li HFISIP- CO'DMECYOilY ;i OF HOLDING COURT. January,' I Si MonJuy la June, ilareh. 4tb Monday la bcpt. ' r, and continue two eeka If neceasary DISTRICT OFFICERS. PmniU l Linn. Bellefuiite. irfi'i Hon. J. D. Thorn jBoii,Curwensville Hon. .iiiuicK Bloom, Edward Ferka, D. F. Euweilor, Isaiah U, Barter, Icrael Test, C. krstzer, II. R. Wright, . cua.;.isiuiicr8, Thoa. Dougherty , Amoaliead, Conrad Baker, Charles Worrell, II- Woodward F. F. Couteret, J. W. Potter,' CD: Sundford, N'TV AND ilfc' on . nit. jmutiiry, : A Kcc. :u.t Att'y, : wyor. GREAT EXCITEMENT GLEN HOPE WAR, OB N,Q , TVTT-lir C-WYIT? A FRESH ARRIVAL OF jSlVtt blORli jSuMMEit Goods ! AND Auuitors, ForrMt, ' Clearfiold, Oten nope. Clearfield, do Ansonvil'e. N.Wash'gton PennfUld. LecunteeMill Clcarflald. T CARLISLE & GO, DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, L UMBER, . SUING LES,dC.,C. - rillLirSHL'Ht:, Centre county, leun'a.j THE LARGEST SELECTED Have received and nro just opening the largest assortment of he test, Cc2-CDCDIE3SS3a Still on a Rush ! I1E utidorslgnod, having romnvod his store to tho new building cproailo the Union Uuuko, on Fine street, (ilon Hone, CloarCuld co. Pa., la now offering to the pub lid AND BEST OF Coroner, County Sup't. LIST OF rOST OFFICES. Tuitnih!p; Ojpcc; I'otlmailtrt, Becraria, Glen Hope, Win. S. Wright Utohville. Theodore Wold, Hegarty'e X Roads.Satn'l. Departy, Bell, Bloom, Bogga, Bradford, Brady, Burnrld, Bower, ' . . W. MtjCrarken, Cheat, Th.A. M'llhoe. Cush, J. W. Campbell, Ottend, H.L.lIonderaon, Forrest, Jauioj Bloom, Clearfield Bridje, Jamca Forrest, Woodland, William Albert. Lutbersbnr, II. U.Moore, Troulfillo,. Chan, floppy, Jefferson Line, John Hebcrliu, New Washington, Jas. (Inllahor, JturnMde, Patchinville, East Ridgit, Hard, ' McUarvey, WeHover, Clearfield, Frenehville, .CHEAPEST, AND MOST SEASONABLE t . GOODS E itr brought to lib ttelion ecotttifry, coM.iaiitia 1)11 Y GOOD A CiROCF.RItS, GOODS OFFERED STOCK EVER NOTION'S, . HARD WAKE and QUEERS WAKE, s . JL I i c F n r s ! Cheat, ,i ii Clearfield, Covington, " - Kartbaus, Curwensville Curwensville, Decatur, Pnllipaburg, Centre county, Weat Decatur. 8. KaclwbAon, m Osceola Mills, T. F. Boalich, Ferguson, Marron, Ed. Williams, Fox, Little Toby. Jas. McClollan, Girard, Lctonte'i Mills, C. Mignot, - Bald llilla, ' William Carr, Goshen, Shaweville, A. B. Shaw, Graham, Grabamion, T. H.Forcee, Onelich, 6mith's Mills, Jaa. A. Hegarty. " Madeira, Chaa. J. Pusey, Huston, Tyler, David Tyler, " Perm field, H. Woodward, Jordua, Anion? Ule, ElisaChae, Kanhau, Salt Lick, - G. lleckndorn, Knoi, New Millport, M.O.Stirk, Morris, Kylertown, Jaa. Thompson, Morriadale, J. C. Brenner, rena, Lumber City,? II. W. Spencer, " . Grampian Hills, A. C. Mooro, Fike, Curwenaville, T. II, Fleming. I " Bloomingville, Bcnj. P. Dale, 'Union, Reekton, D. K. Brubakcr, Woodward, Jeffries, Jamoa Lockett, Thla Poat OlSee will do for Cheat township. JWill anawer for Ferguaon townahip- r M ER PcELL & BIG LER Ilaye just opened a lurge aud aplendid tubortment of New Goods At their old stand in Clearfield. W. C. Irvin, Jut'k Patch in, Jacob Boioe, . 0. Torer, Jr. Wui. MeOiirrcy B. A. Farbor, M. A. Frank. P, A. itaultO, IT . ,nf. m t l T-Li I lTC1 C. C'T!T'0 I T. W. Fleming, Ready Made Clothing, of Latest Sty la Hoods, Nubias, Sontngs, Balmoral ' and Hoop Skirts ! SCHOOL-BOOKS STATIONERY ! Drugs, Oils, Paints, Putty &c Glass! ' Rice-Hovr Farina and Corn-Starch! COAT-OIL LAMPS WOOD AXD WIL LOW WAHT- Trunks ij Carpet-Bags ! PIPES, TOBACCO AND SEGAR3 ! Fish, Salt, and Nails ! 0!Ri and LECiaiail OilaS Floih, Fef.d and Pkovisions ! And all articlea usually kept la country alorc all of which wilt be (old 4 Crit-claaa THEY have the bct assortment of Hardware that has evor boon brought to this county which they will soil at the most reasonable pri" ees, amoEg which will bo found a splendid lot o C U T TLER r, To which tkey Invite tho apeclal attention of the pnhiio, embracing heavy Silver-plated Forka, drpoen and Sutor knives of the beat tnanufoo art. A. lot ef ristols of the be?t pattern, and other f re-arms. Also a 'general axaortment of pistol cartridges all of which will be sold at reanona ble prlcca. They continue to manufacture all kinds of Tin-ware, Brass Kettles, Stove- rpipe, etc., which cannot be surpassed in this sco- uou or the etate. They alio bare on hand I'Htkbttrgli I'lows, among whioh are Steel Centre Lever Plows. Alto, 'low .Castings, and many other Agricultural Im plement;, Cook Stoves, Parlor and Coal Ptovos a gonerat assortment, and of the lei: pat terns, fur sale at rcaaonablo pricea. Coal Oil, Coal Oil Lamps, Paint, Oils and Varnlehcs, a general assortment. Gtans, putty, N'ails, Irou nndCn.tlngs of great vnrli'ty j in fuct almost every thing wanted by the public can be found in thoir establishment, and at prioes that cannot be beat. Now is the time to purchase, If yon desire any thing in their line of business. Give, then a call and examine their stock, and they fool assured that you can be accommodated. Kcuieraber, their establishment Is on Second Street, Clearfield, Pa , where you can buy gooda to the very best advantage. jJPrJ-Old silver, copper, brsM, pewtor and old catlings will be taken In exchango for goods. MyM. 1SC3. MERRELL A BIGLEK. y n. W. SMITH L CO. MKnCIIANTS, and dealers In Dry Qoods, Groceries, Hardware, Qaoenaware, and I even tuin nsoniiy Key t by the trade. Storo on SECOND Street, below Judge Leonard's, oppo site the rrcsbyterinn Churoh, Clearfield Pa. Deo. 4, ISGl. subscriber In order to accommodate the . citiiens of Curwensville, and the public generally, has Jnt received a lot of COOK, AND PAULOR STOVES, for wood or cual, which ho will dispose of viry cheap for cash or produce, JOUKD. TnOMPSOX. Kov. 4, 1883-tf. ALSO. - STOVE PIPK.-For sale at the cheap store of John D. Thompson, In Ourwemvillc, at 1 cots pr pound. Kov. 11, ist3 Cheap for Cash or approved produce, Lumber or thinglt. Philipsburj, Nov. 18, 18oS-tf. TO THE . PUBLIC AT THIS PLACE; ALL OF WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT rnicES to suit the times. etock hns been selected with particula Uo to tho wants of the peoplo, and euihra o DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, ; HARDWARE, QUEEXSWAUE, FIATS AND CArS, BOOTS AND SHOES, STONE-WARE, WILLOW-WARE, UEADY-MADE CLOTHING, GROCERIES, EARTHENWARE, OILS AND PAINTS, I FLOUR AND BACON, GLASS AND NAILS, FISH, SALT, ETC. OF EVERY SHE AND PATTERN Together with all olhor articles necessary to complcto tho assortment of a first class aountry storo. ..SfrAlI kinds of LUMBER and Conntry Pro duce taken in exebango for goods, at the high est market price. As ho la receiving new supplies of goods weekly from Baltimore, New York, Philadelphia and Pittsburg, the publio can see at once that ho will always be prepared to supply any article in the market. JOHN ROBSON. Glen Hope, Dec. 23, 1803. AT THE CHEAT CASII STORE. I em just receiving nnd opening a cnrefully sloo tod stock of fashionable Spring & Smnmo of almost every description, A beuutiful assortment of Prints and Dry goods, of the newest and latest styles. Also a crcut variety of useful notions. DKY-tiOODS AND JS'OTIONS. Bonnets, Shawlf, Hats and Cups, Boots and Shoes, a large quantity, Hardware, Quecnaware, Drups and Medicines, Oil and I'uinU, Carpet A dil Cloths. GROCERIES, Flcb, Bacon ami Dour, Mackerel in J J and barrels, of tho best quality, all of which will be sold .at iho lowest cash or ready pay prices. My old friends and tho publio generally, are rcsiiectrullv invited to call. TWN. 11. AU kinds of f.'.4.Vond approved ' rOL .STU V PHODVCE taken in exchange for( Goods. I WM. F. IRWIN. I Clearfiold, May 4, 18111. FOltEIGN and DOMESTIC GOODS i-luldrcn vnrums nn nttacks tubercles, and MUSLINS at Sensation pices DELAINES, at Sensation prices COBURGS nt Scnsutinn ibices ALPACAS Rt Sensniion prices Just received t MOSSOPS'. GINGHAMS Rt Sennation pricea CHINTZ PRINTS GLOVES CRAVATS at at at ai Sensntion Sensation Sensation Sensation prices pi ices prices prices SHAWLS at BONNETS at COLORED MUSLINS 1 Ail to be had at MOSSOrS' at- at JdUSSUPS' Sensation prices Sensation prices Sensation NEW FIRM. COYNTCX', gnOWERS & CSAIMjI. Sumjner' Goods, NEW - . And Very Cheap ! I BOYNTON, SHOWERS A GRAHAM suo censors to Boy n ton A Showers respectfully announce to the publio that they are now open ing an extensive assortment of SUMMER GOODS At the old stand In Graham's new building which they oner to soil at astonishingly low prices, (cousidoring their cost !) for eauh or approv ed country produce. Their stock of DltY GOODS CANNOT BE SURPASSED I . Customers can there find CALICOES WITH FAST COLORS I MUSLINS I DELAINES 1 LAWNS CLOTHS 5 CASSIMERS1 VESTINGS I these dangerous LADIES' SHAWLS ! GENTS' SHAWLS I fccblc, foul HATS 4 CAFS I BOOTS & SHOES 1 CARPETS 4 OIL-CLOTHS 1 OUR STOCK OF FANCY GOODS IS UNEXAMPLED IN STYLE AND VARIETY, embracing NOTIONS 1 NOTIONS! NOTIONS Scarfs! Head-Nets! Nock-Tics! Satchels ! Port Monnnlos ! Brushes ! Photographic Albums ! PIPES, TOBACCO k SEGARS ! TERFUMERY OF ALL KINDS I Or anything elso in tho Notion Lino otilior nro,!..1- Ii I'roduced t . "it l "f 'C blood ..IPtl.nt IIH. rrpw. ypr ..dt,u'i,p-'tent tor - - Trv- v loavp iu ... y 'fulous contamin..:". ... ..... j nv iti:r(iii nit w. . rlnit-lv ca.rnl v ZnU livin;;, disiirdcred dlii,.; rL?"". U f.o.1, tiiirura nir. filth and Zt vices, nnd. .1 8tll Infcctloru ZVM thu k-inj3tiri2 tlio venereal ... i nti.vA. t ' - origin, it U hereditarv In tl, Z2'..' H descen-linit "from parent, i?S t!io third und fourth generation''' ilf tat ,1, kl-f-lllri til Ik. tii.. t lit.. visit the iniiputies of the father.;, ' lH '."I'dlltl, "v "'" u oriirin-It lines, Recording to th. . I ll.o lUnB,,K8, and fmallv i't , ? l"li(ii Klandi, swellings which suppur.tTtH come ulcerous sores j in the ,tn j? bowels, (leranKeinents which w,"! Kfstion, dyspepsia, and livor ,L., . " llwi l-in. riMtU-n ...I ..... """I'winU tho skin, eruptive nnd cutaneous ' These, nil l.avinjr the same origin Fame remedy, viz., purification ainff1 ition nf tho Ll.icid. V,;r r.'""!wv . uie ;rous distempcra leave v. if? , or corrupted Lhx! .C-"l l.avo health; with that lift tfZT healthy, you cannot have serofuleiu TdiZ is ccmDoundcd from the mntt ,.n'. ii.., ..i:i ...!:. , - "."wMHlnt iiuiva iiiuii iiicuiLui hi iim en sinsi . this nfflieting distemper, and for the mi j the ditorders it cnbiils. That it ii f tmr 1, tnxr tl.i.F ,nn,.l . ""J prices LIN F.N at CRASH at CURTAINS at TABLE CLOTHS at ut at at at Sensation Sensation Seusuliou Sensation Sensation prices prices prices prices prices ut MOSSOPS. Sensation Scnsaliou Sensation j'licee prices pricos at Seusallou prices FRINGE LACS HOSIERY RIBBONS TRIMMINGS of all kinds &. in any qnau'ty .Always on Land at MOSSOrS'. CASSIM KRES iSATTIN ETS TWEEDS JEANS VESTINGS SHIRTINGS f ."'V- 3 O M 00 t go SE5 r2 "i K hi . O a m a J ... V B, CD i O Pi r"j.-?Z.X Sow s 1j Cheap Furi-Unre ! DKSIRKS to inform his old friends nnd cus tomers that, having enlarged his shop and increased his facilities for manufacturing, he is now prepared to make to order furniluro as may be desired, In good ttylo nnd at chrnp rates for Cash. He mostly bus on hand at his Furnl turo Rooms," a varied assortment of Rcndy-njade Furnituro, among which art Bureaus and Sidc-Doards, Wardrobes and book-Cases; Centre, Sofo, Parlor and Dining Extension Tables. Common, Freijch-Post, cottage, Jenny- Lind nnd other Bedstead SOFAS e.f all. KINDS, WOUK-fcTAND HAT-RACKS WASH-STANDS, Ac. Rocking and Arm Chairs, Spring-Scat, Cane-Bottom nnd Farlor Chairs and Common and other Chairs. 10 OKI NO -GLASSES Of every description on hand; and new glasses for old frames, which, will be put In on ve ry reasonable terms on short notice. He also keeps on ham', orfurnihes to or der, Hair, Coru-llusk, Hair and Cotton top Mnttrecsos. COFFINS, (If every kind, Mdo to oi-ilcr, and fuuorals attended with a. Hoarse, Thcnevcr desired. Also, House Painting done toorder. The subscriber aUo manufactures, and has constantly en hand, J Hamdnt'o Pntant 1 IT n Ti ? r. TVTftnVirrt I The best now in uio. Those nsins this machine i Cccunso ,hc" m11 ,0 vcry ""P-fcr Cash j never need be without clean clothes 1 lie also has j Because they keep the hot good ; Flyer's 1'utCnt Cllllrn, iBocnuso their Clothlngliwellmado A fashionable A superior nrt'cle. A family ueing this Churn ' 1)l,cflU8 thy kP tho largest asmrtinont j never need be without butter I I Because they get Now Goods every weok j All the above and many other articles are fur- Because they give every one the worth of his mon'y nbhed to customers cheap for Cash or exchongod t, , . . . ' for approved country producs. Cherry, Maplo, i Bccnu thc the "Jvantage of nobody ; Poplar, Linwood and other Lumber suitable for 1 Because they treat their customers well ( Cabinet work, taken In exchange for rurnituro. I Because everybody likes to Jeal with thorn : j,.,. ....... ... u., neei, , Tl,,....,- ., l ,.),. ,l.. .., . V,-'. The lacason why Everybody purchase their CLOTHING o REIZEXSTEIN I1U0S. A: CO. at Sensation at SiiiHfltion ivt SenRation at Sensation at Sensation at Sc'ns.-ilinn prices price prices prices prices urices at Mossoh: at sensation prices CLOTHING such! as Corns, Punt?, Vests, Under Shirts, Flannel Shirt, Boots, SllOftK, Ilata and Cans, , Now for aalo at MOSSOrS. HARDWARE such as Saws, nails Forks, Knives, Spike, Hinges, LIQUORS, such us Wine, Brandy, 0 i n, W h iskey, Conine, etc., etc., FRUITS, such as Prunes, Raisins, Figs, Filberts, &c, GROCERIES, say F lour, Ha m s, ShoukWs, Sugar, Molasses, Coll'eo, Tea, C r n c k e rs, Spices, Candles, Coal Oil, etc., etc at sensation prico? at wossors. at sensation prices I at sensation prices at MOSSOPS'. at sensation prices known by all who have given it a. trial u noes eoii-.oiiiv virtues trulv cilr.mj:.. BLACKING ROPF-S POWDER SHOT LEAD CAPS Always at MOSSOPS'. at at tt at ut At icnxation sensation sennation sensation sensation aensation prices i prices prices prices prices prices ALSO, HARD-WARE ! Queens ware, GROCERIES PROVISIONS ! All of the best quality, and selected with special regard to the trado of Clearfield county. AI r. BOYMON, JOSEPH SHOWERS, LDWARD GRAHAM. Clearfield, July 2T, 13C. Bulkloy's Patent. Lumber Dried by Superheated Steam. rpiK undersigned respectfully informs tho peo l pie of Clearliold and the ndjoiuing counties thai ha has the agency of the above Patent, and will sell Individual, County and Township right for its u.'o. The Lumber dried by this process is stronger, finishca better, 1 easier on tools, and requires leas time in drying than any ether pro. cesi known and drying 1 inch lumber perfootly in 36 hours, and better than many months under the old system using the same amount of fuel per day that a coommon kiln consumes. The cer tificates of n number of resident mechanics, well known in this community, is amply sufficient to conviroe the moat skeptical of ita praoticnl utility. Persona desirous of purchasing rights will addresa -JOHN L. CUTTLE, July 1, IS S3. Clearfield, Pa. BONNETS Fashionable Bonnets, hats, Nets Caps, Shakers, Itihhons, Flowers, Plumes Crape, Bonnet Silks and Millinery Goods goner ally, cheaper than the cheapest at J. P. KRAZER'S. New Watch and Jewelry Store. Q II. I.AUCII MX, having purchased the 0 Interest of his luto partner, is now gulnjj it on his own hook in tho shop formerly occupied by them on Second street, where he is prepared to keep up his reputation as a complete workman by doing all work entrusted to him on short no tice, in tho bent manner, and on the most reas. -enable terms. Defying the county, all he ask- ia a fair trial, and a continuation of the patrons I ago heretoforo extended. Lookout for the sign of I T II E BIO WATCH. I N. B The Cash will be positively evpctodj when luo work is delivered. a. it. L. Clearfiold, April T, 1861. y Clearfield, ra.,and nearly opposite tho "Old Jow IHAWLS-Breehe, Stella, Silk, Bay ' -, i Bion, an qualities at .. J- P. KRATZER'S. State, Clearfield Academy. D. W. McCUEDYA. B. Principal. THE next Quarter will open on Monday the 6th of Deoember,1804. Terms of tuition as follows: Common English, comprising those brnnch. ca not higher than Reading.Writlng, Arith metio, Geography, Englih Grammer and History, per quarter, . - 5 00 mgner English, per qoarttr, r 60 Langnsges, per quarter, 10 00 flor. 27,1864. LAURIU S, Itl.AKCLV, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Will attend to all business entrusted to bis - , ear in Elk and adjoining counties at St. Mary's (BenslnjcrP. 0.) sop 28, 0 mo pd. LADIES' Dress Qoods New Styles Alpacas, Plaids, Klotambique, Broche-Mobair, Valen cia, Silks, Wool Delaines, French Merinos, Ging hams, Lawns, lust opening at i J. P. KRATZER'S. GROCERIES A Tull stock of ohoioe Oroeer tot at S snail advance on oily price at J. P. UK ATZER'8, Stors." Nov. 16, 1862. y JOHN GILIC1I. JOSEPH R. M'MUKKAY A NJ) D E A L E R I N L VM Ii E Ii ' New Washington, Clearfield County, IV July 1st lCG3.-tf . ; r.rti'nn.a thai,. rlfl,lni. .m L r.. II ! Bccaujo they can suit everybody; . J Because; their Store la so conveniently situated; i Because nobody leaves their store dissatisfiod ; Becauso all who dnl with thorn are euro to col 1 again, and eend their neighbors ; Because they have purchased their Stock at such reducod rrices that they can afford to ADVERTISE ! Ll'lllLKSUUKU, A11 kinds cf Country Produce takon at uie uigneai marxoi prices, REIZENSTEIN BROS. &, CO. Clearfield, Nov 11, 186.1, 3m. ST. Mft'LOXKKY, Practleal Surveyor, of- fcrs his professional services to the people of Clearfiold connty. Having purchased tho In struments, Drafts, Ac, of the late Thomas Ross, ; dco' ., ho will be ready to attend to business on I the shortest notice ; he can be consulted at his j residenco with Robort Ross, one mile from Cur wensville. or tv letter addressed to him nt Cur. NOTICE it CAUTION wensvillo. 6.F. McCLOSKEY. AVISO suade application to the Assistant' P 7 Assessor or Uie lUtn Collection District of!. CLEARFIFLD COUNTY, TA. WILLIAM SCIIWEM, Proprietor. Mav 19, 1863. ly. CYRENII'S HOWE. J L'STICE OF THE PEACE. For Dkcathr Township, will promptly attend to all business entrusted to bis cure. P. O. Addross, Philiraburg Fa, Aug. 21st 1861 At Ihe Mors of RICHARD MOSSOP. MOSSOP Always keeps on hand a lull assotlmentof all kinds of goods required for tho accommodation of the publio. Nov. 12, 1362. nsw'firivl HARTSttlCK & HUSTON DRUGGISTS MARKET Street CLEARFIELD PA.. KEEP constantly on hand a large and and well selected stock of j jut ( no ana . jiiui Art PAINTS OILS AND VARNISH PERFUMERY TO i LET ARTICLES. BLANKS, BOOKS AND STATIONARY. TOBACCO & SEGARS. And n general Assortment of VARI AT 1KB and Fancy ARTICLES. W respectfully invite a call, feeling confi dent that we can supply the wants of all, on terms to their satisfaction. HARTSWICK A HUSTON. Clearfield April 27th 1803. tf HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PtiiLiDKLrniA, Pa. Diseases of the Nervous. Seminal, Urinary and Sexual Syslems new aud reliable treatment in reports of tho Howard Association, sent by mail in sealed letter envelopes, fres of charge. Address, Dr. J. SK1LLEN HOUGHTON, How. ard Assoc iation, No. 2, South Ninth Street, Phil adelphia, Pa. Jy20-'64 ly LEVER. FLEOAL, Justice of the Peacj, Lu thers'ourg, Clearfiold cour.ty Pa., will attond promptly to oil businoss entruitod to his care. Lutherthurg, April 4, 1861. WATCH & JEWELRY rpiIE undersigned respectfully I informs his customers and the publio generally, that he has just recolved from the East, and oi en, led at bis establishment In lilt All AM'S HOW Clearfiold, Pa., a fine assortment of Clocks, Witckki, and Jrwelrt of different qualities, from a aingle pioce to a full sett, which he will sell at the most reasonable prices for cash, or in exchange for old gold and silver. CLOCKS of every variety on hand, at the meal reasonable prices. ALL kinds of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry earefully repaired and lrorrnHted. A Continuance of patronage is solicited, 6ept, 1, 1860. H. F. NAUOLE. MUSICAL GOODS Fluleak Violins, Fires, Uarmouicana, Preceptors, Muaic Taper, Vi olin Bona, Bridges, Strings of Ihe best quality at J. 1". IVKAZLIi'S. in Uieir effect upon this da?s of cottifc? is .li.iUsputa1.ljr proren by the great miitfeS or publicly known and remarkable cuml has made of the following diiease. Ti-v Evil, or Glandular Swelling Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches and W Erysipelas, Eose or St Anthony'. rW Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Coughs C tuberculous deposits in tha lungi Swellings,' Debility, Dropsy, Neurala Dyspepsia or Indigestion, SypMliHtj Syphilitic Infections, Mercnrial IW Femals Weaknesses, and, indeed, tlieiw, series of coiuphiints that arise from impchtj of the blood. Minute it-ports of-iDdirjjral cases may oc lounn in a Tea s Asiiicu Ai makat, which is furnished totliednjfjifl fur gratuitous distribution, whertin may U learned the directions for its use, and ten of the remarkable cures which It has Daik when oil other remedies bad f:iiled to affitl relief. Those can s aro purposely uta fr'jtti all sections of tho. countrr, in crdtr tbnt every reader'lnny have scccsii khs one who en speak to him of its kneiufr personal experience. Scrofula uVpmieiiha viUil eneris'ies, and thus leaves m vicuna it moro subject to (Hfcae and ill fatal twlii than are health constitutions.. Hence k tends to shoiten, rnd docs greatly ilortn the nTcrope duration cf huiimn life. . Tit vast iinportance cf theso eonaidcratioiu lai led us to spend years in perfccur.g nmciij which i adequate to ils cure. TUivstif offer to tho public under the name of .tiu'i Sak.'apabili.a, bliliough it ii comptued-st ingredients, sonio of whith exceed tlie-beat of Ni-i(t;k7i i7o in nltvrntive power. By in aid ynu nay protect yourself from the rife, ing nnd danger of these ditorders. ftrp out the foul corruptions that rot nnd fntn In Ihe blood, purge out the causes clum-ut, and vigorous health will follow. By in pso liar virtues this remedy stimulate! iUa! functions, and thus e.xpcla the diikirptn which lurk within the eystrw or luntiit on any part of it. We know the pifblie li.tvo been dmi'ii by ninny compounds nf Hariaporilit, is promised much nnd did nothing; but to; will neither be deceived nor tlissppoWi this. Its virtues have been proven by ilo tbmt trial, nml there remains no queitiond its mi-passing excellence fur the cure of nlllieting disenses it is intended to rent Although under the suine name, it is a very dillercnt medicine from any oilier waidi in been before the people, and is far more rf fccimil than any other which kas m tei availablo to them. AVER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, Tbo World's Great Eemedy for Coughs, Colds, Incipient yon eumption, and lorthereuei of ConBumpti ve patients in advanced ttagos of tho disoaso. " This lies been fo long used snd K versa! Iv known, that we need d no w tlinn nwure the publje that its W'' u lo the best it ever has been, and t mnv lo relied on to do all it has ever ft v i i... it.. .1 r. AvEB ti 1'iadu ul and AoalyM Lowell. ! Sold by all druggists every where. SOLD by C. D. Warsosaad BAsn"' rtn.n. n..rA.M V. A. lavi. Cttrweniwi Fostsb A McGiac, Philipsburg; B."" thersburg) and by dealera everywhei. septHii'L. DR. A. K HILL . f" V.' 7.1 J. -i mnl UU pi"". , in.. 9 tha limr, i it vr. ? i.' TTirfrTI s tha time. iv'thcrerer' " a tomakePr Visits-t wT National Hotel. MAINE STREET, CURMENSVILLE, PA., WM. A. MASON, Proprietor. nh?? .Cd.i. mylhe .W. Minority, It FLAXSEED in oxcbanTO for Irou. f. end., and to th. travelling public, that juii.i u, iUU.ul iU.. 1 luvor nun wnn n can. Curwensville, Sept. 16, 18S3. Acplo, safe and eomfortable stabling Is at- lacnea !o mo preuuv, m. nmo.j .u.uuauv, I would that! will attend to "calling desired In any part of the oounty, Charges moderate. Addross JOHN L. REAMS, t . tsfiodiat Pl....r..i j r. i 1'"' ,.- r: ' . I r M-CULLOUCH. Attorhut at -in ti;.,, t on hand. Charges modorate ... : r.: z?: . t ' . d, p.. omM Market reb. u, uut, - pireel on door east of the "C earfield County . : nay, loo.-u. nTf.ll VVHHQ be enforced in accordance with the law, against Bank." all persons violating the statute. 1 :TAVf,ir,7TT i. aV.T. I ".nd Skoes- complete assortment of 1l,l,lllll.W-llt,.lll VU.IUU, I, Iieor vil-eioius, urocaioiio. w-RACTICINO Phvsiclan.and Examtnlnff Sur Ladies , Gentlemen's, Misses. Beys" aud 1. geon for Pensions. OfEce Southwust corner Door mate, 40. children's Booli Wi. n.u... r. KRATlfBR. -I J. P. KKATZETV9. Seeon4 and CVerry ttrssu. Clearfield, Pa. ' Jasuary 21, 1HS. ly. Susquehanna House, LVR WENSVILLE, Pa. . W. HOKRALL, Proprietor. THIS large ana commodious HOTEL la de lightfully located cn the bank of the Sua quehanna, iu tho borough of Curwenaville. The proaont proprlotor will spare o effort toi render uie customers remfortable, and bopoi t merit ft liberal share tf public patronage. HIS BAR AXD TABLE Will be well supplied with every thing the mar ket afTords. It aft men will always find kia "larch string'; out. Mar. 23, '04. tf. Qoois Cloths, - Cassimeres etolha,.) Tweeds, , Satinetta, Silkwarp Flannela, Ticking, Muslin, Linen, Prints, at the eld trices at ; J. I KRATZER'S. u;. nmai'ti may be found at his office on "'" nor of Front and Main streets at ""JJ; iIh when notice appears in the town eontrarv. Julyi ' Mtt. in- Jil MrMiirnr. . DEALFRS IX Dry tfoods. Groceries Lumber, i Luinsido, Fa ' Dee. 24, 1S62. . Wnn I WOOL iJJ.IVKJ for wnicn io -price will be paid by. KRATZ Clearfield, May 1.1, 1S83 STAPLE Cloak - THOM i J. M Cl I I ' . Attorney at rtrilM Office adjoining the BanK, riH J B. Mcknallv. Esq., Market stre Pa Will attend promptly to ,7,J of Lands, Ac. . :. M I1U -I mviM hnucht and w M ' r- J reasonable terms. JrV'J TjVRSt! ntf. 17. 18M. " AtTEB. V KUAIZtn .l AI8 "-COjkfoH.