Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, December 28, 1864, Image 1

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mm mm
D. W. MOOSE, Editor and Proprietor.
TERES :-$3 CO Tcr Annum, if paid advance-
"ume Industry The undersigned having
entahlished a huMery, on tho Piko, about half
way botwoon Clearfield and Curwcnovillo boros",
i prepared to furnish all kinds of Fruit trees
.standard and Dwarf,) Evergreons, fchrubhery,
Grape men, Ortnscherries, Lawton Blackberry,
Strawberry and Kasfberry vines. Alio. Siberian
Crab trcoH, Quince and early scarlet Kbcuhnrbf
40. Orders promptly attondod to. Addross
J. I. WUIU11T, CwKensville,
sept. 14. '61.1t
yllR subscriber offera for salo on reasonable
4 therms, a Farm in lleccaria township, ono
mile South of Beecaria Milleylt cojjLiiM fifty
AA Acres, with Forty Acroa cleared, a ..,
frame Dwelling house, Storo -house, JQi
hg Barn, and other out-buildings, and a growing
Orchard or thri inij trees. Tho title is undisnu
tablo. l'or Terms, apply to the undersigned,
ia Lawrence township, ClearScM county, Pa
sop2t-3ni-pd J. u. UK a P.
ork rnr
fJ just received and for tale at
$3 13 per kuadrod.
Pliilipshnrg, Auft. 8, 1SS.1. pd.
! Chop! Chop!
Bushels aurorior HlfE-CHO P
Also, Jobbors in
Cloths, Cassimcrcs nnl Sattincta,
So. l l& Market afreet,
North side botweon Fourth and Fifth,
Jl&Ca and sco our extonsivo stck.
Aug. 10, 'Of. tf.
DISSOLUTION. The partnership hereto
f .ro existing letween the undersigned, in
the puUieuti.m of the Clearfield Republican, wus
di-'.ulved by mutual consent oa tho llth of
July, ISfit.
Tho limiksare in tho hands of the junior part
ner fnr collection. Those pntrons knowing them.
("Ives indebted to the luto publishers fur either
subscription, advertising, or job work, are ro
ipwtfiilly invited to call and settle their account?
at their earliest convenience.
(1. 11. GOODLAN'DEIt.
Clfa'field, July 2T, ISM. .
IIY jufit opened n large and splendid
assortment of
At their olil'stand in Cleurheld,
TlIIEY bar the bust assortment of Hardware
that bus ever been brought to this county
wlii-h they will sell at the most reasonable pri.
e., among which will be found a splendid lot o
To which they invite the special attention of the
public, embracing hoavy tilvor-platod Forks,
bpoons uud Butter knives of tho best manufac
ture. A lot of Pistols of the If st pattern, and other
Uro-arms. Also a pi-ncral assortment of pistol
cartridges u!l of which will be sold at reasona
ble prices,
lhoy continuo to nianufneturo all kinds of
Tin-ware, IJruss Kettles, Stove
pipe etc., which cannot bo surpassed iu tUs sic
tiun of the Stuto.
They also have on hand Pittsburgh Plows,
timing which ar? Steel Ccntro Lover Plows. Also,
J'i .w Cati:igf, aud many other Agriculturallin-
(look Stoves, Parlor and Coal
Store t a general assortment, and of the best pat
terns, fr sale at reasonable prices.
Coal Oil, "Coat- Oil Lamps,
JVmts, Oils and Varnisaos, a general afsortiuent.
Glass, pulty, Nails, Iron audCastings of groat
variety ; in fuct almost every thing wanted by
the publio can bo found in thoir establishment,
sud at prices thnt cannot be boat.
Now is the time to purchase,
If you desire any thing In their lino of business.
Givo thorn a call and exuTliine their stock, and
they feel assured that you ran bo accommodated.
Koaiember, their establishment is on Secnnrt
6tret, Clefield, Pa, whero you can buy goods
to tho very best advantage.
.T?r(Hd silver, copper, brass, powtcr and old
ea(ingiwill be taken in ext-liango for goods.
May 20, 1S63. JIEUttELLA EIULER.
Il AIJrT & Co.,
HAVING leased tho Foundry and 'M"n'n
Shops at Milofhurg, known as " (5PEKN !
Idl N'DRV." are prepared to manufacture anil
repair Steam Engines, sweep nnd tread power
Mnrhines. New H'orld and Hathaway
r.i. c . ii.,mn Sn'.ndlcs. Plows, and Caat-
.r.n L;n.u . i. nhort notice. 1 hey alsohnve
b th at. Kellcfonte and MilesMirg.a vnriety of
Cook and Parlor Stores, f-r sott ooM, of 1 itU'
burg manufacture. Call and sco for yourselves.
ISAAC HAUPT ia spent fir the York, TTynm
Inn and Columbia lnsuranco Campanio.
For Sale A Fruit Farm.
THE subscriber offers for salo on reas Miabie
terms his FARM situated in Lawrence town
.v: -.(.I..,, liotween C!earlifla and t.'ir-
Clllll, 0"U utiu " - .
wensvillo. It contains about So acres, with about
n; i.,f ..tA.nrod. with a Irame Honse
and Frame Uarn. There are P"'
.r..i An,,l troea in trnod conditio eome 2U
u '' .itt, k nuantitT of Cheny trees,
(Jrunnvinps-and other small fruit tHereon-the
i, i. i..i. loeatod. The title n indiFput
. nr,,,l to the subscrilier at
Clearnold. " ' UKORG TllOiUI.
August 10. 1861. tf.
rDouannn by nr.yi-Ksr or i. k. a gotniEit.
We are taxod for our clothing, our moat and our
On our carpots and dishes, our table and bed,
Oji our tea and our ooffee, our fuol and lighU.
Aud wo'ro taxed so terorely that we oau't sleep
jful repponsiLility, than
rtVnntr n v r-, 1 , n I f Isl a 1 i i .
lions and condolence over a detot A f- te linci, i CTffi ."Tliwe was not uan to U eeon at or
" I .. . " . " . V Ml'fUU 1M1IOW. nA!VP . IA .M'li no) nn
fcuruiliailinff AWeicrntOTll lAriniinnnfli q!a ( vaiih hi rvfrVi-l.. , i J m 'iiivNiiuiij,
country, from whird. niw; K.f . X i I7i . "T .T' r . U"CV wrato , to be mountod on
,y, .vn AUiik lHrU.
flny eUborato to bi ni(!l !1 t An Ilia I.,.. I- ! .i.... . APcen into thfi ni.i pa
inn nf tliia . . .. i . "una, aim men - "Vivwi i iiauu.
: ?.- .7 : . u rigiii oi iriat iiv ci'tiiuijiii.nnr,.ii.. '.c... , -r . . ...euarea can over relievo it ; arter jury. .No work oflvranny ao stirs the in. I t o me, .1 . , l 1 i "T" n , L;'!' ho was rolled
V"5 u- . .0P.erou . a J oancial : most Ueblb of every freeman", Jl0urt. a4 u. sul fjl. " un. ' " " 1 a lM."hlit at 11 '" to visit hi
ojsiuu, Hiuuii ii uutme masK oi ruin in nv attempt at infrinnsmar,, .v.; .... ..'7. ".""""".s" wlu"" lT
a v. i ; ; A :.. ,iai..r . . .
Anaiallfor thonirt o.ii ..... t : .i 1 ? . instrument, Abra-
9 ,. iiiMui Jiiuuoiu, nouia remain m a posi-
The lnn.l nf iKa l a. i . . ' HUU -U 1UCI lOO I TBI
V(JW ui u iiuu Kum uuino oi lag ifOO I
. . I J ' I - " !! l 1 II i-r-IliMil L C1I III in na.
tuat regard; after bo mis-tnnnaging the cioua principle of tibarty, which hat came
unfortunate civul war now upon their down to us untrammelled and unimpair-
' . . 7 i . , 1 . "UU1 luu Uiy vi .uuffnu Utarta to the
ing ino union ills tut right that tun presont moment-:. Tim
V?a aro stamped on our mortgages, chocks, notes
and bills,
On our deeds, on our contracts, and our last wills,
And the star-rpanglcd banner ia mourning dvlh
O'er the wealth of the nation turned into the
And it's 0.11 fur tho nigger j great God ! can this
The land of the brave and the home of tho free !
Wo aro taxed on our offices, our stores and our
On our stoves, on our barrels, on our brooms and
our mops j
On our horses and caltfo ; and If we should die,
e aro taxed on our coffins in which wo must lie.
And it's all fjr tho nigger; groat God I can this
Tho heme of tho brave and the land of tho free !
We are taxed on all goods by kind Providence
the Bible that points us to
We are taicd fur
And when w e ascend to tho heavenly goal,
They would, if they could, stick a stamp on our
And it's tt'l f..r tho nigger ; great God ! can this
The land oi the brave Rn J tho home of the free !
To the Dimocratic Cithern of Pennsylvania :
I have lmt waited tho tardy movements
of our public auUiotities in collecting the
result of tbe election held on the 8tli ult.,
in order to dibchurge iho iucumbent duty
of calling your attention to the means by
which u majority of 120,0X1 votes (as I now
ltarn from oilicial circles) has been recor
ded against us. This majority is made up
iuci iuu iirsi null 01 l lPir own
wickedness nnd folly, nod meet tho cur
ies and condemnation of au outraged
and suffering people, when the impend
ing clouds shall unluro into storm and
Our plain duty, fellow-citizen st, both a3
a party and as patriots, is to maintain our
noble organization in all its power and ac
tivity. It now comprises upwards of two
hundred nnd seventy-six thousand free
nion the bone, sinew and brains of the
(JommonwenUh. Every hope of nn ulti
mate re-union of the States, and of res
toring the Government acd laws to their
original purity and vior, lies in tho pro
gress and ultimate triumph of the l'em
""'"ji "v mum, uuiiuiiiu iu act, as lliu
sentinels of freedom, anc vindicato our
limo-lionored principles Isforo tho peo
ple, insieaa oi uisbatuiugour clubs Htid
associations, let us incrcxo their number
and inspirit their action. Hold, at least,
monthly meetings Gal lor if possible,
ami organize a Democrat i association in
every scnooi uisinoi, ami tiouiiy canvass
on all proper occasions, tie measures of
onr corrupt and imbecile rulers. Kxroso
tue secret leagues and baulitti lilco ath
eiing oi our opponent; nnanoia up
to merited scorn thoso tho, in midnight
assemblies, and under kndred darkness
conspire to rob and ruinour country, and
at tho tamo time lo decade our people
by plotting and nfiiliali.n with the negro
race. Let us, as a pari), march steadily
on our accustomed patln employing neith
er stoalth nor secrecy( they aro unwor
thy of freemen, who np afraid to defend
it in open day.
Allow me, in this connection to add a
word, alo, in behalf if the Democratic
to cover them. At Crit sight, thoy would
fcetmi to 6a on the spot to look for tho'
guns ; but the uuus are ten foot Ulow '
the.o earth-works.
'mil i . ,
? . . . r I iuu rivir, nun a mile or niorA
lUary Communion si.tungm tho heart ofour ' before vou tmh 1,'nr .r,M, ' 1
tailhful, law-abiJIeg old Commonwealth, I tensive fort. Whether this is considered . J.0"!:-. f"u h ?t bis home to travel
f miuiMy uitmcuus oi a part ot i oi t-.Jai;ksin, I could not uscor-l iu oi iim Health, which was
military law nnd regulations, is monstrous i tain. Itha been built for ,mo tiuio I r?ry 110r,r' ftnd to certain in regard to
?!.. ur 'turo fairly for tho weeds and sea grass havo rroivu I llls 8on' ,vil H' "viDg in the liuion ar
humbled itself subsorimicy in pas-'so biirl. that ui.Ioks one was lookin- lor a l",ly- 0u hili ar,ivttl Washington for
IDg laws PUnishll'r' anv rasiKliim-n hv iunr.l 1 fu,i i(f, i . .. " . . that tinrtwa ,,, .... , ,,
. ', , ., ,,"inu...ui.n uo nuuiti noi nonce it. .11.. 1 i"" 'r ui us iuiicueu
A'on in th Amy,
Mr. Jiennet C. Kowlrr. nf irir,n-
.Connecticut, who bat just been rain.,l
from the Old Capitol I rison at Washing
ton, called at Ibis ofbco yesterday and
uci biuioincniot tiia rase as fo!-
irom ail tno votes Btated to have been i pres of Pennsylvania Always but too
given in the districts at home, including ; poorly rewarded, nov, when nearly all
thoso by proxy, and till those given in the ! public patronage is in'.he hand of tho fa
armies votes and all in every j nalics, and the expends of printing grcat-
lortn ot returns, lawtul ami othorwiso. ly increased, it becojes tho manifest du-
1 note nave tieon ut lea-t two palpable
Teachers wanted, to teach in Brady Dis
tiict Uie ensuing winter. Term, 4 months. VI a-Kcs-from
thirty to forty dollars. Application oap
at anv time be mnde to the President, Mr, Jesse
. 1 .!.. tl. anilineai
Lines, or to tno unuersigneu
By order of the Board.
Nov. 23, lS6-pd. DAVID RKAMS.Seo
ty of every faithful leruocrat to support
and strengthen his ,ocal paper, and to
U1M,.1...:.. ; l.;.ri., jp nr,mppll-
ed to do so at all, in ivor ot the Dcino
crnlic press of our owt State. There is n
culpablo carelessness in this respect, 111
manv ol our public tt n, which is a very
.proper subject of it UehenMon, as well as
li' remembrance to tse who sull'er from
1'iider ordinary cciinjslances, fellow
ci'.izensrI would dojn the present duty
of my place fully disharged in this hasty
reference to the laltpleciiou, and the se
quent suggestions wich 1 have ventured
upon. And in whall tutther undertake
at this timo, it is pnsiblo 1 may be charg
ed with traveling smowhat out of the
phero of my nppuiijmcnt, and with en
torinupon a lield f inquiry that is be
yond its uiial limit) l?ul as my purpose
is manly and uprigh, nnd, I may add, pa
triotic I feel 1 majfnfely rely in theso
limes, that tho spirj of liberty will secure
me at least your iii'tlgcnco-
On, or about lliopt day of September
lat, forty-four and reputable
citizens of C'olumtyi an I I. luovne coun
ties, in this State, i re f( i,;cd ly military
authority and hurnd with indecent haste
at tho bayonets prt, into tho depths of
a distant nnd ilisuu mi itary fortress, as
a place of confineijint. Ouo of thsm in
n letter to his relives, in simplo words
that must touch cfry honest heart, thus
describes thoir im isonnient :
"( ur Ireatniendas iii'iHinau. When
first taken aud ithrceratod in this cell,
not a stool or beh to rest our weary
limbs on ; not a q, or knife, or font, or
plato ; and thoso iw dispensable articles
were purchased a exhorbitant prices, at
tended with vexiJous delay. Forty-four
of us iu ono coll.Hthout even a separate
place to attend t ft 1 1 e calls of nature, it is
no wonder thatno ofour number was
soon laid in hislast resting place, and
many others inflated by disease."
Four of t hoi rn uiubor havo recently
been brought tCri d belore a military enm-
1 iAiho IVnnt. of ntt e an, ' mmton, nnu iuu 111 uieui senieuceuio
to death, if ho refuses compliance with heavy lines ol imprisonment, upon
their behests. Until tho volunteer sol- charges clear! cognizable in tho tivi
dierv have the power ofchoosing their 1 Courts of the Mo and of tho I nited
own officers, the light of sullrago for oth- .States. With, lie question of the guilt
er rurpoes can never no propeny carneu - v .., -
. J. .. 11. i .1 1 I 1 1, Am Iriilu inlpfnt nf nnv (lull!) T11I1I tn-
intoetlectin ineariny. uu mej iu -7 -r, V S Lr i 1
fairlv and freely left to their own prefer- fraction of hWI havo in this place, noth
encs, can any sane man doubt, but that ing to do: IMho startling fact that
there would We been about tho tamo forty-four mi of good repute in their
fuiuio uf r.ud prnctictf.l bv the Ruppor
ters of Abrahum Lincoln, in oruer to
make up this majority, and thus secure
him tho electoral vote of tho Slate. Fic
titious ballots havo been phcod in the
ballot-boxes, answering lo false registries,
tho same as has been repeatedly proven
to have been the caso in our elections'
heretofore ; and secondly, the sull'rages ol
the volunteer soldiers have not only been
over-awed and perverted by corrupt par
tisan oflicials, but the returns theimolvcs,
in many cases, havo been tampered with
and transformed. In reference to ficli
tious voles, who believes that the city of
Philadelphia has to-day, or ever had. !K,
000 voters legally and properly registered
in her various wards and precincts? And
yet that number of votes had been coun
ted as thus resident -giving near 12,00o
Abolition nmjoiity in u city that not ma
ny years siuco burnt an Abolition hall in
ope;j day, as a public nuisance!
Tho lalo attempt to exorciso tho right
of euffrpgo on the part of the volunteer
soldiers, has proved n signal failure farce
I would call it, but for Us various melan
choly concomitants. Iho doubts enter
tained by many ns to the wisUom and pro
priety of this measure, prior lo its adop
tion, would seem to have been fully realized.
It is impossible over to secure a fair and
full distribution of tickets, so as to allow
a tree ciioico 10 me voters in army ser
vice. The expenses of the attempts made
to do so, aro almost beyond belief. On
the part of this State, they v. ill reach at
least $30,000; and the two political organ
izations expended fully ns mucli wore.
1 he system will always uo liable to groat
abuses, and must ever be unequal in its
operation, and unfair in its results.
Certain it t, tuai 1110 pnvuego 01 vo
ting given to the soia;er is a raocxery,
when tne very man againsi n nom pm
hnr. ho would like to vote, has the most
despotic control over those who rule that
soldiers' every movement, and could send
but nil the while
courts as tlio proper tribunals to try the
class of cH'onsc newly nnnoimced shall
1 say, created, by both Presidcmniid Con
gressLord aud Masters of a submissive
T I. .1
i suuniii, leiiow-caizens, whether it it.
o. utiou, to tne. conscription laws of Con- f-hotild judge that this covers several acres
gress ; and Congress in Us turn has piled ! bur whero the black war-dog, louke I over
enactment on enactment-now endorsing ; its earthworks the grass and weed, aro cut
our gracious President " proclamations ' down.
of martini law, nnd next restraining them ! "lleauregard has spent manv nn lio. r
pointing to (, tVi'i; in laying the foundation and cotiii-.r. iI.a
range of tins point ot tho river.
. " l''Ce gui i togethei with t2m obstruc
tions in the liver, uro well intn led t-i
crush any thing that attempts to cora.' u;i.
l'ut for its protection from aland force
from t li a ilii-.i,-.f 11 ,.,r....
r.. .1. -1 I .1 . , . . ., lb UIIU
ma uuiy 01 inn iwo nuniue.t nnu sev- 1ml lilllu rcsistunct!."
envy-six tiiousaml Democrats of I'ctiiisy 1
vanin, to inquire into this nhirming viola
tion of those great principles of human
rights, which even no monarch on the
throne of our Knglish ancestors niuct the
date of Muyna CAmU, ever yet invaded
with impunity ; and no administration of
our government ever before d.ired to in
fringe, even in theslightest degree? Tho
fate to-day, ofthuto men of Columbia
county, if innocont, maybe ours to-mor
row. 1jcsi,Js it it really has cnine to unss. !
that tho old lavs of the land rcquirj en
forcement by bayor.ets, and the new ones
introduced, and ahoul i U introduced, need
tho same illustration and support, itmut:t
at least bo interesting to the pr o; lo to
know it, and be prepared t-j vi! l u;
gracefully all thoso ciiftislu-d principles
of civil freedom l :ipti;'.ed in tho Mood of
ourfather3of the revolution. and bro u.aii-
"V u" 1 , '".icsnnv,,,,, legacy. diury c(,viiiced iho
menl of Uie Seorolary of State at Vn-h-
tu. :ui.,uii ui , 11, vi wilU,u woul,1 ,i0, ilU, ,,,
V J ' p i-v.-iy nine pen lent tho licht of his bumin g diveliitPj, reilect
beart in Hie land under his gonlei-htp :';' ,1,., ,..,i ,. V..;.:,, -1 t i
and we bad also the practice of Secretary ; hii: wi;0 ua ..ii.Kl.un. iho Vonsorvi.tive'
satraps 111 various places m ' f ,.,v the true obi.-et of tl.o . ,.,,,1 n.
reid points at is.,ti The flames which
TheEiTcct of Sherman's .March tlirough
'LFruw tho iMiii-ii 1'eUwruph.
Sherwau in b,s murcli through (i.orai:i
destroyed many things dwellings, coin
cribs, ugrionhural implements, gin houses,
clothing of women and children, ati.l in
short all th;il tends to m:ilto lifo comfort
able was ruthlessly given to Die ll.imos.
Csttle, horses, hos, sheep and g at were
destroyed. Noih.n,-: wa" spared but life.
1 I hank God, amid Hie universal ruin, one
, thing was extirpated, loot and bi.iin-li,
: which ntiif ly cotnpen-ates for all other
, lo-n. Wo mean tho idea of reconstruc
tion. 1 Wherever the ho.iiln trea-1 o'Sliorraan't
.legions,:., li bop.tH, and thoughts,
, miiI dt' ol'ii i-opsinu-lion ivcic tramp
lied out of exi.teoce. Tiie logic of the
1 btiyonet and the rhetoric of the incen-
mosl "conservative"
thut notmn-r renuiue 1 (o ihc i.-,!,lo of
tho .-'oulh but tiiunii'h r,r do-r;i.!iaioti.
rMunioii s tairtips in various places
other Stale, showing Iho same cratnJ
estimate of hit power ; but that military
commissions and tern-t triih witimpt
Ji n,t.., .. .. ;- K-.,,.,t:,llt0li fr.,,. j.
ings in the civil courts ol the codim , , ,
cases clearly defined by statute law as be
longing exclusively lo their jurisdiction, is
a stale of tilings which could not havo
consumed the labor of a lilVlimo, pitritied
li.e political almo.-phcte and kindled in
'.ho heart, cl tin KUii'jrcr, the lire
... pa., t, wl0
can see ins rooiirrc nurneii, ins lainls-uc
vaslateil, his property slolon, his wilV in
children turned penniless upon the world.
been fully contemplated by the people of wj,hnt resolving on revenge.
I 'r, n.ip I u i t, i i nt ilia PiIa ,.l.t.l,i ..
j .,n..i. ." ...... ...v.. ,,u I. nr. greater wrotK' tiKui tlio?o enumera-
rea;iy seem to i.e last reaening u coiuii- t.,j tils .ea pertrate-l by the hounds
tiou of tbe German It ron of olden time, that follow the frot-leps of Shernnn
who, In cider to provide the means for i Woriei.. j.uro and spot less, have been vio
maintainlng hts castle ngamn asir.ilatits, illttMj, 'Jipcoplo of Georgia have had
mortgaged it to some neighboring Shy-, tl.e b !lt rest cip of misery placed to their
locks, who seized and appropriated it Mips, and bneti mado fo drain it to the
themselves, before the Baron's defences droi's Thev have felt
- respective neliborhoods, some of whom
, t . ,! .
&X,Th.3rn in tU lalej hTd hlplalof high public trust and
tosS184 by lheir fcto LTLWl tat
""it i hi army vote, (not to speak of drnggedofl k'noisome military dungeon,
the other frauds.) which h given our and there ke for months, without being
hl, Lnt be-.,arlv triumph 1 confronted ban accuser ; ono of I hern in
"fi: c: ., Uh monntirtdv nL'. ns is be ovei . from
were compietoii., in plainer words,
in conducting what appeared at tho out
set to bo a proper struggle to sustain tho
powers ot the Constitution, and the su
premacy of tho laws over the southern
States wo arc no vsmking tho same vital
principles hero at home 1
Who is responsible tor this po'ition of
afl.iirs so far as our Slate isconcenrd?
The new military commander of this Di
vision, with his own lair record to pre
serve, and n bright ancestral fame iu mem
ory, cannot be acting a voluntary part in
them. Tho Governor of Pennsylvania
disavows all prior knowledge of the origi
nal proceedings ngaitpd. tho Columbia
rtr,, ,,,, rivtu.-iimra titnl rill rpc,r, cp A 1 i ! v i
tho promises. Ao Judiciary, if applied , Thank God !
to, would probably be disinclined lor nter Tourf-CCU W?.J"S by Wh'.th
into a conflict with the military nnthort-1 fcick.
ties, In which would simply be illustrated :
that tho President nnd his Cabinet minis
ters aro tho I.tids paramount to our des
tinies, both civil and military ! I
The people can allow cau yerrc'"tc
this position of our liberties if they desire. 1
They have the power tho awful power lo
prove recreant to themselves ; to become
tho executioners of their own liberties, i
thoir own happiness, and their own glory
illustrated in tho past. Yes : if they
so elect as a people, they may, in cow
ardly supinoness, n!low themselves to bo'
coveted with Iho pall of a despotism us j
dark and dismal as ever shrouded any of ;
its victims in the Old World ; and linally i
fill tho latest of thoso ignoble graves of j
National freedom, that lie in diondful'
tli o ihoxpiuhlo wronj,
Iho unmlora'-'le th:imi.
Thnt turi.s llie coward's hesrt lo steel,
The Billiards blimd to flume.
From tho blackened track wnich m-irks
the I'ouio of Sherman, there comes no cry
for roonn druciion and 8ub.nis-.iou, but
rather a shout, like the sound of many
wr.ters, for indeiet)done? and revenge.
And so, with a fud appreciation of the ruin
which hastnerlaken soan-ol out worthiest
and hot, and with tho wa"iue-t symp.P.liy
for their dcsnl.-ition, ho ctnnrit, in view of
the pmilieatinn of theSlnto from nil taitil
of recoiistruclion, help ejucul .itiug.'tiiaiik
God ! We havo c.;!i i unoed tho bapti.m
of lire, and have roiua ioilli punliod.
warning along down Iho great pathway of
In Imhnlf of tho f)emicratic State Cen
tral Committee of Pennsylvania.
C. L. WARD, Chsirman.
Towanda, Pa., Dec. 6, l,iG4.
The Defences ok Sav.ixnau. The fol
lowing description of the defences of
Savanah has been furnished to the Cincin
nati Commen-iul by Mr. II. M, Davidson,
wlio was made prisonor at the baitlo of
Chickamauga, and releasod in the late ex
change at Savannah ;
'Our trip down th9 Savannah on trues
boats to our II jet showed us the rebel fort-
Tbo river at
1-t. Paling too f.ut, and
food, iniiierhvtly matsi.:atd.
1! I, Taking too much
i'.d. Drinking poi-omm
ol'ier iiitr..:'iMtit;g liuuors.
l'h. Keeiiing lalo hours at night,
sleeping t oo late in tho morning,
fttli. Wearing the clothes so tight ns
impede cireula' ion.
'.Mb Weiring thin shoe
"ill. Negleclipg to take siifli.-ienf. UK
erciso lo keep the head and feet warm.
8th. Neglecting to wadi tho body suf
ficiently to ke?p lin pores ol tho skin i
open. j
Oth. Exchanging tho warm clolhingj
worn m a warm ro.nn U Ji'ing iu; u ty
voy and
House- That nicht:
o his room, three men, not in uniform.
1'1'oko into hi room, and declaring that
tney wcio United States detectives, pre
tended to arrn-t him. Tho first question
theynsked him wus, "how much money
have you?'' He told thorn the amount of
,r.s tuonuy, and they immediately procee
ded lo steal ouo huudied and thirty odd
dcilars. Two of (hem then left, and the
remaining one, without any explanation,
exhibition of wnrrnnt of niiy kind, or ol
legalion or any kind, took him to theOld
Capitol prison, at Washington and put
him into a cell. Mr. Fowler's baggaco
was also robbed, and not even a shitt'wns
left him. Days and weeks pnssud, nnd
Mr. Fowler's health, already deiicate, de
clined rapidly. Tho room swarmed with
loathsome erinin, which scorned toabound
in every thread of tho miserable old blank
ets that were given him for r bed. Tho
lood he spoke of as most horrible. Break
fast consisted of a cup of muddy slush
called coffee, but hardly fit even to throw
m the gutter, two or three iiuio cilies of
hard laek, nnd a small piece of mill-fed
por that would oftentimes fall in pieena
tiom its own weight when taken up with
tho fingers. Dinner was compose. J of
something they called bean soup, with,
oneo a week, a dish of vegetable soup and'
a piece of beef hardly the size of three fin
ders. Supper was often a piece of bread
and coli'ee ; sometimes o piece of bard
i-iek with nm;;.t-s crawling in it. Neith
er knife, fork, nor Miooti n:i5 nllowed.
When any oneof the prisoners looked out
of tho windows, they weie told to put their
heads back or tliry would be Dred at.
Last Thursday, throush tho inlluonoe of
some fiiends, and a member of Congress,
Mr Fowler wn released. A n ollioer came
to the prison with an unconditional ro
le, isc pom Assistant .Secretary Dana. No
questions- were aked of him, nor w as tho
o.tih of nllogianro tendered, nor the mo
ney returned which hail been stolon, nnd
lie h ejunj, ifi , oP tny cU m
against him or any reasons why ho should
havo been arrested. Jlo never hoard any
reason given. He comes from the prison
with shattered health; "for," said tie, al-mo-t
with the simplicity of second child
hood", "that horrible, horrible place has
almost killed me." Such were tho adven
tures of an old man, going to the capital
ot the United Stales to seek information
of his son in the Union army. The world
was not allowed to bo read bv the prison
ers, but the Washington CkronH; and
papers of that stamp, tint fitted well with
iho condition of tho prison, were allowed
lo ciroulato freely. Mr. Fowler stated
that Col. Wood, the tuporintoudant-, see
med courteous nr.d Lindly disposed, and
ho believed that tho condition of the pris
on must have been (he fault of somo ono
else, up he thinks Col. Wood a most gen
erous and noble m..n,
Offica-3 a:id Soldion called ta tJio EicU
- uncial Ordor.
order has
oliow ina
'ned is
CAUTION All porsons are hereby eution
ed Bgainst buying or selling a eerlaio park
Brown Maro, now in tbe possession of John lligt),
jrofKuox township, as the same belongs to
i a sud is in his uo on loan only. .' "'
?ov. !, 18?t.
. , 8DnV"""i",:...,.fcr: S' t Irp' anr-erin,. thl: another becoming
11 is reco eciea inn,i i Biiu" "'""15 , ; :." o. i,:i f thai
offrom forty to fifty thousand in their ma- from his comcment while mbtof the
"' .. " :', r, i tf..i. .'niheia at 1 ntinue shut un in 1'ort Mif-
Joruy,w.u. ni..eiasi,our yeu .,, o-a - . C01lstruol0(1 ifioalion at Kort Jackson.
victory, and so obtained, vVeatVa' norwith iow of resisting, bomtard- that point is lined with huge siege guns
dr downfall a party, lo the advocates , tno witnf k I . , L , , OJUOteJ iUlrty.ilXt Ti,B
Of negro equality in our Blauncii oia Lorn- u.--, ';;.'.. fnrtpp M,0-i.i-i I oammand the channel. The liver is Monrl iv lnstto visit their bu-bands, in new e.v..' cav.m.hv tor
rnODWcalth. Un-otutwm never go f" i " " inFort Milllm. Kanis nnd ll.rtrnan are si;r.v.,n.
It is worthy o( remark her. also, . 'j1" "V oiorofatbrs struggle for Tre- tho .hape of lrg Isouee. the interior of both in delicate health. Mrs. I.'snts am , Pec ,0, tien.a, Dix ,1M
change o.1-"" u ?"d Zn lura Lto a Baslile for the uses of , which is filled with stone nnd b. ick, and j Mrs. llartnnn traveled near two hundred . ,,,;,; a or(J(!r auLh0rizing thi
properly divided on lonm the larger, l"7 , 13 ihese obsf ructions are all fastened to ono miles lo see their poor sick hushnnd. r:lW )f n cw re,.imont of cavalry iu
States would lave defeated Mr. Lincoln , modern , wddt lnor in ;cw tb(J worsttano,llor wUh ft ,1Mvy cable chain, leav- carrying well-filled vilise, of butter, bro.d Nctt. "k,,,,,,, ,0.i(,D..j f.,r frontier ser-
eltogelher. I . s"if it' ba established as a , ing only ono passage wide enough for a nnd provisions eta, for iheni, and, siiame . f f. dia'ion f T -iQO men is lo be
it wis our dutv. fellow citizens, to have of tho casM it is to oe esiaousuiu , nB w ',.,',. . ,,. ,i,k,ini mi'ii -,rc auihoniw. when ' . . ,,,..,,..,,,
.... . .i.. i.i. I nn,h,niThMe men are leiDK arawn , uosv. oo ......... ...... . ...... ,,ai;;,. rraimnu.i .ir,.uiuri,.-,
rescueu tne constnuuon aw iu e.ei v- t..v-v... - r ,
ions, if we could. The ollort was gauant-,
for tha light costumes nud cxj'Osures inci
dent to evening parties.
ldth. Starving the stomach to gratify
a vain and foolish passion for dress.
11th. Keeping up a constant excite
ment by fretting the mind with borrow
ed troubles.
12th. Employing cheap doctor", and
swallowing quack nosti j us for every im
aginary ill.
Ljih. Taking tho meals at irregular
loth. Heading Iho tradi and exciting
literlure of tho day. and going cra.y on
Mrs. Pants nnd Mrs. Haitman, wives
of two of the political prisoners in n Lin
coln bastile, started from Uloomsbiirg on
,fond iv lastto visit their bu-bands, in
Fort MilMin. Iant nnd llirtrnm are
issue I ;
V.',,r r.-nnrvt, I've. IT. -Ger.ernl
Orders. .No. Mvorv of'icer r.r.d ar.l.
da r capa'.i'ocf duty is now wulitod in
1-1, an 1 il not on duly, tliev are ordered
to their n st ceilvo otyani.ati .tia
All Provost M-ir.?!ials and Hoards of
l.nroilmeiit are instructed to employ most
ligmit exertions in lorwardinir soldiers
to the front, and in arresting deserters,
shirke'w. Mid all lit for duty, trho nro
ab"!tit without proper authority.
Surgeons in charge of ImpiUls are
directed lo send forward all who aro fit
for service, faking cam. hov.ovor, not to
expose any v.ho arc unfit.
Recruiting oflirers aro enjolnej to lilli
genen, and thoe who aro found guilty of
neglect or usele.', tho Adjutant General
is directed lo recall immediately and send
I.) their commands.
I'.very clort must bs put forlli to fill up
the ranks, strengthen the nrrui.'s, and aid
the patriotic and gallant troops now
merlin;; the reeling enemy with victorious
l'y order of the Secretary of War.
K. D. TOWNS EN D, A. A. 0.
tloiiii'c'.pt Veinntfert s.'nl to the TwJtr lit
yjiij;ivii ' the llief (j Police.
Qielec, Deo. PJ.
Thirty eompiniesof volunteors will his
sent to tho fionlie.- this week.
Lamolte, the Chief or 1 olice, has
aicned. doubtless to nvoid di"tnissnl.
'I'bo report lhat Conrsal had r-vi
vew CAVAi.nv roa Trig rnosTirti
l hut unsuccessfully made. And now,
in view of all that must inevitably trnus
pire within the aext four years, I feel hon
estly, more liki congratulating you as a
political party, on having escaped a fenr-
...J.. . lUIr aiiiinllnn i known bv t io 1 lhu o a )c .1 nt t .c eated'or ot roi . .miu,...,
out, one lone, 10 De irieu oeioro ii iuu-, - j --,...J , rrivipco o .
. --il-.l .i....n nl.fl nrnioKtmn nf n lrvf n inn! 1 n.irn ilmiied tllO poor iiitii ,
nal unknm to tne const, uhod-m..- . , r - . a Zu I " k dnanned lu.sbamK or even Lincoln', popular
a Court M,al, in whicu tney areueoieu a. " " ' , v" ipm the provisions Ih-y had frcm :ikj.ikm. Take fr
theprivile-prioelessinafreeraan'.es- inpart.cular.U .e log. ,del. er ng to 'j' ; f ,t ,,r k (ll,Ke lloltier, of
tima(e-a-!rJl by a jury of tboir peer., tine oy ei.. ; ...osc ... ruu. uUWU ... , .uk. ---. Vm., ,, ,n,j be wouj( b, in ,
. (map 'i . : u ui
ma.iorily is not f'
ai hua the OiX00J
liis appointment,
uiiuority of 2 V,0l.