Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, November 23, 1864, Image 3

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0 Mtnr jf f"4 in adtanrt, ,
" " f within the yewr,
" f not paid itiiit iht year, ,
'rJNeVKMHKIt Zi, IMii,
TvnuioA: I'lcaiUeld Hal road 'I luic-Table. I
Triu leaves Tyror.o lit 8:i5 A. M.
arrives at 1'bilipi.burg t " U A.M.
Trtiu leaves rhillpsbnrg at S:i5 I'. .I.
ariivr. at Tyrono at 5;i6 p, M.
Gen. Shcrmnn, uflcr dttroj ing every
thing llmt coald Lo of rdvanliigo lo the
enemy at, Atlanta, left thai point, part of
:-Lis force on tbe'Jtb, find the remainder
' (47,000 in nil) ou tho 12th, far Macon,
tlienco lo Augusta, hit final destination
being supposed to be either Charleston,
Savannah, or Mobile. '1 he distance frcm
Atlanta lo. the nearest it the three
points is over 300 miles. Ilia army is sup-
u uuji rations. ;o con-
liderablo rebel force can confront him
until after he reach Macon, wlwch 1
ibout 10U miles from Atlanta. But he.
wi-a awuuwt l'U UtJ-
fnr I,a iT.nt nn.Hi it. .. f i
...w.w iuuuiui iuo vouicuer-j y scnucr in Lawrence townehip. CloarGeld co.
ato authorities ivill be fully anpiiied 0f ton or ,bouttho soth of October, isci, a cream
Ma ' I - . i j i . colo',od horse, with dark main and tail, and hav
bis moxenjonl.andcaniend delachmenU i, . iet of old harnea. Th. - Ji. .1.....
by railroad, either from Lee'a army at
Richmond, or from Hood', army (now
TtonilfAnorl'ttl 1,1 T.rlllAVn llaliani. ...1
Beauregard's) in Northern Alabama and
Tenncsnee. This U, beyond all question. '
the -biggest thing" ,-ct attempted during
ihe war. If It is successful, Sherman will j
lava eclipsed all other commander for!
1 ... ' Ior
genius as well as boldness; but ifhe fails,
U will not be the loss of what is left of 1
frhat was half
cur military force six
months ago, but, Sherman will bo discard
ed 48 a madman.
That tho rebels are awake lo this move
ment of Sherman' is evidenced by the
report, by way of Richmond, that Early,
with a large portion of his force in the She
nandoah valley, had returned loGordons
ville, which is in railroad communication
with Augusta, Gv, via the Danville road.
A)iJe frou this the war news has
tut little interest. Reports say that an
attack cn Memphis is threatened by
Beauregard, who is at Corinth.
A dinpatch from Louisille, dated 19th,
gives a report that Breckinridge, with
10,000 nion, had defeated our forces al
Bull's Gap, East Tennesree, A similar
report comes via Richmond, and that the
object is lo invade Kentucky.
Ku.i.ed. U. J. Jone?, Esq., on of tbe
mot racy writers connected with the
neivspaper press of the interior of Penn-
tjlrania, and author of the "HUtory of
(he Valley of the Juniatla," was killed ol
Ilarrisburg on lust Friday ight. His
body was found under the cow-catcher,
crushed to a shapeless mass. He leuves a
A jot Hi; a. A fw days since we net Seen)
on. item stating that Thomas Clark, Erq.
connected with the New York post
nflico for over Iwenty years was instantly
killed while riding on. the locomotive on
the Hudson river road. Wo knew him
well, as a faithful oflicer and ttccomplished
2?Tlie Adams' .Express Company have
wtablislied a branch otllo in our town.
This supplies a want that has long been
feltintliU community. Mr. Joseph S
Shoueis, wo believe, is their agent,
1-iTAttenliou is directed to the adver
titcment of tho Clearfield Academy. Tho
wintor term com!nec,' on the 5th of the
coming month,
.The Arsv Cojwuimtioji ov Horses -
Some interesting facts m regard to the
supply ol Horses aua lueir oonssuiiipiinn uy
the army, have recently been presented
by a NtTwbury (N. Y.) veterinary surgeon,
Dr. Voeli. The 5efltis shows that the
number 'of horses in tiie' United Slates in
1-60 was" 6, 115.458. After making deduc
tions ftr the Southern States, for horses
undor and nlxsve a workintf ae, dileased
So-rTof U.e 'horse ?kTt Inlh.
.. TV If I , 1. - .
loyal State to 1,007.808 animals, i lie (
innual want for civil use is 144,018, for (
military use, 108, "42, or one-fourth an nu-
allv Of the total horse supply. The colts
andP fm,r voara old ara estimated all.-
uiiuer lour y fin wu m co.nuuv.
414 174 one fourth of trWe, or 278,544
l i Ttl !.nh lb. . nf four vssri
Kill annually reach the age Of four years,
but as this number may be reduced one-
tenth fnr deaths and disasters Btnonc the
colts, the ultimata annual actual supply is $10 at ten per oont.
nut at "() G'JO while the annual need for --Our Clearfield friends ill please not for
put at JU,UJU, wnue mo "" " -. d lhtj cein to town,
the army and for c.vd life is 2oJ..OO get to e , 0 ,he. rnor rormerly 0CCUpi.d
ihowinft a dtdiciancy of horsea each "ey wm n , , iM tha Conrad House,
jear. Dr. Vogeli makes no statement of gtrM j. 1. MORRIS Co.
the mules which are used in the army,- n0;, 1884. ' .
though he allows for tneir use, wuicu re
lieessomny horses. If his estimates
re correct, there ia good reason for the
high price of horses besides Ihe deprecia
tion in the currency. The waaie or horses
in the army from bad treatment and neg
lect is enormous.
WSThe Louisville Journal aarrules a
characterist,io electioneering trick nt a
Democrsiio meeting in Kentucky :
"Lai KntnrJav iiiaht Lioutenan I Gov
ernor .Tncnli stnoke at Erankford. We
WJ lay .here that he is one of Ihe iioblwt
specimens or loyal coDservmiiui 10 w
wind in the country. An arueui vei.R
iotidge Demoarat in 1860, and with 1 at
tBsnrrniindinea lurinii liini into Uiefatnl
fth which the influence of that magnetic
lea.lor exerted, be never twerveu irom
hia loyally to the Union cause or his d
votion lo the maintenance of an undivided
ountry. After ha had unialiea an eucci
ir .pcech at the State Capitol, amidst
loud ckeeri for McClellan, a t-hout for
JefT. Davis arose from the crowd. The
military guard was on the qui vivi to do
tact the offondex, and he was at once ar
!ted, when it was discovered that he
n ardent supporter of Mr. Linooln.
tpon the eslahlishment of this fact be
rolensed from dureas with ft gentle
'priruand. Wa dismisa this mode of
Jtotioncering wilUout tven dignifying it
7 tepritnand." 1
Edilar nftl P....I.I.' .
v .... javticn i ' j
e"-s-vi h. roYw Jou
PPr that I will .end. bv return ..In . "Vur
, a Recipe, with full direction! for
lMB a aiiMtil. VAnAt.Li. n-i-. .i .
. ui " 'l'r ;b"w uaim, mat
L. t " yulor'n 10 Jy. I'lranMBiotoh-
V' eas,ana ill Iuipurit'esor th Bkin.
leaving the lame loft, dear, imooth and keauti-
I will allK mill fri in Ik... V...I n i i
ww Mating lllltl
Heads, or Bare Faces, simple directions and in
furmaUon that will fntbl thorn to start a full
growth of Luxuriant lluir, Whiskers, ura
taohe ia Kvi than thirty day.. ,
All education, answored by roturn mafl with. '
vk cnarg. Kospectlully vour,,
T210S.V. CHAPMAN. rh.n.i.
604 "P. Ml, Broadway, Now -York. '
tV ed RBin,t l7in,lf or ""ins a certain Dark
Brown Mar, now In tha noi..n h:.i.
U r '.i.-i.i- 5 .. ,
' . i"uip, as iub tain bl;nirs to
uio and is in his uio on loan only.
Kov. 2, 1861.
CAMI4 troBpajsing on the premisfi of the un.
denignod in B.ccuria townthin. on or n-
bout tbo 1st of Oetuber 18G4. a DITV m rr I
supposed to bo past two years olJT The
owner is hereby requested to come forward,
i'iurcnj, r.j unarcs anu uiKe niia wav,
or he will l mA according to law.
Kor. St. T. S. WASUBl'RN.
- swim . , . . .
treipassing on lbs premises of the sub-
led ,0 com8 forward, prov property, pay charges""17. Win, J', MILLEH.
S ekeckn.' Z XZJX
Tn a -wm . . .
lat of August last, a Brown Brindle Bull, whito
t.a.r,ln,the .fttC '' 11, nd aoom two years
oll hist spring, lot information leading to his
recovery, I will pay liberally.
TOUMto Oo the road between Curwesville,
" mA I ai:ll .1. nn.l . , . '
mny ui.uu i.iiu, vu IU9 UClODer USl,
a TRAVELING BAG, containing, among other
things, several articles of clothing. The owaer,
by calling upon th subscriber and paying char
ges, can have his property. 3. BEKTAUT.
Lawrence tp., Nev. i), 1811.
1 TnilCHANT. snd cW.or tn l)r fl,,n.l.
-.VLciothing, JJardware, yuecniwaro, Uroeorios
rrovinons, ac.
Front Street above the Aeadomr Clearfield Pa.
April 2l)th 1S6,
J. I. Morris & Co.
Sell the cheapest Goods
in the county I
Ami are just reeotvtng the following :
Prints nnd Delaines,
A SplonpU assortment, vary cheap. A targe
stock of
Brown and Blcacctl Muslins,
very cheap. AUo,
Flannels, Linseyg, Satlinwjts,
Jeans, Tweed, etc,
vory cheap ; and for ladles ad obiUl'n splendid
Balmoral and Hoop Skirts.
The greatest varioty of
ever opened ia the oounty, and at lets prices.
A great variety ami beautiful assortment of
Hood?, Nubias, Sontags, com
forts, Breakfast-capes and Gloves.
A large stock of
Of all kinds, Tor Ladies, Gents and CtiildreA", with
Hums. Buflulo Overs iocs, Ae., at auction prieut.
In'ondloss variity, witli broad axes, double-bltts,
llafting and Burking axes.
C h O T 1L I N G
Of all kinds for MEN and BOYS, Ororcoati,
Pants and Vests, cheapor than tho cbeupest.
A general asscrtmont of drugs aud msdilnos,
paints and oils, dyo stuffs, Aa.
Kio, Ky and Laguyra Coffee.
Kugars white, brown and yollow.
Dried peas, swoet potatoos.
Cranberries, butter, eggs, lard, cheese, hams,
shoulders and sides.
Dried boof, cod-fi.ih, uiackenl, herring, and
fresh shad.
Cooking and parlor stoves ana stove pip
t adics Coats and Circulars, Vic
r..n o.wIPmITc
Travelling Trunks,
. Carpet-Bags, .
Ladies' Baskets, etc., etc.
Ptnur. chnn. salt. Ao
Saddlos, bridles, horse collars, trimmed horse
h - es, s.iigh-be..., whip,, harness and
Urind ,t0nes and fixtures.
j 2-horso Olean wagon, timber-sleds, buggies,
iielghs, carriages, Ao.
I fact, notbiag that man or beast oonsumes,
but what we keep or can get for our customers,
- ------ - , - .i.niiirni
and will seU a Utile cheaper, having advantages
that no others in our business have. ...
lUMBKRME2I .applied by the quant ty wi
fl ba00D( or 8nythi.g l our line at 10
noroent on cost, and we discount all bills ovor
roaasatr At ra aaLtaroKTi rocnoav caisai
I'LAca or avsnvRSi.
1IAUPT & Co.,
TTAV1NU leased tk Foundry and Mschino
XX Shops at Milesburg, known as " GREEN'S
fTr. i-xt v ... nr.ior.ii to manufattur and
np'air Steam Engines, sweep nnd tread power
Tk..i,; M,,Lin,.. New Horld ana liatnaway
Cook Wovesr Wagon Spindles, Plows, and Cast
ings of all kinds at short notice. They also bav I -bedi
a Bcllefont and MUesburg.u variety of i .
c.i. ..i i.rtr Rlnvea. for soft ooal, of Pitts-,
VUV. ... ...... - - . - .
burjrwanufactore. ' Call and sco for yoursohes.
- . . . . .t . - i. ' it....
ISAAC UAC PI ' ' J,"' !
bg and Columbia Insu Comranle. 1
... : - 'i
TYr 5nlp A Frilit Farlll '
- " .
IIS tubscriber offers for saloon rca.onab
I urina hi. FARM situated in Lawrence town
ship, about midway between Clearflold and Cur- J
winsrill. It contains about S5 aores, with about j
65 acres thereof cleared, with a Frame House,
and Frame Barn. There are upwards of-4U0
graRed Aprd trees in good condition some 30
Pear troos, with a quantity of Cherry trees,
Grapevines, snd other small fruit thereen the
whole being well located. The till is indisput- ;
able. For term, apply KHirv THORN (
August m. isn. w.
HELP WASTfcU A miuuie-s "
- a . 1 It. -J TtTnntsan
Clearfield, 8ptmbr 81,1664
. 7 w jxmuciion
' J.
I'. K R A T Z V, .'
' Front Street. Clearfield, Pcnn'a.
Having purchftifd a large Hock fince tho
lto d-cline.ini rices is cow prepured to
offer great largaina in
iYcic Style Dress Goods,
, Richest Printed
4ll-IFool Delaines
Ff Cnck McritM
I ,"-'' II
Good Black Silk,
Cohurgs and Alpacas, ;
Woolen Shawls,
T ,f' . I,,,,
'-aUlCS JttllillCSj
Furs and Bonnets,
Staple Dry Goods '
Rcady-Madc Clothing,
Millinery Goods,
Hosiery and Notion?,
Hats and Caps,
Boots and Shoes,
Hardware ij Qnccnsicarc
Drugs and Groceries,
Carpets and Oil-cloths.
Household Goods,
All of which will bo sold at grc.itl.y reduc
ed prices. - Oe, l'J-tf.
rilllE undersignod, having completed bis Phot-
a Ograpn nailery, in onaw now, iwo ooors
westof tbe Mansion Houss, ClearCeld, ra., is I ,pecifio fur all dili.iuls uiskases in theAruiy
now ready to ait on all in want of ht has wq equal. Its popularity in our noble Ar-
Fnslt" (DlJUSS FirtorilS. !mynd "Wfherel. as universal as its cures
' " u . have been sure and wonderful. Asa
My arrnngoments are fuchas will enable mo to
furninh tlioso beautiful productions of sun draw- ppnTVTITi't'
ing in tho highest stvle of tbonrt. Having fitted 1 JU' ' J'A'li' 1;
uji my rooms at a confiJernblo expense, with a
view to tho comfort and pleanui e of my patrons, ' It has proved a great blessing and faved mnny a
i hope, by strict attention tobuMness and adeVire 'valuable life in thnso niia.-niatio loralitie where
so ploase, to merit a liberal share tf pnblie I tbey would have been victims to bilious discuses,
pot'.onnge. A full supply of Gilt, Rosewood, and '
other pramos, Albums, and an endless variety of . TllO Chills will not return if those
Cases always on hand, . , Drops uro taken !
Particular attention" given to copying all kinds! " THE ' ,
" s-'f Instruction in flio art of Photographing A T TVT V A fJTTP Till fiPQ
iven and apparatus TumUlied at city prices. ill Alii X1UUJJ SJIWJk MS
1-tr tt. JHtlJur., flrtiKi.
ASSESSMENT. Xotico is hereby given, i
lh At the Commissioners of Clearfield county will
meet at tbe folloftiug places at 10 a. in. of each
day named fur the purpose of hearirrg Appeals
from the Triennial Assessment, to wit :
I'vr Ducatur township at Centre School bouss on
Thursday November 2ttb.
For Woodrtard ton nMbip at tbe huuse of Thomas
Henderson ou i'riday Kovouiber 25th.
Fr (lulich township at the School home in Jayns-
v ills on Saturday November 26th.
Tor Beccaiia township t the liou.o of Samuel M
Smith on Muiiday November 2lh.
For Knox township at Turkey Hill scbaol house
on Tuesday iCuvimbcr 2'Jib.
For Ferruson township at tho house or John
Urrzory ou Wednesday November illltb
ForJordiiu township at Iho public school in An
sonvillo on Thursday Deccinbor 1st
For Chest towmbip at the school house near SI-I .
,nnn UoKbough's on Friday Duceiuber ?d. ; AnU it is strongly roeommended to per,..,,, trav
For New Washington in said borough on Satur-! cl"Bi 'hrcugU f lacos charged with uiiasin.
day December Sir j
For iluinsido township at the house of Ceorgo j
V. Ntff on Monday December &th .
For Boll towi.ship nt the houeo of Asaph Ellis on Wo respse'.fully call attention to our testiino-
For Lumber city at tho pub.lo school houro In
luesaiiy iecemoer ion.
eaid borough on Weanosilay uecemorr i. ; sucioea, so weu are u curunvo munics apjiu
IVr Venn township at the honso of W W Ander- ! iated in Ihe army, that tbe most successful ur-
son ou Thursday December 8 geons in the Field and JUsWtal uso it nlm .st
For Curwensville at the houde of Isaao Bloom on exclusively in tho diseases for which wo claim its
r.i.l.o rwrniihor 0 ! infallibility. The host physicians always seize
For Piko township ntlhssnino plaio " Saturday I tho best means to effect u cure, henco the uni
Deccmbor 10th. ' I versality of tho
Fur Bloom township ntthe bouse of James Bloom
on Mjnday December 12th '
For Brady township at tha house of William
Schwoui on Tuesday December 13th
For Union township at the houso of William F
Johnson on Wednesday December 14th
For Fox township at th houso of Juhn I Bundy
on Thursday December Uth
For Huston township al tbe house of Jess Wil
F - - a the Cm,sionc,' of
son on Friday December lotli,
lnv December 19th.
For Lawrence tlownship nt tho same place on
Tuesday Dicomber zutn.
An appeal
from the valuations of Unseated
r-.i. -ill li. liulil at th tommissioners omee,
on Tuesday und Wednesday, the 27th rf-28th days
. os .i.A!..k :..,aell nnrs.ins in.
on n!iuju" -- -
, fJ b 18g 4, at whieh time all persons in -
I tero-ted must attend as no appeal can be taken
, udUut0. BTrdcr of the Board of Com -
, f U BRADLEY, Clerk.
Commissioners umee, yav
10th 1S8.
,a, Silks, Wool Dolalnes, French Merinos, Olng -
i - 1 Knna (nit nnnmnff or
U 9 -suvt ur, j wi - ry
. T.AUnill J. III.AKKI.Y,
Attorney and Counstllor at Law,
Will attond to all business entrusted to his
car In Elk and adjoining oounties at St. Mary's
( BeniingerP. O.) aep 28. 6 mo pd.
11. H. M E ANS
raorrtiEToR. Oct. 19 ly
riTIE rartnGrsbip hertoforo existing between i
I 1 . . a f J I- iL. Rf.nn.l IU an1 T.lltn. '
bfrbus be.., at Orahamton, P.., is tbi. day dis -
tytual consent.
ti,. ltonks and Accounts ara In th hands of
h unaerinuiieu in iuo incib-uumo .
Thos. II. Forcey, for settlement, and all persons
i..-i ,,n..u nd accounts win mease can ai on
- ' '"6" .
Orahamton, Sipt 9,'fll. pd.
Farm for Sale.
mill? subscriber ofiors fr sale, oa reasonable
I terms, 10 . crcs of Land, more or less, sit
uate in tiirard township, Clearfield, connty, with
about 40 aeres cleared, with building), Ac, erec
ted thereon, being the same purchased
br Smith tt King from George B. bmith. for
terms and particulars apply to the undersigned
at CUarfield, l'a, ..-.., T
. Sept. 14, lSMf,
, -- - .- . i
The sovcrciga remedy fur tbe Cure of
Tii"vri'i .
' .
This most wonderful ri mcdy for the perma
nent cure of Pever nnd Ague, etc, was discov
ered same venrs ago by one of tbo uiott eminent
Chemist of America ! '
Out of thousands of cases it has never been
known to fail in efleo'.ing a radical euro. A
single Bottle of those drops bas cured diseases
which have .
Stubbornly Kcsisted the most Skillful
Modicul Talent!
It contains nothing that will lnjuro the Consti
tution 1 v
It purines tbe Blood! !
It removes Obstructions from tho Liver 1 .' .'
It promotes Iho discharge of Bile 111!
It effects a radical and permanent Cure by re
moving tho cause upon which the aua do
rends!!!!! T II E
' i s its name nmnrb. lni I.aah int .1. it,.
Quickly drivos away
To its natural buoyancy and aninintioa ; invigor
ating the body and clearing out every vestige of
Disease produced by luatlnoiuo miasm.
district ihhidd be witioitt a Jlutiie of 'it
,....n. .....i., . .v...... ...... ..ntJ
of lives have been saved tn.tho army by M tuo.
We are happy to refer to nis Kxcelleney A.
Lincoln; Hon. McClellan; (ien. Fremont; tJen.
Burnside; Gen. Hanceek; (len. Kilpntrick; (ien.
IticA (!nl !.,. H5th rf Yi Col Ouick. 17th N Y
1 n : Cnl Fowler. 1 lib N Y S M : Major Dorennu,
: a n r : Mior lteifsnvdcr. 3fitli l'a: .Minor Vill
cox, a DC; Major l'oinsey.'Msjorstiiiweii, Ma -
.1 .. nV.1- II U 1 C .. TT C A .
vu,kv, ....1.. i-
.jl)r Dabeock, Lieut. Whelnn, Surgeons V S
m Kcv Bishop Potter, Rev Dr Tyng, Rei
; Tay,ri KowPyork . Rev II W Itceeher,
I E ll Chnpin, Bro.k ,n : Rev Mr Clieever.
ev Dr
Chnnin. Brosklvn: Rev Mr Clicover, Rev
' Mr Bones, New York j His Honor Mayor Wood,
' II.. HI L-..Ik II,, r IS ,l1 llr.,Vlvn .
"on MOunthor
, .;,. hoh 8ee circuar5
i a
rriccipitl Office,
181 Water St., 'ew Voi k.
Jf.Ji.-Aone gmnM U-Ut,cul btanJ cur
. . . . t .
tujmture on the wrapper.
1 ..Don't let your Druggist put you off
1 with an, other remedy. If be does not have
fr faic, onclore us l 25 per mad, and we will
Mna you one bottl of tbo Ar my Ague Drops por
man. roil naiu.
ocl20-2ra 181 "Water St., New Vork
M U S K I N G U M i V A L LE Y
iTt i .
C!rilT1 k m r ITT
C orner of Mul let and Third Streets,
lUving .Jded gre.tfy ,o cur former extensive '
jfacilitie., we are now tuning on, a large namtai
1 1 or mi circular Saw Mills, many of which are
. tn.,n nf '
II th r way Into Pennsylvania, Ohio, Iudi-
ana, and Illinois.' Thoco alraady received and"
in operation are irivin, LT' ..C.:.?5
t'.on. Thore is now hardly a Slate or Territory
m tho Union but that oar Improved Portable
tri " :r- ""
r.i.g ucs anu aw anils are in uw. All our
' h W tester stack, on them
which confine the flying sparks.
We would respectfully-refer you to the Mlow-
I i"R gentlemen and certificate fnr th nn.i.i.:n.-
utility, and practical operations of our Portable
Steam Engines anl Saw Milli
.. Avoshalb, ChciterCa, Pa., April 3, 'CI.
Meswiis. J. A J. 11. DivAi L-Ooiitlemen-Ths
Portable Engine aniluw Mill pot of you gives
ei.tira satisfaction. I cheerfully rocomntend iu want of Saw Mills to giro you a call.
"Ufpccuiiiiy, u. r YVICKEKSHAM.
uJiNERiL r.i.iT, Cambria Co., Pa ,
J. J. IT. Pl VALL-Genllcmcn: M'ilh Mr.
S. Hardesty as sawyer, we huve sawed, with tho
Portable Steam Mill sent to Cit:nbria Iron Com
pany, in nine hours, eight thousand feet of lum
ber, (two thirds of it being enk,) and would
cheerfully rec.-.ininend your Mills to tliwc iu
want of such. Very respectfully,
Fi-r Cumbria lion Company.
Munmsn.iLK, June 2, 1301.
Mrssna. J. i J. 11. Di-VAi-f Wiih tlieasnUL
lanee of Mr. Hardesty, we sawed, tho first day we
"H r.iiKmc mvl raw w:u, seven thousand
two hundred aud fil'iy six feet of ono Inch jiine
boaids, when everything was new and bad be
come vory rusty by three weeks cTposuro ia an
rp n ear. We are well satislied that the mill will
cut fully one thousand feet of inch lumber per
hour, wuh suitable help. We cbeorfully teoom
uiend ynur mills nnd engines to any hi want, as
we ore fully satuficd they nro tbo best mill and
enjrino mid mill of the kind we have ever seon
Yours truly, Jon. BI'.EXXER,
For lirenner, Trunks 4 Co. .
Eur.ssnuna, Pa. Feb. 20th ISfU.
Messrs J. A J. II DrvALl.. V'rar .S'iVs : Our
portablo sow Mill nnd engine nrrived last week
all safe nnd right, wo believe and we can say
without meaning 'any flattery ij behalf of Mr.
Hardesty thnt he did himself credit inputting
iho mill up and starting the same. Yesterday,
just ono week from the timo wo unloaded tho en
gine, ha sawsd with foiir.liands, about CU00 feet
of lumber in about eight hours, a portion of tho
logs were oak and n.-h. So far as wo aro nblo to
judge, wo think n o will be able tg rend you a
better report after a while. We aro satisfied
with tbo Mill nnd Kngino, and can recnmniond
them to any person who may desiro a portable
mill nnd engine.
Yours, nuking you all success,
For further references we will givo the names
of James & Evans, Ebrnsburg. Pu. Messrs.
Hanway A Co., Latrobe, Pa. MeFsr's. Pruuer A
Hurley , Tyrona ; AdaiiiR, Calan A Co , Oresson
S. Miliiken, Hollidaysbitrg : Uileman A Jlessrr,
Alioona : Messrs. ll jcd A
Urn., Tyrone : W. Hit
wurih, jr., Pittsbiirt-; 6,
Khvne, Lul;n City ;
l ollett A Co., West Hr;enville; U, J. Niifliolaou,
l!rookil!o; J. Metionegnl, llemlnek ; Cambria
D on Works, Johnstown : Brenner, Trucks i. Co.,
Morrirdule ; Michael John- ton, Ancstown ; Mc
Coriuiok il' L'Oig, I'al.-bmg ;-W. ii. Lloyd, lll.ons-
liurf"; ii. Mlkkuitter, liuntingdon; t. iiiMin,!
StiaUonvlllc i Dull A Terry, Terryton n ; ('. Key-'
nobis A K. Ainlrcss, Uortstuivn, Crawfoi jcuuntv i '
M. T. Dill if- Th.jinas JUoAulcy. Altoona ; A. L. '
1 , . 1 : i ll.Tl:.! 1 .. ,r M . i '
iLouiuuy, jiuiiiua .-ourg j .u. .n . Miauis, .res
son ; W. B. Zeigler ami Joeph S, Kee l, Dun
lingdon; nil of whom havo purchased Portablo
Steam Kugiues and Portable Circular Saw Mills
bf US.
Wo fully wnrrnnt our engines and 'iw mills to
be uiade of first class material; workmanship
tho same; with Brass Bull Valves in pumps, and
checks, and to saw from G,(00 to 1U,UU0 feet of
ll inber per day (say ten boursj
-'Ordcis solicited. Descriptive ciseulnrs
sent to all correspondents. . ,
Corner Market nnd Third Stroets, opposite
C. O. It. It. Depot, Z.iucsville, Ohio.
aug. 17. ly,'
".AN'TMI). Ten cuiivctcnt Tencbers to.1
teach tho Brady township schools for tho
coming winter. T''o board sits at Luthoburg
on Saturday tho 22d Inst., when we hope appli
cants will appear. Liberal wages will bo givon.
By order of the Board,
OcL19, JtjiiL
15,000 Killed and Wounded, and
30,000 taken Prisoners !
i 70,000 Contrabands freed from the
INVERT man tbnt has rend any thing of tbe
j past history of this WAR must finally come
to the conclusion that tho Confederate Govern
ment would be broken, down. It was only a ques
tion of timo. But now we havo the above (ilori
ou! soul-stirring news to cheer us up ; and the
only draw-back to our joy and glnriD atiun is the
imminent danger of the Contrabands coming
North to "cat out our substance," and to wear out ,
! ur shoes 1 But of ono thing the people of Clear-:
M-.l county mny be assured, and that Is, that
FRANK SHORT for short eallod Sknrt-w.--is
selling Hoots X felloe as cheap.ns any other;
man in the county; and if you dun't believe if, j
just give him a call on court-week, or at any other ,
time, aa
est! pee Ir.r yourselves. n wotnu jo-i
tnmil tn pilDIII lliai lll rnn p i nun .... ...i., ncv
street, In Shaw's Row-wbere von will find him
nimi, iiiinii. . .
; just
. l l. 11 K 1. I...
u '"f, ..r.nd ,n order
on short notiec, and as well made, and as good fits
I aa can be "skeered'' up hero or elsewhere.
&ft.Don't forgot the shop on Market street,
In thaw's Row, directly opposite Hcv. JI. li.
Swonpe'. ofHeo. F. SHORT.
Clearfield, June 11, l-Sf'2.
W. A. WAl.LAfS. C. riMaav,
l... . i A
! I'.'.tn MViTt 'ItlTi fl ft fftlflir Il.lliTff
. i O
bills os1 axrmos.'vovr.s Anon Arts niscorKTFD
ii:i)MTft hi:( i.ivni),
CvUfrtioni made andproffds promptly remitted
Ilxcliangcon the Cltica constantly
on nana.
I jrO"Ofllcoon RocoodfU, nearly opposite Ihe
' rj ALT.miriarln l- q"';J ijr sa.l
i 555 viTry cheap y J' 1 KUA Uft'
M-mmi ii mil m
rv' "nvw nonK-TnE rsir;
rature, lina Are, and Vuiimi. 1,'-.ust
pVT ii-' S,.'d '"WS- I uion
l latra, Mood nerarirgi on ro.-r ui( t bat
can mttren Udiof. Crodiet kriiilr ;, '?C, ..'.,
tinbroiiiery, Ariirlos rortho Ti il,?t, ffr tio p.J-
or, tie llouduir, and t!io IMicI.m. l;vfnilk-,
tn fact, to nialco a i-..u,j1jIp LAIjY'S BOOK.
Noaguiin has htvu ab! ;o coni'-: w'tlt it
Jon nttrmpt it. '
UOI)EV. KUCEtPXa for fvT loP.rtai,..'.t
ofti,o;rm- .r..l,tb.r,iM
nionciiuttairei lr,n nlhnr v ; i .
ilh diairrauii.
ilinr... " "s"'slr') mom;
i .'muni uessuns Tor the Vnuoi'
AnotLer ;-
T UltliS,:3: Other Mag:
armoublUh old, worn-out ,uic'. Ut the sub.
u.Ur,s.i;iiiti tue uiuiio siores.
, iJarJ.nuig for Ladles. Another peeoliuntj
with tiodcy.
XwZS1" 1C''
Sod, . tt.ri,
New York. '
it . i .. wm-utftuip. itnear in
sine that has them.
ii. ...i.i.. .. . i ,..
v v ' i. ureuie, 01
Ladies' Bontets. W. .! ,. ,t .. ,
vear than m me? of 'hom ia s
2!?!,V "ybor Msgaiino. In fact, the La-
iuj uooa cnaoies evcrv ladv in l, h. i.
, .. . I. " - v. vn UVU-
t IIVl'lilUHlTi
i ,ddcD , ath" "Ml)" Side," Nem.sis," and
Miriam, writes for tlodey .each month, and f.r
no other magaiino. We have al rutaiued alt
our old aud favorite' ontributore. '
Terms oXGodoy'a Lady's Book for'C)
(Frcin which there can be no deviation.)
The following are the terms of th LadvVi
Book for 18.16. A preunt, w will receive sub
oribers at tbo following mts. Due noilo will
be given if wo are obliged to sdvauoe, whieh will
depd npon the priuo of iKipener.
Ore copy, oueyoar - . - $.1 do
Two cepies, ono year j j0
Three cvpius, oe yr . . . j j,)
Four copies, one year - - . Hi 0Q
Five copies, ono year, and an extra oopy
Jo the porsoa sending th club, making
six oopies - . . -UK
Eight copies, one year, and an extra copy
t3 the person sending the club, uiaUio
nine copies . . . . JI 0u
F.levcn copies, one year, and aa extra .'.v
to the porson sondlng the ciub, muaini
twelvo copies ;
Additions to any of tho above clubi,$i 51) c:
Qjdey's Lady's Book and Arthur's 'tn-n
Mngaiine will be sent, each one year, c reru .
ol 4 41). M'e havo no club with any erher iia
aiino or Nowsioer.
i he money muat all b sent tt one t . le t
any club. -
Canada subscribers must send 2i cents !u:i!
tlonsl for each subscriber. Address
L. A. H!l3Y.
N. Ii. C-or.
Oth it Ckoernut F'
oc 3t
ill IS p eat line travorsos (lie N'"
Norlkwestern counties of Pti... .. .
the city ef Ut!o, on L ike Cri i.
It uas boen lcasd by tin ' nntn'n ... ..
rrxid Company, and is operated by ... j.h
lis fntire longth wa opeoe l fur pus r
freight business, Oct. 17th, 16H.
Time uf liHHervjp.r Titini rt Fintortu .
Through Mail Traia le&vos eH.-i'.wuid '.' U P IX.
" " " " v.c:tward 10:12 ' y
Puiaonger Cars run Uiroii;jlt n:iu . , .
both ways between Pbilailul4,!.i. i..; i 'Jru.
.Klogant Sleeping Cars on Kxpre.. 'fi-ui.n bei
'ways between illiamspurt aud 1; ikiuuii., ac
Williauianort and Pbi'.ade'pliia.
Fur Information respcoting Paeienger bu.w.'j i
apply at the S, E. Cor. Ulh an 1 H i K. t t.
And for Freight business tf tjie Coiipi r '
I s,ts., Philadelphia
Agents, n. li. Kingston, jr.,.tor. l.i'h undM .i?'-.
J. W. llevuolds' Erio ;
J. M. Drill, Agent N. C, t. R. baliir,,
It. II. Hoi'sto.'s, (len'l i'.cight Ag't P
II. V. Owihsbii, Uen'llicl.ot Air'., V-.:
Jus. D. Pol re, lien'l Manager, V, tt.
Cr t. lulil.
Seocail fi treef, aboro Arch,
A. T. ni.AI, Proprietor.
(Lr-to of tbo "Surf Houso," Atlantic City.)
Sept. 23, ISliS-l y.
Attorucy at Law and licul I'.statc Agent,.
Offceon Mn!,Hit. Oppudk tU .1 'til,
RBiii'LCTFl LLV oflers bis s rviees la sell
i lug and buying binds lir Clearfield nnd ad
joining cuunlitts ; and with on e.vpi ricneo of over
twenty years as k Surveyor, fluttors bimsolf that
bo can render Mtisiacliou. Pub, '(!) tf.
'Chop! Chop! ChopY
OA AflA fl"""01" superior RYE-CHOP--i,UULf
just received and fur salo at
3 IS per hundred.
Phillpsburg, Aug. 1HS4. pd.
(iEO. W .HEED k CO-
Also, Jobbers frr
Cloths, Cassimcres find Sattiiiots,
No. -i tli Market Btreet,
North sldo between Fourth and Fifth,
ffjfJ-Cnll nd see our extensivo stock.
Aug. 10, '8 1. tf.
IHSOI.L'rtOM. The partnership heroto-
torn existing between the undersigned, In
publication of the ClntrfivUl K'-publivin, wi
dissolved by mutual consent on tbo I lift of
July, Mt.
Tho Books nro In the hands of tbe junior fai'V
(lor for collect! on. Those patrons knowing then -selves
Indebted to tho late publishers for c'.'.'.fr
subscription, advertising, or job work, are re
spectfully invited to call and settle their aco .uU'.s
at their earliest convenience. 1
0. B. UuulJLn.VDSt
ClearOold. July 27, ISC s.
Susquehanna, Hon? o ,
U. . WOllHALa, I'roi'T t ' -.
ntHTS larc an4 IThTEl
, . ,,, ,.,,1 , ,l,ti..,, f
X Hl,.itfuMy b-cattd f.n the ku.l. J
niicf iionn. in t ie bf.rollcb of f orwent '
Tlie present pmpri'.'.ur wiilspe-o
render bis estob,ors eemfurtabl.., andl-
" '"'"" " ii t
HIS LAIl A". U lAhoo
Will be well supplied w'ih every :..
ketnfTi rds. Halluicn will alwa-i i
string'' out. Mr.
Milieu.- voi
by given, that Letters Tests1'
a uf IVil. A. ?A.!')-V, Uti it
neola uT SI. A
-in. W..,h. 'Clenrfleld eeu::fy, I
having been grant
having been grantci to toe uuuersigiisf. r.u ; e
suns imleoieii 'u "' "'r"' - ......a
iiuinedi.'to paymeut, and those l.MM cn:;a.
against il saiu will present Ibom d ily nu'hj.:i t
catod for settloiacut.
II. T. TIIOiil'SON',
Mov.2-l't. ","'"'''-'--
TAI'LK Dry Ooods Cl'.ths; C.'v'':. in-
Clonk c(.th, Twee.L", tatntlis.;.
Flannel-, Ticking, Muslin, Liocn, I'rinls, al W
, .f n,
-In great varlotv t
i. P. KRA7.ER S.