TllK REPUBLICAN. fw)SiHiUY,::::::::::i)KCiiMiiKB 2S, 18G4. nates of Subscription, " JobUlntr. Advertising- and Sbbcri'jiliun, i atlrrmce, - f 2 ( 0 ii if pnid icithin the ycttr, 2 SO u V' t wuirf tciihin the Vtur, 00 fie wAcae ru' to I'lfls to preetnt ml. paidforat or Ujvie Jan'ryevui t, 1865 Jtoditore' nutlet, each, t'livtiuM and Sutray; encA, 3 time, VUiolutivn notice; uc, 3 (, 2 60' 1 50 i 01), JieJisiVal AdiertftmeHtt, per tquare 10 I 'net, or leeS timet, or , 'or eat ub'rquettt ineertion, 1 50 I 50 51, 50 ! i'flciol advertising, for each equare o 10 J lime; or tret 3 timet, or (, j For muck ubequent interiiont frefteeioual (,'aide, I year, . . . ,oeal nolivto, per line, . Utitumrj notice; oter t linee, fief liiitj 1 . 5 no 151 10 8 00 I 12 00 15 00 ! $20 00 ; 35 00 CO 00 2 50 j 2 00 1 75! 1 0 1 60 60 4 50' 8 00 Yean, odoertteinf, I equate, 4e do t eio it do I do ri 'V d04tUinyl i o!um, - M I " Sion'.t, eintjle quire, ... if t qui ret, per quire, do t quire; per quire, do over I quirti, per quire, Vandiille, t het, 25, or leet, ii i eheet, ii, or leee, do I eheet, 24, or let; do vlolt eheet, 15, er cm. Over J J of each of abovt at proportions) rato. jr.O-Tli above rates were agreed upon by the undersigned, on the 3d dny'ot December, 186-1, mi will be ttMctly adhered to during the prossnt high prices ol all kin ill of printing material!. V. W. MOORE, Publiaher of the "Clearfield Jltpubliean." 8. J. ROW, Publisher of the "Iiaflenun Journal," Tyrone Ac 11 Hallrcttl Tliue-Tablo Train leaves xyrone at arrives at Philipiburg at Train leaves l'bilipiburg at ar rives at Ty rone at J:55 P. M. 5:65 P. M. -A I. ! NOTIC E . MILITARY RENDEZVOUS, 1 Fhiupsburo, Pa., Dec'r. 20, 1864. J at. A 1 a t rlAAAAl4 flAnnln Iwoulduiot reipectfully, yot earnestly, urge upon yoa the neceseity and imporUnoe of furn - Iibing lbs commanding officers of the different detachments of troops, stationed throughout the tounty, with such information as will lead to the arrest of the non-reporting drafted mon of your 'TbTunited State. Government is determined, throuRh its recognited authorities, to enforce compliance with the law; and the quota of Clear- fluid county, unaor me can 01 uio rresiaontior 500,000 Pien, must be furnished without further. Way. A Supplementary Draft to nil the dencioncy Mie exploded mills remained, save the under that quota will b. made at Mdcway, Pa., fou,ldu,ion wali gnd , carlhi -rhe s or about tho 10th of January, 186a, and vig- , . , . ,, .. , maily enforced by all the power placed at my Lel geneiated by tke fudoen and forge command by the Government, unlcm such mea- j quaattty of powder was so sudden and no irea may be tuken by you, in conjunction with , intense us to char g'et tree9 in atwink tba troops, as shall lead to the arret of those do- ling the moi.t green bark burn ins as liDquents who havo not complied with the law reudily as tin ier, butceaiing to burn when tbui obviating the neceisity of another draft. i ,fie ill8t ruruble of the roar Of the ext'lo- I make this appeal, ne,tly doeirlng that .t , j j- j . j . Biv be reocived favorably by the oitiiens of tho . . ,. , ' 1 , twnty, and that it may tend to a more active I urrounding country were, of oour.e dam tnd energctio co operation, on their part, with ,aUed much. In Christ Church (Linsoopul.) the officer of the Government in enforeing obe-, every mne was crumbled, and in the dience to the law II. P. CAMPBELL, Capt. and Pro. Marshal, 19th Diif Peuna x. t, v... v-. IT i.orAr-. hiiT r.-Al no. .-fv-jcot srybody appears to be enjoying the IIolli- days, we have determined to g- with the iliorofnr the KsfiiiLtCAX will ! not make its appearance next week COT Tersons visiting the Store of J. I. Morris & Co. rhilipsburg, Ta., go away xeUiming as did tho Queen of Sheba, af ter she had visited the Tempi of Solomon, " 27i half hat nevtr Iten told me ! They can Leat the world for Vatiety and Ca4) Goods. 3l Tui KoRTiiiCATioss. If i trua. as re ported, thst Marshal Campbell was made Uliflva Lhflt the deserters and non-report-; . ,,1 i t.,,1 ,.., 1 ! log coDcrirU of Ihis county had ceded f 1 . wAati anna ,nd that U was thus induced to apply for I imililaty foree to operate neio, m iu;- uiirTiuuJ me w ml, dot that ha is here, that ho iroi.roaij J,r- VI 'J0. UV r7fure ,w,M.bcin-.Iexer-pluuiiuuiJu1 , 1 I ted, about half past ten o clock on lhurs- isie me service eveij ujh nuu ( rrreentations, and inquire them lo'liDnl, upand point out those works. Should; Ik-.. f..M i lhat Ihov t.rt Ln - th - iujr uiu iv iiuu iiici"i ' " with courl-iaarlialed oo the charge of mis- priiion cf treason Tus First Visit. A siiuod of some 30 or 1 . . 40 tnonned infHutry v isttod our town lust Uenday-having tcnt the day previous (CLristmas) SOinewherO between this and Karthaus. They had as prisoners, A ui- ...... . . , I -,:.. unsnirey, (.cnargeu wun uv.u..; . (charg Holly and Arnold Schnarra, conscripts. Good PrS. Next to the Xew Yol k n- i .... ni.n-.i-tl.:- A,, ia It. best nvriu, IUB i llluai(iuia foily paper published. In the way or giving general newt it is far. ahead of any fits rhila.lclr.litA competitors, and its literary and editorial departments are fully equal to any of them. W htpo tho Demooracy of Pennsylvania will extend toil a liberal support, and if poasiuie Oake it the equal in every respect of that chiof of newapaperdoni, The Warld. ,i , . Kilid Br tu Indians. It i reported ifrethat N. K. McMullin, wko left the 'iclnlty of this place last summer and lo oted io Nebraska, was recently killed by 11 . . . i . it..., ll.A In. l lnaian. it is Known tui ns diiimed the land e purcnaseu. tnok him nris- waiuiy is iiiuv .u; u" oor, and afterwards killed bini. sW Con tress has adjourned for (ho Hollidays. JQTho State Legislature meols on the Kit Monday of January. tJS-Govcrnor Parker, of New Jersey,. yi: ."After much reflection, I hope un- .a..' i t - ' i - I I.ova Z , . ' ' M , il,.lih noliflV "of to the oonolujion that Iho policy or present Federal admiaistratlon 'ever restore tho Union." I Iffl-A aMdier'i widow, by marrylnn 'in, forfeits all her peDiions from tho hi..- ... . . . :r-u- n : H ' jieoi tier remarriage j anu n suo uijuui oojes a widow she cannot resume them. fti is aenrdins to the act of CoDcrefS, Jly 1, 1864. ..war I ho selling priaeoM' Gold, in New COUNTING-HOUSE ALMANAC 4 For 1HC5. ! ' K H -J H 1 : nr. : n n : H H a! H l to S n 5 q -( 2 m K-E I ! ii S'H o 2 h 2 ; n a 1 "1- 2 Jai: 1 2 8 4 5 0 tiju'v ! ! i : l i 8 v 10 II 121.1 14 : 2 3 4 5 6 7' 8 ; 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 192021 22 . 23 24 26 26 27 2 29 3031' : : I A 10. 1 2 3 4! 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 IT 18 19 20 21 22 2.1 21 25 26 15 16 17 18 102021 60 22 23 24 25 26 27 2b 21M31i i j Fe : ! 1 2 8 4 5 0 7 S U 10 11 I 12 "314 IS 1917 14 I 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 28 27 28 J Mar ! 1: 2 3 4 27 28 29 30 31 j 1 ! S 4 $ 0 7 8: 9 10lll2 13!i:;i,i6 17.1S '.if'ao; 21 22 23 2 t ..V ")n or ou ot ! 5 7 8 VlOUigap 12131415 1G 17 IS ' I0 2O2I 22 2.124 25 20 27 28 29 30 31 ArV . ; i 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 !.0ct . 1 2 S 4 56 7 ! W 10 U 12 i3,U I-i "1011121314 10 17 IS.1H 20 21 2 15161718192021 22 23 24 15 26 27 23 293031 : : Suv 12 3 4 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12I3UI5I6I718 1920 21 22 23 21 25 20-7 28 29 3O : Dkc. ; : 1 2 ! 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 II 1213 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 23 ?, 26 2t 28 2 :K i Mt 1 2 8 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 l.i .14 16 101718 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 26 27 28 213031 i j : i ! i ! T 2 3 Jus. 4 5 6 7 8 V 10 II 12 18 14 15 1 17; 18 192021 22 23 24 35 66 27 28 20 0 31 : i : ; Tm Exi'losio.v at Dl i-ont. TLe ex plosion, at the. powderjyard known as Haclev.s on 'J'hursil .'IV lllnminrr Inn! umna u, J 6 " nnAf II. A . . .1 . . I "" vl " mull cicic BI1U UlSUtUOUS lliai has taken place for a numher of yar. The proprietors Lave prohibited Him re DOrtars of th nr vwiLlm, tl.o! n.n.,i. l.( 1 f -6 "' IV"""", 11 a! m!'U" -11 C!nluei'ce no details of the d- uikiii. ,mni cuu ua outaiuea. i t) e one on Thursday destroyed tuore live than are lost in some of the battles reported where thousands of soldiers are engaged on escli side firing at each oth er for hours. There were fen killed, and, if the number wounded were in proportion, .?.,us ve Keen great. Jtl, sa.d the , " w r preparing government powder. H is a ovidenee of the terrible lorca of j the explosion, that (jreat heavy beams (were lifted up like rushes into the air, j whirled distaucea. sometime!!, of over 3U0 I '" "n.d i0 in 'h fc'r?u'd' , fl0 en ',nrJ " n,',nt'a nUml lirmly 0.1 eud- J-eai hollows were scooped in the n'"'" "l iu uicicuuuvusbiuu, tucuuui;, us timbers scattered in profusion over ti e fields around. ot a vestige of aotno of house of Mrs. A. Dunont, which is situu ted one hundred and fifty feet from the snene of disaster, the glass was shattered so lolently that some of the family were by the Hying fragments. The house j WM rom rool t0 fOUnda'.ioo and aei ioimly damaged. Immediately after the explosion, and w Iioa the excuornent had spent itself, Jheynrd wai closed nud no admittance granted to the numerous persons who were attracted Irom this ciiy and the country round to cutiounly view the havoc. The explonion originated, in the romi where th workmen wero engaged in press ing Lioverumeut povdor The miinner of the process is this : On a smoothly )ol ibhod pluto about thirty inches square, is laid a layer of powder evenly spread, and about half an inch in height. Over this is placed a cloih of very tine texture, which, in its turn, is covered with half nn inch of powiler. Alternate layers of cloth and podor then succeed each other, till jn . ... . . p,lf, l0 it ; which is so enormou, t mt fotr (ay mor,? (be mass exploded, trar rg jnt,) atoms all who wore near. From the press room llio explosion was immeiliately to the oilier flllliuiuiin.nir.i mills and buildings. Del. Gazette. AVi'lor 0 the lltpullican DrAR fc'rn : With jour permission, I wish to say to the renders of jour nonnr that T will sond. bv return tnnil. to nil who . . u (f . B Reci,e wilh fun directions for making and using a almple Vigotable Balm, that m Pfck'lfi( ,nJ M Impurit'esof the ikin, J leaving iving the samo soft, clear, smooth and lenuti- fol. a,jo nM ((J ,hn(!0 hBV, VM : Heads, or Baro Faces, simple directions nnd in ! r.,F,nnlinn thnl will onkbla them to start a full growth of Luxuriant Hair, Whisker, or a Mou- tacl.9 in less man miriy u..ys. All applications answered by return mail with out charge Kespectlully yours, THOd. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist, oo 5 3mcp. 831, Broadway, New Voik. Dissolution of Partnership. TIIS partnership heretofore existing between the subscriber In tho uanking butincs as Leonard, Finney A Co., i thi duy dissolved by uiuiua. uuiipriii, I Thahnnka. nansr. and asseU aro Iett In tlie hands of Jumes T. Leonard, at tho office of the firm, and all claims due to and hy the firm will UV UlllOU VJ III" JorthWitu settled bs loltled by him. All oreruus paper muii do JAMES T. LEONARD, A.C. FIN.NF.Y, W. A. WALLACK, Tbebusines will be continued by James T.1 Leonard as Leonard 4 Co. dee 21-IbOJ.J A CI.EAIU'IF.I.U IIAII- rin ; u;m -v J. .r o!Vi. . VM. Mi ii" . I ii niTi n f i h 1110 oiuenuuiucra nn. uu iiuiv. : Pennsylvania Kallroad Coinpany, on .Momlay, 'January WW, lbn,ior mo purpose b twelve Director to crve the ensuing year, .urn the transaction of such other busine ss ss may tllKV come before tho mooting. II. II. HHILinaFORD, Scc'y. Phil'a, Dec. 14, 1961. dec21-3t lUHXPIKi: ELI'.CTIOX An election Reed & will bo held at tho oflice of fl. L. to., In the borough of Clearfield, on Satmdny tho yi.iln..nt 2 o'clock, n. m.. bv the ftockhold- er of the Clearfield and Curwensvillo Tun.pik eloct A Pre.ident, Treasurer and Board uf Managers for the ensuing year. Bv order of the I'resldent, " ' JAS. T. LEONARD, Q. L. Bkid, Sec'y. Pec. 7, 1801. Foil Sale! FXTRA FAMILT FLOUR, by ths Barrel and fiaik for talo br the subscriber JAMKS L. LEAVT. '.uffMl. I Uoccam fieorge W. Jsmcs 8. allacher. Dillon, Phttip Braaiff, 1 Brady Michael Sbugart. ! Burnside Wm. Goodeman, John Alfiird. ,..V..10it 'I-lliimmell, Jred. Fralej, Lawrenco Killmn, (1. 8. Toier. Clear Held L. It. Merrell, A W. Park. C. Finney, II. Covliigtoa Dr. J. W. Potter. Poriruhon Thomas Henry Graham Frank Wilhclm. Huston Charles Brown. Jordan Edward Comfort. Lawrence Joieph Wataon. Lumber City -Amos Pile. Morris Hubert lirown. Pike Peter Iloovor, I'nion-U. B. llarlcy. ' tKAVERSE JURORS.' Beecnria Siimuol Kirk, Stow art Cowan. Boll Robert Mehafley. Bloom Erastu Lulnor, G. P. Bloom. Hogg Samuel RobUon. Bradford llobort Livingston, J. E. Barjor, Brady John Brouki, Eli Lium, David Eahon- uonrge rer.U, u. a. ilooro. Burnside Honry Eisenhower, Josrph HcH. Chest Johnthan Pry, Philip Pentico. Clearfield Henry Stone, John M'Brfdo, J. C. Whitehi'.l, Prank Short Curwensvillo Wm. Bard, Win. MoBridu, Cor tes Bloom. Covington Wm. Scbnurr, Joab Rider. Decatur Elijah Reese. . Ferguson John Uowlos, David Road, Girord Daniel Spackman. Gohen Jacob Flegnl. Graham T. M. Leonard, John W. Turner, J. II. Stoward. Jordan David M'Gcehaa. Lawrenco Robert Porter, William Fpaekman, James Doughorty, Daniel Welch. Luao Swsilo. John J. Reed. ' Lumber City Ilonry Dnvis. Pike Jaiaos A. Bloom, G. B. Caldwell. Penn William P. Book, Jacob Douciiinan, Woodward Henry J. Cagan, Jamei Lockett Bcoxn vmi, Becrarlt Jsines II. Ilogarty. Boll J. Davidson, Enoch Brtdford Eiwin H'llliaina, Wm. S. Tajlor, John Stewart, John .S'nirey, Iioac Wilson. Brady Michael Broun, Adam Miles, Xf. T. Hamilton, Daniel Rishol. Chest Levi llulaud, L. J. HurJ. j Clearfield Dnnicl Connolly, Jamc Cooper, I Edward W. Urnbarn, John 11. llillburu, John rr. Covinffton Christian Brown. CaDoeatur Ilonry Post. Girnrd Alexaiidur lrwia Goshon Kobeit G. SIjow, Graham Jonas Muncc, Gulich Wm. B. Wbitcsids. Joran--Layfyetto Bloom, Hiram Straw. Karl liaui--Thomas Michnnla. Lumber City Anthony Hilo. Morris Robert Doughorty, George Beam. Penn Patrick AlcJUUan, James Johnson, riko J. Ross Bloom. I'uion .Ioscih cofield. Woodward John Bowles. I'llOaPECTUS OF VOL. Ill Isui. TIse Old n:wd. A MONTHLY JOIHXAL, DKVUTKII TO LIIERATUEE, SCIENCE AND ART, AID The rolltlcal Pilncliiles of 1770 and 177. C. CllAUNCET JiuiUl, KlUTOK. rnilH MA(iA.lM', WILL rONTIVt l? TO X defend the priuciplo of Gorormnuiit which guided our futhcrs In the foundation of the Re public, The spirit and dootrine of the two fimt vo'umos will be fully unintainfil in the chird vol ume. We have no compromises to mako with orror no parley to make with despotism. 1j tno.racy will bo treated, not at a varying polii-y of cunning oflice seekers und sjioils huiuc rs, but rather na an aMding principle of political econo my anJ ol popular liborty. All supportera of this revolutionising, Abolition war, will be held us tho eneuiiot of tho'Dumocracy. Wo nil all ac knole ge no organisation to be Democratic which does not houestlv cnunciato and suniiort the principle of the Kentucky and Virginia Itasolution of li9S, anu the Died bcott dcciiiion of tho Supremo Court the ono asserting Stats SoveiiKKiMTr and the other Whits bveiieuAcr. To prcscrvo thoo honored doctrines tho Demo cratic pari was urgnnized by tho very founders of the Federal Government, and it remained true to (hem down to the fatal and dishonoring depar ture at tho commencement of this war. 'i ns Oi.n UsAiin is an organ of DcmocVncy a it whs, be fore this cowardly surrender of principle, and as it must bo again, before it can rodecm our coun- I t'enKVdouSf.0 iXr"- It that is, to forty-eight pages for tho purpose f funk ing It in all repeots, n to stylo ami mutter, a lirst-clnss Literary and Family Mng.uiuo. Among the literary attractions of tho work will be an Original Novel of .great power nnd in tere.t, written by Dr. Thomas 'Jtsm F.xim.i.sii, which will be published in chapters, beginning with tho number for January. While, the Magnsino will bn double its former size, only fifty cents will be lidded to the price cf subscription. Tocnublotho publiaher to make this enlargement without lo.u,tiio engraving will 1.. tnf ouL eiecut nol linns occasioiiailv. T K It ii s ono yoar Seven copies ons I year, and one to the I " ,' v, ',., ,1, ', "otter up of tho Cub, j ?inglo copic sent, post-pntd, for Terms invariably in advance, and the situ will be stopped when the time piid for ex pires. As Tub Oi.n Gcard Is stereotyped, bark num. brratid volumes can always be furnished, ill letters should be addressod as follows .' VAN F.VHIK, HOHTON & CO. No. IfiJ, Nassau St., New York. 1 1' XOTIC'F.. Tho Eosrd of Belief X for tho county of Clearfield, will meet nt tho - Commissioners' office, on Wednesday end Tours- 1 "'X KC'U I'OlfS NOTI (' P. Xotlce Is here day, tl.e 2Stb and 2ih days of December, 1SF 4. l J by given that letters testamentary on the The Board huvo directed that all new uppli- eslnto ol ABltAIIAM KYLKIt, late nf (joshen r ... u.r..A ,1. . P...,. I ....1 im it ..,.... u.. their oru slatcuunt detailing name of sol Her, hern grunted to tho undersigned, all persons lu regiment and coinpany; when ciuislcd ; tho dc'ited to said fsla'o are requested to umke im numberof children, w ith nge and tex nf each ; mediate payment, nnd those having demands tho township In liich they resided at tl.c time of a v i itist tl.e fame will proseut thorn duty nuthcii enlistment, and their present resi denca : and that lieuted for rctt'cuieut. she is without the menus of support for liersoif JOHN p. BOTl, I px-r, and children, who nro dependent upon her. j Nov. 22 Ct pi, MOlt LIVl'.ltGOOD, j ' Two wituosso of credibility, from tlio town' hip in which the resides, must aUo be produued 1 ) whose certificate, sworn to before tho board, inn.t set forth that the applicant is the person tho rp-r re,on horseif t. be; thr.t the state n;ment olllie. number nnd ago of her family ist, truo : that sho is In destitnto circumstance and her family in actual want ; and that all the fa.ts sot forth in her ;,,. nre just and true. . . . - . ,,:., can be ob v '" " . . 1 " tained st tho nffico of tho Board of Relief, when application it made and tho witnesses appear. Nov. SO, 18(14. W. 8LllHADLl':Y,fV-. BlACKHMrnilNU-NIAV YlllM. P,sMt)itn tt sri.vr.xs i.Kn;cr fullv announce lo tl.t-ir ir.mif.rons li icndsnnd io the j nblio gcneraJly. that thej hnve r. d Into co-purtnership in the above bu-iness in the shop heretofore occupied by.ho?fr'or partner in tim biriufh Ol Clearfiel.1, ! All sorts of work in tbojr line '!! bo dispatch ed on tb shortest notion, and in t'ie most work, manlike manner, and upon terms to sui the times, f pecisl attention will be raid t lioiiii;- la fact, everything connected with th eraft--fr:.m a oninmon nail lo a fins edged doublo bitted chrpn!r axe, will be made to order, el- thcr for Cash or approved Country Produce, , .fir-Uivs tbm a call. G. C. PAfSMORE. Pec. U,1S-W: WM. STEVE S3. ibrrcat Itcductwn in PRICES of FALL & W1NTERGOODS! J- I1- KR A TZim, Front Street. CleorflMri vwmmww em V 44 4 A. Km a Having purchased a large slock since tho Into decline in prices is now prepared to oiler great bargains in New Style Dress Goods. Richest Printed Goods, All-Wool Dcla French Merinos, Good Black Silk, Coburgs and Alpacas, Woolen Shaicls, Ladies Mantles, Furs and Bonnets, Staple Dry Goods 'Ready-Made Cloth ing, Millinery Goods, Iloscry and Notions, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Hardware ij Quccnswarc Drugs and Groceries, Carpets and Oil-cloths, Household Goods, All of which will ba sold at greatlv reduc ed prices. Oct. l'J-if. JIKLIOGRAHIIC. r"PHE undorigiioJ, having coniplotud hi Phot. A ogrnph Gallery, iu bhaw' Row, two door west of the Mnnsiun House, Cloarfiuld, Pa., is now ready tu wait on all in want of My arrangement are such a will onublo mo to f'.niisli thof beautiful productions of yuri draw ing in tho highest style of thonrt. Having fitted up "my rooms nt a considerable expense, with a view to tho comfort and pleamro of my patrons, I htrict attention to hmdm ami adoiro to please, to morit u liberal shnro tf publia pnttiiniige. A full supply of Gilt, Rosewood, and other Frames, Albums, and an endless variety of Cases always on hand, Particular attention givou to copying all kinds of Pictures. , jiT'l'-Instruction in the art of Photographing given and apparatus furnixhed at city prices. snp2Uf II. liRIDGE, Artist. "1001 B01. PlULADELrillA Jt ERIE RAILROAD. rwilir.S great lino trnvcrsoa the Northern and Jl Northwestern counties of Ponnsylvuhia to tho eity of Krio, on Lake Erie. It has been leased by the I'enntiliauij Knil. mud Company, nnd is operated by llicin. ! Its entire length was opened for nasseuirer and , freight business, Oct. 17th, lsfil. I June nf I'ueeenijer 7miHi nf Eminrinm. Through llail Train leaves oos'.ward 2: 1 5 P M. " " " " westward 10;I2 A. M. raSfngor Cars run through wtriiot'T chaxos both ways between Philadelphia and Erio. 1-lcgant Sleeping Cars on Express Trains both I'OVf between Williuinsport nnd Baltimore, and W Ilium.' port and Philadelphia. For Information rospecting Passenger burinoss a ,-ily nt tho S, E. Cor. llth and Market sts. nd for Freight bushier of the Company's A ont, S. B. Kingston, jr., Cor. lath sud Market st , Philadelphia ; J. S. Reynolds' Erio; .. M. Drill. Agent N. C. R. R. Baltimore ; II. II. Houston, (jon'l Freight Ag't, Phila.; 11. W. Cwix.iKn, Gen'l Ticket Ag't, Phila. ; Jos. D. Potts, GonT Manager, Williauisport. Oct. 2 1864. VA. V l'.W, ,1.1 . .-r - i, . . . ?- . .. .... .1 m t.:r.' toivnsiup, l tcartiolit county, decease-l, naving SAWYER VANTED. W A NT F.I) IMMliDIATLLY, a man Ihor-. cucbly rompdent to run s l'.rst-c!as Circular .-aw Mill, and who is r.illin:; to go to Mexico for ft term of not lesg than one yeor. Wages payable in Gold. Address, slat ng amount ol cxperii nco, reference, and wages, de sired. JAMES -'TEW ART, Dec. 14, lSflt-2t Lancaster, Pa. 1 DMIMMItATOICS NOTIC i:.Noli. o is hereby given that li tter of aduiinistia 1 1 hi on the estate of James Conlcy, lalo of Penn , tp.. Clearfu l I Co., dee'd, have been granted to tho under. i,;n(.d, all persons induMcd to rsid latate nie n '(nested to mako inimediato pnyrneiit, and those having r'aims against the same will p:C'. nt the in duly authenticatfd lor so ttlement. , D. II. PAl'LH AM I'H. 1 Deo. i-GL Ailinlnistr-tor. ' Xr.CtTOIfM NtTICi:.-Notirc is licro- iv given that Letters Testamentary on tho estate of JOHN McPIl liRSON, late of tho bor- ough of Clearfield deceased, bai in been taken out by the undersigned, all persons indebted to said est tie uro requested to mako imiiicdiato ray incut, aid those having claim ntinst the muii ' will present tnem amy nutiieniicatea lor settle- I luent. RKIT.EN M.THK1SON. Kov. ;o u ii, jAfCiilclf. J. I. MORRIS & CO. rJIlMPSBUItG, TKSN'A. LATEST ARRIVAL UF FALL AND WINTER GOODS. rurcha?ed sinco tho decline in Goods, and will be sold lower lhan I XI r 1 'A !H ! any other house in the county. ! LADIW DRESS GOODS. i - Trints & Delaines, Relmoral Hocp i 71 skirls, llootlh. Nubias, Sontags, j 5c C'oraiforU, lireakfast Cupes : and Gloves, Furs, Muil'a j and Culls, O Ladies OoRts, Circulars, Victorines, I Q Baskets, etc., etc. j 73 HOOTS AND SHOES of all kinds ' C for Ladies ; BOOTS AND SHOES of all kind for Gents. BOOTS AND SHOES, of all kinds for Children. o c HARDWARE In endles vm-iety ; P.road Axes, Jt purifies the Blood! I Double-bitted A.s, Kalt- q' It removes Obftrtirtionj from the Liver!!.' ing A xt-s. Bin kjiiit ! j It promotes tho discharge of Bile ! I ! ! Axe,i- f1 It efTocts a radical and permanent Cure by ro- y., .moving tho oauso upon whleh tho ague do- - irondi ! !! ! ! I I CLOTHING !Q THE "';:;:;;:-!i;&aMY ague drops, ; p1 j As its rums imports, hits keen and is tho great . j, j specific for all oiM.tors hfstasks !m tho Army. - ! i It has no Ponnl. ffs tionolnrifv In our ,. O.i.. . P. A general assortment of jEmysnd clrowh'-ro is as unirersnl ai its ear DRUGS, MEDICINE. TAINTS, j1 OILS, DVE-.STL'I ES, Jtc. Si gi:o:er i ;;. t J 0 llio, Rye and Lsguyra Coffee. Sugars whitf, brown and yellow. Dried peas, sweet potatoes. Cranberries, butter, eggs, lard, chee. o ! llams, alinumars anu sules. I Dried boef, cod-fish, iLackerjIjherruij;, ' r I .STOVES. ; CookingA Parlor Rtove and Stove-pij. 53 x ! I J FLOUR, CHOP, f-'ALI". AC. SADDLERY. ,1 i Saddles, bridles, horse collars, trimmed i horse blankets, rolios, sleigh-bolls, whips, harness and hamos. U2 r ! MISCELLANEOUS Grind stnnos nnd fixtures. One 2-horss Olcan Wagon. Timber-Sleds. Buggies, teloighs, Ci.riiugsis, Ac, ike., Ac. z. 31 LL'NBEUMCX Kupplied by tho quaiHty with goods, I Uour, bacon, or anything In our line j r at III per cent, on cost, and wo discount all bills ner $10 ! at ten per Cent. j 'A la fact, nothing that man or boast consumes, but what we keep or can get for our custmuors, and will sulla little cheaper, bavin.; advantages thai uo others iu our W-inoM have. TVJ-Our Clearfield friends will ploase not for get to call and eo its when they com o to town. They will find us on tho corner formerly occupied by J. Bunk, neaily opposito tho Conrad House, Main Street. J. I. MOlllUS A Co. Deo. 7, 18(11. ff&miiadlxa Yfcirirj. GREATEST BATTLE ON RECORD 1 15,000 KillctI nnd Wounded, and ! 30,(00 taken Prisoners ! i WITH CA M V KQUirAGE AND 70,000 Contrabands freed from the BONDS OFSLAVERY!! IYIT.Y man that lias read any thing of the! j pa.-t history ol this li'.l uiu-l linully come j to. llio conclusion trial Hie l oincucniie iiovsrn mciit would bo broken down. It was only a njie tinn of time. But now sie lura !he abovo Glori ous soul-stirring news to cheer us up i oi:d the only draw-back to our joy and glorification is tlio imminent dnnger of the Contrabands coming North to "eat out our substance," nnd to wear out I But of ono thing the peopie of Clenr oi Id ronntv mnv bo assured, and that Is, thai FRANK SIIORr for short callod Hlmrt r' is soiling Hunts W slinea a cheap a any other man in the county; and if you don't believe it, just give him a call on court-week, oral any other time, nnd see for yourselves, lis would jnt r mind the publia thst his shop Is now on Market street, in Shaw' Row where you will find him lust as Short as usual if not a little ehorttr of Cash than he would like to be. All binds of work on hands and mvlo to Order on short notice, nnd n well rnadn, nnd as good fits as can b"skeered" up here or elsewhere. XX.. Don 'I forget tho shop on Matket rtrcet. : In r-hnw's How, directly opposite Rev. II. ii fjwonpe's oflice. F. SHOUT. Clearfield, June Jl, ISM. I VGRICULTl UAL MKETIXG.-The snnuil I meeting of the Clesrfield County Agneullu- I nil Society will boheWin, mo 'i ' Clearfield, on Monday evening, the Dth day ol , January. I boi, whsrs all persons interested its. the cause of agriculture, and i. ths fur.hsr s.n res. of this SnHe.y, sre incited to attn. as the election of officers f-r ths conrnj yoar will fike p'ace. iy "run v L. F lit WIN. Dee. 1 1 - St. Scctvtatv. A. D. AGUE DROPS! The tovoreija remedy fjr the Cure of FEVER AJXD AGUE, A5D ALL BILIOUS DISEASES! A T T E X T I O X : ! Stl FERRERS FROM FEVER AND AGUE, ETC. 31 Thi moil wondorful remedy for tho pcrma- nent euro of Fever and Airue. eta.. nu ilimnv. crcd same year ago by one of the moat emiuent Chemists of America I Out of thousands of cases It ha never been known to fail in effecting a radical euro. A Ingle Bottle of thejo dropj hat cured dresses which have .Stubbornly Konistcil Llio most Skillful Medical Talent ! It eni):ilii3 nothing that will injure tho Coa.ti- tiuiou : have been sure and wonderful. As u MEl'ESTAm'j:, It ha pnred a great blinking and saved many valuivblu life in thoaa iui.uni.iiin lr.i-nlittAa h' ... O , they would have been iv:im to l.ilions disi-i;e The Chills will rM roturn if-tlw i'rops ro taken I the ARMY AGUE DROPS,- 1 Quickly iltivoa away LANGUUIl AND WEAKNESS' AND A. IS- InWOUEX THE tiYiiTEM i To its nulnrsl buoyancy and anifbiitiua ; iuvigor j t ating tho body and clearing out uvery vo.i'.ig ol , j D iieai o preducod by loathsome miasm. BE WISE IX TIME! I ! o; S ' K3.Vi VMflu reviiinj in a Vew r and Agar. .dist'Kl nhuuld be without a Lottie of the mi ii'ABMY AGUE DBOK, ,i! And H U strongly recommended to persona trav el oiling Uirough placos charged with miasm. W ni'jiertfnlly rail attention lo our (esllmo n!nl. Many of mir letters nttost that hundred of livrs hirve been saved In tho nrmy by its tiro. Indeed, ' well sro its enratiro (tmilhlOT appre ciated in te nrmy, that the mo.t successful Hur geons in the Field nnd llihital aso it almost exclusively in the ilwpa scs for which w alaim its infallibility. Tho otl physicians nhvays seise the beet means to elfcit a euro, heiico the uni. vctsality of the, ARMY AGUE DROPS. TESTIMONIALS; We are happy to refer lo nis Eaoollcircy A. Lincoln ; (Ion. JfcOtllun j Gen. Fremont; Gen. Bnrnsido; (ion. Hancock; Gen. Kilpatrick; (Ion. Rico; C'd.Pyo, 5th N Y ; Col Quick, I7th N Y C ; Col Fowlor, 1 I th N Y S M ; Major Doremin, ADC; Major Roil'snyder, .Villi Pa; Major Wil cox, A DC; Major P.amse.v,Mn.jor Stillwell, iVo ijor Kabcoek, LsVut. H'belan, Surgoons ISA; Rt Rev llishop Potter. K itr Tyag. Rev Dr Taylor, New York ; Rev 11 W Deecher, Rev I t 11 Chnpin, Bro'iklys ; Rev Mr Ch sever, Rev Mr Bangs, New Y'ork ; llj Hoir Mnvor Wood, j Hon Jl Kalbficish. Hon M F Odell, Brooklyn : j.llon Mayor G'inistr, Iloa ll'jraco lireeley, New York; and hu .idveds of other equally wtll known I gentlemen, for which eo circulars. I' II ICE: OM: WMhAU Pint BOTTLE. WILCOX A CO. rrir.iwtkOinoo. lil Watur t-'t., Nerr York. JV. . Xuk genuine with 'tt hurixj .ir,lmX lot your Druggist pur you ... with any oilur remedy. Ifhedoes not hava for S'lle, enclose us ft 2o per mail, and wo wi. aeoJ yeu one bottle of the Ar my Ague Drops pe inailfostpaid. WILCOX k CO. cH it'. i.a 11 Waler St., New Yorlt. A. A. -", on caiuruay last was 0. Nov. 2.1, 1561, f-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers