Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, December 07, 1864, Image 2

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    eT;c (SIcarficlyJltpublitH,
I factory character. Jtebel accounts admit
i that iSlierp'.iin'n cavulry hud reached tho
Snvnrinnli nnd Aumi.slii railroad in thp vi
cinity of Millen, u point some 40 railes
south of Aujjur U nnd nbout SO north of
Wkhnwday JMonsixu::::::lKC 7, 104.
.nw.ftl of (tunmt.1 ('...... l. ,! I ' 1 !.
Savannah, hut claim that they .ere met IIZZ
und driven buck upon the main body, n limited portion of the territory thus ac-
wiuctl wu iar iu iiiu iim-rior, .assuming i"" " oy royal piociuniu
theso reports to le correct, Sherman is j!0" under Ki.glisu laws. Id J7JS 1 the ikw
.i.. . .....i. .i . ... ,1 rovince ol Canada was extended bv local
was extended bv legal
enuc uients. nnd under iln
gpeed, without R'.tcmpting the capture or Hiority cr French laws, down the Ohio
either Macon or Augusta, or any of the Kiver to in conlluonce wilh the Missisbip
prominent towns. ! H.od jp this stream to its head. In
. 1 1.J.J Canada was restricted to its present
Bi:Tt.ttn in C'oirt. hen Gen. Butler , limits, and the territory now embraced
took noysesiiion of New Orleans he seized i1. tho Mates of Jl innesota, Wisconsin,
making for the const uth the utmost
. . . . , , Michigan Oh:o lndiunu l in;..,,;. f,.n V1"8 or compensate, those provinces which
old belongs to a couploof ! nlaZn Si8"''1" -PorUnt . right, nd privil-
The expedition of tSlnrtuaii is still the
rnL-rofsinir Ionic. AH accounts Irom turn " b""- " "u-"o 1 into the iinuxoiim,.
re through rebel s:nrces. !f they areHo 'gcutleuiou named .Smith, private banker, 'j,ut,ie. i Canada was divided
bo relied on, then Sherman's chances or ralives or ewoik who had gone to ; two sections or divisions, ' KasUm and
w Orleans inanr years neiove tosecK a ie aim uisunci icgu-
rortune. When Gen. Butler went to New j .-tur" .b(ut M tcy were reunited
' , .i , jr legiflattvo purposes, after a dwtur-
York to altend to the lato election; Uie jbance vvljjuh culmil,!aea in an armed re
Mesm. Smiilt sued him for llio baUnce, mistancw to the authorities.
1 . . . r. . ... . 'I'l... ....A.A
i'vil!e the Capital, he having relu tided to them ?uuuu. A' .,r1Du ulu, ,n unmu, tin-
I day was fixed lora hearing, una Lion, nut- .., ;v; " : J " . , .''"'" " V . ,
- (Frcnithe rillndoli-hU Age.l ' " ard exempt from taxation. Money bills
The TropoBod Brittish American Con- tistoriginatointhehouseorCommonsor
ledcratioa. Federation, or local assembly cl tho
Canada is the most valuable province of V,!1";!' lhe CttS0 ?,ay. but. "lhe
Bnluh America. In 1703, alter tho con- Commons or Asssm-
resolution, oddresitor bill for theapropria
tion of any part of the publio revenue, or
of any tax or impost to any purpose, not
first recommended to the louse cf As
sembly by mossiagfl of the Governor (Jen
eial, or the Lieutenant Governor, aa the
case may be, during the mission in A'hich
such vote, resolution, address or bill is
paused." The General Government is to
usuume all debts and liabilities of each
province. Some rpecial provisions are
proposed to equalize the debts and pro
ofeape are precarious enough. We have
dates from Augusta to tho 20th or No
vember. Sherman had not then reached
Augusta, but was reported to be about -10
miles distant. Milled
of Georgia, had been captured, but aban
iu a Uovcruor Uenurul. The provincial
parliament consists cf two houses, 'tho
Council cousins of filly-four members,
and the Assembly ol one hundred and
thirty. The elective frunohise is nearly
universal. Lvery man is eihitlcd loa vote nnl rau-nrimWA l,v itiA nlliiftno lor rCturuOll 10 tUe .lUUiei lklVCr
Macon had not been attacked; nor hnd'.y after his arrival in Washington, dis
tho Central railroad beta cei, August and patches upp-cated in tho three Lading
Macon been disturbed. Beaure-ard was ' Abolition papers of New York, all dated
at Macon with a coniiderablo force, and at aslnngton, aying. m substance, mat ff0 1ayh houxe rent to the amount of
Wheeler, w
on Sherman':
claim to hare quilo a lurco
front Shermsn, nnd on the 4th they handed it over to the Govcrument.
claim to haverepuised SherminV attempt Last week, Butler, thiough his conntel,
totrofs the Oconee liver. This report applied to the court to have hU case re
was sonErmcd ly reports dated the 2Gth, moved frota the State Court to the Uni
and that some four to six hundred pris- ted .States (,'ircuit Court. In resisting
oners had arrived at Augusta. From Au- this t'lbrl the counsel for tho Smiths sta
giiila to Savannah is about 135 milos, and ted that ho happened to bo in Wa'.-hing-
i ith his cavalry, was operating 'f tho Messrs Smiths wanted their copper- thirty dollars in a city or town, or .twenty
m's flanks At Augusta they head money, they would have to apply to dollars in a rural district. There is no
ave quite a lareo for'ee to eon-'the U. S. Treasury- that Go... Bnller J''tion on actual of creed or
from Augusta to Charleston is alout the ton at tho lime when theso
li'spa !ches
madii ijii: ios
saiiio distance; so that, assuming that wcio publi-hed. when l.o
Sherman was still west of Auguxta he at the proper D niartmont wl.oro Iu
could not reach the seaboard short of at
least loO miles. It is thus teen that if he
is confronted by any considerable rebel
force his chance of success is r rccv.iouE
In connection wi'.J. this expedition it is
announced that great activity pi availed
at Beaufort, S. C, and that, nil the force
under Gen. Foster were under marching
order.', it wjs supposed to co-opera'.e with
Sherman ; and also, that an expedition,
embracing many trat.sports filled w ith sol
dier?, had sailed from Fortress Monroe
under Gen. Bumsido.
Nothing important had occurred in
front of L'iclimor.d or Petersburg up to
last uccountii, although heavy firing was
reported to have been heard in tho vicin
ity of Butler's Dutch Gap canal.
Tho icbels made a doh upon the Balii
"nioro and Ohio railroad, west of Cumber
land, a few day nj;o. A correspondent of
.ue Now York Ihruld gives tho following
account of it i
Marti.nsbi:rg, Vs., Nor. 30 The losses
of our forces at New Creek, noticed in my
last, uro more fterious than were at first
supposed. Colonel Latham If member of
color; and a foreigner acquires the right
of sutli uge aftc a residence of three years
iu the l'rovinces.
Vithin a few years tho pio,iosilion of
uniting Ihe two Province into ono great
cou federation has engrossed a largo share
of public attention iu Canada, and the pro
gro. and success of tho experiment lias
been most marked ami emphatic. A ba
sis for the proposed union, or confedera
tion, has been r.greed upon iu deta'l, t.le
compactor constitution put into form, and
tho lion. George Brown, of Toronto, has
been chc sen on the part of IhoCuna lis
' these fire tho mam featuers of the doc
ument ; and if approved by the Crown,
the Confederation will have a legal exist
ence, and start on its career among the
Governments of this Western World.
i, ... .
i uore win ne mucii nnxioiy until news
from F.ngland as to Mr, Browo's mission
reaches this country.
A Hoa Panic Tho General Goveru
h wing appointed agents logo through
Kentucky , ana buy all surplus horn, at
eight cents per pound, delivered in Lou
isville, and nt the same lime issued orders
prohibiting any railroader steamboat f-om
taking hog out of the State, omo of the
people are much exctcd. 1 ho hog growers
are disposed to couipl.iin that they can
not take ndvantago of tho increased iii-
ces now olltiicd iu neighboring State, and
oonsu.iiers are apprehensive ofnoinimz
scarcity. The old pot k-packers are also
exceedingly tlisnatislied, m no others in
Louisville are permitted to pnek this fall,
except the authorized agents ettablished
in u government packing-house'
J. 1. JNUMld & CO. Sheriff's Sal
IJ Esnona, l,n,l .... ..f ."
' i.f ' WJUrt n n
thors w
rJIlLirSBUJIG, tennv.. n'H
noma in ih i . w vlk
,oV1i,pW. P t .... ,V Vr 'nunr ... '
w tv Mil , USOl
' A certain trunk ..fL.. i ...
. public mrl leaJlK frum K vl,ri. ' '
uii inn nnir tu i.. i . . . tu nut i
u' ------ .u,is o; jhn -B1J
7 "Utt!...!
Purchased since tho decline in
Goods, and will be sold lower than
any other house in the county.
in auiiiu ana west iv Intnl. r
wu aero.
on eroctoj
CUntllllKti'r tnn nn.. " Inttb..
...n more orlo ..... WiJ
on prncii,,! I , i h.t n.
. i
Trints it Delaines, Belmoral Hoop
Skii'ts, Hoods, Nuliiai, Sontags,
Comfort'", Breakfast Capes
and Gloves, Puis, Mutl's
nnd Cull'-i,
Ladies Coatc, Circu'ari, Yic'orines,
Baskets, etc., etc.
execution. n,l i.. ... . ,i , ... ., u UU.
uiai n estsn. riJMTk.
Itobertn. Jacob l!m'J.i ..V tnl, h.7.
having about ton.y.fiTO .cro, l;JUr,
small urekard, a log-hoiuo anj 1!" ana taken in txumZ .
infrfffd that none of thin 50,000 in gold
Kn.l l,ncn l.r.i,,lp,l r,v r In (lie Government.
As Butler has pet .f nicd llio Etateuientb ; ... . i
.tv.tvu. IIIU ijuo,uii Vluuif 11119 IMllllU U
ft3.Mrt. Sarah llutchins, of Baltimore,
who was charged with tending a swoid to
Harry Gilmore has Vjoen convicted Icfore
a military commission and senloacnd t
fat wars imprisonment. Mrs. II. ii a lady oTi L
social poskion and iufluejice. A strong
be sold a. the rrPcrty of J,' Hit,
i, Dec. 5 to.
O SV ideal JBdK. of th.CcwS&N.
73 or the twenty. f.fu, Judicial DUtririT Bt"
'the counties of ClearilelJ .Centre ."rf'1''
A lh Hon. JAMES BLOOM a'lpL Ch,
" , have issued their precept, tfjff i
O holding of a Court of Common Pi. i6"
H Court, JJourtef Quarter 8ss3ioD, Coi'rt t i?'1
m and 1'crniiuer, and Court of rinr.i i.,?. 7M
BOOTS AND S1IOF.S of all kinds .at 'h. Cu" '-"o t Clearliolj, t,
SW Monday (Jth day) fjmum lt
N0TIC1J IS. tUerefot. W'
, C , Coroner, Justices of tho Peace, if
C , in and fcr said county of ClearBeld, to
i, their proper ponou., with lU(.ir Roll "Jf"
ilmiuisitions, KxamicatioLs, and oiuot' 11.
! - brancea, to do tliso tbiiigj which to UiiiV I"'
! and in their behalf, pertain to I. d-, 5
f i UX KX uuder my hand Ht Cl..arn',i .i. ..
day of December ia tho year of W'Q
thousand tight hundred and .iity.f. 1
BOOTS AND SIIOlS of all kinds
for Ladies ;
lor Gent.
BOOTS AND .Slloioof all kinds
for Children.
endless variety j Broad Axes,
Double-bitted Axes, li.ift
ing Axes. Balking -Axes.
ma lo in the dpatchoi lefemd to, tie in
frreuoe is almoitt ii reiis!able that they
were authorized by him. The decision of
the Court was withheld.
This is a snug business. fjO.OOO in gold,
with greenbacks oVa discount of -,3J, is a
snug item equal to a whole carg i of pi"
anos coij'scitul at New Orleans, and pre
sented to tho fashionable ladies of Boston.
It is evident that tomo men aro bound
to make it pay.
to proceed to London and present tho ;' eiloi t has b?en nndo to Procure a mitiz- 'M
i, in , ii.o ir, ...... i .... r .i. .. ... . '. v.
lion ol mo senftieo, imt tne "loyal' cm-
.ens of Baltimore are terribly down upon .
tho suggestion. Xiw York Ihy Book. i
carelul synopsis ot the iiow constitution,
and the details aro interesting in map
ping out tho stops taken by our neigh
bors ou the other sido of the St. Lawrvtica
towards a now era in their history, both
in a political and pecuniary point of view.
By the Consiituii of tho piopovcd
lirilish American Confederation, tho su
preme executive authority is. ofcourso,
EfJA party oT Canadian iluek shootrni
lately was magnified into a forraidibln j
lcbcl gang of "rebel" raiders w ho were
about to invade tho State of New Yoik,
from the Canadian border. Thopovcrri
ment spent over a million o( dollars in
preparing to resist this threatening army j
Of all kinds fur MEN and BOY.S
Cheaper than tho Cheapest.
veeieu in mo sovereign ot ureal l.nlain lot fix Uucit mooters, lien, t'.utlor was
and Ireland; to bo inlmiiiiatcied "accor-Ucnt to New York togother with from ten
ding to the well understood u inciples of ' to twenty thousand soldiers, but Duller,
the Briii.di Conjlituti m" by tho .Sover-! with evon bis obliquity of vision, couldn't
t ign personally, or by the Representative find the raiders. Ilo however, received
uio sovereign u jly author. zed. 1 lie many , Hatter. ng compliments as to his
. . . . i i ..... i .. .. i .
oy several .ew
A general assortment of
73 I
A IIakrowixq Si.iiiT.-Th-- Wa.i
C.'mV.'i, of the lStli tilt., s;iys : List t-fenini; i sovereign of Gottriior General is com-, treat personal beauty
just before euk, one or llio most pumu , maniter-in-cliier ot tho land and naval fur-, oik ladies. 7w.
scenes ever pie-enlcd to our i.olicu, pas-! ecs the Legislature or Bnrliament is to be I r '
sed up the avenue. U was a procession I cnmi-ts, -,1 cf a Legislative Council and a I CiT I he executor of tho estate of late
of aliout seventy r.Mtie tnosi leanui ijkk- u.iui-e f-i tommous. llio Council con-.'M,""u' """i"" 1,1 n6" vauiuucu re
ing men wo evtr ?:iw, gunid( d by u nuin- js.-ts t f 7'J niemheis ni polntcd for 1
!,er nf rnvali vmen. r.rmed with rarbiuus Mnust bo Hi it i?!i mlnerts. llntv
nnd revnlvr-rs. TLwa met. wo'to c'.iftined : a '0 ami nossesi-iii,. n e.wi.innriiw rnnl nm. fi.GlHl, and the two children of llio de- w
lo each other bv the anules. in threes and i.eilv nualifica'.inn of tour i,! iif.1. .censed statesman $7,000 after diach arcing
fours. Tliey nera all diosscd, ill a ineai- lurs r ver ail incumbrance' In Trinco Kd- Hl' c'!liri19 on l''0 eKtate. Five or six years
ure. liko the roorct of Confederate m i--! ward JaUnd onlv. tliis iroiriu ,,, t... ,ao Senator Dniiclaa was estimated to be
icil con- k7l l,ul'-'1 ,niu.i in viiimjt'i vAuiuuvu re-
life, who 'l''5 "lowing that in tho setllement of
vnni-, J,f ; his afl'airs ho hail pafd Mrs. Douglas over C
JHU3UI, . , u:i.i r .... .i -
oners brought here. K'.ino of ihom were re.,1 i r personnl. The nieuihers of Ihe
hatless and coatless, ami all of them lutliy :('oui.c,l are divided thus : Upper Cana
in the extreme. As they passed up the ,' d i .1, Lowt r CaraJ.iil. Nova Ccolia ll,
.A I..,m rtitil lliol nlininj r-lnll-! Vetw U . i, n u ,.. i.. U 1,1 It L' t ft-.
Congress elect from i ennsylyan.a, was in p(J on lh pftVcn..cnli giving us an idea efo i-i,n3 are ma.lo for the admission of New
ZZ .iti,e!" ,an,i ,,'eI,orte'' gillie chain gang iu Franco going to tho gal- fouudlnr.d. the N. W. Territory. Coium
have lost six or seven guns, and some 3U ) , ;,, lll0fctl:: of yidoctj Theso men b a. and Vancouver. The members of
men. arned or th. enemy s approach wre sent !lCre from KcrAucU; un-lor a the Council rcceivo appoi-itmont from
flin t r i V 1 , V V1 . .e'!e"'l0' '"' rty-five Kentucky mounted in- the, under tho great seal of the
field, he had kept a strict watch for him ; j-mry yhey uwXl) 8evral iueilocU. d ef- Geireral (iovernmont, t!. lirst selection to
.a . .... . . luriai'j rsun iiut uik ui i 'm
MV vvtiuiuaiuii ( ft I llv UV IIOU IUIIICV4 lmJt-
near New Crook, six of tho worst of tliem
1 i: .ii i i . .
wru v was reiaxoa ana ti.cie- , prann from tho cars, and one U known tP
.oreaooiume miuu.o or u.e a,iy Koser ,;o ki jed, . pursuU was made for the oth
pounced upon his picket? and got inhide'er(lve M.iliy of 0ur citizens mistake
of his earthworks before ho could gather UlCfemc for' Confederate prisone.s, as
Lis command. I ho guns and prisoners! Ihey were II10Ht,y arched in gray, or bo
were secured, the wbukey coufiscatod and ' riUe'j wilh fiUh lhlU thcy iO0k.l gray .
drank, the stores robbed aud the enemy xb ft, Feilrni Ptfriers and bounty
J. i r . i , . . jam. ers, who deserted to the Conloderaus had lo t he claims of the members of the nuinam as mong n.e missing - in Western Vircinia and Intern Ken- le-islativo council of the
Ik) maun Irom the legislative councils of
the various provinces, except as regards
I'riDoe Fd'vard Island, so far a a sunicient
number bo found qual'lied and willing to
serve ; such members shall bo appointed
by the Crown, at tho recommendation of
the General Executive Government, upou
tho nomination of the local government,
ami in such nomination due retard to be
. t . . . . , 1 II IBHUI 1 UK
y ' ' ,io ui Mi v. u i n, ami; tucky, and aiiain deserted irom ttiocvn
distance from the scene of strile. federates, and b icded themselves togeth-
..u, ;l v. ""! I'rocee- cr rQt tiunder nnd murder.
npnoaition in
each l'rovince, so thatall political parties
may as nearly its possible be faiily repie
sented. Tho Speaker of the Council is
appointed by the Crown and lias only a
werih about .fJoO.OOO. 11H.
fc-jHenry Ward Heecher, in his Thanks- 7
giving sermon aid that "the nation in
voting for Abraham Lincoln, voted t J
double its taxes," if any one had said q
that before the election, Beecher would
have deuounccd him ns a coj'ptrlna l and
a traitor. Ibid i
Itio, Rye and Lagu.vra Coltoo.'
bugura white , lruwn auJ, yolluw.
DridJ pens, bwc-I putatoei.
CrHBbrrioi, batter, eggs, InrJ, cbeeso.
ilauia, atiuulJurs auJ aialos.
Dried Itaf, cud-liah( u uck-.Tl, herring,
Cooking A Rjirlnr Kio
M.lltltll'.I On ths lstirut, in Iilooia lwp.,hy
( 1 ltloom, Ui., Mr. l).ivi,l Elinj;er lo
Mix Sarah Osborno, both of Uraay township.
1)1 1 . D In (iuiilieh on tho ?7th ult , Mm. garah,
wifoof Jamea Morgan, ia tho 4 1st yoar of her
llclu bbcrttsrments.
l. is bcrvby given that lctlorl of ailuiiniMja
tion on llio entato of James t'onlcy, lata of l'min 1 .
tp., Clearfield co., Uuo'd, have been granted to the H"1
uiulorsigned, all poriona indebted to tmid eitato
arc rtiUcfted to imiko immodiiilo piymcnt, and
thobo having rlaiins ajainst tho sains will present
them du'y suthentioated fur sottlomonL 1
. I). 11. V ALL 11 AM US, .
Pec. 5-f.L Administrator. jIO
iddles, brtdlea, horso collnrs, trimmed
hurse blnukets, robot, sleigh-boile,
hips, hnruosa uud huiuca.
! w
Urind stones and fixtures, (ino 2 Who "
Olenn Wagon. Xiinber-!lcd. j J
Buggies, Sleighs, Curringes,
Ac, ic., Ac. !
rnoi'KCTu.s or vol. niisn;
jTlie Old (iiiurd
5 A SiOXTIILV joinxir.. '
' PKVorpii to ,
1 r n
1 1- I ine l'uiltical rrlnciples f 110 slid
' C. Cll.VLM.tY JSlT.H, L'miOK
Jj Xdifend the principles of Uevarsaital tliei
; g J 0,lr fthon in llio f.jur.dadoa of the Et.
j puLlif, Tho spirit and d.tctrino of the two rit
, Jjvo'umca will be tally Buiatuined in tbe third rii
j 1 uiuo. Wo hare 110 cyupruaiiiM tu uiak 1
' G :err-)r no parley to iu iiiu with d;ipiij!a. n(.
I I moiraoy will bo trauto-l, not ai a vnryinj j!'kj
j . I of cunuing otlico o)iom aud sr jils-huat rt, aat
! ; rather as an a'vidinc priucinlo of l oliticil um.
t'liiyanlof populir li'iarty. All snpporturi if
this reroluticmuin, At,ation ir, mil is
J j us tho eueuiic of ttie Dsiunrricy. rt'eihVJit.
jkaowlo g1) no pr,timization to bj DeMcrt'ii
- i waicn aoea noi uoneeiiy eauucuio ana uppon
P ths prii:oiplos of the litutnoky and Virjiiia
! Kvsolulioni of 1 T'JS, and the DreJ Sg-,tt dacuui
I - 1 of the Suprouie Coart the one assortipj Sun
I T SuveiiRiu.irr aud tho olhoi- Wiiiti n-nrwirt.
I To prosorvi) Ihoao h mvici d-i.'trincj (be Dra.
I - ; crutio p:irty was orgiinined by Ihe rsry f jundtn
1 3 of the Federal Uovurnuio it, ao.l it nuM n.,
' , to tlitui don n to tiio l.iia: und dish.Hiurmg d.-fii.
I " tho vutnmeiicem, nt of tliil war. 1'aiOu
(Juiiii, '19 11:1 trgiu of Urhi-r.T.icy at itwi,V(.
furo this co!inl:y surrenj,-r of principle, and ai
it must bo anin, Voforo it can re l :cm our ecu
try Irom the rule of fui'iion nnd dt-rrtolism. Il
w ill bo o-ilurgod to tloubl) its foruior lUs-tiil
is, 10 forty-eight p-igea for tho purpose of eat
ing It in nil rtajiuota, ato it. 1j snl n.k'.tr, t
fir.i-elus4 Linmry un i l',i:iiiiy Miaiine.
Atnj.slho I.t.'iiiry n!:r.i.-.ini of the work
will bo mi Origiunl Novel of ?r at n'iitri3dlf
tcrent, ritnn by Jjr. Xu-ijas Hrs.i E.WKI,
which will hi puMislii-l in cl.aj'.en, bes'mit
with llio numhur for Jjannry.
W tiilo tiio ilsguino will oe cLmlile ill form
slzi', only lil'iy c-nt. will be iiJ-Jid to the pries J
siib'criplioo. Tueiblo tho .blUUer Uaata
this onlargdment niiliout I0.-3 tuei Horatio;! til
bo loft out oict'pt perhupH oocasii naliy.
1 5i
Supplied by tho quartity with gooil, I
Hour, bacon, or anythiag In our line : Q
at 10 per cent, on cost, and wo 1
,i;...,,nnl nil 1. in. ....... i 1 n "7
" ' . ' . -.. . 1 . . , I : l t
; Aiiitf will LI ciuppuu vii? uuir 'iwu iw pa-
at ten per cent.
I'lIDLlC SALE. j fa fact, nothing that moi or beast consim.oi,
rTnTIEUE will bo exposed to I'ublio Sulo on tho but what we keep or can get for onr custom em,
. ' .. ,n "."Mi tp.. and will aell a little cheaper, havi
-le- on tho 2Bih inst. 2 borsea, 2 cowa, I wngnn, 1
ded to Piedmont, and fired the Baltimore
titwl fll.lrt .nllMn.l' 1.1..- ..!.... 'I o -...-.. T! .. . IA
kuv. vtti- luiiiuiM n uinwillliu CIluliH. mill 1 E ilAlt UL.l II. 1 I'M.' in vo i ,;,,,. nl
deslroyed such other t-uh ic property as a possibility lluit tho or?'iiiizatu.n of t he j Tho bni of representation in the Houe
they could lay their hands upon. Our Siate Guard, authorized by tho W'.da- of Commons is to bo populative, as dcter
roop wero Boon concentrated, drove lure, w ill soon 13 commenced. 1 l.o tjov- mined I y tho ofliciyl ceius every ten
them away, and cxtinguisa tho flames ernor ban been neotati.i with th,- War yenrj The nurubor or niomber a' first
Ihe injury done to the railway track end Department lor po.uc sort of exemption j 8hall u one iundrcj M(1 nine:y -four. The
Uleftoph lines was trilling, and commit- fur volunteers in tho Liuatd, if they .-hotild, uuml)Cr of ,ne,,r0ers may ut any time be
i.un.iuu uy tutjui u iu once re-Caiauiisii- i,e (iraiun u: iter ino national oni: u: ip-1 ,crt,af:,,j by the (leneral Parliaiueiit
Od. , ,lion tart h, anil lin na. 10 n eoni..eiamoj j,.,,. boinj, ,jml (0 ,bo .iro,)0rliolulte pair oftwin sleds, V pairof hny-Uddors, 1 sleigh,
A. severe battle was fo-i-U at ia.VVn '''V' f"?!'11- volnnt.vr in the rj?lts h(m oxij,ing. Dineiing for ,ri-'Kcd f;,r 0,",,or W'l ,,or!'c, 1 ',pfinK irt-uH
Tl la .. , ' -i.".iM.n, ;u;ira th.ill Ijo drafted br t!ie I nlted ' u lo i.- ,i5 l)V ,i.B t,ririnin lor rnko, plows, harrows, cultivators, shovel
Tenn., some 13 nules south of -Nashville. Slate, service, he w to be fu. loi.ghed for 1.. J Jit,?, !jlu"'.1 '"l;i.R "ucliiao, I wind-mill, 1 cu,ti3
on me uotu U1V., between tho rcbt-1 forces the whole term of his enlistment in the! lv.J.Zu::.':ZJ:"rl":."': . .x 1 ' eo ."arri. r:lK"' ")rk and 'hovels, 1
.,i, ir i i ., . . . .. i i . , I i u iui i ui ii uue im-iuuui nun ciuer-Dil , I crnin er.vl o. mowiinr s-'vthn
Under llOO.l. nml ll,r r,-,lon,l 1..,... i... (innr.l in iiiir(- Im nnni terriiriteu -r .. . .. . . u" r. """H1."""!
c, ' .v..v,i3 uuu.-i , loivoicrs. r-vory liouse Ol uomnions is seapa of txoa,;i aail.llet, inur sett of humus. 3
icefield, acting under Thonir.?. Scofield ':TV? Xo 1,10 !sU,' n,J i1'1 , 1 ft'v;nl R; chosen lor five years, but may bo sooner stoves, one glass cupboard, 1 dining and ono
claims a decided victory, estimating tho "Pi! y nec(,M".7 nanMun from beinj? proroguoa 0P .lUsolved by the Executive. brcAkfust i.,ble, 1 spinning-whool, I st.mJ, bod-
encmv', loss at five to six ,bo , , L" I Unnuul.1on.a reouiVed. The power .
v i Hilt' llirmi, II Hilt '.nill III nill,.l IIU ,t ur mntil I , WtUll IlltlUllS .Kt UUiUUI UU tjll I ItfUVIOIl. Ill T'UTl U'W ferii"I' XT 1" It 1
his own at about 700. Newspaper dis- be , Lfted into tho United Slates ""ici 3 WILLIAM WILSON', j 1 V given that ilfo r.Uowing aeJli'.nM imche'.'
Tallies are equaily favorable. But thero """" l,)nfc" man ins eniHinieni in me, lul0 0 . . - . oi:Mr . vv,iA. rtatkmkmt op tup ' eilllEuiert and passed ly me, uud remain filed of
are fitronu reasons for snrr-ii ,: 6,a,e. unrd' he ,.,nvo nterv.e. some additions, th ,.l,i"ornf.l.l..J. O CleafBebl County i;.Bk. Kerouher 7. lsiu. i.r!cr.,n,h!" "r i.T!'" ' 1-1".
nlion, or that llio tvholo truth was not h. rv0nwi,ln n, iiBf.i ! of il"iijr, telerarhs and lines ' ''r'. .... .
told. The accounts ozree that c,Ut , (l 7 l(! ,,CWs 'M Pro- ,r r'n
. . c anw otner countries, banking anil ), 1,1210
T 13 It M S :
Ono cojiy ono year !!
hCVl'll l'11.-a UIIC .IUU U.JU iJ UP I ....
gc:tor up of tho t'!Jj, J
Twenty copio one year, and one to tho (
Sttti-r upol the Ciuli, "
SirLr.o copies fent, ro.n-p.ii.l, for 0 !l
Terms n. variably ia advanre, and llie J.'v'-
little cheaper, having advantages
that no others la our business have.
t:30ur Clourfiolil friends will pienje not for
got to call ami see us when they eomo to town.
Tbey will find us on the corner formerly occupied
by J. Hunk, nearly opposite the Conrad House,
Main Street J. I. M0RKIS A Co.
Dec. 7, 136-1.
i r.ciMTr.irs xoncr..
given that the following account- hs,vo boon
' As Tun Oin Guar;) is f'.creD'.ypod, Wit num
bers and volumes can a'nrjyi bs luru'uhed.
All letters ahoull be a-Mressodsi follows '
Ko. loJ, Nassau it., Xow York.
IxixuTor.vs xoTicr-
commenced at 4 p. m.,
.1., . . " wie eiixjs uiiui-i iuo until, ouo'iiu ,,., r..;i .1 1 ,
or that the whole truth was not he serve a whole year in the State Guard ! 1 , 'r'T' telcRrnp nn,
Die accounts agree that the fipbt he will be credited on her nnota in any I "T. Le'weo lhe
. . f . . .. .1 . r. 1 T I ... 1 mv. umci luu u vi IU. un 11 1 11
nt,, n.i., ...,.7 u ureurs i, iimer no 11 11 lor crenn z- .1 ... : r .. . . .
' " '""lu "' 1 ...... .' , , . , ,, 1 uc mug 01 pajier nicnev. interest, woe its (lrMi,i !rnliinn .I.,. i..i
mcnt of Mny 3d. lsftt,
Tue banks of the State,
luo Dcpoj-ilors,
Total liabilities this day
Dividend declared thi.tdny includ
ing Stnlo nnd t'. S. Tix,
Gold, $l,.'i3t On. Silver, I, IBS 27
Amount of bills discounted,
$ 60,000 tl3
1; that the rebeU. although suece.fol Killlho of wilic?
iiioi, nun npuiseu in lour eUCCCFSlve fnriiinhrd bu nnr own rilv .. ......... .tt, cAiriint; uio coiifvnu
charges. Now, if this story is correct, all ;
lion of courts ol criminal jurisdiction, but
this took place in tho space of little more ' v v, . "V, t v -V' ,Jf 8 I,rocuuure cr,m,,,ul
' 1, 'u11-,aknh. A gentleman from cnia mloruis lt"'
Uian ono hour, .lut egllll, dispatches US this mm uins that n,.p' A sui.rrmo rourl of nnnen'.s tiu bnen
'from Nashville, dated Dx"c 1, iiifomi us oflernd to vntn in Xeni.t yesterdny, and established for the Federated Provinces;
was but the General Parliniect may also, from Amount suspcudod of tins,
1 of ne- time to time, establish additional courts. Ci.nsidotcd bad.none. Doubtful m.uo
' Con J All courls. iiuL-es and ciliocrs of tho sev- nel bstalc, nono,
I 1 ' a' - . . .
iium iiusuviiie, uaiea vec. I, uiioini us onoreu 10 vntn in Acm.i yesterdny
that our forces, on that Jcy, wero stationed J"' 0'1 r'nting ticket open,
within thrtt miles of Nashville wiiere thev ,nUn,C'1 7 1? oe!.,ftnco,,f 1cr0,v1 i
, . .' "llcrc lurJ I ernes ard Abolitionists w th be ng "
WSrA 111 niOlnnnlnrv nAA .1 -.r -. . , . ... , .... n
were in momentary expectation of attack
by tho pursuing rebels-having Men
back about 13 tnilos innsinglo niKlit,
This rnnnerjurrn is singular on both sides' -singular
for the victorious federals, and no
Jesj so for tho defeatcct rebels.
Tub Latest. Advices fro:n Nashville
to Dec. 2, represent the federal forces at
CO.OOO. and tbo rebels al 33.000-that
the position wi highly favorable and well
fortified that all federal employees, citi
zens, teamsters, camp-followers, Ac., were
in the trenches that the gunboats wore
on hand that non-combatants Lad been
ordered to leave the city Ihat skirmish
ing iras brjsk but that no fears were en
tertained as to the result, and that Thom
as now had Hood la 1 "trap" from which
he is not likely to escape.
.he nn'.horiiifM, from Washington claim
perhcad," and rsked if he was not asham- eral provinces are to aid, assist and obey "'' 'Miita'
cdlo vote for q traitor. Ilo replied that ' the General Government in the cxercuo A,u....n't ,.n.Ubili'ii,.s of Directors
no nuuiniuuu lucivioi.un to i,c 03 pnou a Ol Us rigtits anil powers, nnu lor such pur- Of which they arc indebted
i,inoii man as j.incom. ino words were will be liekl 10 llio couits, judges
F(.,iice cut or n:s nioutn when lio was and ollicors ol tho Geucral Governniont
knocked down
lie roo and ntlcmnted , The several provinces are governed bv
lo c scape, but was knocked down nfaln executives, styled Lieutenant Governors,
and again by both niggers nnd Abolition- and a local legislature, to bo constructed
'Sti iV Wn! innl'-v rcusJ. d led blind in such a maimer as the existing '.rgisla
and bleeding to a hotel. Awl this is tho lure of such provinces shall provide in
way n white. American soldier was treated llio acL oonscntinj to the union. Tho
at a p.ano of voting in Ohio, whare no less powers or the local leci.ilatures are, wilh
than sixty-live niggers of a II t linden had some limitations chiefly specified above,
iii'UMim u-uir uanois. Vaytoix hmvire. simi ar to those of our State lenislalures.
n'gaioes, crcaiiors, ana all others tu any way
interoitod, and will be presented, to tho neat
Orphans' Court of Clearfield county, to bo held
at tho Court II msn i,i the boronjih 'of Clearfield,
commencing on tho 2nd Monday of January,
1804, fur confirmation and allowance.
1. Finul account of John Rurabaugh, adminis
trator, and Mary Diirgiinder, administratrix of all
nnd singular, the goods and chuUul.i, right and
credits, whieh wrro of John llurgunilcr, lato of
liurnsido tp., Clemfield county, do(!ea1.
1. Final account of Klias Kisliol, nilininislrntor
of all and singular, tho goods nnd ehaltels, righti
and credits, which wero of Philip Kriner, lato of
Krady township, Clearfield county, doceased.
8. Final account of Vnlentina Flegnl, suriiv
Ina ndminlstr.-itiir of Dnvid Fleg:il, den'e 1. i
i 4. Final necouut of (yrcnlus Howo, udm inl.4.
. Ir,iliir Ami l,rr .4,n,.l l n, , t .1 r I r i x if unH
2 .:t..,tr la .1 nt.nllnl. r!..l. I.n.i.l nr.. I '
j Lriueiiiiiii i .una on ,i. . .. c....i :.,r i,.,.
ua uii'iuiauis ir.,.nij o
Liabilities of Stockholders,
Of which and aa principals,
ns endorsers,
l.KC 00 I
.l.t.tjfi 00 j
152.0HS 1 1 I
' 1 1.1.4 44 fi I
23 j,70a 81 j
2,tl5n 57!
5,707 3.1 1
130. is; ;i7
0.3UJ 03
Notice is It
by given thnt Letters TeMnmentary on Ins
tftate of JOll.V .Mi l'i! iiUSuX. lato of the W-
oivU of C'kai Hold tlceeiised, hating hpenUla by tho undcrfigned, s.'.l persnin InJtWiU
said estate aro re';iuted 1 1 make iinuiedisliif".''
uient, and liioso having cl.iiuij ajainit tlnw
wi'.l pntiiit thciu dulv" noth, iitii'nt'd for setae
ment. l'.KV L'ES Mfl'UEHSOS, "
Kov. ;0 0t rd. Umm.
(l AlfTIOV. All persons are hereby mC'
J ed ag nst Hiking an asaignuicutof spjon
issory Nul'K ivcn ly too underfigneil IcHmJ
Connwnv, (now dceenrcd.) dnted about lis
day cf February , lt4, nnd pa) able tkJM'"
after dale, with intercM, ns said note W
pnid in Tull to Charles Connwny.rcn., t"r'
of .alt decenscd. ISAAC C. McCLOikEI.
Nov 30, 1881 pd.
Sworn and subscribed befor-i J. W. Shugnrt,
Etq., Kov. 2D, tblil.
1 JAM liS II.
Clenrfield, Dec. 7, '04.
Ititviikliin. f 'Inurliitlil riiintlv. ilix'isHMttil.
4'5if 11 ' 6' 1 l"eiunt of .Mury Lydick, udmiui.-ti .1
..1,1 ,, ! tris of nil nnd sinffulnr, the goods nnd etiiitti!.-,
i,rn , ritrlits nnd eiedili which wero of Jubn ,.v,l. W
lato of towusiiip, Clearfield County, dee'd.
7. Tho account of Wm. Hoover, adi'ninialrntor
of Jihn Khirsy, Into of Bradford township, Cloar-
t'ath iitr.
Oct. y-
CiraTOn the evening beforotho election,
: One special reservation of importance U
made in favor of llio local Governments,
'KMMKK l:Lr.CTIO An election
will be held at tho ofTico of O. L. Keed 4
Co., In tbe borough of Clearfield, on Saturday tho
3 1st inst, at 2 o'clock! p. in., by the stockhold
er! of the Clenrfield and Curwensvillo Turnpike
company to elect a President, Treasurer aud
Rl'.I.lV.V XOTICT.. The Do.rdof Beta
for Ihe county of Cloirficld.will nc(,t,u
Cominisf-ioiieru' nrticc, on Wednesday !J
d.iv, the 2Sth nnd 2Ullt days Of I)eeeiber,l.
iho Board linve directed that U ne PF
rants must appear before tho Hoard BI,'Pr(!..
tbeir sworn slatement detailing naaie of
regiinont and -company when eanittdi
mimberof rhildren, with J" nnd lJ o'."'
the towr.Odp'in whir!, they rc.-lded nt l -"
enliatinent, and their present residence; M" .
(he i.i wiihout Ihe n.ei!iis of Fiippr-rt for &ir-'
and cldlilren, who are dependent upon her.
Two witnesses of credibility, from the tawWiP
in which ho rcfides, must also b" r i rtt
whose errtificnle, sworn to before the bosw,
f. it,., ni.i.iiVini w iho norson she y
' ros.tiU herself t be; thnt tho statoBtnent eWj
l number and ne of ber family is true I ln
Ii In destitute eireuin.'tnneos and her ram 7
actunl want: and thnt nil the fats setfortn m
lieilclion i. ii... .i -1 . . i.,, i . i - it,,ar.l ..f u.MBA.. r.. t.m ,, .;,, -nnr
il,.., i t- ir . nnuicij, iiiai iiicv iiioiie sua i nave mo "",-niii, ,.,..,.(,(.,.
that luminous oracle, m. II. Seward ' if ' .u '.,. .i : r l!r order of the Prcsidenu
used tho rcllowing languapo: V .i - "i-.v.. JAS. T. LKOXARD,
of the exhaustion of the rebels,
V"-.. lr, I. l ! """CI Oil (UU t'JlilOlk Ol
iu nucuuy uuu.rm. k eviuences , nn, ;irn l,t,- ,, f
but not'rn.1 1 il I. lAl
1 I s ,i p . . . . UtUfl 111 I HIT (113. It 3 I119U Bl TU"
ye evidence of the conscousness of that ifl0(l th(lt lhe ,aw of th(J Qtnm Pai,i(l.
vAimusiiuu. inuiu cviueuues win niipi;ur mnnft.
O. L., Sco'y.
Doc 7, 1864.
are. to control and
C ASH', trespassing on the premises of Iho un
dersigned in bn-caria township, on or a-
supersodo ' boiit the Ut cf October 1864, a DUN HULL
field couuty, doceased.
8. Tho account of Cuiclino Owens, administra
trix, and Authony llile, sdininlktrator, of nil nnd
siugulnY, tho goods and chattels, rights and cred
its, which were of Thomas Owons, lato of l'iko
townslilp. Clearfii-ld oouuty, deeeaned.
Ilegisiers 0Hc. . I. (J. BAKtJ ER,
l application are jui-t uud true.
1 1
1. . , - .i .An..r.iiln esn
r orins cinnmii; uirsu iv,,-". - . vf
tiiined nt the ofijee of tho lionrd of Keliel,
nppUeniii.n is made mid the witno.uci isri
Nov. 80, ISttl. W. fi. BltUMt.
Notice to Colicctors.
immediately or, tbere-elecuon ot Abra-, those mado by tho local legislatures, and uPPred ta b F"t two years old. . The ! cepu iu ycur several .tuplicntes. It ii dei
bam I.mcoln. the latter to bo void so far a they are re- ownor ' ner!oy requested to come forward, that tie ismt should be eoitplewd during
la 1 1 tint, finmi I mi, llinl "immA,H ' . . , tirnv rtrnnet tT. nnv phtrai in,! I.ka kim j wn ' tnntith
i i. . i..: . r . r, . .. i v """". iiuuiiudi to cr inconsistent with the for- , ' 'l " .
u., mm- cuerman ot sat..-ately" to happen 1-Jhy im. :iaer j,uUic UbJ. Fe,,cra, OT rrovir.ciai I ur ,0,a u,;-ie,ttM
" I w v we iiOi M A W U U i. i 7
Dec.5-tc. Kcgister. .nr.t.Ki Tfili"; nv TA XF.3 for 1S61 sre n?"
To tho Assessors of Clearfield Co. V, ' , Z w J
T,l 1 of Jmjui.rT. lsiii. to the Xreasuror of the V
L you are heruby notified W wake oouiplele, or tircutiou will forihwuh f'llow
hi, I lorthwith return to to this office, yuur lists will be charged on the situie from epu,
ofenroll.nci.ti and clnesiflentiont of lb militia-i fcy crJfr o uuiTil KY Cl'i-
moo of tbo oounty, ,n sccordauce with the pre- ' ' " ,,'v i 1S64.J
desired Lomui ri uineo, uraiui'" -
this . ..".u -f .haioe Oro
KOC'tlliriS A mil aiuc -
-m i -. ..ull a, v,n, riM OUT mi-- .
lly order ol the Hoard,
WM. 8. IlKADLEY. Clerk.. !
tODtia'ri Oflico, CtoarSeld, Not. IT, 11 1. 1