion prices at MOSSOPS'. nt sensation prices Always at MOSSOr.S'. J. P. KR AT 7. EU. 1 runs am i- nn,i .1 Clothing, Hardware, tjueeuswaro, Groceries t neV" nV U vlh""1 clean l'1';,l'1'8 ! Uu ulso hus A superior art'.clo. A family using this Churn never need be without butter ! All tho above, and many other articles are fur niahod to customers cheap for Cash or exchanged for approved country produce. Cherry, Maple, Poplar, Mnwood and other Lumber suitable fur Cabinet work, taken in exchnnge for furnituro. jPrt-Reinciubor tho shop is on Market street, Clearfield, Pu.,and nearly opposite tho "Old Jew Stors." JOHN UUL1C1I. Nov. 20, lSI.-y Provisions, Ao. Front Street above the Academy Clearfield Pa. April 2t)th 1S , if. w. sMini a lu inr:nt', and dealers In Dry Onods, Groceries, Ilardwaro, Queensware, and everything usually keyt by the trade Storo un HECOXD Stroel, bolow Judge Leonard's, oppo site the Predivterian Church, Clearliold Pa. Deo. 4, I8M. Jan. MrMiiiTsy. Iatt7 IrvTii. DEALERS IN Dry Ciooils, Groceries Lumber, Ao , Jluinsiilo, l'a Dec. 21, ISM. JOSEl'lI R. MWIURKAY ILmttlhoffBlbuirKlGitiftaJlo L I ! THE It SB I ;RC, CLEAltFlELl) COL' NT V, TA. WILLIAM SCJHVEM, Pn.prktor. V r Jl K 1 l u m it e n w 1 1 Hew Washington, Clrarfk-M County Ta TTAVIN(1 July 1st l8C3.-if AiXanfd NOTICE & CAUTION. aiado application to the Assittant r of tlio IDth Collection District of , and a License as Auctioneer kir. I ;,.r,o 1 K K 1 u BrHDleu lo me "7 tne proper authority, JjlCCnSCtl AUCllOIlCCr. I1 would inform tho citir.ens of ClearQold county WM. M. II1.(MM, of Pik, township de-' t,h"' 1 ftUcDd ta "cMinS sales" whenever sires t inform his friends and the Imblic Je,lr0u' in "ny Prt of eountv, Chargee generally that he has taken out a Lieonsa as an ,"louort0' Address JOHN L. REAMS, AUCTIONEER, and will attend to the crying I m. 1, M3-tf. Clearfield, Pa. ofSBlestn any pnrt of tho county at the shortest ' i .'S- AnJ rerson "calling " sales without a The Keshan why niNti o oV: CO. Eecanso they fell so very cheap for C;uh ; r.i'cuu.-e they keep Iho best goods; Uecauso their Clothing is well mndo A fiij-'sioraUe Beeaute they keep tho lllgct asfortuicut ; Decauso they get New Ooods every week ; Beeatiso they give every one the worth pfhis m.n'y Because they tnko tho odvanlnge of nobody; Uecause they treat thoir customers well ; Ilecnnse everybody likes to dual with thro ; Because they mil cheaper than the rest : Because their Clothing are. well fewed A fit well Eceauso they can suit everybody ; Becauso their Store is so convoi.iontly situated; Bccauso nobody leaves their storo dissatisHcd; Because all who deal wi!h them are turo to cal again, and send their neighbors ; Bocauao they have purchased their Stock at such reduced prices that they can afford to ADVERTISE! Thcf o are ft few of the reasons why they sell so cheap. r-tfAll kinds of Country Troduco taken at the highest market prices. REl.ENSTEIN BROS. CO. Clearfield, Nov 11, 13(13, 3m. at at nt nt nt at lensntiun sensation sen silt ion sensation Rendition sensation prices prices i prices ; prices ' prices prices various name, acconlinii to tlo nttftoks. In tho lungs, Beroful, JL" wiuiTrioa, ana iinnny ConsumpUon. in T glands, e welling which MippuraU! u A u conw ulcerous sores; in ,U tto u bowels, deranpcnient. which produce W pcstK.n, dyspepsia, und liver comulail. the skin, eruptive nnd cutamoui affMi nnvir.g the same origin, roan .? snnie remedy, vin.. tiurifinttn. , .u'reu tin,, of ti, woci iw: :atmw .... . ,' vu tICKX, these dangerous distempers lms ',.' feeble, foul, or corrupted blood, v0n have l.eakh; witii that "life of healthy, you cannot have scrofalom ducast 13 compounded from the most effect dotes that medical science has dwjf the disorders it entails. That it is fH rinr to any other remedy v..t ,lv.;.i''t" known by all who have given'it a trial Tb, it does combine virtues tru!v eTtrsm,!;..- in their i-ITeet upon this class cf cowiW is indisputably proven by the grMtnmifc); of iniblielv known nnd tnmi.l.,i.i. .. '". iias i. mm; in uie 1'iuiming iiiseokel' RV-' Evil, or Glandular Swellings, TS Eroptions, Pimples. Blotchei anil r J Erysipelas. Rose or St Anthnnv. Salt Kheum, Scald Head, Coughs tuberculous deposits iu tho Iuhsl W-!,a Swellings, Debility, Dropsv. Keiml Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Syphiliiind Syphilitic Infections, Mercurial Diseisa, Female Weaknesses, and, iudeid, iw w, i.-111-B ui i.uiiijn.iiiii0 uiixb uiiv iroiii iiupur: of the Mood. Minute, reports of imliud cases mny be found in Avu's Antains Alm anac, which is furnished to tiic tlnjiri ts for gratuitous distribution, wln-rcin msj l leanied the directions fir its use, itl ion of the remarkable cures which it hi mailt , .. , .i i. . . wnen uu ouier remedies nau liiiinitownri relief. Those cast s arc purposely bkn from all acctions of the country, in orfs that every reader mar have accisi to k one who can speak to him of its Wnofit'frus Iiersoiial experience. Scrofula ileprtnts tl vital iiii-rgit s, nnd thus kaves its viiunn (:: moro fcuhjeet to dij-iii-c and its fulul rcmlu than nrc healthy constitutions. Hence it tends to shorten, and does ereatly eliettti, the nvernge tlmiition of human life. Tk vast iniporlnnee of these considerations kai led us to spend venrs in perfecting a rtmcili which is ademmte to its cure. This we ni otter to the publi;: umh r ti e min.c of Ath'i Aie-ArAiui.LA. .nltl:otigli it is coinpudd ct ingredients, some of which exceed the bm of tommmrila in alterative power. Hy n nid von in.iv uroti i t vourself ftoni llie afo. inir'und daneer of these diMirdirs. I'm out the foul corrni'tions that rot and fettn in the blood, purge out the causes ut uiscat, and timorous liealtli will follow. BviUffii liar virtues this rcnicdv stimulates tlic'itil functions, mul thus expels the. distenipvti which lurk w ithin the syHem or Urrt cti on nnv Dai t of it. We know the public have Leon Awkd liy many conipounds of Sartapaniit, tlm promised nmeli mid did nothing; '"l! will neither be deceived nor ilisappiantcd bin. lis virlncB bnve bel li riruven liy at-Btt- dant trial, anil there remains no questbm of its Mirnassinir excellence for the cure of Ik ufllictim: diseases it is intended to Although under the same name, it is "7 ilillcri nt nieilii ine from inv oilier which I'U I i t.,.,'.... .i.n l,. .'..! ia fir n.nrfl ff- . .... .. . . . ... itfi'u uiuiiL' till: I'l'i'i'ii. mill lo . S. I;r. l, " .t3!",: ! f-.ual.Uiun any other which ha, cvbc, on his own honk in tiio shep lormorly .occupied l .1 . . 1 .i I... i. , . I VV UlCIU Oil I.LIUUM C.IVVfc, (TUl-lu 11W 1.1 1V,'U1VI. ' . . ... ... to Keep up bis reputation lis a cmpieiu worKinau by doing ail work intrusted to him on short no tice, in the best manner, and on the most reas onable terms. Defying tha county, all he a-k-is a fair trial, and a continuation of the patrons hervti'foi'4 extended. I.ouk out fr tho sign of T II E CHI WAT Oil. N. B The Cosh will be positively expected when tho work is delivered. S. 11. L. Clearfield, April i", lSfil. y MUSL1 XS I DELA 1 X ES ! LAWNS CLOTHS ! C ASS1 M ERS ! V ESTI XG S LADI ES SilAW L5 ! G EXTS' SHAWLS 1 HATS ft CATS ! ROOTS ft SHOES ! CAR RETS ft OILCLOTHS! OUR STOCK OF EANCYGOODS IS UNEXAMPLED IN STYLE AXD VARIETY, emlracing NOTIONS! NOTIONS! NOTIONS Scarfs! Head-Nets! Neck-Tics! Satchels! l'ort Moiinuios ! I'mshcs ! riiotogratihio Albums ! ' riPEs, Ton a coo & seoars ) I'ERrUMERY OF ALL KINDS ! Or atiytliiiifr clso in tho Notion Lino IIAllD-WAIlE ! Q ii c e n s av a r e , GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS ! All of tba best quality, and seloctd with special 1 regard tu tu trado of Clearfield county. At V. HOYXTON. JO.SEl'H SHOWKRS, K D WARD GRAHAM, Clearfield, July 27, 1SG4. filter if ;ut jousc, majx s-rnrrr. unooh i'I'T.e, r.i n. n. .i j: a n s Id y rMomiETuR. Oct. T Farm for Sale. MIR subsc riber oilers fur sale, on reasonable terms, 70 . ere of I. and, moro or less, ait- uato in tiirard township, Clearfield connty, wiib about 40 acres cleared, with buildings, Ac., erec ted thereon, l'ciii the same premises purchased by Smith if- Kiiij! from George 13. Smith. For terms and particulars apply tu tb underaigucd ul Clvirlioid, l'a. TIIOS. J. McCULIXJUGH. Sept. 11, 1304. tf. 1)0XXliTS Fashionable I3ir,neU, bats. Nets ) Caps, shakers, Uibbons, Flowers, l'lumes Iriipo, Uonnet Silkn and Millinery Goods gener ally, cheaper ta.m thv cheapest at J. 1'. KRAZER'S. New Watch and Jewelry. Store. I'.R.U'K I NO i:tn-' rnwiiRK s!iT LEAD i.,i, ,.r,.,M'!?tritAl!liMi1)l ,TT(VAI!1) IsSOt IATION, Ml" fl JJ rnit-AiiKLrmA, Ta. .ilUov l j liiseases of the Nervous, Seminal, Vriuary and Alivnvs keeps on linnd a full Sexual Systems new and reliable treatment n-sottiv.enl cf all kinds of coods requircil " reports of the fer the nocoinmcUition ol the ruUlic. Kov. 12, 1S62. N3W FIRM. IIAUTHWICK & HUSTON Howard Association, sent by mail in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address, Dr. J. SKII.LEN 1IOIT.J1T0N, Uow ard Association, Xo. 2, SeulU Ninth Streot, 1'bil ailulpbiii, Tiu jy20-'61 ly available to tliein. notice, am. at tho most reasonable charges. Ad iliess, either personally or by letter, either at Curwe nsville or Illooniville. April 6, 'C4. tf. Lard, Dried Jroin thwes a (flu) store of J. V. KJIAT7. lilt. lieonse Is iubjoot to a Denaltr of (). will ne euturcod in accordance with tho law. acainst ' tho shortest noUce : he can be consulted at hia SU! persons Violating thu la rAaMnnnn willi ttnliArt Tina. t,n. mil frmvi Pnr. B .. v.-, ' - - - , .....v -" SV. .Mrt'I.OSKMV, Practical Surveyor, of i fers his professional services to tho peoplo ; of Clearfield county. Having purchased tho In struments, Drafts, Ac, of the Into Thomas Koss, ' dco'd, he will be ready to attond to business on; MA UK i: T Slrai CLUA KFIKL1) I'A. KEEP roust, niflif on hand a large rr.'i i amf in!! srlc'ted ttock of DRUGS and CHEMICALS PAINTS OILS AND VARNISH l'EUKUMlTiY A TO i LET AUTICM'.H. ll.:;k?, cooks axd stationary. TOUACCO A: SUGARS. Axn a general assortment of VAUI ATI liS and Fancy AUTICLKS. We reFpeclfuIly Invito a onll, feeling confl. dent that we can supply tho wants of all, un terms to their sniinfuclion. 11AHTSWICK A I1UST0N. Clearfiald Apr! 27th ISfiU. tf I AVER'S CIIKR11Y PECTORAL, Tim TCr.rlH'a Clrpnt. BomedV f CI Coughs, Colds. Incipient Con- BUinptiou, auQloriDOTouui of CoDfiuruptive patienta in advanced stagos of tho disease This ha bei n so lone used nnd 10 w ersally know n, that we need do no mors than assure the public that its qualilv is ifl ut to the best it ever has been, and ttwi niav be relied on to do all it ever i'- m i... n r r Avr.aito., 1 'radical and Amtuvl CAw. Lowell, S.,1.1 I.v nil .Iriie-L'ifts every wlie -CT SOLD by C. D. Watsom and IUn""'' ' I ii us run , v learuuiu ; r.. . ! .. .... . e in.ntn. LU" FustkrA SletlinK, rnilipsnurgj o.n..- thcrsburgj and by dealers overywnerc. M. HILIS 11ROVISIOXS-Flour, Cheese, .1 Applea, Dried Veaches, recoived regularly Clearfield Academy. D. W. MoCURDY, A. B. Principal. rpilE next Quarter will open on Monday the X. 6th of December, 1861. Terms of tuition as follows: Common English, composing those branch es not higher than Reading, Writing, Arith metic, Geography, English Qrnromor and History, per quarter, - . - $5 00 Higher uglish, per quarter, 7 60 Languages, per quarter, . 10 00 Kor. !.!&. l J Hoor Oil-cloths, Urocatollo, Don, mats, Ac! J. P. KRATZKR. n0i;SEH0LDaoODS-Tinwar..Qucenswar., LU,'""nro',WooJAn1w"9. Poking Glasses, Hooka, Nails, Glass, Oils, PaiuU, Lamps, Wall Taper, at all prices at ! J. PJvRATZEIt'S. .MOUNT VERNON HOUSE. Second Street, above Arch, PIIILADELTIIIA. wensville, or by letter' addressed to him at Cur- wensville. S. F. McCLOSKEV. ap. 27 'fit ly. T CHEAP STOVES. 11IB subscriber in ordor to accommodate tho A. V. ItLAIR, Proprietor. (I te of the "Snrf House," Atlantic City.) f pt. H, 1863-1 y. cencrall v, has lust reneived a lot of COOK, AND PAHLOIl STOVES, for wood or coal, which ho will dispose of Tory choafl for cash r produce, jouxd. TnoJirsox. Nov. 4, ALSO STOVF. Pirn. For aalo at the cheap store of John D. Thompson, lo Ourwonavillo, nt li ) eonta pet round. Kr. II, 18T3 j:UiosKil Hotel. MAINE STREET, CURMENSVIbLE, PA., WM. A. MASON, Proprietor- rpiIIS lonr established and well known 1IO X TEL, situntcd in tho west end of tho town, has bocnreuioddlcd, enlarged and improved, nnd tho proprietor rcspoctfully announces tt bis nu merous friends, and to the travelling public, that bo is now prepared to accommodate all who may favor him with a call. Ample, safe and comfortable stabling is at tnchi'd to the premises, nd trusty attendants will always be on hand. Charges moderate Fob, 12, 1862.-if. WANTED A large lot ol " FLAXSEED ia exchange for GOODS at th Cheap Sure of JOUN D. THOMPSON. Curweaaville, Sept 1, 1PM. i WATCH & JEWELRY ritllE undersigned respectfully .1 informs his eu.tomcrs and tho public Konmaliy, that he huajust roeeiv cd fmui tho East, and open, cdathis establishment in Oh'AUAM'.S KOW Clearfiold, l'a., a fine assortment of Clocks, Watches, and Jkwki.iiy of difTeront qualities, from a fiuglo picco to a full sott, which ho will sell at tho most reasonable prices for cath, or in exchnngo for old gold and silver, CLOCKS of every vaticty on hand, at the mitt reasonable prices. ALL kinds of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry carefully repaired and Wurritntcit. A-eoutinuunco of patronage is solicitea, Sent. 19, I860. II. F. NAL'iiLE iI S ICAI." fiOOlJSFIut'es" Violins. Fifes, contrary. . JlLl 11 Ilarinnnlcans, Preceptors, Music Paper, VI-( xit i 1T a n 1. oliu Hons, llridgis, String- of tho host quality at i " ' ' ,rnnr, ntel-1 j. r. Aiw.bti . m h. .--"Or". . I I form k'n I CfJ K JJ 5 Mm lo ' . inn j lie ' TV' r .. . . .mil ! W ui y may ie louna ai nis oun . Htt-i j ner of Frout and Main streets at all tunes, when notice appears in tue i"u Susquehanna House, ' p wi" be riJ V ( UR WEXSVILLE. Pa. . U. M'OKRAM., Proprietor. THIS largo and commodious HOTEL Is do lightfully located on tho bank of the Sua iiii'linniia, iu tho borough of Curwensville. The present proprietor will spare o effort to render his customers cemfortable, and hopes tf merit a liberal eharo cf public patronage. HIS BAR AND TABLE Will be well supplied with evory thiug the mar ket nlTords, ltaftmen will always find bia "bitch string" out. Mar. 23, '6L tf. OTAPLE Dry Goods Cloths, Cassimerea Flannels old prices at Wool 1 50,000 for which the highest Clearfield, May 13, 1S63 T ADIESrDrcsa Goods-New S'T1' lj riaids. Mosambique, Brochi -Mob" , eiaTSilks, Wool Delaines, French Jlcrlaes, hams, Lawns, just openi n jyffijV 77itTcElTrKSA"fuiratock of f"'' U ie. at a small advance tlOUXTY HOMW bought and suli ! J reasonable terms. Apply to RKElf w I n a .1 i.i, u"- u aug. ii, loui. : . , . ewi rLOTIIIMG-Full suits, to " jui AI'LtS Ury UOOllS VIIHIH, lurrnuvica OTJllM U I Ull ,, , . L. TtflTI Cloak -clotha, Tweeds, Satinetts, tsilkwarp y psntsand veata, overalls, duster ,w mcls, Ticking, Muslin, Linon, 1'rinU, at tho ,uin-at J. .1' KKAii". .. " . ,, M1. n 0 . - ..... OIll SlllK. , J. T. KRATZER'S. S' fJlThib. . ;il.ulitie..t ,e ' j. p. JtKAIir. D00T8 and Shoe a eomplote assortment of j J Ladies', Gentlemen a, Misses, Jioys ana Children's Boota Shoea and Guitoraat J. 1 KKATER'S. II ATS and Caps, "Oakferi's M" .S J. kkraW