1 1 LINCOLN'S LAST JOKE. A Call for Three Hundred Thousand Men. I Wasainutos, Doc. 20, 18(34. ' Whkrias, by the act approved .July 4th. ltf(4. entitled "An net further to regulate and provide for the enrolling jic(jrord niiJ calling out of the national forces, ami Derkj ' ' f. . fit li am tiiiittnaaa " tf iu v....! til m I llilll ... . 1 Adams, Allegheny, Armstrong, Leaver, Wednesday MonNiNo::::l)KC 1 HI" J. I 1 . IStW. """" THE NEWS. 1 A dispatch from Washington Ron Sun day lust announced the capturo of Savan nah hy Sherman, with 13,000 prisoners The dispatch states that the information ii communicated to Clen. Grant ly a tele graph operator who had cscapod from Richmond. At last account Hood was still retreat- tho President of thUnited States may, jirujforit ioc from Tliomnr forces, in southern ,t ""'"J ... . ni cull lor eoy number of men as volunteers Tennessee. 1 he rebel losses under Hood (or lhQ r ' live ,ernM of 00 lw0( anii ' .i.i. l l... H.l.i.APit.aViil1i. .1 . M! l iiru Biniuuu) uumiiuuuoiiii ui tuo.wiiM ( inree years, lor rniiuury service, nun m (;ame-0l, em press, since he entered Tennessee, at caso the quota of, or any part thereof, of ,1,, 1 "0,000 men and 51 cannon lots is not stated. i Breckinridge in still opsrating in East ern Tennessee. The Federal foroos havo concentrated at Knoxville, having aban doned Chattanooga, and all the other Official RoBtilt of the November Election died in Lawrence township. 1 i I n n I f . a. . . ' in me oiaie oi rennsyivania. JfcLlsllan. LinctU. on Thuridy Kucks, ISullor, Cambria, i ... . i . : i p .. : . .. ...n. nuy luno, iu iiaiui', n hi u Ul uuiiji Vn(re . . . i . 1 i '. . . . . i r ...... .-i i .1 ' cinct, or election district, or of a county not so sub-divided, "shall not be filled (jenrjjej within tho space of fifty days after such (jieaer ' call, then tho President shall immediate- (..mi1:' Tho Federal "Let By-Gones be By Gones." 'This affair, which must be regarded as the legitimate offspring of the spirit o! law lessness w hich has been engendered in this county by the bad advice and inflam- who could just as read.ly. ' , . comparatively, in front or thoir followers in the right as -.j.ff ! Richmond and Petersburg, w.ong way oughtto if.tdoos no tat sfy, , Monroe he moulded men in our midst that j we,k befora lltst WB9 destined for Wil Government has the power to enforce tho ' ' x-..i. . .-.i bo laiu t ,v V . .. .i 'thousand: and whtrens. tho oneratiotli ol was (MirrnL inni rori i-inner, m ius ni- : . .. . laws, and that its iron grasp will ly ardor a draft for ono year to till such quota, or any part thereof which may bo unfilled j amd whereas, by tho credits al lowed, iu accordance with the net of Con gress, on I ho call for live hundrod thous and men, made July ISth, l!G4, the num ber of men to be obtained under the call wa rettucct to two nunurea ana eigniy upon sll who attempt to resist its authori ty. We hoie for the ereclit of the county ttt largo, but more pnrliculaily for tho sake of the law-abiding portion ot our citizens, trance to the huibor of Wilmington, hud ' .nemy in certain Slates have ronder f jen ed ltjimpiacticable to procure from them ... .i -r.,mu ;n n.n their full nuotas of troops under said call ; i vtvi.i i i i r i that we may not airain be called upon to ;n.y luoruoou o. ii..Siu... ufa... reccord such a lamentable event. Should troublesome, crosMng and rccrossinjf on any other troubles of the above character i lc0- ., ., .. ,. ,, . .i ,i.. I I.tst iimlit s mail confirms tlis apcuna- tlUU V'J s ii 1 1 ' ii" niivs siiw v. j . - - heavy guns, 800 pi ioneis, and 2-5,lH0 bales of cotton. Tho rebels blew up the navy cilves. will do to rr.uch with full knowledge of the fearful continence they must inevitably incur, and the fault will rest entirely with themselves." - Such is the language in whiuh our Jaco bin neighbor closes his account of tho re cent raid into Knox township ; and this immediately after expressing thu desire to let "hy-onesle by gone?." But this should surprise no one. Peceit. treach ery and double-dealing is at lat one-half yard, &c, and then evneuatod. letter from Karthaus Township. Salt Lick. December 23. ISO t. Ms. Editor The third annual message of Abraham Lincoln I havo carefully read and find it particularly wanting in three resiTd!1. viz : truth, common tense and (Wif tf Kerens, from the foregoing tausw, but two hundrod and filly thoussnd men have been put into the army, navy and mnrino corns untie r th said callofJ'r l!th, ISti-l, leaving thciency on that call of two hundred and sixty thousand. Now, therefore, 1, Abraham Lincoln. President of the United Slates of Ameri ca, iu order to supply tho aforesaid defi ciency and to provide for cnsualiiies in tho military and naval service in the Un ited States, da issue this my call for three hundred thousand voluutecis, to servo for ono, two or three years. The quotas of the States, district, and sub-uiMiicts. under this cull, will be as signed by the War Department, through i . i i . i ... -. . . :..... 1 1. , i . . . -i. r it) 1 II mil I ; n nil nun iti i.lt u ,iiu igrolor the adrenal ion ana sacrmco oi , . e ,,. to bo the only .ownsbi n. ward of a citv. precinct, orel- coraprehensiblo idea that lh message ; oction district, or of n county not so nub contuins. I certainly did not lc-ok from 'divided, shull not bo tilled before tho 1 nh the President impossibilities, and there- of February, ISCi, then a draft shMl , , ,. . , . , . , be made to till such quota, or any part fore I am not disnppomted, for how can n i . , Jer u,is ra w,ic, may be un clean thing come forth from tho unclean. i;ueii ou lne ga;j if, dj tlfly 0f Febtuary, The Republicans of Karthaus township, 180.') the motive rower of their inrty. Take', . ' .', Trtvm llirtu ! Imir Irtt-itfii! nti nnd rrnuire A. , ip.i 1 i .i : ! the white mm, appears urui IV M-vm UCIU1U ill'X i- Ul f t mi ii true colors, upon all public questions, and all honest men would ditown them, in this arlic lo the writer veiy carefully conceals the fact that among the men ar retted in Knox township and held, there was ntt a tinyU citizen's CUnrjidd county. It is truo this is a matter of small conse quence, as it is altogether likely that there are citizens of Clearfield county just as deserving of arrest as those men vere. But why was the fact so studiously concealed? Was it not for the sole pur ji060 of bringing obtsquy upon our county, and bringing this boasted "power" of the government to harraisaud annoy our peo ple, who support lhe.se, their tradueers? The gret misfortune of this county was its unprecedented rebuke to Lincolnism at the IhsI election. Many other coun ties are far behind Clearfield in their quo ta of soldiers, and in responding to the conscription but she is ahead of all of' them in rolling up inci eased Democratic majorities. In very many counties two or ilirpe supplementary drafts have been -ordered and mado, evtn the city of llar tisuur nl Twri.iu county itself being no exception yet there is no announce ment of the existence of civil war in their ruidl. Why is this? Is it, or Is it not because of our tremendous majority for MoClellau at the last election ? We are well Advised that some of the cowardly scoundrels w ho profess lo lead the Repub lican party cf this county have been be eeeching tho authorities for more than a year for A manifestation of thoir " power " against leading Democrats of this county ; Aud sine the election they have renewed their efforts with increased vigor, roeking tho most ridiculous, false and extravagant representations as to what was goiug on in tliis county, until they seem to have made sufficient impression upon those haying the authority as to induce them to send ui a military force. What has beon the experience of these soldiers, how much evidenco of preparations for resis tance they have discovered, Low many and what the character of the " fortifica tions " they have encountered, or what their opinion is of our people, ai compar ed loolhir communities we are not ad vised. H they are sensible men, and! nuutv m siiu iiv,t9 nn nio 'IV tu itirtj ii :tt . . .1 1 .,, ' . 1 . , po.uio among then was restored, it wu they will make up their mmds that .. cxumill(l lll0 Bul to people have ever been more thoroughly ai,ifl l0 KQ Low mnny wou,,, bfl rxcm . k,"uu "UM BU,uut'reu 'J i,u;r '"V"'"'-' ed on account of deafness and u -I. .1M The tdavnlion of the ne-itho bureau of tho Provost Marshall (ln- ln testimony whereof, 1 have hereunto set my bund and caused the seal ot tno United Stales to bo atlixed. Done at the city of Washington, this 19th day of December, in tho year of our Lord ono thousand ei;:ht hundrod and Clinton Crawford, Cumberland, -D.uiphin, Delaware, Elk, Fjio, Fa) clto, Forest, Franklin, Fulton, Greene, Huntingdon, Indiana, J uniuta. Jetlerson, Lawrence, Lancaster, Lebanon, Lehigh, Luz"rne, Lycoming, Mercer, Monroe, i Montgomery, Mor tour, McKean, M lllin, Northampton, X or t hum borl Slid, Perry, Pike, Philadelphia, Potter, Schuylkill, Somerset, Snyder, 1 Sullivan, Susqucbuantt, Tioga, ! Union, , I Venango, 'Wayne, . Warren, Washington, 3015 12414 32 U 2204 2752 1320G 2080 3007 73:i.r 2J 17 so;',!! 22j"l 33'J'J 2X33 2S01 5"JS7 33G7 2130 4520 435C 4220 2141 835 3722 5120 C2 3S21 900 3070 2177 2179 1753 1M3 J 3S' 8451 2779 5'J20 10051 4207 350J 2098 7043 J 490 052 1710 (.944 300S 24 H 1 180 4 I0J2 080 05 10 1719 130S 070 2959 1581 1352 2012 21519 3529 3237 2330 0710 3292 t805 - 0130 3475 2244 335 1721 2H17 1780 1500 11 iu. 14. iiicuui, iu nio avia your or hsr sgo. -. j MiUljK J Jj Espona, istuod ont of th Mrt J?'f' Ucfo bbcrtrscmcnts. 1 ofth. 1 :""uu.: ,tliero m 11 bo expoiod to PUBLIC 8at p Court ltou.eln iho borough of ri. . ,.itfti Monday th. Bth da, of 4 o'clock, P. M., th. following S Ute, to wit: fc "tnut Uesl t. iXIfw ! A CTrtain trunt oflund situate in r.r.i. At the cheap Storo of Clfliil.l county, p., i0Un,iJ(1 i'ts, & Co., 1 , 1'uWb road leading from K,vtland k rhilip.burg, Tenna. lZlZ. K 1 .r, . . cumuiumg ion acres, niuro orl... s. . "T1 fons Salted Tork 1 on erected a twoW, fral h 'i hM" tl I'LENTY MfiFT For gale: J. I. M011 11 is 10 Tons Fresh Tork ! , on eroctod a lwn.ti,r rr.. l ' ",us tier.. p n 1 r rt , ... ....ihw uilUriB and , " o ions riosn ureu (anaetlier iiiiirovomonti. 6eid ina . 5 100 RuBhels Pried Apples ! , and to bo sold ai th4 pronen. V? 0 Bushels PrimoOreen Apples! ,uel1Vl'k- ,r7f8iBj. 100 Dusholi Petatoes ' ' , A.Lb0T,A C"M. !of land sit.it. 1.... 2440 10 Tom Rye Choi) ! ,"L iZ "e "Tj ST esntTi,, 1914 igog; 04 13 1 3004 , 5544! 3004 348 (WIL "no 1 n (5 O Rafting Rope 500 llarrels Flour, (Fxtra Family.) 00 RarieU Corn 50 BagiofSult. . 5000 Bushels Corn Ears! Kt.7 jfi inZuT ZS ALSO, , having about twenty-no acre, clcad All Sines Augers Ac. smnll orchard, a log-houe and bara 1 I tiiorson. be:ied and taken in xcuii7 be iold ai tho i.ri.r.v ,.r ii" ,"C"llul1 4 la 10O Ban eU Corn Meal. j AI.su A certuin tact of imi .:!?". '. . 0 "t (rence township, Clearfield counlr P 1 uec. J-ot. ing Sixy m uf wh.ch -.,Uis. clcBrd. ndiuinin? lunili ,.t v :. ft'ri TltAV COW. Camo trefpnsing on tlio Ellis Irwia and oth era. h.vin. prouiUosof the subicriber In Lawrence town . two stiry house, log barn aud othr 1 ' j KJ prouiuoa 01 me luoicrioer 111 i,awrer.ce town . two U ry houso,log barn aud othrrAVv ' , noi-.o hiii. aliinit tha N'ovombnr lat. a Wil -.ml. i.,otl., ..?. 1 . lu" ""lOUIldu ill., .. uim-ij iciiAuu vm., .urr.i.. wi.uiii. jinn in no u in v a ccuiion, anu 10 ltioj.,11. . Alio uniitr ,v..w w vvi.iv lummuf VI tfUr?Ul XiHUIl lUVrrT. prove jinipcrry, ic, oiuurwue ine win iio roiii as the law direoti. JAMES BROWN. Dec. J to. Lawrence towmlup, Dec. Sf, IbOI. pd. 1583 3321 4320 1437 liv2.t 3408 1 P'optni kdward nm, 6b(ri 1 A IHItMSTUATOIt's SOIICKKotice il Is bcrcby clven thut hctteri of Ad mi nilr:i. 14400 lion l'.uve heon granted ta the undersigned on the C7S0 f'nte i.r l'ntriek (jiiinn, Into of 1'enn town.hip, ,71 .,,., Ku'ik! Clcurtield rouutr. deceased r thernfurn nil t. r. , . Oiun . 11.,.- ., - -.- r-. una iniicouxi 10 mm estuie Hro reiiiiircil tooiuke Sheriff's Sak 1 I UTL E of a writ of t'Ur! ruti un . out of the court of Common PI... J , and to me directed, th.r. .:n , 1.. j: . ir- tlierefore alt per-, ""ZZ Vni". iB W - .-r.. ,v.,...v ,.,0 vuun una,. .1 boroup ticntcd fur BottlcuiunC JAAIE5 CLARK, Adm'r, Penn township. Dec. 28, 1SC4. PENNSYLVANIA -. inncuii'ii 111 rum ear iri ura rminirnn tittnnba ... it. J'; immediate payment, and those ha'ving demands 73" TZ' Zl.A "0I against the m. will present tlism del authen-1 v.tato to wit A certain tract of land situate In t.,lM, ship of Penn, in the county of CU.r8.lJ . i" Rate of Pennsylvania, lieginning the line of Spencers, t'lcnc. by l , i vid fci.cnccr nor!b Jeereoi. wi r. 1 a pou, thence south 40 deereei. 1 a IMTEUIAL OIL (X)MPANYf ,toP.rt.?. j percbes along the line of Orier Hell u a tb tl Offloa 139 South Fifth Street, CZT I to a chcutnut, thence louth ! degreeiie(ti;!J icu-uaa, luunce oy land, of Oteu uuuuruu nuu ... - , , sixty-four anil of tho independence of 1 ,,, ' tho Lnitc'l States of America tueeigu tv-niiilh. AnaniAK Lincoln. Wyoming, York, 3341 20H9 1505 4570 .r'077 1402 8500 4320 0S5 : 072; 1J30 , 707 1 1043 3720 1 2015 2100 200 55701 1390 7851 278 1070 300 ! 4203 I 4073 1015 3840 22741 nr. 11 ' JMIILADELI'IIIA. ches to s ; north .171 decreet east 2S r.erchei ta.ti.ii' e north a? degrees west 27 porcheitoinJi' ..1... . r Total. 276,303 2,.0.380 Abolition najority 20.0S1 The majority for Lincoln on the sol dier's vote is 10J30, which taken from the above, would give hirn the State on the Home vote i.cludlng the proxy bal lots, hy 1,051. to make .mends fjr their small vole at the Presidential election, aro guinfi it loud hero in their secret order. Certain Demo crats of the township whom they call dii- Liul aro to bo watched, ami by thoui dc-r.ouni-ed as frj inrj. Dralted Democrats, j who failed to report f re to be tracked, ( ?r.ied out, and information given of their' whereabcuts. The postal route o Salt Ity the President : Lick is to be stopped at a point above ;- I Vm. II. Seward, Sec y ofSt.'e. trade and dealing to be icgnlnted audi Turkey. confined among themselves, and for the; A horrible tragedy is reported in aCon- purpose they Lave already btarted a snith stanlinople letter of the 10th. The fol- shop; roads are to te altered and made Wl - the 1- at their pleasure, where they will bo dot-iof ho lllte SulUlli n0iT in nor tneDiy. jIho rhildoli.liia Commrrcial rimentsl to Democrats, which has in one econl jcar, was married to Mahmond Jjist furnislics thj foilowingstateinent instance becu attended to. They have ' Jellsdm lMstia, 1 lie position 01 a suo- 0f tj)0 Wholoiiliincc ot flour, in the various other matters in contemplation io,i Hn .?"?",.! !! month of September, fur nixtv y" terrify the Democrats, or Upporhcads, as ; j(llan envitt,0 on.","- ,---" they term them, because, thev '- , ..r.u mo unnappy husbaml much in the ...v viisiovai to tneir great am, Alrjh im. tamo way as they do their s.aves, or rath The Union League " org n.iMtion ! er worse, for the latter have not the misery . ... , . . b. , , , , of aipeiiing in n false position. It is well here, in this township took iacq a short ; knovn h.he husbands of the daughter time previous to tho Kite election, in tho! 0f tl0 .a Sultan Fatima, llallia, and :lenrof mlilniiiht darkness: when. ;u ' Diemila havo led the most wretched of 0 ' - i.. .. 1 1 - r llleslrom the ai Ulirariness anu jeaiouay 01 their ivives. Tho Iragody which occurred on the 12th instant arose from this cause Tho Sultana Djemila, from causes well or ill founded, became jea'ous ol one 01 ner CAPITAI !i(N),(MM) Shares, at ! each. Reserved Capital ! thence 1 incuvo u uegrcui cai is pcrcbes to ttm: thence north 40 decrees wcit 105 pcrchu to In' $l,00O,0(K) B''"'"iS. containing 65 acrei and thx uiusl ,l,w. ucc, wiiu iwo-mory irame white dweltinr house, barn and otlir outbuilding! erected there on. .Seized, taken in execution, and to 10H11 the property of Frederick Hollo. eter. Uocl.-to EDWARD PERKS, Sheriff. $200000 4051 133; President, ALEXANDER K. M'CLURE, "5!! DinrxTons: A, K. M'CLl'BR, I). K. JE(KMiN, KI.ISIIA W. MVIS, THOMAS A. S?COTT, J. C. nOMlSKHOKR, TKTKU It. B MA t, f.t John m. ro.MKRor. they thought no Democratic eyo could see them. At the organ ination they wore assisted by some of tho loyal leajuc breth ren of Burnsido township, Centre cosinty, who wore seen sneakii g home in 1SG4, isc:i, m-2, 1H01, 1S60, 859, 1S.W, 1S57, 185(1, 1 ,).", 1H51, lead hour of tho niht, os if t l.p! slaves, by her husband ; in her highnes's is-; ' rage OgalllSl 111 O Ullioi iuihmc pi dud um- ttiey were one cj ,icr eunclR t0 cut her head off, guilty ol rapine and tnuriter. Un ttie oc-; vwlaicla was done at a rtrtkeof his cime eoMon they had elose at hand, 1 believe, i ter. Then sho detcnuine'l to extend her the Methodist Melchisadeck of Kat thaus j revenue to her husband, and coolly direet ... . 1 1 ed that tho cirl s head should be placed circuit to g.vo instruction ond do the , f ft 0 tLo dinnerllBWo. praying. They have met tegularly once it i(i e custom in Tuiky for tho male and hvice in the ween at their room, fur-: heads of familes to dine apart from (heir nisheil them by their religious, Metho-! women. On the day in question the Sul- dist friend, Mr. Henry Yothers. The " 6""ed .lier solf 'lZi . . ' 1 sofa extending across the room previous last meeting was on last Monday night, j t0 hor husband's entering the dining and 1 am informed their business was im- room. On his anival, as is customary, he portanllo themselves. Old Abe's late went up to tho imperial spouse and ren- call for 300,000 more men, after their lea- "d h lh uV1b2.T: 'Vt , .., ,, , ed, he called on the seivants piesent lo dor had told them there would be no rlpvo the cover which is thrown over more dralts, and that tho South was : the tray which forms the top of the table; starved and whipped into subjection, so to his mrprise they hesitated, and shrank thai 11-0 would soon l.o restored, was ,JfttK- : ne .-u. an u rn cu..e.y ...... iu very unexpected t'1) them and alarmed 1 them very much. However, nfler coin- is;,:, 1850, lHl'j, 1X48, 1S47, 1846, IS 15, l4 14, 184U, 1S42, H41, 1840, 1S3D, 1838. 1S37, 18:W, 1835, 1834, 1S33, 183?, ?10J01831, . - 5,)01s30, - '5y0 1S2U, - - 5121828, - 5J0 1827, . - 5 101820, . 5.S) 1825, - - O.ElSi'4, CM 823, - - 7.41822, - 8.(11821, - - 5.71820, - 4.418IP, - - 3.',II81s, . - 5.01817, - 5.0 18! 0, . - 5.0181.-), . - 5.5MS14, - .VJ'1813, . - 4.(11812, . 4.11811, - - 4.4 1810, . - 4.511 80! I, . 0.71 80S, 5.0807, . - 0.01)800, - 7.07805, . - 8.21804, . . 5.37803, . - (3.12802, . . (UK H01, - - 5.748()0, . - 5.01'J'), - ( SECRFTARV, JAMKS M. SEM.ERS. TnsASL-Rsn, EMSIIa W. DAVIS. Tbe Cempany has 120 acres of land. In foo, on - $j 37 1 Allf8neny river, immediately opponite Oil City, - 512 nd ,,jil,in8 Laytonia, with 1 10 rods front on 502 lhe riror' ri 75 ro'1'1 fronl on 1 J ' Ru" IIon 0 "5 C' r' ltam"Jo11' lltor of the Oil City "Monitor," 'tj snd sjrent for this lnnd, admires the Company V" 1 I r f"r ,0n(!1'9' r""Tin(; tho r'Ai'0'' riftht, which ie worth S 1 0,000 additional. p'.j. j Imiuediato revenue will bo derived for the Com f,''r . P"ny fro,n 'I'0 fa' of tlie lots ; and tho Com. J'" l'ny linve two good engines, w ilh complete fix. 1 .vw REfilSTKIfS XOTtCU-NoticeUhwl, given that the following account! hare ten c xaicined and parsed by ino, and reania filed ef record in this otT.co fur the infection of heir., lognteei, creditors, and all others in any wij interested, and will be precuted to the Mil Orphnni' Court of CU'iirfltl I county, to be held, at tho Coart 11 m.-e i.i the burongh of Clearfield coin!noncing on the 2nd Mundav of Jacuir?. j 1SBI, fur cmiUrinBtion nud allowonce. tistor, and Mary Uurgundcr, administratriz ofalt mill lingular, tho gwd.i nnd chatieli, tighu tni credits, which were of John liurzundor. lata of Uuruiide tp., Clear field etninty, deceased. - I. Final account of Elisj liiihel, admiaittrstor of all ami iin;ular, tho goodi and chattels, righti and credits, which were of Philip Krincr, lite el lirady township, ClcarnVld ooimiy. aectfJ. s. I'inni acununi t Vuleii t i no Flegal, turrit. ing administrator of Ilavid Flegil, deeesstd. 4. Final oecouut of Cyreniui liowe, sdminii. trator, and Mary Sinoal, a buini.tratrix of all lad tingular, the goods and chattels, rights and cred lis, which wero of 1'eier .Smeal.iateof DcUt townthip, Clearfield county, de?:uc i. 6. Final account of .Mary Ly lick, alminl.tn trix of all and lingular, the goods and chattel., rights and credits which were of John Ljdick, lute of- township. Clearfield coun'y, dee'd. ft. The account of N'r.i, lloofr, ail.niniilntor ' of Jc hn Shirev, lati of Uiadford towiibliip, Cleu ticid county, deceused. 7. The account i f Ii'inelino 0fn, adrr.inistrs trix, and Authony llilo. ndiuiiiistrator. of silsid 5.37 4.50! 0.50 turcs, to Piifrate immediately for oil. The ten i-1 singulnr, tho goods and cliuUtds, righti ami end- tory in tbii immcdiato locality bai never failed to produco pro C (ably. Aleo. 100 acres, in fee siinnle. on tho cetobrntrJ '.'i i Cherry Hun District, iinmcdiiitely adjoining ('L'- I Cherry Run Tctrolcum Company, whose itocW is !'.) now worth ocr$.t0 per ihnro. Tho Company 8. i ; now have oflers, which will be nccof ted, for sink 8.;0 ing wells on lease, without any cost (o the oor 8..(l poration, and one half tho proceeds to go to the 9.50 Compnny. Tho Curtln and St. Nicholas Com 0.00 panics aro in this immodinto locality, and their 10.. ti stock ii now commanding a large premium. In 7.00 addition, tho Company has fmtjr scrci, in fee 5.50 simple, on Cherry Trco ltun, which empties into 4.50 Oil Creek, and In tho best pre lucing section of 7.00 the Oil Territory ; ami 110 ncres, in fee simple, 8.00 on Walnut Uend, five miles nbove tbe tuoulh of 0.87 , Oil Creek, and not over two miles from tho eclo. 7.05 brated Reed well, now producing over 200 bar 0.75 rels pes day. 9.75 ! A,8t lo lease of three tracts of land, two on 10.12: Oil Creek, each producing over ten barrels per - - 0.50 ilay nnd ono on Allegheny river, producing ten i barrels per day of heavy cil, worth now t2l per But why does our neighbor Ibrhear to point out the " inflununalorv hurjnrues of designing demagogues " that caused j this "spirit of laalcstness i " Why does no not give ttie lunguge'f ilia writer I no result 1 did not ascertain, m my iu fuimant left. Moro at miother time. Yuuis Truly, iirf.at iSi.si uinsK or Kehkoki. A Curia remove il himself, upbraiding the servants for their conduct. The unhappy i'alin, obeying his wife's directions, threw oil" the cover, and then before him lay the gorv i ... i -ir .1. - i . it , 1...1 1 neau l U.e lllll"..en K o .unci mm I , . fell hack u corpse, l'revious to taking oir titf"Mr. Seward htnoiv a chaneo for ; ane. The ( ompany now receives three fourth thecovor ho drank some sherbet, nnd 'ell'-congiiitulation atiliat his foreign pol- of the proceeds of the last mimed well, and one w hether this wr.s roifoneiljiis some imocino ic' " uceomplished. The Mexican tain-, hnlf of tho other two. Knih tf thoe tracts will or that the shock produced apoplexy, has I'ttr of the troasury p advertised for j l,0 dcvclupcd by iho Company by siirking addi not been neei taine.l, as no m( mortem ex- pM'"!,'!' B,r-,":,atu ru" J'.' w,e. -,u" llonal wells, and the engines and fixtures rsei niK. aiong siit. . i-.,,u asi. tie line or , uow on Ytui ,0 do -L n ni in:it ion li:m l.oon h(lil. 1 1 will, i if ?nnrsA bo thought that the imperial nuirdoress lines aro to lie UiHtinerely Mexican, to . . I.. Klnui...... 11.1 I . . was Ht oco soiamI una placeu in Mio""Jl" "'.' iraniois The officers of this Compony mean to proiocutc it iiii- inii;eu .ii - - LA Jn.i , . r , ,,,.. ;t ....... n i I : i 1,..n, ,r nisi ,-n On t ia cmil rui-v T) m. wexic;m iroopi sucu.u rales, 111 cose " ' rv '"""""ii' the mnmiieoliug!,', ?" Vh.! il. Sultan Abdul of tho inmerml fa.'.ilv. the gove.miien. .ec,u.s this. It is a 1 they have entire confidonc. thst they its, wmeli were of Tliomun (I umw. liifn (if IM. township, Clcirliehl cour.tT, deceased. The account ufjuhu H. Si vie.-. Gairlimof 1'rcderielc l'oi.tz, minor child tf John rcatt,lil) of Urmfy township, deceased. tf. Thu account of Juiues A Catnpbu!l,aJm!nii. trator of all nnd sinulnr, tlto goods and chattel., rights and credits, which wore tf Ueorgo Younj, late of Hell township, deccaiad. 10. Tbe tiiiul account of A. C, Tato, Guardian of Sarah Jane llcsi, minor heir of abrshiio llevs, luto of l!oi:gs township, deeoused. Uogister's OOico. I. li. LARJEB, Icc. 5-tc. lloghter. ot hJiTmp liuu irvriox! firill:iti:.ti, Hon. SAMVEL LISS.rrej. V T ident Judge of t ho Couit of Common Tien of the twenty CfiU Judicial I'i.-trict, composed of the counties of Cleaifiel.l, Centre and Clinton and tho linn. J A MI'S ULOO.M nnd IIn. JX0.D. THOMPSON, Associate Judjfes or Clearfield CO.; bavo issued thoir pucept, to uio directed, for tin holding of a Court of Cuiuuion Picas, Orphan's Court. Cmirt tf gunrter S .smoii., Court of Oyer and Torminrr, and Court of lienenil Jail Delivery, at the Court llotiso at Clearfield, in and for 6 county of Clearliel 1, on tho Second M'tiiJiti (',l.7i (,;) vf' Jamuiry, lfw. KOT1CE J, therefore hereby given, to lbs Coroi.er, Justices of the l'eace, and CooiUblei, in uud for said county vf Clearfield, to appeir in their proper i.nrsons. with their Kolls, SccorJj, j Iiiiiiiiiiions, Ksnuiinatiotis, and other Kemem l branccs, to do those thingi which to their oBcm, nrA : nuu iii men ueuaii, I'eri'iui ti' .'v niw un r.. unuer my num. at Lieanoiu, m" day uf December in the yer.rii our lord thousand eight hundrod and sixty-four- EDWAUD PUKKS.iilli"'. iloubtless alludes to held here in August. We judge so from ! bank opmit Memphis, waved their has. Jauchter of Sultan Abdul Mediid, and suKt-esiive fact, that win, our conimerco wi yield very largo dividends on the capital the fact that a letter dated ut I'l.ili.lmr, end humihod for.Ieir. luvi. A f,.. ,.r niece of tho reiiininc Sullon. has un to tho " '"I'l'y uwinunng nvs, Mexico, w inch stock. nml ruil.iwi.n.i r.v,. r. . ... i ' ; about ono hundred and fill v liPomHH uon. Mcscnt moment remained .in hor house i .j iwiui-ro i ftaj, u'.uio- . . . ----- - v t , , i.i , .. . , ntoan'.l il,.t,i -i. .. .. , on boar;! a steuii . w .Ui'l nilO ITm rn.r T 1..1 H' ... .1 f , , t ill" I1UI .UIO lai.ue'l. lllll'n UlOy IllO!l oir niiiiiu mil iuiiii.i mir-,ai mi- ' --- uone allhat meeline. I'Iiomc luoteediocs' out on shorn .,.t;, cle is voi vtinitiv with her. , mong tho maritnoo nails of the world . were published at length. If they breathe ; rnrr-iitly in tho gieatest ccnstci nation me "spirit of lawlessness." and are " in-rouy l'l)laupd l.y tho mcioe, till Ihev 1ml for the ireent adii it rali An would irSuli v " ' . - ........ k lt I avt.a.u - 1 - Jf -1 -v .wvv I ' I Ulli I'll , fir sen ton board a steamer about a mile down unmolested, tin. I tho only notice taken of ,lepl VUL ",,D . 0 f'J ,' .nn "-urop- moro than ono half tho stock is already sngngod. . 1 v.-,, ... 1 - -. .....p.! v.r.ii ..a fiiiiuu Subscriptions will bo received at tha oKea of the Company. dec2S-3U llammalorv " mi... .1 .icamoton thick bu- -ji "in u 1 iiit'v 11111 vitrei ti ri - - J - j I s, . iney cm no torllicumin" at hv place, ivhrra tbo ii cl'ds had a hit L'e f;n.e aecretml 811V lims 'ilnnln rum nn.l I,. ..I i I. ' ' .i.i Andnotonlv il,ni I..., 1. .. ; , 7 " i . "V ?n "u Fw': '" ' i.uucsuy ue- "-u in un. greatest comu'rtintii'n, the reb- liove that there are this day over twenty-iels lloll' l u!H'" and elatihlering them seven hundred good and true men in a'' h (lr" ral"- A "'imbcr rushed in- Clrarfield county ready at any ii,ne to re 1 'n! m'6 riVfr .B"'1 wm ,i,,,wnc1- c- u. uv nine tore- port says but seven necroes returned Inn avoiv every word of them. They were, another says more 1 got S11". bul nud nrestilliur th Union, the old t'iionof r- r i cur Fathers -and in their efforts to main- mf, nforK ir1"'!-"i" U U ror,'. fain it may Lave ,00 closely followed in and Sm 1 hw. the footsteps or the IVtriot Father... and !p," the Boston Journal; correspondent spoke out with the voice of freemen, be- "ik makes following state- lu me ucneral s nnve- T ICEXSK K0TICK. Tho following named Jj personi havo Bled in tho oflice ol the Clerk - Four years ao last tngh when the Lin- I ;y 1 he New lork correspondent uf ion was intact, Mr. SkIrd projihesied the Philadelphia Vu u sf.itrs that a pass- that the then existing tables would bo ..r,.A r'..l . r : r 1 1 . r 1- . 1 t. 1 icrBUi unvuDU'tun IHO oinee Ol 100 i:..Kv. 7 ...... i.i vi ..h i, ovv. ... .....i:.jr ways, ..... m u uuuu Diatet Df the Court of Qiinrtcr Sessions of Clearfield CO., rrpuiiuii our i-unaui-enerai iiiiiaiy wouui ciror upon s nurnrfcr Ol pros- their Petitions snd Douds for License at th w ill probably funvard to the government perity. To-day, oven Meioo, then almost, January sessions next, agrccablv to the Act of ot Washington an accusation against ono the weakest govern nienion tho globe, ! Assembly, entitled " an Act to regulato tho solo ofourconsuls aln certain port not very gives tho lie to his troriisnd announces of laloiicsting Llrjuors," Ac. far from Home. Tho complaint against her purpose lo carry her air whore that ! TATtRX LICENSES. T 1HIAI, LIST for Jaiuarj Term, 15C(, liicliinsnn S. Sebring Poller Jolins'on Chaso Lee A Campboll Lainl.ora Meckley Mays Arnold lievirg that they lived in a land consecra- nientsi led to freedom or speech nnd of thought.' A company of ger.llenion in this eilv This is their only crime. If they are 'mm lilted up a last sailing clipper ship made to suffer for it, they will not be the c on board every Jy with a fin crw. put her in charge of U3 many raut loog-" ""o "i "... ni.iifpi rapiaina, una tenitern l her lo (ici.er:il George Ji. Mct'Mlun (or ono year, to sai) where he will with first martyrs to a just cause. The world's history is full of such chapters; and it coTer fails to recsrd thn sequel, that ven gonnco full and complete, is sure, oonr or later, to t''I (!' autbors of fj'-h wrnnr-;. him is that he did not hurray fur Lincoln's of tho Unild Slates is tier seen, save as re-election, nnd spoke of IJuler as '"lJeast il floats over ils ships of kr If such be Duller." some of the results of fo veara of Re- (lvxnCK LiAtThe W. in . "r leading editorial, uses tho following Uo-'1 f0Ul J ea" Wl1 aVe Vutd- ' j gnnqrt in rerd to greenbacks t j '' ..... -1 ' "The gfenback that calls itself five . " t:A dnllnrs is unconsciously a liar. Il is real-' Keleaso 01 mstrs- Iv but a little over two dollars. And this,1, Balumori!, Dec. 23. M. Hutchins. i like all other lies, though it seem for the recently sentenced to five Vrs imprison-, moi1int advantageous, is a general mis- ment in the Fitchburg Hd ofcorrsct-i chief ond detriment. Tho sohoming, gam-i on, in Massachusetts, for Uompling to I inn fw niv mala ;. it ln.t ilia in.l.iatri.' Mt.d a sword to the HebelMaior Ilarrv '. uumore, nas ocsn reiciseu loruor Ol ino i Fresidcnt, and arrived kertdav. ' rr-?-Thi rdmmi Ilerali says that in one 1 William S. Fish, of the ; 1st Connect!. I'fnunat L.l.l ill v vo v inilUlUI IUS rriiTo -'7l tv.tivca IhorhADfi Federal Dris-icut cnvslry, late U . . - . . 1111 mill ? . . . . - 'PI 1 . I 1 I ... .nlnMAn.l 1 .It riM;'.i.n,!f,..,i, . l ,. ----- nr'-,, luercooiiurceousutu- "uu unoi,iui who. Aiunny Mmi.y and h .?nd4-the ct,lire expense t- re 1 ar-l irrlnre.I for medieiues. but Ibei penitentury for one yea. Jd lo pay a W i.yii:n in? (tnla!!ieti. Urs i tn-j i'.r.l.ta.u uovernmrnt Hn,Ma tA fin of five thousand fellAr.4.a i.!.ln ,ier- 1 . ' r ,.l;.rt.,5 S'nf -). d t !i?;r requisitions. i released, Thomas Robinson, Lumber City. Ilavid Whitmer, Lumber Cily, John Mulson, Covington township, lienj. Vnyder, do do Mrs. Isaac Illoora, Curwensvllle borough. James lllooia, Lloora township. Fredsrio Korb, Lutbersburg. Milo liny t, Osceola. Peter llloom, Anionville. John Robion, (ilea Hops. J. F. Reed, Woodward township. O. N. Colburn, Clearfield borough. Lawrence Flood, Covington township. George Knarr, Brad; township. 11.11. Kephart, Osceola. HERCANT1LV. LlqlOR LRENSK. A. Leo in, Qirard township. l. F. ETZWILER. Jee 21-j. Prothmotan; LEATHER I LEATHEE 1 AK assortment for sals la Clearfield, by pee. Jl. MERKELL 4 BIGLER. Poire llirtshora Ilngcnot Camjibcil ltlooro 4 I Graham A. 1). Shaw . Lainborn I Kulkerson Irvin Knarr Thompson Klira Irvin Johnston McMurray's Ez'rs I Hornbaugh flltJT WESK vs vs vs vs vs ' vs vs vs vs vs scsosn WRKK. vs VI VI vs vs vs vs VI VI VI vs vs VI VI TS VJ Dickinson. A. McGarrcy. lilanchard. It ted. Thompson. l'aloliin. l'atchin. 1'iiilio 4 SiBito. ConflcldAlU'l" TcnEyckATh'" Lenn'd A Rodl'l Ten Eyrk. Conway. Pny lor. l'atchin. Fbaw. Graham. JI'Kce. Caskey. Pale. lirubakor. Walker. T. Rifferty. Killian. C. Gallagher. Bcnnotb AL'III TOR'H XOTICI-i Tho undoriigo" Auditor, appointed in open Court to dis tribute tuoney I in tho hands ot K. N. HgVJ "administrator of tha cstato or Lyman ji. i eeaied, gives notico, (the time of said audit ns ling been continued by the Court) that i i siuud to Iho duties of said appointment ai oflloe, in ths borough of ClearBeld, on M'07' 1 the 7th day of January. A. V. mi, betwesP hours of 10 a. m. snd I p. m. ..,.. Pes. II, 3t, Audit".
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers