.n ft nrmmi ir i V -Kri iiL-rrrmr-r - r r .narti lytWiiiJ'.iv (, xou j. ',,,( ,. r.-.-.f.;,r, 3 00 ;;i"fi;1,9iaui''f'.'l''r.'nooth and tcauti IfTlfil'tirt rules lo w''y present vol. I will' .l. r... , ., . , n 1 . 1 . .. Aimrj and Ex r. aolicr., ccA, time., $2 iO Alitor.' no tier; eaeh, - . . 2 60 Cautioni and f.atrajs, each, 3 timrt, . 150' L.lu,io notice., each, 3 (.',. . . ! 00 ' r.....itnt .Uicrti.cm.nts. cr 10 . . line; r (i.i-3 times. ur lest. .. . . ' -v --11 f,n 60 For tuvh subsequent insertion, QjHtial adcsrtisinij, fur each square of 10 ) linn, or Ussi timet, or lu, J far each subsequent inrntiun, prvfcuional Card; 1 ytar, -local notices, per line, .. 60 I 60 60 5 co Obituary nutice; over i lines, per line, Year!) udi'trtisinj, 1 square, - . do do 2 do . 10 00 00 di do i do - . 14 00 Yearly advertising, column, - . $20 00 " " 4 us o " 1 - ' - . CO (10 Blanks, single quire, . . . . 2 iO da 3 quiiet, per quite, . . 2 00 do 6 qnires,per quire, - ' . ' 1 75 tiu - orer 6 quins, par quirt, . 1 60 Handbills, tie(, 25, or t, - . , 1 JO rfo' ' i sheet, 26, or Use, r. . . . ' 2 6U Jo i Ao-l. 26, or cm, . 4 SO do tchoit sheet, 2b, or ten,- . H UO Over 25 of each of abovo at proportionate ratoj EO-Tho above ratct were agreed upon by the unuersigueu, on mo ou aay oi uecember, 18B4, and will he strictly adhered to during the present high prices of all kinds of printing materials. D. W. MOOKE, Publisher of the "Clearfitld Itrpublicnn." . 6. J. ROW, Publisher of the "Jlafls.nau's Joumul," Tjrolici Clearfield Railroad Time-Table Train leaves Tyror.o at 8:65 A. M. " arrives at Pbilipsburg at 11 A.M. Train leaves Philipsburg at 3:55 P, M. " arrives at Tyrono nt 5:66 P.M. Highly Important. TW reference to our now schedule of jiicea, as inserted above, the public will find that we have materially increased our charges for subperipfion, advertising, Ac. Wo hnve been forced tc this alterna tive by tho continued high price (with a ttill upward teDder.cy) of every item of expense in the publication of n newspaper. liipcr, which formerly cost us 7 and cents a pound, now cost 27 and 28 cents ; and evfrything else in proportion. The statement of this fact is miflicieut of itself to convince every m.ui of sense that our terms are still below what they ought to L when compared with olhr branches of industry. The change here proposed will not vary ny existing contract, either for uUcrip lion or advertising. Subscribers who have ! 7 . . . . .1 . . ... .. V pam, w:.i ruueivs iue paper until i tie ex piration of the time paid for without ad ditiona! chqrgci, and all person in arrears have until the middlo of January to pay up at the old rate. Those failing to pay by (lint time will be charged Recording to the tew rates,. It is needless to express our regret nt bring compelled lo adopt this course. ll'a WflllL! rttllnK rnl 1 1 1 was i I .1 i l. Ii n (rn-.na upon such terms as none would be too poor to take it; but that it would be a welcome vititor to every family in the oounty. We were thefrtt to reduce the price of a country newspaper to one dollar per year. This was in 1840. Previous to that no Englioh paper was published in the interior of Pennsylvania for les lluin tico dollars the friee we now propose to charge. Other papers soon followed our example ; so that, at the beginning of the war, nearly every newspaper had adopted low prices as an inducement to subscri bers to pay in advance. "The result in this county was that almost every man look a paper. Our list is now very Inrgo much larger than it was before the war ; and if tho timet, were now us they were then, wo could make more money by reducing than we uow expect to make by increasing our prices. We expect to lose many subscribers; who will think they I cannot afford to pay tho additional do- j Diand. This we shall regret, as it is always. unpleusatit to part with thoso with whom we have Leen unon terms of nleasflnt in- tercourse. But' the obligation is impera-l live. We are perfectly certain that wo j aro Binktrg money at our present rate?. Certainly no personal or political friend! , . , t u . . ... n uesirrs mis. ji uui fuusuiiptiuu nav muiii riptii le cut down even one least save some labor. , half, we will at - . , , . . . iNfANTICIDB. A ca?e Of infanllCldO has beon reported to us as haviiia occurrea in Woodivard township on the uOlh ultimo. An unfortunate fjmnlo being delivered of ibaslard child, to conceal her (shame, Imied it while yxet living iu u Cold convo n'ent to the placa whero she was living. An inquest was hel l upon the body of the cuiVJ by G. w. Shoff, m.: acting coroner, which resulted in the iumgof a warrant for the arrest or tho mother. Yv o uniler land she Ins been arrested, b'jt her health will not permit her being removed to jail at preseut. Ii? According to tha lojcio of our '.jco ii'i neighbor there must bo some doubt yet as lo Lincoln's re-election as the I1 ice or gold last Slturday-vaa.J. . , jr.,0fKnox township, as (lis samo bclcngs to ' "T '""."" .."" , . mo and is in his use on loan onlv". Wicn( l'ersons intendin to apply, ... CONUAD BAKER. for Tavern. Liceuso at the January term,'. Nov. 2, 18(14. . : should not forget that tho law requires at llinit wAnli.t nniota tt niiAlt nnnlipn. i.O. Ili'VU H IV. UUOVll V. v.. f j uon. j .r- "tuio Ul iaaijinuuijj. ua uft them by the way they advertise, Smart j poople always buy of thoso who advertise J tt 1 -m iiuuruiiy. j WyThosT?f "our frleiiaTlvbo wish lo i procure a cheap monthly Magazine, of thoroughly orthodox political principle, ro referred to the prospectus of tho "O'rf In another cc'liran.'' : ' ' ' ' Editor oth. Republican:' ' ... 1)1 in k,. m ' ,.. . permission. T wUh .1.. . . ' 1 ; ,,, : V , V " luo reaa"ol your ui r-nc-n.. ..-..:. . v '. mupie uirecuons and in wunuon mai wi ensue them to growth or Luxuriant ILIr? WhiEen tacho in !.. ih.n .M, . V." to start a full or a Mous- All annlicilinn. ...,. i 11 . .. m, XlllmM return Ulail "HI" I '" """."."y y"""' ' Alius . F. CHAI'.MaN, CLemiH. I OC5 utnep. 831, Uroadway, .Now York. 0 ...w v x iiijwo ; -J- PETERSON'S AI A O A Z I X Yj Tho Best and Cheapest hi tho World O Lad TIliSrorUI.AK MONTHLY MAGA ZINE ni 1 ho oiikati.y iuphoveI) for ISM. It Hill contaio - , ' , ! On Tliotuaml f gc ! Fourteen fplondid Steel Plates ! 1'wolvo Colored Fa?hion l'latoi! Twelve Culorcd Hirlin Work Putturua 1 I Mtie Jluudi td Wood Cutj ! 1 . Twenty-Four Pages of Jlulo! I AH tli in will be Riven for only Two Dollars a year, or a dollar loss than Jfagaiines of the class ot " Peterson." Its nillllr. T..ll. 'J'Ul a.? i J iuics. dim AOC10llC3 Aro (he best publithcd any whero. All the most r-opuiar writers are employod to write ori"inally , for Peterson." In ISC5, in addition to is usual quantity of short stories, l''uiir Original Cony- . .lUiCJCICT, I)V Ann H. P Hllhimi I nn y.. C. Moulton, Frank Lee Benedict, and tho Author oi mo Bccond Lilo, will be givun. It also publishes Fashions Ahead of all Others Each number, in addition to tho oolored pl ito, gives Bonnets, Cloaks and Drosses, engraved on waod. Also, a paltcT-a, from which a Dress, Alnntilla, or Child's Dross can be cutout, without tho aid of n tuantu-makvr, Also, soveru.1 p-es of Household and othor Recoipts. . vfTU 11,0 bost y'" iMagnine in the World. Try It fur ono Year. Tortus always iu Advance, ' One Copy, Ono Yoar - . . $ 2 00 Eight Copies, for Oue Year - - 12.0U Fourteen Copios, for One Year - - 20.00 I'rouiiiitns ibr (retting up Clubs : To every f erson getting up a club, at the ab ove rates, a copy of tho Mngaiin for 1505 will be given grntisj or, if prclcrred, the superb en graving (sire. 27x20 inebes.) AVabhihton Parliiig from lils Ciencrals." Addriisx, post-paid. CI1A.S. J. PliTERSOX, BOO Chestnut at, Philadelphia. 3fl'ccluicns sut grutis, when writton for- Novombor 22-M. I ii.i..inrihi,ii alkM'Jki-cncoiira 'e J llo une Industry .The undersizned havintr etablishcd a Nursery, on tho Pike, about halt' way between Clcurflell and Curwvnsriilo burcj'. is prepared to furnish all kiuds of Fruit trees, totanuara ana Dwarf,) l-.verirrecns, fhrubborv. (irapo Vinos, Oiosoberrios, Lawton Blackberry, Strawberry and llaspberry vinos. Also, .VJoeriiin Crab trees. Quince and early scarlet Hlieubaib, A. Orders promptly attended to. Address J. L. WltlUliT, CwwchsvUle. sepUll. 'flj. ly CAUTION'. The publio are hereby caution ed against bnying or telling, or in aiiy way meddling with a certain Kaft of Tiuib.-r, now lying in the woods in Lawre nca towiishit). uiRile by (ieurge AughiLbough, as tho cawio is ur Jto- pcrty. , - Aov. 2, IS6i. ,J0SIAU W. TU0MP3ON. A FARM FOR SALE. pun sub'criber oflors for snlo on rcasonuMe - infirm, a Kn.m in ltnn..iii.ia In... im mile .South of Beccaria Mills, It eont-iins l lfly ' ..Lv.,1. ,v"..-,i.r, ..ni.- u....iu..rn.. . io'o t. Acres, with Forty Acres cleared, a frame Dwelling hous, ritoro house, fv! log Barn, and othor out -buildings, and a growing Orchard of thri'inu troes. The title isilndispu- tablo. l'"or TeriiSK, apply to the undersigned, in Lawrence township, Clearfield county, p. sop21-3in-pd JKjHKAO. Licciisod Auctioneer. WM. M. BLOOM, of Pike township, do sires to inform his friends and the public generally that ho has tal.cn out a License as an AUCTIONEER, and will attend to thu orying of sales in any part of the county at the shortest notice, and at tho most reasonable charges. Ad dress, cithor personally or by letter, either at Curweiisville or Bloomville. April 0, 'fit. tf. FORMBRLT IT Till BRLLEI'nKTB FOl'.XtMlV tUANCK l'LAt'K OF ULSISESI. . II A'bTTIJ'B' f i J BHlEJal Jfi CUv SlVi.s nAVlNtl leased (ho Foundry and Mpchlne' dy's Book enables every lady to bo her own loa Shopsat Milotburg, known as " (JKKKN'S not-trakcr. FOLNDUY," are preparod to innnufurtuie mid , repair Steam Engines, sweep and trend power 1 Threshing Machines, New World and Jlathuway Cook Stoves, Wagon Spindles, Plows, and Cast- ings of all kinds at thort notice. 1 hey alsobave both at Belle (onto and Milosburg, a variety of i Cook and Parlor Stoves, for soft coal, of Pitts- burg manufacture. Cull and seo for yourselves. ISAAC FIAUPT is ajontfor tho York, Wyom- ing and Columbia Insuranco Companies. i For Sale A Fruit l'arm. ryIlE subscriber offers for saloon reasonahpj terms bis FARM situated in Lawrence town- thip, about midway between Cliiuiliold and Cur. wensvillo. It enntai It contains about 85 acres, with about 65 acres -thereof cleared, with a Frame Hon and Frame Barn. There are upwards of 40fl ' grafted Apple trees In good condition some 20 rear trees, wim i ioo i uim; nrv3, Urnpevirie!li Bnj olher small fruit thereon-tho whole iini wn located. in tins is mjisput able. For terms apply tn the suliserilier at i OE0K0E TI10K.V. Clearfield. August 10. l.-tf, 1J UI.P U'ANTL.O A middle-agcj Viomoa i j to do Family Cooking. Apply to HI.P U ANTI .D- ; i ..JUMAIl . PJil I II. ol 4 40. Me havo no club with any orher Mag Clearfield, September 21, 1H01. " ' I ar.lns or Newspaper. i The money must all be sent at one timo for TsVTOTIt'r..--Having ma da app'ieation t ) tho 11 Assistant Assessor of the 1 Oth Collection .;,r(,t )if j,,.. License as AUC. TIONEEll having been granted to mo by tho propcr authority, I would inform the citizens of Clearfield county that I will attend to "Calling Sales" whonovcr desired in any pirt of tho coun ty. Charges inoderato. Address " b W. J. II0FFKR, Karthaus, Clearfield county, Nov. 2, 1SG. rlAUTIO.f All persons aro hereby citulica ; od aeainst bnvluir or sellini' a certain Dark i 11 i : .i c:.... ,.f T..lin lliirh. jamks t. ltsosarb. Wm, A. WAI.LACB. o. A, A. FINNKV. c. rmsiv, ( - - - , 0 . janlunjano (LoIIcttton ( tEONARD, FINNEY & Co. C L K A Iv F 1 K Ii I' CLEAliFfELD QOUXTY, FA. '. iLLSoiKxwqB,oTF.sAnPArTsn!scpnTf;p In!.- IB kk. I 'I'll I ?f I I' r I 1 i. ii . u . j Valiertioni made ana proceed promptly rrvwra Kxchangooa Ihe CKium coiiHtaiitly ffOIce on Second St., nearly opposit ths mi iiniin. . . . COURT HOUSE. CjALT and Plaster In Urge quantltias for sal very chssp by J, J'. KRATZiiR. t For Sale !. the Carrol an J JAME3 L. LEAVYY. Nor. 23, 1804, If. wsk siprew tr et the enduing wintor. ; Tsrui, !onthi. Via. gel from thirty to lorly dulluri.. Anlicatiuu (n t any tliuo bo mu.le to tho frosi cut, Mr. Jaew l iuu uuucrdigneu at huthcrtburg. Ey order tf tho lioarj. Nov. 23, ISCI.pd. DAVID liLAMS, See. I T7X. . " 'IC'I Xutico U hora ' y givon him lettrn tvst.iuu'iitiirv ou llio iuiiiiiii, iii1 becu granted to th UBdoMneJ, all i crwus iu- j . ' " ' vwuiiit. vii ut-'iieeu, u:iviuir T 1U C8m!0 "rv to'iuti'd to uiako im aaiut tue taiao mil jireneul theui duly authen- J0IINT F-rTE, v l Nov. 22 ct.pj, moh. liveuqojd, .Exre- ESTRAV. STHAYED fruui tha pr;i,Uea of i.'iohacl iMinekockricr, ia Morris tuwmhin, about flio 1st of August Ut, a brown Urindlo Lull, whito ....... inn, aim noout two years old lust spring. ror ininrniauon lenuini to li s recovery, I will pny liberally. i,.,r,.n.. .". . Nov. V St. pa. MICHAEL ST1XEKEC KXEIt. T7()UXn: On tlin rA.l t.r.l...n r...... ...mi.' I tilings, several articles of clothiiiir. 'J'he owner, by calling upon the subscriber and pnvin? eliar ges, can have his prrjier. S. JJEUTAU 1. Laivrenee tp., Nov. it, 1SCI. Chop ! Chop ! Chop ! V 20,000 S hiI superior Kyt;-ClIOP roooived and for sale at 3 73 per hundred. , rhilipsburg, Vig. R,1Si.- JAMES TE1T. -r,I. J. G. J8LACIIWELL, wirn GEO. V. HEED i CO. CLOTIILXG, t Al.'o, Jobbers In Cloths, CassinuTou nnd Sattincts, So. 12a Marl.tt street, North sido beltvcen Fourth and T if h, PIULADKI.PiUA. jMT"Call and soc our extensive stoek. Aug. in, -Gt.tr. DISSOLUTION'. Tho partner;,, hereto fore existing 1 etween tho unJersi-.'ued, in (lie publication of t'ie Cl''arjlc!d Jicjinhlirj ,i, wi disiulved by'"iuutu.il i-.jiuea: oa C'.o ll'.h at J'y, isfli. The Hooks are in the hand? of the .fu'ii-T pirt r.T for collection, Thoso patrons knowing tlM. wives indebted to tho l.ito puliii.-lior.i lor either MioM-ripu'in, civeriisini;, or J.m won;, aro re i 'l".,cifully invited to call and si'ttlc their aecuaj i ut lncir eur:iLkt coiivenienno. i. V,r. MOOHK. V.. B. GO'JDLAXDEll. Clearfleld, July 27, liol. . .r. P. K It ATZF, R, MUlttJl VNT, and doVr iu Dry Goods Clothing, Hardware, Quecusware, Groceries Provisions, ic. Front Street l,vo tho Acadomy Clearfield Pa. April 20th , G OIF.TS LADY'S UOOK--TIIE FASH. .uture, Fine Art', ard Fatbions. The most magnificent Steel en;-rnvlng. Doublo Fashion 1 lates. M ood ungruvings on every subject that fan Interest 1'idies. Crochet knitting, iVctlin", I hHibtoidery. Ar:ic!es for tlio Toilet, for :ho Pur I. - U. 1 ..I l .L f. - . 1. .... ioi, too uuuooir, aim mo ivncnen. r.v'cnmili. i i . . o in met. to iiiaKo a complete 1.AD1 ' JilXJK, THE LADIES FAVOHITE FOR 3i YEAU3. No inagaiine has Leen able to oompeto with It. None attempt it. (.ODIiYVS HKCKIPTS for every dennrtmonl of a household. These alone are worth tho price of tho Book. Model Cottages nn olbr ManrJ, il,-. W it h diagi ii ins. ith diiipiams. . Drawing Lessons for the Young, cialty wiih (lode v. Anothor spe- Original Mjsio, worth $.1 a year. Othnr Mat;, aiines publish old, worn-out music ; but tho sub scribers lo Uudey s;et it botore the inusio stores. Hardening fur Ladies. Another peculiarity ; vt iih -.leucy. Fashions from Messrs. A. T. Stowart A Co., of New York, the milluinairo merchants, appear in Gudey , tho only iMaiaziuo that has them. Also, Fashions from tho celebrated lirodio, of New Yoik. ,""1'l's uonroi". i o give more ot mem in a year than any other Mavazino. in fact, the I.n- MARIOV HABLAN'P, nulhorcM nf " Alnnn," " Hidden Path," " Moss Side," " Nemesis," and " Miriam," w rites for Oodi y each month, and for no other magazine. We hivo nlso rotaii.ed our old aud favorite contributors; . Terms of GikIi'V's JiHilva Eook fjl '0.) (Freni which (bera pari Venn deviation.) The following are tho terms if tho Lilly's Book for lsn.t, At present, we will reee eriuers at tha following rates. Duo notice will r-Llch will1 ha given if w e nro obliged to advance, 'depd ui iin the price of patiuner. One copy, one yoar - - f 1 00 Two eojiics, one year o 60 Three copies, ono yr 7 to 10 00 Four copies, ona year Five copies, ouo year, and an extra copy to tho person tending the club, making SIX copies - . - 11 00 Eight copies, ono yc'ir, and an cxh-a copy ti the person sind Dg tho oi ul), making nine copies 21 00 Eleven copios, ono year, Mi an extra copy I tho olub, making io nuU clubs, $2 JO each . '. to tho person sending twclvo copies j Additions to any of th - 1 subscriber. Oodey's La ly's Book and Arthur's ITnrao Magazine will be sent, each one year, on receipt any club. ' Canada subscribers must send 2i cents add! tloral for ciieh subscriber. Address L. A. GODETV N. E. CoK 6th t- Chestnut Stroets, o;i 3t Philadeljihia Xia UTOU'S NOTH'i:.- Xotico is here- , i on. that Letters Testamen'ury on the ; cstalo of WM. A. MASON, Into of Curwens- villo borough, Clearfleld county, Pa , deceased, having been granted to the uiidersiirnei1, rll per I sons indebtod to said estate r.ro required to make ! iinmediate payment, and Ihoso having clnims against the same will present tbeiu duly authenu tuid for settlement .11. T. TUOMPSOX. Nov.2-ft. -fcxeVuior. . ' IjAW OBtfRT J. WALLACH, ATrarssTAT Clearfield, Pi- OSes iO thaw 4 How, op posits the Journal office. dec. 1. 185fl. If - ( - , JOHN L. CUTTLE, Attorney pt Law, and Heal l'-slate Agent, n.EAHFIELD. PUNN'A. i , Office an Marhrlst. Opposite A Jail, f pntnTt'iri v ..a..-, ki. vwiftnti m sil s , -o. ..v . . . . . . . .- - , iiie n-uu uur i hk mnaa iu tivmuvm s --- joining counties f and with an experience of over f w ' .. - 1 . . twenty yanrs as a Surveyor, R.0.1-. titin.e I inm be can render satisfaction. Feb. '03 If, ArLE6 In great variety at- . -s a 1 1 ' iU J. P. KRAZEH 0. Great OteductioM in riUTES of FALL & WINTEKGOODS ! Front Street. Cleflrfiel,.' pnn' IT'?' r rcbused a lar M'ck since ,b PC"n "1 prices is now prepared to nirer great bargains in Ncw,Styh Dress GoodsA Richest Printed Goods, All-Wool Delaines, l1 1 CllCIl JUCrillOS, 7 :Good Black Silk, CouUrrs and Alnnrm yyuu,l't,! turn jupacas. Woolen Shawls, . , . , , JKllCS Alnl)flr! ! J"uu I 1 i J III & ltt( JJUrtlll'IS. r Staple Dry Goods- rorJi(IfU Clothing, Millinery Goods, Uoscry. and Notion, Hals and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Il'ardicarc tj Qiiecnsicare Drugs and Groceries, Carpets awl Oil-cloths. Household Goods, AH of which will ba soi l at i d pricos. greatly reduc-Out."l'J-tf. llEIJOCiltAl'IUC. tinck d, l.avin" coin letol Ma Phot- , in .-iiiiw B nil OOIT3 west i.f th. Mansion !oe. CUurtieM. Pa., is now rns'ly to wait on all in want of I a all in want of My ttirr.tic.'urtrare rifhas will hiiMo me to f'irnish liiofe beautifol ro.liiolions ot'enri ilriuv- ing in tho l.lghest stylo i.f lb.' art. Having titled up n:y rooms ot a coiisi.leralilo etpoi,, wilh a mow lo tin) comfort and ) li-iimre of my patrons, I hope, 1 y tiriot attention to business mill a dcire to pi-."is:, to iLerit a liberal share if publio pat'.uni.-e. A full supply of (Jilt, ll'isewood, and other Frame?, Alliums, i.ud an endless variety of Cases always on hand, . ) Jin ii-j lit Piirtieulur utteutioa given to copying uil Linda of Pietnres. :.?i"-lr.-ip.ir,;ion in tho art of Photographing given an 1 apparatus furnishe.l at citv pricis. sep21-lf II. I'.ltllUJK", Artist. I CGI. i:tmf. n.Mr.ii'o.vi). rsos the .Northern and riiii,A!)i:i.rniA & I S1T11HS xreut lino travi T Mrii.wr!ern count!, -a of Pennsylvania to tho city ut Lrlo, on Laks llrio It lias been leased by tin) I'enntylmnit Rail, mini t',,mpnny, and is operated by tliem. Its entire length was opened for passenger and freight buoin.srt, Oct. 17tli, lSol. Time i'f f'lismn yr Trains at Emporium. Through Mail Train leaves vat' ward 2:15 P M. " " " " westward 10:12 A. M. Passenger Cars run through vitimi't chasgb 1 b"th w','' etween Phiin lol'iliia and Krio. , Lli'gunt Sleeping Cars on Express Trains both ways betweon Wihiiniisport aud Bultiinore, and IV nnaiiK-port and i'lu:adc!p!iia. For inl'ortnatiou respecting Passenger liwinoss apply at the P. E. Cor. 1 1th snd Market ft. And for Freight busineis of tho Coinpany's AgentiS. II. Kingston, jr., Cor. l.ilh undM uiet sIH., Philadelphia ; J. W. ltevnulds' Erie ; J. M. Drill, Agent N. 0. P.. II. Tlahimiro i II. II. Hoi-MToM, (ieii'l Freight Ag't, Phila.j 11. W, (iivi.NNS.il. (Ieii'l Ticket Ag't. Philn.; Jos. D. Pons, Geu'l .Malinger, AV'illimnsriott. Oet. 25, Iflll. mount vi:rox house. Seccnrl Street, above Areb, I 111 T. 1)KLI'1I A. V. IILAI I'mprlelor. (Late cftbo Hurf JI in-e," Atian'ic City.) fcept. 2.1, 18113-1 y. 3 c o ft. . ,.ik,r. I, . ri 0,'tV fjlf I f.J' V sfl.Vl ii1j - I ?. a 'A (4- hf r ,- S C H 4 rJ. :n m l if ii 3 P L' . 3 M M ' B', - f:M 3W '2 ? " & g Z u. 'M 5 Q f i?"5rfe ' . 3mcric;in joasf, -: MAIS STREET. UIKJOKVILLF, FA I!. I?. U A X S , pitoi'Rir.Ton. Got. Dly LISSO1UTI0N. T HE partnership heretofore ex isting between the under.-iirned in tho Mercantile and Ltnn- , ler bu iiess, at Grahatntnn, Pa., is this day dis solved ty Liuttiiil consent. , The Bonks nn t Accounts nre In tho hands of Thos. U. Fnrcey, for settlement, and nil persons having unsettled aocounts will please call at once ,.,,,i.. .... Bllll VUIMD IUVIU Uj I . T. If. FOItC V.Y. J. Jib A K K V ALTERS. Grahamton, Si pt. V, '01. pd. Farm for Sale. r 1111! subscriber oCors for sale, on reasonable X (arms, . crea of I. and. omre or Un, sit uate in Girurd township, Clearfield county, witlt acre , . wUh bIil j; Ac; orce. ... . . , '"l?" I'- RiAtln AT' kin. frnm lienrua I! Smith. 1- i.r - i . m....- - n ----- . ... terms and parlioulars apply lo the undersigned i at Cleartiold, Pa. - j . , " TJJCW. J. McCULLOLOH Sept. 14y 186. t " ' I S). AGUE BROPS ! Tho sovereiga rouicdy fjr the Cure of FEVEll A XI) AGUE, AND ALL ' lil FalO US DI S EASES! ATTENTION!! FOl FKltltKBS FROM i 'FFVI'Mt AM) Anill' llj'''a i-M' AUUr,, I . ' i,;. . . ' This most won Icrful nmody for tho perma - nent cure of Fover and Ague, etc, was disrov - ered same years sgo by me of the mo.-t eminent Chemists of America! uui hi inoiis.inus ot oases it has never boen known to fail in tTeetin? a ra.liciil cure. A tin;;lo IiMllo of these drops bas cured diseases bieh hiiva j Stubbornly Itcsi.stt.l the most Skillful Medical Talent! It contains nothing that will injure tho Consti tution ! It purifies tho Tdood! ! It removes Obstructions from tho Liver!.': It promotes tho discharge of Bile ! .' ! ! It effects a radical and perinimont Curo by re moving tho cause upon which tho sua de pends I !! ! 1 T II K ARMY. AGUE DROPS, As its name imports, has been and Is tho groat ........ r . 11 - .1 , , "" " ' t , . , ' V1" , ''"'""'r"' '", our "."' Ar" my mm tinwii'r 1 a. universal ai its cures liavo uceu.sure an 1 wonderljl. As a J'il-JVLWTATIVE, i ' It hat proved a great blesfing and saved many a 1 valuable life in timso miasmatio localities where thoy would have been victims to bilious discuses, I if c .,, ... . , if H,,, I'riijts aro taken ! THE ABMY AGUE BROPS Quickly drives away LA XG UO II ? A X D W J3A KX ESS ! AM) Till) JlEHTOliKfi SYSTEM To Its natural buoyancy and animation ; invigor ating tho body and clearing out every vestige ol Disease produced by loathsome miasm. UK WISE IN TIME!!! fc5yjVii person resiling in a Fever ik' Ague rlislricl should be without a llottleof the ARMY AGUE DROPS And it It. stronplv recomineinlpd to nerson Irnv. ( elling through plaoes charged with mlssni. Wo resiiectfully call nl'elitlon lo our tostlmri ; i.ials. Many of our letters atUM that .hundreds of lives bave been caved In the army by its use. Indeed, so will am its curative ninilities appre ciated iu the nrniy, that tlio most .ueeessful s-ur-geons in tho Fid I and Jlofl.ilol use it almost i xeliisively in (ho diseases for which we claim its . iiil.iilil.'iiitj-. Tho be-t physieitiis always soi:te ! tint be:.t means to cll'cot a cure, hence the uni- i vcr.jhty ol tlio ARIY AGUE DROPS J Ti:STLMONIALS: Vt'o arc hanpv (o refer to Ii in Excellency A. Lincoln; Gen. MeClollan t (ion. Fremont) Gen. Pnruside; en. Hnneeek: Gen. Kilpatriek; Gen. I Hire: Cil. Pyc, 'Path N Y ; Col imiek, ITtttN Y C ; Col Fowler, 1 1th N Y S M ; Major Doremus, i A 1 ) C ; Mijor Hcifsnyder, Hath Pa ; Major Wil- : cox, ADC; Major Pamsey,,Jlaj.rfatlllwell. Ma jor Habcock, Lieut. Whelan, Surgeons U S A i lit Kev Bi.-hop Potior, ltcv Dr lyng. Her Dr : Tavlnr, NowVoik; l!v II W Hceehcr, Hcv 1 1" 11 Clin pin, lin ik'yn ; Hev Mr Clieever, llcv Vt Uinii'S, New Yori 1 His Horor Mayor Wood, J lion M Kall.liei.-h, Hon M F Odell, Brooklyn ; ! lion Mayor Gunil.tr, lion Horace Greeley, New jiork; and hundreds of other eotially wall known gentlemen, for which seo circulars. - . ' " . r n icK: DOLL All FEE UO I 1 1.1',. OXE AVILCOX A CO. Principal Ollice. 1?1 Watlr St., Ner? York. y. Tl.Xiinf genuine uiihovl bearing cur i signature on t 'lC icrajijnr. j iNT-. Don't let jour Druggist put vou off with any other remedy. If ho does not have it for sale, cnrlusd us 51 25 per mail, and we will send youonehntt 0 of tho Army Ague Drops perl mail, post paid. WILCOX H CO. 1S1 Witter St., New Voik. oct2C-3nl A. 1). ' , r i . i i A, A.' MUSKINGUM-VALLEY ,;; i'jJi I : Steam Works. Coi 1:1 f ul Mntlct and Third StixcU, ' 1 ZANESV1LLI3, OHIO. Hat ing added grent'y to our former extensive facilities, wo aro now turning out a birL-i number 'of our IrrprovecJ Pnrtab'n Steam En pines and jportablo Circular Paw Milia, m.u.y of whiilt aro j fl tiding thtir way into Pennsylvania, Ohio, Imil .r,na, and Illinois. Those already nwcived and. j in operation aro giving the most rctir milf!ue." t'.on. Thoro is no v hardly a State or Territory ' in the I'nion but that our Iicpioved Poiiaklo. r.iiKiuc ana eaw. Aims aro. In use. AH our bave spark arrester Uck on theui, .which confine the flvlnc srarks. I. We would respcetfully refer y?u to th! f-'.low-' j ing genllcuion andoiirtiticaUa fur the p .rluVilUy. ' utility, and prautieal operations at uur Portable fUiaui Lugines and Saw M ilia ; . - 1 Avonuai.f, ChestorCo., Pa., AprPS, VJ. l Mussns. J. .t j. H. Duv.iix (iauilrmou XU J'rtu,Jlo Engine and Saw Mill got of you giv j entire satis(ction.. 1 cheerfully reeomnioyl- U,"TO i nnrw ii.i:s lo girt voti n call, I Bufppctfully, , - P. F WfCKlifSIIAM. - OiiNiiBJLL Toiyr, Cauibria Co., Ki , I i P May 21. ImU. A .T, II. Dl'V A LI. Gentlemen i Wi.b Mr B. hara?,ij I Portable Stoa-i as sawyer, we have sawed, wicii the Milt lunl fn fnmlil. T..n 0..... ! rany, in nine hours, eight ttiouiuiid foet nf Jum , her, (two thirds of it being tak ) and wuld Ichoerlully recoininond your .Mills to tho e In wart or uch. ory respeetrullv, J OlIX MOUP.ELL, ; For Caiu'oii linn Company. MoeiiisiiAi.K, June 2, 1S01. Massna. J. A J. II. Di'VAi.i,- With Ihoatsis.t anco of Mr. Hardcsty, we sawed, tho first day wo set up your Engino and Saw Mill, seven thoataud two hundred and filly-six ftet of ono Inch pine boards, whon ovorything was new and bud be come very rusty by three weeks exposure in an open car. We aro well satisfied that the inilrwill cut fully ono thoufand feet of inch lumber per hour, iih suitable help. Wo cheerfully reouiu ir.ei.d your mills and engines to auv iu want, nt we aro fully satisfied (bey are the bc;t mill umt engine and mill of tho kind we hare ..yor seen. Yours truly, Jus. JiKEXNEH, For Brennflr, Trunks A Co, EuEssncne, Pa. Fob. 2tith ltij Messrs J. A J. II UvvMX.Uutr Sirs ; Our portable saw Mill and onciuo arrived last welr all safe und right, wo believe and we can siiv without moaning any flattery int elmlfof Mr. Hnrdi sry that be did himself credit in putting the mill up and stnrtiii.-: the same Ynkr,ln. jnyt ono woek from tho lime we uolotded the en gine, no sawed Willi lour.'hauits. i.bout USUI) f.,i. of lumber in about eight hours, a portion of tkn logs were oak and ash. far as wo aro ablo t s judge, we think we will be able to send jmu a better report after a while. We are saiisflnl with the .Mill and Engine, and can recommend (hem to any person who may desine a portable mill and engine, Yours, withing you nil success'. 1UE8 S. LLOYD I CO. " For further references we will give Hi name . of Jaiuos A Evans, Ebenshnrg, Pa. Messrs. Uanway A Co., Latrobe, Pa. ' Messrs., Truncr b Hurley, Tyrona j Adauis, Cubin i. Co-, Crossun; S. Milliken, Hollidaysburg s. Hiloiaau A Hes-r, Altoona ; Messrs. lteed A Urn., Tyrone ) W. worth, jr., Pittsburg; S. P.hynns, Lako City, Follett A Co., West llr?cnvillo; K, J. Niuhohon. Brookvillo ; J. Mcdoncgal, Uoiuloek; Cambria Iron Worlis.Johustown i Bronncr, Trucks 0-,, Morrifdalo; Michael Juhnston, Anesiown ; Mo. Cormick d- Long, Pittsburg; W. S. Lloyd, Klftms burg; S. Pilkknittcr, Huntingjon ; S. Wl'son, Stiattonvillo ; Dull A Torrv. Tern-town : ('. iv,.v. I "obis A E. Aiolress, Ilortst.own, Crawfurd oour.ty j M. T. Dill rf: Thomas MuAuUy. Altooi a j A. I, liiolidny, llollidaysbtirg; M. M. Adams, Crea jswij W. B. Kuigler ami Joseph S, Heed, n u unguon; all i t wbuui have purchased Pnit v.;., ' i Steam L'neines and Portahlo ( irenlnr AVo fully warrant nur enifes nml an n.. ' be made of llrst class material; noikmana!... the same; with Crass Bait VaUosin pumps, mi j cheeks, and to saw from "0,00(1 to 10,000 feet el lumber per day (say ten hour's.) 1 1 ...I i.r j p.. i ..'.: i - a i t -ft ; r"?" I-o cirouiar, Addrccs, J. A J. H. DUVAL!.. I earner Markit nnd Third Streets, just opposite C. O. it. 11. Depot, ZancKville, 'jiiio. aug. 17. ly. nitKATI'ST ISAT'ILK ON' KKC itlJ ; l5-'0 Killed nmHVounde,., and 3(V1(0 taken lVisonrrs ! " WITH CAML' KQUJl'AOK-ANIi 0,000 Contrabnncls freed from tho BONDS OF SLAVERY ! ! i -i . IVKr.Y ninn that has rsad any thing of the J past hijory of this WA It niiist finallv come : to the conelusloii that tho Confederate; (lovern ( meat would be broken down. It was only a que ' lion of lima. Hut uow wt have the above Glori out : soul-stirring news to cheer us up ; and th ' only draw back to our Joy and glorioeatiuii i thu , iinniincul danger cf the CoDtriil.imdi couiiii-. North In "eat out our aubstatv e," aud 10 wear oil i ' eurlllles L , But of ouo thinglhepooi to of Clear Oeli county may bo assured, and that is, tual THANK bllUHT for abort called Hhnrt-ts i: 'soiling ItouU St allocs as cheat) s anv othn man iu the county; and if you don't believe it, I just give him a call on court-week, orat any olhc! Uinta, fiud tee fot-yotirselves, Ha would bi't n ! mind the publio that hit shop is now on .Matko. ; ttrc)t, in Shaw's. P.ow whore you will find him just nt Short as usual if not a llttlo shjrUr u ( Cash than he would like to he. All kinds of work cn hands and niadu to orde: on short notieo, and as well'uiado, and as good fill as can be "sheered" up bore or oUowhoro. i-wDon't forget the thdp on Markot street, in t-haw's Kow, diratUy opposite Hev. H, Ii. Swooped ofiioo. f, ffUOBT. Clearfield, J una U. 1S2. C'.caTficId Academy. D. W. HcCURDY, A. B. Principal. riT 111 E next Ouartor wUI npsn on Votiday Hi- ; I Jth of Decomber, lti I. Term of tuitiva a Inflows: Common English, comprising lLo.o Iranch- eanot highttrthsn Heading, Writing, Arith metic, uenrini j, ixigitdu uruuiuier auu History, per quarter, . - - $5 0; Higher English, per quarter, - , T .'o1 Langmipes, per qilaitor, - . 10 la LAI HIIJ .1. IH.Akl'.LY, .ltorney and Counsolloi nt Imw. Will attend J to all basiaess entrusted lo hi- care In FXk and adjuluuig oounties ut St. Mary's ( Dentinget P. 0.) sep 2 t mo pd, T A DIES' Dress OooJl New Stylos Alptcaa, J J I'laids, Moisuibiijue, Prochs-Mohair, Valsi,, oia, Silks, V,'ol Delaines, French Merlaj!, Oinr, htSii, Lawns, just opening at - - . J. l KnATZER'. I . 13 i